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==Dear Ms. Bauman:==
==Dear Ms. Bauman:==

This is in further response to your letter dated January 26, 1989, in which you appealed Mr. Donnie H. Grimsley's response dated January 24, 1989.
This is in further response to your {{letter dated|date=January 26, 1989|text=letter dated January 26, 1989}}, in which you appealed Mr. Donnie H. Grimsley's response dated January 24, 1989.
Mr. Grimsley's response denied the four records listed on the enclosed appendix. These records were subject to your Freedom of Information Act (F0IA) request for records concerning five specific inspection reports regarding the General Electric Facility in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Mr. Grimsley's response denied the four records listed on the enclosed appendix. These records were subject to your Freedom of Information Act (F0IA) request for records concerning five specific inspection reports regarding the General Electric Facility in Wilmington, North Carolina.
In my letter to you dated June 20, 1989, you were informed that document one and portions of document two listed on the enclosed appendix had been referred to the General Electric Company (GE) for review in order to help NRC determine if the information should continue to be withheld from public disclosure.
In my letter to you dated June 20, 1989, you were informed that document one and portions of document two listed on the enclosed appendix had been referred to the General Electric Company (GE) for review in order to help NRC determine if the information should continue to be withheld from public disclosure.

Latest revision as of 20:32, 8 March 2021

Further Response to Appeal of 890124 Denial of FOIA Request. App Records Encl & Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 07/21/1989
From: Thompson H
To: Bauman L
Shared Package
ML20247E970 List:
FOIA-87-88, FOIA-89-A-4 NUDOCS 8907270058
Download: ML20247E965 (2)


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'JUL 211989 Ms. Linda L. Bauman F01A Coordinator IN RESPONSE REFER Government Accountability Project TO F01A-89-A-4 104 E. Wisconsin Avenue (F01A-87-88)

Appleton, WI 54911

Dear Ms. Bauman:

This is in further response to your letter dated January 26, 1989, in which you appealed Mr. Donnie H. Grimsley's response dated January 24, 1989.

Mr. Grimsley's response denied the four records listed on the enclosed appendix. These records were subject to your Freedom of Information Act (F0IA) request for records concerning five specific inspection reports regarding the General Electric Facility in Wilmington, North Carolina.

In my letter to you dated June 20, 1989, you were informed that document one and portions of document two listed on the enclosed appendix had been referred to the General Electric Company (GE) for review in order to help NRC determine if the information should continue to be withheld from public disclosure.

Based on the information GE provided, the NRC has decided to make the 1984 General Electric Plant Telephone Directory publicly available. The two versions of the record identified on the enclosed appendix are enclosen.

Since ely. -

Cl 167 l Hugh L. Thompson Jr. uty Executive Director fp Nuclear M er' 1 Safety, Safeguards

(%d Operations S ort


As stated 8907270058 890721 PDR FOIA BAUMAN89-A-4 ppg i

Re: F01A-89-A-4 (F01A-87-88)


1. 10/84 General Electric Plant Telephone Directory. Wilmington Manufacturing Department (NEGB), Rotating Parts Operation (AEBG) and Support Organizations (44 pages) RELEASED
2. Various Lab and Radiation Safety Personnel records. (12 pages)

Dates Exemptions 6, 70, 70

a. Annotated version of General Electirc Plant Telephone Directory (26 pages) RELEASED
3. Various Personnel files of Wilmington Manufacturing (84 pages)

Dates Exemptions 6, 70, 70.

4. Various General Electric Indivual Experience Records, Personnel Data.

Dates (218 pages) Exemptions 6, 70, 7D.

i I

I; i

l l


t t

4 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT MIDW,'EST OFFICE 104 East Wisconsin Avenue Appleton. Wisconsin 54911 January 26, 1989 Victor Stello Executive Director for Operations /.r.- Df. C.F L ,i,J. ,, C.:_ /* ;) ,

Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S.

Washington, D.C. 20555 h

RE: Appeal of FOIA 87-88 /

[ -f

Dear Mr.. Stello:

This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 552), of the actual denial ~of the Commission to release documents requested on 12 86 by the Government Accountability Project.

By letter dated 1-24-89, Donnie H. Grimsley,. Director, Division of Freedom on Information and Publications Services, informed us that Appendix H is being withheld from disclosure in their entirety or in part, pursuant to FOIA Exemption 6, 7, and 7 (c) because the withheld information is exempted from clearly public disclosure because its disclosure would result in a unwarrant'ed invasion of personal privacy (Exemption 6) and oecause the withheld information consists of investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes and is being withheld for the reason (s) indicated (Exemption 7) and because disclosure would constitute and unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (exemption 7c).

i We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents r.,eing withheld.

We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine whether to pursue tnis matter further in the courts.

