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Forwards Matls Which Support Upgrading of Triga Reactor Console at Univ of Utah
Person / Time
Site: University of Utah
Issue date: 04/10/1991
From: Sandquist G
To: Alexander Adams
NUDOCS 9104250117
Download: ML20073C144 (45)


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" UTAH 10 April 1991 U.S. Nuclear Regula.ary Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Documentation Control Desk and Alexander Adams, Jr. Project Manager Standarization and Non Power Reactors Project Directorate Ofnce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Upgrade of TRIGA Reactor Console at University of Utah (R 126)


10CFR50.59, NRC License R-126, Docket No. 50-407 Gentlemen:

The University intends to upgrade its existing TRIGA Reactor Console (NRC License R-126) employing the TRIGA Console that was fonnerly at the University of California, Berkeley and new equipment and supplies made available with a DOE Equipment Grant for taodernizing and upgrading the control system.11dtnagrade of the Control Console System will be made in accordance with 10CFR50.59 and will entqil no changes in the existing Technical Specific 1tliwn for the facility nor instigate any ur. reviewed safety questions i

The TRIGA Reactor operational staff at the University of Utah has planned and documented the proposed upgrade of the console and prepared a written safety evaluation which has been reviewed by the Reactor Safety Committee and been detennined to require no Technical Specification changes nor involve any unreviewed safety questions.

The licensee will submit a description of the Console Upgrade Activities including tests, experiments, evaluations and audits in its annual repon to the NRC.

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QUALITY ASSURANCE CllECKLIST FOR INSTALLATION OF Tile M ARK Ill CONSOLE I. Safety Systems General Instructions Place completion date in the " operable" column when the function satisfies scram requirements at the specified point. (See definition of " operable" in TS 1.4.)

Control Rod Dron Time Verificalica Control rod drop times are measured by attaching relay inputs to the rod up/down microswitch signals. The relay output is directed to the Series /l computer to measure relay timing.

Cotarol Rod Setpoint Measured Time Operable A. Safety < 2.0 seconds seconds B. Shim < 2.0 seconds seconds C. Regulator < 2.0 seconds seconds Scram Channel Verification Scram channels are verified by initiating the scram with an artificial signal and observing scram enunciation, magnet current termination, and rod drop.

Scram Channel Setpoint Operable A Linear Power Channel Scram Full Scale B. Percent Power Channel Scram 100 %

C. Fuel Temperature Scram 200*C D. Water Level Scram < 1 Foot E. ManualScram initiated F. Magnet Key Scram power off G. Console Power Supply Scram power off H. Startup Count Rate Interlock < 2 cps

1. Control Rod Withdrawal Interlocks one at a time J. Linear Switch Limit 300Kw/lMw l

< }.

II. Control Systems -

General Instructions Place completion date in the appropriate column when the channel satisfies functional requirements specified in TS 1.4.

Control Rod Drive Verification Control rod drives are verined by visually observing drive movement and indicator light operation.

Control Drive Drive Magnet Magnet Rod Drive Rod Up Down Up Down Down Operable A. Safety B. Shim C, Regulator Measuring Channel Veri 6 cation Measuring channels are verified by observing meter indication after input of the appropriate signal. If a channel satisGes a higher level of performance, then all lower performance levels are considered satisGed.

Measuring Channel Check Test Calibration Operable A. Linear Power B. Percent Power _

C. Log n Power D. Stanup E. FuelTemperature F. Area Radiation G. Continuous Air Monitor H. Water Level Indicator Page 2 l

t,. q III, Monitoring Systems Genernl instructions Place completion date in the appropriate column when the channel satisfies functional requirements specified in TS 1.4.

Auxiliarv System Verification Auxiliary systems are verified by observing drive movement and indicator light operation.

System Function Operable A. Ventilation System Dampers close on radiation scram Vents reactor mom >1800 cfm B. Recirculation System Recirculates tank water C. Refrigeration System Cools tank water D. pH Measurement Tank water pH E. Conductivity Measurement Tank water conductivity .__

F. Area Radiation Monitors Exposure calibrated Dampers activate G. Continuous Air Monitor Particulate /Ar-41 calibrated H. Reactor Room Negative Pn:ssure Measures pressure (inches water)

IV. Completion

'Ihis form can only be completed by a staff member not involved with reactor operations or console installation and must be appointed by the RSC to perform this examination. Each function must be witnessed by the appointed individual and the results must satisfy the examiner. The examiner's signature indicates that the checklist has been fully completed and that he is satisfied that the console will safely operate the TRIGA reactor.

Examiner's Signature Date Page 3

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Safety Review of 3 Upgrade for the Existing Mark I Console i

This checklist the results of a review conducted by RSC safety subcommittee which examined the monitoring, control, and safety systems to assure that functional requirements of the j

upgraded console (Mark ill) are met before operating staff begins the reactor upgrade process.

I. Monitoring - Systems -

General Instructions Place completion date in the appropriate column when the channel sntisfies functional-requirements specified.

l Auxiliary System Verification . y Auxiliary systems are verified to function properly before installation of the up grade.

System Function ' Operable  ;

(Dated and initinled)

A.= Ventilation System Dampers close on radiation alarm Vents reactor room =1800 cfm < <

B. Recirculation System Recirculates tank water C. Refrigeration System Cools tank water

D. pH Measurement Tank water pH e

E. Conductivity Measurement Tank waterconductivity j c F. - Area Radiation Monitors * ' Exposure calibrated  ;

G. Continuous AirMonitor* Particulate /Ar-41 calibmted

- H. Reactor Room Pressure Negative pressure ,;


  • . Expecting hardware upgrade to existing system i


II. Control Systems General Instructions Place completion date in the appropriate column when the channel satisfies functional requirements specified in TS 1.4 for the upgraded console (Mark Ill).

hkstsuring Channel Verincation Measuring channels are verified by observing meter indication after input of the appropriate signal. If a channel satisfies a higher level of performance, then all lower performance levels are considered satisfied.

