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| number = ML17151B013
| number = ML17151B013
| issue date = 03/09/2017
| issue date = 03/09/2017
| title = Wolf Creek Revision 30 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14.0, Initial Test Program
| title = Revision 30 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14.0, Initial Test Program
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp
| author affiliation = Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp
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{{#Wiki_filter:WOLF CREEK CHAPTER 14.0   TABLE OF CONTENTS INITIAL TEST PROGRAM Section                        Title                      Page 14.1        SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED          14.1-1                    IN THE PSAR 14.2        INITIAL TEST PROGRAM                        14.2-1 14.2.1      SUMMARY OF TEST PROGRAM AND OBJECTIVES      14.2-1    Preoperational Test Program                  14.2-1    Initial Startup Test Program                14.2-2 14.2.2      ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING                    14.2-3    General Description                          14.2-3    Startup Organization                        14.2-4    Operating Staff                              14.2-6    Major Participating Organizations            14.2-6    Quality Assurance                            14.2-8    Qualifications of Key Personnel              14.2-8

14.2.3      TEST PROCEDURES                              14.2-8    Startup Test Procedures                     14.2-8    Procedure Review and Approval                14.2-10 14.2.4      CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM                      14.2-12    Administrative Procedures                    14.2-12    Turnover From Construction to KG&E          14.2-13                  Startup    Component and Prerequisite Testing          14.2-14    Preoperational Testing                      14.2-14    Initial Startup Testing                      14.2-14    Test Prerequisites                          14.2-15    Test Evaluation                              14.2-15    Design Modifications                        14.2-15
Section                        Title                     Page 

14.2.5      REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF         14.2-15 TEST RESULTS  14.2.6      TEST RECORDS                                14.2-16 

14.2         INITIAL TEST PROGRAM                        14.2-1

14.2.9       TRIAL USE OF PLANT OPERATING AND EMERGENCY  14.2-18                  PROCEDURES 14.0-i                          Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK                    TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)
Section                      Title                      Page  14.2.10      INITIAL FUEL LOADING CRITICALITY AND POWER  14.2-18 ASCENSION    Fuel Loading                                14.2-19    Initial Criticality                          14.2-22    Low Power Testing                            14.2-23    Power Level Ascension                        14.2-23

14.2.11      TEST PROGRAM SCHEDULE                        14.2-24  14.2.12      INDIVIDUAL TEST DESCRIPTIONS                14.2-25   Safety-Related Preoperational Test          14.2-25 Procedures    Nonsafety-related Preoperational Test        14.2-121                  Procedures    Startup Test Procedures                      14.2-158 

14.0-ii                        Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK                    TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)     Preoperational Test Program                  14.2-1
LIST OF TABLES  Table No.                     Title 14.2-1       Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures  14.2-2        Non-Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures

14.2-3        Initial Startup Test    Initial Startup Test Program                14.2-2

14.0-iii                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK CHAPTER 14.0  INITIAL TEST PROGRAM 14.1 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PRELIMINARY SAFETY        ANALYSIS REPORTS    This section is not applicable to a USAR.    
14.2.2      ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING                    14.2-3     General Description                          14.2-3

14.1-1                      Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK CHAPTER 14.0  INITIAL TEST PROGRAM  14.2 INITIAL TEST PROGRAM  14.2.1  SUMMARY OF TEST PROGRAM AND OBJECTIVES     Startup Organization                        14.2-4

The Initial Test Program encompassed the scope of events following completion of construction and construction-related inspections and tests and terminating with Power Ascension Testing. The Initial Test Program was conducted in two separate and sequential subprograms:  the Preoperational Test Program and the Initial Startup Test Program. At the conclusion of these subprograms, the plant was ready for normal power operation. Testing during the Initial Test Program was accomplished in four sequential phases:    Operating Staff                              14.2-6

Preoperational Test Program    Major Participating Organizations            14.2-6    Quality Assurance                            14.2-8    Qualifications of Key Personnel              14.2-8

Phase I - Preoperational Testing  Initial Startup Test Program
14.2.3      TEST PROCEDURES                              14.2-8

Phase II - Initial Fuel Loading and Zero Power Testing    Startup Test Procedures                      14.2-8    Procedure Review and Approval                14.2-10

Phase III - Low Power Physics Testing
14.2.4      CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM                      14.2-12 

Phase IV - Power Ascension Testing    Administrative Procedures                    14.2-12 

Prior to preoperational testing of a particular system, certain prerequisite and construction tests were conducted in order to verify the integrity, proper installation, cleanliness, and functional operability of the system components.    Turnover From Construction to KG&E          14.2-13 Startup    Component and Prerequisite Testing          14.2-14

14.2.1.Preoperational Test Program  The Preoperational Test Program is defined as that part of the Initial Test Program that commences with the completion of construction and construction-related inspections and tests and terminates with commencement of nuclear fuel loading.    Preoperational Testing                      14.2-14

The Preoperational Test Program included both safety-related and nonsafety-related preoperational tests. The Preoperational Test Program used a graded approach to determine the extent of testing to be performed. The safety-related preoperational tests (Table 14.2-1) demonstrated the capability of safety-related structures, systems, and components to meet performance requirements and to satisfy design criteria. The nonsafety-related preoperational tests (Table 14.2-2) were conducted on nonsafety-related systems and components to satisfy reliability and availability. Preoperational tests were conducted on those systems that:    Initial Startup Testing                      14.2-14

14.2-1                          Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      a. Are relied upon for safe shutdown and cooldown of the          reactor under normal plant conditions and for maintaining the reactor in a safe condition for an extended shutdown period; b. Are relied upon for safe shutdown and cooldown of the reactor under transient and postulated accident conditions and for maintaining the reactor in a safe condition for an extended shutdown period following such conditions;    Test Prerequisites                          14.2-15    Test Evaluation                              14.2-15    Design Modifications                        14.2-15

c. Are relied upon for establishing conformance with safety limits or limiting conditions for operations that are included in the technical specifications; d. Are classified as engineered safety features actuation          systems or are relied upon to support or ensure operation of engineered safety features actuation systems within design limits;
14.2.5      REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF          14.2-15

e. Are assumed to function during an accident or for which credit is taken in the accident analysis;
TEST RESULTS 14.2.6      TEST RECORDS                                14.2-16 

f. Are used to process, store, control, or limit the release of radioactive materials.  
14.2.7      CONFORMANCE OF TEST PROGRAMS WITH            14.2-16

The objectives of the Preoperational Test Program were to:

a. Verify that plant components and systems, including alarms and indications, are constructed and fulfill          their design intent; b. Demonstrate, to the extent practicable, proper system/component response to postulated accidents;

c. Familiarize plant staff operating, technical, and maintenance personnel with plant operation.

The completion of preoperational testing constituted the completion of Phase I of the Initial Test Program.  
14.2.9      TRIAL USE OF PLANT OPERATING AND EMERGENCY  14.2-18 PROCEDURES  Initial Startup Test Program  The Initial Startup Test Program is defined as that part of the Initial Test Program that commences with the start of nuclear fuel loading and terminates with the completion of power ascension testing. The initial startup tests (Table 14.2-3) ensured that fuel loading was accomplished in a safe manner, confirmed the
14.0-i                          Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)  

14.2-2                        Rev.0 WOLF CREEK design basis, demonstrated, where practical, that the plant operates and responds properly to anticipated transients and postulated accidents, and ensured that the plant can be safely brought to rated capacity and sustained power operation.
Section                      Title                      Page 14.2.10      INITIAL FUEL LOADING CRITICALITY AND POWER  14.2-18
The objectives of the Initial Startup Test Program were to:

a. Accomplish a controlled, orderly, and safe initial core loading;

b. Accomplish a controlled, orderly, and safe initial criticality;    Fuel Loading                                14.2-19    Initial Criticality                          14.2-22    Low Power Testing                            14.2-23

c. Conduct low power testing sufficient to ensure that design parameters are satisfied and safety analysis          assumptions are conservative; d. Perform a controlled, orderly, and safe power ascension with testing terminating at plant rated conditions;    Power Level Ascension                        14.2-23

e. Provide sufficient testing of transient and accident conditions to verify safe operation during transient or accident conditions.  
14.2.11      TEST PROGRAM SCHEDULE                        14.2-24 14.2.12      INDIVIDUAL TEST DESCRIPTIONS                14.2-25

The completion of initial startup testing constituted the completion of Phases II, III, and IV of the Initial Test Program.    Safety-Related Preoperational Test           14.2-25

Procedures  General Description  The Operating Agent, as defined in Section 1.4, was responsible for the overall administration and technical direction of the WCGS startup program. In recognition of this responsibility, the Director of Nuclear Operations, under the direction of the Vice President - Nuclear, established a startup organization to coordinate and direct the comprehensive planning, development, implementation and performance of the test program. The Startup Organization was headed by the Startup Manager who reported to the Plant Manager both administratively and technically.   Nonsafety-related Preoperational Test        14.2-121 Procedures

During the preoperational startup program, the Startup Manager acted to coordinate activities between the Startup Organization, the construction staff, and the operating staff.   Startup Test Procedures                      14.2-158
Prior to commencing preoperational testing activities, a Joint Test Group (JTG) as described in Section was formed to review and recommend for approval startup administrative procedures, preoperational test procedures, and preoperational test

14.2-3                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK results. A Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC) as described in Section was organized with the Plant Manager acting as chairman and it reviewed and recommended for approval initial startup test procedures and results.
14.0-ii                        Rev. 29 WOLF CREEK TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)  Startup Organization

The Startup Organization was directly responsible for the conduct of the WCGS preoperational test program. The duties and responsibilities of the startup organization also included:
LIST OF TABLES Table No.                     Title

a. Familiarization of support personnel with specific tests.  
14.2-1        Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures 14.2-2        Non-Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures

b. Direction to support personnel and others during          performance of tests including appropriate interface          with station operators.  
14.2-3        Initial Startup Test

c. Authority to disallow or terminate testing due to conditions which could endanger personnel or equipment.  
14.0-iii                        Rev. 0

d. Identification of deficiencies that could adversely affect test performance.  

e. Assembly of test data and preparation of test reports for evaluation of test results by others.  

The Startup Organization was composed of system startup engineers, technicians, planners, craft labor, and other support personnel. The Operating Agent provided these personnel and used contractors to supply manpower for those positions that it could not staff. The staffing level for the Startup Organization increased as the test program progressed and construction activities decreased. Typical schedules for the test program are given in Section 14.2.11. Staffing and training of personnel involved in testing at WCGS were planned to provide sufficient manpower to support the testing schedule.  
14.1-1                      Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK CHAPTER 14.0 INITIAL TEST PROGRAM 14.2 INITIAL TEST PROGRAM 14.2.

The Startup Organization reported administratively and technically to the Startup Manager; the duties performed by key individuals within the Startup Organization are summarized below.
The Initial Test Program encompassed the scope of events following completion of construction and construction-related inspections and tests and terminating

The Startup Manager had the authority and responsibility, as delegated by the Plant Manager, for the overall direction and administration of the functions and activities required to conduct the Startup Program. The responsibilities and duties of the Startup Manager also included:
with Power Ascension Testing. The Initial Test Program was conducted in two

14.2-4                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      a. Development of plans and schedules regarding the status          of the startup program.
separate and sequential subprograms:  the Preoperational Test Program and the  

b. Review and approval of administrative and technical test procedures and results.
Initial Startup Test Program. At the conclusion of these subprograms, the
c. Continuing analysis of construction and equipment installation schedules for compatibility with testing schedules and recommendations for corrective actions to minimize conflict.

d. Review and submittal of design related problems requiring engineering resolution, encountered by the Startup Organization in accordance with the appropriate Startup Administrative Procedures.      e. Maintaining liaison with all organizations supporting Startup and coordinating their activities.
plant was ready for normal power operation. Testing during the Initial Test  Startup Section
Program was accomplished in four sequential phases:

The Startup Section was comprised primarily of the System Test Group, the Electrical Test Group and the Instrumentation and Control Group which had primary responsibility within the Startup Organization to perform testing.
Preoperational Test Program
This section also reviewed and recommended the acceptance of system or subsystem turnover documentation from Construction and coordinated system turnover and any subsequent system rework. It was responsible for preparing the test procedures, conducting the tests, and reporting the test results. For preoperational testing, this section documented the test results and presented them before the Joint Test Group for its review and recommendation for approval.  Operations Technical Support Section

The Operations Technical Support Section was responsible for providing technical support to the Startup Section during testing. The areas in which this support was given were instrumentation and control, chemistry, computer, health physics and reactor engineering.
Phase I - Preoperational Testing Initial Startup Test Program

This section was a permanent part of the WCGS operating staff until these functions were incorporated into other sections. They were involved in training, procedure preparation, and general preparation for support of plant operations.
Phase II - Initial Fuel Loading and Zero Power Testing  Startup Scheduling Section

The Startup Scheduling Section prepared and updated the Startup Schedule, utilizing input from cognizant system startup engineers and the construction organizations.
Phase III - Low Power Physics Testing

14.2-5                        Rev.7 WOLF CREEK  Quality Control Section The Quality Control Section formulated and implemented the Startup Quality Control Program. This program monitored the conduct of the Startup Organization's testing activities by reviewing administrative and technical test procedures, by witnessing major evolutions and selected flushes, hydros, and preoperational tests and by reviewing turnover packages. The Quality Control Section was under the direction of the Director - Quality. They provided support to the Startup Manager.
Phase IV - Power Ascension Testing  Startup Technical Support Section
Prior to preoperational testing of a particular system, certain prerequisite

The Startup Technical Support Section was responsible for providing technical support to the Startup Organization during the conduct of the Startup Program.
and construction tests were conducted in order to verify the integrity, proper
Their responsibilities included test procedure and test results review and approval, technical planning of major milestone activities, startup organization training and startup program compliance to FSAR commitments.  Operating Staff  The WCGS operating staff was involved in the startup program in several capacities throughout preoperational and initial startup testing. This involvement included review of test procedures and results and the direct participation in test activities. Operating staff personnel were utilized by the startup organization as required for performance of testing under the direction of system startup engineers. Station operators assisted system startup engineers in performing tests and in the routine operations of systems.
installation, cleanliness, and functional operability of the system components.  
The operating staff directed the fuel loading and was responsible for plant operation during initial startup testing.  

The operating staff was divided into sections headed by the Superintendent Operations, Superintendent of Maintenance, Superintendent of Plant Support, Superintendent of Technical Support, Nuclear Training Manager and Superintendent Regulatory Quality and Administrative Services. These section superintendents reported administratively and technically to the Plant Manager.  Preoperational Test Program The Preoperational Test Program is defined as that part of the Initial Test
The duties and responsibilities of the operating staff during plant operations are described in Chapter 13.0.  Major Participating Organizations  Bechtel

Bechtel provided engineering input into the startup program. Bechtel was contacted to provide personnel experienced in nuclear plant startup to augment the startup organization for WCGS. Bechtel employees were assigned consistent with the startup program schedules.
Program that commences with the completion of construction and construction-

14.2-6                        Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK  Daniel International Corporation (DIC)
related inspections and tests and terminates with commencement of nuclear fuel loading.  
DIC, as contractor for WCGS, was responsible for the construction completion, and orderly release of components and turnover of systems to KG&E consistent with the startup program schedules. This responsibility included:
a. Certification that documentation for components, systems and structures, as required by purchase and installation specifications, is complete and available; and the maintenance of these certification files which provide the documentary evidence, and

b. Provision of dedicated craft manpower support as required for performance of the startup program.
The Preoperational Test Program included both safety-related and nonsafety-  Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse, as the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) supplier, was responsible for providing technical assistance to KG&E during preoperational and initial startup testing performed on the NSSS equipment and systems.
Technical assistance is defined as technical guidance, advice and counsel based on current engineering, installation, and testing practices. Westinghouse employees were assigned consistent with the Startup Program schedules. This responsibility included:

a. Assignment of personnel to provide advice and assistance to KG&E for test and operation of all equipment and systems in the Westinghouse area of responsibility.
related preoperational tests. The Preoperational Test Program used a graded

b. Supportive engineering services, including special          assistance during the initial fuel loading.
approach to determine the extent of testing to be performed. The safety-
c. Providing test procedure outlines and technical assistance for tests of Westinghouse furnished components and systems.  General Electric (GE)  
related preoperational tests (Table 14.2-1) demonstrated the capability of

GE is the supplier and installer of the turbine generator. GE supplied technical support for the startup and testing of the turbine generator. Some of the prerequisite testing (i.e., turbine oil flush) was performed by the GE personnel. GE has supplied recommended procedures for starting, operating, and shutting down equipment in their technical manuals for the turbine generator.
safety-related structures, systems, and components to meet performance

14.2-7                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Quality Assurance  The KG&E Quality Branch was responsible for assuring the quality of construction, plant testing, and operations activities in accordance with the WCGS Quality Program which is described in the Quality Program Manual.
requirements and to satisfy design criteria. The nonsafety-related  Qualifications of Key Personnel The qualifications for key plant operating personnel are described in Chapter 13.0.
The qualification requirements for startup personnel involved in the WCGS startup program conformed to capability levels per ANSI N45.2.6 and Regulatory Guide 1.8 recommendations.

All test personnel were indoctrinated in the startup administrative procedures, methods and controls.
preoperational tests (Table 14.2-2) were conducted on nonsafety-related systems

and components to satisfy reliability and availability. Preoperational tests were conducted on those systems that:

The Initial Test Program was conducted in accordance with detailed preoperational and initial startup test procedures. KG&E maintained the overall responsibility for test procedure preparation, review, and approval during the preparational stages. KG&E was responsible for final procedure revision, review, and approval. These activities were completed in a timely fashion to ensure that the approved procedures for satisfying FSAR testing equipment commitments were available for review approximately 60 days prior to scheduled implementation or fuel load for preoperational and initial startup tests, respectively. Preoperational and initial start-up testing commitments not available for review approximately 60 days prior to scheduled implementation or fuel load, respectively, were handled on a case- by-case basis.
14.2-1                          Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: a. Are relied upon for safe shutdown and cooldown of the reactor under normal plant conditions and for  

The following sections describe the general methods employed to control procedure development and review, and they also describe the responsibilities of the various organizations which participated in this process. The detailed controls and methods were described in the startup administrative procedures.
maintaining the reactor in a safe condition for an  Procedure Preparation  Test procedures for the powerblock systems and components were developed by Westinghouse and Bechtel. Bechtel also prepared test procedures for the site safety-related systems and components. Test procedures for the site nonsafety-related systems and components were developed by various entities as coordinated by KG&E.

14.2-8                        Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK The format and content of the test procedures developed for the standard plant and safety-related site systems and components reflected the guidance provided in Regulatory Guide 1.68. The procedures contained as a minimum the following sections:
extended shutdown period;
1.0  Objectives
: b. Are relied upon for safe shutdown and cooldown of the  

The objectives section identified the general results to be accomplished by the test.
reactor under transient and postulated accident

2.0  Acceptance Criteria
conditions and for maintaining the reactor in a safe

The acceptance criteria section clearly defined quantitative and/or qualitative criteria against which the success or failure of the test procedure is judged.      3.0  References
condition for an extended shutdown period following such

The references section identified those FSAR sections, vendor manuals, drawings, etc. that were pertinent to the performance and/or development of the test procedure.  
: c. Are relied upon for establishing conformance with safety

4.0  Test Equipment
limits or limiting conditions for operations that are

The test equipment section identified temporary equipment required to conduct the test procedure and/or collect data.
included in the technical specifications;
: d. Are classified as engineered safety features actuation systems or are relied upon to support or ensure

5.0  Notes and Precautions            The notes and precautions sections listed limitations and precautions necessary to ensure personnel and equipment safety. Additional instructions needed to clarify the test procedure were also listed in this section.
operation of engineered safety features actuation

6.0  Prerequisites
systems within design limits;
: e. Are assumed to function during an accident or for which

The prerequisites section identified those prerequisite tests and initial conditions that had to be completed and/or satisfied prior to the performance of the test procedure.
credit is taken in the accident analysis;
: f. Are used to process, store, control, or limit the  

7.0  Test Procedure
release of radioactive materials.  

The test procedure section provided a detailed step-by-step test method and instructions for data collection.
The objectives of the Preoperational Test Program were to:
All nonstandard arrangements required by the test procedure section were restored either in the test procedure section or the system restoration section.  
: a. Verify that plant components and systems, including

14.2-9                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      8.0  Test Data Sheets The test data sheet section provided specific forms for data collection. Additional instructions, if necessary, were also identified for each data sheet.
alarms and indications, are constructed and fulfill their design intent;
9.0  System Restoration
: b. Demonstrate, to the extent practicable, proper

The system restoration section returned the system to a safe operating or standby condition. Instructions for the removal and/or return of system temporary modifications required by the prerequisite and/or test procedure sections were clearly defined.
system/component response to postulated accidents;
: c. Familiarize plant staff operating, technical, and  

The procedural sections included, as applicable, appropriate requirements for initials and/or signatures to control the performance and sequencing of the test.  
maintenance personnel with plant operation.  

