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| issue date = 06/06/1983
| issue date = 06/06/1983
| title = Advises That License Conditions for 5% Power Completed. Power Ascension Will Be Commenced Upon Completion of Low Power Physics Testing
| title = Advises That License Conditions for 5% Power Completed. Power Ascension Will Be Commenced Upon Completion of Low Power Physics Testing
| author name = UHRIG R E
| author name = Uhrig R
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = EISENHUT D G
| addressee name = Eisenhut D
| docket = 05000389
| docket = 05000389
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{{#Wiki_filter:Za-pP.X14000,JUNOBEACH,FL33408FLORIDAPOWER&LIGHTCOMPANYJune6,1983L-83-348OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulations Attention:
{{#Wiki_filter:Za-                                                               P.     X 14000, JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 p
Mr.DarrellG.Eisenhut, DirectorDivisionofLicensing U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555
FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY June 6, 1983 L-83-348 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations Attention: Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

==Dear Mr. Eisenhut:==

Re:ST.LUCIEUNITNO.2DOCKETNO.50"389COMPLETION OFLICENSECONDITIONS FOR5%POWERThepurposeofthisletteristoinformyouthatFloridaPower&LightCompany(FPL)hassatisfied the5%powerlicenseconditions, whicharedescribed inSection2andAttachment loftheSt.LucieUnitNo.2Operating License.Uponcompletion ofLowPowerPhysicsTesting,FPLwillbereadytocommencePowerAscension.
Re: ST. LUCIE UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50"389 COMPLETION OF LICENSE CONDITIONS FOR 5% POWER The purpose of this letter is to inform you that          Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) has satisfied the 5% power license          conditions, which are described in Section 2 and Attachment      l  of the    St. Lucie Unit No. 2 Operating License. Upon completion of Low Power            Physics Testing, FPL will  be ready to commence Power Ascension.
Pleasefindattachedadescription ofe'achlicensecondition andhowFPLhassatisfied thelicensecondition.
Please  find attached a description of      e'ach license      condition and        how FPL has  satisfied the license condition.
Verytlyyours,'obertE.UhrigVicePresident AdvancedSystemsandTechnology REU/RJS/JES/rms Attachment cc:J.P.O'Reilly, RegionIIHaroldF.Reis,Esquire.--------8eko60~830b13026 050003EHt'PORgoOCKpDRlriLIPEOPLE...
Very  t ly  yours,
SERVINGPEOPLE l~I LICENSECONDITION FOR5%POWER ITEMSIECTION2OFST.LUCIEUNITNO.LICENSE2.C.4.Environmental uglification ofMechanical andElectrical Euiment(Section3.11.5SSER3)*Priortoexceeding 5%ofratedthermalpower,thelicensees shallcompleteandsubmitforNRCstaffreviewandapprovaltheanalysisrequitedby10CFR50.49(i).
                                      'obert E. Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems    and Technology REU/RJS/JES/rms Attachment cc: J.P. O'Reilly, Region    II Harold F. Reis, Esquire
Status:FPLvialetterL-83-329, datedMay26,1983,providedtheinformation requiredby10CFR50.49(i).
        ------- eko60~
Thelettercompletes allrequirements forthislicensecondition.
830b13026 8 050003EH t
2.C.8.Continuous Containment PureSstem(Section6.2.4SSER3)Priortoexceeding 5%ofratedthermalpower,thelicensees willmakethenecessary modifications toassuretheoperability oftheContinuous PurgeSystemintheeventofalossofcoolantaccident.
  'POR lr  goOCK i
Status:1.FPLvialetterL-83-286, datedMay10,1983,,providedtheresultsofamodifiedcalculation whichshowedthatthemaximumfloodlevelwouldnotsubmergethesupplylinedischarge enteringcontainment.
Following reviewofthisletterbytheNRCstaffsomeadditional
'nformation wasrequested.
Thisadditional information wassubmitted viaFPLletterL-83-328, datedMay25,1983.Thiscompletes allactionbyFPLforthisportionofthelicensecondition.
~ I
2.Thedamperbetweenthedebrisscreenandthe.inboardcontainment isolation valvehasbeenremovedandthiswasverifiedbyaRegion'Iinspector.
Thiscompletes all'actionsbyFPLonthisportionofthelicensecondition.
2.C.13.FireProtection (Section9.5.1.11(a) and~(b)SSER3)Thelicensees shallimplement thefireprotection programonaschedulespecified inSection9.5.1.11(a) and(b)ofSupplement No.3totheSafetyEvaluation Report.Status:DuringmeetingsonJune2,1983,withtheRegionalOfficeandyourstaff,theimplementation oftheFireProtection Systemwasdiscussed.
Itwasunderstood thatthepresentdesignandconstruction statussatisfies thislicensecondition, andthatthefinalcloseoutoftheFireProtection System'ask willbeperformed bytheRegionalOffice.2.C.17(b)
ITEMS  I    ECTION 2 OF ST. LUCIE UNIT NO.         LICENSE 2.C.4. Environmental       uglification of Mechanical              and    Electrical E ui ment (Section 3.11.5        SSER 3)*
ControlRoomDesinReview(I.D.lAendixEAlsoPartofAendixCSSER1SSER3)Priortoexceeding five(5)percentofratedthermalpower,thelicensees shallcompletecorrection ofthehumanengineering discrepancies asnotedinAppendixEofthislicense.