Measuring Channel Check or Test Operable (Dated andinitialed)

A. Linear Power B. Percent Power C. Log n Power D. Startup Channel E. FuelTemperature F. Area Radiation Monitors

  • G. Continuous Air Monitor
  • H. Water LevelIndicator
  • Expecting hardware upgrade to existing system III. Safety Systems General instructions Place completion date in the " operable" column when the function satisfies scram requirements at the specified point. (See definition of " operable" in TS 1.4.)

l Scram Channel Verification Scram channels are verified by initiating the scram with an artificial signal and observing scram enunciation and magnet current temlination.

Scram Channel Serpoint Operable (Dated and Initialed)

A. Linear Power Channel Scram Full Scale See Note B. Percent Power Channel Scram Varibic%

C. Fuel Temperature Scram 200*C D. Water Level Scram < 1 Foot E. Manual Scram initiated F. Magnet Key Scram power off G. lon Chamber Power Supply Scram power off (HN. Scrarn Test)

H. Startup Count Rate Interlock < 2 cps I. Control Rod WithdrawalInterlocks one at a tinie J. Linear Switch Limitt 300Kw/lMw Note: Not verified undt recorder from Mark I console is installed in Mark Ill

t. Limit switch will be set to assure scram at (or before) 120 percent of full licensed power IV. Completion This form has been completed by the RSC subcommittee assigned to review the console upgrade. The members's signatures indicate that the checklist has been fully completed and that they are satisfied that the console functions as intended.

James Byrne Date Byron Hardy Date David Slaughter Date i

SAFETY EVALUATION OF UNEL TRIGA REACTOR CONTROL BY MARK 111 CONSOLE Scoce of Authorization This authorization addresses the installation of the Mark 111 console.which will replace the Mark I console for operation of the TRIGA reactor. Rack and pinion drives for the safety and shim rods will accompany the installation of the Mark III con > ole.

The Mark 111 is a newer console than the Mark I and is more reliable. Replacement parts for the Mark 111 are more easily acquired and has a more organized and documented meter and wiring layout. The console remains compliant with all general operating speciGcations and procedures.

This evaluation is performed in accordance with Technical Specification 6.5.4(5) and 10CFR50.59(a).

Descrintion The Mark Ill console has all of the required equipment and capabilities to safely control the reactor and to monitor safety systems. A diagram of the basic console layout is shown in Figure 1. The instrumentation is identified in the associated Table 1. Figures 2-4 show details of the console panels as installed from left to right. Generally, the left panel provides startup information, the right panel provides steady state power operation mformation, and the center panel provides safety system and control information as well as power level recording. Figure 5 shows the back panel layout with a few components identified in Table 2. A functional block diagram for the console is shown in Figure 6.

Additional capabilities will be provided to the operator from nearby instrumentation to monitor and control the facility's auxiliary systems. A detailed description of the console can be found in the TRIGA Mark III Reactor Instrumentation Maintenance Manual.

Reactor Control System The console is designed to accomodate for operation of up to five control rods, the regulator, shim, safety, spare, and transient. The TRIGA reactor has three of the drives, the shim, safety, and regulator. The two winch drives currently on tre shim and safety will be replaced by rack and pinion drives shown in Figure 7. The regulator rod has already been converted to rack and pinion drive and operated as an approved experiment. Control of the regulator will be transferred from the computer to the Mark Ill console. Since a transient rod assembly is not available and license conditions do not permit transient operation, transient rod centrol will not be available to the operator.

Each control rod can be individually manipulated. Illumination of colored switches signify magnet up or down, magnet / rod contact, and magmet current on. The console momtors Gves modes of operation; automatic, steady state, square wave, low and high

pulse. When in automatic mode, the console will control the regulator rod to maintain a preset power level. The square wave and both pulsing modes will not be used because the TRIGA Reactor is not equipped with a transient rod.

The console monitors four power level channels; the linear power, log n power, percent power, and count rate (startup channel). The linear and log n channels receive their inputs via compensated ion chambers and have indicators from source strength to 1.0 Mwatt. The percent power channel operates from a uncompensated ion chamber and is adjusted to the correct licensed power during meter calibration. The startup channel receives input from a fission counter through a low noise preamplifier and cable driver. The startup channel provides a direct meter indication of neutron flux and a bistable output to prevent withdrawal of control rods when the count rate is below a preset value (source interlock).

Reactor Safety System The Mark Ill console has six scram channels; percent power, linear power, period, high voltage, manual, and an external signal. The linear channel scram setpoint is adjustable to 100% power. The range switch for the linear channel is mechancially limited to 100 kWatts. The period signal will initiate a reactor scram for a preset period in the steady state mode and provides a signal for power regulation in the automatic mode. A meter relay connected to a fuel thermocouple will initiate a scram in the console at a preset temperature. The water level microswitch will be connected to an external scram input to provide a water level scram. An Eberline Area Radiation monitor will provide another signal to the external scram input for an another scram channel. Loss of the ion chamber high voltage will also scram the reactor. The reactor may also be scrammed through a manual scram and through a magnet key scram.

Monitoring System Additional information is available to the operator. Parameter status and control switches for the reactor room ventilation system, tank water recirculation and refripration systems, continuous air monitor, and area radiation monitor will be provided at the console either through computer display, analog meters, or custom panels.