The test procedures were prepared using the latest design information available and functional requirements provided by the design engineers. This information was utilized in developing the detailed test methods which verified the ability of systems and components to function within their design specifications. The procedure preparation efforts were started more than 2 years before the first procedure to be performed. This early start allows for an orderly development of the test procedure program and of the test procedures.
The completion of preoperational testing constituted the completion of Phase I

The test procedures were reviewed by the cognizant design organization to ensure that the test procedure objectives and acceptance criteria are consistent with current design document requirements. Subsequent changes to test procedure objectives or acceptance criteria during the preparational stage were based on approved changes to design documents with the design organization's concurrence.  
of the Initial Test Program.  Procedure Review and Approval  Following initial procedure preparation, and prior to submittal to the JTG for review and approval recommendation, the test procedures were reviewed by the SNUPPS utilities (KG&E and Union Electric). Review comments were resolved between the SNUPPS utilities and the writing organization.  Initial Startup Test Program The Initial Startup Test Program is defined as that part of the Initial Test

A final revision was made by the writing organization, incorporating all applicable design changes, and was submitted to the utilities for their review and approval.
Program that commences with the start of nuclear fuel loading and terminates

14.2-10    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Each utility had various organizations, groups, and committees, such as a startup organization, initial test group, and a plant safety review committee, comprised of individuals having appropriate technical backgrounds and experience. Individuals within these organizations, groups, and committees were responsible for:
with the completion of power ascension testing. The initial startup tests (Table 14.2-3) ensured that fuel loading was accomplished in a safe manner, confirmed the
a. Reviewing procedures for accuracy and technical content;

b. Verifying that the procedure has been revised to incorporate known design changes;
14.2-2                        Rev.0 WOLF CREEK design basis, demonstrated, where practical, that the plant operates and responds properly to anticipated transients and postulated accidents, and

c. Verifying procedure compatibility with field installation of equipment;
ensured that the plant can be safely brought to rated capacity and sustained

d. Verifying procedure conformance with FSAR requirements          and plant operating technical specifications; e. Reviewing procedures against reactor operating and testing experiences of similar power plants.  
power operation.  Joint Test Group (JTG)
The objectives of the Initial Startup Test Program were to:
: a. Accomplish a controlled, orderly, and safe initial core

A subcommittee of the PSRC, the JTG was organized by the Operating Agent to review preoperational test procedures and preoperational test results.
: b. Accomplish a controlled, orderly, and safe initial

The primary JTG functions were to:
: c. Conduct low power testing sufficient to ensure that

a. Review preoperational test procedures and recommend their approval by the Startup Manager.
design parameters are satisfied and safety analysis assumptions are conservative;
b. Evaluate and authorize changes to preoperational test          procedures as detailed in the Startup Administrative Manual.
: d. Perform a controlled, orderly, and safe power ascension

c. Evaluate preoperational test procedure results and recommend their approval to the Startup Manager and Plant Manager.
with testing terminating at plant rated conditions;
: e. Provide sufficient testing of transient and accident

d. Review safety-related aspects of the startup administrative procedures.
conditions to verify safe operation during transient or

Membership in the JTG included the following personnel or their designated representatives:
accident conditions.

a. Superintendent Operations - Chairman      b. Superintendent of Plant Support
The completion of initial startup testing constituted the completion of Phases

14.2-11    Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK      c. Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality and Administrative          Services
II, III, and IV of the Initial Test Program.

d. Startup Technical Support Supervisor e. Assistant Startup Manager

f. Operations Quality Assurance (non-voting member) General Description The Operating Agent, as defined in Section 1.4, was responsible for the overall

g. Bechtel Power Corporation-Engineering (non-voting member)
administration and technical direction of the WCGS startup program. In

h. Westinghouse-Engineering (non-voting member)
recognition of this responsibility, the Director of Nuclear Operations, under the direction of the Vice President - Nuclear, established a startup

Others were requested to provide technical support to the JTG. This support was based on the procedure being reviewed, required technical expertise or other applicable factors. Participation in the JTG meeting was with the concurrence of the JTG and was limited to technical input only.  
organization to coordinate and direct the comprehensive planning, development, implementation and performance of the test program. The Startup Organization  Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC)
was headed by the Startup Manager who reported to the Plant Manager both

The PSRC was organized by the Operating Agent to ensure effective coordination of the engineering, construction, and operations activities affecting the startup program.  
administratively and technically.  

The appropriate PSRC members ensured sufficient review of initial startup test procedures and results.
During the preoperational startup program, the Startup Manager acted to

The primary PSRC startup functions were:
coordinate activities between the Startup Organization, the construction staff, and the operating staff.  
a. Review all initial startup test procedures and make          recommendations to the Plant Manager.  

b. Evaluation and authorization of changes to initial startup test procedures.
Prior to commencing preoperational testing activities, a Joint Test Group (JTG) as described in Section was formed to review and recommend for

c. Evaluation of initial startup test procedure results.
approval startup administrative procedures, preoperational test procedures, and

Membership in the PSRC is given in the Quality Program Manual. 14.2.4  CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM
preoperational test  Administrative Procedures The conduct of the preoperational startup program was controlled by administrative procedures. The preparation, maintenance,  and implementation of these procedures was the responsibility of the Startup Manager. The startup administrative procedures prescribed controls for startup activities such as:
14.2-3                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK results. A Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC) as described in Section was organized with the Plant Manager acting as chairman and it

14.2-12    Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK      a. Organization and interfaces; b. Indoctrination and training;
reviewed and recommended for approval initial startup test procedures and  

c. Preparation, review, approval, and modification of test          procedures;
results.  Startup Organization

d. Format and content of test procedures;
The Startup Organization was directly responsible for the conduct of the WCGS

e. Tagging procedures;
preoperational test program. The duties and responsibilities of the startup

f. Test scheduling and test conduct;
organization also included:
: a. Familiarization of support personnel with specific

g. Test deficiencies and resolution; h. Startup quality control; and i. Startup document control.  
: b. Direction to support personnel and others during performance of tests including appropriate interface with station operators.
: c. Authority to disallow or terminate testing due to  Turnover from Construction to KG&E Startup  Construction completion was scheduled in accordance with engineered system or subsystem boundaries. As systems or sub- systems were completed to support Startup testing, a turnover of the system or subsystem to KG&E Startup was processed. Turnover was conducted in accordance with established administrative procedures.
conditions which could endanger personnel or equipment.
: d. Identification of deficiencies that could adversely

As part of the turnover process, each safety-related system or subsystem received physical walkdowns to provide assurance of readiness for Startup testing and verification that installation requirements had been met.
affect test performance.
Walkdowns were performed jointly by KG&E Startup and KG&E Construction personnel under the direction of the KG&E Construction Manager. Discrepancies identified during the walkdowns were tracked and resolved in accordance with established administrative and quality procedures. The system or subsystem Turnover Package prepared by the constructor was reviewed by KG&E Construction and KG&E Startup personnel for accuracy, completeness and acceptability for Startup testing. In conjunction with the Turnover Package review, Startup personnel verified that the system or subsystem procurement and installation documentation review had been performed by Construction, and that discrepancies had been addressed. Acceptance of the Turnover Package by Startup followed satisfactory completion of the Turnover Package review. The Startup Manager was responsible for the approval and acceptance of the system or subsystem and the associated Turnover Package.
: e. Assembly of test data and preparation of test reports

14.2-13    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Individual components could be released to Startup for calibration, testing or temporary operation prior to turnover.  
for evaluation of test results by others.  

All components released in this manner were incorporated into the scope of a subsequent system or subsystem turnover.
The Startup Organization was composed of system startup engineers, technicians, planners, craft labor, and other support personnel. The Operating Agent  Component and Prerequisite Testing  Upon Startup acceptance of a turned-over system, subsystem, or released component, prerequisite-type testing was performed to demonstrate proper operability and functional ability in support of, and prior to, the performance of preoperational testing. Local containment leak rate testing, as described in Section, was performed at WCGS as part of the prerequisite test program.  

Administrative procedures were established to ensure that all prerequisites were met before testing was initiated. Upon completion of all prerequisite tests applicable to a system or subsystem, a documented review was conducted by Startup personnel to verify that appropriate documentation was able and that required prerequisite tests had been satisfactorily completed. All deficiencies which would prevent performance of preoperational tests or generate negative test results were identified and dispositioned prior to implementation of the preoperational tests.
provided these personnel and used contractors to supply manpower for those positions that it could not staff. The staffing level for the Startup Organization increased as the test program progressed and construction  Preoperational Testing  Technical direction and administration, including test execution and data recording, of the preoperational testing were the responsibility of the startup organization. The system startup engineers were responsible for the performance of tests and providing appropriate interface with station operators. The Startup Manager was responsible for the administration and surveillance of all testing activities during the preoperational test program.
activities decreased. Typical schedules for the test program are given in Initial Startup Testing  During the initial startup testing phase, the Plant Manager had overall authority and responsibility for the startup program. The Startup Organization provided support to the plant operating staff which had responsibility for performing equipment operations and maintenance in accordance with the provisions of the plant operating license. The WCGS operating staff was also responsible for ensuring that the conduct of testing did not place the plant in an unsafe condition at any time.
Section 14.2.11. Staffing and training of personnel involved in testing at  

The shift supervisors had the authority to terminate or disallow testing at any time.
WCGS were planned to provide sufficient manpower to support the testing  

14.2-14    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Prerequisites  Each test procedure contained a set of prerequisites and initial conditions as prescribed by the startup administrative procedures. The system startup engineer ensured that all specified prerequisites were met prior to performing the test. The format for test procedures is described in Section  
schedule.  Test Evaluation  Upon completion of system preoperational testing, the test results were submitted to the JTG for its review and subsequent recommendation for approval to the Startup Manager and Plant Manager.
The Startup Organization reported administratively and technically to the  
Between each major phase of the initial startup test program, the test results for all tests that were performed were reviewed by the PSRC. This review ensured that all required systems were tested satisfactorily and that test results were approved before proceeding to the next stage of testing.

These reviews are described in Section 14.2.5.
Startup Manager; the duties performed by key individuals within the Startup  Design Modifications  Modifications to the design of the equipment during the test program could be initiated in order to correct deficiencies discovered as a result of testing.
Organization are summarized below.  
Any such modifications were either developed by the original design organization or other designated organizations. Modifications made to components or systems after completion of preoperational or initial startup testing were reviewed for retesting requirements on affected portions of the system.  


The responsibility for review, evaluation, and recommendation for approval of test results from all preoperational tests rested with the JTG. In the case of all initial start-up tests, it rested with the PSRC. Following completion of a preoperational test, the responsible system startup engineer assembled the test data package for submittal to the members of the JTG for evaluation. Each test data package was reviewed to ensure that the test has been performed in accordance with the approved procedure and that all required data, checks, and signatures were properly recorded and that system performance met the approved acceptance criteria.
The Startup Manager had the authority and responsibility, as delegated by the  

14.2-15    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Members of the JTG reviewed the evaluation findings and recommended corrective action to be taken to resolve any outstanding deficiencies. If the deficiencies were not resolved to the satisfaction of the JTG, then appropriate retesting was required. If the evaluation indicated that deficiencies in the test method were responsible for unsatisfactory test results, the test procedure was revised accordingly before retesting was initiated. The review and approval process for procedure revisions was carried out in the manner described in Section 14.2.3. Whenever an evaluation of test results indicated deficiencies in system performance, the JTG referred the problem to the responsible engineering organization for evaluation.
Plant Manager, for the overall direction and administration of the functions

If the test documentation and system performance were acceptable, the JTG recommended approval of the test by the Startup Manager and the Plant Manager.  
and activities required to conduct the Startup Program. The responsibilities

Following each major phase of the initial startup test program, the PSRC verified that all required tests were performed and that the test results were approved. This verification ensured that all required systems were operating properly and that testing for the next major phase was conducted in a safe and efficient manner. This type of review was performed to the extent required before major initial startup test phases such as fuel load, initial criticality, and power ascension. During the power ascension phase, review and approval of initial startup test procedure results was completed as described in KMLNRC-84-235.
and duties of the Startup Manager also included:

14.2-4                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: a. Development of plans and schedules regarding the status of the startup program.
: b. Review and approval of administrative and technical test

Test procedures and test data relating to preoperational and initial startup testing are retained in accordance with the measures described in the Quality Program Manual. 14.2.7  CONFORMANCE OF TEST PROGRAMS WITH REGULATORY GUIDES
procedures and results.
: c. Continuing analysis of construction and equipment

The regulatory guides applicable to the test program are listed, with positions, in Appendix 3A, Conformance to NRC Regulatory Guides.
installation schedules for compatibility with testing

Available information on reactor operating experiences was utilized in the development of the Initial Test Program, as follows:
schedules and recommendations for corrective actions to

14.2-16    Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK      a. Bechtel reviewed and distributed pertinent Licensee          Event Reports for use in the development of preoperational test procedures as follows:
minimize conflict.
: d. Review and submittal of design related problems

1. The Licensee Event Summary Reports and other                pertinent information were reviewed on a periodic basis, and those reports deemed to be useful for updating test procedures and items of a generic nature were cataloged. A summary of these reports was distributed within Bechtel.
requiring engineering resolution, encountered by the

2. Copies of the specific reports were then made and distributed for use in the preparation of procedures. In addition, these reports were coded and filed in a computer retrieval system.      b. The operating experience assessment for Wolf Creek Generating Station Unit No. 1 (WCGS) was conducted by the nuclear divisions and plant staff who possess the appropriate experience in the area of concern. The sources of operating experience information included the use of the NETWORK and the INPO/NSAC SEEIN system. An administrative system which controlled the flow of information from NETWORK, INPO/NSAC SEEIN, etc., to the cognizant organizations including the Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) was developed and functioning prior to fuel load.
Startup Organization in accordance with the appropriate  

The Licensing Section was responsible for coordinating the review of the NRC Information and Enforcement (IE)          Bulletins, Circulars, and Information Notices.
Startup Administrative Procedures.
The Startup Group reviewed information provided by the other KG&E Nuclear Divisions and information provided by Bechtel and Westinghouse to determine its effect on the Wolf Creek Initial Test Program, making revisions to test and administrative procedures as required.  
: e. Maintaining liaison with all organizations supporting

An instrumented auxiliary feedwater water-hammer test was performed only at Wolf Creek.  (This test was not required to be performed. It was being performed for the purpose of gathering engineering data only.)  Procedure S-O3AL04, Auxiliary Feedwater System Water Hammer Test, required a visual and audible water hammer test and was completed prior to the issuance of an operating license. See new Section  
Startup and coordinating their activities.  

Procedure S-070017, Loss of Heater Drain Pump Test, was performed on Callaway only. This test was conducted to verify analytical assumptions. No additional loss of heater drain pump tests are Startup Section

14.2-17    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK required, since the data obtained from the first unit test is equally valid for subsequent units. See Section
The Startup Section was comprised primarily of the System Test Group, the  

Procedure S-07SF09 RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Power, was performed at 50 percent power only at Callaway. Wolf Creek and Callaway have the same core and Nuclear instrumentation system design and the test at Callaway is considered a prototypical test for Wolf Creek. This position was accepted by the NRC in a July 3, 1985 letter to KG&E.
Electrical Test Group and the Instrumentation and Control Group which had

A natural circulation test was performed at Callaway only to demonstrate the length of time to stabilize natural circulation, core flow distribution, and the ability to establish and maintain natural circulation. Operators participating in the tests were able to recognize when natural circulation had stabilized and were able to control saturation margin, RCS pressure, and heat removal rate without exceeding specified operating limits. These tests were conducted insofar as possible to include all available licensed operators. Licensed operators were trained in these same areas on the simulator. The simulator has full capability of simulating natural circulation, using Westinghouse data initially. When the above tests were accomplished on the Callaway plant, actual data was incorporated into the Wolf Creek simulator program. See Chapter 18, item I.G.1, and Section  
primary responsibility within the Startup Organization to perform testing.

This section also reviewed and recommended the acceptance of system or

The plant operating procedures were utilized, where applicable during the test program, to support testing, maintain plant conditions, and facilitate training. The trial use of operating procedures served to familiarize operating personnel with systems and plant operation during the testing phase and also served to ensure the adequacy of the procedures under actual or simulated operating conditions before plant operation begins. The emergency procedures were verified during startup as plant conditions, testing, and training warrant. Surveillance tests were performed as conditions warrant during the testing program, to demonstrate their adequacy.
subsystem turnover documentation from Construction and coordinated system

Plant operating procedures were developed in approximately the same time frame as the preparation of preoperational and initial startup tests. The operating procedures were revised as necessary to reflect experience gained during the testing program.
turnover and any subsequent system rework. It was responsible for preparing the  

test procedures, conducting the tests, and reporting the test results. For

Prior to the commencement of fuel loading, required preoperational test procedures were evaluated, and appropriate remedial action 
preoperational testing, this section documented the test results and presented

14.2-18    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK was taken if the acceptance criteria was not satisfied. At the completion of fuel loading, the reactor upper internals and pressure vessel head were installed, and additional mechanical and electrical tests were performed to prepare the plant for nuclear operation. After final precritical tests, nuclear operation of the reactor began. This phase of testing included initial criticality, low power testing, and power level ascension. The purpose of these tests was to establish the operational characteristics of the unit and core, to acquire data for the proper calibration of setpoints, and to ensure that operation is within license requirements. Section summarizes the tests which are performed from fuel load to rated power. The fuel loading and post loading tests are described below.  
them before the Joint Test Group for its review and recommendation for approval. Fuel Loading  The Plant Manager or his designated representative with technical assistance provided by Westinghouse, was responsible for the coordination of initial core loading. The overall process of initial core loading was, in general, directed from the operating floor of the containment structure by a licensed senior reactor operator. The licensed senior reactor operator had no additional responsibilities other than core load operations. Operations Technical Support Section

The core configuration was specified as part of the core design studies conducted well in advance of fuel loading. In the event mechanical damage was sustained during core loading operations to a fuel assembly of a type for which no spare was available onsite, an alternate core loading scheme could have been determined. Any such changes would have been approved by the appropriate Westinghouse personnel. Core loading procedures specified the condition of fluid systems to prevent inadvertent changes in boron concentration of the reactor coolant; the movement of fuel to preclude the possibility of mechanical damage; the conditions under which loading could proceed; and the responsibility and authority for continuous and complete fuel and core component accountability.
The Operations Technical Support Section was responsible for providing

The following conditions were met prior to core loading:
technical support to the Startup Section during testing. The areas in which

a. The reactor containment structure was complete and containment integrity had been demonstrated.  
this support was given were instrumentation and control, chemistry, computer, health physics and reactor engineering.  

b. Fuel handling tools and equipment were checked out and operators familiarized in the use and operation of equipment. Inspections of fuel assemblies, rod cluster          control assemblies, and reactor vessel were          satisfactorily completed.  
This section was a permanent part of the WCGS operating staff until these functions were incorporated into other sections. They were involved in training, procedure preparation, and general preparation for support of plant operations.  

