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          . Ii'lSPECTIOi'l IffDICATIOff i~1ARCH  1",  1979


==2.0   CONCLUSION==

==3.0    DESCRIPTION==

ENG',NEWlRG SERVICES ABSTRACT I The Inservice Inspection indication of a near mid-wall flaw in the reactor pressure vessel inlet nozzle N2 has been evaluated in accordance wi th the requirements of Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.The reported flaw satisfies the Code criteria for acceptance by eval-uation.Therefore, at least with respect to this indication, the acceptable for service as is without removal or repair of the indication.  
The Inservice Inspection indication of a near mid-wall flaw in the reactor pressure vessel inlet nozzle N2 has been evaluated in accordance wi th the requirements of Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The reported flaw satisfies the Code criteria for acceptance by eval-uation. Therefore, at least with respect to this indication, the vessel
.is acceptable for service as is without removal or repair of the indication.

\1.0 INTRODUCTIOH R.E.G>nna Unit Ho.1 is a Westinghouse PWR which went into commercial service in June, 1970.The reactor pressure vessel, constructed by the Babcock 6 Wilcox.Company was.subjected to an Inservice Inspection in accordance with Technical Specification and Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code requirements.
When certain alleviating factors are not considered, an ultrasonic indication in excess of the size permitted for acceptance by examination was identified in the weld which attached an inlet nozzle to the vessel.In support of other approaches being followed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel,.
1.0     INTRODUCTIOH R.E. G>nna Unit Ho. 1 is a Westinghouse PWR which went into commercial service in June, 1970. The   reactor pressure vessel, constructed by the Babcock 6 Wilcox .Company was. subjected to an Inservice Inspection in accordance with Technical Specification and Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code requirements. When certain alleviating factors are not considered, an ultrasonic indication in excess of the size permitted for acceptance by examination was identified in the weld which attached an inlet nozzle to the vessel.
Teledyne Engineering Services (TES)was requested to,eval-uate the reported indication in accordance with the Section XI requirements for acceptance by evaluation.
In support of other approaches being followed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel,. Teledyne Engineering Services (TES) was requested to,eval-uate the reported indication in accordance with the Section XI requirements vestigations~
This report contains the results of that in-.vestigations~
for acceptance by evaluation. This report contains the results of that in-

Z.O CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The reported flaw satisfies the Code criteria for acceptance by evaluation, so is acceptable for service as is without removal~~or repair of the indication.
Z.O CONCLUSIONS 2.1   The reported flaw satisfies the Code criteria for acceptance by evaluation, so is acceptable for service as is without removal
2.2 For the reported flaw, of dimensions:
                                                                ~ ~
Through-wall depth=2a=0.93 inches Len th=I=5.3 inches Eccentricity
or repair of the indication.
=e=1.0 inches, the calculated stress intensity factor is 9.2 ksi~in.The Code acceptable value is 63.2 ksi/in.Therefore, the total factor of i 21.7 as corn ared to the code required factor of safety of~10: The effect of variations in flaw size or toughness of the material can be determined rom Figure 1.Based upon the results plotte'hereon, a flaw of through-wall dimension 2a=4.0 inches, would satis y Code acceptance requirements even if the toughness we.o reduced zo 67 ksi v in.The e f-" of variant.ons in app1 i ed stress across the 7 (aw can"e det.mined=rom Figure 2.Based upon the results plot-.ed therein, tne repor-d flaw, Za=0.93 inches, would satisfy Code acceptance require:-;.-=.
2.2   For the reported       flaw, of dimensions:
ts even i=the applied stress across the flaw were equa;to the yield strength of the material, or 51<si, whichever is lower.Stat d differently, the calculat d pressure sLress actiing across the flaw could be increased by a factor in excess of 6 wi-;noui violation of the Code criteria.  
Through-wall depth = 2a = 0.93 inches Len th = I = 5.3 inches Eccentricity = e = 1.0 inches, the calculated stress intensity factor is 9.2 ksi ~in. The Code acceptable value is 63.2 ksi /in. Therefore, the total factor of i 21.7 as corn ared to the code required factor of safety of ~10: 3.16.
2.3   The effect of variations in flaw size or toughness of the material can be determined           rom Figure 1. Based upon the results plotte a flaw of through-wall dimension 2a = 4.0 inches, would       'hereon, variant.
satis y Code acceptance           requirements even if the toughness we. o reduced zo 67 ksi v in.
The e f   -"
of           ons in app1 i ed stress across the 7 (aw can "e det .mined =rom Figure 2. Based upon the results plot-.ed therein, tne repor- d flaw, Za = 0.93 inches, would satisfy Code acceptance require:-;.-=. ts even i= the applied stress across the flaw were equa; to the yield strength of the material, or 51 <si, whichever is lower. Stat d differently, the calculat d pressure sLress actiing across the flaw could be increased by a factor in excess of 6 wi-;noui violation of the Code criteria.

2.5 An elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis, following the methods applied by Dr.P.C.Paris as a consultant to NRC to a similar investigation indicated that: a.The factor of safety against plastic instability failure is in excess of 3 for a flaw through-wall dimension in excess of 2a=4 inches.b.For a flaw through-wall dimension in excess of 2a=4 inches, yielding can occur and residual stresses, such as those which result from weldin ,'nd discontinuity stresses, such aq those which result from tern erature differentials or from pipe reaction stresses, would be eliminated from consideration.
2.5 An elastic-plastic fracture   mechanics analysis, following the methods   applied by Dr. P. C. Paris as   a consultant to NRC to a similar investigation indicated that:
Although this evaluation results in the conclusion that such stresses may be ignored, such stresses were considered in the evaluations which lead to the previously listed conclusions.
: a. The factor of safety against plastic instability failure is in excess of 3 for a flaw through-wall dimension in excess of 2a = 4 inches.
2.6 The previous MCAP-8503 ASHE III, Appendix G analysis was reviewed to determine if the pressure of the reported flaw requires a re-e!aluat:on of the Appendix G requirements.
                                                                = 4 inches,
It is a conclusion of this review that the Mestingnouse evaluation of a postulated flaw in the vicinity of an outlet nozzle represents a mucn more signi-f;:cant situation than does the reported flaw.Tnerefore, accepz-abiiit of the postulated outlet nozzle flaw ls fu1tner confirmac'.on ,of the acceptability of the reported flaw.A4-7 II>>"
: b. For a flaw through-wall dimension in excess of 2a yielding can occur and residual stresses, such as those which result from weldin ,'nd discontinuity stresses, such aq those which result from tern erature differentials or from pipe reaction stresses, would be eliminated from consideration. Although this evaluation results in the conclusion that such stresses may be ignored, such stresses were considered in the evaluations which lead to the previously listed conclusions.
2.6 The previous MCAP-8503 ASHE III, Appendix G analysis was reviewed to determine   if the pressure of the reported flaw requires a re-e!aluat:on of the Appendix G requirements. It is a conclusion of this review that the Mestingnouse evaluation of a postulated flaw in the vicinity of an outlet nozzle represents a mucn more signi-f;:cant situation than does the reported flaw. Tnerefore, accepz-abiiit of the postulated outlet nozzle flaw ls fu1tner confirmac'.on
    ,of the acceptability of the reported flaw.


OF VESSEL AND REPORTED FLAW The Ginna Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Yesse 1 (RPV)was fabricated by the Babcock 5 Wilcox Company (85W)to the requirements of Section III of the ASt<E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in accordance with Westinghouse Electric Company (W)Equip-ment Specification Ho.676206 Revision 0 with Addendum 676554, Revision 0.The RPV Stress Re orts're B8W 1966, Reports Numbers.1 through 12.r The inside diameter, to the inner surface of the cladding, is 132 inches.The minimum clad thickness is 5/32 inches.The wall thickness is 6 1/2 inches at the beltline and 9 inches at the nozzle course.The nozzle course contains two 52 1/2 inch outside diameter inlet nozzles, two 49 inch diameter outlet noz-'les and two nominal 4 inch diameter safety injection nozzles.The inlet and outlet nozzles are at a-common el'evation.
==3.0    DESCRIPTION==
A sketch of the inlet nozzle is shown in Figure 3, with the dimensions of the weld preparation on the OD of the nozzle sketches above.This configure-ion is mportant because it locates the reported flaw.Figure 4 shows the inne.por-tion of this weld prepa.ation with the reported flaw lying along the line AC.The reweld pr paration dimensions are defined on a radial plane through the vessel cen-erline
OF VESSEL AND REPORTED FLAW The Ginna   Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Yesse 1 (RPV) was fabricated by the Babcock 5 Wilcox Company (85W) to the requirements of Section III of the ASt<E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in accordance with Westinghouse Electric Company (W) Equip-ment Specification Ho. 676206 Revision 0 with Addendum 676554, Revision 0. The RPV Stress Re orts're B8W 1966, Reports Numbers. 1 through 12.
(==0'360').Since the weld oreparation is machined cylindr cally with the nozzle centerline, the radial dis-ance be-'.veen the inside of the.esse.and-he weld preparation land varies with radial position~.The flaw is loca-;ed be-ween 305'9<316.5", approximately the 10:30 o'lock position wnen look':ng along the nozzle centerline from outside of the vessel.Figure 4 indicates:~e radial distance from the RPV ID to Point D as varying between 4.2 and..1 inches.The reported flaw"through-wall"dimension measured along the weld prepa.ation is 0.93 inches.For purposes of analysis, Section XI permits this flaw to b re-olved into a"throuah-wall" dimension measured perpendicular to the vess'el sur-face which would decrease the 2a dimension, Because of the complex geometry, advantage is not taken of this factor.The flaw length, measured around the cir-cumVerence of the weld preparation as the distance between 305'nd 316.5's 5.27 ENG)NEER)NG SERVtCES inches.Section XI defines the flaw eccentricity as the distance between.the flaw center and the vessel midplane.The distance from the vessel ID to the flaw center varies between approximately 3.55 and 4.47 inches.Conservatively neglecting the increased thickness resulting from the outer nozzle corner radius, therefore taking the total thickness as 9 inches;the eccentrici ty varies between approximately 0 and 1".8ased upon the above discussion, and noting that an increase in eccentricity increases the calculated stress intensity factor, the flaw is defined for pur-poses of analysis by the dimensions:
r The inside diameter, to the inner surface of the cladding, is 132 inches.
pa=0.93 inches 1=5.3 inches e=1.0 inch I lay A ENGINEERING SERVICES 4.0 COMPARISON OF GINNA-1 REPORTED FLAW WITH PREVIOUSLY EVALUATED FLAWS For purposes of examining pressure-temperature limitations, WCAP-8503*
The minimum clad thickness is 5/32 inches.         The wall thickness is 6 1/2 inches at the beltline and 9 inches at the nozzle course. The nozzle course contains two 52 1/2 inch outside diameter inlet nozzles, two 49 inch diameter outlet noz-
considered the effects of a flaw adjacent to the outlet nozzle.Although there~$N are differences in geometry between the inlet and outlet nozzles, the stresses are very similar.This evaluation considered a surface flaw in a plane passing through the RPV centerline of depth equal to 1.8 inches{a/t=0.20)and surface length of 1,8 inches{aspect ratio of 1:6).Since a surface flaw of'given length and depth results in approximately the same stress intensity factor as does a subsurface.
'les and two nominal 4 inch diameter safety injection nozzles. The inlet and outlet nozzles are at a- common el'evation.
flaw of the same length and twice the through-wall dimension, the WCAP-8503 evaluation is equivalent to thai which would be obtained for a mid-wall flaw of 2a=3.6 and 1=10.8 in the same orientation...In fact, the WCAP evalu-'I ation would be very conservative because the surface is subject, to discontinuity stresses which have but little effect near midplane.Of even more importance, however, is the diffe.ence in orientation between the two flaws.The indicated Ginna flaw is circumferential to the nozzle and the WCAP flaw is radial to the nozzle;therefore, the pressure stress normal to the WCAP flaw is about thre times as large as normal to the Ginna indication.
A sketch of the inlet nozzle is shown in Figure 3, with the dimensions of configure-ion the weld preparation on the OD of the nozzle sketches above. This is mportant because       it locates the reported flaw. Figure 4 shows the inne. por-tion of this weld prepa. ation with the reported flaw lying along the line AC.
The.efore, the indic't d Ginna flaw is of considerable less significance than the nozzle flaw used for the Appendix G evaluation of ihe Ginna vessel The mid-wall, nozzle attachment weld flaw most similar to that indices d in Ginna-1 which has been subjected to extens ve investigation by TES and by the*HRC is the indication in the Pilgrim-1 recirculation inlet nozzle NZB which was first detec.ed in 1974 and wnich was reevaluated in 1976 by both TES and HRC.The significant parameters may be compared as follows, using the Pilgrim values evaluated by TES: t t WCAP-8'03,"ASME III, Appendix G Analysis of Rochester Gas h Electric Corporation R.E.Ginna Unit Ho.1 Reactor Vessel, July 1975.
The reweld pr paration dimensions are defined on a radial plane through the vessel cen-erline (= = 0' 360'). Since the weld oreparation is machined cylindr cally with the nozzle centerline, the radial dis-ance be-'.veen the inside of the
preparation land varies with radial position ~ . The flaw is loca-;ed and -he weld be-ween 305'     9 < 316.5", approximately the 10:30 o'lock position wnen look':ng along the nozzle centerline from outside of the vessel.         Figure 4 indicates :~e radial distance from the RPV ID to Point D as varying between 4.2 and ..1 inches.
The reported flaw "through-wall"dimension measured along the weld prepa.ation re-is 0.93 inches. For purposes of analysis, Section XI permits this flaw to b olved into a "throuah-wall" dimension measured perpendicular to the vess'el sur-face which would decrease the 2a dimension, Because of the complex geometry, the cir-advantage is not taken of this factor. The flaw length, measured around cumVerence of the weld preparation as the distance between 305'nd 316.5's 5.27