Safety Discussion Reactivity Considerations Limitations as described in T S 3.2 regarding control and reactivity shall continue to be applied to control by the Mark Ill console. The following analysis shown below demonstrates that the control mechanism will not present a safety hazard not previously analyzed. A sine squared model of the integral worth of the safety rod was assumed, s

p = A s. 2 xxm g.

where x is the control rod position, H is the total control rod movement sweep , and A l


is the total rod worth. The maximum differential worth is found by differentiating the integral worth curve and evaluating at x=H/2 where the curve is at a maximum. The following equation is produced.

s nA (dpTdx / max "If sin { cos p .

The maximum total worth of a control rod will be approximately $2.50. The control rod drive speed has been measured at 76 seconds for complete rod withdrawal. If the control rod drive speed in units per second is multiplied by the maximum differential reactivity per unit, then the maximum reactivity insertion rate can be calculated.

s s dp dp dx 5.00393 1000 units $0.05167 dt " dx I

  • unit 76 seconds " second The maximum rate of reactivity insertion is determined to be 5.052 per second. This is substantially less than t'ne maximum of 5.30 per second specified in TS 3.2(2).

Limitations as described in TS 3.3.3 regarding the startup count rate interlock shall continue to be applied to control by the Mark 111 console, The Mark 111 interlock is capable of preventing control rod withdrawal when the neutron count rate is less than 2 counts per second.

Fuel Cladding Considerations Control of the reactor by the Mark Ill console does not increase the probability of fuel cladding failure because the Mark 111 console does not create additional mechanical, electrical, or neutronic failure mechanisms for the cladding which are not discussed in SAR 8.7.

A temperature scram will be operational on the Mark lit console. This is done to remain in compliance with T.S. 2.2. Values set will have the same margin of safety and maximum temperature values, these are 800 degrees Celsius for stainless steal clad elements and 460 degrees Celsius for aluminum clad elements.

Personnel Exposure and Material Releases -

Control of the reactor by the Mark III console does not increase the probability of personnel exposure hazards as discussed in SAR 8.3 nor does it increase the probability of radioactive material release because it does not introduce any new mechanisms or pathways for release as evaluated in SAR 8.4.

Pool Water Leakage Control of the reactor by the Mark Ill console does not increase the probability of pool water leakage because there are no additional mechanisms or pathways for water leakage which are not discussed in SAR 8.6.

Conditions.1. imitations. and Restrictions The Mark I and Mark 111 consoles are both designed and built by General Atomic (San Diego). The Mark 111 is newer and is electronically and mechanically superior to the Mark-

1. No new limitations or procedures need to be integrated into the control of the TRIGA reactor for the Mark 111 console. Future modifications should not be limited by this analysis and they should be considered on an individual basis.

Conclusion The Mark 111 console has been subjected to a quality assumnce analysis as documented by General Atomic. It has been approved and licensed for TRIGA reactor control at The Univeristy of California (Berkeley). This model of console has been evaluated in several Safety Analysis Repons approved by the NRC and has been approved for operation in several foreign countries. The integrity of the system has been long established.

Installation of the Mark Ill console will not increase the probability or consequences of any accident previously analyzed in the Safety Analysis Repon. It will not introduce any accident or malfunction not previously evaluated, and it will not reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any Technical Specification. The Mark lit console will be subjected to a quality assurance review before full operation. He new console will meet all the requirements of the original system and has equal or better perfonnance and reliability.

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Figure 1. Console Front View.

1 Power Botton 7 Linear Range Switch 13 Scram Enunciators 2 Key Switch 8 Power Recorder 14 Startup Channel 3 Rod Drive Switchs 9 Auto Control Set 15 Log Channel 4 Transient Rod Fire 10 ScramButton 16 PercentChannel 5 Rod Position Indicator 11 Log Recorder 17 LinearChannel 6 Mode Slection Switch 12 FuelTemperature 18 Tine

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Figure 3. Console Center Panel.

1 Console Key Switch 4 Microswitch Indicators 7 Linear Range Switch 2 Power Switch 5 Drive Up Switches 8 Mode Switch 3 Transient Rod Fire 6 Drive Down Switches 9 Scram Button h ,

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Figure 4 Console Right Panel.

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4 Figure 5. Console Back Panel.

1 Breaker Switch 4 Scram Relay Array 6 Time Delay Relay 2 Magnet Power Supplies 5 Magnet Current Adjust 7 Rod Drive Connectors 3 Line Power Connector f ~~~  ;. .J '@-

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Figure 6. Functional Block Diagram.

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y Figure 7. Rack and Pinion Drives.

REGULATORY ANALYSIS REPORT FOR INSTALLATION OF Tile TRIG A blARK III CONSOLE prepared by Kevan C. Crawford for the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory hicchanical Engineering Department College or Engineering University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah December 17,1990

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page

1. Introduction 3 II. TechnicalSpecifications 4 Definitions 4 Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings 4 Limiting Conditions of Operation 4 Surveillance Requirements 7 Design Features 10 Administrative Control 11 III. Conditions for Licensing (10 CFR 50.59) 13


IV. Operating Procedures 14 Reactor Operations 14 Reactor Calibration, Surveillance, and Maintenance 17 V. Conclusions and Recommendations 18


1. Introduction The University of California (Berkeley) recently decommissioned a TRIGA nuclear reactor. The console from that system was given to the University of Utah for use with the Utah TRIGA reactor. Along with the console came compatible rod drivers. This console is the last version of the analog reactor control consoles produced by General Atomic and is known as the Mark 111 console, it is the intention of the staff and management of the University of Utah Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (UNEL) to install this console and compatible rod drivers on the existing TRIGA reactor.

The UNEL reactor is a modified TRIGA Mark 1. Most of the components were obtained from the University of Arizona after they upgraded their reactor control capabilities. He console was decornmissioned from Arizona in 1971 and recommissioned at Utah in 1975. The Mark I console was designed and built in 1958 as General Atomic's first commercial console. The Mark I uses winch type rod drives with submersible electromagnets. This system has received considerable use and wear over the 32 years of operation in two facilities.

