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Failure Analysis of Split Roll Pins from Oppd
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1991
From: Iwand H
Shared Package
ML20079H094 List:
NUDOCS 9110100154
Download: ML20079H130 (28)


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I l Failure Analysis of Split Roll Pins from Omaha Public Power District August 15,1991 File Number PH 35 910(M I


g Prepared by:

Hans C, Iwand, P.E, I Research and Development Laboratory Union Pacific Railroad Omaha, Nebraska I



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failure analysis of two split roll pins from Omaha Public Power District INTRODUCTION:

On July 23,1991, three roll pins (one broken into several pieces, one cracked, the third in an as received pin) 1 were received at the Union Pacific Research and Development Laboratory for failure analysis. A request was made for determination of failure mode, as well as ascertaining whether the failure of the pins was incurred due to emironmeest and or use, or whether the failure was due to manufacture.


a. Three 1/4-inch outside diameter, three inch long s lit roll pins.
b. Two pages of har.d. written notes from Mr. Dr. Bob Lisowyj.
c. Two assembly prints, identified as: A 5617 cod AC 1MSA respectively.

I d, A copy of the ANSI standard pertaining to taper, straight, grooved, and spring pins (number of standard illegible),

c. A hand. written note, on stationary printed for Donald O. Flegle, dated 7/18/91, stating that the machinist

- who installed and rernoved the roll pins used no lubricant.

. All of the aforementioned materials are shown in Appendix 1.


1. 11aving assessed the various mechanisms which cause embrittlement ir; stects, temper.

embrittlernent is the cause for failure of the split roll pins submitted.

2. The approximate double sbear strength of the pin shows that the pin would fail under a load of 6,916 pounds. The reported design strength of the pin is 7,700 pounds. The pins appear to be correctly hardened and are of the proper cross sectional area for the reported mechanical properties.
3. Since subsurface cracking was found in all of the pins, and all of the cracks emanate from lines of inclusions, the pins had failed prior to installation, and not due to the operating conditions.

.I 4. Due to the segregation found in the micro-structures, and the tempered martensitic micro-structure; the failure of the pins is attributed to either heat treatment, or the manufacture of the steel itself during solidfication of the ingot. By reducing the amount of banding, and I carefully controlling heat treatment processes, this type of embrittlement will not occur.

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Each r,f the pins was separated and labeled with a distinct label. TLe fractured was broken into at least fne pieces, four of which weie submitted, and was labeled as Pin #1. The cracked, but still ireact pin was labeled I as Pin #2, The last pin which was submitted *as received

  • was labeled as Pin #3.

The dimensional characteristics of Pin r2 were sneasured using a Mitutoyo 12. inch dialindicator. The cracking of the, pin wu obsersed to branch slightly, with a bowing crack that had almost caused complete separation of I a semic circular portion of the pin. The length of the section was also measured. By slightly bending the pin (not enough to cause permanent deformation), the smaller portion of the pin was removed. This section was i g attached to an aluminum stub for scanning electron microscopical analysis of the fracture surlace, l3 One of the four sections of Pin #1 was tnounted in a clear mounting media for metallographic analysis. The mount was ground and polished in a six step ruethod, beginning with 240 grit abrasive paper and finishing with I a 1.0 micron dian.ond polish. Tbc mount was cleaned using an ultrasonic bath, with a small amount of Micro detergent between grinding steps. After completion of the polishing process, the pin was observed at magnifications from 50x to 1000x in a leitz toetallovert optical metallograph. The part was then etched using a 2% Nital solution, and again observed at various magnifications. The mount was re. polished and micro.

I hardness measurements were conducted in random areas. A Rockwell Tukon micro-hardness tester (next calibration due January 1992) using 500 gram loading, a Knoop diamond indenter, and 40x objective was utilized for the measurements. A micro-hardness standard was used to verify the accuracy of the operator and equipment.

The chemical composition of Pin #1 was determined using an ARL optical emission spectrometer. Due to the limitations of sample size for further chemical analysis, it was necessary to section another of the four pieces using a water cooled cut off wheel, and mount the piece ir a copper media. The copper media allows for not I only electrical conductivity, but also acted as a flat surface to cover the opening withm the spectrometer. By carefully locating the section in the rnachine,it was possible to obtain a chemistry of the pin without interference by the copper. An NIST 1263A standard was run after the pin analysis to verify the accuracy of the equipment l (see Appendix 2).

