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Technical Specifications (TS) Change TS-447, Request for Additional Information (RAI) - Extension of Channel Calibration Surveillance Requirement Performance Frequency and Allowable Value Revision
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/2005
From: Skaggs M
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML050770370 (129)


Tennessee Valley Authority. Post Office Box 2000, Decatur, Alabama 35609-2000 Mike D. Skaggs Vice President, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant March 11, 2005 TVA-TS-447 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop: OFWN P1-35 ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:

In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-259 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-260 50-296 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT (BFN) - UNITS 1, 2, AND 3 - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (TS) CHANGE TS-447, REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (RAI) - EXTENSION OF CHANNEL CALIBRATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT PERFORMANCE FREQUENCY AND ALLOWABLE VALUE REVISION On August 16, 2004, TVA submitted a license amendment request (TS-447, ADAMS accession number ML04237061) to extend the calibration surveillance frequency for the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system, reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system, and reactor water clean-up (RWCU) system high area temperature isolation instrument channels on BFN Units 1, 2, and 3. On January 10, 2005, NRC informed TVA via memo (ADAMS accession number ML043640556) that additional information was required in support of the requested amendments.

A0 0 '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 March 11, 2005 The enclosures to this letter provide the requested additional information. This letter provides additional information only, and no information in the previous submittal is being revised. The proposed finding of no significant hazards considerations and environmental impact consideration as submitted in TVA's August 16, 2004, letter remain valid.

Approval of this TS change will result in ALARA and industrial safety enhancements benefiting the BFN plant staff; therefore, in the August 16, 2004, letter, TVA requested NRC approval by June 2005 to minimize the number of additional times plant personnel must perform these calibration surveillances at the current frequency. The ALARA and industrial safety implications for plant personnel remain; however, TVA recognizes that the originally requested approval date is now impractical to achieve.

Therefore, TVA requests NRC approval of TS-447 by October 2005. TVA also requests that the implementation of the revised TS be within 60 days of NRC approval.

There are no regulatory commitments associated with this submittal. If you have any questions about this change, please contact Tim Abney at (256)729-2636 or Paul Heck at (256)729-3624.

Sincerely, Mike D. Skaggs


1. TS-447 RAI response
2. BFN Instrument Setpoint Calculation Excerpts
3. TVA Setpoint Calculation Methodology cc: See page 3

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 March 11, 2005 Enclosures cc (Enclosures):

State Health Officer Alabama Dept. of Public Health RSA Tower - Administration Suite 1552 P.O. Box 303017 Montgomery, AL 36130-3017 (Via NRC Electronic Distribution)

Ms. Eva A. Brown, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North (MS 08G9) 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739 Mr. Stephen J. Cahill, Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 Ms. Margaret Chernoff, Unit I Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739 NRC Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, Alabama 35611-6970





TVA's August 16, 2004 letter (Reference 1) requested amendments to Operating Licenses DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN)

Units 1,2, and 3, respectively. The proposed changes would revise the operating licenses to extend the performance frequency of required calibration surveillance testing on instrumentation channels associated with high area temperature system isolation of the high pressure coolant injection (HPCI),

reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC), and reactor water clean-up (RWCU) systems. Allowable values for the trip setpoints for some of these channels would also be revised. The Technical Specifications (TS) currently require performance of these calibration activities on a more frequent interval than is technically necessary, and the performance of these calibrations on the current frequency is contrary to both ALARA principles and good industrial safety practices.

NRC's January 10, 2005 letter to TVA (Reference 2) stated that additional information was necessary to allow proper review of this request. NRC's letter, along with related telephone discussions between TVA and NRC, identified the need for additional information in five specific areas:

  • Methodology used in determining the allowable values requested
  • Details of the available test (surveillance) data and how they were evaluated
  • Methods used in extrapolation of the available 3-month interval testing results to support 24-month testing intervals
  • Reliability of the temperature loops
  • Use of Instrument Society of America (ISA) 067.04 Part 2 Method 3 which is currently under discussion by NRC and the industry These areas are addressed below. Additional details are also provided on the ALARA and industrial safety benefits which result from extending the calibration intervals on the HPCI/RCIC temperature switches.

2.0 DETERMINATION OF ALLOWABLE VALUES As stated in TVA's August 16, 2004 submittal of TS-447, TVA's methods for performing scaling and setpoint calculations meet the guidance documented in NRC Generic Letter (GL) 91-04. This methodology has been reviewed by the NRC and is consistent with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.105. These calculations consider the following types of factors (1)in determining the TS allowable values utilized at BFN:

. Temperature effects

  • Test equipment input
  • Process instrument drift
  • Radiation effects and output accuracies
  • Repeatability
  • Seismic effects
  • Read-out accuracies (1) These factors are defined in the TVA setpoint methodology document provided as Enclosure 3.


ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION While several factors potentially impact an instrument TS setpoint allowable value, time dependent variables are the major factor in determining the appropriate calibration intervals. Uncertainties which are time dependent will dictate how often an instrument loop must be calibrated to ensure that the loop continues to function within the analyzed limits. TVA's setpoint calculations consider any time dependent variables in the instrument measurable uncertainties. No time dependent uncertainties were identified for the HPCI or RCIC area temperature switches. Time dependent variables do exist for the RWCU area temperature instrument loops, however, analysis of the historical Unit 2 and Unit 3 operating data, taken together with the other instrument attributes that must be considered, showed that an extension of the calibration surveillance interval from the current 122 days to an interval of 24 months is acceptable.

The TVA calculations which determined the TS allowable values for the instruments impacted by TS-447 address redundant instrument channels, therefore the calculations contain much repetitive information and are quite lengthy. Representative portions of these calculations sufficient to illustrate the calculation methodology are included with this letter as Enclosure 2. Enclosure 3 provides TVA's setpoint calculation methodology document.

See Section 3.0 below for additional details on the operating data reviewed and how conclusions were drawn.

3.0 DATA EVALUATION DETAILS HPCI and RCIC area temperature switches Extensive Unit 2 and Unit 3 historical operating data for the affected instrument channels are available. Additionally, and significantly, the main steam line (MSL) temperature switches at Browns Ferry are of the same instrument type as the switches used in the HPCI and RCIC operating areas. Because their locations are inaccessible with the reactor at power, the MSL switches have always been calibrated on an 18-month or 24-month calibration interval to allow the calibrations to be performed during refueling outages. The HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch calibration data were evaluated along with vendor information and consideration of the physical attributes of the affected instrumentation. The MSL, HPCI, and RCIC data, arranged in descending length of calibration interval, are included as attachments A, B, and C, respectively, to this enclosure.

The plots on the following page show the setpoint difference scatter versus the calibration interval for the MSL, HPCI, and RCIC area temperature instruments.

It is visually apparent that the calibration interval has no significant impact on the observed setpoint difference.




-- 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 calibration interval (days)

RCIC as-found setpoint scatter 30 . ...................................................................................................................................................................

D20 -

2 10

-10 g-20*_

-30 *=--- __

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 calibration interval (days)


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All of the MSL, HPCI, and RCIC area temperature switch historical operating data included in Attachments A, B, and C were evaluated. Statistical analysis of the historical data showed there were no time dependent variables in the instrument measurable uncertainties. The three plots included above visually depict the fact that the setpoint deviation exhibited by these temperature switches has no significant correlation with the time interval between calibrations.

Extension of the calibration interval will have no discernible effect on the switch operating accuracy.

RWCU area temperature switches The RWCU area temperature monitoring is accomplished by resistance temperature detector (RTD) instrument loops. The RWCU data which were evaluated are tabulated in Attachment D of this enclosure. Each point provides the length of time between calibrations and the as-found setpoint difference (in percent of calibrated span) of the temperature loop trip unit.

The plot below shows the RWCU temperature loop trip unit calibration scatter versus the calibration interval from the Attachment D data. The trip setpoint drift for these RTD-based loops is not significantly affected by the length of the calibration interval.

Setpoint Difference (% of Span) 1.50.

1.00 0.50 0.005



-1.50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 calibration interval (days) 4.0 BASIS FOR 24-MONTH CALIBRATION INTERVAL As stated above, TVA, using the calculation methods as exhibited in Enclosure 2, evaluated historical operating data for the affected instruments to quantify any time dependent variables in the instrument measurable uncertainties. In the case of the HPCI and RCIC area temperature instruments addressed in TVA's previous TS-447 submittal, no time dependent variables existed, therefore no actual extrapolation was necessary in determining the acceptability of the 24-month TS calibration interval. All applicable uncertainties were evaluated in E1-4

ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION the determination of the TS allowable values. None of these attributes changed as a result of the TS-447 submittal, though some minor TS allowable value modifications were requested in TS-447 as refinements.

The MSL area temperature switches are already calibrated on a 24-month interval at BFN, and no negative performance trends have been observed.

These switches are essentially identical to those used in the HPCI and RCIC areas, and the operating environments are quite similar in most respects, though the MSL switches are installed in a generally more harsh physical environment.

As previously stated, the RWCU area temperature monitoring on Unit 2 and Unit 3 (1)is not accomplished by the use of bimetallic temperature switches, but rather through the use of RTDs which provide an input to rack-mounted analog trip system master trip units. Similar trip units are used widely in safety-related applications at BFN, and essentially all such loops are already calibrated on 24-month intervals. The calibration time-drift component is therefore well established, and BFN has observed no negative performance trends on any analog trip system loops. Insummary, for the RWCU area temperature instruments, minor time dependent variables do exist, they are contained within the vendor's supplied repeatability accuracy value, and they are addressed in the setpoint calculations.

Refer to Enclosure 2 for additional information on how the time dependent variables are addressed within the setpoint calculations for the RWCU area temperature instrumentation. Refer to Enclosure 3 for the document which controls TVA's setpoint calculation methodology.

(1)- Unit I will have similar RTD-based loops installed prior to its restart 5.0 TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENT LOOP RELIABILITY As discussed above, BFN has identified no negative performance trend with either the bimetallic temperature switches in use in the MSL, HPCI, and RCIC areas, nor on the RTD-based, rack mounted temperature loops primarily used in the RWCU areas. Additionally, instruments of both types are utilized for TS functions currently calibrated on 24-month intervals. No failure trend has been observed, and likewise no calibration-drift problems have been identified.

6.0 ISA 067.04 PART 2 METHOD 3 APPLICATION In a discussion with the NRC staff on February 1, 2005, TVA and NRC agreed to defer any responses concerning the use of Method 3 pending resolution of this issue with the industry. It is TVA's understanding that the NRC plans to resolve this issue with the industry by the end of March, 2005. The resolution as reached on the issue as a whole will then be applied to TS-447 as appropriate.


ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 7.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALARA AND INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS In order to accomplish the required TS calibration function for the HPCI and RCIC area temperature instrumentation, personnel must access plant locations which involve fall hazards, high ambient temperatures, and radiation dose rates which are elevated relative to the general plant areas. Performing such work more frequently than is technically necessary is contrary to both ALARA principles and good industrial safety practices. Further information on these subjects is provided below.

ALARA The purpose of the HPCI and RCIC area temperature switches is to provide a diverse means of identifying a leak in the high-energy steam lines which provide motive power to the HPCI and RCIC turbines. These switches are necessarily located in plant overhead areas distributed along the routes of the monitored system steam supply lines and near the system turbines. In order to comply with the TS requirement for switch calibration, on a nominal 92-day frequency, plant personnel must access these switches and physically replace them with identical switches which have been calibrated using measuring and test equipment available in the plant instrument maintenance shop. The removed switches are then returned to the shop for determination of their as-found actuation setpoint.

Given that the switches are located near the systems' steam supply lines, the general area radiation fields in the vicinity of the switches are higher relative to other plant operating areas. The work involved in accessing the.switches, removing the old ones, installing the newly calibrated ones, and then leaving the area unavoidably involves the accrual of occupational radiation dose to the plant workers involved which would otherwise be avoided. Over the past 26 months, BFN personnel working on Unit 2 and Unit 3 have accrued approximately 4.4 man-REM of exposure performing these activities. Approval of the requested calibration frequency extension (from 3-months to 24-months) could therefore be reasonably expected to reduce the exposure by a corresponding factor, for a savings of approximately 3.85 man-REM over about two years of two-unit operation. This is approximately 1 man-REM/unit/calendar year. With the planned restart of Unit 1 in the spring of 2007, it is expected that similar exposure for the same work on Unit 1 could also be avoided. It should be noted that an accepted industry standard for occupational dose at boiling water reactor units is 120 man-REM/year/unit. Therefore, the anticipated occupational dose savings from reducing the performance frequency of this one set of plant maintenance activities as requested by TS-447 approaches I % of each unit's entire yearly occupational dose goal.


ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INDUSTRIAL SAFETY As stated above, the HPCI and RCIC area temperature switches are installed in plant overhead locations. These locations are most often accessed by plant ladders, and the work must then be performed from platforms in many cases located 30 feet or higher above the floor elevations. In addition to the relatively higher radiation fields in these locations, these locations also have relatively high ambient temperatures. Accessing the switches at these heights is physically demanding, and working in the higher ambient temperature is also physically stressful. Thorough planning and preparation can reduce employee risk due to this work, but such efforts cannot eliminate all such risk. By extending the calibration frequency required by the TS, the number of times plant employees must place themselves in this increased-risk situation is correspondingly reduced. The two pictures below help illustrate the heights which must be negotiated in accomplishing these calibration activities.

Access Ladder to Top of Torus E1-7



1. August 16, 2004, Letter from TVA to NRC transmitting Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) - Units 1, 2, and 3 - Technical Specifications (TS) Change TS-447

- Extension of Channel Calibration Surveillance Requirement Performance Frequency And Allowable Value Revision (ADAMS accession number ML04237061)

2. January 10, 2005, Letter from NRC to TVA transmitting Results Of Acceptance Review Regarding Request To Extend Technical Specification Channel Calibration Frequencies (MC4070, MC4071, and MC4072) (TS-447) (ADAMS accession number ML043640556)


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment A MSL area temperature switch calibration information Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A(OF) 731 -4.8 701 -1.0 572 8.1 551 4.0 529 -0.1 731 -0.6 701 -8.4 572 7.6 551 -1.0 529 -0.6 731 1.9 701 -18.2 572 8.6 551 -1.0 525 -2.0 731 -3.0 701 -8.1 572 1.7 551 -6.2 525 -1.0 731 -3.0 701 -4.0 572 9.1 551 0.0 525 -0.5 731 3.5 701 -11.9 572 -0.3 551 -4.8 525 -2.5 731 -4.0 701 -9.0 572 6.5 551 -5.0 525 -3.0 731 1.3 701 -5.5 572 9.8 551 -0.3 525 -3.9 731 1.4 697 -7.1 572 -1.9 551 -4.1 525 -3.0 731 -12.0 697 3.8 572 6.3 533 1.0 525 -1.5 731 -0.5 697 9.3 572 -13.1 533 1.0 525 2.0 731 1.1 697 -8.8 572 1.2 533 -2.0 525 1.5 731 -2.1 697 -11.9 572 -1.8 533 -2.0 525 -1.4 731 -1.0 697 1.0 572 8.0 533 -7.0 525 -4.8 731 -2.0 697 -2.0 572 -10.9 533 -6.0 525 -13.7 731 -2.0 697 -4.0 572 0.7 533 -2.0 525 -5.6 714 -1.0 697 6.9 565 0.5 533 3.0 525 1.8 714 2.0 697 -1.6 565 -2.0 533 4.0 186 1.9 714 1.5 697 -17.7 565 0.8 533 -3.0 186 -1.3 714 -3.7 697 -1.9 565 -2.2 533 -4.0 186 -2.2 714 -0.9 697 -11.9 565 1.1 533 -2.0 186 3.9 714 -0.6 697 -1.7 565 2.0 533 0.0 186 2.7 714 1.6 697 0.4 565 -3.0 533 3.0 186 5.0 714 -1.5 587 2.0 565 -3.5 533 0.0 186 0.9 714 1.3 587 8.9 565 1.0 533 9.0 186 5.5 714 -3.3 587 5.8 565 1.0 529 0.9 186 5.0 714 -3.3 587 10.2 565 1.0 529 0.2 186 4.4 714 -8.1 587 7.8 565 -8.2 529 -1.2 186 -9.2 714 -2.8 587 4.6 565 -5.0 529 -2.6 186 6.8 714 -6.3 587 2.0 565 -3.0 529 -0.4 186 1.5 714 -1.9 587 4.3 565 -3.0 529 1.0 186 -4.0 714 -0.6 587 4.0 565 -2.0 529 2.9 186 -5.2 701 -10.9 587 6.3 551 -2.2 529 1.5 186 -6.3 701 1 -13.7 587 1.4 551 -7.2 529 -2.1 701 -12.0 587 8.4 551 1.8 529 -5.9 7011 -6.8 587 12.1 551 2.1 529 -1.4 701 -14.6 587 4.8 551 0.7 529 -3.0 701 -12.9 587 5.9 551 -2.5 529 10.1 701 -3.9 587 6.81 551 -4.4 529 -3.6 Attachment A Data Set - MSL:

Average Deviation = -1.06 degrees Standard Deviation = 5.50 degrees Maximum Positive Deviation = 12.1 degrees Maximum Negative Deviation = -18.2 degrees Average Interval = 573.19 days El-9

ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment B HPCI Area Temperature Switch Operating Data Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (0 F) (days) A (0 F) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) 112.00 1.0 92.00 0.0 91.00 1.0 88.00 -0.1 85.00 5.8 112.00 -4.0 92.00 0.7 91.00 2.9 88.00 8.3 85.00 10.5 112.00 2.0 92.00 4.7 91.00 -2.0 88.00 -1.3 85.00 -0.2 112.00 9.0 92.00 1.7 91.00 0.0 88.00 -4.0 85.00 -0.8 112.00 -1.0 92.00 2.1 91.00 0.9 88.00 -0.1 85.00 1.3 112.00 8.0 92.00 -4.3 91.00 -2.0 88.00 -1.4 85.00 12.5 112.00 -0.5 92.00 -5.9 91.00 2.0 88.00 -4.0 85.00 2.2 112.00 -3.0 92.00 -0.6 91.00 5.0 88.00 0.7 85.00 1.8 112.00 5.0 92.00 0.7 91.00 -1.9 88.00 -5.1 85.00 4.0 112.00 1.0 92.00 -6.0 91.00 2.0 88.00 0.1 85.00 0.7 112.00 2.0 92.00 0.9 91.00 2.7 88.00 -8.4 85.00 0.2 112.00 -1.0 92.00 2.0 91.00 -6.5 88.00 0.6 85.00 -2.9 112.00 -1.0 92.00 1.0 91.00 2.0 88.00 -5.7 85.00 2.0 112.00 1.0 92.00 -0.8 91.00 2.4 87.00 2.9 85.00 -3.1 112.00 1.0 92.00 0.9 90.00 0.0 87.00 -3.5 85.00 0.5 112.00 5.0 91.00 -6.6 90.00 0.0 87.00 2.4 85.00 0.1 112.00 2.0 91.00 -0.6 90.00 -2.0 87.00 1.6 85.00 -1.6 112.00 -1.0 91.00 6.0 90.00 13.8 87.00 0.0 85.00 -4.3 112.00 4.0 91.00 -18.0 90.00 6.0 87.00 3.5 85.00 -2.3 112.00 9.0 91.00 -1.4 90.00 -1.0 87.00 1.5 85.00 0.1 112.00 0.0 91.00 0.0 90.00 -3.0 87.00 1.4 85.00 -6.0 112.00 -1.0 91.00 -0.5 90.00 3.0 87.00 2.9 85.00 -1.5 112.00 -1.0 91.00 -2.9 90.00 -4.0 87.00 5.0 85.00 -1.7 112.00 -1.0 91.00 1.0 90.00 1.0 87.00 0.8 85.00 -1.5 112.00 4.0 91.00 -2.3 90.00 -2.0 87.00 0.5 85.00 -5.0 112.00 5.0 91.00 0.4 90.00 1.0 87.00 1.8 85.00 0.6 112.00 11.0 91.00 9.0 90.00 -3.0 87.00 0.6 85.00 -1.0 112.00 4.0 91.00 -1.7 90.00 -4.0 87.00 3.5 85.00 0.1 112.00 3.0 91.00 -0.8 90.00 -4.0 87.00 0.9 85.00 -2.7 112.00 1.0 91.00 -2.3 90.00 4.0 86.00 -10.0 85.00 -1.7 112.00 -2.0 91.00 -1.2 88.00 0.9 86.00 1.0 85.00 2.9 112.00 10.0 91.00 2.3 88.00 -3.9 86.00 -2.0 85.00 -2.0 111.00 -2.9 91.00 0.0 88.00 4.9 86.00 -5.0 85.00 2.0 111.00 -0.1 91.00 -2.7 88.00 5.0 86.00 8.0 85.00 -1.4

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- continued -


ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment B HPCI Area Temperature Switch Operating Data (continued)

Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (OF) (days) A (F) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A(OF) 85.00 2.5 84.00 0.0 84.00 -4.0 84.00 3.3 83.00 -1.5 85.00 8.6 84.00 7.0 84.00 3.3 84.00 6.1 83.00 0.7 85.00 -2.0 84.00 -1.6 84.00 -0.8 84.00 -1.0 83.00 3.8 85.00 -3.1 84.00 1.3 84.00 3.0 84.00 9.0 83.00 5.2 85.00 -4.4 84.00 -6.0 84.00 -2.0 84.00 1.5 83.00 1.9 85.00 -4.0 84.00 -2.0 84.00 -1.0 84.00 -4.0 83.00 -6.0 85.00 6.6 84.00 3.4 84.00 -2.0 84.00 2.0 83.00 -0.1 85.00 0.3 84.00 0.0 84.00 -2.3 84.00 4.0 82.00 0.0 85.00 -3.2 84.00 0.7 84.00 -5.0 84.00 4.0 82.00 7.7 85.00 3.0 84.00 -2.0 84.00 -0.4 84.00 4.0 82.00 5.0 85.00 1.9 84.00 0.4 84.00 0.7 84.00 6.0 82.00 -10.0 85.00 -8.6 84.00 -1.1 84.00 4.0 84.00 3.0 82.00 2.3 85.00 6.4 84.00 2.0 84.00 1.0 84.00 0.0 82.00 1.0 85.00 1.0 84.00 2.0 84.00 0.8 84.00 0.0 82.00 0.0 85.00 0.5 84.00 2.1 84.00 2.0 84.00 -6.0 82.00 -2.9 85.00 0.5 84.00 4.0 84.00 -1.0 84.00 -4.0 82.00 -13.1 85.00 -1.2 84.00 4.0 84.00 0.0 84.00 8.1 82.00 0.0 85.00 -3.0 84.00 -3.0 84.00 5.7 84.00 -0.2 82.00 5.6 85.00 3.8 84.00 -0.3 84.00 -1.6 84.00 -2.3 82.00 0.5 85.00 1.0 84.00 -5.9 84.00 -3.0 84.00 0.0 82.00 -1.0 85.00 -2.0 84.00 -1.0 84.00 0.0 84.00 -1.0 82.00 -5.6 85.00 -12.7 84.00 2.0 84.00 5.0 84.00 -1.0 82.00 -4.0 85.00 2.4 84.00 0.2 84.00 -3.0 84.00 -6.0 82.00 1.0 85.00 -0.4 84.00 1.0 84.00 1.0 84.00 -1.0 82.00 5.2 85.00 6.8 84.00 1.5 84.00 -8.0 83.00 2.2 82.00 -5.9 85.00 -2.0 84.00 -5.0 84.00 8.0 83.00 -0.1 82.00 -2.0 85.00 -0.1 84.00 -1.6 84.00 -4.0 83.00 1.3 82.00 -0.2 85.00 -3.4 84.00 7.5 84.00 -1.0 83.00 -0.6 82.00 -3.2 85.00 1.1 84.00 -1.0 84.00 1.0 83.00 2.6 82.00 0.0 85.00 0.7 84.00 2.0 84.00 0.7 83.00 0.9 82.00 7.0 85.00 1.5 84.00 -6.9 84.00 3.0 83.00 -2.4 82.00 -8.5 85.00 -5.0 84.00 1.0 84.00 2.0 83.00 -0.3 82.00 -4.0 85.00 -0.8 84.00 0.0 84.00 0.0 83.00 2.7 82.00 8.3 85.00 -12.0 84.00 1.0 84.00 3.1 83.00 -3.1 82.00 2.0 85.00 -1.6 84.00 0.2 84.00 -3.0 83.00 -4.8 82.00 3.0 85.00 0.4 84.00 2.8 84.00 -4.0 83.00 -0.6 82.00 4.8 85.00 4.9 84.00 -18.0 84.00 6.0 83.00 -2.9 82.00 -7.0 85.00 1.3 84.00 0.0 84.00 4.8 83.00 -1.1 82.00 1.0 85.00 -2.4 84.00 0.1 84.00 -2.0 83.00 -2.9 82.00 3.2 85.00 -1.9 84.00 -1.0 84.00 -5.0 83.00 2.5 82.00 0.0 85.00 -0.9 84.00 -0.9 84.00 -7.0 83.00 -8.0 82.00 0.0 85.00 0.1 84.00 0.8 84.00 -0.7 83.00 -1.8 82.00 1.3 85.00 0.7 84.00 2.7 84.00 -7.3 83.00 -1.2 82.00 2.5 84.00 9.4 84.00 -0.1 84.00 1.0 83.00 -3.2 82.00 26.0 84.00 -3.6 84.00 -3.0 84.00 -3.0 83.00 -0.9 82.00 2.9 84.00 -13.0 84.00 2.0 84.00 0.2 83.00 -0.3 82.00 1.1 84.00 1.0 84.00 1.5 84.00 -4.0 83.00 1.0 82.00 0.0 84.00 5.7 84.00 1.0 84.00 -4.0 83.00 -1.5 82.00 3.4 84.00 -5.0 84.00 2.0 84.00 -3.0 83.00 0.8 82.00 3.0

- continued -


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment B HPCI Area Temperature Switch Operating Data (continued)

Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) &_(OF (days) Ar(F 82.00 -5.0 80.00 3.9 78.00 1.0 77.00 2.0 72.00 -2.0 82.00 7.5 80.00 -0.7 78.00 -4.0 77.00 -2.8 72.00 -1.0 82.00 -3.9 80.00 -0.6 78.00 2.0 77.00 0.0 72.00 12.0 82.00 -9.0 80.00 2.9 78.00 6.0 77.00 -1.4 72.00 -3.0 82.00 -2.1 80.00 4.6 78.00 7.0 77.00 -1.0 72.00 0.0 82.00 -0.2 80.00 4.5 78.00 0.0 77.00 2.1 72.00 0.0 81.00 4.0 80.00 -5.2 78.00 0.0 77.00 -2.0 72.00 0.0 81.00 17.0 80.00 -1.0 78.00 -1.0 77.00 1.8 72.00 -6.0 81.00 0.0 79.00 0.0 78.00 5.0 77.00 -3.0 72.00 -1.0 81.00 -3.0 79.00 0.9 78.00 -5.0 77.00 -11.0 72.00 -8.0 81.00 3.0 79.00 0.0 77.00 -2.0 77.00 -2.0 72.00 -8.0 81.00 3.0 79.00 -0.1 77.00 -10.2 77.00 0.7 72.00 -2.0 81.00 3.0 79.00 1.6 77.00 0.0 76.00 2.0 72.00 -3.0 81.00 -5.0 79.00 1.8 77.00 -0.3 76.00 -2.0 72.00 2.0 81.00 2.0 79.00 1.9 77.00 -2.0 76.00 0.0 56.00 0.0 81.00 0.0 79.00 -2.0 77.00 1.2 76.00 18.0 56.00 -3.0 81.00 0.0 79.00 3.7 77.00 0.0 76.00 4.0 56.00 -1.0 81.00 -2.0 79.00 0.7 77.00 0.9 76.00 0.0 56.00 -3.0 81.00 5.0 79.00 10.9 77.00 5.0 76.00 2.0 56.00 30.3 81.00 5.0 79.00 -1.0 77.00 -3.0 76.00 0.0 56.00 2.0 81.00 4.0 79.00 -0.2 77.00 2.0 76.00 0.0 56.00 -1.9 81.00 -5.0 79.00 1.9 77.00 -2.3 76.00 0.0 56.00 6.3 80.00 5.7 79.00 0.8 77.00 2.0 76.00 -4.0 56.00 -3.6 80.00 2.5 79.00 -1.0 77.00 -1.0 76.00 1.0 56.00 0.5 80.00 -0.1 78.00 2.0 77.00 0.0 76.00 1.0 56.00 0.2 80.00 -0.8 78.00 -2.0 77.00 -4.3 76.00 -2.0 56.00 -0.8 80.00 1.4 78.00 -3.0 77.00 -1.0 76.00 3.0 56.00 -1.9 80.00 2.9 78.00 1.0 77.00 -3.3 76.00 7.0 56.00 -0.9 80.00 1.5 78.00 1.0 77.00 4.0 72.00 -6.0 56.00 0.7 80.00 0.0 78.00 0.0 77.00 1.8 72.00 0.0 56.00 1.3 Attachment B Data Set - HPCI:

Average Deviation = 0.1 degrees Standard Deviation = 4.3 degrees Maximum Positive Deviation = 30.3 degrees Maximum Negative Deviation = -18.0 degrees Average Interval = 85.2 days EI-12

ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment C RCIC Area Temperature Switch Operating Data Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (F) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A (cF) (days) A (*F) 93 -1.8 88 -5.8 87 -5.5 85 -1.2 84 1.5 93 -1.2 88 -3.8 87 1.0 85 3.5 84 3.3 93 2.5 88 -7.5 87 -2.2 85 1.7 84 -3.2 93 2.7 88 -3.6 87 -3.7 85 -3.5 84 0.8 93 2.3 88 -13.0 87 -1.9 85 -0.1 84 1.1 93 -0.8 88 -3.4 87 -0.1 85 0.3 84 -0.6 93 0.4 88 -6.0 87 -3.8 85 -0.9 84 2.0 93 8.4 88 2.1 87 -1.1 85 1.9 84 0.2 93 -4.8 88 -9.0 87 7.8 85 -1.9 84 -1.8 93 -3.6 88 1.8 87 -2.9 85 -7.4 84 1.0 93 2.3 88 -22.0 87 -1.5 85 2.7 84 0.0 93 2.5 88 5.7 87 -0.7 85 -1.2 84 0.0 93 4.0 88 -6.0 87 -17.3 85 1.9 84 2.0 93 -2.8 88 -3.3 87 -0.3 85 0.2 84 0.0 93 7.0 88 -12.0 86 7.2 85 -1.9 84 -5.9 93 -4.8 87 -1.9 86 -3.7 85 -0.9 84 -4.9 90 0.0 87 -6.7 86 5.4 85 8.2 84 4.1 90 2.0 87 4.6 86 -0.9 85 0.3 84 1.0 90 -1.0 87 -2.6 86 0.9 85 -1.0 84 0.9 90 2.0 87 -4.8 86 -2.7 85 3.6 84 -3.7 90 -1.0 87 2.8 86 2.7 85 11.0 84 3.0 90 1.0 87 1.1 86 2.3 85 -0.4 84 5.0 90 -5.0 87 0.6 86 0.9 85 0.0 84 -1.9 90 -4.0 87 0.9 86 -3.8 85 -0.9 84 0.8 90 0.0 87 3.7 86 4.9 85 4.0 84 -1.9 90 0.0 87 -2.9 86 2.9 85 -1.0 84 0.1 90 1.0 87 3.9 86 -5.0 85 3.0 84 -2.8 90 3.0 87 1.0 86 1.8 85 -6.5 84 -3.0 90 0.0 87 -0.7 86 -3.9 85 0.9 84 -4.0 90 -4.0 87 -0.3 86 -3.2 84 3.2 84 2.0 90 -4.0 87 6.6 86 -1.1 84 -1.1 84 6.0 90 -1.0 87 -1.9 86 -2.8 84 -2.1 84 -4.1 88 -4.2 87 -0.1 86 14.0 84 -0.2 84 -2.4 88 -0.2 87 -1.3 86 4.5 84 7.0 84 2.5 88 -2.0 87 -1.9 86 0.4 84 -3.6 84 1.4 88 1.2 87 -0.4 86 -0.8 84 -2.9 84 -3.7 88 0.5 87 -2.1 86 2.7 84 3.6 84 -4.5 88 -1.4 87 1.2 86 -11.9 84 1.4 84 -0.3 88 1.4 87 -2.6 86 -0.2 84 -4.7 84 -2.3 88 5.2 87 -0.5 86 1.2 84 -3.9 84 -0.8 88 -0.8 87 -1.0 86 -1.7 84 -1.7 84 -2.9 88 0.4 87 0.7 86 0.1 84 -1.3 84 0.2 88 4.2 87 0.1 86 7.3 84 0.7 84 4.2 88 -9.0 87 -7.8 86 2.2 84 -3.0 84 1.1 88 5.2 87 2.2 86 5.0 84 -3.0 84 -0.7 88 -6.8 87 -3.1 86 2.3 84 6.0 84 -1.0 88 -2.0 87 0.2 85 -0.3 84 12.2 84 -3.0 88 -1.4 87 1.8 85 -0.3 84 1.9 84 3.0 88 5.2 87 -0.6 85 -2.1 84 -2.3 84 0.6

- continued -


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment C RCIC Area Temperature Switch Operating Data (continued)

Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (F) (days) A (F) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A_(OF) 84 -2.8 84 6.0 84 -4.0 84 0.8 84 -4.0 84 -0.3 84 1.0 84 0.0 84 -3.0 84 -1.0 84 4.9 84 -0.1 84 -1.0 84 3.0 84 2.2 84 0.7 84 0.0 84 8.5 84 -3.0 84 0.4 84 -5.5 84 2.3 84 -5.7 84 3.0 84 0.0 84 3.2 84 0.3 84 -0.1 84 -10.9 84 -4.0 84 -3.3 84 -2.5 84 -0.2 84 -7.3 84 1.0 84 -2.1 84 -1.9 84 1.7 84 -2.0 83 7.4 84 -1.8 84 -2.1 84 1.0 84 2.6 83 -0.7 84 -0.8 84 0.1 84 1.0 84 -2.1 83 3.0 84 -0.7 84 1.3 84 0.7 84 -3.2 83 7.0 84 2.8 84 0.2 84 1.8 84 -9.1 83 -0.7 84 -1.4 84 -1.5 84 1.1 84 -2.1 83 3.0 84 -1.0 84 0.7 84 2.1 84 0.1 83 1.1 84 7.0 84 -1.3 84 1.0 84 1.1 83 -0.9 84 4.0 84 3.0 84 -2.1 84 0.0 83 2.0 84 2.0 84 0.0 84 0.5 84 0.8 83 2.3 84 1.7 84 2.0 84 2.0 84 -0.1 83 1.0 84 3.8 84 3.5 84 3.0 84 -1.3 83 1.0 84 -0.3 84 5.5 84 0.0 84 -4.0 83 6.0 84 -0.9 84 3.5 84 -8.8 84 -1.0 83 14.3 84 -1.7 84 -0.3 84 -2.0 84 -10.0 83 1.0 84 -1.3 84 2.9 84 -0.5 84 2.2 83 0.9 84 4.5 84 -0.7 84 2.9 84 -3.6 83 -4.8 84 0.3 84 -1.6 84 -0.6 84 0.6 83 -2.0 84 -0.7 84 -2.6 84 -3.6 84 0.9 83 -0.5 84 -2.9 84 0.5 84 -5.0 84 0.6 83 17.3 84 0.1 84 -0.8 84 2.0 84 -3.4 83 -1.0 84 4.8 84 4.2 84 -2.2 84 -0.1 83 -0.9 84 -3.3 84 -0.8 84 -7.8 84 4.0 83 -1.0 84 -2.0 84 -0.2 84 -3.6 84 4.8 83 2.0 84 8.0 84 -4.7 84 -2.1 84 -1.8 83 3.6 84 0.0 84 1.0 84 -0.4 84 -6.0 83 -3.6 84 1.5 84 3.0 84 -1.5 84 3.3 83 2.0 84 2.6 84 1.0 84 2.0 84 1.8 83 -1.1 84 4.5 84 -7.6 84 6.0 84 -1.2 83 -4.8 84 2.8 84 0.1 84 1.0 84 -1.0 83 1.0 84 -2.9 84 -1.4 84 6.8 84 -3.0 83 2.9 84 -3.5 84 0.4 84 -3.9 84 5.0 83 0.2 84 -11.6 84 -2.3 84 -4.3 84 5.3 83 2.0 84 1.9 84 -4.7 84 -1.7 84 -2.7 83 1.5 84 0.3 84 3.8 84 -1.6 84 -2.8 83 -6.0 84 1.0 84 -0.5 84 -0.7 84 2.1 83 0.0 84 2.5 84 0.3 84 -0.6 84 -4.2 83 2.2 84 0.3 84 -2.8 84 2.3 84 0.3 83 1.3 84 4.0 84 2.2 84 0.7 84 1.2 83 0.0 84 5.6 84 -1.3 84 2.2 84 1.5 83 -1.3 84 0.0 84 2.8 84 4.0 84 4.0 83 0.5 84 -1.0 84 1.9 84 2.6 84 2.8 83 -1.0

- continued -


ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment C RCIC Area Temperature Switch Operating Data (continued)

Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint Interval Setpoint (days) A (OF) (days) A (F) (days) A (OF) (days) A (OF) (days) A (0 F) 83 3.6 82 -5.7 81 1.3 80 -1.0 78 1.0 83 0.1 82 -3.0 81 0.6 80 -5.0 78 0.0 83 1.0 82 0.0 81 2.4 80 4.8 78 1.0 83 -0.1 82 6.2 81 0.2 80 -2.3 78 -1.0 83 0.1 82 -1.0 81 2.2 80 1.3 78 1.0 83 0.0 82 -1.0 81 -1.8 80 -2.2 78 0.0 82 6.8 82 2.0 81 0.3 80 5.4 78 -1.0 82 3.4 82 2.0 81 -1.8 80 -1.2 78 -1.0 82 -1.0 82 0.0 81 -0.6 80 3.6 78 -1.0 82 -3.7 82 -1.7 81 -1.5 80 -1.2 78 -1.0 82 -2.6 82 0.0 80 -8.8 80 -1.4 78 1.0 82 2.0 82 0.0 80 -1.0 80 -1.5 78 0.0 82 0.2 82 -1.9 80 -4.8 79 1.4 78 4.0 82 -0.9 82 0.0 80 -4.3 79 0.2 78 3.0 82 -2.0 82 1.0 80 3.5 79 1.9 77 2.0 82 -1.2 82 2.8 80 -4.1 79 1.8 77 -1.7 82 0.1 82 0.0 80 4.2 79 2.5 77 -9.0 82 4.0 82 -1.0 80 -1.7 79 3.0 77 8.9 82 0.7 82 -0.5 80 -2.0 79 1.0 77 4.8 82 -7.0 82 -1.8 80 -4.9 79 -2.7 77 0.6 82 -4.0 82 -8.0 80 -1.2 79 1.4 77 -7.0 82 -8.0 82 2.4 80 -0.3 79 2.4 77 -3.0 82 3.7 82 -3.5 80 -7.1 79 2.7 77 -0.7 82 2.0 82 2.0 80 4.0 79 3.9 77 -0.3 82 6.7 81 0.2 80 -5.5 79 2.6 77 -2.1 82 -1.0 81 0.0 80 0.1 79 0.3 77 4.8 82 0.0 81 0.1 80 -0.8 79 2.6 77 -0.9 82 -2.9 81 -3.6 80 -1.9 79 -0.1 77 -4.0 82 -4.0 81 0.3 80 6.0 78 0.0 77 -0.3 82 -4.0 81 0.4 80 -5.6 78 2.0 77 0.5 Attachment C Data Set - RCIC:

Average Deviation = -0.1 Degrees Standard Deviation = 3.7 Degrees Maximum Positive Deviation = 17.3 degrees Maximum Negative Deviation = -22.0 degrees Average Interval = 84.0 Days El-15

ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment D RWCU area temperature loop calibration information Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A (days) (% span) (days) (%span) (days) (% span) (days) (%span) (days) (% span) 1008 0.08 785 0.00 672 0.18 671 0.06 560 0.01 1008 -0.01 784 0.10 672 0.20 671 0.03 560 -0.10 1008 0.02 784 0.36 672 -0.05 671 0.12 560 0.03 1008 0.09 784 0.02 672 0.11 625 0.34 560 0.59 1008 0.18 784 -0.09 672 0.07 562 0.21 560 0.06 1007 0.44 784 0.04 672 -0.16 562 0.04 560 0.13 1007 -1.03 784 0.10 672 -0.05 562 0.21 560 0.03 1007 0.34 784 -0.10 672 0.05 562 0.06 560 0.37 1007 0.10 784 -0.11 672 0.03 562 0.20 560 0.19 1007 0.07 784 0.03 672 0.16 560 0.48 560 0.19 897 0.10 784 0.12 672 0.09 560 0.11 560 -0.03 897 0.09 784 0.16 672 0.19 560 -0.12 560 0.17 897 0.20 784 0.00 672 0.09 560 0.10 560 0.00 897 0.04 784 0.08 672 0.35 560 0.03 560 0.14 897 -0.08 784 0.30 672 0.07 560 -0.02 560 -0.25 896 0.24 784 0.08 672 -0.05 560 0.00 560 0.46 896 0.20 784 0.15 672 0.11 560 -0.02 560 0.25 896 0.00 784 -0.02 672 0.02 560 0.10 560 -0.01 896 0.03 784 0.03 672 -0.05 560 0.00 560 -0.15 896 -0.06 784 -0.19 672 0.36 560 -0.16 560 -0.07 896 -0.03 784 0.09 672 0.29 560 0.11 560 -0.09 896 0.25 783 0.32 672 0.25 560 0.22 560 0.25 896 0.00 783 0.38 672 0.27 560 0.19 560 -0.07 896 0.19 783 -1.04 672 -0.94 560 0.04 560 0.26 896 0.28 783 0.17 672 0.05 560 0.36 560 0.11 895 0.54 783 0.06 672 0.09 560 0.05 559 -0.21 895 0.28 783 0.41 672 0.14 560 -0.07 559 0.05 895 -0.95 783 0.13 672 0.10 560 0.02 559 0.37 895 0.09 783 0.01 672 0.38 560 0.08 559 0.09 895 0.41 783 -0.09 672 0.09 560 0.03 559 -0.09 895 0.34 783 0.31 672 -0.18 560 0.04 559 0.11 895 0.10 737 0.11 672 -0.08 560 -0.09 559 -0.08 895 0.00 674 0.08 672 0.04 560 -0.03 559 0.05 895 0.10 674 0.00 672 0.12 560 -0.02 559 0.16 895 0.28 674 0.27 672 0.24 560 0.20 559 -0.04 785 -0.07 674 0.14 671 -0.04 560 0.03 559 0.11 785 -0.22 674 0.09 671 -0.02 560 0.25 559 0.23 785 0.10 673 0.00 671 -0.19 560 0.00 559 0.10 785 0.17 673 0.12 671 0.01 560 0.11 559 0.07 785 -0.06 673 0.05 671 0.16 560 -0.02 559 0.18 785 0.08 673 0.11 671 0.08 560 0.36 559 0.24 785 0.06 673 0.09 671 0.11 560 0.22 559 0.06 785 0.18 673 0.03 671 0.09 560 0.04 559 0.01 785 -0.02 673 0.07 671 0.09 560 0.02 559 -0.37 785 0.26 673 0.08 671 0.18 560 0.09 559 -1.04 785 0.02 673 0.02 671 0.06 560 -0.15 559 0.36 785 0.03 673 -0.02 671 0.02 560 0.11 559 0.03 785 0.02 672 0.08 671 0.17 560 -0.07 559 0.03 785 -0.10 672 0.22 671 0.09 560 -0.01 558 -0.05

- continued -


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment D RWCU area temperature loop calibration information (continued)

Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A (days) (% span) (days) (% span) (days) (% span) (days) (% span) (days) (% span) 558 0.41 448 0.06 448 0.73 446 0.48 337 0.15 558 -0.17 448 -0.14 448 -0.07 446 0.02 337 -0.09 558 0.29 448 0.19 448 0.01 446 0.17 337 0.21 558 0.20 448 0.41 448 -0.02 446 0.01 337 0.06 558 -0.11 448 0.25 448 -0.08 446 0.24 337 0.13 558 -0.12 448 0.09 448 -0.02 446 0.00 337 -0.27 558 -0.02 448 0.38 448 0.25 446 0.14 337 0.07 558 0.09 448 0.02 448 0.29 446 -0.02 337 -0.24 558 0.05 448 -0.05 448 0.19 446 0.04 337 0.08 558 -0.01 448 -0.09 448 0.15 446 0.09 337 -0.45 558 -0.51 448 0.21 448 0.29 446 -0.12 337 0.02 529 -0.12 448 0.10 448 0.15 446 0.06 337 -0.16 513 0.00 448 0.10 448 0.08 446 -0.04 337 0.13 512 0.23 448 -0.08 448 0.07 446 -0.04 337 0.05 497 -0.02 448 -0.09 448 0.07 446 0.18 337 0.07 491 -0.12 448 -0.02 448 0.10 446 0.08 337 -0.02 450 0.03 448 -0.04 448 0.32 446 0.11 337 0.03 450 0.10 448 -0.17 448 0.02 446 0.05 337 0.27 450 0.27 448 0.25 448 -0.05 446 -0.01 337 0.12 450 0.05 448 0.76 448 -0.08 446 0.06 337 0.18 450 -0.01 448 0.12 448 0.07 446 -0.52 337 0.18 449 0.15 448 0.31 448 0.07 417 -0.09 337 -0.09 449 0.00 448 0.22 448 0.13 402 0.02 337 0.21 449 -0.19 448 0.21 448 0.08 400 0.14 336 0.09 449 -0.19 448 -0.01 447 -0.12 385 -0.01 336 -0.80 449 0.00 448 0.00 447 -0.17 379 -0.09 336 -0.03 449 -0.03 448 -0.03 447 0.08 339 0.01 336 0.03 449 -0.08 448 -0.01 447 0.09 339 0.31 336 -0.02 449 -0.27 448 0.04 447 0.46 339 0.42 336 0.08 449 -0.22 448 0.12 447 0.34 339 0.04 336 0.00 449 -0.54 448 0.03 447 0.15 339 0.48 336 0.11 449 -0.22 448 -0.01 447 0.15 338 0.21 336 0.12 449 0.06 448 -0.07 447 0.66 338 0.08 336 0.10 449 -0.01 448 -0.10 447 -0.03 338 0.29 336 0.04 449 0.00 448 0.00 447 0.33 338 0.14 336 0.03 449 0.07 448 0.17 447 0.12 338 0.26 336 0.16 449 -0.17 448 0.11 447 0.48 337 0.35 336 0.07 449 -0.19 448 0.12 447 -0.53 337 0.03 336 0.14 449 0.07 448 0.16 447 -0.92 337 -0.14 336 -0.07 448 -0.58 448 -0.03 447 0.08 337 0.10 336 0.05 448 0.02 448 0.02 447 0.17 337 0.08 336 -0.12 448 0.00 448 0.22 447 0.36 337 0.01 336 0.51 448 0.09 448 0.25 447 0.34 337 0.09 336 -0.14 448 0.22 448 0.23 447 -0.06 337 0.09 336 0.31 448 0.09 448 0.07 447 0.01 337 -0.04 336 -0.25 448 0.26 448 0.33 447 0.24 337 -0.12 336 0.41 448 0.39 448 -0.01 446 -0.09 337 0.01 336 -0.06 448 0.17 448 0.63 446 0.02 337 0.16 336 0.17 448 0.08 448 -0.01 446 0.05 337 -0.05 336 0.16

- continued -


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment D RWCU area temperature loop calibration information (continued)

Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A (days) (% span) (days) (%span) (days) (%span) (days) (%span) (days) (% span) 336 0.10 336 -0.04 334 0.08 226 0.05 224 0.07 336 0.08 336 -0.01 334 0.01 226 -0.01 224 0.03 336 0.00 336 0.15 334 0.00 226 -0.09 224 -0.02 336 -0.02 336 0.05 333 0.01 225 0.12 224 0.15 336 0.24 336 -0.03 333 0.48 225 0.09 224 0.10 336 0.11 336 0.09 333 0.03 225 0.05 224 0.01 336 0.14 336 -0.25 333 0.29 225 0.19 224 0.13 336 0.07 336 -0.06 333 0.03 225 0.30 224 -0.01 336 0.15 336 0.08 333 -0.21 225 0.41 224 0.05 336 0.06 336 0.05 333 -0.13 225 0.17 224 0.40 336 0.10 336 -0.05 333 -0.05 225 0.05 224 -0.06 336 0.23 336 0.11 333 -0.05 225 0.10 224 0.03 336 0.03 335 -0.09 333 -0.05 225 0.00 224 0.05 336 0.79 335 0.13 333 -0.02 225 0.05 224 -0.08 336 -0.08 335 0.42 333 -0.47 225 0.08 224 -0.03 336 0.24 335 0.22 327 -0.12 225 0.03 224 0.20 336 0.13 335 0.72 327 -0.05 225 0.34 224 0.22 336 0.07 335 0.33 327 0.08 225 -0.17 224 -0.08 336 0.15 335 0.12 327 -0.03 225 0.10 224 0.18 336 -0.05 335 0.17 327 -0.01 225 0.03 224 -0.22 336 0.04 335 0.32 327 -0.04 225 0.16 224 0.23 336 0.03 335 0.19 306 0.08 225 0.17 224 -0.09 336 -0.05 335 -1.05 289 -0.06 225 0.28 224 0.04 336 0.13 335 0.21 289 -0.05 225 0.11 224 0.16 336 -0.09 335 0.01 273 0.02 225 0.06 224 -0.24 336 -0.02 335 0.02 268 0.08 225 0.03 224 0.19 336 0.05 335 0.17 232 -0.05 225 0.06 224 0.05 336 -0.14 335 0.26 232 0.09 225 0.06 224 0.08 336 -0.08 335 0.21 232 0.33 225 0.11 224 0.03 336 0.05 335 0.24 232 0.12 225 0.04 224 -0.03 336 0.09 335 0.02 232 -0.07 225 0.19 224 0.09 336 0.11 335 -0.13 232 0.16 225 0.12 224 0.02 336 0.03 335 0.22 227 -0.44 225 0.07 224 0.32 336 0.12 335 0.07 227 -0.04 225 0.05 224 0.17 336 -0.16 334 -0.24 227 -0.18 225 0.02 224 0.89 336 0.12 334 -0.03 227 -0.02 225 -0.01 224 0.29 336 0.01 334 -0.06 227 0.02 225 -0.03 224 0.06 336 0.12 334 -0.11 227 -0.04 225 0.04 224 -0.12 336 0.08 334 -0.05 227 0.21 225 0.09 224 0.02 336 0.28 334 -0.03 227 0.24 225 0.05 224 0.00 336 0.52 334 -0.05 227 0.03 225 -0.10 224 -0.20 336 0.55 334 0.02 227 0.56 225 0.08 224 -0.19 336 0.00 334 0.00 226 0.05 224 0.22 224 0.03 336 0.00 334 -0.22 226 0.04 224 -0.77 224 -0.62 336 -0.05 334 -0.04 226 0.22 224 -0.12 224 0.06 336 0.42 334 0.09 226 0.06 224 0.00 224 0.09 336 -0.66 334 0.06 226 0.13 224 0.04 224 0.04 336 0.07 334 0.02 226 0.03 224 -0.01 224 0.06 336 0.25 334 0.10 226 0.02 224 0.05 224 0.31

- continued -


ENCLOSURE 1 BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS-447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment D RWCU area temperature loop calibration information (continued)

Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A (days) (%span) (days) (%span) (days) (%span) (days) (%span) (days) (% span) 224 0.01 224 -0.14 222 0.63 113 -0.01 112 0.06 224 0.01 224 0.11 222 0.71 113 -0.08 112 0.02 224 -0.04 224 -0.03 222 0.03 113 -0.12 112 -0.03 224 -0.01 224 0.03 222 0.02 113 -0.09 112 0.09 224 0.10 224 0.19 221 -0.25 113 -0.22 112 0.12 224 0.01 224 -0.08 221 0.40 113 0.14 112 -0.01 224 0.03 224 0.19 221 -0.04 113 0.04 112 0.06 224 0.10 223 0.17 221 0.17 113 0.09 112 0.10 224 -0.05 223 0.07 221 -0.02 113 -0.04 112 0.03 224 -0.15 223 0.02 221 -0.22 113 -0.39 112 0.00 224 0.04 223 0.01 221 -0.17 113 0.10 112 0.08 224 0.07 223 -0.04 221 -0.08 113 0.00 112 0.06 224 -0.12 223 -0.01 221 0.09 113 0.17 112 0.22 224 0.12 223 -0.21 221 -0.05 113 -0.26 112 0.17 224 0.17 223 -1.18 221 -0.05 113 -0.02 112 0.12 224 -0.04 223 0.14 221 -0.52 113 -0.02 112 -0.09 224 0.08 223 -0.02 215 -0.09 113 0.11 112 0.11 224 0.20 223 -0.23 215 0.00 113 0.17 112 -0.06 224 0.00 223 0.04 215 0.04 113 0.26 112 -0.18 224 0.03 223 0.36 215 0.03 113 0.23 112 0.16 224 0.11 223 0.43 215 0.05 113 0.03 112 0.03 224 -0.06 223 0.01 215 -0.04 113 0.00 112 -0.02 224 -0.08 223 0.29 202 0.03 113 0.03 112 0.32 224 0.28 223 -1.02 177 0.12 113 0.32 112 0.00 224 -0.02 223 0.07 177 0.06 113 0.13 112 -0.23 224 0.12 223 0.08 164 0.03 113 0.40 112 0.40 224 -0.28 223 0.32 162 -0.02 113 0.18 112 -0.03 224 -0.25 223 0.02 120 0.03 113 0.07 112 -0.15 224 -0.68 223 0.33 120 0.13 113 0.04 112 0.63 224 -0.31 223 0.30 120 0.41 113 0.59 112 -0.03 224 0.04 223 0.12 120 0.19 113 -0.02 112 0.02 224 0.03 223 0.03 120 0.68 113 0.11 112 0.02 224 0.23 223 0.04 120 0.37 113 0.10 112 -0.24 224 0.19 223 0.08 114 -0.05 113 0.00 112 0.01 224 0.08 223 0.09 114 0.09 113 0.17 112 0.06 224 0.16 222 0.08 114 0.11 113 -0.19 112 0.00 224 0.19 222 0.20 114 0.01 113 0.07 112 0.03 224 -0.54 222 0.09 114 -0.13 113 0.06 112 0.03 224 0.03 222 0.01 114 0.00 112 0.11 112 0.02 224 0.10 222 0.22 114 0.12 112 -0.09 112 0.06 224 0.09 222 0.17 114 0.24 112 0.01 112 -0.03 224 0.07 222 -0.02 114 0.02 112 0.21 112 -0.08 224 0.07 222 0.18 114 -0.02 112 0.05 112 -0.03 224 0.05 222 0.01 114 -0.02 112 -0.01 112 -0.02 224 -0.14 222 -0.30 114 -0.08 112 0.02 112 -0.52 224 0.41 222 0.12 114 -0.13 112 0.00 112 0.05 224 -0.27 222 0.11 114 -0.02 112 -0.07 112 0.12 224 0.33 222 0.37 114 -0.01 112 0.03 112 -0.04 224 0.05 222 0.31 113 -0.11 112 0.03 112 -0.69

- continued -


ENCLOSURE I BROWNS FERRY (BFN) TS 447 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment D RWCU area temperature loop calibration information (continued)

Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A Interval Setpoint A (days) (% span) (days) (% span) (days) (% span) (days) (%span) (days) (% span) 112 -0.06 112 0.05 112 -0.06 112 0.16 110 -0.01 112 -0.09 112 0.08 112 0.24 112 -0.02 110 0.00 112 -0.04 112 -0.03 112 -0.31 112 0.01 109 0.07 112 -0.20 112 0.11 112 0.03 112 -0.15 109 0.63 112 0.15 112 0.01 112 -0.02 112 -0.18 109 0.11 112 0.00 112 0.02 112 0.03 112 -0.11 109 0.29 112 -0.20 112 -0.10 112 0.01 112 0.17 109 0.26 112 0.07 112 -0.08 112 0.06 112 0.07 109 -0.02 112 -0.05 112 0.06 112 0.02 112 0.22 109 0.15 112 -0.06 112 0.00 112 -0.05 112 0.01 109 0.21 112 0.21 112 0.04 112 -0.02 111 0.08 109 0.63 112 -0.30 112 0.08 112 0.07 111 0.03 109 0.58 112 -0.12 112 0.15 112 0.01 111 0.01 109 -0.03 112 0.15 112 0.08 112 0.36 111 0.32 109 -0.50 112 0.07 112 -0.04 112 -0.11 111 0.02 104 0.08 112 -0.24 112 0.17 112 0.39 111 0.02 104 -0.11 112 0.05 112 0.11 112 -0.25 111 -0.17 104 -0.06 112 0.07 112 0.19 112 0.19 111 -1.14 104 -0.02 112 -0.20 112 -0.12 112 -0.12 111 0.10 104 0.22 112 0.03 112 -0.10 112 0.31 111 0.05 104 -0.09 112 -0.13 112 0.21 112 -0.62 111 -0.17 82 0.00 112 -0.03 112 -0.26 112 0.20 111 0.05 68 0.79 112 0.09 112 0.19 112 -0.08 111 0.16 65 -0.08 112 0.72 112 0.15 112 -1.06 111 0.01 65 -0.20 112 -0.47 112 0.14 112 -0.04 111 0.27 65 0.05 112 0.09 112 0.00 112 0.20 111 0.07 49 -0.08 112 0.00 112 0.08 112 -0.02 111 0.10 47 0.02 112 -0.14 112 -0.31 112 0.12 111 0.00 47 0.10 112 -0.03 112 0.05 112 0.00 111 0.32 44 0.00 112 0.21 112 0.03 112 0.06 111 -0.02 38 0.87 112 -0.14 112 0.07 112 -0.30 111 0.20 30 -0.05 112 0.24 112 -0.28 112 0.21 111 0.06 112 0.16 112 0.05 112 0.27 111 0.25 112 0.17 112 0.07 112 0.40 111 -0.10 112 -0.16 112 0.11 112 -0.03 110 0.04 112 -0.01 112 -0.53 112 0.19 110 -0.08 112 0.00 112 -0.12 112 -0.07 110 -0.34 Attachment D Data Set - RWCU:

Average Deviation = 0.21  % of span Standard Deviation = 0.05  % of span Maximum Positive Deviation = 0.89  % of span Maximum Negative Deviation = -1.18  % of span Average Interval = 345 Days El-20



Ipart of BFNTS-447 RAI Enclosure2 I l

QA Record ' OIRIGINALl TVAN CALCULATION COVERSHEET/C CRIS UPDATE Page Ia REV O EDMStRIMS NO EDMS TYPE: EDMS LCE~SS°N N-Ot V 10 2 822 900417 122 cabouladons(nucfear) I . . U4UY" 1


Cab cTitle: 11213-TS-71/73-2A/S HPCI and RCIC Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ACTION I NEW 01 DELETE 0 1 SUPERSEDE 0 1CCRIS UPDATE ONLY 0 I(For cal revison, REVISION M RENAME 0 I DUPUCATE 0 (Verifier Approval Signatures Not Rqurrod) CCRIS been reviewed and no CCRIS changes STATEMENT OF

  • Fl I I x _; rw* wPROBLEMIABSTRACT w____--- - __* -
  • _ -

Calculations were performed to determine the accuracy of the subject Instrument. The determined accuracies are compared to the required accuracies, setpoints, safety limits and/or operational limits and the accuracy of the loops listed below are demonstrated to be acceptable for the intended function of the Instrument loops.

