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{{#Wiki_filter:DEMONSTRATION OFTHECONFORMANCE OFEXXONNUCLEARCOMPANYFUELTOTHEWESTINGHOUSE K(Z)OPERATING ENVELOPEFORTHEROBERTE.GINNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTWestinghouse ElectricCorporation NuclearTechnology DivisionNuclearSafetyDepartment Safeguards Engineering andDevelopment September 19858512200249 851216PDRADOCK05000244',P'DR I.ntroduction Thisdocumentreportstheresultsofasensitivity studythatwasperformed inordertodemonstrate conformance ofExxonNuclearCompanynuclearfuelintheRobertE.GinnanuclearpowerplanttotheWestinghouse K(z)operating envelope.
{{#Wiki_filter:DEMONSTRATION OF THE CONFORMANCE OF EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY FUEL TO THE WESTINGHOUSE K(Z)OPERATING ENVELOPE FOR THE ROBERT E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Westinghouse Electric Corporation Nuclear Technology Division Nuclear Safety Department Safeguards Engineering and Development September 1985 8512200249 851216 PDR ADOCK 05000244', P'DR I.ntroduction This document reports the results of a sensitivity study that was performed in order to demonstrate conformance of Exxon Nuclear Company nuclear fuel in the Robert E.Ginna nuclear power plant to the Westinghouse K(z)operating envelope.In particular, the results of.this analysis show that for skewed to the top power shapes, in addition to the power shape peaked at the mid-core elevation, that the worst peak cladding temperature (PCT)in the unlikely event of a Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA)remains below the 2200 deg-F limit as specified by Appendix K of 10CFR50.46.
Inparticular, theresultsof.thisanalysisshowthatforskewedtothetoppowershapes,inadditiontothepowershapepeakedatthemid-coreelevation, thattheworstpeakcladdingtemperature (PCT)intheunlikelyeventofaLoss-Of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA)remainsbelowthe2200deg-Flimitasspecified byAppendixKof10CFR50.46.
II.Method of Anal sis The sensitivity study was performed using the LOCTA computer code of the Westinghouse 1981 Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model (WEM)to calculate the PCT for Exxon fuel for three power shapes.The power.shapes investigated I were peaked at 6.0 ft., 8.0 ft., and at 10.5 ft.The power shapes used in the LOCA analyses are shown in Figures 1-3.The peak power of each power shape is limited by the current K(z)envelope for the Robert E.Ginna (RGE)power plant.The current K(z)envelope for RGE assumes a maximum total peaking factor of 2.32, and a hot channel enthalpy rise factor of 1.66.  
II.MethodofAnalsisThesensitivity studywasperformed usingtheLOCTAcomputercodeoftheWestinghouse 1981LargeBreakLOCAEvaluation Model(WEM)tocalculate thePCTforExxonfuelforthreepowershapes.Thepower.shapesinvestigated Iwerepeakedat6.0ft.,8.0ft.,andat10.5ft.ThepowershapesusedintheLOCAanalysesareshowninFigures1-3.ThepeakpowerofeachpowershapeislimitedbythecurrentK(z)envelopefortheRobertE.Ginna(RGE)powerplant.ThecurrentK(z)envelopeforRGEassumesamaximumtotalpeakingfactorof2.32,andahotchannelenthalpyrisefactorof1.66.  