The age of the Mark I console presents problems for operation and maintenance of the UNEL reactor. With many of the Mark I console components reaching the uppcr limit of their designed lifetime, the reliability of the system has been in doubt. Once a coinponent has failed, the replacement of such a component becomes a major task. Therefore, much effort has been put forth to obtain and adapt the Mark 111 console. The Mark 11! console will simplify training, operation and maintenance.

This report is an analysis of the impact regulations goveming the UNEL reactor have on instalianon of the Mark III console. The following chapters evaluate the UNEL TRIG A Technical Specifications, the Operations Manual, and 10CFR50.59. His repon will provide information to the Reactor Safety Committee to assist in completing the resix and approval process for installation of the Mark Ill console.

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II, TechnicalSpecifications The Technical Specifications and Bases for the University of Utah TRIGA Reactor (Docket No. 50 407, Facility Licence No. R 126, March 1985) give the limitations and operating requirements for the UNEL TRIGA reactor. This section will address each section of the technical specifications as it pertains to the installation of the Mark 111 console. Potential problems with installation or o;;eration of the Mark 111 console will be denoted through the use ofitalics.

Chapter 1. Definitions The first chapter provides definitions for the reactor. The definitions will not change because of the installation of the Mask 111 console, nor will the definitions affect the wny the console is installed or operated.

Chapter 2. Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings Safety Limit - Fuel Element Temnerature This section establishes limits for the maximum fuel temperatures allowed without concem for fuel integrity. Since this specification is under administative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how 4- the console is installed.

Limitine Safety System Settines The section establishes setpoints for scram activation by the fuel temperature measuring channel for instrumented elements in various core locations and various cladding compositions. For the Mark 111 console, the levels are manually set on the fuel temperature meter relay. Since the meter relay is capable of activating the safety systems at all

7. temperatures between 0 and 1000 *C, this specifiention presents no problem to installation or operation.

L Chapter 3. Limiting Conditions of Operation Normal Ooeratian This section establishes the maximum power generated in the reactor during normal operation at 100 kW. The Mark 111 console shall be calibrated to match metered power with core thermal power. The operator will reference these channels to to ensure that the core power is not deliberately raised above 100 kW.

Renetivirv Limitations This specification applies with the reactivity condition of the reactor and the reactivity wonh of the control elements and experiments, the purpose of which is to ensure that

5 teactor can be shut down and that the fuel temperature safety limit will not be exceeded.

The following conditions must be met:

(a) The shutdown margin is greater than 50.50.

Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is instt.lled.

(b) The rate of reactivity insertion by control rod motion shall not exceed $0.30 per second.

An analysis of this specification is performed in the Safety Evaluation of the Afodification Atuhorization (bfA 2)for tne console. The maximum teactivity insertion rate is determined to be $.052 per second. This is significantly less than the specified maximum of S.30 per second.

(c) Any experiment with a reactivity wonh greater than $1.00 is securely fastened.

Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark III console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

(d) The excess reactivity is less than $2.80.

Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark III console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

(e) The reactivity worth of an individual experiment is not more than 52.80.

Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Control and Safety System Scram Time The scram time from the instant that the slowest scrammable control rod reaches its fully insened position shall not exceed 2 seconds. Tbn Mark lit console and control drives are not likely to be in violation of this specificatioc as they are standard General Atomic design, which have been in use for many years at many facilities, and are not capable of exceeding this requirement. In addition, experience with the regulator rod at UNEL has demonstrated that this design is satisfactory in meeting this specification.

Reactor Control System The specification states that the reactor shall not be operated unless the measuring channels listed in the following table are operable.


6 hiensurine Channel Minimum Number Onerable Fuel Temperature i Reactor Power 2 Startup Count Rate 1 Tank Water Level 1 Area Radiation Monitor 1 Continuous Air Radiation Monitor I ne Mark III console has one fuel temperature scram channel and one fuel temperature backup channel. This console also has one startup count rate channel and three power channels including nercent power, linear power, and log n channel. The first three requirements are met hy the console without modification.

The Mark Ill console does not have specific channelsfor water level, area radiation, and continuous air monitor. However, these systems may be retainedfrom the present control systera. The indicators for the four Eber:ine Area Radiation Monitors and the Continuous Air Monitor will be visiblefrom the reactor control console. The tank water levelis monitored with a microswitch activated by a float. While the Mark Ill does not have a channel specificallyfor water level, this signal may he routed through the external scram channel.

Reactor Safety System The reactor shall not be operated unless the safety channels described in the following table are operable, Sarety System or Minimum Number Scram Measuring Channel Ooerable Setnoint FuelTemperature 1 At or below Limiting Safety -

System Setting Reactor Power 2 At 120% of full power Manual Scram 1 Manual activation Key Switch 1 Manual activation Console Power Supply 1 Loss of power Tank Water Level 1 1 foot low Startup Count Rate 1 <2 cps Rod Withdrawal I prevent simultaneous withdrawal The Mark lli console has specificfimctionsfor all of the specifications above exceptfor the water level scram capabil.*.y. The problem is solved by routing the water level l

7 microswitc h signal through the etter nal scram connector. When activated. the console will provide a scram with the indication of external scram.

Arron-41 Discharce Limit The concentration of argon 41 releasted to the environment shall not exceed 4 x 10 8 pCi/ml averaged over one year, Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Engygered Safety Feature Ventilation Svrtem With an exception, the reactor shall not be operated unless the facility ventilation system is operable. The ventilation system is an auxiliary system. The panel controlling the system will be movedfrom the Mark I console to the Mark Ill console.

