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Sanitized Safeguards Insp Rept 70-1113/84-02 on 840206-10. No Noncompliance Found.Major Areas Inspected:Mc 85206B Measurements & Statistical Controls
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 02/29/1984
From: Earnestine Clay, Mcalpine E
Shared Package
ML20137D194 List:
FOIA-85-554 70-1113-84-02-0, 70-1113-84-2, NUDOCS 8511270160
Download: ML20137D879 (7)



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I Report No. 70-1113/84-02 '

1 Docket No. 70-1113 License No. SNM-1097 Safeguards Group No. III Licensee: General Electric Company '

P. 0.' Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402 Date of Inspection: February 6-10, 1984 Type of Inspection: Unannounced Material Control and Accountability Inspector: ,;1/[L3/6/

E. L. Clay, Safeguards Engineag- Date Signed Approved by: M E. J. McAlpTnd, Chief Matkrial Control and


s 2 [2'I b Y Date Signed Accountability Section, Safeguards Branch Division of Emergency Preparedness and Materials Safety Programs Inspection Summary Areas Inspected: MC 852068 - Measurements and Statistical Controls (Magnetic /

Passive Rod Scanner - MAPS) ,

The inspection involved 33 inspection hours on site by one NRC inspector and was begun during the regular hours.

Results: The licensee w'as found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in the

, areas examined during the insoection.


. PDR BS112 m ,M h... .



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. REPORT DETAILS reproduced without specitio approval of IE:II' Report No. 70-1113/84-02 )

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1. Key Persons Contacted
  • P. E. Younghans, Manager, Materials Operations "G. E. Green, Manager, Financial Operations
  • C M. Vaughn, Acting Manager, Regulatory Compliance
  • 8. F. Bentley, Acting Manager, Fuels Manufacturing
  • R.'E. Lennon, Acting Manager, Fuels Fabrications Operations
  • H. Stern, Acting Manager, Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Operations R. E. Strine, Fuel Quality Control Engineer R. P. Armstrong, Quality Control Engineering R. C. Bruce, Nuclear Materials Management Analyst J. F. Avant, Standards Inspector The inspector also interviewed several other licensee employees.
  • Denotes those present at the exit interview
2. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (82-21-01) (Closed) From previous examination of the( ) operation log book , the inspector was unable to es'tablish whether or trot " production rods had been measured between standards verification measurements and could not account for all operating times for the system.

The lice,nseg has recently revised and implemented changes in the operations ofthe( NDA measurement system to account for all operating and down times between standards tutocal and verification

  • measurements. The inspector's examination ofi ~]operatingdataindicatedthatallproduction operating and down times could be accounted for and that autocal and verification standards were being measured at prescribed frequencies.
3. MC 85206 - Heasurements and Statistical Controls

'The GE, Wilming on, North Carolica facility is using a, 8 l



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. . 5 l At this time, the following five groups provide t'nput to establish and/or

  • change " rod . map" parameters and are respqpsiQ1e for all measurement 'and accountingoperationsassociatedwiththel, Jmeasurementsystem.
a. L&NMM is responsible for coordinating SNM measurements affecting qualifying. and .tes, ting procedures, system qualifications and routine data evaluations of measurements performed for accountability purposes.


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W Standard Operating Procedures (50P) applicable to the operations of the(

NDA measurement system were examined during this inspection. The licensee was determined to be practicing the requirements of the following proce-dures. ..

a. Product / Process Quality Plan (P/PQP) 4.4.15, Revision 5,f dated December 12, 1983. -
b. juality Control Inspector InstrucQons (QCII)- 9.2.1, Revision 6,,

' dated December 12, 1983.

c. Practices and, Procedures (PP) 70-32, Revision 9, Qualification of Q.C.

Inspection, Examination and Test Personnel, dated February 9,1983.

d. PP 140-09, Revision 2, SNMC Measurement Training and Qualification, dated January 10, 1983.

A review of the facility FNMC plan applicable to NDA measurement by thc[ .

NDA measurement system was conducted'during this inspection. Section 1.0 "

Organization, 3.0 Measurements, 4.0 Measurement Control Program, 8.0 Manage-ment and Appendix C-3, Specially Accepted Safeguards Systems, provide descriptions and methods used to determine the U-235 content of SNM measured by NDA techniques at the facility. To the extent examined, this review indicated that the licensee was following his _ current FHMC plan for performing accountability measurements by theg lNDA measurement system.

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l Docket 70-1113 License Conditions to Materials and Plant Production Amend-ment MPP-3 revised and amended October 6,1983, for License No. SNM-1097 were reviewed'during this inspection. The licensee was determined to be com yin,q with the four license conditions applicable to.SNM measurements by th . JNDA measurement system.

The licensee is following 50f 'PP 70-32, Qualification of Q.C. In~ spec t ion ,

Examination and Test Persocael, Revision 9, February 9, 1983, requirements for qualif This 50P requires that[yiny and requalifying measurement operators Ee trained in accordance measurement( dated personnel.

with the criteria specified in: (1) ANSI 45.2.6, American National Standard Institute standard covering qualifications of inspection, examination and testing personnel for manufacture of products for nuclear power plants; and (2) ANST (American Society for Nuclear Testing), Section SNT-TC-1A guide-lines for training, qualification _and .gertification of personnel performing nondestructive measurement. Eacht. 1 operator is trained by emphasizing on-the-job trainjng and must continuously demonstrate measurement qualifi-cations fort, ' operations. Requalifications are performed, by identical training techniq'ues employed during the original training, at intervals not to exceed three years. Requalifications are required more frequently should the operator: (1) not perfor:s certified measurements for a period of one

' year;. and (2) not perform in accordance with the measurement qualifications for( ioperations At this time, four oprators are rualified and certified to performY measurements f:r accountability purposes. All training techniques, proce]dures and evaluation results are . docu 4 Exit Interview .

The inspection scope and findings were s'ummarized on February 10, 1984, with those persons indicated 'in paragraph 1 above.


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