To achieve an understanding of the fracture mechanism the section from Pin #2 was observed in the scannir.g electroc microscope (SEM), and a photograph was made of the fracture surface. Energy dispersive x. ray analysis l was also performed on the fracture surface.

in order to verify the hardness levels of all of the submitted pins, samples frorn Pin #2 and Pin #3 were cut I using a water cooled cut off wheel, and micro hardness measurements were performed in an identical manner as already reported.

By identifying the fracture as intergranular, several enchants were utilized to further determine the failure I mechanism. Utilizing another piece of Pin #1, a metallographic mount was placed in a carbon media for metallographic analpis usiug the SEM. The etchant utilized was a saturated picral with the addition of sodium tridecylbenzene sulfonate as a wetting agent (1). After observing the microstructure at various magniiicatiors, the mount was removed and etched using Oberhoffer's reagent [2]. The mount was again removed and etched l using a 2% Nital etchant. Severa! photographs were made of the microstructures observed.

The mount of Pin #2 and Pin #3 used previously for micro-hardness measure.nents was repolished using 1.0 3 micron diamond compound and etched using the Oberhoffer's reagent. This microstructure was observed and E photographed using the Leitz metallovert.


I The chemical analysis confirrned the written notes from Dr. Bob Lisowyj that the pin was manufactured according to ASTM A682 in a 1070 condition. The results obtained (see Appendix 1) showed that the carbon content was slightly higher than the allowable range, however, all other concentrations were within the allowable  :

I range (see AppendixIll for a copy of the ASTM A682 standard)[3]. The ASTM A682 standard does not identify a specific hardness level at which the material is to be utilized. This is fairly obvious, since the standard is specific to a type of material and not the various conditions under which the material can be utilized, for 1 1 l


when heat treated. The bardocu level of all of the pins was relatively uniform. Listed below in Table 1 are the hardness values as measured with the converted Rockwell'C' hardnesses (llRr), listed in parenthesis.

I Table 1 Micro hardness Knoop scale and HRc I Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3

$13 (48) 525 (d9) 545 (50)

I From the hardness levelit is apparent that the steel h in a heat treated condition. in order to determine the characteristics of the micro strucitae(s) and the cause for failure, it was necessary to rely on microscopical I analysis.

The fracture surface from Pin #2 as observed in the SEM is shown in Photograph 1. The ' rock. candy" type

appearance is a characteristic of intergranular failure. For carbon stects to failin such a manner some tge of embrittlement phenomenon must be present. In general, there are nye common mechanisms which cause intergranular failure in steels The first is stiess corrosion cracking (SCC). Three specific characteristics must be present for SCC to occur. Tbc first is an applied tensile stress, secondly, a susceptible material, and thirdly, a corrosive environment. After extensive discussions with Mr. Chuck Bloyd - O.P.P.D on August 2,1991, it I appeared that the emironment under which the pin operated was relatively free of corrosive agents. Based on this infortnation SCC was rejected as the cause for failure.

Another relatively common cause of intergranular failure in heat treated steels is quench cracking. This type of failure is caused by the internal stresses which are present during rapid cooling of the steel during heat treatment.

During cooling of the structu'c some areas cool more quickly than others which causes unesen distortion of the part and cracks form preferentially at the grain boundaries of the material due to their lower strength during E cooling. As alluded to, quenen cracks are generally found in large components with relatively large changes in section. Clearly, the split pins do not conform to such a geometric condition; therefore, quench cracking was also discounted as the failure mechanism.

In certain conditions the addition of certain lubricants and anti seize materials which contain metals can embrittle steels, known as liquid metal embrittlemert Liquid metal embrittlement requires a liquid phase to be present during the normal operation of a component. Accoiding to the information provided (and as evidenced by the I material the pins are manufactured from) there is no possibility of liquid metal embrittlement being the cause for failure.


Hydrogen embrittlement is a relatively common cause for intergranular failure. Generally, if mono-atomic hydrogen can enter the micro-structure of heat treated steel,the embrittlement mechanism will occur. In order j

to remove the hydrogen,it is only necessary to heat the part for a given amount of time Since the pins were reported to have been in service for approximately 50 to 100 cycles at temperatures reaching 140*F, hydrogen embrittlement is not a likely source for failure.

