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Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binder EB-31 & Endorsement 65 to Nelia Policy NF-188
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 05000471
Issue date: 03/16/1982
From: Sinisi J
To: Saltzman J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8203250557
Download: ML20042B709 (4)


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Marsh & t kiennan, Incorporated 1 financial 11 ara liartford, Connetta ut 06101 Telephone 201 278 1400 Telen 9H0ft

  • A March 16, 1982 p b UECGiygn 2 ,2 Mr. Jerome Saltzman, Chief C- enMARgIIS826' Office of Antitrust & Indemnity 5 Nuclear Reactor Regulation ,.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission f,

Washington, DC 20555 s g Re: Boston Edison Company NELIA Binder No. EB-31 Endorsement No. 8 Dgq 2j NELIA Policy No. NF-188 Endorsement No. 65

Dear Mr. Saltzman:

On behalf of Boston Edison Company, we enclose two cer-tified copies of Endorsement No. 8 to NELIA Binder No.

EB-31 and eight certifieu copies of Endorsement No. 65 to NELIA Policy No. NF-188.

Y rs v ry* ruly, i ); ,'

J M.. inis'i A',s istant Vice President JMS/efk enclosures (10) cc: P. A. Foulsham - BeCo J. X. Probolus - M&M Boston Ok 8203250557 820316 PDR ADOCK 05000293 h\ \


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. PORTI0f1 ATE LIABILITY EilDORSEtiEflT Calendar Year 1982

1. It is agreed that with respect to (i) bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii) contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or more binders with respect to such bodily injury or property damage is not paid:
a. The word " companies" wherever used in the means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each ach company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy. -
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from lhe beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Caiendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft Master Policy, or this binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.

(see reverse side for list a bC h USf M @ @

S This is to certify that thio 1 Endorsement having the endorrezcat n=ber and being mado part of the liaolear Enorgy Liability Policy (Facility Form) ao dos-Ignated horeon. Ilo Insuranco la afforded hereunder, it/

. hn L. Qula troct. . ,a rt46u 1 y I QN Effective Date of this Enoctaement


) Binder flo.

12:01 A.M. Stancard Time To form a part of pgMfpp EB-31 issued to Pnston Fdison Comnany Date of lasue March 5.1982 For the su e toing ce pantes By A 8

/f~ G eneral Manager EndorserNnt No -

Countersigned by (1/82)

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Sut1C8!8 tis 3 C0pF14ffi Pe070efl0a CF 1609 Aetna Canvalty and Serety Co.. The. I5I Farstagton Ave. Martford. Cf 06154 Aetna lasureace Company. 55 fim St.. Martford. CT 06155 9.95f H9 3.153160 Aff elf ated Alliana FM Insurance Insurance Cospany. Co..

6435Alteadale Part. P.O. Son 7500 Jonastoa. At 02119 Welshtre 81 0.248934 d.. Los Angeles. CA 90054 Allstate Insurance Co.. Allstate flers South 1.327647 Gl. Nortaoroot. !L 60062 6.978675 American Muae Assursace Co. 102 Maiden Lane. hew fort. NY 10005 0.871264 American Motortsts Insvesace Co., Loa 9 Crove. IL 60049 litwetsovs Canvalty Corporation. 32018th 5t.. Roch Islead. IL 61208 0.414990 Centenatal lasurance Co.. Atlantic 8vilitag. 45 Wall Street. New fort, elv 10005 0.414890 0.248934 Cosinercial Unton lasurance Co.. Cae 8eacon St.. Boston mA 02108 3.319116 Connecticut ledematty Company. The. 9 Face 5Petats ad.. Farstattoa. CT 06032 Continental Casualty Co. ChA Piers. Chica90 IL 60645 0.414890 Conteneatal lasurance Co., ine. 40 Malden La.. hew York. hv 10038 4.la8895 .

