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Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Procedure IPEC-EP 17-01, Revision 20
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Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2017
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17333A126 (82)


---Entergy Indian Point Energy Center Document Control 450 Broadway Buchanan, NY 10511 TO: DISTRIBUTION CONTROLLED DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL FROM: IPEC DOCUMENT CONTROL -3RD FLOOR ADMIN BLDG DATE: November 14, 2017 PHONE#: 914-254-6835 TRANSMITTAL#: EP-17-0026 The Document(s) identified below are forwarded for use. Please review to verify receipt, incorporate the document(s) into your controlled document file, properly disposition superseded, voided, or inactive document(s). Sign and return the receipt acknowledgement below within ten (10) working days. AFFECTED DOCUMENT: IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE DOC# REV# TITLE INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE INCORPORATE INTO YOUR BOOKS THE FOLLOWING UPDATED PROCEDURES OR DRAWINGS: I, IPEC-EP 17-01 REVm20 NOV 15 2017. RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE LISTED DOCUMENT(S) IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED. I CERTIFY THAT ALL SUPERSEDED, VOID, OR INACTIVE COPIES OF THE ABOVE LISTED DOCUMENT(S) IN MY POSSESSION HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM USE AND ALL UPDATES HAVE BEEN PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EFFECTIVE DATE(S) (IF APPLICABLE) AS SHOWN ON THE DOCUMENT(S). \::x> NAME (PRINT) SIGNATURE DATE COPY LOCATION

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  • ATIACHMENT 9.2 10 CFR 50.54(0)(3) SCREENING SHEET1 OF5 Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) Equipment/Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (This is generally changes to the emergency plan. EALs, EAL bases, etc. -refer to step 3.0[6]): The activity being reviewed is a revision to IPEC Emergency Plan. This new revision incorporates changes that were missed in 16-01 to due an incorrect revision (15-01 vs 15-02) being used to update the annual 2016 revision. In addition several new changes were made as part of independent review. Refer to the attached revision matrix for all changes made to 17-01. Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 1 O CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and Notification System Design Report? If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is documented below: Justification: D Bounding document attached (optional) Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes DYES !8J NO 50.54(q)(3) Continue to Evaluation is next part NOT required. Enter justification below and complete Part VI. Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-Ll-100) APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION !8l If there are no other controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening. D One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below. D One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT reouired. Identify controllinA chan11e processes below and complete Part VI. CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES 10 CFR 50.54(q) Only Part IV. Editorial Change Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? Justification: 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17,19,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,28, 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,44,45,47,48;49,51,52,53, 54,55, 56, 57,58, 59,60,61,62,63,64, 66,67, 68,69, 70,71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,80,81, 82,83,84,85,86,88,89,90,92,93,97,98,99,100,101,102, 103,104,106,107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 122 per the attached revision matrix are considered editorial changes per EN-AD-101. "NO" is checked because the procedure revision contains non-editorial changes per the attached revision matrix. DYES 50.54(q)(3) Evalualion is NOT required. En1cr juslificalion and conlinue 10 nexl part or complelc Part VI as applicable. [gi NO Co111inue 10 nexl part EN-EP-305 REV 5 ATIACHMENT 9.2 10 CFR 50.54(Q)(3) SCREENING* SHEET2 OF5
  • Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) Equipment/Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function identified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1) D 2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 D staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. (1) 3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] D 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. (2] t8l 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3J D 6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] D 7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] D 8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of D the declared emergency within 15 minute( after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5] 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt D instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LJ Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5J
  • 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations. [6J 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. (6J D 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the D plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). (7) 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] D 15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8J D 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] D 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9J LJ 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] D 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are D available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [1 OJ 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including D those for hostile action events.[1 OJ 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] D 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] D 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] D 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program D areas) is established. [14] 25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D EN-EP-305 REV 5 *
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  • ATTACHMENT 9.2 10 CFR 50.54(0)(3) SCREENING SHEET3 OF5 Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) Equipment/Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan maintain. and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14] 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] 27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15) 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION D D D D D If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI. D If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation. BASIS FOR CONCLUSION Change 18-Change made to more clearly describe emergency notification methods during working and non-working hours. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 40-Change made to clarify where the Public Information Liaison reports. Also used abbreviations for "JIC", "ED", "ERO" and "EOF" because they are previously defined in Section B. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 43 -Change made to clarify that LOAs were previously removed from Appendix 2. This was I evaluated for prior revision 15-02. Also, abbreviations for "TSC" and "ED" are sufficient because they were previously defined in Section B. These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does I not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 46 -Change made to clarify that LOAs were previously removed from Appendix 2. This was evaluated for prior revision 15-02. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 50-Removed box to reflect previously evaluated change from SAMG Evaluator to Reactor Engineer. SAMG Evaluator position was deleted from the Emergency Response Organization (ERO). The removal of this position was previously 50.54(q) evaluated for Revision 15 of IP-EP-220, Technical Support Center. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 65 -changed site assembly alarm to lower case and Public Address System to upper case. In I addition, clarified wording regarding who the control room operators contact. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 73 -Clarification of wording to denote that additional positions are assigned to CR as required. Revised ERO. These chanqes do not chanqe the meanina or intent of a descriotion, does not chanqe I EN-EP-305 REV 5
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  • ATTACHMENT 9.2 10 CFR 50.54(a)(3) SCREENING SHEET40F 5 Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) Equipment/Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 79 -Clarification of wording to reflect Appendix 2's reference to letters of agreement. During the EPLAN revision 15-02, all the written agreements/Letters of Agreement were removed from the EPLAN and 50.54q reviewed. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 91-Change in wording to clarify that offsite authorities are responsible for protective action decision not IPEC. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 94 -During the EPLAN revision 15-02, all the written agreements/Letters of Agreement were removed from the EPLAN and 50.54q reviewed. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 95 -During the EPLAN revision 15-02, all the written agreements/ Letters of Agreement were removed from the EPLAN and 50.54q reviewed. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 96 -Added Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) which has become the national source to contact to receive guidance given the scenario of a patient that has received massive radiation exposure. During the EPLAN revision 15-02, all the written agreements/Letters of Agreement were removed from the EPLAN and 50.54q reviewed. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a I description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change
  • Change 105 -Changed the word from All to Additional to better define the actions that would be taken regarding utilizing plant personnel during the recovery effort. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 115 -. Procedures IP-SMM-AD-102 and IP-EP-AD2 establishes requirements for the preparation, review, and approval of site-specific implementing procedures. Both procedures list a technical review as a review from someone who has the expertise to ensure technical accuracy. Neither requires the individual to be qualified. Per IP-EP~AD2, Safety reviews are completed to determine if prior NRC approval is required. This is performed by the 50.54Q process in EN-EP-305. In 305 you are required to be qualified. Removing this statement: "Individuals that conduct the technical review and safety review shall be qualified in accordance with station requirements." does not change the meaning or intent of a description, d9es not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. Technical review does not require qualifications and still will be completed. Safety reviews are still to be completed and the 5054Q process will ensure the qualifications are obtained prior to anyone being assigned to complete. No further evaluation is required for this change. Change 118 -Added a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Energy for additional radiological assistance if needed depending on the radiological emergency at Indian Point. This MOU is an enhancement to the EPLAN and support for Indian Point. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. EN-EP-305 REV 5
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  • 10 CFR 50,S4(Q}(3) Sc:RE&NING SHEET50F5 Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) EqulpmenUFaclllty/Dther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Tltle: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Change 119
  • Changed the wording from added to llst&d as Ille Letters of Agreement were o telally removed r,om the EPLAN during the 2015 15-02 revision. A 50.54q was perfonned. Unfortunately, this Item was missed during last year's EPLAN revision. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does net change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for lhls change. Change 120 -Added the common fleet Emergency Planning procedures to the list of existing IPEC procedures. Fleet Procedures added Include: EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611, EN-EP-900, These changes do not change lhe meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation Is required for this change. Change 121
  • NSRAC -Nuclear Safety Review and Audit Committee no longer exists as It was replaced b1 OSRC -On-Sile Safely Review Committee In 15-02 rev. This change does not change lhe meaning or intent of a deseription, does net change fac:illUes or equipment. and does not change a process. No further evaluation Is required for !his change. Emergency Plannlng Element 4 in Part V of lhls form Is potenUally affected by Iha remaining Change 24 described In the Revision Matrix. A 10CfR50.54 (q) evatuatlon will be performed to determine if the effectlvaness of the IPEC Emergency Plan Is reduced and prior NRC approval Is required
  • Part VI. Signatures: Preparer Name (Print) Pr~arer Slgnalure Dale: Rebecca A. Martin .. c,() It> 'q Sr. Project Manager r (OpUcnal) Reviewer Name (Prinl) Reviewer Signature Dale: Rel/k!Wer Name (Prlnl) Reviewer Signature Date* Tlmalhy Garvey -r&A-lo\\a_\l"1 Nuclear EP Project Manager Approver Name (Print) *-;;~ oa1a* Frank Mltchell 1u/t1 Managar, Emergency Planning or d&slgnee EN-EP-305 REV 5
