ML20094K170 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/04/1992 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20094K166 | List: |
References | |
GL-89-10, NUDOCS 9203190220 | |
Download: ML20094K170 (83) | |
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-k ,
9203190220 920304 PDR ADOCK 05000424 P ppg
1 INDEX es .
- ',':.U.N PAGE
?. 32 SLAVE RELAY TEST............................................. 1-5 l 1.33 SOLIDI FICATION(S E. L F,TE D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-t6 1.34 SOURCE CHECK................................................. 1-6 1.35 STAGGERED TEST BASIS......................................... 1-6 1.36 THERMAL P0WER.......................~............. ........... 1-6 ,
1.37 TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPERATIONAL TEST....................... 1-6 1.38 UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE......................................... 1-6 1.39 UNRESTRICTED AREA............................................ 1-6 1.40 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM... . ............. 1-6 1.41 VENTING................................. ............... 1-7 TABLE 1.1 FREQUENCY NOTATION.... ... ............................ 1-8 TABLE 1.2 OPERATIONAL M00ES......... ...........................<. 1-9
-10 v
'(O V0GTLE UNITS -~1 & 2 II Amendment No. 32 (Unit 1)
Amendment No. 12 (Unit 2)
.. _ INDEX-
.P_A.G E.
TABLE 3.3-5 SEISMIC MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION.................... 3/4 3-51 TABLE 4.3 SEISMIC MONITORING Ih3TRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 5............................................. 3/4 3-52 ,
Meteorological-Instrumentation (. Common System)........... 3/4 3-53 TABLE 3.3-6 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION............. 3/4 3-54 Remote Shutdown System.................................... 3/4 3-55 TABLE 3.3 REMOTE SHUTOOWN SYSTEM MONITORING INSTRUMENT,*. TION..... 3/4 3-56 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation...................... 3/4 3-58 TABLE 3.3-6 ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION................... 3/4 3-59 Chlorine Detection Systems (0eleted)..................... 3/4 3-63 Loose Parts Detection System (Deleted) ..................
3/4 3-64 Radioactive Liquid Ef flyent Monitoring InstrumentationbkM3/4 3-65
'NSTRU""TATION Exolosiye bs SURV ILLAN0: REQU:RE" NTS... ........ .. 0/4 0 00-b M . Oe .c~
Ef f L;at Mgoggngtgugentation. . 3/4 3-71
~ TABLE 3.3-10 RAOIOACTIV CAO 000 ECILUCNijgMONITORING INSTRUMENTATION. ............ g . g g . . ........... 3/4-3-72
. High-Ener;;y Line Break Isolation Sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 3-79 TABLE 3.3-11 HIGH-ENERGY LINE BREAK INSTRUMENTATION............... 3/4 3 3/4.3.4 TURBINE OVERSPEED PROTECTION.............................. 3/4 3-81 o
l V0GTLE UNITS - l'& 2 VI
_ _ . _ ~. . - . __ __ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ . _ , - _ . . . . _ . . _ _ .
3/4.10.1 SHUTDOWN MARGIN............... .......................... 3/4 10-1 3/4.10.2 GkOUP HEIGHT, INSERTION, AND POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS... 3/4 10-2 3/4i10.3 PHYSICS TESTS..........................,..........-...... 3/4 10-3
-3/4.10.4 REACTOR C'001. ANT L00PS.................................... 3/4 10-4 .
3/4.10.5 POSITION INDICATION SYSTEM - SHUT 00WN.................... 3/4 10-5 4 1
- Conce n t ra ti o n(<d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3/4 11-1 4 TA"LC 4.11 1 - "A0!OA6fMC LG"'O WAST: CA""u "G AC" f"',LY; M.
- n. .....,
nA P M,A M .......... . 9
... . . ............................... s ,/,A 'M 0 0 s e (B e lete d,') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 11-5 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System (Deleted) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 11-6 Liquid Holdup Tanks.......,.......,... .................. 3/4 11-7 '
-3/4.'11.2: GASEOUS EFFLUENTS. .
l 00 s e Ra te ( D e,lef.Ed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/4 11-8 TAOLE 4.11 2 - "A0iBASTI"E GASE00SWASTE-SAMPM NG---AND ANAtY5tS-nonen.o......
,,, ,, m
. - - . . ... .............................. . ....... si, u .
Oose-NobleGases(DeJettd)............................ 3/4 11-12'-
Dose --Iodine-131, Iodine-133 Tritium a Material in Particulate Form ([) ele.tM .nd Radioactive ............. . 3/4 11-13' -
Gaseous Radwaste' Treatment- System (Dc.lchec)). . . . . . . . . . . . . . '3/4 11-14 Explosive Gas Mixture..................-.................. -3/4 11-15 .
Gas 0ecay Tanks..........................................
3/4 11-16 3/4.11.3 SOLID RADI0 ACTIVE WASTES (DELE,TE.D1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
3/4 11-17 3/4.11. 4 - TOTAL 00SEdQ s LETED). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 . . . 11-18 O
. - - __ _ _ _ . ~ _ _ _
'3/4.12' RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MON!TORIN[Ggf]E'rE D) 3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM (D E LETE.D). . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 12-1 TABtf- 3.12 1 RADIOLOGICAL ENYiRCr;"tEtiTAL "3HHOMNC I"iOCRA" . . . ... 3/! 12 3-TABtC 3.12 2 REPORM NO LEVELS-FOR4AGICACTI"MV-00NCCNTRATI0ti; I" EiNIRBHMEtifAt-6A"PLESr .. ...... .,. .. ...... . . . . W4-104
?, ,7un ms i f". ,A .1O_1 M,
.. f*.T s.
r f* T.w.
T &l,l Pem, A hmu A n .1 is .f T. .sv TrP .P n.. n. .P.L.fu...T mmh.t.u.r
.. - MT, A.t. .C A.kitti C-e A tt Aiwt v ca4eY uva e __ t at,te n i futi nr n rv r f. ii ini s la se_in
- 6. v i b ~i i a i vs v6 16. Tinkt i4wsi g6ou/.. .. . <r ab Av 3/4.12.2 LAND US E CENSUS LD ELET.Ei$. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/4 . . 12-13 3/4.12.3 INTEP. LABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM (PC-i!ETED) . . . . . . .3/4 . . 12-14
\v )
1 I
l i
l l ..
I l
I v
V0GTLE UNIT 5 - 1 & 2 XIV l
~ . BASES-
{Jy . - -
3/4.11 RADI0 ACTIVE-EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.-1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS................................e. ...... B 3/4 11-1 3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS......................... ............. B 3/4 11-3 ,
3/4.11.3 SOLID RADI0 ACTIVE WASTES (DF.4ETE4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. .3/4 11-6 3/4.11. 4 TOTAL 00SEIDE' LEE.4) . . . . . . . .......................... B 3/4 11-6 3/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING (DELETE p)_
3/4.12.1 MONIl0 RING PROGRAM ( D ELETE()) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 3/4 12 3/4.12.2 L AND US E C E NS US(CELEZED) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . B 3/4 12-1 !
3/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PR0GRAMlD C % ..........B 3/4 12-2 l
G t
r w
I '
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 XX e .
SECTION l 6.10 -RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM.................,. ........... 6-23
_6.11 HIGH RADIAlION AREA........................................ 6-23 6.12 PROCES$ CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP).........,.................... 5-24 s 6.13 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (001M)..................... 6-25 6.14 MAJOR , CHANGES TO LIQUIO, GASEOUS. AND Solltj
,RADWASTE TREATHENT, _SYSTEMc QF46.7K@} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25 .
4 (v
k l
l-E i
V0GTLE UNITS --1-& 2 XXIV 7 "-
,. 1 18 MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC shall include all persons who are not occupa-
- tionally-associated with the plant. This category does not include employees l-of-the licensee, its; contractors, or vendors. Also excluded from this category are. persons-who enter the site to. service equipment or to make deliveries.
This category does include persons who use portions of the site for recre- '
ational, occupational, or other purposes not asso:iated with the plant.
OFFSITE 00SE CALCULATION MANUAL gg%g $roni 1.19 The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (00CM)_shall contai the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses d= t. radioactive gaseous.and.liquia effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and-liquid effluent _ monitoring Alarm / Trip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the Environ-mental- Radiological Monitoring-_Prograhs. T s
INSERT 1 1.20 A system, subsystem . train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or
' _have OPFRABILITY when-it is capable of performing its specified function (s),
I and when all;necessary_uttendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are
- required for the s/ stem,: subsystem,- train, component, or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s).
',?y, 11.21'.An OPERATIONAL MODE--(i.e., MODE) shall correspond to any one inc!usive-
^ combination of core reactivity: condition,> power level,- and average reactor coolant temperature specified in Table 1.2.
- .1. 22 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental l_
' Jnuclear. characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation:
=(1). described in Chapter 14.0_o_f the-FSAR, (2) authorized under the provisions-cof 10 CFR-50.59, or.(3) otherwise approved by the Commission.
, 1.23 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE.shall be leakage =(except steam generator tube l leakage).through-a-nonisolable fault in a Reactor Coolant-System component l body, pipe wall, or vessel wall.
p PROCESS-CONTROL-PROGRAM L1.24 The PROCESS CONTROL. PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain-the current formulas, I
(-sampling,. analyses, tests, 'and determinations to be made to ensure that proces5-
-JDing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based _on demonstrated processingi
- q
-of actual.or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in-_such a way as to assure compliance with 10. CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71 pad Rdd =d State :
-V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 1-4 Amendment No. 32 (Unit 1)
Amendment No. 12 (Unit 2)~
O'uj INSERT 1 The ODCH shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitortag Programs required by Section 6.7.4 and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Surveillance and Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports required by Specifications and
.O V
~ _
.__ -- . - ~ . --- - .-
DEFINITIONS regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal ofyradioactive waste.
PURGE - PURGING QQ 1.25 PURGE or PURGING shall be any controlled process of discharging air or gas I from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner th:'t replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.
0llADRANT POWER TILT RATIO 1.26 QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO shall be the ratio of the maximum upper excore [
detector calibrated output to the average of the upper excure detector cali-brated outputs, or the ratio of the maximum lower excore detector calibrated output to the average of the lower excore detector calibrated outputs, whichever is greater.- With one excore detector inoperable, the remaining three detectors shall be used for computing the average.
RATED THERMAL POWER 1.27 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to l the reactor c_oolant of 3411 MWt.
1.28 The REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME shall be the time interval from l when the monitored parameter exceeds its Trip Setpoint at the channel sensor until loss of stationary gripper coil voltage.
' REPORTABLE EVENT 1.29 A-REPORTABLE--EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in Sections 50.72 and 50.73 of 10 CFR Part 50. -l
-SHUTDOWN MARGIN 1.30 SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be the instantaneous amount of reactivity by which l the- reactor is subcritical or would be subtritical from its present condition assuming all rod cluster assemblies (shutdown and control) are fully inserted except for the single rod cluster assembly of highest reactivity worth which~is assumed to be fully withdrawn.
l SITE BOUNDARY-1.31 The SITE BOUNDARY shall be the exclusion boundary line as shown in l Figure 5.1-1.
l n 1.32 A SLAVE RELAY TEST snall be.the energization of each slave relay and
, j' j verification of OPERABILITY of each relay. The SLAVE RELAY TEST shall include l
-v a continuity check, as a minimum, of associated testable actuation devices.
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 1-5 Amendment No. 32 (Unit 1)
Amen @ent No. 12 (Unit 2) s
{} Deleted.
1.33 A SOLIO!ilCAT!0" ;heH b: th; :=:r; ion of u t . ster i^te a fer- th:t-l eert: :M ppi.g :nd budel greund requiremen h.
SOURCE CHECK 1.34 A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response l when the channel sensor is exposed to a source of increased radioactivity.
- a. A test schedule for n systems, subsystems, trains, or other designated components obtained by dividing the specified test intervel into n equal subintervals, and
- b. The testing of one system, subsystem, train, or other designated component at the beginning of each subinterval.
THERMAL POWER 1.36 THERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the l roactor coolant,
( TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPCKATIONAL TEST 1.37 A TRIP' ACTUATING DEVICE OPERA'TIONAL TEST shall consist of operating the l Trip Actuiting Device and verifying OPERABILITY of alarm, interlock and/or trip functions. The TRIP ACTUATING DEVICE OPERATIONti. TEST shall include adjustment as necessary, of the Trip Actuating Device such that it actuates at the required Setpoint within the required accuracy, UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE 1,38 UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE shall be all leakage khich is not IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE l or CONTROLLED LEAKAGE.
,1.39 An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY l.
access to which is not-controlled by.the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or for industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or ret.reational purposes.
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 1-6 Amendment No. 32 (Unit 1)-
Amendment No. 12 (Unit 2)
l TABLE 3.3-3 (Continued) l TABLE NOTATIONS
- Time constants utilized in the lead-lag controller for Steam Lir.a Pressure-Low are 1 3, 50 seconds and 1 CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall 3 2 1 5 scconds.
ensure that these time constants are adjusted to these values.
- The time constant utilized in the rate-lag controller for Steam Line Pressure-Negative Rate-High is greater than or equal to 50 seconds. CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall ensure that this time constant is adjusted to this value.
- Feedwater isolation only. Turbine trip occurs on reactor trip.
"During refueling operations.
b 0uring power This is an initial setpoint only. The trip setpoint will be set at 50 times background level. Background level should be deter-m.ined at or near the end of the first fuel cycle.
c Setpoints will not exceed the limits of Specification
6.7 4. f.
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 3-35
'O S Pec.stemtion 3/4 3.3 9 Deletec4 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION / The rad active liquid efflue monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Tabl .3-9 shall be OPERAB with their Alarm / Trip Setpoints set to ensure that e limitt of Specific ion are not exceeded. The Alarm /
Trip Setp nts of these channels hall be determined and adjusted in accord e with t methodology and par ers in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUA (0DC .
- a. With rad;oactive liquid effluent monitoring in3rrumentation channel Alp m/ Trip Setpoint less conservative than req fred by the above decification, immed'ately suspend the relea of radioactive liquid effluents monitored by the affected channe , or declare the channel inoperable.
/b. With less than the minimum number of adioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channe OPERABLE, take the ACTION show in Table 3.3-9. Restore the in erable instrumentation to OPER E
. p status within 30 days and, if nsuccessful, explain in the ne
t Semiannual Radioactive Effl nt Release Report pursuant to Specification why his inoperability was not corre ed l in a timely manner.
l c. The provisions of S cifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4, ar not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREME, ' Each r ioactive liquid effluent monito ng instrumentation channel shall be demo trated OPERABLE by performance the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHA L-CALIBR.ATION, and ANALOG CHAN OPERATIONAL TEST at the frequenc)sshowninTable.4.3-5.
i-l t
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 3-65
("% ,g
() C)s G's .
'N o 1.
4 Ra "cactivity Monitors Providing A and Auto. ic Termination of Re! ease
- a. Liqui Radwaste Effluent Line (RE-001 1 37 -
Steam Gene tor Blowdown Ef fluent Line (RE 021) i 38
- c. Turbine Buildin (Floor Drains) Sumps Effluent 'ne 1 38 (RE-0848) g ( ~g :
N 2.
y Radioactivity Monitors Provi 'ng Alarm But Not Providing I Automatic Termination of Relea I m
- p i Nuclear Service Cooling Water tem Effluent Line ' .