Limitations on Exneriments This specification applies to experiments installed in the reactor and the experimental facilities. Since this specincation is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

A3 Low As Reasonahle Achievable (ALARA) Radioactive Efnuent Releases This specification applies to the measurements required to ensure that the radioactive effluents released from the facility are in accordance with ALARA criteria. Since this specincation is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark Ill console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

L% nary Coolant Conditions This specincation applies to the quality of the primary coolant in contact with the fuel cladding. The conductivity of the pool water shall be no higher than 5 x 10'O mhos/cm and the pH of the pool water shall be between 5.0 and 8.0. nese parameters are read by the computer and displayed on the CRT in the control room. Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specincation affect how the console is installed.

Chapter 4. Surveillance Requirements General This specification requires that all additions or modifications be made and tested in accordance with the specifications to which the , systems were originally designed and fabricated. This specification is fulfilled throm:h this report and the Modification Authori:ation including the Safety Evahtation and the QA test.

Safety Limit - Fuel Element Temnemture This specification applies to the surveillance requirements of the fuel element

S temperature measuring channel.

(a) Whenever a reactor scram caused by high fuel element temperature occurs, the peak indicated fuel temperature shall be examined to determine whether the fuel element temperature safety hmit was exceeded.

Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

(b) The fuel element temperature measuring channel shall be calibrated semi annually or at an interni not to exceed 8 months by the substitution of a known signal in place of the instrumented fuel element thennocouple.

Fuel temperature channel tests can be performed on the Mark lit console. Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark III console, nor will the specification atfeet how the console is installed.

(c) A channel check of the fuel element measurement channel shall be made each time the reactor is operated by comparing the indicated instrumented fuel element temperature with previous values for the core configuration and power level.

This rpecification is accomplished on the Preliminary Checklist. Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Limiti01.CL2ditions for Onemtion Reactivity Requirements This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for reactivity control.

(1) The reactivity worth of each control rod and the shutdown margin shall be determined annually but at intervals not to exceed 15 months.

The Mark 111 provides for independent scram of each control to determine rod worth.

Since this specification is under administrative control, i' will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

(2) The controls rods shall be visually inspected for deterioration at intervals not to exceed 2 years.

Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark Ill console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Control and Safety System This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for measurements, tests, and calibrations of the control and safety systems.

I 9 (1) The scram time shall be measured annually but at intervals not to execed 15 months.

Scram times can be measured using the same procedure as for the Mark I console.

Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

(2) A channel check of each of the reactor's safety system channels shall be performed before each day's operation or before each operation extending more that I day, except for the poollevel channel which shall be tested monthly.

Assuming installation of the water level safety channel as described previously, the console provides the ability to test each safety channel inclependently. Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark !!! console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Radiation Monitoring System The Area Radiation Monitoring System und the Continuous Air Monitoring System shall be calibrated biennially and shall be verified to be operable at monthly intervals. Since this saccification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the .Y ark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Ventilation System The reactor shall not be operated unless the reaetor room ventilation system is in operation. This specification is not violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed. Since this specification is under administrative control it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Experiment and Irradiation Limits This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for experiments installed in the reactor and its expenmental facilities and for irradiations performed in the irradiation facilities. Since this specification is under administrative control, lt will not be violated by the installation of the Mark lit console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Reactor Fuel Elements This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the fuel elements. Since this saecification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the hLark lli console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Primary Coolant Conditions This specification upplies to the surveillance of the primary water quality. Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark !!! console, nor will the specification aff:ct iiow the console is installed.

10 Chapter 5. Design Features Benetor Fyd This specification applies to the design of fuel elements used in the reactor core. Since this s >ecification is under administrative control. it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specinn. tion affect how the console is installed.

Reactor Core This specification applies to the configuration of the fuel and in core experiments.

Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark !!! console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Control Elemenn This specification applies to the design and operation control elements used in the reactor core. The specification allows for the regulator md to be nonscrammable. Since the regulator rod is scrammable, the Mark 111 is more conservative than the specification allows. Since this specincation is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark lit console, nor will the speciGcation affect how the console is installed.

Radiation Monitoring System This specification describes the functions and essential components of the area radiation monitoring equipment and the systems for continuously monitonng airbome radioactivity.

(1) Function of Area Radiation Monitor (gamma sensitive instruments): Monitor radiation fields in key locations, alarm and readout at control console.

(2) Function of Continuous Air Radiation Monitor (beta , gamma sensitive detector with particulate collection capability): Monitor concentration of radioactive particulate activity in the pool room, alarm and readout at control console.

(3) Function of Argon 41 Stack Monitor (gamma sensitive detector): Monitors the concentration of radioactive gases including argon 41 in the building exhaust, alarm and readout at console.

These systems are auxiliary systems. Since this specification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the speci6 cation affect how the console is installed.

Fuel Storage This specification applies to the storage of reactor fuel at times when it is not in the reactor core. Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

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I1 Reactor f3ulldine and Ventilation System This specification applies to the building that houses the reactor. Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark III console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

Reactor pool Water Systems This specification applies to the pool containing the reactor und to the cooling of the core by the pool water.

(1) The reactor core shalllte coo'ed by natural convection water flow.

Since this specification is under administrative control,it will not be violated by the installation of tbe Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

(2) All piping extending more than 5 ft below the surface of the pool shall have adequate provisions to prevent inadvertent siphoning of the pool.

Since this specification is under administrative con ~' vill not be violated by the installation of tbe Mark 111 console, nor will the speci . ua affect how the console is installed.

(3) A pool level alarm shall be provide to indicate a loss of coolant if the pool level drops more than 2 ft below the normallevel.

De Mark III pmvides for this capability as described previously.

(4) The reactor shall not be operated with less than 18 ft of water above the top of the Core.

With the water level scram installed as described previously, this specification will not be violated.