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  • ATTACHMENT 9.3 10 CFR 50.54(Q)(3) EVALUATION SHEET1 OF 3 Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) Equipment/Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Part I. Description of Proposed Change: The activity being reviewed is a revision to IPEC Emergency Plan. This new revision incorporates changes that were missed in 16-01 to due an incorrect revision (15-01 vs 15-02) being used to update the annual 2016 revision. In addition several new changes were made as part of independent review. Refer to the attached revision matrix for all changes made to 17-01. All changes have been screened out with the exception of item number 24. Part II. Description and Review of Licensing Basis Affected by the Proposed Change: The IPEC Emergency Plan has been reviewed through the Process Applicability Determination (PAD) in accordance with the criteria described in NEI 96-07 and EN-LI-100. This proposed change does not(]) change the facility or procedures as described in the UFSAR or (2) create a test or equipment not described in the UFSAR and is governed under the Emergency Plan 10 CFR 50.54(q) screening process in accordance with EN-EP-305. These proposed changes do not involve structures, systems or components controlled by I 0 CFR 50.59 or 72.48 and do not have the potential to impact any of the License Basis Documents (LBDs) on the PAD form, except for the Emergency Plan. All responses to the questions contained in sections III and IV of the PAD form were determined to be *'no impact". Since these proposed changes do not contain any requirements that could affect any LBDs other than the Emergency Plan, it is detennined to be fully governed under IO CFR 50.54(q). In addition to those reviewed for the PAD, each of the following documents/relevant .sections was reviewed: a) Reviewed current Plan, all sections Part I and Part 2. No additional relevant or affected Plan content was identified. b) The original Plans, U2 1970 and U3 1973, were not available for review . c) Historical I OCFR50.54 (q) documents were manually reviewed dating back to 2005 for significant changes: No differences related to the need .to compensate for preparedness or response constraints or vulnerabilities specific to the facility, EPZ or jurisdiction were found for the historical search period. Some items associated with the current proposed changes were identified as described below: Reviewed NSIR/DPR-ISG-0 I for applicability to Plan changes that were both evaluated and screened out. n EN-EP-305 REV 5
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  • ATIACHMENT 9.3 10 CFR 50.54(Q)(3) EVALUATION SHEET20F 3 Procedure/Document Number: IPEC-EP I Revision: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20) Equipment/Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Part Ill. Describe How the Proposed Change Complies with Relevant Emergency Preparedness Regulation(s) and Previous Commitment(s) Made to the NRC: 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2)-0nsite Emergency Organization (Item 24 in the matrix)
  • The process for timely augmentation of on shift staff is established and maintained. Site Compliance: The Plan wording changes to accommodate the transfer of command and control from the Emergency Director to the CCR if the Emergency Director is unavailable or if the EOF is being transfe1Ted to the AEOF. This change does not change required timeliness, minimum staffing, ability to perform facility assigned functions, or equipment requirements as they relate to the emergency response facility activation and command and control. Part IV. Description of Emergency Plan Planning Standards, Functions and Program Elements Affected by the Proposed Change: 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2)-0nsite Emergency Organization (Item 24 in the matrix) Function:
  • The process for timely augmentation of on shift staff is established and maintained. Program Elements: IO CFR Part 50, Appendix E,Section IV .A.2.a provides supporting requirements. Informing criteria appear in Section 11.8 ofNUREG -0654 and in the Emergency Plan. EN-EP-305 REV 5
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  • ATTACHMl!NT 9.3 10 CFR 50.54(Q)C3) EVALUATION SHl!E1' 3 OF 3 PracedureJDocument Number: IPEC-EP I Ravlalon: 17-01 (MERLIN Revision 20l Equipmant/F1cllltyl0ther: Indian Point Energy Center OPEC) TIU*: Indian Point Enorgy Canter Emarguncy Plan Part V. Description of Impact of the Proposed Change on the Effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions:
  • Change 24
  • The Plan wording c:hllnges to accommodate the tlllnsfcr ofcommund and control lhlm lhu Em~ncy Director lo the CCR Ir the Emu;enc:y Director Is unavailabli: or irthe EOF Is being transfc:m:d to the AEOF. This change docs not choni.-e required timeliness, minimum staffing. ability 10 pcrfonn f11ellhy 11Sslgned functions, or equipment TllqUin:ntenlS 115 lhcy relate to 1hc emcr1,oeni:y response racllity ocrlwtion and comffl4nd and c:oncrol. Thu changi= docs not represent D reduction In the elTc:ctivcnr:ss of the errn:rycncy phln. conllnlll!$ to 111e111 planning stamlard 10 CFR S0.47(b) (?I and l OCFRSO Appendix E S~c:tion IV.A.l.11 and can be incorporutcd wllhcut prior NRC approval beClluse the change did.not change required limelincs,, minimum Slllffing. ability to perfonn fllcility assignt:d ftlnctlons. or equipment rcquir111111:nts 115 they n:late 10 the cmi:rpncy n:sponsc racllky 11ctlvation 11nd command and control. CondusJon Regnrdjnu Jmnpc1 The proposed changes 101he IPEC EPLAN Rev 17.01. continue to mcctlhe phinningstondllrds outlined in 10 cr:R 50.47(b) (2). This revision does not rcprcsenl D n:duccion In elTcctivmess 10 the IPl:C Emergency Plml ilnd can he inco'flOratcd wilhoul prior NRC approval. Part VI. EvaluaUan Conclusion Answer 1h11 followlng questions about the proposed change. I. Does the proposed change comply with 10 CFR 50.47(b) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix E? Dl:)Yl:S [] NO .?. Does the proposed change maintain the effectiveness of lhe emergency plan (i.e., no @YES ONO reduction in effectiveness)? l, Does the proposed change constitute an emergency action level scheme change? 0YES1EJNO If questions 1 or 2 are answered NO, or question 3 answered YES, reject lhe proposed change, modify the proposed change and perfonn a new avaluafion or oblaln prior NRC approval U11der provisions of 10 CFR 50.90. If quesUons 1 and 2 are answered YES, and question 3 aMwered NO, implement applicable change prace~es). Refer to step 5.9[8]. Part VII. Signatures EN-EP-305 REV 5
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  • ATTACHMENT 9.1 PROCESS APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION FORM Sheet 1 of 7 I. OVERVIEW PAD Rev.#: _o __ Facility: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Proposed Activity / Document: IPEC Emergency Plan Change/Rev.#: 17-01 (Merlin Rev. 20) Description of Proposed Activity: Revision to IPEC Emergency Plan II. DOCUMENT REVIEW METHOD Provide the requested information for each item below. 1. For documents available electronically: a. List search engine or documents searched, and keywords used: U2/U3 Technical Specifications, U2/U3 UFSARs, NRC Orders, LRS Commitments, and the IPEC Emergency Plan: Keywords: Emergency, Plan, Emergency Plan. b. List relevant sections of controlled electronic documents reviewed: All Licensing Basis Document sections were searched electronically: U2/U3 Technical Specifications, U2/U3 UFSARs, NRC Orders, LRS Commitments. Review determined no relevant hits and no impact from proposed changes . 2. Documents reviewed manually (hardcopy): None 3. For those documents that are not reviewed either electronically or manually, use the specific questions provided in Sections Ill and IV of Attachment 9.2 of EN-Ll-100 as needed. Document, below, the extent to which the Attachment 9.2 questions were used. Reviewed complete Att. 9.2 of EN-Ll-100 Revision 20. Emergency Plan (10 CFR 50.54(q) / (EN-EP-305) section is applicable due to change being controlled by 10 CFR 50.54 ( q) . EN-Ll-100 REV. 20
  • * * , _________ ,. _______ a, ŽŽ ATTACH~~~m9.1 Sh;et2oi7 PROCESS APPLICASlLITY DETER:.,i~lATION Fem., m. PROCESS REVIEW Does the proposed activity affect, invalidate, or render Incorrect, OR have the potential to affect, invalidate, or render Incorrect, information contained in any of the following processes? Contact Program Owner if needed. Associated regulations and procedures are identified with each process below. PROCESS (Regulations I Procedures) YES NO REVIEW RESULTS Chemistry/ Effluents D 181 Radwaste / Process Control Program (PCP) D 181 (EN*R~-105 or contact the Radiation Protection Dept.) Radiation Protection / ALARA D 181 (10 CFR 20 I EN-RP-110 or contact tha Radiation Protection Dept.) lnservlce Inspection Program (10 CFR 50.SSa/ EN-DC-120. *333, -342, D 181 -351, -352) lnservice Testing Program (10 CFR 50.55a / EN-DC-332) D 181 Maintenance Rule Program (10 CFR 50.65 I EN*DC-203, -204. *205, -206, D 181 -207) Containment Leakage Rate Testing (Appendix J) Program (10 CFA 50 D 181 Appendix J / EN-DC-334) PROCESS (Regulations/Procedures) YES NO NIA REVIEW RESULTS FLEX Program (NRC Order EA*12-49/FLEX Program) (10 CFR 50.59 / D D Contact Design Engineering) NOTE: The date for Individual site implementation of the FLEX Program is not the same for all sites. All sites are required to implement a FLEX program per NRC Order EA-12-49. NIA may be used for this process by sites that have not completed implementatlon ol a FLEX program. Contact Design Engineering If further assistance is needed. IF any box is checked "Yes," I!:!fil:! contact the appropriate department to ensure that the proposed change is acceptable and document the results in the REVIEW RESULTS column. ( EN-Ll-100 REV. 20
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  • ATTACHMENT9.1 PROCESS APPLICASILITY DETEm.,mATION Fam., ----------l;>ll'°~------Sheet3 of7 IV. LICENSING BASIS DOCUMENT REVIEW Does the proposed activity affect, invalidate, or render incorrect, OR have the potential to affect, invalidate, or render incorrect, information contained in any of the following Licensing Basis Document(s)? Contact LBD Owner if needed. Associated regulations and procedures are identified with each Licensing Basis Document below. LICENSING BASIS DOCUMENTS YES NO REVIEW RESULTS OR SECTIONS (Regulatlons / Procedures) AFFECTED OR LBDCR # Quality Assurance Program Manual (QAPM) D 181 (10 CFR 50.54(a), 10 CFA 50 Appendix 8 / EN-QV-104] Fire Protection Program (FPP) [Includes the Fire Safety Analysis/Fire o' Hazards Analysis (FSA/FHA)] 181 OL Condition, 10 CFA 50.48 / EN*DC-128) Emergency Plan (Includes the On-Shift Staffing Analysls) Emergency Plan: 10 CFR 50.54(q) (10 CFA 50.54(q) / 10 CFA 50.47 / EN*EP-305) 181 D screen and evaluation completed. Environmental Protection Plan (Appendix B of the OL, Environmental Evaluation/ EN-EV*l 15, EN-EV-117, D I 181 EN*Ll-103) Security Plan D 181 (10 CFA 50.54(p) / EN-NS-210 or contact site Security Dept.) Cyber Security Plan D 183 [10 CFR 50.54 (p) /10 CFR 73.54 / EN-IT-103 or EN*IT-103-01] Operating License (OL) / Technical Specifications {TS) o* 181 (10 CFR 50.90/ EN-Ll-103) TS Bases (10 CFR 50.59 / EN*Ll-100 / EN*Ll-101) 0 181 Technical Requirements Manual (TAM) (Including TRM Bases) D 181 (10 CFR 50.59 / EN-Ll-100 / EN*Ll*101) Core Operating Limits Report (COLR), and Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLA) (TS Administrative Controls, EN*Ll-113, EN-Ll-100, D 181 EN*L1*101) Offslte Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) (TS Administralive Controls or 10 CFA 50.59 / EN*Ll*113 or EN-Ll-100 / 0 181 EN*Ll-101) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR} D t8I (10 CFR 50.71 (e) / EN*Ll-113, EN*Ll-100, EN*Ll-101 l Storage Cask Certificate of Compliance (10 CFR 72.244 / EN-Ll-113) o* 181 Cask FSAR (CFSAR} (Including the CTS Bases) ' (10 CFA 72.70 or 72.248 / EN*L1*113, EN*Ll-100,EN*Ll*l 12) D 181 10 CFR 72,212 Evaluation Report (212 Report) D 181 (10 CFR 72.48 / EN*Ll-100, EN*Ll-112) NRC Orders (10 CFR 50.90 I EN-Ll-103 or as directed by the Order) o* 181 NRC Commitments and Obligations (EN*Ll*l 10) o* 181 Site-Specific CFR Exemption o* 181 I I I I I I l I I (10CFR 50.12, 10 CFR 55.11, 10CFA55.13, 10 CFR72.7) -' *contact the site Regulatory Assurance Department if needed. IF any box is checked "Yes," THEN ensure that any required regulatory reviews are performed in accordance with the referenced procedures. Prepare an LBDCR per procedure EN-Ll~113, as required, if a LBD is to be changed, and document any affected sections or the LBDCR #. Briefly discuss how the LBD Is affected in Section Vil.A
  • EN-Ll-100 REV. 20
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  • Can the proposed activity be disposltioned by one or more of the following criteria? Check the appropriate box (if any). r-*--, ' D An approved, valid 50.59ll2.48 Evaluation covering associated aspects of the proposed 1 activity already exists. Reference 50.59ll2.48 Evaluation # (if applicable) or attach documentation. Verify the previous 50.59ll2.48 Evaluation remains valid. D The NRC has approved the proposed activity or portions thereof in a license amendment or a safety evaluation, or is being reviewed by the NRC in a submittal that addresses the proposed activity. Implementation of change requires NRC approval. Reference the approval document or the amendment in review.: 181 The proposed activity is controlled by one or more applicable regulations. Examples of programs controlled by regulations that establish specific criteria are:
  • lnservice Inspection Program (50.55a) {EN-DC-351, *352)
  • lnservice Testing Program (50.55a) (EN-DC-332) j I See NEI 96-07 Section 4.1 for additional guidance on specific regulati.ons. ~eference the controlling specific regulation(s): 10CFR50.54(q) ,_. _____ _j IF the entire proposed activity can be dispositioned by one of the criteria in Section V, THEN 50.59 and 72.48 Screenings are not required. Proceed to Section VII and provide basis for conclusion in Section VII.A. Otherwise, continue to Section VI to perform a 50.59 and a 72.48 Screening, or perform a 50.59 and/or72.48 Evaluation in accordance with EN-Ll-101 and/or EN*Ll-112. Changes to the IPEC Unit 1 Decommissioning Plan are to be evaluated in accordance with the 50.59 process, as allowed by the NRC in a letter to IPEC dated January 311 1996. [Merlin Document ID: RA-96-0141 EN-Ll-100 REV. 20
  • *
  • ______ , _______ H-------~=~-------~-*----ATTAcm.,1rnT 9.1 PROCESS APPLICASlLITY FoRr., '-----,-----~*~--Sheet 5 of 7 VI. 50.59 / 72.48 SCREENING REVIEW (All proposed activities must be evaluated to determine if 50.59, 72.48 or both apply. Check the applicable boxes) VI.A 50.59 SCREENING D 50.59 applies to the proposed activity, and all of the following 10 CFR 50.59 screening criteria are met; therefore, the proposed activity requires no further 50.59 review. The proposed activity:
  • Does not adversely affect the design function of an SSC as described in the UFSAR; AtiQ.
