Fluctuation Events of 781104 & 781212, Evaluation & Resultant Revisions to Normal & Test Operating Procedures. Describes Event Resulting from RT-500 Test, Compares All Fluctuation Events & Provides Revised RT-500 ProcedureML20008D664 |
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Site: |
Fort Saint Vrain  |
Issue date: |
01/29/1979 |
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ML20008D663 |
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NUDOCS 7902010088 |
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MONTHYEARML20148U0111997-06-17017 June 1997 Confirmatory Survey of Group E Effluent Discharge Pathway Areas Fsv Nuclear Station Platteville,Co ML20133D7661996-09-16016 September 1996 Confirmatory Survey Plan for Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project ML20129A4621996-09-11011 September 1996 Rev 0 to Fsv Decommissioning Project Final Survey Requirements for Liquid Effluent Pathway ML20100L3581996-02-22022 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Submitting Corrected Version of Plant Decommissioning TS Updated to Reflect All Approved Amends ML20097C2601996-01-17017 January 1996 Confirmatory Survey Activities Plan for Fsv Nuclear Station PSC Platteville,Co ML20101F2091995-09-18018 September 1995 Issue 7 to DPP 5.4.2, Odcm ML20084B8801995-05-25025 May 1995 Rev 1 to Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project Final Survey Plan for Site Release ML20084B6881995-05-10010 May 1995 Issue 5 to Fire Protection Operability Requirements (Fpor) FPOR-7, Fire Extinguishers ML20082K2461995-04-14014 April 1995 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Administrative Control 5.3.1,reflecting Organizational Changes That Impact Membership of Decommissioning Safety Review Committee ML20082T2151995-04-12012 April 1995 Issue 7 to Fire Protection Operability Requirements (Fpor) FPOR-12, Fire Detectors ML20082B9411995-03-17017 March 1995 Confirmatory Survey Plan for Repower Area,Fort St Vrain, Platteville,Co ML20082C0801995-03-16016 March 1995 Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Repower Area,Fort St Vrain,Platteville,Co ML20082B9821995-03-15015 March 1995 Instrumentation Comparison Plan Between Orise & Fort St Vrain ML20086S2471995-02-0909 February 1995 Decommissioning Plan for Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station ML20077C7171994-11-30030 November 1994 Issue 9 to FPOR-14, Fire Protection Operability Requirements ML20078C0641994-10-12012 October 1994 Revised Fire Protection Operability Requirements,Including Issue 21 to Depp Table of Contents,Issue 2 to FPOR-22 & Issue 3 to FPOR-23 ML20081J7951994-09-15015 September 1994 Issue 5 to DPP 5.4.2, Odcm ML20063M1551994-02-17017 February 1994 Rev 0 to Fsv Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project Final Survey Plan for Site Release ML20057A6151993-08-30030 August 1993 Issue 2 to FPOR-23, Fire Water Makeup Sys ML17291B3261993-05-18018 May 1993 Proposed TS Section 2.2 Re Activated Graphite Blocks,Section 2.4 Re Channel Calibr & SR 3.2.1 Re Verification of Reactor Bldg Pressure & SR 3.2.2 Re Verification of Pressure Drop Across Each HEPA Filter ML20036A8241993-05-0707 May 1993 Proposed TS 4.3 Re Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Water Leakage Protection ML20035D1071992-12-0707 December 1992 Odcm ML20118B2141992-09-25025 September 1992 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Replacing Radiation Safety with Nuclear Safety, Revising Applicability Requirements for Specs Dealing W/Reactor Bldg Confinement Integrity & Clarifying Items Re Unreviewed Safety Questions ML20114D6871992-09-0101 September 1992 Tritium Leach Test on H-327 Graphite ML20096H1961992-05-19019 May 1992 Decommissioning TS Deleting Section 4.2.15 Re LCO 4.2.15 Covering Pcrv Cooling Water Sys Temps ML20095B0951992-04-14014 April 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Re Organization,Review & audit-administrative Controls ML20094L2831992-03-19019 March 1992 Proposed Tech Specs Re Controls & Limits Appropriate for Decommissioning ML20086C5301991-11-15015 November 1991 Proposed Tech Spec Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.15 Re Pcrv Cooling Water Sys Temps ML20091D7631991-10-11011 October 1991 Proposed,Revised Limiting Condition for Operation 4.2.15 Re Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel Cooling Water Sys Temp ML20079M4261991-10-11011 