Loop No.: 1-TS-71-2AIS and 1-TS-73-2NS 2-TS-71-2ANS and 2-TS-73-2NS 3-TS-71-2AIS and 3-TS-73-2A/S TVA 405321[07 20011 Page I of 2 NEDP-2-1 [07.09-2001]

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554

5. 0 Design Input Data (Continued):

5.6 Component Accuracy:

Fenwal Temperature Switches TYPE VALUE NOTE in percentage of SP Re t5.1 % 1 De N/A 2 TNe Included in Re 3 SP~e N/A 4 SECu N/A 4 RNDe Included in Re 5 ICTe 1.4% 7 ICRe N/A 7 OCre N/A 8 OCRe NIA 8 Ab 1.4% 6 Se N/A 11 R9 RADe Negligible 12 TAe N/A 13 INDRe N/A 9 WLe N/A 10 PRCSe N/A 10 IRe N/A 10 Rev _09_ Prep Date _ __Check Date Sheet of _46_

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 5.0 Design Input Data (Continued):

5.6 Component Accuracy (Continued):

I A study was done to evaluate the periodicity for calibration for the Penwal (bi-metallic)

Temperature Switches currently used for isolation of the HPCI and RCIC Steam Isolation Valves, and justify extending the calculation frequency for the HPCI/RCIC switches (Attachments 01). Tech Specs require the HPCI and RCIC temperature switches be calibrated every quarter, but the MSL ones are calibrated every 24 months. Both the HPCI/RCIC and MSL are Fenwal bimetallic temperature switches, the HPCI/RCIC switches are normally open and the MSL switches are normally closed.

Data was gathered for HPCI, RCIC, and MS system "as-found" and "as-left" settings as shown in attachment 01. A sample of 1280 data points was taken for HPCI / RCIC system and 195 data points were taken for MS system. After eliminating all data outliers (95% confidence band), the variance test concluded that the variance in drift for the HPCI/RCIC temperature switches are with a 95% confidence band.

As per Analysis in attachment 01 conclusion, the HPCI-RCIC data deviation is normally distributed with a mean of -0.05 and a standard deviation of 3.84. This population has a high number of samples and from reference 32, 1.96 is taken as the multiplier. Therefore the inaccuracy will be Re (Bias) = - 0.05 degree F =- 0.03 % of SP = Negligible Re (Random) = 3.84 x 1.96 =7.5 deree F = 5.1 % of SP 2 As per the analysis given in attachment 01, there isno relationship between drift and the time between calibrations. Main steam line switches were calibrated every 24 months, and do not show any drift during this period. HPCIIRCIC switches are calibrated every 3 months and do not show any drift for that period. Therefore this analysis in attachment 01, justifies extending the calibration frequency of the HPCI/ RCIC switches from 3 months to 24 months and the drift over the period of 24 months for the Penwal / EGS temperature switches are not applicable.

De = N/A Rev _09- Prep Date Check Date Sheet _22 _ of _46_

1part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2l BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 5.0 Design Input Data (Continued):

5.6 Component Accuracy (Continued):

3 Per analysis in attachment 01, the repeatability calculated includes the temperature effect, if there is any. Normally for a temperature measuring instrument, the temperature effect is not applicable. Therefore TNe = NIA 4 The Span Error Correction uncertainty (SECu) and Static Pressure effect (SPEe) is not applicable for this switch SECu = SPEe = N/A 5 Per analysis in attachment 01, the repeatability calculated includes the normal radiation effect.

Therefore RNDe = 7ncluded in Re 6 Per reference 3, the acceptance band should be equal to or greater than the reference accuracy.

The repeatability calculated above includes drift, temperature effect, normal radiation effect and all calibration instrument errors. Field data and past calibration history shows that this switch can be calibrated to an acceptable as found value of +/- 2 degree P. Therefore Ab =;i 2 degree F =+/- 1.4% SP 7 Per Reference 36, the M&TE accuracies should be at least equal to the instrument acceptance band (Ab). A digital test instrument is used and thus, ICTe=*2degreeF =:1.4%SP ICRe= N/A Rev ..09 Prep _Date Check Date Sheet - 23 _ of _46_

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 5.0 Design Input Data (Continued):

5.6 Component Accuracy Data (Continued):

8 There is no output calibrating instrument required and hence OCTe and OCRe is not applicable.

OCTe = OCRe = N/A 9 This device does not have an indicator. Therefore, INDRe = N/A 10 The pressure switch does not have any process error, water leg error or insulation resistance error. Therefore:

WLe = PRCSe = lRe = N/A 11 The basis of the accuracy calculation program is that no two transients, accidents of special events are considered to occur simltaneously. This was well documented in revisions 0, 1, and 2 of design criteria BFN-50-735. This criteria has now been voided. The calculation that has replaced it does not explicitly state this basis but only implies it. Fortunately, work for the A-46 program on seismic qualifications which have been approved by the NRC (References 42 and

43) states in section 3.2.5 "No concurrent or sequential potential events are postulated to occur other that a design basis safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) and loss of offsite power. For R9 example, no loss of coolant accidents (LOCAs), high energy line breaks (HELBs), fires, flooding, extreme winds and tornados, lightning, sabotage, etc., are postulated to occur" Therefore, no other event other than the HELB will be considered. These temperature switches will be required to be calibrated after a seismic event. Therefore, Se= N/A Rev _09_ Prep Date _ __ Check Date Sheet of _46_

IpartofBFNTS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 5.0 Design Input Data (Continued):

5.6 Component Accuracy Data (Continued):

12 Tlhe Wyle test report number 17509-1 on Fenwal temperature switch models 17002-40, 17023-6, 17323-0, 18002-27 and 18023-7 are analyzed to calculate the radiation effect on I R9 these switches.

Table 01 Wyle Technical Report 17509.1 for Radiation R9 Sample Setpoint 0F Baseline Post Radiation Change in SP Baseline Functional test effect minus Post Radiation Page D-28 Page D-59, D-61 PageD-1ll OF  % of SP 1 152.5 153.8 155 -1.2 -0.8 %

2 152.5 153.4 147.2 6.2 4.1 %

3 152.5 154 153.2 0.8 0.5 %

4 149.5 149.5 155.1 -5.6 -3.7 %

5 149.5 151.1 154.2 -3.0 -2.0 %

6 149.5 151.8 158.6 -6.8 -4.6 %

10 137.5 134.6 142.5 -7.9 -5.7 %

The Patel Engineers Technical Report number PBI-TR-831200-1 on Fenwal temperature switch models 01-170020-090, and 01-170230-090 are analyzed to calculate the radiation effect on these switches which are tabulated in the table 02:

R9 Table 02 Patel Engineers Technical Report PEI-TR-831200-1 for Radiation and Seismic effect.

Sample Setpoint Pre Post *Post Seismic effect Radiation effect

  1. Fpage Seismic Seismic Radiation IF  % SP IF  % SP D2-11 D2-124 D2-127 D2-129 1 135 133.9 -- 133.9 -- -- -- --

2 135 137.3 137 137.5 0.3 0.2 -0.5 -0.4 3 180 182.9 -- 182 -- -- -- --

4 180 176.4 176.9 -0.5 0.3 -

5 212 216.3 216.2 217.2 0.1 0.05 -0.9 -0.4 Rev Prep Date Check Date_ _ Sheet _ 25 _ of _46_

apart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 5.0 Design Input Data (Continued):

5.6 Component Accuracy Data (Continued):

12 (Cont)

Although values vary in the tables, based on the following conclusions, RADe will be considered negligible.

  • All inaccuracies between the pre and post radiation exposure with the exception of sample # 10 (5.7% of SP) in the Wyle Report are within the repeatability of the switch (note 1, 5.1 % of SP). R9
  • The operation of these temperature switches is a function of the expansion and contraction of the metallic spring portions of these switches (Attachment 2). Metals are not affected by radiation except at verybigh levels.

Therefore accident radiation effects are considered negligible.

RADe = Negligible 13 These temperature switches are designed to be used in temperature ranges from-10O Deg. F. to 600 Deg F. The accident temperature peak only goes to 315 Deg F. Therefore:


Rev _09_ Prep _ _ Date _ _ Check . Date _ _ Sheet _ 26 _ of _46_

IpartofBFNTS-447RAM Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554.

6.0 Computations and Analyses:

6.1 Instrument Accuracy:

Listed below are the accuracy parameters from section 5.0 used in these calculations. Unless otherwise specified, the accuracy parameters listed below and the values calculated in these sections are bidirectional (+/-).

Temperature switch accuracy Parameters (Values in % of SP)

Re .= 5.1%

De = N/A TNe = Included in Re ICTe = 1.4%

OCTe = N/A Ab = 1.4%

WLe = N/A PRCSe = N/A SECu = NIA Se a N/A IR9 RNDe = Included in Re RADe = Negligible l R9 TAe - 0 IRe = N/A Rev _O9_ Prep Date Check Date Sheet of _46_

lpart of BFN TS-447 RA! Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 6.0 Computations and Analyses: (Continued) 6.2 Temperature Switch Accuracy (Loop)

Normal Measurable Accuracy Anf = i [Re + De2 + TNe2 + ICTe2 + OCTe2 + Ab2 ]'

Anf- +1-5.5 %ofSP Normal Accuracy An = [Anf + SPeJ + SECu2]"

An = .i-I5.5 % of SP Accident Accuracy Since there are no unmeasurable errors R9 Aa=An Aa = +1-5.5% of SP Post Seismic Accuracy As = N/A (switches require calibration after a seismic event.) R9 Design basis Accident Accuracy The bighest of the seismic or accident accuracy is taken for design basis accuracy.

Adbe = Aa R9 Rev _09_ Prep Date _ _ Check Date Sheet _ 28 _ of _46_

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 6.0 Computations and Analyses: (Continued) 6.2 Temperature Switch Accuracy (Loop) (Continued)

Design basis Accident and Seismic Accuracy The seismic and accident is not considered to happen at the same time and hence the accuracy is not used in the calculation. Furthermore since the switches are required to be calibrated after a seismic event seismic accuracy is not addressed. R9 Aas = N/A Acceptance Band Ab=+/- 1.4%

Rev Prep Date_ _ Check Date Sheet _ 29 _ of _46_

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 BEN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999.880554 6.0 Computations and Analyses: (Continued) 6.2 Temperature Switch Accuracy: (Continued) 6.2.1 The existing and revised Setpoints, Allowable values and Analytical Limits: RCIC Temperature Switches:

BFN-1/2/3-TS-071-0002A thru D Existini Revised SP 160°F 165°F R9 AV = 180 °F 180 OF AL = 180 °F 180 °F BFN-1/2/3-TS-071-0002E thru S Eydstina Revised SP = 147°F 165°F AV = 155 OF 180 OF R9 AL = 155 OF 180 OF HPCI Temperature Switches:

BFN-1/2/3-TS-073-0002A thru D Existing Revised SP = 190 OF 185 OF AV = 200 OF 200 OF R9 AL = 200 °F 200 OF BFN-1/2/3-TS-073-0002E thru S Existing Revised SP = 170°OF 165°F R9 AV = 180 °F 180 OF AL = 180 °F 180 °F Rev _09_ Prep _ _ _Date Check Date Sheet - 300 of _46_

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2]

BFN Setpoint and Scaling Calculation ED-Q0999-880554 6.0 Computations and Analyses: (Continued) 6.2 Temperature Switch Accuracy: (Continued) 6.2.1 The Allowable values: Plant Operations Parameters Allowable Value (AV) Calculation Method 3 (Ref. 41)

Trip Setpoint: SP = UAL - Adbe For RCIC and torus area HPCI: SP = 180 - 9.1 = <170.9 OF, taken as = 165 'F Per ref. 3, the allowable value is: AV = SPt Anf= > 165 + 9.1 = 174.1 'F Allowable value taken as 180 TF R9 For Comer room HPCI: SP = 200- 10.2 = <189.8 0F, taken as = 185 TF Per ref. 3, the allowable value is: AV=SP+Anf=> 185+ 10.2= 195.2 F Allowable value taken as 200 OF Cheek Calculation:

The required un-measurable error for RCIC and Torus area HPCI:

Accident accuracy = 0% = O0 F Available un-measurable AL-AV =180- 180 = 0 0F IR9 The required un-measurable errorfor Corner room area HPCI:

Accident accuracy = 0% = OF Available un-measurable AL-AV =200-200 = OF lR9 The check calculation provides enough allowance for all the unnmasurable errors. This accounts fully for accident conditions. Hence the calculated Setpoint and allowable values are acceptable. This is concurred by Mechanical Engineering department. Seismic inaccuracy is not lIR9 evaluated; therefore the switches will require calibration after a seismic event.

Rev _09_ Prep Date Check Date Sheet _ 31 _ of _46

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history RCIC U2 3 data OUR DEV OUR DEV OUR DEV DUR DEV OUR DEV OUR DEV OUR DEV OUR DEV 83 17.3 83 2 82 0 82 -1.9 85 3.5 84 0.8 90 -1 82 -3.7 83 14.3 82 2 83 0 87 -1.9 84 3.5 84 0.8 84 -1 84 -3.7 86 14 82 2 82 0 88 -2 84 3.5 84 0.8 90 -1 84 -3.7 84 12.2 83 2 82 0 82 _ 82 3.4 84 0.8 84 -1 87 -3.7 85 11 84 2 85 0 80 -2 84 3.3 84 0.7 78 -1 88 -3.8 778.9 84 2 83 0 83 -2 84 3.3 82 0.7 82 -1 86 -3.8 84 93 8.5 8.4 84 82 2

2 90 82 0

0 84 88


-2 84 84 3.2 3.2 84 84 0.7 0.7 83 84


-1 87 -3.8 84 -3.9 I

a 85 8.2 84 1.9 84 0 84 -2 83 3 87 0.7 83 -1 86 -3.9 a C,,

84 8 79 _9 78 0 84 -2 83 3 84 0.7 87 -1 84 -3.9 E 87 7.8 85 1.9 83 0 85 -2.1 84 3 84 0.7 78 -1 84 -4 83 7_ 84 1.9 84 0 87 -2.1 84 3 87 0.8 82 _1 82 -4 0 86 7.3 85 1.9 85 -0.1 84 -2.1 79 3 84 0.6 78 -1 82 -4 ;A rz 86 7.2 84 1.9 87 -0.1 84 -2.1 84 3 77 0.6 84 -1 90 -4 tz A,

84 4f 7 79 1.8 84 -0.1 84 -2.1 84 3 81 0.6 82 -1 82 -4 83 7 86 1.8 84 -0.1 84 -2.1 84 3 84 0.6 80 -1 84 4 D 84 7 84 1.8 87 -0.1 84 -2.1 90 3 84 0.6 85 -1 90 4 93 7 87 1.8 84 -0.1 84 -2.1 84 3 88 0.5 78 -1 84 4 82 6.8 84 1.8 84 -0.1 84 -2.1 84 3 84 0.5 78 1 77 -4 84 6.8 88 1.76 83 -0.1 77 -2.1 85 3 84 0.5 83 _1 90 -4 82 6.7 84 1.7 79 -0.1 87 -2.2 78 3 83 0.5 84 _1 84 -4 87 6.6 85

_ T 88 -0.2 84 -2.2 86 2.9 77 0.5 82 -1 84 4 82 6.2 84 1.7 84 -0.2 80 -2.2 84 2.9 88 0.4 85 -1 84 -4.1 84 6 84 1.5 84 -0.2 84 -2.3 83 2.9 81 0.4 84 -1 80 -4.1 84 6 84 1.5 86 -0.2 80 -2.3 84 2.9 93 0.4 84 1 88 -4.2 83 6 83 1.5 84 -0.2 84 -2.3 87 2.8 84 0.4 90 -1 84 -4.2 84 6 84 1.5 80 -0.3 84 -23 84 2.8 86 0.4 86 -1.1 84 -4.3 80 6 79 1.4 85 -0.3 84 -2.4 84 2.8 84 0.4 83 -1.1 80 -4.3 84 6 84 1.4 85 -0.3 84 -2.5 84 2.8 85 0.3 87 -1.1 84 -4.5 Page 1 Prepared -ff&244c~r& g o Checked ~ 9127/"3 W 8-

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV 88 5.7 79 1.4 84 -0.3 82 -2.61 84 2.8 81 0.3 84 -1.1 84 -4.7 84 5,6 84 1.4 84 -0.3 87 -2.6 82 2.75 84 0.3 85 -1.2 84 -4.7 84 5.5 88 1.4 87 -0.3 87 2.6 86 2.7 84 0.3 93 -1.2 84 -4.7 86 5.4 81 1.3 84 -0.3 84 -2.6 93 2.7 84 0.3 82 -1.2 80 -4.8 80 5.4 84 1.3 84 -0.3 86 -2.7 85 2.7 84 0.3 80 -1.2 87 -4.8 84 5.3 83 1.3 77 -0.3 79 -2.7 79 2.7 85 0.3 85 -1.2 83 -4.8 88 5.2 80 1.3 77 -0.3 84 -2.7 86 2.7 81 0.3 80 -1.2 93 -4.8 88 5.2 88 1.2 87 -0.3 84 -2.81 84 2.6 79 0.3 84 -1.2 83 -4.8 88 5.2 87 1.2 87 -0.4 84 -2.8 79 2.6 84 0.3 80 -1.2 93 -4.8 84 5 86 1.2 84 -0.4 84 -2.8 84 2.6 84 0.3 84 -1.3 84 -4.9 84 5 84 1.2 85 -0.4 86 -2.8 84 2.6 81 0.2 84 -1.3 80 -4.9 86 5 84 84 4.9 83 1.1 1.1 83 -0.5 87 -0.5 84 -2.8 93 -2.8 79 93 2.6 2.5 79 84 0.2 0.2 84 87


-1.3 86 90


-5 0 'O UD, 86 4.9 87 1.1 84-0.5 84 -2.9 84 25 82 0.2 84 -1.3 80 -5 .c, 84 4.8 84 1.1 84 -0.5 87 -2.9 79 2.5 84 0.2 83 -1.3 84 -5 80 4.8 84 1.1 82 -0.5 84 -2.9 84 2.5 84 0.2 84 -1.3 84 -5.5 77 4.8 84 1.1 84 -0.6 84 -2.9 93 2.5 85 0.2 88 -1.4 80 -5.5 84 4.8 84 1 87 -0.6 84 -2.9 82 2.45 81 0.2 84 -1.4 87 -5.5 0 9 77 4.8 84 1 84 -0.6 82 -2.9 81 2.4 83 0.2 88 -1.4 80 -5.6 91 PI 87 4.6 78 1 81 -0.6 87 -2.9 79 2.4 87 02 84 -1.4 82 -5.7 o) 84 4.5 83 1 84 -0.6 84 -3 83 2.3 84 0.1 80 -1.4 84 -5.7 0 rO 84 4.5 83 1 83 -0.7 84 -3 86 2.3 84 0.1 84 -1.5 88 -5.8 86 4.5 87 1 83 0784 -3 93 2.3 81 0.1 84 -1.5 84 -5.9 80 4.2 83 1 84 -0.7 84 -3 84 2.3 82 0.1 87 -1.5 88 -6 84 4.2 78 1 87 -0.7 77 -3 93 2.3 84 0.1 80 -1.5 83 -6 88 4.2 90 1 84 -0.7 82 -3 84 2.3 80 0.1 81 -1.5 88 -6 84 4.2 79 1 84 -0.7 84 -3 86 2.3 87 0.1 84 -1.6 84 -

84 4.1 84 1 84 -0.7 84 -3 84 2.2 84 0.1 84 -1.6 85 -6.5 82 4 78 1 77 -0.7 84 -3 87 2.2 84 0.1 82 -1.69 87 -6.7 84 4 84 1 84 0.7 87 -3.1 81 2.2 860.1 84 -1.788-6.75 80 4 84 1 87 -0.7 84-3.2 83 2.2 830.1 80 1.7 82 -

Prepared i&W4& 8 ,/t3 Checked 3

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV OUR DEV DUR O DEV DUR O DEV DUR DEV 84 4 84 1 88 -0.8 86 -32 84 2.21 83 0.1 84 -1.7 77 -7 84 4 83 1 80 -0.8 84 -3.2 84 2.2 90 0 84 -1.7 80 -7.1 93 4 84 1 84 -0.8 84 -3.3 86 2.2 78 0 86 -1.7 84 -7.3 85 4 84 1 84 -0.8 84 -3.3 84 2.2 84 0 77 -1.7 85 -7.4 84 4 84 1 84 -0.8 88 -3.3 84 2.1 81 0 93 -1,8 88 -7.5 78 4 90 1 93 -0.8 88 -3.4 88 2.1 84 0 84 1.8 84 -7.6 84 4 87 1 84 -0.8 84 -3.4 84 2.1 84 0 84 -1.8 87 -7.8 87 3.9 84 1 86 -0.8 85 -3.5 77 2 78 0 81 -1.8 84 -7.8 79 84 3.9 3.8 78 82 1

1 86 82


-0.9 84 -3.5 82 -3.5 84 90 2

2 84 84 0

0 81 82


-1.8 82 82


-8 I

0 84 3.8 83 1 83 -0.9 84 -3.6 78 2 82 0 84 -1.8 .80 -8.8 o 87 3.7 84 1 85 -0.9 81 -3.6 84 2 84 0 80 -1.9 84 -8.8 82 3.7 86 0.9 84 -0.9 83 -3.6 82 2 78 0 87 -1.9 77 -9 84 3.6 84 0.9 83 -0.9 93 -3.6 83 2 84 0 84 -1,9 88 .9 83 3.6 87 0.9 85 -0.9 88 -3.6 84 2 90 0 84 -1.9 88 -9 85 3.6 86 0.9 77 -0.9 84 -3.6 90 2 82 0 87 -1.9 84 -9.1 9

83 3.6 83 0.9 85 -0.9 84 -3.6 84 2 90 0 85 -1.9 84 -10 80 3.6 84 0.9 80 -1 84 -3.6 82 2 84 0 87 -1.9 84 -10.9 a0 80 3.5 85 0.9 82 -_ 86 -3.7 83 2 84 0 84 -1.9 84 -11.6 88 -13 87 -17.3 88 -22 88 12 84 2 82 0 85 -1.9 86-11.9 Prepared . 114P3 . Checked 3  %,uo ...2_ . 2, 7h3


lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Histogram RCIC Data 200 120%

IOBo' ann '" 4 '~'y r 4<>"\




r t 60

~*.~ M.4..&"

~*~~< ry>*>M

~ <3c ~ ~ fl~4O. . >.X.C V 120 " '~. . t ~ ~ " s 80 *%4+ 4 o: 4'3A..~~ 1V<

60 '4%

40 ' 0%

Deviation I M Frequency --- Cumulative %

IAftachment No, ,-V Calc. No. & 2f- IOREV..S Shtet No. -_ f -of. /

P r epared 8 4A

/Page4 P repa re d i d5/tA b; Clhecked -O.g JoA)

F1 -f - i/


_ _

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history HPCI U2 3 data DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV 76 18 82 0 81 2 90 -2 84 4 85-0.99 84 1 90 -4 81 17 77 0 82 2 81 -2 112 4 112- 1 85 1 85 -4 90 13.8 87 0 84 2 84 -2 84 4 56 -1 76 1 84 -4 85 12.5 84 0 78 2 91 -2 81 4 111 -11 92 1 76 -4 72 12 76_ 0 112 2 85 -2 84 4 72 -1 112 1 88 -4 112 11 84 0 84 2 72 -2 90 4 84 -1 88 0.9 84 -4 79 10.9 78 0 77 2 91 -2 80 3.9 84 -1 79 0.9 88 -4 0

85 10.5 91 0 92 2 85 -2 83 3.8 82 -1 83 0.9 84 -4 112 10 72 0 84 2 76 -2 85 3.8 85 -1 77 0.9 84 -4 84 9.4 85 0 91 2 77 -2 79 3.7 90 -1 91 0.9 90 -4 112 9 91 0 86 2 112 -2 87 3.5 84 -1 91 0.9 84 -4 Wo 91 9 80 0 91 2 77 -2 87 3.5 112 -1 92 0.9 90 -4 112 9 72 0 72 2 86 -2.1 84 3.4 112 -1 91 0.9 84 -4 0 10 84 9 76 0 91 2 82 -2.1 82 3.4 77 -1 92 0.9 85 -4.3 111 8.6 82 0 79 1.9 111 -2.2 85 3.4 84 -1 87 0.9 111 -4.3 85 8.6 77 0 85 1.9 91 -2.3 84 3.3 91 -1 85 0.8 92 -4.3 86 8.4 72 0 79 1.9 85 -2.3 84 3.3 84 -1 84 0.8 77 -4.3 82 8.3 76 0 83 1.9 91 -2.3 85 3.2 77 -1 85 0.8 111 -4.3 88 8.3 84 0 111 1.9 77 -2.3 85 3.2 112 -1 84 0.8 85 -4.4 84 8.1 81 0 85 1.8 84 -2.3 82 3.2 72 -1 87 0.8 88 -4.4 112 8 76 0 79 1.8 84 -2.3 84 3.1 84 -1 83 0.8 91 -4.7 86 8 84 0 77 1.8 83 -2.4 81 3 112 -1 79 0.8 83 -4.8 84 8 81 0 87 1.8 85 -2.4 81 3 79 -1 85 0.7 91 -4.9 82 7.7 82 0 77 1.8 91 -2.5 81 3 112 -1 83 0.7 84 -5 84 7.5 84 0 92 1.7 85 -2.7 84 3 112 -1 84 0.7 86 -5 82 7.5 112 0 87 1.6 91 -2.7 90 3 77 -1 92 0.7 84 -5 84 7 82 0 79 1.6 85 -2.7 85 3 84 -1 84 0.7 85 -5 82 7 78 0 88 1.6 111 -2.7 82 3 78 -1 92 0.7 81 5 86 7 77 0 88 1.5 77 -2.8 85 3 -8 79 0.784 -5 Prepared 5' Pag Checked ZL7/d3

-- - ----------

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history OUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV OUR 0EV OUR DEV OUR DEV OUR 0EV DUR DEV 78 7 78 0 84 1.5 Il -2.9 84 3 79 -1 84 0.786 -5 76 7 91 0 88 1.5 82 -2.9 82 3 84 -1 88 0.7 84 -5 85 6.8 82 0 80 1.5 85 -2.9 76 3 84 -1 85 0.7 85 -5 85 6.7 84 0 87 1.5 91 -2.91 84 3 184 -1 156 0.7182 -5 85 6.6 84 0 84 1.5 83 -2.91112 3 84 -1.1 85 0.7 81 -5 85 6.4 84 0 84 1.5 83 -2.9 87 2.9 85 -1.1 77 0.7 78 -5 56 6.3 83 -0.1 85 1.5 85 -2.9 80 2.9 83 -1.1 85 0.6 88 -5.1 84 6.1 Ill -0.1 80 1.4 92 -3 85 2.9 91 -1.2 87 0.6 88 -5.1 91 6 80.-0.1 87 1.4 56 -3 87 2.9 85 -1.2 86 0.6 80 -5.2 90 6 79 -0.1 84 1.3 78 -3 80 2.9 83 -1.2 88 0.6 82 -5,6 0 85 6 84 -0.1 85 1.3 84 .3 91 2.9 85 -1.2 85 0.5 88 -5.7 91 8 88 -0.1 83 1.3 81 -3 82 2.9 88 -1.3 82 0.5 84 -5.9 to 78 6 88 -0.1 82 1.3 56 -3 86 2.9 91 -1.4 56 0.5 82 -5.9 le, 84 6 85 -0.1 85 1.3 112 -3 84 2.8 85 -1.4 87 0.5 92-5.9 84 6 83 -0.1 56 1.3 77 -3 91 2.8 77 -1.4 85 0.5 72 4-85 5885-0.277 1.2 72 -3 91 2,788 -14 85 0.45 84 -6 80 5.7 88 -0.2 88 1.1 84 -3 83 2.7 88 -1.5 84 0.4 85 -6 0 . Cv.-

84 5.7 82 -0.2 88 1.1 90 -3 84 2.71 85 -1.5 91 0.4 72 -6 0-84 5.7 79 -0.2 88 1.188s -3 852.6 85 -1.5 85 0.4 92 -6 P cou 82 ,5.6 84 -0.2 82 1.1 84 -3 83 2.6 83 -1.5 91 0.3 84 -6


82 5.2 82 -0.2 85 1.1 84 -3 80 2.5 83 -1.5 85 0.3 83 -6 Hi 83 5.2 77 -0.3 84 1 91 -3 83 2.5 84 -1.6 85 0.28B4 -6 82 5 84 -0.3 112 1 111 -3 85 , . 85 -1.6 84 0.2 91 -6.5 88 5 83 -0.3 86 1 84 -3 82 2.5 84 -1.6 84 0.291 -6.6 112 5 111 -0.3 82 1 85 -3 87 2.4 84 -1.6 88 02111l -6.8 77 5 83 -0.3 91 1 84 -3 91 2.4 85 -1.6 56 0.2 84 -6.9 112 5 84 -0.4.84 190 -3 85 2.4 91 -1.7 84 0.2 88 -6.9 87 5 85 -0.4 78 1 84 -3 82 2.3 85.-1.7 85 0.1 86 -7 84 5 91.-0.5 84 1 72 -3 91 2.3 85 -1.7 85 0.1 82 -7 81 5 112 -0.5 78 1 77 -3 9.3 83 -1.8 85 0.1111l -7 112 5 88 -0.5 84 1 85 -3.1 83 2.2 8 -1.9 84 0.184 :j-7 ge 6 I Prepared t~ 4~ / ~ j r ill Checked jwle42A~ 5?/7,&

Iswuiy temperature switch operat Md performanco Statistical comparison on BPCI, RCIC, and MSL DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV 84 -7.3 85 2.2 56 -1.9 91 0.1 91 -0.6 112 1 83 -3.1 81 l5 2.1 56 _ .9 86 0.1 85 -7.6

-0.6 82 1 111 -3.1 84 91 5 83 88 0.1 83 -8 1 85 -3.1 92 2.1 91 -1.9 78 5 83 -0.6 85 0.1 86 77 2.1 85 -1.9 111 4.9 85 -0.6 84 1 111 -32 -8 88 2 77 -2 .85 0.1 84

