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Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Rept 1981.
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1982
From: Bartol J, Bartol L, Fuhrman G, Rafi A
Shared Package
ML20050C334 List:
NUDOCS 8204080416
Download: ML20050C340 (52)




January 1, - December 31,1981 l l 1

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  • A. Rafi
..i-o March 1982-1
    .                                                                      January 1 - December 31, 1951 Eceket Nos. 30-317/318 1

1 IABLE OF CCNTENTS PAGE LIST OF FIGURES---------------------------------------- ii LIST O F TABLES ---- ----------- - --- ----- ------- ---------- 1i A. S'u1RKART--- --- - -- - ----- -- - - -- -- -- - --- -- -- --- --- ----- 1 B. IN TRODUCTION --- ---- ------- ----------- -------------- 3 C. FRCG RAM ----- - - - - --- ----- -- -- -- -- ---- - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- 3 C.1 Objectives-------------------------------------- 3 C. 2 Sa.mple Collection------------------------------- h C. 3 Data I nte rpre tatien----------------------------- h C. h Fregram Exceptions------------------------------ - D. RESULTS AND DISCUSSICKS---------------------------- 3 D.1 Aquatic Environme nt----------------------------- 3 D. 2 Atmosphsric Envirenne nt------- ------------------ 7

  • D. 3 Terrestrial Envirennent------------------------- 9 .

D. h External Raciation------------------------------ 10

3. CONCLUSICN----------------------------------------- 10
      . as s.Lw. C s o, -- --- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - ---- --- - -- - - - -- - --- - --   c2 IFFENDIX A - Enviror. mental Sanpling Locatien--                            2h AFFENDIX 3 - Analytical Data Tables-----------                              26 I

e' 4

January 1 - facem'cer 31, 1931 ' Docket Nos, 50-317/318 LIST OF FIGURSS i1GURE TITLE PAGE A-1 Map of Southern Maryland and Chesapeake Bay Showing Location of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant--------------------------------------- y" A-2 Radiological Envirormental Monitoring Stations in the Vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Euclear Power Plant--------------------------------------- 27 LIST OF TAELES TABLE TITLE PAGE 1 Synopsis of the 1981 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer - Plant Radiological Envirorcental Monitoring Pro g r am -- -- - --- - - -- ---- - -- --- - -- - - - --- -- - - - - - -- --- 12 2 Annual Sunnary of Radioactivity in the Envirens = of the Calvert Cliffs nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2------------------------------------- 15 A-1 Lccations of Envircrrental Sanpling Stations for - the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant------------ 23

                                                                                                  *e t

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s. January 1 - Eecencer 31, 1981

 ..                                                                         Locket res. 30-317/318 A. SWMARY Euring this cperating period for Calvert Cliffs Unit i and Unit 2, Radiatien Management Corporation (EMC) and Saltincre Gas and 31ectric Cenpany (SGEE)                                  >

analyzed samples from the aquatic, atnespheric, and terrestrial envirennents. A total of 1,Ch1 analyses were perfer .ed on 7h3 envircrr. ental sanples during this pericd. In additieni 3GbE personnel analyzed 600 thernoluminescent dosineters (TLL's) for anbient radiatien dose rates. Samples frem the aquatic envirennent included bay water, fish, shellfish (cysters, crabs), 'and sedinent. Say water was analy:ed for tritium, Sr-d9, Sr-90, and 'gsnna enitting nuclides. Fish, shellfish, anc sedinent were analyzed for ganna emitting nuclides. . Fish benes and sedinent were also analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90. Mcnitcring tatien. of the atnespheric environnent included sanpling air and precipi-Air particulates and gasecus icdine were collected en glass fiber. filters and silver eclite rolecular sieve cartridges, respectively.


The particulate filters were analyzed for grcss beta activity and for ganna enitting nuclides while the nolecular sieve cartridges were analyced for I-131. Analyses particulate filters. Mere nade fer Sr-89 and Sr-90 on quarterly cenpesited air a Precipitation was analyzed for gross beta, H-3, Sr-69, Sr-90 and ganna enitting nuclides.

      -      Sanples water         frca the terrestrial environment included vegetation, scil, and ground sanples.

ters, Sr-89, and The vegetation and soil :n.ples were analyzed for ganna enit-Sr-90. The ground wat'ar sanples-weis analyzed for H-3 and

           'ganna enitting nuclicas.

Measurenents of external radiatien were perferned by analyzing TLE's fren 13 1ccatiens surrounding the plant. Lcw levels of varicus radionuclices were observed in the environnent surrounding the plant during 1961. - Most of these observatiens were attributed to the fall-cut-fren recent and past atnespheric ' nuclear ::sapens testing.. A few of these-observaticns, however, nay be directly related to the operatien of the plant. Tritiun, Cc-58, and Sr-69 were observed in a few bay water sanples taken from the disenarge area in cencentrations greater than these observed in previous years.

                         .Ccbalt-58, 2n-65, and Ag-llCn were etserved in oyster sanples frcn
          . Camp Coney at.relatively lcw levels, and Sr-d9.was observed in the benes of

a single blue fish sanple. *

          'in'a pattern sinilar to that observed in tne past..Trace                  Cchalt-56 secuntsand'Cc-6C' of Mn-3h, appeared in Sr-89, and Cs-137 were observed in air filter sanples taken fren bcth indictter
          - and     centrol iccaticns, precipitaticn         sanples.and   H-3 and Sr-59 appeared speradically in cenpesited Strentium-59 was also Lebserved 'in a 'feu vegetatien sanples taken frcn farms nearby the plant. In all cf ithese cases, the activities
          .on observed        are low envdrennent.

the surrounding and, censequently, uculd have very little radiclogical inpact In order to assess the . plant's actual centribution to the anbient' raciation levels of the. surrcunding envirennent, dose calculations . wore perferred using i 1

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s January 1 - Eecember 31, 1961 Locket ::cs. 50-317/316 the plant's effulent release data, on site meteorological data, and apprcpriate pathways. -The results of these dese calculatiens indicate:

a. a maxinun thyroid dose (via all spplicable pathways) of 0.10 ren at location 16, which is less than 0.2% of the acceptable linit of 75 nren/ year as specified in h0 CFR 190 Invironmental Radiaticn Frctection Sttndards for ?:uclea Power Cperatiens; b._ a maxinun whole bcdy ga- a ecse of 0.CO2 nren at location 25, which is less than 0.Cl3 of the acceptable dose of 25 nren/ year

_ (LC CFR 190);

c. a naxinun whole bcdy dese. (via all licuid pathways) of G.C6 nren, which is less than 0 3% of the acceptable linit of 23 nren/ ear (LC CFR 190).

Thus it is concluded, based upon the levels of radicactivity observed and the varicus dose calculatiens perferned, that the cperation of Calvert Cliffs 1:uclear Pcwer Plant- Units 1 and 2 during 1981 did nc cause any significant changes in radfonuclide inventer-y of the surrcunding environment er in the anbient radiatien levels of critical pathways. 6

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January 1 - recember 31, 1981 Eccket Nos. 50-317/31S

3. IUT2CESCTICU 3altincre Gas and Electric Ccepany (2GLE) has been ccnducting a radiological environmental nenitoring progran in the environs of the Calvert Cliffs Uuclear Power Plant cince the sunner cf 1970. Results of the analyses of environmental sanples for the preoperatienal and cperational periods thrcugh recember 31,19c0, have been reported in a series of docunents (1-17).

This report presents the type r'd number cf samples analyzed, the analyses perferned (see Table 1 for a _a= mary of the surveillance pregran) and the data generated during 1961. Interpretatien of the data and conclusiens are presented. Appendix A sunnarizes the as=ple media and relative canpling locations with respect to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (Table A-1 and Pigure A-1). Figure _ A-2 shows'the location of the Calvert Cliffs nuclear Site in relation to the Chesapeake Bay and Scuthern Maryland. The Calvert Cliffs site is an operating nuclear generating station consisting of two PWR Units. Unit 1 achieved criticality en Octcher 7,197h, and cennenced ccnnercial operaticn in May 1975. Unit 2 achieved criticality en never?cer 30, 1976, and went into ce=nercial operation April 1,1977. Since July 29, 1977, we have been operating under cenbined Environmental Technical Specificaticns for Units 1 and 2 (Ic). Prior to this date, separate Envirennental Technical Specificatiens (19,20)

.          were in effect fer each unit.

C. PRCGRAM The envirennantsl surveillance data cellected during this reperting pericd were ccmpared with that generated in previcus pericds to assess the environ-nental radiological impact of the operation of Calvert Cliffs Fuelear Power Plant Units 1 and 2. C.1 Objectives i The cbjectives of the operatienti radiological envircnnental progran are:

a. To determine whether any statistically significant increase c: curs in the concentration cf radionuclides in inpertant pathways,
b. To detect any pessible buildup of 1cng-lived radienuclides in the environnant,
c. To nenitor and evaluate ambient radiation levels,
d. To verify thct radicacti'.ity and anbient radiatien lavels

_ attributable to the plant are uithin the limits specified in the Technical Specificatiens (18).-


o' lN N

January 1 - Eecenter 31, 1981 Eceket Ecs. $C-317/313 . C.2 Sanple Collection The 1ccations of the individual sanpling statiens are listed in Table A-1 and shown in Figure A-2. All sanples were collected by ectsultants te, or personnel of, Baltincre Gas and Electric Cenpr.y acccrding to 3Gh3 operating procedures (21). Radicchemical analyses were perferred by E.C and 3G53. - Anbient radiation nessurenents were nade by Baltimore Gas and Electric Cenpany personnel in accordance with an operating precedure (2h). These neasurenents were made with ther=cluninescent desineters as previcusly described (1C). C.3 Data Interpretatien Analytical data generated during the progran are reutinely evaluated. In the interpretatien of the data several facters are importa,nt and are di: cussed here to avoid repetiticn in the sectiens that follcw. ' It is characteristic of environnental menitoring data that nan-/ results cecur at cr _below the mininum detectable level (MEL). In this report, all results cccurring at or belcw the relevant MEL are reported as being "less than" the IIL value. Annual neans, range and typical lIILis are presented for each type of analysis for every sanple necia. Results of individual analyses are also presented with applicable standard deviaticns. ~ In the case of gan=a spectrcnetry, if no activity of a particular nuclide was fcund, ne averags was calculated for that nuclide. , C.L Procran Excecticns 1.'o milk sEnples, fren ecws within five miles of the plant, were available during 1981. Uo rooted aquatic plants were fcund during 1981. Sanples of crabs were unavailable during the first quarter of 1981. Edible fish sanples were unavailable during the first quarter, because the cennercial pound nets south of Cove Point were not deployed during that pericd. a 4

i l January 1 - Cecember 31, 1961 Eceket I:cs. 30-317/316 u . wre:T

                                          .--   m.S s,.v3 m  .r .e re e. . u-.
                                                                        . . S-All environmental sa. ples were either analyzed by 320 labcratcry- precedures (22) er EGL3 lateratcry precedures (23). The analytical results for this reporting period, presented in Appendix 3 and also su= arized en an annual basis in Tabla 2, have been divided into four categories -- aquatic, at=cs-pheric, terrestrial enviren=ent, and external radiatien.

D.1 Acuatic Invirennent "he aquatic enviren=ent surrounding the plant was nonitored by analycing samples of bay water, aquatic organisns, and betten sedinent. These samples were obtained fren varicus sampling locatiens en :ne Chesapeake Bay near the plant. 3.1.8 EaY dater Monthly bay water sanples were taken frc= two locations; the Plant Intake area (locaticn 6) and the Plant Gutfall area (location 7). These sanples were analyzed for E-3, ganna emitters, and Sr-59 and 3r-90.

