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| issue date = 03/16/1982
| issue date = 03/16/1982
| title = Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binders EB-25 & EB-26
| title = Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binders EB-25 & EB-26
| author name = FIELDER J
| author name = Fielder J
| author affiliation = MARSH & MCLENNAN, INC.
| author affiliation = MARSH & MCLENNAN, INC.
| addressee name = SALTZMAN J
| addressee name = Saltzman J
| docket = 05000250, 05000251
| docket = 05000250, 05000251

Revision as of 11:55, 18 June 2019

Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binders EB-25 & EB-26
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1982
From: Fielder J
To: Saltzman J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8203230109
Download: ML17341A962 (8)




~DATE:-82/03/16 HOTARIlZED:

NO..DOCKET FACIL 50"250 Tur k'ey-Paint iPlanti'Upf t 3i.Florida iPower and Light<<C 05000250.50'251 Turkey Point~Plant'i.'Unit.Oi.,Flor ida<<Power-and.Li'ght'~C:

0500Q251'AUT~INANE AUTHOR AFFILIATION FIELDERS J, Marsh L HcLennanilnc.r M 8 H Nucl<<ear>Consul:tantsr.Inc, Div.~RBCI,P.NAME~

RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SAliTZMAN~J L.Economic-analysis:Branch (Utflf,.ty Finance)


Forwards endorsement 8 to NELIA Bindens EB 25 8 EB 26'ISTRIBUTION

<<CODE~N001S<<COPIES>RECEIVED!LTR i L"~ENCL:,g SIZE+,-'5'ITLE: Insur ance: Indemnitty/Endorsement A'gneement<<s NOTES: EXTERNALS LPDR NTLS<<0 3.~QQ 1 RECrPIENT ID'CODE/NAgE INTBRNAL: CON RIGUEZgJ ,L'01.COPIES~'.4TTR'ENCL.1 1.1'RECIPIENT ID<<CODE/NAHE NRR/DL/ADL 07'SP NRC<<PDR ,'COP IE'S LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 1 1 1 OTAL NUMBER.OF)COPIES,AEQUI'RED;"UTYR!7'ENCL.6 Ii I~II)iI 1 e II o o t l N II I Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1941 March 16, 1982 Mr.Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust E Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regul ation Nucl ear Regul atory Cmmission Washington, D.C.2055 Florida Power 5 Light Company Plant Turkey Point ANI SFP Excess Binders EB-25/EB-26 Endorsement

¹8 to each CERTIFIED COPIES (0 4J/gt 4jy e~4g<o

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

Enclosed for your records are two certified copies each of Endorsement

¹8 to ANI Secondary Financial Protection Excess Binders EB-25 and EB-26 to Florida Power It Light Company's Plant Turkey Point.Sincerely, an Fielder MEN Nuclear Consultants cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain Encl osure 9 8~0316 j" R~DOCK 05ppppgp DR i/i

~g'wtPg~f~c.,C~0 Nuclear Entry Lfiblllty lrtaurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION

/SUBSCRIBINB COi1PANIES AND THEIR PRO-PORTIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEHENT Cal endar Year 1982 d h dh h'hail d'd'caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii)contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for, excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or h~1~d not paid: a.The word"companies" wherever used in the policy means the'subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.

b.The policy shall be binding on such companies only.c.Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy.2.It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft t1aster Policy, or this binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.(See reVerSe Side fOr liSt Of Su(SCripj~pQOtzt@plpJQ)Inane This is to cert if that this is a rue't aa:.ther and being r,:ade part Endorsement having the endor.erne.i (Faoility Forisf as des-ffo d h reunder Liability' 0 J'nated, hereon.Ho Insurance is a or e J kahn L.QuatIrocchi;;

...r~eni A erican Nuclear Insurera'ty n'." e'.'Effective Date of January 1, 1982 this Endorsement 12:01 A.M.Standard Time Issued to lorida Power&Li ht Company B1nder No.hddddhhh~Date of Issue 1982 For the au crtbl ng co panlea Endorsement No By Counteratgned by Qanaiat Manager (1/82)

'SUBSCRIBIHG COMPANIES PROPORTIO.'t OF 100k~4 v~~xy v Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., The, 151 Fattxington Ave, Hartford, CT 06156 Aetna Insurance Coxpany, 55 Eln St.~Hartford, CT 06115 Affiliated fN Insurance Co..Allendale Park, P.O.Box 7500.JohnStOn, RI 02919 Alllant Insurance Conpany, 6435 Mtishire Blvd.~Los Angeles, CA 90054 Allstate Insurance Co., Allstate I'late South-Gl, Horthbrook.