A F Ei~jNEER)NG SERVICES Plant: Depth, 2a, in.Length, 1, in.Eccentricity, e, in..Hoop stress in vessel, ksi(at operating pressure)Yessej thickness 6 irma-I 0.93 5.3 1.0 16.5 9.0 5.2~PI'I rim-1 1,5 5.2 0.55 16.2 7.0 10.7 The NRC evaluation assumed somewhat more conservative parameters.
ENG)NEER)NG SERVtCES inches. Section XI defines the flaw eccentricity    as  the distance between .the flaw center and the vessel midplane. The distance    from the vessel ID to the flaw center varies between approximately 3.55 and   4.47 inches. Conservatively neglecting the increased thickness resulting from  the outer nozzle corner radius, therefore taking the total thickness as 9 inches;   the eccentrici ty varies between approximately 0 and 1".
Soth the TES and HRC evajuations concluded thaw the Pilgrim-1 RPY was satisfactory ior continued service.Tne calculated stress ntensi y=actors for GInna-1 woutd be expected to be much smaller than those computed=or Pilgrim-l.
8ased upon the above  discussion, and noting that an increase in eccentricity increases the calculated stress intensity factor, the flaw is defined for pur-poses of analysis by the dimensions:
Sased upon these iwo comparisons with previously evaluated flaws, one wouid judge thai the Ginna-1 vessel would easily satisfy the Section Xl cri ria=or acceptance by evaluation.
A4-11 t'j It, KI r 5.0 HATERIAL PROPERTIES 4~~Based upon the values publ i shed in WCAP-8421*,-the unirradi a ted ma teria 1 properties of the nozzle, using outlet nozzle data, and of the weld, using beltline weld data, are as follows: Location RTNDT Cy Shel f, f t-1 b Nozzle Weld 0.09 0.23 60 0 125 80 18 The computed end-of-life fluence at the nozzle elevation is 1.08(IO)at one-quarter thickness.
                  = 0.93 inches 1 = 5.3 inches e = 1.0 inch
Using Regulatory Guide'l.99, Revision 1, the end-of-life properties are computed as: Location NDT',f Shelf, ft-lb Nozzl e Wel d 60 70 112 62!I, in WCAP-8503 has used an upper shelf Kl=200 ksi~n.IR The Sect-ion XI toughness versus temoerature curves are plotted in Figure=for an end-of-life RTi'=70F.s Ul"'iCAP-8421, Analysis of Capsule R From the Rochester Gas and lectric Corporation R.:.Ginna Unit No.1 Reactor ilessel Radiation Surveillance Program, November, 1974.
I 6.0 PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE LIMITS The upper limit of the Technical Specification heatup and.cooldown curves are also plotted on Figure 5.Because these limits are controlled by the.higher fluence beltline region, full'operating pressure, ZZSO psig, is not permitted below 315F.This temperature is on the toughness upper shelf by a margin in excess of 100F.,
   )>TELEDYNE ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.0 STRESS ANALYSIS The significant stresses acting across the flaw indication are those due to vessel pressure and due to welding residual stresses.At the near mid-wall location, thermal stresses and stresses resulting from pipe reaction effects are negligible.
The pressure stresses of interest are those acting in a radial di rection with respect to the nozzle.In the main shell course away from the nozzle, the operating pressure of 2250 psig causes a hoop stress equal to 16.5 ksi and an axial stress equal to 8.3 ksi.The presence of the nozzle reduces the radial stress, sine at a radius equal to the nozzle bore radius the stresses must be equal to-2,3 ksi, I where'the negative sign indicates compression.
In the course of evaluating similar flaws in other vessels, a very simple stress calculation technique was found to give excellent answers for the pressur memorane stress across the flaw.Specifically, the values obtained with th sim-ole approximation may be compared to other solutions as follows:!!ethod S imp 1 e approx ima t-:.on 30 finite element 0 8 C 8.7 10.3 membrane inner surface mid-wall outer surface 20 axisymmetric model, doubled 7.7 inner wall 10.0 mid-wail Thi 5 s lmpl e approximat ion is used in thi s eval order to obta in the pressure stress acting normal to the F')aw, as contained in Aooendix.A.

><TELEDYNE EiNGIREERNG SERVICES The residual stresses used in this evaluation are a conservative approximation to those measured in a heavy weldment after post-weld heat treatment*.
I lay
These data indicate that the residual strssses vary through the thickness with a cosine relationship from 8.0 ksi tensile on the surfaces to 8.0 ksi compression at mid-wall.Despite coniirmation of the presence of compressive residual stresses at midwall by removal of a similar flaw to the one under consideration in a RP'J.Ho credit is taken for these compressive stresses in this analysis.Instead, the residual stresses are considered to vary as a cosine function through the thickness with 8.0 ksi tensile on the surfaces to 0 ksi at the center.Previous evaluation of a recirculation inlet nozzle in a BtlR, which is sub-jected to larger temperature changes than is the subject PHR inlet nozzle, indi-cates that thermal stresses are not significant as long as the flaw does not approach wi thin about 1 1/2" from the inner surface, This is true during normal and abnormal operations because the inlet nozzle and the adjacent vessel are suojected to the same temperature transient and are similar in thickness.
Tnere-fore, thermal stress effects are not considered to be of importance in the range oi ilaw sizes considered, 2a<4 inches.Pipe reaction stresses in ihe weld region are primarily bending stresses varying irom tensile ai one surface to compressive at the other.Since the re-sorted ilaw oi inte.est is near mid-wall, pipe reaction stresses across the taw are'.'nsignificant.
As a result oi this discussion, the only stresses used in the fracture mechanics analysis of Aopendix 8 are those which result from internal pressure and the weld r'esidual stresses.Since the resulting stress intensity factor is very low, a question often arises as to the consequences of an error in the cal-culated stress.For this reason, an additional evaluation, Appendix C, is made for the indicated flaw dimensions giving the stress intensity factor which would be'computod for arbitrary values oi membrane stress acting across the flaw.D..'.Ferr'.'(1 P."".~uhl and D.R.l1iller,".'4easurement o7 Residua 1 Stresses in a"e'6 e'lT.q sr';te'd.,'na
~puma I Resea, cn UDDlemenr., tlovemoer i"co A4-15
  )<TELEDYN EZG;XEERIXG SERVICES With respect to Faulted Conditions, the inlet nozzle provides the path for injection flow for about 40 minutes following a LOCA.For the first 20 seconds the flow is from the safety injection accumulators at a temperature of 90'F.At that time the safety injection pumps are started and deliver 155F fluid from the boric acid tanks.At 140 seconds following LOCA initiation the flow trans-fers to the refueling water storage tank and the water temperature drops to'60F.At the end of 40 minutes flow switches to the containment dump and flow is at a minimum of 140F, The reactor pressure drops to near zero immediately following a LOCA.The other Faulted Condition of concern is a Large Steamline Break Accidenl (LSBA).Following a LSBA the reactor coolant temperature end pressure rapidly decreases.
When the pressure descreases below 1450 psig, flow from the boric acid storage tanks enters the vessel at 155F.Safety injection terminates ten minutes after the LSBA.Flow during these events is through the inlet nozzle and down the vessel.Because the nozzle and vessel are of about the same thickness, but small the.mal discontinuity stresses result.Analysis of similar transient in other nozzles indicates thermal stresses across the weld of less than 5 ksi.Since the pressure nas decreased, the total stress intensity factor, for the Faulted Condition is, smaller than that calculated during normal operation.
Therefore, postulatee sur-fac flaws in the vessel beltline region are more limiting than is the reported nozzle weld flaw.A4-16 Cl l~J'  Ei~tNEERIRG SERY}CES 8.0 FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH Because of the operating characteristics of a PWR, the inlet nozzle temperature variations within the power range are negligible.
Even when coolant temperature
'changes do occur, the nozzle and vessel respond similarly in that thermal discontinuity stresses are negligibl'e in the vicinity of the reported flaw.Skin-type thermal stresses may be significant at and near the inner surfaces, but not in the vicinity of the reported flaw.Therefore the only cycle of importance to growth of the reported flaw is pressurization and depressurization.
For the reported Flaw, the aK for pres-.surization to 2500'psig, the design pressure, is only 8.7 ksi.An.For a subsurface flaw, Figure A-4300-1 predicts a fatigue crack growth rate of 8(10)in/cycle for pressurization to 2500 psig.Therefore no fatigue crack growth is predicted.
l EiM NEERjl4G SERVCES 9.0 FRACTURE MECHANICS ANALYSIS AND CRITERIA The linear elastic fracture mechanics methods of Appendix A, Section XI of the ASME Code are used.These methods are conservative, but are not overly conservative in the absence of steep stress gradients as is the case in this solution.The acceptance criteria used are those based on applied stress intensity factor as contained in the Summer 1978 Addenda to Section XI of the ASME Code, IWB-3612.These criteria are identical to those used in the Pilgrim-1 evalu-ation, although at that time the criteria were referenced to a June ll, 1974 letter from ASME to Boston Edison.

