ML20097C260 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Fort Saint Vrain |
Issue date: | 01/17/1996 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20097C251 | List: |
References | |
PROC-960117, NUDOCS 9602080166 | |
Download: ML20097C260 (11) | |
CONFIRMATORY SURVEY ACTIVITIES PLAN FOR THE FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR STATION PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO PLATTEVILLE, COLORADO INTRODUCTION Public oervice Company of Colorado (PSC) operated a 330 MWe High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) from July 1979 until August 1989. The plant, designated as the Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station (FSV), was authorized for construction on September 17,1968 when the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a provisional construction permit. Construction was completed in December 1973 and a facility operating license, Docket No. 50-267, License No.
DPR-34, was granted on December 21,1973. Initial fuel loading commenced on December 26,1973 and initial criticality was achieved January 31,1974. After a prolonged period of startup testing, low-power operation and plant modifications, the plant was committed for commercial operation on July 1,1979. Full power was achieved November 6,1981 (PSC 1995a).
In the nuclear steam supply system for FSV, heat was produced by fission in the HTGR utilizing a uranium-thorium fuel cycle. Graphite was used for the moderator, core structure, and reflector. High j
temperature helium was used as the primary coolant to produce superheated and rehcated steam at a temperature of 1,000*F to match conventional thermal station conditions. The entire nuclear steam supply system, including the reactor core, graphite moderator and reflector, steam generators and helium circulators, was contained within a Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel (PCRV).
4 During the operational period, FSV operated for approximately 890 effective full-power days. FSV was shut down on August 18, 1989, the PSC Board of Directors reviewed and confirmed the Executive Management decision that FSV would not be restarted, and that PSC would pursue decommissioning ofFSV. The decision to permanently shut down and decommission FSV was based Prepared by the Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program, Energy / Environment Systems Division, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, under interagency agreement (NRC FIN No. A-9076) between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Fort St Vram Nuclear Stauon - January 17,1996 h \\esup plans \\stwawaiws 001 t
9602080166 960117 PDR ADOCK 05000267 W
4 on related technical and financial considerations. Problems were identified with the control rod drive assemblies and the steam generator steam ring headers that presented significant technical obstacles which could be overcome, but at significant cost in dollars and time to PSC. In addition, due to the uniquencas of the HTGR fuel cycle, the cost to purchase new fuel was prohibitive. This, in conjunction with low plant availability and correspondingly high operating costs, made continued operation ofFSV imprudent.
PSC's objective is the dismantlement and decommissioning of FSV to release all site areas for unrestricted use. To accomplish this, a portion of the PCRV structure and the radioactive balance-of-plant equipment which exceed the limits for unrestricted use will be decontaminated or removed as
~ described in the Fon St. Vrain Decommissioning Plan. In May,1991 the NRC granted a 10 CFR 50 Possession Only License. On November 23, 1992, the NRC issued the Order to Authorize Decommissioning ofFort St. Vrain and Amendment No. 85 to Possession Only License No. DPR-34 (PSC 1995b).-
The FSV facility will be largely left intact following decommissioning. Dismantlement of stmetures will be confined to the PCRV, and portions of the Reactor Building, Turbine Building, and Liquid Waste System. Removal will be for purposes of removing contaminated stmetures and to provide paths for removal of contaminated piping and equipment.
Following defueling, the PCRV contained the majority of the remaining radioactive material inventory. Ponions of the PCRV concrete are activated due to direct irradiation from the reactor core, and will be removed prior to final survey and disposed of as radioactive waste at a licensed radioactive waste disposal facility. Thus, the radioactive source term at FSV is primarily a result of i
neutron activation ofboth metallic and concrete components of the PCRV and neutron activation of impurities contained in graphite components of the PCRV. These activation products include beta-gamma emitters such as Co-60, Eu-152, and Eu-154, and low-energy beta and x-ray emitters such as H-3, C-14, and Fe-55. It should be noted that H-3 and Fe-55 are the largest contributors to the total radionuclide inventory (PSC 1995a).
