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| issue date = 03/01/1986
| issue date = 03/01/1986
| title = 1986 Steam Generator Eddy Current Exam Summary Rept.
| title = 1986 Steam Generator Eddy Current Exam Summary Rept.
| author name = CURTIS A E, HENRY G L, SNELL T F
| author name = Curtis A, Henry G, Snell T
| author affiliation = ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.
| author affiliation = ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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G.L. Henry, NDH Technician, Materials Engineering Level II HT PRHPARHD BY:
T.F. S ell ND Tec nician, Materials Engineering
A.H. Cur tis III, Manager, Materials Engineering Level III Examiner pgp  ADOCH, 05000g24~4 8



ACTION INTRODUCTION Thefollowing reportisasummaryoftheresultsofthemultifrequency eddycurrentexamination performed duringtheFebruary1986AnnualRefueling andMaintenance OutageattheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerStation.Theexamination wasperformed onboththe"A"and"B"recirculating steamgenerators whichareWestinghouse Series-44 design,containing 3260Inconeltubeshavinganominal0.875"O.D.by0.050"wallthickness.
Theexamination wasperformed byRochester Gas8eElectric(RGRE)personnel thathavebeentrainedandqualified intheeddycurrentmethodtoatleastaLevelIcertification.
Otherpersonnel supportduringdataacquisition wasprovidedbyWestinghouse ElectricCorporation andtheBabcock8zWilcoxCompany(BhW).Theinitialdataanalysisreviewwasperformed byateamofZETECpersonnel.
Anindependent dataanalysisreviewwasperformed byRGhEandB&Wpersonnel subsequent totheZetecanalysis.
Thedataanalysiswasperformed, bybothteams,utilizing theZetecDDA-4DigitalDataAnalysisSystem.Inaddition, Westinghouse ElectricCorporation's Intelligent EddyCurrentDataAnalysisSystem(IEDA)wasutilizedasathirdreviewofthedataaspartofanRG8cEResearchandDevelopment Project.Finalresolutions ofalldataanalysisperformed byRGfkELevelIIandIIIpersonnel.
Thepurposeoftheeddycurrentexamination wastoassessanycorrosion ormechanical damagethatmayhaveoccurredduringtheoperation cyclesinceApril1985.Particular attention wasgiventodetecting intergranular attack(IGA)andstresscorrosion cracking(SCC)inthetubesheet creviceregion;pittingandwastagebetweenthetubesheet andfirsttubesupportplate;dentingandwearfrettingattheantivibration bartotubeintersections intheU-bendregion.  

DATAACQUISITION PROGRAM11Theeddycurrentexamination ofthe"A"5"B"steamgenerators wasperformed utilizing theZetecMIZ-18DigitalDataAcquisition System.Thefrequencies selectedwere400,200,100and15kHz,allofwhichwereruninthedifferential andabsolutemodes.Theexamination wasperformed primarily withastandard0.740"-0.720"O.D.bobbincoilwithsmallerdiameterprobesusedtotraversethesmallerradiusU-bends.Priortotheexamination ofthesteamgenerators, aprograniwasestablished foreachleg(inletandoutlet)ofboththe'A"and"B"stean>generator.
Thephilosophy ingenerating thisprogramistoprovide100%%uoexamination ofeachsteamgenerator uptothefirsttubesupportplatealongwithonefifthofthetubesbeingselectedforafulllengthinspection.
Thiswillprovide100%inspection ofalltubeseveryfiveyears.TableIisabreakdown, bysteamgenerator, ofalltubesexaminedandtotheextenttested.

STEANGENERATOR "B"1986EDDYCURRENTEXAHINATION PROGRAttPRIORTOCORRECTIVE ACTIONEXTENTTESTEDFULLLENGTtttfUHBEROFTUBES703PERCENTAGE 21.6%PARTLENGTHFROttINLET81TSPHg2TSPHg3TSPHg4TSPHg5TSPHg6TSPH2293141015970.3%0.4%<0.1%0.0%<0.1%1.8%SLEEVEDTUBESTUBESPERNANENTLY PLUGGED171177100.0%5,4%PARTLENGTHFROMOUTLETglTSPCg2TSPCg3TSPCg4TSPCg5TSPCg6TSPC00000630.0%0,0%0.0%0.0%0.0%1,9%U-BEt)D00.0%g6TSPHg5TSPHg4TSPHP3TSPHf2TSPHPlTSPHHTSSLEEVEEND1590,1%0,0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0'%0.0%93.0%TABLE1CON'T DATAANALYSISRESULTSSUMMARYTheinitialandindependent reviewdataanalysiswasperformed usingtheZetecDDA-4DigitalDataAnalysisSystem.Edition18.1ofth'e~dataanalysissoftwarewasusedtoanalyzedatafromtheMIZ-18digitaldataacquisition system.Thissystemprovideson-linedatadigitization andstorageontoamagneticdatacartridge.
Alldigitaldata(upto8channels) issentdirectlytotheHP-9836computerfromthedatacartridge recorder.
Thetubenumberidentification isencodedonthedatacartridge.
Amessageblockisavailable shouldanycommentsbedesiredduringda'taacquisition.
IAlldatacartridges werereviewedbydisplaying the400kHzdataontheCRTalongwiththeverticalcomponent ofthedifferential andabsolutemixoutputsinstripchartform.Otherfrequencies andtheircomponents wereselectedasneededforfinalresolution.
Allrecordable indications wereloggedintothecomputerandstoredonfloppydisk..Thefinalreportformsummarizing allcreviceand>20%%uoTWDindications foreachsteamgenerator (inletandoutlet)canbefoundinthissection.Anexplanation oftheabbreviations andnomenclature usedontheselistshasbeencompiledforeaseofinterpretation.
TableIIhasbeencompiledtoshowalistofthetotalnumberofdentsateachaxialelevation andabreakdown ofdefectsbypercentTWD.Thedentindications onthistableareonlythosewithsignalamplitude of5voltsandgreater,whichwouldapproximate abouta0.025"dentonthediameterofthetube.
SG"A"DEttT&DEFECTLOGFEBRUARY1906INSPECTION INLETOUTLETDEttTS:DENTS:HTS"MIDHTSHTS"1H1H1H-2H2H2H"3H3H3H-4H4H4H-5H5H5H-6H6H>6HAVB1>AVB1AVB2>AVB292426230170001010211710000CTS-tlIDCTSCTS"1C1C1C-2C2C2C-3C3C3C-4C4C4C-5C5C5C-6C6C>6CAVB4">AVB4AVB3>AVB30336051103011700000TOTALDENTS"639TOTALDEtlTS"31DEFECTS:DEFECTS:0-19%20-29%30-39%40-49%5059%60-69%70-79%00-09'%0-100%
416145161001000"19%20-29%30"39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-79%80-09%90-100%124121000000TOTALDEFECTS-579TOTALDEFECTS"137TABLE2 SG"B"DEttT&DEFECTLOGFEBRUARY1906IWSPECTZOW INLETOUTLETDENTS:DENTS:HTS-tlIDHTSftTS-1H1H1H-2H2H2tt-3H3H3H-4H4H4H-5H5H5H-6)t6H>6HAVBl>AVB1AVB2>AVB263037211000000103600000CTS-ttIDCTSCTS-1C1C1C-2C2C2C-3C3C3C-4C4C4C-5C'C5C-6C6C>6CAVB4>AVB4AVB3>AVB3061040001~0101010621000TOTALDENTS"375TOTALDEttTS-149DEFECTS:DEFECTS:0-19%20-29%30"39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-79%00-09%90-100%SR265327251312940-19%20-29%30-39%40-49%5059%60-69%70-79%00-89%90-100%751'000000TOTAIDEFECTS"353TOTALDEFECTS"70T~ABLE2~COtl'T LISTOF>20%INDICATION ANDCREVICEINDICATION NOMENCLATURE ToofListInformation SG-SteamGenerator andLeg(ie:1=A,2=Band1=Inlet,2=Outlet)ROW-ROWnumberfromthetubeidentification.
VOLTS-P-Pamplitude ofthemeasuredindication signalresponse.
%-PercentthroughwallfromO.D.basedonmeasuredsignal.CH@-Channelfromwhichindication wasdetermined.
LOCATION-Locationofindication relativetotubesheet orsupportplate.INDEX-Locationoftubedataondatadisk.Information Under%11<20-Measurable indication lessthan20%throughwall(IGA-SCC).
>40-Absoluteindication measuredfromabsolutemixwheredepthdetermination couldnotbeaccurately performed (IGAonly).SQR-Multipleindications interferring withadepthdetermination (IGA-SCC).
I~DS-Distorted rolltransition indication thatcannotbeconfirmed ormeasured.
XX-Themeasurepercentthroughwallofthedeepestpenetration (SCC)withinanIGApatchorarea.TWD-ThroughWallDimension Information UnderCHP1-Indication determined andmeasuredwith400kHzdifferential forfinalinterpretation.
M2-Indication determined withabsolutemix,depthcannotbeaccurately determined, butbaseduponamplitude isfelttobeabove40%IGA.
TSP-TubeSupportPlateCTS-Secondary faceofoutlettubesheet.
-XX.X-Depthbelowthesecondary faceofthetubesheet orsupportplateswheretheindication islocated.+XX.X-Heightabovethesecondary faceofthetubesheet orsupportplateswheretheindication islocated.
RG&EEDDYCDRRE))IIt)SFKYIO)I REFORT'ridayfebruary26,)986)2:59FIIPNEIPI.AtlT:RG&E-GIHHAOUTAGE:RG&E1906SGAREPORT:TUBESWITHIt)DICATIOHS 20'4ORGREATERSTEAHGENERATOR It)SPECTED FROHABOTH)IL&Cl.ABWCHTCKSDHGDTSFRTIGAt)GVNDDOBSPRHRPGSLGTPGUBCWTH1&2Anti-Vibration BarWearChatterCrackedSupportPlateDingDistorted TubeSheetFrettingIntergranular AttackHachining GrooveNoDetectable DefectsObstructed Permeability RemovedPlugSludgeTemplatePlugU"BendCrackMallThinningB&WSleeveTapesBLGCPRDHT"DRTDSPIHCSCCt)AGHSYFPGPITSLVSQRTBRUDSWASBulgeCopperDentDistorted RollTransition PlateDistorted TubeSupportIncomplete TestStressCorrosion Cracktlagnetite NoisyTubePermanent PlugPittingSleevedSquirrelToBeRerunUndefined SignalWastageROWCOLVOLTSDEGIHDCHELEVIHCHESCOIIHEHTS EXTENTPSID77888910111314151G1710111214151819121213142121101112131213141717921212317171022222425201.54150202.14162201.52161201.43162212.47158212.81150211.01159214.15151212.66158212.16159213.98149212.91153211.93149222.15162222.77157222.08157223.59159223.30157223.2815522152158234.70158232.70158238.83150234.43156232.56156231~8315G241.84162242.16159244.10161245.23156253.72157253.88146257.55153256.86150252.82161263.04153263.80152262.77159261.27152273.57154273'5314927547)45275.42)51275.63)53272.10156271.68155281,.58160285.)8)532320202023292229232230273020242422242523232329252525202220252332262920262721272530332026242521261HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1fKS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTSIHTS1HTS1HTS1HTSIHTS1HTSIHTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1fITS1HTS1HTS1HTSIHTS2.51.92,21.81.92';82.72~42.32'';ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPfl&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;ITSPll&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;ITSPIl&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSP'H&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;GTSPH&#xb9;GTSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSP.H&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;GTSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSP)I&#xb9;6TSFH&#xb9;6TSPEl&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPfl&#xb9;6TSPH274027402740274027402740274027402'740274027402740274027402740274027402740274027402740274027402740274027402740274027402'14037403740374037403'14037403740374037403'740374037403'1'4037403'140374037403740Hl)ILI)L))IHLHLHLHLHLflLIILflLifLHLHLHl.HlHL)ILHl(HLflLHLHLHLHLHLHLHljHLHLHLHLHL)ILHLHLHLHL)ILHLIILHLHLHLHLHLHL RGKEEDDYCURRENTINSPECTION REPORTFridayFebruary28,198612:59PNPhGE2PLANTOUTAGERAPPORTRG&E"GINNARG&E1986SGATUBESWITHINDICATIONS 204ORGREATERSTEAIIGENERATOR INSPECTED FROI{BOTHHL&CLROHCOLVOLTSDEGINDCHELEVINCHESCO{{I{ENTS EXTENTREELPSID152423242516232324252626202223242628212223251921232526192121222223252639392021262728212122242526272425272020212526262829202129262029293030303131313131313132323232323233333333343434343435353535353535353535363636363637373737373737383836393939393939434445454546474.023.114.733.836.841.524.546.004.495.002.542.373.358.'475.223.684.682.154.042.794.924.674.27.262.522.184.213.905.013.253.335.813.674.815.754.804.144.305.963.553.363.894'94.176.706.705.305.495.087.344.624.394'3150153153149155161147145147153161157146149148154153158156152150157143151153155154151155157153157153155157.1227815415415014514815715215815715115614914715114915515815715215615615915881081571129262630252031333126202132303025262020242620322523212225212023202321203321M222226302821252020262127292627242022252121212220252023261HTS1HTS1HTS1HTSIHTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1CTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1CTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTSIHTS1g4AVB2g3AVB1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1CTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1CTS1CTS1CTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1HTS1CTS1CTS1CTS1glTSPH+1CTS3.01.31.'<<P61%ABHABHCPRHASWASWASWASWASWASWASWASHASWASWASCPRHASHAS>>HASWASIDIDIDg6TSPHg6TSPg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPflg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6.TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPf{g6TSPflg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPC&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPI{&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPfl&#xb9;6TSPf{&#xb9;6TSPC&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPI{&#xb9;6TSPHglTSPHglTSPfl&#xb9;6TSPC&#xb9;6TSPC<<6TSPCglTSPH&#xb9;6TSPH4740HL4740IIL4740'L4740HL4740HL4740HL.4740HI4740HL4740HL4740HL4740HL14720CL4740HL4740HL4740HL4740HL4740HL14720CL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL57.40HL5740HL5740HL5740IIL'5720CL15720CL5740HL5740HL5740HL5740HL6740HL15720CL6740HL6740HL6740HL6740HL6740HL6740HL6740HL6740HL6740HL16720CL18720CL16720CL6740HL6740HL6740HL7720HL7720HL18720CL18720CL,18720,CL'720HL22720CL I
RGKEEDDYCURRE))TI)ISPECYIO)j REPORTEridayEebruary28,)98612:59P)fPAGE3PLANTOUTAGEREPORTRG&E-GINNARG&E1986SGATUBESWITHINDICATIONS 204ORGREATERSTEAHGENERATOR INSPECTED FROHABOTHHL&CLROWCOLVOLTSDEGINDCHELEVINCHESCOMMENTSEXTENTREELPSID10.781.005.837.314.412.651.803.135.714.802.710.432.752.,193.200.474.742.660.820.820.622.111.530.831.734.191.417.074.354.863.023.483.014.373.'32.752.924.433.485.443.825.642.281.581.572116262830312026282816232728292916172728131516161717192917171816162215151619211516201917191891913169614679912812'll47484848484849494949505050505050515151515252525353535353545454555557596161616162626263646466676768686970707171727373747691ENDOFDATA10162162158157'62158160153155)5715516116216015615315915316114515815815715813815216015815615215815914915415515614815515515415315115515315214915615415514815415415415015815815315216115525202023242023212725242520202124272227203323232423382821232428232226212020272020212224202223262021202721212125232328292020CTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSfiTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSI)TSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTS15.6IDTSP2''10.70.41~'4.03'1.72''1.40.92'1.01~21.41.61~11.0WAS&#xb9;1TSPHCPRWAS&#xb9;1TSPHWAS&#xb9;1TSPHWAS&#xb9;1TSPHWAS&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;3TSPH&#xb9;3TSPH&#xb9;2TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPHTSP&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1'SPfl&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPfj&#xb9;ITSPHWAS&#xb9;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPfj&#xb9;ITSPfj&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPfl&#xb9;1TSPfl&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1TSPfj&#xb9;1TSPH&#xb9;1CHT&#xb9;1&#xb9;I&#xb9;I&#xb9;ITSPTSPTSPTSPTSP&#xb9;1&#xb9;1&#xb9;1&#xb9;1&#xb9;1&#xb9;2&#xb9;1&#xb9;3TSPHTSPHTSPHTSPHTSPHTSPHTSPHTSPH00.5WAS&#xb9;1TSPH1.0&#xb9;1TSPH18720CL8720HL8720HI8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720IIL8720f)L0720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HL8720HI9720HL9720I)L9720HL9720HL9720HL9720HL9720HL9720HL9720HL9720HL10720Hl10720HL10720HL10720HL10720HL10720HL)0720HL10720HL10720HL10720HL10720HL10720HIll720HL11720HL11720HL11720HL11720HL12720HL RGREEDDYCURRENTINSPECTION REPORT'"FridayFebruary28,198612:58PNPAGE1PLANT:RG6E-GINNAOUTAGE:RGRE1986,SGAREPORT:TUBESREQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTIONABW-Anti-Vibration BarWearCHT-ChatterCKS-CrackedSupportPlateDNG-DingDTS-Distorted TubeSheetFRT-FrettingIGA-Intergranular AttackMGV-Machining GrooveNDD-NoDetectable DefectsOBS-Obstructed PRM-Permeability RPG-RemovedPlugSLG-SludgeTPG-TemplatePlugUBC-U-BendCrackWTH-WallThinning162-BRWSleeveTapesSTEAMGENERATOR
:AINSPECTED FROM:HOTLEGBLG-BulgeCPR-CopperDNT-DentDRT-Distorted RollTransition DSP-Distorted TubeSupportPlateINC-Incomplete TestSCC-StressCorrosion CrackMAG-Magnetite NSY-NoisyTubePPG-Permanent PlugPIT-PittingSLV-SleevedSQR-SquirrelTBR-ToBeRerunUDS-Undefined Signal-WAS-WastageACTROWCOLVOLTSDEGINDCHELEVINCHESCOMMENTSEXTENTREEIPSIDSLV22201.56SLV21213.87SLV20224.33SLVll371.28SLV19505.54SLV7780.60ENDOFDATA71UDSM2HTS89721HTS55UDSM2HTS165131HTS128461HTS17381HTS17.218.914.916.51.817.9IGAglTSPHSCC81TSPHIGAglTSPHg6TSPHglTSPHSCCglTSPH2740HL2740HL2740HL6740llL8720HL11720HL

