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See also: [[followed by::IR 05000244/1989017]]

ESSION NBR:9004040007             DOC ~ DATE: 90/03/26   NOTARIZED: NO           DOCKET FACIL:50-244 Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Rochester                 G 05000244 AUTH. NAME           AUTHOR AFFILIATION MECREDY,R.C.         Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.
RECIP.NAME           RECIPIENT, AFFILIATION RUSSELL,W.T;         Region 1, Ofc of the Director                                               R
Responds 50-244/89-17.
to NRC   890222     ltr re violations noted in Insp     Rept DISTRXBUTION CODE: IE01D         COPIES RECEIVED:LTR       ENCL   0   SIZE:
NO FACIL:50-244
TITLE: General     (50 Dkt)-Insp Rept/Notice of Vi lation Response, NOTES:License Exp     date in accordance with 10CFR2,2.109(9/19/72)..             05000244,']
Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Rochester G AUTH.NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION
RECIPIENT               COPIES            RECIPIENT          COPIES ID CODE/NAME           LTTR ENCL      ID  CODE/NAME      LTTR ENCL PD1-3 PD                                 JOHNSON,A INTERNAL'EOD                           1          AEOD/DEIIB              1 AEOD/TPAD                   1          DEDRO                  1 NRR SHANKMAN,S               1          NRR/DLPQ/LPEB10        1 NRR/DOEA DIR 11             1          NRR/DREP/PEPB9D        1 NRR/DREP/PRPB11             ,2
                                      '1 NRR/DRIS/DIR            1 NRR/DST/DXR 8E2                         NRR/PMAS/ILRB12      l NUDOCS=ABSTRACZ             1          OGC/HDS2                1 REG FIXE'-     ~02~         1          RES MORISSEAU,D        1 RGN1     FILE   01          1 EXTERNAL: LPDR                         1          NRC PDR NSIC                         1 legs p]5 7~                                                                          '-'
Rochester Gas&Electric Corp.RECIP.NAME
                                                                                                  .A NOTE TO ALL"RIDS" RECIPIENTS:
Region 1, Ofc of the Director SUBJECT: Responds to NRC 890222 ltr re violations
noted in Insp Rept 50-244/89-17.
ENCL 0 SIZE: TITLE: General (50 Dkt)-Insp Rept/Notice
f f A'f f~ ff ff      RTC If f,i i  'TAN I
of Vi lation Response, DOCKET 05000244 R NOTES:License
ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION    ~ 89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.Y. 14849-pppg March 26, 1990                      TCKCRHONC ARCA COOK 71K 546 2700 Mr. William T. Russell Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region    I 475  Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
Exp date in accordance
with 10CFR2,2.109(9/19/72)..
Response to Notices of Violation Inspection Report No. 50-244/89-17 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-244
==Dear Mr. Russell:==
This    letter is in response to the February 22, 1989 letter from Jon R. Johnson, Chief, Projects Branch No. 3 to Robert E. Smith, Senior Vice President,              RG&E, which transmitted Inspection Report No. 50-244/89-17.               In that report, two violations were identified. The following provides                    a  reply to the violations pursuant to 10 CFR 2.201.
RESTATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS During inspection at the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant from December 12, 1989 through January 8, 1990, the following violations were identified and evaluated in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR 2, Appendix C):
A. 10  CFR      50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI,     and   the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual, Section 16, require prompt identification and correction of conditions adverse to quality including failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances.
Contrary to the above, a safety injection system design deficiency was not promptly identified and corrected when corporate engineering was notified on or before October 20, '989           that failure of the safety injection block/unblock switch could block automatic safety injection actuation on low pressurizer pressure or low steam line pressure.           Corporate engineering did. not conclude that this problem existed at Ginna until about November 17, 1989, and site technical personnel were not informed about the deficiency until December 19, 1989.
This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I).
/0040 ">0V07   200 ADOCI''=000:..44 c'OR FDC                            ~
                                                                ~    Qo
4 B. 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, and the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual, Section 5, require activities affecting quality to be accomplished in accordance with instructions, procedures, or drawings which include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities        have been  satisfactorily accomplished.
Contrary to the above, on December 15, 1989, maintenance was  performed on a safety-related motor-operated valve in the safety injection system in accordance with a procedure which included an inappropriate torque specification.
This  is  a  Severity Level  V violation  (Supplement  I).
RESPONSE  TO VIOLATION A RG&E  Position on Existence of Violation Rochester    Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) concurs that a violation of Appendix B, Criterion XVI occurred.        RG&E recognizes      that communication      between    corporate engineering and site personnel on issues of potential safety significance should be formalized. Our efforts to address this concern are provided in Section 4, "Long Term Enhancements".     As explained below, RG&E also believes that with respect to the issue identified on October 20, 1989, we acted in a manner consistent with the safety
    .significance of the matter.
~89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.Y.14849-pppg
: 2. Reason for Violation As Inspection Report No. 50-244/89-17 (p. 7) indicates, RG&E   received notice on October 20, 1989, from Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Westinghouse) of an apparent generic design deficiency related to the type of safety injection (SI) block/unblock switch used at various Westinghouse reactors.       The Westinghouse letter, dated October 12, 1989, concluded that a "single failure of the switch (Westinghouse OT2) could block either the automatic low pressurizer pressure or the low steamline pressure SI signal in both trains" [emphasis supplied]. The letter also' stated that the probability of switch failure was "10        10 '/yr" :and that, while a design change was recommended, the situation was "not an immediate safety concern."
