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Requests That Cooperation Be Given in Const Investigation of R Brown of Congressional Subcommittee.Mutually Convenient Times Should Be Arranged to Meet W/Region 3 Personnel. Document Access Should Be Permitted
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 09/21/1979
From: Maffett T
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML19210B905 List:
FOIA-79-239 NUDOCS 7911130027
Download: ML19210B907 (1)



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IIAYav8N Housc orr10c curtc'sc. FaccM n.573.n.c


.7 15 September 21, 1979 -

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Mr. James G. Keppler Director Region III op a p q -


D Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road oo o a Glen Ellyn, I'1' lino i s 60137

Dear Mr.'Keppler:

As you know, the Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and ':stural Resources is conducting an investigation of the construction of Public Service of Indiana's Marble Hill nuclear facility. As part of our investigation, I have dire c ted Subcommit tec Counsel Robert Brown to undertake, on behalf of *he Subconmittee, a number o f investiga tive tasks, in clu d i.13 interviews of individuals who may possess


re1crant information and review of documents which may bear on this matter. I ask

  • hat you give him your cooperation, both by arranging mutually convenient times for him to meet with you ar.d your subordinates and by C. lowing him to read and copy such documents relatin g to M; rLie Hill as he deems necessary.

Since:ely, gToby {t W bjY

[{//Moffet- f Chairgn h cc: Joseph M. Hen dri eV Chairnan Nuclear Regulatory Commiss3on TM:bbc

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Dear li . Hendri :

I would like to express n.y concern and deep disappoint 2nt regardi:tg the management and ERO supervision of the const:metion of Marble Hill Nuclear Power plant near Madisonville, Indiana, 31 miles ups trcan f rom my home of I.c lisville, Kentucky.

I have alwavs stated that nuclear .oc.uer will be an in.acr-tant elc.ent of cur nat. ion's energy supply in the future. Ho -

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Nuclear Plant nas arrimec, ex treane care mus t be user in builc-ing and maintaining nuclear power plants. Odr primary consider- .

azion must be the safety and welf are of the citizens of our nation.

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of our energy mix, but the potential for disaster is beyor.d comprehension.

public Service Indiana's ('? S I' .m ag eme n t of pla.t

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has admitted that contractors and supervisory staff are.iney-perienced and that a higher priority was placed on cutting costs and constraction short-cuts than on following strict safetv.

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. o' . y . n c ~__ .,3 the public health, safety and environment by regulating and supervising nuclear plant construction an d m a.n a g emen t , f?iled to cetect any problems until workers a- the plant went to the p n-o .e w.< u s.. a -=:_. . _ -

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10/1. .To ECO for Prepare, Reply for Signature ef Chai man.. Date du: Cc m: Oct 5yf Cpys to: Orig to Cc xet, OCA to A P.newledge, Chairman, R ... 79-2705 ,



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September 28, 1979 '

h This.. lack of.NRC supen-ision-is as indefensible as PSI 5) inexcer. ience and nic=anagement.

- A6d, I denar.d that before f conctm2ction resunes at Marble Hill, the N?.C take steps: ":.:

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insurina that .on1v the best analified constractors

- - - =1 and construction workers be allowed on the sita. [E--

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-- rec.ruirine; that qualified PSI and NRC suoerviscrs- [

be on site -- not in Plainfield or Washington, D.C.

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-- requiring conthly inspec tionc by t,RC techni'ianc and top management. (!9


-- insuring that the cos ts of these delays and foul-ups . :.

not be dunped on the consumer.



I will certainly be monitoring closely any future acticas hv the NRC at the Earble Hill P lant. *E Sine el.v<.s s . . . _

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