INTRODUCTION The following report is a summary of the results of the multifrequency eddy current examination performed during the February 1986 Annual Refueling and Maintenance Outage at the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Station. The examination was performed on both the "A" and "B" recirculating steam generators which are Westinghouse Series-44 design, containing 3260 Inconel tubes having a nominal 0.875" O.D. by 0.050" wall thickness.
The examination    was performed by Rochester    Gas  8e Electric (RGRE) personnel that have been trained and qualified in the eddy current method to at least a Level I certification. Other personnel support during data acquisition was provided by Westinghouse Electric Corporation and the Babcock    8z Wilcox Company (BhW). The initial data analysis review was performed by a team of ZETEC personnel.             An independent data analysis review was performed by RGhE and B&W personnel subsequent to the Zetec analysis. The data analysis was performed, by both teams, utilizing the Zetec DDA-4 Digital Data Analysis System. In addition, Westinghouse Electric Corporation's Intelligent Eddy Current Data Analysis System (IEDA) was utilized as a third review of the data as part of an RG8cE Research    and Development Project. Final resolutions of all data analysis performed by RGfkE Level II and III personnel.
The purpose of the eddy current examination was to assess any corrosion or mechanical damage that may have occurred during the operation cycle since April 1985. Particular attention was given to detecting intergranular attack (IGA) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the tubesheet crevice region; pitting and wastage between the tubesheet and first tube support plate; denting and wear fretting at the antivibration bar to tube intersections in the U-bend region.
:BINSPECTED FROM.:BOTHHL&CLABWCf{TCKSDHGDTSFRTIGAMGVHDDOBSPRMRPGSLGTPGUBCWTH1&2-Anti-Vibration BarWear-Chatter-CrackedSupportPlate-Ding-Distorted TubeSheet-Fretting-Intergranular Attack-Machining Groove-NoDetectable DefectsObstructed
-B&WSleeveTapesBLGCPRDNTDRTDSPIHCSCCMAGHSYPPGPITSLVSQRTBRUDSWAS-Bulge-Copper-Dent-Distorted RollTransition Plate-Distorted TubeSupportIncomplete TestStressCorrosion Crack-Magnetite
-NoisyTube-Permanent PlugPitting-SleevedSquirrel-ToBeRerun-Undefined Signal-WastageROWCOLVOLTSDEGIHDCHELEVINCHES.COMMENTSEXTENTREELPSID1062.331419216.0615511224.0615320244.001539253.1815315253.1215317255.5114622250.6515624255.9214117265.0814719266.0214524266.1014922274.3515321283.8715523283.8115319297.9915524'05.7415542311.5714417330.8916024341.5614822301.3615341301.0114041381.4915824413.1814431430.6415327454.0715525502.5615323511.0315026511.6414025530.9615323561.1915430562.0615019622.5114922624.1316120622.9015820622.8715330622.2115020632.8814724644.5915526643.5414924652.93155EHDOFDATA35'202222262632233728"312622202220203021272133233222,2026213126272130202226222720~2520HTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSCTSTUBEHTSCTSTUBETUBEHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSTUBEHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTStt+ENDtEHDtEHDt++ENDt++++'1.52'''1.63';6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHWASg6TSPHCPR&#xb9;6TSPHHTSCPRg6TSPHWASg6TSPflflTSHTSCPR&#xb9;ITSPHHTSWASglTSPHWASglTSPflWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPf{HTSWAS&#xb9;1TSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPHWASglTSPH29720CL8740HL8740f{L8740HL9740HL9740HL9740HL9740HL9740HL4740HL4740HL4.740HL4740HL4740HL4740HL4740HL5740HL16720CL1&2610fll6740f{L15720CL1&2610HLI&2610f{L7740fll28610HL8740HL9740HL10740HL10740HL10740HL1&2610HL10740f{L10740HLll740HL11740HL10740HL11740f{Lll720HL11720f{Lll720HLll720HL

DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM The eddy current examination of the "A" 11 5 "B" steam generators was performed utilizing the Zetec MIZ-18 Digital Data Acquisition System.
:BIHSPECTED FROM:HOTLEGABW.CHTCKSDNGDTSFRTIGA~MGVNDDOBSPRMRPGSLGTPGUBCWTH1&2-Anti-Vibration BarWear-Chatter-CrackedSupportPlate-Ding-Distorted TubeSheet-Fretting-Intergranular Attack-Hachining Groove-NoDetectable Defects-Obstructed
The frequencies selected were 400, 200, 100 and 15kHz, all of which were run in the differential and absolute modes. The examination was performed primarily with a standard 0.740" 0.720" O.D. bobbin coil with smaller diameter probes used to traverse the smaller radius U-bends.
Prior to the examination of the steam generators, a prograni was established for each leg (inlet and outlet) of both the'A" and "B" stean>
-RemovedPlug-Sludge-TemplatePlug-U-BendCrack-WallThinning-B&WSleeveTapesBLG-BulgeCPR-CopperDHT-DentDRT-Distorted RollT'ransition PlateDSP-Distorted TubeSupportINC-Incomplete TestSCC-StressCorrosion CrackHAG-Maqnetite HSY-HorsyTubePPG-Permanent PlugPIT-PittingSLV-SleevedSQR-SquirrelTBR-ToBeRerunUDS-Undefined SignalWAS-WastageACTROWCOLVOLTSDEGIHDCHELEVINCHESCOHHEHTSEXTENTREELIDPLGPLGPLGPLGPLGPLGSLVSLVPLGSLVSLVPLGSLV340.96102341.0067263.54701160.5245990.586018104.09.608110.0531713'.72978151.315729150.012316172.3605210190.6915730211.14609230.93929231.58006283H56M297184159M2UDS65H172M271H278M2'191801SQRH27MHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTS17.518.017.316.710.316.919.;1TSPflglTSPHglTSPHglTSPHglTSPHglTSPf)&#xb9;ITSPflglTSPHglTSPHglTSPHglTSPHSCCglTSPHSCCglTSPH74074017401740174017402740274027402740274087408740740740HLHLHLf)LHL)ILHLIILHLHL,HI)ILHLHLHLPLGSLVPLGSLVSLVSLVSLVPLGSLVSLVPLGPLG32233.062223240.421352270.364322292,3416329330.409919341.029329341.267238360.95335370.50606370.916035374.034735381.3716064M2421UDSM249169I721831UDSIUDS105104M2SQR1HTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTS16,22'10.51.418.50.318.218.110.417.910.418.3IGAWASPNDDIGAP10%WASCPRSCCRPGSLVSCCCPRIGAIGASCCSCCCPRSCCglTSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg4TSPCg6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPH&#xb9;6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPHg6TSPH8944527667767740740740740740720740740740740740740))L)IL)IL))LHLHLHLf)LHLHLHLHLPLG363036380.7956UDS92HTSHTS17.019.2IGA&#xb9;6TSPHSCCg6TSPff740740)ILHLPLGSLVPLGSLVSLVPLGSLVSLVSLVSLVSLVSLVSLVSLVUDSUDSUDSMUDSM77565573M7791M76H09MSQRH9038382'50531390'247,42393.706319425.626321421.50861430.6311523460.5911327472.12569480.418611490.305221490.437526490.235531492.561532490.4060HTSHTSHTSfITSHTSHTS)ITSHTSHTSHTSHTSHTS)ITSHTS18.917.;ITSPH&#xb9;1TSPflglTSPHglTSPfl&#xb9;1TSPH777727789999999740740740740720740740740740740740740740740f)LHLHLHLIIIHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHL RGKEEDDYCURREEITIRSPECTIOR REPORT"'ridayEebruary28,198612:21PlfPAGE2r~IIIPLANT:RG&E"GINNAOUTAGE:RG&E1986SGBREPORT:TUBESREQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTIONSTEAMGENERATOR BINSPECTED FROM:HOTLEGACTROWCOLVOLTSDEGIND'CHELEVINCHESCOMMENTSEXTENTREELPSIDSlaV7500.73SLV31520.96PLG1532.07SLV21551.32SLV24500.58PLG30503.23PLG38591.00PLG38600.95SLV8691.03SLV9700.70PLG30711.90PLG21761.04PLG22761.15SLV3701.76PLG2806.69PLG19800.61PLG20800.75ENDOFDATA5390700530SQR7403509151790875770100617275777958,9092707202388956914294MIHTS1HTSM1HTS1HTS1HTSM2HTS1HTS1HTSM1HTSM1HTS1HTSIHTS1HTS1HTSM2HTS1HTSM1HTS17.4SCCgfTSP16.3SCC81TSP17.5CHTSCCglTSP5.6RPGSLVg6TSP13.8SCCPfTSP16.9SCCElfTSP10.0SCCfffTSP17,4SCCSfTSP17.7SCC4'ITSP14.6SCCglTSP17.6CPRSCCPfTSP17.4SCCgfTSP17~3SCCgfTSP17.6SCCgfTSP17.9SCCgfTSP16.7SCCgfTSP16.0SCCgfTSPH9740H10740H11720C27720H10740H10740H10740H10740H11720Hll720H12720H12720El~12720H12720H12720H12720H12720HLHf.HlaHLEILHLHLHL'lHLHI.EllaIll.HLHLHLEEL STEAMGENERATOR "B"TUBESRECEIVING CORRECTIVE ACTION-FEBRUARY1986PLANT:GINNAGENERATOR:
generator. The philosophy in generating this program is to provide 100%%uo examination of each steam generator up to the first tube support plate along with one fifth of the tubes being selected for a full length inspection.
BTOTALTUBES:3260S~CE27'ELOEDSLEEVEP~CEKECNANICAL PLUG~~~~P~~~~~~~~~~~~P~P.P~.~PP~~~~~~~P~~~~0~~~~S~~~~~~~~~S''S~~~'S'~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~SS~~~~~~~'~S~~~~~S~~~~~~~'ES~S~.~ST~S~~-~~.S~I~~~P~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~PE~~P~OIC3IZ20IIVIlCx~IC4JaCOP~~~~P0~P~..'~~~0~3~S~~~~~~~~~~~3~P~~~~~~~~-X5-so~~~P~~~P~PE~.~~~~~P'~P.~~~~~NOZZLEInCIIINLET(HotLeg)-PrimaryFaceIClCIIIRlCIII'ICCICOLUNNSIIICCIICCIIICICOIIOCIIHANKAY OBSERVATIONS Theresultsoftheexamination indicates thatintergranular attackandstresscorrosion crackingisstillactivewithinthetubesheet creviceregionsontheinletsideofeachsteamgenerator.-
This will provide 100% inspection of all tubes every five years. Table I is a breakdown, by steam generator, of all tubes examined and to the extent tested.
TheIGA/SCC,isprimarily locatedinthe"B"steamgenerator with52totalindications
: detected, only5indications weredetectedinthe"A"steamgenerator.
TableIIIshowsthesteamgenerator IGAhistory.GINNA'SSTEAMGENERATORS CREVICECORROSION INDICATION HISTORYB-SteamGenerator (A-SteamGenerator)
March1979December1979NotSizeable0,A-S/G0-25%26"50%51-75%76-100%TOTAL(0)(0)B-S/G'OTAL April198019,1(0)31November1980April1981February1982October1982April1983March1984March19852711(3)5,233(1)1500(1)7(1)1615(0)(0)(0)(4)9(1)27(1)(2)141359513(2)9(Z)114(1)25(5)52Totals91(5)Z6(3)40(l)64(3)92(1)(13)313TABLEIII

Thecauseoftheinlettubesheet crevicecorrosion indication isintergranular attackandstresscorrosion crackingofthemil-annealed Inconel600.Thisformofcorrosion istheresultofthetubesheet creviceshavinganalkalineenvironment.
Thiscreviceenvironment hasdeveloped overtheyearsasdepositsandactivespecieslikesodiumandphosphate, havereacted,changinganeutralorinhibited creviceintotheaggressive environment thatpresently exist.Alargevolume,typically
PART LENGTH FROM INLET gl  TSP H                          2240                68.7%
<<20%TWD(ThroughWallDimension) wastagetypecondition existsjustabovethetubesheet secondary face.Asm'allpercentage ofthetubes,generally towardthecenterofthebundle,havethiscondition.
  &#xb9;2 TSP  H                            248                7.6%
g3 TSP  H                            24                0.7%
>ZOYoTPDandZtubesinthe"B"steamgenerator and1tubeinthe"A"steamgenerator hadapotential
g4 TSP  H                              6                0.2%
>40%TWDasinterpreted fromthesignal.Therefore thesethreetubesweresleeved.Thesetubeswereaffectedbytheoriginalwaterchemistry conditions whenphosphate wasusedasabuffering mediumand'havenotseenfurtherdegradation since1975.Smallindications ofprobablecopperdepositswerealsofoundinthetubesheet creviceregionrandomlylocatedthroughout eachsteamgenerator.
g5 TSP  H                              0                0,0%
Basedonstudiesperformed withcopperplatedonInconeltubingandthephaserelationships ofthesesignalresponses atthedifferent inspection frequencies theindications canbeattributed tocopperdepositsandnotadefectcondition.
  &#xb9;6 TSP  H                                                0.1%
Amoreextensive condition notedinthesteamgenerators, primarily ontheinletside,istheminordentingatthetubesheet secondary face..Dentingwasalsodetectedatthe1st,2ndand6thtubesupportplatesrandomlythroughout thegenerator andinmostcaseswasofgreatermagnitude insize.Notubeswerefoundwhichobstructed thepassageofa0.7ZO"O.D.probe.Ingeneral,minordistortions ofmostofthetubesupportplatesignalswereseen.Thedentingphenomenon andminordistortions atthetubesheet andsupportplatescanbeattributed to secondary sidecorrosion productbuild-upintheannularregionbetweenthetubeO.D.andthecarbonsteelsupportmember.Comparisons withpreviousdatadoesnotindicateanychangeintheextentormagnitude ofdentingfromwhathasbeendetectedbypreviousinspections.
SLEEVED TUBES                                          100.0%
Severalindications weredetectedinthecoldlegsofthe"A"5"B"steamgenerators in'ndaroundtubeR23-C46.Areviewofpreviousyearsdatarevealedtheseindications tobepresent.TheyappearasashallowIDindication
TUBES PERMANENTLY PLUGGED            126                3.9%
<20%whichwereconfirmed visuallytobeanexpansion ofdiameterwithinthetubesheet.
Thiswascausedbyacam-loclc expansion devicewhichwasusedinearlieryearstosuspendleadblanketsfromthetubesheet primaryface.Insummary,the"A"SteamGenerator hadfive(5)tubesthatwerefoundtohavetubesheet creviceindications andone(I)tubehadanareaofpreviously detectedwastagethatexceededtherepairlimitintheinlet.The"B"SteamGenerator hadfifty-two (52)tubesheet creviceindications andtwo(Z)tubeshadareasofpreviously detectedwastagethatexceededtherepairlimitintheinlet.Onetubeinthe"A"SteamGenerator hadtwo(Z)indications atthethirdandfourthanti-vibration barintersections.
  &#xb9;1 TSP  C                                                0.0%
Theseindications weregreaterthanZ0%butlessthantherepairlimit.Thistubewillbere-examined atthenextinspection todetermine ifthereisanactivefrettingweardamagemechanism goingon.Inlightofthefactthatonlythistubeisexhibiting theseindications, itisunlikelythatfrettingshouldbeofagreatconcern.
g2 TSP  C                                                0.0%
CORRECTIVE ACTIONTableIVhasbeengenerated toidentifythetubeswithcreviceindications orwithindications whichexceedtherepaircriteria.
  &#xb9;3  TSP C                                                0,0%
Thistablealsoshowsthelocationandaxialextentoftheindication andwhatcorrective actionwastakenonthesetubes.Otherthancreviceindications, onlythreetubesexceededtherepaircriteria.
g4 TSP  C                                                0 '%
One46%TWDindication wasfound1.8"abovethesecondary sidefaceofthehotlegtubesheet ofthe"A"steamgenerator tubeR19-C50.A42%TWDindication wasfoundZ.3"abovethesecondary sidefaceofthehotlegtubesheet, alongwitha49%TWDindication wasfound1.4"abovethesecondary sidefaceofthehotlegtubesheetofthe"B"steamgenerator, tubesR23-CZ4andR22-CZ9,respectively.
g5 TSP  C                                                0.0%
ThreeCEmechanical plugswhichwereinstalled inB-S/Gin1985werepulledandinspected fulllengthwiththefollowing results:R19-C34revealeda72%TWD-8.3"fromthetopofthesecondary sidetubesheet face,R21-C42revealeda'7%TWD-9.9"fromthetopofthesecondary sidetubesheet face,R21-C55revealedan83%TWD-5.6"fromthetopofthesecondary sidetubesheet.Allsixoftheabove-mentioned tubesweresleeved"withCombustion Engineering 27"Sleevesandwillremaininservice.TableVhasbeengenerated tomaintainacompletehistoryoftotaltubesinspected totaldefectsdetected, andnumberoftubesrequiring repair.  
g6 TSP  C                                                0.3%
U-BEND                                                  0.0%
g6 TSP  H                              2                0. 1%
g5 TSP  H                              0                0 '%
  &#xb9;4  TSP H                              0.              0.0%
  &#xb9;3  TSP H                              0                0.0%
  &#xb9;2  TSP H                              0                0.0%
  &#xb9;1  TSP H                              0                0.0%
HTS                                    0                0 '%

PART LENGTH FROtt INLET 81  TSP H                          2293                  70.3%
g2  TSP H                            14                   0.4%
g3  TSP H                              1                <0.1%
g4  TSP H                              0                  0.0%
g5  TSP H                              1                 <0.1%
g6  TSP H                            59                  1.8%
SLEEVED TUBES                        171                100.0%
TUBES PERNANENTLY PLUGGED            177                  5,4%
PART LENGTH FROM OUTLET gl  TSP C                              0                  0.0%
g2  TSP C                              0                  0,0%
g3  TSP C                              0                  0.0%
g4  TSP C                              0                  0.0%
g5  TSP C                              0                  0.0%
g6  TSP C                            63                  1,9%
U-BEt)D                                0                  0.0%
g6 TSP  H                                                  0,1%
g5 TSP  H                                                  0,0%
g4 TSP  H                                                  0.0%
P3 TSP  H                                                  0.0%
f2 TSP  H                                                  0.0%
Pl TSP  H                                                  0 '%
HTS                                                       0.0%
SLEEVE END                          159                  93.0%