  • Does not adversely affect a method of performing or controlling a design function of an SSC as described In the UFSAR; AND
  • Does not adversely affect a method of evaluation that demonstrates intended design function(s) of an SSC will be accomplished as described In the UFSAR; AND
  • Does not involve a test or experiment not described in the UFSAR
  • Document the basis for meeting the screening criteria in Section VI.C, then proceed to Section VII. ) r10 CFR 50.59(c)(1ll D The proposed activity does not meet the above criteria. Perform a 50.59 Evaluation in accordance with EN-Ll-101. Attach a copy of the Evaluation to this form and proceed to Section VII. VI.B 72.48 SCREENING D 72.48 applies to the proposed activity, and all of the following 10 CFR 72.48 screening criteria are met; therefore, the proposed activity requires no further 72.48 review. The proposed activity:
  • Does not adversely affect the design function of an SSC as described in the CFSAR;
  • Does not adversely affect a method of performing or controlling a design function of an SSC as described in the CFSAR; MfQ
  • Does not adversely affect a method of evaluation that demonstrates intended design function(s) of an SSC will be accomplished as described in the CFSAR; AND
  • Does not involve a test or experiment not described in the CFSAA, I Document the basis for meeting the screening criteria In Section VI.C, then proceed to Section VII. [10 CFR 72.48(c)(1)1 D The proposed activity does not meet the above criteria. Perform a 72.48 Evaluation In accordance with EN-Ll-112. Attach a copy of the Evaluation to this form and proceed to Section VII
  • EN-Ll-100 REV. 20 ATTAC~lr.1ENT 9.1 PROCESS APPLICAS!LITY DETERMINAT!mi Fom., ------~=--*~-----Sheet 6 of 7
  • VI.C BASIS *
  • Provide a clear, concise basis for determining the proposed activity may be screened out such that a party reviewer can reach the same conclusions. Identify the relevant design function, as appropriate. Refer to NEI 96-07 Section 4.2 for guidance. Refer lo NED 12*06 Section 11.4 for guidance regarding FLEX. Provide supporting documentation or references as appropriate. Go to Section VII.A General Review Comments below. VII. REGULATORY REVIEW SUMMARY VII.A GENERAL REVIEW COMMENTS (Provide pertinent review details and basis for conclusions if not addressed elsewhere In form.) The Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan {Plan), Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20), describes the emergency preparedness program for the Indian Point Energy Center 1 , 2, and 3 Generating Stations . The Plan outlines the basis for response actions that would be implemented in an emergency. This . revision incorporates changes throughout the document. In all cases. no change has resulted in a reduction in effectiveness of the Plan. Specific details regarding each change are included in the 10 CFR 50.54{q) Screen and Evaluation and associated Revision Matrix. The overall 10 CFR S0.54(ql Evaluation conclusion determined that the proposed changes to the IPEC Emergency Plan. Revision 17-01. continues to meet the planning standards outlined in 10 CFR 50.47(b). This revision does not represent a reduction in effectiveness to the IPEC Emergency Plan and can be incorporated without prior NRC approval. See completed 1 O CFR 50.54(9) Screen and Evaluation. VII.B CONCLUSIONS 1. Is a change to an LBD being initiated? l2J Yes IF "Yes," !t!.fil! enter the appropriate change control process and include D No this form with the change package. 2. Is a 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation required? D Yes !E "Yes," THEN complete a 50.59 Evaluation in accordance with EN-Ll-101 No and attach a copy to the change activity. 3. Is a 10 CFR 72.48 Evaluation required? D Yes IF "Yes/' THEN complete a 72.48 Evaluation in accordance with EN*Ll-112 181 No and attach a copy to the change activity . EN-Ll-100 REV. 20
  • ATTACHMENT 9.1 PROCESS APPLICABILITY DETEm.~IMATlOrl Fem., ----"""-~~---~*=*=-----~~ Sheet7 of 7 VIII. SIGNATURES 1 Preparer: /Entergy/Emergency Planning/ / o/2-.r~? Name (print) / Sig a Reviewer: R,c~ArJ L,£A./e... ENTE12c. {213-4 flssvr2.. Process Applicability Exclusion Site Procedure Champion or Owner: Name (print)/ Signature/ Company/ Department/ Date Upon completion, forward this PAD form to the appropriate organization for record storage. If the PAD form is part of a process that requires transmittal of documentation, including PAD forms, for record storage, then the PAD form need not be forwarded separately
  • 1 The printed name, company, department, and date must be included on the form. Signatures may be obtained via electronic processes (e.g., PCRS, ER processes, Asset Suite signature), manual methods (e.g., ink signature), mail, or telecommunication. If using an e-mail, attach it to this fonn. EN-Ll-100 REV. 20
  • *
  • Emergency Planning Document Change Checklist Form (All sections must be completed, N/A or place a check on the line where applicable) Section 1 Doc/Procedure Type: (circle one) Administrative/ Implementing I EPLAN Doc/Procedure No: IPEC-EP C/A: Yes_ No _X_ C/A No. Due Date C/A No. Due Date: __ _ Doc/Procedure Title: Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Rev No: 20(17-01) Rev Dist Date: 11/15/17 Reason for EPDCC: New _....,_X-'---_ Revision Cancel Date of EPDCC: 10/31/2017 Section 2 Change Description 1. Originator: A. lraola~ 11d_,/n 2. Class of Change: Technical Correction New Commitment __ Other _X. __ _ 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. 9. Page numbers affected and reason for change: Refer to the attached matrix of changes attached to completed 50.54(q)screen and evaluation Emergeqcy Planning Documents Affected: ~N--'-o~ne-'----------------Emergency Planning Procedures Affected: None _____________ _


Other Procedure(s) # __ N/A. ___ Regulatory Document #_NIA_ Other: ___________________________ _ Reviewed training requirements with department training coordinator N/A date: The following are complete, or are not applicable and are so marked. Tech Review _X_ 50.54q _X_ ENN-Ll-100;1LPL-155 _N/A_ SMM-AD-102 _X_ Manager approval _X_ SRC _N/A_ Both table of contents and transmittals are complete _____ date -------10. Approved doc/procedure delivered to Document Control for distribution ___ date __ _ 11. Position Binders updated if applicable: _____________ _ date 12. Copy of EPDCC and document/procedure placed in EP file _______ date __ _ Sheet 1 of 1 Form EP-AD2-1 Rev. 0

  • *
  • CHANGE MANAGEMENT NOTICE IPEC EPLAN Rev. 17-01 (Merlin Rev. #20) WHO is affected? IPEC Emergency Planning Department Personnel WHAT is the change? A total of 48 changes were made of which 52% were editorial along with minor program changes. Please see the attached matrix for a summary of all the changes. This revision is of "Low Risk/Complexity." WHY is the change occurring? This new revision incorporates changes that were missed in 16-01 to due an incorrect revision (15-01 vs 15-02) being used to update the annual 2016 revision. In addition several new changes were made as part of independent review. Refer to the attached revision matrix for all changes made to 17-01 . WHEN is the change effective? Nov. 15,2017 CONTACTS: Tony lraola, Sr. Emergency Planner, x 7704 Frank Mitchell, EP Manager, x 8410
  • *
  • I P-SMM-AD-102 Rev: ,15 IPEC IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE PREPARATION, REVIEW, AND APPROVAL Page 35 of 43 ATTACHMENT 10.2 IPEC PROCEDURE REVIEW AND APPROVAL Procedure Title: Emergency Plan Procedure No. IPEC-EP Existing Rev: 16-01 New Rev: 17-01 ORN/EC No: 17-01168 Procedure Activi~ D Converted To IPEC, Replaces: Temi;ioran( Procedure Change (MARK Applicable) (MARK Applicable) D NEW PROCEDURE Unit 1 Procedure No. D EDITORIAL Temporary Procedure Change D GENERAL REVISION D ADVANCE Temporary Procedure Change [&I PARTIAL REVISION Unit 2 Procedure No: D CONDITIONAL Temporary Procedure Change D EDITORIAL REVISION D VOID PROCEDURE Terminating Condition: D SUPERSEDED Unit 3 Procedure No: D RAPID REVISION Document in Microsoft Word: D VOID DRN/TPC No(s): D Yes D No Revision Summan( D N/A -See Revision Summary page. Refer to the attached summary of changes in the attached matrix. lmi;ilementation Reguirements Implementation Plan? D Yes [&)No Formal Training? D Yes !BlNo Special Handling? D Ye .[&)No / i RPO Dept: Emergency Planning Writer: (Print Name/Ext/Sign):J.A~ . ..!Jlr@ag_ol@af2/x[_j7[17'..()0~4:.........l_::J~~-:t:::_=:_.!.:_:':_J~,!...J ___ _ Review and Ai;ii;iroval (Per Attachment 10.1, IPEC Revie :;?~ts) 1. !Bl Technical Reviewer: F. Mitchell/ (Print Name/ Signature/ Date) 2. D Cross-Disciplinary Reviewers: 3. [&I 4. D Dept: Reviewer: Print Name/ Signature/ Date) Dept: Reviewer: RPO-Responsibilities/Checklist: (Print Name/ Signature/ Date) [&)PAD required and is complete (PAD Approver and Reviewer qualifications have been verified) D Previous exclusion from further Ll-100 Review is still valid D PAD not required due to type of change as defined in 4.6 Non-Intent Determination Complete: ---------------------------NO change of purpose or scope NO reduction in the level of nuclear safety NO voiding or canceling of a procedure, unless requirements are incorporated into another procedure or the need for the procedure was eliminated (Print Name/ Signature/ Date) NO change to less restrictive acceptance criteria NO change to steps previously identified as commitment steps NO deviation from the Quality Assurance Program Manual NO change that may result in deviations from Technical Specifications, FSAR, plant design requirements, 5. D On-Shift Shift Manager/CRS: 6. D User Validation: User: 7. D Special Handling Requirements Understood: (Print Name/ Signature/ Date) Validator: (Print Name/ Signature/ Date)
  • * *
  • NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-FAP-OM-023 REV.6 ~Entergy MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 of4 Entergy Nuclear Change Management ATTACHMENT 7.1 CHANGE IMPACT CHECKLIST Sheet 1 of 3 This Checklist assists the change lead with identifying the specific impacts on people and processes. The checklist provides details of specific actions required to implement the change. The Change Owner /Lead completes the Change Impact Checklist to identify the needed forms identified in Section IV for the Impact Level of the change. Additionally, the Change Owner/Lead uses additional forms and references identified in section II to analyze the change. This form is completed by following Section 3.3 in the procedure. See section 3.8 for documentation requirements. If the change is a personnel change ONLY, use Attachment 7.4.Section I -Define the Change: Reference 3.3[1] Title of Change: Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 Change Owner: F. Mitchell Change Sponsor: F. Mitchell Change Lead: A. lrao!a Project Manager: N/A Whe1t is the Change? (Provide a brief description of what will be different and change scope.) Revised the Indian Point Emergency Plan of which 52% were editorial changes. Refer to the attached matrix for a summary of editorial. This new revision incorporates changes that were missed in 16-01 to due an incorrect revision (15-01 vs 15-02) being used to update the annual 2016 revision. In addition several new changes were made as part of independent review. Who and What groups/departments are impacted by the change? (Identify employees/groups, programs, processes, regulations, equipment, facilities, etc. affected by the change.) Emergency Planning Why is the Change necessary? (Proyide a reason for the change, the benefit gained or consequence avoided.) This change was required to correctly update the Emergency Plan having used the incorrect revision to update the 2016 revision When is the proposed or desired Date for Change? {Identify timeline or effective date for change.) Nov. 15, 2017 Where is the Change being Implemented? (check as applicable; double click box to select) D Fleet-Wide *D Echelon D White Plains 0 ANO D GGNS IPEC D PAL 0 PIL D RBS D VY 0 WF3 D Other -What SHOULD NOT be affected as a result of this change? (Identify any areas affected employees/groups might likely assume would be affected, but are not included.)