-0.6 78 1 82 -3.2 76 85 4.9 92 -285 0 72 -8 1 83-3.2 78 2 76 82 4.8 80 -0.6112 82 0 72 -8 85 -3.2 112 2 84 -2 84 4.8 80 -0.7 112 1 -8A 2 78 -2 79 0 88

-7 .91 -1 7 -3.3 84 92 4.7 84 -2 90 0 82 -8.5 1 85 -3.4 84 2 84 80 .6 85 -0.8 84 0 85 -8.6 85 2 72 -2 84 4.5 80 -0.8 90 1 87 -3.5 9 80 2 86 -2 56 0 82

-0.8 84 1 84 -3.6 84 81 4 91 -2 92 0 86 -10 1 56 -3.6 84 2 90 85 4 84 -4.8 82 0 82 -10 112 2 77 -2 72 4 56 0.8 84 1 88 -3.9 7710.2 84 2 85 -2 90 0

-0.8 91 I 82 -3.9 56 84 4 92 -2 84 0 77 -11 1 112 4 77 2 82 76 4 85 0.82 85 0 85 -12

-4 85 2 79 -2 77 4 84 -0.9 76 1 82 85 -12.7 84 76 2 84 -2 91 0 85 -0.9 83 1 84 -4 112 4 84 -2 81 0 84 -13 1 78 -4 84 2 77 4 83 -0.8 90 76 0 82 1 4 84 2 88 _

4 56 -0.9 91 182 112 0 91 -18 77 2 85 -2 82 PageP7/C Prepared - V?2-z/. 5 Checked

Ipart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Statistical comparison on IHPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Histogram HPCI data

, . f: 100%

>. 20 80 Freqec uultv HPCI data Deviation vs Duration 40 -

so- 3ree,:

.4 20 Hi 10 -

-20 b Duration I

Calf. _¢ ~ 9 ^ I:,6.

j Stlect NO.,a~ o z I. . - o ..Z Prepared qoe _ Checke d  ;

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperat. e switch Operational performance history MSL Data DUR DEV OUR DEV DUR DEV OUR DEV OUR OEV OUR DEV DUR DEV DUR DEV 587 12.1 551 -1 525 1.8 714 -3.7 186 5 731 2 565 0.8 701 -6.8 587 10.2 701 -1 572 1.7 525 -3.9 186 5 731 -2 551 0.7 533 -7 529 10.1 551 -1 714 1.6 701 -3.9 587 4.8 585 -2 572 0.7 597 -7.1 572 9.8 731 -1 714 1.5 731 -4 587 4.6 529 -2.1 565 0.5 551 -7.2 697 9.3 529 -1.2 529 1.5 697 -4 186 4.4 731 -2.1 697 0.4 714 -8.1 572 9.1 188 -1.3 525 1.5 533 -4 587 4.3 551 -2.2 529 0.2 701 -8.1 533 9 529 -1.4 186 1.5 701 -4 551 4 186 -2.2 0 0 565 -8.2 587 8.9 525 -1.4 731 1.4 186 -4 0 4 565 -2.2 0 0 701 -8.4 572 8.6 525 -1.5 587 1.4 551 -4.1 587 4 525 -2.5 0 0 697 -8.8 0 587 8.4 714 -1.5 731 1.3 551 -4.4 186 3.9 551 -2.5 551 0 701 -9 572 8.1 697 -1.6 714 1.3 731 -4.8 697 3.8 529 -2.6 533 0 186 -9.2 572 8 697 -1.7 572 1.2 551 -4.8 731 3.5 714 -2.8 533 0 701 -10.9 587 7.8 572 -1.8 565 1.1 525 -4.8 533 3 731 -3 529 -0.1 572 -10.9 572 7.6 572 -1.9 731 1.1 565 -5 533 3 731 -3 572 -0.3 697 -11.9 0o-697 6.9 697 -1.9 533 1 551 -5 529 2.9 525 -3 551 -0.3 701 -11.9 0 en

.186 6.8 714 -1.9 533 1 186 -5.2 186 2.7 525 -3 529 -0.4 697 -11.9 C',

587 6.8 525 -2 529 1 701 -5.5 551 2.1 565 -3 525 -0.5 701 -12 572 6.5 565 -2 697 1 525 -5.6 587 2 533 -3 731 -0.5 731 -12 572 6.3 533 -2 565 1 529 -5.9 714 2 529 -3 731 -0.6 701 -12.9 91%

587 6.3 533 -2 565 1 533 -6 565 2 565 -3 714 -0.6 572 -13.1 587 5.9 533 -2 565 1 551 -6.2 587 2 565 -3 529 -0.6 701 -13.7 587 5.8 697 -2 529 0.9 186 -8.3 525 2 714 -3.3 714 -0.8 525 -13.7 186 5.5 533 -2 186 0.9 714 -6.3 186 1.9 714 -3.3 714 -0.9 701 -14.6 551 1.8 529 -3.6 525 -1 701 -18.2 731 1.9 565 -3.5 714 -1 697 -17.7 Prepared - -- 9 PageChceJ%.. t1n 4 Q'27/43 k

I --- r-

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 1 Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Histogram MSL data 90AI5', 10 so u u u u U) T 9 nN N .NN 0

De7aio 60 rqunyCuuaiv 8 MSL data Deviation vs Duration 40 -

30 -

o 0 _

.>-10 7

..... tzv,>


-40 .. =Nowl Duration Prepared lCileked L /7a

_, .1 I

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Analysis of the raw data to determine if the three data sets (HPCL RCIC, MSL) can be combined into a single dataset is accomplished by first calculating the Mean, Standard Deviation, and count of each dataset and then performing a NULL-Hypothesis test of the variances with the NULL-Hypothesis assumption that the variances are equal.

-~ - .

Mean Stdev count RCIC data -0.14012 3.690413 640 HPCI data 0.047069 3.988284 638

-MS datag :04531^5 831 B1 2 HPCI+MSL RCIC+MSL

.RC lc PC;Qz

-0.20563 4.394087

-0.34901 4.180276 8x41639 v1278

§ 830 832 I 0

ALL data -0.17711 4.10138 1470 W 0

The first attempt of combining the data was to test each dataset against ALL the other datasets combined. When this was found not to be practical (the MSL data has statistically significant larger variance), the HPCI and RCIC data was checked against each other. The method of the testis described in the attached excerpt from Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 2n' edition" by Irwin Miller. A a.

U' 0

test value F is calculated as the ratio of the larger variance over the smaller variance (recall that variance is the square of the standard (A

-01 C4 deviation). This test value F is compared to a F-distribution value for 95% significance for n-I and m-I degrees of freedom where n 0 and m are the dataset counts for the two datasets. If the calculated test variable F is larger than the F-distribution value then the CD NULL-Hypothesis must be rejected (in our case we assume that the two data sets are from the same population; thus, rejecting the Null-Hypothesis means the data can not be combined).

Variance Test Mean Stdev m mean of au others stdev n Calculated F Value Critical Value at 95%

Ftesting count-i count-1 RCIC vs all others -0.14012 3.690413 639 -0.20563 4.394087 829 1.4177 1.1904 reject HPCI vs all others 0.047069 3.988284 637 -0.34901 4.180276 831 1.0986 1.1581 accept hpci vs rcic 0.047069 3.988284 638 -0.14012 3.690413 640 1.1679 1.1679 accept MSL vs all others -1.04531 5.461831 191 -0.04667 3.841639 1277 2.0214 1.2298 reject Attachment No Atbehment Nod.

CaIC. N4& f 8g t r-EVJ Sheet No. AZ of 2 Ag e/ IPage 1

. lPined _ , . .

Z? Checked 6 z  ;' g/27/d3

Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history As cant be seen from the preceding table the MSL data calculates an F test value of 2.02 which exceeds the F-distribution threshold value; therefore, the Null-Hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that the variance of the MSL data is statistically different from the HPCI Data. The comparison of the HPCI vs RCIC data shows that the test F value is not greater than the F distribution threshold data; therefore, it Is concluded that the HPCI and RCIC data Is from the same population and can be combined, Since the caveat that the variances of two datasets be the same prior to comparing means has been established for the HPCI and RCIC data sets then a T-test of the two means can be performed. The T test statistic is called z and Is calculated as follows (x is mean, n is count, and sigma is standard deviation, delta is assumed 0):

I7F3 n, nz 0 R

F a 7 r - -, r count of mean of all Crilical Mean Test all stdev of others Calculated Value at o0 a

T testing Mean Stdev count-1 others all others minus 1 z Value 95% (D~

0 I hpci vs rcic 0.047069 3.988284 638 0.14012 3.690413 640 0.8709016 12.2440508 l accept I Since the test value is less than the critical T distribution then the Null-Hypothesis is-not rejected and the conclusion is drawn that the two data sets are from the same general population and that the difference is the means of the two different data sets is due to chance.

In summary the mean and standard deviation of the two reduced data sets (MSL and the combined HPCI/RCIC dataset) is as follows:

<,;.nean stdemer cOunt:

IShpc;1Srci c o.05 ,3.84> ^278 .

lt05 5.46 91::

Examination of the graphs for the MSL data shows no apparent relationship of deviation versus time. Since the construction of all the devices is the same it is concluded that they will all exhibit the same lack of drift over the longer times.

l I Atiz:ar.nt Ho. tVX CaLP. fl'>.EA-6ROF9-°UC Page 12 i'A sinet N11 TV l

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lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Excerpt from Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Irwin Miller, 2nd edition.

8.3 HYPOTIIESES CONCERNING TWO v *U kt Vw VARIANCES The to-sampie r test for the dffferetce between two mealig. described in Section 7.5. requires the assumption'that the population variaces arc equal. Before procueding with this test, therefore, it -would be desirable to put this assumption to a test, In tOis section we shall describe a test of the null hypothesis HO: U? = oa against an appropriate alternative, which applies to Independent random samples from two normal populations. As we shall discover in Chapter 12, the test has many other important applica-tions.

If independent random samples of size unand n2 are taken from normal populations having the same variance, it follows from TheorTm 6.5 that the statistic F=4 .

is a value of a random vaxiab.le having the F distribution with n; - I and

- degrees of freedom. Thus, if the null hypothesis as = Lj IS true, the

-ratio of the sample variances s? and s' provides a statistic on which tests of the null hypothesis can be based.

The critical region for testing H. against the alternative hypothesis A71 > or2 is F> F., where F. is as defined on page 177, namely, it cuts off a right-band tail of area X under the Fdistribution with n, - 1 and nj - I Attachment Ha 0/

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Prepared A N441ZJ'eI- Cahecked 42~s9127/035 Al

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history degrees of freedom. Similarly, the critical region for testing Ho against the alternative hypothesis a1 <Co is F < FE .. , and this causes some difiul-ties since Table 6 only contains values corresponding to right-hand tails of a = 0.05 and x = 0.01. As a result, we use the reciprocal of the original test statistic and make use of the relation flrst given on page 178. Thus, we base the test on the statistic F =sE1s and the critical region for testing Ho: ol = a against HI: cr2 <cr becomes F > P., where F., is the appropriate critical value of F with n2 -. 1 and j- 1 degrees of freedom.

For the two-sided alternative a'

  • a' the critical region is F<F, .- 12 or F> F,2, where F -s /J52 and the degrees of freedom are n:-1 -Iand n- 1. In practice, we modify this test as in the preceding paragraph, so that we can again use the table of F values corresponding to right-hand tails of - 0.05 and M= 0.01. To this end we let sa represent the larger of the two samnple variances, s. the smaller, and we write the corresponding sample sizes as njv and n,. Thus, the test statistic becomes F = sXI1sP and the critical region is as shown in the following table:

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part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCTC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history CR!TICAL REGIONS FOR TzSrrNc; Ho: ec cro (Normal Populations)

Alternative hypothesis 7s: Vtalistic Reject kr0 if al < el Je= F> F(n2 -1 on - 1) cri > 0o F-> Fi 1, rnl 1).

f-a F-2 F> F,12lln - 1, nm-1J)

The level of significance of these tests is a and the figures indicated in paxctheses are the respective degrees of freedom. Note that, as in the chi-square test, "equal tails" are used in the twodtail test as a matter of mathematical convenience, even though the F distribution is not sym-mnetrical.

Att.hmcrn0olo Vmct 1Ho.

Prepar '. -Oa Prepared Checked

&+/-T gA/7/1a3

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2l Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Example. To give an example'of a one-tail test for the equality of two variances, suppose that it islesired to determine whether Company 1 is better at plating silverwarc than Company 2. Assuming that there is essentially no difficulty in controlling the average thickness of the plating, we shall base our decision on the variability of its thickness.

To set up the test so that rejection of the null hypothesis will enable us to conclude that the plating done by Company 1 is better (less variable) than that done by Company 2, we shall have to test the null hypothesis or" against the alternative hypothesis or < al, say, at the level of signficance c -0.05. Supposing now that random samples of ize 12 of the work done by each company yields s, 0.035 mil and s2 =

0.062 mil for the thickness of the plating, we find that the appropriate test statistic has the value

(.062)3.14 (0:035)=31 Comparing this value with 2.82, the value of Fo.,D(11,11) obtained from Table 6(a) by linear interpolation,* we conclude that the null hypothesis will have to be rejected; in other words, the data support the .contentlon.that the plating done by Company 1 is less variable than that done by Company 2.

I Ic.

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4R.V a*(Z //_

i Prepared t> ° 3 Checked 9/2v/:k0 7o

[part of BFN TS-4 4 7 RAI Enclosure 2l Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history Example. To give an example of a two-tail test for the equality of two variances, let us return to the example on page 219, where we com-pared the average heat-producing capacity of the coal from two mines.

In that example we went ahead and performed the two-sample t test even though there was a difference between the variances of the two samples. To justify this procedure, let us now test whether a' = a'4, and let us use the alternative hypothesis c2 ar, , since we are concerned only with the question whether or not these two variances are equal.

Since we had n1 5, n 6, 4s 15,750, and 5-

= 10,920 on page 219, we get F  ? 15,750 1.

F Z1= _1 s~10,920 Using a = 0.02, we find from Table 6(b) that Fo.o1(4, 5) 11.4, and it follows that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. In other wprds, it was justifiable to use the two-sample t test in the given example.

Had we wanted to use the level of significance a = 0.05 or M 0.01 in hiWs example, we would have required tables of the values of F 0. 5 (v1 , a2 )

or F0,00 3(v1, v2 ); such tables may be found in the Biometrika Tables for' Startisticianslisted in. the Bibliography at the end of the book, Also, OC cumves for the various Ftests discussed in this section may be found in the book by A. H. Dowker and G. J. Lieberman listed in the Bibliography, while those for the one-tail tests only may be found in the NraionalBureau of Standardc Handbook 9!.

7.8 HYPO MSU CONCERNING TWO MEANS When dealing with population means, we are frequently faced with the problem of making decisions about the relative values of two or more means: Leaving the general problem until Chapter 12, we shall l Attachment blot. _ _/

Calc. NDoAledot. pgos* Va Sheet No. /7 of2 Prepared 2 Checkeds,7, c-,


part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history devote this section to tests concerning the difference between two means.

For example, if two methods of welding akre being considered for use.

with railroad rails, we may take samples and decide which is better by comparing their mean strengths; also, if a licensing examination is given to engineers who graduated from two different colleges, we may want to decide whether mny observed difference between the mneans of the scores of the students from the two colleges is significant or whether it may be attributed to chance, Formulating the problem more generally, we shall consider two populations having the means p] and p+/- and the variances af and °l2, and we shall Want to test the null hypothese It -,, - d, where J is a specified constant, on the basis of independent random samples of size n, and no. Analogous to the tests concerning on: mean, we shall consider tests of this null hypothesis against each of the alternatives is -pi cz a,

- a2 > 5, and #1 -7 2 **. The test, itself, will depend on the difference between the sample means, , - i, and if both samples come from .normal populations with known variances (or both samples are large), it can be based on the statistic

.0IaS Z == CX2 - ,

pum Atachment So. v Cole. NloS~pd g~~aREV.

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Prepared L t 64, Checked ___ r&C~ / 7403

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Statistical comparison on EPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history whose sampling distribution is (or is approximately) the standard normal distribution. Here erj,'s the standard deviation of the sampling dis- .

tribution of the differenc between the satnple means, and its value for random' samples from infinite populations may be obtained with the use of the following theorem, which we shall state without proof:

TBEOam 7.1. if the disiribudionsof two independent random vari-ables have the meansdul andAl and the variances al ander, then the distribution of their sum (or difference) has the mean 12.+ p, (or

/I - p) and the variance a, + a.

To find the variance of the difference between.the means of two independent randoni samples of size ?2, and n,, from infinite populations, note first that the variances of the two means, themselves; are In ni

. n2 where a, and a4 are the variances of the respective populations. Thus, by Theorem 7.1 0

, °" '-0' n, +

and the test statistic can be written as Be~~~we +t U,- -l) -

-l l Analogous to the table on page 212, the critical regions for testing the jnull hypothesis 912 - = aMe U as follows:

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part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history CRiMCAL REGIoNS op, TEsmro Ho: 4u - F2 = 6 (Nornal Populations with a, antd rz Known, or Large Samples)


hypo:Ihesis .Reject Ho if AL IJ. ?L-6Z < -2c/:

or x > z/2 Exaniple. To illustrate this procedure, suppose that a company

'claims that its light bulbs are superior to those of its main competitor on the basis of a study which showed that a sample of nj = 40 of its bulbs had an average "lifetime'? of 647 hours0.00749 days <br />0.18 hours <br />0.00107 weeks <br />2.461835e-4 months <br /> of continuous use with a standard deviation of 27 hours3.125e-4 days <br />0.0075 hours <br />4.464286e-5 weeks <br />1.02735e-5 months <br />, while a sample of n2 = 40 bulbs made by its main competitor had an average "lifetime" of 638 hours0.00738 days <br />0.177 hours <br />0.00105 weeks <br />2.42759e-4 months <br /> of continuous use with a stundard deviation of 31 hours3.587963e-4 days <br />0.00861 hours <br />5.125661e-5 weeks <br />1.17955e-5 months <br />. If we wish to test at the 0.05 level of significance whether the observed diffoeence of 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> between the two sample Ocans is significant or whether it can be attributed to cianceq.placing the burden of proof on the claim, the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses are, respectively, p -,p=O and ,z1-p2> 0. Accordingly, we put d Q in the formula for z and the test statistic becomes 647-638 _1.38

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  • C31c. HeS~ 99S7 RMILS Sheet No. o -2 of.2L Prepared P r

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part Of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Statistical comparison on HPCI, RCIC, and MSL temperature switch operational performance history (Note that we have approximated the population variances with the

  • Yariances of the respective samples, which is justifiable since both samples are fairly large.j Since the value which we obtained docs not exceed the critical ialue zo.G5 = 1.645, we find that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected; thus, we conclude that the observed difference between the two sample means is not igngficant at the level of signifi-cance a- 0,05 or, in other words, that it can well be attributed to chance.

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Calo Tide: 11213-T-6"834A-D, 835A-D, 836A-D, 837A-D and 838A-D Selpoint and Scaling Calculation C2ALC ID TYP OR PLANT ,BRANH NUMBER OUR REV NEW REV CURRENT CN NUC BFN EEB EDQ00698900B0 006 007 AEVI ION NEW CN NUC Enire osoE Selected pagos l ~Na CCtIS Charvges Li ACTION I NEW El DELETE 0 SUPERSEDE 0 CCRISUPDATEONLY[3 (For cac revAsion, CCRIS j REVISION

_; _


DUPLICATE O (Verifier Approval Signatures Not Required) bow revewned and no CCRIS chnges required)



/osep Ah 7shc VERIFIER DATE APPROVALSIGNATURE DATE JOhM. hafflt 1 /v 1/21j ll STATEMENT OF PRO8LEMABSTRACT Calculations were performed to determine the accuracy of the subject Instrument loop(s). The determined accuracies are compared to the required accuraciea, selpoints, safety lmits and/or operational limits and the acouracy of the loops listed below are demonstrated to be acceptable for the Intended function of the Instrument loops.



TVA 40532 [07-2001) Page I of 2 NEDP-2-1107-09-20011

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q2069-890080 1 4 o 66 o9 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE B4.0 DESIGN INPUT DATA (Continued)


VALID FOR, 2/3-TIS 0834 A/ Bt C/ D IDENTIFIED IN SECTION B4.1 InstrumentNo.: 23-TIS 0834AlB/C/ D TYPE VALUE NOTE all values in mA_

Re . d0.12A I De included in Re 2 TNe :t0.11 mA 3 SPEc N/A 4 SECu N/A 4 PSEe encompassed by Re 14 RNDe included in Re 7 ICme 0.12mA S ICRe N/A 5 OCmc N/A 10 OCRe N/A 10 Ab b0.12mA 8 Se 0 11 RADe N/A 6 TAe N/A 6 INDRc N/A 9 VILe N/A 12 PRCSc N/A 13 IRe N/A 6

apart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.



  1. NOTES
1. Per Reference 19, the Master Trip Unit will exhibit a trip accuracy repeatability of l 0.75% of Span for a calibration interval of 6 months or less. The calibrated range of the subject trip unit is 4 - 20 mA which provides a span of 16 mA. The calibration data from units 2 and 3 were collected and analyzed as shown in section 5.0. It was found that there was no drift over time as seen on the graph on page 45. The regression analysis sheet on page 46 shows an R squared value of 0.00256, which means there is little or no drift in relation to time. Therefore the repeatability published by the vendor is taken as acceptable for a period of 30 months. Hence Re = i 0.0075 x (204) MA =+ 0.12 mA

= i 0.0075 x (5-1) Volt = + 0.03 V

= E 0.0075 x (32.0650) = 4 0.24 Q

=* 0.0075 x (200-50)° F = 1.2 0F

2. Per Ref 123, the drift is included in Re, Therefore:

De =included in Re

3. Per Reference 19, the uncertainty introduced by temperature effects on the subject switches is given by TNe = h (1.5 % Span/1001) for a 6 month calibration cycle. Per reference 9, the subject switches will experience a maximum temperature deviation of 1040 F - 60 0 F = 447F. The calibration data from units 2 and 3 were collected and analyzed as shown in section 5.0. It was found that there was no drift over time as seen on the graph on page 45. The regression analysis sheet on page 46 shows an R squared value of 0,00256, which means there is little or no drift in relation to time. The span is 4 Volt or 16 mA. Therefore the temperature effect is WNe =iO.015 x (16 MA) x (441F1100 0 F) = 0.11 mA

=d0.028V =40.22 2

=- 1.03 F 0

_ ... .....

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER. NO. SHEET NO.



4. The subject switches are not subject to static pressure, therefore:

SPEe = N/A and SECu = N/A

5. M&TE accuracy shall be at least equal to the subject equipment's reference accuracy. The test equipment that will be used will have a digital readout; therefore, reading error does not exist. Thus, ICRe = NIA ICTe =+0.03 V =O0.24 = 4 1.2 0 F

= 0.12mA These errors could be reduced by requiring the use of the trip calibrator which is more accurate. For conservatism, however, the equipment accuracy is used.

6. Per Reference 9, the trip units are installed in a mild environment; therefore inaccuracies due to accident temperature, accident radiation and accident induced cable leakage are not applicable.

RADe = N/A TAe = N/A Re = N/A

7. Per Reference 47, normal radiation effects are included in Re.

Therefore, RNDe =included inRe

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.



  1. NOTES
8. Per Reference 1, the acceptance band should never be less than the reference accuracy therefore for this instrument Ab is made equal to Re.

Ab = Re Ab = + 0.03 V =0.24 Q =() 1.2 'F


9. There is no indicator on the slave trip unit. Therefore, INDRe = N/A
10. The output action of the subject switches is a bistable change of state. Therefore, OCTe=N/A and OCRe=N/A 11 Per Reference 47, there is no additional uncertainty associated with seismic effects.

Therefore, Se=0 12 Water log error does not apply to electronic switches, therefore, WLe = N/A 13 Process error does not apply to an electronic switch, therefore, PRSCe = N/A

14. Per Reference 47, the repeatability of the trip point is valid for power supply voltages of 22 to 28 vdc. The power supply delivers a regulated output of 23.2 to 24.2 VDC. Hence PSEe = encompassed by Re

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 ]




lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.



. Instunent No.: 213-TS 0017AI B/ C/ D TYPE VALUE NOTE all values in mA Re 0.032 mA I De included in Re 2 TNe included in Re 3 SPEe N/A 4 SECu N/A 4 PSEe encompassed by Re 14 RNDc included in Re 7 ICTIe 0.032 mA 5 ICRe N/A S OCTe N/A 10 OCRe NIA 10 Ab +0.107mA 8 Se 0 11 RADe N/A 6 TAc N/A 6 INDRe N/A 9 WLe N/A 12 PRCSe N/A 13 IRc NIA 6

apart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.


1. Per Reference 56, the Slave Trip Unit will exhibit a trip accuracy repeatability of 4 0.20 %

of Span for a calibration interval of 30 months. The calibrated range of the subject switch is 1-5 V or 4 - 20 mA which provides a span of 4V or 16 mA. Therefore the drift for 30 months is Re =40.002x(20-4)MA =i 0.032 mA

= t 0.002 x (5-1) Volt = A0.008 V

= 4 0.002 x (32.065(2) = + 0.064 Q

= 4 0.002 x (200-50)o F = + 0.3 0F

2. Per Ref. 56, the drift is included in Re, Therefore:

De = included in Re

3. Per Ref. 56, the temperature effect is included in Re, Therefore:

TNe = included in Re

4. The subject switches are not subject to static pressure, therefore:

SPEe = N/A and SECu = NIA

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.



5. M&TE accuracy shall be at least equal to the subject equipments reference accuracy.

From note I above, the reference accuracy of the subject instruments is + 0.008 V. The test equipment that is used, will have a digital readout; therefore, reading error does not exist. Thus, ICRe = N/A ICTe = i0.032 mA

= 0.008 V =+ 0.064 0

=+0.3 0F These errors could be reduced by requiring the use of the trip calibrator which is more accurate. For conservatism, however, the equipment accuracy is used.

6. Per Reference 9, the trip units are installed in a mild environment; therefore inaccuracies due to accident temperature, accident radiation and accident induced cable leakage are not applicable.

RADe = NIA TAe = N/A IRe = N/A

7. Per Reference 47, normal radiation effects are included in Re.


  • RNDe = included in Re
8. Per Reference 1, the acceptance band should never be less than the reference accuracy therefore for this instrument Ab is made equal to Re.

Ab >/= Re >l=+ 0.3 OF Ab is rounded off to a good readable value of 1 IF, Therefore Ab. +0.107mA +0.027V

+ 0.214 .0 1.00 F



  1. NOTES
9. There is no indicator on the slave trip unit. Therefore, INDRe = N/A
10. The output action of the subject switches is a bistable change of state. Therefore, OCTe = N/A and OCRe = N/A 11 Per Reference 47, there is no additional uncertainty associated with seismic effects.