HotColdHotColdABABA8ABA8INFACTORYAPRIL1972MARCH1974NOV.1974MARCH1975JAN.1976FEB.1976APRIL1975APRIL1977JULY1977JAN,1978APRIL1978FEB.1979319231921003247324710257520032681525258300204932520493251714171437537510503259515109851617014306723921744421931442530F005AS/00.091BS/00.099BS/00.0'12B8/0o.oeoBs/01913000112215I58.155WASTAGEWASTAGECRACKING/WASTAGE WASTAGEWASTAGECRACKINGWASTAGEIOCRACKINGCRACKING)/WASTAGE IDCRACKINGCRACKING/WASTAGE 2-IGAI00IQ020I00190200239201513II150239201513I58I15645ll'611OEC.1979APRIL1980NOV,1980MAY1981FEB.1982SEP.1982APRIL1983MARCH1984MARCH=1985FEB.198531383253138325313752531383823137633,3137717313531353134.523315131413,14031293096309330873083E375400525893832953308777031393253'I823750.007BS/0700BS/G133131515327810e75411-IGA.2-WASTAGE "A"PITTING/"B"IGAIGAIGA,WASTAGEIGA,MECH.OAM'GAIGA.SCCIGA.SCCIGA.SCC.WASTAGEIGA.SCC.WASTAGE1313Ie2823702,49I3327167492575'303(2)(3)l4)Ie)Ie)(7)I3I31------3--(I)TOTALSPERCENTAGES 4~211.7137384'I283.92908.8126201122013~86~I36~I4~I~3SEENOTE7 STEAMGENERATOR TUBEINSPECTION ANDCORRECTIVE ACTIONHISTORYCOMMENTS(1)PulledR15C55andR17C41fromthehotlegandR17C40fromthecold.legtodetermine IGAconditions inthe"B"steamgenerator.
The  initial and independent  review data analysis was performed using the Zetec DDA-4 Digital Data Analysis System. Edition 18.1 of th'e        ~
R17C41andECTindications atall'frequencies, R15C44hadjust100kHzAbsoluteECTindication andR17C40hadnoECTindication.
data analysis software was used to analyze data from the MIZ-18 digital data acquisition system. This system provides on-line data digitization and storage on to a magnetic data cartridge. All digital data (up to 8 channels) is sent directly to the HP-9836 computer from the data cartridge recorder. The tube number identification is encoded on the data cartridge.
Bothhotlegtubeshasapproximately 50%IGA,R17C41hada60%SCCindication associated withtheIGA.(2)Manuallysleevedfive(5)tubeswithnickelplated-Inconel600thermally treatedsleeves.ThreetubeshadIGAindications, twootherswerepreventatively sleeved.(3)Sleeved16tubeswithco-extruded sleeves,13withdefectswith3,preventatively.
A message block is available should any comments be desired during da'ta acquisition.
PulledR21C46witha100kHzECTindication, R7C45andR28C45whichwereclean.Alltubespulledwerefromthehotleg.(4)RecoveryfromtheJanuary25,1982TubeRuptureEventincludedremovingZ6tubesectionsbyEDMandIDCuttersalongwiththeonetubepulledfromthesecondary side.(5)Thefourtubesidentified withIGAinthe"A"steamgenerator weresleevedwith22"tubesheet sleeves.The78tubesidentified inthe"B"steamgenerator withIGAand/orSCCinthecrevicewererepairedasfollows:41tubesweresleevedwith36"brazedsleeves'tubesweresleevedwith28"brazedsleevesZ4tubesweresleevedwith22"tubesheet sleeves1tubeand2sleeveswereplugged1tubeR34C54waspulledformetallurgical analysis.
I All data cartridges were reviewed by displaying the 400 kHz data on the CRT along with the vertical component of the differential and absolute mix outputs in strip chart form. Other frequencies and their components were selected as needed for final resolution. All recordable indications were logged into the computer and stored on floppy disk.. The final report form summarizing all crevice and >20%%uo TWD indications for each steam generator (inlet and outlet) can be found in this section. An explanation of the abbreviations and nomenclature used on these        lists has been compiled for ease of interpretation.
Table II has been compiled to show a list of the total number of dents at each axial elevation and a breakdown of defects by percent TWD.
STEAMGENERATOR TUBEINSPECTION ANDCORRECTIVE ACTIONHISTORYCOMMENTS(6)Thetwotubesidentified withIGAinthecreviceinthe"A"steamgenerator IinletweresleevedwithZO"tubesheet sleeves.Oneindication
The dent indications on this table are only those with signal amplitude of 5 volts and greater, which would approximate about a 0.025" dent on the diameter    of the tube.
)409oTWD,intheU-bendwaspermanently plugged.The70tubesidentified inthe"B"steamgenerator wererepairedasfollows:56tubesweresleevedwith20"tubesheet sleeves10tubesweresleevedwith36"brazedsleeves3tubesweremechanically plugged(CEremoveable) 1tubewasexplosively plugged1tubewassleevedwitha36"brazedsleeveduetothedominoeffect.(7)'hefivetubesidentified withcreviceindications inthe"A"steamgenerator inletweresleevedwithZ7"Combustion Engineering Sleeves(CE).Onetubeidentified withgeneralO.D.indication abovethesecondary sidetubesheet wasalsosleevedwithaCE27"sleeve.The57tubesidentified inthe"B"steamgenerator wererepairedasfollows:27tubesweresleevedwithCEZ7"SleevesZ7tubesweremechanically plugged(CEremovable) 3CEMechanical Plugsinstalled in1985wereremoved'andsleevedwith27"sleevesThepresentsleeveinstallation statusis83brazedsleeves,88tubesheetsleeves,30weldedCEsleevesinthe"B"steamgenerator with6tubesheet sleevesand6weldedCEsleevesinthe"A"steamgenerator.
S  G "A"  DEttT & DEFECT LOG FEBRUARY 1906    INSPECTION INLET                                  OUTLET DEttTS:                                DENTS:
HTS"MID                  9                CTS-tlID            0 HTS                  242                  CTS                3 HTS"1H                  6                CTS"1C            3 1H                  230                  1C                6 1H-2H                                      1C-2C            0 2H                      17                2C                5 2H"3H                    0                2C-3C              1 3H                      0                3C                  1 3H-4H                    0                3C-4C              0 4H                      1                4C                3 4H-5H                    0                4C-5C              0 5H                      10                5C                  1 5H-6H                    2                5C-6C              1 6H                    117                  6C                7
  >6H                      1                >6C                0 AVB1                    0                AVB4"              0
  >AVB1                    0                >AVB4              0 AVB2                    0                AVB3              0
  >AVB2                    0                >AVB3              0 TOTAL DENTS        " 639                  TOTAL DEtlTS  "  31 DEFECTS:                                DEFECTS:
0-19%              416                    0"19%          124 20-29%                145                  20-29%            12 30-39%                16                  30"39%              1 40-49%                  1                40-49%            0 50 59%                  0                50-59%            0 60-69%                  0                60-69%            0 70-79%                  1                70-79%            0 00-09'%0-100%
0                80-09%            0 0                90-100%            0 TOTAL DEFECTS        - 579                TOTAL DEFECTS    " 137 TABLE 2
S  G "B"    DEttT & DEFECT LOG FEBRUARY 1906    IWSPECTZOW INLET                                      OUTLET DENTS:                                      DENTS:
HTS-tlID            6                    CTS-ttID            0 HTS              303                    CTS                61 ftTS-1H              7                    CTS-1C              0 1H                21                    1C                  4 1H-2H                1                    1C-2C                0 2H                  0                    2C                  0 2tt-3H              0                    2C-3C                0 3H                  0                    3C                    1  ~
3H-4H              0                    3C-4C                0 4H                  0                    4C                    1 4H-5H              0                    4C-5C'C              0 5H                  1                                          1 5H-6)t              0                    5C-6C                0 6H                36                    6C                  10
  >6H                0                    >6C                62 AVBl                0                    AVB4                  1
  >AVB1              0                    >AVB4                0 AVB2                0                    AVB3                0
  >AVB2              0                    >AVB3                0 TOTAL DENTS    " 375                    TOTAL DEttTS    - 149 DEFECTS:                                    DEFECTS:
0-19%          265                        0-19%          75 20-29%            32                    20-29%                1' 30"39%              7                    30-39%
40-49%              2                    40-49%              0 50-59%                                    50 59%              0 60-69%              5                    60-69%              0 70-79%            13                    70-79%              0 00-09%            12                    00-89%              0 90-100%            9                    90-100%              0 S  R                4 TOTAI DEFECTS    " 353                  TOTAL DEFECTS "      70 T~ABLE 2  ~COtl'T
LIST OF    > 20%  INDICATION AND CREVICE INDICATION NOMENCLATURE To of List Information SG- Steam Generator and Leg (ie:          1 = A, 2 = B and  1 = Inlet, 2 = Outlet)
ROW    - ROW number from the tube identification.
COL - Column number from the tube identification.
VOLTS P-P amplitude of the measured indication signal response.
% Percent    through wall from O.D. based on measured signal.
CH@  Channel      from which indication was determined.
LOCATION Location of indication relative to tubesheet                    or support plate.
INDEX - Location of tube data on data disk.
Information Under      %
<20  - Measurable indication      less than 20% through wall (IGA-SCC).
>40  Absolute      indication measured from absolute mix where                depth determination could not be accurately performed (IGA only).
SQR    Multiple    indications    interferring with    a  depth    determination (IGA-SCC).
I ~
DS    Distorted roll transition indication that cannot be confirmed or measured.
XX - The measure percent through wall of the deepest penetration (SCC) within an IGA patch or area.
TWD Through Wall Dimension Information Under CHP 1 - Indication determined        and measured      with 400 kHz differential for final interpretation.
M2- Indication determined with absolute mix, depth cannot be accurately determined, but based upon amplitude is felt to be above 40% IGA.
Information Under LOCATION HTS  Secondary  face of inlet tubesheet.
TSP  Tube  Support Plate CTS Secondary face    of outlet tubesheet.
    -XX.X - Depth below the secondary face of the tubesheet or support plates where the indication is located.
    +XX.X  Height above the secondary face of the tubesheet    or support plates where the indication is located.
RG&E EDDY CDRRE))I It)SFKYIO)I REFORT 'riday        february  26, )986            )2:59  FII                    PNE I PI.AtlT:      RG&E      -  GIHHA                                        STEAH GENERATOR              A OUTAGE :      RG&E      1906  SGA                                      It)SPECTED FROH              BOTH )IL&Cl.
REPORT    : TUBES WITH It)DICATIOHS 20'4 OR GREATER ABW      Anti-Vibration Bar            Wear                      BLG      Bulge CHT      Chatter                                                  CPR      Copper
                                                                        " Dent CKS      Cracked Support Plate                                    DHT DHG      Ding                                                    DRT      Distorted Roll Transition DTS      Distorted Tube Sheet                                    DSP      Distorted Tube Support Plate FRT      Fretting                                                IHC        Incomplete Test IGA      Intergranular Attack                                    SCC        Stress Corrosion Crack t)GV    Hachining Groove                                        t)AG      tlagnetite NDD      No Detectable Defects                                    HSY        Noisy Tube OBS      Obstructed                                                FPG      Permanent        Plug PRH      Permeability                                            PIT        Pitting RPG      Removed Plug                                            SLV        Sleeved SLG      Sludge                                                  SQR        Squirrel TPG      Template Plug                                            TBR      To Be Rerun UBC      U"Bend Crack                                            UDS      Undefined Signal WTH      Mall Thinning                                            WAS      Wastage 1&2      B&W Sleeve Tapes ROW  COL VOLTS DEG IHD CH                ELEV  IHCHES      COIIHEHTS        EXTENT                PS  ID 7  20    1.54    150    23    1 HTS            2.5                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2  740  Hl 7  20    2.14    162    20    1 HTS            1.9                  &#xb9;1  TSP fl        2    740  )IL 8  20      1.52  161    20    1 HTS            2,2                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2    740  I)L 8  20      1.43  162    20    1 HTS            1.8                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2  740  )) I 8  21    2.47    158    23    1 HTS            1.9                  &#xb9;I  TSP ll        2    740  HL 9  21    2.81    150    29    1 HTS            2 '                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2    740  HL 10  21      1.01  159    22    1 HTS            2.0                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2    740  HL 11  21    4.15    151    29    1 HTS            2.0                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2    740  HL 13  21    2.66    158    23    1 HTS            2.5                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2  '740  HL 14  21    2.16    159    22    1 HTS            1.7                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2    740  flL 15  21    3.98    149    30    1 HTS            1.6                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2    740  IIL flL 1G  21    2.91    153    27    1 HTS            1.1                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2    740 17  21      1.93  149    30    1 HTS            1.2                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2    740  ifL 10  22    2.15    162    20    1 HTS            3.1                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2  740  HL 11  22    2.77    157    24    1 HTS            2.5                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2  740  HL 12  22    2.08    157    24    1 HTS            1.0                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2  740  Hl.
14  22    3.59    159    22    1 fKS            2.0                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2  740  Hl 15  22    3.30    157    24    1 HTS            2.0                  &#xb9;I  TSP H        2  740  HL 18  22    3.28    155    25    1 HTS            1.2                  &#xb9;I  TSP Il        2  740  )IL 19  22    1  52  158    23    1 HTS            0.9                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          2  740  Hl(
12  23    4.70    158    23    1 HTS            2.8                  &#xb9;I  TSP'H        2  740  HL 12  23    2.70    158    23    1 HTS            2.1                  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    2  740  flL 13  23    8.83    150    29    1 HTS            3.2                  &#xb9;I  TSP    H    2  740  HL 14  23    4.43    156    25    1 HTS            3.0                  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    2  740  HL 21  23    2.56    156    25    1 HTS            1.5                  &#xb9;I  TSP    H    2  740  HL 21    23    1 83
                      ~    15G    25    1 HTS            0.9                  &#xb9;I  TSP    H    2  740  HL 10  24    1.84    162    20    1 HTS            1.9                  &#xb9;G TSP      H    2  740  HL 11  24    2.16    159    22    1 HTS            2.8                  &#xb9;G TSP      H    2  740  HL 12  24    4.10    161    20    1 HTS            2;8                  &#xb9;6 TSP      H    2  740  Hlj 13  24    5.23    156    25    1 HTS            2.7                  &#xb9;6 TSP      H    2 '140    HL 12  25    3.72    157    23    1 HTS            2 4
                                                              ~                  &#xb9;6 TSP      H    3 740    HL 13  25    3.88    146    32    1 HTS            2.3                  &#xb9;6  TSP. H    3 740 HL 14  25    7.55    153    26    I HTS            2'                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H    3 740 HL 17  25    6.86    150    29    1 HTS            2.3                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H    3 740 HL 17  25    2.82    161    20    1 HTS            2.9                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H    3 '140 )IL 9  26    3.04    153    26    1 HTS            0.9                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H    3 740 HL 21    26    3.80    152    27    I HTS            1.9                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H    3 740 HL 21    26    2.77    159    21    1 HTS            2'                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H    3 740 HL 23    26    1.27    152    27    I HTS            1.8                  &#xb9;G  TSP    H      3 740 HL 17    27    3.57    154    25    1 HTS            2.9                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H      3 '740 )IL 17  27    3'53    149    30    1 HTS            2.3                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H      3  740 HL 10    27    5  47  )45    33    1 HTS            2.7                  &#xb9;6  TSP    H      3  740 IIL 22    27    5.42 )51      20    1 HTS            1.9                  &#xb9;6  TSP )I        3  '1'40 HL 22    27    5.63 )53      26    1 f ITS          2.7                  &#xb9;6  TSF H        3 740    HL 24    27    2.10 156      24    1 HTS            1.6                  &#xb9;6  TSP El        3 '140    HL 25    27    1.68 155      25    1 HTS            1.2                  &#xb9;6  TSP H        3 740 HL 28    1,.58 160      21    1 HTS            2.1                  &#xb9;6  TSP fl        3 740 HL 28    5.)8 )53      26    I HTS            1.7                  &#xb9;6  TSP H        3 740 HL
RGKE EDDY CURRENT INSPECTION REPORT        Friday February    28, 1986          12:59 PN                      PhGE 2 PLANT          RG&E  "  GINNA                                          STEAII GENERATOR OUTAGE        RG&E  1986 SGA                                          INSPECTED FROI{            BOTH HL&CL RAPPORT      TUBES WITH INDICATIONS 204 OR GREATER ROH COL VOLTS DEG        IND CH      ELEV    INCHES      CO((I{ENTS    EXTENT      REEL PS      ID 15  29    4.02    150  29    1 HTS              3.0      HAS CPR    g6 TSP H            4  740 HL 24  29    3.11    153  26    1 HTS              1.3
                                                            '8    WAS CPR    g6 TSP              4  740 IIL 23  30    4.73    153  26    1 HTS              1.      WAS CPR    g6 TSP H            4  740'L 24  30    3.83    149  30    1 HTS              1.4    WAS CPRA    &#xb9;6 TSP fl          4  740  HL 25  30    6.84    155  25    I HTS              1.3      HAS CPR    g6 TSP H            4  740  HL 16  31    1.52    161  20    1 HTS              3.7            HAS  &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HL.
23  31    4.54    147  31    1 HTS              2.5            WAS  &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HI 23  31    6.00    145  33    1 HTS              1.8            HAS  &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HL 24  31    4.49    147  31    1 HTS              1.6            HAS  &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HL 25  31    5.00    153  26    1 HTS              1.3            HAS  g6 TSP H            4  740  HL 26  31    2.54    161  20    1 HTS              1.1      HAS CPR    &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HL 26  31    2.37    157  21    1 CTS              1 ~ 7          HAS  g6 TSP H          14  720  CL 20  32    3.35    146  32    1 HTS              2.8            WAS  g6. TSP H          4  740  HL 22  32    8.03    149  30    1 HTS              1.8            HAS  &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HL 23  32    6.02    148  30    1 HTS              2.5            HAS  &#xb9;6 TSP H            4  740  HL 24  32    6.20    154  25    1 HTS              1.6            WAS  g6 TSP H            4  740  HL 26  32    3.86    153  26    1 HTS              0.9      WAS CPR    g6 TSP f{          4  740  HL 28  32    1.48    158  20    1 CTS              1.1            HAS  g6 TSP fl          14  720  CL 21  33    3.13    156  20    1 HTS              2.0                g6 TSP H            5  740  HL 22  33    7.16    152  24    1 HTS              2.4                &#xb9;6 TSP H            5  740  HL 23    33    6.20    150  26    1 HTS              2.2                g6 TSP H            5  740  HL 25  33    3.98    157  20    1 HTS              1.7                &#xb9;6 TSP H            5  740  HL 19  34    2.19    143  32    1 HTS              2.1                &#xb9;6 TSP H            5  740  HL 21    34    4.47    151  25    1 HTS              2.2                g6 TSP H            5  740  HL 23    34    3.66    153  23    1 HTS              2.6                &#xb9;6 TSP H            5  740  HL 25    34    5'47    155  21    1 HTS              1.7                &#xb9;6  TSP    H      5  740  HL 26  34    5.22    154  22    1 HTS              1.2                g6 TSP      H      5  740  HL 19  35    3.68    151  25    1 HTS              2.2                g6 TSP      H      5  740  HL 21    35    4.68    155  21    1 HTS              2.2                g6 TSP      H      5  740  HL 21    35    2.15    157  20    1 HTS              0.9                &#xb9;6 TSP      H      5  740  HL 22    35    4.04    153  23    1 HTS              1.6                &#xb9;6 TSP      H      5  740  HL 22    35    2.79    157  20    1 HTS              2.1                g6 TSP      H      5 7.40 HL 23    35    4.92    153  23    1 HTS              2.6                g6 TSP      H      5 740 HL 25    35    4.67    155  21    1 HTS              1.5                g6 TSP      H      5 740 HL 26    35    4.27    157. 20    I HTS              1.2                &#xb9;6  TSP    H      5 740 IIL 0.0 <<P 61%ABH
