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Final Deficiency Rept,Item 125 Re Environmentally Unqualified Terminal Block in Limitorque Valve Operators. Initially Reported on 840412.All Terminal Blocks Evaluated Per IE Bulletin 78-02 & Replaced Where Necessary
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1984
From: Jens W
To: James Keppler
125, 125-68-536, EF2-68-536, IEB-78-02, IEB-78-2, NUDOCS 8405210146
Download: ML20084Q170 (3)


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Cayne H. Jens Niesr amns t

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% ^4 % . May 16,19 84 E F2-68 ,5 36 Mr. James G. Keppler Regional Administrator Region III U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, ' Illinois 60137 Dear Mr. Keppler j References (1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 (2) Letter, B. J. Youngblood to II. Tauber, March 16,19 8 3, " Unqualified Electrical Components in Safety Related System"  ;

(3) Lette r , 11. Taube r to B . J . Youngblood, April  ;

25,19 83, EF2-62,427 (4) Detroit Edison's Response to NUREG-0588, July 19 , 19 8 3, EF2-6 3,9 57


Report of 10CFR50.55(e) Item 125, " Environment-ally Unqualified Terminal Block In Limitorque valve operators" On April 12, 1984, Detroit Edison's Mr. L. P. Bregni, Engineer-Licensing, telephoned Mr. R. C. Knop of the NRC, Region III, to report a potential deficiency concerning Marathon 6000 series terminal blocks. At that time, this item was reported as an addition to 10CFR50.55(e) Item 76.

Subsequently this item has been changed to Item 125 and was reported as such to Mr. R. C. Knop in a telephone conver- l sation with Mr. L. P. Bregni on May 4,19 84. l Description of Deficiency i l

Detroit Edison first identified the use of Marathon 6000 series terminal blocks in Limitorque valve operators during maintenance of the valve operator on valve V8-2140. When maintenance attempted to replace a damaged terminal block found in the valve operator, the spare parts ordering proco-dure identified the part as not qualified for use in harsh environments at Fermi 2.

The basis for this position is IE Bulletin 78-02 which identified the qualification deficiency of an unprotected Marathon 6012 terminal block in an inside containment LOCA

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.. . 1 Mr. Jcmec K:pplar May 16, 1984 EF2-68,536 i Page 2 l l

steata environment. Detroit Edison responded to this IE i Bulletin stating that the Fermi 2 design does not utilize 1 exposed terminal blocks either inside or outside of primary containment in areas of possible harsh environment. It  !

should be emphasized that this is still a valid statement.  !

However, in 19 83, Detroit Edison responded (Reference 3) to an NRR letter (Reference 2) on unqualified components in safety related systems which included the Marathon 6000 series terminal block. At that time, the terminal block was only identified as being utilized in the Fermi 2 Hydrogen Recombiner System (T48) power panels (2R1600S00 3E and S005E) .

A review of Detroit Edison specifications and vendor documents was the basis for that ide nt if ication. The quali-fication plan was to relocate the power panels to a mild environment thus alleviating any concerns regarding the qualification deficiencies of the Marathon 6000 series terminal block in their only known application at Fermi 2.

Af ter Detroit Edison became aware of the presence of Marathon  !

6000 series terminal blocks in the valve operators, we real-  !

ized the potential for having these terminal blocks installed in motor operators that are classified as NUREG-0588 Appendix E, category 2A and 2B which could experience a 100 % RH/ steam i accident environment through which they must function. j In Detroit Edison's response to NUREG-0588 (Reference 4) regarding qualification of electrical equipment located in )

harsh environment, there are a total of eighty-eight (88) i Limitorque valve operators which require harsh environment qualification. This potential qualification deficiency could exist in thirteen (13) operators inside primary containment and seventy-five (75) operators outside primary containment. )

Analysis of the Safety Implications The area of concern involves the potential for Marathon 6000 I series terminal blocks to be installed in Limitorque motor operators that are required to function in a 100 % RH/ steam accident environment. In this environment, failure of the terminal block may cause the actuator motor to fail thereby l compromising the function of the safety system of which the (

valve is an integral part. This concern is not applicable to '

valve V8-2140, the valve in which the Marathon 6000 series terminal block was first identified. Valve V8-2140 is located in environmental Zone 9 First Floor Reactor Building.

In this zone High Energy Line Dreaks (HELB) or LOCA causes temperature and radiation levels to rise without an l

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I Mr. LJEmes - Kappler  !

- M:y f16, 19 84  :

EF2-68,536 3 .. -Page-3 i i

accompanying humidity rise to 100 % RH/ steam. However, there .

still-remains another eighty-seven (87) limitorque motor l operators - that . could be exposed to 100 % RH/ steam environment  !

. caused by HELB or LOCA, and as a result, could' impact the  !

,z .safefoperation of> Fermi'2. [

0 ~ Corrective Action l

. l

. The L Detroit Edison Company has implemented a program with a j dedicated team to evaluate and replace as necessary .all ter- i Eminal: blocks - installed in these Limitorque motor operators.  ;

e .

. The walkdown on 13 motor operated valves located inside

. primary containment has been completed and no Marathon 6000  !

series terminal blocks were found. A. total of thirty-two [

(32) out of seventy-five-.(75) notor operated valves located  :

. outside primary containment ~ have been inspected. Six (6)  !

-motor . operated valves were found to contain the Marathon 6000 series terminal. block. They are in the process of being

. replaced with-environmentally qualified terminal blocks. The .

remainder of the valves operators will be evaluated,  !

. inspected, and i the terminal ~ blocks replaced as necessary.

Based' upon the. extensive review that was performed on [

NUREG-0588 Appendix E,. category 2A and 2B_ equipment, Detroit  !

L Edison' considers. the identification of the Marathon 6000 i series terminal blocks -in Limitorque operators as an isolated j occurre nce . Accordingly, the use of this terminal block at  :

' Fermi! 2 .has . been addressed and resolved. All activities associated with this -issue will be completed prior to exceed-ring 5% power.

E ..This isj considered the final ' report on this item. Completion [

of -the corrective actions will be- tracked and verified by the ]'

'Ndelear Quality Assurance LDepartment.


If you have questions concerning .this matter, fplease contact Mr. - Lewis P. Bregni, (313) 586-5083. .


> _. . 1



. tSincerely v < ,

m - 3 >- ,


, cc t . .Mr. P. M. Byron / ,

Mr. R. :C. DeYoung  !

Mr. R. C. Knop  ;

Mr. M. D. Lynch j Mr. A. S. Masciantonio '

USNRC, Document Control Desk f Washington, D.C.:20555 [

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