October 1991 Revised Abnormal Operating Procedures,Reflecting Deletion of Issue 9 of EP Class ML20082L9311991-08-30030 August 1991 Proposed Tech Specs Re Decommissioning ML20082H8851991-08-16016 August 1991 Issue 2 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-I-2, Chemical, Petroleum & Hazardous Waste Spill Response ML20091C4141991-08-0202 August 1991 Issue 58 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-L, Loss of Instrument Air Header ML20024H3341991-05-10010 May 1991 Nonproprietary Rev 2 to FSV-P-SCP-100, Fort St Vrain Initial Radiological Site Characterization Program Program Description ML20072V5291991-04-12012 April 1991 Revised Defueling Emergency Response Plan,Including Section 1 Definitions,Section 2 Scope & Applicability,Section 3 Summary of Fsv Derp,Section 4 Emergency Classifications & Section 5 Emergency Organization ML20070V6871991-03-20020 March 1991 Issue 55 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-R, Loss of Access to Control Room ML20072S0521991-03-15015 March 1991 Public Version of Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 9 to CMIP-11, Classification of Emergency for McGuire Nuclear Station & Rev 11 to CMIP-12, Classification of Emergency for Oconee Nuclear Station ML20066J1171991-02-15015 February 1991 Issue 56 to Intro Section of Abnormal Operating Procedure (Aop),Issue 58 of AOP-A,Issue 58 to AOP-B,Issue 56 of AOP D-1 & Issue 2 of RERP-TRANSPORTATION ML20066A3781990-12-21021 December 1990 Proposed Decommissioning Tech Specs Re Reactor Bldg Integrity,Reactor Bldg Ventilation Exhaust Sys,Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation & Pcrv Shielding Water Tritium Concentration ML20059L5891990-09-14014 September 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Design Features Section 6.1 to Permit Removal of CRD & Orifice Assemblies from Core Regions Defueled in Support of Plant Closure Activities ML20058N1071990-08-10010 August 1990 Issue 56 to AOP-I, Discussion of Fire ML20042F3151990-04-26026 April 1990 Proposed Tech Specs Re Defueling ML20034C7781990-04-25025 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-H-2, Abnormal Radioactive Gas Release from Plant ML20034C7851990-04-25025 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-EP Q, Steam Leak or Inadvertent Lifting of Steam Relief Valve ML20034C7771990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-H-1, Abnormal Radioactive Liquid Waste from Plant ML20034C7801990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 59 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-K-1, Environ Disturbances - Earthquake ML20034C7841990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-P, Loss of DC Bus ML20034C7821990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-L, Loss of Instrument Air Header ML20034C7831990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 56 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-N, Loss of Instrument Bus ML20034C7791990-04-19019 April 1990 Issue 57 to Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-H-3, High Activity in Plant 1997-06-17
[Table view] Category:TEST REPORT
MONTHYEARML20114D6871992-09-0101 September 1992 Tritium Leach Test on H-327 Graphite ML20064B2111989-11-0909 November 1989 Fort St Vrain Cycle 4 RT-500L Test Rept ML20245L5861989-07-31031 July 1989 CRD Partial Scram Test Results & Max Daily Temp Rept for Jul 1989 ML20246J2041989-05-0808 May 1989 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), Interim Rept 51 for Period Ending 890505 ML20235N0611989-02-10010 February 1989 Interim Startup Rept 50 for Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station,881106 - 890204.Informs That Reactor Did Not Operate Above 80% Power ML20154E9291988-08-0808 August 1988 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), Interim Rept 48 for Period Ending 880808 ML20196E1591988-05-31031 May 1988 CRD Partial Scram Test Results & Max Daily Temp Rept ML20151D0021988-05-10010 May 1988 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), Interim Rept 47 for Period Ending 880510 ML20148G9801988-03-21021 March 1988 CRD Partial Scram Test Results & Max Daily Temp for Feb 1988 ML20148A6391988-02-0909 February 1988 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), Interim Rept 46 for Period Ending 880209 ML20196B7961988-01-31031 January 1988 CRD Partial Scram Test Results & Max Daily Temp Rept, 880117-31 