14.2-19    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The reactor vessel and associated components were in a          state of readiness to receive fuel. The water level was maintained above the bottom of the nozzles and recirculation maintained to ensure the required boron concentration could be increased via the recirculation          path or directly to the open vessel.  Startup Scheduling Section

Criteria for safe loading required that loading operations stop immediately if any of the following conditions occur.
The Startup Scheduling Section prepared and updated the Startup Schedule, utilizing input from cognizant system startup engineers and the construction

a. An unanticipated increase in the neutron count rates by a factor of two occurs on all responding nuclear channels during any single loading step after the initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies is loaded.
b. An unanticipated increase in the count rate by a factor          of five on any individual responding nuclear channel during any single loading step after the initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies is loaded.  

c. An unanticipated decrease in boron concentration greater than 20 ppm is determined from two successive samples of the reactor coolant.  
14.2-5                        Rev.7 WOLF CREEK  Quality Control Section

Loading operations could not be restarted until the situation was evaluated.
The Quality Control Section formulated and implemented the Startup Quality
An alarm in the containment and main control room was coupled to the source range channels with a setpoint equal to or less than five times the current count rate. This alarm automatically alerts the loading operation personnel of high count rate, and an immediate stop of all operations would be required until the situation was evaluated. In the event the evacuation alarm was actuated during core loading and after it has been determined that no hazards to personnel exist, preselected personnel would be permitted to reenter the containment to evaluate the cause and determine future action.

The core was assembled in the reactor vessel and submerged in the reactor grade water containing sufficient dissolved boric acid to maintain a calculated core effective multiplication factor of 0.95 or lower. The refueling pool could be wet or dry during initial core loading. Core moderator, chemistry conditions (particularly boron concentration) were prescribed in the core loading procedure document and verified by chemical analysis of moderator samples taken prior to and during core loading operations.
Control Program. This program monitored the conduct of the Startup

At least two artificial neutron sources were introduced into the core at specified points in the core during the loading program to ensure a detector response of at least 2 counts per second attributable to neutrons.  
Organization's testing activities by reviewing administrative and technical test procedures, by witnessing major evolutions and selected flushes, hydros, and preoperational tests and by reviewing turnover packages. The Quality

14.2-20    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Core loading instrumentation consisted of two permanently installed source range (pulse type) nuclear channels and two temporary incore source range channels. A third temporary channel could also be used as a spare. The permanent channels, when responding, were monitored in the main control room, and the temporary channels were installed and monitored in the containment. At least one permanent channel was equipped with an audible count rate indicator.
Control Section was under the direction of the Director - Quality. They
Both plant channels have the capability of displaying the neutron flux level on a strip chart recorder. The temporary channels indicated on scalers, and a minimum of one channel was recorded on a strip chart recorder. Normally minimum count rates of two counts per second attributable to core neutrons were required on at least two of the four (i.e. two temporary and two permanent source range detectors) available nuclear source channels at all times following installation of the initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies. A response check of nuclear instruments to a neutron source was performed within 8 hours prior to loading of the core, or upon resumption of loading if delay was for more than 8 hours.
Fuel assemblies, together with inserted components (control rod assemblies, burnable, poison assemblies, source spider, or thimble plugging devices) were placed in the reactor vessel one at a time, according to a previously established and approved sequence developed to provide reliable core monitoring with minimum possibility of core mechanical damage. The core loading procedure documents prescribed the successive movements of each fuel assembly and its specified inserts from its initial position in the storage racks to its final position in the core. Fuel assembly status boards were maintained throughout the core loading operation.  

An initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies, one containing a neutron source, is the minimum source-fuel nucleus which permitted subsequent meaningful inverse count rate monitoring. This initial nucleus was determined by calculation to be markedly subcritical (Keff  0.95) under the required conditions of loading.
provided support to the Startup Manager.  
Each subsequent fuel addition was accompanied by detailed neutron count rate monitoring to determine that the just-loaded fuel assembly did not excessively increase the count rate and that the extrapolated inverse count rate ratio was behaving as expected. These results for each loading step were evaluated before the next fuel assembly was loaded. The final, as loaded, core configuration was subcritical (Keff < 0.95) under the required loading conditions.  

14.2-21    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Initial Criticality Prior to initial criticality, the following tests were performed and the results evaluated. Startup Technical Support Section
a. At the completion of core loading, the reactor upper internals and pressure vessel head were installed. A pressure test was conducted after filling, and venting was completed to check the leaktightness of the vessel head installation.

b. Mechanical and electrical tests were performed on the control rod drive mechanisms. These tests included a complete operational checkout of the mechanisms and calibration of the individual rod position indicators.      c. Tests were performed on the reactor trip circuits to test manual trip operation, and actual control rod assembly drop times were measured for each control rod assembly. At all times that the control rod drive mechanisms were being tested, the boron concentration in the coolant was maintained so that the shutdown margin requirements specified in the Technical Specifications were met. During individual RCCA or RCC bank motion, source range instrumentation was monitored for unexpected changes in core reactivity.
The Startup Technical Support Section was responsible for providing technical

d. The reactor control and reactor protection systems were checked with simulated inputs to produce trip signals for various trip conditions.      e. A functional electrical and mechanical check was made of the incore nuclear flux mapping system near normal operating temperature and pressure.  
support to the Startup Organization during the conduct of the Startup Program.

Initial criticality was achieved by a combination of shutdown and control bank withdrawal and reactor coolant system boron concentration dilution. The plant conditions, precautions, and specific instructions for the approach to criticality were specified by approved procedures.  
Their responsibilities included test procedure and test results review and approval, technical planning of major milestone activities, startup organization training and startup program compliance to FSAR commitments.  

Initially, the shutdown and control banks of control rods were withdrawn incrementally in the normal withdrawal sequence, leaving the last withdrawn control bank partially inserted in the core to provide effective control when criticality was achieved. The boron concentration in the reactor coolant system was reduced and criticality achieved by boron dilution or by subsequent rod withdrawal following boron dilution. Throughout this period, samples of the primary coolant were obtained and analyzed for boron concentration.  Operating Staff The WCGS operating staff was involved in the startup program in several

14.2-22    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Inverse count rate ratio monitoring using data from the normal plant source range instrumentation was used as an indication of the proximity and rate of approach to criticality. Inverse count rate ratio data was plotted as a function of rod bank position during rod motion and as a function of reactor makeup water addition during reactor coolant system boron concentration reduction.  
capacities throughout preoperational and initial startup testing. This  Low Power Testing  Following initial criticality, a program of reactor physics measurements was undertaken to verify that the basic static and kinetic characteristics of the core were as expected and that the values of the kinetic coefficients assumed in the safeguards analysis were conservative.
involvement included review of test procedures and results and the direct participation in test activities. Operating staff personnel were utilized by

Procedures specified the sequence of tests and measurements to be conducted and the conditions under which each was performed in order to ensure both safety of operation and the validity and consistency of the results obtained. If test results deviated significantly from design predictions, if unacceptable behavior had been revealed, or if unexplained anomalies had developed, the plant would have been brought to a safe stable condition and the situation reviewed to determine the course of subsequent plant operation.
the startup organization as required for performance of testing under the  
These measurements were made at low power and primarily at or near normal operating temperature and pressure. Measurements were made in order to verify the calculated values of control rod bank reactivity worths, the isothermal temperature coefficient under various core conditions, differential boron concentration reactivity worth, and critical boron concentrations as functions of control rod configuration. In addition, measurements of the relative power distributions were made, and concurrent tests were conducted on the instrumentation, including source and intermediate range nuclear channels.

Gamma and neutron radiation surveys were performed at selected points throughout the station. Periodic sampling was performed to verify chemical and radio-chemical analysis of the reactor coolant.  
direction of system startup engineers. Station operators assisted system  Power Level Ascension  After the operating characteristics of the reactor were verified by low power testing, a program of power level ascension brought the unit to its full rated power level in successive stages. At each successive stage, hold points were provided to evaluate and approve test results prior to proceeding to the next stage. The minimum test requirements for each successive stage of power ascension were specified in the initial startup test procedures.  
startup engineers in performing tests and in the routine operations of systems.

14.2-23    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Measurements were made to determine the relative power distribution in the core as functions of power level and control assembly bank position.
The operating staff directed the fuel loading and was responsible for plant

Secondary system heat balance measurements ensured that the indications of power level were consistent and provide bases for calibration of the power range nuclear channels. The ability of the reactor coolant system to respond effectively to signals from primary and secondary instrumentation under a variety of conditions encountered in normal operations was verified.  
operation during initial startup testing.  

At prescribed power levels, the dynamic response characteristics of the primary and secondary systems were evaluated. System response characteristics were measured for design step load changes, rapid load reduction, and plant trips.
The operating staff was divided into sections headed by the Superintendent

Adequacy of radiation shielding was verified by gamma and neutron radiation surveys at selected points throughout the station at various power levels. Periodic sampling was performed to verify the chemical and radio-chemical analysis of the reactor coolant.  
Operations, Superintendent of Maintenance, Superintendent of Plant Support, Superintendent of Technical Support, Nuclear Training Manager and Superintendent Regulatory Quality and Administrative Services. These section

superintendents reported administratively and technically to the Plant Manager.   

Detailed schedules for testing were prepared, reviewed, and revised on a continuing basis as plant construction progressed.
The duties and responsibilities of the operating staff during plant operations

Preoperational tests which were not performed according to schedule were reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Administrative procedures were established to ensure that all prerequisites were met before testing was initiated. Upon completion of all prerequisite tests applicable to a system or subsystem, a documented review was conducted by Start-up personnel to verify that appropriate documentation was available and that required prerequisite tests were satisfactorily completed. All deficiencies which would have prevented performance of preoperational tests or generated negative test results were identified and dispositioned prior to implementation of the preoperational tests.  
are described in Chapter 13.0.  

Preoperational testing was scheduled to commence approximately 18 months prior to fuel loading. The preoperational tests were performed and sequenced during this period as a function of system turnover, system interrelationships, and acceptance for testing.  Major Participating Organizations  Bechtel

Initial startup testing was scheduled to be conducted over a period of approximately 3 to 5 months, commencing with fuel loading. The sequential schedule for initial startup tests ensured, insofar as practicable, that test requirements were completed
Bechtel provided engineering input into the startup program. Bechtel was contacted to provide personnel experienced in nuclear plant startup to augment

14.2-24    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK prior to exceeding 25-percent power for all plant structures, systems, and components that are relied upon to prevent, limit, or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents.  
the startup organization for WCGS. Bechtel employees were assigned consistent

The development of the test procedures was an ongoing process consisting of preparation, review, and revision. Preoperational test procedures were available for NRC review approximately 60 days prior to the performance of an individual test. If an individual test procedure was not available 60 days prior to the test, the NRC was notified of the test date and the date the test procedure was available. Initial startup test procedures were available for NRC review at least 60 days prior to fuel loading.  
with the startup program schedules.  

14.2-6                        Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK Daniel International Corporation (DIC)

Test abstracts were provided for both safety-related and selected nonsafety-related preoperational tests. The abstracts included test prerequisites and summaries of test methods, objectives, and acceptance criteria.
DIC, as contractor for WCGS, was responsible for the construction completion, and orderly release of components and turnover of systems to KG&E consistent  Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures  The following sections contain test abstracts used for safety- related preoperational tests. Table 14.2-1 provides an index of these tests.
with the startup program schedules. This responsibility included:
The preoperational test procedures were designated SO3 (Safety- Related/Common to WCGS and Callaway), SU3 (Safety-Related/WCGS Specific), SO4 thru SO9 (Nonsafety-Related/Common to WCGS and Callaway) and SU4 thru SU9 (Nonsafety-Related/WCGS Specific) as appropriate.
: a. Certification that documentation for components, systems  Steam Dump System Preoperational Test (S-03AB01)
and structures, as required by purchase and installation  Objectives
specifications, is complete and available; and the

a. To demonstrate the operability of the steam dump control          system control circuits in both the average temperature          and steam pressure modes of operation.
maintenance of these certification files which provide

b. To demonstrate the operation of the main steam dump valves and main steam cooldown valves, including valve response to safety signals.
the documentary evidence, and
: b. Provision of dedicated craft manpower support as

c. To verify the operation of the main steam line drain valves' control circuits, including valve response to a turbine trip signal.  
required for performance of the startup program.  

14.2-25 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. To verify the operation of the main steam to turbine-          driven feedwater pump supply valves' control logics, including valve response to an auxiliary feedwater actuation signal (AFAS). Westinghouse Electric Corporation
e. To verify the operation of the main steam atmospheric          relief valves' control circuits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are completed.
Westinghouse, as the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) supplier, was
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Test Method
responsible for providing technical assistance to KG&E during preoperational

a. Operability of the steam dump control system control circuits is verified in both the average temperature and steam pressure modes.
and initial startup testing performed on the NSSS equipment and systems.
b. Operability of the main steam dump valves' and main          steam cooldown valves' control circuits is verified, including valve response to turbine impulse low pressure, low-low average temperature, and condenser shell high pressure signals.  

c. Operability of the main steam line drain valves' control circuits is verified, including valve response to a turbine trip signal.
Technical assistance is defined as technical guidance, advice and counsel based

d. Operability of the main steam to turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump supply valves' control logics is verified, including valve response to an AFAS.  
on current engineering, installation, and testing practices. Westinghouse

e. Operability of the main steam atmospheric relief          valves' control circuits is verified.
employees were assigned consistent with the Startup Program schedules. This  Acceptance Criteria

a. The response of the main steam dump valves and the main          steam cooldown valves to the associated turbine impulse low pressure, low-low average temperature, and condenser shell high pressure signals is in accordance with system design.
responsibility included:
: a. Assignment of personnel to provide advice and assistance

b. The main steam line drain valves open on receipt of a turbine trip signal.
to KG&E for test and operation of all equipment and

14.2-26 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK      c. The main steam to turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater          pump supply valves open on receipt of an AFAS.
systems in the Westinghouse area of responsibility.
: b. Supportive engineering services, including special assistance during the initial fuel loading.
: c. Providing test procedure outlines and technical

d. The response of the main steam atmospheric relief          valves to pressure signals is in accordance with system design.
assistance for tests of Westinghouse furnished  Main Steam Safety Valve Test (SU3-AB02)  Objectives
components and systems.  

To verify the pressure relief setpoints of the main steam safety valves.  General Electric (GE)

NOTE:  This objective may be accomplished either by bench testing or with a pneumatic test device.  
GE is the supplier and installer of the turbine generator. GE supplied  Prerequisites The following prerequisites apply when a pneumatic test      device is used.  
technical support for the startup and testing of the turbine generator. Some

a. Required instrument calibration is complete.  
of the prerequisite testing (i.e., turbine oil flush) was performed by the GE

b. Hot Functional Testing is in progress.  
personnel. GE has supplied recommended procedures for starting, operating, and

c. A Source of compressed air is available to provide air to the air set pressure device installed on the valve under test.  
shutting down equipment in their technical manuals for the turbine generator.  

The following prerequisites apply when bench testing is performed.
14.2-7                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Quality Assurance The KG&E Quality Branch was responsible for assuring the quality of

a. Bench testing facility is available.      b. An approved WCGS procedure is available to accomplish bench testing.
construction, plant testing, and operations activities in accordance with the

c. A source of compressed gas is available to provide pressure to the valve under test.  
WCGS Quality Program which is described in the Quality Program Manual. Test Method Qualifications of Key Personnel

The following test method applied when a pneumatic test device is used.
The qualifications for key plant operating personnel are described in Chapter

Main steam pressure is adjusted within the required range, and air is admitted to the air set pressure device on the safety valve under test. Actual lift pressure is calculated, using the steam pressure and converted air pressure at the time of lift.
The qualification requirements for startup personnel involved in the WCGS

14.2-27 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK      The following test applies when bench testing is performed.
startup program conformed to capability levels per ANSI N45.2.6 and Regulatory
With the main steam safety valve mounted on the bench test facility, the spring assembly is preheated and the safety valve is pressurized with compressed gas. Actual set      pressure is determined at the time of lift.  Acceptance Criteria
Guide 1.8 recommendations.  

Each main steam safety valve lifts within its respective setpoint tolerance.  
All test personnel were indoctrinated in the startup administrative procedures, methods and controls.  Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Test (S-03AB03)
14.2.3  TEST PROCEDURES  Objectives      a. To verify the response of the main steam bypass, drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves to steam line isolation signals.
The Initial Test Program was conducted in accordance with detailed preoperational and initial startup test procedures. KG&E maintained the overall responsibility for test procedure preparation, review, and approval

b. To demonstrate the operability of the main steam isolation valve control circuits, including control circuit response to a steam line isolation signal (SLIS).  
during the preparational stages. KG&E was responsible for final procedure  Prerequisites
revision, review, and approval. These activities were completed in a timely

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
fashion to ensure that the approved procedures for satisfying FSAR testing  
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.

c. The main steam line isolation valve accumulators are charged, and the associated hydraulic systems are operational.
equipment commitments were available for review approximately 60 days prior to  Test Method
scheduled implementation or fuel load for preoperational and initial startup

An SLIS is initiated, and the response of the main steam bypass, main steam drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves is verified.
tests, respectively. Preoperational and initial start-up testing commitments  Acceptance Criteria
not available for review approximately 60 days prior to scheduled

a. The main steam bypass, drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves close on receipt of an SLIS.
implementation or fuel load, respectively, were handled on a case- by-case  Main Steam System Preoperational Test (S-03AB04)

14.2-28 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Objectives a. To determine, during hot functional testing, the operating times of the main steam isolation valves, main steam bypass valves, main steam dump valves, main          steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric          relief valves.
The following sections describe the general methods employed to control
b. To verify the response of the main steam isolation valves to steam line isolation signals.  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
procedure development and review, and they also describe the responsibilities

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
of the various organizations which participated in this process. The detailed controls and methods were described in the startup administrative procedures.  

c. Hot functional testing is in progress.  Procedure Preparation Test procedures for the powerblock systems and components were developed by
d. The condenser is available to receive steam from the           main steam system.  Test Method
Westinghouse and Bechtel. Bechtel also prepared test procedures for the site

a. The main steam isolation valves, main steam bypass valves, main steam dump valves, main steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves          are operated, and operating times are recorded.
safety-related systems and components. Test procedures for the site nonsafety-related systems and components were developed by various entities as
b. An SLIS is initiated, and the response of the main steam isolation valves is verified.  Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating times of the main steam isolation valves, main steam dump valves, main steam bypass valves, main steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric          relief valves are within design specifications.
coordinated by KG&E.  
b. The main steam isolation valves close on receipt of a steam line isolation signal.  Main Feedwater System Preoperational Test (S-03AEO1)  Objectives
14.2-8                        Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK The format and content of the test procedures developed for the standard plant and safety-related site systems and components reflected the guidance provided

a. To demonstrate the operation of the feedwater system valves and to verify the response of the feedwater system valves to a feedwater isolation signal (FIS).
in Regulatory Guide 1.68. The procedures contained as a minimum the following

14.2-29 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK      b. To perform the initial operation of the steam generator          feedwater pumps (SGFP).
sections: Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
1.0 Objectives

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
The objectives section identified the general results to

c. The closed cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the SGFP lube oil coolers.  
be accomplished by the test.  

d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to          system air-operated valves.
2.0  Acceptance Criteria
e. The steam seal system is available to provide seal steam and packing exhaust for the SGFPs.  

f. The main turbine is available for turning gear operation.
The acceptance criteria section clearly defined

g. The condensate system is available to supply suction for the SGFPs.
quantitative and/or qualitative criteria against which

h. The main condenser is available to receive SGFP turbine exhaust.  
the success or failure of the test procedure is judged.
3.0  References

i. The auxiliary steam system is available to provide steam          flow to the SGFP turbines.
The references section identified those FSAR sections, vendor manuals, drawings, etc. that were pertinent to  Test Method

a. Feedwater system valves are operated, and the proper response of required system valves to an FIS is verified.
the performance and/or development of the test

b. The turbine-driven SGFPs are operated as limited by steam, and operating data are recorded.  

c. The motor-driven SGFP is operated, and operating data are recorded.  
4.0  Test Equipment  Acceptance Criteria
The test equipment section identified temporary

a. The feedwater control valves, steam generator feedwater isolation valves, feedwater chemical injection isolation valves, and feedwater bypass control valves close on receipt of an FIS.
equipment required to conduct the test procedure and/or

