Appendix H9 -
RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1 L23
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23. RESIDENT. ROF Table of Cont'3:nts Part I: Mixture Sums 'and' Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor {and Related) Parameter Summary .. .
Site-Specific Parameter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surmnary of Pathway Selecti'ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-l Total Dose Components Time 0. OOOE+OO 35 Time 1. OOOE+OO 36 Time 3. OOOE+OO 37 Time 6. OOOE+OO 38 Time 1. 200E+Ol 39 Time 3. OOOE+Ol 40 Time 7. SOOE+Ol 41
- 1. 750E+02 42 Time 4. 200E+02 43 Time 9. 700E+02 44 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathw.ays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Run Time Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 1of47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13 '08 Page Parent Dose Ref?ort Title RESRAD-OFE'SITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. 123 RESIDENT. ROF Dose Conversion Factor {and Related) Parameter Summary Current Library: FGR 12 Default Library: FGR 12 Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name DCSF DCF' s for external ground radiation, (mr:em/yr) / (pCi/g)
DCSF Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3. 606E+00 3. 606E+OO DCFEXT( 1)
DCSF Cs-137 (Scurci::: FGR 12) 7. SlOE-04 7 .SlOE-04 DCFEXT ( 2)
DCSF Sr-90 (Source: FGR 12) 7. 04 3E-04 7. 043E-04 DCFEXT( 3)
DCSF Y-90 (Source: FGR 12) 2. 3 91E-02 2. 391E-02 DCFEXT( 41 Current Library: FGR 11 Default Library: FGR 11 Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Uame DCSF Dose conversion fact9rs for inhaliition, m:rem/pCi:
DCSF Cs-137+0 3. l 90E-05 3. l 90E-05 DCF2(1)
DCSF Sr-90+0 1. 3PBE-03 1. 308E-03 DCF2 (2)
DCSF Dose conversion facto:ts for ingestion, mrem/pCi; DCSF Cs-137+0 5. OOOE-05 5.000E-05 DCF3 (1)
DCSF Sr-90+0 1. 528E-04 1. 528E-04 DCF3(2) 2 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-dffsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 {L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version J*. l T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : Ji.REA l.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Dose Conversion factor (and Related) Parameter Summary (continued)
Current Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Default Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name TF Soil to plant transfer factors: I TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 4. OOOE-02 4 .OOOE-02 RTF(l, 1)
TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 4. OOOE-02 4.000E-02 RTF(l,2)
TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 4. OOOE-02 4.000E-02 RTF(l,3)
TF Cs-137+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 4. OOOE-02 4.000E-02 RTF(l,4)
TF I TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 3. OOOE-01 3.000E-01 RTF(2,l)
TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 3.000E-01 3.000E-01 RTF(2,2)
TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 RTF 12, 3)
TF Sr-90+0 plant/soil concent.:cation ratio, dimensionless I 3.000E-01 3.000E-01 RTFl2,4)
I TF intake to meat:/milK transfer factors: I TF Cs-137+0 beef/livestock-intake: ratio, (pCi/kg) I (pCi/d) I J. OOOE-02 3.000E-02 I_Mll,l)
TF Cs-137+0 milk/live:stock-intake ratio, (pCi/L} I (pCi/d} I 8. OOOE-03 8.000E-03 I_M{l,2)
TF *I TF Sr-90+0 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg) I lpCi/d) I 8. ODOE-03 8.000E-03 I_Ml2,1)
TF Sr-90+0 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) I (pCi/d) I 2. OOOE-03 2. OODE-03 I_M 12, 2)
I TF Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg: I TF Cs-137+0 fish I 2. OOOE+03 2.0DOE+03 B!OFA(l,1)
TF Cs-137+0 crustacea and mollusks I 1. OOOE+02 1. OOOE+02 BIOFA (1, 2)
TF I TF Sr-90+0 fish I 6. OOOE+Ol 6.000E+Ol BIOFA(2,1)
TF Sr-90+0 cz:ustacea .and mollusks. I 1. OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFA 12,2) 3 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RE.SRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 d9.yS 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary User RES RAD Paramete:r:
Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name rsTr Exposure duration 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol ED FSTI B*lSic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2. SOOE+Ol 2. SOOE+Ol BRDL CONC Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/gJ: Cs-137 1. 690E-Ol 0. OOOE*>OO Sl 11)
COHC Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Sr-90 7. OOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO Sl (2)
VDEP Deposition velocity for Cs-137 l. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 DEPVEL(l)
VDEP Deposition velocity for Sr-90 1. OOOE~03 1. OODE-03 DEPVEL (2)
DCLR Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 DCLR Contaminated zone lcm . . . ~3/g) 2. 800E+02. 4. 600E+03 DCNUCC (11 DCLR Unsaturated zone l .(cm**3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCU (1, 1)
DCLR Saturated zone (cm*""3/gl 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+D3 DCNUCS (1)
DCLR Sediment in surface water body (cm*"'3/g) 4. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCSWB ( 11 DCLR Agricultural 1 (cm*""3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCOF(l, l)
DCLR Agricultu.ral area 2 (cm*""3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNllCOF(l, 2)
DCLR t\gricultu.ral area 3 (cm*""3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600£+03 DCNUCOF(l, 3)
DCLR Agricultural area (cm"""3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. GOOE+03 DCNUCOF(l, 4)
DCLR Offsite Dwelling {cm ...... 3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCDWE (1)
DCLR Initial Leach rate (/yr) Cs-137 O.OOOE+OO 0.000E+OO S.461E-04 ALEACH(l)
DCLR Distribution coefficients for Sr-90 DCLR Con\:aminated zone (cm"".,.3/g) 5.000E+OO 3.000E+Ol DCNUCC(21 DCLR Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 5. OOOE;.QQ 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCU(2, 1)
DCLR Satm:ated zone (cmH3/g) s.090E+ao* 3.000E+o1 DCUUCS (21 DCLR Sediment in surface water body (cm**3/g) l _SOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCS~i'B ( 2)
DCLR Agricultural area (cm*"' 3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCOF(2, 1)
DCLR Agricultural area 2 (cm*"'3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCUUCOF(2, 21 DCLR* Agricultural area (cm** 3/g) 5. OODE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCUUCOF(2, 3)
DCLR Agricultural area (cm .... "'3/gJ 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+O~ DCNUCOF(2, 4)
DCLR Offsite Dwelling {cm"'*3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCDWE ( 2)
DCLR Initial Leach rate (/yr) Sr-90 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 2.989E-02 ALEACH(21 LYOT Beaz::ing of X azis (clockwise angle N-->X in degrees) J 9.000E+Ol 9.000E+Ol DNXBEARING LYOT Length of Primaz::y contamination in X Direction 4. 670E+02 1. OOOE+02 SOURCEXY Ill LYOT Length of Primary contamination in Y Direction 2. 800E+02 1. OOOE+02 SOURCEXY {2l LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural A.tea 1 0. OOOE-tOO 3. 438E+Ol AGRIXY (1, 1)
LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Aro:a 1 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol AGRIXY (2, 1)
LY01' Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 1 0. OOOE+OO :L 31,10E+02 AGRIXY (3, 1)
LY'O'l' Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Ar'=:a 1 1. OOOE~OO 2. 660E+02. AGRIXl (4, l)
LYOT Smaller X coord~nate of Agricultural Area 2 0. OOOE+OO 3. 438E+Ol AGRIXY (1, 2)
LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 l.OOOE+OO 6.563E+Ol AGRIXY (2, 2)
LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 0. OOOE+OO 2. 680E+-0.2 AGRIX'i(3,2)
LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE700 3. OOOE+02 AGRIY..Y (4, 2)
LYO'J' Smaller X coordinate of .Agricultural Area 3 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEf-00 AGRIXY(l,3)
LYOT La'rger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 7 .150E+02 1. OCOE+0.2 AGRIXY (2,3)
LYOT Smalle.r Y coordinate of P..gricultural Area 3 l-6.850E+02 4.500E;.02 AGRIX'f {3, 3) 4 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RES,RAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File ; Ji.-REA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROE' Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 7. 150E+02 5. 500E+02 hGRIXY(4,3)
LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural Area 4 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO hGRIXY (1, 4)
LYOT Larger X cocrdinate of Agricultural .Area 4 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (2, 4)
LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Jl..gricultu.z:al Area 4 0. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (3, 4)
LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Jl..rea 1. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (4, 41 LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Dwelling Area O.OOOE+OO 3.438£+01 DWELLXY I 1)
Li'OT Larger X coordinate of Dwelling Area 1. 200E+02 6. 563E+Ol DWELLXY (2)
"LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Dwelling Ai:ea 9. SOOE+Ol 1. 340E+02 DWELLXY (3)
LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Dwelling Area 1. 900E+02 1. 660E+02 DWELLXY 14)
LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Surface water body 3 .110E+02 -1. 000E+02 SWXY (1)
LYOT Larger X coordinate of Surface water body 4. 670E+02 2. OOOE+02 Sl'T.<'.Y(21 LYOT. Smaller Y. coordinate of S1Jrface water body l-1. 750E+02 5. 500E+02 SWXY (3)
LYOT Larger 'f coordinate of Surface water body l-5.800.E+Ol 8.500E+02 Sl*lXY ( 4)
STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):
STOR Surface water l . OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (I)
STOK Well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (2)
STOP. Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1. 400E+Ol 1. 400E+Ol STOR_T (3)
STOR Leafy vegetables 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (4)
STOR Livestock feed - pasture or silage 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (5)
STOR Livestock feed - grain 4. SOOE+Ol 4.SOOE+Ol STOR_T (6)
STOR Heat and poultry 2. OOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol STOR_T (7)
STOR Crustacea and* mollusks 7. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO STOR_T (10)
TIME Time.s at which dos-:/risk are to be reported (yr) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO T(2)
TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) 3. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO T(3)
TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported (yr) 6. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO T (4)
TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported (yr) 1. 200E+Ol 1. 200E+01 T (5)
TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported (yr_) 3. OOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol T (6)
TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported (yr) 7. 500E+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol T (7)
TIHE Times at which dose/risk are to be reported (yr) 1. 750E+02 1. 750E+02 T (8)
TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported (yr) 4. 200E+02 4. 200E+02 T (9)
TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported (yr) 9. 700E+02 9. 700E+02 T (10)
SITE Precipitation (m/yr) l.160Et00 I. OOOE+OO PRECIP SITE Average annual wind speed (m/ sec} 2. 278E+OO 2. OOOE+OO L-HND PRCZ Area of primary contamination (m**2) 1. 308E+05 1. OOOE+04 P..REA PRCZ Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 3. 020E+02 1. OOOE+02 LCZPll.Q PRCZ Depth of soil mi&ing layer (m) 1. 500E-01 1. 500E-Ol DM PRCZ Deposition velocity of dust {m) 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 DE:PVEL _DUST PRCZ Irrigation {m/yrl O. OOOE-;-OQ 2.000E-01 RI PRCZ Evapotrahspiration coefficient 6.200E-Ol 5. OOOE-01 EVAt?TR
~RCZ Runoff coefficient 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFf PRCZ Rainfall Erosion Indl?-x 1. 600Ei.02 1. GOUEl-02 RAIN EROS 5 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit "' 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name PRCZ Slope-length-steepness factor of prim. contaminationJ 4.000E-01 4. OOOE-01 I SLPLENSTPPC PRCZ Cropping-management factor of primary contamination 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 I CRPMANGPC PRCZ Conservation practice factor of prim. contamination 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO I CONVPRACPC PRCZ Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE*~OO I THICKO PRCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 3. 600E-Ol 4. OOOE-01 I TPCZ PRCZ Computed erosion rate of contaminated zone (m/yr) 1. 2 65E-05 1.147£-05 J vcz PRCZ Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3/ 1. 700E.:;.oo 1. 500E+OO I DENSCZ PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of contaminated zone 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 I ERODIBILITYCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone field capacity 2. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 I FCCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone b parameter 1. 400E+OO 5. 300E+OO I BCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone hydq.ulic conductivity {m/yr} 1. 400E+02 1. OOOE+Ol I HCCZ PRCZ Contaminated .zone effective porosity 2. SOOE-01 4. OOOE-0 l I EPCZ PRCZ longitudinal dispersivity of prime contamination {m} I 5.000E-02 S. OOOE-02 I ALPHALCZ PRCZ Cover depth {m} I not:* used 0. OOOE+OO I COVERO PRCZ Total porosity of the cove:r mate:rial I not used 4. OOOE-01 I TPCV PRCZ Computed erosion rate of cover mate.rial {m/y:r) I not used* 1.147E-05 J vcv PRCZ Density of cover material (g/cm**3) I not used 1. 500E+OO I DENSCV PRCZ Soil erodibility* factor of cover J 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 I ERODIBILI1'YCV PRCZ Volumetric watet content of ~he cover material not used 5. OOOE-02 I PH20CV I
AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural lu:ea 1 (m'""*2} 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 I AREAO (l)
AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 1 directly over the c. z. not used 0. OOOE+OO I FAREA_PLANT (1)
AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Ag:i:i. Area 6.200E-Ol 5. OOOE-01 /* EVAPTRIHl)
AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 1 4. lOOE:-01 2. OOOE-01 I RUNOF(l)
.AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer Of Agricultural Area l l.SOOE-01 1. 500E-Ol ,. DPTHMIXG (1)
AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri . .:\rea 1 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 I TMOF (1)
AGRI 'computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Arel O.OOOE;+OO 1.14 ?E-05
- I EROSN 11)
AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1 1. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO I RHOB(l)
AGRI Soil erodibility facto:r of Agricultural Area 1 O.OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 I ERODIBILITY (1)
AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-Oi I SLPLENSTP (1)
AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 1 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 I CR.PMANG(l)
AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 1 1. OODE+OO 1. OOOE+OO I COUVPRAC(l)
~.GRI Total porosity of* soil in Agri. Area not used 4. 000£-01 I TPOF(l')
AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural Area 2 (m,,.~2} 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 I AREA0(2l AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 2 directly over the c. z. not used O.OOOE+OO I FAREA_PLMIT(2)
AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 I EVAPTRN(2)
AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4. lOOE:-01 2. OOOE-01 I P.DNOF12)
AGRI Mixii:i.g depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 1. SOOE-01 1. 500£-01 I DPTHMIXG (2)
AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in .Agri. Area 2 3.000E:-01 3. OOOE-01 I TMOF(2l AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are2 O.OOOE+OO 1. 14 7E-05 I EROSN (2)
AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E+OO 1. SOOE+OO I RHOB (2)
AGRI Soil er.edibility factor of Agricultural A:rea 2 O.OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 I ERODIBILITY (2)
AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 4. OOOE-Ul 4. OOOE-01 I SLPLEN5TP (2)
AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 2 3.000E-03 3. OOOE-03 I CRPMANG(2)
AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultur.a.l Area 2 l.OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO I CONVPRAC (2)
AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not us-ed 4. OOOE-01 I TPOF(2J AGRI Areal eztent of Agricultural P_rea 3 (rn'"""2} 1. OOlE+OG 1. OOOE+04 I AREAO 13) 6 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'!.1 Limit 3D days 05/04/2016 13' OB Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters file : AREA 1. 123 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Henu Parameter Input Default computed Name AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 3 directly over the c.z. 1. 306E-01 0. OOOE+OO FAREA_PLANT ( 3)
AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 3 6.200E-Ol 5.000E-01 EVAPTRN (3)
AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 3 4. lODE:-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF (3)
AGRI .Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Are:a 3 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 DPTHMIXG (3)
AGRI nater filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 3 3.000E.-01 3.000E-01 TMOF(3)
AGRI Computed erosion rata of soil in Agri. Are3 1. 265E-05 l.147E-05 EROSN (3)
AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area l.700E+OO l.SOOE+OO RHOB (3J AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Area 3 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITY (3)
Jl.GRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 3 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTP (3)
AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 3 3.000E-03 3.000E-03 CRPMAllG ( 3)
AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 3 1.00DE+OO l.OOOE+OO CONVPRAC (3)
AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4.000E-01 TPOF{3)
AGP,I Areal extent of Agricultural Area 4 (m,.."2) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+04 AREA0{4)
AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 4 directly over the c.z.. l. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FAR EA_ PLANT ( 4)
AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-Ol 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTR!l ( 4 )
AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF(4)
AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 4 1. 500E-01 1. 500E-01 DPTHMIXG { 4)
AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 4 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOF(4)
AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Ar'24 0. OOOE+OO 1. 14 7E-05 EROSN(4)
AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 4 1. 700E+OO 1. SOOE+OO RHOB (4)
AGRI Soil erodibllity factor of Agricultural Area 4 0. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITY{4)
AGRI Slope-length-steepness fact:or, Agricultural Area 4 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTP (4)
AGRI Cropping-rr-.anagement factor of Agricultural Are3 4 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANG (4)
AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural l'i.rea 1. OOOE:+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONVPRAC (4)
AGRI Total porOsity of soil in Agri. Area not us.;d 4. OOOE-01 TPOF (4 l I
DWEL Areal ex.tent of Offsite dwelling site !m*,..2) 1.140E+04 1. OOOE+03 I AREMDWELL DWEL Evapotranspiration coefficient in dwelling (Off) site I 6. 200E.-Ol 5.000E-01 I EVAPTRNDi~ELL DWEL Runoff coefficient in Offsite dwelling site 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 I RUUOFDWELL DWEL Hixing depth of Offsite dwelling site 1.SOOE-01 1. 500E-01 I DPTHM!XGDWELL DWEL Water filled porqsity of soil in Offsite Dwellirig 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 I TMOFD'i1°ELL DWEL Computed erosion rate of soil in Offsite Dwelling 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I EROSNDW""ELL DWEL Dry Bulk Density of Soil in Offsite dwelling site 1. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO I RHOBDWELL DWEL Soil erodibility factor of soil in Dwelling site 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I ERODIBILITYDWELL DWEL Slope-length-steepness factor of Dwelling site 4. OOOE-01 J 4. OOOE-01 I SLPLENSTPDWELL Dt-IEL Cropping-management factor of Dwelling site 3. OOOE-03 I 3. OOOE-03 I CRPMANGDWELL m~EL Conservation practice factor of Off site Dwelling sit I 1. OOOE+OO J 1. OOOEtOO I CONVPRACDWELL m~EL Total porosity of soil in Offsite Dwelling not used J <l.OOOE-01 I TPOFDWELL I I AIRT Dispersion Coeffficients; 1 = Pa.squill-Gifford ~ I 1 I IDISPMOD AIRT Population zone; 1 = Rural 1 J 1 I rzm:rn AIRT Release height, (rn) 1. OODE+OO I 1. OOOE+OO I A.IRRELHT AIRT Heat flux for buoyant plume {calls), 0: OOOE.+00 I 0. OOOE+OO I HEATFLX AIRT Anemometer height, (m} l.OOOE+Ol I 1. OOOE+Ol I ANH AIRT Absolute temperature (Kelvin) 2. 850E+02 I 2. 8SOE+02 I TABK AIRT Af.I atmospheric mixing height (m) 4. OOOE+02 I 4. OOOE+02 I A.MIX AIRT PM atmospheric mixing height (m) 1. 60UE+03 I 1. 600E+03 I PMTX 7 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : }l._REA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Jl..rea 1 above primary cont. j O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO AGRIELEV ( 1)
AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area .3.bove primary cont. I O.OOOE+OO .O.OOOE+OO AGRIELEV ( 2)
AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area above primary cont. I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO AGRIELEV(3)
AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area above primary cont.] 0.0DOE+OO O.OOOE+OO AGRIELEV ( 4)
AIRT Elevation of Dwelling Site relative to primary cont. I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO DWELLELEV P.IRT Elevation of Surf.Wtr body relative to primary cont. I O.OOOE+OO 0.000£+00 SWELEV I
AIRT Joint frequency Meteorological data: I AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (m/s) I 7. 500E-Ol 8. 900E-Ol WilIDSPEED(l)
AIRT Upper limit for windsp~ed class {m/s) I 2. 250E+OO 2. 460E+OO WIHDSPEED(2)
AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (m/s) I 4. SOOE+OO 4. 470E+OO WINDSPEED(3)
AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 4 (m/s) I 7.500E+OO 6.930E+OO WIUDSl?EEi:'\4}
AIP.T Upper limit for windspeed class (m/s) I 1.0SOE+Ol 9.610E+00 NINOS PEED { 5)
AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (m/s) I 1. 350E+01 1. 252E+Dl WINDSPEED(6)
I AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A I 1. OOOE-04 1. OODE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2, lj AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 6. 950E-03 0. DOOE+OO OE"REQ(l, 4, l j AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E I 1. 983E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F I 1.547E-02 D.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 1)
AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector I AIRT for wind speed Class and stability class A I 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, l, l)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B I 5. 600E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, l)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C I 1. 660E-03 0. OOOE+OO OFREQC1, 3, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 2.274E-02 D.OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 4, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and st.3bili ty class E I i.191E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, l)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F. I 2. 400E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 1)
I AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A I s. lOOE-04 *o. oooE+oo DFREQ(3, 1, l}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B I 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2, l)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 1. 8 lOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,3,l)
AIR'r fo:r; wind speed class and stability class D 1. 506E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 1)
AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class E: 7. 71DE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(::!,5*1 1}
AIRT for wind speed class and st;.ability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 1)
AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for. wind speed and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 7. DOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 1)
AIRT for wind speed clqss 4 and stability class 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4,3,1)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 6. lOOE-04 0, OOOE+OO Dl?REQf4,4,l)
AIRT for wind spe<::d class 4 and stability class E 2. 400E-04 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 5, l)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(4, 6, 1}
8 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: OB *Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:x:s File : AREA l.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter He nu Parameter Input Default. computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector .1 AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(5 0 l 0 ll AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(5 0 2 0 l l AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 3, 1}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5, q, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(S, 5 0 ll AIRT for wj.nd speed class and s.tability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ (5, 6 0 ll AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(6, 1, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6,2,1)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3 1 1}
A.IRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5, 4, 1)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO DFREQ{6,5, 1)
AIRT for wind spe.ed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ(6, G, 1)
AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE: Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 2)
AIRT for wind speed c.lass l and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(l,2,2)
AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 2)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 7.200~-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4,2.)
AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class E 1. 092E-02 0. OOOE+OO
- DFRE:Q(l,5,2)
AIRT for wind spe*ed class 1 and stability class F 6. 760E-03 O.OOOE+OO DtREQCl, 6, 2l 11..IRT Joi°nt Frequency in HNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability clas.s A 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(2, 1 0 21 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 2}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. BlOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2 0 3, 21 AIRT for wind speed class and stability .class D 2.296E-02 O.OOOE+OO DE'REQ(2, 4, 2.)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. 050E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl2. 5. 2)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 200E-04 . 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 2)
AIRT Joint Fr:equency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,1,2)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{3, 2, 2}
AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,3, 2)
AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class D 6. 93 OE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3, 4, 21 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 21 AIRT for: wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 2)
AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed Class 4 and stability class A O. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 2)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 2)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO DE'REC!4, 3, 2)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. "OOOE:+OO DFREQ(4,<l,2)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5,2)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and otability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (4 0 6 0 2) 9 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 {L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 10 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File* : ARE~ 1. L23 RESIDENT. R6F Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter *rnput Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed ;_class 5 and stability class A O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, l, 2)
AIRT fior wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,2,21 AIRT for wind spee,d class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3,2)
AIRT for wi~d spee:d class and stability class D 0. OOOEtOO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(.5, 4, 2)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. DOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ15,5,21 AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOIHOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6,21 AIRT Joint t'"requency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOEtOO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(G, 1, 21 AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP,EQ(6, 2, 21 AIRT f_or. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 21 AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 2)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,2)
AIRT for wind speed c:lass and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G, 6, 21 AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(l,1,31 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. ODOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 3)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 3)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 6. 290E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4,3)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 6.860E-03 O,OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 3)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 060E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6131 AIRT I' Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 3)
AIRT J for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 1. 220E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ('.'!, 2, 3)
AIRT J for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 2. SOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 31 AIRT I for 'wind speed class 2 and stability class D 1. 785E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 3) l>.IRT I for wind speed class and stability class *E l.440E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class and st.ability class F 2. OOOE-05 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 31 I
AIRT I Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability clas's A 3. 400E-lH 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 6. 60DE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3,2,3)
AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class c ? . JOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 4. 430E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ{3, 4, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0, OOOE+OO *DFP.EQ(3, 5, 3)
AIR'l' I for wind speed class 3 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 31 I
AIRT I Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability ciass .?>.. 0. oopE+OO a. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(4, 1, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 31 AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and st,ability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREOI<. 3, 31 AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,3)
AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ14, 5, 31 AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. 000E+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 31 10 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/20i6 13,08 Page 11 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : J'l..REA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Henu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT J Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT l for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO *o. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,1.3)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 3)
AIRT I for wind speE:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ!S,3,3)
AIR'l' I for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,4,3)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(5, 5, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 3)
I AIRT I Joint Frequency in NE Sector
.AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1 0 3)
AIRT \ for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ{6, 2, 3}
AIRT J for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ{6, 3, 3)
AIF.T \ for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. DOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl.6 0 5, 3)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6 0 6, 3)
I AIRT I Joint Fr-equency in ENE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,1,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stabi,lity class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(l,2,4)
AIRT I for wind speed cla'ss 1 and stability class c 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l 0 3 0 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and st"ability class D 6. lSOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 6. 54 DE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l. 5 0 4)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 72DE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6 0 4)
/l.IRT J Joint Frequency in ENE Sector*
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class A 2. 4 OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 4.)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2., 2, 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class c l. lBOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 227E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 4, 4)
- AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 1. OOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, s*, 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stabi~ity class F 1. OOOE-04 0. 000£+00 DFREQ(2, 6,4)
I AIRT I Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3 0 1,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 4. ?OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3 0 3,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl3. 4, 4)
AIRT .[ for wind speed class and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3.5,4)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,6 0 4)
I AIRT I Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4 0 l 0 4)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(4, 2, 4)
A!RT I for wind spe-:d class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4. 3. 4)
AIRT l for wind speed class *4 and st.ability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQl4. 4, 41 AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,5,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 4) 11of47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 {L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit c 30 days 05/04 /2016 13: 08 Page 12 Parent Dose Report T~tle RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific, Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter He nu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT I Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,1,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,2,4)
AIRT I for wind spee:d class 5 and sta~ility class c 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO OFREQ(S, 3, 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 4, 4)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE:+OO DFREQ(S,5,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(S, 6, 4)
I A!RT I Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stabllity class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFRE:Ql6, 1,4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2 1 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 4J AIRT I fox: wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 4, 4)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5, 4.)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability cl.ass F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6 1 4j I
AIRT I Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT .J' for wind speed class and stability class A 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, l, 5)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2,5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class l and stability class D B. 320E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 7.lOOE-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 660E-03 0. OOOE:+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 5)
I AIRT / Joint "Frequency in E Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE:+OO DFREQl2,1 0 5)
AIRT J for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 8. JOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, '.!, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 740E:-03 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(2, 3, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 025E-02 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(2, 4, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed c'lass 2 and stability class E 1. 620E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5*, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 700E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 5)
I AIRT J Joint *Frequency in E Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class A 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, l, 5)
AIP.T I fo:z: 1:1ind speed class 3 and stability class B 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFRE:Q(3,2,5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 5. llJOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 5. 240E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, .5, 5)
AIRT J for wind speed class and stal?ility class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6,5)
I AIRT I Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO DFREQ(4 0 l,5)
AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,2,5)
AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,3,5)
AIRT [ for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,5)
AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.J, 5, 5)
AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,6,5) 12 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 eage 13 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters .
File : AREA 1. 123 RESIDEN'I'. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued}
User RES RAD Parameter Menu !?arametei: Input Default computed Name AIRT J<?int Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind spee~d class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ 15, 1, 5)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ 15, 2, 5)
AIRT for wind spee:<l class* and stability class C O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS, 3, 5}
AIRT for wind si;:eed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQIS, 4, 5)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 5, SJ
- ~-IRT for wind speed class *5 and stability class f 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQIS, 6, 5)
AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 5)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, Z, 5)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,5)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl5, 4, 5)
AIRT for .,,,.ind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 5)
AIRT for wind speed class and stdbility cl.:Jss F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 5)
AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 6)
AIRT for wind sr:-eed class 1 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 1. OSOE-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 7. 7 60E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class F 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, 6, 6)
AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE* Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stu.bili ty class A 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 640E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(Z., 2, 6}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 3.SOOE-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQl2, 3, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 529E;._02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQIZ, *l, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 4. 480E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 0)
AIRT fo~ wind speed class 2 and stability class F 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 6)
AIRT Joint* Freque~cy in ESE Sector AIRT fo:r:: wind speed class 3 and stability class A 9. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability cl.ass B 1. 49DE-03 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ(3, 2, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 1. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 3 1 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 809E-02 0. OOOE+OD DFP.EQ(3, 4, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(3, 6, 6)
AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE' Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 O. OOOE+OO DFREQL4,2,6)
AIRT for wind spe<::d class 4 and stability class C 5.000E-05 O.OOOE+OO DFREQf4, 3, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stabllity class D 2.. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,0)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4., 5, 6)
AIRT for wind speE:d class 4 and stability class t' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+-00 DFREQ(4, 6, GJ 13 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3. l T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 14 Pat:ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parametet:s File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DfREQ(S 0 l 0 6)
AIRT for wind speed clas.~ 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 6)
AIRT for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3, 6}
JURT for wind spe.:;d class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S, q, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ{5, 5, 6}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(5, 6;6)
AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ/6, 1, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability ~lass B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 6)
AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stabili.ty class C 0. OOOE+OO _J 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 6}
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 4, 6}
AIP.T for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOLlE+OO DFREQ{6, 5, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 6, 6}
AIRT Joint Frequency in SE Sector AIRT foi: wind speed class and stability class fl.. 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 7)
AIRT fo:r: wind speed class l and stability class C 1.700E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 7}
l\.IRT for wi.nd speed class l and stability class D 9.060E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4 0 7)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 4.280E-03 0.000E+OO DFREQ(l,5,7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6 0 7)
AIRT "Joint Frequency in SE Sectoz AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A l .130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, l, I)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 2. 910E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{~, :?, I}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 4. 970E-03 0. OOOE+OO DE"'REQ{2, 3, 7}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 6. 305E-02 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(2, 4, "'i}
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 6.540E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 6, /}
fl..IRT Joint: Frequency in SE Sector AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class A 5. 920E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 7)
AIP.T for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 5. 900E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 8. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 7}
AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class D 4.447£-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3 0 4, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3, 5, 7}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 7)
AIRT Joint. Frequency in SE sector 1'-IRT fo.r: wind speed class 4 and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 7) 1'-IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 2, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C l. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+-00 DFREQf4,3,7)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2.0DDE-04 O.OOOEtOO DFREQ(4,4 0 7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ(4,5,7)
AIRT for- wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQl<I, 6, 7) 14 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RE':SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 15 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:cs File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parame-ter Input Default computed- Name AIRT Joint Frequency in SE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (5, 1, 7J A'!RT *for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQl5,2,7J AIRT for winq speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO .I DFREQ15,3,7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DF\'-EQ(S, 4, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5,5,7J AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 6, 7)
I AIRT Joint E'requency in SE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,l,7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,2,7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ I 6, 3, 7)
AIP.T for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO I DFRE.Q(6, 4~*7}
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(G,5, 7)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,6,7J I
AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector I AIRT for .wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFP.EQ(l,l,B)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DE'REQ(l, 2, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. OOOE-04 0. OOllE+OO I DFREQ(l, 3, Bl AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 3. 600E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 4, SJ AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 470E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 5, SJ P.~IRT for wind speed class and stability class F 5. 600E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,6,BJ P~IRT Joint Frequency in SSE SE:ctor AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 4. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, l, 8}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 2, 8}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3,6)
AIRT for wind spe-:d class 2 *and stability class D 1. 542E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, S)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 8. 30DE-04 0. OODE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class F 1. OOOE-04 o. oo*oE+oo Dl?REQ(2, 6 1 B)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stability class A 1. 64 OE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, S)
AIRT fo:t wind speed class and stability class a* 2. 330E-03
- 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ{3, 2, S)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 890E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, S)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 1. 2D5E-02 D. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3, 4, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. OODE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3,.S, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F a*. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, B)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 1. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, SJ AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 5. O_DOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,2,8)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C l. 200E-0'1 0. OOOE+OO DFREQt4, 3, 6)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,S)
AIRT for- wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, S)
AIRT. for wind spe<;:d clas::i 4 and !::tability class F O.OOOE~OO Q.OOUEt-00 DFREQl4, 6, SJ 15 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFS.ITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit "" 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 16 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default earameters File : ARE.?\ 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Uoin t Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S, l, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, $)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 3, 8)
AIRT for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQIS, 4, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5, 5, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 8)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class aiid stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 1, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B. 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,8)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 8)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. 000E't00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,8)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE-rOO f). OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 8) l\IRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,3,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 3. 210E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 9)
AIRT Joint Frequency in S SectOr AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A S. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 9}
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class B
- 5. 900E-04 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 740E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 1. 031E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 9}
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 9)
AIRT for wind speed cl~ss 2 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 9)
AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, l, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 4. 4.00E-04. 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{3, 2, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 7. 31JOE-04 I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 9)
AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class D 3. OBOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO DFREQl3,6,9)
AIRT Joint. Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class ~'A. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,l,91 AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,2,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (4, 3, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,9)
AIRT fo::; wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,5,9)
A!RT for wind speed class 4 and* stability class F 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO" DOREQ(4, 6, 9) 16 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RE:.SRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016, 13:08 Page 17 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input oefault computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQIS, 1, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,9)
AIRT for wind spei:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(.5, 4, 9) t\IRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,5,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0, OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 9)
AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6;1, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,9)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,9)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0, OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 9)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,9)
AIRT for wind speed class and stabilit'y class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 91 AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. OOOE:-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2, 10)
A!RT for. wind speed class 1 and stability class 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 10)
A!RT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 3. 400E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l 0 4,10)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 4 OOE-04 0, OOOE+OO DFREQll, 6, 10)
AIRT ,Joint Freq.uenci in SS1i1 Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 4.400E~04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 6, 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2., 2, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3,10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 6. 390£-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,5 0 10)
AIRT for wind speed class .2 and stability class F 2, OOOE-05 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ (2, 6, 10),
AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT fo:r: Wind speed class and stability class A 2. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,1,10)
AIRT fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class B 3. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2,10)
AIRT fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class C 2. 71JOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 3, 10)
.AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class D l.130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFP£Q(3, 4, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5,10)
AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class F 0, OOOE<OO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ I 3, 6, 10)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SS1i1 Sector J._IRT for wind speed class 4 and* stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. 000£+00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 2, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. 000£+00 DFREQ(4, 3, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,10)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E O. 000£+00 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 5, 10)
AIR'l' for wfiid spe<:d clus::i 4 and stability class F 0. 1)00£ 1--00 0. OOOEt 00 DFREQ(4,6,10) 17 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T\.i Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 18 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : />-..REA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQC5, 1, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 10)
AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS,3, 10)
AIRT for wind spec;d class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 4, 10)
!tIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 5, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 10)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 1, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+DO 0. OODE+OO DFREQ(6,2,10)
AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and st.abilitY class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 10)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,10)
AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{G, 6, 10)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C l . 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 2. 230E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4,11)
.AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 7. SOOE-04 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 11,l AIRT Joint Frequency in S"N Secto:r:
AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class A 3. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, l, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC::, 2, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 8. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(2, 3 1 ll)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 4 .160E-03 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ!2, 4, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 111 AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class F O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 11)
AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector AIRT fox: wind speed class and stability class A 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 11)
AIP.T fox: wind speed class 3 and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, ll)
AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 2. ?OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 11)
AIRT fo:r: wind speed class and stability class D 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3, 4, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5, ll)
AIRT fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, ll)
AIRT Joint Frequency in S~*J Sector AIRT for: wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, il)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ£4, 2, 11}
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class -l. and stability class D 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4, 11\
.z>.IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DE"'REQC4, 5, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E"' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4, 6, 11) 18 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3. l Tl1 Limit 30 days* 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 19 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in si*J Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. 000£+00 0. OOOE+OO *I Df"REQ(5, 1, lll AIRT for wind speed class and stab.ility class B 0. 000£+00 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 2, 111 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. 000£+00 0. OOOE+OO I Df"REQ(5,3, 111 AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(.5,4,111 ltIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I Df"REQ(5, 5, *111 AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5,6,111 I
AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,1,lll AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 2, 11)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,3,lll AIP.T for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 4, 111 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OODE-tOO 0. OOOE+OO I OFREQ(6,5,111.
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,6,111 I
AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector I AIRT for. wind speed* class and stability class A 0. 000£+00 O. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, l, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DE'ftEQ(l,2,12)
AIRT for: wind sp-sed class and stability class C 7. 000£-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 3, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 2. 200E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,4, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 320E-03 0. OOOE+OO I OFREQ(l,5,121 AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class F 4. 200£-04 0. OOOE+OO I Df"REQ(l, 6, 12)
I AIRT Joirit Frequency in WSW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO I Df"REQ(2, l, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 200E-04 o _OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 2, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 4. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 3, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3.480E-03 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2,4,12)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and ~tability class E 2. OOOE-04 0 - OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 5, 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEJ:OO DFREQ{2, 5, 12)
AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and st.ability class A 2. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{3, 1, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 121 AIRT for w.i,nd speed class and stability class D 2 _ 860E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFP-EQ(3, 4, 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5, 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 121 AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector
~-IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 121 AIRT for wind speed class 1l and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQr4,2,12J AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C O. 000£+00 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 121 AIRT for. wind speed class -! and stability class D 2. 000£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,12i AIRT for wind speed class 4 and st.ability class E 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,5,12)
AIRT for. wind spe-::d class 4 and stability class r: t). OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 6, 121 19 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Vers~on 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page '20 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter r~enu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint ,Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 1, 12)
AIRT for wind sp~ed class and stability class 8 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 2, 12)
AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 4, 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. ObOE+OO DFREQ(S,5,12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 12)
AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQf6,*l 1 12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G,2,12)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G,3,12)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 4 1 12)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,S, 12)
AIRT fo:r wind speed class 6 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 12)
AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+DO DFREQ(l, 2, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OQ DE'REQ Cl, 3, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 2. 520E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,4,13)
AIRT for wind speed clasS l and stability class E 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 5, 13}
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (1, 6, 13)
I AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector I AIRT for wind Speed class and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 1, 1.3)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (2, 2, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 4. ZOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 3, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3 *.940E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 4, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 3. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 5, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability. class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2,6,13).
I AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector I AIRT fer: wind speed class and stability class A 2 _20DE-04 0. OOOE+GO I DFREQ(3, l, 13)
AIRT fox: wind speed class and stability class B 1. 700E-04 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ (3, 2, 13)
AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 4. 91JOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (3, 3, l,3)
AIRT fo:c wind speed class and stability clas~ D 3.130E-03 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 4, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 5, 13)
AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class F* 0. OOOE+OO tl. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,6,13)
I AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I. DFREQ(4, l, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,2,13)
AIRT for wind spei:d class 4* and _stability class C 1. OOOE-04 0. OOQE+OO I DFREQl4,3,13)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQl4,4,13)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(~,S, 13) l\_IR'l' for wind spee:d class 4. and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ14,6,13) 20 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1. Limit = 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 21 Parent Dose RepOrt Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User' RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 1, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 2, 13)
AIRT for wind spee:d' class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3,13}
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D, 0. 600E+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 4, 13)
AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 5, 131 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 6, 13)
AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl6, l, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 6, 2, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(G,3 1 13)
AIRT for wind speed Class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 13)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ(6,5,13)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6 1 13)
AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(l,1,14)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability .class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(l, 2, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 430E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 2. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, 6,14)
AIRT Joint FrequencY in WN1iI Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 14)
AIR1' for wind speed class and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(Z, 2:, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C S. 4 OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl2, 3, 141 AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 7. 690E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 14)
AIRT for .wind speed class 2 and stability class F 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (2, 6, 14)
AIRT Joint. Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class A 1. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, l, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 14)
AIRT for wind .speed class 3 and stability class D 4. 950E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 14)
AIR'r for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 6, 14)
AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector
. AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,2,14}
AIRT for wind speed" class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 5. OOOE-05 0. ooqE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 14!