!cnthly analyses fer H-3 in these sanples exhibited cencentrations ranging frca 4119 to 16C2:160 pCi/l for locatien 7 and fren 41C1 to 217:113 pCi/l fer location S. . lith tne exceptions of the April result of 16C2:160 pCi/1 and the June result of 926'102 pCi/1, both in sanples taken from iccation 7,
       'all tritiun results were well within the rances cbserved in both the pre-cperational (6) and previcus cperational (17) perieds. The two cutlying
  • results are pretably due to sanpling directly in the plune of the disenarge
      . cencurrent with a radicactive release and befcre that release had adequately mixed with the bay.

Menthly analyses for ga na emitters in these sa ples showed cnly the detectable cctcentratien of Cc-33 at 2.7tl.3 pCi/l in the April sanp3e taken frc= iccation 7. The presence of Cc-33 in this sanple is pr bably plant

      - related.

Quarterly analyses fer radicstrontiun shewed one detectable concentration of 3r-89 (viz., l.C2to.7 pCi/l in the fourth quarter sanple fren lccation 7), and two cetectable concentraticns of Sr-90 (viz.,1.26:0.37 pC1/1 and 0 70to.L3 pCi/1 in the second quarter sanples fren 1ccatiens 7 and e). The detectable concentration of '5r-09 is prcbably related to plant cperation. The 3r-90 concentratiens are ec=carable with the concentrations observed in-the precperational (6) and previeus operational (17) perieds.

     ' D.1.b              Acuatic Organisns (narterly sanples of' aquatic crganists were taken fren five locatiens; tno pound nets scuth of Cove Point (lecatien 1), Kenwced Beach (lecatien 3), Aceky Pcint (locatien b), Canp Coney (lecation 3) and Flant Intar:e e'

a f .4

January 1 - Eecencer 31, 1981 7ecket

                                                           ....cs. 30-; 1 7/;;2 area (location 8). The edible pcrtiens of these sanples were analyzed for ganna eritters, and sanples cf fish benes were analyzed fer Sr-c9 and Sr-90.

Quarterly analyces of blue fish sanples cellected during the second, third, and fo"rth quarters fren location 1 showed cetectable cencentrations of Cs-137 ranging fren 15:5 to 27:9 pCi/kg, while the quarterly analyses of weak fish sanples during the sameeericd shewed no detectacle concentrati:ns of any ganna emitters. The presence of Cs-137 in the blue fish sanples nay be related to either racicactive discharges fren the plart er to past nuclear benb testing, er to a conbination of both of these scurces. However, it should be noted that the samples in questien were generally those of large, nature representatives of the species near the top of their food ensin, and thus the cbserved cencentratiens of Cs-137 are prcc' ably the result of a long procees of bicaccunulatien of this typical ubiquitcus falleut radionuclide. Quarterly analyses for ganna enitters in the crab sanples fren all locations and in the cyster sanples fren 1ccation 3 with tne exceptien cf the third S quarter sanplc, revealed no detectable concentrations of fission or activat,ien products in the muscle tissues. Analyses of the second and third quarter cyster sanples fren both le ation 3 and 5 shewed trace ancunts of Er-93, Eb-95, and Ru-103 which are nest probably related tc the detonatien of a nuclear cenb by the People's Republic of China in the fall cf 1960. The , analyses of cyster sanples frc: locaticn 5, en tne ether hand, revealad detectable cencentrations of Ag-11Cn ranging fren 35:3 to 60t10 pCi/kg in - all sanples, and the presence of Co-50 at a concentratien of 2005 pCi/kg and cf Zn-65 at a concentratien of 32126 pCi/kg in only the third quar,ter sample. The presence of these three radienuclides is probably plant related, ' thcugh it should be noted that in the cases of Cc-5c and Zn-63, both ccncen-tratiens bercer the nininun detectable linits of this analysis as typified in Table 3-12, and in the case of Ag-11Cn the range of results is nuch icwer thcn these observed in previcus years (15,16,17). Quarterly rcdiostrentiun analyses of the bones of fish sanples snowed one detectablo concentratien of Sr-59 (6.713.9 pCi/kg in the secend quarter blue fish sample) and showed detectable cencentrations of Sr-90, ranging frcn 5.211.7 to 1100 pCi/kg in nest of the sanples analyzed. Though the single -Sr-59 result nay be related to plant operation, it is also possible, appearing as it does at a tine when other sanple nedia indtcate the peak fallout period, to relate of depublic it to the recent nuclear weapons testing conducted by the People's China. The Sr-90 results, on the other hand, seen to fall into the sane general pattern as observed in both the .crec.eerational (6) and previcus operational periccs (17). D.l. Sediment Quarterly sodinent sanples were taken fren fcur locatiens; Cenp Cency (lecation 3), Long 3esch (locatien 6), Plant Intake area (location c), and Plant Outfall area (location 7). These sanples were analyzed fer ganna enittars and Sr-Sc i Sr-90. 6

January 1 - Zecember 31, 1951 Eceke: Ncs. 3C-317/31S ' Quarterly analyses for ganza emitters in these sanples revealed the presence of the follcwing radienuclides: Cs-137 in all samples fren all locaticns, ranging frc= 32:17 to 9CCt119 pci/kg; Co-60 in nos: cf the sanples frem all locations, ranging fren 76ch3 te h2Lt71 pCi/kg; Lb-95 and Ce-1kh sporadically present in samples taken fren the control iccation and other indicator locations; and Co-56 present in the second cuarter sample fren location 5 at a cencentratien of 131t3h pCi/kg. The ranges of the Cs-137 concentrations exhibited are similar to the ranges observed in the precpera-tional.(6) and previcus operational (17) periods. In addition, the presence of hb-95 and Ce-lhh in sanples fren both centrol and indica cr staticns is

       .probably related to past nuclear bomb testing, since these radienuclidas are typical cf the "ma$n fallcut nuclices" of recent. nuclear benb testing. Cn the other hand, the presence of Co-53 and Cc-60 is probacly plant related, since they are ar.cng the activation products released in reutine racicactive discharges. The concentrations of these activation products are sinilar to those observed in previcus operational perieds (17).

Quarterly radiostrentiun analyses shewed ne detectable concentrations of Sr-59 in these sa=ples. The analyses did reveal, hcwever, the sporadic presence of Sr-90 in the range of 19tlh pCi/1 to 55t37 pCi/1, observed in sanples frc= both the centrol location and indicater locations. This range of results is similar to the ranges observed in the precperational (6) and previcus operaticnal (17,13) perieds. D.2 Atncscheric Envirennent The atnespherde environnent was menitored by analycing sanples 'of air partic-ulate filters, silver zeolite cartridges, and precipitation sanplas. These sanples were collected fren varicus locations surrcunding the plant. D.2.a Air Particulate Filters leekly cenpesite air filters were collected fren seven 1ccations; On Site (locatien 17), On Site (location 18), Knotty Pine (lecatien 19), lusby (lecation 20), icng Beach (locatien 21), Ccve Point (lecatien 22), and Taylers Island (lecation 23). These sa ples were analy:ed for beta activity, ganma enitters, and Sr-S9 and Sr-90.

       ^leekly analyses for beta activity in air particulate filters revealed that the annual range of data fer each site follcwed a sin 11ar trend. The ranges rise steadily during the first cuarter of the year, until they reach a peak nidway in the second quarter; thereafter, they " tail eff" steadily and cen-sistently during the rest of the year. The cause of this trend in anbient radioactivity is the fallout frca the nid-Octcher,19c0 detenatien of the nuclear bomb by the Pecple's depublic of China. Similar trends have been observed following weapons testing in the past (13,16,17).

Monthly analyses for ganna enitters showed the' presence of the fission by-products Ub-95, Zr-95, du-103, Ruah-1c6, Ce-lbl, and Ce-lih, predeninating the results for the first three cuarters of the year. The data ranges fer mest of these by-prcducts displayed the sane trend as the data ranges fer 7

January 1 - recember 31, 1961 Eceket Ecs. 5C-317/31S - beta activity discussed above, and these fission products are typical of tne radionuclides observed in previcus falleut patterns (15,16,17). Thus they are nost probably attributable to the mid-Ceteber detonatien. In addition to these typical falicus ractenuclides, Mn-5h and Cs-137 were c'eserved sporadically at the centrol locatien 23 and varicus indicater 1ccaticns surrounding the plant. In nest cases these two nuclides were observed mid-way in the secend quarter, at the sane time that the highest concentratiens of the typical fallout nuclides were cbserved. Though both En-5h and Cs-137 can be related to plant discharges, their sudden appearance at the peak cf the fallcut patterns and the fact that they were cbserved at centrol and indicator 1ccations far rencved fren each other, suggest that they also nay in fact be associated uith the benb detenated in nid-October. Quarterly radiostrentium analyses yielded data for Sr-69 and Sr-90, exhibiting trends similar to the data trends for beta and ganna activities in air partic-ulates as discussed in the preceding paragraphs. retectable cencentrations of both Sr-69 and Sr-90 were c'e served predeninately in the first and second quarters of the year at all locaticns. Luring the later part of the year the concentrations of both of these isotopes dirinished steadily to levels below the detectable linits. These trends in radiostrontium data are typical of what has been observed in previcus years (15,16,17) folicwing nuclear weapons testing, and they are censistent with the general fallcut patterns of cther radienuclides.. Thus, the detectacle concentratiens of both Sr-c9 and Sr-90 are nest probably related te the nid-Cetcher detonation. . 0.2.b Air Icdine Weekly cenpesite radiciccine sanples were ecliected fren five 1ccations; Cn Site (lecation 17), Cn Site (locatien 13), Lusby (lecatien 20), Ccve Point (lecation 22), and Taylers Island (lecatien 23). Radicicdine analyses perferred on the sanples fren all iccations exhibited no detectable concentra-tiens of 1-131. D.2.c Frecicitation Monthly composite precipitatien samples were collected fren ene site, On Site (location IS), and were analyzed for gress beta, H-3, ganna enitters, and St-89 and 'Sr-90. Menthly analyses fer beta activity in precipitation.sanples revealed that the annual range of data for this location follcwec ~the sane trend as that displayed by the beta and ganna data for air particulate filters, and thus nest probably also have the fallout fre t the recent Chinese weapons testing - as their source. Quarterly analyses for H-3 in cenposites of these sanples revealed a detectable concentration of 12S*113 pC1/1 in the third quarter conposite sanple. Though

 .aEain it is pessible to attribute this radionuclide to plant discharges, it uis also pessible, appearing as it does in the same ' tine frane as the general fallcut pattern diccussed above, to asecciate it with nuclear weapons testing.


Janutry 1 - Eecember 31, 1961 Dcchet 1:cs. 5C-317/313 Monthly analyses for genna enitters ence again displayed the cresence of the typical fallcut fission by-precucts ::b-95, Zr-95, and Ru-iC3. These by ,creducts were spcradically cbserved in the first two quarters cf the year, very much in keeping with the general fallcut patterns as ciscussed previcusly. Quarterly results of radiostrentiun analyses of precipitation sanples seen to fall into the sane general fallcut patterns of nest of the atnespheric samples, previcusly discussed. retectable cencentrations of 3r-89 and Sr-90 were observed in the first two quarters of the year, and less than detectable cencentratiens predeninated the last two quarters. As ncted

            . previcusly, this trend in results is typically expected after a recent nuclear benb test.

