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Rev 0-03 to Corporate Procedure 1000-ADM-1291.01, Safety Review & Approval Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek, Three Mile Island, 05000000
Issue date: 08/07/1986
Shared Package
ML20205E603 List:
FOIA-86-293 1000-ADM-1291.0, NUDOCS 8608180486
Download: ML20205E789 (10)


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GPU Nuclear Corporate M U 1 Nuclear goiicy ,nd Procedure nu.i icco-4cx-iz,1.01 GPU Nuclear Safety Review and Approvat Procedure 8*'*"

D03 ANty/ Scope Res=cnsat:le Cffict All Nuclear Safety Reviews and Approvais NSAD - 63C0 This documentis important to safety XYesC No EMecove Cate August 17, 198 use of Enective pag Page . rtision Page Revision 1.0 2.0 3.0 0-03 0-01 0-01 El-4 El-5 El-6 0-02 0-01 0-02 5{ 3 r.$ c2 4.0 0-01 El-7 0-02 %G

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3 Concumng Un;anizanenat E!en ent Cate Signagrej ,

Origmator [ h p M '] $ [ Q l Nuclear Safety Assess =ent Direct:r g,,/

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a Numow GPu Nuclear Corporate i[dr.JJlNUCleST-

' Policy and Procedure Manual 1000-ACM-1297

.r m A**"N*-

GPU Nuclear . Safety Review and Accrovat Procedure 0-Oi



1.0 PURPOSE To establish a procedure to control and implement the GPU Nuclear Safety' Review and Approval Process.


This procedure shall apply to each Division / Facility of GPU Nuclear involved in the preparation, ravi:.i and 2pproval of ita=s which are Important To Safety (ITS) or have environmental impact and are required by Tecnnical Specifications or corporate requirements. As of the effecti'.e date, this procedure will apply to THI-1. It will be applicable at Oyster

.. Creek after its Technical Specifications have been revised. This procedure is not applicable to THI-2.


! 3.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - The part of the operating license of each unit which governs operating limits and administrative requirements for the power plant.


3.2 UNREVIEWED SAFETY QUESTION - As defined in 10CFRSO 59 "A proposed change, test or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unrevie- ..

safety question (1) if the probability of occurrence or the cons quences of an accident or malfuncti:n of equipment im;cr: ant to

.. safety (ITS) previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Repor: may be increased: or (2) if the possibility for an accident er malfunc-

. tion of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report may be created, or (3) if the margin of safety as

. defined in the basis for any technical specification'is reduced."

, 3.3 SAFETY EVALUATION - An evaluation which includes a determination of:


! 3.3.1 Whether an Unreviewed Safety Question is involved.

l l 3.3.2 Whether a Technical Specification Change is needed.

. 3.3.3 .Whetner a significant environmental impact would result.

3.3.4 Whether a significant euclear safety impact would result.

3.3.5 Whether the margin of safety as defined in other licensing basis documents is reduced.

g 3.4 TECHNICAL REVIEW - Reviewing a document for technical and safety 3 ,

adequacy. It incluces a review and concurrence on:

1 F

jI 3.4.1 The necessity for a cross-disciplinary tecnnical review.

! 3.4.2 The safety evaluation."

l 1 2.0 l

Nurnoer J Muclear 1

sPu Nuciear Cceporate patiev =ad Deccadure wa aual 1000- C M-1297.07 i Men on No.

71ee . l rwt1 guefene esa e +v Daview sad saacava t P*eesdure 0-01 li.

3.5 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY REIIG - A supplemental tecnnical review by other organizations upon whien tne document could have some ef- ,

fact. Such a review would be required when: the scope of the re-View exceeds the assigned acccuntability or cec:petence of.the re-

, viewer; or if it is a multi-discipline review; or if it may have licensing i=p11 cation. For exa=ple, a piping systes enange document might have to be reviewed by an electrical individual to detarmine taa 0.~f:c: of a led in the piping systes on electrical components near the piping systas. .

3.6 RESPONSISt.E TECHNICAL REIIE4ER (RTR) - An individual or group other than the preparer of a docu=ent who performs a Technical Review. He must be knowledgeante and experienced in the area of the review, must be different from tne preparer, but may be frcm the same organization as the preparer. (See section 4.I.1.1 for qualifications.)

l' INDEPENDENT SAFETT REl!G - This is an independent verification of 3.7 a previous safety evaluation. It includes a review of the docu=ent for safety adequacy / environ = ental i= pact, a review of :ne determination as to safety significance and a review of any

! associated written safety evaluations. It further includes the review of the documentation of such reviews and concurrence wita _

the previous reric1.