I The !;fth method for embrittlement is referred to as temper embrittlement. In general, reference is made to 3 cither one step or two-step embrittlement. One step embrittlement, commonly referred to as 350*C 4 cmbrittlement is found in high strength low alloy steels which have quenched and tempered martensitic microstructures. In general the steel must be tempered for shorter periods of time (approximately one hour) and below 400*C A feature of one step embrittled steels is intergranular failure along prior austenitic grain boundaries. The presence of phosphorous, nitrogen, possibly sulfur, and manganese can all influence I embrittlement. Two-step embrittlement occurs in some tempered alloy steels that are isothermally aged between 375'C and 560*C, or are slowly cooled after tempering. The presence of tin, antimony, or phosphorous (in order of sensitivity) is necessary for embrittlement to occur [4). The optical emission spectrometer used to determine I the chemical analysis on the pins is not capable of detecting tin and arsenic in its current configuration.

Manganese is known to act as an embrittlement " enhancer', and as can te noted from the chemistry shown in I

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Appendix 1, there is a significant amount of not only manganese, but phosphorus as well(though both are within the allowable tolerances).

I Though temper embrittlement is not a 'new' problem to the heat treating industry, the precise explanation Ier the embrittlement is still being determined at this time. From a failure analysis point of view it is perhaps not necessary to establish the theory to the embrittlement, rather it is neccuary to specify the most probable cause for the failure. Several characteristics ue known to be present during metallographic investigation which must

.I be present for temper embrittlernent to be the cause for failure. Some of the metallographic features necessary to conclude temper embrittlement are: tempered martensitic micro-structure, undssolved carbides located at prior austenitic grain boundaries, and phosphorus at prior austenitic pain boundaries [5). Photopaphs 2 5, were taken ftom a metallopaphic mount made from Pin #1. The piece was oriented so that the micro-structure could be obsersed along the edge of the pin that was created during manufacture (note Figure 1). As can be seen in Photepaph 2, a tempered martensitic micro struture, with sepegation (cracking) at prior austenitic grain boundaries is present. Photograph 3 shows intergranular cracting emitting from a line of inclusions.

Photopaph 4 is of a similar crack to that shown in Photop aph 3, however, through diflerent etching techniques I undissolved cubides can be seen decorating the line of inclusions. Photograph 5 is a higbee magnification siew of the carbides in and around the prior austenitic grain boundaries. P'n otograph 6 is from Pin #3 (see Figure 1 for the orientation), by using Oberhoffer's etchant which preferentially etches phosphorous white, it is I observable that phosphorus exists in variable concentrations throughout the micro-structure [ ibid.). Photopaph 7 is from Pin #3,in an un etched condidon, using Nomarski contrast. The as rccieved pin shows evidence of an intergranular crack follouing along a line of inclusions. Since several of the documented temper-embrittlement characteristics are present, the failure of the pin is concluded to be due to temper embrittlement.

I In order to determine whether the cause for failure is one or two step embrittlement it will be necessary to perform more costly and technically sophisticated laboratory analysis, such as Auger electron spectroscopy. A more pragmatic method and however, not necessarily available is to review the heat-treatment records that may have been recorded during production of the split roll pins, and a determination could be made as to the most I. probable cause for failure.

Since the cracks were found to be subsuiface and emanating from lines of inclusions, the failure of the pins is l1 Attributable to the manufacture and or heatqreatment of the steel, and not the environment or application of the pins, as other than some slight amount wear being present, no other esidence of degredation could be ttributed to its application and use.

Dis regarding the temper embrittlement an attempt was made to determine whether in theory based on the hardness and cross sectional area of the pin it would meet 7,700 pounds of shear according to the ANSI standard prosided by O.P.P.D., This was estimated using the average hardness values measured from the three pins to determine tensile strength. Using the cross sectional area of the pin (disregarding the missing area due to split I in the pin), and shear strength being one half of tensile strength (based on Mohr's circle), it was possible to estimate the approximate shear force. The result obtained was within 10% oi he reported value, therefore, from a design point of view the pin appears to be within design requirements. See Appendix ill for the calculation.


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1. Vandervoort, G. F., Metallocrachy Principles and Practitt, McGraw liill Book Company,1976.

pp. 157.

2. Vandervoort, G. F., hietallocrachv Principles and Practigt, McGraw }lill llook Company,1976., pp.


3. AS*I'M Standards, Volume 3.01., 692 90.
4. Sanith, W., Structure and Pronerties of Encineerine Allovs. McGraw liill Company,1981.,

pp.152 156.

5. Kraus, G., Steels: li e t Treatment and Processinc Principles. ASM International,1989..

205 239.