Fort EL Vrmn Nuclear Stauan. January I7,1996 2
m w p,i.n.w.v.
To date, seventeen balance-of-plant systems have been identified as being contaminated in excess of the limits for unrestricted use. All piping and equipment contaminated in excess of the limits for unrestricted use will be decontaminated and left in place, decontaminated and free-released, or dismantled and removed from the facility and disposed of as radioactive waste at a licensed radicactive waste disposal facility.
FSV's-final survey will include. all pertinent structures, surfaces, systems and components, concentrating on those previously identified as contaminated or potentially contaminated during the dismantlement / decommissioning phases. The final survey willinclude:
Sampling outside the restricted area of PSC property, soil, pavement, water, and liquid effluent ditch and pond sediment for radioisotopic analysis and measurement of gamma exposure rate, Sampling inside the restricted area ofPSC property, soil, basin sediment, pavement and water for radioisotopic analysis and measurement of gamma exposure rate, Radiological surveys of the PCRV and Reactor Building, and o
Radiological surveys of the Turbine Building, Radwaste Compactor Building, New Fuel Storage Building, Radiochemistry Laboratory, Helium Transfer and Storage System, and Liquid Radwaste System.
At the request of the NRC Divi; ion of Waste Management, Headquarters Office, the Environmental l
Survey and Site Assessment Program (ESSAP) of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education j
(ORISE) will provide technical assistance in support of the NRC's inspection of the decommissioning program activities at the Fort St. Vrain site in Platteville, Colorado. This technical assistance will include independent confirmatory survey activities and record reviews as directed by NRC staffin j
accordance with the NRC inspection plan.
3 h w pyi.n.'.m.. m.oo3 Fort St vrain Nuclear Stauon. January 17,1996
SITE DESCRIPTION The FSV facility is located approximately 56 kilometers (35 miles) north of Denver and 5.6
- kilometers (3.5 miles) northwest of the town of Platteville, in Weld County, Colorado. The site is located in an agricultural area with gently rolling hills. Grade elevation at the plant is 1,460 meters (4,790 feet) above sea level. The site consists of 6995 hectares owned by PSC, identified as the Owner-Controlled Area, of which approximately one square mile was designated as the exclusion area during plant operation.
The station is located approximately two miles south of the confluence of the South Platte River and.
the St. Vrain Creek. Neither of these two streams are considered navigable. Cooling for the plant is provided by mechanical draft cooling towers. Make-up to the cooling towers is obtained from the two streams, and is supplemented by shallow well water. Nineteen shallow wells are located on the site. The licensee also owns surface water rights in four irrigation ditches which traverse portions of the site.
1 The major structures within the Restricted Area include the Reactor Building which contains the PCRV, Turbine Building, Radwaste Compactor Building, New Fuel Storage Building, Technical -
Support Building which contains the Radiochemistry Laboratory, Mecnanical Draft Cooling Towers, j
Warehouse and Construction Workshops, Evaporation Ponds, and the Electrical Switchyard. The
ground surface covering within the Restricted Area is composed primarily of gravel and vegetation, with smaller portions devoted to concrete or asphalt roadways and laydown areas.
i OBJECTIVES The objectives for this technical assistance are to provide NRC inspection support, including indepmdent contractor record reviews and confirmatory survey data for use by the NRC in evaluating j
- the adequacy and accuracy of the licensee's procedures and final status survey results.
4 Wasa# plans \\stwawnstwa 003 Fort SL Vrain Nuclear Staten. January 17.1996 i
RESPONSIBILITY Work described in this survey plan will be performed under the direction of William L. (Jack) Beck, Program Director and Eric Abelquist, Project Leader with ESSAP. The cognizant site supervisor has the authority' to make appropriate changes to the survey procedures as deemed necessary. After consultation with the NRC site representative, the scope of the survey may be altered based on findings as the survey progresses.
DOCUMENT REVIEW ESSAP will review the licensee's final status survey documentation for selected survey packages during the on-site visit. Review of additional documentation will be dependent upon findings as the -
surveys progress. Documents will be reviewed for adequacy, accuracy, completeness, and consistency with commitments made in the final survey plan for site release. Data will be reviewed for appropriateness of calculations and interpretations relative to the guidelines.