D.3 Terrestrial Snvirennent The terrestrial envircnnent was nonitored by analyzing sanples of vegetaticn, soil, and well water. These samples were collected fren varicus sanpling 1ccations near the plant. D.3.a Vegetation Vegetatien sanples 1:ere collected frca three 1ccations; Cn Site (lecation 1h), a nearby farn (locatien 15), and another nearby farn (lecatien 16). ' These sanples included cern, hay, tebacco, and wheat. They were analyzed for ganna enitters and Sr-89 and Sr-90. Analyses fer canna emitters revea' led the cresence cf Lb-95 and Ce-1LL in the August tcbacco sanple frca 1ccatien lh and .b-95, Cs-137, and Ce-lLL in the recember tobacco sanples fren 1ccatien 16. As previcuely discussed, these radienuclides are nest probably the result of past nuclear benb " testing. Radiostrentiux analyses of tnese sanples shcwed fcur detectable concentrations of Sr-59 (viz.,10:10 pC1/kg in the Septenter corn sanple fren locatien ih,- 109tL5 pCi/k g in the recenber hay sanple fren locatien 16, 356t330 pCi/kg in the recenter tobacco sanple fren 1ccation 16, and 6.2t7.8 pCi/kg in the Eecember silage sample fren locatien 15). It also shcued cetectable cencentra-tions of Sr-90, ranging fren 13th to 205012C0 pCi/kg, in nest of the sanples analyzed. The positive Sr-59 values can be related to either plant operatien er to fallcut fren malear weapcts testing. It shculd be noted thet the errors asscciated with nest of these values are relatively high, inplying that these values border the ninir un detectable linits of the Sr-d9 analysis. The Sr-90 re ults, en the other cand, seen to fall within the sare genersi patterns observed in preceding years when nuclear weapens testing was conducted (15,16,17), and those results are nest probably attributable to fallcut frer this testing. E.3.b Soil Soil samples were taken seniannually fren three On' Site 1ccatiens; 11,12, and 13. .These sanples were analyzed fcr psnna eritters and Sr-67 and Sr-90.

;'                                                 9 4


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January 1 - 2ecenber 31, 1961 Eceket Ucs. 5C-317/315 . Analyses for canna enitters in these samples revealed tne presence of Ub-95, Zr-95, Ru-lO3, Cs-137, Ce-lhi, and Ce-1kh in the first seriannual sampling period, while the presence of Eb-95, Cs-137, and Ce-lkh predoninated in the second semiannual pericd. All of these radienuclides are nest probably due to the continuous depositien of fallout frem the mid-Cetcher,1960 nuclear weapons testing conducted by the Feeple's .iepublic cf China. Radiestrentiun analyses of these sanples shewed no detectable ccncentratiens of Sr-89 The analyses did show the presence cf Sr-90 in all the samples analyced. The results for Sr-90 raa.ged fren 3ht26 pCi/kg to 191th3 pCi/kg. This range of values is sinilar to these observed in the precperatienal (6) ar.d previcus cperaticnal (17) perices. D.3.c Well Water

   -Quarterly well water sanples were ecliected fren five locations; Chesapeake Country Club (lecatien 2), Cn Site (location 10), Long Beach (lecatien 21),

and White Sands Club (locatiens 25A and 253). These samples were analyzed for H-3 and ganna emitters. With the exce tion of the June sanele fren locatien 253 wnich centained Ce-lbl, bcth the cuarterly analyses' for tritiun and ganna enitters in these sanples revealed that .o detectable cencentrations of fission er activatien by-products were present. The presence of Ce-lli is ecst pro'cably due to fallout fren recent nuclear weapcns testing and night be the result of fallout - conta:.inating the sample during its ecllecticn er its analysis. D.h External Radiatien ' Monthly therncluninescent dosineters vere taken fren 13 locatiens surrcunding the plant, namely; Plant Cutfall (lecation 7), On Site (lecatien 17), On Site (lecation 18), Knotty Fine (lecatien 19), Lusby (lecaticn 20), Leng Beach (lecation 21), Ccve Fcint (locatien 22), Taylors Island (location 23), On Site (locatien 2h), dhite Sands Club Sign (lecatien 25), St. Lecnard (lecation 26), Scicnens Island (locatien 27), and Zertha Church (location 26). The dosineters were read for external radiation dose rates in nR. The TLD data for each site are cenpiled in Table 3-13 and are presented en an annual basis in Table 2. The neans and ranges expressed in Table 2 were cenpared with the means and ranges for the previcus years cf 1976, 1979, and 1980. This ccmparison revealed that the means and ranges fer 1961 were sini-lar to these_cbserved in the three preceding years. E. Conclusien Eetectable concentratiens of radiericlides were cecasicnally o'eserved in samples frcn varicus locatiens during the year. The najority of these cbservations are sttributable to the fallcut fren atmoscheric nuclear weaumns testing conducted in October 1980 and in previcus years'. Ecuever, a fewc'i these'cbservatiens nay be directly related to the operation cf tne picnt 10 L:

January 1 - Seesnbar 31, 1931 Eceket Ecs. $C-317/313 (e .g., H-3, Co-30, and Sr-59 in bay water; Cc-36, 2n-63, and Ag-11Cn in oysters; Sr-89 in fish bones; Co-35 and Cc-60 in sedinent; ::n-5h, Sr-69, and Cs-137 in air filters; H-3 and Sr-89 in precipitatien; and Sr-89 in vegetation).-'In all cases, the concentraticns observed are icw and, conse-quently, would have very little radiolegical inpact en the surrcunding . envircreent. In order to assess the plant's actual contributien to the ar.bient radiatien levels of the surrcunding environnent, dose calculatiens were perfor ed using the plent's effluent release data, en site netecrological data, and apprcpriate pathways. The results of these dose calculations indicate:

a. a naximum thyroid dese (via applicable pathways) cf 0.10 nren at location 16, which is less than C.25 of the acceptable lirit of 75 nren/ year as specified in h0 CFR 190 Envircreental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Pcwer Operations;
b. a narinun whole bcdy ganna dose of C.CO2 nren at location 23, which is less than 0.C1% of the acceptable dose of 25 nren/ year (h0 CIR 190); ,
c. a maxi:=m whole bcdy dese (via all licuid pathways) of G.C6 nren, which is less than C.5% of the acceptable li .it cf 25 nrem/ year (ho CFP. 190).

Thus it is concluded, based upon tne levels of radioactinty observed and - the varicus dese calculations perferned, that the operation of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 during 1981 did not cause any significant changes in the radionuclide inventcry of the surrounding envircrrent or in the anbient radiation levels of critical pathways. 4 O 11 y


                   . SAMPLE             SAMPL]NG* . NUMBER OF        NUMBER                             AllAl,YS]Sn     NUMHER TYPE              FREQUENCY      LOCATIONS      COLLECTED   ANALYSIS                FREQU8NCY      PERIOldiED AQUATIC ENVlllDNMdlJT Bay Water                            M              2              2h      11 - 3                       H               2h Gamma (GeLi)                 M.              2h Sr-69                        QC                8 3r-90                        QC                8 Fish (1) -                          Q              1                $     Elesh Gama .(GeLi)              Q                 $

Dones Sr-89 Q $ Sr-90 Q $ Shell F3sh( ) Q h 17 Flesh

      -(Craba, Oysters)

Gama (GeLi) Q 17

                ~ Sediments Q h 16 Gamma (GeLi) Q 16 Sr-89 Q 16 Sr-90 Q 16 Hooted Aquatic Plant (3) Spring & - 1 - Ganma (GeLi) 2/A - Fall Sr-89 2/A - Sr-90 2/A - 12 s ,

                                                           -table 1 (00hTilillED).
          -SYNOPSIS OF Tild 1981 CALVEift CLIFFS 1;llCt.EAlt lOWEll PLAllT llAD101DI] CAL EIJV11t0hMdlTAL E014110H1hG PINXIl(AM Docket llos. $0-317/318 SAMPLE            SAMPL]IiG*        11U1188110F       llUMIEft                          ANALYS]Su      NUMBER TYPE             FREQUEf!CY        JDCAT10!13. COLLICrED         A!!ALYS13          FilEQUEllCY  PEstiUhMED AltOSPIIElt]C EHVIIt0NME!1T Airlodine(h)                        .W                 h               26$         1-131                    W          26$

Air Particulates(N) W 7 371 Gross Beta W 371 Ganuna (GeLi) HQ 8h Sr-89 QC 28 Sr-90 QC 26 Precipitation (0) Continuous 1 12 11 - 3 QC h Gross ibta H 12 Ganuna (GeLi) H 12 Sr-89 QC h Sr-90 QC h TEllitESTill AL EliVJttollM01T Vegetation (7) At liarvest 3 9 Ganuna (!;al) A 9 br-89 A 9 Sr-90 A 9 Soil SA 3 6 Ganuna (GeLi) SA 6 S.-89 SA 6 Sr-90 SA 6 13


                                                                   . Docket llos. J80-31//318 SAMPLE            SAMPL]!1GK      NtHB9t OF          IIIR1Bdit                        AllALYSISE     lajl1 Belt TYPE              F!tEQllEllCY   IDCATJ 01;S       COLLECTED       AllALYS.S         FREQtIEllCY   PERFDictED TERftF.STRI AL EhV]ltOfillEllT (C0!!T. )
   - Ground Wa ter                                      Q               $                 20        11 - 3                 Q              20 Ganana (GeLi)          Q              20 External Radiation                                  11             13                600        TLD                    !!           600 d - weekly,11 - monthly, Q - quarter]y, SA - semi-annual, A - annual,, C - conposite (1) Edible cpecies are sampled when available.

(2) The location of crab semples may vary depending upon their availability. (3) Sampling may be int,errupted when no rooted aquatic plants are available. (h) The col 3cetion devices contain silver zeolite. ($) After a miniraim decay period of 72 hrs, teta counts are performed. Gamma spectromet'ry-is performed on monthly composites of weekly samples. Strontium-89 and -90 analyses are performed on quarterly composites of weekly samples. (6) Al] analyses subject to sufficient sample collection. (7)' Predominant food crops (corn te small grains) are sampled when available.

TABl.E 2 AN!!UAL SUlilAltY OF ltAD10Affr]V3TY lli Tile ENVikOI2S OF TilS CAIVEllT Cl2 FIG lluCLEAlt IOel8H PLANT Ull]TS 1 AND 2 (JAH.-DEC.1981) Docket llos. 50-317/318 Annual Hesults Sample Radioactivity Typical Tyla Sito fiDL's Henn (f)u Rangoniaq Aquatic Environrr,ent nay wag r uCill 7 Plant Il-3 121 711 (h/12) (<119-1602) Outra11 Sr-89 2.15 1.02 (1/h) - Sr-90 0.59 1.26 (1/h) (< 0.hS-1.26) Co-SU 1.2 2.7 (1/12) ( < 1.2-2.7 ) 8 Plant 11-3 121 190 (2/12) ( 101-217) intake Sr-90 0.$9 0.70 (1/h) (4 0.hS-0.70) PJsh pCi/fKg$10t). Illuo Fish ' 1 Cove Point Sr-89 16 6.7 (17jJ - Sr-90 - 7.6 (3/3) - Cs-137 13 19 (3/3) (13-19) tleak 1 Cove Point Sr-90 - 10 (1/3) - Shellfish Dysters g~i/Kg (Wet)

                          $ Camp Conoy              Co-58                 17            26-(T/h)               (417-20)

Zn 69 3h 32 (1/h) - 11b-99 26 15 (1/h) - Jtu-103 12 13 (1/h) (:12-13) Ag-110m 12 h6 (h/h) ( 12-60) - 13ottom Sediment l'

                          $ Camp Cenoy              Sr-90                 98         fi/Eg(b]ry]

19 (1/ - Co 60 69 3h7 (3/h) (<. 69-3h7) 3$ .