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I Photographs 2 5 1

Photograpn 6 Figure 1 Graphical Depiction of Perspectives used for Metallographic Photographs I

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1. Vandervoort, G F., hittallocraphy Prineintes and Prattice, hicGraw Ilill Book Company,1976.

pp. 157.


Vandervoort, G. F, hidallectaphy Principles and Practice, hicGraw-liill Book Company,1976., pp.

pp. 6, 334.

, 3. ASThi Standards, Volume 3.01, 692 90.

4 Smith, W., $1tglure and Pronstties ei Engineering Alleys, hicGraw liill Company,1981.,


I 5. Kraus, G., Steels: lluLTreatmert and ProcessSc Principles. AShi international,1939.,

205 239.







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p 6EiGO 16/E1/40 cta 83^tGG D3*1?S


I f Designation: A 682 - 90 g Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, High Cafbon, Cold Rolled, Quality, General Regulicmonts Fof' I n,..u w d .. cd narris tard on cenen Ata: tw v. n.t., m m,#,ie reno.. : o. en s,..non ind.i .in a, . ., or ong<r al adopiecn or in the tant or the +1af or fait temma A nwer.ter en hartroheirs end.isits the stat or Last feartruel A 65tertrhr4 f pgdom b) #4dKstet 66 tddonal (h4Pgf L.fH t th( lati ff 41%i0n Di ff t[f M41

{ pequtt rht [y[) jngr g pl $ peg sfuggnts*J ghof

,lbre stehdgrd kset hrta

,n.9,,,- sfeterprgt (14 y st hs gyrncsrs & lhr [ytev*r**,rnt d jk senst


' I. Scope l'ed Std. No 163 Continuous identification Marking of l.1 This specification rosers the general requirements for Iron and Steel Products' cold. rolled carbon spnng steel stnp in coils or cut lengths. 2 3 Mihtarr Standards-

. Stnp is classi6cd by site as a product that is 0.2499 in. or less MIL ST D 129 Marking for Shipping and Storage' in thickness and eser W to 23'%6 in. in width,inclusise. Mll STD 163 Steel Mill Products Preparation for Ship-1.2 The masimum of the 5 <nfied carbon tante is over ment and Storage

  • 0 25 'I to 1J$ "i. Inclutn-c.

1.3 The abose shall apply to the cold. rolled carbon spnng I steel stnp furnished under each of the following specinca- *" E) tions nsued by ASlM 3.1 Dr&mions

$s,y 31.1 burt-metal dnplaced beyond the plane of the

Title or strofasnan firs'gnanon surface b) slitting or theanng.

Sirei carton sint' colJ p olled Hard l airmiered A igW 3.l.2 dnarburs;ation-refer to Debnitions E 44, ssaws Wahit 11.3 lot-the quantity of matenal of the ume type, site.

A r.54 '

I s wi.sones ce<w ton, ann sino cois noiied sa twemsered aM 6msh pmhW H m m fm W m mt m hm and neat treated in the same heat treatment cycle.

Nots- A complete rneine coronanien to srcofaanon A e42 has I trth detfloped -$peOfitah0D A fl2M. ihertroft. no ferthC equina-

. bots are presented in this spenficauon 4. General Requirements for Delitery 4.1 lhe requirements of the purchase order, the inde

2. Referenced Documents sidual matenal speo6 cation, and this general specification I 2.1 ASTM Standards shll gosern in the sequence sta.ed.

4 2 Products coscred by this spenfication are produced to A 370 Test Methods and Defmitions for Mechanical dermal thickness only, and deamal thickness tolerances Testing of Steel Prcducts# a pply.

l' A 700 Practices for Packagang. Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment' A 751 Test Methods, Practim and Terminology far 5 Manufacture g Chemical Analyt' of Steel Products' $.1 Mehent P*actice-The stetl shall be made by either l in E 3 Methods of Preparation of Metallographic Specimens

  • the open hearth,lesic-osygen, or electnc furnace process. It E 44 Dennitions of Terms Relating to lleat Treatment of is normally produced as a fully killed s ecl. Elements such as Metals' aluminum may be added in sufDoent amounts to control the l

l E 112 Test Methods for Determining Ascrage Grain Sire d austenitic gram size.

