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1997 Automated Inservice Exam of RPV & Adjacent Piping Welds at Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant,Unit 1, Vol 1,final Rept W/Apps
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1997
From: Jacobs B, Todd S
Shared Package
ML18016A262 List:
NUDOCS 9712230012
Download: ML18016A263 (26)


1997 AUTOMATED INSERVICE EXAMINATION OF THE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL AND ADJACENT PIPING WELDS AT THE SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 VOLUMEI FINAL REPORT WITH APPENDICES SwRI Project 8504 Prepared for Carolina Power & Light Company Harris Plant State Route 1134 New Hill, North Carolina 27562 Prepared by Nondestructive Evaluation Science and Technology Division June 1997 Prepared b Approved b Steven J. T d Br ce M. Ja bs Project Engineer Director NDE Engineering Section Department of NDE Services Department of NDE Services


ABSTRACT An automated inservice examination (ISI) of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and adjacent piping welds at Carolina Power & Light Company's (CP&L) Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 (Hams Plant), was performed by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) personnel during the 1997 refueling outage. The examinations were performed during April and May 1997. These examinations constitute the second ISI of the third period performed at the Harris Plant during the first 10-year interval of


The RPV ISI was performed utilizing automated ultrasonic (AUT) nondestructive examination techniques. The AUT examinations were performed in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical EngineersSection XI, 1983 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1983. At CP&L's request, the RPV shell welds were examined using procedures which were qualified in accordance with Appendix VOI of Section XI as implemented by the utility Performance Demonstration Initiative.

During the examination activities, an AUT examination technique was applied Rom the inside surface of the outlet nozzle-to-pipe welds (both sides) and the elbow-to-inlet nozzle (nozzle side only) in lieu of the Code-required outside surface examinations. The techniques used for these examinations had been previously qualified at Swtu.

The AUT examinations revealed six Code-allowable reflectors. CP&L personnel were notified of the Code-allowable reflectors.

Limitations to the examination coverage were experienced during the ISI and documented on the appropriate examination data records. A Coverage Report for the AUT examination is presented in Appendix C (Tab C).

No indications of a reportable nature were observed during this ISI.


e APPENDIX C EXAMINATIONCOVERAGE REPORT FOR THE SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1, REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL AND PIPING WELDS This appendix describes the automated ultrasonic (AUT) examination coverage obtained and examination limitations encountered during the 1997 inservice examination of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and selected piping welds. The examinations were performed by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) using automated scanning equipment and AUT data recording and analysis systems in accordance with a Scan Plan and procedures approved by Carolina Power Ec Light Company (CP8cL). These procedures comply with requirements of the 1983 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1983 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Section XI and United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.150, Rev. 1, Appendix A. In addition, the RPV shell welds were examined in accordance with Appendix VIIIof Section XI as implemented by the utility Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) and Section XI, IWA-2240.

The scope of the RPV AUT examinations included all circumferential, longitudinal, lower head, nozzle inner radius, and nozzle weld areas for 100 percent of the accessible weld length. The scope of the piping AUT examinations included the inner I/3t volume of the inlet and outlet nozzle-to-safe end weld areas. Where possible, the outside surface of these piping welds were also examined with ultrasonic (UT) techniques in lieu of the Code-required surface techniques.

As stated above, the RPV AUT examinations were conducted using either conventional ASME Code techniques or techniques qualified by SwRI under the utility sponsored PDI. The following is a description of the coverage requirements as it relates to the different techniques.

1. RPV Examination Coverage Requirements Using PDI Techniques In accordance with ASME Section XI, IWA-2240, Alternative Examinations, SwRI implemented qualified PDI techniques for selected circumferential, longitudinal, and meridional welds as requested by CPS'. The SwRI techniques and procedures are qualified for both single-

'nd double-sided detection capabilities. The single-sided examination technique, which requires three examination angles, was utilized by SwRI to provide additional coverage when weld access was restricted. The double-sided technique requires two examination angles and was used when access was not restricted. The examination coverage requirements for this technique are as follows:

1.1 in le- ided Examination 1.1.1 e ectors rient d Parallel t Id The examination for reflectors oriented parallel to the weld is performed with the beam directed perpendicular to the weld axis.

The first 1 inch of the inner 3.25" including the weld metal and adjacent base metal for V2t either side of the weld fusion line must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 search units.

The remainder of the inner 3.25" (Volume A in the figures) must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 or 45- and 55-degree search units.

Scanning must be performed in at least one direction.

b. The weld metal and adjacent base material in the outer volume beyond 3.25" (volume B in the figures) must be completely scanned with 45- and 55-degree search units. Scanning must be performed in at least one direction.