TADI.E 2 (cGllT3 filled) Annuni Results Sample Radloactivity Typical Tyle Sito , _ IIDL's Nean g)y Hangeann Bottom Sediment (Continued) Dr

                                $ camp conoy          ,   lib.95               61         pc3/Kg_(h)y}

I W (2/ (461-lyh ) (Cont $ rnied) Cn-137 _- 390 (h/h) - co-lhh 18h 227 (3/h) (<l8h-227) 6_ Long 11encha Sr-90 158 2h (1/h) - co 60 69 226 (3/h) (< 69-226) lib-95 61 223 (1/h) (< 61-223) cs-137 - i:e-]hh 38h 27/ (1/h) (< 3 6h-277) 7 Plent Sr-90 32 h5 (3/h) (<32.h5) Outra11 co-60 69 1h1 (3/h) . (< 69-1hl) lib-99 61 1$0 (1/h) (< 61-1$0) es-137 - h26 (h/h) - co-lhh 18h 193 (1/h) (< 10h-193) 8 Plant Sr-90 h3 28 (2/h) - 0 Intake co-$8 hh 131 (1/h) (< hh-131 ) co 60 69 2c8 (h/h) (< 69-203) lib-95 61 309 (1/h) (< 61-309) ca-137 - hy6 (h/h) - co-]hh 18h 2(I> (2/h) ( 16h-206) Atmospheric Environmnt iir Particulates 10-3 pei/r43 17 On Site Groen lieta 0.2 0.3 (S3/$3) Sr-89 1.h (e0.2-33.2) 3.9 (3/h) (*1.h-$.3) Sr-90 0.6 1.7 (h/h) (-0.6-$.1) 1b-95 2.h $3 (9/12) (e 2.h-11h ) 2r-95 2.9 29 (7/12) (< 2 9-Lh) Rn-103 1.3 1$ (6/12) (.1.3-19) co-337 1.9 3.2 (2/12) (<1 9-3.2) ca-3h1 1.2 12 (7/12) (< 1.2-18 ) co-11.h 6.6 28 (U/12) (.6.6-sh) 16

TASIE 2 (c0!.'Tl!WED) Annual stesults Sample Hadioactivi ty Typical 3p_o Site Rangenn*-

                                                                                                 !!can (f)n Air Particulates (continued)                                                        10-3 pel/m 3 18 On Site            Gross Deta             0.2         U.S ($3/33)        .(<0.2-31.6)

Sr-89 1.h 2.0 (2/h) (<1.h-2.0) Sr-90 0.6 1.2 (3/h) (< 0.6-1.6)

  • 11n-Sh 1.8 3.1 (2/12) ( 1.0-h.2)

Nb-95 2.h 69 (0/12) (2.h-16$) Zr-9$ 2.9 37 (7/32) (2 9-78) Rn-103 1.3 15 (7/12) (<1.3-26) RuRh-106 7.7 27 (1/12) (<7.7-27) es-137 1.9 3.6 (2/12) (<1 9-3.7) ce-lh1 1.2 16 ($/12) ((1.2-19) co-lhh 6.6 27 (9/12) (< 6.6-$$ ) - 19 Knotty Pine Gross Ecta 0.2 U.$ ($0/$0) ( < 0.2-h0.8 ) Sr-dy 1.h 7.6 (2/h) (tl.h-U.6) Sr-90 0.6 0.$ (1/h) - Nb-95 2.h 55 (9/12) (< 2.h-J Lh ) Zr-95 29 3h (7/12) (< 2.9-S6) Rn-103- 1.3 17 (6/32) (<1.3-2h) cs-137 1.9 2.5 (3/12) (< 1.9-3.6) co-lh1 1.2 1$ ($/12) (&1.2-17) ce-1 hh 6.6 2$ (10/12) ((6.6-6h) 20 Lusby Grons Deta 0.2 10.6 ($3/$3) (<0.2-LO.2) Sr-89 1.h S.6 (2/h) (41.h-6.0) Sr-90 0.6 1.0 ( 2/h ) (< 0.6-1.0)  ! lin-Sh 1.8 $.6 (2/h) (41.8-7.8)- 1H -99 2.h 70 (8/17) (<2.h-]$0) Zr-9$ 2.9 38 (7/Ji) (<2.9-69) Ru-103 1.3 20 (6/12) (<.1.3-20 ) ca-137 1.9 h.0(1/12) (<1.9-h.0) co-lh1 1.2 1$ (6/12) (<1.2-22) co-lhh 6.6 35 (9/12) (< 6.6-73 ) 17

, TADIE 2 (C0!sT]NUED) Sample As.nual Results Type lladioactivity Typical Site'  !!DL's  !!can (f)* Ronren::n Air Particulates (continued) . 10-3 pC1/n3 21 Long Deach Gross Data 0.2 T 7(Sj/jl3) Sr-09 ( 0.2-2h.3) 1.h 3.1 (3/h) (- 1.h-h.1) Sr-90 0.6 0.6 (3/h) (- 0.6-0 9) lib-9$ 2.h $0 (9/12) (< 2.h-12h ) Zr-95 2.9 29 (6/12) (- 2.9-51) Iht-I O3 1.3 1$ (6/12) RuRh-106 (-1.3-2$) 7.7 2$ (1/12) (-7.7-25) cn .137 1.9 3.3 (2/12) co-]L1 1.2 (-1.9-3.7) 1h ($/12) (-1.2-17) Co-lhh 6.6 19 (10/12) (< 6.6-h7) 22 Cove Po]nt Groun Beta 0.2 8.8 ($3/$3) (<0.2-29.2) Sr-89 1.h 2.0 (2/h)

                                                       'Sr-90                0.6                                                      (*1.h-$.0) 0.6 (2/h)                                 -

lib-9$ 2.h 65 (9/]2) Zr-95 2.9 (-2.h-]63) 35 (8/12) (< 2 9-71) Ru-] O3 1.3 19 (6/12) f 1.3-28) llufth-106 7.7 22 (1/]2) cs-137

                                                                                                                                      & 7.7-22) 1.9                  3.7 (2/12)                         e 1.9-3 8)

Co-l h1 1.2 1h (S/32) co-lhh 6.6 6 1.2-17) 27 (8/12) ( 6.6-$h) 23 Taylors Islandux Gross Beta 0.2 Sr-69 6.3 ($2/S2) (<0.2-23.h) 1.h 3.6 (2/h) Sr-90 0.6 ('1.h-3.7) 0.$ (3/h) - En-Sh 1.8 1.1 (1/12) - Hb-95. 2.h $8 (7/12) ' Zr-95 2.9 (-2.h-100) 29 (6/12) (- 2.9-Lh) Ru-103 1.3 12 (6/12) co-]h1 1.2 t 1 3-18) co-lhh 10 (6/12) C 1.2-17) 6.6 2h (8/12) 0 6.6-h3) 18

     . _      _.    .       -       _       ____ .---m -

t-TABIE 2 (C0!rr11:UED) Annual itesults Sample. Radioactivity Tyldcal

         ' Tyre                       Site                                                   F.DI.'s         1:ean (f)n-             Honre t u r-  ,

Procipitation' pC1/1 13 On Site Grosa Beta . 0.2 29 (12/12) ("0.2-$1) II-3 123 128 (1/h) (< 123-J 20 )

- Sr-89 1.9 -7.2 (2/h) (< 1 9-9.6)

Sr-90 0.6 0.6 (2/h) (0.6-1,1) Nb-9$ U.0 2h (3/12) ('- 8.0-2h )

                                                             -Zr-95                        U.6               2h (1/12) '             (<8.6-2h)

Ru-103 6.8 12 (1/12) (<6.8-12) Terrestrial Environment . Vege tation pCi/g (tiet.) Corn 1h Old Bay Farm Sr-90 4 3 bh0 (1/1) (43-8h0) , Tobacco lh Old Bay Fam Sr-89 6 1h (1/1) ( 6-lh) Sr-90 3 35 (1/1) (<3-35)

                                                             !!b-95                       23                 77 (1/1)               (-23-77)

Ce-lhh LO 20h (1/1) (<h0-20h) Corn 15 Farm Sr-90 3 13 (1/1) (< 3-13) llay . 15 Farm lin-Sh 18 37 (1/1) ( 18-37) Hb-95 23 162 (1/1) ( 23-162) Zr-95 35 62 (1/1) (-33-62) Cs-137 17 h7 (1/1) (<.17-h7) Co-Ith ho 733 (1/1) ( h0-733) , Silage 15 Farm Sr-89 6


8 (1/1) (< 6-8 ) Sr-90 3 36 (1/1) (<3-36) Cs-137 17 8.2 (1/1) - i 19 4

TABIE 2 (00hT]IJU6D) Sanple Annual Results

                     ' Type
                                                         .                      Radicaetivity    Typieal
                                                         ' Site                                     fl0L's -     liean (f)*            llangeu x Vegetation (Continued) '                                                                pCi/Kg (dot.)

Tobacco- 16 Farm Sr-90 3 2(f.4) (1/1) (<3-20$0) llay . 16 Parren Farm Sr-89 6 109 (1/1) (46-109) Sr-90 3 $03 (1/1) (c3-$03) Tobacco 16 Parren Farm 6 Sr-69 3$6 (1/1) ((6-396) Sr-90 3 331 (3/1) (43-331)

                                                                                !!b-9$          23               28 (1/l)             (423-26)

' Cs-137 17- $3 (1/1) ('-17-$3 ) Cc-lhh h0 b6 (1/1) (<h0-66) Soil pCi/KL(Dr 11 On Site Sr-90~ bl 70 (2/2)d (/ hl-109)

                                                                               !Jb-95           3$              166 (2/2)             (43$-260)

Zr-95 $3 119 (1/1) ( - $3-119)

                                                                              . Hu-103         35               77                    (<35-77)

Cs-137 - 17h'(1/1) (2/2)- - 12 On S'1to Sc-90 h1 116 (2/2) (<hl-191) , IJb-95 35 216 ( 2/2) (<36-370) ' Zr-95 $3 171 (1/2) (<$3-171) Rn-103 3$ $$ (1/2) (<35-$$)- Cs-137 - 11h (2/2) - 13 On Site Sr-90 hl U$ (2/2) (< hl-U$) lib-95 3$ 300 (2R) (< 3$-300) Zr-95 $3 ISS (1/2) (<$3-15$) nu-103 35 78 (1/2) (<35-76) cc-137 - Ih2 (2/2) - Co-2 h1 h6 69 (1/2) (<h8.69).. Ce-lhh Ih2. 31h (2/2) -(<1h2-h31) 20 i-

i. . , ,

TAHIS 2 (C0 lit 111UCD) Annual Results Sample- Radioactivity Typical Type Site MDL's Mean (f)* ltinge my External Radiation mR/30 Days au 7 Plar.t Outra11 3.03 (11/12) ( 2.b7-3.16) 17 On Site h.9h (12/12) ( h.S2-5.38 ) 18 On Site h.h7 (12/12) (h.36-h.70) 19 hootty Pines 3.88 (12/12) (3.h7-h.10) 20 Lusby l 3.89 (12/12) ( 3.61-h .08 ) 21 Flag liarbor 3.$O (12/12) (3.12-3.76) 22 Cove Point 3.88 (12/12) (3.63-h.12) 23 Taylors Island

                                                                                           $.h3 (12/12)        (5.12-S.63) 2h On Site h.9h (12/12)        (b.13-5.32) 25 Uhite Sands h.$7 (12/12)        (h.2h-h.76) 26 St. Leonard 3.99 (12/12)        (3.69-h.2$)

27 Solomons 3.75 (12/12) (J.51-3 98) 28 Bertha 1 h.33 (12/12) ( b.16-h .Sb ) i

          *Mean encoinpasses 'only detectable quantities; fractions in parenthesis represent the proportion of detectablu quantities to total quar.tities in a data set. For. External Radiation, the fractions represent the proportion of TLD's recovered to the total placed in the field, nControl locations, n*Hinimum < observable to maximum observed.

