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Forwards Endorsement 46 to Policy NF-185
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/06/1979
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7902120188
Download: ML17338A484 (3)


ACCESSION NB FAC IL s.0-25 AU F I ELDER, J.RECI P.HAVE SALTZ'<AH, J~BE'GULAT'NFORMATION DISTRIBUTION~~STEM (BIDS)Rs 7902 120188 DOC.DATE s 79/02/06 NOTA RI ZED s HO DOCKET e rkey Point Plant, Unit 3, Florida Pow..r and Light C 0500025C I rkey Point Plant, lfnit 4, Florida Power and Light C 05000251 AUTHOR AFFILIATION)Iarsh 8, McLennan.Inc.RECIPIENT AFF ILIATI.OII Antitrust 8, Indemnity Group SUBJECT-Forwards Fndorsement 46 to NELIA Policy HF-I85.DISTRIBUTION CODEs MOOIS COPIES BECEIVEDsLTR J FNCL 3 SIZEs TITLE s INSURANCE-INDEMNITY/ENDORSEMENT AGBEEMEHTS.

NOTES s B EC I P I EHT ID CODE/NAME I HTFBNAL s 0 EG FI 0:/ACTH EXTERNALs 03 LPDR COPIES LTTR ENCL I I I I I BECI PIENT ID CODE/NA)IE 02 HRC PDR 06 SOULES,J.04 NSIC COP I ES LTTR ENCL I I I I I I TOTAL HU.'(BFR OF COPIES REQU I BED s LTTR 6 ENCL 6 400'cnorth Akard~t Dalias, Texas 7520'elephone 214 742-1941 February 6, 1979~ifr.Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission t4ashington, D.C.20555~sg~J Florida Power 6 Lignt Company Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Policy PNF-185 Endorsement 846 CERTIFIED COPIES

Dear Hr.Saltzman:

Enclosed for your records are eight certified copies of Endorsement

!/46 to'olicy NF-185 for Turkey Point Nuclear Plant.Sincerely, Jean Fielder (~its.)cc: J.~f.ifcSweeny A.R.Swain R.E.Hinds Enclosure/90Pq w D(yg 8 technical service or'.wtarsh 8.'vlcLennan, Incorpora:ed Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURAILICE ASSOCIATION CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COtIPANIES AND IN THEIR PROPORTIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1979 l.It is aareed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard: a.The word"companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below.b.The policy shall be binding on such companies only.c.Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below.2.I,t is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the ffective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of Oecember 31, 1979, or to e time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner.b)85 0 fz>>w&>>c<<C ('m~(<<3>>0 r)VI>>w O Aw>>)7'5.A i)>>>>'>>C3'bJ Q<<V Effective Date ot this Endorsernent

>>~SLBSCRIBING COHPAVITS Aet!A Casualty and Surety Co..7!,e.151 Farninoton Ave..Hartford.CT 06156 Aetna Insurance Conoany, 55 Kln St., Hartford.CT C6115 Allstate Insurance co., Allstate Plaza.Nortrbrock.

IL 5cc62 rican Hone Assurance Co., 102!'aidan La., Ntw Yor'k.NY ICCCS risen."otcrists Insuran:4 Co..Lono Grove, IL SCC49 Biturrinous casualty corooration, 320 IBLN st.~Rock Island, IL 61201 Center:nial Insurance Co., 45 kali St..Ncw York.NY 10005 corr>>ercial Onion Insurance co., one Beacon st., Boston, r>>A 02108 Connecticut l'rdernsty Coroany, T!,t, ICOO Asylvn Ave., HartfOrd, CT C6101 Ccntinencal Casualty Co..CNA Plaza.Chicaco.IL 6C585 Ccntinental IniuranCe CO., The, 80 I'AICCn La.~New YOrk, AY 10038 ederal Insurance Co.~51'ohn F.Kennedy Pkwy., 5!ort Hills.NJ 07078 Fircnan's Fund Insurance Co., 3333 California St., 54n Francisco CA 94119 PROPORTION CF 100s 10.114078 2.5285(0 4,214199.884982.421423.421420.579452 3.034224 I 0114<<8 4.214199 6.~42719 1.517112 5.057039 1.348544 I.'348544.S<<5704 7 164139.505704 3.708495 3.37'I359.337136 1.354249.574272.>>68566.337126.125426.5057C4 crca8.252852 1.491827 3.371359<<,>>>>3845.421420.342840~042D40 10 95>>917 IQ.II'078 2.697C58 1.254260 Januar 1, 1979 12:01 A.M.Standard Time General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Coro., Ltd..Fourth d Halnut Sts.~Philacelohi

~, PA 19105 Great 4rtrican insurance Co..580"alnut St..Cincinnati, CH 45201 Hanover Insurance co..Tnt~'40 Lincoln st.~Rorcester.."A 01605 uartford Accident and lncernity co..Hartford plaza.!'ar:ford, c, c6115 r sr'.ford Stean Boi'.er Insp.d lns.Co.,'ht, 55 Proscect St.~Hartford, CT C61C2 HOne Inde!VISty CO..The.59)>>aidan l.a., Vew Yerk.NY IC038 insurance Co.of North Acerfca, 1600 Arcs Street.Phlladtlbnla, PA 19101 4nnaroh:nsurance Co.of Chio.The, 19 Rector St., hew York, AY 10006 NOrhtrn Iniuranoe CCnbany Of.'Itw YOrk,!9<<Ohn Street, hew Yerk, NY IC038 Nor'l>>ts<<crn vaticnal:ns

~co.~731 No.<<ackson st.~<<ilwaucte.

'Al 53201 OniO Caaualty InauranCe C~any.>>he.>>36 NOrth Third St., haniltCn, CH 45025 Psc'.Yic Indtcnity Co.32CO"ilsnire Blvd.,'Los Aritlts, CA 30010 Peerl~SS lniuranCC CO., 52 HCOIC AVC~bethe>>NH 03431 P>>>>otnik Assurance Co.of htw York, 30 Haicen La., Ntw York, NY 10038 Frotec ive Ir.svranct Co., 31CO No."eric!an 5t..:ncianaoolis, l'A 46208 Provider.ct uasnin9ton insurance Co..20 Nasnin9ton-late.Provfccnce, RI 02903 Puritan InarranCe Cotbany, 1515 S~r St..Stanford.C.06505 Relianct Insvranct Coroany~'enn Canter Plaza.Philcelshia

.PA 19103 ROyal GIObe lnauranCt CO Pany, 150'<<I'ilia>>Stree(.Ntw YOrk, NY ICO)8 54.Paul Fire d Harine Ins.Co., 385"ashir9(on 5:., St.Paul, NN 55102 Seaboard Surety Co..90 Hillian St., hew Yore..NY IC038 state Favor Fire 5 casualty coroany, 112 Kast'wshln9ton 54., Bloonsnctcn.

IL 6'1701 ransanerica Insurance Co., us0 so.Olive St.~Los Anceles~CA 50015 Iravelers Inccrnity Conoany.Tke, Cne To>>er SC4are.Hartford.CT 06115 united States Piet'llty ano Guaranty co.,\co Liens Street.Baltsrort.

H3 21202 L'ni:td States Fire Insurance co..Hadiscn canfield Rd,)>>orrsstcwn.

No 07960 Iurich insvrsnce co., 111 vest lack(on 3lvd., chica9o~IL 6c604 NE-79 Issued to I Date ot Issue January 20, 1979 For the su cribing co panies General I'Ianager Fncorsement No<6 rl/701 Countersigned by