Prior to exceeding 5% of rated thermal power, the licensees shall complete and submit for NRC staff review and approval the analysis requited by 10 CFR 50.49(i).
Status:DuringmeetingsonJune2,1983,withtheRegionalOfficeandyourstaff,thecorrection ofthehumanfactorsengineering discrepancies wasdiscussed.
Status:   FPL    via letter L-83-329, dated May 26, 1983, provided the information required by 10 CFR 50.49(i). The letter completes all requirements for this license condition.
Itwasunderstood thatthepresentdesignandconstruction statussatisfies thislicensecondition andthatthefinalcloseoutofthediscrepancies willbeperformed bytheRegionalOffice.2.C.17(c)
2.C.8. Continuous Containment Pur      e S  stem (Section 6.2.4        SSER 3)
ReactorCoolantSstemVents(II.B.1SSER2)Priortoexceeding five(5)percentofthermalpower,FPLshallhavethereactorcoolantsystemventsinstalled andoperational.
Prior to exceeding        5% of rated    thermal power, the licensees will make    the necessary modifications to assure the operability of the Continuous Purge System in the event of a loss of coolant accident.
Status:TheReactorCoolantSystemVentshavebeeninstalled andarefullyoperational.
Status:   1. FPL  via  letter    L-83-286,     dated    May  10, 1983,,
Thiscompletes allactionbyFPLonthislicensecondition.
provided the results of a modified calculation which showed that the maximum flood level would not submerge the supply line discharge entering containment. Following review of this letter by the NRC staff some additional 'nformation was requested. This additional information was submitted via FPL letter L-83-328, dated May 25, 1983. This completes all action by FPL          for this portion of the license condition.
: 2. The damper between the    debris screen and the .inboard containment  isolation valve has been removed and this was verified by a Region'I inspector. This completes all 'actions by FPL on this portion of the license condition.
In-Containment HihRaneRadiation Monitors(II.F.l(2c)
2.C.13. Fire Protection (Section         and ~ (b)   SSER  3)
SSER3)Priortoexceeding five(5)percentofratedthermalpower,FPLshallhavethein-containment highrangeradiation monitorsinstalled andoperational.
The  licensees shall implement the fire protection program on a  schedule specified in Section and (b) of Supplement No. 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report.
IStatus:TheIn-Containment HighRangeRadiation Monitorsareinstalled andfullyoperational.
Status:   During meetings on June 2, 1983, with the Regional Office and your staff, the implementation of the Fire Protection System was discussed.             It    was understood that the present design and construction status satisfies this license condition, and that the final close out of the Fire Protection System'ask will be performed by the Regional Office.
Thiscomplet'es allFPLactiononthislicensecondition.
2.C.17(b) Control    Room Desi n Review        (I.D.l    A  endix    E    Also Part of A endix    C    SSER 1 SSER 3)
ITEMSONPAGE2OFATTACHMENT 1OFST.LUCIEUNITNO.2LICENSEI.Thelicenseewillcomplete, tothesatisfaction ofNRCRegionII,therequirements ofthefollowing bulletins:
Prior to exceeding five (5) percent of rated thermal power, the licensees shall complete correction of the human engineering discrepancies as noted in Appendix E of this license.
A.Pipesupportbaseplatedesignsusingconcreteexpansion anchorbolts(79-BU"02).
B.Seismicanalysisforas-builtsafety-related pipingsystems(79-BU-14).
Status:   During meetings on June 2, 1983, with the Regional Office and your staff, the correction of the human factors engineering discrepancies was discussed. It was understood that the present design and construction status satisfies this license condition and that the final close out of the discrepancies will be performed by the Regional Office.
C.D.E.F.G.Engineered SafetyFeature(ESF)resetcontrols(80-BU-06).
2.C.17(c) Reactor Coolant  S stem Vents  (II.B.1 SSER  2)
DecayHeatRemovalsystemoperability (80-BU-12).
Prior to exceeding five (5) percent of thermal          power, FPL shall have the reactor coolant system vents installed        and operational.
Electrical connector assemblies (77-BU-05)(77"BU-05A).
Status:   The  Reactor Coolant System Vents have been installed and  are fully operational. This completes all action by FPL on  this license condition.
Masonrywalldesign(80-BU-ll)(CDR 82-.24).Possiblelossofemergency notification system(ENS)withlossofoff"sitepower(80-BU-15).
2.C.17(e) In-Containment Hi h    Ran e  Radiation Monitors (II.F.l(2c)    SSER  3)
Status:A.Afinalreportwassubmitted totheNRCviaFPLletterL-83-339, datedJune1,1983.Thiscompletes allFPLactiononthislicensecondition.
Prior to exceeding five (5) percent of rated thermal power, FPL  shall have the in-containment high range radiation monitors installed and operational.
B.Afinalreportwassubmitted totheNRCviaFPLL-83-340, datedJune1,1983.Thiscompletes allFPLonthislicensecondition.
I Status:   The  In-Containment   High Range  Radiation Monitors are installed and fully operational. This complet'es all FPL action on this license condition.