I.I.2 e ect rs riented Transverse e Wel The examination for refiectors oriented transverse to the weld is performed with the beam directed parallel with the weld axis.

The first 1 inch of the inner 3.25" including the weld metal and adjacent base metal for 1/2t either side of the weld fusion line must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 search units.

The remainder of the inner 3.25" (Volume A in the figures) must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 or 45- and 55-degree search units.

Scanning must be performed in at least one direction.

b. The weld metal and adjacent base material in the outer volume beyond 3.25" (volume B in the figures) must be completely scanned with 45- and 55-degree search units. Scanning must be performed in at least one direction.

1.2 ouble- ided Examination I.2. I e t rs riented Parallel t the eM The examination for reflectors oriented parallel to the weld is performed with the beam directed perpendicular to the weld axis.

ao The first 1 inch of inner 3.25" including the weld metal and adjacent base metal for 1/2t either side of the weld fusion line must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 search units. The remainder of the inner 3.25" (volume A in the figures) must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 or 55-degree search units.

Scanning must be performed in two directions 180 degrees to each.


b. The outer volume beyond 3.25" including weld metal and adjacent base material for 1/2t either side of the weld fusion line (volume B in the figures) must be completely scanned with 55-degree search units. Scanning must be performed in two directions 180 degrees to each other.

1.2.2 Re ect rs riented Transverse to the WeM The examination for reOectors oriented transverse to the weld is performed with the beam directed parallel with the weld axis.

The first 1 inch of the inner 3.25" including the weld metal and adjacent base metal for 1/2t either side of the weld fusion line must be completely scanned with two SLIC 40 search units. The remainder of the inner 3.25" (Volume A in the figures) must be completely scanned with SLIC 40 or 55-degree search units.

Scanning must be performed in two directions 180 degrees to each other.

b. The weld metal and adjacent base material in the outer volume beyond 3.25" (volume B in the figures) must be completely scanned with 55-degree search units. Scanning must be performed in two directions 180 degrees to each other.


2. RPV Examination Coverage Requirements Using Conventional Code Techniques


Conv'entional ASME Code techniques were utilized during the parallel examination of the nozzle-to-shell, nozzle inner radius, and flange-to-upper shell weld areas. The examination coverage for these welds was determined in accordance with the requirements of Section V, T-441.

These requirements include the following:

ao For those examinations performed from the nozzle bores and flange seal surface, the UT beams must be directed essentially perpendicular to the plane of the weld to detect reflectors parallel to the welds. The beam angles used must be sufficient to provide complete coverage of the required volumes from one direction.

b. The examination coverage for nozzle inner radius areas was determined in accordance with the requirements of Figure IWB-2500-7. The r'equired area must be scanned with 50/70 or SLIC 40 search units in two directions (clockwise and counterclock-wise) to detect radial-axial flaws.
3. Piping Examination Coverage The examination coverage for the outlet nozzle-to-pipe and elbow-to-inlet nozzle welds is determined in accordance with the requirements of Section XI, Appendix IG, Paragraphs III-4420 and III-4430. These requirements are as follows:

3.1 eflector Parallel to the Weld The inner 1/3t of the weld metal and adjacent base metal for 1/4 inch either side of the weld fusion line (volumeAinthefigures) mustbeexamined from two sides of the weld using the SLIC 40 or SLIC 20 search unit, with the beam directed perpendicular to the weld axis. The UT beam must pass through the volume in two opposing directions.

3.2 eflectors Transverse to the Weld The inner 1/3t of the weld metal and adjacent base metal for 1/4 inch either side of the weld fusion line (volume A in the figures) must be examined using the SLIC 40 or SLIC 20 search unit, with the beam directed parallel to the weld axis. The UT beam must pass through the volume in two opposing directions.

3.3 Reflectors on the utside urface The outer surface of the weld and 1/2 inch either side of the weld fusion line (surface B in the figures) must be examined using the SLIC 20 search units with the beam directed parallel and perpendicular to the weld axis.

4. Summary of Limitations and Coverage Obtained The outlet nozzle integral extensions, the lower core support pads, the lower head specimen tubes, and the vessel flange limited scanning accessibility to the full length and/or width of some areas from the inside surface. The examination coverage obtained is compared to the weld and base metal volumes identified as the examination areas in Figures 1 through 8 contained in this report. AUT examination coverage tables in this appendix quantify the volume of material examined with each UT technique for each examination area.


e t EXPLANATION OF TKE EXAMINATIONCOVERAGE TABLES The following contains an explanation of each item listed in the Examination Coverage Table:

Summary Number - The examination Summary Sheet Number that is assigned to each particular weld.

Weld Number The specific weld identification number as supplied by CPS'.