(RE-0020 A & B) 1 ,
39 L
- 3. Flow Ra Measurement Devices
- a. Liquid hdwaste Ef fluent Line (FT-0018) 1 40 b '.
Steam Generato Blowdown Effluent Line (FT-0021) 1 40
- c. Flow to Blowdown S ,
(AFQI-7620, FR-7620, pen 1) 1 (Common) 40 s
t r
-/ TABLE 3.3-9 (Continued) t/]-
]? {~T} _.
ACTIO 7- With the number of channe OPERABLE less than required by e Minimum Chaanels OPERA requirement, effluent release ia ;
this pathway may ce nue provided that prior to'ini
- ting a m release:
q at At leas two independent samples are an zed in accordance i with ' ecification, and
, b. least two technically qualifi members of the facility -)
staff independently verify th elease rate calculations and discharge line valving.
Otherwise, suspend release radioactive effluents via thi pathway.-
A ON 38 - With the number of' annels OPERABLE less than requ ed by the l
Minimum Channels this pathway for radioa ERABLE requirement, effluent r eases via continue provided grab sample, are analyzed vity at a lower limit of detec)fon of no more
-l '
l than 10 7 microcurie /ml:
- a. At:least onceiper.12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> whe he specific activity o the secondary coolant is gr er than 0.01 microcurie ram
)_ -
- b. At least once per 2k ours when the specific ivity of the secondary cooJd'nt is less than or equapo
~0.01 microcuri gram 00SE EQUIVALENT I-131.
ACTION 39.- With. the numbeprof channels OPERABLE lessA n required by the etfluent releases via Minimum this pat ayChapn61s may continueOPERABLE provided t requirement,'t, at least once-p 72 hou , grab . samples are collected'hd and analyzed for_ ra o-
-act ity at a lower-limit of d 'ction of no more than ,
microcurie /ml.
ACT!0N'401- -With the number >f-chan s OPERABLE less than r uired by the Minimum Channels JPERA8f.E requirement,. ef flue . releases via this pathway may copt de provided the flow ate is estimated:
at least once pe . hours during actual r eases. Pump per-formant curve generated in' place'may used to estimate flow.
s O
V0GTLE UNITS-- 1 & 2- 3/4 3-67
N.,,1 )
d AiA
~ 1. Radioactivity Monito Providing Alarm and Automatic . ination of Release Liquid Radwaste Effluent ine (RE-0018) O P R(3) Q(1)
- b. eam Generator 31ovfewn Effl nt Line G (R 021) D
@ M R(3) , )
- c. Turbine uilding (Floor Drains) Sump Effluent e (RE-0848)
D y M R(3) Q(1)
- 2. Radioactivity Monit Providing' Alarm But -
Not Providing Automa 'c Termination f Release W
Nuc1 Effice r Service Cooling Wat System C Lins'(RE-0020 A & B) O M R(3) Q(2)
'N 'N
< TABLE 4.3%(Corttinued)
d AN G.
TEST N m 3. Flow Rate Measurement Device -
- a. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line FT-0018) D(4) N.A. R N.A.
- b. Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent 'ne T-0021) D(4) N.A. R N.A.
- c. Flow o Blowdown Sump D(4) N.A. R (AFQI- 20,FR-7620 pen 1)
, (Common) 4 C7
TABLE NOTATIONS O (1) The 4ALOG CHANNEL 0 tRAT10NAL TEST shall so demonstrate that automati is ation of this thway (for item a. b ow only) and control room al em a nunciation occu if any of the follow *ng conditions exists:
- a. Instrumen indicates measured 1 vels above the Alarm / Trip Set oint, or
- b. Circui failure. or
- c. Ins ament indicates a do nscale failure, or
- d. 1 strument controls no set in operate mode. (annun ation via omputer print out)
(2) Th ANALOG CHANNEL OPE TIONAL TEST shall also demons rate that control r om alarm annunciati n occurs if any of the followi g conditions exists:
a.' Instrument in icates measured levels above e Alarm Setpoint, or
- b. Circuit fa' ure, or D E L E l~E D
- c. Instrum t indicates a downstale failu e, or
- d. Inst ment controls not set in oper e mode. (annunciatio via corr. uter print-out)
(3) The ~ Jtial CHANNEL CAllBRATION shal be performed using on or more of the eferen'e standards certified the National Bureau o Standards (NBS) r ojusingstandardsthathavebeen/obtainedfromsuppliere that participate
'h measurement assurance activities with NBS, These st dards shall permit calibrating the system over it/ intended range of ener y and measurement range. For subsaquent CHANNE( CALIBRATION, sources at have been related to the initial calibration hall be used.
(4) CHANNEL CHECK shall cons 3t of verifying indicati n of flow during periods of release. CHANNEL C CK shall be made at lea once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on days during which con' nuous, periodic, or bat releases are made.
( -
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 3-70 l
, explos'We 945 The rdicactive ;;;;;ut :ff htntAmonitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3-10 shall be OPERABLE with their Aiarm/ Trip 5etpoints set to ensure that the limits of Specification :nd are not exceeded.
The Alarm / Trip Oetpeinte of thesi chann le a sting Sp :ificatica chall be determined 2nd-edjuned-4e-eeecrdone with the methodology nd para eter: S the ODCM.
APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3-10 3cTION:
nn explostvc c345 With r:di ::tive gewee-ef'luen'Amonitoring instrumentation channel Alarm / Trip Setpoint less conservative tnan required by the above specification, 4mmediately ;u:p nd the r & :: Of radic::tiv:
.gasecut Of'luent: 50nitored by th Offected charnel, op declare the channel inoperableand +nke the ACTION sWn in%Ie 3.3- 10.
- b. With less than the minimum number ofundi:: gas:ti;; ;::::;_ c'"u -t monitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.3-10. Restore the inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, mplain in the n xt Pn'Prc d (q :ji, o GM Cemiannual nadi;;;tia: Cffluent Rel:::e Repar pursuant to-Specifi-cation '
mannerk.0.1.4whythisinoperabilitywasnotcorrectedinatimely 6.8.A -to exfle. +o the Comsstjoq
- c. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS explosive gcts Each radic::tive g;;osee :f'!uen*Amonitoring instrumentation-channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, 50U00:
frequencies shown in Table 4.3-6.
t 1.
l l
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2- 3/4 3-71
O '
O O.
I. : A C^5E0"C E)TE M0CE55!'. EYSTE". .
b S. bv C wb 3 avC ,
rC I. Cr u "r; idir.g nlar cr.d *.ut::: tic Tereir.aticr. of "cl;;;;' I ^
. (n"C 0010) (C;;c.;r.) ;;
- b. Ef f1i.;r.t' Syit;; ils ' late "cacurir.g 0 :ic: 1 '"
(ATT 0010) (C;,;..;r.) ::
w 2.
1 GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM Explosive Gas Monitoring System w.
4 ~
m a. Hydrogen Monitor 1/recombiner **
- b. L0xygen Monitor.
- 49
- 3. Condenser" r Ejecitor and Steam P ing Exhaust System i
- a. Noble Gas' Activity stor ***
) (RE-12839C) 47 e
- b. Iodine Sampi 1 ***
(RE-12839 ' -
51 c.
DEL 1= \ cD Par ~ ulate Sampler- 1 ***
-12839A) 5 Flow Rate Monitor *
'(FT-12839) , 46
- e. Sampler Flow e Monitor' 1 ***
(FI-P711) 46
,r m,
( j)
- 4. Plant Vent e
- a. Noble Gas Acti "ty Monitor
- 1 (RE-12442C or 12444C) 47, 48
- b. Iodine Sampler / Mon or 1 5
(RE-124428 or RE-124 4B) R .
- c. rticulate Sampler / Mon' tor
- 1 51 (R 12442A or RE-12444A)
^ d. Flow te Monitor
- 1 y 46 (FT-124 ) $
- e. Sampler F1 Rate Monitor * '
1 46 (FI-12442 or I-12444)
TABLE 3.3-10 (Continued) ym TABLE NOTATIONS i )
V At all t f ee:. Not RstD
- "Bm4ng-tmficeethe-releases via thh pathway 2 OhtMc/3)
Ouring Emergency F?14M14*e(,Woi QgtcQ ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 41-44' ll8 (Not Used)
+N M N-45 With-the number of channeh-OPE 41ABLE hs; than required by the-Minimum Channeh-OPC4ABLE requirc; cat, the content' Of the.
4ank(0) te i-itiating4he- : y be rele ',cd-te-%e enWc ment pr vid:d-th:t prior rek::::
a--A t-4 e a s t-two-i ndep e nde n t-s amph : of the-tenk., cantent+
are analyzedr-and. '
At least-two-technically qualified :::bcr', of the facility-
+taf4--independently verify the rek :: rate c kuktienc
.and-44 charge va!ve ::up.
Otherwi;;, ',apend relta;; cf rad 4 east 4vo-e&f49ent; via tbia
- m AC-TION--4C
( With the numi,e+--of channc h OPERABLE-Je:: th:r required by the-L tiinimum Channah OPERASLE requirement, ef fhent - rcleasres-v4a.
&k pathway may cont 4eut provided the ficw rate b ;timated at lec;t en= per ' heurt.
. c, TJ io.u vv i b i t
.<_m__ _, _u.___3_ nnenam e u,,
witw n itamu s s vs . _ ,m a wituissis a a vihaunabh u s. .r v .a qs m +s a
, w +g - ,*=
-Mbimum Channch OPERABLE requirc catr+ffhent rele '. : ei;
-thB patt cy may contim:e provided grab nep!:: are t: ken it h est once per 12 heurs and thes :: ph; crc analy:cd fee-e dicacti.ity within 21 heut+.
With the = btr of channel: OPERABLE M : ther required by tha
-M i i n tur Channe k OPER^SLE rcq drere':t, $ d!:tely curpend centai ment PURCINC--of radioacth: eff hcot: .i thi; pathway.
ACTION 49 - a.
With the outlet oxygen monitor channel inoperable, opera-tion of the system may continue provided grab samples are taken and analyzed at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and the oxygen concentration remains less than 1 percent.
With the inlet oxygen monitor ir. operable, operation may con-tinue if the inlet hydrogen monitor is OPERABLE.
With both oxygen. channels or both of the inlet oxygen and inlet hydrogen monitors inoperable, suspend oxygen supply to the recombiner. Addition of waste gas to the system may continue provided grab samples are taken and analyzed at (j~'T i least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during degassing operations or at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during other operations and the oxygen concentration remains less than 1 percent.
! V0GTLE UNITS'- 1 & 2 3/4 3-74
TABLE 3.3-10 (Continued) f( 1 TABLE NOTATIONS (Continued)
ACTIONL50- With the number of channels OPERABLE one less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, suspend oxygen supply to the recombiner. Addition of waste gas to the system may con-tinue provided grab samples are taken and analyzed at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during degassing operations or at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during other operations and the oxygen concentration remains less than 1 percent.
AC-T-IM 01 L'ith th; nu;rb;r of :h;nneh OPER*SLE le:: th:n required by the "inimum Ch:nn:10 OPER*2LE requir::: t, f'le:nt rele:::: vi th: Offect:d p thu:y ::y-: nti : pr:vid:d-::r;10: r: ::nti -
veut4y-cc11ected w+4h cuxilicry ;;pling 0;;ip;;nt :: requir:d in Tetle t.112.
, V V0GTLE-UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4-3-75
o o O TABLE 4.3-6 EXPL051VE' GAS .
' u,ade c, a,.t _ ,y u,. + _ _
Providing ^!:- 2nd ^;te : tic
. -Ter-inction cf Relcarc (?RE-0011) 9(3) Q(?)
- b. Ef'!ucr.t Syste= Fle Rate . "
" f. " "^ -
"ca;uring Ocvict ( ATT- 0014) 2.. GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSlEM w Explosive Gas Monitoring System
- a. Hydrogen Monitors D' h Q(4) M b i
- b. Oxygen Monitors D -A- Q(5) M b
- 3. Con nser Air Eje or and Steam !
P king Exhaust System DE LETE D I a.-Noble Ga Activity Monitor D M R(3) Q(2) c (RE-12 C) I i
- b. Io 'ne Sampler 6) N.A. .A. .A.
. Particulate Sa ser W(6) N.A. N.A. N.A. c (RE-12839A)
- d. Flow Rate .ai tor - D- .A. R 'N.A. c (FT-128 J'
- e. Sa er Flow Rate itor. D .M.A. R Q c l ( 13211)
. . . . _ _ a
. ,r~)
\ J
< }
TABLE 4.3-6 (Chatinued 8
- a. .loble Gas Activity Mo (tor D M R(3)
(It -12442C or RE-12444C Q(2)
- b. Iodi Sampler V(6) N) . N.A. N. a (RE-1 48) b .
g c. Particul te Sampler W(6) N.A.
- H.A. N. A. a Y
(RE-12444A I g d. Flow Rate Mon or b N.A. N.A. a (FT-12442) ,
- e. Sampler Flow Rate onitor I-12442 or FI-124A4)
D N.A. R m Q O
- f. Par iculate Monitor D H. A. R (RE- 442A) Q a
- g. Iodine tivity Monitor D N. R (RE-12442 Q a O
l TABLE 4.3-6 (Com.inued)
_ TABLE NOTATIONS a - At ali Mot used.
N r'n; ":dS::ti; "ck:::: ci: thb pathways klot used.
(1)Not used A4selet'en The-ANAt06-CiiA"NCL of-tMs-pathu:y (for OPC"A+1GNALitt: :. TEST shell che demonstrate-annuneictier c0 cur b:hw :nly) :nd ;ntr:1 rec: c h if any ^f-the f0'Owing condi+4en; exists;
- . h ,t+ument-4n44 sate:
casered kvele -above-the-AlermAcip-Setpe4nt r-Or
.u . e r.... . . . .a. .. .<,n.....,,.,
- c. lu teument indicates downseale failure, cr-
- d. ketrument centrek not ::t i eemputer print ^ut)
Operat ,;d . (;nnuciet4en-*4e Mok usect ro.omr, nn (2) .3 T-he-ANAm. uvo sonmmm v, emnn n o v, .ON,, s, v. ru .e. ,. ,m _,, ,_. 2.____.-_i_ ___.
...........m ., . .meel chr annunchtien-oecur; if ny of the...fcibwing r c:
conditien'. exht:n
-, u..,+..m_..+.
. . . _ . - 4 a, _ o. + e. ,
. ...._,m_.s._ u. , . m. ,. ,.- ,u m_ .,. .+x. . m n. .
4 ,
.c, .., + M . ,,. +. ,
-e . Nc44t . 41 e re , 03:.
- c. b;tre-^rt 8-dic:te: d=n:cak faikre, or x a
- u. .Ta t . ...m. . .m
.. . _ , . :- - r
- puter print =t) svo. . , m. . , , . .. .m v r. . .. .moos, as_ s,-. . .o. . .. .:__
Not unc( ,
( 3 ) a r. .u.. 2... n.w. . r. .u.m o u. . r i r a i t. e.n.,. a,r, .t n. u. - .., u. .,. n. . t. - r.-,,___a. __- _
..,4._..,, . . m.,.
+ s. m _ + . - . . _ .,+,u...,.u..,. ..
+. u.u. a s,.. +s.. u.,+. u.. ,,~3, _o .._._. . . _.