10.0 ELASTIC-PLASTIC A!HALYSIS Attachment 4 to the!'(RC Staff Evaluation of the 1976 Pilgrim-1 ISI results, dated April 21, 1976, summarizes an elastic-plastic Fracture Mechanics Analysis performed by Or.P.C.Paris as a consultant to NRC.Appendix O to this report contains an elastic-plastic analysis applicable to the Ginna-1 situation which follows Paris'lternative secondary stress computation method.Also considered is the maximum ilaw size which would result in retention of a factor of safety of burst of at least, three.This analysis i.ndicates that a flaw through-wall (2a)dimension in exc ss of 4 inches is required to'reduce the factor of safety below 3.0, using an analysis which assumes a very long flaw.In addi tion, this analysis shows that any residual or secondary stresses wnich are present in the structure will be eliminated by yielding as long as the flaw depth (2a), is less than a nu; excess of 4".That is, weld residual stresses, thermal stresses and pipe reaction stresses need not be conside.ed in evaluating the vesse!saic-y if 2a<4 inches.
A ENGINEERING SERVICES 4.0   COMPARISON OF GINNA-1 REPORTED FLAW WITH PREVIOUSLY EVALUATED FLAWS For purposes of examining pressure-temperature limitations, WCAP-8503*
41 I e[1  
considered the effects of a flaw adjacent to the outlet nozzle. Although there
                                                      ~    $N are differences in geometry between the inlet and outlet nozzles, the stresses are very similar. This evaluation considered a surface flaw in a plane passing through the RPV centerline of depth equal to 1.8 inches {a/t = 0.20) and surface length of 1,8 inches {aspect ratio of 1:6). Since a surface flaw of' given length and depth results in approximately the same stress intensity factor as does a subsurface. flaw of the same length and twice the through-wall dimension, the WCAP-8503 evaluation is equivalent to thai which would be obtained for a mid-wall flaw of 2a = 3.6 and 1 = 10.8 in the same orientation...In fact, the WCAP evalu-
                                                              'I ation would  be very conservative because the surface is subject, to discontinuity stresses which have but    little  effect near midplane. Of even more importance, however, is the diffe. ence in orientation between the two flaws. The indicated Ginna flaw is circumferential to the nozzle and the WCAP flaw is radial to the nozzle; therefore, the pressure stress normal to the WCAP flaw is about thre times as large as t. at normal to the Ginna indication. The. efore, the indic't d Ginna flaw is of considerable less significance than the nozzle flaw used for the Appendix G evaluation of ihe Ginna vessel The mid-wall, nozzle attachment weld flaw most similar to that indices d in Ginna-1 which has been subjected to extens ve investigation by TES and by the
* HRC is the indication in the Pilgrim-1 recirculation inlet nozzle NZB which was first detec.ed in 1974 and wnich was reevaluated in 1976 by both TES and HRC.
The significant parameters may be compared as follows, using the Pilgrim values evaluated by TES:
WCAP-8'03, "ASME  III, Appendix  G                    t Analysis of Rochester      Gas h Electric Corporation R.E. Ginna Unitt Ho. 1 Reactor Vessel, July 1975.

I=Jqo~E Z 79~sv G~oatm-'HKD.ET DATE~IT r~F I--"ct'l=Wr e<ieg Tfc c 3 gAJIATIoNS SHE T HO.OF FEOAEO.-'4<~70~~I~~~:.I..: I I I I~r~I~~I t~'r'I...L......~r I/+o ro x~\0~~~~I~r I 30 4J r~<<~~~~~20 4J fD t~~r~~~r I~t t~).BIO~~I 4o ME/v)g gAgg STRK55I...G.p~,-K's 1 r 1
A                  F Ei~jNEER)NG SERVICES Plant:                     6 irma-I                   ~PI'I   rim-1 Depth, 2a, in.                         0.93                          1,5 Length, 1, in.                         5.3                          5.2 Eccentricity, e,    in..               1.0                           0.55 Hoop  stress in vessel,              16.5                        16.2 ksi(at operating pressure)
t/6A~3., i,<a.->-i.(~.&(w J g(r t I 7'i'g/0 F~Q Zz S2.7 q lc>3 Z 1 I tM tM 27.7eq G V 3'J cP i)4 l-.NP,n t yl I~~X g'.)
Yessej thickness                        9.0                          7.0 5.2                        10. 7 The NRC  evaluation assumed somewhat more conservative parameters.         Soth the TES and HRC evajuations concluded thaw the Pilgrim-1 RPY was satisfactory ior continued service. Tne calculated stress ntensi y =actors for GInna-1 woutd be expected to be much smaller than those computed =or Pilgrim-l.
Sased  upon these  iwo comparisons    with previously evaluated flaws, one wouid judge thai the Ginna-1 vessel would easily satisfy the Section Xl cri ria =or acceptance by evaluation.

g oz.ale g a~c-Q P/g/6gcQ fr>g/g Qo'cssc I ZP (~~c../cot)~~ai~vcr Jw vgLcc I v g 8 lc, I 4J<c't.9io
t'j It, KI r
<N.F35 770"~,/%7 g, (fa4.3/(~'~~~~~0~Q*~~~.,O.P~(0,.(l,>el)f 0 n b)J l*I p~/~c./5'-.9g.',/g I I D(st', 4.o[2 Ci'C&$,2C.s/8 lS)I c~c.~~Ie~y+jggg f vg d f<l cc~fcv~E cl d~ick;p O 0 9s 0(.:f~J>go~~3]LA L/<f 7t/3.5X O.999 I I
(~P~~~P N~l 4 Cl Technical Report'TR-3454-1 FAG'NEE~)NG SERVICES APPENDIX A

/7 1 lM Ch D/s TAN cF JA'HG 5 O 4i Y o~0 t O I
5.0    HATERIAL PROPERTIES values publ i shed in WCAP-8421*, the unirradi a ted ma teria 1
0~l i~p 4 r r P k~p J~~  
                                        ~                                            4
Based upon the                                          -
properties of the nozzle, using outlet nozzle data, and of the weld, using beltline weld data, are as follows:
Location                          RTNDT              Cy  Shel  f, ft-1 b Nozzle            0. 09            60                      125 Weld              0.23                                        80
                                          ',f 0
18 The computed  end-of-life fluence at        the nozzle elevation is 1.08(IO) at one-quarter thickness. Using Regulatory            Guide 'l.99, Revision 1, the end-of-life properties are computed as:
Location                      NDT Shelf,  ft-lb Nozzl e                        60                            112 Wel d                          70                              62
!I, in  WCAP-8503 has used      an upper  shelf  KlIR  = 200 ksi  ~n.
The Sect-ion XI toughness      versus temoerature curves are plotted in Figure    =
for  an  end-of-life RTi'=
s Ul 70F.
" 'iCAP-8421, Analysis of Capsule R From the Rochester Gas and lectric Corporation R.:. Ginna Unit No. Reactor ilessel Radiation Surveillance Program, November, 1974.

i av 4 M>>>>~SHEET Na.OF wm.xo.~~<>~~~l~~4 THE'ESUL.75 A RE:.COA'SERiA 7/VE J3EC A US'E'HZ RES TRAM ieG EF'FEC75...Ok"WPE'", hlo2PiG', RE)WFOacE-~~/V)6'iV7 HA YE 82ZH NE,6 LEd PRESSdRE'N
I 6.0    PRESSURE    - TEMPERATURE LIMITS The upper    limit of the Technical Specification heatup and. cooldown curves are also plotted on Figure 5. Because these limits are controlled by the .higher fluence beltline region, full'operating pressure, ZZSO psig, is not permitted below 315F. This temperature is on the toughness upper shelf by a margin in excess  of  100F.,
'A S.HAs THE'.: M" D~D.OD/ER.6'V2 9 HoLE/H A rw'~pR-'=-AT'PP<)C,~BLE E4LJA 7.row'.I/7HZ R/'R57 d F EPH, (.4 2.j oF'h'EdR/OI='I ZLWS 7/.C/7 V a..V m'~~...6.7/'/a RA~/A L S 7 R'ES 5 ARDiXJV'O'...
S SIC H A r L,A7E'SL!ZJE.C 7 ED l=d D~.AI.AXIAL I=NSldh/.;8<F~i-,/On)T~e'EP ulcc.)~A..
FOR PRaaL,e~/S:~~~I G~=2 8 Vv'4F/v'Cc=
G~(i'C.c 5~~~I~~~I~

'a Cl 2O PRES~URF+RCSIOCJAL 5 7 AF'55JS o a trl hl I gl A Ii)l.V>/h r r I 1 I W (I o 0 r>)uu vv~u.DtS rwdcE tNC 825 J B]a x o o 4)O
                                                                )> TELEDYNE ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.0    STRESS    ANALYSIS The  significant stresses acting across the flaw indication are those            due to vessel  pressure and due to welding residual stresses.              At the near mid-wall location, thermal stresses and stresses resulting from pipe reaction effects are negligible.
The  pressure stresses of interest are those acting in a radial di rection with respect to the nozzle. In the main shell course away from the nozzle, the operating pressure of 2250 psig causes a hoop stress equal to 16.5 ksi and an axial stress equal to 8.3 ksi. The presence of the nozzle reduces the radial stress, sine at a radius equal to the nozzle        bore radius the stresses must be equal to -2,3 ksi, I
where'the negative sign indicates compression.
In the course of evaluating similar flaws in other vessels, a very simple stress calculation technique was found to give excellent answers for the pressur memorane stress across the flaw. Specifically, the values obtained with th sim-ole approximation      may be compared to other solutions        as  follows:
                !!ethod S imp 1 e approx ima t-:. on                          0 8  membrane 30  finite    element                            C    8.7 inner surface 10.3 mid-wall outer surface 20  axisymmetric model, doubled                      7.7 inner wall 10.0 mid-wail Thi 5 s lmpl e approximat ion is used in    thi s  eval uation  . in order to obta in the pressure stress acting normal to the      F') aw, as  contained in Aooendix.A.

Technical Report TR-3454-1 EMNEERING SERVICES APPEHOIX 8 A4-31 k
                                                                        >< TELEDYNE EiNGIREERNG SERVICES The  residual stresses used in this evaluation are a conservative approximation to those measured in a heavy weldment after post-weld heat treatment*. These data indicate that the residual strssses vary through the thickness with a cosine relationship from 8.0 ksi tensile on the surfaces to 8.0 ksi compression at mid-wall. Despite coniirmation of the presence of compressive residual stresses at midwall by removal of a similar flaw to the one under consideration in a RP'J. Ho credit is taken for these compressive stresses in this analysis. Instead, the residual stresses are considered to vary as a cosine function through the thickness with 8.0 ksi tensile on the surfaces to 0 ksi at the center.
lM~4 aa A PPGHo IX 8 CBKD.BY DATc~'3 7ou6HNz5$jr',zA7 lung SMKET NO.OF/8 PRO4.NO..S'7ZHSS..AA/rr(LYS JD Hx'R/ass/aA'~~~c+ZC7"/dAl.X/~.A"ZQ gg.JFCPOr)PE+
Previous evaluation of a recirculation inlet nozzle in a BtlR, which is sub-jected to larger temperature changes than is the subject PHR inlet nozzle, indi-cates that thermal stresses are not significant as long as the flaw does not approach wi thin about 1 1/2" from the inner surface,                  This is true during normal and abnormal operations because the inlet nozzle and the adjacent vessel are suojected to the same temperature transient and are similar in thickness. Tnere-fore, thermal stress effects are not considered to be of importance in the range oi ilaw sizes considered, 2a <4 inches.
e HA 7 7"k'a~4~*):.~c;gAi.$7-RE'sS..S'/$7Rrddrroh'.
Pipe reaction stresses          in ihe weld region are primarily bending stresses varying irom tensile ai one surface to compressive at the other. Since the re-sorted ilaw oi inte. est is near mid-wall, pipe reaction stresses across the taw are '.'nsignificant.
zezc sS 7a=-,v-a/c<+=zj
As a  result oi this discussion, the only stresses used in the fracture mechanics analysis of Aopendix 8 are those which result from internal pressure and the weld r'esidual stresses.             Since the resulting stress intensity factor is very low, a question often arises as to the consequences of an error in the cal-culated stress.         For this reason, an additional evaluation, Appendix C, is made for the indicated flaw dimensions giving the stress intensity factor which would                        be
.'.9Z Llh'Zgg/RZD..../&
'computod for arbitrary values oi membrane stress acting across the flaw.
..A.'Vc=RY SPZ C((=/C rrtdrtrlVCg, A&3..g g=..N=m ZP APE Ir(~: A r~'a T'u e.BEN a(N Cr P>-cannP~e<~/TS Z=-/'~e)';r;-r~a
D..'. Ferr'.'(1    P."". ~uhl and D.R.       l1iller, ".'4easurement  o7 Residua  1  Stresses in a q sr "e '6  e'lT.   ';te'd.,'na ~puma  I Resea, cn  UDDlemenr., tlovemoer  i "co A4-15
..r W/S A//Zr Ver S.D/V=-S 7m~wx/se-s/~;~~~o~g,~x ua 5+.///7.=-~re 5/='44,Q(=~C'7 RESS~Gs~..p A/&,7 r",~S7.ZW~~S)i9 7 7+E.P/r7KZ JL~S)ZDc5~y.~'S'r~5'5>>,-;rf(MaA rr', 4 Gq I C, G~t I g I I I.'I I'.'l (a I r~I cf ur..C Spr4 (r~~.~o Qs, 2A S LIMA'/f4P'I O%-4 Cp Pl 5 r 4 (+/4-44 4'4 A4-32