5xx*IIiniruum to maxiraum observed. 21


January 1 - Daconber 31, 1951 Eocket lics. 5C-317/310 F. REFERI:CES (1) Cohen, L. K., "Preoperatienal Enviren= ental Radicactivity B nitcring P ogram at C alvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2", NUS Ec. 352 SerJ . '.nnual Report January'-June 1971, recember 1971; WS :;c.1C25 Anmal Report 1971, March 1^/73 (2) Cohen, L. K., "Freeperational Invircnnental Radicactivity Menitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2", HUS No.1137, Annual Report 1972, December 1973. (3) Cchen, L. K. and Malmberg, M. S., "Preeperational Invircer. ental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2",

         !.US Ho. 1138, Arcual Report 1973, Octcber 197h.

(h) Radiation Management Ccrporaticn, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pewr Plant Radiolegical Environmental Analyses, Cecencer 197f~- December 1973 5:.C-TR-7L-13, August 197h. (5) Malmberg, M. S., " Environmental Radicactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant", HUS Ho.1332 Annual deport 197h February 1975. (6) Malmberg, M. S., "Preoperaticnal Envircr. ental Radicactivity Mcnitoring Progra= at Calvert Cliffs Jnits 1 and 2", NUS Nc.1333, Eata Surrary Report, Septenber 1970 to Septenber 197h, July 1975 (7) Radiation Management Corporatien, Calvert Cliffs Euclear Power Plant - Radiolor ical Envirennental Surveillance Precram, January 1 to June 30,197h. Decenter 197; (c) Saltincre Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Euclear Power Plant - Seni-Annual Operatine Renert, July - iecarber 197u, Iiaren 1975. (9) Radiatien Management Corporation > Radiclo&ical Envircreental Menitering Procram - Seni-Annual Report for Calvert Cliffs huclear Fewer Plant, July 1 tnrcugn ;ecc=cer 31,197h, PJ.C-TR-73-Co, August 1975 (10) Baltimore Gas and Electric Cc: parif and Radiatien I!anagenent Corporation, Caleart Cliffs Muclear Power Plant Radiolecical Invironnental Menitorine ~ Procran Seni-Annual .tacert, January 1 - June 30,1975, PRC-TR-75-ll, September 1973 (li) 3altinore Gas and 21ectric Cenpany and Radiatien Management Corporatien, Calvert Cliffs Unclear Power Plant Radiclovical Envirennental Monitorine Program Semi-Annual Recort, Julv 1 - Escember 31. 1975, PEG-TR-76-02, Maren 1976 (12) Baltincre Gss and 21ectric Cenpany and Radiatien Management Ccrporatien, Calvert Cliffs Tuclear Peter Plsnt Radiclerical Environmental Mcnitorinc Procran Semi-Annual deport. January 1 - June 3C,1970, PJ.C-TR-76-Cc, September 1976. (13) Saltimore Cas and Electric Cenpany and Radiatien Mansgement Corporation, - Calvert Cliffs Puclear Feuer Plant Radiele,-ical Invirennental :.cnitorinv Prceran Seni-Arr.ual Repertz Ju171 - Eecevber 31, 1976, P"C-IR-77-07, March 1977 - 22

January 1 - Cecembsr 31, 1981 Decket I:cs. $C-317/313

                                            ..  . .; u.C 2_,   w S (ll) 3altincre Gas and Electric Cenpany, Calvert Cliffs nuclear ?cwer Plant Radiclerical Envircr= ental ie.oriter ng crogray. A =ual decert. January 1 -

Eecember 31, 1977, F. arch 1970. (15) Saltinere Gas and Electric Cenpany, Calvert Cliffs luclear Fever Plant Radiolecical Invircr= ental Menitoring Frecran Ancal Recert, January 1 - Cecencer 31, 197c, March 1979 (16) 3altincre Gas and Electric Cenpany, Calvert Cliffs Uuelear Power Plant Radiological Environnental Monitoring Program Arrual Retort, January 1 - Decencer 31, 1979, Zaren 19c0. (17) Saltinere Gas and Electric Cenpany, Calvert Cliffs nuclear Peser Plant Radic1W cal Environ: ental Monitoring Precran Arrual decort, January 1 - Lecember 31, 19c0, Karen 19cl (18) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant, Unit !!os.1 and 2, License Nos. LFR-33 and EPR 69, Amend .ent Uc. 23 for Unit No.1, Anendnent :;o. 7 for Unit No. 2, Appendix A Techrical Specificatiens; Appendix 3, 2ntirc= ental Technical Specificatiens. (19) Calver , Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant, Unit Nu-ber 1, License No. EFR-33, Appendix A, Technical Specifications; Appendix 3, Envirc= ental Tachnical Specifications. (20) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant, Unit N=ber 2, License Uc EPR-69, Appendi A, Technical Specificatiens; Appendix 3, Invirenrental Technical Specificatiens. (21) 3altinere Gas and Electric Cenpany, Ceeratinz Precedures fer_Znviren-nental Acnitcrine Activities at Calver: Cliffs Luclear Plant, CP-2, 0?-h, CP-5, Cctocer 197h. (22) ?.adiation Management Ccrperatien, Analvtical and Quality Centrol Pregra., 3:C-r!-75-3, July 1976. (23) 3altinere Gas and Electric Compary, La'c Manual Chemical Engineering & Iests. ( 2u .' Baltincre Gas and ".leccric Company, 0:erating Precedure for Eeternal Radiatien Ecse R.4' Eeasurements, OP-o, 1975. (25) Calvert Cliffs Suelear Power Plant, Oceket Nos. 5C-317/315, seni-Arnual Effluent Release Recerts: Janua: r - J=e 1931, and Julv - recencer 19cl . (26) U. S. NRC Re5ulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculatien of A=ual Icses to Ean fren Acutine Releases of ?.eactor Iffluents for the Purpose of Ivaluating Conpliance uith 10 C7". Part 50, Appendix I", March 1976. (27) U. S. URC Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Metheds for Estimating Atr..ospheric Transport and Eispersien of Gasecus !.ffluents in Reutine Releases fron Light ;iater-Cccled Reacters for the Purpose of Ivaluating Cenpliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", zarch 1976. 23

January 1 - recenter 31, 1951 Eceket Ecs. 30-317/316 , APPD.ElX A Appendix A. centains infor:.ation concerning the enviren= ental senples wnich were cellected during the peried January 1, 1981 - Eecember 31, 1961. Sa: pling 1ccatiens and specific infernation abcut the individual iccations are given in Table A-1. Figure A-2 shows the locatiens of sampling statiens with respect to the plant site. Figure A-1 shows the location of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pcwer Plant with respect to Scuthern Zarfland and the Chesapecke Bay. 9 G O e . I A N O at G m

                                                                                   ' d

l l TABLE A-1 LocATIc:Is or I:iv!3c:::s::AL sisLI:ro s:Anc:Is FOR THE CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Occket Nos. 50-317/318 DISTANCE


1 Pound Nets South of Cove Point -38,000 SE 2 Chesapeake Country Club 20,000 SSE 3 Kenwood Beach 35,000 NNW 4 Rocky Point 10,000 NNW 5 Camp Conoy 3,000 SE 6 Long Beach 15,000 NNW 7 Plant Outfall Area 2,500 NE 8 Plant Intake Area 5,000 E 10 Onsite Well 600 SE 11 Cn Site 1,300 WNW 12 Cn Site 1,600 WSW 13 Cn Site 2,3C0 SSE 14 Cultivated Field on Site 1,200 - W 15 Farm 24,000 WSW 16 Farm 22,000 SW 17 On Site 1,200 NW 18 On Site 2,000 SE 19 Knotty Pine 8,900 WSW 20 Lusby 9,900 SSW 21 Long Beach 14,000 NW 22 Cove Point 24,000 SE 23 Taylor's Island 40,000 ENE 24 Cn Site 1,800 NW 25 White Sands Club Sign 7,300 WSW 26 St. Leonard 27,000 NW 27 Soloanns 42,000 S 28 Bertha 17,000 S 29 Flag Ponds 7,500 IM 30 Store (Lusby) 9,900 SSW IS On Site 1,400 SSW PS Plant Site 1,600 NNW Distance measured from plant vent. , s... ...f B A L TIMOR E ,.- , g q 60 miles - e:' .

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AFFE!LIX 3 - Data Ta'cles Appendix 3 is a prese.ntatien of the analytical results of the 1981 Calvert Cliffs Euclear Feuer Plant Radic1ctical Invircreental Monitcring Progran. TABLE N0. TA313 TITLI PAos 3-1 Concentratiens of Tritiun, Gama hitters, and

            . Strontiun-8 9 and -90 in Bay                                                                            ;iater-----------------------                   29 3-2           Concentrations of Ga=a hitters cnd Strenti=-89 and -90 in Flesh and Benes of Edible                                                                            Fish---------------                    3C 3-3           Concentrations of Gan s I .itters in Shellfish Sanples---                                                                                             31 3 - 14      Concentratiens of Gama Initters and Strenti=-89 and -90 in 3ctten Sedinent------------------------------                                                                                               32
-r Ccncentratiens cf Iodine-131 in Filtered Air------------ 33
   -o         Concentrations of Beta hitters in Air Particulates-----                                                                                                33 3-7          Concentraticns of Ga=a hitters and Stronti=-69 and -90 in Air Particulctes-----------------------------                                                                                               37 3-8         Ccncentrcticns cf Beta and Ga=a hitters and Strentium-S9 and -90 in Precipitction - Station IS

( C n S it e ) -- - - - -- - - - - -- - _ - - - - _ - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ - _ - - - L1 3-9 Concentrations of Gama Enitters and Strentiun-89 and -9 0 in Ve ge tation------------------ _----_----------- L2 3-10 Ccncentrations cf Ga=a Initters and Strcntiun-89 and -90 in Soil---------------___-----_-----_---_-______ L3 3-11 Concentrations of Tritiun and Garra Initters in Ground

             ;1ater--------------------------------------------------                                                                                                hh 3-12        Typical HDL's for Ga=a Spectrcnetry--------------------                                                                                                 L3 3-13        External asdiatien-----------------------_---__---------                                                                                                L7 d

_ . - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _.s.______.- ___ ___________ ___ ___ _


  • TABLE E-1
                                   ' CC;;CI?iTRATICNS OF TRITIijli, GA:&A EMITTERS *, AI.D STRChTIUK-89 A :D -90 IN BAY '4ATER (Results in Units of pCi/12 2 c-)

[ t-Station Garna Date ~No. H-3 Sr-89** Initters Sr.9C** 1/26/81 7 ~121. 4

  • 8 217t115
  • 2/28/81 7 4123 * <1.69 <0.58 8 1621117 * <0.60
                                                                                               <1.71 3/26/81                             7                       15?t11h
  • 8 4122
  • h/16/81 7 16C2:160
  • 8 4121
  • 5/22/81 7 <121 * <1.88 1.26:0 37 8 < 120
  • e2.26 6/18/81 0 7C:0.h3 7 926:102
  • 8 4101 7/27/81 7 42h
  • 8 d25
  • S/2h/81 7. 4125 * '2.39 40.h5 8 412h * <3.85 <0 70 9/22/81 7 c19
  • 8 4121
  • e 1 1C/07/61 7 1$61115 *
 .                                            8                        e121             *
        . 11/16/S1                            7                        4 23
  • 1.02 c.7 40 57 S <12h
  • cl.2h <0.6h 12/1h/81 7 42h
  • 8 42h
  • M:cbalt-58 was observed in the April sanple fren staticn nunber 7 at a concentration of 2.711 3 pCi/1. ?!aturally cecurring X-hc was cbserved in-

'- all sanples. All other gama emitters not cited were G.IL; ty'cical MEL's are given in Table S-12.