Therefore, Se=0 12 Water leg error does not apply to electronic switches, therefore, WLe = N/A 13 Process error does not apply to an electronic switch, therefore, PRSCe = N/A

14. Per Reference 47, the repeatability of the trip point is valid for power supply voltages of 22 to 28 VDC. The power supply delivers regulated output of 23.2 to 24.2 VDC. Hence PSEe = encompassed by Re

lpart of BFN TS-447 RA! Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet IR of ;3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 3-T-69-834A 135.466 11/0211998 135.5 02/22/1999 112 0.106034617 135.25 02/22/1999 135.22 06/14/1999 112 -0.093559956 135.209 0611411999 135.211 10/04/1999 112 0.00623733 135.214 10/04/1999 135.28 01/2412000 112 0.205831904 135.466 11/02/1998 135.28 01/24/2000 448 -0.580071729 135.25 0212211999 135.28 01/24/2000 336 0.093559956 135.209 06/14/1999 135.28 01/24/2000 224 0.22142523 135.466 1110211998 135.22 06/14/11999 224 -0.767191642 135.466 11/02/1998 135.211 10/04/11999 336 -0.795259629 135.25 02/22/1999 135.211 10/0411999 224 -0.121627943 3-T-69-835A 121.235 11/02/1998 121.25 02/22/1999 112 0.046779978 121.25 02/22/1999 121.248 06/14/1999 112 -0.00623733 121.241 06114/1999 121.246 10/04/1999 112 0.015593326 121.24 10104/1999 121.24 01/24/2000 112 0 121.235 11/0211998 121.24 01/24/2000 448 0.015593326 121.25 02/22/1999 121.24 01/24/2000 336 -0.031186652 121.241 06/14/1999 121.24 01/24/2000 224 -0.003118665 121.235 11/02/1998 121.248 06/14/1999 224 0.040542648 121.235 11/02/1998 121.246 10/04/1999 336 0.034305317 121.25 02/22/1999 121.246 10/04/1999 224 -0.012474661 3-T-69-636A 124.871 11/02/1998 124.85 02122/1999 112 -0.065491969 124.854 06/14/1999 124.864 10/04/1999 112 0.031186652 124.86 10/04/1999 124.87 01/24/2000 112 0.031186652 124.871 11/02/1998 124.87 01/24/2000 448 -0.003118665 124.854 06/14/1999 124.87 01/24/2000 224 0.049898643 124.871 11/02/1998 124.864 10/04/1999 336 -0.021830656 3-T-69-837A 124.851 11/02/1998 124.87 02/22/1999 112 0.059254639 124.855 02/22/1999 124.861 06/14/1999 112 0.018711991 124.859 06/14/1 999 124.85 10/04/1999 112 -0.028067987 124.85 10/04/1999 124.88 01/24/2000 112 0.093559956 124.851 11/02/1998 124.88 01/24/2000 448 0.090441291 124.855 02/22/1999 124.88 01/24/2000 336 0.07796663 124.859 06/14/1999 124.88 01/24/2000 224 0.065491969 124.851 11/0211998 124.861 06/14/1999 224 0.031186652 124.851 11/02/1998 124.85 10/04/1999 336 -0.003118665 124.855 02/22/1999 124.85 10/04/1999 224 -0.015593326 3-T-69-838A 123.05 11/02/1998 123.09 02t22/1999 112 0.124746608 123.086 02/22/1999 123.082 06/14/1999 112 -0.012474661 123.072 06/14/1999 123.09 10/04/1999 112 0.056135974 123.087 10/04/1999 123.12 01/24/2000 112 0.102915952 123.05 11/02/1998 123.12 01/24/2000 448 0.218306565 123.086 02/22/1999 123.12 01/24/2000 336 0.106034617 123.072 06114/1999 123.12 01/24/2000 224 0.14969593 123.05 11/02/1998 123.082 06/14/1999 224 0.099797287

IpaftofBFN TS-447 KAM Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 19 of S3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 123.05 11102/1998 123.09 10/0411999 336 0.124746608 123.086 02/22/1999 123.09 10/04/1999 224 0.012474661 3-T-69-839A 128.66 11/02/1998 128.67 02/2211999 112 0.031186852 128.657 02122/1999 128.657 06/14/1999 112 0 128.647 06/14/1999 128.672 10/04/1999 112 0.07796663 128.671 10/04/1999 128.69 01/24/2000 112 0.059254639 128.66 11/0211998 128.69 01124/2000 448 0.093559956 128.657 02/22/1999 128.69 01/24/2000 336 0.102915952 128.647 06/14/11999 128.69 01/24/2000 224 0.134102604 128.66 11/02/1998 128.657 06/14/1999 224 -0.009355996 128.66 11/02/1998 128.672 10/04/1999 336 0.037423983 128.657 0212211999 128.672 10/04/1999 224 0.046779978 3-T-69-834B 135.255 08/03/1998 135.324 11/23/1998 112 0.2151879 135.328 11/2311998 135.384 03/15/1999 112 0.174645252 135.4 03/15/1999 135.366 07/06/1999 113 -0.106034617 135.355 07/06/1999 135.38 10/25/1999 111 0.07796663 135.372 10125/1999 135.41 02/14/2000 112 0.118509278 135.255 08/03/1998 135.41 02/14/2000 560 0.483393108 135.328 11/23/1998 135.41 02114/2000 448 0.255730547 135.4 03/15/1999 135.41 02/14/2000 336 0.031186652 135.355 07/06/1999 135.41 02/14/2000 223 0.171526587 135.255 08/03/1998 135.384 03115/1999 224 0.402307812 135.255 08/03/1998 135.38 10125/1999 448 0.389833151 135.328 11123/1998 135.38 10/25/1999 336 0.162170591 135.4 03/15/1999 135.38 10/25/1999 224 -0.062373304 135.255 08/03/1998 135.366 07106/1999 337 0.346171838 135.328 11/23/1998 135.366 07/06/1999 225 0.118509278 3-T-69-835B 121.364 08/03/1998 121.334 11/23/1998 112 -0.093559956 121.345 11/23/1998 121.38 03/15/1999 112 0.109153282 121.379 03/15/1999 121.375 07106/1999 113 -0.012474661 121.378 07/06/1999 121.389 10/25/1999 111 0.034305317 121.42 10/25/1999 121.4 02/14/2000 112 -0.062373304 121.364 08/03/1998 121.4 02114/2000 560 0.112271948 121.345 11/23/1998 121.4 02114/2000 448 0.171526587 121.379 03115/1999 121.4 02/14/2000 336 0.065491969 121.378 07/06/1999 121.4 02114/2000 223 0.068610635 121.364 08/03/1998 121.389 10/25/1999 448 0.07796663 121.345 11/23/1998 121.389 10125/1999 336 0.137221269 121.379 03/15/1999 121.389 10/25/1999 224 0.031186652 121.364 08/03/1998 121.375 07/06/1999 337 0.034305317 121.345 11/23/1998 121.375 07/06/1999 225 0.093559956 121.364 08/03/1998 121.38 03/15/1999 224 0.049898643 3-T-69-836B 124.969 08/03/1998 124.91 11/23/1998 112 -0.184001247 124.91 11/23/1998 124.96 03/15/1999 112 0.155933261

_. . .

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet ZO of _6 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 124.952 03115/1999 124.925 07/06/1999 113 -0.084203961 124.922 07/06/1999 124.925 10/25/1999 111 0.009355996 124.92 10/25/1999 124.93 02/14/2000 112 0.031186652 124.969 08/03/1998 124.93 02/14/2000 560 -0.121627943 124.91 11/23/1998 124.93 02/14/2000 448 0.062373304 124.952 03/15/1999 124.93 02/14/2000 336 -0.068610635 124.922 07/06/1999 124.93 02/14/2000 223 0.024949322 124.969 08/03/1998 124.925 10/25/1999 448 -0.137221269 124.91 11/23/1998 124.925 10/25/1999 336 0.046779978 124.952 03/15/1999 124.925 10/25/1999 224 -0.084203961 124.969 08/03/1998 124.925 07/06/1999 337 -0.137221269 124.91 11/23/1998 124.925 07/06/1999 225 0.048779978 124.969 08/03/1998 124.96 03/15/1999 224 -0.028067987 3-T-69-837B 124.968 08/03/1998 124.96 11/23/1998 112 -0.024949322 124.938 11/23/1998 125.04 03/15/1999 112 0.318103852 125.037 03/15/1999 125 07/06/1999 113 -0.115390613 124.998 07/06/1999 125.1 10/25/1999 111 0.318103852 125 10/25/1999 125 02/14/2000 112 0 124.968 08/03/1998 125 02/14/2000 560 0.099797287 124.938 11/23/1998 125 02/14/2000 448 0.193357243 125.037 03/15/1999 125 02/14/2000 336 -0.115390613 124.998 07/06/1999 125 02/14/2000 223 0.00623733 124.968 08/03/1998 125.1 10/25/1999 448 0.411663808 124.938 11/23/1998 125.1 10/25/1999 336 0;505223764 125.037 03/15/1999 125.1 10/25/1999 224 0.196475908 124,968 08/03/1998 125 07/06/1999 337 0.099797287 124.938 11/23/1998 125 07/06/1999 225 0.193357243 124.968 08/03/1998 125.04 03/15/1999 224 0.224543895 3-T-69-838B 123.02 08/03/1998 122.946 11/23/1998 112 -0.230781226 122.95 11/23/1998 123.077 03/15/1999 112 0.396070482 123.075 03/15/1999 123.047 07/06/1999 113 -0.087322626 123.043 07106/1999 123.05 10/25/1999 111 0.021830656 123.04 10/25/1999 123.03 02114/2000 112 -0.031186652 123.02 08/03/1998 123.03 02/14/2000 560 0.031186652 122.95 11/23/1998 123.03 02/14/2000 448 0.249493217 123.075 03/1 5/1999 123.03 02/14/2000 336 -0.140339935 123.043 07/06/1999 123.03 02/14/2000 223 -0.040542648 123.02 08/03/1998 123.05 10/25/1999 448 0.093559956 122.95 11123/1998 123.05 10/25/1999 336 0.311866521 123.075 03/15/1999 123.05 10/25/1999 224 -0.07796663 123.02 08/03/1998 123.047 07/06/1999 337 0.084203961 122.95 11/23/1998 123.047 07/06/1999 225 0.302510525 123.02 08/03/1998 123.077 03/15/1999 224 0.177763917 3-T-69-839B 128.725 08/03/1998 128.676 11/23/1998 112 -0.152814595

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 PreparerlDate, Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 21L of A3S 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 128.597 11/23/1998 128.8 03115/1999 112 0.633089038 128.799 03/15/1999 128.728 07/0611999 113 -0.22142523 128.724 07/06/1999 128.73 10/25/1999 111 0.018711991 128.73 10125/1999 128.72 02/14/2000 112 -0.031186652 128.725 08103/1998 128.72 02/14/2000 560 -0.015593326 128.597 11/23/1998 128.72 02/14/2000 448 0.383595821 128,799 03/15/1999 128.72 02/14/2000 336 -0.246374552 128.724 07/06/1999. 128.72 02/14/2000 223 -0.012474661 128.725 08/03/1998 128.73 10/2511999 448 0.015593326 128.597 11/23/1998 128.73 10125/1999 336 0.414782473 128.799 03115/1999 128.73 10/25/1999 224 -0.2151879 128.725 08/03/1998 128.728 07/06/1999 337 0.009355996 128.597 11/23/1998 128.728 07/06/1999 225 0.408545143 128.725 08/03/1998 128.8 03/15/1999 224 0.233899891 3-T-69-834C 135.335 11102/1998 135.342 02/22/1999 112 0.021830656 135.34 02/22/1999 135.348 06/14/1999 112 0.024949322 135.348 06/14/1999 135.32 01/24/2000 224 -0.087322628 135.335 11/02/1998 135.32 01/24/2000 448 -0.046779978 135.34 02/22/1999 135.32 01/24/2000 336 -0.062373304 135.335 11/02/1998 135.348 06/14/1999 224 0.040542648 3-T-69-835C 121.328 11/02/1998 121.25 02/2211999 112 -0.243255886 121.246 02/22/1999 121.25 06/14/1999 112 0.012474661 121.248 06/14/1999 121.3 01/24/2000 224 0.162170591 121.328 11/02/1998 121.3 01/24/2000 448 -0.087322626 121.246 02/2211999 121.3 01/24/2000 336 0.168407921 121.328 11/02/1998 121.25 06/14/1999 224 -0.243255886 3-T-69-836C 124.902 11/02/1998 124.92 02/22/1999 112 0.056135974 124.919 02/22/1999 124.918 06/14/1999 112 -0.003118665 124.909 06/14/1999 124.97 01/24/2000 224 0.190238578 124.902 11/02/1998 124.97 01/24/2000 448 0.212069234 124.919 02/22/1999 124.97 01/24/2000 336 0.159051926 124.902 11/02/1998 124.918 06/14/1999 224 0.049898643 3-T-69-837C 124.907 11102/1998 124.916 02/22/1999 112 0.028067987 124.907 02/22/1999 124.916 06/14/1999 112 0.028067987 124.913 06/14/1999 124.94 01/24/2000 224 0.084203961 124.907 11/02/1998 124.94 01/24/2000 448 0.102915952 124.907 02/22/1999 124.94 01/24/2000 336 0.102915952 124.907 11102/1998 124.916 06/14/1999 224 0.028067987 3-T-69-838C 123.007 11/02/1998 123.015 02/22/1999 112 0.024949322 123.015 02/22/1999 123.06 06/15/1999 113 0.140339935 123.05 06/14/1999 123.04 01/24/2000 224 -0.031186652 123.007 11/02/1998 123.04 01/24/2000 448 0.102915952 123.015 02/22/1999 123.04 01/24/2000 336 0.07796663 123.007 11/02/1998 123.06 06/15/1999 225 0.165289256

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 2z of 63 I 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 3-T-69-839C 128.719 11102/1998 128.737 02122/1999 112 0.056135974 128.738 02/22/1999 128.75 06115/1999 113 0.037423983 128.75 06/14/1999 128.767 01/25/2000 225 0.053017309 128.719 11/02/1998 128.767 01/25/2000 449 0.14969593 128.738 02/22/1999 128.767 01/25/2000 337 0.090441291 128.719 11/02/1998 128.75 06/1511999 225 0.096878622 3-T-69-834D 135.316 08104/1998 135.3 09/03/1998 30 -0.049898643 135.29 09103/1998 135.568 10/11/1998 38 0.866988929 135.29 10/1M1998 135.29 11124/1998 44 0 135.288 1112411998 135.299 03/2411999 120 0.034305317 135.29 03/2411999 135.316 07/06/1999 104 0.081085295 135.316 07/06/1999 135.26 10/25/1999 111 -0.174645252 135.26 10/25/1999 135.25 02/14/2000 112 -0.031186652 135.316 08/04/1998 135.25 02/14/2000 559 -0.205831904 135.29 09/0311998 .135.25 02114/2000 529 -0.124746608 135.29 10/11/1998 135.25 02114/2000 491 -0.124746608 135.288 11/24/1998 135.25 02/14/2000 447 -0.118509278 135.29 03124/1999 135.25 02/14/2000 327 -0.124746608 135.316 07/06/1999 135.25 02/14/2000 223 -0.205831904 135.316 08/04/1998 135.26 10/25/1999 447 -0.174645252 135.29 09/03/1998 135.26 10/25/1999 417 -0.093559956 135.29 10111/1998 135.26 10/25/1999 379 -0.093559956 135.288 11/24/1998 135.26 10/25/1999 335 -0.087322626 135.29 03/24/1999 135.26 10/25/1999 215 -0.093559956 135.316 08/04/1998 135.316 07/0611999 336 0 135.29 09/03/1998 135.316 07/06/1999 306 0.081085295 135.29 10/11/1998 135.316 07/06/1999 268 0.081085295 135.288 11/24/1998 135.316 07/06/1999 224 0.087322626 135.316 08/04/1998 135.299 03124/1999 232 -0.053017309 135.29 09103/1998 135.299 03/24/1999 202 0.028067987 135.29 10/11/1998 135.299 03/24/1999 164 0.028067987 135.316 08/04/1998 135.29 11/24/1998 112 -0.081085295 135.29 09/03/1998 135.29 11/24/1998 82 0 135.316 08/04/1998 135.568 10/11/1998 68 0.785903633 3-T-69-835D 121.31 08/04/1998 121.299 11/24/1998 112 -0.034305317 121.299 11/24/1998 121.34 03/24/1999 120 0.127865274 121.34 03/24/1999 121.304 07/06/1999 104 -0.112271948 121.704 07/0611999 121.34 10125/1999 111 -1.135194137 121.333 10/251 999 121.325 02/14/2000 112 -0.024949322 121.31 08/04/1998 121.325 02/14/2000 559 0.046779978 121.299 11/24/1998 121.325 02/14/2000 447 0.081085295 121.34 03/24/1999 121.325 02/14/2000 327 -0.046779978 121.704 07/06/1999 121.325 02114/2000 223 -1.181974115 121.31 08/04/1998 121.34 10/25/1999 447 0.093559956

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 2.3 of G-3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 121.299 -11/2411998 121.34 10/25/1999 335 0.127865274 121.34 03/2411999 121.34 10/25/1999 215 0 121.31 08/04/1998 121.304 07/06/1999 336 -0.018711991 121.299 11/24/1998 1211.304 07/06/1999 224 0.015593326 121.31 08/04/1998 121.34 03/24/1999 232 0.093559956 3-T-69-836D 124.865 08/04/1998 124.699 11/24/1998 112 -0.517698425 124.838 11/24/1998 124.97 03/24/1999 120 0.411663808 124.96 03/24/1999 124.941 07/06/1999 104 -0.059254639 124.941 07/06/1999 124.973 10/25/1999 111 0.099797287 124.97 10/25/1999 124.985 02/14/2000 112 0.046779978 124.865 08/04/1998 124.985 02/14/2000 559 0.374239825 124.838 11/24/1998 124.985 02/14/2000 447 0.458443786 124.96 03124/1999 124.985 02/14/2000 327 0.07796663 124.941 07/0611999 124.985 02/14/2000 223 0.137221269 124.865 08/04/1998 124.973 10/2511999 447 0.336815843 124.838 11/24/1998 124.973 10/25/1999 335 0.421019804 124.96 03/24/1999 124.973 10/25/1999 215 0.040542648 124.865 08/04/1998 124.941 07/06/1999 336 0.237018556 124.838 11/24/1998 124.941 07/06/1999 224 0.321222517 124.865 08/04/1998 124.97 03/24/1999 232 0.327459847 3-T-69-837D 124.941 08/04/1998 124.98 11/24/1998 112 0.121627943 124.92 11/24/1998 124.98 03/24/1999 120 0.187119913 124.98 03/24/1999 124.975 07/06/1999 104 -0.015593326 124.975 07/06/1999 124.99 10/25/1999 111 0.046779978 124.983 10/25/1999 124.969 02/14/2000 112 -0.043661313 124.941 08/04/1998 124.969 02114/2000 559 0,087322626 124.92 11/24/1998 124.969 02/14/2000 447 0,152814595 124.98 03/24/1999 124.969 02/14/2000 327 -0.034305317 124.975 07/06/1999 124.969 02/14/2000 223 -0.018711991 124.941 08/0411998 124.99 10/25/1999 447 0.152814595 124.92 1112411998 124.99 10/25/1999 335 0.218306565 124.98 03/24/1999 124.99 10/25/1999 215 0.031186652 124.941 08/04/1998 124.975 07/06/1999 336 0.106034617 124.92 11/24/1998 124.975 07106/1999 224 0.171526587 124.941 08/04/1998 124.98 03/24/1999 232 0.121627943 3-T-69-838D 123.221 08/04/1998 123 11/24/1998 112 -0.689225012 122.98 11/24/1998 123.199 03/2411999 120 0.682987681 123.195 03/24/1999 123.265 07/06/1999 104 0.218306565 123.265 07/06/1999 123.21 10/2511999 111 -0.171526587 123.21 10/25/1999 123.192 02/14/2000 112 -0.056135974 123.221 08/04/1998 123.192 02/14/2000 559 -0.090441291 122.98 11/24/1998 123.192 02/14/2000 447 0.661157025 123.195 03/24/1999 123.192 02/14/2000 327 -0.009355996 123.265 07/06/1999 123.192 02/14/2000 223 -0.22766256

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date_ Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 2.. of 4.3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 123.221 08/04/1998 123.21 10/25/1999 447 -0.034305317 122.98 11/24(1998 123.21 10/2511999 335 0.717292999 123.195 03/2411999 123.21 10125/1999 215 0.046779978 123.221 08/04/1998 123.265 07/06/1999 336 0.137221269 122.98 11/2411998 123.265 07106/1999 224 0.888819585 123.221 08/0411998 123.199 03/24/1999 232 -0.068610635 3-T-69-839D 128.65 08/0411998 128.62 11/24/1998 112 -0.093559956 128.58 11/24/1998 128.7 03/24/1999 120 0.374239825 128.7 03/24/1999 128.672- 07/06/1999 104 -0.087322626 128.672 0710611999 128.687 10/25/1999 111 0.046779978 128.7 10(2511999 128.686 02/1412000 112 -0.043661313 128.65 08(04(1998 128.686 02/14/2000 559 0.112271948 128.58 11/24/1998 128.686 02/14/2000 447 0.330578512 128.7 03124/1999 128.686 02/1412000 327 -0.043661313 128.672 07/06/1999 128.686 02/1412000 223 0.043661313 128.65 08/04/1998 128.687 10/25/1999 447 0.115390613 128.58 11/24/1998 128.687 10/25/1999 335 0.333697178 128.7 03/24/1999 128.687 10/25/1999 215 -0.040542648 128.65 08/04/1998 128.672 07/0611999 336 0.068610635 128.58 11/24/1998 128.672 07/06/1999 224 0.286917199 128.65 08/04/1998 128.7 03124/1999 232 0.155933281 2-T-69-834A 132.843 06(23/1999 132.872 10/14/1999 113 0.090441291 132.846 10114/1999 132.87 01/31/2000 109 0.074847965 132.83 01/31/2000 132.765 05/22/2000 112 -0.202713239 132.802 05/2212000 132.85 09/11/2000 112 0.14969593 132.83 09/11/2000 132.817 01/02/2001 113 -0.040542648 132.831 01102/2001 132.83 04/24/2001 112 -0.003118665 132.843 06123/1999 132.83 04/24/2001 671 -0.040542648 132.846 10/14/1999 132.83 04/24/2001 558 -0.049898643 132.83 01/31/2000 132.83 04/2412001 449 0 132.802 05/22/2000 132.83 04/24/2001 337 0.087322626 132.83 09/11/2000 132.83 04(2412001 225 0 132.843 06/23/1999 132.817 01/02/2001 559 -0.081085295 132.846 10/14/1999 132.817 0110212001 446 -0.090441291 132.83 01/31/2000 132.817 01/02/2001 337 -0.040542648 132.802 05/22/2000 132.817 01/02/2001 225 0.046779978 132.843 08/23/1999 132.85 09/11/2000 446 0.021830656 132.846 10/14/1999 132.85 09/11/2000 333 0.012474661 132.83 01/31/2000 132.85 09/11(2000 224 0.062373304 132.843 06/23/1999 132.765 05/22/2000 334 -0.243255886 132.846 10/14/1999 132.765 05/22/2000 221 -0.252611882 132.843 06/23/1999 132.87 01/31/2000 222 0.084203961 2-T-69-835A 121.391 03/01/1999 121.376 06/23/1999 114 -0.046779978 121.375 06/23/1999 121.25 10/14(1999 113 -0.389833151

1part of BFN TS-447 RAJ Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date_ Checker/Date Rev 04, SheetA;fof 3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 121.237 10/14/1999 121.44 01/31/2000 109 0.633089038 121.43 01/31/2000 121.366 05/22/2000 112 -0.199594574 121.366 05/22/2000 121.39 09/1 i/2000 112 0.074847965 121.36 09/11/2000 121.392 0110212001 113 0.099797287 121.386 01/0212001 121.37 04/24/2001 112 -0.049898643 121.391 03/01/1999 121.25 10/14/1999 227 -0.439731795 121.391 03/01/1999 121.44 01131/2000 336 0.152814595 121.375 06/2311999 121.44 01131/2000 222 0.202713239 121.391 03/01/1999 121.366 05122/2000 448 -0.07796663 121.375 06/23/1999 121.366 05/22/2000 334 -0.028067987 121.237 10/14/1999 121.366 05/22/2000 221 0.402307812 121.391 03/01/1999 121.39 09/1112000 560 -0.003118665 121.375 06/23/1999 121.39 09/11/2000 446 0.046779978 121.237 10/1411999 121.39 09/11/2000 333 0.477155777 121.43 01/31/2000 121.39 09/11/2000 224 -0.124746608 121.391 03/01/1999 121.392 01/02/2001 673 0.003118665 121.375 06/23/1999 121.392 01/02/2001 559 0.053017309 121.237 10114/1999 121.392 01/02/2001 446 0.483393108 121.43 01/31/2000 121.392 01/02/2001 337 -0.118509278 121.366 05122/2000 121.392 01/02/2001 225 0.081085295 121.391 03/01/1999 121.37 04/24/2001 785 -0.065491969 121.375 06/2311999 121.37 04/24/2001 671 -0.015593326 121.237 10114/1999 121.37 04/2412001 558 0.414782473 121.43 01/31/2000 121.37 04/2412001 449 -0.187119913 121.366 05/22/2000 121.37 04/24/2001 337 0.012474661 121.36 09/11/2000 121.37 04/24/2001 225 0.031186652 2-T-69-836A 125.072 0310111999 125.101 06/23/1999 114 0.090441291 125.06 06/23/1999 125.059 10114/1999 113 -0.003118665 125.056 10/14/1999 125.09 01/31/2000 109 0.106034617 125.06 01/31/2000 125.042 05/22/2000 112 -0.056135974 125 05122/2000 125.067 09/1112000 112 0.208950569 125.056 09/11/2000 125.11 01/02/2001 113 0.168407921 125.095 01/02/2001 125 04/24/2001 112 -0.296273195 125.072 03/01/1999 125.059 10/14/1999 227 -0.040542648 125.072 03/01/1999 125.09 01/31/2000 336 0.056135974 125.06 06/23/1999 125.09 01/31/2000 222 0.093559956 125.072 03/01/1999 125.042 05/2212000 448 -0.093559956 125.06 06/23/1999 125.042 05/22/2000 334 -0.056135974 125.056 10/14/1999 125.042 05122/2000 221 -0.043661313 125.072 03101/1999 125.067 09/11/2000 560 -0.015593326 125.06 06/23/1999 125.067 09/11/2000 446 0.021830656 125.056 10/14/1999 125.067 09/11/2000 333 0.034305317 125.06 01/31/2000 125.067 09/11/2000 224 0.021830656 125.072 03/01/1999 125.11 01/0212001 673 0.118509278

Ipart of BFN TS-447 RAT Enclosure 2 1 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date_ Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 26 of 6-3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 125.06 06/23/1999 125.11 01/02/2001 559 0.155933261 125.056 10114/1999 125.11 01/02/2001 446 0.168407921 125.06 01/31/2000 125.11 01/0212001 337 0.155933261 125 05/2212000 125.11 01/02/2001 225 0.343053173 125.072 03/01/1998 125 04/24/2001 785 -0.224543895 125.06 06/23/1999 125 04/24/2001 671 -0.187119913 125.056 10/14/1999 125 04/24/2001 558 -0.174645252 125.06 01/31/2000 125 04/24/2001 449 -0.187119913 125 05/22/2000 125 04/24/2001 337 0 125.056 09/11/2000 125 04/24/2001 225 -0.174645252 2-T-69-837A 125.049 03/01/1999 125.083 06/23/1999 114 0.106034617 125.076 06123/1999 124.992 10/14/1999 113 -0.261967878 124.988 10/14/1999 125.08 01/31/2000 109 0.286917199 125.08 01/31/2000 125.042 05/2212000 112 -0.118509278 125.032 05/22/2000 125.08 09/11/2000 112 0.14969593 125.07 09/111/2000 125.064 01/02/2001 113 -0.018711991 125.059 01/02/2001 125.08 04/24/2001 112 0.065491969 125.049 03/01/1999 124.992 10/14/1999 227 -0.177763917 125.049 03101/1999 125.08 01/31/2000 336 0.096678622 125.076 06/23/1999 125.08 01/31/2000 222 0.012474661 125.049 03/01/1999 125.042 05/2212000 448 -0.021830656 125.076 06/23/1999 125.042 05/2212000 334 -0.106034617 124.988 10/14/1999 125.042 05/22/2000 221 0.168407921 125.049 03/01/1999 125.08 09/11/2000 560 0.096678622 125.076 06/23/1999 125.08 09/11/2000 446 0.012474661 124.988 10/14/1999 125.08 09/11/2000 333 0.286917199 125.08 01/31/2000 125.08 09/11/2000 224 0 125.049 03/01/1999 125.064 01/02/2001 673 0.046779978 125.076 06/2311999 125.064 01/02/2001 559 -0.037423983 124.988 10/1411999 125.064 01/02/2001 446 0.237018556 125.08 01/31/2000 125.064 01/02/2001 337 -0.049898643 125.032 05/22/2000 125.064 01/02/2001 225 0.099797287 125.049 03/01/1999 125.08 04/24/2001 785 0.096678622 125.076 06/23/1999 125.08 04/24/2001 671 0.012474661 124.988 10/14/1999 125.08 04/24/2001 558 0.286917199 125.08 01/31/2000 125.08 04/24/2001 449 0 125.032 05122/2000 125.08 04/24/2001 337 0.14969593 125.07 09/11/2000 125.08 04/24/2001 225 0.031186652 2-T-69-838A 123.086 03/01/1999 123.09 06/23/1999 114 0.012474661 123.088 06/23/1999 123.08 10/14/15999 113 -0.024949322 123.077 10/14/11999 123.16 01/31/2000 109 0.258849213 123.15 01/31/2000 123.072 05/22/2000 112 -0.243255886 123.072 05/22/2000 123.087 09/11/2000 112 0.046779978 123.087 09/11/2000 123.122 01/02/2001 113 0.109153282

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 27 of 6:3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 123.118 01/0212001 123.14 04/24/2001 112 0.068610635 123.086 03/01/1999 123.08 10/14/1999 227 -0.018711991 123.086 03/01/1999 123.16 01/31/2000 336 0.230781226 123.088 06/23/1999 123.16 01/31/2000 222 0.224543895 123.086 03101/1999 123.072 05/22/2000 448 -0.043661313 123.088 06/2311999 123.072 05/22/2000 334 -0.049898643 123.077 10/14/1999 123.072 05/22/2000 221 -0.015593326 123.086 03101/1999 123.087 09/11/2000 560 0.003118665 123.088 06/23/1999 123.087 09/11/2000 446 -0.003118665 123.077 10/14/1999 123.087 09/11/2000 333 0.031186652 123.15 01131/2000 123.087 09/11/2000 224 -0.196475908 123.086 03/01/1999 123.122 01/02/2001 673 0.112271948 123.088 06/23/1999 123.122 01/02/2001 559 0.106034617 123.077 10/14/1999 123.122 01/02/2001 446 0.140339935 123.15 01/31/2000 123.122 01/02/2001 337 -0.087322626 123.072 05/2212000 123.122 01/02/2001 225 0.155933261 123.086 03/01/1999 123.14 04/24/2001 785 0.168407921 123.088 06/23/1999 123.14 04/24/2001 671 0.162170591 123.077 10/14/1999 123.14 04/24/2001 558 0.196475908 123.15 *01/31/2000 123.14 04/24/2001 449 -0.031186652 123.072 05/22/2000 123.14 04/24/2001 337 0.212069234 123.087 0911112000 123.14 04/24/2001 225 0.165289256 2-T-69-839A 128.691 03/01/1999 128.65 06/23/1999 114 -0.127865274 128.646 06/23/1999 128.699 10/14/1999 113 0.165289256 128.707 10/14/1999 128.7 01/31/2000 109 -0.021830656 128.7 01/31/2000 128.635 05/22/2000 112 -0.202713239 128.63 05/22/2000 128.639 09/111/2000 112 0.028067987 128.637 09/11/2000 128.719 01/02/2001 113 0.255730547 128.715 01/02/2001 128.673 04/24/2001 112 -0.130983939 128.691 03/01/1999 128.699 10/14/1999 227 0.024949322 128.691 03/01/1999 128.7 01/31/2000 336 0.028067987 128.646 06/23/1999 128.7 01/31/2000 222 0.168407921 128.691 03/01/1999 128.635 05/22/2000 448 -0.174645252 128.646 06/23/1999 128.635 05/22/2000 334 -0.034305317 128.707 10/14/1999 128.635 05/22/2000 221 -0.224543895 128.691 03/01/1999 128.639 09/11/2000 560 -0.162170591 128.646 06/23/1999 128.639 09/11/2000 446 -0.021830656 128.707 10/14/1999 128.639 09/11/2000 333 -0.212069234 128.7 01/31/2000 128.639 09111/2000 224 -0.190238578 128.691 03/01AI 999 128.719 01/02/2001 673 0.087322626 128.646 06/23/1999 128.719 01/02/2001 559 0.22766256 128.707 10/1411999 128.719 01/02/2001 446 0.037423983 128.7 01/31/2000 128.719 01/02/2001 337 0.059254639 128.63 05/22/2000 128.719 01/02/2001 225 0.277561204