Thefueldesignparameters fortheExxonfuelwereobtainedfromtheExxonNuclearCompanythroughathree-party proprietary agreement betweenWestinghouse, Rochester Gas6Electric, an'dExxon.Thefuelparameters specifictoeachpowershapeweregenerated byExxonandtransmitted toWestinghouse.
The fuel design parameters for the Exxon fuel were obtained from the Exxon Nuclear Company through a three-party proprietary agreement betweenWestinghouse, Rochester Gas 6 Electric, an'd Exxon.The fuel parameters specific to each power shape were generated by Exxon and transmitted to Westinghouse.
Thefuelparameters, whichincludedfuelpellettemperatures andgappressures, werethenusedasinputineachoftheLOCTAcalculations.
The fuel parameters, which included fuel pellet temperatures and gap pressures, were then used as input in each of the LOCTA calculations.
TheresultsoftheLOCTAcalculations aresummarized inthefollowing table:'IComarisonofExxonFuelPeakCladdinTemeraturesPowerShapePeakPCTOFPCTElevation PCTTimesec.6~08'10'1781159815287.257'510.001065..14'Theseresultsdemonstrate thatfortheRobertE.GinnaUnit,thatthechoppedcosinepowershape(i.e.6.0ft.peakedshape)generates themostlimitingpeakcladtemperature.
The results of the LOCTA calculations are summarized in the following table: 'I Com arison of Exxon Fuel Peak Claddin Tem eratures Power Shape Peak PCT OF PCT Elevation PCT Time sec.6~0 8'10'1781 1598 1528 7.25 7'5 10.00 106 5..1 4'These results demonstrate that for the Robert E.Ginna Unit, that the chopped cosine power shape (i.e.6.0 ft.peaked shape)generates the most limiting peak clad temperature.
Figures4-6showthecladtemperature responseforthepeaknodeforthe6.0,8.0,and10.5ft.powershapesrespectively.
Figures 4-6 show the clad temperature response for the peak node for the 6.0, 8.0, and 10.5 ft.power shapes respectively.
Animportant observation oftheseresultsisthatforthetop-skewed shapes,thepeakcladdingtemperature occursduringtheblowdownphase.Thisisimportant becausemostoftheAppendixKprescribed analytical modelshavetheirgreatestinfluence duringtherefloodphase.Apeak
An important observation of these results is that for the top-skewed shapes, the peak cladding temperature occurs during the blowdown phase.This is important because most of the Appendix K prescribed analytical models have their greatest influence during the ref lood phase.A peak
'~cladtemperature whichoccursduringrefloodissensitive tocore-wide andsystem-wide hydraulic phenomena, whileablowdownpeakisastrongerfunctionofinitialfuelstoredenergy.Acomparison ofthepeakcladtemperatures duringtheblowdownandrefloodphasesforeachofthesepowershapesprovidesamoreconclusive demonstration thatthechoppedcosinepowershapeproducesthemostlimitingLOCAresults.ComarisonofPeakCladdinTemeraturesDurinBlowdownPowerShapePeakPCT-Blowdown opPCTElevation Timesec.6.08'10'1635159815286~007'510.005'5'4'Thecomparison ofpeakcladtemperatures duringblowdownshowsthatthehighestPCToccursforthechoppedcosinepowershape.Thisisreasonable.,
'~clad temperature which occurs during reflood is sensitive to core-wide and system-wide hydraulic phenomena, while a blowdown peak is a stronger function of initial fuel stored energy.A comparison of the peak clad temperatures during the blowdown and reflood phases for each of these power shapes provides a more conclusive demonstration that the chopped cosine power shape produces the most limiting LOCA results.Com arison of Peak Claddin Tem eratures Durin Blowdown Power Shape Peak PCT-Blowdown op PCT Elevation Time sec.6.0 8'10'1635 1598 1528 6~00 7'5 10.00 5'5'4'The comparison of peak clad temperatures during blowdown shows that the highest PCT occurs for the chopped cosine power shape.This is reasonable., because 6.0 ft.shape permits the highest total local peaking factor (2.32).The fact that the PCT for the top-skewed shapes occurs below the peak power location is due to the better heat transfer at higher elevations that occurs during the period of negative core flow.