Thank you for your consideration of this appeal.

l Sincere 1y, j 7

fff NAf '

Linda L. Bauman i FOIA Coordinator


\ &Yt'fhTD (!f)


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FOlA-St_f_/ ,,

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ds- e INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST .'..:;a ee..e

_.DQ( All au yMjg n(gi ,,t ,pp,g,.gy, ,

a lW 00 RE Out S T OR -

m AU @_$ W4 PART 1 - AGENCY RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED See c*ededy ess No agency reco'os subiect to the ecovest have been iocated No additional agenct #eco<ds sobrect to the .reovest have bete tocated Requested reco<ds are esailabet through another pedisc d'ste bi.t on peog'arr See Comments $ect on

_ _ a'e aeady avadabie tot pubhc espection and cop, Agency feCo8ds subtect to the 'eovest that a'e .?eetAed or AoDendia'es6__.

NRC Public Document Room Mf7T L Street N W . Wash'ngton DC 20655 811 5-- .- a , be s made e,s iabie to, ,obst especi.on and cop, A gency 'ecords sub>ect to the 'essesi i*ai a., eent ' ed <.+ 4:oe,o. es.

NRC Public Document Room, MM St'eet N W . Washi^gine DC m a fo'de' under ins FOta numtre' ang 'e g. ester r,ame N N-The nonpropt. eta v ve'sen of the proposai'si that you ag'eee :: a: cept in a telephcne con <*'sa on *,1 a ne-tee o m, statt .6 non be.c g maae aw adat.e

  • s anspect*on and coppng at the NRC Pubhc Document Room 2C21 L Street. N W . WasNngton DC en a toice' ., se, this FOI A nsmber and eeosesae eame Agency f acords subse Cl to the feQuest that are 'dentif.&d 3r A;:endsa es __ _. _. ma
  • t e # 3 0e "9 0 a" C s f at Re NRC Local Publi: DoCw-ent Roof an t?.e Comments $ection n ;*g *,s; pw tibc Doc uteent Room p(21 ( $,,,,, g ,

Enclosed is anf(emeteen on how you may obtain access to anc t*.e c*.anges for copying rettscs p a;g Wash ngton DC - _ _ _ ,

Agency records sublect to the veQuest are enc'esed


s, to vow Records subsect to t%e 'equest have been refe"ed to anctne' *ederaf agencybest for ee..e* and dec:t <es.

You will be billed by the NRC foe fees totalmg 8 in v.e* of NRC s respoese to this reavest. no f art 5er actior. s teing taken on appea.: leite, dated _ , _ . No PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE t*= e.e-c* -s cesc< oed in and c w e easoes sta'ed .r 8

[ Certain Sections into<

B Cmat ancon in the D Any vessested reressed <eco poet ons os sdocsmeru c' the oems

  • thhe c 'wm s 'o' *Nch public omv d the pa t of sciose'e

'e: cecov's-eni ic e d'e be+rg made a eaat.e for putu c .nspe c e s de *g a.t**e

.mt e' and <#aveste. na-e cocving in the NRC Puche Document Room 2021 L Street %W WasNngton DC 'n a to'ce' weoc %s Qa COMMENTS





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__ ere be'ag withheld in the.e entirety or in patt ina1 Records lubjeC1 to 'the. sequest that pse desCHbed on the enclosed Appendiafeo _

(nempleont and 108 the feasons set fotth belOW pursugni to 5 U S C 552itA and to Cf R 91 hat of NRC Regulations i 1, The 'ethheld information es peopefly classif.ed pw swant to (secubve O< der'st a(MPfiOfW ti smas.on se' ales solely to the iniemat pe'sonnel rules and p'oCedules of NRC I( ALMPTION 26 -

) The withheld infu 3 The wethheld entoemation is spectf4 afly esempted from pubbc disclosure by staedte endicated s( a(MPitON > .-

J Seebons t 41 tab of the Asumic Ene'95 Ac' ***ch D'oh. tuts the discioswee of neoncied Data es fosmen, pe.imted De e 'a2 U S C 2tti 2166 Section 14 7 of the Atomic Energy Act which p'ohibits the disclosues of Unclassified Safegwa<ds info < mat.oa 'd2 V $ C 216h

4. The *ethheid eto mation is a t.ede secret o aomenercial or financiai m'oemet.on snet is withheto for the >eason<st end,cated JiN(MPTION et The information is considesed to be con 6dentral business ipeopneta<v eenfoemation .

The information es consideisd to be peopnets'y info'mation pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790sdut a The snfoemat.on was submdsed and tectived on confidence pursuani to 10 CFR 2 790 ion 2s e

b The withhe'd mloemation Cons'sts of inletagency of 'Al'449e%Cy reco<ds that are not awa.lable lhtough pacove% demg estigabon '( A(MPilON St Appb I

Delibetstree Process Desclosure of p'edeCisional eninsmation would tend to mhibd the open and f a% eWange of 'deas essen1.

