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Rev 0 to Emergency Operating Spec 69-1001168, Loss of Reactor Coolant/Rcs Pressure, Technical Document
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1976
Shared Package
ML20085A992 List:
TASK-*, TASK-02, TASK-2, TASK-GB 69-1001168, BWPN-20004-(6-7, EOS-0162, EOS-162, GPU-0547, GPU-547, NUDOCS 8307070461
Download: ML20085A998 (7)


_ _ . . _ . . _ . _ _ - - - - - - --

, , 33 ,,1cw04 (6_73) 1 BABCOCK & WILCOX wucteam powie ossesanon oivision TECHNICAL DOCUMENT l EFERGENCY OPERATING SPECIFICATION t

69 - 1001168 - 00

- 00C.10-SERIAL No.-REYlSiG'N NO.


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CA&C O CK & wlL CQ A BWNP-20005 (6-76)


' REY. NO. CHANGE SECT / PARA. DESCRIPTION / CHANGE AUTHORIZATION 00 Original Issue - J. Veenstra Plant Performance Sves.



  • Prepared By 24;. , s ',d/ y,, &pp ke, [, ,. ' .t .. DATE ..,l7.7,d j/ (Name) (Title) e/


Reviewed By i, % ~ 3 #d kO2..__ _' 7 (Name)  %

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Reviewed By .

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Approved By A e ' - M M /j./ h t pse h M ATE /[f" (Name) (Title) ' ' '


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. T25780 DATE: 12-3-76 PAE 2

SA& COCK & witCQI BWP-20006 (6-76)

' wuctg As Powta GtNtaAf88N EI8 E" Myaneta 1ABLE OF COMTENTS/ EFFECTIVE PAGE LIST 60-2001168-00 SECTION TITLE PAGE D00. M0.

1.0 PURPOSh 4 69 ,1001168-00 2.0 SYMPTOMS 4 69-1001168-00

. . S 69-1001168-00 3.0 - AUTOMATIC ACTION 5 -

69-1001168-00 4.0 InfEDIATE OPERATOR ACTION 5 69-1001168-00 6 69-1001168-00 5.0 SUBSEQUENT OPERATOR ACTION 6 69-1001168-00 7 69-1001168-00


7 69-1001168-00 t

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COL NS _ ON .Y T25"/$1 DATE: 12-3-76 PAGE 3

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.* sAacccx o witcca ggCtgas pcwtg CSM8EADEN 08"ICM MICIE 69-1001168-00 TECliNICAl. DOCUt!ENT 1.0 PURPOSE This specification describes the recommended actions in the event of an abnormal decrease in Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure or pressurizer level. The symptoms and actions are considered according to the severity of the accident.

1.1 Small leak - within the capability of one makeup pump to maintain RCS pressure.

1.2 Intermediate' leak - within the capabi'lity of the High Pressure Injection (HPI) System to maintain RCS pressure.

1.3 Large leak - exceeds the capability of the HPI system to maintain RCS pressure.

2.0 S'tMPTOMS 2.1 Small Leak 2.1.1 Makeup tank inventory decreasing during steady state operation greater than the normal rate but less than the capacity of one makeup pump.

' 2.1.2 Makeup flow increasing with stable T,y,. ,

2.1.3 Possible radiation alarm in reactor building (RB) or other location that could indicate a RCS leak.

2.1.4 Possible RB sump level increase.

. t 2.1.S Greater than normal leakage during the i autine performance of Reference 6.2.

2.2 Intermediate Leak 2.2.1 Pressurizer level and RCS pressure decreasing with stable T*** and makeup flow increasing to mw4==.

2.2.2 Makeup tank inventory decreasing greater than capacity of one makeup pump but less than capacity of HPI system.

2.2.3 Possible radiation alarm in RB or other location that could indi-cate a RCS leak.

2.2.4 ars -

Increasing level in RB sump with possible high levelVo(Uih:l e.D

. Am..,A, 2.2.S Possible increase in R3 pressure and temperature.

C0U \'S ON, _

2.2,6 Possible makeup flow.high alarm.

T25782 DATE: 12-3-76 PAG :4 l

. SASCOCK & WitCoK BWNP-20o07 (6-76)

NUCLEAR Powlt GEHetAftoM eivtStoH NUMSta TECHNICAL DOCUMENT 69-20o1168-00 2.3 Large Leak 2.3.1 Rapid . decrease in pressurizer level and RQS pressure.

2.3.2 Reactor ard turbine trips acconpanied by Engineered Safety Features Actunion System (ESFAS) actuation.

2. 3. 3 High radiation alam in RB or other location that could indicate a RCS leak. +

2.3.4 High reactor building pressure and temperature.

2s3.5 High RB sump level possibly with a high level alarm.