        . +> Analyses done en quarterly corposites of nenthly sar:ples.

1 ( l' i l P. ' t



(Results in Units of pCi/kg i 2 dQ Statien Sanple Sanple No. Date Tvre Cs-137 Sr-89 Sr-90 1 First ** ** ** w (Feund Nets Quarter South of Cove.Foint) 1 6/23/81 Blue Fish 2719 6.713 9 5.211.7 1 S/ll/61 Blue Fish 1515 -17 6.6th.h

                                           'deak Fish    d:DL        31         1018 1                      10/C9/61       Blue Fish     1616       <1h         1118
                                           'deak Fish    <MDL       45CCoc->    <h36***
            *Maturally eccurring E-LO was observed in all samples. All other ganna enitters not cited were <!'"L; typical EDL's are giten in Table 3-12                           -
   *Sanples unavailable wHigh lCL values are the result of Icw chemical yields in the radiestrontiun precedure.

9 3C'


                                              . TABLE 3-3 CCI:C.C.TRATIC:!S CF GM2!A Z.:ITTERS* I:!

SH3LLFISH SEIPLIS (Results in Units of pCi/kg (det) : 2 o-) Station .Samele

                             '        Sa: ole Eo.            Eate         Tyie        Co-53    2n-65   lib-95   Ru-103  Ar-11cm 3              First        Crabs        e        e        e        *       **

(Kenwood Quarter Beach 3/Ch/81 Oysters CIEL <ICL <:CL <ICL <:CL Control 6/15/31 Crabs 4TL <MDL 4IL <!CL <!CL Location) 6/10/31 Cysters -:CL <ICL 23:9 <ICL <:CL 6/11/31 Crabs =I:DL <!CL 4IL <!OL <!CL S/2h/81 Cysters GIL CIL -!CL 4!LL <!CL 10/C6/61 Crabs <CL <: LL <:CL < 3IL <!CL 10/07/31 Cystars <!IL OIL <:CL OIL <:CL h First Crabs e * ** ** * (Rocky Quarter Point) 6/15/31 Crabs n 4:rt <:CL 4IL <!ct <:CL 8/11/S1 Crabs 4:EL GIL CIL 4IL <!!L 10/C6/31 Crabs <!!LI. GIL <!CL CIL 4:DL 5 3/Ch/81 cysters <IL <!IL c:IL <!!EL (Camp h6 9 6/10/81 Cysters 4GL <IL 15 lh 13:9 3618 Coney) 8/2h/51 oysters 2005 32:26 < IL <!:IL 6011 0 , 10/07/S1 Cysters <:CL c CL <:CL 42L h2I9 8 First Crabs e ** * * ** (Plant Quarter Intake) 6/15/81 Crabs s:IL 4!EL OIL <!IL <NDL 8/11/81 Crabs -:CL 4:DL c:CL <:IL <:!LL 10/C6/31 Crabs CIL -ICL <!:EL CIL <IIL

            *Maturally occurring X-ho observed in all sa.ples. All ether gan: a enitters not cited were CLL; typical :!IL's are given in Table 3-12.

MSanples unavailable C 31

TNL33-h . CC!:CB.TRATIONS OF OAE'A IGTT2?.S* A2.D STRC!. TIUM-59 A::D -90 IN ECTTCII SEDIMI:.T (Results in Units of pCi/kg (Dry) : 2 6) Station io . Date, Sr-39 Sr-90 Co-53 Cc-60  ::b-95 Cs-137 Ce-1LL 5 3/Ch/81 496 4223 -:sL L2h:71 <:cL h7h:65 <MDL (Car.p . 6/10/81 e129 <35 -MDL *MDL 139:31 32:17 1C6:67 Cenoy) 6/2h/81 42Ch 19*1h <MDL 292211h 196:9h 6261151 3h31238 10/07/81 <166 435 41LL 326:65 41DL h59*53 232:163 6 3/0h/81 <1SCO <h12 ciDL <:GL 1h6*-69 635:62 -MDL (Long 6/10/81 <118 2h*20 <MDL <:TL 223:70 -:CL 659261 2each S/2h/81 43C5 432 < CL 2h90119 41DL 9CO:119 ':EL Centrol 10/07/61 <15h 429 4TL 263 55 <MDL 709063 277161 Lccation) 7 3/Ch/61 42L9 55:37 <MDL 76ths cDL 615'59 cITL (Plant 6/10/S1 <116 <32 <MDL 130*h2 15C:3h 21h:39 eMDL Cutfall) 8/2h/81 <2S9 26:19 eMDL 216:81 ~MDL 393*92- 193:193 10/07/81 <hC9 5h L5 41DL <:CL MIL h201h3 -2TL 5 3/Ch/81 e270 z63 4TL 102153 <MDL 333*h5 2c6131 (Flant 6/10/51 <120 3h:20 131:5h 28L:76 3Cc+77 hhC53 2CL 105 Intaka) S/2h/61 <228 23:16 <:cL 2c5:1h6 4TL S32:122 -MDL 10/07/El <113 <23 9fDL 1531L1 <MDL 381:L3 <!DL _ +1:aturally eccurring K-h0, Ra-226, and Th-232 sere cbserved in all sanples. All other ga.::.a emitters sere iCL; trpical MDL's are gi'.en in Ta'cle E-12. i


l 1

   .                                    TA3L3 3-5 CCNCINTRATICNS OF I-131 IN FILTIRID AIR (Results in Units of 10-3 pCi/m3 t 26)

Cove Taylors

      ' Start    Stop           On Site      On Site   Lusby     Point   Island
  • i Date rate #17 #18 #20 #22 #23 12/29/80 1/05/81 43.9 <5.0 <5.7 < 6.1 <h.6 1/05/81 1/12/81 <1 6 <5.1 < 6.3 < 5.h 5.0 1/12/81 1/19/81 <5.1 <h.9 < 6.3 <6.9 <5.3 1/19/81 1/26/81 <5.5 'h.7 < 7.3 ** "h.8 1/26/81 2/02/81 <h.8 < h .3 < 6.1 s 7.9 <h.8 2/02/81 2/C9/81 < h .S <5.6 -6.5 x5.5 (5.0 2/09/81 2/17/81 <h.2 <h.8 55.6 17.0 :h.8 2/17/81 2/23/81 <6.0 <6.3 <8.8 n9.7 sh.7 2/23/81 3/c2/81 <h.8 <5.0 < 6.h s5.8 < 5.3 3/02/81 3/C9/81 <h.7 <h.9 < 6.5 5.7 s 3.8
'        3/09/61   3/16/81      <h.5        <5.3      < 6.7    s h .h  ' 5.1 3/16/81  3/23/81       <h.7        <5.8      < h.8    s6.2     :.5.h 3/23/81   3/3C/81      <h.9        <3 9      < 7.6    56.2        h.7
       -3/30/81   h/C6/81       45.0        <5.0      47.3     x6.h    c 5.2 h/06/81   h/13/81.      < h .9      <5.1      -6.7      (8.6   - L.7 h/13/81   h/2C/81       <h.h        <h.9        7.8    <?.6    <5.6 h/20/81   h/27/81      <5.c         <5.1      -7.2      e:9.2   <7.9 h/27/81   5/Ch/81      <5.2         <5.1      <7.2     s6.h     th.9 5/ch/81   5/11/81       <5.h        <5.2      <8.3     s6.3     15.2 5/11/81   5/18/81       e5.7        <6.8      -8.1     sp.0    <5.2 5/18/81  '5/26/31       <h.5        <h.9     -6.3      x8.3    <h.5 5/26/81   6/01/81-      45.6        c5.9      -8.2     <6.3    ,5.h 6/01/81   6/C6/81      eh.7         <3.5     <h.7      ch.5    <3.3 6/08/81   6/15/81       <3 .8       <3.6      -h.9     s h .8  m2.8 6/15/81   6/22/81       c3.9        <3 7     -5.0      <7.3    s3.9 6/22/81   6/29/81       <3.5        c3.7     eh.5      <h.h    ~ h .1 6/29/81   7/C6/81   -

ch.C <h.2 c 3.1 sh.h th.2 7/C6/81 7/13/81 <h.3 <3.6 e 5.h < h .5 m3.8 7/13/81 7/20/81' <h.c s3.7 <5.0- sh.8 ** 7/2C/81 7/27/81 <h.0 -3.7 - 6.2 43.9 m 3.0 7/27/81 8/03/81 <3 . h <h.0 6.2 th.h ** , 8/03/81 8/10/81 23.6 e3.8 < 5.h <h.h 27.5 l' 8/10/81 8/17/81 <3.3- wh .1 < 5.9 ch.h 3.6 8/17/81 8/2L/81 <3.9 <h.0 s s.6 <h.5 +3.8 8/2h/81 8/31/81 <h.2 mh.2 ,58 <h.5 43.6 8/31/81 9/C8/81 <3.2 3.5 sh.6 :h.1 +3.6 9/c8/81 9/1L/81- 'h.2 s6.h sh.h -5.6 -3 5 9/1h/81 9/21/81 43.6- e3.7 16.5 sh 6

  <                                                                     -3 5 -

9/21/81 9/28/81' -43.6 <h.2 x5.9 xh.7 c3.6 33

TAELE 3-5 (CCI;TH.TED) - COI;CENTRATICUS OF I-131 IN ELTERID AIR (Results in Units of 10-3 pCi/n3 ! 25) , Cove Taylors Start Stop On Site On Site Lusby ' Point Island

  • Date .Eate #17 #13 #20 #22 #23' 9/28/81 10/C5/81 <3.8 <h.1 < 5.7 <h.8 <3 3 10/C5/81 1C/12/81 < 2.8 <3.7 -53 -h.8 <3.9 1C/12/81 10/19/81 <h.2 <h.0 -6.2 <5.0 <h.0 10/19/81 10/26/81 <3.7 < 3.8 - 6 .1 <5 2 w3.7 10/26/81 11/02/81 <3.9 < h .1 -5.8 <5.5 <3.5 11/C2/81 .11/C9/81 <h.0 - L .1 -3.9 -6.1 <3.2 11/C9/81 11/16/S1 c3.9 -h.0 -58 -5.1 <3.h 11/16/81 11/23/81 <h.3 -h.0 -6.6 -L.3 -3.6 11/23/81 12/01/81 <h.C -h.2 < h .1 -7.0 < 3.8 12/01/81 12/07/81 ch.h - L.3 <3.8 <6.7
  • 3.8 12/07/81 12/1h/81 <h.0 -h.h -L.2 <6.5 < h .5 12/1h/81 12/21/81 e h.0 -h.2 -L.0 <6.6 -3.9 12/21/81 12/28/81 <h.6 c h .1 - 3.h <6.6 <3.9 12/?.8/81 1/Ch/81 <h.0 < h.2 <3.3 < 6.3 -3.7
                 *Centrol locatien
                ** Air sampler =alfunction n amine                                                                             _    . _ __--.m