March 26, 1990 TCKCRHONC ARCA COOK 71K 546 2700 Mr.William T.Russell Regional Administrator
In addition, the Westinghouse letter referred to a Licensee Event Report (LER), No. 88-007-00, submitted by Wisconsin, Electric Power Company (Wisconsin Electric) on September 16, 1988, concerning the same issue at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant (Point Beach). The Wisconsin Electric LER concluded      that "this condition will not have a significant impact on the health and safety of the general public or the employees of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant."
U.S.Nuclear Regulatory
The LER noted    that the Point  Beach  facility was operating at  100%  capacity  when  the concern  was  identified and that design change would      not'e  made  until the next scheduled outage.
Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
Upon  receipt of the Westinghouse notification on October 20, 1989,    RG&E (corporate) initiated a timely review for applicability to Ginna Station. Based on the Wisconsin Electric LER and on Westinghouse's calculation of the low probability of switch failure,        it  was apparent that the matter did not constitute an immediate safety concern.
19406 Subject: Response to Notices of Violation Inspection
When  it  was identified that the switch configuration was applicable to Ginna Station, an internal engineering recommendation was made consistent with the guidance of the Westinghouse letter and attached LER, that an EWR be initiated. This was completed on November 17, 1989. This recommendation was then evaluated within Nuclear Safety and Licensing, resulting in a discussion with site technical support personnel relative to this situation on December 19, 1989.           On December    20, site personnel initiated a Ginna Station Event Report per Procedure A-25.1 (Event No. 89-168). The event report indicated that the site Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) had, on December 20, 1989, concluded that plant operation could continue for the following reasons:
Report No.50-244/89-17
very low    (i.e.,  10 'o
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No.50-244 Dear Mr.Russell: This letter is in response to the February 22, 1989 letter from Jon R.Johnson, Chief, Projects Branch No.3 to Robert E.Smith, Senior Vice President, RG&E, which transmitted
: 1. Westinghouse stated that the. probability of failure was 10 '/yr);
: 2. Emergency Operating Procedures directed Operators to use manual SI initiation where indicators show automatic initiation has failed;
Report No.50-244/89-17.
: 3. A  separate  automatic  SI  initiating  mechanism  would activate when containment pressure reached 4 psig;
In that report, two violations
: 4. During depressurization, a bistable light will'lert operators of a blocked SI signal; and
were identified.
: 5. Visual verification of the SI switch plunger position indicates that the contacts are in the proper position.
The following provides a reply to the violations
The violation states that the time between October 20, 1989, when RG&E (corporate) was notified by Westinghouse, and the communication of this information to the site technical staff on December 19, 1989, shows that the SI design deficiency was not promptly identified and corrected, and indicates problems in communication between corporate engineering and site personnel. While RG&E does not deny this violation, we believe that the actions taken by RG&E were appropriate in view of RG&E's preliminary conclusion that the issue did not constitute an immediate safety concern.
pursuant to 10 CFR 2.201.RESTATEMENT
RG&E  believes that Appendix B, Criterion XVI does not establish a precise time limit for resolution of safety issues.        Rather, issues      such as "promptness"      or "timeliness" are subjective matters that inherently depend upon the safety significance of the situation. Given that RGGE had a documented      recommendation from Westinghouse that no immediate safety concern existed (as corroborated by the Point Beach LER), its actions toward resolution of the issue were prompt and timely.                   Any other interpretations of Criterion XVI would be counter to public health and safety because it would require licensees to treat all deficiencies or non-conforming items the same (i.e., regardless of safety significance).
During inspection
This same basic philosophy was affirmed in an analogous context 'in recent guidance issued by NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation '(NRR). Specifically, on July 19, 1989, Dr. T.E. Murley, Director, NRC/NRR, sent a memorandum to all of the regional administrators entitled "Guidance on Action To Be Taken Following Discovery of Potentially Nonconforming Equipment." In his memorandum, Dr. Murley stated that "[t]here is no generally appropriate timeframe in which operability determinations should be made."          For equipment which is "clearly inoperable," an immediate declaration of inoperability should      be  made    and   the    appropriate    technical specifications followed. However, Dr. Murley's memorandum contrasts this situation with those where equipment nonconformances simply raise the issue of operability.
at the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant from December 12, 1989 through January 8, 1990, the following violations
In such situations Dr. Murley states that:
were identified
operability determinations should be made by licensees as soon as racticable, and in a timeframe commensurate with the a licable e ui ment's im ortance to safet        usin the best information available,(e.g., analyses, a test or partial test,        experience with operating events, engineering judgement or a combination    of the factors)          (emphasis supplied).
and evaluated in accordance
Although this guidance relates to timing of operability determinations,   it is equally appropriate with respect to resolution of open items under Criterion XVI. Consistent with this philosophy and based on the best information available, future cases of this type will be resolved "as soon as practicable" and in a time commensurate with the safety significance of the matter. Communication between corporate and site personnel will be initiated promptly once applicability to Ginna Station is determined.