E 527 Practice for Numbenng Metals and Alloys (UNS)2 $.2 Cc!d Working Procedure 2.2 redera/ Standards: $.2.1 Prior to cold, the hot rolled st ip shall bc l'ed. Std No.123 Marking for Shipments (Cnil Agencies)* descaled by chemical or mechanical means.

l l _ 5.2.2 The stnp shall te cold rolled by reducing t, thick-l ness at room temperature (that is, below the recrystalhzation

  • N iccar. canon iii.nacr ihe suminen of AsTu c omminee A.i en swi.

I'a'nkia strei and Retaie i Alim and is Se direci rewenstabi, or sutzt.mmittee temperatureL A0s.i9 on f.heet steel and steel shrett Ctrrent ediuon spreoved Juh 2t 1990 Pubbshed ser'temter i'No Ong;naih Imb6thed as A f.82 U premun edabon A t12 - 59

6. Chemical Requiremtntt
  • Ann al Sad of 457M $1ond.vdL Vol 0i O)

' Annua / Amd c/ AH Af 3!ae&dt Vols 0: 0i. 0103. 0l o4 and ol ol 6.1 LirntIJ-

' 4nn. lsaa ordnAr swnedo vol03 01 6.l.1 When carbon steel sinp is speafied to chemical Annual bad of ASTM $1ondonedL Wa6 Oi C2

  • Availater trom s.andarddatum fxruments. Order Drd. Bkig. 4 !auon D, Coinposition, the C>mpositions are commonly prepared M !tobtens Ave Ptulairlptna. l'A 4tili.s(94. Ann NPOps using the ranges and hmits shown in Table 1. The elements ill

tAsa 1 Cast ce Heat (Formerty Leeel Arwros umne ord O Ass 2 listed or required shall te reported to the purthaser or to his ',


representatise, i M

  • a9" 6.3 froduct Analysts tformerly Check Analysos)-Prod.

E t .wm stvcaecw mm u'm we awws um up or awy. t uct analysis is the chemical analysis of the umi finished

"* ptcduct form, he stnp may be sutierted to prcduct analysis C '" Ocj by the purchtwr either for the purpose of senfying that the U ONIoNDE chemical composition is within specified limits for each w 0 0 w 0 60 ra Oce

  • 0 M S 0 63 do 01* clement. including appheable tolerance for product analysis,

" 0 " * ' 35 * *" or to determine variations in compositions withi s cast or lo o so ed C t0 heat. The results of analyses taken from differem pieces E u yawa

" 8 H S ' 'l

  • 0M within a caw may differ from each other and from the cast

" ' " * ' " " 0 35 analysis. De chemical composition thus detennined shall N strocu. e C Ds ra 0 03 not vary from the limits stwified by more than the amounts

" 0 0*

  • 0 *
  • 0 05 shown in Table 3, out the several determinations of any ser =00sso 0 03 element in any cast may not vary toth above and telow the w 0 te to 0 ts. rd 0 05 specified range.

U,$Io$.',$ l$ 6A Aferhods of Analysts-Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A 751 thall be used for referee purposes.

g, over c 20 to 0 30. rd 0 15

  • 0 8" * "* *
  • 7. Metallurgical Structure E 7 v. nwn ,wys ve* rs v. w=o n nge awr . v.

sw.a nw,.r,, was la twese aves ra eneen 100 s em ,, 1.1 Grann Size:

%ww. ,nen0w.w vm e co.a. t 00 s *:e 0 01 a ve cminn ew,. vari 7.1.1 The steel stnp shall hase an austeniu,t grain site of

      • which a minimum of 70 % is 5 or finer.

3 7.1.2 One sample shall be taken from each lot.

4 compnsing the des;ted chemical composition are specifrd in 7.l.3 The sample shall t< evaluated in accordance with one of three wsys: Test Methods E 112. By a maximum limit. 7.2 Onarburstation' 6.l.l.2 By a minimum limit, or 7.2.1 When specified. the steel strip shall have a mat. By minimum and maximum limits. tertr,e4 the imua. permissible depth of complete plus partial decarbun.

ration of 0.001 in or 1.5 % of the thickness of the strip,

  • range." By cunmon usage, the range is the anthmet;caj whichever is greater, cacept that strip less than 0.01 I in, thick difTerence between the two limits (for esample. 0.60 to 0.71 shall show no complete decarbuntation.

is 0.1I range). 7.2.2 At least one spec men from each lot shall tw taken 6.1.2 Steel grade numbers indicating chemical composi.

f r microxopical eaamination.