ML20148G8301987-12-14014 December 1987 Metallurgical Analysis of Components from Helium Circulator C-2101 ML20237A9681987-12-11011 December 1987 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), Interim Rept 45 for Period Ending 871111 ML20235G8571987-08-13013 August 1987 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series),Interim Rept 44 for Period Ending 870813 ML20236G3021987-07-30030 July 1987 CRD Partial Scram Test Results & Max Daily Temp Rept, 870703-30 ML20207T3391987-02-14014 February 1987 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series),Interim Rept 42,Rept for Period Ending 870214 ML20207D3361986-12-10010 December 1986 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B Series):Interim Rept 41 ML20215K6991986-08-17017 August 1986 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series) Interim Rept 40,Rept for Period Ending Aug 1986 ML20204F1161986-07-31031 July 1986 CRD & Orifice Assembly Parameter Trending Test Program ML20207G8871986-07-11011 July 1986 Destructive Exam of Fort St Vrain Fuel Test Element FTE-2 ML20198D0681986-05-14014 May 1986 Final Rept - Fort St Vrain CRD & Orificing Assembly High Temp Functional Test ML20136D0401985-12-20020 December 1985 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), Interim Rept 37,for Period of 850822-1120 ML20137L1141985-08-26026 August 1985 Test Rept for Analog Isolator P/N:1622-5 S/N:0001 ML20137L0971985-08-26026 August 1985 Test Rept for Analog Isolator P/N:1622-4 S/N:0004 ML20137L1871985-08-26026 August 1985 Test Rept for Analog Isolator P/N:1622-4 S/N:0003 ML20137L1631985-08-26026 August 1985 Test Rept for Analog Isolator P/N:1622-5 S/N:0002 ML20137L1441985-08-26026 August 1985 Test Rept for Singe Channel Analog Isolator P/N:993:34 S/N:0001 ML20135B4741985-08-21021 August 1985 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series), 36th Startup Rept for 850522-0821 ML20128F8301985-05-21021 May 1985 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B-Series),Interim Rept 35,Rept for Period Ending 850521 ML20100E3541985-03-15015 March 1985 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B Series), Interim Rept 34 for Period Ending 850220 ML20112H4731985-01-24024 January 1985 NDE of 62 Fuel & Reflector Elements from Fort St Vrain Core Segment 3 ML20101L5031984-12-12012 December 1984 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power (B Series), Interim Rept 33 for Period Ending 841122 ML20098F6581984-08-20020 August 1984 Initial Approach to Power (B-Series) Startup Test Rept, for Period Ending 840820 ML20092K6261984-06-19019 June 1984 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Rept 31 for Period Ending 840522 ML20084R2711984-05-10010 May 1984 Moisture Monitor Injection Tests in Compliance W/Fort St Vrain Tech Spec Limiting Condition for Operation 4.9.2 ML20087M8931984-02-22022 February 1984 Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Rept 30 for Period Ending 840222 ML20083P5551983-12-16016 December 1983 Test Rept:Thermal Properties of Facility Fuel Element 1-2415 ML20083B4981983-11-22022 November 1983 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), for 830923-1122 ML20083P5351983-09-23023 September 1983 Test Rept:Tensile Properties of Facility Fuel Element 1-2415 ML20080J2381983-08-22022 August 1983 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Rept 28 for Period 830623-0822 ML20024B0411983-05-22022 May 1983 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Startup Rept 27 for 830223-0522 ML20073J1811983-04-0808 April 1983 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Rept 26 for Period Ending 830222 ML20076H3961983-04-0404 April 1983 Visual Exam Results of Segment 2,Fort St Vrain Fuel Elements 1-2415,1-0172,2-2693,1-0108 & 5-0801 ML20073S3251983-02-22022 February 1983 Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Rept 26 for Period Ending 830222 ML20028E7291983-01-11011 January 1983 Fort St Vrain Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series), Interim Rept 25 for 820923-1222 ML20023E0531982-10-21021 October 1982 Results of Pgx Graphite Surveillance,Fort St Vrain ML20066A3811982-10-0707 October 1982 Initial Approach to Power Tests, Interim Rept 24 for Period Ending 820822 ML20064M7411982-09-20020 September 1982 Test Rept:Nondestructive Exam of Fsv Fuel Test Element FTE-1 ML20055B9861982-07-22022 July 1982 Initial Approach to Power Tests (B-Series),Interim Rept 23 for Period Ending 820522 A16764, Radiochemical Analysis of First Plateout Probe from Fort St Vrain High-Temp Gas-Cooled Reactor1982-06-30030 June 1982 Radiochemical Analysis of First Plateout Probe from Fort St Vrain High-Temp Gas-Cooled Reactor 1992-09-01