3.8 INDEPENDENT SAFETY RElIEWER-(ISR) .An individual or group, otner

' than the preparer and the Respcnsible Tecnnical Reviewer wno per-forms an Independent Safety Review. He must be knowtecgeamle and experienced in the area of the review and must not it, ave direct

- responsibility for tne activities under review. He may be frcm the same functional organt:ation as the Preparer. (See Section 4.T .I.2 for quaIif1 cations.)

I j 3.9 CONCURRENCE - Written agreement tnat tne provisions in a docu=ent for wnica review has been requested are acceptanie for implemen-


' tation witnin, or from tne standpoint of, tne signer's area of

. responsibility. .

i 3.10 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY - A special classification or category of : nose structures, systans, cc=ponants and activities tnat previce reasen-amle assurance tnat tne facility can be operated witncut undue risX to the health and safety of the puclic. It ene.~::casses tne bread class of plant features covered (not necessarily excitettry) in tne General Cesign Criteria, (10CFR50 Appendix A) taa: contricutes in

important ways to tne safe operation and protect 1on of tne puolte in all phases and aspects of facility operation (i.e., normal ocer-



  • l ation and transient centrol as well as accicent mitigation) . It
includes Safety-Related as a sucsat.

1 I





i a Nurn=er

- I; [#, Q) MChS7 lk GPU Huclear Corporate

' Do14ev and P-oce M e wa auai 1000-s04-T ?91.0.~ 1 Reve.on No.

Tine -

GPU Nuclear Safety Review and Aeecevat **ecedure 0-01 _,


3.11 SAFETY RELATED - As used in 10 CFR 100, Appendix A, this te-m refers l to those structures, systems, .or components designed to remain func ,  !

tional for the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) necessary to assure l r.equired safety functions, i.e.: . -

'(1) the integrit'y of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.

(2) the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutd:wn condition; or (3) the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of acci-dents which could result in potential off-site exposures compar-able to the guideline exposures of 10CFR100.  ;

Safety related is a 'sub-set of Important t:2 Safety.

, i 3.12 IMPLEMENTING APPROVAL - The signature of a Manager (or person with a I higher title) which indicates that the document has been properly

- prepared and reviewed and is thereby released for implementaien.

I 3.14 LICENSING BASIS DCCU S T (LSD) - Any document which is recogni:ed by

! the regulatory agency as part of the licensing basis of the plant.

These documents include the FSAR, Emergency Plan, Offsite Dose Cr ._

tion Manual, Security Plan, Fire Protection Plan, In-Service Ins- ,.

Plan, Radiation Protection. Plan, Quality Assurance Pian, Process . .a-trol Program, DPCC (Discharge Prevention Containment and Countameasures) Plan, SPCC (Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures) Plan, NPDES permit, and any other similar docu=ents which hav.e been officially submitted to the regulatory agencies.

3.15 PREPARER - The person who is responsible for the development of a Policy, Plan or Procedure. In the GPU Nuclear Corporation Policies, Plans and Procedures System this person is referred to as tne Origina:

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 Each Divisional Vice President will be responsible for having Indepen-dent Safety Reviewers and Responsible Technical Reviewers identified

within his crganization. ,,

4.1.1 Quaiffications Responsible Technical Reviewers will meet or exceed t:

qualifications of ANSI N18.1 - 1978 Section 4.4 for Reactor Engineering, Instrumentation and Control, Chemistry and Radicchemistry, Radiation Protection an

, :l Quality Assurance reviewers or have seven (7) years c


appropriate experience in the area of their 3:;ec'-1ty ,

I *


1 4.0

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New GPU Nuclear Corporate LE. Nuclear

! poucy and grocedure sanual loco _u s-1231.

Mvocn No.

Time 0-01 GPU Nuclear Safety.Reyiew and Approval Procedure l The Independent On-Site Safety Review Group (IOSRG)

~ engineers shall have a (1) Bachelor's Degree in Engi-neering or the Physical Sciences and three (3) years of professional level experience in the nuclear power field including technical supporting functions or (2) eight (8) years of appropriate experience. Credit

.toward experience will be given for advanced degrees on a one-to-one basis up to a maximum of two years.

4.1.2 Qualifications for Responsible Technical Reviewers ar.d Indepen-dent Safety Reviewers shall be documented using the form snown on Exhibit 3. This form will be certified by the innediate supervisor or higher. A list of qualified reviewers shall be maintained for each Division.