tion commonly produced to this specification are shown in 7.2.3 ne specimens shall be prepared for microscopical Table 2 and may be used. examinati n in accordance with Methods E 3. The prepared 6.2 Cast or # rat (formerly Ladle) Anal) sis specimen shall not te less than % in. in length, representing 6.2.1 An atialysis of each cast or heat of steel shall te ***'"" I'" "' ' E made by the manufacturer to determine the percenta8e of direction. He examination of the specimen includes the elements specified or restncted by the applicable specifica* penphery and therefott it must te polished in a single plane h0"- without edge rounding. De specimen shall te etched and 6.2.2 When requested, cast or heat analysis for elements shall be examined at 100x magnification. The depth of TABM 2 Cast er Hut (Formrty Lacne) ArWyets Ctiomical Compoemon, %

CMrJri Mangenote , e' $4oun" Ws Det@el vs' otDaa0 1030 0 27 to 0 34 0 60 w 0 90 0 040 0 050 0 ts to 0 30 0t0350 101s 0 3i io 0 3 0 60 to 0 90 0 c40 0 050 0 ts to 0 30 E c10400 1040 0362044 0 60 to 0 90 0 040 0 050 0 is to 0 30 0 ts e 0 30 q G10450 010$00 104s 1060 0 42 to 0 40 0 47 to O ss 0 60 to 0 90 0 60 to 0 90 0 040 0 040 0 050 0 050 0 ts to 0 30 G10ts0 10Ss 0 52 to 0 60 0602090 0 040 0 050 0 ts to 0 30 1Ot4 0 ss to 014 060to090 0 040 0 050 0 * % to 0 30 010600 G10640 1064 0 se to 0 70 0 60 to 0 80 0 040 0 050 0 ts to 0.30 0106s0 106s 0 59 to 070 0 60 to 0 90 0 040 00$0 0 is to 0 30 1070 0 65 to 0 7s 0 60 to 0 90 0 040 0 OSO O 1( w 0 30 010700 1074 0 69 to 0 a0 0 60 to 0 to 0 boo 0 050 0 't A to 0 30 010740 10h0 0 74 to 0 sa 0 60 to 0 90 0 040 0 OSO O 15 to 0 30 010800 itss 0 no e 0 94 0 70 to i ct 0 040 0 050 0.1s to 0 30 0tDeso t066 0 no to 0 64 0 30 to 0 60 0 040 0 050 0 ts to 0 30 0108th 1095 0902104 0 30 to O so 0 040 0 050 0 is to 0 30 010950

  • New oespation esta:*s*ed ri acwroance eth Prw;tre E 527 av ut. J10Ba, Rewrryneroso Pres tur n.ansmg uetais ord MM (WS)


e cm.,n,a.ou.o cm,n gp r,ed. Seen=eney 0 025 s ~. onem.

t croared et 010 towe O PC 0 035 s. s ,,. m, e, u.i o, r.ei 312

i g pr- ,


@ A 682 TABLE 3 Permistitue Venetions from Specit.ed Cast or Heat TabtE 6 W6eth Tcderenc es for E6go Nos 1,4. 5, and 6, tFormer9y Led.el analysis Renpos and Lamrts CNd hohed Certion spong Steel $ trip ivotes (w m Levi a trow wen ,vesn g ,,,,g L8410' We o' w Lcc ko9wws Mm

"" # # C*""'* percoo we  % W" t we No t.g.j o % p ,o cwtkn caer n 26 to 0 40 ru o C.3 0 04 b* *'8 wer 0 40 to 0 a0 to O C3 0 o$ 0" c+e< 0 no O C3 0 14 i cw wton.,o 0 one wo c ,,, 0 cos Wy,,nce to O t.0 so 0 c3 0 03 1 Cw 4. to 7. to 0126 we trwvar 0 005 twer 010 to t il to 0 04 0 04 cw 1 il to t 6$ ro O DS 0 05 4 CW 0187$ to 0 025 to 0 0t6 Miosserrus 0 01 4 c,or i to 2 ro 0 24H io 0 02$ ro 0 026 w 0 01 4 CW ilo a to 0 24H to 0 03s to 0 047 f.ecxn to O M ro 0 02 0 03 4 Ow 4 to 6 to 0 tan to o 047, to 0 047 we 0 M 2 0 60 0 0$ 0M 6 cw w to 4. to e 0934 we ywre 0 006 6 Cw 6. to S to 0126 we trrror e 0 coS S Cw 6to9to 0 til to 0 000 to 0010 decarbunzation reponed should be the averste depth in both t cw , to to to 010s to 0 016 ro 0 010 the amount of free femte (complete decarbuntation) and the 6 cw 20 ie 3'*4 to 0 060 io 0 023 ro 0 015 alTected depth to the point where carbon content appears to , cw w go ,, ,o 01876 to 0 0n m 0 016 be the same as the carton content of the $1np (pantal 6 Cw tiotro 0 en to 0 0n to 00n desarbunrationi under insestiption. In some instances it is 6 (* 8 5 4 ' 'd 0**N S 0035 'd 0 04'