because6.0ft.shapepermitsthehighesttotallocalpeakingfactor(2.32).ThefactthatthePCTforthetop-skewed shapesoccursbelowthepeakpowerlocationisduetothebetterheattransferathigherelevations thatoccursduringtheperiodofnegativecoreflow.
Com arison of Peak Claddin Tem eratures Durin Reflood Power Shape Peak PCT-Reflood OF PCT Elevation Time sec.6~0 8~0 10'1781 1585 1458 7'5 F 00 10.00 106 74 68 The comparison of reflood peak clad temperatures shows an even wider margin between the chopped cosine shape and the top-skewed power shapes.Zn addition to showing that the chopped cosine power shape, is the"worst" power shape for a LOCA analysis of RGE with Exxon fuel, it also demonstrates a large margin to the 2200 deg-F limit for the top-skewed shapes for this plant.III.Use of Non-Exxon Fuel H draulics This sensitivity study was performed by re-calculating the clad V I temperature response for Exxon for the three power shapes using the LOCTA computer code.The hot assembly hydraulics was not re-calculated for the Exxon fuel.The blowdown and reflood hydraulic transients are generated using the SATAN, WREFLOOD and COCO computer codes.Existing blowdown and reflood hydraulics from a previous RGE plant specific analysis with W-OFA fuel were used as hot assembly boundary conditions for the LOCTA calculations.
ComarisonofPeakCladdinTemeraturesDurinRefloodPowerShapePeakPCT-Reflood OFPCTElevation Timesec.6~08~010'1781158514587'5F0010.001067468Thecomparison ofrefloodpeakcladtemperatures showsanevenwidermarginbetweenthechoppedcosineshapeandthetop-skewed powershapes.Znadditiontoshowingthatthechoppedcosinepowershape,isthe"worst"powershapeforaLOCAanalysisofRGEwithExxonfuel,italsodemonstrates alargemargintothe2200deg-Flimitforthetop-skewed shapesforthisplant.III.UseofNon-Exxon FuelHdraulicsThissensitivity studywasperformed byre-calculating thecladVItemperature responseforExxonforthethreepowershapesusingtheLOCTAcomputercode.Thehotassemblyhydraulics wasnotre-calculated fortheExxonfuel.Theblowdownandrefloodhydraulic transients aregenerated usingtheSATAN,WREFLOODandCOCOcomputercodes.Existingblowdownandrefloodhydraulics fromapreviousRGEplantspecificanalysiswithW-OFAfuelwereusedashotassemblyboundaryconditions fortheLOCTAcalculations.
Use of the OFA hydraulics are justifiable for this sensitivity study on the following basis:  
UseoftheOFAhydraulics arejustifiable forthissensitivity studyonthefollowing basis:  
(l)The W-OFA rod size is smaller than the Exxon rod size.This will result in a slower reflood of a full core of W-OFA fuel.Thus, for a given power shape, the use of the OFA core reflood rate provides a conservative'eflood rate for the Exxon fuel heat-up calculation.
(l)TheW-OFArodsizeissmallerthantheExxonrodsize.ThiswillresultinaslowerrefloodofafullcoreofW-OFAfuel.Thus,foragivenpowershape,theuseoftheOFAcorerefloodrateprovidesaconservative'eflood ratefortheExxonfuelheat-upcalculation.
(2)Previous sensitivities with top-skewed power shapes in SATAN have hot shown a large effect on the end-of-blowdown fuel temperatures.
(2)Previoussensitivities withtop-skewed powershapesinSATANhavehotshownalargeeffectontheend-of-blowdown fueltemperatures.
Thus, the use of SATAN chopped cosine power shape results for top-skewed LOCTA calculations can be considered sufficiently accurate for a rough sensitivity study.Because of the wide margin between the cosine and the top-skewed shape PCTs in this analysis, re-calculation of the SATAN transient is not expected to change the conclusions of this analysis.IV.Conclusions The Westinghouse Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model clad heat-up computer code, LOCTA, was used to analyze Exxon fuel for three power shapes.The results confirmed that the power shape the center of the core produces the highest peak cladding temperature.