4.1.3 Certifiers must be GPUNC employees.

4.1.4 Consultants / contractors cannot be RTR's or ISR's but may be used for information or advise.

j 4.2 Training 4.2.1 Initial training will be provided for Responsible Technicai Reviewers and Independent Safety Reviewers in accordance an approved training program.

')' --

I 4.2.2 Retraining will be' given every two years.

4.3 Flowchart 4.3.1 Documents covered by the Review and Approval. Matrix will folic

  • the basic flow identified in the Safety Review Flowchart, Exhibit 6, attached. This is a simplified chart to show the

' basic flow only.

I i

j 4.4 Precaration 4.4.1 Each subject item identified in the Review and Approval Matric t

(Exhibits f and 2) that is Important To Safety (ITS) will be prepared by an individual or group from the Division or Depar-ment indicated in Cojumn 1 of the ttatrices, 4.4.2 The Preparer is responsible for the development of the i

procedures, plans, modifications, event reports, Technical Specification enanges and other reports required by the Matri (Note: hereinaf ter these are referred to as subject ite=s.)


  • 2 4.4.3 The Preparer is responsible for the technical adequacy cf :ne

. r document. This includes the responsibility for He ensuring cr:s

!! - disciplinary and other inputs, wnen recuired. is fur -

I responsible for tne initial determination of whether th 3

1 _

I* 5.0 ,

l New GPU Nuclear Corporate Ii [r1 r 2 UClear Policy and Procedure Manual loco-ADM-1291.



A*'*on No. ,


' J GPU Nuclear Safety Review and Approval Procedure 0-01

~ The Independent On-Site Safety Review Group (IOSRG)




engineers shall have a (1) Bachelor's Degree in Engi-neering or the Physical Sciences and three (3) years of professional level experience in the nuclear power field including technical supporting functions or (2)

. eight (8) years of appropriate experience. Credit

. .toward experience will be given for advanced degrees  ;

on a one-to-one basis up to a maximum of two years. l 4.1.2 Qualifications for Responsible Technical Reviewers and Indepen-dent Safety Reviewers shall be documented using the form shcwn I on bhlbit 3. This form will be certified by the innediate supervisor or higher. A list of qualified reviewers shall be maintained for each Division.

4.1.3 Certifiers must be GPUNC employees.

4.1.4 Consultants / contractors cannot be RTR's or ISR's but may be used for information or advise.

4.2 Training j 4.2.1 Initial training will be provided for Responsible Technical"

- Reviewers and Independent Safety Reviewers in accordance an approved training program. ) --

4.2.2 Retraining will be' given every two years.

4.3 Flowchart i

! 4.3.1 Documents covered by the Rr. view and Approval. Matrix will folic I

the basic flow identified in the Safety Review Flowchart,

' Exhibit 6, attached. This is a simplified chart to show the basic flow only.

4.4 Precaration i

i 4.4.1 Each subject item identified in the Review and Acproval ilatrit

- (Exhibits 1 and 2) that is Important To Safety (ITS) will be prepared by an individual or group from the Divisien or Depar-ment indicated in Cojumn 1 of the flatrices.

4.4.2 The Preparer is responsible for the development of the procedures, plans, modifications, event reports, Technical Specification changes and other reports required by the Matri (Note: hereinafter these are referred to as subject items.)

5 The Preparer is responsible for the technical adecuacy of :ne

.  :: 4.4.3 document. This includes the responsibility for ensuring cros il

- disciplinary and other inputs, wnen recuired. He is fur
  • I responsible for the initial determination of whether tn 1

1 -

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l y yJ j gg[gp GPU Nuclear Cori: orate Policy and Precedure Manual Number 1000-A0f Tine Revisen Nc GPU Nuclear. Safety Review and Approval Procedure 0



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Nuclear memorandum 3

subject: Safety Review fraining Program Description Date: July 8, 1985 From: Wayne R. Naylor Location: Parsippany 1621K To: Safety Review Training Division Representatives Enclosed you will find the final approved cony of the safety review program description. If you review section 2.4 you will notice that all GPU NUCLEAR Ofvision Director's are responsible for a few items pertaining to the safety review program.

To ensure that your director understands his responsibilities, I would like you to review with your director, section 2.4 and answer all question that he may have. After your director concurs with Section 2. 4, hava.his sign the battam ef.the program desapiptien-eaumme sheet and return the cover sheet to ns.7 In order for us to conduct the safety review training courses scheduled for this Septenber, the above mentioned Director review must be conoleted by August 15, 1965..-

If you have any questions, please call me at 2363.

Wayne R. Naylor WRN/1h cc: D.A. Ross, Special Projects Director A0000648 0 83


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