with the NRC Enforcement
Corrective Ste s Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved Corporate and site technical staff and the PORC have reviewed the circumstances surrounding the potentially generic design deficiency related to the control room SI block/unblock switch.         As stated in LER 89-016, the.
Policy (10 CFR 2, Appendix C): Contrary to the above, a safety injection system design deficiency
following actions were taken:
was not promptly identified
and corrected when corporate engineering
Knowledgeable personnel inspected the plunger  position of the SI Block/Unblock Switch and verified    that the switch contacts were in the proper position.
was notified on or before October 20,'989 that failure of the safety injection block/unblock
  ~  Operating    Procedure 0-1.1 (Plant Heatup From Cold Shutdown to Hot Shutdown) was changed to add the following note and check-off to Step 5.11.6:
switch could block automatic safety injection actuation on low pressurizer
NOTE:  Prior to placing the SI Block/Unblock Switch to the normal position, station an operator inside the MCB in direct observation of the SI Block/Unblock Switch to observe that both plunger tips are recessed inward after the switch is placed. to normal position.-
pressure or low steam line pressure.Corporate engineering
Block switch plunger t'ips position inward
did.not conclude that this problem existed at Ginna until about November 17, 1989, and site technical personnel were not informed about the deficiency
  ~  An RG&E operator aid tag was placed on the .MCB adjacent to the SI Block/Unblock Switch denoting the note- from 0-1.1.
until December 19, 1989.This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement
  ~  An RG&E operator aid tag was also placed inside the MCB adj acent    to the rear of the SI Block/Unblock Switch stating the following: This is the switch we verify that the plunger's tips are recessed inward when the switch is placed to normal (labeled LAK) .
I).~Qo~~l"/0040">0V07 200 c'OR ADOCI''=000:..44
A spare switch of similar design has been placed in the Control Room for the purpose of training the operators to recognize the differences in plunger position.
FDC A.10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, and the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual, Section 16, require prompt identification
These    actions are considered adequate        to provide reasonable assurance of SI system operability until the situation can be permanently dispositioned. Finally, EWR 5025 was initiated to provide for the installation of independent SI block/unblock switches for each SI train which is planned for the 1991 refueling outage.
and correction
: 4. Corrective Ste s Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violation RG&E has recently taken steps        to upgrade the overall corrective action program for Ginna Station. The need for improvements was noted during the course of the RHR System Safety System Functional Inspection (SSFI), and is also considered appropriate due to RG&E's initiation of a comprehensive      Configuration Management/Design Basis Program.      We are working with the NUMARC Design Basis Issues Working Group to develop an improved problem identification and resolution program.
of conditions
The improved program    will:
adverse to quality including failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances.  
  ~  Improve the process      of identifying, analyzing,   and resolving problems;
B.10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, and the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual, Section 5, require activities
    ~    Improve the   RG&E internal review process,  including formalized means of communication between corporate engineering and site personnel on issues of potential safety significance; and Part of the implementation of this effort will include specific procedural upgrades,          enhancement    of our corrective action tracking system, and the issuance of a corporate policy which addresses problem identification and reporting.      We believe that this broad effort, when fully implemented, will improve our capability to consistently identify and disposition potential safety issues commensurate with their significance.
affecting quality-to be accomplished
: 5. Date When Full Com liance Will Be Achieved Long term and short term actions and schedules have been described      above.        Formal  guidance    concerning communication between corporate and site personnel on identified problem issues is under development, and is targeted for completion by July 1990.
in accordance
RESPONSE    TO VIOLATION B Rochester Gas and      Electric concurs with this violation    as stated below.
with instructions, procedures, or drawings which include appropriate
Reason  for Violation Rochester Gas and    Electric agrees that, Ginna Station does not have  an established written policy regarding consideration of inherent inaccuracy of calibrated measuring and              test, equipment (M&TE) when developing acceptance criteria.
As- a common    practice, torquing methods address only instru-ment  "indication" and are not meant to include the instrument accuracy. This practice is based on the fact that torque is only a general indicator of bolting pre-load because of the inaccuracies,      e.g.,    lubrication, thread fit, thread condition, etc., inherent in the torque equation.            When highly accurate bolt pre-loading is required, means other than torque is used, i.e., stud elongation to determine bolt pre-load.
or qualitative
The Corrective Ste s Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved Due to the successful completion of post maintenance testing, no action regarding the valve packing adjustment has been taken.
A-1603.4, "Work Order Scheduling" was revised to require work and testing to be completed on individual trains prior to starting maintenance on a redundant train.
criteria for determining
that important activities
' The Corrective Ste s Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violation
have been satisfactorily
: 1. Administrative procedure A-1603.3, "Work Order Planning" will be revised to state a Ginna Station policy regarding consideration of M&TE inherent inaccuracy and provide direction for development'f acceptance              criteria utilizi'ng this equipment.
: 2. A new  procedure  for packing adjustment is being  developed to provide specific direction for adjustment of valves repacked under the Valve Packing Improvement Program and to provide a method of maintaining and updating valve packing data.