Dy 4 r3r3 DAvm~~-/2-7 CHKD.SY DATI~~/3)1 D3ezDT No.~o3 E3 wee.xo........Pw&AVi&c
                                                        )< TELEDYN EZG;XEERIXG SERVICES With respect to Faulted Conditions, the inlet nozzle provides the path for injection flow for about 40 minutes following a LOCA. For the first 20 seconds the flow is from the safety injection accumulators at a temperature of 90'F.
.;..',.:".....'Cg=.$4MFACE:$7)2~SS~r G.=s7-W~ss X r'~e<"w~~Dw MLAMJ srzess w7-osprey FLr vV~~0 E E D,oR 3~I~~~aur~,R jVP~S>~Or~O.Z.~JA//VZAPADS 7 ES6 B'.~=)rr Z.QA.VE,~7 rP~55+~A'//'lG S 7 PWS5 a=,+Ag<DIAM=7:-7 d;...Q~8'gDDED...
At that time the safety injection pumps are started and deliver 155F fluid from the boric acid tanks. At 140 seconds following LOCA initiation the flow trans-fers to the refueling water storage tank and the water temperature drops to'60F.
F43&V'z 8'c KA'H8".r r I~~~~~~~~~~I~r~~II~I~~~~<<I>>I E~~~<<~>>~I~~~~~~~~<<~~~~I~E~I~~<<~~~~~~~I~~~~~~<<~I~~zc=-rr-., rcr-/<r=zrn8E'DDED r=~A vr'/5 7AA'=<C3r-r-C 8 A'C;7f-.i<re'c~F.r v 0 E 1<.-Wo a (~/-~-~)Ki,"..=r'z.(E'O Fo)s (o:.'-G)E A4-33 S
At the end of 40 minutes flow switches to the containment dump and flow is at a minimum of 140F,     The reactor pressure drops to near zero immediately following a LOCA.
l~I I gy M OAIO~n.7 CHKD.8Y DATE~I'~~~SHEET NO.OF 8 3 PRC4I.NO.+D,e'i(s)7'.V..:.,'~., G~=Gs-,Gq*~~..;.'P~=N.-Z~-Z.~G W-z a.-z.a I r I I Z,g-2.6 (j,-.: C~'"~\Cs-G e)~o'I'Co e-xa.-z e ,<o Z4-2.~tr I Oo II Gs)-ze g 7<-28/A ZO Z+PS)I/Q I 4'(t-.-~')=~(~-.-.t,-,'4 cZ G~=Go.P Wo.-I..C)g=w'IP l7/o'c Cg rl z 7 A...2 x'=.-a...-..e.'......,..~-24 Gg ,i-Wo'g P~I l t o g~J C~s='lt-/i-~>!+~L (is Wo 1~
The  other Faulted Condition of concern is a Large Steamline Break Accidenl (LSBA). Following a LSBA the reactor coolant temperature end pressure rapidly decreases. When the pressure descreases  below 1450 psig, flow from the boric acid storage tanks enters the vessel at 155F. Safety injection terminates ten minutes    after the LSBA.
~4 t S BY nwva~-/~1~oxxo sPvVoATs~>~>
Flow during these events  is through the inlet nozzle and down the vessel.
A sxsrr xo.~os~reoz.Xo.lwee=o 2)e 0 Sy=+Z,O K5/Cow g.zS o-5'W Z.uZS 2.4-7S ,/27-Z/Z//2S 74 3 7.f~~82 Z OZS~+C7 2, 47~g.5-.c 7S-/./Z5.7-"3-/.st'z.ezs-z.+7s'7 Z 7/.d8/2+./Cc 4 , 207~Zg.d/.DC 2 3/K-,/2 3/WO 2.25+d5 D I ao-35 J'I l IC BY&OATB~/2 7 OHKD.BY~LWDATE~O SHZH'O.OP PROJ.NO.C/$E'Z FOR O.25', O.Z5 D.55//25~025''4 T5.Z./Z Z.0'7.9SZ ,+g 7 Z S75.Z.C 25 8 4-75 g~Z..32K-./ZK I/g-I DZ 5-/.47E.943'c//7 2-o.7Dg 7 8 d.5/3 d.Z07 l 3/Gs ((G,)G~/~I C (C~+O j/)O Y//i4 c 3/~270 J/.ZZ C.7D ,z 7C//C3'4.z8 7.35 277/a~//"330~47o 8/<~28B/z.7S.Z~Z~7 P 7dg 9 03.30+A4-36 4
Because the nozzle and vessel are of about the same thickness, but small the.mal discontinuity stresses result. Analysis of similar transient in other nozzles indicates thermal stresses across the weld of less than 5 ksi. Since the pressure nas decreased,   the total stress intensity factor, for the Faulted Condition is, smaller than that calculated during normal operation. Therefore, postulatee sur-fac flaws in the vessel beltline region are more limiting than is the reported nozzle weld flaw.
~~~~r r f p 4 t Technical Report TR-3454-1 I~~<ice ENGINEERING SERVlCES APPfHOIX C
~'~I CNlm.BY~EATE~Er+
F g//+c7-or=A p/or/E'D 8 7 RESS Yw a ra rvontE f~'M9 tea~g~n~~~~~A PPEHD/g SHEET HO, PROP.NO.I OF~~~CASE'-l'':.:.'..Z K~'~'2.cb=-0'~~g~/g~/0.3~I~4-4 5'0877/8 0.35'7 Z O.....'....30 I~5.~Z'.':..83 3/o7//.c9/.al'...'..l
~8'8 7/o/0//C"-/:/p.rr-.:-:/Z~O/ZS3~I (~-" l)O, p~I~/3 4;...2S~I 7 (F~<<O)l IE Sy=84.s 4-8/~/3S 77-/O9 yn/-I zs8 Vg~/.ada'" I<<j/cD/3+.i/'r43 Z S.'Z.'.:/-/7/Z7 4/oZ'...'."Z:as+,,/o3~/'oOD 7+I g~r I r/6 IJI+=

Technical Report TR-3454-1 APPcHOIX 0
Cl l
/g~~/e P g sglf<herr
~9 fZ~~g/~C/o~~~~s m~~~/~g.'8';Zo(tn)CJPP Cc PlnC'I C HOCCJ CACAO+/(+~2 CQ c~vesJ'q re, sgv<Jz e~~~~./.h..P4.~low e'H/eZr u~+/c"~C'af 2'g r VC kcc~c.I-4->~i@i g..M+.Crj.v Jf I Ci I ksmhsss4smEsss' E Es~r"I BY c~~DATE~V'5(LJ I.'CEKD.BYMMDATE~>
SHAK'O.Z DP ZO LW Q.C4~//c~c (j~)><X'Mum f'4u w~/i@&Q Cr~ira p/" 9r'~j I r Ji A jagre'<CO~u/C r~YDYrl i~s jdgP/<rVQJJC~'y/Y"~~/C"~r~--G 2~(/)~(~)~su gg(Z)>~C'~/e I jld<2>~o J~IC I c.gP QJTtT s CA&Is+~4i~cc pv)(~~A4-42

,f e'Y oaTE~<<~i C4KD.ET@+DATE~S SHEET HD.DS~PROJ.No, g~=O, Q3'~g (g oo)7 heij7Vw C/cd 8(0 w ghv)+rCJ JE'g e A4-43 a
Ei~tNEERIRG SERY}CES 8.0 FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH Because  of the operating characteristics of a PWR, the inlet nozzle temperature variations within the power range are negligible. Even when coolant temperature 'changes do occur, the nozzle and vessel respond similarly in that thermal discontinuity stresses are negligibl'e in the vicinity of the reported flaw. Skin-type thermal stresses may be significant at and near the inner surfaces, but not in the vicinity of the reported flaw.
ATTACHMENT 3 SCOPE OF ULTRASONIC EXAMINATIONS OF THE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL WELDS r~~VI~1 The following is a listing of mechanized ultrasonic ezaminations of the reactor pressure vessel welds and adjacent piping welds.These examinations will include 1/2T base material for vessel welds and 1/4 inch base material for piping welds.Also shown are the anticipated ezamination angles and the direction of the beam component.
Therefore the only cycle of importance to growth of the reported flaw is pressurization and depressurization. For the reported Flaw, the aK for pres-
The lower head is forged and has no meridional welds and the shell courses are ring sections with no longitudinal welds.In all cases the goal is to examine 100%of the weld plus 1/2T each side of the weld.Examination of 100%of the weld length is the goal also for the circumferential vessel welds even though 74/S75 Section XI only requires 5%.Interference from other vessel components may limit the desired ezamination coverage.If this was the case in previous ezaminations, it has been noted.A complete discussion of the individual ezamination area coverage wiQ be provided in the final report of the ezaminations as required by Regulatory Guide 1.150 Rev.l.Mech UT examinations will be performed on the reactor vessel welds and selected reactor coolant piping welds from the inside surface utilizing the PaR ISI-2 Device and SwHI Fast PaR equipment.
.surization to 2500 'psig, the design pressure, is only 8.7 ksi. An. For a subsurface flaw, Figure A-4300-1 predicts a fatigue crack growth rate of 8(10)   in/cycle for pressurization to 2500 psig. Therefore no fatigue crack growth is predicted.                           l
Ezamination areas include vessel circumferential, nozzle-to-shell, and nozzle piping welds.The Mech UT ezaminations of the RPV will be performed in accordance with the requirements of the 74/S75 Section XI and Reydatory Guide 1.150, Rev.1.N a)"RPV Shell and Head AVelds 1)0-degree longitudinal wave (UTOL)examinations will be performed for detection of laminar reQectors which might affect interpretation of angle-beam results.2)0-degree longitudinal wave (UTOKV)ezaminations will also be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material.3)45-degree and 60-de~ee shear wave (UT45 and UT60)ezaminations will be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material oriented parallel to the weld.4)45-degree and 60-degree transverse shear wave (UT45T and UT60T)ezaminations will be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material oriented transverse to the weld.5)In the case of the RPV welds, SwRI 50/70 tandem search units v%be used to ezamine to a depth of approximately 2.25 inches for detection of reQectors in the clad-to-base metal interface area and also in the volume between the examination surface and the depth of the first Code calibration reQector.These dual-element tandem search units develop an interactive beam with longitudinal
'wave propagation and produce an ezamination with significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio over conventional near-surface techniques.
C It,r F~
b)RPV Nozzle Areas The inlet, outlet, and safety injection nozzle-to-vessel welds will be examined from the bore utilizing 15-degree (for inlet nozzles), 10 degree (for outlet nozzles)10-degree (for safety injection nozzle)and 45-degree beams for detection of reQectors in the weld and base material.In addition, UT45T and UT60T ezaminations will be performed from the shell inside surface for detection of reQectors oriented transverse to the weld and base material.These transverse examinations vrill utilize a computer to control the X-Y-Z movements of the PaR.device to assure accurate positioning around the nozzle during ezaminations.
50/70 tandem search units wiH be utilized from the bore and shell inside surfaces for detection of reflectors located in the clad-to-base metal interface region and also the volume between the examination surface end the Qrst Code calibration reQector for the purpose of satisfying the requirements in Section XI.c)Piping Welds Nozzle Pi in Welds For the inlet safe end-to-nozzle welds, a UTOL scan will be used for detection of reQectors which might affect interpretation of the angle-beam results.UT45 and UT 60 scans will be used for detection of reQectors parallel to the weld from both sides of the weld.A UT45T scan will be used for detection of reflectors oriented transverse to the weld.The acoustic properties of the inlet elbows preclude ezamination from the elbow side;therefore, a UTOW scan will be performed in addition to the scans identifled above.Limitations are expected around the vessel support lugs, safety injection and inlet nozzles due to the proximity of these components.
Other limitations are listed.I.Circumferential welds Estimated time-(2.5 shifts)Ring fory'ng-to-lower head weld (RPV-E)Ezamination area 0-360 0-360 Angle 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component up/dn mv/cd Lower sheD-to-ring forging weld (RPV-D)Ezamination area 0-360 0-360 Angle 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component up/dn cw/ccw Limitations due to prozimity of core support lugs@0 from (344.20-15.90)CG-1 90 from (74.20-105.80)CG-2 180 from (164.20-195.80)CG-3 270 from (255.25-284.75)CGA Intermediate sheD-to-lower shell weld (RPV-C)Ezamination area 0-360 0-360 Angle 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component up/dn mv/cd 1~h~t
~~D.Upper sheH-to-intermediate shell weld (RPV-B)Examination area 0-360 0-360 Angle 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component up/dn cw/ccw II.Upper shell region area (A)A.Flange-to-upper shell weld (RPV-A)from shell Estimated time-(3.0 Shifts)Examination area 0-360 0-360 Angle 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component up cw/cd B.Outlet nozzle-to-shell welds (N1A), (NlB)from shell Examination area nozzle (0-360)Angle 0,45T,GOT,50/70T Beam Component nv/cd C.Inlet nozzle-to-shell welds (N2A), (N2H)from shell Examination area nozzle (0-360)Angle 0,45T,GOT,50/70T Beam Component cw/cd D.Safety injection nozzle-to-shell weld (AC-1002), (AC-1003)from shell Examination area nozzle (0-360)Angle 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component av/cd III.Upper shell rey'on area (B)A.Flange-to-upper shell weld (RPV-A)from seal surface Estimated Time-(1.5 shifts)Examination area 0-360 B.Vessel support lugs'mmination area Vessel support (RPV-VSL-1)
Vessel support (RPV-VSL-1)
Vessel support (RPV-VSL-2)
Vessel support (RPV-VSL-2)
Angle 18, 11, 4 Angle 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T 0,45,60,50/70 0,45T,60T,50/70T Beam Component dn Beam Component up/dn nv/cd up/dn cw/ca,v A 1-3 I~wJ'I~~