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 28 of 43 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 128.691 03/01/1999 128.673 04/24/2001 785 -0.056135974 128.646 06/23/1999 128.673 04/24/2001 671 0.084203961 128.707 10/14/1999 128.673 04/24/2001 558 -0.106034617 128.7 01/31/2000 128.673 04/24/2001 449 -0.084203961 128.63 05/22/2000 128.673 04/24/2001 337 0.134102604 128.637 09/11/2000 128.673 04/24/2001 225 0.112271948 2-T-69-834B 135.39 07/27/1998 135.38 11/16/1998 112 -0.031186652 135.37 11/16/1998 135.4 03/08/1999 112 0.093559956 135.393 03/08/1999 135.4 04/24/1999 47 0.021830656 132.8 04/2411999 132.773 06128/1999 65 -0.084203961 132.768 06/28/1999 133 10/18/1999 112 0.723530329 132.722 10/18/1999 132.57 02/07/2000 112 -0.474037112 132.55 02107/2000 132.768 06/28/1999 -224 0.679869016 132.81 05/31/2000 132.722 10/1 8/1 999 -228 -0.274442539 132.774 09/18/2000 132.803 01/08/2001 112 0.090441291 132.794 01/08/2001 132.793 04/30/2001 112 -0.003118665 135.39 07/27/1998 135.4 03/08/1999 224 0.031186652 132.768 06/28/1999 132.57 02/07/2000 224 -0.617495712 132.768 06/28/1999 132.768 06/28/1999 0 0 132.722 10/18/1999 132.768 06/28/1999 -112 0.1434586 132.768 06/28/1999 132.722 10/18/1999 112 -0.1434586 132.722 10/18/1999 132.722 10/18/1999 0 0 132.55 02/07/2000 132.722 10/18/1999 -112 0.536410416 132.768 06/28/1999 132.803 01108/2001 560 0.109153282 132.722 10/18/1999 132.803 01/08/2001 448 0.2526118B2 132.55 02/07/2000 132.803 01/0812001 336 0.789022298 132.81 05/31/2000 132.803 01108/2001 222 -0.021830656 132.768 06128/1999 132.793 04130/2001 672 0.07796663 132.722 10/18/1999 132.793 04130/2001 560 0.22142523 132.55 02/07/2000 132.793 04/30/2001 448 0.757835646 132.81 05131/2000 132.793 04/30/2001 334 -0.053017309 132.774 09/18/2000 132.793 04/30/2001 224 0.059254639 2-T-69-835B 121.3 07/27/1998 121.29 11/16/1998 112 -0.031186652 121.26 11/16/1998 121.328 03/08/1999 112 0.212069234 121.318 03/08/1999 121.274 06128/1999 112 -0.137221269 121.261 06/28/1999 121.338 10/18/1999 112 0.240137221 121.31 10/18/1999 121.36 02/07/2000 112 0.155933261 121.328 02/07/2000 121.327 05/31/2000 114 -0.003118665 121.319 05/31/2000 121.332 09/18/2000 110 0.040542648 121.322 09/18/2000 121.377 01/08/2001 112 0.171526587 121.377 01/08/2001 121.325 04/30/2001 112 -0.162170591 121.3 07/27/1998 121.328 03/08/1999 224 0.087322626 121.3 07/2711998 121.274 06128/1999 336 -0.081085295 121.26 11/16/1998 121.274 06/28/1999 224 0.043661313

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 29 of _L3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 121.3 07/27/1998 121.338 10/18/1999 448 0.118509278 121.26 11/1611998 121.338 10/18/11999 336 0.243255886 121.318 03/08/1999 121.338 10/18/1999 224 0.062373304 121.3 07/27/1998 121.36 02/07/2000 560 0.187119913 121.26 11/16/1998 121.36 02/07/2000 448 0.311866521 121.318 03/08/1999 121.36 02/07/2000 336 0.130983939 121.261 06/28/1999 121.36 02/07/2000 224 0.308747856 121.3 07/27/1998 121.327 05/31/2000 674 0.084203961 121.26 11/16/1998 121.327 05/31/2000 562 0.208950569 121.318 03/08/15999 121.327 05/31/2000 450 0.028067987 121.261 06/28/1999 121.327 05/31/2000 338 0.205831904 121.31 10/18/1999 121.327 05/31/2000 226 0.053017309 121.3 07/27/1998 121.332 09/18/2000 784 0.099797287 121.26 11/16/1998 121.332 09/18/2000 672 0.224543895 121.318 03/0811999 121.332 09/18/2000 560 0.043661313 121.261 06/28/1999 121.332 09/18/2000 448 0.22142523 121.31 10/18/1999 121.332 09/18/2000 336 0.068610635 121.328 02107/2000 121.332 09/18/2000 224 0.012474661 121.3 07/27/1998 121.377 01/08/2001 896 0.240137221 121.26 11/16/1998 121.377 01/08/2001 784 0.36488383 121.318 03/08/1999 121.377 01/08/2001 672 0.184001247 121.261 06/28/1999 121.377 01/08/2001 560 0.361765165 121.31 10/18/1999 121.377 01/08/2001 448 0.208950569 121.328 02/07/2000 121.377 01/08/2001 336 0.152814595 121.319 05/3112000 121.377 01/08/2001 222 0.180882582 121.3 07/27/1998 121.325 04/3012001 1008 0.07796663 121.26 11/1611998 121.325 04/30/2001 896 0.202713239 121.318 03/08/1999 121.325 04/30/2001 784 0.021830656 121.261 06/2811999 121.325 04/30/2001 672 0.199594574 121.31 10/1811999 121.325 04/30/2001 560 0.046779978 121.328 02/07/2000 121.325 04130/2001 448 -0.009355996

.121.319 05/31/2000 121.325 04/30/2001 334 0.018711991 121.322 09118/2000 121.325 04/30/2001 224 0.009355996 2-T-69-836B 124.963 07/27/1998 124.96 11/16/1998 112 -0.009355996 124.95 11/16/1998 124.949 03/08/1999 112 -0.003118665 124.929 03/08/1999 124.946 06/28/1999 112 0.053017309 124.937 06128/1999 124.962 10/1811999 112 0.07796663 124.95 10/18/1999 124.939 02/07/2000 112 -0.034305317 124.923 02/07/2000 124.962 05/31/2000 114 0.121627943 124.96 05/31/2000 124.934 09/18/2000 110 -0.081085295 124.929 09/18/2000 124.964 01/08/2001 112 0.109153282 124.957 01/08/2001 124.96 04130/2001 112 0.009355996 124.963 07/27/1998 124.949 03/08/1999 224 -0.043661313 124.963 07/27/1998 124.946 06/28/1999 336 -0.053017309

lpart of BFNTS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 1 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date - Rev 04, Sheet 30 of /3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 124.95 11/16/1998 124.946 06/2811999 224 -0.012474661 124.963 07/27/1998 124.962 10118/1999 448 -0.003118665 124.95 11/16/1998 124.962 10/18/1999 336 0.037423983 124.929 03/08/1999 124.962 10/18/1999 224 0.102915952 124.963 07/27/1998 124.939 02/07/2000 560 -0.074847965 124.95 11/16/1998 124.939 02/07/2000 448 -0.034305317 124.929 03/08/1999 124.939 02/07/2000 .336 0.031186652 124.937 06/28/1999 124.939 02/07/2000 224 0.00623733 124.963 07/27/1998 124.962 05131/2000 674 -0.003118665 124.95 11/16/1998 124.962 05131/2000 562 0.037423983 124.929 03/08/1999 124.962 05/3112000 450 0.102915952 124.937 06/28/1999 124.962 05/31/2000 338 0.07796663 124.95 10/18/1999 124.962 05/31/2000 226 0.037423983 124.963 07/27/1998 124.934 09/18/2000 784 -0.090441291 124.95 11/16/1998 124.934 09/18/2000 672 -0.049898643 124.929 03/08/1999 124.934 09/18/2000 560 0.015593326 124.937 06/28/1999 124.934 09/18/2000 448 -0.009355996 124.95 10/18/1999 124.934 09/18/2000 336 -0.049898643 124.923 02/07/2000 124.934 09/18/2000 224 0.034305317 124.963 07/27/1998 124.964 01/08/2001 896 0.003118665 124.95 11/16/1998 124.964 01/08/2001 784 0.043661313 124.929 03/08/1999 124.964 01/08/2001 672 0.109153282 124.937 06/28/1999 124.964 01/08/2001 560 0.084203961 124.95 10/18/1999 124.984 01/08/2001 448 0.043661313 124.923 02/07/2000 124.964 01/08/2001 336 0.127865274 124.96 05/31/2000 124.964 01/0812001 222 0.012474661 124.963 07/27/1998 124.96 04130/2001 1008 -0.009355996 124.95 11116/1998 124.96 04/30/2001 896 0.031186652 124.929 03108/1999 124.96 04/30/2001 784 0.096678622 124.937 06/28/1999 124.96 04/30/2001 672 0.0717293 124.95 10/18/1999 124.96 04/30/2001 560 0.031186652 124.923 02/07/2000 124.96 04/30/2001 448 0.115390613 124.96 05/31/2000 124.96 04130/2001 334 0 124.929 09/1812000 124.96 04/30/2001 224 0.096678622 2-T-69-837B 125.122 07/27/1998 125.13 11/16/1998 112 0.024949322 125.14 11/16/1998 125.107 03/08/1999 112 -0.102915952 125.119 03/08/1999 125.093 06/28/1999 112 -0.081085295 125.113 06/28/1999 125.132 10/18/1999 112 0.059254639 125.135 10/1811999 125.136 02/07/2000 112 0.003118665 125.13 02/07/2000 125.207 05/31/2000 114 0.240137221 125.2 05/31/2000 125.09 09/18/2000 110 -0.343053173 125.09 09/18/2000 125.104 01/08/2001 112 0.043661313 125.104 01108/2001 125.13 04130/2001 112 0.081085295 125.122 07/27/1998 125.107 03108/1999 224 -0.046779978

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date_ Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 3/ of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of.Span 125.122 07/27/1998 125.093 06/28/1999 336 -0.090441291 125.14 11116/1998 125.093 06/2811999 224 -0.146577265 125.122 07/27/1998 125.132 1011811999 448 0.031186652 125.14 1111611998 125.132 10/18/1999 336 -0.024949322 125.119 03/08/1999 125.132 10/18/1999 224 0.040542648 125.122 07/27/1998 125.136 02/07/2000 560 0.043661313 125.14 11/16/1998 125.136 02107/2000 448 -0.012474661 125.119 03/08/1999 125.1 ,6 02/07/2000 336 0.053017309 125.113 06/2811999 125.136 02/07/2000 224 0.0717293 125.122 07/27/1998 125.207 05/31/2000 674 0.265086543 125.14 11/16/1998 125.207 05/31/2000 562 0.208950569 125.119 03/08/1999 125.207 05/31/2000 450 0.274442539 125,113 06/2811999 125.207 05131/2000 338 0.29315453 125.135 10/18/1999 125.207 05131/2000 226 0.224543895 125.122 07/27/1998 125.09 09/18/2000 784 -0.099797287 125.14 11/16/199B 125.09 09/18/2000 672 -0.155933261 125.119 03/08/1999 125.09 09/18/2000 560 -0.090441291 125.113 06/28/1999 125.09 09/18/2000 448 .0.0717293 125.135 10/18/1999 125.09 09/18/2000 336 -0.140339935 125.13 02/07/2000 125.09 09/18/2000 224 -0.124746608 125.122 07/27/1998 125.104 01/08/2001 896 -0.056135974 125.14 11/16/1998 125.104 01/08/2001 784 -0.112271948 125.119 03/08/1999 125.104 01/08/2001 672 -0.046779978 125.113 06/28/1999 125.104 01/08/2001 560 -0.028067987 125.135 10/1 8/1 999 125.104 01/08/2001 448 -0.096678622 125.13 02/07/2000 125.104 01/08/2001 336 -0.081085295 125.2 05/31/2000 125.104 01/08/2001 222 -029939186 125.122 07/27/1998 125.13 04130/2001 1008 0.024949322 125.14 11/1611998 125.13 04/30/2001 896 -0.031186652 125.119 03/08/1999 125.13 04130/2001 784 0.034305317 125.113 06/28/1999 125.13 04/30/2001 672 0.053017309 125.135 10/18/1999 125.13 04/30/2001 560 -0.015593326 125.13 02107/2000 125.13 04/30/2001 448 0 125.2 05/31/2000 125.13 04/30/2001 334 -0.218306565 125.09 09/18/2000 125.13 04/30/2001 224 0.124746608 2-T-69-838B 123.082 07/27/1998 123.13 11/16/1998 112 0.14969593 123.11 11/16/1998 123.136 03/08/1999 112 0.081085295 123.111 03/08/1999 123.097 06/28/1999 112 -0.043661313 123.082 06/28/1999 123.138 10118/1999 112 0.174645252 123.11 10/18/1999 123.146 02/07/2000 112 0.112271948 123.121 02/07/2000 123,128 05/31/2000 114 0.021830656 123.122 05/31/2000 123.12 09/18/2000 110 -0.00623733 123.1 09/18/2000 123.161 01/08/2001 112 0.190238578 123.148 01/08/2001 123.11 04/30/2001 112 -0.118509278

part of BFN TS-447 RAM Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 52 of G43 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 123.082 07127/1998 123.136 03/0811999 224 0.168407921 123.082 07/27/1998 123.097 06/2811999 336 0.046779978 123.11 11/1611998 123.097 06/2811999 224 -0.040542648 123.082 07/27/1998 123.138 10/1811999 448 0.174645252 123.11 11/16/1998 123.138 .10118/1999 336 0.087322626 123.111 03/08/1999 123.138 10/18/1999 224 0.084203961 123.082 07/27/1998 123.146 02/07/2000 560 0.199594574 123.11 11/16/1998 123.146 02/07/2000 448 0.112271948 123.111 03/08/1999 123.146 02/07/2000 336 0.109153282 123.082 06/28/1999 123.146 02/07/2000 224 0.199594574 123.082 07/27/1998 123.128 05131/2000 674 0.1434586 123.11 11/16/1998 123.128 05/31/2000 582 0.056135974 123.111 03/08/1999 123.128 05/31/2000 450 0.053017309 123.082 06128/1999 123.128 05/31/2000 338 0.1434586 123.11 10/18/1999 123.128 05/31/2000 226 0.056135974 123.082 07/27/1998 123.12 09/18/2000 784 0.118509278 123.11 11/16/1998 123.12 09118/2000 672 0.031186852 123.111 03/08/1999 123.12 09/18/2000 560 0.028067987 123.082 06/28/1999 123.12 09/1812000 448 0.118509278 123.11 10/18/1999 123.12 09/18/2000 336 0.031186652 123.121 02107/2000 123.12 09/18/2000 224 -0.003118665 123.082 07127/1998 123.161 01/08/2001 896 0.246374552 123.11 11/16/1998 123.161 01/08/2001 784 0.159051926 123.111 03/08/1999 123.161 01/08/2001 672 0.155933261 123.082 06/2811999 123.161 01/08/2001 560 0.246374552 123.11 10118/1999 123.161 01/08/2001 448 0.159051926 123.121 02107/2000 123.161 01/08/2001 336 0.124746608 123.122 05/31/2000 123.161 01/08/2001 222 0.121627943 123.082 07/27/1998 123.11 04/30/2001 1008 0.087322626 123.11 11/16/1998 123.11 04/30/2001 896 0 123.111 03/08/1999 123.11 04130/2001 784 -0.003118665 123.082 06/28/1999 123.11 04/30/2001 672 0.087322626 123.11 10/18/1999 123.11 04/30/2001 560 0 123.121 02/0712000 123.11 04/30/2001 448 -0.034305317 123.122 05/31/2000 123.11 04/30/2001 334 .0.037423983 123.1 09/18/2000 123.11 04/30/2001 224 0.031186652 2-T-69-839B 128.793 07/27/1998 128.76 11/16/1998 112 -0.102915952 128.76 11/16/1998 128.828 03/08/1999 112 0.212069234 128.825 03108/1999 128.742 06/28/1999 112 -0.258849213 128.739 06/28/1999 128.8 10/1 8/1 999 112 0.190238578 128.78 10118/1999 128.829 02/07/2000 112 0.152814595 128.828 02/07/2000 128.823 05/31/2000 114 -0.015593326 128.82 05/31/2000 128.82 09/18/2000 110 0 128.81 09/18/2000 128.855 01/08/2001 112 0.140339935

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 1 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 33 of 6 3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 128.849 01/08/2001 128.85 04/30/2001 112 0.003118665 128.793 07/27/1998 128.828 03/0811999 224 0.109153282 128.793 07/27/1998 128.742 06/28/1999 336 -0.159051926 128.76 11/161998 128.742 06/28/1999 224 -0.056135974 128.793 07/27/1998 128.8 1011811999 448 0.021830656 128.76 11/1611998 128.8 10/18/1999 336 0.124746808 128.825 03108/1999 128.8 10/18/1999 224 -0.07796663 128.793 07/27/1998 128.829 02/07/2000 560 0.112271948 128.76 11/16/1998 128.829 02107/2000 448 0.2151879 128.825 03/08/1999 128.829 02107/2000 336 0.012474661 128.739 06/2811999 128.829 02107/2000 224 0.280679869 128.793 07/2711998 128.823 05/31/2000 674 0.093559956 128.76 11/16/1998 128.823 05/31/2000 562 0.196475908 128.825 03/08/1999 128.823 05/31/2000 450 -0.00623733 128.739 06/28/1999 128.823 05/31/2000 338 0.261967878 128.78 10/18/1999 128.823 05/31/2000 226 0.134102604 128.793 07/27/1998 128.82 09/18/2000 784 0.084203961 128.76 11/1611998 128.82 09/18/2000 672 0.187119913 128.825 03108/1999 128.82 09/18/2000 560 -0.015593326 128.739 06/28/1999 128.82 09/18/2000 448 0.252611882 128.78 10/18/1999 128.82 09/18/2000 336 0.124746608 128.828 02/07/2000 128.82 09/18/2000 224 -0.024949322 128.793 07/27/1998 128.855 01/08/2001 896 0.193357243 128.76 11/16/1998 128.855 01/08/2001 784 0.296273195 128.825 . 0310811999 128.855 01/08/2001 672 0.093559956 128.739 06/28/1999 128.855 01/0812001 560 0.361765165 128.78 10/18/1999 128.855 01/08/2001 448 0.233899891 128.828 02107/2000 128.855 01/08/2001 336 0.084203961 128.82 05131/2000 128.855 01108/2001 222 0.109153282 128.793 07127/1998 128.85 04/3012001 1008 0.177763917 128.76 11/16/1998 128.85 04/30/2001 896 0.280679869 128.825 03/08/1999 128.85 04/30/2001 784 0.07796663 128.739 06/28/1999 128.85 04/30/2001 672 0.346171838 128.78 10/18/1999 128.85 04/30/2001 560 0.218306565 128.828 02107/2000 128.85 04/30/2001 448 0.068610635 128.82 05/31/2000 128.85 .04/30/2001 334 0.093559956 128.81 09/18/2000 128.85 04/30/2001 224 0.124746608 2-T-69-834C 135.325 11/09/1998 135.351 03/01/1999 112 0.081085295 132.781 06/23/1999 132.855 10/14/1999 113 0.230781226 132.852 10/14/1999 132.9 01/31/2000 109 0.14969593 132.9 01/31/2000 132.799 05/2212000 112 -0.314985186 132.794 05/22/2000 132.81 09/11/2000 112 0.049898643 132.804 09/11/2000 132.813 0110212001 113 0.028067987 132.804 01/02/2001 132.815 04/2412001 112 0.034305317

apart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure I Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date,- Rev 04, Sheet _?of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 132.781 06/23/1999 132.9 01/31/2000 222 0.37112116 132.781 06123/1999 132.799 05122/2000 334 0.056135974 132.852 10/14/1999 132.799 05/22/2000 221 -0.165289256 132.781 06/23/1999 132.81 09/11/2000 446 0.090441291 132.852 10114/1999 132.81 09/11/2000 333 -0.130983939 132.9 01131/2000 132.81 09/11/2000 224 -0.280679869 132.781 06/23/1999 132.813 01/02/2001 559 0.099797287 132.852 10114/1999 132.813 01/02/2001 446 -0.121627943 132.9 01/3112000 132.813 01/02/2001 337 -0.271323873 132.794 05/22/2000 132.813 01/02/2001 225 0.059254639 132.781 06/23/1999 132.815 04124/2001 671 0.106034617 132.852 10/14/1999 132.815 04/24/2001 558 -0.115390613 132.9 01/31/2000 132.815 04/24/2001 449 -0.265086543 132.794 05/22/2000 132.815 04/2412001 337 0.065491969 132.804 09/11/2000 132.815 04/24/2001 225 0.034305317 2-T-69-835C 121.417 11/09/1998 121.441 03/01/1999 112 0,074847965 121.432 03/01/1999 121.427 06/2311999 114 -0.015593326 121.421 06/23/1999 121.42 10/14/1999 113 -0.003118665 121.455 10/14/1999 121.522 01/31/2000 109 0.208950569 121.52 01/31/2000 121.429 05/22/2000 112 -0.283798534 121.423 05/22/2000 121.439 09/11/2000 112 0.049898643 121.431 09/11/2000 121.442 01/0212001 113 0.034305317 121.428 01102/2001 121.45 04124/2001 112 0.068610635 121.417 11/09/1998 121.427 06/2311999 226 0.031186652 121.417 11/09/1998 121.42 10/14/1999 339 0.009355996 121.432 03/01/1999 121.42 10/14/1999 227 -0.037423983 121.417 11/09/1998 121.522 01/31/2000 448 0.327459847 121.432 03101/1999 121.522 01/31/2000 336 0.280679869 121.421 06/23/1999 121.522 01/31/2000 222 0.314985186 121.417 11/09/1998 121.429 05/22/2000 560 0.037423983 121.432 03/01/1999 121.429 05/22/2000 448 -0.009355996 121.421 06/23/1999 121.429 05/2212000 334 0.024949322 121.455 10/14/1999 121.429 05/22/2000 221 -0.081085295 121.417 11/09/1998 121.439 09/11/2000 672 0.068610635 121.432 03101/1999 121.439 09/11/2000 560 0.021830656 121.421 06/23/1999 121.439 09/11/2000 446 0.056135974 121.455 10114/1999 121.439 09/11/2000 333 -0.049898643 121.52 01/31/2000 121.439 09/11/2000 224 -0.252611882 121.417 11/09/1998 121.442 01/02/2001 785 0.07796663 121.432 03/01/10999 121.442 01/02/2001 673 0.031186652 121.421 08/23/1999 121.442 01/02/2001 559 0.065491969 121.455 10/14/1999 121.442 01102/2001 446 -0.040542648 121.52 01/31/2000 121.442 01/02/2001 337 -0.243255886 121.423 05/22/2000 121.442 01/02/2001 225 0.059254639

Ipart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet jof /,e 3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 121.417 11/09/1998 121.45 04/24/2001 897 0.102915952 121.432 03/0111999 121.45 04/24/2001 785 0.058135974 121.421 06/23/1999 121.45- 04/24/2001 671 0.090441291 121.455 10/1411999 121.45 04/24/2001 558 -0.015593326 121.52 01/31/2000 121.45 04/24/2001 449 -0.218306565 121.423 05/22/2000 121.45 04/24/2001 337 0.084203961 121.431 09/111/2000 121.45 04/24/2001 225 0.059254639 2-T-69-836C 124.999 1110911998 125.034 03/0111999 112 0.109153282 125.032 03/01/11999 125.006 06/23/1999 114 -0.081085295 124.997 06123/1999 125.1 10/14/1999 113 0.321222517 124.999 10/14/1999 125.2 01/31/2000 109 0.626851707 125.2 01/31/2000 125.029 05/22/2000 112 -0.533291751 125.022 05/22/2000 124.983 09/11/2000 112 -0.121627943 125.014 09111/2000 125.056 01/02/2001 113 0.130983939 125.046 01/02/2001 125.027 04/24/2001 112 -0.059254639 124.999 11/0911998 125.006 06/23/1999 226 0.021830656 124.999 11/09/1998 125.1 10/14/1999 339 0.314985186 125.032 03/01/1999 125.1 10/14/1999 227 0.212069234 124.999 11/09/1998 125.2 01/31/2000 448 0.626851707 125.032 03/0111999 125.2 01/31/2000 336 0.523935755 124.997 06/23/1999 125.2 01/31/2000 222 0.633089038 124.999 11/09/1998 125.029 05/2212000 560 0.093559956 125.032 03/01/1999 125.029 05/22/2000 448 -0.009355996 124.997 06/23/1999 125.029 05/2212000 334 0.099797287

  • 124.999 10/14/1999 125.029 05/22/2000 221 0.093559956 124.999 11/09/1998 124.983 09/11/2000 672 -0.049898643 125.032 03/01/1999 124.983 09/11/2000 560 -0.152814595 124.997 06/23/1999 124.983 09/11/2000 446 -0.043661313 124.999 10/14/1999 124.983 09/11/2000 333 -0.049898643 125.2 01/31/2000 124.983 09/11/2000 224 -0.676750351 124.999 11/09/1998 125.056 01/02/2001 785 0.177763917 125.032 03/01/1999 125.056 01/0212001 673 0.074847965 124.997 06/23/1999 125.056 01/02/2001 559 0.184001247 124.999 10/14/1999 125.056 01/02/2001 446 0.177763917 125.2 01/31/2000 125.056 01/02/2001 337 -0.44908779 125.022 05/22/2000 125.056 01/02/2001 225 0.106034617 124.999 11/09/1998 125.027 04/24/2001 897 0.087322626 125.032 03/01/1999 125.027 04/24/2001 785 -0.015593326 124.997 06123/1999 125.027 04/24/2001 671 0.093559956 124.999 10/14/1999 125.027 04/24/2001 558 0.087322628 125.2 01/31/2000 125.027 04/24/2001 449 -0.539529082 125.022 05/2212000 125.027 04/24/2001 337 0.015593326 125.014 09111/2000 125.027 04/24/2001 225 0.040542648 2-T-69-837C 124.965 11/09/1998 125.041 03/0111999 112 0.237018556

lpart of BFNTS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 1 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 36 of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 125.023 03101/1999 124.98 06/23/1999 114 -0.134102604 124.973 06/23/1999 125.1 10/14/1999 113 0.396070482 125.015 10/14/1999 125.2 01/31/2000 109 0.576953064 125.1 01/31/2000 125 05/22/2000 112 -0.311866521 124.989 05/22/2000 125 09/11/2000 112 0.034305317 124.99 09/11/2000 125.049 01/0212001 113 0.184001247 125.037 01/02/2001 125.03 04/24/2001 112 -0.021830656 124.965 11/09/1998 124.98 06/23/1999 226 0.046779978 124.965 11/09/1998 125.1 10/1411999 339 0.421019804 125.023 03/01/1999 125.1 10/14/1999 227 0.240137221 124.965 11/09/1998 125.2 01/31/2000 448 0.732886325 125.023 03/01/1999 125.2 01/31/2000 336 0.552003742 124.973 06/23/1999 125.2 01/31/2000 222 0.707937003 124.965 11/09/1998 125 05/22/2000 560 0.109153282 125.023 03/0111999 125 05/2212000 448 -0.0717293 124.973 06/23/1999 125 05/22/2000 334 0.084203961 125.015 10/14/1999 125 05/2212000 221 -0.046779978 124.965 11/09/1998 125 09/11/2000 672 0.109153282 125.023 03/01/1999 125 09/11/2000 560 -0.0717293 124.973 06/23/1999 125 09/11/2000 446 0.084203961 125.015 10/14/1999 125 09/11/2000 333 -0.046779978 125.1 01/31/2000 125 09/1112000 224 -0.311866521 124.965 11/09/1998 125.049 01/02/2001 785 0.261967878 125.023 03/01/1999 125.049 01/0212001 673 0.081085295 124.973 06/23/1999 125.049 01/02/2001 559 0.237018556 125.015 10/1411999 125.049 01/02/2001 446 0.106034617 125.1 01/3112000 125.049 01/02/2001 337 -0.159051928 124.989 05/22/2000 125.049 01/0212001 225 0.187119913 124.965 11/09/1998 125.03 04/2412001 897 0.202713239 125.023 03/01/1999 125.03 04/24/2001 785 0.021830656 124.973 06/23/1999 125.03 04/24/2001 671 0.177763917 125.015 10/14/1999 125.03 04/24/2001 558 0.046779978 125.1 01/31/2000 125.03 04/24/2001 449 -0.218306565 124.989 05/22/2000 125.03 04124/2001 337 0.127865274 124.99 09/11/2000 125.03 04/2412001 225 0.124746608 2-T-69-838C 122.986 11/09/1998 122.997 03101/1999 112 0.034305317 122.99 03/01/1999 122.984 06/23/1999 114 -0.018711991 122.979 06/2311999 123 10114/1999 113 0.065491969 123 10/14/1999 122.99 01/31/2000 109 -0.031186652 122.98 01/31/2000 122.983 05/2212000 112 0.009355996 122.976 05/22/2000 122.994 09/1112000 112 0.056135974 122.983 09/11/2000 122.997 01/0212001 113 0.043661313 122.993 01102/2001 122.998 04/24/2001 112 0.015593326 122.986 11/09/1998 122.984 06/23/1999 226 -0.00623733