_. .. . . m<m
.c + . a. _ _., u.r_un _ __d, n..
.. . , 4. .,. m. . a. L. . ., i.s.m
. .. a. .. + L.
. ..s. 4 k_ _- a .n -a b, e.., 4. .n. .n ,A. E,,=.=.=, , in n 1. J, n, , ,
..rr e.k. ..4 rn .,. m. +. 4..e 4.rn s. +.n.
,m _.,,m._..
. _ . . . ., ,. ,.. .. _. ,. ,._.. .. .4... a. +. 4. e ., , u. ..n. u..n e . v u.. _. . , + , w . . a. . .- s. n.
,m.,.__ . . . . . . . . . .
,.., u. . . a. _. .,. +. 4. . . , .. u, _.
- o. . ,. u, . +.. < .
, . . . .... .. - s. _ u_ . ~ . , . < m_ . m_, ma ..,m_.---n+
.o.-- . P.--
_..L _ _
m~ ,. ,. . ., n4,_ f,.*.U..A M. L.f ...f l f* A l
. m .T D. M m . T M U,,, .. . , . , , . . . _ .*L.. ... . . .L. .. ,* .b. _ .m .a.
A. mu. s .1. . 4,~6
- s. .L . .. . J. 4 3. ., 5 m ,1. t. h. ..,4.4...
m ,. n. r h. 1 1 k. n. , i c a A_ ,
(4) Th_e CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include the use of standard gas samples in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In addition, a standard gas sample of nominal four_ volume-percent hydrogen, balance nitrogen, shall -
be used in the calibration to check linearity of the hydrogen analyzer.
(5) The CHA"NEL CALIBRATION shall include the use of standard gas samples in accordance--with the-manufacturer's. recommendations. In addition, a standard gas- sample of nominal four volume percent oxygen, balance nitrogen,- shall
.be used in the calibration to check linearity of the oxygen analyzer.
<es t. .u. _.w,r ui,uu r i r. .o.erg __- :.. _,
gvp w w . i si u. u ,a ,s wvis J i,4 _ . .
.uauis.. .. <<_1 .<- __,,_ .
vst__1, ii i w a. .
- v. 4 ty 17 Ga iu k bass w v i I w w .4_ iv. ,
dC.iCC (i.C.,. ParticuI I: filter Or CharCCal Cartrid QC, CtCh i; in ple +
- for :: pling.
- V0GTLE UNITS --1 & 2 3/4 3-78
,_ -___________-d- - - - - - " ' ' ~
-3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION GPect#ication SN. ll.l. ) Deleted LIRITIdc falDITION FOR OP R& TION / /
-3.1 .1.1 The concentr ion of radioactive ma rial released in liquid ffluents UNRESTRICTED ARE (see Figures 5 1-1 an 5.1-2) shall be limited o the concentrations sp ified in 10 CFR Part . Appendix B. Table II, lumn 2 for radionuclides o er than dissolved or rained noble gases. Fo dissolved or entrainei no e gases, the concentra on shall be limited to 2 10 4 microcurie . total activity.
APPLI ILITY: At all times, g
A N:
//. - -
- a. With the e centration of radioactive aterial released in iquid effluen to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exc ding the above limit , immedi-ately estore the concentration t within.the above lim s.
- b. T provisions of Specificati ns 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 ar not applicable.
-O" Radioactive liqu wastes shall be sampi d and analyzed a ording to the sampling and analys program of Table 4.1 .'2 The resultfof the radioactivity a lyses shall be u d in accordance withthemethodology/ndparametersintheOpHtoassurethat e concentrations
-at the point of r ease are maintained wi in'the limits of'S cification
.3 ,11.~ 1.1.
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-1
- 1. Batch Was P P Release- Each Batch ach Batch Principal Gamma 5x10 7 Tanks ( Emitters C3)
- a. Waste-Monitor Tank I-131 / 1x10 6 1901-T6-009 '
M Dissolve [and 1x10 5 0 Batch /M Entrairdd Gases (Gamma' Emitters)
- b. Waste-Moni or /
Tank 1901-T 010 D E LETE D /
P M -3 05 Each Batch Composite (4)
Gross Alpha [1x107
- c. rainage of j' O Systems P Q/ Sr-89, Sr-90 , 5x10.a Each Batch Comp 9 site (4)
/ Fe-55
[ 1x10-6 j
- 2. Continuous W Principa Gamma 5x10 7 Releases (5) Continuous (6) Composite (6) Emitte s(3) /
I-1 1x10S[
- a. Waste Water Retention Basin /
M M issolved and 1[05 Gra Sample /[EntrainedGases -
/ (Gamma Emitters)
" "~ * ~
Continuous (6) Compos e(6) ,
Gross Alpha / 1x10 7 Continous(6) mposite(6) -
Sr89,Sr-f 1x10J Fe-55 1x10 8 V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-2 wt___ __________. .
TABLE 4.11 (Continued),
TA E NOTATIONS (1)The L is defined, for p / ons, as the smallest to t ation of radioapt'yrposesive materialof these specific in a sampi hat will yield a net c nt above system bap(ground, that will be de dith only 5% proba)b Tity of f alsely concludirj(jg ted with that a blank 95% probability observation represents a "rea signal. /
For a particu iir measurernert system, wif may include radiochemicel separation:
4.66 s b /
LL & -
E V 2.22 x 106 -
exp (-Aat)
LLD = the "a prio D E LETE D (
/ ' lower limit of detectio (microcurie per unit ma or volum s
b = the staMard deviation of the be rounti counting rate or the co ng rate of a blank samp as apprope iate ho;nts t .r minute),
E = .t counting efficiency (c nts per disintegation),
- = the sample size (units f mass or volume),
2.22 x 106 = the r.unbe of disintegrations per mi te per microcurie, Y = the fractiona / radiochemical yield, when plicable, A = the radio dive decay constant for th particular radionuc de (sec-3) and at = thr elapsed time between the point of sample coli ction and the Afme of counting (sec).
Ty cal values of E, V, Y, and t should be used in he hlculation.
It should be eecognized tb the LLO is defined s an a priori (be fact) limit representi '
'the capability of a m suremeiit system re the an a posteriori (af t d not as the fact) limit for a artiN1ar measur ent (2}A batch release is ,t discharge of liquid astes of a distre > volume.
Prior to sampling fcr analyses, each bat thoroughly mixep'by a method Jescribed shallbeisolateg,andthen sampling. the ODCM to ass re representative O
V0 GILE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-3
TABLE 4. Conti_nued) .
1ABLE ATION (Continued) 1)e principal garwa emmi rs for which the LL specification applies ',clude
/the following radionuc#1 des: Mn-54, Fe-59, -58, Co-60, 2n-65, M and liste-141.
/ Cs 134 Ce*144 shal of 5 Cs-137, x 10 6 Thi an LLD does not mean ej t only these nuclidessobemeasured,butw)t ce considered. 0
>r gamma peaks that att identifiable, togethe with those of the above .uclides, shall also be' analyzed and reported Radioactiv the Semiannual ffluent Release Report pursuant to Specifica on in the format ey lintd in Regulatory dide 1.21, Appendix 8. R ision 1, June 1974 l
)A y posite sample is one j6 which the quantity of quid sampled is
i pp6portional to the qua314ty of liquid waste disc rged and in which t j of the liquids rele,ethod of sampling emp)d.uyed that is representa results ve in a specim e
(5)A continuous re)(ase is the discharge of quid wastes of a no screte volume, e.g. y4 rom a volume of a system hat has an input flo during the continuous 'elease. Inis will not be onsidered a continuo release point Mtil t is t confirmed primary) secondary release j will be a con-tinuou elease until tre -( is depaired. This surve flance will continue unti three consecutiv+ week y mposite samples show o activity above LLD (6). be representative of th materials in liquid effl ts,uantities and concen ations of radioscti samples shall be llectedcontinuously!vin proportion to the rate flow of the effluent tream. Prior to anf fyses, I all samples taken for he composite shall be horoughly mixed in (der for the composite samp to be representative the effluent relea .
V0GTLE UN115 - 1 & 2 3/4 11-4 L-
3.11 .2 The dose dose commitment o a MEMBER OF THE PUBLI from radioactive mat rials in liqui effluents releas , from each unit, to U RESTRICTED AREAS
( e Figures 5.1 and 5.1-2) shal be limited:
- a. Our'ng any calendar u rter to less than or e al to 1.5 mrems to t whole body and less than or equal to mrems to any organ, nd b During any cal der year to less than or equal to 3 mrems to ie whole body ar to less than or equal t 10 mrems to any org .
A LICABILITY: At il times.
- a. Wi i the calculated dose from the release of re11oa tive materials liquid effluents exceeding any of the above li Its, prepare nd submit to the Commiss n within 30 days, pu ant to Specificat n 6.8.2, a Special Report lat identifies the cay e(s) for exceedin the limit (s) and defin ( the corrective actions that have been t en Q to reduce the release and the proposed corr 4ctive Actions to b U taken to assure-tha subsequent releases w il be in complianc with the above limits,
- b. The provisions f Specifications 3.0. and 3.0.4 are not plicabla.
SURvflLLANCEREQUIREMfdTS Cumulat e dose contributions m liquid effluent or the current calendar quarte and the current calen r year shall be det rmined in accordance with the metho ology and parameters i the 00CH at least ce per 31 days.
/ ,
O V0 GILE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-5
b LIQUID RADWASTE TREA1 MENT SYSTEM 5pecibcxt,on 3/4.11 1. 3 Nie+cd
_ LIMITING C0jMIT]ON FOR OPERAT101( / / The Liquid Radwa Treatment Syste !shall be OPERABLE and ppropriate portio of the system st 1 be used to red e releases of radioact ity when the i ojected doses due o the liquid effluent, from each unit, t UNRESTRICTED ARE a (see Figures 5. I and 5.1-2) woul#' exceed 0.06 mrem to th whole body or 0 mrem to any orga in a 31-day period.-
APPLICABIL11Y: all times.
- a. th radioactive 1 uid waste being dischar d without treatme and in excess of the ove limits and any por on of the Liquid R aste Treatment Syst not in operation, prepare) and submit to th Commis-slun w'ithin 3 ays, pursuant to Speci cation 6.B.2, a Sp ial Report that include the following informati n:
- 1. Exp tion of why liquid ra aste was being disc.arged without treatment, identification o any inoperable equ ment or dbsystems, and the reaso for the inoperabili ,
(~' 2. Action (s) taken to res re the inoperable e uipment to OPERABL y status, and
- 3. Summary descriptio of action (s) taken o prevent a recurr nce.
- b. The provisions of S cifications 3.0.3 3.0.4 are not applicable.
/ /
'/URVEllLANCEREQUIREMENTS Doses due o liquid fr achunittoUNRE!RICTEDAREAS shall be projected a leastonceper31da/sinaccordancewi the methodology and parameters in t e ODCM when 8.iquid R dwaste Treatment Sy tems are not being fully utilized. . Th installed Liquid Ra ste Treatment Syst shall be considered OP RABLE t,y meeting Spe fications nd
U V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-6 l
') DOSE RATE spediTc.dtion 3/4..l1. Q.1 De\eted LlHIT]NG CONDIJf0fj,,,.FOR OPE _ RATION /
, ,/
3.11.2. The dose rate due o radioactive materi released in gaseous efflu s from the site t areas at and beyond SITE BOUNDARY (see Fi res 5.1 and 5.1-2) shall e limited to the foi ing:
- a. For nobi gases: Less than or Aqual /
to 500 mrems/yr to Jte whole body less than or equal 3000 mrems/yr to the sk , and
- b. F f lodine-131, for Iodipti-133, for tritium, and f all radio-iuclides in particulate form with half-lives gr er than 8 days:
Less than or equs d'1500 mrems/yr to any org .
AP ICABILITY: At all t ss.
- a. With t ose rate (s) exce3 ding th above limits, imme ately restort the
' lease rate to within the a ve limit (s).
- b. ie provisions of Specificat ns 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 re not applicable n
/ . : ..
/411.2.1.1 The dose rate d o noble gases in ga ous effluents shp be determined to be within t e above limi+.5 in ac dance with the me odology and parameters in the 0 . The dos ate due to Iodine-13 , Iodine-133, trit m. and all radionuclides gaseuus effluen in prticulate form with ha'if-lives greater tpn 8 days in theshallbedetermined/obewithintheabo limits in accordance wi methodology and by obtaining representat e samples and perforri}t, parameters in the OD ~ye ng analyses in acco : ance with the sampling and analy 6 program specified i Table 4.11,2.
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-8
n O O .
TABLE 4.11-2 xg 6
- 1. Vaste Gas Decay Tank P
ch Tank P\
Each Tank Principal Gamma Emit rs(2) 1x10 *
.\ GrgSample 2.
24" tainment Purge r 14" EachP \ (3)
Each PURGE (3) Pr' cipal Ga=ma Emitters (2) \ 1x1C
- Grab Samp1 \
M H-3 (o ) I lE
- lx10-
( ), (5) m 3. a. Plant Ven M(
Grab Sample (3) Nr
T e
H-3 (oxide) 1x10 6
- b. Condenser Air (0) Principal Gamma Emitte y 2) 1x10
- Ejector & b Sample M \
team Packing Exhaust
- 3 (oxide) 1x10 6
- 1. AllRa) se Types Cont i nuo't. (6) y(7) g,g. }%4012 as liste -n 3 above* Cha rcoal Sample R
Conticuous(6) \ % articulate g(7) PrincipalGA-aEmittersi) 1x10 23 h p 5%71e ontinuous(6) M Gross Alpha \' 1x10 28 d
q Compositt. Pa r-ticulate S cle '
U Continuo (6) 89 Sr-90 1=10
Q Composite Par-ticulate Sample K
( ,
14BLE4.11-2(Continued /
- 3b may be omitte provided the absence 91 a primary to seconda been demonstra
leak has
- that,is,thegamma/ctivityinthesecond water does not exceed backgr d by more than 20%.
( )The LLD is d ined, for purposes of hese specifications, at the smallest concentrat of radioactive mate al in a sample that w 1 yield a net count abo ;
with on) 5% systembackground,t,hatwillbedetectedwi) 95% probability repres probability of fa)iely concluding that 8 Alank observation ts a "real" signal. ,/ .
For particular measurempit system, which may 1 se ration: / lude radiochemical
4.66 s b LLD = --
E V 2.
x 105
- Y exp (-Aot) 0 E LETE B Where:
LLD = the a priori" lower limit of detection (microcurie per u t mass
, or olume),
sb= e standard deviation f the background counting rat or of the O countingrateofab/anksampleasappropriate(co 'ts per minute),
V /
= the counting efficiency (counts per disintegrati ),
V = the sample s
/(units of mass or volume) ,
2.22 x 10S = the' number of disintegrations per inute per microcurie,
Y = the fractional radiochemical yield, whe applicable.
A = the pa oactive decay constant for e particular radionucli (see 1), and
/ .
At S/the elapsed time between the ldpointofsamplecolleon and time
/ of counting (sec). .
ypical values of E. V, Y, and t should be used in t calculation.
It should be recognized tha the LLO is defined a an a priori (before the fact) limit representing e capability of a me urement system and not as an a posteriori (after the act) limit for a par cular measurement.
O V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-10
1ABLE[11-2(Continued) !