[Table view] |
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3.1 November 4,1978 Fluctuation 3.1.1 Sequence of Events 3.1.2 Data Package 3.1. 3 Gas Outlet Temcerature Trends 3.1.4 Evaluation of Temperature Fluctuations 3.1.5 Effect of Region Flow Redistribution on Region Temperatures 3.1. 6 Core Status After November 4 3.2 December 12, 1978 Fluctuation 3.2.1 Sequence of Events and Data Package 3.2.2 New Observations 3.3 Comparison of Fluctuation Events
- 3. 3.1 Core AP and Resistance 3.3.2 Fluctuation Amplitudes 3.4 Fluctuation Threshold Line and Other Constraints 3.5 Revised RT-500 Test Procedures 3.5.1 Bases for Change to Main Steam Temperature Test Limit 3.5.2 Summary of Monitoring Capabilities Curing Testing 3.5.3 Revised RT-500 (Revision C)
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The fluctuation event of November 4,1978, which occurred during testing under the approved RT-500 test, exhibited larger amplitudes in temperature fluctuations than had been exhibited in any previous fluctuation event. The localized, small amplitude fluctuation event of Cecember 12, 1978, occurred at a value of AP less than the established threshold value. The purpose of RT-500 testing, which had been suspended due to exceeding a test limit on November 4, is to systematically establish the threshold line.
This report, in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, provides a description of the se-quence of events, a data padk'~ge a and an evaluation including any consequences to plant safety for th.e November 4 and Cecember 12, 1978 fluctuation events, respectively. Section 3.3 provides a comparison of all the fluctuation events regarding operating conditions at the start and stop of the fluctuation and amplitudes of nuclear channel and thermocouple signal changes which took place during the fluctuation. Each event is inoividually identified permitting an assessment of significant changes which may have taken placa with time.
Section 3.4 discusses the fluctuation threshold line and other operating con-straints which can limit plant operation. Section 3.5 is an evaluation of the test limits and monitoring capability previously contained in RT-500 and pro-vides a revised RT-500 as a result of the evaluation.
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f 2.0 SUP19RY MD CONCLUSICNS Since the first occurrence of fluctuations at Fort St. Vrain on October 31, 1977, there have been a total of 30 fluctuation events identified through the last event which occurred en December 12, 1978. A listing of the 30 fluctuation events is provided in Section 3.3.
The latter events, which occurred on November 4,1978, and December 12, 1978, exhibited unique characteristics different than those observed in events. The second event on November 4 resulted in the largest temperature swings for region outlets, steam generator module helium inlet, and main steam outlet observed for any fluctuation event. Analysis of the event has resulted ,
in the conclusion'that the measured temperature swings were real as opposed to changes in region outlet temperatures caused by colder bypass ficw leaking To account for into the graphite tube containing the measuring thermocouple.
the magnitude of the region outlet temperature swings observed, scme ficw One mechanism, which is redistributien into and out of regions must occur.
consistent with the observed data, is ficw inleakage into the plenum element or near the top of the region. This possibility for flow redistribution has been recognized for some time. In prior fluctuation events, however, the observed changes in steam generator module helium inlet temperatures were generally consistent witn displacements of relative cold bypass flows as a result of internal core component movements.
In all probability, some amount of flow redistribution was also occurring althcugh to a lesser degree than for the Evaluations of the flow redistribution theory indicate November 4 event.
there are no detrimental safety consequences nor do they comprcmise or in- .
validate the operating ifmits speciffed in the Technical Specifications.