14.2-30    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. The closing time of the feedwater isolation valves is          within design specifications.  
collect data.  

c. The performance of the motor-driven SGFP is within design specifications.
5.0  Notes and Precautions The notes and precautions sections listed limitations  Steam Generator Level Control Test (S-03AE02)  Objectives
and precautions necessary to ensure personnel and

a. To demonstrate the operability of the feedwater control valves (FWCVs).  
equipment safety. Additional instructions needed to

b. To demonstrate the operability of the FWCV bypass valves.      c. To demonstrate the response of the FWCVs and bypass valves to signals generated by the steam generator level control system.
clarify the test procedure were also listed in this  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
6.0  Prerequisites

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
The prerequisites section identified those prerequisite  Test Method a. The FWCVs are operated from their respective          controllers, and the FWCVs' response to feedwater flow, steamline flow, and steam generator level is verified.
tests and initial conditions that had to be completed

b. The FWCV bypass valves are operated from their respective controllers, and their response to steam generator level and neutron flux signal is verified.
and/or satisfied prior to the performance of the test  Acceptance Criteria

a. The response of the FWCVs to feedwater flow, steamline flow, and steam generator level is in accordance with system design.  
7.0  Test Procedure

b. The response of the FWCV bypass valves to steam generator level and neutron flux signal is in accordance with system design.
The test procedure section provided a detailed step-by-

14.2-31    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump and Valve              Preoperational Test (S-03ALOl)
step test method and instructions for data collection.  Objectives To demonstrate the operability of the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, determine by flow test their ability to supply water to the steam generators, and verify their response to safety signals. The operation of system motor-operated valves, including their response to safety signals, is also verified.
All nonstandard arrangements required by the test  Prerequisites
procedure section were restored either in the test

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
procedure section or the system restoration section.  
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  

c. The condensate storage tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.  
14.2-9                        Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK 8.0  Test Data Sheets

d. The steam generators are available to receive water from the auxiliary feedwater system.
The test data sheet section provided specific forms for  Test Method
data collection. Additional instructions, if necessary, were also identified for each data sheet.  

a. Performance characteristics of the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps are verified while discharging to the steam generators.
9.System Restoration
b. System component control circuits are verified,          including the operation of the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps and system valves on receipt of safety signals.  Acceptance Criteria
The system restoration section returned the system to a

a. Motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump performance characteristics must be within design specifications.  
safe operating or standby condition. Instructions for

b. Motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps automatically start on receipt of an engineered safety features actuation signal (ESFAS) in the absence of an SIS signal and a Class IE 4.16 kV bus undervoltage signal.
the removal and/or return of system temporary

c. Auxiliary feedwater suction valves from essential service water system open, and suction valves from condensate storage tank close, on condensate storage tank low-suction-pressure signals, coincident with an auxiliary feedwater pump ESFAS.
modifications required by the prerequisite and/or test

14.2-32    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump and Valve              Preoperational Test (SU3-AL02)
procedure sections were clearly defined.  Objectives a. To verify the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine mechanical trip and throttle valve automatic operation on an auxiliary feedwater actuation signal (AFAS).  
The procedural sections included, as applicable, appropriate requirements for initials and/or signatures to control the performance and sequencing of the test.  

b. To perform the initial coupled operation of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump. Full flow characteristics of the turbine-driven pump will be demonstrated during hot functional testing.
The test procedures were prepared using the latest design information available

c. To perform five consecutive, successful, cold starts of          the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.
and functional requirements provided by the design engineers. This information  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
was utilized in developing the detailed test methods which verified the ability

b    Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
of systems and components to function within their design specifications. The

c. The steam generators are available to receive water from the auxiliary feedwater pumps.
procedure preparation efforts were started more than 2 years before the first

d. The steam generator blowdown system is available to maintain the normal operating levels in the steam          generators during auxiliary feedwater pump operation.
procedure to be performed. This early start allows for an orderly development
e. The auxiliary steam system is available to supply steam to the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine.  

f. For the performance characteristic test of this pump, hot functional testing (HFT) is in progress.  
of the test procedure program and of the test procedures.  Test Method
The test procedures were reviewed by the cognizant design organization to

a. An AFAS is simulated, and opening of the mechanical trip and throttle valve is verified.
ensure that the test procedure objectives and acceptance criteria are

b. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump is operated during HFT, and performance characteristics are recorded.  
consistent with current design document requirements. Subsequent changes to

c. The ability of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps to start successfully five consecutive times from cold conditions is verified.  
test procedure objectives or acceptance criteria during the preparational stage were based on approved changes to design documents with the design organization's concurrence.  

14.2-33    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria a. The auxiliary feedwater pump mechanical trip and throttle valve opens automatically on an AFAS.  Procedure Review and Approval Following initial procedure preparation, and prior to submittal to the JTG for
b. Operating characteristics of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump are in accordance with design.

c. The turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump starts successfully five consecutive times from a cold start.
review and approval recommendation, the test procedures were reviewed by the  Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump Endurance Test (SU3-AL03)
SNUPPS utilities (KG&E and Union Electric). Review comments were resolved between the SNUPPS utilities and the writing organization.  Objectives      a. To demonstrate that the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps can operate for 48 continuous hours without exceeding any of their limiting design specifications.
A final revision was made by the writing organization, incorporating all

b. To demonstrate that the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps can operate for 1 hour after a cooldown from the 48-hour test.
applicable design changes, and was submitted to the utilities for their review

c. To demonstrate that the room environmental conditions are not exceeded during the 48-hour test.  
and approval.  Prerequisites
14.2-10    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Each utility had various organizations, groups, and committees, such as a startup organization, initial test group, and a plant safety review committee, comprised of individuals having appropriate technical backgrounds and

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and           system flushing/cleaning are complete.
experience. Individuals within these organizations, groups, and committees
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The appropriate auxiliary feedwater pump room coolers are operational.  
were responsible for:
: a. Reviewing procedures for accuracy and technical content;
: b. Verifying that the procedure has been revised to

d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water source and to receive recirculation flow.  
incorporate known design changes;
: c. Verifying procedure compatibility with field  Test Method
installation of equipment;
: d. Verifying procedure conformance with FSAR requirements and plant operating technical specifications;
: e. Reviewing procedures against reactor operating and

Each motor-driven pump is started and operated for 48 hours after reaching rated speed and rated discharge pressure and flow, or a greater pressure and less flow. During the endurance run, pump- operating data and the pump room environmental conditions are recorded. At the completion of each endurance test, the pump is cooled for 8 hours and until pump data returns to within 20 F of the original pretest data. The pump is then started and operated for 1 hour.  
testing experiences of similar power plants.  

14.2-34    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria a. The operating parameters (vibration, bearing temperatures, etc.) of each motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump do not exceed the design specifications. Joint Test Group (JTG)  
b. The environmental conditions of each motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump room do not exceed the design specifications.  Auxiliary Feedwater System Water Hammer Test (S-03AL04)
A subcommittee of the PSRC, the JTG was organized by the Operating Agent to  Objectives To demonstrate that the injection of auxiliary feedwater at rated flow into a steam generator at or near normal operating temperatures will not cause damaging water hammer to the steam generators and/or feedwater system.  
review preoperational test procedures and preoperational test results.  Prerequisites
The primary JTG functions were to:
: a. Review preoperational test procedures and recommend

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
their approval by the Startup Manager.
: b. Evaluate and authorize changes to preoperational test procedures as detailed in the Startup Administrative

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. Evaluate preoperational test procedure results and  

c. The steam generators are at or near normal operating temperature.
recommend their approval to the Startup Manager and
d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water          source.  Test Method
Plant Manager.
: d. Review safety-related aspects of the startup

Auxiliary feedwater is injected into each steam generator. The feedwater system piping and the steam generators are monitored visually and audibly to verify that no damaging water hammer occurs.  
administrative procedures.  Acceptance Criteria
Membership in the JTG included the following personnel or their designated

No damaging water hammer occurs.  
: a. Superintendent Operations - Chairman
: b. Superintendent of Plant Support Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump Endurance Test (SU3-AL05)
14.2-11    Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK
: c. Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality and Administrative Services
: d. Startup Technical Support Supervisor
: e. Assistant Startup Manager
: f. Operations Quality Assurance (non-voting member)
: g. Bechtel Power Corporation-Engineering (non-voting  Objectives
: h. Westinghouse-Engineering (non-voting member)

14.2-35    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      a. To demonstrate that the turbine-driven auxiliary          feedwater pump can operate for 48 continuous hours without exceeding any of its limiting design specifications.
Others were requested to provide technical support to the JTG. This support was based on the procedure being reviewed, required technical expertise or other applicable factors. Participation in the JTG meeting was with the concurrence
b. To demonstrate that the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump can operate for 1 hour after a cool down from the 48-hour test.

c. To demonstrate that the room environmental conditions are not exceeded during the 48-hour test.  
of the JTG and was limited to technical input only. Prerequisites Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC)

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and          system flushing/cleaning are complete.
The PSRC was organized by the Operating Agent to ensure effective coordination
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The appropriate auxiliary feedwater pump room coolers are operational.
of the engineering, construction, and operations activities affecting the

d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water source and to receive recirculation flow.  
startup program.  

e. A steam source is available.
The appropriate PSRC members ensured sufficient review of initial startup test  Test Method The pump is started and operated for 48 hours after reaching rated speed and rated discharge pressure and flow, or a greater pressure and less flow. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump operating steam is as close to normal operating temperature as possible and is at least 400 F. During the endurance run, pump-operating data and the pump room environmental conditions are recorded. At the completion of the endurance test, the pump is cooled for 8 hours and until pump data returns to within 20 F of the original pretest data.
procedures and results.  
The pump is then started and operated for 1 hour.  Acceptance Criteria
The primary PSRC startup functions were:
: a. Review all initial startup test procedures and make recommendations to the Plant Manager.
: b. Evaluation and authorization of changes to initial

a. The operating parameters (vibration, bearing temperatures, etc.) do not exceed the design specifications.  
startup test procedures.
: c. Evaluation of initial startup test procedure results.  

b. The environmental conditions of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump room do not exceed the design specifications.  
Membership in the PSRC is given in the Quality Program Manual.

14.2-36    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Reactor Coolant Pump Initial Operation (S-03BB01)  Objectives  Administrative Procedures

To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the reactor coolant pumps and verify the operation of their associated oil lift pumps.
The conduct of the preoperational startup program was controlled by Prerequisites
administrative procedures. The preparation, maintenance, and implementation

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
of these procedures was the responsibility of the Startup Manager. The startup administrative procedures prescribed controls for startup activities such as:

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
14.2-12    Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK
c. The chemical and volume control system is available to          provide seal water to the reactor coolant pump seals.  
: a. Organization and interfaces;
: b. Indoctrination and training;
: c. Preparation, review, approval, and modification of test procedures;
: d. Format and content of test procedures;
: e. Tagging procedures;
: f. Test scheduling and test conduct;
: g. Test deficiencies and resolution;
: h. Startup quality control; and
: i. Startup document control.  

d. The component cooling water system is available to supply cooling water to the reactor coolant pumps.  Turnover from Construction to KG&E Startup Construction completion was scheduled in accordance with engineered system or  Test Method
subsystem boundaries. As systems or sub- systems were completed to support

The reactor coolant pumps and associated oil lift pumps are operated, and pump operating data are recorded.  
Startup testing, a turnover of the system or subsystem to KG&E Startup was processed. Turnover was conducted in accordance with established  Acceptance Criteria
administrative procedures.  

Reactor coolant pump and oil lift pump operating characteristics are within design specifications.  Pressurizer Relief Tank Cold Preoperational Test (SU3-BB02)
As part of the turnover process, each safety-related system or subsystem  Objectives
received physical walkdowns to provide assurance of readiness for Startup

To demonstrate that the reactor makeup water system can supply design pressurizer relief tank (PRT) spray flow against design backpressure. The operation of the PRT nitrogen isolation valves, including their response to a containment isolation signal, is also verified.  
testing and verification that installation requirements had been met.  Prerequisites
Walkdowns were performed jointly by KG&E Startup and KG&E Construction

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
personnel under the direction of the KG&E Construction Manager. Discrepancies

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
identified during the walkdowns were tracked and resolved in accordance with

14.2-37    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The reactor makeup water system is available to supply          water to the PRT.
established administrative and quality procedures.
The system or subsystem Turnover Package prepared by the constructor was

d. The service gas system is available to pressurize the PRT.
reviewed by KG&E Construction and KG&E Startup personnel for accuracy, completeness and acceptability for Startup testing. In conjunction with the  Test Method

a. With a design backpressure in the PRT, a reactor makeup water pump is operated to obtain the spray flow to the PRT.
Turnover Package review, Startup personnel verified that the system or

b. The response of the PRT nitrogen isolation valves to a containment isolation signal is verified.
subsystem procurement and installation documentation review had been performed  Acceptance Criteria a. The reactor makeup water system supplies the design spray flow to the PRT with design backpressure in the PRT.

b. PRT nitrogen isolation valves close on receipt of a containment isolation signal. Valve closure times are within design specifications.
by Construction, and that discrepancies had been addressed. Acceptance of the  RTD Bypass Flow Measurement (SU3-BB03)
Turnover Package by Startup followed satisfactory completion of the Turnover

At WCGS, test S-07BB01 (USAR Section was used to satisfy the requirement for verification of design specifications.
Package review. The Startup Manager was responsible for the approval and  Pressurizer Pressure Control Test (S-03BB04)  Objectives

To demonstrate the stability and response of the pressurizer pressure control system, including the verification of pressurizer pressure alarm and control functions.  
acceptance of the system or subsystem and the associated Turnover Package.  Prerequisites
14.2-13    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Individual components could be released to Startup for calibration, testing or temporary operation prior to turnover.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
All components released in this manner were incorporated into the scope of a  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
subsequent system or subsystem turnover.  

c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot functional testing is in progress.  Component and Prerequisite Testing Upon Startup acceptance of a turned-over system, subsystem, or released

14.2-38    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Method a. Pressurizer pressure is varied, and the ability of the pressurizer pressure control system to automatically control and stabilize pressurizer pressure is verified.
component, prerequisite-type testing was performed to demonstrate proper
b. Pressurizer pressure is varied, and pressurizer pressure control system alarm and control setpoints are verified.  Acceptance Criteria
operability and functional ability in support of, and prior to, the performance of preoperational testing. Local containment leak rate testing, as described in

a. The pressurizer pressure control system responds, in accordance with system design, to an increase and decrease in system pressure.
Section, was performed at WCGS as part of the prerequisite test
b. Pressurizer pressure control system alarm and control          setpoints are within design specifications.  Reactor Coolant System Hot Preoperational Test (S-03BB05)
program.  Objectives
Administrative procedures were established to ensure that all prerequisites

a. To operate the reactor coolant system at full flow conditions for a minimum of 240 hours to provide the necessary vibration cycles on the vessel's internal components prior to their inspection at core loading.
were met before testing was initiated. Upon completion of all prerequisite

b. To provide coordination and initial conditions necessary for the conduct of those preoperational tests to be          performed during heatup, normal operating temperature          and pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant system.
tests applicable to a system or subsystem, a documented review was conducted by  Prerequisites
Startup personnel to verify that appropriate documentation was able and that

a. The reactor coolant system cold hydrostatic test is complete.  
required prerequisite tests had been satisfactorily completed. All deficiencies

b. The reactor vessel internals and head are installed, and the vessel is available to support this test.  
which would prevent performance of preoperational tests or generate negative test results were identified and dispositioned prior to implementation of the preoperational tests.  

c. All systems and components required to support heatup, operations at normal temperature and pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant system are available.  Preoperational Testing Technical direction and administration, including test execution and data

d. Required instrument calibration is complete.
recording, of the preoperational testing were the responsibility of the startup

14.2-39    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      e. The examination of the reactor internals in accordance          with Section 3.9(N).2.4, is complete
organization. The system startup engineers were responsible for the performance of tests and providing appropriate interface with station  Test Method a. The reactor coolant system is operated at full flow conditions for a minimum of 240 hours.
operators. The Startup Manager was responsible for the administration and

b. Those preoperational tests required to be performed during heatup, normal operating temperature and pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant system are completed, as coordinated by this test.  
surveillance of all testing activities during the preoperational test program. Acceptance Criteria The reactor coolant system has operated at full flow conditions for a minimum of 240 hours. Initial Startup Testing During the initial startup testing phase, the Plant Manager had overall

Notes:  1. The acceptance criteria for individual systems are a part of the individual test procedures sequenced by this procedure.  
authority and responsibility for the startup program. The Startup Organization

2. A post-hot functional examination of the reactor internals is performed as described in Section 3.9(N).2.4.
provided support to the plant operating staff which had responsibility for performing equipment operations and maintenance in accordance with the  Thermal Expansion (S-03BB06)
provisions of the plant operating license. The WCGS operating staff was also  Objectives To verify that during heatup and cooldown of the reactor coolant system the associated components, piping, support, and restraint deflections are unobstructed and within design specifications.
responsible for ensuring that the conduct of testing did not place the plant in  Prerequisites
an unsafe condition at any time.  

a. This test is conducted in conjunction with hot functional testing.
The shift supervisors had the authority to terminate or disallow testing at any

b. Supports, restraints, and hangers are installed and reference points and predicted movements established.  

c. Required instrument calibration is complete.  
14.2-14    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Prerequisites Each test procedure contained a set of prerequisites and initial conditions as  Test Method
prescribed by the startup administrative procedures. The system startup

During the reactor coolant system heatup and cooldown, deflection data are recorded.  
engineer ensured that all specified prerequisites were met prior to performing the test. The format for test procedures is described in Section  

14.2-40    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria a. Unrestricted expansion and movements are verified to be within design specifications. Test Evaluation Upon completion of system preoperational testing, the test results were
b. Components, piping, supports, and restraints return to their baseline cold position in accordance with system design.  Pressurizer Level Control Test (S-03BB07)
submitted to the JTG for its review and subsequent recommendation for approval  Objectives
to the Startup Manager and Plant Manager.  