7.675457 f ederal lasurance Co. 51 John F. Keaaedy Parkway. Snort wells. NJ 07078 Fireman's Fune Insvrance Compantes. P.O. 80s 3395. San Freactsco. CA 94 t 19 1.493602 General Accident lasurance Company of AeertCa. 418 Walnut St.. Philadelpnta. PA 19105 5.310586 1.327647 Manover Inserance Co. The. 440 Leacola St.. Isorcester. PA 01605 0.497967 Martford Accident and Indemaity Co.. Martford Plaza, nartford. CT 06115

  • Martford 5 team actler less. 6 lat. Co.. The. 56 Prospect it.. Martford. CT 04102 . 7.053122 Mtgniends lasuraece Co.c (30 Jef f erson St.. Houston, is 17002 0.497867

= 0.414890 Mame lade = atty Co.. TRe. 59 Maidea Lane, new fort. Nf 10038 3.651028 lasvraace Co. of Nortn America. P.O. Sos 7128. Pailadelanta. PA 19101 1.659558 Monarch lasurance Co. of On60. The 19 sec tor 5t.. %e. York. hf 10006 0.331912 hortaera insu rance Comaeap of new fort. P.O. Ses 1228. 8alttaore. MD 21203 .


  • horta=estern hattonal las. Co. 131 No. Jackson St.. Milweetee. WI $1201 0.663823 Onto Casualte lasvrance Company, ine.136 horth Third 5t.. Maatitoa. OH 45025 Pac tf te ladcaatty Co. 53 Joan F. Keasedy Parkway. Short Mills. NJ 07076 0.165356 I Peerless laterance Co. 62 Maple Ave.. seene. h4 01411 0.331912 Protective Insurance Co. 3100 ho. Meridiaa St.. ladianapolis. lit 46208 0.12a467 Proviceace Washtagten lasurance Co. 20 Washington Place. Provideace, at 02903 0.243934 Aeltance lasurance Company. 4 Penn Center Plata. Phttadelenta. PA 19101 0.165956 soyal lasurance Comcaar of america.150 Willtae Street. new fort. NF 10033 0.995735 St. Paul Fire 8 Martae las. Co. 385 Washtattoa St.. St. Paul, MN 55102 3.319116 Seaboard Svrety Co. 90 Wilitan 5t.. he. rort. Ny 10038 4.699869
  • State f are Fire 6 Casualty Company.112 test Washia9toa 5t.. Bloomtagtoa. IL 0.145956 Transamerica lasersace Compan 61701 0.829779 1 ;.

. Travelers la$eanity Ceasany. y. P.O. Son 54256. Los Aageles. CA 90054 0.829779 The. Cae Tower Staere. Martford. CT 06115 10.787128 Walted States Itoelity and Guaranty Co. 100 Legat St. 84ttfoore. MD 21202

Wat ted States r Fire lasurance Co.. P.O. See 2387. Morrtsto-a. NJ 07960 3.319116 2 vetch lasu ance Co. 231 Mo, Martin 9 ate Rd.. Schaumburg. IL 60196 ha.82 1.244649 I

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1. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard:
a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. ,
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the b $ of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December g51982 or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner.

ggE SU95CRf 61%G COM'Ahlt5 PROPORTION OF kgdO v4 Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.. The.151 Farmington Ave. Hartford CT 06156 D o >n 9.9573491,o 4.a Aetna Insurance Company 55 Elm St.. Hartford. CT 06115 3.153160 # ari Af filiated FM insurance Co., A11endate Park. P.O. Som 7500. Johnston Rt 02919 0.248934 4yri4 O Allians Insurance Co $any. 6435 Wilshire sivd., Los An9eles CA 90054 1.327647 3 8 Allstate insurance Co.. Allstate #1 ara South - Gl. horthbrook. IL 60062 American Mome Assu r ance Co.,102 Malden Lane. New York, hv 10005 4.978675 0.871268 .

d *y j 84 American Motortsts Insurance Co.. to Grove. IL 60049 0.414890 ' O g 't'$

Situminous Casualty Corporation. 320- 8th St. Rock Island. IL 61201 0.414890 0 Centenatal Insurance Co. Atlantic Butiding. 45 Wall Street. New York. NY 10005 0.248934 $ h 't3 s