Thus,theuseofSATANchoppedcosinepowershaperesultsfortop-skewed LOCTAcalculations canbeconsidered sufficiently accurateforaroughsensitivity study.Becauseofthewidemarginbetweenthecosineandthetop-skewed shapePCTsinthisanalysis, re-calculation oftheSATANtransient isnotexpectedtochangetheconclusions ofthisanalysis.
This result for the Exxon fuel is consistent with power shape studies performed by Westinghouse with the same computer codes for Westinghouse fuel.The results of this study demonstrate that the Exxon fuel in the Robert E.Ginna nuclear power plant conforms to the current operating K(z)envelope for top-skewed power shapes.While the entire transient was not recalculated for this analysis, a complete re-analysis would not be expected to change the conclusions of this sensitivity study.\
IV.Conclusions TheWestinghouse LargeBreakLOCAEvaluation Modelcladheat-upcomputercode,LOCTA,wasusedtoanalyzeExxonfuelforthreepowershapes.Theresultsconfirmed thecenterofthecoreproducesthehighestpeakcladdingtemperature.
0.0 3.0 4.25,.4.75 5.25 5.75-6.25 6.75 7.25 7.75 9.0 12.1.S 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 10.5 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)Figure 1.Axial Power Shape Peaked at 6.0 ft.(Chopped Cosine Power Shape) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
ThisresultfortheExxonfuelisconsistent withpowershapestudiesperformed byWestinghouse withthesamecomputercodesforWestinghouse fuel.Theresultsofthisstudydemonstrate thattheExxonfuelintheRobertE.Ginnanuclearpowerplantconformstothecurrentoperating K(z)envelopefortop-skewed powershapes.Whiletheentiretransient wasnotrecalculated forthisanalysis, acompletere-analysis wouldnotbeexpectedtochangetheconclusions ofthissensitivity study.\
.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.511.5 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)Figure 2.Axial Power Shape Peaked at 8.0 ft; 2.S 2.0 M~1.S C5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0,.4.75 5.255.75-6.25 6.757.257.759.012.1.S4.
.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 1 1.5 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)Figure3.Axial Power Shape Peaked at 10.5 ft.
.; 2.S2.0M~1.SC51.
c~tlct l~clvbt tt~ov tv[5 tovlt 5vttl 51u0t O.~Cl (IC.C 0 tlte~Ovlt Svttl ll~0~vC 1[vt<<01~00 Iutlf i C 00 t'll I tl Jt~tot5 tll~I tW>.O C C 5'AO.O v o ltd.O 50vAO S<lvl~55C>Figure 4.Clad Temperature Response for PCT Location for the 6.0 ft.Power Shape.  
~Oll~l C~Cllil Ct~00 lull tOOC~Swltl S'IUOt 0'OCClC O,O~Caa tOol~Ssstl CCAO Art.lllit.wOS 000~VOS'i~t CS lit l~City Sy$0 tll+l Vl C000.0 C\SSOO.O N X o l000.0 0.0 8 8 SINS ISCCI Figure 5.-Clad Temperature Response for PCT Location for 8.0 ft.Power Shape
c~tlctl~clvbttt~ovtv[5tovlt5vttl51u0tO.~Cl(IC.C0tlte~OvltSvttlll~0~vC1[vt<<01~00IutlfiC00t'llItlJt~tot5tll~ItW>.OCC5'AO.Ovoltd.O50vAOS<lvl~55C>Figure4.CladTemperature ResponseforPCTLocationforthe6.0ft.PowerShape.  
~OltV<C, CIVVV t<<OV<Vt<VOVtV 5Vatt 5<VDV 0,~Ott<C 10.5 Vtvv VOvtV 5vVVt C<JD AVC.1t<<V,<<0<
~Oll~lC~CllilCt~00lulltOOC~SwltlS'IUOt0'OCClCO,O~CaatOol~SsstlCCAOArt.lllit.wOS 000~VOS'i~tCSlitl~CitySy$0tll+lVlC000.0C\SSOO.ONXol000.00.088SINSISCCIFigure5.-CladTemperature ResponseforPCTLocationfor8.0ft.PowerShape
VOD Ovv51~0.00<1<<Vtvv~O,DO A<~<W~0000.0 o 1500.0 X E<C o 1000.0 lr 0.0 CII<t<5CCI S g 8 Figure 6.Clad Temperature Response for PCT Location for the 10.5 ft.Power Shape-11}}
VODOvv51~0.00<1<<Vtvv~O,DOA<~<W~0000.0o1500.0XE<Co1000.0lr0.0CII<t<5CCISg8Figure6.CladTemperature ResponseforPCTLocationforthe10.5ft.PowerShape-11}}