TAiLE 3-6 CchCENTRATICMS OF SETA EPITTEP.S IN AIR PARTICULATES (Results in Units of 10-d pCi/n3 : 26) Knotty Long cove Tcylors _ Start _ Step On Site on Site Pine Lusby Beach Point Islanc* Date Date #17 #18 &l9 #20 521 d22 #23 12/29/80 1/C5/81 7.h!0.7 6.6:0.7 5.7:0.6 7.3:C.7 10.8:1.1 6.C:0.6 h.2:c.h 1/05/81 1/12/81 6.000.6 5.800.6 h.600 5 6.c!0.6 5.c:0.5 2.7:1 -5 h.6:0.5 1/12/81 1/19/81 9.300.9 8.hC.8 7.hC.7 7.9:0.8 7.h:0.7 7.h:0.7 h.2:C.h 1/19/81 1/26/81 15.c:1.5 12.511.2 11.801.2 17.8:1.8 12.c 1.2 11.0:1.1 9.5:1.c 1/26/81 2/02/81 11.5:1.1 7.820.8 10 911.1 10.h:1.0 9.7:1.0 12.c:1.2 7.1 0 7 2/02/81 2/C9/51 6.6:0 7 7.80.8 11.9 1.2 9.8 1.0 7 500.7 8.100.8 2.7:0.3 2/C9/S1 2/17/81 11.2:1.1 10.8:1.1 10.h:1.0 17.8:1.8 10.6:1.1 7.8:c.3 h.70.5 2/17/51 2/23/81 8.210.8 11.C:1.1 11.h:1.1 16.2 1.6 S.2:c.S 8.8:c.9 h.7:0.5 2/23/81 3/C2/81 15.h:1.5 1h.5:1.h 12.h:1.2 2c.2:2.0 10.3:1.0 13.1:1 3 10 321.0 3/02/81 3/C9/81 8.31c.8 21.9 12.2 9.htC.9 9.3:C.9 6.500.6 17.2 1.7 3.C C.3 3/C9/81 3/16/El 2h.52.h 1S.7:1.9 20.c:2.0 23.2:2.3 16.h:1.6 19.S:2.0 13.3:1.3 3/16/81 3/23/61 12.311.2 15.221.5 17.5:1.8 13.6:1.h 8.7:0.9 17.8:1.8 11.7:1.2 3/23/81 3/3C/81 13.c:1.3 19.h:1.9 16.6:1.7 28.h:2.8 16.3:1.6 20.7:2.1 15.6:1.6 3/30/81 h/C6/81 23.112.3 23.612.h 22.C:2.2 hc.2 h.0 2h.202.h 30.C3.0 22.7 2.3 h/C6/81 h/13/81 15.2 1.5 27.9:2.8 19.L 1.9 27.c:2.7 21.6:2.2 17.7:1.8 18.6:1.9 h/13/81 h/2c/81 19 511.9 23.2:2.3 2h.S 2.5 25.6:2.6 18.2:1.8 2h.0:2.h 13.5:1.h h/2C/81 h/27/51 h/27/81 3/Ch/61 23.7:2.h 19 9:2.0 20.h:2.0 25.5:2.S 21.7:2.2 21.2:2.1 IL.6:1.5 18.h:1.8 17.6 1.8 16.5:1.6 22.8:2.3 2h.3:2.3 2c.8:2.1 20.S:2.1 5/Ch/dl 5/11/81 12.2:1.2 13.6:1.h 16.8:1.7 27.h:2.7 1h.3:1.h 13.9 1.h 13 5:1.h 5/11/81 5/16/81 12.2 1.2 1h.5:1.5 15.1:1.5 16.5:1.6 12.1 1.2 15.h:1.5 11.2 1.1 5/18/81 5/26/61 33.2:3.3 31.6:3.2 ho.8:h.1 33.7:3.h 2c.1:2.1 29.2:2.9 9.5:1.c 5/26/81 6/01/S1 12.211.2 9.511.0 ** 22 9 2.3 17.2:1.7 17.6:6.5 95 1.0 6/01/81 6/CS/S1 11.001.1 9.310.9 ** 13 9:1.h 10.1:1.0 10 3 1.0 6/C8/81 7.h!C.7 6/15/81 5.h:0.5 3.2:0.3 ** 6.210.6 s 5:c.6 7.7:0.5 3.C:0 3 6/15/e1 6/22/51 3.000.3 3.h:0.3 E.2:0.h L.h:C.h 3.100.3 7.7:0.3 2.5:c.3 6/22/81 6/29/81 9.7:1.0 10.5:1.1 8.h:c.8 5.9:c.6 8.h:0.8 10.5:1.1 7.5 :c.8 ' 6/29/81 7/C6/91 3.7:c.h 5.6:c.6 h.7:c.5 7.50.8 h.6:0,5 5.h0.5 5.t:0.6 7/C6/81' 7/13/S1 8.h:0.8 8.810 9 7.6 c.8 7.9:c.8 5.6:0.i 10.c11.C ** 7/13/S1 7/20/81 8.2tc.8 6.h:c.6 8.2:0.8 3 5:c.3 7.C:0.7 23.h:2.3 7/20/61 7/27/81 5.5C.6 5.h c.5 5.3:c.5 5.8:c.6 2.5:c.3 6.7:c.7 L.9:c.5 7/27/81 8/03/81 6.220.6 6.110.6 5.610.6 6.7 0.7 7.C20.7 3.80.h h.1:C.h 8/03/81 6/10/81 L.3C.h 3.500.3 3.3:c.3 h.1 c.h 2.7 c.3 2.6:c.3 8/10/31 5.900.6 8/17/31 h.h:0.h h.000.h h.c 0.h 3.c00.3 3.2:c.3 8/17/31 8/2L/31 5.60.6 h.S:0.3 55:0.6 h.B0.5 3.h0.3 3.30.3 8/2h/31 8/31/31 2.7:0.3 h.h20.h 3.h0.3 3.2:c.3 3.5:0.h 2.90C.3 2.70.3 1.7:0.2 S/31/S1 9/C8/S1 3.120.3 h.c:0.h 3.7 c.h h.300.h 3.0:C.3 3.1:C.3 2 5:c.3

     -9/C8/S1   9/1L/81    5.100.5   h.c:0.h    h.6:C.5   6.900.7   3.700.h 9/1h/81   9/21/S1    2.7C.3    2.710.3    2.900.3 h.500.5                                     2.8::.3 3.8 C.h   3.1:0.3    3.8:C.h                                    1.L 2.2 9/21/S1   9/28/81    3.5C.3    3.0:0.3    h.00c.h   3.910.h   2.S:c.3    2.6:0.3                                    1.6:c.2 ed

TABLE 3-6 (CONTINUED) . CCNCE!!TRATIONS OF SETA D'ITTERc Hi AIP. PARTICU1ATES (Results in Units of 10-E pCi/m> 1 26) Knotty Long Ccve Taylors Start Step On Site On Site Pine Lusby Beach Pod -- Tsland* Date Eate #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 9/28/81 10/C5/81 2.000.3 1.500.2 2.2 0.2 2.610.3 2.2 0.2 1.6:0.2 1.1 00.2 10/05/81 10/12/31 1.50.2 1.h:0,2 1.L:C.2 1.S20.h 1.500.2 1.210.3 1.300.2 10/12/81 10/19/31 1.60.3 1.500.2 1.S:0.2 2.0:0.h 3.C:0.3 2.L20 3 1.3:0.2 10/19/81 10/26/31 1.710.2 1.510.2 1.70.2 1.60.h 3.3:0.h 1.3:0.2 1 300.2 10/26/31 11/02/61 1.60.2 1.500.3 1.50.2 1.90.3 2.6:0.3 1.30.3 1.620.2 11/02/31 11/09/81 2 500.3 2.3:0.3 2.2:0.h 2.50.3 2.h:0.3 2.h:0.3 1.200.2 11/C9/dl 11/16/81 2.2 0.3 1.910.3 1.70.2 2 500.3 2.L0.3 1.900.3 1.2:C.2 11/16/31 11/23/81 2.110.3 1.600.3 2.0:0.2 2.200.3 2.100.2 2.3:0.h 1.300.2 11/23/81 11/30/31 2.110.3 2.100.3 2.000.2 2.100.3 2.1:0.3 1 900.h 1.210.2 11/30/81 12/07/S1 1.710.3 1.7to.3 1.60.2 1.70.2 1.910.2 2.60.h 09:0.2 12/07/31 12/1L/81 1.1 0.2 1.310.3 1.30.2 1.210.2 0.6:0.2 1.220.h 07:0.2 12/1L/51 12/21/81 1.60.3 1.710.3 19 0.2 1.S0.2 0.900.2 L.C 0.h 05:0.2 12/21/81 12/28/81 2.100.3 1.300.2 2.000.2 '2.110.3 1.h:0.2 2.900.h 0.7:0.2 12/26/S1 1/CL/S2 1.60.3 1.60.2 1.3:0.2 1 9 0.3 1.CIC.2 1.6:0.3 0.5:C.2

  • Centrol 1ccation
            ** Air sar.pler r.alfunction t

e .i,---.,.mi- ___

m. r-e m. 4 e

4 m 4% C4

                                 &          -mm@?-D4mAAAA                                           +4 m O N3 4 4 m+ 4 + 1 . 3 m.3 J o


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TA?l3 3-8 CONCE:;TRATIO!!S OF BETA, TRITIUM, GAIC'A E:GTTIES* A1:D STRCI; TIUM-89 AI;D -90 Ili PRECIPITATICN--STATICl! IS (CI: SITE) (Results in Units of pCi/1 1 2 c) Date Eeta H-3 Sr-89

  • Sr-90w Nb-95 Zr-95 Ru-103 1/80 3316 9?DL <EL <EL 2/80 35th 412h 9.6:2.2 40.5 3118 2h:a 12:6 3/80 5115 2h:1h 4TL <EL h/80 hC1h <MDL <MEL 4TL 5/80 50:5- <121 L.811.h 1.1 0.h 16:6 cMrL <ITL 6/80 26t3 <MrL <EL <!CL 7/80 2S 3 <MDL <MDL <!TL 8/80 3h:3 -128:113 42.8 0.h:0.3 <nDL 9'IL < CL 9/80 15:1 <MrL <EL <MDL 10/80 1111 <MDL <EL <EL l 11/80 16:2 <123 <1.0 40.6 "MEL *MDL *:5L 12/60 7.hto.7 emL eTL <1TL  !

i 1 1

                    *t:aturally occurring Se-7 was cbserved in scne sanples. All other gam.a enitters not cited were 4fDL; typical NDL's rre given in Table B-12.
                 *4uarterly analyses of ec: pesited nonthly sanples          .