Contrary to the above, on December 15, 1989, maintenance
The Date When Full Com liance   Will Be Achieved The anticipated effective date  of the above procedures is   May 1, 1990,  for the  maintenance  procedures  and June  30, 1990, for the administrative procedure.
was performed on a safety-related
Very  truly yours, Robert C. Me  dy Division  Manager Nuclear Production GJWN093 Enclosures xc:  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission    (original)
Document  Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Allen R. Johnson .(Mail Stop  14D1)
valve in the safety injection system in accordance
Project Directorate I-3 Washington, D.C. 20555 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esq.
with a procedure which included an inappropriate
Bishop, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1400 L. Street, N.W.
torque specification.
Washington, D.C. 20005-3502 Ginna  NRC  Senior Resident Inspector
This is a Severity Level V violation (Supplement
I).RESPONSE TO VIOLATION A RG&E Position on Existence of Violation Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E)concurs that a violation of Appendix B, Criterion XVI occurred.RG&E recognizes
~l 0}}
that communication
between corporate engineering
and site personnel on issues of potential safety significance
should be formalized.
Our efforts to address this concern are provided in Section 4,"Long Term Enhancements".
As explained below, RG&E also believes that with respect to the issue identified
on October 20, 1989, we acted in a manner consistent
with the safety.significance
of the matter.2.Reason for Violation As Inspection
Report No.50-244/89-17 (p.7)indicates, RG&E received notice on October 20, 1989, from Westinghouse
Electric Corporation (Westinghouse)
of an apparent generic design deficiency
related to the type of safety injection (SI)block/unblock
switch used at various Westinghouse
reactors.The Westinghouse
letter, dated October 12, 1989, concluded that a"single failure of the switch (Westinghouse
OT2)could block either the automatic low pressurizer
pressure or the low steamline pressure SI signal in both trains"[emphasis supplied].
The letter also stated that the probability
of switch failure was"10'10'/yr":and that, while a design change was recommended, the situation was"not an immediate safety concern." In addition, the Westinghouse
letter referred to a Licensee Event Report (LER), No.88-007-00, submitted by Wisconsin, Electric Power Company (Wisconsin
Electric)on September 16, 1988, concerning
the same issue at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant (Point Beach).The Wisconsin Electric LER concluded that"this condition will not have a significant
impact on the health and safety of the general public or the employees of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant."
The LER noted that the Point Beach facility was operating at 100%capacity when the concern was identified
and that design change would not'e made until the next scheduled outage.Upon receipt of the Westinghouse
on October 20, 1989, RG&E (corporate)
initiated a timely review for applicability
to Ginna Station.Based on the Wisconsin Electric LER and on Westinghouse's
of the low probability
of switch failure, it was apparent that the matter did not constitute
an immediate safety concern.When it was identified
that the switch configuration
was applicable
to Ginna Station, an internal engineering
was made consistent
with the guidance of the Westinghouse
letter and attached LER, that an EWR be initiated.
This was completed on November 17, 1989.This recommendation
was then evaluated within Nuclear Safety and Licensing, resulting in a discussion
with site technical support personnel relative to this situation on December 19, 1989.On December 20, site personnel initiated a Ginna Station Event Report per Procedure A-25.1 (Event No.89-168).The event report indicated that the site Plant Operations
Review Committee (PORC)had, on December 20, 1989, concluded that plant operation could continue for the following reasons: 1.Westinghouse
stated that the.probability
of failure was very low (i.e., 10'o 10'/yr);2.Emergency Operating Procedures
directed Operators to use manual SI initiation
where indicators
show automatic initiation
has failed;3.A separate automatic SI initiating
mechanism would activate when containment
pressure reached 4 psig;4.During depressurization, a bistable light will'lert operators of a blocked SI signal;and 5.Visual verification
of the SI switch plunger position indicates that the contacts are in the proper position.The violation states that the time between October 20, 1989, when RG&E (corporate)
was notified by Westinghouse, and the communication
of this information
to the site technical staff on December 19, 1989, shows that the SI design deficiency
was not promptly identified
and corrected, and indicates problems in communication
between corporate engineering
and site personnel.
While RG&E does not deny this violation, we believe that the actions taken by RG&E were appropriate
in view of RG&E's preliminary
that the issue did not constitute
an immediate safety concern.
RG&E believes that Appendix B, Criterion XVI does not establish a precise time limit for resolution
of safety issues.Rather, issues such as"promptness" or"timeliness" are subjective
matters that inherently
depend upon the safety significance
of the situation.
Given that RGGE had a documented
from Westinghouse
that no immediate safety concern existed (as corroborated
by the Point Beach LER), its actions toward resolution
of the issue were prompt and timely.Any other interpretations
of Criterion XVI would be counter to public health and safety because it would require licensees to treat all deficiencies
or non-conforming
items the same (i.e., regardless
of safety significance).
This same basic philosophy
was affirmed in an analogous context'in recent guidance issued by NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
'(NRR).Specifically, on July 19, 1989, Dr.T.E.Murley, Director, NRC/NRR, sent a memorandum
to all of the regional administrators
entitled"Guidance on Action To Be Taken Following Discovery of Potentially
Equipment." In his memorandum, Dr.Murley stated that"[t]here is no generally appropriate
timeframe in which operability
should be made." For equipment which is"clearly inoperable," an immediate declaration
of inoperability
should be made and the appropriate
technical specifications
followed.However, Dr.Murley's memorandum
contrasts this situation with those where equipment nonconformances