                                                                                                              '5 39    35      .26  122  33    1 g4 AVB                                g6 TSP      H          720 CL 39    35    2.52    78  21  M 2 g3 AVB            0.0            ABH  g6 TSP      H      15 720 CL 20    36    2.18    154  22    1 HTS              1.8                g6 TSP      H      5 740 HL 21    36    4.21    154  22    1 HTS              2.3                &#xb9;6  TSP    H      5 740 HL 26    36    3.90  150    26    1 HTS              1.5                &#xb9;6  TSP    H      5 740 HL 27    36    5.01    145  30    1 HTS              1.5                &#xb9;6  TSP    H      5 740 HL 28    36    3.25    148  28    1 HTS              1.0 CPR HAS        g6  TSP    H      6 740 HL 21    37    3.33  157    21    1 CTS              2.2            WAS  g6  TSP    H    15 720 CL 21    37    5.81  152    25    1 HTS              1.8            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP    H      6 740 HL 22    37    3.67  158    20    1 HTS              1.6            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP    H      6 740 HL 24    37    4.81  157    20    1 HTS              2.1            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP  C        6 740 HL 25    37    5.75  151    26    1 HTS              1.3            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP    H      6 740 HL 26    37    4.80  156    21    1 HTS              2.1            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP  H        6 740 HL 27    37    4.14  149    27    1 HTS              1.7            WAS  g6  TSP  H        6 740 HL 24    38    4.30  147    29    1 HTS              2.2            HAS  &#xb9;6  TSP  I{      6 740 HL 25    38    5.96  151    26    1 HTS              2.3            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP  H        6 740 HL 27    36    3.55  149    27    1 HTS              1.9            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP  fl      6 740 HL 20    39    3.36  155    24    1 CTS              F 6                &#xb9;6  TSP  f{    16 720 CL 20    39    3.89  158    20      CTS              2.2 CPR HAS        &#xb9;6  TSP          18 720 CL 21 25 39 39 4 '9 4.17 157 152 22 25 1
1 1
CTS HTS 1.8 1.9          HAS>>
                                                                              &#xb9;6 g6 TSP TSP C
16 720 CL 6 740 HL 26    39    6.70  156    21    1 HTS              2.0            HAS  g6  TSP  I{      6 740 HL 26    39    6.70  156    21    1 HTS              2.0            WAS  &#xb9;6  TSP  H        6 740 HL 28    43    5.30  159    21    1 HTS              1.9                gl  TSP  H        7 720 HL 29    44    5.49  158    22    1 HTS              1.3                gl  TSP  fl      7 720 HL 20    45    5.08      8  20    1 CTS            15.6              ID &#xb9;6    TSP  C      18 720 CL 21    45    7.34    10  25    1 CTS            15.6              ID &#xb9;6    TSP  C      18 720 CL 29    45    4.62      8  20    1 CTS              1.9            ID <<6    TSP  C    ,18
                                                                                                '    720, CL 26    46    4.39  157    23      gl  TSP H+        1.4                gl  TSP              720 HL 20    47    4 '3    11  26 1
1 CTS            16.3                  &#xb9;6  TSP H
H    22 720 CL
I RGKE EDDY CURRE))T I)ISPECYIO)j REPORT    Eriday Eebruary    28, )986          12:59 P)f                  PAGE 3 PLANT          RG&E - GINNA                                            STEAH GENERATOR            A OUTAGE        RG&E 1986 SGA                                            INSPECTED FROH            BOTH HL&CL REPORT      TUBES WITH INDICATIONS 204 OR GREATER ROW  COL VOLTS DEG IND CH          ELEV    INCHES      COMMENTS      EXTENT        REEL PS    ID 21  47    10.78      10    25  CTS            15.6              ID      TSP          18  720 CL 16  48    1.00    162    20  HTS              2'            WAS  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8  720 HL 26  48    5.83    162    20  HTS              1.4      CPR  WAS  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8  720 HI 28  48    7.31    158    23  HTS              1.0            WAS  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8  720 HL 30  48    4.41    157'62  24  HTS              0.9            WAS  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8 720 HL 31  48    2.65            20  HTS              0.8            WAS  &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8 720 HL 20  49    1.80    158    23  HTS              1.6                &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8 720 HL 26  49    3.13    160    21  HTS              1.6                &#xb9;1  TSP    H    8 720 HL 28  49    5.71    153    27  HTS              0.5                &#xb9;3 TSP      H    8 720 HL 28  49    4.80    155    25  HTS              1.4 5'1                &#xb9;3 TSP      H    8 720 HL 16  50    2.71    )57    24  HTS                                  &#xb9;2 TSP      H    8 720 IIL 23  50    0.43    155    25  HTS              0.7                &#xb9;I  TSP    H    8 720 f)L 27  50    2.75    161    20  HTS              0.4                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    0 720 HL 28  50    2.26    162    20  HTS              1 6
                                                            ~                &#xb9;I  TSP    H    8 720 HL 29  50    1.26    160    21  HTS              0.7                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 29  50    1.15    156    24  HTS              1.1                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 16  51    1.65    153    27  HTS              4.5                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 17  51    2.53    159    22  HTS              0.6                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 27  51    1.72    153    27  HTS              1.9                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 28  51    3,19    161    20  HTS              1.3                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 13  52    3.20    145    33  HTS              1.7                &#xb9;1 TSP      H      8 720 HL 15  52    0.47    158    23  HTS              4.1                &#xb9;1 TSP      H      8 720 HL 16  52    4.74    158    23  HTS        +    5.0                      TSP          8 720 HL 16  53    2.66    157    24  HTS              4.8                &#xb9;1 TSP      H      8 720 HL 17  53    0.82    158    23  HTS              4.8                &#xb9;1 TSP      H      8 720 HL 17  53    0.82    138    38  HTS              3.8                &#xb9;I  TSP    H    8 720 HL 19  53    0.62    152    28  HTS              1.9                &#xb9;1 TSP      H      8 720 HL 29  53    2.11    160    21  HTS              0.9                &#xb9;1 TSP      H    8 720 HL 17  54    1.53    158    23  HTS              3.0                &#xb9;1 TSP      H      8 720 HL 17  54    0.83    156    24  HTS              0.7                &#xb9;1'SP        fl    8 720 HL 18  54    1.73    152    28  HTS              2'                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          8 720 HL 16  55    4.19    158    23  HTS              4.0                &#xb9;1 TSP fj          8 720 HL 16  55    1.41    159    22  HTS              3 '                &#xb9;I  TSP H        8 720 HI 22  57    7.07    149    26  HTS              1.7            WAS &#xb9;I    TSP H        9 720 HL 15  59    4.35    154    21  HTS              2'                &#xb9;1    TSP fj        9 720 I)L 15  61    4.86    155    20  HTS              2.1                &#xb9;I    TSP fj        9 720 HL 16  61    3.02    156    20  HTS              1.4                &#xb9;1 TSP H            9 720 HL 19  61    3.48    148    27  HTS              1.6                &#xb9;1 TSP fl          9 720 HL 21  61    3.01    155    20  HTS              1.8                &#xb9;1 TSP fl          9 720 HL 15  62    4.37    155    20  HTS              1.9                &#xb9;1 TSP H          9 720 HL 16  62    3.15    154    21  HTS              1 ~ 6              &#xb9;1 TSP H            9 720 HL 20  62    3.03    153    22  HTS              1.7                &#xb9;1 TSP H            9 720 HL 19  63    5.03    151    24  fiTS              1.4                &#xb9;1 TSP H            9 720 HL 17  64    4.40    155    20  HTS              1.6                &#xb9;1 TSP H          10 720 Hl 19  64    6.20    153    22  HTS              1.3                &#xb9;1 TSP fj          10 720 HL 18  66    4.67    152    23  HTS              1.8                &#xb9;1 TSP H          10 720 HL 9  67    5.29    149    26  HTS              0.9                &#xb9;1 TSP            10 720 HL 19  67    3.10    156    20  HTS              1.5            CHT &#xb9;1 TSP            10 720 HL 13  68    2.88    154    21  I)TS              1.6                &#xb9;I  TSP          10 720 HL 16  68    4.58    155    20  HTS              2 '                &#xb9;I  TSP          )0 720 HL 9
6 69 70 2 '3 2.75 148 154 27 21 HTS HTS 1.4 0.9
                                                                            &#xb9;I    TSP
                                                                            &#xb9;1 TSP H 10 720 HL 10 720 HL 14  70    2.92    154    21  HTS              2'                &#xb9;1 TSP H          10 720 HL 6  71    4.43    154    21  HTS              1.0                &#xb9;1 TSP H          10 720 HL 71    3.48    150    25  HTS                                  &#xb9;1 TSP H          10 720 HI 7
9 9
72 73 5.44 3.82 158 158 23 23 HTS HTS 1 ~
1.4 1.6 2
                                                                            &#xb9;1 TSP H
                                                                            &#xb9;2 TSP H ll  720 HL 11 720 HL 12  73    5.64    153    28  HTS              1 ~ 1              &#xb9;1 TSP H          11 720 HL 8  74    2.28    152    29  HTS              1.0                &#xb9;3 TSP H          11 720 HL 12  76    1.58    161    20  HTS              00.5            WAS &#xb9;1 TSP H          11 720 HL
      'l l  91    1.57    155    20  HTS              1.0                &#xb9;1 TSP H          12 720 HL END OF DATA
RGRE EDDY CURRENT INSPECTION REPORT    '"    Friday February  28, 1986          12:58 PN                    PAGE 1 PLANT      :  RG6E  -  GINNA                                          STEAM GENERATOR        :  A OUTAGE :      RGRE  1986,SGA                                          INSPECTED FROM        :  HOT LEG REPORT    : TUBES    REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION ABW  -  Anti-Vibration Bar          Wear                        BLG    - Bulge CHT  -  Chatter                                                CPR    - Copper CKS  -  Cracked Support Plate                                  DNT    - Dent
      -                                                                -                Roll Transition DNG DTS  -  Ding Distorted Tube Sheet DRT DSP    - Distorted Distorted      Tube Support Plate FRT  -  Fretting                                                INC    -  Incomplete Test IGA  -  Intergranular Attack                                    SCC    -  Stress Corrosion Crack MGV  - Machining      Groove                                  MAG -    Magnetite NDD  - No Detectable Defects                                    NSY -    Noisy Tube
      -                                                          PPG -
      - Obstructed                                              PIT -
Permanent Pitting Plug PRM
      - Permeability                                                    -
      - Removed      Plug                                        SLV
                                                                        - Sleeved SLG TPG Sludge
      - Template Plug                                            SQR TBR    - Squirrel To Be Rerun UBC  - U-Bend Crack                                            UDS      Undefined Signal-WTH  - Wall Thinning                                            WAS      Wastage 162  - BRW Sleeve Tapes ACT ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND CH                ELEV    INCHES    COMMENTS      EXTENT      REEI    PS  ID SLV    22  20    1.56 71      UDS  M 2 HTS            17.2            IGA  gl  TSP H        2  740 HL SLV    21  21    3.87 89      72    1  HTS            18.9            SCC 81  TSP H        2 740 HL SLV    20  22    4.33 55      UDS    2 HTS            14.9            IGA gl  TSP H        2  740 HL SLV SLV ll 19 37 50 1.28 165 5.54 128 13 46 M
1 1
HTS HTS 16.5 1.8 g6 gl TSP H TSP H 6  740 8 720 llL HL SLV      7  78    0.60 173        8    1 HTS            17.9            SCC gl  TSP H      11 720    HL END OF DATA
STEAM GENERATOR                          "4"    TUBES RECEIVING CORRECTIVE ACTION  FEBRUARY 2986 PLANT:    GXNNA                                                          GENERATOR:    A            TOTAL TUBES:          3260 S>>  CE 87'ELDED    SLEEVE                                        P>>  CE HECHANICAL PLUG
                                                                  ~ ~
                                                                      ~  ~  ~
                                        ~ ~
                                                                                                                                            - 35
                                                                                        ~ ~ ~
                                                              ~ ~                                    ~ 0
                          ~ ~
                                                                                                                    \    ~
                                                                                  ~ ~ ~
                                                              ~ ~                                                                                A
                                                                                                                                            - 35  I
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          ~   ~  ~ ~ ~                                                                                                                          Ih 3 ~                                                                                                        IO
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                            ~ ~ ~
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                                                                                                                                            - jo
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I                  I          I      I                                      I  I      I      I          I  I    I  I o                oIll        0N      O g)
O Cl lO O    Ill          o o  lO ID O
Cb IlI NOZZLE      INLET (Hot Lei)  - PI inary      Face                        COLUHNS                                              HANWAY X
RG&E EDDY CURREj{T If{SPECTIO(( REPORT      friday February    28, f986          12:26 Pll                  PAGE 1 PLANT :        RG&E - GINHA                                                STEAM GENERATOR : B OUTAGE :      RG&E 1906 SGB                                              INSPECTED FROM        .:  BOTH HL&CL REPORT    :  TUBES WITH INDICATIONS 20% OR GREATER ABW  - Anti-Vibration Bar Wear                                    BLG    - Bulge Cf{T  - Chatter                                                    CPR    Copper CKS  - Cracked Support Plate                                      DNT    Dent
      - Ding                                                        DRT -                    Roll Transition DHG DTS  - Distorted Tube Sheet                                        DSP    - Distorted Distorted Tube Support Plate
      -                                                                      Incomplete Test
      - Fretting FRT                                                                IHC IGA      Intergranular Attack                                      SCC      Stress Corrosion Crack MGV  - Machining        Groove                                    MAG    Magnetite HDD  - No Detectable          Defects                              HSY    Noisy Tube OBS      Obstructed                                                PPG    - Permanent Plug PRM  - Permeability                                                PIT      Pitting
      - Removed                                                            - Sleeved
      - Sludge Plug RPG                                                                SLV SLG                                                                SQR      Squirrel
                                                                          - To TPG    Template Plug                                              TBR          Be Rerun UBC  - U-Bend Crack                                                UDS    Undefined Signal WTH  - Wall Thinning.                                              WAS    - Wastage 1&2  - B&W Sleeve Tapes ROW    COL VOLTS DEG IHD CH          ELEV      INCHES      . COMMENTS      EXTENT      REEL PS    ID 10    6    2.33    141      35  g2 TSP C+        0.0                  g6 TSP C        29 720 CL 9    21    6.06    155    '20  HTS              1.7                  gl TSP H          8 740 HL 11    22    4.06    153      22  HTS              1.5                  gl TSP H          8 740 f{L 20    24    4.00    153      22  HTS              1.6                  g6 TSP fl          8 740 HL 9    25    3.18    153      26  HTS              1.3            WAS  g6 TSP H          9 740 HL 15    25    3.12    153      26  HTS              2'              WAS  g6 TSP H          9 740 HL 17    25    5.51    146      32  HTS              1.5            WAS  g6 TSP H          9 740 HL 22    25    0.65    156      23  HTS        t    2'              WAS  g6 TSP H          9 740 HL 24    25    5.92    141      37  HTS        t    1.8                  &#xb9;6 TSP H          9  740 HL 17    26    5.08    147      28  HTS        +    1.2            WAS  g6 TSP H          4  740 HL 19    26    6.02    145 "31      HTS              1.2            WAS  g6 TSP H          4  740 HL 24    26    6.10    149      26  HTS              1.3            WAS  g6 TSP H          4  .740 HL 22    27    4.35    153      22  HTS              1.8            WAS  g6 TSP H          4  740 HL 21    28    3.87    155      20  HTS              1.6            WAS  g6 TSP H          4  740 HL 23    28    3.81    153 22        HTS              1.6            WAS  g6 TSP H          4  740 HL 19 24 42
            '0 29 31 7.99 5.74 1.57 155 20 155 144 20 30 HTS HTS CTS 1.5 1.4 15 '
                                                                                &#xb9;6 TSP H        16 4
5 740 740 720 HL HL CL 17    33    0.89    160      21  TUBE ENDt      12.1                  HTS            1&2    610 fll 24    34    1.56    148 27        HTS              1.5            CPR g6 TSP H            6  740 f{L 22    30    1.36    153      21  CTS              1.1            WAS  g6 TSP fl        15    720 CL 41    30    1.01    140 33        TUBE EHDt        5 4                  flTS            1&2    610 HL 41    38    1.49    158      23  TUBE EHDt        6.7                  HTS            I&2    610 f{L 24    41    3.18    144      32  HTS              1.3      WAS CPR    &#xb9;I  TSP    H    7  740 fll 31    43    0.64    153      22  HTS            16 '                  HTS              28    610 HL 27    45    4.07    155 ,20      HTS        +    1.6            WAS  gl  TSP H        8  740 HL 25    50    2.56    153      26  HTS              3'              WAS  gl  TSP fl        9  740 HL 23    51    1.03    150 21        HTS              6.9            WAS  gl  TSP H      10    740 HL 26    51    1.64    140 31        HTS              0.9            WAS  gl  TSP H      10    740 HL 25    53    0.96    153      26  HTS        +      4.1            WAS  gl  TSP f{      10    740 HL 23    56    1.19    154      27  TUBE ENDt        F 6                  HTS            1&2    610 HL 30    56    2.06    150 21        HTS        +      2.2            WAS  &#xb9;1 TSP      H    10    740 f{L 19    62    2.51    149 30        HTS        +      1.5      CPR WAS    gl  TSP H      10    740 HL 22 20 62 62 4.13 2.90 161 158 22 20  HTS HTS 1.5 1 ~ 6 WAS WAS gl gl TSP H TSP H ll 11 740 740 HL HL 20    62    2.87    153      26  HTS              I  5    CPR WAS    gl    TSP H      10    740 HL 30    62    2.21    150 22        HTS              0.9            WAS gl    TSP H      11    740 f{L 20 24 63 64 2.88 4.59 147 155 20 27  HTS HTS        +
2.5 2.5 WAS WAS gl gl TSP H TSP H ll 11 720 720 HL f{L 26 24 64 65 3.54 2.93 149 155 20 25
                                                    +      1.8 2.2 WAS WAS gl gl TSP H TSP H ll ll    720 720 HL HL EHD OF DATA
RG&E EDDY CURRENT INSPECTION REPORT        Friday February  28, )986          12;21 PN                PAGE I PLANT :        RG&E  GINNA                                            STEAH GENERATOR : B OUTAGE :      RG&E 1986 SGB                                            IHSPECTED FROM : HOT LEG REPORT      : TUBES REQUIRIHG CORRECTIVE ACTIOH ABW    Anti-Vibration        Bar Wear                          BLG    - Bulge CHT  - Chatter                                                  CPR    - Copper
          -              Support Plate                                      - Dent
          - Cracked CKS                                                              DHT DNG      Ding                                                  DRT    - Distorted Roll T'ransition DTS  - Distorted Tube Sheet                                    DSP    - Distorted Tube Support Plate FRT  - Fretting                                                INC - Incomplete Test IGA    Intergranular Attack                                    SCC - Stress Corrosion Crack
MGV  - Hachining Groove                                        HAG - Maqnetite NDD  - No Detectable Defects                                    HSY - Horsy Tube OBS    Obstructed                                              PPG - Permanent          Plug PRM  - Permeability                                            PIT - Pitting
          -              Plug                                        SLV - Sleeved RPG SLG  - Removed Sludge                                                SQR - Squirrel TPG  - Template Plug                                            TBR - To Be Rerun UBC  - U-Bend Crack                                            UDS - Undefined Signal