IletteractionC.Thisbulletinwasclosedouttothesatisfaction ofRegionII.D.Thisbulletinwasclosedouttothesatisfaction ofRegionII.E.Thisbulletinwasclosedouttothesatisfaction ofRegionII.F.G.Afinalreportwassubmitted totheNRCviaFPLL-83-319, datedMay24,1983.Thiscompletes allFPLonthislicensecondition.
Thisbulletinwasclosedouttothesatisfaction ofII.letteractionRegion II.Thelicenseewillresolve,tothesatisfaction ofNRCRegionII,thefollowing IENotices:A.Designmisapplication ofBergen-Paterson standardstrutrestraint clamp(IEN83-13).B.FailureofGeneralElectrictypeHFArelays(IEN"82"13).
ITEMS ON PAGE 2 OF ATTACHMENT 1 OF ST. LUCIE UNIT NO. 2 LICENSE I. The  licensee will complete, to the satisfaction          of NRC  Region  II, the requirements of the following bulletins:
Status:A.B.Allinformation wasprovidedtotheRegionIIinspectors.
A. Pipe support base plate designs using concrete expansion anchor bolts (79-BU"02).
Thiscompletes allFPLactiononthislicensecondition.
B. Seismic analysis      for as-built    safety-related   piping systems (79-BU-14).
Thisnoticewasclosedouttothesatisfaction ofRegionII.
C. Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) reset controls (80-BU-06).
D. Decay Heat Removal system    operability (80-BU-12).
'1I~III.Thelicenseewillresolvetothesatisfaction ofNRCRegionIIthefollowing openitems:A.Reviewshielding adequacyofCVCSletdownmonitorsamplelines(82"70"02).
E. Electrical connector assemblies (77-BU-05)(77"BU-05A).
B.Conductanaccountability drillforbothUnits1and2following implementation oftheUnit2SecurityPlan(82-05-10).
F. Masonry  wall design (80-BU-ll)(CDR 82-.24).
C.Programtoreviewanddocument10CFR50;59evaluations forunreviewed safetyquestions fortestsandexperiments (82-64-01).
G. Possible    loss of emergency notification system       (ENS)   with loss of off"site power (80-BU-15).
D.Evaluateneedforshielding ofpenetrations inionexchangecubicleandspentresintankvalvegallery(82"70-05).
Status:A.Thisinspector ofRegionII.itemwasclosedouttothesatisfaction B.'hisinspector ofRegionII.itemwasclosedouttothesatisfaction C.Thisinspector ofRegionII.itemwasclosedouttothesatisfaction D.Thisinspector ofRegionII.itemwasclosedouttothesatisfaction
A. A  final report was submitted to the NRC via            FPL  letter L-83-339, dated June 1, 1983. This completes all          FPL action on  this license condition.
~e'4Is~~1IV.Thelicenseewillresolvetothesatisfaction ofNRCRegionIi,theissueofproperlabelingandaccessibility controlofmotoroperatedvalvethermaloverloadprotection bypassswitchesandcontrolroom(remote shutdownpanelcontroldiversion switches.
B. A  final report was submitted to the NRC via FPL letter L-83-340, dated June 1, 1983. This completes all FPL action on  this license condition.                 I C. This  bulletin  was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.
Status:Thisitemwasclosedouttothesatisfaction ofRegionII.}}
D. This  bulletin  was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.
E. This  bulletin  was  closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.
F. A  final report    was submitted    to the NRC via FPL letter L-83-319, dated    May 24, 1983. This completes all FPL action on  this license condition.
G. This  bulletin  was  closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.
II. The  licensee will resolve,   to the satisfaction    of NRC  Region  II, the following IE Notices:
A. Design misapplication of Bergen-Paterson   standard strut restraint clamp (IEN 83-13).
B. Failure of General Electric type  HFA  relays (IEN"82"13).
A. All information was provided to    the Region  II inspectors.
This completes all FPL action on  this license condition.
B. This notice was closed  out to the satisfaction    of Region II.
0 a a + ~-
1 I ~
III. The  licensee    will  resolve to the satisfaction of        NRC Region  II  the following  open items:
A. Review  shielding adequacy of      CVCS  letdown monitor sample    lines (82"70"02).
B. Conduct an    accountability  drill for    both Units 1 and  2 following implementation of the Unit    2  Security Plan (82-05-10).
C. Program    to review  and  document    10  CFR  50;59  evaluations for unreviewed safety questions      for tests    and experiments  (82-64-01).
D. Evaluate    need for shielding of        penetrations in ion exchange cubicle  and spent resin tank valve    gallery (82"70-05).
A. This  inspector  item  was  closed    out to the satisfaction of Region  II.
B.'his      inspector  item  was  closed    out to the satisfaction of Region II.
C. This  inspector  item  was  closed    out to the satisfaction of Region II.
D. This  inspector  item was    closed    out to the satisfaction of Region II.
e'4    I s
      ~1 IV. The licensee will resolve to the satisfaction of NRC Region Ii, the issue of proper labeling and accessibility control of motor operated valve thermal overload protection bypass switches and control room(remote shutdown panel control diversion switches.
Status:   This  item was closed  out to the satisfaction    of Region II.}}