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date_ Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet .. of .63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 122.986 11/09/1998 123 10/1411999 339 0.043661313 122.99 03/01/1999 123 10114/1999 227 0.031186652 122.986 11/09/1998 122.99 01/31/2000 448 0.012474661 122.99 03/01/1999 122.99 01/31/2000 336 0 122.979 06/23/1999 122.99 01/31/2000 222 0.034305317 122.986 11/09/1998 122.983 05/2212000 560 -0.009355996 122.99 03101/1999 122.983 05/22/2000 448 -0.021830656 122.979 06/23/1999 122.983 05/22/2000 334 0.012474661 123 10/1411999 122.983 05/22/2000 221 -0.053017309 122.986 11/09/1998 122.994 09/11/2000 672 0.024949322 122.99 03101/1999 122.994 09/11/2000 560 0.012474661 122.979 06/23/1999 122.994 09/11/2000 446 0.046779978 123 10/14/1999 122.994 09/11/2000 333 -0.018711991 122.98 01/31/2000 122.994 09/11/2000 224 0.043661313 122.986 11/0911998 122.997 01/02/2001 785 0.034305317 122.99 03101/1999 122.997 01/02/2001 673 0.021830656 122.979 06/23/1999 122.997 01/02/2001 559 0.056135974 123 10/114/1999 122.997 01/0212001 446 -0.009355996 122.98 01/31/2000 122.997 01/0212001 337 0.053017309 122.976 05/22/2000 122.997 01/02/2001 225 0.065491969 122.986 11/09/1998 122.998 04124/2001 897 0.037423983 122.99 03/01/1999 122.998 04/24/2001 785 0.024949322 122.979 06/23/1999 122.998 04/24/2001 671 0.059254639 123 10/14/1999 122.998 04/24/2001 558 -0.00623733 122.98 01/31/2000 122.998 04/24/2001 449 0.056135974 122.976 05/22/2000 122.998 04/24/2001 337 0.068610635 122.983 09/11/2000 122.998 04/24/2001 225 0.046779978 2-T-69-839C 128.665 11/09/1998 128.65 03/0111999 112 -0.046779978 128.639 03/01/1999 128.635 0612311999 114 -0.012474661 128.632 06/23/1999 128.82 10/14/1999 113 0.58630906 128.8 10/14/1999 128.64 01/31/2000 109 -0.498986434 128.64 01/31/2000 128.632 05/2212000 112 -0.024949322 128.628 05/22/2000 128.65 09/11/2000 112 0.068610635 128.64 09/11/2000 128.634 01/0212001 113 -0.018711991 128.636 01102/2001 128.638 04/24/2001 112 0.00623733 128.665 11/09/1998 128.635 06123/1999 226 -0.093559956 128.665 11/09/1998 128.82 10114/1999 339 0.483393108 128.639 03/01/1999 128.82 10/1411999 227 0.564478403 128.665 11/09/1998 128.64 01/31/2000 448 -0.07796663 128.639 03/01/1999 128.64 01/31/2000 336 0.003118665 128.632 06/23/1999 128.64 01/31/2000 222 0.024949322 128.665 11/09/1998 128.632 05/22/2000 560 -0.102915952 128.639 03/01/1999 128.632 05/22/2000 448 -0.021830656 128.632 06/23/1999 128.632 05/2212000 334 0

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 1 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev04,Sheet 3 of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviatlon Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days %of Span 128.8 10/14/1999 128.632 05/2212000 221 -0.523935755 128.665 11/09/1998 128.65 09/11/2000 672 -0.046779978 128.639 03/01/1999 128.65 09/11/2000 560 0.034305317 128.632 0612311999 128.65 09/11/2000 446 0.056135974 128.8 10/14/1999 128.65 091/12000 333 -0.467799782 128.64 01/31/2000 128.65 09/11/2000 224 0.031186652 128.665 11/09/1998 128.634 01/02/2001 785 -0.096678622 128.639 03/01/1999 128.634 01/02/2001 673 -0.015593326 128.632 0612311999 128.634 01/02/2001 559 0.00623733 128.8 10/1411999 128.634 01102/2001 446 -0.517698425 128.64 01/31/2000 128.634 01/02/2001 337 -0.018711991 128.628 05122/2000 128.634 01/02/2001 225 0.018711991 128.665 11/0911998 128.638 04/24/2001 897 -0.084203961 128.639 03/01/1999 128.638 04/24/2001 785 -0.003118665 128.632 06123/1999 128.638 04/24/2001 671 0.018711991 128.8 10/14/1999 128.638 04/24/2001 558 -0.505223764 128.84 01/31/2000 128.638 04/24/2001 449 -0.00623733 128.628 05/2212000 128.638 04/24/2001 337 0.031186652 128.64 09/11/2000 128.638 04/24/2001 225 -0.00623733 2-T-69-834D 135.295 07/27/1998 135.33 11/17/1998 113 0.109153282 135.32 11/17/1998 135.37 03/08/1999 111 0.155933261 135.367 03108/1999 135.399 04/24/1999 47 0.099797287 132.824 04/24/1999 132.76 06/28/1999 65 -0.199594574 132.744 06128/1999 132.861 10/1811999 112 0.36488383 132.84 10118/1999 132.805 02/07/2000 112 -0.109153282 132.798 02/0712000 132.83 0513012000 113 0.099797287 132.82 05/30/2000 132.823 09/18/2000 111 0.009355996 132.81 09/18/2000 132.934 01/08/2001 112 0.386714486 132.939 01/08/2001 132.86 04130/2001 112 -0.246374552 135.295 07/27/1998 135.37 03108/1999 224 0.233899891 132.824 04/24/1999 132.861 10/18/1999 177 0.115390613 132.824 04/2411999 132.805 02/0712000 289 -0.059254639 132.744 06/2811999 132.805 02/07/2000 224 0.190238578 132.824 04/24/1999 132.83 05130/2000 402 0.018711991 132.744 06/28/1999 132.83 05/3012000 337 0.268205208 132.84 10/18/1999 132.83 05/30/2000 225 -0.031186652 132.824 04/24/1999 132.823 09/18/2000 513 -0.003118665 132.744 06/2811999 132.823 09/18/2000 448 0.246374552 132.84 10/18/1999 132.823 09118/2000 336 -0.053017309 132.798 02/07/2000 132.823 09/18/2000 224 0.07796663 132.824 04/2411999 132.934 01/08/2001 625 0.343053173 132.744 0612811999 132.934 01/08/2001 560 0.59254639 132.84 1011811999 132.934 01/08/2001 448 0.29315453 132.798 02/07/2000 132.934 01/0812001 336 0.424138469

lpafofBFNTS-447RAJ Enclosure2 I Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 39 of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 132.82 05/3012000 132.934 01/08/2001 223 0.355527834 132.824 04124/1999 132.86 04/30/2001 737 0.112271948 132.744 06/28/1999 132.86 04/30/2001 672 0.361765165 132.84 10/18/1999 132.86 04/30/2001 560 0.062373304 132.798 02107/2000 132.86 04/30/2001 448 0.193357243 132.82 05/30/2000 132.86 04/30/2001 335 0.124746608 132.81 09/18/2000 132.86 04/30/2001 224 0.155933261 2-T-69-835D 121.23 07/2811998 121.29 11/17/1998 112 0.187119913 121.28 11/17/1998 121.367 03/08/1999 111 0.271323873 121.323 03/08/1999 121.283 06/2811999 112 -0.124746608 121.284 06/28/1999 121.383 10/1811999 112 0.308747856 121.31 10/1811999 121.11 02/07/2000 112 -0.623733042 121.323 02/07/2000 121.322 05/30/2000 113 -0.003118665 121.31 05/30/2000 121.333 09/18/2000 111 0.0717293 121.338 09/18/2000 121.402 01/08/2001 112 0.199594574 121.397 01/08/2001 121.37 04/30/2001 112 -0.084203961 121.23 07/28/1998 121.367 03/08/1999 223 0.427257134 121.23 07/28/1998 121.283 06/28/1999 335 0.165289256 121.28 11/17/1998 121.283 06/28/1999 223 0.009355996 121.23 07/28/1998 121.383 10/18/1999 447 0.477155777 121.28 11/17/1998 121.383 10/18/1999 335 0.321222517 121.323 03/08/1999 121.383 10/18/1999 224 0.187119913 121.23 07/28/1998 121.11 02/07/2000 559 -0.374239825 121.28 11/17/1998 121.11 02/07/2000 447 -0.530173086 121.323 03/08/1999 121.11 02/07/2000 336 -0.66427569 121.284 06/28/1999 121.11 02/07/2000 224 -0.542647747 121.23 07/28/1998 121.322 05/30/2000 672 0.286917199 121.28 11/17/1998 121.322 05/30/2000 560 0.130983939 121.323 03/08/1999 121.322 05/30/2000 449 -0.003118665 121.284 06128/1999 121.322 05/30/2000 337 0.118509278 121.31 10/18/1999 121.322 05/30/2000 225 0.037423983 121.23 07/28/1998 121.333 09/18/2000 783 0.321222517 121.28 11/17/1998 121.333 09/18/2000 671 0.165289256 121.323 03/08/1999 121.333 09/18/2000 560 0.031186652 121.284 06128/1999 121.333 09/18/2000 448 0.152814595 121.31 10/18/1999 121.333 09/18/2000 336 0.0717293 121.323 02/07/2000 121.333 09/18/2000 224 0.031186652 121.23 07/28/1998 121.402 01/08/2001 895 0.536410418 121.28 11/17/1998 121.402 01/08/2001 783 0.380477156 121.323 03/0811999 121.402 01/08/2001 672 0.246374552 121.284 06128/1999 121.402 01/08/2001 560 0.368002495 121.31 10/18/1999 121.402 01/08/2001 448 0.286917199 121.323 02/07/2000 121.402 01/08/2001 336 0.246374552 121.31 05130/2000 121.402 01/08/2001 223 0.286917199

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date_ CheckerlDate Rev04,Sheet 40 of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 121.23 07/28/1998 121.37 04/3012001 1007 0.43661313 121.28 11/17/1998 121.37 04/30/2001 895 0.280679869 121.323 03/08/1999 121.37 04/30/2001 784 0.146577265 121.284 06128/1999 121.37 04/30/2001 672 0.268205208 121.31 10/18/1999 121.37 04/30/2001 560 0.187119913 121.323 02107/2000 121.37 04/30/2001 448 0.146577265 121.31 05130/2000 121.37 04/3012001 335 0.187119913 121.338 09/18/2000 121.37 04/30/2001 224 0.099797287 2-T-69-836D 125.33 07/28/1998 124.99 11/17/1998 112 -1.060346172 124.97 11/17/1998 125.003 03/0811999 111 0.102915952 125.007 03108/1999 124.993 06/28/1999 112 -0.043661313 124.971 06/28/1999 125.036 10/18/1999 112 0.202713239 125 10/18/1999 124.995 02107/2000 112 -0.015593326 124.977 02/07/2000 125.03 05/30/2000 113 0.165289256 124.998 .05/30/2000 124.998 09/18/2000 111 0 124.984 09/18/2000 125.024 01/08/2001 112 0.124746608 125 01108/2001 125 04130/2001 112 0 125.33 07/28/1998 125.003 03/08/1999 223 -1.019803524 125.33 07/28/1998 124.993 06/28/1999 335 -1.050990176 124.97 11/17/1998 124.993 06/28/1999 223 0.0717293 125.33 07/28/1998 125.036 10/1 8/1 999 447 -0.916887572 124.97 11/17/1998 125.036 10/18/1999 335 0.205831904 125.007 03/08/1999 125.036 10/18/1999 224 0.090441291 125.33 07/28/1998 124.995 02107/2000 559 -1.044752846 124.97 11/17/1998 124.995 02/07/2000 447 0.07796663 125.007 03/08/1999 124.995 02/07/2000 336 -0.037423983 124.971 06/28/1999 124.995 02/07/2000 224 0.074847965 125.33 07/28/1998 125.03 05/30/2000 672 -0.935599563 124.97 11/17/1998 125.03 05/30/2000 560 0.187119913 125.007 03/08/1999 125.03 05/30/2000 449 0.0717293 124.971 06/28/1999 125.03 05130/2000 337 0.184001247 125 10118/1999 125.03 05130/2000 225 0.093559956 125.33 07/2811998 124.998 09/18/2000 783 -1.03539685 124.97 11/17/1998 124.998 09/1812000 671 0.087322626 125.007 03/08/1999 124.998 09/18/2000 560 -0.028067987 124.971 06/28/1999 124.998 09/18/2000 448 0.084203961 125 10/18/1999 124.998 09/18/2000 336 -0.00623733 124.977 02/07/2000 124.998 09/1 8/2000 224 0.065491969 125.33 07/28/1998 125.024 01/08/2001 895 -0.954311555 124.97 11/17/1998 125.024 01/08/2001 783 0.168407921 125.007 03/08/1999 125.024 01/08/2001 672 0.053017309 124.971 06/28/1999 125.024 01/08/2001 560 0.165289256 125 10/18/1999 125.024 01/08/2001 448 0.074847965 124.977 02/07/2000 125.024 01/08/2001 336 0.146577265

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 41 of 63 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 124.998 05/30/2000 125.024 01108/2001 223 0.081085295 125.33 07/28/1998 125 04/30/2001 1007 -1.02915952 124.97 11/17/1998 125 04/30/2001 895 0.093559956 125.007 03/08/1999 125 04/30/2001 784 -0.021830656 124.971 06/2811999 125 04/30/2001 672 0.090441291 125 10/18/1999 125 04/30/2001 560 0 124.977 02/07/2000 125 04/30/2001 448 0.0717293 124.998 05/30/2000 125 04/30/2001 335 0.00623733 124.984 09/18/2000 125 04/30/2001 224 0.049898643 2-T-69-837D 124.89 07/28/1998 124.91 11/17/1998 112 0.062373304 124.89 11/17/1998 124.994 03/08/1999 111 0.324341182 124.99 03/08/1999 124.895 06/28/1999 112 -0.296273195 124.877 06/28/1999 124.945 10/18/1999 112 0.212089234 124.92 10/18/1999 125.007 02/07/2000 112 0.271323873 124.995 02/07/2000 124.935 05130/2000 113 -0.187119913 124.917 05/3012000 124.91 09/18/2000 111 -0.021830656 124.895 09/18/2000 125.023 01/08/2001 112 0.399189147 125.009 01/08/2001 125 04/30/2001 112 -0.028067987 124.89 07/28/1998 124.994 03/08/1999 223 0.324341182 124.89 07/28/1998 124.895 06/28/1999 335 0.015593326 124.89 11/17/1998 124.895 06/28/1999 223 0.015593326 124.89 07/2811998 124.945 10/18/1999 447 0.171526587 124.89 11/17/1998 124.945 10/18/1999 335 0.171526587 124.99 03/08/1999 124.945 10118/1999 224 -0.140339935 124.89 07/28/1998 125.007 02/07/2000 559 0.36488383 124.89 11/17/1998 125.007 02/07/2000 447 0.36488383 124.99 03/08/1999 125.007 02/07/2000 336 0.053017309 124.877 06/28/1999 125.007 02/07/2000 224 0.405426477 124.89 07/28/1998 124.935 05/30/2000 672 0.140339935 124.89 11/17/1998 124.935 05130/2000 560 0.140339935 124.99 03/08/1999 124.935 05/30/2000 449 -0.171526587 124.877 06/28/1999 124.935 05/30/2000 337 0.180882582 124.92 10/1811999 124.935 05/30/2000 225 0.046779978 124.89 07/28/1998 124.91 09118/2000 783 0.062373304 124.89 11/1711998 124.91 09/18/2000 671 0.062373304 124.99 03/08/1999 124.91 09/18/2000 560 -0.249493217 124.877 06/28/1999 124.91 09/18/2000 448 0.102915952 124.92 10/18/1999 124.91 09/18/2000 336 -0.031186652 124.995 02/07/2000 124.91 09/18/2000 224 -0.265086543 124.89 07/28/1998 125.023 01/08/2001 895 0.414782473 124.89 11/17/1998 125.023 01/08/2001 783 0.414782473 124.99 03/08/1999 125.023 01/08/2001 672 0.102915952 124.877 06/28/1999 125.023 01/0812001 560 0.455325121 124.92 10/18/1999 125.023 01108/2001 448 0.321222517

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 4 of 6 3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviatlon Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 124.995 02107/2000 125.023 01/08/2001 336 0.087322626 124.917 05/3012000 125.023 01/08/2001 223 0.330578512 124.89 07/28/1998 125 04/30/2001 1007 0.343053173 124.89 11/17/1998 125 04/30/2001 895 0.343053173 124.99 03/08/1999 125 04/3012001 784 0.031186652 124.877 06/28/1999 125 04130/2001 672 0.383595821 124.92 10/18/1999 125 04/3012001 560 0.249493217 124.995 02107/2000 125 04/30/2001 448 0.015593326 124.917 05/30/2000 125 04/30/2001 335 0.258849213 124.895 09/18/2000 125 04/30/2001 224 0.327459847 2-T-69-838D 123.019 07/28/1998 123.08 11/17/1998 112 0.190238578 123.05 11/17/1998 123.114 03/08/1999 111 0.199594574 123.11 03/08/1999 123.087 06/28/1999 112 -0.0717293 123.076 06/28/1999 123.127 10/18/1999 112 0.159051926 123.079 10/18/1999 123.094 12/22/1999 65 0.046779978 123.056 12/20/1999 123.03 02/07/2000 49 -0.081085295 123.027 02/07/2000 123.048 05/30/2000 113 0.065491969 123.043 05/30/2000 123.061 09/18/2000 111 0.056135974 123.059 09/18/2000 123.052 01/08/2001 112 -0.021830656 123.047 01/0812001 123.05 04/3012001 112 0.009355996 123.019 07/2811998 123.114 03/08/1999 223 0.296273195 123.019 07128/1998 123.087 06/28/1999 335 0.212069234 123.05 11/17/1998 123.087 06/28/1999 223 0.115390813 123.019 07/28/1998 123.127 10/18/1999 447 0.336815843 123.05 11/17/1998 123.127 10/18/1999 335 0.240137221 123.11 03108/1999 123.127 10/18/1999 224 0.053017309 123.019 07/28/1998 123.094 12/22/1999 512 0.233899891 123.05 11/17/1998 123.094 12/22/1999 400 0.137221269 123.11 03/08/1999 123.094 12/22/1999 289 -0.049898643 123.076 06/28/1999 123.094 12/2211999 177 0.056135974 123.019 07/28/1998 123.03 02/07/2000 559 0.034305317 123.05 11117/1998 123.03 02/07/2000 447 -0.062373304 123.11 03/08/1999 123.03 02/07/2000 336 -0.249493217 123.076 06/28/1999 123.03 02/07/2000 224 -0.1434586 123.079 10/18/1999 123.03 02/07/2000 112 -0.152814595 123.019 07/28/1998 123.048 05/30/2000 672 0.090441291 123.05 11/17/1998 123.048 0513012000 560 -0.00623733 123.11 03/08/1999 123.048 05/30/2000 449 -0.193357243 123.076 06/28/1999 123.048 05/3012000 337 -0.087322626 123.079 10/18/1999 123.048 05/30/2000 225 -0.096678622 123.056 12120/1999 123.048 05/30/2000 162 -0.024949322 123.019 07128/1998 123.061 09/1812000 783 0.130983939 123.05 11/17/1998 123.061 09/18/2000 671 0.034305317 123.11 03/08/1999 123.061 09/1812000 560 -0.152814595

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet 43 of ;3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 123.076 06/28/1999 123.061 09118/2000 448 -0.046779978 123.079 10/18/1999 123.061 09/18/2000 336 -0.056135974 123.056 12/20/1999 123.061 09/18/2000 273 0.015593326 123.027 02/07/2000 123.061 09/18/2000 224 0.106034617 123.019 07/28/1998 123.052 01/08/2001 895 0.102915952 123.05 11/17/1998 123.052 01/08/2001 783 0.00623733 123.11 03/08/1999 123.052 01/08/2001 672 -0.180882582 123.076 06/28/1999 123.052 01/08/2001 560 -0.074847965 123.079 10/18/1999 123.052 01/08/2001 448 -0.084203961 123.056 12/20/1999 123.052 01/08/2001 385 -0.012474661 123.027 02/07/2000 123.052 01/08/2001 336 0.07796663 123.043 05/30/2000 123.052 01/0812001 223 0.028067987 123.019 07128/1998 123.05 04/30/2001 1007 0.096678622 123.05 11/17/1998 123.05 04/30/2001 895 0 123.11 03/08/11999 123.05 04/30/2001 784 -0.187119913 123.076 06/28/11999 123.05 04/30/2001 672 -0.081085295 123.079 10/18/1999 123.05 04130/2001 560 -0.090441291 123.056 12/20/1999 123.05 04/30/2001 497 -0.018711991 123.027 02/07/2000 123.05 04/30/2001 448 0.0717293 123.043 05/30/2000 123.05 04/30/2001 335 0.021830656 123.059 09/18/2000 123.05 04/30/2001 224 -0.028067987 2-T-69-839D 128.817 07/28/1998 128.76 11/17/1998 112 -0.177763917 128.75 11/17/1998 128.83 03/08/1999 111 0.249493217 128.81 03/08/1999 128.775 06/28/1999 112 -0.109153282 128.764 06/28/1999 128.82 10/18/1999 112 0.174645252 128.805 10/18/1999 128.826 02/07/2000 112 0.065491969 128.813 02/07/2000 128.831 05/3012000 113 0.056135974 128.819 05/30/2000 128.788 09/18/2000 111 -0.096678622 128.778 09/18/2000 128.848 01/08/2001 112 0.218306565 128.836 01/08/2001 128.84 04/3012001 112 0.012474661 128.817 07/28/1998 128.83 03/08/1999 223 0.040542648 128.817 07/28/11998 128.775 06128/1999 335 -0.130983939 128.75 11/17/1998 128.775 06/28/1999 223 0.07796663 128.817 07/28/1998 128.82 10/1 8/1 999 447 0.009355996 128.75 11/17/1998 128.82 10/18/1999 335 0.218306565 128.81 03/08/1999 128.82 10/18/1999 224 0.031186652 128.817 07/28/1998 128.826 02/07/2000 559 0.028067987 128.75 11/17/1998 128.826 02/07/2000 447 0.237018556 128.81 03/08/1999 128.826 02107/2000 336 0.049898643 128.764 06/28/1999 128.826 02/07/2000 224 0.193357243 128.817 07/28/1998 128.831 05/30/2000 672 0.043661313 128.75 11/17/1998 128.831 05/30/2000 560 0.252611882 128.81 03/08/1999 128.831 05/3012000 449 0.065491969 128.764 06/28/1999 128.831 05/30/2000 337 0.208950569

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Checker/Date Rev 04, Sheet A/ of C.3 5.0 Drift Analysis Deviation Instrument As Left Date As Found Date Delta Days  % of Span 128.805 10118/1999 128.831 05/30/2000 225 0.081085295 128.817 07/28/1998 128.788 09/18/2000 783 -0.090441291 128.75 11/17/1998 128.788 09118/2000 671 0.118509278

  • 128.81 03/08/1999 128.788 09/1812000 560 -0.068610635 128.764 06/28/1999 128.788 09118/2000 448 0.074847965 128.805 10/18/1999 128.788 09/18/2000 336 -0.053017309 128.813 02/07/2000 128.788 09/18/2000 224 -0.07796663 128.817 07/28/1998 128.848 01/0812001 895 0.096678622 128.75 11/17/1998 128.848 01/08/2001 783 0.305629191 128.81 03/08/1999 128.848 01/08/2001 672 0.118509278 128.764 06/28/1999 128.848 01/08/2001 560 0.261967878 128.805 10118/1999 128.848 01/08/2001 448 0.134102604 128.813 02/07/2000 128.848 01/08/2001 336 0.109153282 128.819 05/30/2000 128.848 01/08/2001 223 0.090441291 128.817 07/28/1998 128.84 04/30/2001 1007 0.0717293 128.75 11/17/1998 128.84 04/30/2001 895 0.280679869 128.81 03/08/1999 128.84 04/30/2001 784 0.093559956 128.764 06/28/1999 128.84 04/30/2001 672 0.237018556 128.805 10/18/1999 128.84 04/30/2001 560 0.109153282 128.813 02/07/2000 128.84 04/30/2001 448 0.084203961 128.819 05/30/2000 128.84 04/30/2001 335 0.065491969 128.778 09/1812000 128.84 04/30/2001 224 0.193357243 Standard Deviation 0.2148861 Mean 0.0513617 Count 1186 Number of RTDs 48 iKfor 48 RTDs 2.408 Deviation in % of Span 0.5i 74458  % of span 0.165919 ohms 0.0827913 mA 0.0206978 Volt 0.7761688 OF

Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 Preparer/Date Rev 04; Sheet g~of G3 Checker/Date Drift vs Time 0.8 0.6 Y

0 o.4 w3 0.2 T

-9S 0-0 .4 o4

-0.2 fIV 0 X-D





-1.2 Time

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B ED-Q2069-890080 PreparerlDate . . Rev 04; Sheet1 of C.j Checkerldate/da B5.0 Drift Analysis The least square regression analysis Is done using the Excel program and the summary is as follows:


OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.050656017 R Square 0.002566032 Adjusted R Square 0.00170913 Standard Error 0.214702438 Observations 1166 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 0.138039966 0.13804 2.9945454 0.063810393 Residual 1164 53.65706644 0.046097 Total 1165 53.7951064 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-velue Lower95% Upper95% Lower95.0% Upper95.0%

Intercept 0.034407391 0.011641521 2.955575 0.0031837 0.011566693 0.0572481 0.011566693 0.057248089 X VarIable 1 4.94575E-05 2.85803E-05 1.730475 0.0838104 .6.6171E-06 0.0001055 -6.6171E-06 0.000105532 Conclusbon:

The R square value Isvery small and hence there Is no relationship to time.

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.


The following accuracy information for the RTD is extracted from the body of this calculation, and the master and the Slave Trip Units are calculated.

B6.1.1 NORMAL MEASURABLE ACCURACY Anf Anf = Normal Inst. Errors at the time of cal. (NE) + Test Equip Errors (CE)

Anfi:= 0 n. = omA (From base Cale.)

Anfns : V0.122 +0.112 +0.12 2 +O.122 -+0.24mA The existing NESSD 2F-069-0834A, B, C, D has an acceptable as found value of 2.9°F.

The existing NESSD 3F-069-0834A, B, C, D has an acceptable as found value of 3.5°F.

Therefore it is conservative to use the existing values. Therefore, For Unit 2: Anfns = 4 2.9 °F =*0.62 n =+/-0.077V =4*0.309mA For Unit 3: Anfim =h3.5 IF = 40.748.0 n:t0.093 V =d-0.373 mA Anlfrs := 1/0.0322 +0.1072 + 0.0322

=+/-0.116mA L0.029V 40.233 n 1.1°F B6.1.2 NORMAL ACCURACY An An = Anf COMBINED WITH UNMEASURABLE ERRORS For unit 2:

AnTs :L 0.43 Q =A 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

Ans :=0.62n . = 4 0.309 mA Anrs_= 0.233 n =t0.116mA For unit 3:

AnT := 0.43 n =+ 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

Ans:= t 0.748 . =4 0.373 mA AfTs,=r 0.233 n =i0.116mA

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l N



As = Normal accuracy (An) + Seismic contributions For unit 2:

Ana := + 0.43 Q = d 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

Ans := + 0.62 n = 4 0.309mA Q =40.116 nA For unit 3:

AnTE  := 4 0.43 n = 4 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

Anns := +/- 0.748 Q = 4 0.373 mA AnTs-= h0.233 n =0. 116mA B6.1.4 ACCIDENT ACCURACY Aa Aa is An PLUS ACCIDENT CONTRIBUTIONS For unit 2:

An := +/- 0.43 n = 4-0.215 mA(From base Ca1c.)

Anns := d 0.62n . = 4 0.309 mA Anrs -= 0.233 n =40.116nmA For unit 3:

AnE := k 0.43 n = +/- 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

Anns := E 0.748 n =

  • 0.373 mA AnTs _= - 0.233 n =E 0.116 mA B6.1.5 DESIGN BASIS EVENT ACCURACY (Adbe)

Since Adbe is equal to the larger of Aa and As For unit 2:

AnTE := 4 0.43 n = 4 0.215 mA (From base Catc.)

AnTm:=- 0.62n . =& 0.309 mA An-rs. .= 0.233 n =40.116 mA

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.


Annp: d.0.43D0 = - 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

Anms:= -+0.748 l =h 0.373 mA AnlTs:- = -0.233 D =E0.116mA B6.1.6 COMBINED ACCIDENT AND SEISMIC ACCURACY (Aas)

Aas = Aa + Se For unit 2:

Anm = *- 0,43 n = - 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

AnrS := b0.62 n =

  • 0.309 mA Anrs:-= t 0.233 Q =I. 0.116 mA For unit 3:

AnTE := h 0.43 n = ; 0.215 mA (From base Calc.)

An.s,:= 4 0.748 n = 0.373mA ATS ..*= b0.233 n =+/-0.116mA B6.1.7 COMPONENT ACCEPTANCE BAND (Ab)

Ab=N/A = N/A AbIs :=:E0.24 (2 = 0.12mA =:E: 1.2 °F = +0.03 V AbTs5-= 4-0.214 (2 =:h 0.107 mA = +/- .0 IF = +0.027 V

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.


B6.2.1 NORMAL MEASURABLE ACCURACY Anf Anf= Normal Inst. Errors at the time of cal. (NE) + Test Equip Errors (CE)

LAnf = + Anfns For unit 2: LAnf = L 0.62 0. - 0.309 mA = i 0.077 V 442.9 OF For unit 3: LAnf = +/- 0.748 0. E0.373 mA = 4 0.093 V = =:3.5 OF B6.2.2 NORMAL ACCURACY An An = Anf COMBINED WITHJ UNMEASURABLE ERRORS LAn = i vr Anfm 2 + Anfns 2 For unit 2:LAn =

  • sr 0.432 + 0.62 2

= +/- 0.755 0. =+/-0.377 mA =i 1: 0.094 V Forunit3:LAn = +/- vr 0.432+0.7482

=+0.863 Q. =+/-0.43 mA h 0.105 V =-4.1 °F B6.2.3 SEISMIC ACCURACY (As)

As = Normal accuracy (An) + Seismic contributions For Unit 2: LAs = + 0.755 D. = +0.377 mA =*:0.094V =:L 3.6 °F For Unit 3: LAs = + 0.863 n. = 40.43 mA = 4 0.105 V = -4.1 OF

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q2069-890080 I 4 51 of 66 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE B6.0 COMPUTATIONS I ANALYSES B6.2.4 ACCIDENT ACCURACY LAa LAa is An plus accident contributions For Unit 2: LAa = L 0.755 n. = +/-0.377 mA =d:0.094V = 3.6OF For Unit 3: LAa = E 0.863 n. = :to.43 mA = + 0.105 V =*4.1 IF B6.2.5 DESIGN BASIS EVENT ACCURACY (Adbe)

Since Adbe is equal to the larger of Aa and As For Unit 2: LAdbe = + 0.755 0. = +/-0.377 mA = 0.094V =+3.6IF For Unit 3: LAdbe = 4 0.863 0. = +/-0.43 mA =+/-0.105 V = 4.1 °F B6.2.6 COMBINED ACCIDENT AND SEISMIC ACCURACY (Aas)

LAas = Aa + Se For Unit 2: LAas = t 0.755 Q. =O.377 mA = 0.094 V =4 3.6 °F For Unit 3: LAas = 0.863 0. =10.43 mA =h 0.105 V =44.1 °F B6.2.7 LOOP ACCEPTANCE BAND Ab LAb =t0.12mA =; 0.24 0. =I 1.2°F =40.03 V

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.