          -                                                          WAS - Wastage WTH 1&2  - Wall Thinning B&W  Sleeve Tapes ACT ROW COL VOLTS DEG IHD CH                ELEV    INCHES      COHHEHTS      EXTENT        REEL    ID PLG      3    4  0.96 102      62      HTS            17.5            SCC  gl  TSP H          740 HL 3    4  1.00 67      83  H  HTS            18. 0          SCC  gl  TSP H          740 HL PLG      2    6  3.54 70      56  M 2 HTS            17.3            SCC  gl  TSP    H    1 740 HL PLG    11    6  0.52 45      97    1 HTS            16.7            SCC  gl  TSP    )I    1 740 f)L PLG      9    9  0.58 60      84    1 HTS            10.3            SCC  &#xb9;1  TSP    fl    1 740 HL PLG    18    10  4.09 . 60    59  M 2 HTS            16.9            SCC  gl  TSP    H    1 740 )IL PLG      8    11  0.05 31      UDS      HTS            19.1    PDRT SCC    gl  TSP    H    2 740 HL SLV      7  13'.72        97  65  H 1 HTS            17.3                gl  TSP    H    2 740 IIL SLV      8    15  1.31    57  72  M 2 HTS              7.1                gl  TSP    H    2 740 HL PLG    29    15  0.01    23  71  H 2 HTS            19.2    PDRT SCC    gl  TSP    f)    2 740 HL, SLV    16    17  2.36 052 78      M 2 HTS            15.3                &#xb9;I    TSP    fl    2 740 HI SLV    10    19  0.69 157 '19        1 HTS            17.5            SCC gl    TSP    H    8 740 )IL PLG    30    21  1.14 60 80          1 HTS            17.3            SCC gl    TSP    H    8 740 HL SLV      9    23  0.93 92      SQR  H  HTS            16.0                gl  TSP    H      740 HL 9    23  1.58 00      27  M  HTS            14.1                gl    TSP    H      740 HL PLG    32    23  3.06 22      64M2    HTS            16,2            IGA gl    TSP    H    8 740 ))L SLV    23    24  0.42 135      42    1 HTS              2'            WAS g6 TSP      H    9 740 )IL PLG      2    27  0.36 43      UDS  M 2 HTS            10.5    PNDD IGA &#xb9;6 TSP          H    4 740 )IL SLV    22    29  2,34 163      49    1 HTS              1.4  P 10%WAS g6 TSP          H    4 740 ))L SLV    29    33  0.40 99      69    I HTS            18.5      CPR SCC  &#xb9;6    TSP    H    5 740 HL SLV    19    34  1.02 93      72    1 HTS              0.3    RPG SLV g4 TSP C            27 720 HL SLV    29    34  1.26 72      83    1 HTS            18.2      SCC CPR g6 TSP H            6 740 HL PLG    38    36  0.95 33      UDS    I HTS            18.1            IGA &#xb9;6    TSP H        6 740 f)L SLV      5    37  0.50 60      UDS    1 HTS            10.4            IGA &#xb9;6    TSP H        7 740 HL SLV      6    37  0.91 60      05    1 HTS            17.9            SCC g6 TSP H          7 740 HL PLG    35    37  4.03 47      04M2    HTS            10.4      SCC CPR g6 TSP H            6 740 HL PLG    35    38  1.37 160    SQR    1 HTS            18.3            SCC g6 TSP H          7 740 HL PLG    36    30                UDS      HTS            17.0            IGA &#xb9;6    TSP    H      740 )IL 36    38  0.79    56  92      HTS            19.2            SCC g6 TSP      ff      740 HL PLG SLV 38 31 38 39 2
                        '2    05 47, UDS UDS HTS HTS 18.9 17.2 DRT g6 TSP H IGA g6 TSP      H 7
7 740 740 f)L HL PLG    42    39  3.70    63  UDS  M  HTS            16.0            IGA g6 TSP      H    7 740 HL SLV    19    42  5.62 63      UDS  M  fITS              7.9          IGA gl TSP      H    7 740 HL SLV    21    42  1.50 86      77      HTS              9.9    RPG  SLV g6 TSP      C    27 720 III PLG      1  43  0.63 115      56      HTS            16.6      SCC CPR  gl    TSP H        7 740 HL SLV    23    46  0.59 113      55      )ITS            10.2            SCC gl    TSP H        8 740 HL SLV    27    47  2.12 56      73  M  HTS            10.0            SCC gl    TSP H        9 740 HL SLV      9    48  0.41 86      77      HTS            17.3            SCC g) TSP fl          9 740 HL SLV    11    49  0.30 52      91  M  HTS            16.7            SCC &#xb9;I    TSP H        9 740 HL SLV    21    49  0.43 75      76  H  HTS              0.2          SCC &#xb9;1 TSP fl          9 740 HL SLV    26    49  0.23 55      09  M  HTS            18.2            SCC gl TSP H          9 740 HL SLV    31    49  2.56    15 SQR  H  )ITS            10.6            SCC gl TSP fl          9 740 HL SLV    32    49  0.40    60  90      HTS            17.1            SCC &#xb9;1 TSP H          9 740 HL
RGKE EDDY CURREEIT IRSPECTIOR REPORT  "'riday Eebruary  28, 1986        12:21 Plf                  PAGE 2
PLANT        :    RG&E  "  GINNA                                    STEAM GENERATOR          B r OUTAGE :    III RG&E  1986  SGB                                  INSPECTED FROM        :  HOT LEG REPORT      : TUBES REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION ACT ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND 'CH              ELEV INCHES      COMMENTS    EXTENT        REEL PS    ID SlaV      7    50  0. 73  53 90    M I HTS        17.4            SCC gf TSP      H      9 740 HL SLV    31      52  0.96    70 05      1 HTS        16.3            SCC 81 TSP      H    10 740 Hf.
PLG        1    53  2.07    30 SQR  M 1 HTS        17.5      CHT SCC gl TSP        H    11  720 Hla SLV    21      55  1.32    74 03      1 HTS          5.6    RPG SLV g6 TSP        C    27  720 HL SLV    24      50  0.58    50 91      1 HTS        13.8            SCC Pf TSP      H    10  740 EIL PLG    30      50  3.23    51  79  M 2 HTS        16.9            SCC Elf TSP    H    10  740 HL PLG    38      59  1.00   08 75      1 HTS        10.0           SCC fff TSP    H    10  740 HL PLG    38      60  0.95    77 01      1 HTS        17,4            SCC Sf TSP      H    10  740 HL'l SLV        8    69  1.03    00 61      1 HTS        17.7            SCC 4'I TSP    H    11  720 SLV PLG    30 9    70 71 0.70 1.90 72 75 77  79 M
M 1 HTS 1 HTS 14.6 17.6 SCC gl TSP CPR SCC Pf TSP H
H ll 12 720 720 HL HI.
PLG    21      76  1.04    58, 90    I HTS        17.4            SCC gf TSP      H    12  720 Ella PLG    22      76  1.15    92 70      1 HTS        17 3~          SCC gf TSP      El ~ 12  720 Ill.
SLV        3    70  1.76    72 02      1 HTS        17.6            SCC gf TSP      H    12  720 HL PLG        2    80  6.69    38 89    M 2 HTS        17.9            SCC gf TSP      H    12  720 HL PLG    19      80  0.61    56 91      1 HTS        16.7            SCC gf TSP      H    12  720 HL PLG    20      80  0.75    42  94  M 1 HTS        16.0            SCC gf TSP      H    12  720 EEL END OF DATA
STEAM GENERATOR                          "B" TUBES RECEIVING CORRECTIVE ACTION  FEBRUARY 1986 PLANT:      GINNA                                                                          GENERATOR:              B                            TOTAL TUBES:            3260 S ~ CE  27'ELOED      SLEEVE                                                        P ~ CE KECNANICAL PLUG
                                                                                    ~ ~ P                  ~ ~
                                                                    ~ ~                        ~  ~
                                              ~ ~                                                                                    ~  ~
P ~ P .                                    . ~ PP
                                          ~ ~  ~                    ~ ~  ~          P ~
                                                                                                                                                          ~    ~
                                                                                              ~ ~  ~                ~ ~  ~                      ~    0    ~  ~ ~
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I            I            I          I      '              I                            I                            I    I          I  I nCII          Cl CII Rl CII                                CCI II CCI                          CCI ICI CO O CII NOZZLE        INLET (Hot Leg)    - Primary      Face                                          COLUNNS                                                                            HANKAY
OBSERVATIONS The results of the examination indicates that intergranular attack and stress corrosion cracking is still active within the tubesheet cr evice regions on the inlet side of each steam generator.- The IGA/SCC, is primarily located in the "B" steam generator with 52 total indications detected, only 5 indications were detected in the "A" steam generator.
Table III shows the steam generator IGA history.
Not                                        A-S/G    B-S/G'OTAL Sizeable    0-25%  26"50%  51-75%    76-100% TOTAL March 1979              0,                                          (0)
December 1979                                                        (0)
April 1980              19,        1                                (0)        31 November 1980                                                        (0)
April 1981                                                            (0)        14 February 1982                                                        (0)        13 October 1982            27                          7(1)    16                  59 April 1983              11(3)      3(1)    15                15      (4)        51 March 1984              5,        0        0(1)
March 1985              23                          9(1)    27(1)  (2) 3(2)      9(Z)    1      14(1)    25      (5)        52 Totals                91(5)    Z6(3)    40(l)    64(3)    92(1)  (13)      313 TABLE III
The  cause  of the inlet tubesheet crevice corrosion indication is intergranular attack and stress corrosion cracking of the mil-annealed Inconel 600. This form of corrosion is the result of the tubesheet crevices having an alkaline environment. This crevice environment has developed over the years as deposits and active species like sodium and phosphate, have reacted, changing a neutral or inhibited crevice into the aggressive environment that presently exist.
A large volume, typically <<20% TWD (Through Wall Dimension) wastage type condition exists just above the tubesheet secondary face. A sm'all percentage of the tubes, generally toward the center of the bundle, have this condition. Several of these tubes did have penetrations >ZOYo TPD and Z tubes in the "B" steam generator and 1 tube in the "A" steam generator had a potential >40% TWD as interpreted from the signal.
Therefore these three tubes were sleeved. These tubes were affected by the original water chemistry conditions when phosphate was used as a buffering medium and'have not seen further degradation since 1975.
Small indications of pr obable copper deposits were also found in the tubesheet crevice region randomly located throughout each steam generator. Based on studies performed with copper plated on Inconel tubing and the phase relationships of these signal responses at the different inspection frequencies the indications can be attributed to copper deposits and not a defect condition.
A more extensive    condition noted in the steam generators, primarily on the inlet side, is the minor denting at the tubesheet secondary face..
Denting was also detected at the 1st, 2nd and 6th tube support plates randomly throughout the generator and in most cases was of greater magnitude in size. No tubes were found which obstructed the passage of a 0.7ZO" O.D. probe. In general, minor distortions of most of the tube support plate signals were seen. The denting phenomenon and minor distortions at the tubesheet and support plates can be attributed to
secondary side corrosion product build-up in the annular region between the tube O.D. and the carbon steel support member. Comparisons with previous data does not indicate any change in the extent or magnitude of denting from what has been detected by previous inspections.
Several indications were detected in the cold legs of the "A" 5 "B" steam generators in'nd around tube R23-C46. A review of previous years data revealed these indications to be present. They appear as a shallow ID indication <20% which were confirmed visually to be an expansion of diameter within the tubesheet. This was caused by a cam-loclc expansion device which was used in earlier years to suspend lead blankets from the tubesheet primary face.
In summary, the "A" Steam Generator had five (5) tubes that were found to have tubesheet crevice indications and one (I) tube had an area of previously detected wastage that exceeded the repair limit in the inlet.
The "B" Steam Generator had fifty-two (52) tubesheet crevice indications and two (Z) tubes had areas of previously detected wastage that exceeded the repair limit in the inlet.
One tube in the "A" Steam Generator had two (Z) indications at the    third and fourth anti-vibration bar intersections. These indications were greater than Z0% but less than the repair limit. This tube will be re-examined at the next inspection to determine if there is an active fretting wear damage mechanism going on. In light of the fact that only this tube is exhibiting these indications, it is unlikely that fretting should be of a  great concern.
CORRECTIVE ACTION Table IV has been generated to identify the tubes with crevice indications or with indications which exceed the repair criteria. This table also shows the location and axial extent of the indication and what corrective action was taken on these tubes. Other than crevice indications, only three tubes exceeded the repair criteria. One 46% TWD indication was found 1.8" above the secondary side face of the hot leg tubesheet of the "A" steam generator tube R19-C50. A 42% TWD indication was found Z.3" above the secondary side face of the hot leg tubesheet, along with a 49% TWD indication was found 1.4" above the secondary side face of the hot leg tube sheet of the "B" steam generator, tubes R23-CZ4 and R22-CZ9, respectively.      Three CE mechanical plugs which were installed in B-S/G in 1985 were pulled and inspected full length with the following results: R19-C34 revealed a 72% TWD - 8.3" from the top of the secondary side tubesheet face, R21-C42 revealed a'7% TWD
- 9.9" from the top of the secondary side tubesheet face, R21-C55 revealed an 83% TWD - 5.6" from the top of the secondary side tube sheet. All six of the above-mentioned tubes were sleeved "with Combustion Engineering 27" Sleeves and will remain in service.
Table V has been generated to maintain a complete history of total tubes inspected total defects detected, and number of tubes requiring repair.
TABLE  4 1986 CORRECTIVE ACTIOtlS "A" S G  INLET ROW      COL                    LOCATION    CORRECTIVE ACTION 22      20      UDS  (IGA)  HTS -    17.2      CE SLEEVE 21      21        72        HTS -    18.9      CE SLEEVE 20      22      UDS  ( IGA) HTS    14.9      CE SLEEVE 11      37        13        HTS    16.5      CE SLEEVE 19      50        46        HTS +    1.8      CE SLEEVE 7      78-        8 (SCC) HTS -    17.9      CE SLEEVE "B" S G  INLET ROW      COL      1986%          LOCATION    CORRECTIVE ACTION 3                62        HTS "    17.5      CE MECH PLUG 3                83        HTS    18.0 2        6      56        HTS    17.3      CE tlECH PLUG 11        6      97        HTS -    16.7      CE MECH PLUG 9        9      84        IITS -  16.3      CE MECH PLUG 18      10        59        HTS    16.9      CE MECH PLUG 6      11      UDS  ( SCC) HTS -    19.1      CE MECH PLUG 7      13        65        HTS -    17.3      CE SLEEVE 6      15        72        HTS -    7.1      CE SLEEVE 29      15        71        HTS  19 '        CE MECH PLUG 16      17        78        HTS  15.3        CE SLEEVE 18      19        19 (SCC) HTS - 17.5          CE SLEEVE 30      21        88        HTS " 17.3        CE MECH PLUG 23      SQR        HTS -    16.0      CE SLEEVE 23        27        HTS    14.1 32      23        64        HTS  16.2        CE MECH PLUG 23      24        42        HTS +, 2.3        CE SLEEVE KEY HTS            HOT LEG TUBESHEET SECONDARY FACE CE MECH PLUG,  COMBUSTION ENGINEERING MECHANICAL PLUG (REMOVABLE)
TABLE    CON'T 1986 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS G  INLET RON      COL  1986%          LOCATION    CORRECTIVE ACTIOtt 2      27    UDS  (IGA) HTS    18.5        CE  MECH PLUG 22'9    29    49        HTS    1.4        CE  SLEEVE 33    69        HTS    18.5        CE  SLEEVE 19      34    72        HTS    8.3        CE  SLEEVE 29      34    83        HTS    18.2       CE  SLEEVE 38      36    UDS  (IGA) HTS    18.1        CE  MECH PLUG 37          (IGA)        18.4        CE  SLEEVE 5
6    '7    UDS 85 EITS HTS    17.9        CE  SLEEVE 35      37    84        HTS    18.4        CE  tkECH PLUG 35      38    SQR        HTS    18.3       CE  MECH PLUG 36      38    UDS (  IGA) HTS    17.0        CE MECH PLUG 36      38    92        HTS    19.2 38      38    UDS (DRT)   HTS    18.9        CE  MECH PLUG 31      39    UDS (IGA)   HTS    17.2        CE  SLEEVE 42      39    UDS ( IGA) HTS    16.0        CE  IIECH PLUG 19      42    UDS (IGA)  HTS    7.9        CE  SLEEVE 21      42    77        HTS    9.9        CE  SLEEVE 1    43    56        HTS    16.6        CE  MECH PLUG 23      46    55        HTS    18.2        CE  SLEEVE 27      47    73        HTS    18.0        CE  SLEEVE 9      48    77        HTS    17.3        CE  SLEEVE ll      49    91        IITS  16.7        CE  SLEEVE 21      49    76        HTS    8.2        CE  SLEEVE 26      49    89        HTS    18.2        CE  SLEEVE 31      49    SQR        HTS    18.6        CE  SLEEVE 32      49    90        HTS    17.1        CE  SLEEVE 7      50    90        HTS    17.4        CE  SLEEVE 31      52    85        EITS  16.3        CE  SLEEVE 1      53    SQR        HTS    17,5        CE  MECH PI UG'E 21      55    83        HTS    5.6            SLEEVE 24      58    91        HTS    13.8        CE  SLEEVE 38      58    79        HTS    16.9        CE  MECH PLUG 38      59    75        HTS    18.0        CE  MECH PLUG 38      60    81        HTS    17.4        CE  tlECH PLUG 8      69    61        HTS    17.7        CE,SLEEVE 9      70    75        HTS    14.6        CE  SLEEVE 30      71    79        HTS    17.6        CE  MECH PLUG 21      76    90        HTS    17.4        CE  MECH PLUG 22      76'8  70        HTS    17.3        CE  tlECH PLUG 3            82        HTS    17.6        CE  SLEEVE 2      80    89        HTS    17.9        CE tlECH PLUG 19      80    91        HTS    16.7        CE tlECH PLUG 20      80    94        HTS    16,8        CE tlECH PLUG
A        B                                        A    B      A        8  A    B    A    8 Hot  Cold  Hot    Cold IN  FACTORY                                                                                      I          I APRIL 1972  1050                                                  0                            0      0    0    0 MARCH 1974  3259  515  1098    516                  19        0        WASTAGE            IQ      0    19    0 NOV. 1974 MARCH 1975 JAN. 1976 1701 2174 430 442 672 1931 53 39 442  0 F 005 A S/0 0.091  B S/0 11 0
0 0
ll 2
                                                                                                          '6  2 0
0 11 2
FEB. 1976    3192 3192    3247 3247                                2        WASTAGE            39      2    39    2 APRIL 1975    100        1025      75  0.099  B S/0            15        CRACKING              0    15    0  15 APRIL 1977  2003  268  1525 258                      13        I        WASTAGE            13      I    13    I JULY 1977                  300        0.0'12 B 8/0              5    IO CRACKING                                5 JAN, 1978                              o.oeo  B s/0              8    CRACKING)/WASTAGE                          8 APRIL 1978  2049  325  1714    375                        . 15    ID CRACKING              I    15      I  15 FEB. 1979    2049  325  1714    375                            5    CRACKING/WASTAGE                          6 2-IGA OEC. 1979                            0.007  B S/0            13      11-IGA. 2-WASTAGE            13        I3 APRIL 1980    3139  325  3 'I 82  375                          31    "A" PITTING/                  13      I  31    --      -- --     3   --   (I)
E "B" IGA NOV, 1980    3138 325    3151 375                                3        IGA                                                                      (2)
MAY 1981      3138 325    3141    400                          15    IGA, WASTAGE                                            16          3        (3)
FEB. 1982    3137 525    3,1 40  525      700 B S/G            15    IGA, MECH. OAM                Ie                                            l4)
SEP. 1982    3138 382    3129 893                              32        'GA                        28      I 33 APRIL 1983    3137 633    3096 832                              78      IGA. SCC                      23                        74                  Ie)
MARCH 1984  ,3137 717    3093 953                                10    IGA. SCC                                                  9 MARCH =1985  3135 3135  3087 3087                              e7      IGA. SCC. WASTAGE            70                  2    57                  Ie)
FEB. 1985    3134 .523  3083 770                              54      IGA. SCC. WASTAGE        2,  49        27      5    '30                  (7)
TOTALS                                    137    384                          'I 28  290  126  201    12  201      4 PERCENTAGES                              4~2    11.7                          3.9    8.8  3~8    6~ I    3  6~ ~ I ~ 3 SEE NOTE 7
STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION HISTORY COMMENTS (1) Pulled R15 C55 and R17 C41 from the hot leg and R17 C40 from the cold.
leg to determine IGA conditions in the "B" steam generator. R17 C41 and ECT indications at all'frequencies, R15 C44 had just 100 kHz Absolute ECT indication and R17 C40 had no ECT indication. Both hot leg tubes has approximately 50% IGA, R17 C41 had a 60% SCC indication associated with the IGA.
(2) Manually sleeved five (5) tubes with nickel plated - Inconel 600 thermally treated sleeves.       Three tubes had IGA indications, two others were preventatively sleeved.
(3) Sleeved  16    tubes  with co-extruded sleeves, 13 with defects with 3, preventatively. Pulled R21 C46 with a 100 kHz ECT indication, R7 C45 and R28 C45 which were clean. All tubes pulled were from the hot leg.
(4) Recovery from the January 25, 1982 Tube Rupture Event included removing Z6 tube sections by EDM and ID Cutters along with the one tube pulled from the secondary side.
(5) The four tubes identified with IGA in the "A" steam generator were sleeved with 22" tubesheet sleeves. The 78 tubes identified in the "B" steam generator with IGA and/or SCC in the crevice were repaired as follows:
41 tubes were sleeved with 36" brazed sleeves tubes were sleeved with 28" brazed sleeves Z4 tubes were sleeved with 22" tubesheet sleeves 1 tube and 2 sleeves were plugged 1 tube R34 C54 was pulled for metallurgical analysis.
STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION HISTORY COMMENTS (6)   The two tubes identified with IGA in the crevice in the "A" steam generator I
inlet were sleeved with ZO" tubesheet sleeves. One indication )409o TWD, in the U-bend was permanently plugged. The 70 tubes identified in the "B" steam generator were repaired as follows:
56 tubes were sleeved  with 20" tubesheet sleeves 10 tubes were sleeved with 36" brazed sleeves 3 tubes were mechanically plugged (CE removeable) 1 tube was explosively plugged 1 tube was sleeved with a 36" brazed sleeve due to the domino effect.
(7) 'he    five tubes identified with crevice indications in the "A" steam generator inlet were sleeved with Z7" Combustion Engineering Sleeves (CE). One tube identified with general O.D. indication above the secondary side tubesheet was also sleeved with a CE 27" sleeve. The 57 tubes identified in the "B" steam generator were repaired as follows:
27 tubes were sleeved  with CE Z7" Sleeves Z7  tubes were mechanically plugged (CE removable) 3  CE Mechanical Plugs installed in 1985 were removed
                        'and sleeved with 27" sleeves The present    sleeve installation status is 83 brazed sleeves, 88 tube sheet sleeves, 30 welded CE sleeves in the "B" steam generator with 6 tubesheet sleeves and 6 welded CE sleeves in the "A" steam generator.