simply raise the issue of operability.
In such situations
Dr.Murley states that: operability
should be made by licensees as soon as racticable, and in a timeframe commensurate
with the a licable e ui ment's im ortance to safet usin the best information
available,(e.g., analyses, a test or partial test, experience
with operating events, engineering
judgement or a combination
of the factors)(emphasis supplied).
Although this guidance relates to timing of operability
determinations, it is equally appropriate
with respect to resolution
of open items under Criterion XVI.Consistent
with this philosophy
and based on the best information
available, future cases of this type will be resolved"as soon as practicable" and in a time commensurate
with the safety significance
of the matter.Communication
between corporate and site personnel will be initiated promptly once applicability
to Ginna Station is determined.
Ste s Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved Corporate and site technical staff and the PORC have reviewed the circumstances
the potentially
generic design deficiency
related to the control room SI block/unblock
switch.As stated in LER 89-016, the.following actions were taken:  
personnel inspected the plunger position of the SI Block/Unblock
Switch and verified that theswitch contacts were in the proper position.~Operating Procedure 0-1.1 (Plant Heatup From Cold Shutdown to Hot Shutdown)was changed to add the following note and check-off to Step 5.11.6: NOTE: Prior to placing the SI Block/Unblock
Switch to the normal position, station an operator inside the MCB in direct observation
of the SI Block/Unblock
Switch to observe that both plunger tips are recessed inward after the switch is normal position.-
Block switch plunger t'ips position inward~An RG&E operator aid tag was.placed on the.MCB adjacent to the SI Block/Unblock
Switch denoting the note-from 0-1.1.~An RG&E operator aid tag was also placed inside the MCB adj acent to the rear of the SI Block/Unblock
Switch stating the following:
This is the switch we verify that the plunger's tips are recessed inward when the switch is placed to normal (labeled LAK).A spare switch of similar design has been placed in the Control Room for the purpose of training the operators to recognize the differences
in plunger position.These actions are considered
adequate to provide reasonable
assurance of SI system operability
until the situation can be permanently
Finally, EWR 5025 was initiated to provide for the installation
of independent
SI block/unblock
switches for each SI train which is planned for the 1991 refueling outage.4.Corrective
Ste s Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violation RG&E has recently taken steps to upgrade the overall corrective
action program for Ginna Station.The need for improvements
was noted during the course of the RHR System Safety System Functional
Inspection (SSFI), and is also considered
due to RG&E's initiation
of a comprehensive
Basis Program.We are working with the NUMARC Design Basis Issues Working Group to develop an improved problem identification
and resolution
program.The improved program will:~Improve the process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems;
~Improve the RG&E internal review process, including formalized
means of communication
between corporate engineering
and site personnel on issues of potential safety significance;
and Part of the implementation
of this effort will include specific procedural
upgrades, enhancement
of our corrective
action tracking system, and the issuance of a corporate policy which addresses problem identification
and reporting.
We believe that this broad effort, when fully implemented, will improve our capability
to consistently
identify and disposition
potential safety issues commensurate
with their significance.
5.Date When Full Com liance Will Be Achieved Long term and short term actions and schedules have been described above.Formal guidance concerning
between corporate and site personnel on identified
problem issues is under development, and is targeted for completion
by July 1990.RESPONSE TO VIOLATION B Rochester Gas and Electric concurs with this violation as stated below.Reason for Violation Rochester Gas and Electric agrees that, Ginna Station does not have an established
written policy regarding consideration
of inherent inaccuracy
of calibrated
measuring and test, equipment (M&TE)when developing
criteria.As-a common practice, torquing methods address only instru-ment"indication" and are not meant to include the instrument
accuracy.This practice is based on the fact that torque is only a general indicator of bolting pre-load because of the inaccuracies, e.g., lubrication, thread fit, thread condition, etc., inherent in the torque equation.When highly accurate bolt pre-loading
is required, means other than torque is used, i.e., stud elongation
to determine bolt pre-load.The Corrective
Ste s Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved Due to the successful
of post maintenance
testing, no action regarding the valve packing adjustment
has been taken.A-1603.4,"Work Order Scheduling" was revised to require work and testing to be completed on individual
trains prior to starting maintenance
on a redundant train.
'The Corrective
Ste s Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violation 1.Administrative
procedure A-1603.3,"Work Order Planning" will be revised to state a Ginna Station policy regarding consideration
of M&TE inherent inaccuracy
and provide direction for development'f
criteria utilizi'ng
this equipment.
2.A new procedure for packing adjustment
is being developed to provide specific direction for adjustment
of valves repacked under the Valve Packing Improvement
Program and to provide a method of maintaining
and updating valve packing data.The Date When Full Com liance Will Be Achieved The anticipated
effective date of the above procedures
is May 1, 1990, for the maintenance
and June 30, 1990, for the administrative
Very truly yours,Robert C.Me dy Division Manager Nuclear Production
GJWN093 Enclosures
xc: U.S.Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (original)
Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.20555 Allen R.Johnson.(Mail Stop 14D1)Project Directorate
I-3 Washington, D.C.20555 Nicholas S.Reynolds, Esq.Bishop, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1400 L.Street, N.W.Washington, D.C.20005-3502
Ginna NRC Senior Resident Inspector
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Latest revision as of 10:54, 4 February 2020