Latest revision as of 05:43, 4 February 2020

Advises That License Conditions for 5% Power Completed. Power Ascension Will Be Commenced Upon Completion of Low Power Physics Testing
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1983
From: Robert E. Uhrig
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
REF-SSINS-6820 IEB-77-05, IEB-77-05A, IEB-77-5, IEB-77-5A, IEB-79-02, IEB-79-14, IEB-79-2, IEB-80-06, IEB-80-11, IEB-80-12, IEB-80-15, IEB-80-6, L-83-348, NUDOCS 8306130268
Download: ML17301A042 (10)


Za- P. X 14000, JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 p

FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY June 6, 1983 L-83-348 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations Attention: Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

Re: ST. LUCIE UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50"389 COMPLETION OF LICENSE CONDITIONS FOR 5% POWER The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) has satisfied the 5% power license conditions, which are described in Section 2 and Attachment l of the St. Lucie Unit No. 2 Operating License. Upon completion of Low Power Physics Testing, FPL will be ready to commence Power Ascension.

Please find attached a description of e'ach license condition and how FPL has satisfied the license condition.

Very t ly yours,

'obert E. Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems and Technology REU/RJS/JES/rms Attachment cc: J.P. O'Reilly, Region II Harold F. Reis, Esquire


830b13026 8 050003EH t

'POR lr goOCK i



~ I


ITEMS I ECTION 2 OF ST. LUCIE UNIT NO. LICENSE 2.C.4. Environmental uglification of Mechanical and Electrical E ui ment (Section 3.11.5 SSER 3)*

Prior to exceeding 5% of rated thermal power, the licensees shall complete and submit for NRC staff review and approval the analysis requited by 10 CFR 50.49(i).

Status: FPL via letter L-83-329, dated May 26, 1983, provided the information required by 10 CFR 50.49(i). The letter completes all requirements for this license condition.

2.C.8. Continuous Containment Pur e S stem (Section 6.2.4 SSER 3)

Prior to exceeding 5% of rated thermal power, the licensees will make the necessary modifications to assure the operability of the Continuous Purge System in the event of a loss of coolant accident.