ESSAP has reviewed the licensee's technical basis documents for piping survey instrumentation and has provided comments to the NRC (Westinghouse 1995; ORISE 1996). ESSAP will evaluate the licensee's proposed piping sutveyinstmmentation program. Documents and data-including survey data sheets, efficiency and detection sensitivity determinations, and others-will be reviewed for adequacy, accuracy, appropriateness of calculations, interpretations relative to the guidelines, completeness, and consistency.
PROCEDURES A survey team from ESS AP will perform independent visual inspections, surface scanning and measurements of building surfaces and structures and plant systems associated with the FSV final i
survey. Field survey activities will be conducted in accordance with the applicable sections of the ESSAP Survey Procedures and Quality Assurance Manuals. Specific procedures are listed on 5
6 w.,,i.n.,.i..m oo3 Fort 3L Vram Nuclear Station. January 17,1W i
- pages 8 and 9 of this plan. The following procedures apply to survey units selected for independent confirmatory activities.'
j l
SURVEY PROCEDURES The following survey procedures are applicable to indoor building surfaces and structures and plant systems.
. Reference System i
The reference systems established by FSV will be used by ESSAP for referencing surface scans and' i
Surface Scans
-Surface scans for beta and gamma activity will be performed over 100% of floor and lower wall
? surfaces and up to 50% ofequipment surfaces within each building surface and structure survey unit.
Surface scans for alpha activity may be performed in areas and systems identified as alpha-affected.
Additional scans will be performed over portions of upper wall, ceiling, and plant system surfaces as.
1 l
well as locations, such as drains and ductwork, where material may have settled or accumulated.
Locations of elevated direct radiation identified by scans will be marked for funher investigation.
Scans will be performed using gas proportional, GM, ZnS, and/or NaI scintillation detectors coupled to ratemeters or ratemeter-scalers with audible indicators.
Surface Activity Measurements j
Field comparisons of ESSAP and FSV surface activity measurements will be performed at NRC-selected locations within building surface and structure survey units. Beta measurements will be 2
performed using 126 cm gas proportional detectors coupled to ratemeter-scalers and the data
-4 reported in guideline units-net disintegrations per minute per 100 square centimeters 2
(dpm/100 cm ). Background surface activity measurements will be selected from an appropriate on-6 Fort St. Vram Nuclew Station. Janumy 17.1W
s 4
site reference location and used to correct the surface activity measurements at selected side-by-side locations described above.
Miscellaneous Ramnling Miscellaneous samples may be collected from cracks, ledges, piping, ducts, and drains, where material may have accumulated and from any locations ofelevated direct radiation identified by surface scans.
SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION Samples and data will be returned to ORISE's ESSAP laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for analysis and interpretation. Direct measurements for surface activity will be converted to un:ts of (dpm/100 cm ). Soil and any miscellaneous samples will be analyzed by gamma spectrometry. l'he 2
radionuclides of interest are Co-60 and Cs-137; however, spectra will be reviewed for other
identifiable photopeaks. Gamma spectrometry data will be reported in pCi/g. The data generated i
will be compared with the licensce's documentation. Results will be presented in a report and provided to the NRC; it is anticipated that the report will be used as an addendum to the NRC 1
inspection report.