The December 12 event is unique in that the fluctuation was locali:ed to the northwest quadrant of the core and that it occurred at a lower core aP and core resistance than previously experienced at the 67% thermal power le Prior to the Decemoer 12 event, localized fluctuations had only been observed 4
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at thermal pcwer levels less than 40% of rated. -This fluctuation event most probably represents the fluctuation threshold limit in that-it was locali:ed and was terminated with only a 2% reduction in pcwer. The fluctuation thres-hold limit line for normal pcwer production was reduced as a result of the December 12 event. There are no safety consequences as a result of the event.
An evaluation of fluctuation amplitudes in neutron flux and helium and steam temperatures for the 30 fluctuation events did not reveal any apparent chr6aological trend. The evaluation did indicate the need to revise a limit constituting a reportable incident to the NRC (with further testing suspended until again authori:ed by the Ccemission). Specifically, the medule cutlet main steam temperature limit is revised from 60*F peak to peak to 150*F (Section 3.5). The 60*F con'siraint is retained as an operational ifmit for fluctuation testing. Additionally, the instrumentaticn has been upgraded to provide improved on-line monitoring for both operating and test personnel dur-ing fluctuation testing.
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3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 November 4. 1978 Fluctuation 3.1.1 Seouence of Events Testing on November 1-3, 1978, succeeded in reproducing the mini-fluctua-tion observed on October 6 at low power and high core resistance.
Near midnight on November 3, the core resistance parameter was reduced
- from a value of 105 to a value of 64 and the fluctuation threshold mapping l portion of the test program was initiated. Power was raised from 38: to 42 with an overshcot to roughly 49 at approximately 0100 on [
, November 4. No fluctuations were observed on region outlet temperatures. Sub-4 sequent review of m system' dita revealed that some slight offsets in nuclear flux channels and fluctuation in gap thermocouple temperatures occurred, but 1:mnediately damped out. A second power increase was made from 42 to 47: power with an overshoot to 54 at 0340. During the power rise, offsets were I observed on nuclear flux channels at 0344 and at 0345 the helium inlet tempera-
- ture to steam generator module B-1-6 departed from the expected value indicating -
the start of temperature fluctuations.
l Pewer reached the 47 level at about 0400 and fluctuations were of the l character previously observed.
J At 0413, gap temperature thermocouples and nuclear channel III start new trends, and module 3-2-2 starts a 60 F increase in steam temperature. At 0415
nuclear channel III drops about 3%, module B-1-4 starts a 50*F increase in steam l temperature, and module 3-1-1 starts a 120*7 decrease in steam camperature.
1 At 0426, a 22 drop in channel IV is followed by the start of a 70*F drop ta modula 3-1-6 steam temperature. Pcwer reduction was initiated at 042S and
. . 'ched 42 at 0432. Fluctuations continued at a lower amplitude. Power was i
- th. reduced to 33% from 0445 to 0450.
'y 0525, the fluctuations had apparently stopped. Power remained at the 33" level until 0620, when a return to 40* power was attempted. Fluctuations were again observed at about 0635. They were observed to be of a very regular and medium amplitude, i.e., roughly 20 F a=plitude character as has been previously observed at the 40+: power level. The regulating red was put into =anual control (not moved) from 0715 to 0745, and the fluctuations centinued.
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At 0750, power was reduced to 35% and the fluctuations stopped at 0755. '
Subsequent review of the Di system data indicated roughly 5-10 changes in gap thermocouple temperature prior to the fluctuation at 0630, suggesting that the affects of the previous fluctuatica =ay not have completely damped out. The fluctuation at 0630 occurred at a core .i? and resistance value which was lower than the previously established threshold line and it was therefore presumed that it was a continuation of the previous event.
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d 3.1.2 Data packace This section contains a summary of significant data frem the November 4 fluctuation events. Data resented include 1ccations of initiation points of the threshold curves and indications of what portiens of the core were involved. pCRV displacement probe data, nuclear channel data, steam generator helium and steam temperature data, core region cutlet temperature data, gap ;
thermocouple temperature data, and average plant parameter data are also presented.
Gap thermocouples 3-6, 7-10, and 15-18 are not located in gaps, but rather are under the core support blocks for regions 37, 36 and 34, respec-tively, for this series of tests.
This data package was 'pFeviously presented and discussed with the NRC in meetings in Bethesda on November 16 and December 14, 1978. Significant portions of the data package pertinent to the evaluation of the event are discussed in other sections of this report.
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