3.0 AUTOMATIC ACTION 3.1 Small Leak Flow increases through pressurizer level control valve.

3.2 Intermediate Leak Flow increases through pressurizer level control valve. .

3.3 Large Leak 3.3.1 Reactor trip (Low RCS pressure or low pressurizer level) -

3.3.2 Turbine trip .

3.3.3 ESFAS Actuation (Low RCS pressure) 4.0 DNEDIATE OPERATOR ACTION 4.1 Small Leak -

4.1.1 Isolate letdown -

4.1.2 Atte=pt to locate and isolate the leak l

4.2 Intermediate Leak ,,

I 4.2.1 Trip reactor and assure turbine trips i

i 4.2.2 Isolate letdown C0KGCA-l 4.2.3 Initiate HPI PODi u 'Sc =- OLY I . -

1 T25783 l .

DATE: 12-3-76 PAE 5


' saac.oct a witcom gggg g NucigA1 POWie ogMgtAficM ctvt$inM 69-1001168-o0 TECHNICAL DOCUt!ENT -

4.3 Large Leak .

4.3.1 Verify automatic action has taken place 4.3.2 Isolate letdown 4.3.3 Trip all RC pumps if adequate suction pressure cannot be maintained, then isolate seal flow. .

5.0 SUBSEQUENT OPERATOR ACTION If a steam generator (SG) tube leak is suspected as the casualty .

M' (radiation in secondary steam system or other indication), isolate the affected SG and use remaining SG for cooldown as ' required.

  • Additional measures to reduce secondary system contamination and to reduce or prevent the reicase of radioactive elements to the atmosphere should be taken,


57 Scall Leak I aw l

If leakage cannot be reduced to .undes-the limits of Reference 6.1 5./.1 follow the actions required by Reference 6.1.,

-I Maintain makeup tank level per Reference 6.3.


  • I 5.2 3 . Terminate RB purge if in progress.

2-5./ Intermediate Leak

s. -

5.I.1 Operate third makeup pump to aid HPI as needed to maintain .

pressurizer level.

NOTE: It will be necessary to take water from the makeup tank periodically to prevent overfilling due to the return flow from RC pump seals.

5. 2 Reduce $n' umber of operating RC pumps to one in each loop. ,


I 5.f.3 Terminate RB purge if in progress.

5.f.4 Cooldown the plant to cold shutdown.

! 5.k.5 Attempt to find and isolate the leak.

rf=m 2 Prior to running out of water for HPI, if pressure is above#

5.J.6 Removal System (DHRS), use DER pu=p to allowed for the gD ca to HPI per Reference;5.3. C.3 m G.T . ,

supply water from,RS

~ -


  • PAGE b DATE: 12-3,76 . . .s .

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, ., 9t9CLEAE PnWEE OINIIAII3N Ct i$iCN 69-lo0116e-00 TECHNICAL DOCUMENT g# -y$

5.f.7 When RCS pressure allows, use DHR system in the RB E[irculation mode per, Reference 6.8. , l 3 l< s --  ;

5.4 Large Runture

  • l

> (,,4 S. (.1 Verify proper operation of ESFAS, including initiation of low -


pressure inj ection when the setpoint is reached. gepa.G.N C <- &* g  ;

QQe.Q. A

5. t. 2 Cooldown the plant in as near normal a manner as possible.Ceiert.*#Ce M 8 5 ASfGW 5.4.3 - While still using water from the borated water storage tank (BWST),

assure adequate fluid supply to the high or low pressure injection

, systems will be available from the RB sump prior to the BWST low level alarm. rEer y c.t.c M CE W 9 y ,

3 4 $% 0'

5. W. 4 Establish normal or RB sump recirculation deca / heat removal as appropriate when the BWST low level alarra setpoint is reached. /dferf- [C-fid###C 3

5.4.5 Sample RB hydrogen and initiate hydrogen removal procedures if required.

' 5.t. 6 Secure ESFAS components as necessary.

3 '

5.t.7 Initiate long term cooling with ,the decay heat removal system.


6.1 Plant Technical Specifications ,

l 6.2 RCS Leak Detection)"::;;3ses 05 5021 6.3 Makeup and Purification System Operation,OS 3521 ESFAS Operation;0S 2621 !

6.4 l

6.5 ReactorIripEOS0172 j

6.6 Plant Shuc'down;05 0135 ,

6.7 Plant Limits and Precautions oS 1101 j gg 6.8 j


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. T25785 i

l DATE: 12-3-76 PAGE 7

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