IV.Nozzle inner radius, integral mention and nozzle bore Estimated time-(3.5 shifts)~7~~r A.Outlet nozzle inner radius section integral extension region and nozzle bore.B.Examination area Outlet A (N1A-IRS)Outlet B (NlB-IRS)Outlet A (N1A-IE)Outlet B (N1B-IE)Inlet nozzle inside radius region Examination area Inlet A (N2A-IRS)Inlet B (N2B-IRS)Angle 10,45,50/70 10,45,50/70 50/70 50/70 Angle 50/70-50/70 Beam Component To Vessel C/L cw/ccw To Vessel C/L cw/cmv To Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Beam Component cw/cmv cw/cd C.Nozzle-to-sheD welds from nozzle bore Examination area Inlet A (N2A)Inlet B (N2B)Angle 15,45,50/70 15,45,50/70 Beam Component To Vessel C/L nv/cd To Vessel C/L zv/ccw D.Safety injection inside radius region and nozzle bore Emmination area Safety injection A(ACr1003-IRS)
Safety injection B(AC-1002-IRS)
Angle 0,10 0,10 Beam Component To Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Safety injection nozzle integral nxension Ezamination area Angle Safety injection A{AC-1003-IE) 70 Safety injection B{AC-1002-IE) 70 Beam Component Av Wv V.Nozzle-to-piping welds Elbow-to inlet nozzle welds Estimated Time-(3.5 Shifts)Ezamination area Inlet A (PL-FW-V)Inlet B (PL-PV-VII)
Inlet A (PL-FKV-V)
Inlet B (PL-FW-VII)
Inlet A (PL-FW-V)Inlet B (PL-FW-VII)
Angle 0,45,60 0,45,60 45RLT 45RLT 45RL 45RL Beam Component Away from Vessel C/L Away from Vessel C/L nv/cd cw/cnv To Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L 4~I~t B.Nozzle-to piping welds Examination area Outlet A (PI PW-II)Outlet A (PL-FW-Il)
Outlet B (PL-FiV-IV)
Outlet B (PI FW-IV)C.Safe end-to-nozzle welds Examination area Safety injection A(AC-1003-1)
Safety injection A(AC-1003-1)
Safety injection B(AC-1002-1)
Safety injection B(AC-1002-1)
D.Piping-to-safe end welds Examination area Safety injection'A(AC-1003-2)
Safety injection A(AC-1003-2)
Safety injection B(AC-1002-2)
Safety injection B(AC-1002-2)
Angle 0,45,60,45T,60 0,45,60,45T,60 0,45,60,45T,60 0,45>60,45T,60 Angle 0,45,45T,60 0,45,45T,60 0,45,45T,60 0,45,45T,60 Angle 0,45,45T,60 0745,45T,60 0,45,45T,60 0,45,45T,60 Beam Component Away from Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Away from Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Beam Component Away from Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Away from Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Beam Component Away from Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L Away from Vessel C/L To Vessel C/L

EiM NEERjl4G SERVCES 9.0  FRACTURE MECHANICS ANALYSIS AND CRITERIA The  linear elastic fracture  mechanics methods of Appendix A, Section XI of the  ASME Code  are used. These methods are conservative, but are not overly conservative in the absence of steep stress gradients as is the case in this solution.
'Llelds RPV-E, D, C,-B Day 1 Day 2 2[1 2 Day 3 Day 4 1 2 I--I-Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 I 1 2 I--I-Days On~==Vessel (c="-Crew Shift Upper Shell Region Area Melds (A)RPV-A, H1A, N18, H2A, HZB, AC-1002,&AC.1003 Upper Shell Region Area Welds (8)RPV-VSL1)RPV-VSL2(&RPV-A AC 1002 Piping Melds Elbow co Inlet Nozzle A PL-FM.V 8 PL FM;VII Outlet Nozzle to Pipe A PL-FN-II 8 PL-FM-IV SI Safe End to Nozzle A AC-1003-1 8 AC-1002 1 SI Pipe to Safe End A AC.1003.2 8 AC-1002.2 Nozzle Inside Radius Sections and Integral Extension Outlet A (H1A-IRS,-
The acceptance  criteria  used are those based on applied stress  intensity factor  as contained in the  Summer 1978 Addenda  to Section XI of the ASME Code, IWB-3612. These criteria are identical to those used in the Pilgrim-1 evalu-ation, although at that time the criteria were referenced to a June      ll, 1974 letter  from  ASME to Boston Edison.
IE)Outlet 8 (N18-IRS,-IE)
Inlet A (H2A-IRS)Inlet 8 (H28-IRS)Safety injection AC.1003.IRS,-IE IRS,-IE----X
'~~~t I I I 1~'~~I~t~'t I I

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10.0  ELASTIC  - PLASTIC A!HALYSIS Attachment 4 to the!'(RC Staff Evaluation of the 1976 Pilgrim-1 ISI results, dated April 21, 1976, summarizes an elastic-plastic Fracture Mechanics Analysis performed by Or. P. C. Paris as a consultant to NRC. Appendix O to this report contains an elastic-plastic analysis applicable to the Ginna-1 situation which follows Paris'lternative secondary stress computation method. Also considered is the maximum ilaw size which would result in retention of a factor of safety of burst of at least, three.
This analysis i.ndicates that a flaw through-wall (2a) dimension in exc ss of 4 inches is required to 'reduce the factor of safety below 3.0, using an analysis which assumes a very long flaw. In addi tion, this analysis shows that any residual or secondary stresses wnich are present in the structure will be eliminated by yielding as long as the flaw depth (2a), is less than a nu;.-
be. in excess of 4". That is, weld residual stresses,    thermal stresses and pipe reaction stresses need not be conside. ed in evaluating the vesse! saic-y if  2a < 4 inches.
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The following is a listing of mechanized ultrasonic ezaminations of the reactor pressure vessel welds and adjacent piping welds. These examinations willinclude 1/2T base material for vessel welds and 1/4 inch base material for piping welds. Also shown are the anticipated ezamination angles and the direction of the beam component.
The lower head is forged and has no meridional welds and the shell courses are ring sections with no longitudinal welds. In all cases the goal is to examine 100% of the weld plus 1/2T each side of the weld. Examination of 100% of the weld length is the goal also for the circumferential vessel welds even though 74/S75 Section XI only requires 5%. Interference from other vessel components may limit the desired ezamination coverage. Ifthis was the case in previous ezaminations, it has been noted. A complete discussion of the individual ezamination area coverage wiQ be provided in the final report of the ezaminations as required by Regulatory Guide 1.150 Rev. l.
Mech UT examinations willbe performed on the reactor vessel welds and selected reactor coolant piping welds from the inside surface utilizing the PaR ISI-2 Device and SwHI Fast PaR equipment. Ezamination areas include vessel circumferential, nozzle-to-shell, and nozzle piping welds.
The Mech UT ezaminations of the RPV willbe performed in accordance with the requirements of the 74/S75 Section XI and Reydatory Guide 1.150, Rev. 1.
N a)  "RPV Shell and Head AVelds
: 1)    0-degree longitudinal wave (UTOL) examinations will be performed for detection of laminar reQectors which might affect interpretation of angle-beam results.
: 2)    0-degree longitudinal wave (UTOKV) ezaminations    will also be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material.
: 3)    45-degree and 60-de~ ee shear wave (UT45 and UT60) ezaminations        will be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material oriented parallel to the weld.
: 4)    45-degree and 60-degree transverse shear wave (UT45T and UT60T) ezaminations willbe performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material oriented transverse to the weld.
: 5)    In the case of the RPV welds, SwRI 50/70 tandem search units v% be used to ezamine to a depth of approximately 2.25 inches for detection of reQectors in the clad-to-base metal interface area and also in the volume between the examination surface and the depth of the first Code calibration reQector.
These dual-element tandem search units develop an interactive beam with longitudinal
                'wave propagation and produce an ezamination with significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio over conventional near-surface techniques.
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b)    RPV Nozzle Areas The inlet, outlet, and safety injection nozzle-to-vessel welds willbe examined from the bore utilizing 15-degree (for inlet nozzles), 10 degree (for outlet nozzles) 10-degree (for safety injection nozzle) and 45-degree beams for detection of reQectors in the weld and base material. In addition, UT45T and UT60T ezaminations willbe performed from the shell inside surface for detection of reQectors oriented transverse to the weld and base material. These transverse examinations vrillutilize a computer to control the X-Y-Z movements of the PaR
        . device to assure accurate positioning around the nozzle during ezaminations. 50/70 tandem search units wiH be utilized from the bore and shell inside surfaces for detection of reflectors located in the clad-to-base metal interface region and also the volume between the examination surface end the Qrst Code calibration reQector for the purpose of satisfying the requirements in Section XI.
c)    Piping Welds Nozzle Pi in Welds For the inlet safe end-to-nozzle welds, a UTOL scan willbe used for detection of reQectors which might affect interpretation of the angle-beam results. UT45 and UT 60 scans willbe used for detection of reQectors parallel to the weld from both sides of the weld. A UT45T scan will be used for detection of reflectors oriented transverse to the weld. The acoustic properties of the inlet elbows preclude ezamination from the elbow side; therefore, a UTOW scan will be performed in addition to the scans identifled above.
Limitations are expected around the vessel support lugs, safety injection and inlet nozzles due to the proximity of these components. Other limitations are listed.
I. Circumferential welds                                                Estimated time - (2.5 shifts)
Ring fory'ng-to-lower head weld (RPV-E)
Ezamination area                  Angle                              Beam Component 0- 360                            0,45,60,50/70                      up/dn 0- 360                            0,45T,60T,50/70T                  mv/cd Lower sheD-to-ring forging weld (RPV-D)
Ezamination area                  Angle                              Beam Component 0- 360                            0,45,60,50/70                      up/dn 0- 360                            0,45T,60T,50/70T                  cw/ccw Limitations due to prozimity of core support lugs @
0 from (344.20 - 15.90) CG-1 90 from (74.20 - 105.80) CG-2 180 from (164.20 - 195.80) CG-3 270 from (255.25 - 284.75) CGA Intermediate sheD-to-lower shell weld (RPV-C)
Ezamination area                  Angle                              Beam Component 0- 360                            0,45,60,50/70                      up/dn 0- 360                            0,45T,60T,50/70T                  mv/cd
1  ~
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D. Upper sheH-to-intermediate shell weld (RPV-B)
Examination area                Angle                          Beam Component 0- 360                          0,45,60,50/70                  up/dn 0- 360                          0,45T,60T,50/70T                cw/ccw II. Upper shell region area (A)                                    Estimated time - (3.0 Shifts)
A. Flange-to-upper shell weld (RPV-A) from shell Examination area                  Angle                          Beam Component 0- 360                          0,45,60,50/70                  up 0- 360                          0,45T,60T,50/70T                cw/cd B. Outlet nozzle-to-shell welds (N1A), (NlB) from shell Examination area                  Angle                          Beam Component nozzle (0 - 360)                  0,45T,GOT,50/70T                nv/cd C. Inlet nozzle-to-shell welds (N2A), (N2H) from shell Examination area                  Angle                          Beam Component nozzle (0 - 360)                  0,45T,GOT,50/70T              cw/cd D. Safety injection nozzle-to-shell weld (AC-1002), (AC-1003) from shell Examination area                      Angle                    Beam Component nozzle (0 - 360)                        0,45T,60T,50/70T        av/cd III. Upper shell rey'on area (B)                                    Estimated Time - (1.5 shifts)