Latest revision as of 08:46, 29 February 2020

1986 Steam Generator Eddy Current Exam Summary Rept.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1986
From: Curtis A, Henry G, Snell T
Shared Package
ML17251A616 List:
NUDOCS 8603270184
Download: ML17251A617 (40)





G.L. Henry, NDH Technician, Materials Engineering Level II HT PRHPARHD BY:

T.F. S ell ND Tec nician, Materials Engineering



A.H. Cur tis III, Manager, Materials Engineering Level III Examiner pgp ADOCH, 05000g24~4 8






INTRODUCTION The following report is a summary of the results of the multifrequency eddy current examination performed during the February 1986 Annual Refueling and Maintenance Outage at the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Station. The examination was performed on both the "A" and "B" recirculating steam generators which are Westinghouse Series-44 design, containing 3260 Inconel tubes having a nominal 0.875" O.D. by 0.050" wall thickness.

The examination was performed by Rochester Gas 8e Electric (RGRE) personnel that have been trained and qualified in the eddy current method to at least a Level I certification. Other personnel support during data acquisition was provided by Westinghouse Electric Corporation and the Babcock 8z Wilcox Company (BhW). The initial data analysis review was performed by a team of ZETEC personnel. An independent data analysis review was performed by RGhE and B&W personnel subsequent to the Zetec analysis. The data analysis was performed, by both teams, utilizing the Zetec DDA-4 Digital Data Analysis System. In addition, Westinghouse Electric Corporation's Intelligent Eddy Current Data Analysis System (IEDA) was utilized as a third review of the data as part of an RG8cE Research and Development Project. Final resolutions of all data analysis performed by RGfkE Level II and III personnel.

The purpose of the eddy current examination was to assess any corrosion or mechanical damage that may have occurred during the operation cycle since April 1985. Particular attention was given to detecting intergranular attack (IGA) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the tubesheet crevice region; pitting and wastage between the tubesheet and first tube support plate; denting and wear fretting at the antivibration bar to tube intersections in the U-bend region.

DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM The eddy current examination of the "A" 11 5 "B" steam generators was performed utilizing the Zetec MIZ-18 Digital Data Acquisition System.

The frequencies selected were 400, 200, 100 and 15kHz, all of which were run in the differential and absolute modes. The examination was performed primarily with a standard 0.740" 0.720" O.D. bobbin coil with smaller diameter probes used to traverse the smaller radius U-bends.

Prior to the examination of the steam generators, a prograni was established for each leg (inlet and outlet) of both the'A" and "B" stean>

generator. The philosophy in generating this program is to provide 100%%uo examination of each steam generator up to the first tube support plate along with one fifth of the tubes being selected for a full length inspection.

This will provide 100% inspection of all tubes every five years. Table I is a breakdown, by steam generator, of all tubes examined and to the extent tested.



¹2 TSP H 248 7.6%

g3 TSP H 24 0.7%

g4 TSP H 6 0.2%

g5 TSP H 0 0,0%

¹6 TSP H 0.1%




¹1 TSP C 0.0%

g2 TSP C 0.0%

¹3 TSP C 0,0%

g4 TSP C 0 '%

g5 TSP C 0.0%

g6 TSP C 0.3%

U-BEND 0.0%

g6 TSP H 2 0. 1%

g5 TSP H 0 0 '%

¹4 TSP H 0. 0.0%

¹3 TSP H 0 0.0%

¹2 TSP H 0 0.0%

¹1 TSP H 0 0.0%

HTS 0 0 '%




g2 TSP H 14 0.4%

g3 TSP H 1 <0.1%

g4 TSP H 0 0.0%

g5 TSP H 1 <0.1%

g6 TSP H 59 1.8%

SLEEVED TUBES 171 100.0%



g2 TSP C 0 0,0%

g3 TSP C 0 0.0%

g4 TSP C 0 0.0%

g5 TSP C 0 0.0%

g6 TSP C 63 1,9%

U-BEt)D 0 0.0%

g6 TSP H 0,1%

g5 TSP H 0,0%

g4 TSP H 0.0%

P3 TSP H 0.0%

f2 TSP H 0.0%

Pl TSP H 0 '%

HTS 0.0%

SLEEVE END 159 93.0%




The initial and independent review data analysis was performed using the Zetec DDA-4 Digital Data Analysis System. Edition 18.1 of th'e ~

data analysis software was used to analyze data from the MIZ-18 digital data acquisition system. This system provides on-line data digitization and storage on to a magnetic data cartridge. All digital data (up to 8 channels) is sent directly to the HP-9836 computer from the data cartridge recorder. The tube number identification is encoded on the data cartridge.

A message block is available should any comments be desired during da'ta acquisition.

I All data cartridges were reviewed by displaying the 400 kHz data on the CRT along with the vertical component of the differential and absolute mix outputs in strip chart form. Other frequencies and their components were selected as needed for final resolution. All recordable indications were logged into the computer and stored on floppy disk.. The final report form summarizing all crevice and >20%%uo TWD indications for each steam generator (inlet and outlet) can be found in this section. An explanation of the abbreviations and nomenclature used on these lists has been compiled for ease of interpretation.

Table II has been compiled to show a list of the total number of dents at each axial elevation and a breakdown of defects by percent TWD.

The dent indications on this table are only those with signal amplitude of 5 volts and greater, which would approximate about a 0.025" dent on the diameter of the tube.


HTS"MID 9 CTS-tlID 0 HTS 242 CTS 3 HTS"1H 6 CTS"1C 3 1H 230 1C 6 1H-2H 1C-2C 0 2H 17 2C 5 2H"3H 0 2C-3C 1 3H 0 3C 1 3H-4H 0 3C-4C 0 4H 1 4C 3 4H-5H 0 4C-5C 0 5H 10 5C 1 5H-6H 2 5C-6C 1 6H 117 6C 7

>6H 1 >6C 0 AVB1 0 AVB4" 0

>AVB1 0 >AVB4 0 AVB2 0 AVB3 0


0-19% 416 0"19% 124 20-29% 145 20-29% 12 30-39% 16 30"39% 1 40-49% 1 40-49% 0 50 59% 0 50-59% 0 60-69% 0 60-69% 0 70-79% 1 70-79% 0 00-09'%0-100%

0 80-09% 0 0 90-100% 0 TOTAL DEFECTS - 579 TOTAL DEFECTS " 137 TABLE 2


HTS-tlID 6 CTS-ttID 0 HTS 303 CTS 61 ftTS-1H 7 CTS-1C 0 1H 21 1C 4 1H-2H 1 1C-2C 0 2H 0 2C 0 2tt-3H 0 2C-3C 0 3H 0 3C 1 ~

3H-4H 0 3C-4C 0 4H 0 4C 1 4H-5H 0 4C-5C'C 0 5H 1 1 5H-6)t 0 5C-6C 0 6H 36 6C 10

>6H 0 >6C 62 AVBl 0 AVB4 1

>AVB1 0 >AVB4 0 AVB2 0 AVB3 0


0-19% 265 0-19% 75 20-29% 32 20-29% 1' 30"39% 7 30-39%

40-49% 2 40-49% 0 50-59% 50 59% 0 60-69% 5 60-69% 0 70-79% 13 70-79% 0 00-09% 12 00-89% 0 90-100% 9 90-100% 0 S R 4 TOTAI DEFECTS " 353 TOTAL DEFECTS " 70 T~ABLE 2 ~COtl'T

LIST OF > 20% INDICATION AND CREVICE INDICATION NOMENCLATURE To of List Information SG- Steam Generator and Leg (ie: 1 = A, 2 = B and 1 = Inlet, 2 = Outlet)

ROW - ROW number from the tube identification.

COL - Column number from the tube identification.

VOLTS P-P amplitude of the measured indication signal response.

% Percent through wall from O.D. based on measured signal.

CH@ Channel from which indication was determined.

LOCATION Location of indication relative to tubesheet or support plate.

INDEX - Location of tube data on data disk.

Information Under  %


<20 - Measurable indication less than 20% through wall (IGA-SCC).

>40 Absolute indication measured from absolute mix where depth determination could not be accurately performed (IGA only).

SQR Multiple indications interferring with a depth determination (IGA-SCC).

I ~

DS Distorted roll transition indication that cannot be confirmed or measured.

XX - The measure percent through wall of the deepest penetration (SCC) within an IGA patch or area.

TWD Through Wall Dimension Information Under CHP 1 - Indication determined and measured with 400 kHz differential for final interpretation.

M2- Indication determined with absolute mix, depth cannot be accurately determined, but based upon amplitude is felt to be above 40% IGA.


Information Under LOCATION HTS Secondary face of inlet tubesheet.

TSP Tube Support Plate CTS Secondary face of outlet tubesheet.

-XX.X - Depth below the secondary face of the tubesheet or support plates where the indication is located.

+XX.X Height above the secondary face of the tubesheet or support plates where the indication is located.


REPORT  : TUBES WITH It)DICATIOHS 20'4 OR GREATER ABW Anti-Vibration Bar Wear BLG Bulge CHT Chatter CPR Copper

" Dent CKS Cracked Support Plate DHT DHG Ding DRT Distorted Roll Transition DTS Distorted Tube Sheet DSP Distorted Tube Support Plate FRT Fretting IHC Incomplete Test IGA Intergranular Attack SCC Stress Corrosion Crack t)GV Hachining Groove t)AG tlagnetite NDD No Detectable Defects HSY Noisy Tube OBS Obstructed FPG Permanent Plug PRH Permeability PIT Pitting RPG Removed Plug SLV Sleeved SLG Sludge SQR Squirrel TPG Template Plug TBR To Be Rerun UBC U"Bend Crack UDS Undefined Signal WTH Mall Thinning WAS Wastage 1&2 B&W Sleeve Tapes ROW COL VOLTS DEG IHD CH ELEV IHCHES COIIHEHTS EXTENT PS ID 7 20 1.54 150 23 1 HTS 2.5 ¹I TSP H 2 740 Hl 7 20 2.14 162 20 1 HTS 1.9 ¹1 TSP fl 2 740 )IL 8 20 1.52 161 20 1 HTS 2,2 ¹I TSP H 2 740 I)L 8 20 1.43 162 20 1 HTS 1.8 ¹I TSP H 2 740 )) I 8 21 2.47 158 23 1 HTS 1.9 ¹I TSP ll 2 740 HL 9 21 2.81 150 29 1 HTS 2 ' ¹1 TSP H 2 740 HL 10 21 1.01 159 22 1 HTS 2.0 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 HL 11 21 4.15 151 29 1 HTS 2.0 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 HL 13 21 2.66 158 23 1 HTS 2.5 ¹1 TSP H 2 '740 HL 14 21 2.16 159 22 1 HTS 1.7 ¹I TSP H 2 740 flL 15 21 3.98 149 30 1 HTS 1.6 ¹I TSP H 2 740 IIL flL 1G 21 2.91 153 27 1 HTS 1.1 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 17 21 1.93 149 30 1 HTS 1.2 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 ifL 10 22 2.15 162 20 1 HTS 3.1 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 HL 11 22 2.77 157 24 1 HTS 2.5 ¹I TSP H 2 740 HL 12 22 2.08 157 24 1 HTS 1.0 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 Hl.

14 22 3.59 159 22 1 fKS 2.0 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 Hl 15 22 3.30 157 24 1 HTS 2.0 ¹I TSP H 2 740 HL 18 22 3.28 155 25 1 HTS 1.2 ¹I TSP Il 2 740 )IL 19 22 1 52 158 23 1 HTS 0.9 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 Hl(

12 23 4.70 158 23 1 HTS 2.8 ¹I TSP'H 2 740 HL 12 23 2.70 158 23 1 HTS 2.1 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 flL 13 23 8.83 150 29 1 HTS 3.2 ¹I TSP H 2 740 HL 14 23 4.43 156 25 1 HTS 3.0 ¹1 TSP H 2 740 HL 21 23 2.56 156 25 1 HTS 1.5 ¹I TSP H 2 740 HL 21 23 1 83

~ 15G 25 1 HTS 0.9 ¹I TSP H 2 740 HL 10 24 1.84 162 20 1 HTS 1.9 ¹G TSP H 2 740 HL 11 24 2.16 159 22 1 HTS 2.8 ¹G TSP H 2 740 HL 12 24 4.10 161 20 1 HTS 2;8 ¹6 TSP H 2 740 Hlj 13 24 5.23 156 25 1 HTS 2.7 ¹6 TSP H 2 '140 HL 12 25 3.72 157 23 1 HTS 2 4

~ ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 13 25 3.88 146 32 1 HTS 2.3 ¹6 TSP. H 3 740 HL 14 25 7.55 153 26 I HTS 2' ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 17 25 6.86 150 29 1 HTS 2.3 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 17 25 2.82 161 20 1 HTS 2.9 ¹6 TSP H 3 '140 )IL 9 26 3.04 153 26 1 HTS 0.9 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 21 26 3.80 152 27 I HTS 1.9 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 21 26 2.77 159 21 1 HTS 2' ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 23 26 1.27 152 27 I HTS 1.8 ¹G TSP H 3 740 HL 17 27 3.57 154 25 1 HTS 2.9 ¹6 TSP H 3 '740 )IL 17 27 3'53 149 30 1 HTS 2.3 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 10 27 5 47 )45 33 1 HTS 2.7 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 IIL 22 27 5.42 )51 20 1 HTS 1.9 ¹6 TSP )I 3 '1'40 HL 22 27 5.63 )53 26 1 f ITS 2.7 ¹6 TSF H 3 740 HL 24 27 2.10 156 24 1 HTS 1.6 ¹6 TSP El 3 '140 HL 25 27 1.68 155 25 1 HTS 1.2 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL 28 1,.58 160 21 1 HTS 2.1 ¹6 TSP fl 3 740 HL 28 5.)8 )53 26 I HTS 1.7 ¹6 TSP H 3 740 HL


'8 WAS CPR g6 TSP 4 740 IIL 23 30 4.73 153 26 1 HTS 1. WAS CPR g6 TSP H 4 740'L 24 30 3.83 149 30 1 HTS 1.4 WAS CPRA ¹6 TSP fl 4 740 HL 25 30 6.84 155 25 I HTS 1.3 HAS CPR g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 16 31 1.52 161 20 1 HTS 3.7 HAS ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HL.