  • NUCLEAR FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-FAP-OM-023 REV.6 -===-Entergy MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 2 of4 Entergy Nuclear Change Management ATTACHMENT 7.1 CHANGE IMPACT CHECKLIST Sheet 2 of 3 Yes No Unsure Section II -Impact Evaluation: Reference 3.3[2] Notes D [21 D Impact Nuclear, Radiological, Industrial Safety or Equipment Reliability? [21 D D Impact Licensing: FSAR/Technical Specifications/QA Program/Commitments? (i.e., ANSI, 50.59, 50.54, etc.) Perform evaluation in accordance with EN-L/-100 [21 D D Impact E-Plan, Security Plan, QA Manual? Perform evaluation in accordance with EN-L/-100 D [21 D Impact to Procedures/Policies? (e.g., non-editorial changes, change that affects multiple procedures, etc.) D [21 D Impact scheduled Plant Work Activities or Operating Schedule? D [21 D Impact computer programs/applications software? If Yes, evaluate need for an SQA-Reference EN-IT-104. Impact Accredited Training Job Task or Qualifications of Personnel? D [21 D If Yes, an action !!1!1§! be initiated in accordance with EN-TQ-201. Contact Training management for additional information.
  • D [21 D Impact ANSI 3.1 Qualification Requirements (See EN-HR-137) Perform evaluation in accordance with EN-HR-137 Impact organizational responsibility, e.g., require transfer of responsibility from one organization to another? D [21 D If Yes, reference EN-HR-134 during change planning. Note: transferring responsibilities between organizations may impact the QAPM. Evaluate in accordance with aoolicable Licensing (EN-LI) procedures. Impact resources or physical workload in other departments or D [21 D organizations? (e.g., work activities, process time, employee schedules?) Impact contractor resources which are working under Entergy procedures? D [21 D (e.g., contractors working under Entergy procedures require additional notification beyond normal communication channels) D [21 D Impact of other Areas, Processes or Facilities to support the change? (Internal or External?) Potential for new equipment or system not to function properly at D [21 D implementation? Consider use of Contingency/Prevention Worksheet, Attachment 7. 6 D [21 D Change requires specific skills, experience and subject matter experts for successful plan development and implementation? Use Team Skill Matrix, Attachment 7. 5 Change involves a temporary or permanent employee change due to": D [21 D Promotion, Transfer, New Hire, Resignation, Retirement, Staffing Restructuring or Termination Leave of Absence, Medical Leave or Temporary Work Assignment. Use Personnel Change Checklist, Attachment 7.4 *
  • *
  • A FLEET ADMINISTRATIVE EN-F AP-0 M-023 REV.6 . NUCLEAR --=-Entergy MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE* MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE Page 4 of 4 Entergy Nuclear Change Management * *
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  • a NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-Ll-113 I REV.12 , ~Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 OF 3 Licensing Basis Document Change Process ATTACHMENT 9.1 LBDCR FORM =~=======~=====~~=======-=~~====== Sheet 1 of 3 (TYPICAL) I. LBDCR INITIATION Tony lraola Emergency 7704 1,2,3 Nov. 15, EPLAN Planning 2017 17-01 INITIATOR'S NAME DEPARTMENT PHONE UNIT DATE LBDCR# (print or type) DESCRIPTION OF THE CHANGE (Attach additional pages if necessary; may also refere~ce PAD Form) This new revision incorporates changes that were missed In 16-01 to due an incorrect revision (15-01 vs 15-02) beinq used to update the annual 2016 revision. In addition, several new editorial chanqes were made. LICENSING DOCUMENT(S) AFFECTED AFFECTED SECTION/PAGE(S) (Attach marl<ed-up pages) D Operating License (OL) D Technical Specifications (TS) D Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) D Anti-Trust Conditions (Appendix of OL) D NRC Orders D Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) D TS Bases D Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) (including TRM Bases) D Quality Assurance Program Manual (QAPM) D Security Plan/Cyber Security Plan (CSP) r8] Emergency Plan (EP) See attached matrix D Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) D Spent Fuel Storage Cask Final Safety Analysis Report (CFSAR) D Spent Fuel Storage Cask Certificate of Compliance (CoC) D Spent Fuel Storage Cask CoC Bases D 10 CFR 72.212 Evaluation Report (212 Report) D Fire Protection Program (FPP)/Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA) D Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) D Other (Specify)
  • * * -------------------------------------~ * ~Entergy NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT MANUAL QUALITY RELATED INFORMATIONAL USE EN-Ll-113 REV.12 PAGE 20F3 Licensing Basis Document Change Process ATIACHMENT9.1 LBDCRFORM Sheet 2 of 3 METHOD(S) ALLOWING THE CHANGE D PAD Review (Attach a copy) D 10 CFR 50.48 / EN-DC-128 Review (Attach a copy) D 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation (Attach a copy) 10 CFR 50.54 Review (Attach a copy) D 10 CFR 72.48 Evaluation (Attach a copy) D Environmental Evaluation (Attach a copy) D Approved NRC Change (Attach a copy of D Editorial Change (LBDs controlled under 50.59 or NRC Letter or reference NRC letter number) 72.48, only) D NRC Approval is Required D Other Approval (Attach a copy of supporting documents) D "UFSAR-only" Change (NEI 98-03) Check the appropriate box below: D Reformatting \ D Replacing Detailed Drawing \D Referencing other Documents Check the appropriate box below and provide a basis for removing information, if applicable: D Removing Excessive Detail D Removing Obsolete Information D Removing Redundant Information D Removing Commitments Removal Basis: II. LBDCR IMPLEMENTATION1 ACTIONS SUPPORTING IMPLEMENTATION LSD SECTION See attached matrix REQUIRED ACTIONS ACTION Issuance of the EPLAN scheduled for Nov.15, 2017 RESP. DEPT EP ACTION TAKEN OR TRACKING METHOD Entry into Merlin on Nov. 15, 2017
  • * * ------------------------NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-Ll-113 I REV.12 ~Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 3 OF 3 Licensing Basis Document Change Process ATTACHMENT9.1 LBDCRFORM Sheet 3 of 3 Ill. LBDCR REVIEW AND APPROVAL 1 Department UFSAR Section Owner3 Peer Review4 LBD Owner REVIEW AND APPROVAL of LBDCR (see Attachment 9.2) Approved2 N/A A lraola / F. Mitchell/ 1 Add additional table rows as needed. 2 The printed name should be included on the form when using electronic means for signature. Signatures may be obtained via electronic processes (e.g., PCRS, ER processes, Asset Suite signature), manual methods (e.g., ink signature), e-mail, or telecommunication. If using an mail, attach it to this form. 3 UFSAR Section Owners should refer to EN-Ll-113-01, "Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Change Process," for review expectations. N/A if change does not update the UFSAR. 4 Administrative peer review intended to verify changes have been incorporated correctly into revised LBD prior to issuance. t
  • Date
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17 -01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial* Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 1. COVER PAGE Rev 16-01 Rev 17-01 Yes No-This is an editorial change to the Revision number and effective Note: New Note: used 15-02 as the base date. document and incorporated 16-01 This change does not change the revisions. meaning or intent of a description, List Of Effective Pages, 16-01 17-01 does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change i a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. Part 1: Part 1: Karsten 2. Section 0.2, 2°0 ... Emergency Director. .. ... Emergency Director (ED) ... Yes No-Added (ED) to define term sentence and re-use again in later portions Note: New of the Plan. Page 5 This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is reauired for this chanae. Part 2: SECTION A: Karsten
  • *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 3. Section 1, a, 2°d bullet ... Emergency Director. .. . .. ED ... Yes No-Removed Emergency Director and replaced with ED as Note: New Page A-1 previously defined. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 4. Section 1, County The four (4) counties that are The four (4) counties located Yes No -added wording that the involved .... within the 10 mile Emergency counties are located in the 1 O mile Note: New Offices of Disaster ... Planning Zone {EPZ) that are EPZ. Page A-2 involved .... This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this chanae. 5. Section 1.b 1*1 sentence ..... Emergency Response ... ERO ... Yes No-Removed Emergency Response Organization and kept Note: New Page A-3 Organization ..... ERO as previously defined. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • *
  • IPEC Emergenc i Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 6. Section 1.d .... Emergency Director .... . ... ED .... Yes No-Removed Emergency Director and kept ED, Emergency Note: New . . . Emergency Response .... ERO ... Response Organization and kept Page A-3 Organization ..... ERO as previously defined. These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 7. Section 4 3rd sentence ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Yes No-Removed Emergency Director and replaced with ED as Note: New Page A-4 previously defined. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this chanqe. 8. -. ... ERO ...... Yes No-Removed Emergency Section 41"1 and last ..... Emergency Response sentence Organization ..... Response Organization and kept Note: New ERO as previously defined. Page A-4 This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • *
  • IPEC E mergenc1 V Pl an R ev1s1on 17 01 (M I" R -erm ev1s1on 20) REVISION MATRIX L Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 9. Figure A-1 Note1& 2 . .... Emergency Response ... ERO ... Yes No-Removed Emergency Response Organization and kept Note: New Page A-5 Organization ..... ERO as previously defined. . . . Emergency Director .... ... ED ... No -Removed Emergency Director and replaced with ED as previously defined. These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. SECTION B: WATTS 10. SECTION B This section describes the Indian This section describes the Indian Yes No-Removed Emergency Point Emergency Response Point ERO, their key positions Response Organization and kept Note: 16-01, item 2 1st paragraph Organizations, their key positions and associated responsibilities. ERO as previously defined. and associated responsibilities. This change does not change the Page B-1 meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • *
  • IPEC Emergency e1an Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 11. SECTION 8.1 Figures B-1.2a-d illustrates the full Figures B-1.2a-d illustrate the full Yes No-Abbreviation for "ERO" as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 3 Section 1.0, 1st Emergency Response ERO. Also corrected the word. Also paragraph Organization (ERO). corrected word "illustrate" to agree Page B-1 with plural "Figures-B-1.2a-d". These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 12. SECTION 8.1.a One [1) Control Room Supervisor, One [1) Control Room Supervisor, Yes No-Added semi-colon at end of sentence as a formatting change Note: 16-01, item 4 41h paragraph who holds a Senior Reactor who holds a Senior Reactor for consistency within the Operator's license and is Operator's license and is Page B-1 responsible for safe operation of responsible for safe operation of document. the unit within the requirements of the unit within the requirements of This change does not change the the Technical Specifications. the Technical Specifications; meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • *
  • IPEC Erner Plan Revision 17 -01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX ,C~~ Page/Section L.~ Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 13. Section 8.1.a One [1] Unit 3 SRO is assigned as One [1] Unit 3 SRO is assigned Yes No-Spelled out Fire Brigade Leader to define term for "FBL". Note: 16-01, item 5 3rd paragraph FBL for both units as Fire Brigade Leader (FBL) for Added semi-colon at end of both units; sentence as a formatting change Page 8-2 -for consistency within the document. -These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 14. Section 8.1.a One [1] Unit 2 NPO is assigned to One [1] Unit 2 NPO is assigned to Yes No-Spelled out Safe Shutdown to / Unit 1 and SSD and one Unit 3 Unit 1 and Safe Shutdown (SSD), define term for "SSD" and added Note: 16-01, item 6 4th paragraph, 2"d NPO is the Communicator for and one Unit 3 NPO is the comma in sentence. Added semi-sentence notifications for both units. communicator for notifications for colon at end of sentence as a formatting change for consistency Page B-2 both units; within the document. Changed "C" to "c" for communicator. These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 15. Section 8.1.b The Emergency Response The ERO is established to assure Yes No-Abbreviation for "ERO" as Organization (ERO) is established that a sufficient number of previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 7 1st paragraph, 1st to assure that a sufficient number appropriately qualified personnel This change does not change the sentence of appropriately qualified are available each day, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> . meaning or intent of a description, personnel are available each day, a day to deal with any emergency does not change facilities or Page 8-2 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day to deal with any* situation. equipment, and does not change emergency situation. a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 16. Section 8.1.b The Watch Force, depicted in The Watch Force, depicted in Yes No-Corrected word "accord" to Figure 8-1.1, satisfies the Figure B-1.1, satisfies the "accordance" to match the intent Note: 16-01, item 8 last paragraph, 2nd NUREG-0654 requirements for on-NUREG-0654 requirements for of sentence. sentence shift personnel and on-shift staffing on-shift personnel and on-shift This change does not change the in accord with guidance of NRC's staffing in accordance with meaning or intent of a description, Page 8-2 NSIR/DPR-ISG-01 interim staff guidance of NRC's NSIR/DPR-does not change facilities or guidance and NEI 10-05 ISG-01 interim staff guidance and equipment, and does not change Assessment of On-Shift NEI 10-05 Assessment of On-a process. No further evaluation is Emergency Response Shift Emergency Response required for this change. Organization Staffing and Organization Staffing and Caoabilities. Caoabilities. 17. Section 8.1.b The analysis resulted in a total of The analysis resulted in a total of Yes No-Corrected word "person's" to thirteen person's on-shift at each thirteen persons on-shift at each "persons" to indicate plural instead Note: 16-01, item 9 last paragraph, last unit. unit. of possessive. sentence This change does not change the Page 8-2 meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • *
  • IPEC E mergenc* V Pl an R ev1s1on -erm 17 01 (M I" R ev1s1on 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 18. Section B.1.b These personnel are immediately These personnel are notified by No No-Change made to more clearly available during normal working an electronic notification system describe emergency notification Note: 16-01, item 2nd paragraph hours or are contacted by an and public address methods during working and non-10 *, electronic notification system announcements, and are working hours. Page B-3 during non-working hours. The immediately available during This change does not change the electronic notification system is normal working hours. These meaning or intent of a description, backed up with an automated personnel are notified by an does not change facilities or telephone notification system. electronic notification system equipment, and does not change during non-working hours. An a process. No further evaluation is alternate notification system using required for this change. an automated telephone notification process is used in the event that the normal electronic notification svstem is unavailable. 19. Section B.1.b The activation phase consists of The activation phase consists of Yes No-Abbreviation for "ERO" as Emergency Response ERO activation. previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 3rd paragraph, first Organization (ERO) activation. This change does not change the 11 sentence meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or Page B-3 equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 20. Section B.1.b Activation of the ERO gives the Yes No-Removed Emergency Director Activation of the ERO gives the and left ED as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 5th paragraph, first Emergency Director full access to ED full access to the resources of This change does not change the 12 sentence the resources of Entergy. Entergy. meaning or intent of a description, Page B-3 does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is reauired for this chanae.
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. ---**--* 21. 6th paragraph Figures B-1.2a-d illustrates the Figures 8-1.2a-d illustrate the Yes No-Corrected word "illustrates" to Indian Point ERO. "illustrate" because of multiple Note: 16-01, item Page 8-3 Indian Point ERO. figures cited. 13 This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 22. Section B.2 The Shift Manager (or the Control The Shift Manager (or the Control Yes No-Abbreviations for "ED" and Room Supervisor in the event that Room Supervisor in the event that "ERO" are sufficient because they Note: 16-01, item Section 2, 1st the Shift Manager is unavailable), the Shift Manager is unavailable), are previously defined in Section 14 paragraph acting as the ED, has the B. acting as the Emergency Director, authority to declare an These changes do not change the Page 8-3 has the authority to declare an emergency, immediately takes emergency, immediately takes charge of the emergency meaning or intent of a description, charge of the emergency response response effort and is responsible does not change facilities or effort and is responsible for offsite for offsite dose assessment until __ equipment, and does not change dose assessment until relieved by . a process. No further evaluation is another qualified Emergency relieved by another qualified ED. required for this change. He/she activates the ERO as Director. He/she activates the necessary and continues to direct Emergency Response Organization (ERO) as necessary the emergency response until and continues to direct the relieved by another qualified ED. emergency response until relieved by another qualified Emergency Director.
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 23. Section 8.2 The relieving Emergency Yes No-Abbreviations for "ED", "POM" The relieving ED/Plant Operations and "ERO" are sufficient because Note: 16-01, item 1st paragraph, 1*t, 2"d & Director/Plant Operations Manager Manager (POM) takes charge of they are previously defined in 15 3rd sentence and 2"d (POM) takes charge of the overall the overall emergency response, Section B. Added abbreviation paragraph emergency response, thus freeing thus freeing the Shift Manager to "EPM" for Emergency Plant the Shift Manager to direct his/her direct his/her attention towards Page B-4 attention towards the mitigation of the mitigation of the accident Manager. the accident using the emergency using the emergency operating These changes do not change the operating procedures. The Plant procedures.
  • The POM holds this meaning or intent of a description, Operations Manager holds this position until the on-call ED does not change facilities or position until the on-call arrives. Overall control of the equipment, and does not change Emergency Director arrives. Onsite ERO is maintained by the a process. No further evaluation is Overall control of the Onsite Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) required for this change. Emergency Response in the TSC. Organization is maintained by the Although the ERO described ..... , Emergency Plant Manager in the TSC. it may be altered by the ED. 24. Section 8.2 After command and control is No YES-Refer to the "10 CFR 50.54 After command and control is (Q) (3) Evaluation" document. Note: 16-01, item .1st paragraph, 4th & 5th transferred to the Emergency transferred to the ED in the 16 sentence Director in the EOF/AEOF, it EOF/AEOF, it remains there until remains there until the event is the event is terminated. In the Page 8-4 terminated. event that the ED becomes unavailable or personnel at the EOF are required to transfer to the AEOF, command and control may be transferred to the CCR until such time as a new ED assumes command and control or the ED assumes command and control upon arrival at the AEOF. L
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 25. Section B.3 The duties and responsibilities of The duties and responsibilities of Yes No-Abbreviation for "ED" as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 1st paragraph, 151 the Emergency Director (ED) are the ED are initially assumed by This change does not change the 17 sentence and 2"d initially assumed by the Shift the Shift Manager (CR Supervisor meaning or intent of a description, paragraph Manager (CR Supervisor in his/her in his/her absence). absence). does not change facilities or Page B-4 The position of the on-call ED is equipment, and does not change normally staffed by high level a process. No further evaluation is station management personnel. required for this change.
  • Change No. 26. ,. *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Page/Section Previous Version New Version Section B.4 The Emergency Director is The ED is responsible for Editorial Change Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Plan Standards or NUREG-0654 pro elements? Justify if NO. =-J Yes No-Abbreviations for "ED" and "EOF" as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 1st & 2"d paragraph responsible for directing and directing and coordinating the coordinating the integrated integrated emergency response 18 This change does not change the Page B-4 emergency response effort of all effort of all Company activities Company activities during the during the emergency including meaning or intent of a description, emergency including those which those which originate from does not change facilities or originate from Corporate Corporate Headquarters. equipment, and does not change Headquarters. Personnel trained Personnel trained in accordance a process. No further evaluation is in accordance with this plan and with this plan and qualified as required for this change. qualified as Emergency Directors EDs are designated in an are designated in an Emergency Emergency Telephone Directory. Telephone Directory. The The ED is stationed in the EOF Emergency Director is stationed in during an Alert, Site Area the Emergency Operations Facility Emergency or General during an Alert, Site Area Emergency and is the interface Emergency or General Emergency between the onsite and offsite and is the interface between the authorities. He/she has the onsite and offsite authorities. responsibility and authority to He/she has the responsibility and provide Protective Action authority to provide Protective Recommendations (PARs) to the Action Recommendations (PARs) authorities responsible for to the authorities responsible for implementing offsite emergency implementing offsite emergency measures. measures. Specific responsibilities of the ED ' Specific responsibilities of the include: Emergency Director include: '
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  • IPEC Emeraencv Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47{b) Planning No.* Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 27. Section 8.4 Review all radiological, Yes No-Abbreviation for "JIC" is Review all radiological, Note: 16-01, item 2nd bullet meteorological and operational meteorological and operational sufficient because it is previously 19 data and update the offsite data and update the offsite defined. Page 8-5 authorities and the Joint authorities and the JIC; This change does not change the Information Center (JIC); meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 28. Section 8.4 The Emergency Director is Yes No-Abbreviation for "ED" as The ED is assisted in these Note: *1 s-01, item assisted in these activities by the activities by the entire ERO. previously defined. Last paragraph entire ERO. Although the Although the ED may delegate This change does not change the 20 Page 8-5 Emergency Director may delegate some of these responsibilities, meaning or intent of a description, some of these responsibilities, he/she may not delegate the does not change facilities or he/she may not delegate the responsibility to classify events or equipment, and does not change responsibility to classify events or for the decision to notify a process. No further evaluation is for the decision to notify authorities authorities and recommend offsite required for this change. and recommend offsite protective protective actions. actions.