Exam Area Identification - Description of the weld type or component identification.

Exam Volume and Figure- The specific volume as identified in ASME Section XI, Regulatory Guide 1.150, Figures 1 through 8.

Beam Angle(s)) The refracted longitudinal- or shear-wave angles used for the examination.

Exam Type As defined in Article 4 of ASME Section V, the type of flaw that each examination is intended to detect, e.g., flaws transverse or parallel to the weld, straight beam for planar or laminar flaws etc.

Beam Direction(s) For each volume, the number of directions that the beam was directed to detect the type of flaw (parallel or transverse to the weld).

Code Coverage The percent of coverage of each volume, as a function of beam angle(s), examination type, and beam direction(s).

Remarks This section is used to explain the source or cause of any limitations encountered.


1. The average shown as a percent is a simple average of the coverage for all required examinations performed.
2. The examination coverage report and coverage tables are restricted to examinations performed by SwRI, and do not reflect limitations from examinations performed by others during previous inservice inspections, or examinations that have been deferred.

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 1997 Reactor Vessel Inservice Inspection Examination Coverage Tables Qgp@ xam@p+g Sumina < 0 ulIle'0 gC 'dg INumber< ~~,Number~~kk i!Sur'race' Coyerag CSW-RV-02 , Upper Shell A SLIC 40 2 directions 100%

-to- A,B 55'arallel 55'LIC Parallel 2 directions 100%

Intermediate Shell A 40 Transverse 2 directions 100%

A,B Transverse 2 directions 100%

Average 100%

CSW-RV-03 Intermediate Shell A SLIC 40 2 directions 100%

-to- A,B 55'arallel 55'LIC Parallel 2 directions 100%

Lower Shell A 40 Transverse 2 directions 100%

A,B Transverse 2 directions 100%

Average 100%

LSW-RV-05 Upper Shell SLIC 40 2 directions 90% Transverse and parallel Longitudinal A,B 55'arallel Parallel 2 directions 100% examinations limited due to I 25' A A,B 55'LIC 45',

40 Transverse Transverse 1 direction 1 direction 91%


nozzle AON-06 and flange taper.

. Average 91%

LSW-RV-06 Upper Shell SLIC 40 2 directions 100% Transverse and parallel Longitudinal A,B 55'arallel Parallel 2 directions 100% examinations limited due to I 215' A 55'LIC 45',

40 Transverse 1 direction 89% nozzle BIN-03 and flange A,B Transverse 1 direction 96% taper.

Average 96%

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Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 1997 Reactor Vessel Inservice Inspection Examination Coverage Tables (Cont'd) .


Summ Eben~

oume;o  ;~i:, R, .~t~;;~~~j ~Code"

)~Surface Figure ~~~ .Direct,on(s)~ Coyerag 001600 MHW-RV-15 Meridional A SLIC 40 2 directions 91% Parallel and transverse I 105' A,B A

55'LIC 55'arallel 40 Parallel Transverse 2 directions 1 direction 93% examinations limited due to instrumentation tubes and 92%

A,B 45', Transverse 1 direction 89% a radial support lug.

Average 91%

001700 MHW-RV-16 Meridional SLIC 40 2 directions 93% Parallel and transverse I 45' A,B A

55'LIC 55'arallel 40 Parallel Transverse 2 directions 1 direction 91%


examinations limited due to instrumentation tubes.

A,B 45', Transverse 1 direction 87%

Average 90%

001710 FTSW-RV-01 Flange A,B 2', 4', l l'arallel N/A 100% Limited transverse

-to- A,B 55' SLIC 40'ransverse 2 directions 33% examination due to the inside Upper Shell surface taper.

Average 67%

20'arallel I 335',B 002100 RVNOZAI-N-01 Inlet Nozzle 6', TWD 100% Transverse examination A,B 55' SLIC 40'ransverse 2 directions 87% limited due to nozzle inner radius.

Average 93%

002200 RVNOZB0-N-02 Outlet Nozzle 6', TWD 100% Transverse examination I A;B SLIC 20'5' Transverse 40'arallel 2 directions 60% limited due to integral extension.

215',B 40,

265'nlet Average 80%

002300 RVNOZBI-N-03 Nozzle A,B Parallel TWD 100% Transverse examination I A,B SLIC 20'5' Transverse 2 directions 87% limited due to nozzle inner radius.

Average 93%

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 1997 Reactor Vessel Inservice Inspection Examination Coverage Tables (Cont'd).

+~ ~z+Qe'je%fi ..amMK%$ +@.37+~<>

Sum mti ~~Cadge,.

