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Abnormal Occurrence 75-16:improper Trip Setpoints on Variable Low Reactor Coolant Sys Pressure Sys Violated Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1975
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19210A178 List:
NUDOCS 7910240903
Download: ML19210A180 (1)


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,;'*'wra--..nETROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY suassounvorcruent.ruaucununescoaronnouj

' OF'FICE BOX 480 MIDDLETOWN. PENNSYLVANIA 17057 TELEPHONE 717-044 4041 June 6. 1975 Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Director Directorate of Regulatory Operations Region I C, d %e,0*%'

631 Park Avenue M9 King of Prussia, Pa.19406.cdn, D%.\u Operating License DPR-50 Docket 50-289


Abnormal Occumnce No. AD 75-16. ~ .-

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

This telegram is to confirm the tekecon between Lee Spessard (Region I-DRO), and J. J. Colitz (THI Unit I Superintendent) at 1630 hours0.0189 days <br />0.453 hours <br />0.0027 weeks <br />6.20215e-4 months <br />, June 6,1975.

Violation of Technical Specification 2.3.1 in that the variable low reactor coolant system pressure trip setpoints for three RPS channels were found to be less conservative than the setpoint listed in Tabic 2.3.1 (Page 2-9) of the Technical Specifications.

The required and actual trip points for the channels out of specification were as follows:

, Table 2.3-1 Trip Actual Trip Point.Setpoint at 5900 F.

Measured at the

.Channel.(16.25 T out - 77S51 Bistable A.1831.5 1827.4,.B , 1831.5 1828.9 , 1:31.5 1827.5'v/.D-The variable low reactor ecolant system pressure trip setpoints were being checked as part of routine Surveillance Procedure 1303-4.1, "22 actor . Fro-All other reacter protection system trip tection System Surveillance".

setpoints were tested and found to be within Technical Specification limits.

The out-of-specification channels hava been recalibrated and . retested, and the resulting trip setpoints were verified as being within Technical Specification : limits.

, , Very truly yours,'

'3.o/$/MA/ A ffhA$O J. G. Herbein

-, Station Superintendent

1. ji 7 4 1 r I7/ U lDU TMI Nuclear Station
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