Responds to NRC 890222 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-244/89-17.Corrective Actions:Personnel Verified Safety Injection Block/Unblock Switch in Proper Position & Operator Procedure 0-1.1 Changed as Indicated
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/1990
From: Mecredy R
To: Russell W
NUDOCS 9004040007
Download: ML17261B023 (16)



ESSION NBR:9004040007 DOC ~ DATE: 90/03/26 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-244 Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Rochester G 05000244 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION MECREDY,R.C. Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.



Responds 50-244/89-17.

to NRC 890222 ltr re violations noted in Insp Rept DISTRXBUTION CODE: IE01D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ENCL 0 SIZE:

TITLE: General (50 Dkt)-Insp Rept/Notice of Vi lation Response, NOTES:License Exp date in accordance with 10CFR2,2.109(9/19/72).. 05000244,']








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ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION ~ 89 EAST AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N.Y. 14849-pppg March 26, 1990 TCKCRHONC ARCA COOK 71K 546 2700 Mr. William T. Russell Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406


Response to Notices of Violation Inspection Report No. 50-244/89-17 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-244

Dear Mr. Russell:

This letter is in response to the February 22, 1989 letter from Jon R. Johnson, Chief, Projects Branch No. 3 to Robert E. Smith, Senior Vice President, RG&E, which transmitted Inspection Report No. 50-244/89-17. In that report, two violations were identified. The following provides a reply to the violations pursuant to 10 CFR 2.201.

RESTATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS During inspection at the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant from December 12, 1989 through January 8, 1990, the following violations were identified and evaluated in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR 2, Appendix C):

A. 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, and the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual, Section 16, require prompt identification and correction of conditions adverse to quality including failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances.

Contrary to the above, a safety injection system design deficiency was not promptly identified and corrected when corporate engineering was notified on or before October 20, '989 that failure of the safety injection block/unblock switch could block automatic safety injection actuation on low pressurizer pressure or low steam line pressure. Corporate engineering did. not conclude that this problem existed at Ginna until about November 17, 1989, and site technical personnel were not informed about the deficiency until December 19, 1989.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I).

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4 B. 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, and the Ginna Quality Assurance Manual, Section 5, require activities affecting quality to be accomplished in accordance with instructions, procedures, or drawings which include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished.

Contrary to the above, on December 15, 1989, maintenance was performed on a safety-related motor-operated valve in the safety injection system in accordance with a procedure which included an inappropriate torque specification.

This is a Severity Level V violation (Supplement I).