Chapter 6. Administrative Control This section describes the administrative control functions including responsibility, organization, facility staff qualifications, training, the reactor safety committee, quality assurance, actions to be taken in the event a safety limit is exceeded, operating procedures, facility operating records, and reponing requirements, he only sections applicable to the Mark 111 console are the sections on QA and Reporting.-

j. Ouality Assuraner l This specification deals with the review of replacement, modifications. and changes to ,

systems having a scfety related functions. This specification applies to the Mark lit console, since the change in consoles can be deemed a replacement / modification of safety related functions. The change in consoles will be subjeced to a QA review. The changes are required to be documented. and to have equal or better performance or reliability as compared to the original system. This specification is satisfied with completion of the Afodification Authoritation (h!A 2).


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Renortine Reauirements This specification requires that a brief description. including a summary of the safety evaluations of changes in the facility pursuant to 10CFR$0.59. Since this srecification is under administrative control, it will not be violated by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the specification affect how the console is installed.

I 13 III. Conditions for Licensing (10CFR50.59)

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) applies to all federally regulated facilities.

Because of the nuclear fuel, which is loaned to UNEL under contract from DOE (the fuel owner), the UNEL is a federally controlled facility. Title 10 of CFR provides regulations (c.r energy related facilities. Part 50 outitnes license conditions for nuclear facilities. Section 59 provides conditions for changes, tests and experiments that are to be made regarding a licensed nuclear reactor.

Specifically,10CFR50.59(a)(1) states: "The holder of a license authorizing operation of a production or utilization facility may (i) make changes in the facility as desenbed in the safety analysis report . . . without prior commission appmvnl, unless the proposed change, test or experiment involves a change in the technical specificationa incorporated in the license or an unreviewed safety question." Further,10CFR50.59(c) states: "The holder of a license authorizing operation of a production or utilization facility who desires . . to make a change in the facility . . . which involve (s) an unreviewed safety question . . . shall submit an ap siication for amendment of his license persuant to 6 50.90."

insta lation of the Mark 111 console does constitute a change in the facility, llowever, this change will not require a change in the Technical Specifications for the UNEL TRIGA reactor. The Modification Authorization (MA 2) which is to be reviewed and approved by the Reactor Safety Committee, includes the safety evaluation required by 10CFR50.59(a)(1) and (c) for installation of the Mark 111 console. The safety evaluation should conclude that there are no unreviewed safet to the R 126 license need be submitted. itHowever, y questions.

will be necessary to modify'Iherefore, the Mark no amendmen 111 console such that it will meet the Technical Specifications as noted in the Recommendations section of this report.

11 IV, Operating Procedures This section El ves the details of the operating procedures for the UNEL reactor, and examines how the planned operating procedures will be affected by the inst _allation of the Mark III console. As in the previous section, any potential problems will be denoted through the use ofItalies.

The Procedures are divided into 10 chapters. The subject matter of each chapter is

, reasonably described by the chapter title. The chapters are defined as follows:

Chapter 1 Organization and Responsibilities Chapter 2 Reactor Operations Chapter 3 Reactor Calibration. Surveillance, and Maintenance Chapter 4 Experiment Procedures ,

Chapter 5 Support Systems Chapter 6 Maintenance and Surveillance of Support Systems Chapter 7 Health Physics Procedures Chapter 8 Emergency Plan and Procedures Chapter 9 Physical Security Plan and Procures Chapter 10 Requalification Training A detailed examination of the Procedures will demonstrate that the only chapters which could possibly be affected are Chap;ers 2 and 3. Therefore, a brief outline of these chapters ,

follows. As for the other chapters, there no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark III console, nor will the procedures change how the console is installed.

Chapter 2. Reactor Operations Facility Access This sectien oescribes and defines the persons responsible for controlling access to the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, as well as who has access to which sections of the facility. There will x no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how t be console is installed.

Onerations Record This section describes and defines the records and logs that must be kept concerning the operations processes of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of tic Mark lil console, nor will the procedure change _

how the console is installed.

Reactor Startun l General This section describes the general requirements for start up of the reactor. This section also states that the reactor "shall be checked out according to the Prestart Checklist, For e -

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. 1 15 l NEL 001, ptior to the initial startup each day." There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the hiark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how 4 the console is installed.

Prestart Checklist This section states that the Prestart Checklist, Form NEL 001, be completed in its entirety prior to the initial stan up each day. There will be no deviations to the pmcedures by the installation of the hiark Ill console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed. However, it should be noted that the Prestart Checklist, Form NEL 001, may require some minor revisions to accommodate the b! ark Ill console.

Startup his section describes the procedure concerning the approach to critical for the reactor.

There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the hiark Ill console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed. However,it should be noted that the TRIGA Critical Approach, Form NEL 001, Sheet 3, may require some revisions to accommodate the A1 ark Ill console.

Startup Following a Scheduled Shutdown This section describes the procedure for starting up the reactor following a scheduled i shutdown. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the hiark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Startup Following an Unscheduled Shutdown This section describes the procedure to be followed in order to restan the retictor fo!!owing an unscheduled shutdown. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the hiark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Steadv State Otvration General This section describes the modes of operation of the reactor and gives the restrictions imposed by the Technical Specifications goveming the reactor as follows:

a. " Limiting safety systems setting for stainless steel clad fuel is 1000 0C under any conditions of operation and 530 OC for aluminum clad fuel. (TS 2.1 and TS 2.2)" There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the hiark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.
b. "De reactor power level shall not deliberately be raised above 100 kilowatts under any conditions of operation (TS 3.1)" The hiark I console was set for normal operation of 100 kW (max). The hiark 111 console power is adjustable for full power of 0.1 W to I htW in steps of 3X and 10X. The last three settings are: 100 kW,300 kW and I hiW, he last two settings violate this section, it should therefore be recommended that the 300 kW and i AfW settings on the linear power setting switch be mechanically disabled so as to prevent anyonefrom deliberately or accidentally raising the reactor power above 100 kW.


c. This section specifies that the reactor shall not be operated unless the Reactor Control System measuring channels described in TS 3.3.2 are operational. Recommended steps to eliminate a deviation from this procedure are previously noted in the Technical Specification chapter.