IL 60062 Axertcan Hove Assurance Co., 102 Maiden Lane, Nev YOrk, ttY 10005 tuterican tiotorlsts Insurance Co., Long Grove.IL 60049 Bltvninous Casva'Ity Corporation.

320.18th St., Rock Island, IL 61201 Centennial Insurance Co., Atlantic Building, 45 Mall Street.Nev York.NY IOOOS Convercial ttnion insurance Co..One Beacon St., Boston, HA 02108 Connecticut Indemnity Cotxpany, The, 9 fartx Springs Rd., Famlngton, Cl 060)2 Continental Casualty Co., CNA Plate, Chicago, IL 60685 Continental Insurance Co., The, 80 Maiden La., Nev York, NY 10038 Federal insurance Co., 51 John F.Kennedy Parkvay, Short Hills, ttJ 01018 F treuan'4 Fund lnSuranCe COxpanleS, P.O.BOX)395, San franCISCO.

CA 9lil9 General Accident Insurance Coupany of Anerlca.414 Valnut St.~Philadelphia

~PA 19105 Hanover Insurance Co., Ihe, l40 Lincoln St.~MorCester.

HA 01605 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co., Hartford P'laze, HartfOrd.CT 06115 Hartford Stean Boiler Insp.6 Ins.Co., Thc, 56 Prospect St., Hartford.CT 06102 Highlands insurance Cot p 600 Jefferson St., Houston, Tx 11002 tkxxe Indennlty Co., lhe.59 Nalden Lane, Nev York, NY 10038 Insurance Co.of North Anerica, P.O.Box 7128, Philadelphl

~, pA 19101 Honarch Insurance Co.of Ohio,'lhe.19 Rector St., Nev York, NY 10006 Northern Insurance Coupany of Nev York, P.O.Box 1228, Baltlrore, ti0 21203 Northvestern National lns.Co..131 No.Jackson St.~Hllvavkee.

Ml 53201 Ohio Casualty Insurance Covpany, The, l)6 ttorth Third St.~Hanilton.OH 45025 PaClftC Indtnnity CO., 51 JOhn F.Kennedy Parkvay.ShOrt HIIIS.ttJ 01018 Peerless insurance Co., 62,Maple Ave..scene, NH 03431 Protective Insurance Co., 3100 No.Meridian St..Indianapolis, ltt 46208 Providence Mashington insurance Co., 20 Mashington Place, Providence, Rl 0290)Reliance Insurance Ctxxpany, 4 Penn Center Plate.Philadelphia.

PA 19103 Royal Insurance Coxpany of Axerica, 150 Milllan Street, Nev York, NY 10038 St.Paul Fire 6 tlarine lns.Co., 385 Mashington St., St.I'aul.HN 55'l02 Seaboard Surety Co., 90 MIIIIan St., Ne York, NY 10038 State Farvt fire 6 Casualty Coxpany.112 East Mashington St., BIotxxlngton, IL 61101 Transav erica Insvrance Conpany, P.O.Box 54256, Los Angeles, CA 90054 Travelers Indoxnlty Conpany, The, One lover SCvare.Hartford, CT 06115 Vnlted Statestfidellty and Guaranty Co., 100 Light St,.~Baittevtre.

HO 21202 Vnited Statal Fire IniuranCe CO., P.O.BOX 2381.HOrrIStvvn, ttJ 01960 Turtch'Insurance Co., 2)l No.Hartlngale Rd.Schavnburg IL 60196 NE 82 xl'9.951349 3.153160 0.248934'1.321641 4.918675 0.811268 G.lll890 0.414890 0.248934 3.319116 0.414890 4,148895 1.6754 51 1.49)602 S.310586 1.321647 0.491861 7.05)'122 0.491861 O.lll890 3.651028 1.659558 0.33'1912 2.2l 0404 0.66)823 0.165956 0.331912 0.124461 0.2489)4 O,1&5956 0.995735 3.)I9116 4.699869 0.165956 0.829119 0.829179 10.781128 10.455217 3'19116 ts~r,I.)la669~tt)St i,, Iv~I I~


/SUBSCRIBINB COMPANIES AND THEIR PRO-PORTIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1982 d h dh 1<<di)~hdih 1'd'caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii)contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or h~h~d not paid: a.The word"companies" wherever used in the policy means the'subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.

b.The policy shall be binding on such companies only.c.Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy.II 2.It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from-the beginning of the effective date of.this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft Master'olicy, or this binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.'3.ruat troeefi;, ent-can Nuclear Ins~~ty Undenvn Effectlvo Date of January 1, 1982 this Enaorsernont 12:0t.h M.5tanaara Time issued to Florida Power 5 Light';ompany Binder No.To form a part of 55Iiggg EB-26 (see reverse side for list of subscribing