AIRT for wind speed clas.5 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 DFREQ(4, 5, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E" 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 14) 21of47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11. Limit = 30 days 05/04/2016 13008 Page 22 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:cs File : P.....flEA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Param~ter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT for winci. speed class 5 and stability class A O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 141 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2, 14)
AIRT for wind sper:::d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3,14)
AIR'!' for wind speed class and st~bility class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, q, 14)
P.IRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(S,5, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 14)
AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2 1 14)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 14)
AIP.T for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 141 AIRT for wind speed class and st.ability class E 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,14)
AIRT fo:r wind spet!-d class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO IJ. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 14)
AIRT Joint Frequency in m-J Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO, DFREQ(l, 1, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C l. 20DE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 15)
AIRT for wind spe"'."d class 1 and stability class D 4. 680E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 6. 730E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 5. 4 60£-03 O. OOQE+OO DtREQ(l, 6, 15}
-AIRT Joint Frequency in IIW SeCto:r AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class A 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.2, 2, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 9. 500£-04 0. OOOE+OO DffiEQ(2, 3, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 616E-02 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(2, *1, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 1. 060E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 760E-03 0.000E+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 15)
AIRT Joint Frequency in NW Sector AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class A 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, l, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. OBOE-03 I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 709E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 15)
AIRT fo:r wind speed class 3 and stability class E 4 .870£-03 O.OOOE+OO DFRE.Q(3, 5, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 3, 6, 15)
AIRT Joint Frequency in NN Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ14, l, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQf4,2,15J AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. 790E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQl4,4,15)
AIRT fo~ wind speed class q and stability class E 7. ODOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(<J, 5, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl.:'REQ(4, 6, 15i 22 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 eage 23 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(S,l,15)
AIRT for wind speed clas.<:; and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,15)
AIRT for wind spe~d class and stability class C 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4, 15)
AIR'l' for wind spee.d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 5, 15)
AIRT for wind spe<0:d class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5, 6, 15)
AIRT Joint Frequency in m~ Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, l, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(E, 4, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(6,5, 15)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 15)
AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class }\.. 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(l, 1, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability cl.ass B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(l,2,16)
AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 4.410E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 4 OBE-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, Hi)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F l.741E-02 0.000E+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 16)
AIRT Joint Frequency in UNW Sector
- AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 4. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.2., :!, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 307E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 694E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 161 AIRT for wind speed class 2 and st:ability class F 3, 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, lG)
AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 2. 400£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 161 AIP.T fo:r wind speed class 3 and stability class B 9. SODE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ ( 3, 2, l'i)
AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stability class C 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 1. 951E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3, 4, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 165E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5, 16)
AIRT fox wind speed class 3 and stability class F 2. 400£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC3, 6, 16)
A!RT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability cl.ass A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+Oq DFREQ(4, 1, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4,2,16)
AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 6. 610E-03 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(4, 4, Hi)
AIRT fo!:' wind speed class and stability class E 2. 300£-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 16)
AIRT for wind spe12d class 4 and stability class r 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 16) 23 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,08 Page 24 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROE' Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RESR.l'l.D Parameter Menu E'arameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(5,l,16)
AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 16)
AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 16)
P.IRT for wind speE:d class 5 and stability class D 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class (Ind stability class E 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, S, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6,16)
AIRT Joint frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 16)
~.IRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,16)
AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C .0. OOOE_..00 0. OOOE+OO .DFREQ(6, 3, 16)
AIRT for wihd speed class 6 and stability class D 7. OOOE-05 IJ. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 16)
AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,16)
AIRT fer: wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. QOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6 1 16)
AIRT Spacing of points used for areal integration, {m.) 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol ATGRID GWTR fractional accuracy desired - convergence criteria 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03, EPS G'i~TR Distance from d/g edge of contamination to Well, * (m} 5. 053E:+OO 1. OOOE+02 OfFLPAQW GWrR Contamination to Well c/c distance normal to flow, ml 7 .120E+Ol O.OOOE+OO OFFLtlP.QW GWTR Distance from d/g edge of cz to surface water, (m} l-l.9'37E+02 4.SOOE+02 OFFLPAQS GWTR Contamination to near edge of swb,c/c normal t.o flowl 2.676E+02 l-1.500E+02 OFFLN1'.QSN GWTR Contamination to far edge of swb, c/c normal to flowl 2:.689E+02 I l.500E+02 OFFLNAQSF GWTR Number of main sub zones in primary c<;mtamination I NPCZ GVl'TR Number of minor sub zones in last main PC sub zone* 1 I NPCZF GWTR Number of main sub zones in each unsaturated stratum! 1 I NPSS Gt>ITR Number of minor sub zones in last main UZ sub zone 1 I NPSSF Gl'ITR Number of main sub zones in saturated stratum I NAQS GWTR Number of minor sub zones in last main SZ sub zone 1 I NAQSF GWTR Distribution coefficient and longitudinal dispersion I 1 I 1 = Nuclide specific ~istrubution coefficients in all subzones. Longitudinal dispersion in all but ~he subzone of transformation.
GNTR Retardation factor flag for* groundW"ater transport 0 = {total porosity + distribution coefficient"'dry bulk density) I Lota! porosity USZN Numbe:r::: of unsaturated zone strata !IS USZN Unsat. 1, thickness (m) 2. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE+OO H Ill USZN Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*"'3) 1. 700E+00 1. SOOE+OO DENSUZ (1)
USZ.N Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 3. 600E-Ol <l. OOOE-01 TPUZ(l)
USZN Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2. SOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 EPUZ (11 USZN Un sat. 1, field capacity 2. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 FCUZ (1)
USZN Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity {m/yri 1. 400E:+02 1. OOOE+Ol HCUZ (1)
USZN Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 1. ':lOOE+OO 5. 3COE+OO BUZ Ill USZN Unsat. 2one 1 1 longitudinal dispersivity (mJ 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 ALPHALU (1)
SZNE Well pump intake depth (m below wate?: table} 5.000E+OO l.OOOE+Ol DWIBWT SZNE Depth of aquifer contributing to Surface wat.;:r body 5.0pOEt-00 l.OOOEtOl DPTHAQSW SZNE Thickn~ss of saturated zone (m} 1. OOOE+02 l. OOOE+02 DPTHA9 24 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 TY: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 25 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters*
File : AREA 1. L.23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD- Parameter Menu Parameter Inr:;ut Default computed Name SZNE Density of saturated ;:one (g/cm**3) l. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO DENSAQ SZNE Saturated zone total porosity 3. 600E-Ol 4. OOOE-01 TPSZ SZNE Saturated zone effective porosity 2.. SOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 EPSZ SZNE Saturated :one hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1. -100£+03 1. OOOE->02 HCSZ SZNE Saturated zone hydraulic gradient to well 3. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 HGW SZNE 3atur*. zone hydraulic gradient to surface water body! 3. OOOE:-02 2. OOOE-02 HGSl'l SZUE longitudinal dispersivity to well (m) I 3. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO ALPHALOW SZNE long~tudinal dispersivity to SWB (m) I 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol ALPHALOSW SZUE lateral !horizontal) dispersivity to well (m} I 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ALPHATW SZNE lateral (horizontal) dispersivity to SWB (m) I 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO ALP HAT SW SZNE lateral (vertical) dispersivity to well (m) I 2.000E-02 2.000E-02 ALPHAVW SZNE lateral {vertical) dispersivity to SWB (m) *I G.OOOE-02 6.000E-02 ALPHAVSW SZNE Irrigation :cate over aquifer to well (m/y,r) J not used 0. OOOE+OO RIA OW SZNE I:crigation :cate over aquifer to SWB (m/yr) not used O.OOOE+OO RIAQSW SZNE Evapotranspiration coefficient over aquifer to well not used l. OOOE+OO EVA.PTRAQW SZNE Evapotranspiration coefficient over aquifer to SWB not used l.OOOE+OO EVAPTRAQSW SZNE Runoff coefficient over aquifer to well not used 1. OOOE+OO RUNOFFAQW SZNE Runoff coefficient over aquifer to SWB not used 1. OOOE+OO RUNOFFAQSW SZNE Concentration of mobile colloids in the aquifer 0. OOOKt-00 O. OOOE+OO CCOL SZNE Water - Soil Distribution coefficient of colloids O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO Kl Col SZN8 Water - Mobile Colloids Distribution coefficient O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO K3Col
~ITRU Drinking water intake (L/yr) 7. 300E+02 5.100E+02 DWI VITRO Fraction of drinking water from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWD VITRU Fr.action of drinking water from well water 1. OOOE+OO l. OOOE+OO FWWD i*ITRU Fraction of household water from surface water O.OOOE:+OO 0.000E+OO FSWHH VITRU Fraction of household water from well water l.OOOE:+OO l.OOOE+OO F\'1t>lHH WTRU Livestock water intake: for meat 1 (L/day) 5.000E.+01 5.000E+Ol L>1I{l)
WTRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from surface water l.OOOE+OO 0.000E+OO FSWLV(l)
'iITRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from well water O.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO FWllLV{l)
WTRU Livestock water intake fq;- milk (L/day) not used l.600E+02 Ll"II 12)
WTRU Fraction of dairy cow water from surface water not used O.OOOE+OO FSWLV{2)
WTRU Fraction of dairy cow water from well water not used l.OOOE+OO FrJWLV{2)
WT.RU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 1 (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG ill WI'RU Fraction of irrigation water 1 from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSNIR{l)
WTRU Fraction of itrigation water 1 from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWIR{l)
WTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 2 (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIP.RIG (2.}
WTRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR12)
WTRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWt>i'IR(2)
WTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 3 (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG (3)
WTRU Fraction of irrigation water 3 from surface water 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(3)
WTRU Fraction of irrigation water from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWIR (3)
WTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 4 (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG {4)
'iITRU Fr3.ction of irrigation water 4 from surface water 0. OOOE.-t-00 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(4)
'iITRU Fraction of irrigation water 4 from well water 1. 000E+OO l. OOOE+OO l:vltHR(4)