' C* ' * '

  • 0 #' "
  • 0 0
  • O '" '

necessary to reson to heat treatment of the specirnens to rescal decarbunted areas more accurately.

8. Mechanical Hequirements ABM 6 m Tuerencu lot Edge Na 2 (um ceRoned Cartion Spring Steet strip 8.1 The mechanical propeny requirements, number of wo n,,m, n specimens. and test locations and specimen onentation shall , g be in accordance with the appheable product specification 8*

! 8.2 Unless otherwise speci6ed in the apphcable product "j c [,*3 , ("

i specification, test specimens must be prepared in accordance cw 6 to 50 ro  %

with Test Method. and Definitions A 370. 0* io io is to &-

8.3 Mechanical tests shall be conducted in accordance C* ' S * ?0 '*  %

cith Test Methods and Definitions A 370.

i i

9. Dimensions, Weights, and Tolerances 10 2 i No 1-A prepared edge of a specined contour 9.1 The thickness, width. camber, and lenfth tolerances (round or square) that is prodced when a ser) accurate shall conform to the requirements specified in Tables 4,5. 6, width is required or when an edge condition suitable for 7,8. and 9. electroplating is required. or both.

4 9.2 flatness-It is not practical to formulate natneu 10.2.2 No 1-A natural mill edge camed through the tolerances for cold. rolled carbon spring steel sinp to repre. cold rolling from the hot rolled stnp without additional sent the range of widths and thicknesses in coils and cut processing of the edge, lengths. 10.2.3 No J-An approumately sqt.are edge produced by shtting on which the burr ts not eliminated. This is produced

10. Finish and Edge $ when the edg condition is not a critical requirement for the 10.1 Surface-The surface requirements shall be as speci. Onished part. Normal cothng or piling does not proside a fied in the product specifications. de6mte positioning of the shtting burr.

10.2 Edges-Cold. rolled carten spring steel stnp shall be 10.2.4 No 4- An approsimately rounded edge. This edge supplied with one of the following edges t.s specified: is produced when the width tolerance and edge condition are not as exacting as for No. I edges.

TABLE 4 Thkkness Tolerances (Plus or Meus), Cold-Rohed 10.2.5 No. 5-.-An approtimately square edge produced certion Strip steel incivomo High certion strip si I from slit edge matenal on which the burr is eliminated.

,,,nn., cwwne "*U,'*

10.2.6 No. 6-An approumately square edge. This edge is I cge (a l

. i t,o. aso ten ire it n oca

$ ", *n" 0032 n

om6 produced when the width tolerance and edge condition are not as exacting as for No. I edges.

.175- 1SM 0022 0028 -(0 32 070 1240 ooit .0022 rci8 11. Workmanship

.os o- osM 0c14 oots 0024 cm.cas 0o12 .0015 .0070 11.1 The steel shall have a workmanhke appearance and 0?*- 0?99 M M #5 shall not have defects of a nature or degee for the grade and

! I l3

.$!Y a cto ooos o003 Nome

$oaos quality ordered that will be detnmental to the fabncation of the nnished part.

  • ueuseo &. n or mwe n sem one. wvs on nr'o-w een 1 n. et wir 11.2 Coils may contain some abnormalities that render a seer. tet n ego ponion of the cott unusable since the inspection of coils does 9 I 313


  • I OAm g'

TABLE 7 Width Televances 10' Id0e No. 3 (Slit) Cond Ached 1agLE 3 Length Tolerances, Cc6d-Rided Certson Spnng Carte Senne liesi $tnp Stood Stno g _ , _ . . .