A. Flange-to-upper shell weld (RPV-A) from seal surface Examination area                      Angle                    Beam Component 0- 360                                18, 11, 4                dn B. Vessel support lugs'mmination area                    Angle                    Beam Component Vessel  support (RPV-VSL-1)            0,45,60,50/70            up/dn Vessel  support (RPV-VSL-1)            0,45T,60T,50/70T          nv/cd Vessel  support (RPV-VSL-2)            0,45,60,50/70            up/dn Vessel  support (RPV-VSL-2)            0,45T,60T,50/70T          cw/ca,v A 1-3
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IV. Nozzle inner radius, integral mention and nozzle bore            Estimated time - (3.5 shifts)
                                  ~      r A. Outlet nozzle inner radius section integral extension region and nozzle bore.
Examination area                        Angle                    Beam Component Outlet A (N1A-IRS)                      10,45,50/70              To Vessel C/L cw/ccw Outlet B (NlB-IRS)                      10,45,50/70              To Vessel C/L cw/cmv Outlet A (N1A-IE)                        50/70                    To Vessel C/L Outlet B (N1B-IE)                        50/70                    To Vessel C/L B. Inlet nozzle inside radius region Examination area                        Angle                    Beam Component Inlet A (N2A-IRS)                        50/70                    cw/cmv Inlet B (N2B-IRS)                    -
50/70                    cw/cd C. Nozzle-to-sheD welds from nozzle bore Examination area                        Angle                    Beam Component Inlet A (N2A)                            15,45,50/70              To Vessel C/L nv/cd Inlet B (N2B)                            15,45,50/70              To Vessel C/L zv/ccw D. Safety injection inside radius region and nozzle bore Emmination area                        Angle                    Beam Component Safety injection A(ACr1003-IRS)        0,10                      To Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-IRS)        0,10                      To Vessel C/L Safety injection nozzle integral nxension Ezamination area                        Angle                    Beam Component Safety injection A{AC-1003-IE)          70                        Av Safety injection B{AC-1002-IE)          70                        Wv V. Nozzle-to-piping welds                                          Estimated Time - (3.5 Shifts)
Elbow-to inlet nozzle welds Ezamination area                        Angle                    Beam Component Inlet A (PL-FW-V)                        0,45,60                  Away from Vessel C/L Inlet B (PL-PV-VII)                      0,45,60                  Away from Vessel C/L Inlet A (PL-FKV-V)                      45RLT                    nv/cd Inlet B (PL-FW-VII)                      45RLT                    cw/cnv Inlet A (PL-FW-V)                        45RL                    To Vessel C/L Inlet B (PL-FW-VII)                      45RL                    To Vessel C/L
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B. Nozzle-to piping welds Examination area              Angle          Beam Component Outlet A (PI PW-II)          0,45,60,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Outlet A (PL-FW-Il)          0,45,60,45T,60 To Vessel C/L Outlet B (PL-FiV-IV)          0,45,60,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Outlet B (PI FW-IV)          0,45>60,45T,60 To Vessel C/L C. Safe end-to-nozzle welds Examination area              Angle          Beam Component Safety injection A(AC-1003-1) 0,45,45T,60    Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection A(AC-1003-1) 0,45,45T,60    To Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-1) 0,45,45T,60    Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-1) 0,45,45T,60    To Vessel C/L D. Piping-to-safe end welds Examination area              Angle          Beam Component Safety injection'A(AC-1003-2) 0,45,45T,60    Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection A(AC-1003-2) 0745,45T,60    To Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-2) 0,45,45T,60    Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-2) 0,45,45T,60    To Vessel C/L
SCHEDULE OF MECHANIZED EXAMINATIONS FOR R. E. GIHHA RPV Days On Day 1      Day 2      Day 3        Day 4    Day 5    Day 6      Day 7    ~==Vessel anination Areas                                                                                                  Shift 2 [ 1      2 I
                                                              -I-2                  I I
I-1      2  (c="-Crew Circunferential    'Llelds RPV-E, D, C,-B Upper Shell Region Area Melds (A)
RPV-A, H1A, N18, H2A, HZB, AC-1002,
  & AC.1003 Upper Shell Region Area Welds (8)
  & RPV-A Nozzle Inside Radius Sections and  Integral Extension Outlet A (H1A-IRS,- IE)
Outlet 8 (N18-IRS,-IE)
Inlet  A (H2A-IRS)
Inlet  8 (H28-IRS)
Safety injection AC.1003.IRS,-IE AC 1002  IRS,- IE Piping Melds                                                                                        ----X Elbow co Inlet Nozzle A PL-FM.V 8  PL FM;VII Outlet Nozzle to Pipe A  PL-FN-II 8  PL-FM-IV SI Safe End to Nozzle A AC-1003-1 8  AC-1002  1 SI Pipe  to Safe  End A    AC.1003.2 8  AC-1002.2
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Revision as of 09:49, 29 October 2019

ASME Section XI Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of Inlet Nozzle Inservice Insp Indication.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/1979
Shared Package
ML17261A806 List:
TR-3454-1, NUDOCS 8901100417
Download: ML17309A416 (108)









. Ii'lSPECTIOi'l IffDICATIOff i~1ARCH 1", 1979









The Inservice Inspection indication of a near mid-wall flaw in the reactor pressure vessel inlet nozzle N2 has been evaluated in accordance wi th the requirements of Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The reported flaw satisfies the Code criteria for acceptance by eval-uation. Therefore, at least with respect to this indication, the vessel

.is acceptable for service as is without removal or repair of the indication.


1.0 INTRODUCTIOH R.E. G>nna Unit Ho. 1 is a Westinghouse PWR which went into commercial service in June, 1970. The reactor pressure vessel, constructed by the Babcock 6 Wilcox .Company was. subjected to an Inservice Inspection in accordance with Technical Specification and Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code requirements. When certain alleviating factors are not considered, an ultrasonic indication in excess of the size permitted for acceptance by examination was identified in the weld which attached an inlet nozzle to the vessel.

In support of other approaches being followed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel,. Teledyne Engineering Services (TES) was requested to,eval-uate the reported indication in accordance with the Section XI requirements vestigations~

for acceptance by evaluation. This report contains the results of that in-



Z.O CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The reported flaw satisfies the Code criteria for acceptance by evaluation, so is acceptable for service as is without removal

~ ~

or repair of the indication.

2.2 For the reported flaw, of dimensions:

Through-wall depth = 2a = 0.93 inches Len th = I = 5.3 inches Eccentricity = e = 1.0 inches, the calculated stress intensity factor is 9.2 ksi ~in. The Code acceptable value is 63.2 ksi /in. Therefore, the total factor of i 21.7 as corn ared to the code required factor of safety of ~10: 3.16.

2.3 The effect of variations in flaw size or toughness of the material can be determined rom Figure 1. Based upon the results plotte a flaw of through-wall dimension 2a = 4.0 inches, would 'hereon, variant.

satis y Code acceptance requirements even if the toughness we. o reduced zo 67 ksi v in.

The e f -"

of ons in app1 i ed stress across the 7 (aw can "e det .mined =rom Figure 2. Based upon the results plot-.ed therein, tne repor- d flaw, Za = 0.93 inches, would satisfy Code acceptance require:-;.-=. ts even i= the applied stress across the flaw were equa; to the yield strength of the material, or 51 <si, whichever is lower. Stat d differently, the calculat d pressure sLress actiing across the flaw could be increased by a factor in excess of 6 wi-;noui violation of the Code criteria.

2.5 An elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis, following the methods applied by Dr. P. C. Paris as a consultant to NRC to a similar investigation indicated that:

a. The factor of safety against plastic instability failure is in excess of 3 for a flaw through-wall dimension in excess of 2a = 4 inches.

= 4 inches,

b. For a flaw through-wall dimension in excess of 2a yielding can occur and residual stresses, such as those which result from weldin ,'nd discontinuity stresses, such aq those which result from tern erature differentials or from pipe reaction stresses, would be eliminated from consideration. Although this evaluation results in the conclusion that such stresses may be ignored, such stresses were considered in the evaluations which lead to the previously listed conclusions.

2.6 The previous MCAP-8503 ASHE III, Appendix G analysis was reviewed to determine if the pressure of the reported flaw requires a re-e!aluat:on of the Appendix G requirements. It is a conclusion of this review that the Mestingnouse evaluation of a postulated flaw in the vicinity of an outlet nozzle represents a mucn more signi-f;:cant situation than does the reported flaw. Tnerefore, accepz-abiiit of the postulated outlet nozzle flaw ls fu1tner confirmac'.on

,of the acceptability of the reported flaw.




OF VESSEL AND REPORTED FLAW The Ginna Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Yesse 1 (RPV) was fabricated by the Babcock 5 Wilcox Company (85W) to the requirements of Section III of the ASt<E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in accordance with Westinghouse Electric Company (W) Equip-ment Specification Ho. 676206 Revision 0 with Addendum 676554, Revision 0. The RPV Stress Re orts're B8W 1966, Reports Numbers. 1 through 12.

r The inside diameter, to the inner surface of the cladding, is 132 inches.

The minimum clad thickness is 5/32 inches. The wall thickness is 6 1/2 inches at the beltline and 9 inches at the nozzle course. The nozzle course contains two 52 1/2 inch outside diameter inlet nozzles, two 49 inch diameter outlet noz-

'les and two nominal 4 inch diameter safety injection nozzles. The inlet and outlet nozzles are at a- common el'evation.

A sketch of the inlet nozzle is shown in Figure 3, with the dimensions of configure-ion the weld preparation on the OD of the nozzle sketches above. This is mportant because it locates the reported flaw. Figure 4 shows the inne. por-tion of this weld prepa. ation with the reported flaw lying along the line AC.

The reweld pr paration dimensions are defined on a radial plane through the vessel cen-erline (= = 0' 360'). Since the weld oreparation is machined cylindr cally with the nozzle centerline, the radial dis-ance be-'.veen the inside of the


