PNO-II-99-033, on 990830,Hurricane Dennis Was Located Approx 72 Miles Southeast of Bsep.No Significant Damage Has Been Sustained at Site.Ge Facility Suspended Fuel Fabrication Processes & No Significant Damage Was Sustained

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PNO-II-99-033:on 990830,Hurricane Dennis Was Located Approx 72 Miles Southeast of Bsep.No Significant Damage Has Been Sustained at Site.Ge Facility Suspended Fuel Fabrication Processes & No Significant Damage Was Sustained
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick, 07001113  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1999
From: Brian Bonser
PNO-II-99-033, NUDOCS 9908310030
Download: ML20211F586 (2)

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'h:.s* preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE

.a:?ety or public interest significance. The information is as initially

'eceived without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is

nown by Region II staff in Atlanta, Georgia on this date.

3eility Licensee Emercency Classification

arolina Power & Light Co.
runswick 1 2 X Notification of Unusual Event Alert louthport, North Carolina Site Area Emergency lockets
50-325,50-324 General Emergency Not Applicable ieneral Electric Co.

leneral Electric Co.

fi:.mington, North Carolina lockets: 07001113 License No: SNM-1097 lubject: STATUS OF HURRICANE DENNIS tt 7:00 a.m. on August 30, 1999, Hurricane Dennis was located ipproximately 72 miles Southeast of the Brunswick Nuclear Plant (BNP).

he storm is moving Northeast at 12 mph on a course roughly parallel to

.he North Carolina eastern shore and is not predicted to move any closer

.o the Brunswick site. The plant is currently experiencing tropical orce winds of 45-50 mph accompanied by heavy rainfall. No significant lanage has been sustained on the site.

arolina Power and Light Company implemented their abnormal operating procedures for operation during hurricanes and the licensee's Technical lupport Center (TSC) , Operations Support Center (OSC), and Emergency

>perations Facility (EOF) were activated at 10:06 p.m. on August 29. Both

.nz.ts are currently in hot shutdown (Mode 3). The licensee intends to iu/: Unit 1 in cold shutdown for Y2K-related modifications to the leedwater control system. The licensee intends to return Unit 2 to full iower operation as soon as the hurricane threat has subsided and restart

.c:ivities can be completed. A transformer failure at approximately 2:15 a.m. on August 30 caused some plant emergency sirens in New Hanover

ounty to be inoperable.

'he licensee declared a Notification of Unusual Event for Brunswick Units 4 2 at 5:21 p.m. on August 29, 1999 due to a Hurricane Warning being

.ssued for the area. The shutdown of both units commenced at 11:30 p.m.

IRC Region II entered an Enhanced Tracking Mode and staffed the regional

n:ident Response Center at 10:20 p.m. on August 29. In addition, all

.hree plant resident inspectors have been on-site and monitoring events.

he General Electric Fuel Fabrication Facility in Wilmington, NC

.spended fuel fabrication processes and performed appropriate hurricane reparation activities during the afternoon of August 29. No significant amage was sustained.

his information is current as of 7:00 a.m. on August 30, 1999. j b\

9908310030 990030 Tb l PDR I&E b,i {

PNO-II-99-033 PDR

. PNO,-II-99-033  !

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Brian R. Bonser (404)S62-4560 i

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