To demonstrate the stability and response of the pressurizer level control system, including the verification of pressurizer level alarm and control functions.
Between each major phase of the initial startup test program, the test results  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
for all tests that were performed were reviewed by the PSRC. This review

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
ensured that all required systems were tested satisfactorily and that test

c. The letdown and charging portions of the chemical and volume control system are available to vary pressurizer level.  
results were approved before proceeding to the next stage of testing.  

d. The plant is at normal operating temperature and          pressure, and hot functional testing is in progress.
These reviews are described in Section 14.2.5.  Test Method

a. Pressurizer level is varied and the ability of the pressurizer level control system to automatically control and stabilize pressurizer level is verified.  Design Modifications Modifications to the design of the equipment during the test program could be

b. Pressurizer level is varied, and pressurizer level control system alarm and control setpoints are verified.  
initiated in order to correct deficiencies discovered as a result of testing.  Acceptance Criteria
Any such modifications were either developed by the original design organization or other designated organizations. Modifications made to

a. The response and stability of the pressurizer level control system are within design specifications.
components or systems after completion of preoperational or initial startup

b. The pressurizer level control system alarm and control functions are within design specifications.
testing were reviewed for retesting requirements on affected portions of the

14.2-41    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Pressurizer Heater and Spray Capability Test              (SU3-BB08)
system. Objectives To determine the electrical capacity of the pressurizer heaters, and the rate of pressure increase from the operation of all pressurizer heaters.
The responsibility for review, evaluation, and recommendation for approval of

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
test results from all preoperational tests rested with the JTG. In the case of

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.      c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot functional testing is in progress.  
all initial start-up tests, it rested with the PSRC.
Following completion of a preoperational test, the responsible system startup  Test Method
engineer assembled the test data package for submittal to the members of the

a. Pressurizer heaters are energized, and heater capacity is calculated.  
JTG for evaluation. Each test data package was reviewed to ensure that the

b. With the pressurizer spray valves closed, all pressurizer heaters are energized, and the time to reach a 2,300 psig system pressure is measured and recorded.
test has been performed in accordance with the approved procedure and that all  Acceptance Criteria      a. The capacity of the pressurizer heaters is within design limits.
required data, checks, and signatures were properly recorded and that system

b. The pressurizer pressure response to the actuation of all pressurizer heaters is within design limits.  
performance met the approved acceptance criteria.  Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement Test (SU3-BB09)
14.2-15    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Members of the JTG reviewed the evaluation findings and recommended corrective action to be taken to resolve any outstanding deficiencies. If the

At WCGS, Test S-07BB03 (USAR Section is used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications.
deficiencies were not resolved to the satisfaction of the JTG, then appropriate  Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test (SU3-BB10)
retesting was required. If the evaluation indicated that deficiencies in the

14.2-42    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK At WCGS, Test S-07BB04  (USAR Section is used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications.  
test method were responsible for unsatisfactory test results, the test procedure was revised accordingly before retesting was initiated. The review  Reactor Coolant System Hydrostatic Test (S-03BBll)  Objectives
and approval process for procedure revisions was carried out in the manner

To verify the integrity and leaktightness of the reactor coolant system and the high-pressure portions of associated systems.
described in Section 14.2.3. Whenever an evaluation of test results indicated  Prerequisites
deficiencies in system performance, the JTG referred the problem to the

a. Required system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
responsible engineering organization for evaluation.  

b. The reactor coolant pumps are available to support this          test.
If the test documentation and system performance were acceptable, the JTG
c. The reactor vessel's lower internals, upper internals, filter assembly, and the closure head are installed.
The studs are tensioned to design value for the associated hydrostatic test pressure

d. Temporary temperature instrumentation is installed for measuring the temperature of the steam generator tube sheets, the bottom of the pressurizer, and the closure flange of the reactor vessel.  
recommended approval of the test by the Startup Manager and the Plant Manager.  

e. A charging pump or test pump is available to pressurize the system.
Following each major phase of the initial startup test program, the PSRC verified that all required tests were performed and that the test results were approved. This verification ensured that all required systems were operating
f. Required instrument calibration is complete.  Test Method

The minimum temperature for pressurizing the system is established. The reactor coolant pumps are operated as required to establish the required temperature. The system is then pressurized to test pressure, and system welds, flanges, piping, and components are monitored for leakage.
properly and that testing for the next major phase was conducted in a safe and  Acceptance Criteria
efficient manner. This type of review was performed to the extent required

The reactor coolant system and associated high-pressure systems are verified leaktight in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, "Nuclear Components," through the Winter 1975 Addenda.
before major initial startup test phases such as fuel load, initial  Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Verification Test (SU3-BB12)
criticality, and power ascension. During the power ascension phase, review and

14.2-43    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK At WCGS, Test S-07BB05 (USAR Section was used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications.
approval of initial startup test procedure results was completed as described  Pressurizer Relief Valve and PRT Hot Preoperational Test (S-03BB13)  Objectives
in KMLNRC-84-235.  

To demonstrate that the operating times of the pressurizer power- operated relief valves are within design specifications. The ability of the reactor coolant drain tank portion of the liquid radwaste system to cool down the pressurizer relief tank (PRT) at the design rate is also verified.  
14.2.6  TEST RECORDS  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration          are complete.
Test procedures and test data relating to preoperational and initial startup

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
testing are retained in accordance with the measures described in the Quality Program Manual.

c. The PRT is at a normal operating level and is aligned for normal operation.
The regulatory guides applicable to the test program are listed, with

d. The liquid radwaste system is available to cool down the PRT via the reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger.  
positions, in Appendix 3A, Conformance to NRC Regulatory Guides.  

e. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pres-sure, and hot functional testing is in progress.
14.2.8 UTILIZATION OF REACTOR OPERATING AND TESTING EXPERIENCE IN Test Method a. Pressurizer power-operated relief valves are operated, and opening times recorded.

b. Following the operation of the pressurizer power-operated relief valves, the PRT is cooled down via the reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger, and the cooldown rate is calculated and recorded.
Available information on reactor operating experiences was utilized in the

a. Power-operated relief valve operating times are within design specifications.
development of the Initial Test Program, as follows:

14.2-44   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK     b. The reactor coolant drain tank portion of the liquid          radwaste system cools down the PRT at a rate within design specifications.
14.2-16   Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK
: a. Bechtel reviewed and distributed pertinent Licensee Event Reports for use in the development of  Reactor Coolant Loop Vibration Surveillance Test (S-              03BB14)
preoperational test procedures as follows:
: 1. The Licensee Event Summary Reports and other pertinent information were reviewed on a periodic  Objectives
basis, and those reports deemed to be useful for

To verify that the dynamic effects experienced during reactor coolant loop steady flow and reactor coolant loop pump transients as measured during hot functional testing (HFT) do not exceed acceptance criteria for the primary loop piping and components.
updating test procedures and items of a generic  Prerequisites      a. Hot functional testing is in progress.  
nature were cataloged. A summary of these reports

b. Reference points for vibrational measurement of the reactor coolant piping and components are established.
was distributed within Bechtel.
: 2. Copies of the specific reports were then made and  

c. All subject systems are available for the specified dynamic operation.
distributed for use in the preparation of

d. Required instrument calibration is complete.  
procedures. In addition, these reports were coded  Test Method
and filed in a computer retrieval system.
: b. The operating experience assessment for Wolf Creek

a. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic operation.      b. The specified dynamic event is initiated and the reactor coolant piping and component responses are monitored.  
Generating Station Unit No. 1 (WCGS) was conducted by  Acceptance Criteria
the nuclear divisions and plant staff who possess the

The measured deflections for each of the test measurement points are within a specified percent of the calculated reference deflections.  
appropriate experience in the area of concern. The  Leak Detection System Preoperational Test (SU3-BB15A)
sources of operating experience information included the  Objectives
use of the NETWORK and the INPO/NSAC SEEIN system. An

a. To determine, during hot functional testing, the amount of identified and unidentified leakage from the reactor coolant system and verify that the leakage is within design limits.
administrative system which controlled the flow of  

14.2-45    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. To demonstrate the ability to detect an increase in          reactor coolant system leakage.
information from NETWORK, INPO/NSAC SEEIN, etc., to the  Prerequisites a. Required instrument calibration is complete.
cognizant organizations including the Independent Safety

b. Hot functional testing is in progress, and the reactor coolant system is at normal operating temperature and pressure.
Engineering Group (ISEG) was developed and functioning

c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of water to support this test.  
prior to fuel load.  

d. The reactor coolant drain tank and associated pumps are          available to support this test.
The Licensing Section was responsible for coordinating  Test Method

a. The reactor coolant system identified and unidentified leakage rates are determined by monitoring the reactor coolant system water inventory.  
the review of the NRC Information and Enforcement (IE)
Bulletins, Circulars, and Information Notices.  

b. A known leakage rate is initiated, and the ability to detect an increase in leakage is verified.
The Startup Group reviewed information provided by the  Acceptance Criteria
other KG&E Nuclear Divisions and information provided by

a. Reactor coolant system identified and unidentified leakage is within design limits.      b. The ability to detect an increase in reactor coolant system leakage is verified.
Bechtel and Westinghouse to determine its effect on the  Leak Detection System Preoperational Test (SU3-BB15B)
Wolf Creek Initial Test Program, making revisions to  Objectives
test and administrative procedures as required.  

a. To demonstrate the operation of the leak detection system and to verify the ability of the system to detect leakage within the required time limit as specified by design.
An instrumented auxiliary feedwater water-hammer test was performed only at

b. The operation of the containment particulate and radioactive gas monitoring portions of the Leak Detection System are verified in SU4-SP01, Process Radiation Monitoring System Preoperational Test.  
Wolf Creek. (This test was not required to be performed. It was being

14.2-46    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
performed for the purpose of gathering engineering data only.)  Procedure S-
b. The containment normal sumps, instrument tunnel sump, floor drain tank, auxiliary building sump and associated pumps are available to support this test.  Test Method
O3AL04, Auxiliary Feedwater System Water Hammer Test, required a visual and

a. A known simulated leakage is initiated, and the ability of the system to detect the leakage within the design time is verified.
audible water hammer test and was completed prior to the issuance of an  Acceptance Criteria a. The ability of the leak detection system to detect a leak within the design time is verified.  RTD/TC Cross Calibration (S-03BB16)
operating license. See new Section  Objectives
Procedure S-070017, Loss of Heater Drain Pump Test, was performed on Callaway

To provide a functional checkout of the reactor coolant system resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and incore thermocouples and to generate isothermal cross-calibration data for subsequent correction factors to indicated temperatures.  
only. This test was conducted to verify analytical assumptions. No Prerequisites      a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
additional loss of heater drain pump tests are  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
14.2-17    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK required, since the data obtained from the first unit test is equally valid for subsequent units. See Section  

c. Initial plant heatup, during hot functional testing, is in progress, and all reactor coolant pumps are operating.
Procedure S-07SF09 RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Power, was performed at 50  Test Method
percent power only at Callaway. Wolf Creek and Callaway have the same core and Nuclear instrumentation system design and the test at Callaway is considered a

At various temperature plateaus, RTD and incore thermocouple data are recorded.
prototypical test for Wolf Creek. This position was accepted by the NRC in a
Isothermal cross-calibration correction factors for individual thermocouples and the installation corrections for individual RTDs are determined.

14.2-47    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. Individual RTD readings are within the design specifications.
July 3, 1985 letter to KG&E.  
b. The installation corrections of the RTDs are within design specifications.  Chemical and Volume Control System Major Component Test (S-03BG01)
A natural circulation test was performed at Callaway only to demonstrate the  Objectives
length of time to stabilize natural circulation, core flow distribution, and

To demonstrate the operation of the centrifugal charging pumps and associated minimum flow valves, including their response to safety signals.
the ability to establish and maintain natural circulation. Operators  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
participating in the tests were able to recognize when natural circulation had

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
stabilized and were able to control saturation margin, RCS pressure, and heat

c. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.  
removal rate without exceeding specified operating limits. These tests were conducted insofar as possible to include all available licensed operators.
Licensed operators were trained in these same areas on the simulator. The

d. The component cooling water system is available to          provide cooling water to the centrifugal charging pump          oil coolers.
simulator has full capability of simulating natural circulation, using  Test Method
Westinghouse data initially. When the above tests were accomplished on the

a. Centrifugal charging pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are verified.
Callaway plant, actual data was incorporated into the Wolf Creek simulator

b. Centrifugal charging pump and minimum flow valve control logics are verified, including their response to safety signals.  
program. See Chapter 18, item I.G.1, and Section Acceptance Criteria

a. Centrifugal charging pump performance characteristics are within design specifications.
The plant operating procedures were utilized, where applicable during the test

b. Each centrifugal charging pump receives a start signal from the load sequencer.
program, to support testing, maintain plant conditions, and facilitate

14.2-48    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. If a safety injection signal is present, a centrifugal          charging pump minimum flow valve will open if the associated pump flow is low and will close if the associated pump flow is above the minimum flow requirement of the pump.
training. The trial use of operating procedures served to familiarize  Seal Injection Preoperational Test (SU3-BG02)  Objective
operating personnel with systems and plant operation during the testing phase

To demonstrate the ability of the chemical and volume control system to supply adequate seal water injection flow to the reactor coolant pumps and verify the operation of the seal water return containment isolation valves, including their response to a CIS.
and also served to ensure the adequacy of the procedures under actual or  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
simulated operating conditions before plant operation begins. The emergency procedures were verified during startup as plant conditions, testing, and training warrant. Surveillance tests were performed as conditions warrant

c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.  
during the testing program, to demonstrate their adequacy.  

d. Cooling water is available to the charging pumps.
Plant operating procedures were developed in approximately the same time frame  Test Method a. With a charging pump in operation, seal water throttle          valves are adjusted to maintain the required flow to each reactor coolant pump.  
as the preparation of preoperational and initial startup tests. The operating

b. Seal water return containment isolation valves control logics are verified, including their response to a CIS.
procedures were revised as necessary to reflect experience gained during the  Acceptance Criteria
testing program.  

a. Seal water injection flow to each reactor coolant pump is within design specifications.  

b. Seal water return containment isolation valves close on receipt of a CIS. Valve closure times are within design specifications.

14.2-49    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Charging System Preoperational Test (SU3-BG03)  Objective
Prior to the commencement of fuel loading, required preoperational test

To demonstrate positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590) operating characteristics and to verify the operation of the regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valves and the letdown isolation valves, including their response to a safety injection signal (SIS).
procedures were evaluated, and appropriate remedial action  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
14.2-18    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK was taken if the acceptance criteria was not satisfied. At the completion of fuel loading, the reactor upper internals and pressure vessel head were

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
installed, and additional mechanical and electrical tests were performed to

c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.
prepare the plant for nuclear operation. After final precritical tests, nuclear operation of the reactor began. This phase of testing included initial criticality, low power testing, and power level ascension. The purpose of
d. Cooling water is available to the positive displacement          charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per            DCP 04590).      e. The reactor coolant system is available to receive charging system flow.  Test Method a. The positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the           normal charging pump per DCP 04590)is operated, and          pump operating data are recorded.
these tests was to establish the operational characteristics of the unit and  
b. Regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valve and letdown system isolation valve control circuits are verified, including valve response to safety injection          signals.  Acceptance Criteria
core, to acquire data for the proper calibration of setpoints, and to ensure

a. Positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the            normal charging pump per DCP 04590)operating          characteristics are within design specifications.
that operation is within license requirements. Section summarizes
b. Charging pump to regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valves close on receipt of an SIS. Valve closure times are within design specifications.
c. The letdown line containment isolation valves close on receipt of a containment isolation signal. Valve closure times are within design specifications.  

14.2-50    Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK 32  Boron Thermal Regeneration System Preoperational              Test (SU3-BG04)
the tests which are performed from fuel load to rated power. The fuel loading  Objective To verify the operation of the boron thermal regeneration system, and associated control circuits. Performance characteristics of the chemical and volume control system chiller pumps are also verified.  
and post loading tests are described below. Prerequisites  Fuel Loading The Plant Manager or his designated representative with technical assistance

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
provided by Westinghouse, was responsible for the coordination of initial core

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
loading. The overall process of initial core loading was, in general, directed from the operating floor of the containment structure by a licensed senior
c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.

d. The chemical and volume control system chiller surge tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.
reactor operator. The licensed senior reactor operator had no additional  Test Method
responsibilities other than core load operations.  

a. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps are operated and performance characteristics are verified.
The core configuration was specified as part of the core design studies

b. Boron thermal regeneration system component control          circuits are verified.
conducted well in advance of fuel loading. In the event mechanical damage was  Acceptance Criteria

a. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps' operating characteristics are within design specifications.
sustained during core loading operations to a fuel assembly of a type for which

b. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps start automatically when the boron thermal regeneration system is placed in the borate or dilute mode of operation.
no spare was available onsite, an alternate core loading scheme could have been  Boric Acid Blending System Preoperational Test (SU3-BG05)
determined. Any such changes would have been approved by the appropriate  Objectives
Westinghouse personnel.
Core loading procedures specified the condition of fluid systems to prevent

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of boron injection makeup and boric acid transfer pumps and 
inadvertent changes in boron concentration of the reactor coolant; the movement

14.2-51    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          verify the ability of the boric acid blending system to          make up at design flow rates to the chemical and volume control system (CVCS).
of fuel to preclude the possibility of mechanical damage; the conditions under

b. To verify the operation of system component control          circuits in all modes of operation.
which loading could proceed; and the responsibility and authority for

c. To demonstrate by flow test the ability of the reactor makeup water system to supply water to the boric acid blender.  
continuous and complete fuel and core component accountability.  

d. To demonstrate by flow test the ability of the boric acid system to supply an emergency boration flow to the charging pump suction.
The following conditions were met prior to core loading:
e. To verify the operation of volume control tank valves          and associated control circuits, including valve response to safety signals.
: a. The reactor containment structure was complete and  Prerequisites
containment integrity had been demonstrated.
: b. Fuel handling tools and equipment were checked out and

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
operators familiarized in the use and operation of

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
equipment. Inspections of fuel assemblies, rod cluster control assemblies, and reactor vessel were satisfactorily completed.  

c. The reactor makeup water system is available to supply water to the boric acid blender and boric acid batching tank.      d. A charging pump is available to receive and discharge flow from the boric acid transfer pumps.  
14.2-19    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. The reactor vessel and associated components were in a state of readiness to receive fuel. The water level was

e. The volume control tank (VCT) contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.
maintained above the bottom of the nozzles and  Test Method
recirculation maintained to ensure the required boron

a. The boron injection makeup and boric acid pumps are operated, performance data recorded, and the ability of the system to make up to the CVCS at design flow rates is verified.  
concentration could be increased via the recirculation path or directly to the open vessel.  

b. System component control circuits are verified in all modes of operation.
Criteria for safe loading required that loading operations stop immediately if

14.2-52    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. With a reactor makeup water pump in operation, flow is          verified to the boric acid blender and boric acid batching tank.
any of the following conditions occur.
: a. An unanticipated increase in the neutron count rates by a

d. With both boric acid transfer pumps in operation and a          charging pump taking a suction from the VCT and discharging to the reactor coolant loops, the emergency boration flow rate from the transfer pumps to the charging pump suction is recorded.
factor of two occurs on all responding nuclear channels

e. The emergency boration flow rate via gravity feed from the boric acid tanks to the charging pump suction is recorded.
during any single loading step after the initial nucleus

f. Proper operation of the reactor makeup water system is           verified when the reactor makeup control system (RMCS)          is operated in the manual, dilute, alternate dilute, and automatic modes.
of eight fuel assemblies is loaded.
: b. An unanticipated increase in the count rate by a factor of five on any individual responding nuclear channel

g. The operation of the VCT outlet valves control circuits is verified, including their response to a safety injection signal.
during any single loading step after the initial nucleus  Acceptance Criteria
of eight fuel assemblies is loaded.
: c. An unanticipated decrease in boron concentration greater

a. The boron injection makeup and boric acid transfer pump operating characteristics are within design specifications.
than 20 ppm is determined from two successive samples of

b. The flow rate to the boric acid blender from the reactor           makeup water system is within design specifications.
the reactor coolant.  
c. The emergency boration flow rates to the charging pump suction are within design specifications.  

d. The boric acid transfer pumps and the reactor makeup water pumps start automatically on a low level in the volume control tank when the RMCS is in the automatic mode.  
Loading operations could not be restarted until the situation was evaluated.

e. VCT outlet valves close on receipt of a safety injection signal when the associated charging pump supply valve from the refueling water storage tank is open.
An alarm in the containment and main control room was coupled to the source

f. Refueling water storage tank to charging pump suction valves open on receipt of a safety injection signal.
range channels with a setpoint equal to or less than five times the current

g. The boric acid transfer pumps stop on receipt of a load shed signal.
count rate. This alarm automatically alerts the loading operation personnel of  

14.2-53    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      h. The boric acid  filter to charging pump valve supply          breaker trips open on receipt of a load shed signal.
high count rate, and an immediate stop of all operations would be required  Chemical and Volume Control System Hot Preoperational Test (S-03BG06)  Objectives
until the situation was evaluated. In the event the evacuation alarm was actuated during core loading and after it has been determined that no hazards to personnel exist, preselected personnel would be permitted to reenter the

a. To determine by flow test that all letdown and cleanup flow rates are within design specifications.  
containment to evaluate the cause and determine future action.  

b. To determine, by comparison of boron concentrations, that boric acid addition to the reactor coolant system has occurred, using the normal and emergency flow paths.
The core was assembled in the reactor vessel and submerged in the reactor grade
c. To determine by flow test the ability of the chemical          and volume control system (CVCS) to make up at design flow rates and boron concentrations to the reactor coolant system in all modes of operation.

d. To determine by operational test that the letdown containment isolation valve closure times are within design specifications.
water containing sufficient dissolved boric acid to maintain a calculated core

e. To demonstrate the ability of the pump room coolers to maintain room temperatures within design limits.  
effective multiplication factor of 0.95 or lower. The refueling pool could be  Prerequisites
wet or dry during initial core loading. Core moderator, chemistry conditions (particularly boron concentration) were prescribed in the core loading

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and           system flushing/cleaning are complete.
procedure document and verified by chemical analysis of moderator samples taken
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure, and hot functional testing is in progress.  
prior to and during core loading operations.  

d. The CVCS pump rooms are closed, and their associated pump room coolers are operational.
At least two artificial neutron sources were introduced into the core at  Test Method
specified points in the core during the loading program to ensure a detector

a. The letdown throttle valves are adjusted to establish letdown flow within design specifications.  
response of at least 2 counts per second attributable to neutrons.  

b. Boric acid addition to the reactor coolant system is verified, using the normal and emergency flow paths, by comparing the change in boron concentrations.
14.2-20    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Core loading instrumentation consisted of two permanently installed source range (pulse type) nuclear channels and two temporary incore source range

14.2-54    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. With a charging pump in operation, the ability of the          CVCS, in all modes of operation, to make up at design flow rates and boron concentrations to the reactor coolant system is verified.
channels. A third temporary channel could also be used as a spare. The
d. With letdown flow established, the letdown containment isolation valves are operated, and operating times are recorded.  

e. During CVCS pump operation, pump room temperature data are recorded.  
permanent channels, when responding, were monitored in the main control room, and the temporary channels were installed and monitored in the containment. At least one permanent channel was equipped with an audible count rate indicator.  Acceptance Criteria
Both plant channels have the capability of displaying the neutron flux level on

a. All letdown and cleanup flow rates are within design          specifications b. The boric acid addition system is capable of adding boron to the reactor coolant system via both the normal and emergency flow paths.
a strip chart recorder. The temporary channels indicated on scalers, and a

c. The CVCS makeup flow rates and boron additions to the reactor coolant system are within design specifications in all modes of operation.  
minimum of one channel was recorded on a strip chart recorder. Normally minimum

d. The letdown containment isolation valves' closure times are within design specifications.
count rates of two counts per second attributable to core neutrons were

e. The CVCS pump room coolers maintain the room temperature within design limits.       f. The boron thermal regeneration system (BTRS) can vary the reactor coolant boron concentration as required for daily load cycle at 85 percent core life.  
required on at least two of the four (i.e. two temporary and two permanent  Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Preoperational Test (SU3-EC01)  
source range detectors) available nuclear source channels at all times  Objectives
following installation of the initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies. A

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps and to verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly.
response check of nuclear instruments to a neutron source was performed within

b. To verify that the fuel pool cleanup pump refueling water storage tank (RWST) suction isolation valves close on receipt of a safety injection signal (SIS).  
8 hours prior to loading of the core, or upon resumption of loading if delay was for more than 8 hours.  