preparation land varies with radial position ~ . The flaw is loca-;ed and -he weld be-ween 305' 9 < 316.5", approximately the 10:30 o'lock position wnen look':ng along the nozzle centerline from outside of the vessel. Figure 4 indicates :~e radial distance from the RPV ID to Point D as varying between 4.2 and ..1 inches.

The reported flaw "through-wall"dimension measured along the weld prepa.ation re-is 0.93 inches. For purposes of analysis,Section XI permits this flaw to b olved into a "throuah-wall" dimension measured perpendicular to the vess'el sur-face which would decrease the 2a dimension, Because of the complex geometry, the cir-advantage is not taken of this factor. The flaw length, measured around cumVerence of the weld preparation as the distance between 305'nd 316.5's 5.27

ENG)NEER)NG SERVtCES inches.Section XI defines the flaw eccentricity as the distance between .the flaw center and the vessel midplane. The distance from the vessel ID to the flaw center varies between approximately 3.55 and 4.47 inches. Conservatively neglecting the increased thickness resulting from the outer nozzle corner radius, therefore taking the total thickness as 9 inches; the eccentrici ty varies between approximately 0 and 1".

8ased upon the above discussion, and noting that an increase in eccentricity increases the calculated stress intensity factor, the flaw is defined for pur-poses of analysis by the dimensions:


= 0.93 inches 1 = 5.3 inches e = 1.0 inch

I lay

A ENGINEERING SERVICES 4.0 COMPARISON OF GINNA-1 REPORTED FLAW WITH PREVIOUSLY EVALUATED FLAWS For purposes of examining pressure-temperature limitations, WCAP-8503*

considered the effects of a flaw adjacent to the outlet nozzle. Although there

~ $N are differences in geometry between the inlet and outlet nozzles, the stresses are very similar. This evaluation considered a surface flaw in a plane passing through the RPV centerline of depth equal to 1.8 inches {a/t = 0.20) and surface length of 1,8 inches {aspect ratio of 1:6). Since a surface flaw of' given length and depth results in approximately the same stress intensity factor as does a subsurface. flaw of the same length and twice the through-wall dimension, the WCAP-8503 evaluation is equivalent to thai which would be obtained for a mid-wall flaw of 2a = 3.6 and 1 = 10.8 in the same orientation...In fact, the WCAP evalu-

'I ation would be very conservative because the surface is subject, to discontinuity stresses which have but little effect near midplane. Of even more importance, however, is the diffe. ence in orientation between the two flaws. The indicated Ginna flaw is circumferential to the nozzle and the WCAP flaw is radial to the nozzle; therefore, the pressure stress normal to the WCAP flaw is about thre times as large as t. at normal to the Ginna indication. The. efore, the indic't d Ginna flaw is of considerable less significance than the nozzle flaw used for the Appendix G evaluation of ihe Ginna vessel The mid-wall, nozzle attachment weld flaw most similar to that indices d in Ginna-1 which has been subjected to extens ve investigation by TES and by the

  • HRC is the indication in the Pilgrim-1 recirculation inlet nozzle NZB which was first detec.ed in 1974 and wnich was reevaluated in 1976 by both TES and HRC.

The significant parameters may be compared as follows, using the Pilgrim values evaluated by TES:

WCAP-8'03, "ASME III, Appendix G t Analysis of Rochester Gas h Electric Corporation R.E. Ginna Unitt Ho. 1 Reactor Vessel, July 1975.

A F Ei~jNEER)NG SERVICES Plant: 6 irma-I ~PI'I rim-1 Depth, 2a, in. 0.93 1,5 Length, 1, in. 5.3 5.2 Eccentricity, e, in.. 1.0 0.55 Hoop stress in vessel, 16.5 16.2 ksi(at operating pressure)

Yessej thickness 9.0 7.0 5.2 10. 7 The NRC evaluation assumed somewhat more conservative parameters. Soth the TES and HRC evajuations concluded thaw the Pilgrim-1 RPY was satisfactory ior continued service. Tne calculated stress ntensi y =actors for GInna-1 woutd be expected to be much smaller than those computed =or Pilgrim-l.

Sased upon these iwo comparisons with previously evaluated flaws, one wouid judge thai the Ginna-1 vessel would easily satisfy the Section Xl cri ria =or acceptance by evaluation.


t'j It, KI r

5.0 HATERIAL PROPERTIES values publ i shed in WCAP-8421*, the unirradi a ted ma teria 1

~ 4


Based upon the -

properties of the nozzle, using outlet nozzle data, and of the weld, using beltline weld data, are as follows:

Location RTNDT Cy Shel f, ft-1 b Nozzle 0. 09 60 125 Weld 0.23 80

',f 0

18 The computed end-of-life fluence at the nozzle elevation is 1.08(IO) at one-quarter thickness. Using Regulatory Guide 'l.99, Revision 1, the end-of-life properties are computed as:

Location NDT Shelf, ft-lb Nozzl e 60 112 Wel d 70 62

!I, in WCAP-8503 has used an upper shelf KlIR = 200 ksi ~n.

The Sect-ion XI toughness versus temoerature curves are plotted in Figure =

for an end-of-life RTi'=

s Ul 70F.

" 'iCAP-8421, Analysis of Capsule R From the Rochester Gas and lectric Corporation R.:. Ginna Unit No. Reactor ilessel Radiation Surveillance Program, November, 1974.


I 6.0 PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE LIMITS The upper limit of the Technical Specification heatup and. cooldown curves are also plotted on Figure 5. Because these limits are controlled by the .higher fluence beltline region, full'operating pressure, ZZSO psig, is not permitted below 315F. This temperature is on the toughness upper shelf by a margin in excess of 100F.,

)> TELEDYNE ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.0 STRESS ANALYSIS The significant stresses acting across the flaw indication are those due to vessel pressure and due to welding residual stresses. At the near mid-wall location, thermal stresses and stresses resulting from pipe reaction effects are negligible.

The pressure stresses of interest are those acting in a radial di rection with respect to the nozzle. In the main shell course away from the nozzle, the operating pressure of 2250 psig causes a hoop stress equal to 16.5 ksi and an axial stress equal to 8.3 ksi. The presence of the nozzle reduces the radial stress, sine at a radius equal to the nozzle bore radius the stresses must be equal to -2,3 ksi, I

where'the negative sign indicates compression.

In the course of evaluating similar flaws in other vessels, a very simple stress calculation technique was found to give excellent answers for the pressur memorane stress across the flaw. Specifically, the values obtained with th sim-ole approximation may be compared to other solutions as follows:

!!ethod S imp 1 e approx ima t-:. on 0 8 membrane 30 finite element C 8.7 inner surface 10.3 mid-wall outer surface 20 axisymmetric model, doubled 7.7 inner wall 10.0 mid-wail Thi 5 s lmpl e approximat ion is used in thi s eval uation . in order to obta in the pressure stress acting normal to the F') aw, as contained in Aooendix.A.

>< TELEDYNE EiNGIREERNG SERVICES The residual stresses used in this evaluation are a conservative approximation to those measured in a heavy weldment after post-weld heat treatment*. These data indicate that the residual strssses vary through the thickness with a cosine relationship from 8.0 ksi tensile on the surfaces to 8.0 ksi compression at mid-wall. Despite coniirmation of the presence of compressive residual stresses at midwall by removal of a similar flaw to the one under consideration in a RP'J. Ho credit is taken for these compressive stresses in this analysis. Instead, the residual stresses are considered to vary as a cosine function through the thickness with 8.0 ksi tensile on the surfaces to 0 ksi at the center.

Previous evaluation of a recirculation inlet nozzle in a BtlR, which is sub-jected to larger temperature changes than is the subject PHR inlet nozzle, indi-cates that thermal stresses are not significant as long as the flaw does not approach wi thin about 1 1/2" from the inner surface, This is true during normal and abnormal operations because the inlet nozzle and the adjacent vessel are suojected to the same temperature transient and are similar in thickness. Tnere-fore, thermal stress effects are not considered to be of importance in the range oi ilaw sizes considered, 2a <4 inches.

Pipe reaction stresses in ihe weld region are primarily bending stresses varying irom tensile ai one surface to compressive at the other. Since the re-sorted ilaw oi inte. est is near mid-wall, pipe reaction stresses across the taw are '.'nsignificant.

As a result oi this discussion, the only stresses used in the fracture mechanics analysis of Aopendix 8 are those which result from internal pressure and the weld r'esidual stresses. Since the resulting stress intensity factor is very low, a question often arises as to the consequences of an error in the cal-culated stress. For this reason, an additional evaluation, Appendix C, is made for the indicated flaw dimensions giving the stress intensity factor which would be

'computod for arbitrary values oi membrane stress acting across the flaw.

D..'. Ferr'.'(1 P."". ~uhl and D.R. l1iller, ".'4easurement o7 Residua 1 Stresses in a q sr "e '6 e'lT. ';te'd.,'na ~puma I Resea, cn UDDlemenr., tlovemoer i "co A4-15

)< TELEDYN EZG;XEERIXG SERVICES With respect to Faulted Conditions, the inlet nozzle provides the path for injection flow for about 40 minutes following a LOCA. For the first 20 seconds the flow is from the safety injection accumulators at a temperature of 90'F.

At that time the safety injection pumps are started and deliver 155F fluid from the boric acid tanks. At 140 seconds following LOCA initiation the flow trans-fers to the refueling water storage tank and the water temperature drops to'60F.

At the end of 40 minutes flow switches to the containment dump and flow is at a minimum of 140F, The reactor pressure drops to near zero immediately following a LOCA.

The other Faulted Condition of concern is a Large Steamline Break Accidenl (LSBA). Following a LSBA the reactor coolant temperature end pressure rapidly decreases. When the pressure descreases below 1450 psig, flow from the boric acid storage tanks enters the vessel at 155F. Safety injection terminates ten minutes after the LSBA.

Flow during these events is through the inlet nozzle and down the vessel.

Because the nozzle and vessel are of about the same thickness, but small the.mal discontinuity stresses result. Analysis of similar transient in other nozzles indicates thermal stresses across the weld of less than 5 ksi. Since the pressure nas decreased, the total stress intensity factor, for the Faulted Condition is, smaller than that calculated during normal operation. Therefore, postulatee sur-fac flaws in the vessel beltline region are more limiting than is the reported nozzle weld flaw.


Cl l



Ei~tNEERIRG SERY}CES 8.0 FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH Because of the operating characteristics of a PWR, the inlet nozzle temperature variations within the power range are negligible. Even when coolant temperature 'changes do occur, the nozzle and vessel respond similarly in that thermal discontinuity stresses are negligibl'e in the vicinity of the reported flaw. Skin-type thermal stresses may be significant at and near the inner surfaces, but not in the vicinity of the reported flaw.

Therefore the only cycle of importance to growth of the reported flaw is pressurization and depressurization. For the reported Flaw, the aK for pres-