_ TAB NOTATIONS _(Continue,d]
D (2)Th principal gamma emi ers for which the LLD spdification applies includ t e following radionu ides:
n noble gas releas Kr-87,Kr-68,Xe-)G3,Xe-133m,Xe-135,Xe-1)6 l-131, Cs-134. Cs .7, Ce-141 andFe-59 and Mn-54, Co-58/Co 60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Ce 144 indodine and particulate rekases. /
This list does n mean that only these nullides are to be considered. ~
Other ganha pefs that are identifiable /together with those of the above nuclides,ehylalsobeanalyzedand EffluentRecaseReportpursuanttof,reportedintheSemiannualRadioactive pecification6.8.1.4intp6 format outlined Regulatory Guide 1.21 / Appendix 8, Revision 1, June 1974.
( )Sampli g and analy<is shall airo be performed following utdown, startup, or a HERMAL POWER change excDeding 15% of RATED THERM 1-p ur period. This requ POWER within a the Dose Equivalent 1-13)yi , ment does not analysis apply if (1hasshows that /
concentration in the primpty coolant not nereased more than a f4ctor of 3; and (2) the noble gas monitor shows that//
effl.uent activity hay'not increased more than a/ actor of 3.
(4) Tritium grab sampics shall be taken at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when t refueling cana)/is flooded.
(5) Tritium gr D E LETE D plant ve samples shall be taken at least once per 7 days fro the '
whenever spent fuel is in he spent fuel pool.
(6)The rpfio of the sample flow rat o the sampled stream flow rate shall be kno t i p for the tin.e period cover d by each dose or dose rap (calculation made accordance with Specificat ns,, and
kSamplesshallbechanged least once per 7 days an alyses shall be
/ completed within 48 hou after changing, or after femoval from sampler.
Sampling shall also erformed at least cnce per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for at leas 7 days following ea shutdown, startup, or THE 15% uf RATED THER L POWER change exce/ ding completed withi POWER within i 1-hour per od and analyses shal be 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of changing. Whe samples collected for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> j
are analyzed, t e corresponding LLDs may by increased by a facto of 10.
This requirerse'nt does not apply if: (1) 4nalysis shows that t DOSE l
I EQUIVALENT y f-131 concentration in the r actor coolant has no increased more than a f etor of 3; and (2) the noble as monitor shows tha, effluent activity has not ncreased more than a facto of 3.
50)Samp- ing not' required if the gumpra activity in the secondary water does not e eed background by more than j f0L L
f O
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-11
/ =
/ The ir dose due to noble es released in gas e s effluents, from each unit, o areas at and beyond 5.1-2) s 1 be limitt,d to the $1T0 BOUNDARY (se :igures 5.1-1 and lowing:
. During any calind [ quarter: Less thap, r equal to 5 mrads gamma radit.tio- nd less than or equ 1 to 10 mrads for bet (J r and radiation,
- b. During calendar year: Les than or equal to 10,mrads for gamma radia on and less than or e al to 20 mrads for e'ta radiation.
APptlCABILII : At all times.
gaseous Withthecalcu)dinganyoftheaboyslimitstedairdosefromrapiuac effluents exfee , prepare an submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to S Special Report that identifiesj the cause(s) pecificati i 6.8.2, a and def,ines the corrective apcions that have been liken to reducefor excep ing thef feleases and the proposed corrective action o be taken to assure that subsequent rel' eases will be in co iance with the abo imits.
. The provisions pecifications 3.0.3 a 3.0.4 are not appl cable.
Cumulatjv'edosecontributionsJ[rthecurrentcalenirquarterand current calenda/ year for noble gases phall be determined i accordance with the methodolog9 and parameters in thp'0DCH at least once r 31 days, ,
V0GTLE UNITS &~2 3/4 11-12
, . . . _ . , , . . . . ~ . _ _ _ . _ . _ , . _ . . _ . , . . _ , _ . . . _ _ . . _ -
( DOSE - 10 DINE 131, 10 DINE-1333_ TRITIUM, AN3 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAt IN k PAR 11CULATE FORM G pec.t%c. con '3/4.fl. O. 3 Deud LIMITING CONDITJ6 FOR OPERA 110N ,f
.a /
f 3.11.2.
trit)cfn,, andeall dose to a MEMBER OT A PUBLIC from Iodine-131. I i radionuclide 133, i particulate form with half- t s greater 8 days in gaseous effl ts released, from each unit, areas at and beyond the SITE HOUNDARY see figures 5.1-1 and 5.1-2) h I be limited to the following:
- a. Duri any calendar quarter:
or o and, Less t3ati or equal to 7.5 mrems to any ,
b During any calendar year: Jed than or equal to 15 mrems to any organ, y APPLICABILITY: At all times. M L , g ~[ g p ACTION:
- a. With th calculated dose from the release dodine-131, lodine-133, /
gpen trit)terthan8 days,ingaseouseff1ndeats form with half-lives radionuclides in particula exceeding any of tne ve imit:,, or: pare and submit to t inston within 30 days, 4I '
to Specification 6.8.2, a Spec) Report that identifies for exceeding the limit (s) arid defines the corrective rsuant
> cat'se(s) ions that have been taken to reduce th eleases and the proposed 30 rective actions to be taken to assuri hat subsequent releases wi 4 be in compliance with the above li s.
- b. The provisi s of Specifications 3.0.3 a 3.0.4 are not applicab .
SURVEILLANCE 3 UIREMEN15 4.11. Cumulative dose coltributio r the current calend Quarter and cu ent calentiar year for Iodine-151. Iodine-133, tritium a radionuclides l in accordance with the methodo) logy and parameters in t e'0DCH at least on per 31 days. /
-. /
l A
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-13 1
_RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS r,ASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM O % fra6 cation W4., n.a.4 deldeel LIMITINGC0hD/i10NFOROPERAT}dN / ,/ PROCESS G he VENTILATION SYSTLM shall XHAUST TREATHEN SYSTEM and the GASE S WASTE shall e used to reduc e OPERABLE and p propriate portions pf these systems releases of radioactivity when the p ojected doses in 31 d s due to gaseou effluentreleapfs,fromeachunit, areas at and bey d the SITE BOU ARY (see Figures 5.1-1 and S.1-2) wo d exceed:
- a. 0.2 mr to air f rom ga a'/ radiation, or
- b. 0.4 rad to air from eta radiation, or
- c. O mrem to any o gan of a MEMBER OF Ti
APPLICAB) ITY: At all t ines.
- a. With ra active gaseous waste eing discharged wit,aout treatment and in xcess of the above ljdits, prepare and su tnit to the Cortni ion within 30 days, pursuant to Specificat' ion 6.8.2, a Spe al Report that includds the following infpfmation:
Identification of a/ /
ny inoperable equip nt or subsystems, an.
O the reason for thf inoperability,
- 2. Action (s) take to restore the ino rable equipment to O RABLE status,and/
- 3. Summarydelcriptionofaction( taken to prevent a ecurrence.
- b. The provisions/ of Specifications
' .0.3 and 3.0.4 are 't applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 7 Doses, ue to gaseous releptes /
from each unit to/ areas at and beyond the SLTE P90HDARY shall be projected at least or>6e per 31 days in accordance th the methodology pid parameters in theADCM when Gaseous Radwaste T eatment are t being fully util ted, t
t- - ,
O V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-14
- ... - -..w-.- -.--.- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -
RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11,3 SOLID __ RADIOACTIVE WASTES iFt(i F i catio n 7/ 4. fl. 3 dc le tt'J
, Rep [oartive wastes fs (11 be solidified o' de/tered in accordance wi) .
the PROCESS CONTROL PROGR during site t'ransit, and disp ,al site requirements whfn received at the dispos
J ,CABILITY: At 11 times.
- a. ,
Wit.h SOLIDIFICATION or dewa*;ering not meeting dis sal site and shipping and transportat fn requirements, suspe shipment of the (nadequately processe the procedures, and/ astes and correct the ROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM the Solid Waste Syst as necessary to preve recurrence.
- b. With SOLIDIFICS ON or dewatering not rformed in accordance thePROCESS308TROLPROGRAM,testt improperly processed wjg(with te in each requirem contai er to ensure that it tr ts burial ground and s fpping s and take appropria administrative action prevent recurr ce.
- c. The rovisionsofSpecifijc ions 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 ar not applicable. '
SURVE1LLAN_ REQUIREMENTS / i 4.11.3 SOLIDIFICATION of at. ast one representative e'st specimen from leas every tenth batch of ch type of wet radioact l
51 ges, spent resins, ev wastes (e.g., fi er orator bottoms, boric gci)d solutions, and s dium s Ifate solutions) shal be verified in accorda e with the PROCESS
- d. If any of the atch st specimen fails to ver fy SOLIDIFICATION,) e SOLIDIFICATION /
under test shall suspended until su fi time as addition f '
tes specimens can be obtain , alternative SOLIO ICATION parameter c
nd be determined in accor nce with the PROCES CONTROL PROGRAM, a subsequent test v fies SOLIDIFICATION the batch may then be sumed using the alt nativeSOLIDIFICATION SOLIDIFICAT ON of parameters determine y the PROCESS CONT u PROGRAM;
- b. If the initial teJ,t specimen from a ba SOLIDIFICATION, of waste fails to erify he PROCESS CONTROL P GRAM shall provide or the collection anct testing of represent Ive test specimens rom each consecutive 4atch of the same typ of wet waste until least three consecutiy6 initial test specim s demonstrate SOLID ICATION, 11 be modified as rpq)uired, as provided The in Sge PR'cification , to6.1200tSS a ure SOLIDIFICATION CONTROL of subsequent PROGRAM batches s of Aste; and c.
W th the installed equ ment incapable of meeting Specification
3.11.3 or declared i perable, restore the,/quipment to OPERABLE status or provide f r contract capabilit y to process wastes as l
' necessary requirements.
to sati fy all applicable tr sportation and dispos ?
i V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-17
--w-me,e**es gm-.e e --ewee-y,--eewe-*,wp ,,,--w,-,,-m,, -p-e ,p-%,- gi ,reywg iv ew--+--r--eepu-wig r ,--eyo --wim-* rw-f r-e re y - +ip e tt >#e--- --*- --Tw a,wN -& w e -3,e
RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSE O Spec.i4R.amn 3/4.fl
- 4 Otlf tCC( .
3.11.4 he annual (calen year) dose or do e ommitmenttoanyMEpBtROF THE P L7C due to releasprs of radioactivity nd to radiation from granium fuel cyc sources shall bp/ limited to less th orequalto25mremsfothewhole b y or any organ, . cept the thyroid, ich shall be limited less than or equal to 75 mrems APPLICABILITY; At all times.
With the calcula' d doses from the releas of radioactive mater Is inliquidorgseouseffluentsexceed,ipdtwicethelimitsof ecifi-
.2a.,, 3.1 .3a., or cation 3.11..a.,,3.11)deincludingdirect calculations shall be 'diation contribu ons from the unit (i ding outside storage nks etc.)
to det mine whether the abov imits of Specificar.i 3.11.4 have been xceeded. If such is e case, prepare and s. it to the Commis-si within 30 days, purs int to Specification 6 .2, a Special port that defines the orrective action to b taken to reduce subsequent releases t prevent recurrence of xceeding the above limits and includes he schedule for achie, ng conformance witt) he above limits. Th SpecialReport,asdefinedin10CFR2030$(c),
shall include a analysis that estima)es the radiation exp sure (dose)
O to a MEMBER 0 THE PUBLIC frew aanjdmfuelcyclesources, including all efflue pathways and din..' Jediation, for the cal /ndar year that includes le release (s) covered j ty this report. It 11 also descrita levels f radiation and conc trations of radioac material involv ,
and . o cause of the expos levels or concentrat ons. If the es mated dose (s) exceeds, he above limits, anp/if the releast co ition sulting in violation 40 CFR Part 190 hap /not already been rrected, the Special Report s 1 include a request for a variance in ac'cor-dance with the proyt ions of 40 CFR Part,490. Submittal of,$fie report is considered a niely request, and a variance is granted uhtil staff cction on the quest is complete. '
,/ b. The provisi s of Specifications .0.3 and 3.0.4 are . t applicable.
j - Cuhative dose contributidis from liquid and,, gaseous ef fluents [
shall be determined x
in accordance741thSpecificationsf.11.1.2, and in accordance with the methodology and,< parameters in the ODCM.
4.11.f.2 Cumulativedoseccdibutionsfromdirep(radiationfromea unit (inpluding outside storage nks etc.) shall be etermined in accor nce with
, ths methodology and parapt6ters in the ODCH. is requirement is plicable
,45nlyunderconditionsjftforthinACTIONa.ofSpecification3. .4.
O VCGTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 11-18
_ . .,.-__..-_._.m. , _ ,
._- - .- - - _- --.-.-..- - - - - - - =- ._
, ,/
3.1 .1 The Radiologica vironmental Moni ring Program shall be onducted a specified in Table .12-1.
APPLICABILITY: t all times.
- a. ith the Radiolog alEnvironmentalMonitringProgramnotbeing/
conducted as sp ifiedinTable3.12-1/prepareandsubmittothe Commission, i theAnnualRadiologgi Environmental SurveilhInce Report req ed by Specification y.8.1.3, a description o he reasons r not conducting the togram as required and e plans for y preven ng a recurrence.
- b. Wi the confirmed ** lev.e of radioactivity as t result of plant fluents in an envir nifiental sampling mediumj a specified locatio exceeding the repo ng levels of Table 3.12/2 when averaged over iy calendar quarter repare and submit to t ' Commission within 3 days, pursuanttoSpgification6.8.2,aSpec 1 Report that identi es the cause(s) for 4xceeding the limit (s) defines the correct e actions
/ to be tak3 n'to reduce radioactive d iuents so that the p ential annual pose
- to a MEMBER OF THE LIC is less than th alendar year limitVof Specific )tions 3.11. 2,, or 3.11 . 3. When more ,
than'one of the radionuclidp( in Table 3.12-2 are tected in the Jainpling medium, this re ft shall be submitted :
/ concentration concentration ( +
reporting lev f (1)
- re~pM ting leve (2) . . Q 1. 0 When radionuc tes other than those i Table 3.12-2 are d ected ar.1 are the res t of plant ef fluents. ,t if s report shall be ubmitted if the poten al annual dose
- to a BEMBER OF THE PUBLIC- om all radio-nuclide is equal to or greate than the calendar y r limits of '
Spec Ication, 3.11 .2, or T s report is not re ired if the measured 1 el of radioactivity as not the result
- l. plant effluents; howe r, in such an event the condition shall be reported and descri ed in the Annual Rad logical Environment Surveillance Report equired by Specifica on
l / "The methodology and rameters used to est ate the potential a al dose to a MEMBER OF THE P IC shall be indicate. in-this report.
- A confirmator reanalysis of the ori nal, a duplicate, or new sample may be desirab1p or appropriate. The asults of the confirm ory analysis shall jO becompleJtdattheearliesttim consistent with the alysis but in any V _
casewJnin30 days,
/ .-
v0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-1
/ / ,
ACTION (Continue 4r DELE TE D
/ c. With sa ilk or vegetation sa les unavailable fro ne or more of the le locations require y T,ble 3.12-1, ide fyspecificlocation/
f r obtaining replacem samples and add the within 30 days to the ) 1 adiological Environ ntal Monitoring Prog given in the ODCM he specific locations rom which samples we unavailable may then e l deleted from the onitoring program. PJ suant to Specificati 6.13, submit in the xt Semiannual Radioac va Effluent Release ort '
documentatio or a change in the 0 including a revise igure(s) and table f r the ODCH reflectin e new location (s) wi supporting informat n identifying the caug of the unavailabilit /of samples and ju tifying the selection ,nf the new location (s) samp s r obtaining
- d. T e provisions of Specif tations 3.0.3 and 3 4 are not applicabl-.