14.2-55    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. To verify that each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler          starts when the associated fuel pool cooling pump starts.
Fuel assemblies, together with inserted components (control rod assemblies, burnable, poison assemblies, source spider, or thimble plugging devices) were  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
placed in the reactor vessel one at a time, according to a previously

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
established and approved sequence developed to provide reliable core monitoring

c. Cooling water is available to the fuel pool cooling and cleanup system heat exchangers.
with minimum possibility of core mechanical damage. The core loading procedure
d. The liquid radwaste system is available to drain the          refueling pool to the RWST.

e. The essential service water system is available to provide cooling water to the spent fuel pool pump room coolers.
documents prescribed the successive movements of each fuel assembly and its

f. The spent fuel pool and fuel transfer canals are filled to their normal operating levels.
specified inserts from its initial position in the storage racks to its final  Test Method
position in the core. Fuel assembly status boards were maintained throughout

a. The fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps are operated in their various modes, and pump operating data are recorded.      b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of system pumps and valves on receipt of safety signals.  
the core loading operation.  

c. The ability of each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler to start when the associated fuel pool cooling pump starts is verified.
An initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies, one containing a neutron source, is the minimum source-fuel nucleus which permitted subsequent meaningful  Acceptance Criteria
inverse count rate monitoring. This initial nucleus was determined by calculation to be markedly subcritical (K eff  0.95) under the required conditions of loading.  

a. The operating characteristics of the fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps are within design specifications.
Each subsequent fuel addition was accompanied by detailed neutron count rate

b. The fuel pool cleanup pumps RWST suction isolation valves close on receipt of an SIS.
monitoring to determine that the just-loaded fuel assembly did not excessively

14.2-56    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. Each fuel pool cooling pump trips on a low spent fuel          pool level signal.
increase the count rate and that the extrapolated inverse count rate ratio was

d. Each fuel pool cooling pump trips on receipt of a load shed signal.
behaving as expected. These results for each loading step were evaluated before
e. Each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler starts when the associated fuel pool cooling pump starts.  Spent Fuel Pool Leak Test (S-03EC02)
the next fuel assembly was loaded. The final, as loaded, core configuration  Objectives
was subcritical (K eff < 0.95) under the required loading conditions.  

a. To demonstrate the integrity of the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, and fuel transfer canal.       b. To demonstrate the leaktightness of the cask loading pit gate and the fuel transfer canal gate.
14.2-21    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Initial Criticality Prior to initial criticality, the following tests were performed and the  Prerequisites
results evaluated.
: a. At the completion of core loading, the reactor upper

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
internals and pressure vessel head were installed. A

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
pressure test was conducted after filling, and venting

c. The spent fuel pool is filled to the normal operating level.
was completed to check the leaktightness of the vessel
d. The cask loading pit level is below the level of the           fuel pool gate.

e. The fuel transfer canal level is below the level of the fuel pool gate.
head installation.
: b. Mechanical and electrical tests were performed on the  

f. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide demineralized water to the spent fuel pool.  
control rod drive mechanisms. These tests included a

g. A source of compressed air is available to pressurize the system standpipes.
complete operational checkout of the mechanisms and  Test Method
calibration of the individual rod position indicators.
: c. Tests were performed on the reactor trip circuits to

The cask loading pit gate and fuel transfer canal gate are visually inspected for leakage. A leak test is performed on the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, and fuel transfer canal, using the associated leak chase standpipes.
test manual trip operation, and actual control rod

14.2-57    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance No leakage is observed from the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, fuel transfer canal, cask loading pit gate, and fuel transfer canal gate.
assembly drop times were measured for each control rod  Essential Service Water System Preoperational Test (SU3-EF01)

Test SU3-EF02 combined with Test SU3-EF01, Essential Service Water System Preoperational Test.  
assembly. At all times that the control rod drive  Objectives
mechanisms were being tested, the boron concentration in

a. To demonstrate the capability of the essential service water system to provide cooling water flow during the          LOCA mode of operation. The operation and response of          system valves to align the system in the LOCA flow mode on safety injection signals, load sequence signals, and low suction pressure signals are also verified.
the coolant was maintained so that the shutdown margin

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the essential service water (ESW) pumps and verify their response to safety signals.
requirements specified in the Technical Specifications

c. To demonstrate the operability of the backpressure control valves, including their response to safety signals.
were met. During individual RCCA or RCC bank motion, source range instrumentation was monitored for  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and           system flushing/cleaning are complete.
unexpected changes in core reactivity.
: d. The reactor control and reactor protection systems were

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
checked with simulated inputs to produce trip signals

c. The compressed air system is available to the system air-operated valves.  
for various trip conditions.
: e. A functional electrical and mechanical check was made of  Test Method
the incore nuclear flux mapping system near normal

a. System operating characteristics are verified in the LOCA mode of operation.  
operating temperature and pressure.  

b. Safety signals are simulated, and the responses of the system valves and the ESW pumps are verified.
Initial criticality was achieved by a combination of shutdown and control bank

c. The ESW pumps are operated and pump operating data are recorded.
withdrawal and reactor coolant system boron concentration dilution. The plant

14.2-58    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. The operability of the backpressure control valves,          including their response to safety signals is verified.
conditions, precautions, and specific instructions for the approach to  Acceptance Criteria a. Components supplied by the essential service water system receive flows that are within design specifications in the LOCA mode of system operation.  
criticality were specified by approved procedures.  

b. System valve operation in response to safety signals is within design requirements.
Initially, the shutdown and control banks of control rods were withdrawn

c. System valve operating times are within design specifications.
incrementally in the normal withdrawal sequence, leaving the last withdrawn
d. The ESW pumps' operating characteristics are within          design specifications.

e. Each ESW pump responds properly to load sequence and load shed signals.
control bank partially inserted in the core to provide effective control when

f. The time required for each ESW pump to reach rated flow is within design specifications.
criticality was achieved. The boron concentration in the reactor coolant

g. System backpressure valves close upon receipt of a LOCA sequencer or safety injection signal.
system was reduced and criticality achieved by boron dilution or by subsequent

h. An auxiliary feedwater pump low suction pressure signal will close the ESW pump breakers if a zero sequencer signal is not present.  Component Cooling Water System Preoperational Test (S-03EG01)
rod withdrawal following boron dilution. Throughout this period, samples of  Objectives
the primary coolant were obtained and analyzed for boron concentration.  

a. To demonstrate the capability of the component cooling water system to provide cooling water during the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes of operation.
14.2-22    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Inverse count rate ratio monitoring using data from the normal plant source range instrumentation was used as an indication of the proximity and rate of  

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the component cooling water pumps and to verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly, including system response to safety signals.  
approach to criticality. Inverse count rate ratio data was plotted as a  Prerequisites
function of rod bank position during rod motion and as a function of reactor

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
makeup water addition during reactor coolant system boron concentration reduction.  

14.2-59    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  Low Power Testing Following initial criticality, a program of reactor physics measurements was

14  Test Method a. System operating characteristics are verified in the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes of operation.
undertaken to verify that the basic static and kinetic characteristics of the

b. Safety signals are simulated, and the response of system pumps and valves is verified.  
core were as expected and that the values of the kinetic coefficients assumed in the safeguards analysis were conservative.  Acceptance Criteria
Procedures specified the sequence of tests and measurements to be conducted and

a. The performance characteristics of each component cooling water pump are within design specifications.      b. Components supplied by the component cooling water system receive flows that are within design specifications with the system operating in the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes.
the conditions under which each was performed in order to ensure both safety of

c. Component cooling water pump and valve responses to load sequence, containment isolation, and safety injection signals are within design specifications.  
operation and the validity and consistency of the results obtained. If test

d. Closure times for the component cooling water supply and return valves to the reactor coolant system are within design specifications.
results deviated significantly from design predictions, if unacceptable

e. Component cooling water pump response to centrifugal          charging pump start signals is in accordance with system          design.
behavior had been revealed, or if unexplained anomalies had developed, the  Residual Heat Removal System Cold Preoperational Test (SU3-EJ01)
plant would have been brought to a safe stable condition and the situation  Objective
reviewed to determine the course of subsequent plant operation.  

To demonstrate the operability of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pumps, demonstrate by flow test their ability to supply water at rated pressure and flow, and verify their response to safety signals. The operation of system motor-operated valves, including their response to safety signals, are also verified. The RWST control and alarm circuits are also verified.
These measurements were made at low power and primarily at or near normal operating temperature and pressure. Measurements were made in order to verify  Prerequisites
the calculated values of control rod bank reactivity worths, the isothermal

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
temperature coefficient under various core conditions, differential boron

14.2-60    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
concentration reactivity worth, and critical boron concentrations as functions

c. The reactor vessel head is removed and the water level is above the nozzles.
of control rod configuration. In addition, measurements of the relative power
d. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.

e. Cooling water is available to the RHR pumps and heat exchangers.
distributions were made, and concurrent tests were conducted on the  

f. The instrument air system is available to supply air to system air-operated valves.  Test Method
instrumentation, including source and intermediate range nuclear channels.  

a. Performance characteristics of the RHR pumps are verified during discharge to the reactor coolant hot and cold loops and test recirculation.
Gamma and neutron radiation surveys were performed at selected points

b. RWST and RHR system component control circuits are verified, including the operation of the RHR pumps and system valves on receipt of safety signals.
throughout the station. Periodic sampling was performed to verify chemical and  Acceptance Criteria
radio-chemical analysis of the reactor coolant.  

a. RHR pump performance characteristics are within design specifications.       b. RHR system components align or actuate in accordance with system design to safety injection, containment isolation, load sequencing, load shed, and tank level signals.  Power Level Ascension After the operating characteristics of the reactor were verified by low power

c. The time required for each RHR pump to reach rated speed is within design specifications.
testing, a program of power level ascension brought the unit to its full rated  

d. RHR system motor-operated valve closure times are within design specifications.  
power level in successive stages. At each successive stage, hold points were provided to evaluate and approve test results prior to proceeding to the next  Residual Heat Removal System Hot Preoperational Test (S-U3-EJ02)
stage. The minimum test requirements for each successive stage of power  Objectives
ascension were specified in the initial startup test procedures.  

a. To demonstrate the ability of the residual heat removal (RHR) system to cool down the reactor coolant system (RCS) at its design rate.  
14.2-23    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Measurements were made to determine the relative power distribution in the core as functions of power level and control assembly bank position.  

14.2-61    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. To demonstrate the ability of the RHR pump room coolers          to maintain room temperature within design limits.
Secondary system heat balance measurements ensured that the indications of  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
power level were consistent and provide bases for calibration of the power range nuclear channels. The ability of the reactor coolant system to respond

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
effectively to signals from primary and secondary instrumentation under a

c. The component cooling water system is supplying water to each RHR heat exchanger.  
variety of conditions encountered in normal operations was verified.  

d. The RCS is being cooled down during hot functional          testing.
At prescribed power levels, the dynamic response characteristics of the primary
e. The RHR pump rooms are closed, and their associated pump room coolers are operational.  Test Method
and secondary systems were evaluated. System response characteristics were

a. While the RCS is being cooled down with the RHR system, the heat transfer is obtained by performing a heat balance across each RHR heat exchanger.  
measured for design step load changes, rapid load reduction, and plant trips.  

b. When RHR pump room temperatures have stabilized, room temperature data is recorded.
Adequacy of radiation shielding was verified by gamma and neutron radiation  Acceptance Criteria      a. The RHR system is capable of cooling down the reactor coolant system at its design rate.  
surveys at selected points throughout the station at various power levels.
Periodic sampling was performed to verify the chemical and radio-chemical analysis of the reactor coolant.  

b. The RHR pump room coolers can maintain room temperature within design limits.  
14.2.11  TEST PROGRAM SCHEDULE  Safety Injection System Cold Preoperational Test (SU3-EM01)
Detailed schedules for testing were prepared, reviewed, and revised on a  Objectives
continuing basis as plant construction progressed.  

To demonstrate the response of the safety injection pumps and associated valves to safety signals.
Preoperational tests which were not performed according to schedule were  Prerequisites
reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Administrative procedures were established

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete
to ensure that all prerequisites were met before testing was initiated. Upon

14.2-62    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
completion of all prerequisite tests applicable to a system or subsystem, a  Test Method The response of the safety injection pumps and associated valves to safety signals is verified
documented review was conducted by Start-up personnel to verify that  Acceptance Criteria
appropriate documentation was available and that required prerequisite tests

a. The safety injection pumps and associated valves align or actuate in accordance with system design to containment isolation signals, load shedding signals, and load sequencing signals.
were satisfactorily completed. All deficiencies which would have prevented performance of preoperational tests or generated negative test results were identified and dispositioned prior to implementation of the preoperational  Safety Injection Flow Verification Test (SU3-EM02)  Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the safety injection pumps and the centrifugal charging pumps.  

b. To demonstrate the capability of the safety injection pumps to provide balanced flow to the reactor coolant system and prevent runout flow in the cold leg and hot leg injection modes.
Preoperational testing was scheduled to commence approximately 18 months prior

c. To demonstrate the capability of the charging pumps to provide balanced flow to the reactor coolant system and          prevent runout flow in the boron injection mode.
to fuel loading. The preoperational tests were performed and sequenced during
d. To demonstrate the capability of the residual heat removal pumps to provide required net positive suction head to the safety injection pumps and the centrifugal charging pumps.

e. To demonstrate that the safety injection and centrifugal charging pump room coolers maintain room temperature within design limits.
this period as a function of system turnover, system interrelationships, and  

f. To demonstrate that associated system valve operating times are within specified limits.  
acceptance for testing.  Prerequisites
Initial startup testing was scheduled to be conducted over a period of

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
approximately 3 to 5 months, commencing with fuel loading. The sequential

14.2-63    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
schedule for initial startup tests ensured, insofar as practicable, that test

c. The CVCS is available to supply rated flow to the reactor coolant system via the boron injection path,          while simultaneously supplying other required loads.
requirements were completed

d. The residual heat removal system is available to supply adequate suction head to the safety injection and centrifugal charging pumps during required injection modes.
14.2-24    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK prior to exceeding 25-percent power for all plant structures, systems, and components that are relied upon to prevent, limit, or mitigate the consequences

e. The borated refueling water storage tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for this test.
of postulated accidents.  
f. The reactor vessel is available to receive water, and          the temporary reactor vessel pumpdown system is operational (if required).  

g. The auxiliary building HVAC system is available to cool the pump rooms and verify associated pump interlocks.  
The development of the test procedures was an ongoing process consisting of preparation, review, and revision. Preoperational test procedures were

h. The accumulator safety injection system piping from the safety injection system to the reactor coolant system is available, and an accumulator tank is capable of receiving water.
available for NRC review approximately 60 days prior to the performance of an  

i. Cooling water is available to required pumps and heat exchangers.
individual test. If an individual test procedure was not available 60 days
j. The compressed air system is available to supply air to          associated system valves.

k. The residual heat removal system hot leg and cold leg flow orifices have been sized for required flow.
prior to the test, the NRC was notified of the test date and the date the test  Test Method
procedure was available. Initial startup test procedures were available for

a. The safety injection pumps are operated in the cold leg flow mode to verify pump performance characteristics and to identify the weaker pump.  
NRC review at least 60 days prior to fuel loading.  

b. The safety injection cold leg branch lines are balanced using the weaker safety injection pump and the balance checked with the stronger pump. The balance is performed so that injection flow is maximized while preventing pump runout.  