1 Y h1

TA3LE B-9 . CCNCELT?aTICKS OF GM2G D'ITTSRS* AND STECI.TIU11-09 AND -90 IN VIGITATICN (Results in Units of pCi/kg (det) : 2 6) i 1 Station Sanple Sample Isotope No. Date Tvre Observed Concentration 1h ~ 8/26/81 Tobacco Sr-89 4811** Sr-90 Sho:SL Nb-95 77 31 Ce-lhh 20h:32 1h 9/20/81 Corn Sr-89 10:10 Sr-90 <3 15 9/30/81 Tobaccc Sr-89 <630** Sr-90 2050!2C0 15 12/18/81 Corn Sr-89 <16 Sr-90 13:h 15 12/18/81 Hay Sr-59 < 578 ** Sr-90 < 239** Mn-5h 37:15 Nb-95 162:28 Zr-95 62:29 Cs-137 h7 1h < Ce-lhh 733060 15 12/18/81 Silage Sr-89 6.217.8 Sr-9C 36 h Cs-137 8.218.0 16 12/10/81- Corn Sr-89 e6 Sr-90 <3 16 12/10/81 Hay Sr-89 1C9th5 Sr-90 503:50 16 12/1Q/S1 Tobacco Sr-89 356 330** Sr-90 331:130** Ub-95 28:1h Cs-137 53:15 Ce-lhh c6 39 s <'

  • Naturally cccurring Se-7 and K-h0 were observed in ncs sanples.

All other ganmn emitters were d!DL; typical MDL's are given _in

    -Table B-12.
  **These values are the result of low chemical yields and/cr high correction facters.

L2 L-

l TABLE 3-10 CCNCEKTRATICI:S JF GA32'A I'CTTI2S* AhD STRCliT1U'4-89 AliD -90 IU SOIL (Results in pCi/kg (Dry) 2 6) Date 3/26/81 11/12/81 Station 11 'O

                                                '3              11           12        13
      ?!o .       (On Site)   (On Site)     (Cr_ Site)       (On Site)   (On Site)  (On Site)

Sr-69 <130 4201 - 4153 +123 tic 5 e135 Sr-?O 105131 191th3 6C 33 JLt26 L2:23 110:30 Mb-95 266 5h 37C1h7 309 L5 07:L6 61 19 2920h3 Zr-95 119130 171tL5 155:LO <!:DL <>.DL <32L Ru-103 77:30 55:38 76 26 -IIL <MDL < >IL Cs-137 135:32 15L:29 L1:16 21h:3S 73133 2L3:3h Ce-1L1 ~42L - :'DL 69235 -MIL <EDL < >IL Ce-lbh (MDL <MDL 197!76 -HEL <!IL h31:1C2

  • Naturally cecurring Ra-226, Th-232, and K-h0 were observed in all sa.ples. All
      . ether e:.itters net cited wers d'DL; typical :IL's are given in Table 3-12.

i I i I i I i I i h" L3

                     ,              TAEL3'E-11                         -

CCI:CFl.TP.ATICl;S OF TRIT 1D: I.IID GM2'A EMII'"IES Ili GEOU:;D '4AT2R (Results in pCi/1 1 2 d) Statien No. Date H-3 Ganna Enitters 2**- 3/26/81 4122 *

      -(Chesapeake            6/18/81          (121
  • Country Club) 6/27/81 <123
  • 11/12/81 -123
  • 10 3/26/81 4123 *

(Cn Site 6/18/81 4120

  • dell) S/27/81 4125
  • 11/12/81 4123
  • 21* 3/26/81 <123 *

(Long 6/18/81 5121

  • Eeach) 8/27/8' <125
  • 11/12/61 <123
  • 25A** 3/26/81 <123 *

(~4hite Sands 6/18/81 <120

  • Club) 8/27/8' <' 2h
  • 11/12/81 -123
  • 253** 3/26/81 -123
  • 1- (.ihite Sands 6/18/81 <121
  • Club) 8/27/81 -12L
  • 11/12/81 <122 *
        *Ceriun-lbl was cbserved in June sample'fren statien nunber 253 at a concentration of 2.1:1.0 pCi/1. litturally occurring K-Lo was observed in all sanples. All other ga=na enitters nct_ cited were <!'DL; typical MEL's are given in Table 3-12.
     ~** Control location a


TASLE B-12 TYPICAL ITL's FC?. GAD!A SPECTRCOSTRY l Selected Baywater Fish ' Shellfish Sedinent Nuclides pCi/1 pCi/k (Wet) pCi/kr Olet) pCi/kc (CIf) Na-22 1.3 1h 16 h6 Cr-51 1h 72 185 hh9

                - F.n-$h         1.0                11               12                   hh Cc-56         1.2               17                17                   hh Fe-59          3.2               hh                h6               11h Co-60         1.h                16                19                  69 Zn-65          2.5               29                3h               ich Nb-95         17                 2h                26                  61
                ' Zr-95         2.1                26               26                   S3 Ru?.h-1C6     9.0                76              109                333 Ag-11Cm       1.1                11               12                   h0 t

Te-129n 1.3 17 19 h5 I-131 a.7 3h L9 210 Cs-13h 1.2 11 12 h5 Cs-137 1.1 13 11 - Ea-lho 11 50 71 265 La-lho L '. 5 . 26 50~ 155

               . Ce-lhh-        7.h-              32                37               16h W

TABLE 3-12 (CO?iTI2;UED) TIFICAL l'EL's K;R GAD 1 SPECTECI_'ITRY Selected Par +.iculatqs Frecipitation Vegetatien Scil Well Water Euclidec 1C-3 cCi/n>  :.Ci/1 pCi/kg (det) pC1/kg (E:f) pCi/1

 !!a-22         2.1                   3.6               26            33         1h Cr-51          26                 59                 1h9           2h6        21 Fn-5h -       1.8                    3.h               18            30         1.0 Co-56         2.3                    E.h               19           31          1.3 Fe-59         5.2                    8.0               6h           68          h.5 Cc-6o         1.9                    h.5               29           ho         0.9 Zn 65         h.5                   6.5               5h            69         2.h Fc-95         2.h                   8.0               23            35         2.0 Zr-95         2.9                   3.6               35            53         2.5 Euah-1C6    15                   33 132           2h7          8.h Ag-11C=      1.8                    3.6               1h           27         1.0 Te-129=      26                      5.C               18           26         1.7 I-131         31                  h7                  h6            53         3.9 cs-13h        1.9                    3.2              18            37         1.1 Cs-137        19                     3.2              17              _

1.0 Ea-lho 28 h5 82 1c6 2h - La-lho 15 26 36 59 11 Ce-lhh 6.6 2h ho lh2 6.9 h6

TABLE 3-13 IITIRNAL EADIATION ., (Results in 'Jnits cf nP/3C Eays : c')


Lecation #7 Jan. 3.1710,1h Jul. 2.96:C.15 Feb. 3.C8:0.C$ Aug. 2 99 C.C1 Mar. 3.18:C.1h Sep. 2.9h C.11 Apr. 3.C6 0.22 Cet. 2.9110.18 May 3.07:0.20 Nov. 2.89:C.C3 Jun. 3.C2:C.20 Dec.* Location #17 Jan. 5.3300.30 Jul, h.5200.33 Feb. h.91 C.19 Aug. 5.33 0.27 Mar. h.8600.LO Sep. 5.C7 C.h0 Acr. L.6910.20 Oct. 5.C0:0 35 liay h.67:0.hh Nov. h.66 0.29 Jun. 5.12:C.3h Eec. h.82:0.$h Location #18 Jan. h.h7:0 52 Jul h.3610.30 Feb. h.55:0.15 Aug. h.66 C.C2 Mar. h.530C.23 Sep. h.56:C.29 Aer. h.L6:0,h0 Cet. h.39:0.16 M'ay h.50!C.22 Nov h.CO!C.C2 Jun. h.70!C.C9 Dec. h.h3 C.30 Location #19 Jan. 3.Sh!C.ll Jul. 3.730C.C9 Feb. h.Ch:0.lh Aug. L.C1 0.15 Mar. h.CO 0.12 Sec. 3.95:0.26-Apr. h.lC:0.2h Cc't. 3.7h!C.25 May 3.61 C.ll Mov. 3.h7 0.12 Jun. 3.95 C.25 Eec. 3.8700.Ch Locatien y20 -Jan. h.Ch:C.19 Jul. 3.91 0.C5 Feb. 3.8h!C.C6 Aug. 3.9C C.16 Mar. h.CSIO.19 Sec. L.CC10.13 Apr. 3.61 0.C6 Cet. 3.52 0.12 May 3.93C.12 nov. 3.6L10.18 Jun. 3.89 C.13 ' rec. h.C2:C.C6 Locatien d21 Jan. 3.5100.23 Jul. 3.h6:0.C3 Feb. 3.hh C.15 Aug. 3.6210.15 Mar. 3.6h:0.11 Sep. 3.761C.13 Apr. 3.3210.13 Cet. 3.Lh:C.C9 May 3.390.Ch Nov. 3.12:C.08 Jun. 3.61 0.01 rec. 3.6610.26 Locatien #22 Jan, h.12 0.19 Jul. 3.73 0.21 Feb. 3.S3:C.08 Aug. 3.9C10.C3. , Mar. 3.3500.15 Sec. h.C2 C.21  ! Apr. 3.73 00.08 Cet. 3.9120.12 May 3.79:C.13 Ucv. 3.63:C.31 Jun. 3.99 0C.03 rec. L.C9:0.11 L7 j

TABLE B-13 (CCI.TINUZD) - ZXIIENAL RADIATICN (Results in Units of mR/30 Days 1 6) Location #23 Jan. 5.56 0,16 Jul. 5 51 C.31 Feb. 5.h710.22 Aug. 5.6110.16 Mar. 5.6000.11 Sep. 5.62:0.21 Apr. 5.12:0.39 Oct. 3 33:0.22 ) t May 5.1500.37 Nov.5.39{0.26 Jun. 5.h2:0.35 rec. 5 33-c.19 Location #2h Jan. 5.C800.06 Jul. h.7120.36 Feb. 5.0010.2S Aug. 5.22:0.16 Mar. h.75 0.17 Sep. 5.32:C.26 Apr. h.3910 30 Cet. h.h91C.85 May L.650.33 Nov. h.67:0.C2 Jun. 5.1300.15 rec. 5.1h:0.1h Location h25 Jan. h.73:0.13 Jul. h.3510.23 Feb. h.5610.15 Aug. h.3810.16 Mar. h.7210.01 Sen. h.7600.19 Acr. h.29 0.17 Cet. h.3610.12 Xa' y h.5h!O.12 Nov. h.2h10.22 Jun. L 7110.16 Eec. h.6h 0.29 Location #26 Jan. h.02 0.22 Jul. h.C610.18 Feb. 3 9710.11 Aug.~3.9910.Ch , Mar. h.2500.22 Sep. h.1610.15 Apr. 3.8310.C1 Cet. 3.93 00.15 May h.C0!O.27 Nov. 3.6910.1h < Jun. 3.9CIO.C2 Dec. h.02:0.22 Lcestien 527 Jan. 3.7900.22 Jul. 3.771C.13 Feb. 3.7310.05 Aug. 3.91:0.1h Mar. 3.3510.33 Sec. 3.8810.16 Apr. 3.5100.22 Cet. 3.65:0.20 May 3.3000.C9- Nov. 3.5910.16 Jun. 3.3110.15 Dec. 3.9810.13 Locatien i2S Jan. h.1720.01 Jul, h.161 0.C9 Feb. h.h210.27 Aug. h.29:C.28 Mar. h.2000.3h S;p. h.5810.13 Apr. h.h110.20 Oct. h.h7:0.06 May h.3910.2h Nov, h.17:C.01 Jun. h.5010.16 Dec. h.211C.30

 *TLD unavailable due'to inclement weather