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17 -01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 29. Section 8.5.a The EPM reports directly to the The EPM reports directly to the Yes No-Abbreviations for "ED", "ERO" and "TSC" are sufficient because Note: 16-01, item 1*1 paragraph Emergency Director. He/she ED. He/she directs and they are previously defined. 21 directs and coordinates the coordinates the operational Page 8-5 operational aspects of the In-Plant aspects of the In-Plant ERO. These changes do not change the Emergency Organization. He/she He/she assures proper meaning or intent of a description, assures proper coordination and coordination and direction of the does not change facilities or direction of the efforts of each efforts of each element of the In-equipment, and does not change element of the In-Plant Emergency Plant ERO in returning the plant a process. No further evaluation is Organization in ret!,.lrning the plant to and maintaining it in a safe and required for this change. to and maintaining it in a safe and stable condition. The EPM is stable condition. The EPM is located in the TSC. Specific located in the Technical Support responsibilities include: Center. Specific responsibilities include: 30. Section 8.5.b The EOF Manager reports directly The EOF Manager reports directly Yes No-Abbreviation for "ED" as previously defined. Also added Note: 16-01, item 1*1 paragraph & 1*1 to the Emergency Director. to the ED. Specific semi-colon at end of sentence as 22 bullet Specific Responsibilities of the responsibilities of the EOF a formatting change for EOF Manager include: Manager include: Page 8-5 consistency within the document.
  • Coordination of Entergy's
  • Coordination of Entergy's Changed "Responsibilities" to emergency response efforts emergency response efforts lower case to be grammatically outside the Protected Area outside the Protected Area correct. Fence, Fence; These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is reauired for this chanae.

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  • I IPEC Emergenc Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. ----*----31. Section 8.5.b Assist the Emergency Director in Assist the ED in the interpretation Yes No-Abbreviation for "ED" as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 1st bullet the interpretation of offsite of offsite radiological This change does not change the 23 radiological assessments for assessments for emergency Page 8-6 emergency classifications and classifications and Protective meaning or intent of a description, Protective Action Action Recommendations in does not change facilities or Recommendations in terms of both terms of both real-time equipment, and does not change -real-time measurements and measurements and projected a process. No further evaluation is projected radiological exposures; radiological exposures; required for this change. 32. Section 8.5.b Ensure proper communications Ensure proper communications Yes No-Added semi-colon at end of 2nd bullet between the Indian Point ERO and between the Indian Point ERO sentence as a formatting change Note: 16-01, item offsite response organizations, and and offsite response for consistency within the 24 document. Page 8-6 organizations; and These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required forthis change. 33. Section 8.5.c With assistance from the JIC With assistance from the JIC Yes No-Added semi-colon at end of 2nd paragraph, 151 bullet Manager, coordination of Entergy's Manager, coordination of sentences as a formatting change Note: 16-01, item for consistency within the 25 public information response Entergy's public information document. Page 8-6 efforts, response efforts; This change does not change the Act as the official Entergy Act as the official Entergy meaning or intent of a description, representative to the media, and representative to the media; and does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 0
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previo~s Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 34. Section 8.5.d.1) Technical support is performed in Technical support is performed in Yes No-Abbreviation for "TSC" as previously defined . Note: 16-01, item 1st & 2nd paragraph the Technical Support Center the TSC under the direction of the 26 under the direction of the TSC Manager. It is the central This change does not change the Page 8-6 Technical Support Center facility for the accumulation and meaning or intent of a description, Manager. It is the central facility for re-transmittal of plant parameters; does not change facilities or the accumulation and re-Specific functions of the TSC equipment, and does not change transmittal of plant parameters; a process. No further evaluation is include; required for this change. Specific functions of the Technical Support Center include; 35. Keeping the Emergency Director Keeping the ED apprised of plant Yes No-Abbreviations for "ED" and '* Section 8.5.d.1) "TSC" as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item apprised of plant conditions; and conditions; and 27 last 2 bullets Interfacing with NRC personnel in Interfacing with NRC personnel in These changes do not change the the Technical Support Center. the TSC. meaning or intent of a description, Page 8-6 does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change . Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. ~*-------..__ 36. I Yes No-Abbreviations for "ERO", "ED" Section B.5.d.3) The Control Room communication The Control Room communication Note: 16-01, item Page B-7 links with offsite authorities are links with offsite authorities are and "EOF" as previously defined. available each day 24-hours a day. available each day 24-hours a Also removed ""'s from 28 "Communicator" and made lower The initial notification of offsite day. The initial notification of authorities and emergency offsite authorities and ERO case for consistency with other response organization personnel is personnel is initiated by the Shift wording. initiated by the Shift Manager Manager and/or Control Room These changes do not change the and/or Control Room communicator. Communications meaning or intent of a description, communicator. Communications with offsite authorities are does not change facilities or with offsite authorities are maintained from the Control equipment, and does not change maintained from the Control Room Room until the ED takes over the a process. No further evaluation is until the Emergency Director takes responsibility at the EOF. A required for this change. over the responsibility at the communicator is designated at Emergency Operations Facility. A the EOF to establish/maintain "Communicator is designated at communication links. the Emergency Operations Facility to establish/maintain communication links. 37. Section B.5.d.6) Yes No-Abbreviation for "OSC" is Maintenance mechanics, l&C Maintenance mechanics, l&C Note: 16-01, item 2nd paragraph Technicians and operations Technicians and operations sufficient because it is previously 29 personnel (NPOs) who respond to personnel (NPOs) who respond to defined. Page B-7 the Operations Support Center the OSC perform repair and This change does not change the perform repair and corrective corrective actions directed by the meaning or intent of a description, actions directed by the Operations OSC Manager. does not change facilities or Support Cent~r Manager. equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • IPEC Erner Change Page/Section No. 38. Section B.5.d.9) Pia Previo Note: 16-01, item 1st paragraph, 1st 30 sentence Page 8-8 39. Section 8.5.d.11) Note: 16-01, item Page 8-8 31 *
  • n Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX us Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. Yes No-Abbreviation for "ED as Search and rescue jurisdiction Search and rescue jurisdiction during an emergency is divided during an emergency is divided previously defined. between the in-plant area (inside between the in-plant area (inside This change does not change the the protected area fence), which is the protected area fence), which meaning or intent of a description, handled by the Shift is handled by the Shift does not change facilities or Manager/POM or EPM and the Manager/POM or EPM and the equipment, and does not change rest of the onsite area which is rest of the onsite area which is a process. No further evaluation is handled by the Emergency handled by the ED. required for this change. Director. Yes No-Abbreviation for "JIC" is To assure that only factual and To assure that only factual and consistent information is released; consistent information is released; sufficient because it is previously statements concerning the statements concerning the defined in Section B. emergency are the responsibility of emergency are the responsibility This change does not change the Indian Point Energy Center of Indian Point Energy Center meaning or intent of a description, communications personnel and/or communications personnel and/or does not change facilities or individuals assigned to the Joint individuals assigned to the JIC. A equipment, and does not change Information Center. A Press Press Release Writer is available a process. No further evaluation is Release Writer is available on call on call 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day and is required for this change. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day and is responsible responsible for interfacing with the for interfacing with the news media news media for release of any for release of any public public statements prior to the JIC statements prior to the Joint being operational. Information Center being operational.
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  • IPEC Emergenc*t Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX --Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 40. Section B.5.d.11) The Joint Information Center, (JIC) The JIC Manager is responsible No No-Change made to clarify where the Public Information Liaison Note: 16-01, item 1"1 paragraph Manager is responsible for for providing accurate and timely reports. 32 providing accurate and timely information to the public through Also used abbreviations for "JIC", Page 8-9 information to the public through the news media and coordinating "ED", "ERO" and "EOF" because the news media and coordinating with Federal, State and local they are previously defined. with Federal, State and local public public information officials to information officials to assure assure timely exchange and These changes do not change the timely exchange and release of release of information. Both the meaning or intent of a description, information. Both the Press Press Release Writer and the JIC Release Writer and the Joint Manager have access to all does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change Information Center Manager have necessary information, either a process. No further evaluation is access to all necessary directly available to them or required for this change. information, either directly available through the onsite ERO. available to them or available A Public Information Liaison through the onsite emergency reports to the EOF with the initial organization. A Public Information augmentation of the watch force Liaison at the Emergency to facilitate information flow Operation Facility reports to the regarding the emergency to the plant with the initial augmentation JIC Technical Advisor. The ED of the watch force to facilitate prior to the activation of the JIC information flow between the plant approves information that is used personnel and the JIC Technical to notify the public. Once the JIC Advisor. The Emergency Director is operational, the JIC Press prior to the activation of the Joint Release Writer prepares the Information Center approves press release, and once approved information that is used to notify by the ED, disseminates the the public. Once the Joint information to the public. Information Center is operational, the JIC Press Release Writer prepares the press release, and once approved by the ED, disseminates the information to the public.
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  • IPEC Eme~r ~-_Plan Revision 1 ?-01 (Merlin Revision 20L REVISION MATRIX __ Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. 41. Section 8.6 Figures B-1.1, B-1.2a thru 8-1.2d Figures 8-1.1, 8-1.2a thru 8-1.2d Yes No-Abbreviation for "ERO" as previously defined. Note: 16-01, item 1*1 sentence illustrates the positions of the illustrate the positions of the Section 8. Corrected word 33 Indian Point Emergency Response Indian Point ERO and supporting "illustrates" to "illustrate" because Page 8-9 Organization and supporting positions. of multiple figures cited. positions. These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 42. Section 8.7 The Admin & Logistics Coordinator The Admin & Logistics Yes No-Abbreviations for "ERO" and "ED" as previously defined; also Note: 16-01, item Page 8-9 and/or the Corporate Duty Coordinator and/or the Corporate added missing "the" before ERO. 34 Manager coordinates corporate Duty Manager coordinates These changes do not change the support into the Emergency corporate support into the ERO Response Organization once the once the on call ERO is activated. meaning or intent of a description, on call ERO is activated. With the With the full activation of the does not change facilities or full activation of Emergency ERO, Entergy is capable of equipment, and does not change Response Organization, Entergy is continuous (24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) operations a process. No further evaluation is capable of continuous (24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) for a protracted period. The ED required for this change. operations for a protracted period. will ensure the continuity of The Emergency Director will resources (technical, ensure the continuity of resources administrative and logistics) to (technical, administrative and support the emergency response. logistics) to support the emergency response.