Log Enties This section describes information to be contained in the log books. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Sample Mcvements This section describes the requirements for the movement of radioactive samples used in experiments. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Reactor Shutdown

. General This section describes the requirements and definitions for the teactor to be in the state of shutdown. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark Ill console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Shutdown Procedures This section describes the general procedures for shutting down the reactor, as well as making the appropriate log book entries. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark !!! console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Fuel Movement. Contml Rod Movement and Core Chances This section describes and defines the requirements for the movement and adjustment of fuel elements. the use of the tools that are used for fuel element movement, changing the core structure, and adjusting reactivity. Also described are the procedurts and requirements for the removal and installation of the control rods for maintenance, repair, inspection or experimental procedures. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Response to Alarms This section describes the alarms that can be sounded in the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory as well as the possible causes and sc: ions to be taken in response to them.

There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark lli console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Resnonse to Abnormal Reactivity Chances This section describes and defines what is considered to be a reportable occurrence of change in reactivity and the procedure to follow in the event that a reportable occurrence

17 happens. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

Chapter A Reactor Calibration. Surveillance, and Maintrnance This chapter describes the frequency for the various surveillance requirements to be performed. The only procedure to be affected is the Prestart Checklist which has been noted before. There will be no deviations to the procedures by the installation of the Mark 111 console, nor will the procedure change how the console is installed.

l 18 Y. Conclusions and Recommendations All of the regulatory documentation pertaining to reactor safety and contiel systems for the R 126 license has been examineri. Review details for the license conditions (Technical Specifications), Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and the Operating Procedures have been included in this repon. The Safety Analysis Report for R 126 is augmented by the Modification Authorization which contains a Safety Evaluation for installation of the cont, ole. This authorization determines that while installation of the console will deviate from cenain descriptive aspects of the Safety Analysis Repon, no new ty xs of failure are introduced and the possibility of failures examined in the Safety Analys s Repon are not increased.

The American National Standards Institute in cooperation with the American Nuclear Society pmvide guidelines f or reactor safety and control systems. This console mceis all of the recommendations of the ANSI /ANS standards. Installation of the console should follow the Quality Assurance guideline which suggests independent oversight of the work.

To satisfy this recommendation, the Modification Authorization provides for an independent test of all systems prior to final approval for normal operations. This procedure will ensure that the following recommendations are completed before final staff authorization for no. mal reactor oxrations.

Thia review identified sever:il areas of potential problems durin; installation of the Mark 111 console. Assuming all safety and control channels explicit y designed into the Mark III console will be properly operating, the recommendations are as follows:

1. The Mark III console linear range switch should be modified to mechanically limit the 300 kW and 1 MW selections,
2. The tank water level indicator should be connected to an "extemal scram" input.
3. At least one area radiation monitor from the Mark I console should be made available to the Mark III console.
4. The continuous air monitor from the Mark I console should be made available to the Mark Ill console.
5. The ventilation system control from the Mark I console should be made available to the Mark III console,
6. All safety systems should be tested for operation.
7. Safety and control measuring channels should be calibrated. including fuel temperature, power level, control rod position, rod drop time, and rod wonh.
8. The Modification Authorization (MA 2) should be reviewed and approved by the Reactor Safety Committee.
9. The console installation should be reported to the NRC via the Annual Operating Report as a 10CFR50.59 change.
10. The Prestan Checklist should be modified to accommodate the Mark 111 console.

Urtiversity of Utah Nuclear Engineering Laboratory 21 Man:h 1991 Itcactor Safety Cominittee Subconunittee for Upgrade of the TillGA Ileactor Console Summary The University of Utah (UU) Reactor Safety Committee (RSC) has appointed a subcommittee to review, audit, evaluate and recommend certain operations, procedun:s and activities associated with the safety and regulatory aspects of implementing an upgrade for the present TRIGA Nuclear Reactor Console at the University of Utah Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (UUNEL). The RSC reviewed and approved the proposed upgrade program on 19 December 1990 and delegated the operational review and auditing to a subcommittee composed of the following personnel James M. Byrne member RSC

= Dr. David M. Slaughter - Research Pmfessor in Mechanical Engineering

+ Byron L. liardy Alternate Radiation Safety Officer This subcommittee was charged with acting in behalf of the RSC in the operational review and audit of all issues regarding NRC license, regulation, safety reviews, Technical Specifications, CFR requirements, etc associated with the TRIGA Console Upgrade Pmgram. Documentation of individual tests, audits, recommendations and evaluations performed by this subcommittee are attached.

Detailed RSC Verification of Performance, Safety Requirements, Limiting Conditions and Other Factors Associated with Upgrade of the UUNEL TRIGA Console The following specific UUNEL TRIGA Technical Specifications were reviewed, audited and evaluated by the RSC Upgrade Subcommittee regarding implementation of the Upgrade TRICA Console Program ( i.e., utilization of the former University of California Berkeley TRIGA Console to upgrade the current console system) planned for upgrade of the TRIGA Reactor System by the operational staff of the UUNEL. Tne Upgrade console was demonstrated in a avariety of operational modes including single subsystem operation and independent and parallel critical and suberitical operation with the existing console.

UUNEl, Technical Specification 3.3.2 lleactor Control System Technical Specification (TS) 3.3.2 requires that certain minimum number of measuring channels be operational a specified in the Table in TS 3.3.2.