23 31 4.54 147 31 1 HTS 2.5 WAS ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HI 23 31 6.00 145 33 1 HTS 1.8 HAS ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HL 24 31 4.49 147 31 1 HTS 1.6 HAS ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HL 25 31 5.00 153 26 1 HTS 1.3 HAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 26 31 2.54 161 20 1 HTS 1.1 HAS CPR ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HL 26 31 2.37 157 21 1 CTS 1 ~ 7 HAS g6 TSP H 14 720 CL 20 32 3.35 146 32 1 HTS 2.8 WAS g6. TSP H 4 740 HL 22 32 8.03 149 30 1 HTS 1.8 HAS ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HL 23 32 6.02 148 30 1 HTS 2.5 HAS ¹6 TSP H 4 740 HL 24 32 6.20 154 25 1 HTS 1.6 WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 26 32 3.86 153 26 1 HTS 0.9 WAS CPR g6 TSP f{ 4 740 HL 28 32 1.48 158 20 1 CTS 1.1 HAS g6 TSP fl 14 720 CL 21 33 3.13 156 20 1 HTS 2.0 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 22 33 7.16 152 24 1 HTS 2.4 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 23 33 6.20 150 26 1 HTS 2.2 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 25 33 3.98 157 20 1 HTS 1.7 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 19 34 2.19 143 32 1 HTS 2.1 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 21 34 4.47 151 25 1 HTS 2.2 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 23 34 3.66 153 23 1 HTS 2.6 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 25 34 5'47 155 21 1 HTS 1.7 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 26 34 5.22 154 22 1 HTS 1.2 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 19 35 3.68 151 25 1 HTS 2.2 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 21 35 4.68 155 21 1 HTS 2.2 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 21 35 2.15 157 20 1 HTS 0.9 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 22 35 4.04 153 23 1 HTS 1.6 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL 22 35 2.79 157 20 1 HTS 2.1 g6 TSP H 5 7.40 HL 23 35 4.92 153 23 1 HTS 2.6 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 25 35 4.67 155 21 1 HTS 1.5 g6 TSP H 5 740 HL 26 35 4.27 157. 20 I HTS 1.2 ¹6 TSP H 5 740 IIL 0.0 <