RESPONSE TO VIOLATION A RG&E Position on Existence of Violation Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) concurs that a violation of Appendix B, Criterion XVI occurred. RG&E recognizes that communication between corporate engineering and site personnel on issues of potential safety significance should be formalized. Our efforts to address this concern are provided in Section 4, "Long Term Enhancements". As explained below, RG&E also believes that with respect to the issue identified on October 20, 1989, we acted in a manner consistent with the safety

.significance of the matter.

2. Reason for Violation As Inspection Report No. 50-244/89-17 (p. 7) indicates, RG&E received notice on October 20, 1989, from Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Westinghouse) of an apparent generic design deficiency related to the type of safety injection (SI) block/unblock switch used at various Westinghouse reactors. The Westinghouse letter, dated October 12, 1989, concluded that a "single failure of the switch (Westinghouse OT2) could block either the automatic low pressurizer pressure or the low steamline pressure SI signal in both trains" [emphasis supplied]. The letter also' stated that the probability of switch failure was "10 10 '/yr" :and that, while a design change was recommended, the situation was "not an immediate safety concern."

In addition, the Westinghouse letter referred to a Licensee Event Report (LER), No. 88-007-00, submitted by Wisconsin, Electric Power Company (Wisconsin Electric) on September 16, 1988, concerning the same issue at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant (Point Beach). The Wisconsin Electric LER concluded that "this condition will not have a significant impact on the health and safety of the general public or the employees of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant."

The LER noted that the Point Beach facility was operating at 100% capacity when the concern was identified and that design change would not'e made until the next scheduled outage.

Upon receipt of the Westinghouse notification on October 20, 1989, RG&E (corporate) initiated a timely review for applicability to Ginna Station. Based on the Wisconsin Electric LER and on Westinghouse's calculation of the low probability of switch failure, it was apparent that the matter did not constitute an immediate safety concern.

When it was identified that the switch configuration was applicable to Ginna Station, an internal engineering recommendation was made consistent with the guidance of the Westinghouse letter and attached LER, that an EWR be initiated. This was completed on November 17, 1989. This recommendation was then evaluated within Nuclear Safety and Licensing, resulting in a discussion with site technical support personnel relative to this situation on December 19, 1989. On December 20, site personnel initiated a Ginna Station Event Report per Procedure A-25.1 (Event No.89-168). The event report indicated that the site Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) had, on December 20, 1989, concluded that plant operation could continue for the following reasons:

very low (i.e., 10 'o

1. Westinghouse stated that the. probability of failure was 10 '/yr);
2. Emergency Operating Procedures directed Operators to use manual SI initiation where indicators show automatic initiation has failed;
3. A separate automatic SI initiating mechanism would activate when containment pressure reached 4 psig;
4. During depressurization, a bistable light will'lert operators of a blocked SI signal; and
5. Visual verification of the SI switch plunger position indicates that the contacts are in the proper position.

The violation states that the time between October 20, 1989, when RG&E (corporate) was notified by Westinghouse, and the communication of this information to the site technical staff on December 19, 1989, shows that the SI design deficiency was not promptly identified and corrected, and indicates problems in communication between corporate engineering and site personnel. While RG&E does not deny this violation, we believe that the actions taken by RG&E were appropriate in view of RG&E's preliminary conclusion that the issue did not constitute an immediate safety concern.

RG&E believes that Appendix B, Criterion XVI does not establish a precise time limit for resolution of safety issues. Rather, issues such as "promptness" or "timeliness" are subjective matters that inherently depend upon the safety significance of the situation. Given that RGGE had a documented recommendation from Westinghouse that no immediate safety concern existed (as corroborated by the Point Beach LER), its actions toward resolution of the issue were prompt and timely. Any other interpretations of Criterion XVI would be counter to public health and safety because it would require licensees to treat all deficiencies or non-conforming items the same (i.e., regardless of safety significance).

This same basic philosophy was affirmed in an analogous context 'in recent guidance issued by NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation '(NRR). Specifically, on July 19, 1989, Dr. T.E. Murley, Director, NRC/NRR, sent a memorandum to all of the regional administrators entitled "Guidance on Action To Be Taken Following Discovery of Potentially Nonconforming Equipment." In his memorandum, Dr. Murley stated that "[t]here is no generally appropriate timeframe in which operability determinations should be made." For equipment which is "clearly inoperable," an immediate declaration of inoperability should be made and the appropriate technical specifications followed. However, Dr. Murley's memorandum contrasts this situation with those where equipment nonconformances simply raise the issue of operability.

In such situations Dr. Murley states that:

operability determinations should be made by licensees as soon as racticable, and in a timeframe commensurate with the a licable e ui ment's im ortance to safet usin the best information available,(e.g., analyses, a test or partial test, experience with operating events, engineering judgement or a combination of the factors) (emphasis supplied).