  • IPEC Erner Change Page/Section No. 43. Section 8.8.b Note: 16-01, item 1st paragraph 35 Page 8-10 44. Section 8.8.b *
  • Plan Revision 17-01 Merlin Revision 20 REVISION MATRIX Previous Version New Version Editorial Change If the need for additional technical If the need for additional technical No assistance is identified, this may assistance is identified, this may be obtained by the Technical be obtained by the TSC Manager Support Center Manager and the and the ED. Assistance of this Emergency Director. Assistance type could include that from the of this type could include that from NSSS Supplier (Westinghouse), the NSSS Supplier architect engineer and (Westinghouse), architect engineer consultants. A copy of the letter and consultants. A copy of the of agreement with Westinghouse letter of agreement with is referenced in Appendix 2. Westinghouse is contained in Other assistance is also available Appendix 2. Other assistance is using existing contracts, i.e.: also available using existing Radiation Protection support. contracts, i.e.: Radiation Protection support. Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. No-Change made to clarify that LOAs were previously removed from Appendix 2. This was evaluated for prior revision 15-02. Also, abbreviations for "TSC" and "ED" are sufficient because they were previously defined in Section B. These changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. One of the roles of the Institute of One of the roles of INPO is to Yes No-Abbreviation for "INPO" is Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) assist affected utilities by quickly sufficient because it previously Note: 16-01, item 2nd paragraph, 2nd is to assist affected utilities by applying the resources of the defined in the paragraph heading. 36 sentence quickly applying the resources of nuclear industry to meet the This change does not change the Page 8-10 the nuclear industry to meet the needs of an emergency. meaning or intent of a description, needs of an emergency. does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
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  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION MATRIX Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effect on 10 CFR 50.47(b) Planning No. Change Standards or NUREG-0654 program elements? Justify if NO. ~----45. Section B.8.b American Nuclear Insurers (ANI): American Nuclear Insurers (ANI): Yes No-Corrected word "have"*to In the event of an extraordinary In the event of an extraordinary "has" for word agreement. Note: 16-01, item 3rd paragraph, 1st nuclear occurrence (as defined in nuclear occurrence (as defined in This change does not change the 37 sentence the Price-Anderson Law) ANI the Price-Anderson Law) ANI has have plans prepared to provide plans prepared to provide prompt meaning or intent of a description, Page B-10 prompt emergency funding to emergency funding to affected does not change facilities or affected members of the public. members of the public. equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. -46. Section B.9 The availability of local support The availability of local support No No-Change made to clarify that Note: 16-01, item 151 paragraph services to assist the emergency services to assist the emergency LOAs were previously removed forces has been ascertained and forces has been ascertained and from Appendix 2. This was 38 Page B-10 agreement letters from each agreement letters from each evaluated for prior revision 15-02. organization in this section have organization in this section have This change does not change the been solicited. These letters are been solicited. These letters are meaning or intent of a description, contained in Appendix 2. referenced in Appendix 2. does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change. 47. Section B.9.a, 2nd Mutual aid backup from other Mutual aid backup from other Yes No-added "EMS" abbreviation for Note: 16-01, item sentence ambulance services provides for ambulance services provides for emergency medical services. 39 Page B-10 additional emergency medical additional emergency medical This change does not change the services, ambulances and EMS services.(EMS), ambulances and meaning or intent of a description, personnel. EMS personnel. does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.
  • IPEC E 20) REVISION M R 17 01 (M r R Pl mergency an ev1s1on -erm evasion Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial EffE No. Change Stai ele; --------*------* *-* 48. Section B.9.d, 1st When notified that assistance is When notified that assistance is Yes Note: 16-01, item sentence required, IPEC Security will notify required, IPEC Security will notify 40 Page B-11 the New York State Police which the New York State Police which is the lead Local Law is the lead LLEA. Enforcement Agency {LLEA). 49. Figure B-1.2b Box containing Emergency Plant Box containing Emergency Plant Yes Note: 16-01, item Page B-14 Manager and Radiological Manager and Radiological 41 & new Coordinator Coordinator (corrected box Figure B-1.2b ... Onsite statement border) was in the header Moved the statement in the box of the diagram * *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) _REVISION M Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effe No. Change Stai eler -----------------50. Table 8-5 (Deleted) No Note: Page 8-25 16-01, item 42 SAMG TSC Assist EPM in Evaluator MGR implementation of Severe Accident Management Guidelines 51. Figures 8-1.2b-d Some of the figures had Figure or Moved Figure or Table# out of Yes
  • Note: New Figure 8-1.3 Table# in the Header the header Table 8-1 1.2.c -no Figure# or Title Added Figure # and Title --~--------------------*
  • *
  • IPEC Erner Plan Revision 17-01 Merlin Revision 20 REVISION r~ .----~--------""'--_,.,_-Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version No. 52. Figure B-1.3 Title: Normal Figure B-1.3 Title: Figure B-1.3 Normal Note: 16-01, item Page B-17 Station Organization Station Organization 43 SECTION C: lraola l 53. Section 4 ...... Emergency Telephone . ..... Emergency Telephone Directory (ETD) ....... Note: 15-02, item Page C-2 Directory ........ 21 -did not carry over ETD and 16-01 stated emergency phone list SECTION D: Karsten Editorial Eff Change St~ ele Yes Yes
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revisioi"! 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial E No'. Change St el e 54. 15' paragraph, 3ra . .... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes sentence Organization ..... Note: New Page D-1 1, NUE 2"d paragraph ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Page D-2 55. 1. NUE 1st paragraph ... events that are in process ... . .. events that are in progress ... Yes Note: 15-02, item Page D-1 23 * *
  • IPEC Erner Plan Revision 17-01 LM~rlin Revisio1;1 20 REVISION 1\# r-=-C:-ha_n_g_e-.-=P-ag-e-:/=s-ec-:t-=--io-n-------,,~P,,i-ou_s_V~ers-io-n--------,-New Version Editorial Effi No. Change Sta ele1 56. Section 1, Alert .. . . Emergency Director ... ... ED .... Yes Note: New Page D-2 Added page brake Section 1, Alert, 1st .... Emergency Director ... ...ED .... paragraph & a) .... Emergency Response ... ERO ... Page D-3 Organization .... 57. Section 1, Site Area A Site Emergency ..... A Site Area Emergency ... Yes Emergency, 1st Note: New paragraph ... the public or ..... ... the public, or .... Page D-3 ... malicious acts: ... ... malicious acts; ... * *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION 1\1 Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff, No. Change Sta ele .. -58. Section 1, SAE, 1st WHICH which Yes paragraph Note: New Page D-4 59. Section 1, SAE, 4m . .. Emergency Director ... . .. ED .... Yes paragraph & a) Note: New .... Emergency Response Page D-4 Organization .... ... ERO .... * '-, I *
  • IPEC E 20) REVISION M Pl R 17 01 (M r R mergency an ev1saon -erm evis1on Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effe No. Change Stai eler 60. Section 1, GE, 3ra ... Emergency Director. .. . .. ED .... Yes paragraph & a) Note: New .... Emergency Response Page D-5 Organization .... . .. ERO .... SECTION E: Karsten ' 61. Section 1, a, 3 . ... Emergency Response ... ERO .... ,I Yes Organization .... Note: New Page E-1 * *
  • *
  • iPEC Erne rgencv Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION M Change Page/Section No. Previous Version New Version Editorial Effe Change Sta, eler 62. Section 1, b Alert 1 ), 2"" ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Yes sentence Note: New Page E-2 i i i 63. Section 1.b.4 During normal working hours, the During normal working hours, the Yes necessary personnel are available necessary personnel are Note: 15-02, item Page E-2 in the plant and are contacted by available in the plant and are 35 -did not delete the Public Address System, or contacted by the Public Address a coma electronic notification system. System or electronic notification During off-hours, individuals can system. During off-hours, be contacted at their homes by individuals can be centacted at telephone or electronic notification their homes by telephone or system . electronic notification system. __ _J
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVIS~ON fJ Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff, No. Change Sta ele 64. Section 1,b.8 & 1,c.1, . .. Emergency Director ... ... ED ... Yes 1.c.5 Note: New Section 1, c.1 ... condition listed in Section D .... . .. condition listed in the Section D .... Page E-3 Section 1c.8 ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Page E-4 65. Section 1.c.2 Notification of site personnel is Notification of site personnel is No accomplished by the Control accomplished by the Control Note: 15-02 item Page E-3 Room Operator initiating the Site Room Operator initiating the site 41 & new Assembly Alarm or use of the assembly alarm or use of the public address system. Public Address System. Accountability of personnel located Accountability of personnel within the Protected Area is located within the Protected Area performed. In addition the is performed. In addition, the unaffected Control Room affected unit's Control Room
  • Personnel are contacted by the Operators also contact the affected Control Room Operators. unaffected unit's Control Room personnel. *
  • ~PEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION l\J Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff, No. Change Sta ele 66. Section 1.d.1 & Yes Section 2 15\ 2nd and 3rd ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED .... Note: New paragraphs .... Emergency Response Organization .... ... ERO ... Section 1.d.1 . . .listed in Section D ... . .. listed in the Section D .... Page E-4 67. Section 3, 1st .. Remaining ... ... remaining ... Yes paragraph, last
  • Note: New sentence Emergency Alert System Emergency Alert System (EAS) Page E-6 *
  • *
  • Change No. 68. Note: New 69. Note: New IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVIS!ON N Page/Section Previous Version Section 4, 1 ** paragraph ... Emergency Director ... Page E-6 SECTION F: Martin 1"' paragraph & 1"' bullet Page F-1 . ... Emergency Response Organization .... New Version ... ED ... ... ERO .... Editorial Eff1 Change Sta ele Yes Yes
  • * * --------------------------------------iPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION M Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effe No. Change Star elen ~---~---------~-------------~---------*---*----~---~-* 70. Note: New 71. Note: New 72. Note: New l Section 1, Direct Line Phones, 2nd bullet 3rd bullet Page F-2 Section 1. Additional Communications, 1*1 paragraph, a & c Page F-3 Medical Communications Page F-4 SECTION G: lraola No changes ... respective responses organization .... ... Emergency Director ... .... Emergency Response Organization .... Hudson Valley Hospital Phelps Memorial . .. respective organization responses ... Fixed font . .. ED ... . .. ERO .... Yes Yes New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Yes Valley Hospital Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
  • *
  • IPEC Emergency Plain Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION Nj Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff1: No. Change Sta 73. Note: 16-01, item 44 74. Note: New SECTION H: Ambrose Section H.1 Second paragraph Page H-1 Section 1, CR, 2"a & 3'a paragraph Page H-1 Once the entire Emergency Response Organization is operational additional positions are assigned to the CR. .... Emergency Response Organization .... ... Emergency Director ... Once the entire ERO is operational, if required, additional positions are assigned to the CR. ... ERO ... . .. ED ... elei No Yes


  • iPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION M Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial EffE No. I Change Sta ele1 75. Section 1, TSC, 2"u ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Yes bullet Note: New Page H-2 76. Section 2, EOF, 3*u ... Emergency Director ... ... ED ... Yes paragraph Note: New Page H-3 77. Section 2, EOF, last ... Emergency Director ... ... ED ... Yes
  • paragraph Note: New ... Emergency Response . .. ERO ... Page H-4 Organization ... *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION n Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Efl No. Change St, ele 78. Section 7.b, last . . . Emergency Response ... ERO ... Yes I paragraph Organization ... Note: New Page H-6 79. Section H.8.c Backup radiological monitoring Backup radiological monitoring No equipment and assistance can be equipment and assistance can be Note: 16-01, item Page H-8 obtained from other utilities obtained from other utilities 45 through INPO or the Department through INPO or the Department of Energy's Brookhaven Area of Energy's Brookhaven Area Office. Letters of agreement for Office. Letters of agreement for these services can be found in these services are referenced in Appendix 2 of this plan . Appendix 2 of this plan.