14.2-64    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The safety injection hot leg branch lines are balanced,           using their respective safety injection pump. The balance is performed so that injection flow is maximized while preventing pump runout.
Test abstracts were provided for both safety-related and selected nonsafety-related preoperational tests. The abstracts included test prerequisites and summaries of test methods, objectives, and acceptance criteria.  
d. The centrifugal charging pumps are operated in the boron injection mode to determine pump performance characteristics and to identify the weaker pump.  

e. The boron injection branch lines are balanced, using the weaker centrifugal charging pump and the balance checked with the stronger pump. The balance is performed such that injection flow is maximized while preventing pump runout.  Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures The following sections contain test abstracts used for safety- related
f. Each residual heat removal pump is operated in series          with the centrifugal charging pumps and safety injection pumps to verify that the residual heat removal pumps can supply adequate suction head.

g. With each centrifugal charging pump and safety injection pump operating, pump room temperatures are allowed to stabilize, and room temperature data are recorded.  
preoperational tests. Table 14.2-1 provides an index of these tests.  Acceptance Criteria
The preoperational test procedures were designated SO3 (Safety- Related/Common

a. The safety injection and centrifugal charging pump response times and valve operating times are within design specifications.
to WCGS and Callaway), SU3 (Safety-Related/WCGS Specific), SO4 thru SO9 (Nonsafety-Related/Common to WCGS and Callaway) and SU4 thru SU9 (Nonsafety-
b. The safety injection pump room coolers start with their          respective pump.

c. The NPSH provided by the residual heat removal pumps to the centrifugal charging pumps and safety injection pumps is within system design specifications.  
Related/WCGS Specific) as appropriate.  

d. Safety injection cold leg, hot leg, and safety injection pump flows are within design specifications.  Steam Dump System Preoperational Test (S-03AB01)

e. Boron injection and centrifugal charging pump flows are within design specifications.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operability of the steam dump control system control circuits in both the average temperature and steam pressure modes of operation.
: b. To demonstrate the operation of the main steam dump

f. The safety injection and centrifugal charging pump room coolers can maintain room temperature within design limits.
valves and main steam cooldown valves, including valve

14.2-65    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Safety Injection Check Valve Test (SU3-EM03)  Objectives
response to safety signals.
: c. To verify the operation of the main steam line drain

To demonstrate the integrity of accumulator outlet line and loop safety injection line check valves and backup check valves by performing backleakage tests. The operability of the various safety injection line check valves under their design pressure conditions is also verified.
valves' control circuits, including valve response to a  Prerequisites
turbine trip signal.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
14.2-25 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: d. To verify the operation of the main steam to turbine-driven feedwater pump supply valves' control logics, including valve response to an auxiliary feedwater

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits           are operational.
actuation signal (AFAS).
c. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating pressure.  
: e. To verify the operation of the main steam atmospheric relief valves' control circuits.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Test Method
system flushing/cleaning are completed.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. Check valve leak testing is performed with the reactor coolant system at normal operating pressure.  
are operational.  

b. Check valve operability is performed by verifying flow through the check valves at reduced reactor coolant pressure.  Test Method
: a. Operability of the steam dump control system control  Acceptance Criteria      a. Check valve leakage rates are within limits established by Technical Specifications Section
circuits is verified in both the average temperature and

b. Injection line check valve operability is demonstrated by verification of flow through the check valves in each of the safety injection lines to the reactor coolant system.
steam pressure modes.
: b. Operability of the main steam dump valves' and main steam cooldown valves' control circuits is verified, including valve response to turbine impulse low  Boron Injection Tank and Recirculation Pump Test (SU3-EM04)
pressure, low-low average temperature, and condenser

This test has been deleted at Wolf Creek since the boron injection requirements have been eliminated due to the decrease in required boron concentration.
shell high pressure signals.
: c. Operability of the main steam line drain valves' control

14.2-66    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Containment Spray System Nozzle Air Test (S-03EN01)  Objectives
circuits is verified, including valve response to a

To demonstrate that the spray nozzles in the containment spray header are clear of obstructions.
turbine trip signal.
: d. Operability of the main steam to turbine-driven  Prerequisites
auxiliary feedwater pump supply valves' control logics

A source of compressed air is available to pressurize the spray headers.  
is verified, including valve response to an AFAS.
: e. Operability of the main steam atmospheric relief valves' control circuits is verified. Test Method Acceptance Criteria
: a. The response of the main steam dump valves and the main steam cooldown valves to the associated turbine impulse

Air flow is initiated through the containment spray headers, and unobstructed flow is verified through each nozzle.  Acceptance Criteria
low pressure, low-low average temperature, and condenser

All containment spray nozzles are clear and unobstructed, as evidenced by air passing through each nozzle.
shell high pressure signals is in accordance with system  Containment Spray System  Preoperational Test (SU3-EN02)
: b. The main steam line drain valves open on receipt of a  Objectives
turbine trip signal.  

a. To demonstrate the operation of system components, including their response to safety signals, and verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly. System flow characteristics in          the test and simulated accident modes are also verified.
14.2-26 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK
b. To demonstrate the ability of the pump room coolers to maintain room temperatures within design limits.
: c. The main steam to turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump supply valves open on receipt of an AFAS.
: d. The response of the main steam atmospheric relief valves to pressure signals is in accordance with system  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  Main Steam Safety Valve Test (SU3-AB02)

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Objectives

c. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.
To verify the pressure relief setpoints of the main steam

d. The auxiliary building HVAC system is available to cool the pump rooms and verify associated pump interlocks.  
safety valves.  

14.2-67    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      e. The containment spray pump rooms are closed.
NOTE: This objective may be accomplished either by bench Test Method

a. Performance characteristics of the containment spray          pumps are verified in the test mode, recirculating to the refueling water storage tank, and in the simulated accident mode.  
testing or with a pneumatic test device.  

b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of system pumps and valves on receipt of load sequence/shedder and CSAS/CIS signals, respectively.  Prerequisites

c. During system operations, spray additive eductor          operating characteristics are verified.
The following prerequisites apply when a pneumatic test device is used.
d. During containment spray pump operation, pump room temperature data are recorded.  
: a. Required instrument calibration is complete.
: b. Hot Functional Testing is in progress.
: c. A Source of compressed air is available to provide air  Acceptance Criteria
to the air set pressure device installed on the valve

a. Containment spray pump performance characteristics are within design specifications for the tested modes of operation.  
under test.  

b. Containment spray pump and valve response to load sequence/shedder and CSAS/CIS is verified, and the associated response times are within design specifications.      c. Spray additive eductor operating characteristics are within design specifications.
The following prerequisites apply when bench testing is  

d. The containment spray pump room coolers maintain the room temperature within design limits.  
: a. Bench testing facility is available.
: b. An approved WCGS procedure is available to accomplish  Accumulator Testing (S-03EP01)
bench testing.
: c. A source of compressed gas is available to provide  Objectives
pressure to the valve under test.  

To determine the operability of each safety injection accumulator and obtain, by flow test, each accumulator's discharge line resistance to flow. The ability of the accumulator discharge line isolation valves to open under maximum differential pressure conditions is verified, as is the response of accumulator system valves to safety signals.  Test Method

14.2-68    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
The following test method applied when a pneumatic test
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The reactor vessel head and reactor internals are not installed, and the vessel is available to receive water.  
device is used.  

d. A source of compressed air and nitrogen is available.
Main steam pressure is adjusted within the required range, and air is admitted to the air set pressure device on the

e. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water for the performance of this          test.
safety valve under test. Actual lift pressure is calculated, using the steam pressure and converted air pressure at the  Test Method

a. Each accumulator is filled and partially pressurized with the discharge valves closed. The discharge valves are opened, discharging the accumulators to the reactor vessel, and performance data are recorded.  
time of lift.  

b. Each accumulator discharge line isolation valve is operated under maximum differential pressure conditions of normal accumulator precharge pressure and zero reactor coolant pressure, and the valve operating times are recorded.
14.2-27 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK The following test applies when bench testing is performed.  
c. Accumulator system valve control circuits are verified,          including their response to safety injection and containment isolation signals.  Acceptance Criteria
With the main steam safety valve mounted on the bench test

a. Each accumulator's discharge line resistance to flow (L/D) is in accordance with design specifications.
facility, the spring assembly is preheated and the safety

b. Each accumulator's discharge line isolation valve opening time under maximum differential pressure conditions is within design specifications.  
valve is pressurized with compressed gas. Actual set pressure is determined at the time of lift.  

c. The accumulator system nitrogen supply containment isolation valve closes on receipt of a containment isolation signal. Valve closure time is within design specifications.  Acceptance Criteria

d. Each accumulator discharge isolation valve opens on receipt of a safety injection signal.
Each main steam safety valve lifts within its respective

14.2-69    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Preoperational                Test (SU3-FC01)
setpoint tolerance. Objectives a. To demonstrate the operation of the auxiliary feedwater pump (AFWP) turbine and its support equipment, while uncoupled from the pump. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Test (S-03AB03)  

b. To demonstrate control of the AFWP turbine from the control room as well as the auxiliary shutdown panel.  Objectives
: a. To verify the response of the main steam bypass, drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves to steam  Prerequisites
line isolation signals.
: b. To demonstrate the operability of the main steam

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and          system flushing/cleaning are complete.
isolation valve control circuits, including control
b. Steam is available to the AFWP turbine.  Test Method
circuit response to a steam line isolation signal

a. AFWP turbine system valves are operated and required response to various signals is verified.  

b. The turbine is operated and proper control is verified from the control room as well as the auxiliary shutdown panel, and operating data are recorded.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

c. The turbine is brought to high speed at which time the mechanical and electronic overspeed trips are verified.  Acceptance Criteria
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The main steam line isolation valve accumulators are

a. The AFWP turbine can be controlled from the control room panel and the auxiliary shutdown panel.
charged, and the associated hydraulic systems are

b. The mechanical and electronic overspeed trips actuate to shut down the turbine in accordance with the design.  
operational.  Essential Service Water Pumphouse HVAC Preoperational Test (SU3-GD01)  Test Method  Objectives
An SLIS is initiated, and the response of the main steam bypass, main steam

a. To demonstrate the capacity of the essential service water (ESW) pumproom supply fans.  
drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves is verified.  

b. To demonstrate ESW pumproom unit heater response to a load shed signal.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The main steam bypass, drain, and auxiliary feedwater

14.2-70    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are completed.
turbine warmup valves close on receipt of an SLIS.  
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  

c. The ESW pumphouse HVAC system is air balanced.  Main Steam System Preoperational Test (S-03AB04) Test Methods
14.2-28 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Objectives
: a. To determine, during hot functional testing, the

a. The ESW pumphouse supply fans are operated and flow data are recorded.
operating times of the main steam isolation valves, main steam bypass valves, main steam dump valves, main steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves.
b. Response of the ESW pumproom unit heaters to load shed          signal is verified.
: b. To verify the response of the main steam isolation  Acceptance Criteria
valves to steam line isolation signals.  

a. The ESW pumphouse supply fan capacities are within design specification.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

b. A load shed signal will trip the ESW pumproom unit heaters' circuit breaker.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Miscellaneous Building HVAC System Preoperational Tests (SU3-GF01, SU3-GF02, SU3-GF03)
are operational.
: c. Hot functional testing is in progress.
: d. The condenser is available to receive steam from the main steam system. Objectives  To demonstrate the capacity of;  1) the auxiliary feedwater pump room cooler fans, 2) the main steam enclosure building supply and exhaust fans and 3) the tendon access gallery transfer fans and to verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly. The responses of the main steam enclosure building dampers and tendon access gallery dampers to safety signals are also verified. Test Method
: a. The main steam isolation valves, main steam bypass

(At Wolf Creek Generating Station, this test was performed in three independent parts. In addition, the auxiliary boiler room fan was treated as part of preoperational test SU4-GF01.)
valves, main steam dump valves, main steam cooldown  Prerequisites
valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves are operated, and operating times are recorded.
: b. An SLIS is initiated, and the response of the main steam

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
isolation valves is verified.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The operating times of the main steam isolation valves, main steam dump valves, main steam bypass valves, main

14.2-71    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The miscellaneous building HVAC system is air balanced.
steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves are within design specifications.  Test Method
: b. The main steam isolation valves close on receipt of a

a. Flow data are recorded while the fans are operating.
steam line isolation signal.  
b. The response of system dampers to a safety injection signal (SIS) is verified. Acceptance Criteria Main Feedwater System Preoperational Test (S-03AEO1)

a. System fan capacities are within design specifications.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operation of the feedwater system

b. The main steam enclosure building and tendon access gallery dampers close on receipt of a SIS.  Fuel Building  HVAC  System  Preoperational  Test (S-03GG01)
valves and to verify the response of the feedwater  Objectives
system valves to a feedwater isolation signal (FIS).  

To demonstrate that the emergency exhaust fans are capable of maintaining a negative pressure in the fuel building or the auxiliary building during accident conditions with the buildings isolated. To demonstrate the capacities of the fuel building supply unit fans, emergency exhaust fans, and the spent fuel pool pump room cooler fans. The operability of system instrumentation and controls, including the components' response to safety signals, is also verified.  
14.2-29 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK
: b. To perform the initial operation of the steam generator feedwater pumps (SGFP).  Prerequisites       a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system air balancing are complete.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  

c. The compressed air system is available to supply the air-operated dampers in the fuel building.
are operational.
: c. The closed cooling water system is available to provide

d. Required portions of the auxiliary building HVAC system have been air balanced and are available to support this test.
cooling water to the SGFP lube oil coolers.
: d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to system air-operated valves.
: e. The steam seal system is available to provide seal steam  Test Method
and packing exhaust for the SGFPs.
: f. The main turbine is available for turning gear

a. With the fuel building closed, the system is operated in its normal configuration,  and the fuel building  supply
: g. The condensate system is available to supply suction for

14.2-72    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          unit fan and spent fuel pool pump room cooler fan          capacities are verified.  
the SGFPs.
: h. The main condenser is available to receive SGFP turbine

b. With a fuel building isolation signal (FBIS) present, the emergency exhaust fan capacities and negative fuel          building pressures are verified.  
: i. The auxiliary steam system is available to provide steam flow to the SGFP turbines.  

c. With a safety injection signal (SIS) present and the auxiliary building isolated, the emergency exhaust fan capacities and negative auxiliary building pressures are verified.  Test Method
: a. Feedwater system valves are operated, and the proper  Acceptance Criteria
response of required system valves to an FIS is

a. The auxiliary building and fuel building pressures          maintained by the emergency exhaust fans are within          design specifications.
: b. The turbine-driven SGFPs are operated as limited by  

b. The fuel building supply fans, emergency exhaust fans, and spent fuel pool pump room cooler fans' capacities are within design specifications.
steam, and operating data are recorded.
: c. The motor-driven SGFP is operated, and operating data

c. The fuel building ventilation system fans and dampers properly respond to FBIS and SIS, in accordance with system design.  
are recorded.  Control Building HVAC System Preoperational Test (SU3-GK01)  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The feedwater control valves, steam generator feedwater  Objectives  To demonstrate the capacities of the control building supply air unit, control building exhaust fans, access control exhaust fans, control room pressurization fans, control room filtration fans, control room air conditioning units, access control fan coil units, counting room fan coil unit, and Class IE electrical equipment ac units. To demonstrate that the control room pressurization fans are capable of maintaining a positive pressure in the control room following a control room ventilation isolation signal (CRVIS). The system instrumentation and controls, including the components' responses to safety signals, are also verified. To demonstrate that the ventilation to battery rooms 1 through 4 is in accordance with system design.
isolation valves, feedwater chemical injection isolation  Prerequisites
valves, and feedwater bypass control valves close on

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system air balancing are complete.  
receipt of an FIS.  

14.2-73   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK     b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  
14.2-30   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. The closing time of the feedwater isolation valves is within design specifications.
: c. The performance of the motor-driven SGFP is within

c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to system air-operated dampers.
design specifications.  Test Method

a. The control building system fans are operated, and fan capacities are verified.  Steam Generator Level Control Test (S-03AE02)

b. Proper response of system components to control room ventilation isolation signals (CRVIS) and safety injection signals (SIS) is verified.  Objectives
c. With a CRVIS present, the ability of each control room          pressurization fan to maintain the control room at a positive pressure is verified.
: a. To demonstrate the operability of the feedwater control  

d. The air flow to battery rooms 1 through 4 is verified.  
valves (FWCVs).
: b. To demonstrate the operability of the FWCV bypass  Acceptance Criteria
: c. To demonstrate the response of the FWCVs and bypass

a. The control building HVAC system fan capacities are within design specifications.
valves to signals generated by the steam generator level

b. The control building HVAC system fans and dampers properly respond to CRVIS and SIS in accordance with system design.
control system.  
c. The control room pressure maintained by the control room          pressurization fans is within design specification.  

d. The air flow to battery rooms 1 through 4 is in accordance with system design.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  Auxiliary Building HVAC System Preoperational Test (SU3-GL01)
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Objectives
are operational.  

To demonstrate the capacities of the auxiliary building supply unit fans, auxiliary/fuel building normal exhaust fans, the auxiliary building fan coil units, pump room coolers, penetration room coolers, decon tank exhaust scrubber fans, access tunnel transfer fan, and penetration cooling fan. The system instrumentation and controls, including components' response to safety and fire signals, are also verified.  Test Method
: a. The FWCVs are operated from their respective controllers, and the FWCVs' response to feedwater flow, steamline flow, and steam generator level is verified.
: b. The FWCV bypass valves are operated from their

14.2-74    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system air balancing are complete.
respective controllers, and their response to steam
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The compressed air system is available to supply the air-operated dampers in the auxiliary building.  
generator level and neutron flux signal is verified.  

d. The fuel building HVAC system has been air balanced, and is available to support this test.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The response of the FWCVs to feedwater flow, steamline  Test Method      a. The system is operated in its normal configuration, and the system fan capacities are verified.
flow, and steam generator level is in accordance with

b. Proper responses of system components to safety injection and fire signals are verified.
system design.
: b. The response of the FWCV bypass valves to steam  Acceptance Criteria
generator level and neutron flux signal is in accordance

a. The auxiliary building fan capacities are within design specifications.  
with system design.  

b. The auxiliary building fans and dampers properly respond to safety injection and fire signals, in accordance with system design.  Diesel Generator Building HVAC Preoperational Test (S-03GM01)  
14.2-31    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump and Valve Preoperational Test (S-03ALOl)  Objectives  Objectives  

To demonstrate the capacities of the diesel generator room supply fans and to verify that the system instrumentation and controls function properly, including the response of fans and associated dampers to a diesel generator run signal and room temperature signals.  
To demonstrate the operability of the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, determine by flow test their ability to supply water to the steam generators, and verify their response to safety signals. The operation of system motor-  Prerequisites
operated valves, including their response to safety signals, is also verified.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are completed.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The condensate storage tank contains an adequate supply

14.2-75    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The diesel generator building HVAC system is air          balanced.
of demineralized water for the performance of this test.
: d. The steam generators are available to receive water from

d. The respective diesel generator is not operating while the room is under test.
the auxiliary feedwater system.  Test Method

a. Flow data are recorded, while the diesel generator room supply fans are operating.  Test Method
: a. Performance characteristics of the motor-driven

b. The responses of the diesel generator room supply fans and exhaust dampers to a diesel generator run signal and to room temperature signals are verified.
auxiliary feedwater pumps are verified while discharging  Acceptance Criteria a. The capacities of the diesel generator room supply fans are within design specifications.

b. The diesel generator room exhaust dampers open on receipt of a diesel generator run signal.
to the steam generators.
: b. System component control circuits are verified,          including the operation of the motor-driven auxiliary

c. The diesel generator room supply fans start on a high room temperature signal and stop on a low room temperature signal.
feedwater pumps and system valves on receipt of safety  Containment Cooling System Preoperational Test (SU3-GN01)  Objectives To demonstrate the capacities of the hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and pressurizer cooling fans and verify their associated instrumentation and controls function properly, including fan response to safety signals.  
signals. Prerequisites Acceptance Criteria
: a. Motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump performance

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
characteristics must be within design specifications.
: b. Motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps automatically

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
start on receipt of an engineered safety features

c. The essential service water system is available to supply water to the containment coolers.
actuation signal (ESFAS) in the absence of an SIS signal

d. The containment cooling system has been air balanced.  
and a Class IE 4.16 kV bus undervoltage signal.
: c. Auxiliary feedwater suction valves from essential

14.2-76    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Method a. The hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and pressurizer cooling fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan capacities calculated.
service water system open, and suction valves from
b. The response of the hydrogen mixing and containment cooling fans to safety signals is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
condensate storage tank close, on condensate storage

a. The capacities of the hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and pressurizer cooling fans are within design specifications.
tank low-suction-pressure signals, coincident with an
b. The hydrogen mixing and containment cooling fans align          or actuate in response to safety injection, shutdown sequencer, and LOCA sequencer signals, in accordance with system design.  CRDM Cooling Preoperational Test (S-03GN02)
auxiliary feedwater pump ESFAS. Objectives
14.2-32    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump and Valve Preoperational Test (SU3-AL02)

To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the cavity cooling, control rod drive mechanism (CRDM), and the elevator machine room exhaust fans and verify their associated instrumentation and controls, including their response to safety signals.  Objectives
: a. To verify the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine  Prerequisites      a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
mechanical trip and throttle valve automatic operation

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
on an auxiliary feedwater actuation signal (AFAS).
: b. To perform the initial coupled operation of the turbine-

c. The CRDM and cavity cooling portions of the containment cooling system are air balanced.  
driven auxiliary feedwater pump. Full flow  Test Method
characteristics of the turbine-driven pump will be

a. The cavity cooling, elevator machine room exhaust, and CRDM fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan capacities calculated.  
demonstrated during hot functional testing.
: c. To perform five consecutive, successful, cold starts of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.  

b. The response of the CRDM fans to a safety injection signal is verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

14.2-77    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The capacities of the cavity cooling, elevator machine room exhaust, and CRDM fans are within design specifications.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
b. The appropriate CRDM fans supply breakers open on receipt of a safety injection signal.  Integrated Containment Leak Rate Test (SU3-GP01)
b    Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Objective
are operational.
: c. The steam generators are available to receive water from