Revision as of 15:11, 7 July 2018

Demonstration of Conformance of Exxon Nuclear Co Fuel to Westinghouse K(Z) Operating Envelope for Re Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1985
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ML17254A679 List:
NUDOCS 8512200249
Download: ML17254A680 (13)


DEMONSTRATION OF THE CONFORMANCE OF EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY FUEL TO THE WESTINGHOUSE K(Z)OPERATING ENVELOPE FOR THE ROBERT E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Westinghouse Electric Corporation Nuclear Technology Division Nuclear Safety Department Safeguards Engineering and Development September 1985 8512200249 851216 PDR ADOCK 05000244', P'DR I.ntroduction This document reports the results of a sensitivity study that was performed in order to demonstrate conformance of Exxon Nuclear Company nuclear fuel in the Robert E.Ginna nuclear power plant to the Westinghouse K(z)operating envelope.In particular, the results of.this analysis show that for skewed to the top power shapes, in addition to the power shape peaked at the mid-core elevation, that the worst peak cladding temperature (PCT)in the unlikely event of a Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA)remains below the 2200 deg-F limit as specified by Appendix K of 10CFR50.46.

II.Method of Anal sis The sensitivity study was performed using the LOCTA computer code of the Westinghouse 1981 Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model (WEM)to calculate the PCT for Exxon fuel for three power shapes.The power.shapes investigated I were peaked at 6.0 ft., 8.0 ft., and at 10.5 ft.The power shapes used in the LOCA analyses are shown in Figures 1-3.The peak power of each power shape is limited by the current K(z)envelope for the Robert E.Ginna (RGE)power plant.The current K(z)envelope for RGE assumes a maximum total peaking factor of 2.32, and a hot channel enthalpy rise factor of 1.66.

The fuel design parameters for the Exxon fuel were obtained from the Exxon Nuclear Company through a three-party proprietary agreement betweenWestinghouse, Rochester Gas 6 Electric, an'd Exxon.The fuel parameters specific to each power shape were generated by Exxon and transmitted to Westinghouse.

The fuel parameters, which included fuel pellet temperatures and gap pressures, were then used as input in each of the LOCTA calculations.

The results of the LOCTA calculations are summarized in the following table: 'I Com arison of Exxon Fuel Peak Claddin Tem eratures Power Shape Peak PCT OF PCT Elevation PCT Time sec.6~0 8'10'1781 1598 1528 7.25 7'5 10.00 106 5..1 4'These results demonstrate that for the Robert E.Ginna Unit, that the chopped cosine power shape (i.e.6.0 ft.peaked shape)generates the most limiting peak clad temperature.

Figures 4-6 show the clad temperature response for the peak node for the 6.0, 8.0, and 10.5 ft.power shapes respectively.

An important observation of these results is that for the top-skewed shapes, the peak cladding temperature occurs during the blowdown phase.This is important because most of the Appendix K prescribed analytical models have their greatest influence during the ref lood phase.A peak

'~clad temperature which occurs during reflood is sensitive to core-wide and system-wide hydraulic phenomena, while a blowdown peak is a stronger function of initial fuel stored energy.A comparison of the peak clad temperatures during the blowdown and reflood phases for each of these power shapes provides a more conclusive demonstration that the chopped cosine power shape produces the most limiting LOCA results.Com arison of Peak Claddin Tem eratures Durin Blowdown Power Shape Peak PCT-Blowdown op PCT Elevation Time sec.6.0 8'10'1635 1598 1528 6~00 7'5 10.00 5'5'4'The comparison of peak clad temperatures during blowdown shows that the highest PCT occurs for the chopped cosine power shape.This is reasonable., because 6.0 ft.shape permits the highest total local peaking factor (2.32).The fact that the PCT for the top-skewed shapes occurs below the peak power location is due to the better heat transfer at higher elevations that occurs during the period of negative core flow.