12.1 Theradiologic4!environmentalmonitor samples shall be ollected
/ pursuant to Table 3.g-1 f rom the specific loc)ations given figure (s) in the 0QCM, and shall be analy table and in th pursuant to the r uirements of Table 3.12-1 and y tte detection capabilit) s required by Table /.12-1.
t l
i o
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-2 l
- e O TABLE 3.12-1 8
REPRF tnit~' :
\ SAMPli.' 'ND SAMPLE L0t.;.. ;;4SII)
- 1. Direct Radiation (2) Thirty-six routine monitori g Quarterly. Gamma d6se quart- ly.
ations either with two or re do imeters or with one instr . nt for easuring and recording dos
\ rate'tontinuously, placed as followh-An innec 'ng of stations, one in each meteo logical sector in the C R
a generalareayftheSITEBOUNDARY; g
g An outer ring o stations, one in D J, eachmeteorolog(icalsectorin
, the 6 mile range fh m the site; \
\ g$
The balance of the sta 'ons to be placed in special terest areas such as population nters, earby residences, schools, nd i one or two areas to serve s con el stations.
O O O c TABLE 3.12-1 (Continued) y \ -
\N .
[ 2. Airborne R ioiodine and Samples fr five locations Par iculates Con inuous sampler oper- Re (oiodine Cannister:
ation gith samole collec- I-131 analysis weekly.
tion we kly, or more Three samples f a close to frequent if required by the three SITE B0tqDARY dust. loadi. . Particulat Sampler:
N- Iocations, in diffe ent sectors; Gross beta radioactivity w analysis folio ng C filter change;I ' and M. M gamma isotopic anal is I}
A 4 One sampic from the vicinity of coeposite (by locaJon)
.\facommunityhivingthe (Tl '
quarterly. i highest calculated annual q N aveb qe groundlevel D/Q; and b i One sa le from a control D location as for example a 4 populatio center 10 to 20 miles di
- ant and in the ;
1 east prevale t wind direction.
- 3. Waterborne
- a. Surface I One sample upstream Composite sa=ple ver Gamma isotopic anal is IN One sample downstream 1-month period.(6 n .
an y a Ty.
N _
\_/ \' -
- p. I s
Waterborne (Continued)
- b. Drinking Two sample at each of one to Coepos e sample of I-131 an - sis on each three of the earest water river wa near intake ; ample whe he dose treatment plan that could be at each wat treatment affected by its 'scharge. plant over 2-calculated fo the con-ek sumption of the ater N Two samples at a cons of period ) when I 31 5 9#'* I " *
\\ C l'""' ar.alysis is perfo .d, per year I) . Composi 4" monthly composite et. r-wise; and grab sample o forgrossbetaanp4ga-
- isotopic analyses '
Z finished water at each monthly. Composite for J, water treatment plant tritium analysis quarterly.
every 2 weeks or monthly, s appropriate.
Sediment One mple from downstream area Se.iannually. Gar isotopic analysis Nc. from with e isting or potential semian. ally.
Sh oreline recreatt vi value.
Inge tion 'N N %
- a. N Mil N '
Sa:ples from mi1Fng animals Semimonthly. ' Gamma isotopic ( '*Q) in three locations ithin 3 b analysis semimonthly miles distance havin the d highest dose potential. If there are none, then one
\samplefrommilkinganimal IO}
each of three areas betwe D 3 4 5 miles distance where -
dose are calculated to be greate than 1 mrem per yr.g7) x N
1 TAB 8 .12-1 (Continued)
S \
4 Ingestion (Continued) N Nx y
- a. Milk \ .
One sample from {1 king l animalsIO) at a cokrol loca- \
tion about 10 miles distant .
or beyond and preferaSy in I \
' a wind direction of lowe !
, V R Fish @
^ At least one sarcple of ar,y Semiannually. I ce rcially and recreational y Gama isotopic a alysis important species in vicinity y on edible pcrtion f, of pia discharge area.. ,
\ '
At least co,e sample of any species in a eas not influenced by plant dis arge.
At least one sa le of any During pring spawning )
anadromous specie Ga::ssa isotopic analyses in vicinity season. on ehjble portion.
of plant discharge.
- c. Grass or ne sample from two on ite Leafy Monthly duri. Gaesna iso opicb' )
1 ations near the SIT growing season.
Vegetat M. B00. ARY in different se ors.
One sample from a control Monthly during l
locationNtabout15 miles Gama isotepic ~ 9}*
growing season.
i g N \
_ _ - - - _ - - - ~-
l TAD 3.12-1 (Continued)
between the cent 4r of the two reactors, phd additional description where pertinent, sha)1 be provided for each Add every sample location in/
lable 3.12-1/n a table and figure (s)/1n the ODCH. Each sample idcation will be desjt;nated by a number, namejor some other label. Refey'to NUREG-01334 " Preparation of Radiolpgical Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuc196r Power Plants," Octobpt 1978, and to Radiological Assessment /
Branch Jechnical Position, Revigion 1. November 1979. DevjAtionsare permi)ted from the required spspling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due ,to circumstances such ap' hazardous conditions, seas d 9 al unavailability, and' malfunction of sampling equipment. If specimens are unobtainable due to'samplingequipmentma)/ unction,effortshallbemydetocompletecorre ive a.on prior to the end of the next sampling ppriod. All deviation' '
from the sampling sch ule shall be documented inA he Annual Radiologi 1 Environmental Survei lance Report pursuant to specification t is recognized that at times, it may not be popf,1ble or practicable o con-tinue to obtain
- mples of the media of cholge at the most desired or time. In th se instances suitable alterp4tive media and locat ons ocation may be chosen for he particular pathway in qtlestion and appropriat substitu-tions, if av ilable, will be made within/30 days in the Radiol gical Environmen al Monitoring Program given In the ODCM. Pursuanteto Specific Release ion 6.13,submitinthenext'SemiannualRadioactifeEffluent O with enort documentation for a ch'ange in the ODCM inc figur s)andtableforthe00CMrpflectingthenewlocatj4dingarevised supporting information idenMfying the cause of tt/ unav(ailability ion s), if any, of amples for the pathway and gustifying the selectipf1 of the new I cation (s) for obtaining sampies, or the unavailabirity of suitable new ocations.
4 One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for mea ring and recording dose rati continuously may be y ed in pl6ce of, or i addi-tion to, integratingftf osime te r s . For the pirposes of this table a thermoluminescent 46simeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosp r; two or more phosphorsjin a packet are conside' red as two or more do imeters, film badges sha A not be used as dosim9ters for measuring dir ct radiation.
(3) /
Airborne par -culate sample filters,4 hall be analyzed forj)coss beta radioactivi, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more aftpr sampling to allow f f radon and thoron dayQhter decay. If gross beta activity in air p rticulate samples is greate'r than 10 times the y fly mean of control s ples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be pe ormed on the individup samples.
/' /
/ / /
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-7 i
TA) 3.12-1 (Continued)
' Gamma isotopic 3 alysis means the identi ication and quantific ion of gamma *emittin / radionuclides that er.ajp > attributable to the fluents fromthefac)ity (5) The "up influen eam sample" shall be tak n at a distance beyond significant of the discharge. The/' downstream" sample s area . yond but near the mixi 1 be taken in an 20ne.
(6) Co osite sample aliquots s 11 be collected at ti..
intervals that at.
ery short (e.g., hourly)ffelaL'.ve to the compositing period (e.g.,
monthly) in order to assure obtaining a reprecepfative sample.
) The dose shall be cal ulated for the maximum rgan and age grou , using the methodology and arameters in the ODCM, (8) A milking animal s a cow or goat produ ng milk for human nsumption.
(9) If gamma isoi, epic analysis is not sep itive enough to me the 1ower Limit of De tiction for 1-131, a sep rate analysis for performed 131 will be O
4 I
e O
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-8
_ ^
e 8 TABLE 3.12-2
H-3 20,000*
Mn-54 1,003 30,000 Fe-59 400 10,000 te Co-58 1, 0
^ 30,000 g
Co-60 300 10,000 m Zn-65 300 I
r-95 2 ,000 i 400 Nb- 400 '
I-131 2 0.9 4
3 100 Cs-134 30 10 1,000 60 1,000 1 Cs-137 50 20 2,000 70 2,000 Ba-140 200 20 La-140 100 300
- for drinking water sumies. _
of 30,000 pCi/1 may be used. 's is 40 CFR Part 141 value. f no drinking water pathway exist a value N
_ _ _ _ a
- ~~
s y TABLE 4.12-1 ,
i D
{ ANALYSIS (pCi/1) OR GASES (pci/m3 )
FISH MILK (Ci/kg, wet) (pCi/1)
YlGETATION SEDIMENT (pCi/kbqwet) (pCi/kg, dry)
N N Gross 8 eta N 0.01 H-3 2000*
Mn-54 15 130 g Fe-59 30 s
- o-58 260 Q
7 15 130 @
E$ Co-6 15 F '
130 ITl Zn-65 30 260 Zr-95 .
El g
Nb-95 15 I-131- 1** 0.07 1 69
-134 15 0.05 130 15 C3 150 Cs-137 18 0.0 150 18 80 180 <
Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15
- 1f no drinking water p ay exists, a value of 3000 p "If no drinking water pa exists, a value of 15 pCi/l may be used.
be used. \ N
TABLE A.12-1 (Continued)
TABLE NOTATIONS h (1 his list does not mea that only these nuclid 5 are to be considered, Otherpeaksthatare/dentifiableasplanteffluents,togetherwiththos/ e of the above nuclipts, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Anmlal Radiological Env tonmental Surveillance Report pursuant to specifica-tion
(2) Required de,t ction capabilities fp thernoluminescentdosimete[sused
for envir mental measurements hall be in accordance with ifie recommenda-tions o Regulatory Guide 4.1)
(3)The 0 is defined, for purposes of these specificati, is, as the smallest c entration of radioactive material in a sample thit will yield a net unt, above system background, that will be detepted with 95% probability with represents only 5% a p'real' signal.robabi ity of falsely at aconcluding blank observation For a particul- measurement system, whic may include radiochemical separation:
4.66 s b L =
E V 2.22 /- exp(-hot)
Wh e:
LLD = the "a priori" lo r limit of detection (pico ries per unit mass or voleme) s b = the standar deviation of the backgroun counting rate or of the counting te of a blank sample as ap opriate (counts per minute)
E = the c nting efficiency (counts p disintegration), /
- tt}c# sample size (units of mas or volume),
2,22 r the number of disintegrati s per minute per picocurie Y
= the fractional radioch ical yield, when applicable A = the radioactive de y constant for the particul radionuclide (sec 2), and at = the elapsed me between sample collectio , or end of the sample collection eriod, and time of countin sec).
Typical value of E, V, Y, and at should b used in the calculation.
O V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-11 4
TABLE 12-1 (Continued) 1A91 NOTATIONS (Continu DELETE D should be recognir,e that the LLO is def) as an a priori (befo the fanact) limit represeAing a posteriori the capability jra measurement system arpf not es Analyses shall)jaltere performed the fact) in suchlim [it for a particular measureint.
manner that the stated JMs will be achieved under routine conditions./ Occasionally backgroun fluctuations, unavoidabi smallsamplesizes.thepresenceofinterferj nuclides, or other u trollable circumstanc,es may render these LLDr unachievable.
in suc cases, the contributAng factors shall be ide (ified and descri d in t Annual Radiologica 4 nvironmental Surveill e Report pursua t to >
Spj ification
i l
O l
l l
l l
l O
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 ,3/4 12-12 1
( 3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS voc.cibcabm 3/+.1a.a Deleted LIHTTIE TOWITTDrf'UR OPERATION / _ /
3.12.2 N Land U$e Census shal be conducted and shall ide ify within a distance of 5 Tes the location in op h of the 16 meteorological ectors of the nearest milk imal, the nearest retidence, and the nearest ga, en of greater than 500 7 18 producing broad ff vegetation.
m y be excluded from th survey. Land withi[the Savannah River Plar APPLICABILITY: At 11 times. DELETE.D ACTION:
- a. With a Land Use Census idenn ..ig a socation(s) that ields a r,alculated dose or dose corrydt' ment greater than the lues currently eing calculated in Specification, pursu to Specifica-tion, identify Jbe new location (s) in th next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.
With a Land Use Cq# sus identifying a locati n(s) that yields a calculated dose fr dose committent (via same exposure pathway e 20% greater tha6 at a location from whi samples are currently p
'/ being obtain in accordance with Spep ication 3.12.1, add t new
" location (s oni-toringPrp)gramgivenintheODCM,within i samples30 aredays to the Rad'iological available The Environmen samplin>J location (s), excluding ) e control station loca on, having the lpGest calculated dose or secommitment(s),viatfesameexpo-surp' pathway, may then be del ted from this monitoriny program. Pur-sudnt to Specification 6.13 submit in the next Sem nnual Radioactive ffluent Release Report d umentation for a chang n the ODCM includ-ing a revited figure (s) nd table (s) for the ODC reflecting the new location locations, (s) with infor ation supporting the ch ge in sampling
- c. The provisions o Specifications 3.0.3 and .0.4 are not applic e.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREME T5 4.12.2 The Land se Census shall be conduc ed during the growin season at least once per months using that infor tion that will provi'> good results, such as by a or-to-door survey, by vi al survey from automo ile or aircraft, by consultir local agriculture author ies, or by some comb)dation of these nethods as easible. The results of .h'e Land Use Census sh411 be included iri the Annu Radiological Environmen 1SurveillanceReportfursuantto Specif Mation 6. 8.1. 3. /
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-13
- _ _ - _ - - - _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
. ired h c.otio n 3 / 4. # 2 3 Oc k t e d LIMITING P0HDTTT0r T0 06FERAT106
,/ ,/,
3.12 par > of Analyses an Interlaboratoshall be erformed on all radioact e materials, suppii d as Comparison Program tha las been approved b the C aission, that corre end to samples and anal s required by Tr51 3.12-1.
At 11 times, gggg a.
W h analyses not being perf fned as required abov report the orreccive actions taken t prevent a recurrence .o,the Commission in the Annual Radiologica Environmental Surve lance Report pursua-to Specification 6.8.1. .
- b. The provisions of Sp ifications 3.0.3 and .0.4 are not appii ble.