.surization to 2500 'psig, the design pressure, is only 8.7 ksi. An. For a subsurface flaw, Figure A-4300-1 predicts a fatigue crack growth rate of 8(10) in/cycle for pressurization to 2500 psig. Therefore no fatigue crack growth is predicted. l

EiM NEERjl4G SERVCES 9.0 FRACTURE MECHANICS ANALYSIS AND CRITERIA The linear elastic fracture mechanics methods of Appendix A,Section XI of the ASME Code are used. These methods are conservative, but are not overly conservative in the absence of steep stress gradients as is the case in this solution.

The acceptance criteria used are those based on applied stress intensity factor as contained in the Summer 1978 Addenda to Section XI of the ASME Code, IWB-3612. These criteria are identical to those used in the Pilgrim-1 evalu-ation, although at that time the criteria were referenced to a June ll, 1974 letter from ASME to Boston Edison.

10.0 ELASTIC - PLASTIC A!HALYSIS Attachment 4 to the!'(RC Staff Evaluation of the 1976 Pilgrim-1 ISI results, dated April 21, 1976, summarizes an elastic-plastic Fracture Mechanics Analysis performed by Or. P. C. Paris as a consultant to NRC. Appendix O to this report contains an elastic-plastic analysis applicable to the Ginna-1 situation which follows Paris'lternative secondary stress computation method. Also considered is the maximum ilaw size which would result in retention of a factor of safety of burst of at least, three.

This analysis i.ndicates that a flaw through-wall (2a) dimension in exc ss of 4 inches is required to 'reduce the factor of safety below 3.0, using an analysis which assumes a very long flaw. In addi tion, this analysis shows that any residual or secondary stresses wnich are present in the structure will be eliminated by yielding as long as the flaw depth (2a), is less than a nu;.-

be. in excess of 4". That is, weld residual stresses, thermal stresses and pipe reaction stresses need not be conside. ed in evaluating the vesse! saic-y if 2a < 4 inches.

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The following is a listing of mechanized ultrasonic ezaminations of the reactor pressure vessel welds and adjacent piping welds. These examinations willinclude 1/2T base material for vessel welds and 1/4 inch base material for piping welds. Also shown are the anticipated ezamination angles and the direction of the beam component.

The lower head is forged and has no meridional welds and the shell courses are ring sections with no longitudinal welds. In all cases the goal is to examine 100% of the weld plus 1/2T each side of the weld. Examination of 100% of the weld length is the goal also for the circumferential vessel welds even though 74/S75 Section XI only requires 5%. Interference from other vessel components may limit the desired ezamination coverage. Ifthis was the case in previous ezaminations, it has been noted. A complete discussion of the individual ezamination area coverage wiQ be provided in the final report of the ezaminations as required by Regulatory Guide 1.150 Rev. l.

Mech UT examinations willbe performed on the reactor vessel welds and selected reactor coolant piping welds from the inside surface utilizing the PaR ISI-2 Device and SwHI Fast PaR equipment. Ezamination areas include vessel circumferential, nozzle-to-shell, and nozzle piping welds.

The Mech UT ezaminations of the RPV willbe performed in accordance with the requirements of the 74/S75 Section XI and Reydatory Guide 1.150, Rev. 1.

N a) "RPV Shell and Head AVelds

1) 0-degree longitudinal wave (UTOL) examinations will be performed for detection of laminar reQectors which might affect interpretation of angle-beam results.
2) 0-degree longitudinal wave (UTOKV) ezaminations will also be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material.
3) 45-degree and 60-de~ ee shear wave (UT45 and UT60) ezaminations will be performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material oriented parallel to the weld.
4) 45-degree and 60-degree transverse shear wave (UT45T and UT60T) ezaminations willbe performed for detection of reflectors in the weld and base material oriented transverse to the weld.
5) In the case of the RPV welds, SwRI 50/70 tandem search units v% be used to ezamine to a depth of approximately 2.25 inches for detection of reQectors in the clad-to-base metal interface area and also in the volume between the examination surface and the depth of the first Code calibration reQector.

These dual-element tandem search units develop an interactive beam with longitudinal

'wave propagation and produce an ezamination with significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio over conventional near-surface techniques.


t,r F~

b) RPV Nozzle Areas The inlet, outlet, and safety injection nozzle-to-vessel welds willbe examined from the bore utilizing 15-degree (for inlet nozzles), 10 degree (for outlet nozzles) 10-degree (for safety injection nozzle) and 45-degree beams for detection of reQectors in the weld and base material. In addition, UT45T and UT60T ezaminations willbe performed from the shell inside surface for detection of reQectors oriented transverse to the weld and base material. These transverse examinations vrillutilize a computer to control the X-Y-Z movements of the PaR

. device to assure accurate positioning around the nozzle during ezaminations. 50/70 tandem search units wiH be utilized from the bore and shell inside surfaces for detection of reflectors located in the clad-to-base metal interface region and also the volume between the examination surface end the Qrst Code calibration reQector for the purpose of satisfying the requirements in Section XI.

c) Piping Welds Nozzle Pi in Welds For the inlet safe end-to-nozzle welds, a UTOL scan willbe used for detection of reQectors which might affect interpretation of the angle-beam results. UT45 and UT 60 scans willbe used for detection of reQectors parallel to the weld from both sides of the weld. A UT45T scan will be used for detection of reflectors oriented transverse to the weld. The acoustic properties of the inlet elbows preclude ezamination from the elbow side; therefore, a UTOW scan will be performed in addition to the scans identifled above.

Limitations are expected around the vessel support lugs, safety injection and inlet nozzles due to the proximity of these components. Other limitations are listed.

I. Circumferential welds Estimated time - (2.5 shifts)

Ring fory'ng-to-lower head weld (RPV-E)

Ezamination area Angle Beam Component 0- 360 0,45,60,50/70 up/dn 0- 360 0,45T,60T,50/70T mv/cd Lower sheD-to-ring forging weld (RPV-D)

Ezamination area Angle Beam Component 0- 360 0,45,60,50/70 up/dn 0- 360 0,45T,60T,50/70T cw/ccw Limitations due to prozimity of core support lugs @

0 from (344.20 - 15.90) CG-1 90 from (74.20 - 105.80) CG-2 180 from (164.20 - 195.80) CG-3 270 from (255.25 - 284.75) CGA Intermediate sheD-to-lower shell weld (RPV-C)

Ezamination area Angle Beam Component 0- 360 0,45,60,50/70 up/dn 0- 360 0,45T,60T,50/70T mv/cd

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D. Upper sheH-to-intermediate shell weld (RPV-B)

Examination area Angle Beam Component 0- 360 0,45,60,50/70 up/dn 0- 360 0,45T,60T,50/70T cw/ccw II. Upper shell region area (A) Estimated time - (3.0 Shifts)

A. Flange-to-upper shell weld (RPV-A) from shell Examination area Angle Beam Component 0- 360 0,45,60,50/70 up 0- 360 0,45T,60T,50/70T cw/cd B. Outlet nozzle-to-shell welds (N1A), (NlB) from shell Examination area Angle Beam Component nozzle (0 - 360) 0,45T,GOT,50/70T nv/cd C. Inlet nozzle-to-shell welds (N2A), (N2H) from shell Examination area Angle Beam Component nozzle (0 - 360) 0,45T,GOT,50/70T cw/cd D. Safety injection nozzle-to-shell weld (AC-1002), (AC-1003) from shell Examination area Angle Beam Component nozzle (0 - 360) 0,45T,60T,50/70T av/cd III. Upper shell rey'on area (B) Estimated Time - (1.5 shifts)

A. Flange-to-upper shell weld (RPV-A) from seal surface Examination area Angle Beam Component 0- 360 18, 11, 4 dn B. Vessel support lugs'mmination area Angle Beam Component Vessel support (RPV-VSL-1) 0,45,60,50/70 up/dn Vessel support (RPV-VSL-1) 0,45T,60T,50/70T nv/cd Vessel support (RPV-VSL-2) 0,45,60,50/70 up/dn Vessel support (RPV-VSL-2) 0,45T,60T,50/70T cw/ca,v A 1-3

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IV. Nozzle inner radius, integral mention and nozzle bore Estimated time - (3.5 shifts)



~ r A. Outlet nozzle inner radius section integral extension region and nozzle bore.

Examination area Angle Beam Component Outlet A (N1A-IRS) 10,45,50/70 To Vessel C/L cw/ccw Outlet B (NlB-IRS) 10,45,50/70 To Vessel C/L cw/cmv Outlet A (N1A-IE) 50/70 To Vessel C/L Outlet B (N1B-IE) 50/70 To Vessel C/L B. Inlet nozzle inside radius region Examination area Angle Beam Component Inlet A (N2A-IRS) 50/70 cw/cmv Inlet B (N2B-IRS) -

50/70 cw/cd C. Nozzle-to-sheD welds from nozzle bore Examination area Angle Beam Component Inlet A (N2A) 15,45,50/70 To Vessel C/L nv/cd Inlet B (N2B) 15,45,50/70 To Vessel C/L zv/ccw D. Safety injection inside radius region and nozzle bore Emmination area Angle Beam Component Safety injection A(ACr1003-IRS) 0,10 To Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-IRS) 0,10 To Vessel C/L Safety injection nozzle integral nxension Ezamination area Angle Beam Component Safety injection A{AC-1003-IE) 70 Av Safety injection B{AC-1002-IE) 70 Wv V. Nozzle-to-piping welds Estimated Time - (3.5 Shifts)

Elbow-to inlet nozzle welds Ezamination area Angle Beam Component Inlet A (PL-FW-V) 0,45,60 Away from Vessel C/L Inlet B (PL-PV-VII) 0,45,60 Away from Vessel C/L Inlet A (PL-FKV-V) 45RLT nv/cd Inlet B (PL-FW-VII) 45RLT cw/cnv Inlet A (PL-FW-V) 45RL To Vessel C/L Inlet B (PL-FW-VII) 45RL To Vessel C/L

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B. Nozzle-to piping welds Examination area Angle Beam Component Outlet A (PI PW-II) 0,45,60,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Outlet A (PL-FW-Il) 0,45,60,45T,60 To Vessel C/L Outlet B (PL-FiV-IV) 0,45,60,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Outlet B (PI FW-IV) 0,45>60,45T,60 To Vessel C/L C. Safe end-to-nozzle welds Examination area Angle Beam Component Safety injection A(AC-1003-1) 0,45,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection A(AC-1003-1) 0,45,45T,60 To Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-1) 0,45,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-1) 0,45,45T,60 To Vessel C/L D. Piping-to-safe end welds Examination area Angle Beam Component Safety injection'A(AC-1003-2) 0,45,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection A(AC-1003-2) 0745,45T,60 To Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-2) 0,45,45T,60 Away from Vessel C/L Safety injection B(AC-1002-2) 0,45,45T,60 To Vessel C/L

SCHEDULE OF MECHANIZED EXAMINATIONS FOR R. E. GIHHA RPV Days On Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 ~==Vessel anination Areas Shift 2 [ 1 2 I


-I-2 I I

I-1 2 (c="-Crew Circunferential 'Llelds RPV-E, D, C,-B Upper Shell Region Area Melds (A)

RPV-A, H1A, N18, H2A, HZB, AC-1002,

& AC.1003 Upper Shell Region Area Welds (8)


& RPV-A Nozzle Inside Radius Sections and Integral Extension Outlet A (H1A-IRS,- IE)

Outlet 8 (N18-IRS,-IE)

Inlet A (H2A-IRS)

Inlet 8 (H28-IRS)

Safety injection AC.1003.IRS,-IE AC 1002 IRS,- IE Piping Melds ----X Elbow co Inlet Nozzle A PL-FM.V 8 PL FM;VII Outlet Nozzle to Pipe A PL-FN-II 8 PL-FM-IV SI Safe End to Nozzle A AC-1003-1 8 AC-1002 1 SI Pipe to Safe End A AC.1003.2 8 AC-1002.2

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