">IdentFicatlon>~ Pigur'e L'<4'RDi~Pfon(s)g~ 'g Coverag RVNOZCO-N-04 Outlet Nozzle A,B 6', 20'5' Parallel TWD 100% Transverse examination 6 A,B SLIC Transverse 2 directions 60% limited due to integral 40',


145'nlet Average 80%

RVNOZCI-N-05 Nozzle A,B 20'5' Parallel TWD 100% Transverse examination 6 A,B SLIC Transverse 2 directions 87% limited due to nozzle 40,


Average 93%

335'~m 95'utlet RVNOZAO-N-06 Nozzle A,B 20'5' Parallel TWD 100% Transverse examination O A,B SLIC Transverse 2 directions 60% limited due to integral extension.

40'0M0 Average 80%

25'nlet 002700 RVNOZAI-N-01-IRS Nozzle Transverse 2 directions 100%

O 002800 RVNOZB0-N-02-IRS Outlet Nozzle 7 SLIC 40 Transverse 2 directions 100% Examination limited due O to the integral extension 265'nlet geometry.

002900 RVNOZBI-N-03-IRS Nozzle 50MO Transverse 2 directions 100%

O 215' RVNOZCO-N-04-IRS Outlet Nozzle SLIC 40 Transverse 2 directions 100% Examination limited due O to the integral extension 145'nlet geometry.

003100 RVNOZCI-N-05-IRS Nozzle 50M0 Transverse 2 directions 100%

O 95'

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 1997 Reactor Vessel Inservice Inspection MMAWz.g" Summa

'Api"~ Examination Coverage Tables (Cont'd)


Pp@ljlj I 25'LIC

o unie,o

'de~nc'a6on~ ~S 'r'face,'igure ~'glels)yg ~~gEX'Sllffj'<~'gDfrecFon(s)~<~~ Cojcrag'4..- A<~+..M.ECZS~

003200 RVNOZAO-N-06-IRS Outlet Nozzle 40 Transverse 2 directions 100% Examination limited due to the integral extension geometry.

003300 RVNOZAI-N-01-SE Safe End SLIC 20 & 40 Transverse 2 directions 89% Limitations due to the inside

-to- A SLIC 20 &40 Parallel 2 directions 59% surface counterbore geometry Inlet Nozzle Inner 1/3 Average 74%

I 335' B SLIC 20 Transverse 2 directions 20%

B SLIC 20 Parallel 2 directions 83%

Outside Surface Average 52%

003400 RVNOZBO-N-02-SE Outlet Nozzle SLIC 20 & 40 Transverse 2 directions 76% Limitations due to the inside

-to- A SLIC 20 &40 Parallel 2 directions 75% surface counterbore geometry.

Safe End Inner 1/3 Average 76%

I 265' SLIC 20 Transverse 2 directions 98%

B SLIC 20 Parallel ~ 2 directions 88%

Outside Surface Average 93%

003500 RVNOZBI-N-03-SE Safe End A SLIC 20 & 40 Transverse 2 directions 99% Limitations due to the inside

-to- A SLIC 20 &40 Parallel 2 directions 91% surface counterbore geometry.

Inlet Nozzle Inner 1/3 Average 95%

I 215' B SLIC 20 Transverse 2 directions 82%

B SLIC 20 Parallel 2 directions 66%

Outside Surface Average 74%

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Vessel Welds with Tapers SHH 1 Figure 1 A ril 97

>/et 1/2t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vessel Shell Circumferential Welds Other Than Vessel to Flange SHH l Figure 2 A ril 97




I 1/2t Vessel-to Flange SHH 1 Figure 3 A ril 97

~ - ~

Outlet Nozzle to-Shell V/eld SHH Figure 5 A ril 97

~ 0 ~ 0

~ ~

~ I Tl I






I Outlet Nozzle Inside Radius Section SHH 1 Figure 7 A ril 97

~ 0 ~

~ " a

122.38'25.55 0 45'0'80 270 315'60'/0'4,78'.


I SV V 05 215'SV-RV-06 265TSV-RV-01 83.94'27 I 7456'. 145'V 335'V~Z ARS I

34A3'62A1 RV WZ ICL RV-NOZ RV-CZ 7.88'.06 I I


33 19'I I

I 1'5 315 CSV-RV-03 135'SV-RV-09 LSV-RV-10 78.56'3 I322.

I 44'23A I

I 225'1.70'L 37M' I

90 180'70 STHV-RV 04 I

79.09'I CHV-RV-17 I

506 I HHV RV 16 45' 105'HV-RV-14 HHV-RV-15 165' WV RV-13 225' HHV-RV-12 HHV-RV-ll 285'45'hearon Harris Vessel Rollout 3 December 1996 RPV H-I


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