4.12.3 The Interlabort}!ory Comparison Progra shall be described n the ODCM.
A summary of the resu 15 obtained as part of/the above required nterlaboratory Comparison Program 3 allbeincludedinth/AnnualRadiologic Environmental Surveillance Repor pursuant to Specific (ion
O / /
O V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3/4 12-14
BASES REMOTE SHUTOOWN SYSTEM (Continuea) outside of the control room. This capability is required in tne event :ontrol i room habitability is lost and is consistent with General Design Criterion 19 of 10 CFR Part 50. i i
The OPERABILITY of the remote Shutdown System ensures that a fire will i not preclude achieving safe shutdown. The~ Remote Shutdown System instrumenta- '
tion, control, and transfer switches necessary to eliminate effects of the i fire and allow operation of instrumentation, and control circuits required to
- achieve and maintain a safe shutdown condition are independent of areas where a fire could damage systems normally used to shut down the reactor. This capability 1: consistent with General Design Criterion 3 and CHEB 9.5.1.
lhe OPERABILITY of the accident monitoring instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on sclected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables following an accident. This capability is consis-tent with the recommendations of Regulato.'y Guide 1.97. " Instrumentation for i Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following an Accident," Revision 2, December 1980 and NUREG-0737, " Clarification of 1MI Action-Plan Requirements," November 1980. The instrumentation listed O design, qualification and display criteria are described in Regulator Guide 1.97, Rev. 2.
3/ CHLORINE DETECTION SYSlEMS The OPERABILITY of the Chlorine Detection Systems ensures that sufficient capability is available to promptly detect and initiate protective action in the event of an accidental chlorine release. This capability is required to protect control room personnel and is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.95, Revision 1, " Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release," January 1977.
This capability will not be required if the' quantity of chlorine gas stored onThis purooses. siteapplicabi is small (lity is consistent with the exclusions and recommen tions of Regulatory Guide 1.95, Revision 1, " Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release," January 1977.
3 /4. 3. 3. 8 LOOSE PARTS DETECTION SYSTEM Not used.
. _ _ __s__
Om ^ L. . .","'"~?My!A_: Z. _l ,' N,,P T_,2_":"
TTCT_ I'E L'$7:7, 7. v.
"TC74 R
V0 GILE UNITS - 1 & 2 B 3/4 3-5
m ?luep 'p Setpointsaring or these actuakd instru o es of liquid ef ts shall be cal cr n.f- sated and adjust in
+ with t methodology an arameters in th DCM to ensure t the piarr!ir o will ccur prior to e eeding the limi+ of 10 CFR Part The OPERAM UTY d use of this i rumentation is nsistent with requirements of General ~ esign Criteria
~~ , 63, and 64 of ppendix A to 1 FR Part 50, E y PLOS W E G AS 4tAMOAC4iVE-G%EGtMr-EffeHMM0PITORING INSTRUMENTA])N,
- Hive- g xce; cf'kest--4
- trumentatier is-provided te meMur-and.
What:le, the re!:::c; Of red!O::tive aterial: 4-ga ::u. Of' h
- t uaWr potent 4e+-nlto;c; cf go;;;u; e f flucat;. The ^lcr "-!p
.M eMt i ;trument; ; hall bc co':ulated end adju;ted ir :::crd:nce-a+ - . edelegy cr.d-paceeter; i- th: 00CM to en;ere that the als/-trrQ.
wM-1 . -
J; to excccdhg-th; limit; cf 10 CTR Part 20. This instrumenta-tiun e b s of petontia;; ades provisions for moC toring (and controlling) the concentrations explosive gas mixtures in the GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM.
The OCERABILIiY and use of this ins g rrr" of General Design Criteria 60,trumentation A 63, and C? ofis Appendix consistent with A to 30 the CFRrequire-Part
- 50. 4he zen;itid ty of-any noble g ; -acti.ity monitcr; a: d te :he.. Cumpli:nce wi%-Ahe -fja'zecus - c ' fMn t re le::: requ rement: Of Spc0 '!: tier 2.11.2 2 thal' i 4 tw n b thai ceasent+at4ewr : !cu c'. 1 - 10 6 pC!/-' 2re me: w n Wie.
3/ HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAK ISOLATION SENSORS The operability of the high energy line break isolation sensors ensures that the capability 's a>a4D ale to promptly detect and initiate protective acti e in the event c' a . N break. This capability is required to prevent damage to safety-relateu systems and struct res in the auxiliary building.
3/0 3.4 TURBINE OVER'.'EED PROTECTION This specification is provided to ensure that the turbine overspeed protection instrumentation and the turbine speed control valves are OPERABLE
- nd will protect the turbine from excessive everspeed. Protection from turbine excessive overspeed is required since excessive overspeed of the turbine could generate potentially damaging missiles which could impact and damage safety-related components, equipment or structures, l ~/
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 B 3/4 3-6
n pg,,p n _ a : _ _ 2. .
' W -tc m W W {cna ntration of radi n active materi i released in li trid waste efflulnts jo UNRESTRICTED AR will be less tha the concentrati evels specified i /10 CFR Part 20, A endix B, Table 11 olumn 2. This 1 tional assuranc hat the leve f radioactive mau,r)ials in bodies oftation provides ter in UNRESTRIC a AREAS will re in exposures wpfiin: (1) the Secti II.A design objef ives of ndix I,10 CFR f4rt 50, to a MEMBER THE PUBLIC, and '2) the limits f10CFRPart2pA06(e)tothepopul on. The concent ion limit for dissolvedoretrainednoblegasesj(3 based upon the a ucption that Xe-13 is the control g radioisotope and Ks MPC in air (s mbrsion) was convert to an eqJi alent concentration [n water using the thods described i nter-natinnpr Commission on Radio gical Protection M RP) Publication 2
!Thisspecification pplies to the rel of radioactive m erials in quid effluents fro 11 units et the s .
DE LETE D The require detection capabil les for radioactive materials in liqui waste samples e tabulated in tey s of the lower lim s of d?tection (L ).
Detailed'di imits can be foun in HASL Procedur ussionoftheLLD/ndotherdetection Manual, HASL-300 evised annually),
- V; rie, L. A., "Limi ., for Qualitptive Detection and antitative Determi ion - Applicationf o Radio-che'm Mtry," Anal. Chem. 4 , 586-93 (1968), a Hartwell, J. K., " detection Limits f nting Techniques," lantic Richfield I ford Company j#pr Radioanalytical eport ARH-SA-215 ne 1975).
3/ DOSE Not used.
A This specificau cn i3--providad tc implcm:nt the requirc ent; of n etic s li.A, l.A, and IV.A of endix 1, 10 CFR Par50. The Limitin ondition for eration implement he guides se fort in Section II.A of ppendix 1.
T . ACTION statements rovide the required perating flexibili and at the ame time implement he guides set forth n Section IV.A of pendix I to as re th;t the release of radioactive mater' 1 in liquid etflue s to UNRESTRICT f)
AEAS will be pt "as low as is rea nably achievable." Also, for freu ater
- ten with d nking water suoplies hat can be potenti ly affected by n ant operation there is reasonable surance that the o ration of the facility
.will no result in radionucli concentrations inyie-finishet' drinkJfg water
. hat metnodology
~ fe in excess andof the r uirements of 40 CFR fart 141. TM dojg calcula-para ti ters in the ODCM implement the require ents in -Sec-n III.A of Appendix that conformance wit the guides of Ap ndix I be shown by calculationa procedures based on dels and data, s h that the actual appropriate pathw ys is unlikely to exacsure of a HEMBE OF THE PUBLIC throu tw substantially derestimated. The e ations specified fi the ODCM for
(' calculating thy doses due to the actu release rates of adioactive materials l b i n liquid ef uents-are consistent Guide 1.10 , " Calculation of Annu th th> methodology provided in Regulatory i
Dows to Man from,4outine Releases of ll / D E LUED GGTLE UNITS --1 & 2 8 3/4 11-1
, , , - ~ , ~ - -
Reactor Appendi Ef' 'uents for the Purpose of Evaluating C pliance with 10 CF art 50,
" Revision 1, 0 idber 1977 and Regul ory Guide 1.113. "J timating Aquat Dispersion of E ents from Acciden for he Purpose of Im menting Appendix I April and Routine Reactor Releases 1977. py g j
This specificpt' ion applies to the elease of radioactiye materials in liquid effluents from each unit at the site When shared Radwas)4 Treatment Systems a used by moro )han one unit on a s , the wastes from 4M units are mixed for shared treatment; by ascribed fi a specific unit. n estimate such mixin , the effluent releap s cannot accurately should bymade of the contribu ons from eJk. un.t based on in conditions, e.g., Tow rates and radioa vity congentrations, or, if 3 practicable, the tr. ted effluent releas may be a}%cated equally to ch of the radioactiv aste producing uni ff
/ adwaste Treatment stem. For determini sharing the conformance to LCO , these alloca-tions from sharep adwaste Treatment Sy ems are to be added o the releases specifically $tributed to each unit o obtain the total r eases per unit.
3/ tIQUID RA0 WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM h)ot iv,ed. The OPER^a! LIT" cf the ! iquid R Caste 90 tscat-Sycterc enwre; that thit-syste p ill be available forf se whenever liquid ftluents require trea pri r to release to the environment. The requi inent that the appropr' te nportions r.
o this systtm be used yhiin specified provide assurance that the r eases of adioactive materials j 4n-liquid effluents 1 be kept "as low as. s reasonably achievable " This ppecification impl~ne s the requirements of 0 CFR 50.36a, General Design Cr'terion 60 of Appen d. A to 10 CFR Part 50 the design k objective give in Section II.D of ndix I to 10 CFR Pa 50. The specified limits goverp ng the use of appr w ate portions of the quid Radwaste Treatmen),/
System werfspecified as a suitat,le fraction of the do design objectives set /
forth irv$ection
II.A of Ap n' dix I,10 CFR Part 50 or liquid efflu ts j dhis specification ap lies to the release of radioactive materi is
. c. Tt:D ljabideffluentsfrom ch unit at the site, en shared Radwaste Tre tfnent L f ystems 6 are used by re than one unit on a te, the wastes from al units are mixed for shar treatment; by su-h tr ing, the effluent relea s cannot accurately be a e bed to a specific un.. An estimate should b made of the contributions rom each unit based on nput conditions, e.g., Jow rates and radioactivi- concentrations, or, i not p acticable, the tr ted effluent releases ay be allocated equall units aring the Radwaste Tre raentoSystem. each of the radior:ctiy waste product For determjding conformance o LCO these allocations from hared Radwaste Treatment/5ystems are to be- dded t he releases specifical attributed to each unitd.o obtain the tot,a1 leases per unit. j j
3/ LIQUID HOLOUP TANKS The tanks listed in this specification include all those outdoor radwaste tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank r.antents and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the Liquid Radwaste Treatment System.
M atricting the quantity of radioactive material contained in the specified tanks provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents, the resulting concentrations would be less than the limits of
) 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an UNRESTRICTED AREA.
VGGTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 I B 3/4 11-2 i
3/ DOSE RATE Not usecb A
Thi; ggcificction is prcwidcd tc cn:,ure that the de'.c at any t! at :nd beyond the ITE BOUNDARY f r 'm gaseous ef fluents rom all units on tKe site will be thin the annual ose limits of 10 CF Part 20 to UNREST TCTED AREAS.
The an al dose limits 10 CF Part 23, Appen4rp x B, e the Tabledosts associa I.d with II, Colu the concen ations of These limits ovide reasonable ass ance that radio tive material disc rged in gaseous ef uents will not r uit in the expor te of a MEMBER Of T PUBLIC in an UNR RICTED AREA, ther within or utside the SITE BOU ARY, to annual ave ge contentrations exceeding the 1)tnits specified in A endix B, Table II 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part 30.106(b)). For HEM S OF THE PUBLIC w may at times be w' hin the SITE B0tlHDARY, the occupancy f that MEMBER OF T PUBLIC will usua y be sufficien low to compensate or any increase in he atmospheric dif usion factor a ve that for the SIT BOUNDARY. Example of calculations f such MEMBERS /DF THE PUBLIC, with he appropriate occ ancy factors, shal be given in th( ODCM. The specifi release rate limi restrict, at all mes, the cor sponding gamma and eta dose rates abov background to a ME ER OF THE PUB IC at or beyond th SITE BOUNDARY to 1 s than or equal to O mrems/ year the whole body or o less than or equa to 3000 mrems/ year o the skin.
/These release imits ratealso restrict at all times, the c rresponding ,
thyroid dose rate above background to. child via the inha tion pathway to less than or e 1 to 1500 mrems/ yea .
TE This sp cification applies to the release of radi active materials i gaseous ef uents from all unity'at the site.
Tt wastt.
requireddetectionfapabilitiesforradi amples are tabulate in terms of the lowe limits etive materials i gaseous Dety led discussion of tb of detecti (LLDs). -
LLD, and other dete ion limits can be ound in H- Proteaures Manual, ASL-300 (revised ann Ily), Currie, L.
., " Limits for alitative Detection nd Quantitative Deter ination f.pplicat' n to Radio-chemistry," Anal. Ch,.m. 40, 586-93 (1968), nd Hartwell, J. K. " Detection Limits for Radionalytica)' Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield anford Company Report ARH-SA-21V(June 1975).
2/ OOSE-- NOBLE GASES Not used .
A Thi; ;pccificctica i; prc;ided tc implement-tM ccquircment; cf Secticr:
'.l.0, III.A enc IV.A ef Aggen s I, 10 CTR Pert 50.
Thc Limiting Candition for Opcrctica implcm ate th :,m i de: :ct fert5 '- Sectica Ind anm ^ T.
Tte SCTION ;tatcment; p;ccid; the required epc ating #!:ribi'ity 2"d at the
' cmc time impicment-the guidu :n fcrth it. Ecctier IV ^ of Appe^di" I to-
" . _ that tr~ relcam of radicxti ac =ter i g::: cut ^ "' ue n t : to L G ;TRICTE A":A0 i
iil be kept " a 1; = i: rc::en e !; ceind! . " h e f.a.cillencc "egmi, emente implement the cequirements in Sectica !!!. A c'
%pendi- I that ccrformenc; aith th: guide ;f Appcndix I bc :h=- h :21:u!:-
tic =1 precedura bu td on meoci; and data ;ue tt ;he 2:tu9 overure " a e
V3GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 B 3/4 11-3
-005F- N00LE CASEC (C= tined)
MEMBER 0 HE PUBLIC throug propriate pathw is unlikely undere mated. The dos alculation method ogy besubstantiall/
and paramet. s established in t ODCM for calcul ng the doses due the actual rel se rates of rt.dioactive noble g in gaseous efflu ts are consiste with the method ogy
/p'rovided in Regula) ry Guide 1.109, "C culation of Annuri Doses to Man fr Routine Release @f Reactor Ef fluent for the Purpose of Evaluating Compl ance with 10 CFR (t 50, Appendix I, " vision 1, October 977andRegulatopy/
Guide 1,)11
' Methods for Estima ng Atmospheric Tr sport and Dispers on of Gaseous luents in Routine R eases from Light- ter Cooled Reacto "
fwvi si 1, July 1977. The CM equations prov ed for determining the air ,
&c at and beyond the SIJ BOUNDARY are based upon the historicai average sphericconditions./ j/ DQgg g 3/ DOSE - 10 DINE-131, 10 DINE-133, TRITIUM, AND RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL IN PARTICULATE FORM A .TMs-specificatier is caevided-tc Jm;>1ement--the requinements of Sectienc II.C, llI. A pfid IV. A of Appendi ,10 CFR Part 50. /The Limiting Cond 4.lons for Operat 4n are the guides s forth in Section J1.C of Appendix I The ACTION s tements provide t required operatir' Alexibility and a the same time i hment the guides et forth in Section V.A of Appendix o assure that he releases of ra ~oactive materials i gaseous effluents o UNRESTRICTED AR S will be kept "a ow as is reasonabl achievable." The DCM calculational
.thods specified i he Surveillance Re irements implemen the requirements (n') in Section III.A o Appendix ! that co ormance with the ides of Appendix I be shown by cal ational procedures ased on models and ata such that the actual exposur of a MEMBER OF THE BLIC through appr,o'priate pattways is unlikely to e substantially unde stimated. The OpCH calculational m'.hodolo and param ers for calculating Jhe doses due to t e actual release rates of e subject aterials are consist fit with the metho ogy provided in Regulato -
Guide .109, " Calculation o Annual Doses to Reat r Effluents for the urpose of Evaluat g from Routine Releases o Compliance with 10 CF art 50, Ap ndix I," Revision 1 ctober 1977 and gulatory Guide 1.111, " hods for timating Atmospheric ransport and Di sion of Gaseous Effluen in Routine Releases from Light- ter-Cooled React s," Revision 1, July 197 . These equa-tions also provide or determining t actual doses based upon he historical
. average atmosphe c conditions. T release rate specificat ns for Iodin--13 lodine-133, tr' ium, and radionu ' ides in particulate form ith half-lives greater than days are depende upon the existing radi uclide pathways o man in the reas at and beyo the SITE BOUNDARY. The athways that we examined ' the development f the calculations were-(1) individual nhala-tion of irborne radionuc des, (2) deposition of dionuclides ont green leafy egetation with s sequent consumption by n, (3) depositi onto grae y areas where mi animals and meat produ ng animals graz with consump-t' n of the milk an meat by man, and (4) da sition on the ground with sub-equent exposure man, pgg (3
V V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 3 3/4 11-4 l
A -The-OPERASILITY sf the GASE0US WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM and un: VENTILATION EXHAUST TRE ENT SYSTEM ensure that the systems ill be available or use whenever scous effluents re ire treatment pr r to release to e environmen The requ rement that the ap opriate portions these systems used, when speci ied, provides reaso ble assurance tha the releases of adioactive ma ials in gaseous ef uents will be kep "as low as is re onably achiev le."
