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Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,changing Tech Spec 3/ & Associated Bases to Increase Allowed Secondary Containment Bypass Leakage Rate from 0.015 La to 0.03 La
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1991
From: Shelton D
Shared Package
ML20070F233 List:
1900, NUDOCS 9103080196
Download: ML20070F231 (2)


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. ENERGY Donald C. Shelton 30u Madison Avenus Vce President Nuclear Toledo, Oil 436520001 Davis Besse -- (419)249 2300 Docket l Number 50-346 License Number NPF Serial-Number 1900

-March 1, 1991

. United-States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-Document Control Desk Vashington, D. C.-_20555

~ Subject s - License Amendment Request to Prease the Allowed Secondary Containment Bypass Leakage Ra m


Enclosed is an application for an amendment to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Pwer Station, Unat -1 (DBNPS),- Operating License Number NPF-3, Appei :A Technical _ Specifications.(TS). The proposed changes involve TS'3/, Containment: Systems - Containment Leakage and its associated Bases.

These changes vould2 increase the' allowed secondary containment bypass leakage. rate from 0.015 La to 0.03 La, relocate the111st of containment


, bypass lu.kage paths (Table 3.6-1) f rom the TS's to the Updated Safety Analysis = Report (USAR), and delete Surveillance Requirements-(SR)-leakage tests-for~typesioficontainment. penetrations'and containment isolation valves

which are-not-incorporated'ln the DBNPS design. . The revised containment-bypass.. leakage 11mitlvillJincrease the acceptable limit'for test results.

-As a result,3the potential for othertise unnecessary component rework and'

associated radiation exposure vill be reduced.-'The proposed changes do not L increase of fsi te dose : consequences of analyzed- accidents beyond ' those

_previously found to beiacceptable by=the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in.

the Safety Evaluation-Report (NUREG-0136)-for th_e DBNPS Operating License.

The secondary containment hypass leakage rate vill be measured.during the-o upcoming- seventh retuaEleg orcrge. .Accordingly, Toledo Edison requests that

~ this amendment - be issan ^ey thel14uclear Regulatory Commission by September l',1991,ivits 1a.plementation _vithin 45 days' following is uance.

'9i03090196 910301 -

PDR ADOCK 05000346 P PDA- ,

Operahng Companios-


' Clevelon'j Electric muminating C N . ,-- ,u 0 T /h O O{.

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  • Docket Number 50-346 l . License Number NPF-3 S,erial Number 1900 Page-2 If you have any questions regarding knis amendment request, please contact Mr. Robert V. Schrauder, Manager - Nuclear Licensing, at (419) 249-2366.

Very truly)yours, (7 /


PVS/mmb enclosure cci P. H. Byron, DB-1 NRC Senior Resident Inspector A. B. Davis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III D. C. Di Ianni. DB-1 NRC Senior Project Manager General J. Villiams, Chief of Staff, Ohio Adjutant General's Office State of Ohio Utility Radiological Safety Board s


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