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Document Review December 1995 Confirmatory Suivey Activities January 22 to 25,1996 Draft Report 30 days from receipt of necessary licensee survey data-i.e., side-by-side surface activity measurements 7
h wasapiplans\\stvramwvra 003 Fort St Vrun Nuclear stauon. January 17. Im
LIST OF CURRENT PROCEDURES Applicable procedures from ORISE/ESSAP Survey Procedures Manual (Revision 9; April 30,1995) include:
Section 5.0 Instrument Calibration and Operational Check-Out 5.1 GeneralInformation
' 5.2 Electronic Calibration of Ratemeters 5.3 Gamma Scintillation Detector Check-Out and Cross-Calibration 5.4 Alpha Scintillation Detector Check-Out and Cross-Calibration 5.5 GM Detector Calibration and Check-Out 5.6 Proportional Detector Calibration and Check-Out 5.10 Floor Monitor Check-Out 5.13 Field Measuring Tape Calibration Section 6.0 Site Preparation 6.2 Reference Grid System i
Section 7.0 Scanning and Measurement Techniques 7.1 Surface Scanning 1
7.3 -
Alpha Radiation Measurement 7.4 Beta Radiation Measurement Section 8.0 Sampling Procedure 8.7 Determination ofRemovable Activity 8.8 Miscellaneous Sampling 8.9 Sample Identification and Labeling j
Section 9.0 Integrated Survey Procedures 9.2 General Survey Approaches and E.trategies Section 10.0 Health and Safety Control of Cross-Contamination Section 11.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 8
h W\\plansWvramWwa 003 Fort St. Vram Nales Station. Jamary 17.1996
o-Applicable procedures from the ORISE/ESSAP Quality Assurance Manual (Revision 7; January 31,1995) include:
Section 5 Training and Certification Section 6
- Equipment and lastmmentation Section 7 -
Quality Control.
Section 8 Sample Chain-of-Custody Section 9 Data Management Section 10 Data Review and Validation
.Section 11 Records Handling and Storage l
i l
9 h %lWstvram'atwa 003 Fort St Vram Nuclem Stauon. Jemry 17,1996
REFERENCES Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE 1996). Comments on Fort St. Vrain Technical Basis Documents for Piping Survey Instrumentation. Oak Ridge, TN; January 1996.
Public Service Company of Colorado (PSC 1995a). Final Survey Plan for Site Release (revision 1).
Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project. May 25,1995.
- Public Service Company of Colorado (PSC 1995b). Final Survey Report for Release of Repower Area. Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station Decommissioning Project. March 2,1995.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Westinghouse 1995). Fort St. Vrain Technical Basis Documents for Piping Survey Instrumentation. Pittsburgh, PA; November 1995.
Fort St Vram Nw: lear stauon - January I7. Im 10
%gan,us,,.a o03
4 lName of Laboratory:
lJan-96 Mar-96 l
ll0ak Ridge Institute for Science and Education ll l
ll l
RFTA Est. Project Cost l
% of Project: #609 llTBD
$16,900.00 l l Fort St.Vrain - Phase 111 l
l lNRC Fin Number l0 RISE Numberl C Number:
A9076 1286 COST ELEMENTS Oct-95 Nov-95 Dec-95 Jan-96 l Direct Costs l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$9,990.00 l l Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$3,220.00 l l Total Estimate Costs l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$13,210.00 l l Project Completion l
0.00%l 0.00%l 0.00%l 78.17%l l COST ELEMENTS lFeb-96 l Mar 96 lApr-96 lMay-96 l
l Direct Costs l
$2.390.00 l
$400.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l l Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) l
$770.00 l
$130.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l l Total Estimate Costs l
$3,160.00 l
$530.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
[l Project Completion l
96.86%l 100.00%l 100.00%l 100.00%l 4
l COST ELEMENTS lJun-96 lJul-96 lAug-96
.. lSep-96 l Direct Costs l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l Total Estimate Costs l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 l
$0.00 Pro' Com letion
~ 100.00%
100.00 %
100.00 %
100.00 %
ACTIVITYINFORMATION Hours Estimated Cost l Site Visit l
$0.00 l l Document Review l
$400.00 l lPresurvey l
28.0 l
$2,000.00 l
. l Travel Labor l
34.0 l
$2,900.00 l l Travel-Other Expenses l
$5,100.00 l l Survey Activities l
44.0 l
$3,300.00 l l Report Preparation l
$3,200.00 l lSampie Analysis l
0.0 l
$0.00 l lOther l
0.0 l
$0.00 l l Total l
150.0 l
$16,900.00 l
h iessapiptansetwainwtwa 003 F
Viam Welear Station. Janusy 17.1996