is specification i ements the requir ents of 10 CFR 5 .36a, General sign Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR P t 50 and the des n objectives g' en in Section II.D pr Appendix I to 10 C Part 50. The s ecified limits overning the use of app priate portiuns of e systems were s cified as a su' able fraction of e dose design objec ves set forth in ections II.B a II.C of Appendix I 10 CFR Part 50, for aseous effluents DELETED 3/ EXPLOSIVE GAS MIXTURE This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of poten-tially explosive gas mixtures contained in the GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM is maintained below the flammability limits of hydrogen and oxygen. Automatic control features are included in the system to prevent the hydrogen and oxygen concentrations from reaching these flammability limits. These automatic
(] control features include isolation of the source of hydrogen and/or oxygen.
V Maintaining the concentration of hydrogen and oxygen below their flammability limits provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials will be controlled in conformance with the requirements of General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.
3/4 11.2.6 GASDECAYTANy The tanks included in this specification are those tanks for which the quantity of radioactiv'ty contained is not limited directly or indirectly by another Technical Specification. Restricting the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas decay tank provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents, the resulting s ole body exposure to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at the nearest SITE BOUNDARY will not exceed 0.5 rem.
This is consistent with Standard Review Plan 11.3, Branch Technical Position ETSB 11-5, " Postulated Radioactive Releases Due to a Waste Gas System Leak or Failure," in NUREG-0800, July 1981.
n V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 B 3/4 11-5
- I3 0t used.
A Thi :pecifise44en-hplement; the -ecquirc:ent; cf Cener:1 Occign Ci-ite Jr. 60 of Apperidix A te 10 1FR-Part 50. The proce55-paeametees-ke4uded 4-eaeM4sMeg-the-PROCESS GONTROL PROCPA" ::y inchdcr but are not 'i-ited h; weste type, weste p", wastc/ liquid /50H DIFICATION Ogent/ cat !ytt retics.
-waste cil c'ententrwaste-piec4 pal chedeo4-tentt4t4sents, cad mixing On?
-sunkg - t i m c;. -
3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSE
%t usect.
A Thh-spee4f4 cat 4en-45-ovev4ded-te sect 4he-de:c 'imitatien: cf-10 CFR (at have been i orporated into 10 ~R Part 20 by 46/FR 18525. The Part 190it)lon requires e preparation and bmittal specific ( .a Sp%ial Report when-ever th calculated do s due to releases radioactivity d to radiation om uraniu fuel cycle so rces that directly upport the produ tion of electric powe for public us exceed 25 mrems to he whole body or any organ, excep the hyroid, which hall be limited to ess than or equ to 75 mrems. Fr si es containing p to four reactors it is highly unl ely that the re 1 tant se to a MEMBE OF THE PUBLIC will, exceed the dose mits of 40 CFR P rt 190 if the individ al r:E tors remain p'ithin twice the se design objec ves of Appendix I, d if n ect radiatJ6n doses from the units including tside storage tan , etc.) are kept sMall. The Specia Report will desc ibe a course (q)
, of action hat should result jd the limitation 0F THE P LIC to within the the annual dos to a MEMBER For the pev$oses of the Special eport, it may be @f0 CCR Part 190 li its.
cad that the d e commitment to the MEMBER of the P LIC from other ura ium fuel cycle so cesisnegligibK,withthe exce ion that dose con ibutions from oth r nuclear fuel c le facilities at th same site or withi a radius of 8 km ust be considere . If the duse to a MEMBER OF THE PUB /IC is estimated t exceed the requi ements of 40 CFP.
art 190, the Speci ( Report with a request for a varia e (provided the release conditions resulting in viol . ion of 40 CFR Pa t 190 have not al ady been corrected), n accordance with he provisions of/40 CFR 190.11 and 0 CFR 20.405c, is con) dered to be a time y. request and f 40CFRPart19#untilNRCstaffptioniscompleteyffillstherequiresentsof
. The variance o y relates to the limit /of 40 CFR Part 19(), and does not ap ly in any way to e other requirement for dose limitatich of 10 CFR Part 0, as addressed i Specifi-cations-3 1.1.1 and An individual
- not considered MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in 'hich he/she is e gaged in carrying Aut any operat dn that is part of e nuclear fuel cle.
- v l
l L
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 B 3/4 11-6
( BASES 3/4.12.1 FONITORING PROGRAM pot u sed.
A he-Radielenical Enviten ental McnitoMoo %ccra recei ed by this specificat' n provides re esentative mea rements of radiat/on and of radio-active m erials in tho exposure pathw ys and for those d dionuclides that lead to he highest po ntial radiatio exposure of MEMB 5 0F THE PUBLIC resul ng from the pl nt operation. is monitoring pr , ram implements Sect /onIV.B.2ofA ndix I to 10 R Part 50 and th eby supplements t Ra fological Effl nt Monitoring P ogram by measurin concentrations of inactive mate als and levels f radiation that ay be compared wit hose expected n the basis of he effluent measu ments and the mod 'iiny of the environme al exposure pa ways. Guidance f r this monitoring rogram is provided by he Radiologica Assessment Branch echnical Po.ition n Environ-mental Mon' oring, Revisio 1. November 1979 The inftially spe ified monitor-ing progr.m will be effe ive for at least e first 3 years o commercial operati n. Following is period, progra changes may ta ini iated based on opera onal experienc .
The required tection capabilit'es for environment sample analyses re t ulated in term of the lower lim' s of detection (LL ). The LL0s re ired y Table 4.12-1 are considered optimum for routine env'ronmental measur ients in industrial aboratories. It ould be recognized hat the LLD is d i r,ed as an a prio i (before the f act limit representing he capability of a measure-
.U(] ment syste and not as an a p teriori (after the act) limit for a articular measureme t.
D tailed discussion,pf the LLD, and othe detection limit can be found in C rie, L.A., "Limity for Qualitative De tion and Quanti ive Determin ion-App ication to Radioc mistry," Anal. Chem 0, 5B6-93 (19 G and Hartwell J/ K. , " Detection Li ti for Radioanalytigal Counting Technj " Atlanti
,AichfieldHanfordCpmpanyReportARH-SA-215(June 1975)./ ques, 3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS Mot 4sec(.
A This seecificstied3mdded to ensun that chana ,,the = c' areas
at and beyo the SITE BOUNDARY /eidentifiedandfhatmodificatio to the Radiologi .1 Environmental Moni ring Program are ade if required y the results this census. The b st information ft , the door to-do r survey, /
frcn a ial survey o" from c selting with loc agricultural au horities shall e used. This census satisfies the req rements of Secti n IV.B.3 of App cix I to 10 CFR Part 0. Restricting t e census to gard s of greater th 500 ft2 provides as rance that signi cant exposure pa ways via leafy
" getables will be ide ilied and monitor d since a garden this size is t'e
,..inimum required to p duce the quantity (26 kg/ year)_of 1 afy vegetables t.ssumed in Regulator Guide 1.109 for nsumption by a ch' d. To determi this minimum garde size, the followl g assumptions were made: (1) 20% f garden was used f r growing broad 1 f vegetation (i.e. , similar to let 7 the uce and t,1b'o age), and ( a vegetation yie of 2 kg/m2 , g t
\0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 B 3/4 12-1
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N Figure 5.1-2 Effluent-Release Points V0GT1.E UNITS - 1 & 2 5-2a
- 1) Identification _of a samp>ing schedule for the critical variables and control points for t ese variables,
- 2) Identification of the procedures used to measure the values of the critical variables,
- 3) Identification of process sampling points,
- 4) Procedures for the recording and management of data,
- 5) Procedures defining corrective actioiis for all off-control point chemistry canditions, and
- . 6) A procndure identifying
- (a) the authority responsible for the interpretation of the data,.and (b) the sequence and timing of 1
administrative events required to initiate corrective action.
- d. Post-Accident Sampling A program which will ensure the capability to obtain and analyze reactor coolant, radioactive iodines and particulates in olant gaseous affluents, and containment atmosphere samples under accident i -
conditions. The program shall include the following:
k 1) Training of personnel, i
- 2) Procedures for samplin0 and analysis, and
- 3) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment. -
- e. A program which will ensure the capability to monitor plaat vartables and systems operating status during and following an accident. This program shall include those instruments provided to indicate system operating status and. furnish information regarding the release of radioactive materials (Category 2 and 3 instrumentation as defined in Regulatory Guide 1.97 Revision 2) and provide the following
1)- preventive maintenance and periodic surveillance of instrumentation.
- 2) pre planned operating procedures and back-up instrumentation to be used if one ce more monitoring instruments become inoperable.
- 3) administrative procedures ;or returning inoperable instruments to DbERABLE status as soon as practicable.
I. T 89 dnc,eet gv i
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 6-26
m . . _ _ . _ - _ ._ _ _
-l l
- f. Rad i o ac t i ve Jf fl ugni_1gott9hf testam !
A program shall be provided conforming with 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive effluents-and for maintaining the doses to fiEMSERS OF THE FilBLIC from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program (1) shall be contained in the ODCH. (2) shall be implemented by operating procadures, and (3) shall include renadial ar.tions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The program shall include the following elcuents:
^ 1) Liv tations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and tetpo mt determination in accordance with the methodology in the ODCM,
- 2) Limitations on the concentr.ations of radioactive material relerud in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS conforming to 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2,
- 3) Monitoring, samplinD, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous offluents in accordance with 30 CFR 20.106 and with the methodology and parameters in the 0DCM,
- 4) Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radicactive materials in liquid effluents released from each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS conforming to Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50, 5)- Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter -
and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology -
and parameters in the 00CM at least every 31 dap,
~6) 1. imitations on the opernbility and use of the-liquid ~and gaseous effluent-treatment systems to ensure that the appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce ,
releases of radioactivity when'the projected dosas in a day period would exceed 2 percent of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose connitment conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50,
- 7) Limitations on tne dose rate resulting from radioactive material- relea:ed in gaseous effluents to areas beyond the SITE BuuNDARY conforming to the doses associated with 10 CFR
- Pcrt 20, Appendix-B, Table II, Column 1, ;
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- 8) Limitations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from ncble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas beyond the SITE B0UNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 30,
'9) Limitations on the annual tnd quarterly doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from Iodine-131, lodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with i Alf-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas beyond tl.e SITE B0UNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and
- 10) Limitations on the annual dose or dese commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources co:/ rming to 40 CFR Part 190.
- g. Radioloaical Environmental Monitorino Proaram A program shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radionuclides in the environs of the plant. The program shall provide (1) representative measurements of radioactivity in the highest potential-exposure pathways, and (2) verification of the
, accuracy of the effluent monitoring program and modeling of l- ( invironmental exposure pathways. The program shall (1) be contained in the 00CM,-(2) conform to the guidance of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part E0, and (3) include the following:
- 1) Monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and paramators in the ODCM,
- 2) A Land Use Census to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE B0UNDARY are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this censuo and
- 3) Participation in a Interlaboratory Comparisen ~ Program to
._ ensure that' independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measursmants of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices are performed es.part of the quality .
assurarce program for environmental monitoring.
l h
Lo l
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ANNUAL REPORTS (Continued) surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance [ describe maintenance), waste processing, and refueling).
The dose assignments to various duty functions may be estimated based l 1
on pocket dosimeter, thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD), or film badge measurements. Se.all uposures totalling less than 20% of the individual )
total dose need not be accounted for. In the aggregate, at least 80%
of the total whole-body dose received fron. external sources should be assigned to spec!fic major work functions; b.
The results of specific activity analyses in-which the primary coolant I exceeded the limits of Specification 3.4.8. The following information shall be included: (1) Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior !
to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded (in graphic and i i
tabular format); (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radio-iodine performed prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while limit was exceeded ano results of one analysis after the radioiodine activity was reduced to less than limit. Each result should include date and time of sampling and the radiciodine concentrations; (3) Clean up flow bistory starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (4) Graph of the I-131 concentration (pCi/gm) and one other radioidine isotope com entration (pCi/gm) as a function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the steady-state level; and (5) The time duration when the specific activity of the primary coolant exceeded the radioiodine limit.
V c.
A report shall be prepared and submitted to the commission on an annual basis if sealed source or fission detector leakage tests reveal the presence of greater than or equal to 0.005 microcuries of removable contamination.
- 6. 8.
I rt5erf 3 I
.3A ccut mc Arnusi tdic'cgical Er. :cr :nt:1 % rvcillance Reports cover %
activitjet of the Radiolo ' cal Environmental onitoring Progr1 'during the prev'eGs calendar year iall be submitted i ial report shal ior to May 1 of ch year. The ]
e submitted prior o May 1 of the y r following initi riticality anc 11 include copies f reports of the Environmental nitoring Program the plant for at eoperational Radiplogical initial cri .cality. east two years pr,i#r to ggLg7gg e Annual Radiolog' 1 Environmental S veillance Report s su aries, interpreta 1 include ns, and an analys of trends of the r ults of the adiological enviro ental surveillanc activities for the r ert period, in-ciuding, as appr riate, a compariso with preoperational udies, with op a-tional contro , and with previct; environmental survei ance reports, assessment an any observed imp = of plant operatio on the environ, nt.
report The Spec all also include th results of the Land e Census requir by cation 3.12.2.
- A single submittal may be made for Units 1 and 2.
V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 6-18 4 l
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-() INSERT 3 The Annual Radiolenical Environmental Surveillance-Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted before May 1 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of th>; Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in (1) the ODCM
' and (2) Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.