'iITRU Irrigati~n rate in dwelling site (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-0 l RIRRIGDWELL WTRTJ Fraction of irrigation water f:r:om surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIRDWET.L 25 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Vf:rsion 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 26 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name WTRU Fraction of irrigation water from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWIRDWELL liITRU Well pumping rate (:m**3/yr) 1. 394E+03 5 .100E+03 uw SWBY Sediment delivery ratio 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO SDR SWBY Volume of surface water body 1. 794E+04 1. SOOE+OS VLAKE Sl'IBY Mean residence time of water in surface water body 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+DO TLAKE SWBY Surface a:rea of water in su:rface water body 1. 825E+04 9. OOOE+04 ALA KE INGE Fish consumption f kg/yr} not used 5. 400£+00 Dn(l)
INGE Fraction of Fish from affected not used 5. OOOE-01 FFISH!l)
INGE Other Aquatic food consumption (kg/yr) not used 9. OOOE-01 DFI (2)
INGE Fraction of Aquatic food from affected area not used 5. OOOE-01 FFISH(21 INGE Non-Lecify vegetables consumption (kg/yr)* not used 1. 600E+02 DVI (1)
INGE Fraction of vegetable l from affected area not used 5. OOOE-01 FVEG (11 INGE Leafy vegetable consumption {kg/yr) not used 1. 400E+Ol DVI !21 INGE Fraction of vegetable 2 from affected not used 5. OOOE-01 FVEG{2)
INGE Meat 1 consumption (kg/yr) 6. SOOE+Ol 6. 30DE+Dl DMI (11 INGE Fraction of meat lfrom affected area 1. OOOE+OO l. OOOE+DO FMEMI (1)
INGE: Milk consumption {L/yr) not used 9. 200E+Ol DMI (2)
INGE Fraction of milk from affected area not used 1. DOOE+OO FMEMI (2)
INGE Soil ingestion rate (g/y.r:) 1. 830E+Ol 3. 650E+Ol SOIL VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy {kg/m,...;.2)* not used 7. OOOE-01 YIELD(l)
VEGE Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1. 700E-01 GROl"ITIHE(ll VEGE TranslocatiOn E'actor for Non-Leafy not used 1. OOOE-01 FOLI E'(l}
VEGE Weathering Removal Constant for Non-Leafy not used 2. OOOE+Ol RWEATHER ( 11 VEGE Foliar Interception F:raction for dust Non-Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT j.1, 1)
VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Non-Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FIUTCE.PT (1,2)
VEGE Depth of roots for Non-Leafy {m) not used 1. 200E+OO DROOT (1)
VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Leafy Ckg/m**2) not used 1. SOOE+OO YIELD(2)
VEGE Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2. SOOE-01 GROWTIME (2)
VEGE Translocation FaCtor fo:r: Leafy not used 1. OOOE+OO FOLI_F(2)
VEGE Weathering Removal Constant fo~ Leafy not used 2. OODE+Ol RWE:ATHER ( 21 VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEl'T ( 2, 11 VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FIHTCEl?T (2, 2)
VEGE Depth of roots for Leafy (ml not used 9. OOOE-01 DROOT (2)
VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Pasture (kg/m**2) 1. lOOE+OO l. lOOE+OO YIELD(3)
VEGE Growing Season for l?asture {years) 8. OOOE-02 8. OOOE-02 GROl'ITIME (31 VEGE Translocation Factor fm: Pasture l. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FOLI_F (31 VEGE Weathering Removal Const;.rnt for Pasturi: 1. SOOE+Ol 2. OODE+Ol RWEATHER (31 VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Pasture 2. 500E-01 2. 500E-01 FINTCEPT (3, 1)
VEGE Foliar Intercept-n E"ract-n for irrigation Pasture 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT (3,2)
VEGE Depth of roots for Pasture (ml 9. OOOE-01 9. OOOE-01 DROOT !3)
VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Grain {kg/m*""2) 7. OOOE-01 7. OOOE-01 YIELD(4)
VEGE Growing Season for Grain (years} 1. ?OOE-01 1. ?OOE-01 G RO\*IT HIE ( 41 VEGE Tran.Slocaticn !?actor for Grain 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 FOL! E'{4)
VEGE Weathering R<::moval Constant for Grain 1. SOOE+-01 2. OOOE+Ol RWE.~THER ( 4) 26 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl.:l: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 27 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued}
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name VEGE Foliar Interception E'raction for dust Grain 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 I FINTCEPT 14.1)
VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Grain 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 I FINTCEPT(4,2)
VEGE Depth of roots for Grain (m) 9. OOOE-01 1. 200E+00 I DROOT(4)
I LINT Feed 1 intake by livestock 1 (kg/day) 2. 250E+OO 1. 400E+Ol I LFI(l,1)
LINT Soil intake with feed l b:t' livestock 1 (kg/day) 5. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 I LSI I 1, 1)
LIHT Feed 1 intake by dairy cow (kg/day) not used 4. 400E+Ol I LFI(2,1)
LIHT Soil intake with feed 1 by dairy cow (kg/day} not used 4. OOOE-01 I LSI (2, 1)
LINT E"eed 2 intake by liv~stock 1 (kg/day) 0. OOOE+OO 5.400E+Ol I Ln 11,2i LINT Soil intake with f.aed 2. by livestock 1 (kg/day) 0. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 I LSill,2)
LINT Feed 2 intake by dairy cow (kg/day) not used 1. lOOE+Ol I LFI (2, 2)
LINT Soil intake with feed 2 by dairy cow (kg/day) not used 1. OOOE-01 I LSI(2,2)
I INHE Inhalation raL.e {m*"'3/yr) e. 400Et03 8. 400E+03 . J INHALR INHE Mass loading above primary contamination (g/m**3) 1. 480E-05 1. OOOE-04 I MLFD INHE Mass loading for inhalatiOn (g/m*+3) 1. 480E-05 1. OOOE-04 I MLINH INHE Indoor dust filtration factor, inhalation I. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 I SHF3 INHE Shielding factor, external gamma 2. 730E-01 7. OOOE-01 I SHFl UTHE Shape factor flag, external gamma -1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO noncircular! FS SEXT J Onsite shape factor ai::ray {Usd if non-circular):
SEXT I Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular J :
SEXT ] annular radius (m), ring 1: 2. 292E+Ol 6. OOOE+OO RAD_SHAPE{ l)
SEXT I Outer annular radius (m}, ring 2: 4. 583E+Ol 1. 200E+Ol RAD_SHAPE{ 2)
SEXT J Outer annu.lar radius (m.), ring 3: 6.875E+Ol 1. SOOE+Ol RAD_SHAP~ ( 3')
SEXT I Outer annular radius {m), *ring 4: 9.167E+Ol 2. 400E+Ol RAD_SH...3..PE { 4)
SEXT J Outer annular radius (m}, ring 5: 1.146E+02 3. OOOE+Ol RAD_SH.'-PE( 5)
SEXT I Outer annular !::adius (m), ring 6: 1. 375E+02 3. 600E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 6)
SEXT J Outer annular radius (m}, ring 7: 1. 604E+02 4.200E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 7)
SEXT I Outer annular radius (m}, ring 8: 1. 833E+02 4. 800E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 8)
SEXT j Outer annular radius (rn}, ring 9: 2. 063E+02 .$. 400E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 9)
SE~T J Outer annular radius (rn.), ring 10: 2. 292E+02 6. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(lO)
SEXT I Outer annular radius {m}, ring 11: 2. 521E+02 6. 600E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(ll)
- j Outer annular radius {m), ring 12: 2. 750£+02 7. 200E+Ol RAD_SH>.PE(ll) 27 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 28 Parent Dose Report Title RESFAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific. Parameter S~ary (continued)
_I User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter I Input Default
- computed Name SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA: I SEXT Ring 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO J. FRACA( 1)
'SEX'r Ring 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FRACA( 6)
SEXT Ring 8. lOOE-01 1. OOOE+OO FRACAI 7)
SEXT Ring B '6. lOOE-01 1. OOOE+OO FRACA( 8)
SEXT Ring 5. lOOE-01 7. 700E-01 FRACAI 9)
SEXT Ring _10 4. SOOE-01
- 3. 700E-Ol FRACA(lO)
SEXT Ring 11 2. 600E-01 1. 700E-Ol FRACAllll SEXT ~ing 12 5. 400E-02 3. lOOE-02 FRACA(l2)
SEXT Shape factor array from offsite dwelling:
SEXT ~adii of shape factor array (used if non-circular):
SEXT Outer annular radius (m) 1 ring 13: 3. 600E+Ol 1. 325E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l3)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 14: 7. 200E-t-Ol 2. 650£+01 RAD_SHAPE(l4)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 15: 1. 080E+02 3. 975E+Ol R.~D_SHAPEllS)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 16: l.440E+02 5.300E+Ol RAD_SHAPE ( 16)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m) , ring 17: 1. 800E+02 6. 625E+Ol RAD_ SHAPE (17)
SElCT Oute.r:: annular radius (ml '* ring 18: 2 .160E+02 7. 950E+Ol RAD_SHAPE (18)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 19: 2. 520E+02 9. 275E+Ol RAD..,SHAPE(l9)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml , ring 20: 2. 880E+02 1. 060Et02 RAD_SHAPE(20).
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 21 :. 3. 240E:+02 l.193E+02 RAD_SHAPE 121)
SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 22: 3. 600E+02 i. 325E+02 RAD_SHAPE ( 22)
SEXT Oute:r annular radius (m), ring 23: 3. 960E+02 1. 458£+02 RAD_SHAPEl23)
SEXT Oute:r annular radius (m}, ring 24: 4. 320E+02 1. 590E+02 RAD_SHAPE ( 24)
SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:
SElIT Ring 13 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAl13)
SEXT Ring 14 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(l4)
SEXT Ring 15 8. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(l5)
SEXT Ring 16 6. SOOE-01 2. 400E-02 FRAO_(l6)
SEXT Ring 17 3. 400E-01 1. 900£-01 FRACA(l71 SEXT Ring 18 2. 500E-01 2. 400E-Ol FRACA(lB)
SEXT Ring 19 2.lOOE-01 2.000E-01 FRACA(l9)
SEXT Ring 20 1. 700E-01 1. 700E-01 FRACA(20)
SEXT Ring 21 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 FRAC~-121)
SEXT Ring *22 1. 300E-01 l. 300E-Ol FRACA{22)
SEXT Ring 23 1. 200E-01 1. 200E-Ol FRACA(2~)
SEXT Ring 24 5. SOOE-02 5. 200E-02 FRACA(24) 28 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 . T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 29 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFE'SITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 1:
SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-circular) :
3EXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 25: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (25)
SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 26: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(26)
SEXT Oute:i:: annular radius (m), ring 27: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. 0008+01 RAD_SHAPE (27)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 28: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. 000£+01 RAD_SHAPE(28)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 29: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(29)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 30: 1. OODE+Dl 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(30)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 31: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(31)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 32: 1. OODE+Ol L OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(32)
- SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 33: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(33)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m) r ring 34: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+lll RAD_SHAPE (34)
SEXT annular radius (m), ring 35: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.l":\.D_SHAPE(35)
SEXT Outer annular rci.dius (m), ring 36: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD __SHAPE(36)
SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:
SEXT Ring 25 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACP.(251 SEXT Ring 26 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (26)
SEXT Ring 27 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (27)
SEXT Rinq 28 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(28)
S8lIT Ring 30 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(30)
SEXT Ring 31 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(31)
SEXT Ring 33 0. OOOE+OO 0. 0008>00 FRACA(33i SEXT Ring 34. . 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(34)
SEXT Ring 35 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (35}
SEXT Ring 36 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(36}
SEXT Shape factor array from offsite area 2:
SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-ci.c:cular):
SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 37: l .. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(37)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 38: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(38)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 39: 1. OOOE+Ol l. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(39)
SEXT Outer annular .c:adius (ml, ring 40: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{40)
SEXT Outer annular radius (mi, ring 41: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (41)
SEXT Outer annula:r radius {m), ring 42: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.~D_SHAPEC42)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 43: 1. OIJOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(431 SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 4 4: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(44)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 45: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.,D_SHAPE(45)
. SE.X'l" Outer annular radius (m), ring 46: 1. OOOE+Ol L OOOE+Ol R.,D_SHAPE(46l SEX'l' Outer annular radius (ml 1 ring 47: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{-47) 3EXT Outer annular .radius (ml, ring 48: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.~D_SHAPE(4.8) 29 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 30 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : ARE.l\ 1.123 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:
SEXT Ring 37 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(37)
SEXT Ring 38 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(38)
SEXT Ring 39 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(39)
SEXT Ring 40 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(40)
SEXT Ring 41 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(41)
SEXT Ring 42 0, OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(42)
SEXT Ring ~3 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(43}
SEXT Ring 4 4 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(44)
SEXT Ring 45 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRAC.8_{451 SEXT Ring 46 0. OOOE.+00 0. OOOE+OO f'RACA(46)