Status: 1. FPL via letter L-83-286, dated May 10, 1983,,

provided the results of a modified calculation which showed that the maximum flood level would not submerge the supply line discharge entering containment. Following review of this letter by the NRC staff some additional 'nformation was requested. This additional information was submitted via FPL letter L-83-328, dated May 25, 1983. This completes all action by FPL for this portion of the license condition.

2. The damper between the debris screen and the .inboard containment isolation valve has been removed and this was verified by a Region'I inspector. This completes all 'actions by FPL on this portion of the license condition.

2.C.13. Fire Protection (Section and ~ (b) SSER 3)

The licensees shall implement the fire protection program on a schedule specified in Section and (b) of Supplement No. 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report.

Status: During meetings on June 2, 1983, with the Regional Office and your staff, the implementation of the Fire Protection System was discussed. It was understood that the present design and construction status satisfies this license condition, and that the final close out of the Fire Protection System'ask will be performed by the Regional Office.

2.C.17(b) Control Room Desi n Review (I.D.l A endix E Also Part of A endix C SSER 1 SSER 3)

Prior to exceeding five (5) percent of rated thermal power, the licensees shall complete correction of the human engineering discrepancies as noted in Appendix E of this license.

Status: During meetings on June 2, 1983, with the Regional Office and your staff, the correction of the human factors engineering discrepancies was discussed. It was understood that the present design and construction status satisfies this license condition and that the final close out of the discrepancies will be performed by the Regional Office.

2.C.17(c) Reactor Coolant S stem Vents (II.B.1 SSER 2)

Prior to exceeding five (5) percent of thermal power, FPL shall have the reactor coolant system vents installed and operational.

Status: The Reactor Coolant System Vents have been installed and are fully operational. This completes all action by FPL on this license condition.

2.C.17(e) In-Containment Hi h Ran e Radiation Monitors (II.F.l(2c) SSER 3)

Prior to exceeding five (5) percent of rated thermal power, FPL shall have the in-containment high range radiation monitors installed and operational.

I Status: The In-Containment High Range Radiation Monitors are installed and fully operational. This complet'es all FPL action on this license condition.

ITEMS ON PAGE 2 OF ATTACHMENT 1 OF ST. LUCIE UNIT NO. 2 LICENSE I. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of NRC Region II, the requirements of the following bulletins:

A. Pipe support base plate designs using concrete expansion anchor bolts (79-BU"02).

B. Seismic analysis for as-built safety-related piping systems (79-BU-14).

C. Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) reset controls (80-BU-06).

D. Decay Heat Removal system operability (80-BU-12).

E. Electrical connector assemblies (77-BU-05)(77"BU-05A).

F. Masonry wall design (80-BU-ll)(CDR 82-.24).

G. Possible loss of emergency notification system (ENS) with loss of off"site power (80-BU-15).


A. A final report was submitted to the NRC via FPL letter L-83-339, dated June 1, 1983. This completes all FPL action on this license condition.

B. A final report was submitted to the NRC via FPL letter L-83-340, dated June 1, 1983. This completes all FPL action on this license condition. I C. This bulletin was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

D. This bulletin was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

E. This bulletin was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

F. A final report was submitted to the NRC via FPL letter L-83-319, dated May 24, 1983. This completes all FPL action on this license condition.

G. This bulletin was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

II. The licensee will resolve, to the satisfaction of NRC Region II, the following IE Notices:

A. Design misapplication of Bergen-Paterson standard strut restraint clamp (IEN 83-13).

B. Failure of General Electric type HFA relays (IEN"82"13).


A. All information was provided to the Region II inspectors.

This completes all FPL action on this license condition.

B. This notice was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

0 a a + ~-

1 I ~

III. The licensee will resolve to the satisfaction of NRC Region II the following open items:

A. Review shielding adequacy of CVCS letdown monitor sample lines (82"70"02).

B. Conduct an accountability drill for both Units 1 and 2 following implementation of the Unit 2 Security Plan (82-05-10).

C. Program to review and document 10 CFR 50;59 evaluations for unreviewed safety questions for tests and experiments (82-64-01).

D. Evaluate need for shielding of penetrations in ion exchange cubicle and spent resin tank valve gallery (82"70-05).


A. This inspector item was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

B.'his inspector item was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

C. This inspector item was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.

D. This inspector item was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.


e'4 I s


~1 IV. The licensee will resolve to the satisfaction of NRC Region Ii, the issue of proper labeling and accessibility control of motor operated valve thermal overload protection bypass switches and control room(remote shutdown panel control diversion switches.

Status: This item was closed out to the satisfaction of Region II.