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Forwards RAI Which Has to Be Completed Before Final Action Can Be Taken on Request for Amend to Matls License SNM-1107 for Chapters 1.0 & 3.0 of Application for Renewal for SNM License
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 07/20/1998
From: Gaskin C
To: Goodwin W
TAC-L31068, NUDOCS 9807310326
Download: ML20236V142 (3)


_ _ _ _ _ _ ____- - -_-_-___. _ _____-_ . _ _ _ _ .

$. July 20, 1998 e o Mr. vV. L. Goodwin Project Manager Westinghouse Electric Corporation Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29250



(TAC NO. L31068) i I

Dear Mr. Goodwin:

This refers to your application (document NRC-98-012) dated April 3,1998, requesting an amendment to Materials License SNM-1107 for Chapters 1.0 and 3.0 of the Application for Renewal for a Special Nuclear Materials License for the Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division at the Co!umbia, South Carolina, Fuel Fabrication Facility.

Our review of your application has identified addition information that is needed before final action can be taken on your request. The additionalinformation, specified in the enclosure, i should be provided within 45 days of the date of this letter. Please reference the above TAC No. In future correspondence related to this request.

If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (301) 415-8116 or E-mail CEG1@NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, Original signed by: HFelsher for l Charles E. Gaskin, Project Manager Section 1 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety ,

and Safeguards, NMSS I

f/5 i nse SN - 107 PY II N.UR OITV a wu a u.a w uu x _a %nn e


As stated DISTRIBUTION with encl. (Control No. 820S)

Docket 70-1151 PUBLIC NRC File Center Region 11 DAyres, Ril FCLB R/F FCSS R/F NMSS R/F SChotoo


  • See Previous Concurrence OFC FCLB E FCLB E FCLB E FCLB C NAME CGaskin
  • PShea
  • HFelsher
  • MAdak

( DATE 07/ 06/98 07/07/98 07/ 07/98 07N/98


l C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY 9807310326 900720 ~ "- 'AL RECORD COPY PDR ADOCK 07001151 l C PDR t__-___


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j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WA8mNGToN, D.c. 20665 0001 f* July 20,1998 Mr. W. L. Goodwin Project Manager Westinghouse Electric Corporation Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29250



(TAC NO. L31068)

Dear Mr. Goodwin:

This refers to your application (document N9C-98-012) dated April 3, ' 098, requesting an amendment to Materials License SNM-1107 for Chapters 1.0 and 3.0 of the Application for Renewal for a Special Nuclear Materials License for the Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division at the Columbia, South Carolina, Fuel Fabrication Facility.

Our review of your application has identified addition information that is needed before final action can be taken on your request. The additional information, specified in the enclosure, should be provided within 45 days of the date of this letter. Please ieference the above TAC No. in future correspondence related to this request.

If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (301) 415-8116 or E-mail CEG1@NRC. GOV.

Sincerely, Charles E. Gaskin, e Manager Section 1 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket 70-1151 License SNM-1107


As stated

9 a

.e-e Request for Additional Information Application Dated April 3,1998 Westinghouse Commercial Fuel Fabrication Facility Docket 70-1151 Please provide the following information:

1. On page 1.12, the definition of "Significant Removable Contamination" differs significantly from the reporting requirements in 10 CFR 70.50(b)(3) which uses the term

" spreadable radioactive contamination." Your proposed radiation level is well above normal levels for release from controlled areas and exceeds the DOT limit for transporting of surface-contaminated objects. Finally, it is questionable whether or not these limits should be in the license application. (There was no scan area specified.) In this case, the Amendment Application should be modified to comply with 10 CFR 70.50(b)(3).

2. The entire Chapter 3 is still numbered as Revision 10 instead of Revision 11.
3. On page 3.18, Section 3.7.3 indicates that decisions will be made whenever the cognizant regulatory function engineer arrives at the site. How is safety assured until that person arrives onsite and how long should the onsite personnel wait before declaring that the incident " clock" has started? Further the qualified emergency coordinator should be sufficiently trained in all procedures to make " event" decisions.

Indeed, that person should perform the duties of a cognizant regulatory function engineer within the operating parameters of the specific procedures.

4. On page 3.20 there is a commitment for an informal notification. Informal notifications are not part of the license and should also be removed from your submittal.
5. On page 3.19, clarify Section 3.7.3 (c.4) regarding what is damaged and/or breached.

The License Application should be modified to comply with 10 CFR 70.50(b)(4).

6. Revision 10 also modifies pages in Chapter 3. These pages need to be addressed in the changes to the License Application in Revision 10 or Revision 11.

ENCLOSURE l________________________________________._____.