B6.3.1 NORMAL MEASURABLE ACCURACY Anf Anf = Normal Inst. Errors at the time of cal. (NE) + Test Equip Errors (CE)

LAnif =, Afs 2 + Anf s2 For Unit 2: LAnf =+ -10.3Q92 +F.l16 2

= + 0.33 mA = 0.662 n. =+ 0.083 V For Unit 3: LAnf =+/- r0.3732+ 0.1162

=+/-0.39lmA=:h0.784n. =+/-O0.098V -=dz3.7 IF B6.3.2 NORMAL ACCURACY An An = Anf COMBINED WITH UNMEASURABLE ERRORS LAn =Lf 2Ad nf2 + Anffs 2 For Unit 2: LAn =I I 0.2152 + O.3092 + 0.1162

=:-i0.394rmA =.E0.7900 =n o.099V = k3.7°F For Unit 3: LAn =1 -r 0.2152 + 0.3732 + 0.1162

= + 0.446 mA =.+0.894 n =+40.112 V =+/-::4.2 °P

lpart of BENTS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.


As = Normal accuracy (An) + Seismic contributions For unit 2: LAs = + 0.394 mA =A.-0.790 n =0.099 V = 4- 3.7 IF For unit 3: LAs = + 0.446 mA =.:0.894 n = +0.112V = +/-4.2 IF B6.3.4 ACCIDENT ACCURACY LAa LAa is An plus accident contributions For unit 2: LAa = A0.394 mA =A0.790 Q =40.099V = L3.7 °F For unit 3: LAa = 4 0.446 mA =.d0.894 n = 4- 0.1 12 V =44.2 IF B6.3.5 DESIGN BASIS EVENT ACCURACY (Adbe)

Since Adbe is equal to the larger ofAa and As For unit 2: LAdbe = h 0.394 mA = .:0.790 n =0.099oV = 4 3.7 IF For unit 3: LAdbe = + 0.446 mA =.E0.894 n =:0.112V = 4 4.2 IF B6.3.6 COMBINED ACCIDENT AND SEISMIC ACCURACY (Aas)

LAas = Aa + Se For unit 2: LAas = 4 0.394 mA =A.0.790 Q = 4 0.099 V = 4 3.7 °F Forunit3: LAas =:h0.446 mA =.A0.894 n =40.112V = - 4.2 OF

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q2069-890080 4 54 of 66 PREPARER DATE l CHECKER DATE 36.3.7 LOOP ACCEPTANCE BAND Abwsrrs LAb = -fAi~s + AbTs 2

- 1[0.122+0.1072 m

=40.161mA=0.323n. =4-1.5°F =I0.041 V B6.4 Setpoint (SP) of unit 2 and unit 3 TS The setpoint must satisfy the following:

Therefore SP < AV + Anf For unit 2: SP < 200 - 2.9 = 197.1 ° F Forunit3: SP< 200 -3.5 = 196.5 IF Therefore, for both units, the Setpoint is kept the same as the existing of SP=189°F B6.5 Setpoint (SP) of TIS for Unit 2 The setpoint must satisfyr the following:

Therefore SP < AV + Anf SP< 188 - 2.9 = 185.1 I F Therefore the Setpoint is kept the same as the existing of SP = 185 OF B6.6 Setpoint (SP) of TIS for Unit 3 The setpoint must satisfy the following:

Therefore SP < AV + Anf SP < 201 - 3.5 = 197.5 0 F Therefore the Setpoint is kept the same as the existing of SP=197°F

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix B CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q2069-890080 4 55 of 66 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE B6.0 COMPUTATIONS I ANALYSES B6.7 Plant Operations Parameters Allowable Value (AV)

Per reference 1, the allowable value is:

AV = SP 4 Anf AV, > 189 + 2.9 = 191.9 °F for unit 2 MSIV Isolation AV,= 200 IF AVU > 189 + 3.5 = 192.5 °F for unit 3 MSIV Isolation AV,= 200 OF AVU > 185 + 2.9 = 187.3 °F forUnit 2 RWCU Isolation AV,= 188 OF AV. > 197 + 3.5 = 200.5 °F for Unit 3 RWCU Isolation AV,= 201 OF

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER l REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 I 7 12 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses 7.1 Temperature Component Analyses 1-TE-69-834A/BICID, .835AJBICID, -836AJ81C1D, -B37AIBIC/D, -835AIBIC/D (from body of calculation):

ReTE. +/-0.43 n) i 2.0°F Normal Measurable Accuracy:

Anf - = N/A Normal Accuracy:

AnTE =Rear = i2.0°F Seismic Accuracy:

As TE AnT = i2.0 0 F Accident Accuracy:

AaTE = An-E i2.0°F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy:

AasTE = As87 = +/- 2.0 °F 1-TiST69-834AJB/C/D, 835AIB/CID, -836AIBICID, -837AJB/CID, -83BAIB/CID (from Appendix B):

SPAN = 150"F Rens. +/-0.75% SPAN +/-1.2

+/- °F TNens. +/-0.015% SPAN / Fx (104-60) +/- 1.0°F ICTens. Rens +/- 1.2 OF ICTensjo. Re-ns x 2.11 n 150 IF = +/- 0.24 f Abms. Rens i1.2°F


Normal Measurable Accuracy:

Anfns = +/-(Rens2 + TNens 2 + ICTens 2 + Abns2)112 Anfrns = +/- 2.3 °F Normal Accuracy:

AnIns = Anfns = i2.3eF Seismic Accuracy:

Asns = Anns = +/-2.30 F Accident Accuracy:

Aans = AnTis = i2.3°F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy.

Aasns = As-s = +/-2.3°F

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2l Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER l REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 1 7 1 13 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.1 Temperature Component Analyses (continued) 1- TS-1-17AAB/CID (from Appendbc B):

SPAN = 150°F ReTs. +/-0.2% SPAN +/- 0.3 OF ICTeTS" ReTs = +/-0.3OF ICTeTs v. ReTsx4V/1500 F +/- 0.008 V Abrs . Selected >= ReTs +/- 1.0 OF Normal Measurable Accuracy:

AnfTs = +/-(Res 2 + ICTeTs 2 + AbTs)

AnfTs = +/- 1.1 °F Normal Accuracy:

AnTs = AnfTs = 1.1 °F Seismic Accuracy:

ASTS= AnTs -+/-1.1 °F Accident Accuracy:

AaTs = Ants = +/- 1.1 °F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy.

Aas = A8TS = +/- 1.1 °F


lpart of BFN TS-447 RAT Enclosure 2 Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 I 7 14 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.2 Temperature Loop Accuracies For RWCU Isolation (TE-TIS):


LAnfns = Alfns LAnf 1n5 = +/- 2.3 OF NORMAL ACCURACY:

LAnns = +/- (AnTE 2 +AnS2)1 LAnns = +/-3.1 °F SEISMIC ACCURACY:

LAsns = I-AnThs LAs-,s = +/- 3.1 OF ACCIDENT ACCURACY:


LAdbe-ns is the greater of LAs-ns and LAans LAdbens = +/- 3.1 OF SEISMIC & ACCIDENT ACCURACY:

LAasns = LAns LAasns = +/-3.1 °F ACCEPTANCE BAND:

LAbns = Abns LAbns = +/-1.2°F

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 I 7 15 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.2 Temperature Loop Accuracies For MS Isolation (TE-TIS-TS):


LAnfTs = +/- (Ants + Ans 2 )11 2 LAnfTs = +/-2.6'F NORMAL ACCURACY:

LAnTs = +/- (Anre 2 + Aftns2 + An.12 LAnTs . +/- 3.2 OF SEISMIC ACCURACY:



LAdbers Is the greater of LAsTs and LAaTr LAdbens = +/- 3.2 °F SEISMIC &ACCIDENT ACCURACY:


LAbTS = +/- (Abs + AS 2 )1/2 LAbTS = +/- 1.6 °F

Ipart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER l REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 I 7 1 16 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.3 Plant Operations Parameters 7.3.1 1-TIS-069-0834AIBICID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe S SP 5 UAL - LAdbe 180+3.1 SPs205-3.1 183.1 s SP 5 201.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 197°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MuAL w UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL = 205 - (197 + 3.1) MLOL = (197 - 3.1) - 180 MUAL = 4.90F MLOL = 13.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 197 + 2.3:SAV:s 205 - (3.1 - 2.3) 199.3 5 AV 5 204.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 201 °F Is acceptable.

7.3.2 1-TS-001-0017AIB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL+ILAdbeSSP:UAL-LAdbe 180 + 3.2 5 SP 5 205 - 3.2 183.2SSP5201.8 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 189°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MuAL = 205- (189 + 3.2) MLOL = (189 - 3.2)- 180 MuAL= 12.8°F MLOL = 5.8°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP +LAnf S AV5sUAL - (LAdbe-LAnf) 189+ 2.6 SAVS 205 - (3.2 - 2.6) 191.6 sAV!s204.4 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 200 0F Is acceptable.

Part of BFN TS-447 RA! Enclosure 2 Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-QO069-890080 I 7 17 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.3 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.3.3 1-TIS-069-0835AIB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpolnt must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe 5 SP s UAL - LAdbe 100+3.1 sSPS 140-3.1 103.1 i SPS 136.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 131 °F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin is defined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP +Lbe) MLOL = (SP +LAdbe) - LOL MuAL = 140 - (131 + 3.1) MLOL = (131 - 3.1) - 100 MUAL = 5.9°F MLOL = 27.90F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf S AV S UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 131 + 2.3:5 AV 5 140 - (3.1 - 2.3) 133.35 AVS 139.2 Therefore, the technical specofication allowable value of 135°F isacceptable.


Per reference 1, the selected setpolnt must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe S SP:SUAL - LAdbe 130 + 3.1 5 SP (no upper analytical limit) 133.1 s SP Therefore, the selected setpoint of 148°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MUAL= UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL N/A MLL=(148 - 3.1) -130 MUAL =NIA MLOL = 14.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 148 + 2.3 5 AV (no upper analytical limit) 150.3 5 AV Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 152 0 F Is acceptable.

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix C CALCULATION NUMBER l REV. NO. l SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 I 7 18 of 30 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.3 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.3.5 1-TIS-069-0837ANB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1,the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe5sSP5sUAL - LAdbe 130 + 3.1 s SP (no upper analytical limit) 133.1 s SP Therefore, the selected setpolnt of 148°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Isdefined by the following equation:

MUAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MuAL = N/A MLOL = (148 -3.1) - 130 MUAL = NA MLOL = 14.9 0F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (IAdbe - i-Anf) 148 + 2.3 5 AV (no upper analytical limit) 150.3 sAV Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 152°F Is acceptable.

7.3.6 1-TIS-069-"838NJB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1,the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe SP:5 UAL - LAdbe 135 +3.1 sSP5175-3.1 138.1 sSP:s171.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 139°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Isdefined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL =(SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUL 2175 - (139 + 3.1) MLOL = (139 3.1) - 135 MuAL = 32.9°F MLOL = 0.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE.

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + iAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 139 + 2.3 S AV s 175 - (3.1 - 2.3) 141.3:s AV s 174.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 143°F is acceptable.

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l ANALYSIS OF INSTRUMENT LOOPS 2/3-T-69-835A, B, C,D; 213-T-69-836AB,C,D; 2/3-T-69-837AB,C,D; and 213-T-69-838A, B, C, D 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Appendix is to document the applicability of the following list of instruments to have a calibration cycle of 24 +25% months.

2/3-T-69-835 A, B, C, D 2/3-T-69-836 A, B, C, D 2/3-T-69-837 A, B, C, D and 213-T-69-838 A, B, C, D 2.0 Methodology This Appendix contains a summary of instrument accuracies for the subject instruments and loops. The methodology utilized for the evaluation of instrument and loop uncertainties in this Appendix is identical to that used In the body of this calculation.

3.0 Assumptions I Requirements There are no unverified assumptions in this Appendix.

4.0 References The references used in this Appendix refer to the references from Section 3 and Appendix B of this calculation. Additional references needed to support the analysis of this Appendix are numbered starting from the next numerical number and are listed belowu.

Ref.# DDI Att# Reference Y/N 72 Y DCN 60183 5.0 Loop Component List:

All Instruments for unit 2 and 3, which are called out In section 1.0 of this appendix.

6.0 Component Data:

All component data Is given In the respective sections. Setpolnts, allowable values, lower operational limit and upper analytical limits are given in the next page.

part of BEN TS-447 RA! Enclosure 2 6.0 Component Data:

Setpoints, Allowable value and Analytical Limits:

Unit 2 Tag Location/ EQ room Setpoint in OF AV In °F LOL in OF UAL In OF Ref.

835 AB,C,D PPTR 8 131 135 120 140 43,44,6 836 A,B,C,D PR-A 10 148 152 130 N/A 43,44,7 837 A,B,C,D PR-B 10 148 152 130 N/A 43,44,7 838 AB,C,D HER 11 139 143 135 160 43,44,7 Unit 3 Tag Location / EQ Room Setpoint in 'F AV in *F LOL in *F UAL in 'F Ref.

835 AB,C,D PPTR 8 131 135 120 140 42,45,5 836 A,B,C,D PR-A 10 148 152 130 N/A 42,45,7 837 AB,C,D PR-B 10 148 152 130 N/A 42,45,7 838 A.B,C,D HER 11 139 143 135 175 42,45,7

_ ....

lpart of BFNTS-447 RAI Enlcosure 2 7.0 Computations and Analyses 7.1 Component Analyses 7.1.1 The Weed RTD accuracy from the body of calculation:

Repeatability: ReTE +/-+/- 0.43 a - +/- 2.0 °F Normal Measurable Accuracy:

AnfM-E = NWA Normal Accuracy:

AnTE Re -2.0°F

=E Seismic Accuracy:

AsTE = AnTE = i2.0°F Accident Accuracy:

AaTE =AnTE = +/-2.00 F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy:

AasTE = AsTE = +/- 2.0 F 7.1.2 The Rosemount TIS accuracy from Appendix B (Master trip unit):

SPAN =150°F Rerns = +/-0.75% SPAN = +/- 1.2 °F TNens = +/-0.015% SPAN / °Fx (104-60) = +/- 1.0 °F ICTe1ns = Rens = +/-1.2°F Ab-ns = Rens = i1.2°F

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.2 Temperature Switch Accuracies (Master trip unit)

Normal Measurable Accuracy:

Anfns = +/-(Rens2 + TNe-ns 2 + ICTens + n AnftTs = +/-2.3 °F Normal Accuracy:

An-ns = Anfns = i2.3°F Seismic Accuracy:

Asns = An-ns = +/-2.3°F Accident Accuracy:

Aans = Anns = i 2.3 °F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy.

Aas-s = As-s = i2.3 OF 7.3 Temperature Loop Accuracies For RWCU Isolation (TE-TIS):


LAnfns = Anflns LAnfns = +/- 2.3 °F NORMAL ACCURACY:

LAnns = +/- (An-rE2 + Anns 2)M2 LAnns = +/- 3.1 °F

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.3 Temperature Loop Accuracies (Continued)

For RWCU Isolation (TE-TIS):


LAS1ns = LAnhns LAs-ns = +/-3.1 'F ACCIDENT ACCURACY:


LAdbe-ns is the greater of LAsns and LAa-ns LAdbens = +/- 3.1 'F SEISMIC & ACCIDENT ACCURACY:

LAasns = LAn-ns LAasns = +/-3.1 'F ACCEPTANCE BAND:

IAbbms = Abns LAbns = +/- 1.2 °F

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.4 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.4.1 2-TIS-069-O83SABICID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe s SP s UAL - LAdbe 120+3.1 SSPs 140-3.1 123.1 5 SP S 136.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 131'F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin is defined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP +LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL = 140 - (131 + 3.1) MLOL = (131 - 3.1) - 120 MUAL 5.9°F MLOL = 7.90 F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 131 +2.3SAV* 140- (3.1 -2.3) 133.3 s AV s 139.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 135°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, the selected selpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe s SP 5 UAL - WAdbe 120 + 3.15 SP S 140-3.1 123.1 S SP S 136.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 131 IF Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLoL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL M = 140 - (131 + 3.1)

=aL MLOL = (131 - 3.1) - 120 MUAL = 5.9°F MLOL = 7.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV 5 UAL - (LAdbe- LAnf) 131 + 2.3 S AV s 140 - (3.1 - 2.3) 133.3 S AV S 139.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 135°F Is acceptable.

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.4 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.4.3 2-TIS-0B"0838ANB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpolnt must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe!sSP:s UAL - LAdbe 130 + 3.1 S SP (no upper analytical limit) 133.1 S SP Therefore, the selected setpoint of 148°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MUAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL = N/A MLOL = (14 8 - 3.1) -130 MUAL = N/A MLOL = 14.9CF ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1,the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf S AV S UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 148 + 2.3 5 AV (no upper analytical limit) 150.3S AV Therefore, the technical specIfication allowable value of 152 0F is acceptable.

7.4.4 3-TIS-069-0836AIB/C/D SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL+LAdbeSSPsUAL-LAdbe 130 + 3.1 s SP (no upper analytical limit) 133.1 sSP Therefore, the selected setpoint of 148°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin isdefined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP + Adbe) MLOL =(SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL = NIA MLOL (148 - 3.1) -130 MuAL = N/A MLOL 14.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf S AV S UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 148 + 2.3 S AV (no upper analytical limit) 150.35 AV Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 152 0 F Is acceptable.

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix D CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-Q0069-890080 -6 8 ofS22 PREPARER DATE HECKER DATE PPEDEHK DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.4 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.4.5 2-TIS-069-0837A/B1CID SETPOIWN:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL+LAdbe SPVUAL-LAdbe 130 + 3.1 S SP (no upper analytical limit) 133.1 SP Therefore, the selected setpoint of 148°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MUAL - UAL - (SP +LAdbe) MLOL =(SP + i-Adbe) - LOL MUAL = N/A MLOL = (148 - 3.1) - 130 MuAL =N/A MLoL 14.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnfl 148 + 2.3 5 AV (no upper analytical limit) 150.3 SAV Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 152°F Is acceptable.

7.4.6 3-TIS.069-0837ANB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbeS SPs UAL - LAdbe 130 + 3.1 5 SP (no upper analytical limit) 133.15 SP Therefore, the selected setpoint of 148°F Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin is defined by the following equation:

MUAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL = iN/A MLOL = (148 - 3.1) -130 MUAL = N/A MLOL = 14.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf 5 AV 5 UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 148 + 2.3 s AV (no upper analytical limit) 150.3 s AV Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 152°F Is acceptable.

of BFN;part TS-447 R Enclosure 2 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.4 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.4.7 2-TIS-069-0838A1B/C1D SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe!sSP s UAL -LAdbe 135 + 3.1 sSP5s160- 3.1 138.15 SP5s156.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 139°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

MuAL = UAL - (SP + WAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MuAL = 160 - (139 + 3.1) MLOL = (139 - 3.1) - 135 MLAL = 17.9°F MLOL = 0.90F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe -. LAnf) 139+2.3sAV5160-(3.1 -2.3) 141.3!5 AV s 159.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 143°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, the selected setpolnt must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe s SP 5 UAL - lAdbe 135 + 3.15 SP5s175- 3.1 138.1 5 SP5s171.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 139°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin Is defined by the following equation:

ML = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MVAL = 175 - (139 + 3.1) MLOL = (139 3 .1) -135 MuL4= 32.9°F MLOL = 0.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 139 + 2.35 AV 5 175- (3.1 -2.3) 141.3sAV5 174.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 143°F Is acceptable.

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 7.5 Setpoint and Allowable value In as From Vendor literature, reference 4, attachment 4, 120°F =118.97Qa 160°F =127.50QL 140°F =123.24Qa 180°F =131.74 Ql 200°F =135.97 Q 20°F 12 101 4 0 = 4.27 Q2 20'F 6 solo o= 4.24 Q2 20°F14otolo= 4.26 a 20IF 8 oto20 = 4.23 Q 1 IF1200o140 = 0.2135 Q 1 'Fleoto1 l = 0.212 Q1 1 'Fi4otoieo = 0.213 Q 1 'Foto200 = 0.2115 Q2 Therefore SP of 131°F = 118.97+0.2135x 11 =121.32 a2 SP of 14B IF = 123.24+0.213 x 8 =124.94 Q SP of 139 °F = 123.24-0.2135 x 1 =123.03 in AV of 135 IF = 123.24-0.2135 x 5 = 122.17 LI AV of 152 'F = 123.24 &'0.213 x12 = 125.80 Q2 AV of 143 IF = 123.24 + 0.213 x3 = 123.87 2 2.3°F = 0.212x 2.3 = 0.488 n 1.2 °F = 0.212 x 1.2 = 0.254 n

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 QA Record O GINALI 10ORI N TVAN CALCULATION COVERSHEET/CCRIS UPDATE Page i REV 0 EDMSIRIMS NO. EDMS TYPE: £PMS ACCESSION NO fN'A for REV. 01 W81 920822 001 calculations(nuclear) %1 4 0 4 0 4 2 9 1 0 1 CalcTitle: 1/2/3-T-69-839 A, B, C, & D Setpoint and Scaling Calculation CALC ID lg ORG PLANT 8RANCH NUMBER CUR REV NE EELM CURREN CN NUC BFN EEB EDQ2069920474 006 007 APPCABILITY Entire calc 0 Selected pages 0 No CCRIS ChangesOU ACTION NEW O0 DELETE 0 SUPERSEDE 0 I CCRISUPDATEONLY 0 (For cal revision. CCRIS REVISION 11 RENAME 03 DUPLICATE 0 (Verifier Approval SIgnatures Not Required) boonrvlewed and no CCRIS clanges requIred)





'vL Calculations were perforned to determIne the accuracy cf the subject Instrment loop(s). The determIned accuracies are compared to the requIred aoouraciesoetpodnts. safety Umibtsandtoroperational limIts and the accuracy d the loops lIsted bolow are demonstrated to be acceptable for the intended function of the Instrument loops.

Loop No. 112/3-T-69-839 A, B. C, D MICROFICHE/EFICHE Yes O No a FICHE NUMBER S)



TVA 40532 107 2001) Page t of 2 NEDP-2-1[07 09fi2001]

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 I Appendix A CALCULATION NUMBER REV. NO. SHEET NO.

ED-P2069-920474 C7 _ of 19 IPREPARER DATE ICHECKER DATEI ALANALYSIS OF INSTRUMENT LOOPS 1/2/3-T-69-839A, B, C, D 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Appendix is to document the applicability of the above instruments to have a calibration cycle of 24 +25% months to all the components (Units 1, 2, and 3) of this calculation.

2.0 Assumptilons / Requirements There are no unverified assumptions in this Appendix.

3.0 Methodology This Appendix contains a summary of instrument accuracies for the subject instruments and loops. The methodology utilized for the evaluation of Instrument and loop uncertainties in this Appendix Is Identical to that used in the body of this calculation.

4.0 References The references used in this Appendix refer to the references from Section 4 of this calculation. Additional references needed to support the analysis of this Appendix are numbered starting from the next numerical number and are listed below:

Ref.# DDI Att# Reference Y/N 44 Y DCN 60183 5.0 Design Input data:

All Instruments data for unit 1, 2. and 3 are listed in section 5 of this calculation.

6.0 Component AccuracIes:

All component accuracies are given Inthe section 6.

apart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 7.0 Computations and Analyses 7.1 Component Analyses The Weed RTD accuracy from the body of calculation:

Repeatability: RerE 0.424 fl = +/- 2.0 'F Self Heating error SHn = +/- 0.19 IF Normal Measurable Accuracy:

Anf TE = N/A Normal Accuracy:

AnTE = Re1 E = 2.00 F Seismic Accuracy:

AsTE = AnE = i2.0 0 F Accident Accuracy:

AaTE =AlA = 2.00 F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy:

AasTE = AsTE = +/- 2.0 IF

lpart of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 7.0 Computations and Analyses (Continued) 7.2 Component Analyses (Continued)

The Rosemount TIS accuracy from Appendix B of Reference 06 (Master trip unit):

In Setpoint and Scaling calculation ED-Q2069-890080 Appendix B (reference 6), the field calibration data is collected and a statistical analysis is completed to derive the repeatability and drift for a period of 30 months. All the inaccuracy for the master trip unit is taken from the above calculation and they are as follows:

Instrument Range = 50 °F- 200 °F = 103.9 to 135.97 Qn Therefore Span = 150°F Reris. +/-0.75% SPAN +/- 1.2 °F +/- 0.254 Q TNens.. +/-0.015% SPAN J IF x (104-60) +/- 1.0 IF +/- 0.212 Q ICTens. Rens +/- 1.2 OF +/- 0.254.Q Ab-s. Rens +/- 1.2 °F + 0.254 f Normal Measurable Accuracy:

Anf-ps = +/-(Rens 2 + TNens2 + ICTens2 + Abns 2)112 Anfns = +/- 2.3 °F Normal Accuracy:

Anns = Anfns = i2.3 °F Seismic Accuracy:

Asns = Anns = +/-2.3 °F Accident Accuracy:

Aans = Anzs +/- 2.3 °F Combined Seismic and Accident Accuracy:

Aasns = Asms = 2.3°F

part of BFN TS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l 7.0 Computations and Analyses (Continued) 7.3 Temperature Loop Accuracies tor RWCU Isolation (TE-TIS):


L-fAns = Anfns LAnflns = +/- 2.3 F NORMAL ACCURACY:

LAnlns = +/- (AnTE2 + Anns2 )1" 2 LAnns = +/-3.1 OF SEISMIC ACCURACY:

LASns = LAnlns LAsiis = +/- 3.1 OF ACCIDENT ACCURACY:


LAdbens is the greater of LAsns and LAans LAdberns = +/- 3.1 °F SEISMIC & ACCIDENT ACCURACY:

LAasns = LAn-ls LAasns = +/-3.1 OF ACCEPTANCE BAND:

LAb-ns = Abns LAb-ns = +/-1.2°F

Ipart of BFNTS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 Appendix A CALCULATION NUMBER PREV. NO. I SHEET NO.

ED-Q2069-920474 1 7 5 of 19 PREPARER DATE CHECKER DATE 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.4 Plant Operations Parameters 7.4.1 1-TIS-069-0B39A/B/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpotnt must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe SP s UAL - WAdbe 135+3.15SP173 -3.1 138.1 s SP 5 169.9 Therefore, the selected setpolnt of 166eF Is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin is defined by the following equatIon:

MuAL = UAL - (SP +LAdbe) MLOL = (SP -LAdbe) - LOL MuAL = 173 - (166 + 3.1) MLOL = (166 - 3.1) -135 MUAL = 3.9°F MLOL = 27.90 F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV 5 UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 166+2.35AV5173-(3.1 -2.3) 168.3 5 AVS 172.2 Therefore, the technical specIfication allowable value of 170°F is acceptable.

7.4.2 2-TIS-069-0839AIB/CJD SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpolnt must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe 5 SP s UAL - LAdbe 135+3.1 5SP5172 -3.1 138.1 5 SP s 168.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 166°F is acceptable.


Per reference 1. margin Is defined by the following equation:

MUAL = UAL - (SP + LAdbe) MLOL = (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MUAL = 172 -(166 + 3.1) MLOL = (I166 -3.1) -135 MUAL = 2.9°F MLOL = 27.9 °F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1,the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 166 + 2.3S AV 5 172-(3.1 -2.3) 168.3 5 AV5 171.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 170°F is acceptable.

lpart of BFNTS-447 RAI Enclosure 2 l 7.0 Computations and Analyses (continued) 7.4 Plant Operations Parameters (continued) 7.4.3 3-TIS-06"0839AIB/CID SETPOINT:

Per reference 1, the selected setpoint must satisfy the following criteria:

LOL + LAdbe5sSP:5 UAL - LAdbe 135+3.1 5SP5173-3.1 138.1 5 SP5 s169.9 Therefore, the selected setpoint of 166IF is acceptable.


Per reference 1, margin is defined by the following equation:

MUAL = UAL -(SP + LAdbe) MLOL= (SP + LAdbe) - LOL MuAL = 173 -(166 + 3.1) MLOL = (1B66 - 3.1) - 135 MuAL = 3.9'F MLOL = 27.9°F ALLOWABLE VALUE:

Per reference 1, the allowable value must satisfy the following criteria:

SP + LAnf s AV s UAL - (LAdbe - LAnf) 166 + 2.3 5 AV s 173 - (3.1 - 2.3) 168.3 5 AV 5 172.2 Therefore, the technical specification allowable value of 170 IF is acceptable.

7.4.4 Setpoint and Allowable value In ls 160 °F = 127.50 Q 180'F = 131.74 fl Therefore 20 °F = 4.24 fl 1 °F = 0.212 a Therefore SP of 166 OF = 127.5+0.212x 6 =128.772 Q AV Of 170 °F = 127.5 + 4.24/2 = 129.62 51 2.3 °F = 0.212 x 2.3 = 0.488 fl 1.2 °F = 0.212 x 1.2 =0.254 Q