Com arison of Peak Claddin Tem eratures Durin Reflood Power Shape Peak PCT-Reflood OF PCT Elevation Time sec.6~0 8~0 10'1781 1585 1458 7'5 F 00 10.00 106 74 68 The comparison of reflood peak clad temperatures shows an even wider margin between the chopped cosine shape and the top-skewed power shapes.Zn addition to showing that the chopped cosine power shape, is the"worst" power shape for a LOCA analysis of RGE with Exxon fuel, it also demonstrates a large margin to the 2200 deg-F limit for the top-skewed shapes for this plant.III.Use of Non-Exxon Fuel H draulics This sensitivity study was performed by re-calculating the clad V I temperature response for Exxon for the three power shapes using the LOCTA computer code.The hot assembly hydraulics was not re-calculated for the Exxon fuel.The blowdown and reflood hydraulic transients are generated using the SATAN, WREFLOOD and COCO computer codes.Existing blowdown and reflood hydraulics from a previous RGE plant specific analysis with W-OFA fuel were used as hot assembly boundary conditions for the LOCTA calculations.

Use of the OFA hydraulics are justifiable for this sensitivity study on the following basis:

(l)The W-OFA rod size is smaller than the Exxon rod size.This will result in a slower reflood of a full core of W-OFA fuel.Thus, for a given power shape, the use of the OFA core reflood rate provides a conservative'eflood rate for the Exxon fuel heat-up calculation.

(2)Previous sensitivities with top-skewed power shapes in SATAN have hot shown a large effect on the end-of-blowdown fuel temperatures.

Thus, the use of SATAN chopped cosine power shape results for top-skewed LOCTA calculations can be considered sufficiently accurate for a rough sensitivity study.Because of the wide margin between the cosine and the top-skewed shape PCTs in this analysis, re-calculation of the SATAN transient is not expected to change the conclusions of this analysis.IV.Conclusions The Westinghouse Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model clad heat-up computer code, LOCTA, was used to analyze Exxon fuel for three power shapes.The results confirmed that the power shape the center of the core produces the highest peak cladding temperature.

This result for the Exxon fuel is consistent with power shape studies performed by Westinghouse with the same computer codes for Westinghouse fuel.The results of this study demonstrate that the Exxon fuel in the Robert E.Ginna nuclear power plant conforms to the current operating K(z)envelope for top-skewed power shapes.While the entire transient was not recalculated for this analysis, a complete re-analysis would not be expected to change the conclusions of this sensitivity study.\

0.0 3.0 4.25,.4.75 5.25 5.75-6.25 6.75 7.25 7.75 9.0 12.1.S 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 10.5 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)Figure 1.Axial Power Shape Peaked at 6.0 ft.(Chopped Cosine Power Shape) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.511.5 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)Figure 2.Axial Power Shape Peaked at 8.0 ft; 2.S 2.0 M~1.S C5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 1 1.5 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)Figure3.Axial Power Shape Peaked at 10.5 ft.

c~tlct l~clvbt tt~ov tv[5 tovlt 5vttl 51u0t O.~Cl (IC.C 0 tlte~Ovlt Svttl ll~0~vC 1[vt<<01~00 Iutlf i C 00 t'll I tl Jt~tot5 tll~I tW>.O C C 5'AO.O v o ltd.O 50vAO S<lvl~55C>Figure 4.Clad Temperature Response for PCT Location for the 6.0 ft.Power Shape.

~Oll~l C~Cllil Ct~00 lull tOOC~Swltl S'IUOt 0'OCClC O,O~Caa tOol~Ssstl CCAO Art.lllit.wOS 000~VOS'i~t CS lit l~City Sy$0 tll+l Vl C000.0 C\SSOO.O N X o l000.0 0.0 8 8 SINS ISCCI Figure 5.-Clad Temperature Response for PCT Location for 8.0 ft.Power Shape

~OltV<C, CIVVV t<<OV<Vt<VOVtV 5Vatt 5<VDV 0,~Ott<C 10.5 Vtvv VOvtV 5vVVt C<JD AVC.1t<<V,<<0<

VOD Ovv51~0.00<1<<Vtvv~O,DO A<~<W~0000.0 o 1500.0 X E<C o 1000.0 lr 0.0 CII<t<5CCI S g 8 Figure 6.Clad Temperature Response for PCT Location for the 10.5 ft.Power Shape-11