> ¹6 g6 TSP TSP C H H 16 720 CL 6 740 HL 26 39 6.70 156 21 1 HTS 2.0 HAS g6 TSP I{ 6 740 HL 26 39 6.70 156 21 1 HTS 2.0 WAS ¹6 TSP H 6 740 HL 28 43 5.30 159 21 1 HTS 1.9 gl TSP H 7 720 HL 29 44 5.49 158 22 1 HTS 1.3 gl TSP fl 7 720 HL 20 45 5.08 8 20 1 CTS 15.6 ID ¹6 TSP C 18 720 CL 21 45 7.34 10 25 1 CTS 15.6 ID ¹6 TSP C 18 720 CL 29 45 4.62 8 20 1 CTS 1.9 ID <<6 TSP C ,18 ' 720, CL 26 46 4.39 157 23 gl TSP H+ 1.4 gl TSP 720 HL 20 47 4 '3 11 26 1 1 CTS 16.3 ¹6 TSP H H 22 720 CL I RGKE EDDY CURRE))T I)ISPECYIO)j REPORT Eriday Eebruary 28, )986 12:59 P)f PAGE 3 PLANT RG&E - GINNA STEAH GENERATOR A OUTAGE RG&E 1986 SGA INSPECTED FROH BOTH HL&CL REPORT TUBES WITH INDICATIONS 204 OR GREATER ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND CH ELEV INCHES COMMENTS EXTENT REEL PS ID 21 47 10.78 10 25 CTS 15.6 ID TSP 18 720 CL 16 48 1.00 162 20 HTS 2' WAS ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 26 48 5.83 162 20 HTS 1.4 CPR WAS ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HI 28 48 7.31 158 23 HTS 1.0 WAS ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 30 48 4.41 157'62 24 HTS 0.9 WAS ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 31 48 2.65 20 HTS 0.8 WAS ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 20 49 1.80 158 23 HTS 1.6 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 26 49 3.13 160 21 HTS 1.6 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 28 49 5.71 153 27 HTS 0.5 ¹3 TSP H 8 720 HL 28 49 4.80 155 25 HTS 1.4 5'1 ¹3 TSP H 8 720 HL 16 50 2.71 )57 24 HTS ¹2 TSP H 8 720 IIL 23 50 0.43 155 25 HTS 0.7 ¹I TSP H 8 720 f)L 27 50 2.75 161 20 HTS 0.4 ¹1 TSP H 0 720 HL 28 50 2.26 162 20 HTS 1 6 ~ ¹I TSP H 8 720 HL 29 50 1.26 160 21 HTS 0.7 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 29 50 1.15 156 24 HTS 1.1 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 16 51 1.65 153 27 HTS 4.5 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 17 51 2.53 159 22 HTS 0.6 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 27 51 1.72 153 27 HTS 1.9 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 28 51 3,19 161 20 HTS 1.3 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 13 52 3.20 145 33 HTS 1.7 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 15 52 0.47 158 23 HTS 4.1 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 16 52 4.74 158 23 HTS + 5.0 TSP 8 720 HL 16 53 2.66 157 24 HTS 4.8 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 17 53 0.82 158 23 HTS 4.8 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 17 53 0.82 138 38 HTS 3.8 ¹I TSP H 8 720 HL 19 53 0.62 152 28 HTS 1.9 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 29 53 2.11 160 21 HTS 0.9 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 17 54 1.53 158 23 HTS 3.0 ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 17 54 0.83 156 24 HTS 0.7 ¹1'SP fl 8 720 HL 18 54 1.73 152 28 HTS 2' ¹1 TSP H 8 720 HL 16 55 4.19 158 23 HTS 4.0 ¹1 TSP fj 8 720 HL 16 55 1.41 159 22 HTS 3 ' ¹I TSP H 8 720 HI 22 57 7.07 149 26 HTS 1.7 WAS ¹I TSP H 9 720 HL 15 59 4.35 154 21 HTS 2' ¹1 TSP fj 9 720 I)L 15 61 4.86 155 20 HTS 2.1 ¹I TSP fj 9 720 HL 16 61 3.02 156 20 HTS 1.4 ¹1 TSP H 9 720 HL 19 61 3.48 148 27 HTS 1.6 ¹1 TSP fl 9 720 HL 21 61 3.01 155 20 HTS 1.8 ¹1 TSP fl 9 720 HL 15 62 4.37 155 20 HTS 1.9 ¹1 TSP H 9 720 HL 16 62 3.15 154 21 HTS 1 ~ 6 ¹1 TSP H 9 720 HL 20 62 3.03 153 22 HTS 1.7 ¹1 TSP H 9 720 HL 19 63 5.03 151 24 fiTS 1.4 ¹1 TSP H 9 720 HL 17 64 4.40 155 20 HTS 1.6 ¹1 TSP H 10 720 Hl 19 64 6.20 153 22 HTS 1.3 ¹1 TSP fj 10 720 HL 18 66 4.67 152 23 HTS 1.8 ¹1 TSP H 10 720 HL 9 67 5.29 149 26 HTS 0.9 ¹1 TSP 10 720 HL 19 67 3.10 156 20 HTS 1.5 CHT ¹1 TSP 10 720 HL 13 68 2.88 154 21 I)TS 1.6 ¹I TSP 10 720 HL 16 68 4.58 155 20 HTS 2 ' ¹I TSP )0 720 HL 9 6 69 70 2 '3 2.75 148 154 27 21 HTS HTS 1.4 0.9 ¹I TSP ¹1 TSP H 10 720 HL 10 720 HL 14 70 2.92 154 21 HTS 2' ¹1 TSP H 10 720 HL 6 71 4.43 154 21 HTS 1.0 ¹1 TSP H 10 720 HL 71 3.48 150 25 HTS ¹1 TSP H 10 720 HI 7 9 9 72 73 5.44 3.82 158 158 23 23 HTS HTS 1 ~ 1.4 1.6 2 ¹1 TSP H ¹2 TSP H ll 720 HL 11 720 HL 12 73 5.64 153 28 HTS 1 ~ 1 ¹1 TSP H 11 720 HL 8 74 2.28 152 29 HTS 1.0 ¹3 TSP H 11 720 HL 12 76 1.58 161 20 HTS 00.5 WAS ¹1 TSP H 11 720 HL 'l l 91 1.57 155 20 HTS 1.0 ¹1 TSP H 12 720 HL END OF DATA RGRE EDDY CURRENT INSPECTION REPORT '" Friday February 28, 1986 12:58 PN PAGE 1 PLANT  : RG6E - GINNA STEAM GENERATOR  : A OUTAGE : RGRE 1986,SGA INSPECTED FROM  : HOT LEG REPORT  : TUBES REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION ABW - Anti-Vibration Bar Wear BLG - Bulge CHT - Chatter CPR - Copper CKS - Cracked Support Plate DNT - Dent - - Roll Transition DNG DTS - Ding Distorted Tube Sheet DRT DSP - Distorted Distorted Tube Support Plate FRT - Fretting INC - Incomplete Test IGA - Intergranular Attack SCC - Stress Corrosion Crack MGV - Machining Groove MAG - Magnetite NDD - No Detectable Defects NSY - Noisy Tube - PPG - OBS - Obstructed PIT - Permanent Pitting Plug PRM - Permeability - RPG - Removed Plug SLV - Sleeved SLG TPG Sludge - Template Plug SQR TBR - Squirrel To Be Rerun UBC - U-Bend Crack UDS Undefined Signal-WTH - Wall Thinning WAS Wastage 162 - BRW Sleeve Tapes ACT ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND CH ELEV INCHES COMMENTS EXTENT REEI PS ID SLV 22 20 1.56 71 UDS M 2 HTS 17.2 IGA gl TSP H 2 740 HL SLV 21 21 3.87 89 72 1 HTS 18.9 SCC 81 TSP H 2 740 HL SLV 20 22 4.33 55 UDS 2 HTS 14.9 IGA gl TSP H 2 740 HL SLV SLV ll 19 37 50 1.28 165 5.54 128 13 46 M 1 1 HTS HTS 16.5 1.8 g6 gl TSP H TSP H 6 740 8 720 llL HL SLV 7 78 0.60 173 8 1 HTS 17.9 SCC gl TSP H 11 720 HL END OF DATA STEAM GENERATOR "4" TUBES RECEIVING CORRECTIVE ACTION FEBRUARY 2986 PLANT: GXNNA GENERATOR: A TOTAL TUBES: 3260 S>> CE 87'ELDED SLEEVE P>> CE HECHANICAL PLUG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 35 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 30 \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A - 35 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ih 3 ~ IO - 30 I I V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - jo . o ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I o oIll 0N O g) O Cl lO O Ill o o lO ID O Cb IlI NOZZLE INLET (Hot Lei) - PI inary Face COLUHNS HANWAY X RG&E EDDY CURREj{T If{SPECTIO(( REPORT friday February 28, f986 12:26 Pll PAGE 1 PLANT : RG&E - GINHA STEAM GENERATOR : B OUTAGE : RG&E 1906 SGB INSPECTED FROM .: BOTH HL&CL REPORT  : TUBES WITH INDICATIONS 20% OR GREATER ABW - Anti-Vibration Bar Wear BLG - Bulge Cf{T - Chatter CPR Copper CKS - Cracked Support Plate DNT Dent - Ding DRT - Roll Transition DHG DTS - Distorted Tube Sheet DSP - Distorted Distorted Tube Support Plate - Incomplete Test - Fretting FRT IHC IGA Intergranular Attack SCC Stress Corrosion Crack MGV - Machining Groove MAG Magnetite HDD - No Detectable Defects HSY Noisy Tube OBS Obstructed PPG - Permanent Plug PRM - Permeability PIT Pitting - Removed - Sleeved - Sludge Plug RPG SLV SLG SQR Squirrel - To TPG Template Plug TBR Be Rerun UBC - U-Bend Crack UDS Undefined Signal WTH - Wall Thinning. WAS - Wastage 1&2 - B&W Sleeve Tapes ROW COL VOLTS DEG IHD CH ELEV INCHES . COMMENTS EXTENT REEL PS ID 10 6 2.33 141 35 g2 TSP C+ 0.0 g6 TSP C 29 720 CL 9 21 6.06 155 '20 HTS 1.7 gl TSP H 8 740 HL 11 22 4.06 153 22 HTS 1.5 gl TSP H 8 740 f{L 20 24 4.00 153 22 HTS 1.6 g6 TSP fl 8 740 HL 9 25 3.18 153 26 HTS 1.3 WAS g6 TSP H 9 740 HL 15 25 3.12 153 26 HTS 2' WAS g6 TSP H 9 740 HL 17 25 5.51 146 32 HTS 1.5 WAS g6 TSP H 9 740 HL 22 25 0.65 156 23 HTS t 2' WAS g6 TSP H 9 740 HL 24 25 5.92 141 37 HTS t 1.8 ¹6 TSP H 9 740 HL 17 26 5.08 147 28 HTS + 1.2 WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 19 26 6.02 145 "31 HTS 1.2 WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 24 26 6.10 149 26 HTS 1.3 WAS g6 TSP H 4 .740 HL 22 27 4.35 153 22 HTS 1.8 WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 21 28 3.87 155 20 HTS 1.6 WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 23 28 3.81 153 22 HTS 1.6 WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 HL 19 24 42 '0 29 31 7.99 5.74 1.57 155 20 155 144 20 30 HTS HTS CTS 1.5 1.4 15 ' WAS WAS CPR g6 TSP H g6 TSP H ¹6 TSP H 16 4 5 740 740 720 HL HL CL 17 33 0.89 160 21 TUBE ENDt 12.1 HTS 1&2 610 fll 24 34 1.56 148 27 HTS 1.5 CPR g6 TSP H 6 740 f{L 22 30 1.36 153 21 CTS 1.1 WAS g6 TSP fl 15 720 CL 41 30 1.01 140 33 TUBE EHDt 5 4 flTS 1&2 610 HL 41 38 1.49 158 23 TUBE EHDt 6.7 HTS I&2 610 f{L 24 41 3.18 144 32 HTS 1.3 WAS CPR ¹I TSP H 7 740 fll 31 43 0.64 153 22 HTS 16 ' HTS 28 610 HL 27 45 4.07 155 ,20 HTS + 1.6 WAS gl TSP H 8 740 HL 25 50 2.56 153 26 HTS 3' WAS gl TSP fl 9 740 HL 23 51 1.03 150 21 HTS 6.9 WAS gl TSP H 10 740 HL 26 51 1.64 140 31 HTS 0.9 WAS gl TSP H 10 740 HL 25 53 0.96 153 26 HTS + 4.1 WAS gl TSP f{ 10 740 HL 23 56 1.19 154 27 TUBE ENDt F 6 HTS 1&2 610 HL 30 56 2.06 150 21 HTS + 2.2 WAS ¹1 TSP H 10 740 f{L 19 62 2.51 149 30 HTS + 1.5 CPR WAS gl TSP H 10 740 HL 22 20 62 62 4.13 2.90 161 158 22 20 HTS HTS 1.5 1 ~ 6 WAS WAS gl gl TSP H TSP H ll 11 740 740 HL HL 20 62 2.87 153 26 HTS I 5 CPR WAS gl TSP H 10 740 HL 30 62 2.21 150 22 HTS 0.9 WAS gl TSP H 11 740 f{L 20 24 63 64 2.88 4.59 147 155 20 27 HTS HTS + 2.5 2.5 WAS WAS gl gl TSP H TSP H ll 11 720 720 HL f{L 26 24 64 65 3.54 2.93 149 155 20 25 ~ HTS HTS + 1.8 2.2 WAS WAS gl gl TSP H TSP H ll ll 720 720 HL HL EHD OF DATA RG&E EDDY CURRENT INSPECTION REPORT Friday February 28, )986 12;21 PN PAGE I PLANT : RG&E GINNA STEAH GENERATOR : B OUTAGE : RG&E 1986 SGB IHSPECTED FROM : HOT LEG REPORT  : TUBES REQUIRIHG CORRECTIVE ACTIOH ABW Anti-Vibration Bar Wear BLG - Bulge CHT - Chatter CPR - Copper - Support Plate - Dent - Cracked CKS DHT DNG Ding DRT - Distorted Roll T'ransition DTS - Distorted Tube Sheet DSP - Distorted Tube Support Plate FRT - Fretting INC - Incomplete Test IGA Intergranular Attack SCC - Stress Corrosion Crack ~ MGV - Hachining Groove HAG - Maqnetite NDD - No Detectable Defects HSY - Horsy Tube OBS Obstructed PPG - Permanent Plug PRM - Permeability PIT - Pitting - Plug SLV - Sleeved RPG SLG - Removed Sludge SQR - Squirrel TPG - Template Plug TBR - To Be Rerun UBC - U-Bend Crack UDS - Undefined Signal - WAS - Wastage WTH 1&2 - Wall Thinning B&W Sleeve Tapes ACT ROW COL VOLTS DEG IHD CH ELEV INCHES COHHEHTS EXTENT REEL ID PLG 3 4 0.96 102 62 HTS 17.5 SCC gl TSP H 740 HL 3 4 1.00 67 83 H HTS 18. 0 SCC gl TSP H 740 HL PLG 2 6 3.54 70 56 M 2 HTS 17.3 SCC gl TSP H 1 740 HL PLG 11 6 0.52 45 97 1 HTS 16.7 SCC gl TSP )I 1 740 f)L PLG 9 9 0.58 60 84 1 HTS 10.3 SCC ¹1 TSP fl 1 740 HL PLG 18 10 4.09 . 60 59 M 2 HTS 16.9 SCC gl TSP H 1 740 )IL PLG 8 11 0.05 31 UDS HTS 19.1 PDRT SCC gl TSP H 2 740 HL SLV 7 13'.72 97 65 H 1 HTS 17.3 gl TSP H 2 740 IIL SLV 8 15 1.31 57 72 M 2 HTS 7.1 gl TSP H 2 740 HL PLG 29 15 0.01 23 71 H 2 HTS 19.2 PDRT SCC gl TSP f) 2 740 HL, SLV 16 17 2.36 052 78 M 2 HTS 15.3 ¹I TSP fl 2 740 HI SLV 10 19 0.69 157 '19 1 HTS 17.5 SCC gl TSP H 8 740 )IL PLG 30 21 1.14 60 80 1 HTS 17.3 SCC gl TSP H 8 740 HL SLV 9 23 0.93 92 SQR H HTS 16.0 gl TSP H 740 HL 9 23 1.58 00 27 M HTS 14.1 gl TSP H 740 HL PLG 32 23 3.06 22 64M2 HTS 16,2 IGA gl TSP H 8 740 ))L SLV 23 24 0.42 135 42 1 HTS 2' WAS g6 TSP H 9 740 )IL PLG 2 27 0.36 43 UDS M 2 HTS 10.5 PNDD IGA ¹6 TSP H 4 740 )IL SLV 22 29 2,34 163 49 1 HTS 1.4 P 10%WAS g6 TSP H 4 740 ))L SLV 29 33 0.40 99 69 I HTS 18.5 CPR SCC ¹6 TSP H 5 740 HL SLV 19 34 1.02 93 72 1 HTS 0.3 RPG SLV g4 TSP C 27 720 HL SLV 29 34 1.26 72 83 1 HTS 18.2 SCC CPR g6 TSP H 6 740 HL PLG 38 36 0.95 33 UDS I HTS 18.1 IGA ¹6 TSP H 6 740 f)L SLV 5 37 0.50 60 UDS 1 HTS 10.4 IGA ¹6 TSP H 7 740 HL SLV 6 37 0.91 60 05 1 HTS 17.9 SCC g6 TSP H 7 740 HL PLG 35 37 4.03 47 04M2 HTS 10.4 SCC CPR g6 TSP H 6 740 HL PLG 35 38 1.37 160 SQR 1 HTS 18.3 SCC g6 TSP H 7 740 HL PLG 36 30 UDS HTS 17.0 IGA ¹6 TSP H 740 )IL 36 38 0.79 56 92 HTS 19.2 SCC g6 TSP ff 740 HL PLG SLV 38 31 38 39 2 0 '5 '2 05 47, UDS UDS HTS HTS 18.9 17.2 DRT g6 TSP H IGA g6 TSP H 7 7 740 740 f)L HL PLG 42 39 3.70 63 UDS M HTS 16.0 IGA g6 TSP H 7 740 HL SLV 19 42 5.62 63 UDS M fITS 7.9 IGA gl TSP H 7 740 HL SLV 21 42 1.50 86 77 HTS 9.9 RPG SLV g6 TSP C 27 720 III PLG 1 43 0.63 115 56 HTS 16.6 SCC CPR gl TSP H 7 740 HL SLV 23 46 0.59 113 55 )ITS 10.2 SCC gl TSP H 8 740 HL SLV 27 47 2.12 56 73 M HTS 10.0 SCC gl TSP H 9 740 HL SLV 9 48 0.41 86 77 HTS 17.3 SCC g) TSP fl 9 740 HL SLV 11 49 0.30 52 91 M HTS 16.7 SCC ¹I TSP H 9 740 HL SLV 21 49 0.43 75 76 H HTS 0.2 SCC ¹1 TSP fl 9 740 HL SLV 26 49 0.23 55 09 M HTS 18.2 SCC gl TSP H 9 740 HL SLV 31 49 2.56 15 SQR H )ITS 10.6 SCC gl TSP fl 9 740 HL SLV 32 49 0.40 60 90 HTS 17.1 SCC ¹1 TSP H 9 740 HL RGKE EDDY CURREEIT IRSPECTIOR REPORT "'riday Eebruary 28, 1986 12:21 Plf PAGE 2 ~ PLANT  : RG&E " GINNA STEAM GENERATOR B r OUTAGE : III RG&E 1986 SGB INSPECTED FROM  : HOT LEG REPORT  : TUBES REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION ACT ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND 'CH ELEV INCHES COMMENTS EXTENT REEL PS ID SlaV 7 50 0. 73 53 90 M I HTS 17.4 SCC gf TSP H 9 740 HL SLV 31 52 0.96 70 05 1 HTS 16.3 SCC 81 TSP H 10 740 Hf. PLG 1 53 2.07 30 SQR M 1 HTS 17.5 CHT SCC gl TSP H 11 720 Hla SLV 21 55 1.32 74 03 1 HTS 5.6 RPG SLV g6 TSP C 27 720 HL SLV 24 50 0.58 50 91 1 HTS 13.8 SCC Pf TSP H 10 740 EIL PLG 30 50 3.23 51 79 M 2 HTS 16.9 SCC Elf TSP H 10 740 HL PLG 38 59 1.00 08 75 1 HTS 10.0 SCC fff TSP H 10 740 HL PLG 38 60 0.95 77 01 1 HTS 17,4 SCC Sf TSP H 10 740 HL'l SLV 8 69 1.03 00 61 1 HTS 17.7 SCC 4'I TSP H 11 720 SLV PLG 30 9 70 71 0.70 1.90 72 75 77 79 M M 1 HTS 1 HTS 14.6 17.6 SCC gl TSP CPR SCC Pf TSP H H ll 12 720 720 HL HI. PLG 21 76 1.04 58, 90 I HTS 17.4 SCC gf TSP H 12 720 Ella PLG 22 76 1.15 92 70 1 HTS 17 3~ SCC gf TSP El ~ 12 720 Ill. SLV 3 70 1.76 72 02 1 HTS 17.6 SCC gf TSP H 12 720 HL PLG 2 80 6.69 38 89 M 2 HTS 17.9 SCC gf TSP H 12 720 HL PLG 19 80 0.61 56 91 1 HTS 16.7 SCC gf TSP H 12 720 HL PLG 20 80 0.75 42 94 M 1 HTS 16.0 SCC gf TSP H 12 720 EEL END OF DATA STEAM GENERATOR "B" TUBES RECEIVING CORRECTIVE ACTION FEBRUARY 1986 PLANT: GINNA GENERATOR: B TOTAL TUBES: 3260 S ~ CE 27'ELOED SLEEVE P ~ CE KECNANICAL PLUG ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ P . . ~ PP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ 'S' ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ' 'S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~- ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ OI ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ PE ~ ~ C3 ~ S ~ . ~ ~ . S ~ ~ P ~ IZ 20 ~ ' ~ ~ 'ES ~ ST ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V 0 ~ S ~ ~ ~ Il - X5 C ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ I ~ P ~ ~ C - so 4J a CO ~ ~ ~ P P ~ ..~ 0 ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ PE ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P' ~ P . I I I I ' I I I I I I nCII Cl CII Rl CII CCI II CCI CCI ICI CO O CII NOZZLE INLET (Hot Leg) - Primary Face COLUNNS HANKAY OBSERVATIONS The results of the examination indicates that intergranular attack and stress corrosion cracking is still active within the tubesheet cr evice regions on the inlet side of each steam generator.- The IGA/SCC, is primarily located in the "B" steam generator with 52 total indications detected, only 5 indications were detected in the "A" steam generator. Table III shows the steam generator IGA history. GINNA'S STEAM GENERATORS CREVICE CORROSION INDICATION HISTORY B-Steam Generator (A-Steam Generator) Not A-S/G B-S/G'OTAL Sizeable 0-25% 26"50% 51-75% 76-100% TOTAL March 1979 0, (0) December 1979 (0) April 1980 19, 1 (0) 31 November 1980 (0) April 1981 (0) 14 February 1982 (0) 13 October 1982 27 7(1) 16 59 April 1983 11(3) 3(1) 15 15 (4) 51 March 1984 5, 0 0(1) March 1985 23 9(1) 27(1) (2) 3(2) 9(Z) 1 14(1) 25 (5) 52 Totals 91(5) Z6(3) 40(l) 64(3) 92(1) (13) 313 TABLE III The cause of the inlet tubesheet crevice corrosion indication is intergranular attack and stress corrosion cracking of the mil-annealed Inconel 600. This form of corrosion is the result of the tubesheet crevices having an alkaline environment. This crevice environment has developed over the years as deposits and active species like sodium and phosphate, have reacted, changing a neutral or inhibited crevice into the aggressive environment that presently exist. A large volume, typically <<20% TWD (Through Wall Dimension) wastage type condition exists just above the tubesheet secondary face. A sm'all percentage of the tubes, generally toward the center of the bundle, have this condition. Several of these tubes did have penetrations >ZOYo TPD and Z tubes in the "B" steam generator and 1 tube in the "A" steam generator had a potential >40% TWD as interpreted from the signal. Therefore these three tubes were sleeved. These tubes were affected by the original water chemistry conditions when phosphate was used as a buffering medium and'have not seen further degradation since 1975. Small indications of pr obable copper deposits were also found in the tubesheet crevice region randomly located throughout each steam generator. Based on studies performed with copper plated on Inconel tubing and the phase relationships of these signal responses at the different inspection frequencies the indications can be attributed to copper deposits and not a defect condition. A more extensive condition noted in the steam generators, primarily on the inlet side, is the minor denting at the tubesheet secondary face.. Denting was also detected at the 1st, 2nd and 6th tube support plates randomly throughout the generator and in most cases was of greater magnitude in size. No tubes were found which obstructed the passage of a 0.7ZO" O.D. probe. In general, minor distortions of most of the tube support plate signals were seen. The denting phenomenon and minor distortions at the tubesheet and support plates can be attributed to secondary side corrosion product build-up in the annular region between the tube O.D. and the carbon steel support member. Comparisons with previous data does not indicate any change in the extent or magnitude of denting from what has been detected by previous inspections. Several indications were detected in the cold legs of the "A" 5 "B" steam generators in'nd around tube R23-C46. A review of previous years data revealed these indications to be present. They appear as a shallow ID indication <20% which were confirmed visually to be an expansion of diameter within the tubesheet. This was caused by a cam-loclc expansion device which was used in earlier years to suspend lead blankets from the tubesheet primary face. In summary, the "A" Steam Generator had five (5) tubes that were found to have tubesheet crevice indications and one (I) tube had an area of previously detected wastage that exceeded the repair limit in the inlet. The "B" Steam Generator had fifty-two (52) tubesheet crevice indications and two (Z) tubes had areas of previously detected wastage that exceeded the repair limit in the inlet. One tube in the "A" Steam Generator had two (Z) indications at the third and fourth anti-vibration bar intersections. These indications were greater than Z0% but less than the repair limit. This tube will be re-examined at the next inspection to determine if there is an active fretting wear damage mechanism going on. In light of the fact that only this tube is exhibiting these indications, it is unlikely that fretting should be of a great concern. CORRECTIVE ACTION Table IV has been generated to identify the tubes with crevice indications or with indications which exceed the repair criteria. This table also shows the location and axial extent of the indication and what corrective action was taken on these tubes. Other than crevice indications, only three tubes exceeded the repair criteria. One 46% TWD indication was found 1.8" above the secondary side face of the hot leg tubesheet of the "A" steam generator tube R19-C50. A 42% TWD indication was found Z.3" above the secondary side face of the hot leg tubesheet, along with a 49% TWD indication was found 1.4" above the secondary side face of the hot leg tube sheet of the "B" steam generator, tubes R23-CZ4 and R22-CZ9, respectively. Three CE mechanical plugs which were installed in B-S/G in 1985 were pulled and inspected full length with the following results: R19-C34 revealed a 72% TWD - 8.3" from the top of the secondary side tubesheet face, R21-C42 revealed a'7% TWD - 9.9" from the top of the secondary side tubesheet face, R21-C55 revealed an 83% TWD - 5.6" from the top of the secondary side tube sheet. All six of the above-mentioned tubes were sleeved "with Combustion Engineering 27" Sleeves and will remain in service. Table V has been generated to maintain a complete history of total tubes inspected total defects detected, and number of tubes requiring repair. TABLE 4 1986 CORRECTIVE ACTIOtlS "A" S G INLET ROW COL LOCATION CORRECTIVE ACTION 22 20 UDS (IGA) HTS - 17.2 CE SLEEVE 21 21 72 HTS - 18.9 CE SLEEVE 20 22 UDS ( IGA) HTS 14.9 CE SLEEVE 11 37 13 HTS 16.5 CE SLEEVE 19 50 46 HTS + 1.8 CE SLEEVE 7 78- 8 (SCC) HTS - 17.9 CE SLEEVE "B" S G INLET ROW COL 1986% LOCATION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3 62 HTS " 17.5 CE MECH PLUG 3 83 HTS 18.0 2 6 56 HTS 17.3 CE tlECH PLUG 11 6 97 HTS - 16.7 CE MECH PLUG 9 9 84 IITS - 16.3 CE MECH PLUG 18 10 59 HTS 16.9 CE MECH PLUG 6 11 UDS ( SCC) HTS - 19.1 CE MECH PLUG 7 13 65 HTS - 17.3 CE SLEEVE 6 15 72 HTS - 7.1 CE SLEEVE 29 15 71 HTS 19 ' CE MECH PLUG 16 17 78 HTS 15.3 CE SLEEVE 18 19 19 (SCC) HTS - 17.5 CE SLEEVE 30 21 88 HTS " 17.3 CE MECH PLUG 23 SQR HTS - 16.0 CE SLEEVE 23 27 HTS 14.1 32 23 64 HTS 16.2 CE MECH PLUG 23 24 42 HTS +, 2.3 CE SLEEVE KEY HTS HOT LEG TUBESHEET SECONDARY FACE CE MECH PLUG, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING MECHANICAL PLUG (REMOVABLE) CE SLEEVE COMBUSTION E11GINEERING 27" WELDED SLEEVE SQR MULTIPLE STRESS CORROSION CRACKS (SQUIRRELS) - NOT QUANTIFIABLE UDS UNDEFItlED SIGNAI. IGA INTERGRANULAR ATTACK DEFECT SCC STRESS CORROSION CRACK DEFECT DRT DISTORTED ROLL TRANSITION SIGNAL ASTERISK DENOTES TUBE PLACED BACK IN SERVICE BY REMOVAL OF PREVIOUSLY ItlSTALLED CE MECH PLUGS AND THE INSTALLATION OF A CE SLEEVE TABLE CON'T 1986 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS G INLET RON COL 1986% LOCATION CORRECTIVE ACTIOtt 2 27 UDS (IGA) HTS 18.5 CE MECH PLUG 22'9 29 49 HTS 1.4 CE SLEEVE 33 69 HTS 18.5 CE SLEEVE 19 34 72 HTS 8.3 CE SLEEVE 29 34 83 HTS 18.2 CE SLEEVE 38 36 UDS (IGA) HTS 18.1 CE MECH PLUG 37 (IGA) 18.4 CE SLEEVE 5 6 '7 UDS 85 EITS HTS 17.9 CE SLEEVE 35 37 84 HTS 18.4 CE tkECH PLUG 35 38 SQR HTS 18.3 CE MECH PLUG 36 38 UDS ( IGA) HTS 17.0 CE MECH PLUG 36 38 92 HTS 19.2 38 38 UDS (DRT) HTS 18.9 CE MECH PLUG 31 39 UDS (IGA) HTS 17.2 CE SLEEVE 42 39 UDS ( IGA) HTS 16.0 CE IIECH PLUG 19 42 UDS (IGA) HTS 7.9 CE SLEEVE 21 42 77 HTS 9.9 CE SLEEVE 1 43 56 HTS 16.6 CE MECH PLUG 23 46 55 HTS 18.2 CE SLEEVE 27 47 73 HTS 18.0 CE SLEEVE 9 48 77 HTS 17.3 CE SLEEVE ll 49 91 IITS 16.7 CE SLEEVE 21 49 76 HTS 8.2 CE SLEEVE 26 49 89 HTS 18.2 CE SLEEVE 31 49 SQR HTS 18.6 CE SLEEVE 32 49 90 HTS 17.1 CE SLEEVE 7 50 90 HTS 17.4 CE SLEEVE 31 52 85 EITS 16.3 CE SLEEVE 1 53 SQR HTS 17,5 CE MECH PI UG'E 21 55 83 HTS 5.6 SLEEVE 24 58 91 HTS 13.8 CE SLEEVE 38 58 79 HTS 16.9 CE MECH PLUG 38 59 75 HTS 18.0 CE MECH PLUG 38 60 81 HTS 17.4 CE tlECH PLUG 8 69 61 HTS 17.7 CE,SLEEVE 9 70 75 HTS 14.6 CE SLEEVE 30 71 79 HTS 17.6 CE MECH PLUG 21 76 90 HTS 17.4 CE MECH PLUG 22 76'8 70 HTS 17.3 CE tlECH PLUG 3 82 HTS 17.6 CE SLEEVE 2 80 89 HTS 17.9 CE tlECH PLUG 19 80 91 HTS 16.7 CE tlECH PLUG 20 80 94 HTS 16,8 CE tlECH PLUG STEAM GE7KRATOR TUSE INSPECTION AN) CORRECTIVE ACTION HISTORY TOTAL TUBES PRIMARY TO REQUIRING NO. DFFECTS SEC& 5)ARY CORRECTIVE TYPE OF REQUIRING NO.TUBES NO.TUBES NO.TUBES DATE NO. TUBES INSPECTED ~LEIUCEEE. ACTION DETERIORATION REPAIR >40% PLUGGED SLEE~c PULLED COIEÃENT. A B A B A 8 A B A 8 Hot Cold Hot Cold IN FACTORY I I APRIL 1972 1050 0 0 0 0 0 MARCH 1974 3259 515 1098 516 19 0 WASTAGE IQ 0 19 0 NOV. 1974 MARCH 1975 JAN. 1976 1701 2174 430 442 672 1931 53 39 442 0 F 005 A S/0 0.091 B S/0 11 0 2 WASTAGE CRACKING/WASTAGE WASTAGE 45 2 0 0 ll 2 '6 2 0 0 11 2 FEB. 1976 3192 3192 3247 3247 2 WASTAGE 39 2 39 2 APRIL 1975 100 1025 75 0.099 B S/0 15 CRACKING 0 15 0 15 APRIL 1977 2003 268 1525 258 13 I WASTAGE 13 I 13 I JULY 1977 300 0.0'12 B 8/0 5 IO CRACKING 5 JAN, 1978 o.oeo B s/0 8 CRACKING)/WASTAGE 8 APRIL 1978 2049 325 1714 375 . 15 ID CRACKING I 15 I 15 FEB. 1979 2049 325 1714 375 5 CRACKING/WASTAGE 6 2-IGA OEC. 1979 0.007 B S/0 13 11-IGA. 2-WASTAGE 13 I3 APRIL 1980 3139 325 3 'I 82 375 31 "A" PITTING/ 13 I 31 -- -- -- 3 -- (I) E "B" IGA NOV, 1980 3138 325 3151 375 3 IGA (2) MAY 1981 3138 325 3141 400 15 IGA, WASTAGE 16 3 (3) FEB. 1982 3137 525 3,1 40 525 700 B S/G 15 IGA, MECH. OAM Ie l4) SEP. 1982 3138 382 3129 893 32 'GA 28 I 33 APRIL 1983 3137 633 3096 832 78 IGA. SCC 23 74 Ie) MARCH 1984 ,3137 717 3093 953 10 IGA. SCC 9 MARCH =1985 3135 3135 3087 3087 e7 IGA. SCC. WASTAGE 70 2 57 Ie) FEB. 1985 3134 .523 3083 770 54 IGA. SCC. WASTAGE 2, 49 27 5 '30 (7) TOTALS 137 384 'I 28 290 126 201 12 201 4 PERCENTAGES 4~2 11.7 3.9 8.8 3~8 6~ I 3 6~ I ~ I ~ 3 SEE NOTE 7 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION HISTORY COMMENTS (1) Pulled R15 C55 and R17 C41 from the hot leg and R17 C40 from the cold. leg to determine IGA conditions in the "B" steam generator. R17 C41 and ECT indications at all'frequencies, R15 C44 had just 100 kHz Absolute ECT indication and R17 C40 had no ECT indication. Both hot leg tubes has approximately 50% IGA, R17 C41 had a 60% SCC indication associated with the IGA. (2) Manually sleeved five (5) tubes with nickel plated - Inconel 600 thermally treated sleeves. Three tubes had IGA indications, two others were preventatively sleeved. (3) Sleeved 16 tubes with co-extruded sleeves, 13 with defects with 3, preventatively. Pulled R21 C46 with a 100 kHz ECT indication, R7 C45 and R28 C45 which were clean. All tubes pulled were from the hot leg. (4) Recovery from the January 25, 1982 Tube Rupture Event included removing Z6 tube sections by EDM and ID Cutters along with the one tube pulled from the secondary side. (5) The four tubes identified with IGA in the "A" steam generator were sleeved with 22" tubesheet sleeves. The 78 tubes identified in the "B" steam generator with IGA and/or SCC in the crevice were repaired as follows: 41 tubes were sleeved with 36" brazed sleeves tubes were sleeved with 28" brazed sleeves Z4 tubes were sleeved with 22" tubesheet sleeves 1 tube and 2 sleeves were plugged 1 tube R34 C54 was pulled for metallurgical analysis. TABLE V (CON'T) STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION HISTORY COMMENTS (6) The two tubes identified with IGA in the crevice in the "A" steam generator I inlet were sleeved with ZO" tubesheet sleeves. One indication )409o TWD, in the U-bend was permanently plugged. The 70 tubes identified in the "B" steam generator were repaired as follows: 56 tubes were sleeved with 20" tubesheet sleeves 10 tubes were sleeved with 36" brazed sleeves 3 tubes were mechanically plugged (CE removeable) 1 tube was explosively plugged 1 tube was sleeved with a 36" brazed sleeve due to the domino effect. (7) 'he five tubes identified with crevice indications in the "A" steam generator inlet were sleeved with Z7" Combustion Engineering Sleeves (CE). One tube identified with general O.D. indication above the secondary side tubesheet was also sleeved with a CE 27" sleeve. The 57 tubes identified in the "B" steam generator were repaired as follows: 27 tubes were sleeved with CE Z7" Sleeves Z7 tubes were mechanically plugged (CE removable) 3 CE Mechanical Plugs installed in 1985 were removed 'and sleeved with 27" sleeves The present sleeve installation status is 83 brazed sleeves, 88 tube sheet sleeves, 30 welded CE sleeves in the "B" steam generator with 6 tubesheet sleeves and 6 welded CE sleeves in the "A" steam generator. TABLE V (CON'T)