SEXT Ring 47 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(47)
SEXT Ring 48 0. OOOE+oo* 0. OOOE+OO FRA0.(481 SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 3:
SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular):
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml., ring 4 9: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(49)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring SO: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol, RAD_SHAPE(50)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 51: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(51)
SEXT Outer anriular radius (m), ring 52: 1. OOOE:+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{52)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 53: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(53)
SEXT Outei: annular radius (m) , ring 54: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAO_SHAPE{54)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 55: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(55)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m) , ring 56: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{56l SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 57: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(57)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), rin*g 58: 1. OOOE+Ol' 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(581 SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 59: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD _SHAPE ( 59)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 0: 1. OOOE:+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SH.~PE ( 60)
SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:
SEXT Ring 49 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA.(49}
SEXT Ring 50 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(50)
SEXT Ring 51 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRA0.(51)
SEXT Ring 52 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRAC~.(52)
SEXT Ring 53 0. 0008+00 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(53)
SEXT Ring 54 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(54)
SEXT Ring 56 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(56)
SEXT Ring 57 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(57)
SEXT Ring 59 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(58)
SEXT Ring 59 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO FRACA(59)
SEX1' Ring 60 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(60) 30 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 31 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFE'SITE Default Parameters File AREA l.L23 RESIDENT.ROE' Site-Specific Parameter Summary !continued)
User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name SEXT Shape factor array from offsite 4:
SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-cit:cular):
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 61: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{61)
SEXT Outer annular radiu*s (m), ring £2: l.OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Dl RAD_ SHAPE ( 62)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 63: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(63)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAo.:.sHAPE I 64)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 65: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE ( 65)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 66: 1. OOOE+Dl 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE I 66)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 67: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(67)
SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 68: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{68)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 69: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(69)
SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 70: l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(70)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 71: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(71)
SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 72: 1. DOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+O l RAD_SHAPE(72)
SEXT fractions of annular areas within AREA:
SEXT Ring 61 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(61)
SEXT Ring 62 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAi62)
SEXT Ring 64 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(64)
SEXT Ring 67 a. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (67)
SEXT Ring 69 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(69J SEXT Ring 70 . 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(70)
SEXT Ring 71 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (71)
SEXT Ring 72 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (72)
OCCU Fraction of time spent indoors on contaminated site 13.3338-01 O.OOOE+OO FIHD occo Fraction of time spent outdoors on contaminated site I 1. 667E-01 0. OOOE+OO FOTD OCCU Fraction of spent indoors in Offsite Dwelling O.OOOE:+OO 5.000E-01 FHI.DDWELL OCCU Fraction of time spent out:doors in Off site 0-"'elling 0 .OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 FOTDDWELL OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 OCCUPANCY (1)
OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 OCCOP.i\l!CY ( 2)
OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in .agri. are-l 0 .OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 OCCUPANCY (3)
OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-Ol OCCOPA!TCY ( 4)
RADN Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec}:
RADN in cover material not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFCV P.ADN in contaminated zone soil not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFCZ AADN in fruit, grain and non-leafy vegetable field not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS (1)
RADN in leafy vegetable field not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS(2)
RADN in pat11re not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS (3)
RADN in livestoc~ grain field not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS 14)
RADN in offsite dwelling site not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS(5)
FADN in foundation material not used 3. OOOE-07 DIFFL RADN Thickness of building foundation {m} not used 1. 500E-01 FLOORl 31of47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 32 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters E'ile : ARE.?\ 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Sununary {continued)
User RES RAD Paramete:r Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name RADN Bulk density of building foundation {g/cm""'3) not used 2. 400E+OO DENS FL RADN Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1. OOOE-01 TPFL RADN Volumetric water content of the foundation not uso;d 3. OOOE-02 PH20FI.
RADN Building depth below ground surface (m) not used j-1. OOOE+OO DMFL RADN Radon vertical dimension of mixing (ml not used 2. OOOE+OO HHIX RADN Height of thE: building (room) (m) not used 2. 500E+OO HRM RADN Aver,;ge building air exchange rate (l/hr) not used 5. OOOE-01 RE."'{G RADN Building interior area factor not used 0. OOOE+OO FAI RADN Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2. 500E-Ol E~..ANA(l)
RADN Eman;:i.ting power of Rn-220 gas not used 1. 500E-Ol El<ANAl2)
Cl4. C-14 evasion laye:r::: thickness in soil (m) not used 3. OOOE-01 DHC Cl4 Vertical dimension of mixing for vegetation {m) not used 1. OOOE+OO HMD..V Cl4 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) not used 7. OOOE-07 C14EV"SN Cl4 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec} not used 1. OOOE-10 Cl2EVSH Cl4 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9. 800E-Ol CAIR
- c14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2. OOOE-02 CSOIL.
Cl2 C-12 concen~ration i~ the atmosphere (g/m**3) not used 1. BOOE-Ul Cl2AIR Cl2 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3. OOOE-02 C12CZ Cl2 C-12 concentration in water {g/cm"'*3) not used 2. OOOE-05 Cl2i*ITR
- c12 C-12 concentration in meat 1 (g/g) not used 2.400E-01 C12MEAT_MILK(l)
Cl2 C-12 concentration in milk (g/g) not used 7. OOOE-02 Cl2MEAT_MILK(2)
Cl2 C-12 concentration in vegetable 1 (g/g) not used 4. OOOE-01 Cl2E>LA"NT (1)
- c12 C-12 concentration in vegetable (g/g) not used 9. OOOE-02 C12PLANT (2)
C12 C-12 concentration in livestock feed (g/g) not used 9. OOOE-02 C12PLANT (3)
Cl'.? C-12 concentration in livestock feed (g/g) not used 4. OOOE-01 C12PLANT (4)
H3 Humidity in air (g/cm**3) not used 8. OOOE+OO HUMID H3 Mass fracth?n of water in meat 1 (g/g} not used 6. OOOE-01 H.20MEAT _MILK { 1)
H3 Mass fraction of water in milk (g/g) not used 8. BOOE-01 H20MEAT_MILK(2)
H3 Hass fraction of water in vegetable 1 {g/g) not used 8. OOOE-01 H20PLfu'>T ( 1)
H3 Mass fraction of water in vegetable (g/g) not used 0. OOOE-01 H20PLANT (2)
H3 Mass fraction of water in livestock feed (g/g) not used 13. OOOE-01 H20PLAllT ( 3)
H3 Ma"ss fraction of water in livestock feed (g/g) not used 8. OOOE-01 H20PLAllT 14) 32 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 {L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Ve:rsion 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04 /2016 13: 08 Page 33 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Summary of Pathway Selections Use:z: Selection 1 -- e~ternal gamma active inhalation {w/o radon) I active 3 -- pl.:int ingestion suppressed
-- mE~at ingestion active milk ingestion suppressed aquatic foods suppressed drinking water active 8 -- soil ingestion active radon suppressed 33 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, VE:rsion 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 34 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : Jl..REA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 130760. 00 squa.te meters Cs-137 1. 090E-01 Thickness: 1. 00 me:ters Sr-90 7. OOOE-03 Covel'. Depth: 0. 00 m&ters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrero/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2. 5DOE+Ol mrem/yr Total Hixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t {years): O.OOOE+OO l.OOOEtDO 3.000E+OO 6.000E+OO l.2DOE+Ol 3.00GE+Ol. 7.SOOE+Ol l.750E+02 4.200E+02 9.100E+02 TDOSE(t}: 2.210E-01 2.159E-Ol 2.060E-01 l.918E-01 l.664E-01 1.104E-01 4.159E-02 3.547E-03 l.072E-05 2.404E-ll M(t}: B.841E-03 8.637E-03 8.238E-03 7.674E-03 6.658E-03 4.417E-03 1.£64E-03 l.419E-04 4.289E-07 9.617E-13 Maximum TDOSE:!t): 2.210E-01 mrem/yr at t 0 years 34 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 35 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual RadionuC:lides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 0 years From :releases to grOund water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose *%
Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 4. 07E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1. 40E-06 O.OOE+OO O' ,O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.21E-05 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for* Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in rnrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 0 years Directly from primary contamir:iation and from re:lease to ar.mosphere {Ihhalation excludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways~
Radio-Nuclide Dos*e Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 2 .19E-Ol 99 1. 44E-07 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO LZSE-03 1 0. OOE+OO o. l.53E-04 2 .21E-01 100 Sr-90. 6.47E-05 2. 42E-07 0. OOE+OO 0 o. OOE+OO 8. 32E-05 0 O.OOE-+00 1. 91E-05 1. 69E-04 0-Total 2.19E-01 9.9 3.86E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. 00-E+OO l.34E-03 O.OOE+OO 1. 72E-04 2. 21E-01 100
- sum of d6se from all releases and from piimary contamination.
35 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 {L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 36 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete::r:s*
File : P..REA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Pe:i:::centage of Total Dose at t = 1 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat gilk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 8. SOE-05 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO S<-90 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3. 04E-06 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 9. lOE-05 0. ODE+ DO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 1 .years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Raden Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways i--
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 2 .14E-01 99 1. -HE-07 O. OCE:+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 23E-03 0. OOE+OO 1. 4 9E-04 2.16E-01 100 S::c-90 6 .13E-05 0 2. 29E-07 O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7.89E-05 0 .OOE+OO 1. SlE-05 1. 62E-04 Total 2. 14E-01 99 3. 70E-07 0 0. ooe:+oo 0 0. OOE+OO 1. 30E-03 0. OOE+OO 1. 67E-04 2 .16E-Ol 100
- Stun of dose from a*11 releases and from primary con*tam.ination.
36 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 37 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : *AREA 1. 123 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE{i,p,t) for.Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Pe:r:centage of Total Dose at t = 3 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 08E-04 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3.58E-06 0. OOE+OO 0. 008+00 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 1. llE-04 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Indi victual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways {p) in mrern/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years Dire.ctly from primary contamination and from H:lease to at.mosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*'
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 2.04E-01 99 1. 35E-07 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l. l 7E-03 O.OOE+OO 1. 42£-04 2. OGE-01 100 Sr-90 5. 51E-05 2. 06E-07 0. OOEtOO 0 0. OOE+OO 7. 09E-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 62E-05 1. 46£-04
== == == == == =
Total 2. 04E-01 99 3. 40£-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 24£-03 0. OOE+OO 1. 59E-04 2. 06E-Ol 100 1t3uin of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.