, m ._ _ e- .. to m me m i. _ ,,o w twee we Dwest t.revea we to Sto ro 26o ro W* "M W" o,, 3 g g g m 9 g 6, o w % to 6 ro o,w o tW to ol.N to 0 016 ovw 12 io #3+e to  % ** i E o 8 99- I""'"* *'""#"

cr # 6 e ro ove 1 ove w te l m ovw o m to o 1W. to 0 010 o* 4 to t2. ru over o m io o t6o ra 0016 ettert product anal) sis, shall be made at the place of I ovw tt to 23% to oew o m to o ith0 to o 020 production.

ov, w to 6 ro ove 9 (54 io o m to o aos ov 6 to it. ,o w 5ot.atoo m to o oio 1$. Hejection and RebearIng ove ittoro no ove osts to o m to 0 016 l$.I Unless otherwuc spectned, any rejection teed on I o,w roar 3+. ro o- c o'e to o m m o cto tests niade in accordance with this specificabon shall te ovw w w e m w o tm w o tea. m o oos reponed to the purchaser within a reasonable time.

I $r1e$No ,o o ro io 3~..

i e och wvop o n' oN 0 02o

. l$.2 hintenal that shows injunous defects subsequent to its acceptance at the purchaser's works shall be rejected and the manufacturer shall te notined. The matenal must te ademately protected and correctly identified in order that NUro simon.b No I o s ,

ow tr ic trt no 4 too w .ro o 016 tht manufacturer may make a proper irnestigation. In case ove toio m . ro 4 io e,s. o o o20 of dmatisfaction with the results of the test, the manufac.

turer may make claims for a reheanng.

TABLE I Comtier Tolerances. Cold.Roned Cart >on Spnn9 16. Certification and Reports Steel Stnp 16.1 Upon tequest of the purchaser in the contract or wets-come. 4 v cene e a sos w hom a inet w n.

order, a manufacturer,s cenincation that the matenal was sumwo ior mees rne ts cene a t4 a on ev 6 m *ngm a e ooiar.o tiv 3 tw en ce ema<e see no monag re mamum produced and tested in accordance with this specificabon q sunng ostaw iet. e 6 mn sne.

v eine w ea e. onewe shall be fumished. A report of the test results may te we e c"* Tawnw, mu included if required.

o c 9 io 1% ro  % e n say I h ow 1w to 23+. re ".nceyaa 17. Marking 17.1 Unless otherwue specified, the matenal shall te not afford the same opponunity to remove portions con, ident26ed by having the manufacturer's name or mark, E taining imperfections as is the case with cut lengths. ASThi designation, weight, purchase order number, and q matenal identificadon legibly stenciled on top of each hh or 12 Retests shown on a tag attached to each coil or shipping unit.

en s e conut or der, ad b 3 12.1 The dif6culties in obtaining truly representative direct procurement by or direct shipment to the Govern-q samples of stnp without destroying the usefulness of the coil ment, markang for shipment, in addition to requirements account for the generally accepted practice of allowing retests speci6ed in the contract or order, shall be in accordance with for mechanical properties and surface examination. Two I'*

additional samples are secured from each etid of the coil "U ' E'"' * * '#' ""#'

l Fe Std. No.123 for civil agencies.

i from which the original sample was taken. A portion of the For Govemmnt p e mem h me New coil may be discarded prior to cutting the samples for retest. Supply Agency, strip material shall te continuously marked if any of the retests fail to ecmply with the requirements, the t ident:6 cation in accordance with Fed. Std. No.183.

coil shall be rejected.

18 Packaging

13. Rework and Retreatment 18.1 Unless otherwise specified, the strip shall be pack.
  • l 13.1 Lots rejected for failure to meet the specified require
  • ments may be resubmitted for test provided the manufac*

aged and loaded in accordance with Practices A 700.

1 18.2 When Level A is specified in the contract or order, turer has reworked the lots as necessary to correct the and for direct procurement by or direct shipment to the denciency or has removed the nonconforming material- Government, preservation, packaging, and packing shall be in accordance with the level A requirements of hill-14, inspection STD 163.

14.1 The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser's in- 18.3 When coils are ordered it is customary to specify a spector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that minimum or range of inside diarneter, maximum outside i the material is being produced and furnished in accordance with this specification. hiill inspection by the purchaser shall diameter, and a maximum coil weight, if require <t. The ability of manufacturen to meet the maximum coil weights not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer's opera- depends upon individual mill equipment. When required, tions. Unless otherwise agreed to, all tests and inspections, minimum coil weights are subject to negotiation.


... _ _ _ _._.. . . _ _ . (.


$ A682

,4A ..e,m .,,,,,, ,- W,.. . .,. .., _ ,,~,0,,,W.,,.e.g,,~, M.,. _ .

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