- O l'
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l I
T Annual Radiological nvironmental Survel) ance Report shall clude the esults of analysis o allradiologicalengronmentalsamples of all p ironmental radiatio easurements taken ing the period pur ant to the locations specified ' the table and fig s in the Offsite 0 e Calculation Manual, as well . summarized and tabu ted results of the analyses and measurements i the format of the t e in the Radi ologi 1 Assessment Branch Technical P ition, Revision 1, . ember 1979. The r iological level of radionuc ' es which are natur y occurrit.; not in ded in the plant effl nts need be reported. In t event that some in vidual results are not vail-abl for inclusion with e report, the repo shall be submitted not' g and plaining the reason or the missing re s. The missing data s# 11 be rubmitted as soon practicable in a s ementary report.
_DE LETE D The repo shall also include e following: a summar description of the Radiol cal Environmental M itoring Progran; at le two legible maps coverin 1 sampling locatio keyed to a table givin istances and direc ons from oint midwry betwee- he two reactors; the ree ts of licensee par ci-pa n in the Interlaborp ory Compa. ison Program a the corrective act' n en'if the specifie rogram is not being perf med as required by Specification 3,12. , reasons for not conduct g'the Radiological vironmental Monitoring Progrp as required by specific 1 on 3.12.1, and disc sion of all deviation:, fr the sampling scnedule of able 3.12-1; discuss (n of environ-( mental samp measurements that exceed he reporting levels Table 3.12-2 Q] but art.- t the result of plant eff ents, pursuant to ACT N b. of Specifica-tion ' 2.1; and discussion of al~ analyses in which th LD required by Tab 4.12-1 was not achieved.
- II n se rt 4- m u nc a iannual hdicactis EMker.t Relen % crtc cceer'ng the operation of the u during the previous ~ months of oper' ton shall be submitted Within .0 days after January and July 1 of e . year. The per od of the first r art shall begin with e date of initi criticality.
The miannual Radioactive luent Release R orts shall incluk a summary of the uantities of radioactly liquid and gase s effluents and s lid waste reie ed from the unit as ouprined in Regulator Guide 1.21, "Hea ring, Evalu -
tyig,andReportingRaoioaoivityinSolidW es and Releases Radioactiv hterials in Liquid and seous Ef fluents f om Light-Water-Coo ed Nuclear P er H ants," Revision 1, ne 1974, with dat summarized on a qu terly basis ol-
- wing the format o Appendix B thereof For solid wastes the format f Table 3 in Append' B shall be supple.ented with three ad itional cate ries
cicss of solid stes (as dcfined b 10 CFR Part 61), t v: of cuntain (t g., LSA, T- e A, Type B, large uantity) s and SOLID ICATION agent or absor-bent (e.g. cement, urea formal ehyde). ggg TJ[ Semiannual Radioacpive Ef fluent Release eport to be s mitted within 60pysafterJanuary1Keachyearshallinc}deanannualt, . mary of hourly V
t V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 6-19
ItiERLA The Semiannual. Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation
-of the unit during the previous 6 months of. operation shall be submitted within 60 dayn after January I and .luly 1 of each year. The report shall include a sumniary of the quantities of radioactivo liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be (1) consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and PCP and (2) in cor.formance with 10 CFR 50.36a and Section IV.B.1 of Appendly I to 10 CFR Part 50.
- A single submittal may be made for Units 1 and i.. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to both units at the plant; however, the submittal shall specify the releases of gaseous and liquid radioactive material from each unit and of solid radioactive material from the site, O
V l
I i
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SEMIA.NNUAL jdIDI0 ACTIVE EFFLUE/ RELEASE REPORT (Cont ved) meteor ital data colle oven the previous ar. This annual summ y may be e erintheformo/anhour-by-hourlisti on magnetic tape of wi nd speed, direction, atmosofieric stability, and p cipitation (if measur ), or in e form of joint f quency distributions wind speed, wind dir ction, and atmospheric stabi ty." This same repor shall include an ass sment of the radiation doses due to the radioacti iquid and gaseous ef uents released from each uni during the previous endar year. This sa report shall also include an Jssessment of the radi lon doses from radioa ive liquid and gaseous effluent o MEMBERS OF THE PUB C due to their activi es inside the SITE BOUNDA (Figure 5.1-1) durin the report period. A essumptions used in m ing thes assessments, i.e., sp ific activity, exposu time,-and location, s I be 'ncluded in these repo s. Historical annual verage meteorological ndi-
'ons or the meteorolo ' cal conditior.s concurr t with the time of rel se of radioactive material in gaseous effluents, s determined by samplin frequency and measurement, s 1 be used for determ' ing the gaseous pathway oses. The assessment of ra ation doses shall be rformed in accordance w' h the methodology an parameters in the OFF E DOSE CALCULATION MAN L (0DCM).
The 5 nnual Radioactive E luent Release Report t 60 days e submitted within ter January 1 of each ear shall also include n assessment of radia 'on doses-to the likel ost exposed MEMBER OF PUBLIC from reactor rel ses and other uranium uel cycle sources withi km, including doses rom p mary effluent pathway and direct radiation, f the previous calendar ear O' o show conformance wi 40 CFR Part 190, "Envi nmental Radiation Prot tion Standards for Nuclea Power Operation." Acce able methods for calcu ting the dose contribut n from liquid and gaseo effluents are given i Regulatory l Guide 1.109, Rev 1, October 1977.
nnual Radioactive Efflu t Rc Reports shall include a list and descr' ion of unplanned relea s from ...e site to UNRES ICTED AREAS of radioac 've materials in gaseous ' nd liquid effluents made uring the reporting perio The Semiannual Radioap ive Effluent Release Rep ts shall-include any hanges made during the - porting period to the PR SS CONTROL PROGRAM P) and to the 0FFSITE DOS CALCULATION MANUAL (00CM) pursuant to Specific tions 6.12 and 6.13 espectively, as well as a major change to Liq d, Gaseous, or Solid adwaste Treatment Systems rsuant to Specificati n 6.14.
11t shall also i ude a listing of new loce ons for dose calculat ns and/or environmental .onitoring identified by th Land Use Census pursu. t to Speci-fication 3. . 2.
! /
- In l' u of submission with the Se tannual Radioactive Eff uent Release Report, th licensee has the option of taining this summary o required meteorolo- :?
ical data on site in a file at shall be provided t the NRC upon request.
I i
V0GTLE UNITS --1 & 2 6-20
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SEMIANN L RADI0 ACTIVE EFF ENT RELEASE RE (Continued) he Semiannual Rad'oactive Effluent lease Reports sht I also include the ollowing: an exp anation as to why the inoperability/uf liquid or gase ef uent monitoring strumentation war not corrected witfin the time speci ed i Specification 3. 3.9 or espectively; and Aescription of th
_ vents leading to iquid holdup tank or gas storage tp6ks exceeding the /
limits of Specifi ation or, respectj9ely. , DELG7ED MONTHLY OPERATING REPORTS
- 6. 8.1. 5 Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience, including documentation of all challenges to the PORVs or safety valves, shall be submitted on a monthly basis to the Director, Office of Resource Management, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, with a copy to the Regional Administrator of the Regional Office of the NRC, no later than the 15th of each month following the calendar month covered oy the report.
CORF OPERATING LIMITS REPORT - UNIT 1 g Core operatina limits shall be established and documented in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORf (COLR) before each reload cycle or any remaining part of a reload cycle for the following:
SHUTOOWN MARGIN LIMIT FOR MODES 1 and 2 for Specification 3/,
- b. SHUTOOWN MARGIN LIMITS FOR MODES 3, 4 and 5 for Specification 3/,
- c. Moderater temperature coefficient BOL and E0L limits and 300 ppm surveillance limit for Specification 3/,
[ d. Shutdcen Rod Insertion Limit for Specification 3/, j e. Control Rod Insertion Limits for Specification 3/,
- f. Axial Flux Difference Limits for Specification 3/4.2.1, l
- g. Heat flux Hot Channel Factor _ K(Z) and W(Z), for Specification 3/4.?.2, l
- h. Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor Limit and the Power Factor-Multiplier for Specification 3/4.2.3.
The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall be those previously approved by the NRC in:
O V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 6-21 Amendment No. 43 (Unit 1)
Amendment No. 23 (Unit 2)
- h. Records of inservice inspections performed pursuant to these Technical Specifications;
- i. Records of quality assurance activitics required by the Final Safety Analysis Report; t - j. Records of reviews performed for-changes made to procedures or equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59;
- k. Records of meetings of the PP.B and the SRB;
- 1. Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by Specification 3 7.8 including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records;
- m. Records of secondary water sampling and water quality; and
- u. Records of analyses required by the Radiological Environmental Monitoring frogram that would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date. This should include procedures effective at specified times and QA records showing that these prot:9dures were f ollowed.
U; O. [I nsect 6 6.10 RADI ATION PkTEC] TION PROGRAM 6.10.1 Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepareo consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained, and adhe,ed to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure.
6.11 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.11.1 Pursuant to paragraph 20.203(c)(5) of 10 CFR Part 20, in lieu of the
" control device" or " alarm signal" required by paragraph 20.203(c),each high radiation area, as defined in 10 CFR Part 20, in which the intensity of radia-tion is greater than 100 mrem /hr but less than 1000 mR/h at 45 cm (18 in.)
from the radiation source or from any surface which the radiation penetrates shali be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and trarance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP). Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures (e.g.,
Health Physics Technician) or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals
.nay be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during the performance of their assigned duties in high radiation areas with exposure rates greater than 100 mrem /hr but less than 1000 mR/h, provided they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry into such hign radiation araas.
Any individual or groJp of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be Art"ided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:
i V a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation cuse rate in the area; or VCGTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 6-23
_ . - _ - - _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . . . _ . - . . _ _ _ _ . _ .__._. ~ ~
- o. Records of reviews performed for changes made to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM.
- O a
Q ,/ 6.11 HIGH RADEATION' AREA (Continued)
- b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate levels in the area have been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them; or
- c. An indivioual qualified in radiation protection procedures witn a raciation dcse rate monitoring device, who is responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the Health Physics Superintendent in the RWP.
6.11.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification 6.11.1, areas accessible to personnel with radiation levels greater than 1000 mR/h at 45 cm (18 in.)
from the radiation source or from any surface which the radiation penetrates shall be provided with locked doors to prevent unauthorized entry, and the keys shalland/or duty be maintained under supervision.
health physics the administrative control of the shift Foreman on Doors shall r'. main locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved RWP which shall specify the dose rate levels in the immediate work areas and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area, in lieu of the stay time specification of the RWP, direct or remote (such as closed circuit TV cameras) continuous surveillance may be made by personnel qualified in radiation protection
.O procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities being b' performed within the area.
For individual high radiation areas accessible to personnel with radiation levels of greater than 1000 mR/h that are located within large areas, such as PWR containment., where no enclosure exists for purposes of locking, and where no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area, that individual area shall be barricaded, conspicuously posted, and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device.
6.12 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 6.12.1 The PCP shall be approved by the Commission prior to implementation.
6.12.2_ Licensee-initiated changes to the PCP:
l D) scot (el
- a. 4 2el; bc 3cLaitted tc the Ocasiasica in the C aicanuci "cdicact he Effluent Reisest Report for the pericd " *ich the change (s) "%
made. Thi: 3dmitt:1 :hM4-eente!"-
- 1) Cufficiently dctciled infer:cticr tc t+ ectly cuppert the-ratiencic for thc change without tcncHt cf additicac! cr-supp!crente! "fer 2tien; E ^ deter- %:t!cr that-the change did not reduce the c"e*21' confccmsnee of the solidificd wcat procuct tc cxi:Mog- criteric
v for clid wc;te;; and-V0GTLE UNITS - 1 & 2 6-24
Ill1 eel _6
- a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be 1 retained as required by Specification 6.9.30. This documentation shall contain:
- 1) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the t.hange(s) and
- 2) A determination that the change will maintain the overali conformance of the solidified waste product to existing requirements of Federal, State, or other applicable '
l O' >
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- 4) Occ= etdim 4f the fut the th: chag - = u:r r .it : =d fo ad aueptable L., the = .
amer review and get.eptoet h +he PR B end Me '
- b. Shall become ef fectivsfgen approval Whe General Manager-Nuclear Plant.- of 6.13 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MAf;UAL (0DCM) 6.13.1 The ODCM shall be approved by the Commission prior to implementation.
6.13.2 Licensee-initiated changes to the ODCM: ESCd 7 a.
S.'11 be submitte to the Commission i the Semiannual dioactive ffluent Releas Report for the per' d in which the c nge(s) was '
made effectiv . This submittal s 11 contain:
1). Suff iently detailed in rmation to totall support the ra onale-for the chan without benefit additional or i pplemental informa on. Information mitted should co .ist of-a package of th e pages of the-0D to be changed wi each page numbered, d ed and containing e revision number together with appropria analyses or evalu ions justifying t chan'ge(s); _
2). .A.determ ation tnat the~cha e will not reduce e accuracy or Ereliabi ity of-dose calcul ions or Setpoint d erminations; and 3): D umentation'of the -
et that the change as been_ reviewed nd ound acceptable by he PRB.
- b. tall become effectiv upor approval by t General Manager uclear Plant. -/
' 6.14.1.--Licensee-initi ed' major changes to he Radwaste Treat nt. Systems (liquid,-gaseous, an solid):
- a. Shsll reported to the Co ssion in the' Semi nual Radioactive
- E f fl .., Release Report for the-period in whic the evaluation was rev' ewer' by the _ PRB.; The discussion of each hange shall contai .
) A-summary of-the valuation that' led o th'e determinatio that
/ the change coul be made in accord ce with 10 CFR 50. .;
, 2) Sufficient d ailed information -totally support _t reason
.for the ch ge without benefit f additional =or su lemental
.-[ -informati .;
- Licensees may c.nco e to snbmit-the info mation called for this Specification is-part-of the a ual FSAR update. :
- V0GT A UN!iS 1&2 E-25
(T V
- a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.9.30. This documentation shall'contain:
-1) -Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the r change (s) and '
7 f determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.-
- b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the PRB and tFe approval of the General Manager-Nuclear Plant.
C. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Semiannual Radiosctive Effluent Release Report for the oeriod of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made. "
Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month /ye~ar) the change was implemented.
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- 3) detaileddes[iptionofthee poent, componen , and processes involved and Ehe interfaces wi other plant sys ms; i
An evalua on of the chang , which shows the redicted releas of radi ctive materials n liquici and gas us effluents an or quant y of solid wast that. differ from ose previously pre cted in the Lic se application a amendments ther o; t 5) evaluation of e change, which ows the expecte maximum exposures to a MBER OF THE PUBL in the UNRESTRI ED AREA !
ar.d to the g eral population t t differ from thpse previously l estimated i the License appl ation and amendm'dts thereto; i
- 6) A compa son of the predi ed releases of ra oactive materi s, in li id and gaseous ef uents and in sol waste, to the act I releases for th period prior to en the change i to b made;
- 7) An estimate.of t exposure to plan operating perso nel as a result of the ange; and
.., ^) Documentati of the fact tha he change was r viewed and )
'( T found acc table by the PRB.
- b. Shall beco effectiveuponappr/oval t,y the General Manager-Nucle Plant. '
, / /
o V0GTLE UNI 1&2 6-26