Although this guidance relates to timing of operability determinations, it is equally appropriate with respect to resolution of open items under Criterion XVI. Consistent with this philosophy and based on the best information available, future cases of this type will be resolved "as soon as practicable" and in a time commensurate with the safety significance of the matter. Communication between corporate and site personnel will be initiated promptly once applicability to Ginna Station is determined.

Corrective Ste s Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved Corporate and site technical staff and the PORC have reviewed the circumstances surrounding the potentially generic design deficiency related to the control room SI block/unblock switch. As stated in LER 89-016, the.

following actions were taken:

Knowledgeable personnel inspected the plunger position of the SI Block/Unblock Switch and verified that the switch contacts were in the proper position.

~ Operating Procedure 0-1.1 (Plant Heatup From Cold Shutdown to Hot Shutdown) was changed to add the following note and check-off to Step 5.11.6:

NOTE: Prior to placing the SI Block/Unblock Switch to the normal position, station an operator inside the MCB in direct observation of the SI Block/Unblock Switch to observe that both plunger tips are recessed inward after the switch is placed. to normal position.-

Block switch plunger t'ips position inward

~ An RG&E operator aid tag was placed on the .MCB adjacent to the SI Block/Unblock Switch denoting the note- from 0-1.1.

~ An RG&E operator aid tag was also placed inside the MCB adj acent to the rear of the SI Block/Unblock Switch stating the following: This is the switch we verify that the plunger's tips are recessed inward when the switch is placed to normal (labeled LAK) .

A spare switch of similar design has been placed in the Control Room for the purpose of training the operators to recognize the differences in plunger position.

These actions are considered adequate to provide reasonable assurance of SI system operability until the situation can be permanently dispositioned. Finally, EWR 5025 was initiated to provide for the installation of independent SI block/unblock switches for each SI train which is planned for the 1991 refueling outage.

4. Corrective Ste s Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violation RG&E has recently taken steps to upgrade the overall corrective action program for Ginna Station. The need for improvements was noted during the course of the RHR System Safety System Functional Inspection (SSFI), and is also considered appropriate due to RG&E's initiation of a comprehensive Configuration Management/Design Basis Program. We are working with the NUMARC Design Basis Issues Working Group to develop an improved problem identification and resolution program.

The improved program will:

~ Improve the process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems;

~ Improve the RG&E internal review process, including formalized means of communication between corporate engineering and site personnel on issues of potential safety significance; and Part of the implementation of this effort will include specific procedural upgrades, enhancement of our corrective action tracking system, and the issuance of a corporate policy which addresses problem identification and reporting. We believe that this broad effort, when fully implemented, will improve our capability to consistently identify and disposition potential safety issues commensurate with their significance.

5. Date When Full Com liance Will Be Achieved Long term and short term actions and schedules have been described above. Formal guidance concerning communication between corporate and site personnel on identified problem issues is under development, and is targeted for completion by July 1990.

RESPONSE TO VIOLATION B Rochester Gas and Electric concurs with this violation as stated below.

Reason for Violation Rochester Gas and Electric agrees that, Ginna Station does not have an established written policy regarding consideration of inherent inaccuracy of calibrated measuring and test, equipment (M&TE) when developing acceptance criteria.

As- a common practice, torquing methods address only instru-ment "indication" and are not meant to include the instrument accuracy. This practice is based on the fact that torque is only a general indicator of bolting pre-load because of the inaccuracies, e.g., lubrication, thread fit, thread condition, etc., inherent in the torque equation. When highly accurate bolt pre-loading is required, means other than torque is used, i.e., stud elongation to determine bolt pre-load.

The Corrective Ste s Which Have Been Taken and the Results Achieved Due to the successful completion of post maintenance testing, no action regarding the valve packing adjustment has been taken.

A-1603.4, "Work Order Scheduling" was revised to require work and testing to be completed on individual trains prior to starting maintenance on a redundant train.

' The Corrective Ste s Which Will Be Taken to Avoid Further Violation

1. Administrative procedure A-1603.3, "Work Order Planning" will be revised to state a Ginna Station policy regarding consideration of M&TE inherent inaccuracy and provide direction for development'f acceptance criteria utilizi'ng this equipment.
2. A new procedure for packing adjustment is being developed to provide specific direction for adjustment of valves repacked under the Valve Packing Improvement Program and to provide a method of maintaining and updating valve packing data.

The Date When Full Com liance Will Be Achieved The anticipated effective date of the above procedures is May 1, 1990, for the maintenance procedures and June 30, 1990, for the administrative procedure.

Very truly yours, Robert C. Me dy Division Manager Nuclear Production GJWN093 Enclosures xc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (original)

Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Allen R. Johnson .(Mail Stop 14D1)

Project Directorate I-3 Washington, D.C. 20555 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esq.

Bishop, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1400 L. Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20005-3502 Ginna NRC Senior Resident Inspector

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