Where reco<ds are withheld in these entwety. the f acts a'e me nincabiy snieria ned *6h'he predec+oca' rsf o*madon There also are no teasonapry segreget e e

portions because the release of the f ac.1 wov d permet an endaece inevity into the paedec+onal peocess of t*e agency e

Attorne. no4 peoduct pt.wilege iDocur "enis p' epa'ed t'y an anoineg in contemc"abon o' bga'.o Attoenes c"ent pe+gge > Con' oem-a' rommu n< atwm bet are e aa d'iWw aM * > be v' 6 The withheid inforveahon is esenipted hor oubiec el sc.csse because its declasse oow'd tess t ie a (2esi ."nandeted .nvaseon of pe'sonai pt.wacy i(x!M

7. The wthheld mio,mation corseste of recoeds comoded for law ento' cement pu' poses and s bemg a,th*eed for the reasontst ,ndicated 4(N(VPflQfy b i *,e scope d.tect'on and fo(un of en Desciosse c Es <essonat% tie espec ted to 'ntee'e an erf osement proc occ a se .1 cow d e6ea toecement elo ts and in sw cowid posse anca t'em to tame act.on to sNesti potent at a eongomng e a v . abce c' NAC *easnernenis from invest.gators

( mtMPTION * .An Disc'eswr e a Ltd constitute en un*s" anted invasion of pe<soeal pr acy #E REMPTION 7sCo i

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sn es.ces t + ior she omrwaf a'e these of t.c.a's ce-t#om producbon o' d sclossee and that its p*oduc tion o' d sciosw e es con'a', to the public ir te'est i and h*sowices Managemem *c . a below as denving on.c.ats and the Doecio. Div+on o' 8 sedom v into"nat.on and Putnabens Se w ces CNr c' Ao+ *st anor denists that may be ocea'ed to the f eecubwe Odecto' " Operations if 00*

RECORD 5 DINit0 l APPitLAst Oss ;

TiltE O'F'Cf DENTING OFFICIAL SicettARv t b i brh f_ # kb Tuves Tie A ra r's PART 11. D- APPEAL RIGHTS _

The denial by each denyng off.cialident.3d in Part a C may tre appealed to the Appellate Otheial identified in that secbon Any such appeal must be m w be made within 30 days of receept of thes response. Appeals must be addressed as appropnate to the E accotive Directo fo< Opersbons o U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commessen, Washington. OC 20555 and should clearly state on the envelope and m the lettee that it es an " Appe U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COV senc eoesie esa (P.a 23


<.. i l-

. Re: F01A-87-88 (4th Partial)


1. 7/17/84 Ltr to J. Philip Stohr from Charles M. Vaughan, re: (1) NRC License SNM-1097, Docket 70-1113,(2) NRC Inspection Report 70-1113/84-07 dated 7/12/84, received 7/16/84. (13 pages) f i

1 J


i ..


Re: F0!A-87-88

. (4th Partial)


1. 10/30/80 Ltr to Robert Smith from Thomas A. Ippolito with enclosure:

Request for Additional Information. (18 pages)

2. 4/26/85 Document to Document Control Desk, NRC,from G.J. Anderson, General Electric, "Acknolwedgment of Receipt of Revision 5.

(115pages) i i


. Re
F01A-87-88 i (4th Partial)


1. 10/84 General Electric Plant Telephone Directory, Wilmington Manufacturing Department (NEBG), Rotating Parts Operation (AEBG) and Supporting Organizations. (25 pages)
2. Various Lab Personnel. (38 pages)


3. Various VME Personnel and Unit Personnel Files of Wilmington Dates Manufacturing, Performance Reviews. (85pages)
4. Various General Electric Individual Experience Record, Personnel Data.

Dates (116pages) l l

I l

l 1



APPLETON, WISCONSIN 54911 December 28, 1986 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST fM00M OF INFORM @ow ACT REQUEST Director Office of Administration ,

hyJ gg, b U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20210 Jg y ,


Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.(FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calanders, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, fi'es, graphs; charts, maps, phntographsc agreements, handwritten notes, stuJies, data sheets, notebooks, books, oice recordings, computer runoffs, telephone messages, computations, any other data compilations, inter'.m and/or final reports, status reports .

and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the listed inspections of General Electric Company's, Wilmington, ,

N.C. facility.

70-1113/82-38 j 70-1113/84-04 70-1113/84-05 ]

70-1113/84-06 70-1113/84-13 This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3 (b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in the NRC " official, working", investigative or other files, or at any other location, includi private residences.

If any records, as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b), and the NRC Manual, supra and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed afte [

this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not I limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued in order to implement the action (s). ,

l y'

GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the information can be considered as primarily benefiting the general public," 5 U.S.C. 522 (a) (4) (a). GAP is a non profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government.

Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability. Through it Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens '

groups and interveners in the concern for safety at nuclear power plants We are requesting this information as part of an ongoing monitoring project of the NRC's efforts to protect public health and safety at and near nuclear processing plants and radioactive waste facilities.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemtion is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld. This index is required under Vaughn v.977 Rosen (I), 484 F2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S.

(1974). .

We look forward to your response to this request within ten (10) working days.



Linda Bauman FOIA Coordinator Midwest Office 1

4 I


Responses to this request should be mailed to : )

Government Accountability Project  !

Midwest Office i 3424 Marcos Lane I Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 i

l i