Measuring Channel Minimum Number Operable Upgrade Status / Reviewed by / date a) Fuel element temperature 1 _ ,

b) Rea: tor Count rate 2 c) Stanup Count rate 1 d) Reactor tank water level - 1 .

c) Area radiation monitor 1 f) Continuous Air radiation monitor 1 Comments


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UUNEL Technical Specification 3.3.3 Reactor Safety System Technical Specification 3.3.3 requires that a certain minimum number of reactor safety system channels be operational a specified in the Table in TS 3.3.3 Safety Measuring Channel Minimum Number Operable Upgrade Status / Reviewed by /date a) Fuel element temperature 1 b) Reactor power level 2 __

c) Manual console scram button 1 _ . _ _ .

d) Magnet current key switch 1 e) Console power supply 1 f) Reactor tank water level 1 g) Startup count rate interlock - I hi Control rod withdrawalinterlocks all rods Comments

UUNEL Technical Specification 2.1 Safety Limit . Fuel Element Temperature Technical Specification 2.1 specines the maximum fuel temperature that can be pemiitted with confidence that a fuel cladding failure will not occur Fuel Temperature Specification Upgrade Status / Reviewed by /date

1) Temperature in SS clad, high hydride fuel element not exceed 1000 OC .
2) Temperature in Al clad, low hydride fuel element not exceed $30 OC .


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1 UUNEL Technical Specification 2,2 Limit Safety System Settings Technical Specification 2.2 specifies settings that will prevent the safety limit from being reached. Specifications for Safety Limit Settings are as follows:

1) For a core composed entirely of SS clad, high hydride fuel elemene or a core compose do SS clad, high hydride fuel elements with low hydride fuel elements in the F or G hexaganal ring only, the safety system setting must be as follows:

location ofinstrumented fuel rod temperature setting Upgrade Status / Reviewed by / date B hexagonalring 800OC C- hexagonal ring 755 OC D hexagonal ring 680 OC E hexagonal ring 5800C

2) For a core with low hydride fuel eleny:nts in other than the F or G hexagonal ring, the safety system setting must be as follows:

Location of instrumented fuel rod - temperature setting Upgrade Status / Reviewed by/ date B hexagonal ring 460 OC C- hexagonal ring - 435 OC D hexagonalring 390OC _

E hexagonal ring - 340 OC _

3) For a core containing flux traps, the limiting settings must be applied to the hottest fuel element in the core.


UUNEL Technical Specification 3.1 Normal Operation Technical Specincation 3,1 specines that maximum reactor power level for any condition of operation which is 100 kilowatts (thermal)

Upgrade Status / Reviewed by / date Comments u

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UUNEL Technleal Speelfication 3,2 Reactivity Limitations Technical Specification 3.2 requires that cenain reactivity conditions and limitations be satisfied Specification Upgrade Status / Reviewed by / date

1) Shutdown margin > $.50 _
2) Rate of reactivity insenion < $.30/sec
3) Experiments > $1.00 securely fixed
4) Excess reactivity < $2.80
5) No individual experiment > $2.80 Comments

UUNF.L Technical Specification 3.3.1 Reactor Scram Time Technical SpeciGeation 3.3.1 requires that the scrsm time from the instant a safety system setting is e .ceeded to the instant the $6 west scrammable control rod traches its fully inse:ted position shall not exceed 2 seconds.

Upgrade Status / Reviewed by / date Comments m

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l UUNEL Technical Specifications -

General iteview and Audit The UUNEL Technical Specifications define and control the technical op: ration of the UUN EL TRIGA Nuclear Reactor and must be reviewed and satisfied by the TRIGA Console Upgrade Program. Each of the individual specifications pertinent to the Upgrade I% gram were reviewed by the RSC Subcommittee and endorsed by the RSC.

Specific Condition in UUNEL TRIGA TS Upgrade Status / Reviewed by/date 1.0 Definitions 1.1 Reactor Operating Conditions 1.2 Reactor Experiment and Irradiations ___.

1.3 Reactor Components 2.0 Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings 2.1 Safety Limit - fuel element temperature 2.2 Limit Safety System Setting __

3.0 Limiting Conditions of Operation 3.1 Steady State Operation 3.2 Reactivity Limitations 3.3 Control and Safety System 3.4 Argon-41 Discharge Limit l 3.5 Ventilation System

-l j 3.6 Limitations on Experiments 3.7 ALARA Re.ficactive Effluent Releases 3.8 Primary Coolant Conditions a

, 3. ; .

4.0 Surveillance Requirements 4.1 General 4.2 Safety Limit fuel element temperature 4.3 Limiting Conditions for Operations - _.

4.4 Reactor Fuel Elements __. -

4.5 Primary Coolant Conditions 5.0 Design Features 5.1 Reactor Fuel 5.2 Reactor Core 5.3 Control Elements 5.4 Radiation Monitoring System 5.5 Fuel Storage 5.6 Reactor Building & Ventilation System 5.7 Reactor Pool Water System 5.8 Physical Security 6.0 Administrative Control Comments l

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Modification Authorintion Identification: MA2


Implementation of the Reactor Console Upgrade

1. Staff Review of Safety Evaluation The hazards associated with this proposed modification have been reviewed by the Operations Staff. It is determined that this modification does not increase the abability of occurrence or consequences of any accident previously analyzed in the Safety Analysis Repon and does not introduce any accident, malfunction, or safety issue not previously evaluated.

Director, UNEL Date

2. Reactor Safety Committee Review of Safety Evaluation The hazards associated with this proposed modification have been reviewed by the RSC. It is determined that this rnodification does not increase the probability of occurrence or consequences of any accident previously analyzed in the Safety Analysis Report and does not mtroduce any accident, rnalfunction, or safety issue not previously evaluated.

Chairman, RSC Dae

3. Implementation Procedure Review Member, RSC Subcommittee Dale
4. Implementation Procedure Approval Reactcr Supervisor, UNEL Date Director, UNEL Date

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