  • SECTION I: Karsten *

* ~PEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION N Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial EffG No. Change Sta ele1 80. Alert, 151 & 2°~ ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Yes ,paragraph Note: New , Page 1-2 ' 81. SAE&GE, 1 s, paragraph . . . Emergency Director ... ... ED ... Yes Note: New 2°d paragraph .. .in accordance with a Plan ... in accordance with an Implementing Procedure ... Implementing Procedure ... Page 1-2

  • 82 . SAE & GE, 1st & 3rd . . . Emergency Director ... ... ED ... Yes paragraph Note: New 5th paragraph .. .in accordance with a Plan ... in accordance with an Implementing Procedure ... Implementing Procedure ... Page 1-3 ' *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION N Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version .. Editorial Efft No. Change Sta ele1 I 83. Section 5 .. .locals, State, and ... . .. locals, State and ... Yes Note: New Page 1-5 84. Section 8, last ... Emergency Director ... ... ED ... Yes paragraph Note: New Page 1-6 SECTION J: Robinson 85. Section 2, 15' paragraph Fixed spacing issues Yes
  • Note: New . .. Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... Page J-1 *
  • !PEC EmergenC'i Plan Revasion 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION I\ Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eft No .. Change St, ele ... 86. Section 4, last . .. Emergency Director. .. ... ED ... Yes Note: New paragraph Section 5, 1*1 paragraph, last sentence Page J-2 87. Not used 88. Section 6, c, last ... Emergency Director ... ...ED ... Yes sentence Note: New Page J-3
  • 89. Section 7, 2nd ... Emergency Director .... ...ED ... Yes paragraph, last Note: New sentence Page J-4 *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merten Revision 20) REVISION l\l Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff No. Change Sta ele 90. Section J.10.f, last ... Pre and Post... ... pre and post. .. Yes sentence Note: New Page J-5 \ I 91. Section .J.10.m The basis for dose driven The basis for dose driven No protective action recommendations protective action decisions by Note: 16-01, item Page J-5 are as follows: offsite authorities would include 47 several of the above factors as well as the following considerations: SECTION K: Martin
  • 92. Section 4 ... rests with the State & local. .. ... rests with the respective State & Yes local... Note: New Page K-3 *
  • *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION n Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial EH No. Change St, 93. Note: New 94. Note: 16-01, item 48 Section 7, 4th sentence .... emergency worker monitoring and decontamination center .... Page K-4 SECTION L: lraola 1. Hospital Services, 151 paragraph Page L-1 A written agreement is contained in Appendix 2. ... emergency worker personnel monitoring center ... eh Yes A written agreement is referenced No in Appendix 2.
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION N Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Effl No. Change Sta ele1 *-95. 1. Hospital Services, A written agreement is contained A written agreement is referenced No 2"d paragraph in Appendix 2. in Appendix 2. Note: 16-01, item 49 Page L-1 96. 1. Hospital Services, 3,a In the event that a patient should In the event that a patient should No paragraph receive a massive radiation receive a massive radiation Note: 16-01, item exposure, an expert medical exposure, then Radiation 50 Page L-1 consultant specializing on the Emergency Assistance management of radiation injuries Center/Training Site (REAC/TS), would be available. A written available 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s/day, would be agreement is contained in contacted for guidance. A written Appendix 2. agreement is referenced in Appendix 2 . * *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION i'ti Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Ef'if No. Change St:. ele 97. Section 2, Onsite First These facilities consist of a These facilities consist of a Yes Aid Capability, 2"d stainless steel interior with stainless steel interior with Note: 16-01, item paragraph decontamination table, showers decontamination table, showers 51 and sinks draining into a holdup and sinks draining into holdup Page L-1 tanks. These facilities contain tanks. These facilities contain general first aid equipment and general first aid equipment and medical supplies for treatment of medical supplies for treatment of injuries. injuries. 98. Section 4, 2"" The Verplanck Fire Department The Verplanck Fire District Yes paragraph Ambulance, or other backup (Fire/Ambulance), or other backup Note: 15-02, item ambulance agency, participates in ambulance agency, participates in 110 Page L-2 annual medical emergency drills annual medical emergency drills as described in Section N. as described in Section N. (work with items 166,167,and 205 for MOU)
  • SECTION M: lraola *
  • *
  • IPEC Erner Plan Revision 17-01 Merlin Revision 20) REVISION Change Page/Section No. Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff<< Change Sta ele1 99. Section 1, Recovery, 2"u ... Emergency Director ... ...ED ... Yes paragraph Note: New M-2 100. Section 1, Recovery . ... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes 151 bullet Organization .... Note: New Page M-3 I 101. Section 2, Recovery . .. . Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Org Organization .... Note: New 2nd bullet Page M-3
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION N Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff1 No. Change Sta ele1 --102. Section 2.b, 3'" bullet .... Emergency Response . .. ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New Page M-4 103. Section 2.e, 4th bullet . ... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New Page M-5 104. Section 3, 1 s, sentence . ... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Organization ....
  • Note: New Page M-6 *
  • IPEC E 17 01 (M r R 20) REVISION R mergencv an ev1s1on -erm ev1s1on Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eft No. Change St; elE 105. Section 3, 2"a sentence All Indian Point Energy Center Additional Indian Point Energy No personnel are instructed of their Center personnel are instructed of Note: 16-01, item Page M-6 roles in relation to the Indian Point their roles in relation to the Indian 52 Recovery Organization and their Point Recovery Organization and responsibilities to the recovery their responsibilities to the effort. recovery effort. 106. Section 4, 3ra sentence . ... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes ( Organization .... Note: New Page M-6
  • SECTION N: Karsten ', *
  • IPEC Emergency P!an Revision 17-01 (MerUn Revision 20) REVISION ru Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff1 No. I Change Sta ele 107. 2nu bullet .... Emergency Response ...ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New Page N-1 i I I SECTION O: Ambrose I I 108. 1, Assurance of -.... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Training, 1*t paragraph Organization....
  • Note: New
  • Page 0-1 "* *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVIS~ON Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Ef No. Change S! 0!1 109. Section 2 2. Methods of Training was on Moved to page 0-2 Yes page 0-1 ' Note: New Page 0-1 110. Section 4, a Personnel Responsible for Personnel responsible for Yes Management. ..... management. ... Note: New Page 0-3 ... Emergency Director ... . .. ED ... 111. 5.b, 2"" sentence .... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New
  • 5.b, last paragraph ... ERO Roster ... ... ERO roster ... Page 0-6 *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlan Revision 20) REV!SION I\J Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff No. Change Sta ele 112. 5.c, 2"" bullet .... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New Page 0-7 SECTION P: Martin 113. Section 2, 15' .... Emergency Response . .. ERO .... Yes paragraph, last Organization .... Note: New sentence Page P-1
  • 114. Section 3, 1st ... Indian Point Preparedness ... . .. Indian Point Emergency Yes paragraph Preparedness ... Page P-1 J *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION 1\1 Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff No. Change St;i ele 115. Section 4, Technical reviews of the Plan and Technical reviews of the Plan and No 5th Paragraph procedures shall be conducted in procedures shall be conducted in Note: 16-01, item accordance with station accordance with station 53 Page P-3 procedures. Individuals that procedures. The reviewer shall conduct the technical review and determine the need for cross-safety review shall be qualified in disciplinary reviews. accordance with station requirements. The reviewer shall Note: Removed the statement: determine the need for cross-disciplinary review. "Individuals that conduct the technical review and safety review shall be qualified in accordance with station requirements." * ' *

* IPEC E 17 01 (M r R 20l REVISION ru Pl R mergencv an ev1s1on -erm ev1s1on Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eff, No. Change Sta ele 116. Section 5, 3rd sentence . ... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New Page P-3 117. Section 10 .... Emergency Response ... ERO .... Yes Organization .... Note: New Page P-5 APPENDIX 1:

  • No changes I APPENDIX 2: lraola *
  • *
  • IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (MerUn Revision 20) REVISION Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Efl No. Change St elE ,....._ __ _,._ __________ __.__ _____________ ,....._ ____________ ___.. _______ ~__, 118. Note: 16-01, item 54 119. Note: 16-01, item 55 Page: Appendix 2-1 Page: Appendix 2-1 NIA As Letters of Agreements are received they will be added to this section. 10. Department of Radiological Assistance Program Region 1 ( Brookhaven) As Letters of Agreements are received they will be listed in this section. -No No l
  • iPEC Emergency Plan Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Eft No. Change St, elE 120. APPENDIX 3: lraola IP-EP-115 IP-EP-115 No EN-EP-900 Note: 16-01, item IP-EP-120 IP-EP-120 56 IP-EP-210 IP-EP-220 IP-EP-210 IP-EP-221 IP-EP-220 IP-EP-230 IP-EP-221 IP-EP-231 IP-EP-230 IP-EP-250 IP-EP-231 I IP-EP-251 IP-EP-250 IP-EP-260 IP-EP-251 IP-EP-260 IP-EP-210 EN-EP-609 EN-EP-610 IP-EP-220 EN-EP-611 IP-EP-221 EN-EP-900 IP-EP-230 IP-EP-210 IP-EP-231 IP-EP-220 IP-EP-250 IP-EP-221 IP-EP-251 EN-EP-610 (Twice) IP-EP-230 IP-EP-231 IP-EP-230 EN-EP-611
  • IP-EP-250 IP-EP-350 IP-EP-250 IP-EP-251 IP-EP-250 EN-EP-609 IP-EP-320 IP-EP-230 IP-EP-250 IP-EP-350 EN-EP-611 IP-EP-250 IP-EP-320 EN-EP-609 *
  • IPEC Emergenc i Pian Revision 17-01 (Merlin Revision 20) REVISION 1Change Page/Section Previous Version New Version Editorial Ef No. Change St eh IP-EP-230 IP-EP-230 IP-EP-430 IP-EP-430 EN-EP-611 APPENDIX 4: 121. Appendix 4, No page 4-2 Note: new NSRAC -Nuclear Safety Review Deleted and Audit Committee 122. Appendix 4, page 4-8 Radiation Area -... five millirem .... Radiation Area -... 5mRem .. Yes Note: 15-02, item
  • 199 APPENDIX 5: No changes Not used *