Coppercial Union Insurance Co.. One Beacon St.. Boston, MA 02108 3.319116 0 '

Connecticut indemnity Conany. The. 9 Fare Springs Rd.. Fareengton. (T 06032 0.414890 ,.4 q Continental Casualty Co.. ChA Plaza. Chtca90 IL 60685 4.148895

.oy Continental Insurence Co.. The. 80 Maiden La.. New York, hv 10038 7.675457 Federal Insurance ;o., 51 John F. Fencedy Parkway. Short Mills NJ 07074 q p.4 cd 1.493602 Fireaan's Fund insurance Compantes. P.O. Som 3395. San Franctsco. CA 94119 5.310586 ) Nj D General Accident Insurance Company of America. 414 Walnut St.. Philadelphia, PA 19105 Hanover Insurance Co.. The. 440 Lincoln St.. Worcester. MA 01605 1.327647 0.497867 N

.N O s Martford Accident and Indesant ty Co.. Hartford Plata. Hartford. CT 06115 7.053122 0 ,44 O Martford 5 team Boiler Insp. 4 Ins. Co.. The. 56 Prospect St.. Martford. CT 06102 0.497867 D .3 C Ntqhlands Insurance Co. 600 Jef ferson $t.. Houston. TI 17002 0.414890 C d home Indematty Co.. The. 59 Maiden Lane. New fork, hv 10038 3.651028 0 'd4 h 3 Insurance Co. of North America. P.O. Bos 7728. Philadelphta. PA 19101 '

1.659558 OM co Monarch Insurance Co. of Onto. The.19 Rector St.. New York. NY 10006 0.331912 +J ' M %C "

hortnern Insurance Company of hew York. P.O. Bos 1228. 8altimore. MD 21201 2.240404 , to H horthwestern hattonal Ins. Co. 131 No. Jackson St.. Milwaukee, WI 51201 0.663823 j*2 Chto Casualty Insurance Company. The.136 horth T%trd St. Ma*titon. CH 45025 te) s4 o Pac tf tc Indaanity Co. 51 John F. Kennedy Park.ay. Short Hills. NJ 07078 0.165956 4 c0 0.331912 '4 -4 Ug g Peerless Insurance Co. 62 Maple Ave.. Keene, hM 03431 0.124467 4 N * #

Protec tive lasurance Co. 3100 ho. Merfdten St.. Indianapolls. IN 46208 0.248934 "8 84 >I O *! -=

Providence Washington Insurance Co., 20 bashington Place. Providence. RI 02903 7g Reitance insurance Company. 4 Penn Center Ptara. Philadelphia. PA 19103 0.165956 $ 'G c'S O Royal Insurance Company of America,150 Wtiltam Street. New York, hf 10033 0.995735 > 4.s O f a$o 5t. Paul Fire 6 Martre Ins. Co. 385 hashington St. St. Paul. M4 55102 3.319116 C r4 ~: "U 4.699869 3 O O.g A i Seaboard Surety Co. 90 W111 tam St.. New York, hY 10038 0.165956 El  ?,d State Farm Fire & Casualty Company.112 East Washin9 ton 5t.. Bloomington. IL 61701 transmrtca insuraace Coacany. P.O. son 54256. Los Angeles. (A 90054 Travelers ledemnity Company. The. Ore Tower Square. Martford CT 06115 0.829779 13 0m$

0.829779 4 h O .p .d.

United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co.,100 Lignt St.. Baltimore. MD 21202 10.787128 ya o M a 10.455217 -4 't3 Unt'ed States Fire Insurance Co.. P.O. Box 2387. Morristown, NJ 07960 3.319116 C M I i4 Zuricg! surance Co., 231 ho. Marttegate Rd. Schanurg. IL 60196 1.244669 *- Oe Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1982 To form a part of Policy No. NF-188 12:01 A M issued to on MM b@. Standard M Time Date of issue March 5,1982 For the sub ribing compa ies By IA

/#' General Manager Endorsement No. 65 countersigned by (1/82)