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Requests Comments on Subj Facil 780830 Ltr Requesting Fee Reevaluation Re Ring Girder Surveillance Test
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/08/1978
From: Miller W
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20125B444 List: ... further results
FOIA-96-207 NUDOCS 7812190223
Download: ML20132A452 (2)



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DEC 8 1978 DOCKET NO. 50-289 MEMORANDUM FOR: Robert W. Reid, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch No. 4, 00R FROM:

William 0. Miller, Chief License fee Management Dr., ADM LICENSE AMENDMENT FEE FOR TM1-1 f,PPLICATION DATED


AUGUST 30, 1978 (CHAT 4GE REQUEST NO. 77) l By letters dated October 11 and November 29, 1978, we advised Metro-i politan Edison Company (Meted) that a Class 11 anendnent fee is required i

for the subject application relating to Ring Girder Surveillance Test.

' Meted's original reason for not submitting a fee was that the applica-tion was initiated in response to an NRC request dated Occcmber 29, 1977.

Our position (supported by your fee form nuinber 4-87/78 dated September 19)

.l was that although the application was as a result of an NRC request, I

it is not being considered for the convenience of the Connission nor is j

it to simplify or clarify the Technical Specifications.

1 Enclosed is a copy of a December i letter from Meted cbjecting to the i

fee, providing their reasons for their position that a fee is not required, i

j and requesting rereview of our determination. It is requested that your staff review the facts presented in the Meted letter and provide this Branch with your specific comments thereon so that we can respond to j Meted. Although your staff perhaps has not completed their final review i

of the August 30 application, we are asking for your reassessment of j the fee at this tine because the fee issue has to be resolved before the amendment is issued and hopefully can be done in a satisfactory manner l before too much time is expended on the review.

i b N.{.'.O\5(N William O. Miller, Chief

License fee Management Branch 4

Office of Aduinistration i



l. Meted Ltr 12/1/78

! 2. ORD fee form dtd 9/19/78 i

j cc: See page 2 1

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Robert W. Reid, Chief ccs: G. Zwetzig, ORB-4 w/encls.

R. Ingram, ORB-4 w/encls. ,

Regulatory Docket File w/o ench,s. =

! LFMB Reactor file w/ encl. 1 R. Diggs w/ encl. 1 l

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