This is to certify.that this is a trtio copy oi the original Endorsement having the ondorsomenc nu aber and being made part oZ the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-i nated hereon, No Insurance is af'forded h eunder.Date of Issue rch 5 1982 For the au crtcf ng co penles ,1 Endorsement No 8y Ccunterslpned by 0 oner a I Mana per (1/82)

SUBSCRIBING COHPANICS PROPORTION OF 100k Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., The, 151 Fassx)ngton Ax>>, Hartford, CT 06156 Aetna Insurance Conpany, 55 E)h St., Hartford, CT 0611$Affiliated FH Insurance Co., Allendale Park, P.O.Box 7560.Johnston, RI 02919 All)ant Insurance Coupany, 6435 M))shire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90054 Allstate Insurance Co., Allstate Plaza South-Gl, Northbrook.

IL 60062 Auerlcan Hone Assurance Co., 102 Ha)den Lane, New York.NY 10005 Aver)can Hotorists Insurance Co., Long Grove, IL 60049 B)tutu)nous Casualty Corporation, 320-18th St.~Rock island, IL 61201 Centennial Insurance Co., Atlantic Building,~5 Mall Street, New York, NY 10005 CxxrnIereia)

Union Insurance Co., One Beacon St., Boston, HA 02108 Connecticut Indennity Ccnpany, The.9 FaruA Springs Rd., Fam)ngton.

CT 06032 Continental Casualty Co., CNA Plaza~Chicago.IL 60685 COntinental ln)uranCe CO., The, 80 Ha)den La., New YOrk, NY 10038 Federal Insurance Co., 51 John F, Kennedy Parkway.Snort Hills, NJ 07078 f)reAxan'S Fund Insurance Coxpanles~P.O.Box 3395, San Francisco, CA 94)19 General Accident Insurance CoxIpany of Aner)ca.414 Malnvt St.~Philadelphia, PA 19)05 Hanpver insurance Co.,'fhe, 440 Lincoln St., MorCeSter, HA 01605 Hartfard ACC)dent and Indennity COA~Hartfurd PlaZa, Ha~tfurd, CT 06115 Hartford Stean Boiler lnsp.6 Ins.Co.-, The, 56 Prospect St., Hartford.CT 06102 Highlands insurance CoAC 600 Jefferson St., Houston, TX 77002 Hone Indtxsn)ty Co..The, 59 Ha)den Lane, New YOrk.NY 10038 Insurance Co.of North America~P.O.Box 7728, Philadelphia, PA 19101 Honarch Insurance Co, of Ohio, The,)9 Rector St..New York.NY 10006 NOrthern Insurance Conpany of New York, P.O.Box 1228, Ba)t)rare, HO 2)203 Northwestern National lns.Co., 731 No.Jackson St., Hilwau'kee.

Ml 5320)Ohio Casualty Insurance Conpany, The, 136 North)bird St., Haul)ton, OH 45025 Pacific Indcnnity Co., 51 John F.Kennedy Park~ay, Snort Hills'J 07078 Peerless insurance Co., 62 Hap)a Ave., scene.NH 03431 Protective Insurance Co..3100 No.Heridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208 providence)ssshlngton Insurance co., 20 Mashington place, providence, RI 02903 Re)lance Insurance Ccv:pany, 4 Penn Center Plaza, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Royal Insurance Conpany of Anerica.ISO Mll))an Street.New York, NY 10038 St.Paul fire 6 Harine lnS.CO,~38$MAShingtOn St.~St.Paul, HN 55)02 Seaboard Surety Co..90 Mill)an St., New York, NY 10038 State Farxx Fire 6 Casualty Coxpany.)12 Cast Mashington St., B)osxx)ngton, IL 6)101 Transanerica Insurance Coupany, P.O.Box 54256, Los Angeles.CA 90054 Travelers Indonn)ty Coupsny, the, One To er Square.Hartford.CI 061)5 Onlted States fide)ity and Guaranty Co., 100 Light St., Ba)t)vore, HO 2)202 United Statet fire inSVranCe CO., P.O.BOX 2387, HOrriitOwn, NJ 07960 2urich Insurance Co.~231 No Hartingale Rd.Schauuburg IL 60196 NE 82~a~9 951349 3.)53)60 0.248934)~327647 4.918675 0.871268 0.414890 0.414890 0.248934 3.3)91'I&0.414890 4.148895 7.675457 1.493602 5.310586 1.327647 0.497867 7.053122 0.497861 0.4)~890 3.651028).659558 0.331912 2.240404 0.6&3823 0.165956 0.331912 0.124467 0.248934 0.165956 0.995735 3.3191)6 4.699869 0.'165956 0.829779 0.829779'10,787I28 10.4552)7 3.319)16 1~244669 A A'A