37 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08
- Page 38 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) £or Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (pl in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat' Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dos~ Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO .0 0. OOE+OO 1. 04E-04 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 a. OOE+OO 0 a. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3.l6E-06 0.00E+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. O?E-04 0. OOE+OO D. OOE+OO 0 .OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation eKcludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Mil~: Soil All Pathways~
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 1. 90~-01 99 1. 25E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 09E-03 0. OOE+OO 1. 33E-04 1. 92E-01 100 Sr:-SO 4. 69E-05 1. 75E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6. OJE-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 38E-05 1. 24E-04
== == == == == == == --=*
Total 1. 90£-01 99 3. OOE-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. lSE-03 0 .OOE+OO l.46E-04 1. 92E-Ol 100
- sum of dose 'from all :releases and from primary contamination.
38 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Ve:rsion 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 39 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFF~ITE Default Parameters File : /l_REA l.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Ind.:j..vidual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways lp) in mrern/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 9. 03E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 a. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2.30E-06 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l .12E-06 Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 9.26E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.12E-06 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in m:rem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 12 yea:rs Directly from primary contamination and from re:lease to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil P..11 Pathways+
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ,, Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 1. 65E-Ol 99 1. 09E-07 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 9. 45E-04 0. OOE+OO l . lSE-04 1. 66E-01 100 Sr-90 3.40E-OS 1. 27E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. 37E-05 0. OOE+OO 0 1. OOE-05 9 .12E-OS Total 1. 6SE-Ol 99 2. 36E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 9. BSE-04 0. OOE+OO 1. 25E-04 l.66E-01 100
- Sum of dose from all release*s and from primary contamination*.
39 of 47
Appendfx H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 TL:! Liffiit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 40 Parent Dose Report Title RESR.f..D-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA. 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 30 years From' releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon E?lant Meat Milk soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 5.88E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 8. 75E-07 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1. 71E-03
~== == ===== == ~~~===
== ~~~=
Total 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO p 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 5. 97£-05 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1. 71E-03 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for. Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/y:r and as a Percentage of Total Dos<; at t = 30 years Directly from primary contamination and from rele~'lse to atmosphere {Inhalation ex.eludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*"
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose C.s-137 1. OBE-01 98 7. lOE-OB 0. OOE+OO . 0. OOE+OO 6. l 7E-04 0. OOE+OO 7. 52£-05 1. 09E-01 98 S:r-90 1. 29£-05 4.83£-08 0 0. OOEtOO 0. OOE+OO l. 66E-OS 0. OOE+OO 3. 81E-06 1. 75E-03
= == ===== == ~= ~~==== === == --
Total 1. 08E-01 98 1.19£-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6. 34E-04 O.OOE+OO 7. 90E-05 l . lOE-01 100
- Sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.
40 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit "" 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 *Page 41 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters, File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE {i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclide.s {i) and Pathways Ip) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years From releases to ground and to surface Wdter Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Do.Se Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. DOE+OO 0 2. 03E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7.84E-08 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. lOE-03 10 Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0 2. 03E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. lOE-03 10 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i} and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways+
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 3.72E-02 90 2.45E-08 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0 2.13E-04 0. OOE+OO 2.59E-05 3.75E-02 90
- sr-90 1. lSE-06 4. 31E-09 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO l.48E-06 0. OOE+OO 3.40E-07 4. lOE-03 10 Total 3.72E-02. 90 2.BSE-08 *o. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2 .14E-04 0. OOE+OO 2. 63E-05 4 .16E-02 100
- Sum of dose from all ieleases and from primary contamfnation.
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 TJ..:t Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 42 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete.t:s File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose .at t = 175 years From releases to ground water. and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose* Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+oo 0. OOE+OO l.91E-06 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sr-90 O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3.68E-10 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 2. 478-05
= - = = = = = - = ===== ===== ===== ====-= ===== ====
Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 O. OOE+OO 1. 91E-06 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2. 4 7E-05 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individ~al Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total. Dose at t = 175 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphe:x:e {lnhalat;ion ex.eludes :radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil 1'..11 Pathways"'
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose c~-137 3. 50E-03 99 2. 30E-09 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. OOE-05 O.OOE+OO 0 2.44E-06 3.52E-03 99 Sr-90 5. 37E-09 0 2. OlE-11 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6. 91E-09 0 .OOE+OO 1. SSE-09 2. 47E-05
=== == == == = == ==
Total 3 .SOE-03 99 2. 32E-09 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. OOE-05 O.OOE+OO 2.44E-06 3. 55E-03 100
'*Sum of dose from all releases ahd from* prima~y contamination.
42 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 43 Pa:c:ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA l.L23 RESIDENT.ROE' Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways lp) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 420 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground rish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Wate:c:
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 5.BSE-09 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO. 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 7. 24E-16 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.7E-ll Total o. ooE+oo O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 5.85E-09 O. OOE+OO 0. OOE:+OO 4. 76E-11 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Pe~centage of Total Dose at t = 420 years Directly from primary contamination arid from re:lease to atmosphere (Inhalation el{cludes :c:adon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All E'athways Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 1. 06£-05 99 7.0lE-12 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6.09E-08 0. ODE+ DO. 7 .42E-09 1. O?E-05 100 Sr-90 1. 04E-14 3. SBE-17 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 34E-14 0. OOE+OO 3.06E-15 4.75E-11
= == == == == ==
Total 1. 06£-05 99 7. OlE-12 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE:+OO 6.09E-0.8 O.OOE:+OO 7.42E-09 1. 07E-05 100
- sum of dose from all relo;!ases and from prirnary Contamination.
43 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,08 Page 44 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF I
Total Dose Contributions TDOSE{i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclid.;:s (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 970 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil \*later Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO l.34E-14 0. OOE+OO 0. 00£+00 . 2.41E-15 Sr-90 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o* 1.13£-28 0. OOE+OD 0.00E+OO 7. OSE-24 Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 34E-14 0. OOE+OO O.ODE+OO 2. 41E-15 Total Dose Contrib.utions TDOSE (i,p, t) foz: Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yz: and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 970 Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation e&c:iudes radon)
Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways"'
Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 2. 39£-11 99 1. 57E-l 7 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 1. 37E-13 0. OOE+OO L 66E-14 2. 40E-11 100 Sr-90 1. 55£-27 S. 79E-30 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1. 99E-2i 0. OOE+OO 4.57E-28 7. 06E.-24 Total 2.39£-11 99 l.57E-l7 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.37E-13 1 O.OOE+OO 1. 66E-14 2. 40E-ll 100
"'Sum of dose from all rele'ases and from pz:imary contaminat'ion.
44 of 47
Appe_ndix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,os Page 45 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1. L23 RESIDENT. ROF Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways Parent and Pi:ogeny Principal Radionuclide Contributions Indicated Parent Product Thread DSR (j, t) (mrem/yr) I (_pCi/gl (i) Iii Fraction 0. OOOE+OO l .OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137+0 Cs-137+D l. OOOE+OO 1. 307E+OO l .277E+OO 1. 21BE+OO 1. 134E+OO 9. 643E-01 6. 431E-Ol 2. 218E-01 2. 08<:1.E-02 6; 344E-05 1. 423E-10 Sr:-90+D Sr-90+0 1. OOOE+OO 2. 409E-02 2 .308E-02 2. 085E-02 1. 776E-02 1. 303E-02 2. 499E-Ol 5, BGlE-01 3. 527E-03 6. 802E-09 1. OOSE-21
=== ===~~==~= = = =~~~~==~
The DSR includes contributions from associated (half-life S 30 days) daughters.
Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines G (i, t) in pCi/g Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.SOOE+Ol mrem/yr tluclide Iii t~ 0. 000E+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200Et01 3. OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+OZ 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 1. 913E+Ol l. 958E+01 2. 053E+Ol 2. 204E+Dl 2. 540E+Ol 3. asaE+Ol l.127E+02 l. 200E+03 3. 941E+05 l. 757E+ll S!:'-90 1. 038E+03 1. 083E+03 1.1998+03 1. 407E+03 1. 918E+03 .1. OOOEt-02 4. 26E+01 7. 088E+03 3. 675E+09 ""1. 365E+14
- At specific activity limit Summed Dose/Source Ratios DSR(i, t) i:n (mrem/yr) I (pCi/g) and Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines G (i, t) in pCi/g at tmin time of minimum single radionuclide soil guideline and at trnax = time of maximum total dose = 0 years Nuclide Initial tmin DSR (i, tmin) G{i, tmin) DSR (i, tmax) G (i, tma:"-)
(i) (pCi/g) (years) (pCi/gl (pCi/g)
Cs-137 l.690E-01 1. 307E+OO 1. 913E+Ol 1. 307E+OO 1. 913£+01 S:?:"-90 1. OOOE-03 57. 4 7. 7 35E-01 3. 232E+Ol 2. 409E-02 1. 038E+03
45 of 47
Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.3 (L23}
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T\.i Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:08 Page 46 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA. 1.123 RESIDENT.ROF Individual Nuclide Dose Summed Over All Pathways Parent Nuclide and Thread Fraction *Indicated 0
Nuclide Parent THF li) DOSE {j, t), mrem/yr (j) {ii t= 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+DO 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 Cs-137 1. OOOE+OO 2.209E-Ol 2.152E-Ol 2.058E-01 l.917E-Ol l.664E-Ol l.087E-Ol 3.749E-02 3.522E-03 1.D72E-05 2.4048-11 Sr-90 Sr-90 1. OOOE+OO 1. OSOE-04 1. 615E-04 1. tl59E-04 1. 243E-04 9 .122E-05 1. 749E-03 4 .102E-03 2. 469E-05 4. 761E-ll 7. 058E-24
= = = ======== =========~
THF(i) is the thread fraction of the parent nuclide.
Individual Nuclide Soil Concentration Parent Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated Nuclide Parent THF(i) S(j,t), pCi/g (j) {i) t~ 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7 ._SOOE+Ol l. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 Cs-137 1. OOOE+OO 1. 690E-01 l. 651E-01 l.574E-01 1.466E-01 1. 272E-01 8. 313E-02 2. 868E-02 2. 694E-03 8. 201E-06 1. B3SE-ll Sr-90 Sr-90 1. OOOE+OO 7.000E-03 6.634£-03 5.959E-03 5.072:E-03 3.675E-03 l.398E-03 l.'.!48E-04 5.809E-07 1.1:!4E-12 l.677E-25
= ===~= ====
THF(i) is the thread fraction of the parent nuclide.
46 of 47
.. - Appendix H9: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 OuWut for Area 1.3 (L23)
RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T"'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 08 Page 47 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 1.L23 RESIDENT.ROF Run Time Information ResOCalc. EXE execution began at 13: 08 05/04/2016 ResOCalc. EXE execution ended at 13: 08 on 05/04/~016 ResOCalc.EXE execut:ion time .894 seconds 47 of 47