To demonstrate that the total leakage from the containment does not exceed the maximum allowable leakage rate at the calculated peak containment internal pressure. The operability of the containment cooling fans at design accident pressure is also verified.
the auxiliary feedwater pumps.
: d. The steam generator blowdown system is available to  Prerequisites
maintain the normal operating levels in the steam generators during auxiliary feedwater pump operation.
: e. The auxiliary steam system is available to supply steam

a. The containment penetration leakage rate tests (type B tests) and containment isolation valve leakage tests (type C tests) are complete and the containment has been pressurized to 115 percent of the design pressure.  
to the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine.
: f. For the performance characteristic test of this pump, hot functional testing (HFT) is in progress.  

b. All containment isolation valves are closed by normal actuation methods.  Test Method
: a. An AFAS is simulated, and opening of the mechanical trip

c. Containment penetrations, including equipment hatches and personnel airlocks, are closed.       d. Portions of fluid systems that are part of the containment boundary, that may be opened directly to the containment or outside atmosphere under post-accident conditions, are opened or vented to the appropriate atmosphere to place the containment in as close to post-accident conditions as possible.
and throttle valve is verified.
: b. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump is operated

e. Required instrument calibration is complete.
during HFT, and performance characteristics are  Test Method
: c. The ability of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater

a. The integrated containment leak rate test (type A test) is conducted, using the absolute method, described in the ANSI/ANS 56.8-1981 Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements. Measurements of containment atmosphere dry-bulb temperature, dew point and pressure are  taken to calculate the  leakage rate. A standard 
pumps to start successfully five consecutive times from

14.2-78    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          statistical analysis of data is conducted, using a          linear least squares fit regression analysis to calculate the leakage rate.  
cold conditions is verified.  

b. On completion of the leak rate test, a verification test          is conducted to confirm the capability of the data acquisition and reduction system to satisfactorily determine the calculated integrated leakage rate. The verification test is accomplished by imposing a known leakage rate on the containment, or by pumping back a known quantity of air into the containment through a calibrated flow measurement device.
14.2-33    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The auxiliary feedwater pump mechanical trip and

c. While at the design accident pressure, data is recorded for the containment cooling fans.  Acceptance Criteria
throttle valve opens automatically on an AFAS.
: b. Operating characteristics of the turbine-driven

The containment integrated leakage does not exceed the maximum allowable leakage rate at a calculated peak containment internal pressure, as defined in 10 CFR 50, Appendix J.  
auxiliary feedwater pump are in accordance with design.
: c. The turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump starts

The containment cooling fan operation at design accident pressure is in accordance with design.  
successfully five consecutive times from a cold start.  Reactor Containment Structural Integrity Acceptance Test (SU3-GP02)  Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump Endurance Test  Objectives To demonstrate the structural integrity of the reactor containment building.
(SU3-AL03)  Prerequisites

a. Containment penetrations are installed, and penetration leak tests are completed.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater

b. Containment penetrations, including equipment hatches and personnel airlocks, are closed.
pumps can operate for 48 continuous hours without

c. Required instrument calibration is complete.  
exceeding any of their limiting design specifications.
: b. To demonstrate that the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater  Test Method
pumps can operate for 1 hour after a cooldown from the

The containment is pressurized at 115 percent of the design pressure, and deflection measurements and concrete crack inspections are made to determine that the actual structural response is within the limits predicted by the design analyses.
48-hour test.
: c. To demonstrate that the room environmental conditions

14.2-79    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria The containment structural response is within the limits predicted by design analyses.
are not exceeded during the 48-hour test.  Post-Accident Hydrogen Removal System Preoperational Test (S-03GS01) Objectives Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. To demonstrate that the hydrogen recombiner performance characteristics are within design specifications.  
are operational.
: c. The appropriate auxiliary feedwater pump room coolers

b. To determine the operation of system dampers and valves, including the response of hydrogen purge and hydrogen          monitoring containment isolation valves to a CIS.
are operational.
c. To demonstrate the operability of the hydrogen analyzers and their ability to sample the containment atmosphere.  
: d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water  Prerequisites
source and to receive recirculation flow.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Test Method

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
Each motor-driven pump is started and operated for 48 hours after reaching  Test Method a. Performance characteristics are recorded, while the          hydrogen recombiners are operating.
rated speed and rated discharge pressure and flow, or a greater pressure and

b. System valve and damper control circuits are verified, including the response of hydrogen purge and hydrogen monitoring containment isolation valves to a CIS.
less flow. During the endurance run, pump- operating data and the pump room

c. The hydrogen analyzers are operated, and performance data recorded.  
environmental conditions are recorded. At the completion of each endurance  Acceptance Criteria
test, the pump is cooled for 8 hours and until pump data returns to within 20 F

a. Hydrogen recombiner performance characteristics are within design specifications.  
of the original pretest data. The pump is then started and operated for 1

b. Hydrogen purge and hydrogen monitoring containment isolation valves close on receipt of a CIS. Valve closure times are within design specifications.  

14.2-80   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Containment Purge System HVAC Preoperational Test                (S-03GT01)
14.2-34   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The operating parameters (vibration, bearing  Objectives To demonstrate the capacities of the containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric control fans.
temperatures, etc.) of each motor-driven auxiliary
The operation of system instrumentation and controls, including the response of system fans and dampers to safety signals, is also verified.  Prerequisites
feedwater pump do not exceed the design specifications.
: b. The environmental conditions of each motor-driven

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
auxiliary feedwater pump room do not exceed the design
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.

c. The containment purge HVAC system has been air balanced.  

d. The compressed air system is available to supply air to system valves and dampers.  Auxiliary Feedwater System Water Hammer Test (S-  Test Method

a. The containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric control fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan capacities calculated.  Objectives
b. The response of system fans and dampers to safety          signals is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
To demonstrate that the injection of auxiliary feedwater at rated flow into a steam generator at or near normal operating temperatures will not cause

a. The capacities of the containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric control fans are within design specifications.  
damaging water hammer to the steam generators and/or feedwater system.  

b. System fans and dampers align or actuate in response to containment purge isolation and safety injection signals, in accordance with system design. Damper closure times are within design specifications.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

14.2-81    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Gaseous Radwaste System Preoperational Test                (S-03HA01)
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Objectives a. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain pump, waste gas compressors, and catalytic hydrogen recombiners, including their response to safety signals.  
are operational.
: c. The steam generators are at or near normal operating

b. To verify the operability of system valves, including the response of the waste gas discharge valve to a high-radiation signal.  
: d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water source.  

c. To verify that system instrumentation and controls          function properly. Test Method Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
Auxiliary feedwater is injected into each steam generator. The feedwater system  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
piping and the steam generators are monitored visually and audibly to verify

c. The component cooling water system is available to supply cooling water to the waste gas compressors and catalytic hydrogen recombiners.  
that no damaging water hammer occurs.  

d. The service gas system is available to provide nitrogen,          hydrogen, and oxygen to the catalytic hydrogen          recombiners.  Acceptance Criteria

e. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide water to the waste gas compressors, catalytic hydrogen recombiners, and the waste gas decay tank drain header.  
No damaging water hammer occurs. Test Method Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump Endurance

a. Performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain pump, and waste gas compressors are verified.
Test (SU3-AL05)

b. Hydrogen is introduced to the system and the catalytic hydrogen recombiners performance are verified.  Objectives

c. System component control circuits are verified, including component response to safety signals.  
14.2-35    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: a. To demonstrate that the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump can operate for 48 continuous hours  Acceptance Criteria
without exceeding any of its limiting design

a. Performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain pump, waste gas compressors, and catalytic hydrogen recombiners are within design specifications.
: b. To demonstrate that the turbine-driven auxiliary

14.2-82    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. The waste gas discharge valve automatically closes on a           high-radiation signal.
feedwater pump can operate for 1 hour after a cool down

c. The waste gas compressors trip on a high-high or low-low moisture separator level, high or low moisture separator          pressure, low compressor suction pressure, or low component cooling water flow.
from the 48-hour test.
: c. To demonstrate that the room environmental conditions

d. The hydrogen recombiner oxygen feed valve closes on high-high hydrogen concentration in the recombiner feed, high-high oxygen concentration in the recombiner discharge, high cooler-condenser discharge temperature, high-high recombiner discharge temperature, low-low recombiner flow, and high-high recombiner reactor inlet temperature.      e. The hydrogen recombiner oxygen feed valve signal is blocked on high oxygen concentration in the recombiner feed and high catalyst bed temperature.  
are not exceeded during the 48-hour test.  

f. The volume control tank vent valve closes on a hydrogen recombiner trip, low volume control tank pressure, and low waste gas compressor suction pressure.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Emergency  Fuel  Oil  System  Preoperational  Test (S-03JE01)
are operational.
: c. The appropriate auxiliary feedwater pump room coolers  Objectives
are operational.
: d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water

To demonstrate the capability of the system to provide an adequate fuel supply to the emergency diesel generator fuel oil day tanks and verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly.  
source and to receive recirculation flow.
: e. A steam source is available. Prerequisites Test Method

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
The pump is started and operated for 48 hours after reaching rated speed and rated discharge pressure and flow, or a greater pressure and less flow. The

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump operating steam is as close to normal  Test Method
operating temperature as possible and is at least 400 F. During the endurance

a. Fuel oil is transferred from the fuel oil storage tank to the fuel oil day tanks by means of the transfer pumps. Flow and pressure characteristics are recorded.
run, pump-operating data and the pump room environmental conditions are  

b. Fuel oil day tank levels are varied to verify the transfer pump automatic operations.
recorded. At the completion of the endurance test, the pump is cooled for 8

14.2-83    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. Response to fire and emergency diesel generator start          signals are verified.  
hours and until pump data returns to within 20 F of the original pretest data.  Acceptance Criteria a. The transfer pump flow capacity is verified for later comparison to the fuel consumption rate (S-03NF02).  
The pump is then started and operated for 1 hour.  

b. Control circuit automatic operation from fuel oil day tank levels, fire signals, and diesel generator start signals is within design specifications.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The operating parameters (vibration, bearing  Spent Fuel Pool Crane Preoperational Test (SU3-KE01)  Objectives a. To demonstrate proper operation of the spent fuel pool bridge crane control circuits and associated interlocks.
temperatures, etc.) do not exceed the design

b. To document the data obtained during testing of the spent fuel pool bridge crane at 125 percent of rated load.
: b. The environmental conditions of the turbine-driven

c. To verify the ability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly.
auxiliary feedwater pump room do not exceed the design  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration          are completed.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
14.2-36    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Reactor Coolant Pump Initial Operation (S-03BB01)

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  Objectives  Test Method
To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the reactor coolant pumps and verify the operation of their associated oil lift pumps.  

a. Operability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

b. Ability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly is verified.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

14.2-84    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The spent fuel pool bridge crane electric and manual hoists support 125 percent of their rated load.
are operational.
b. The spent fuel pool bridge crane monorail center span deflection at rated load is within design specifications.
: c. The chemical and volume control system is available to provide seal water to the reactor coolant pump seals.
: d. The component cooling water system is available to

c. The spent fuel pool crane bridge, trolley and hoist speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.  
supply cooling water to the reactor coolant pumps.  

d. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the spent fuel pool bridge crane operate in accordance with system design.       e. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the spent fuel pool bridge crane and associated fuel handling tools operate in accordance with system design.  Test Method  New Fuel Elevator Preoperational Test (SU3-KE02)
The reactor coolant pumps and associated oil lift pumps are operated, and pump  Objectives
operating data are recorded.  

a. To demonstrate proper operation of the new fuel elevator control circuits and associated interlocks.  Acceptance Criteria

b. To verify the ability of the new fuel elevator to raise and lower a dummy fuel assembly.
Reactor coolant pump and oil lift pump operating characteristics are within  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
design specifications.  Pressurizer Relief Tank Cold Preoperational Test

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.
(SU3-BB02) Test Method Objectives

Operability of the new fuel elevator including control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.
To demonstrate that the reactor makeup water system can supply design  Acceptance Criteria
pressurizer relief tank (PRT) spray flow against design backpressure. The

a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the new fuel elevator operate in accordance with system design.
operation of the PRT nitrogen isolation valves, including their response to a  

14.2-85    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. While raising and lowering a dummy fuel assembly, the          new fuel elevator operates in accordance with system design.  
containment isolation signal, is also verified.  Fuel  Handling and   Storage  Preoperational Test                (SU3-KE03) Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Objectives
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. To verify the ability of the spent fuel cask handling crane, and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly.  
are operational.  

b. To demonstrate proper operation of the spent fuel cask handling crane control circuits and associated          interlocks.
14.2-37    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
c. To document the data obtained during testing of the spent fuel cask handling crane at 125 percent of rated load.
: c. The reactor makeup water system is available to supply water to the PRT.
: d. The service gas system is available to pressurize the  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Test Method
: a. With a design backpressure in the PRT, a reactor makeup

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
water pump is operated to obtain the spray flow to the

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  Test Method
: b. The response of the PRT nitrogen isolation valves to a

a. During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the operability of the spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools is verified.  
containment isolation signal is verified.  

b. Operability of the spent fuel cask handling crane control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The reactor makeup water system supplies the design  Acceptance Criteria
spray flow to the PRT with design backpressure in the

a. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools operate in accordance with system design.
: b. PRT nitrogen isolation valves close on receipt of a  

b. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the spent fuel cask handling crane operate in accordance with system design.  
containment isolation signal. Valve closure times are

14.2-86    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The spent fuel cask handling crane hoist supports 125          percent of rated load.  
within design specifications.  

d. The spent fuel cask handling crane bridge center span deflection at rated load is within design          specifications.  RTD Bypass Flow Measurement (SU3-BB03)

e. The spent fuel cask handling crane bridge, trolley and hoist speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.  
At WCGS, test S-07BB01 (USAR Section was used to satisfy the  Fuel  Transfer  System  Preoperational  Test (SU3-KE04)
requirement for verification of design specifications. Objectives      a. To demonstrate proper operation of the fuel transfer system control circuits and associated interlocks. Pressurizer Pressure Control Test (S-03BB04)

b. To verify the ability of the fuel transfer system and associated handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly.  Objectives  Prerequisites
To demonstrate the stability and response of the pressurizer pressure control

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
system, including the verification of pressurizer pressure alarm and control

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.      c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  
functions. Test Method Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

a. Operability of the fuel transfer system control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  

b. During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the operability of the fuel transfer system and associated handling tools is verified.
are operational.
: c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and  Acceptance Criteria
pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot

a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the fuel transfer system operate in accordance with system design.  
functional testing is in progress.  

14.2-87   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK     b. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the fuel          transfer system and associated handling tools operate in accordance with system design.
14.2-38   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Method
: a. Pressurizer pressure is varied, and the ability of the  Refueling Machine and RCC Change Fixture                Preoperational Test (SU3-KE05)
pressurizer pressure control system to automatically  Objectives
control and stabilize pressurizer pressure is verified.
: b. Pressurizer pressure is varied, and pressurizer pressure

a. To demonstrate proper operation of the refueling machine, rod cluster control change fixture and containment building polar crane control circuits and associated interlocks.  
control system alarm and control setpoints are verified.  

b. To document the data obtained during testing of the          containment building polar crane at 125 percent of rated          load.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The pressurizer pressure control system responds, in

c. To verify the ability of the refueling machine to transfer a dummy fuel assembly.
accordance with system design, to an increase and  Prerequisites
decrease in system pressure.
: b. Pressurizer pressure control system alarm and control setpoints are within design specifications.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Reactor Coolant System Hot Preoperational Test

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.       d. A dummy control rod assembly is available.  Objectives
: a. To operate the reactor coolant system at full flow  Test Method
conditions for a minimum of 240 hours to provide the

a. Operability of the refueling machine and rod cluster control change fixture control circuits and associated bridge, trolley, hoist and gripper interlocks is verified.
necessary vibration cycles on the vessel's internal

b. Operability of the containment building polar crane control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.
components prior to their inspection at core loading.
: b. To provide coordination and initial conditions necessary  Acceptance Criteria
for the conduct of those preoperational tests to be performed during heatup, normal operating temperature and pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant

a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the refueling machine and rod cluster control change fixture operate in accordance with system design.  

14.2-88    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. The control circuits and interlocks associated with the          containment building polar crane operate in accordance with system design.  Prerequisites
: a. The reactor coolant system cold hydrostatic test is

c. The containment polar crane main and auxiliary hoists          support 125 percent of their rated load.
: b. The reactor vessel internals and head are installed, and  

d. The containment polar crane bridge center span deflection at rated load is within design specifications.
the vessel is available to support this test.
: c. All systems and components required to support heatup, operations at normal temperature and pressure, and

e. The containment polar crane bridge, trolley, and hoist speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.  
cooldown of the reactor coolant system are available.
: d. Required instrument calibration is complete.  

f. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the refueling          machine operates in accordance with system design.
14.2-39    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Refueling Machine Indexing Test (S-03KE06)
: e. The examination of the reactor internals in accordance with Section 3.9(N).2.4, is complete Objectives Test Method
: a. The reactor coolant system is operated at full flow

a. To verify the indexing of the refueling machine and establish bridge rail reference points for future operations.  
conditions for a minimum of 240 hours.
: b. Those preoperational tests required to be performed

b. To demonstrate the ability to transfer the dummy fuel assembly to the reactor vessel.
during heatup, normal operating temperature and  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration          are complete.
pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant system are  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
completed, as coordinated by this test.  

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  Acceptance Criteria  Test Method
The reactor coolant system has operated at full flow conditions for a minimum of 240 hours.  

a. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly with the refueling machine, the bridge rail is marked at key transfer points.
Notes:  1. The acceptance criteria for individual systems are a  Acceptance Criteria
part of the individual test procedures sequenced by

a. The refueling machine can load a dummy fuel assembly in each of the reactor vessel fuel loading locations.
this procedure.
: 2. A post-hot functional examination of the reactor  Fuel Handling System Integrated Preoperational Test (SU3-KE07)
internals is performed as described in Section

14.2-89    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Objective To verify the ability of the refueling machine, new fuel elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly.
3.9(N).2.4.  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Thermal Expansion (S-03BB06)

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Objectives

c. The reactor vessel, refueling pool, refueling canal and           spent fuel pool are filled with demineralized water.
To verify that during heatup and cooldown of the reactor coolant system the associated components, piping, support, and restraint deflections are  
d. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  Test Method
unobstructed and within design specifications.  

During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the operability of the refueling machine, new fuel elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools is verified.  Prerequisites
: a. This test is conducted in conjunction with hot  Acceptance Criteria
functional testing.
: b. Supports, restraints, and hangers are installed and

While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the refueling machine, new fuel elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools operate in accordance with system design.
reference points and predicted movements established.  Diesel  Generator  Mechanical Preoperational  Test (S-03KJ01)
: c. Required instrument calibration is complete. Objectives Test Method

a. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the diesel generators and associated auxiliaries, and verify that each diesel reaches rated speed within the required time.
During the reactor coolant system heatup and cooldown, deflection data are

b. To verify the operability of all control circuits associated with the diesel generator and diesel auxiliaries, including the control circuits response to safety signals.  

14.2-90   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK     c. To demonstrate the capability of each air storage tank to         provide five diesel cranking cycles without being recharged.
14.2-40   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Unrestricted expansion and movements are verified to be  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
within design specifications.
: b. Components, piping, supports, and restraints return to

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
their baseline cold position in accordance with system

c. The essential service water system is available to provide cooling water to the diesel engine intercooler heat exchanger.      d. The emergency fuel oil system is available to provide fuel oil to the diesel generators.  

e. The fire protection system is available to support this test.  Pressurizer Level Control Test (S-03BB07) Test Method Objectives

a. The diesel generators are started, and the time required to reach rated speed is recorded.
To demonstrate the stability and response of the pressurizer level control

b. With the diesel generators and associated auxiliaries operating, performance characteristics are verified.
system, including the verification of pressurizer level alarm and control functions.  
c. The operability of all control circuits associated with          the diesel generator and diesel auxiliaries, including the control circuits' response to safety signals, is verified.  

d. The ability of each air storage tank to provide five diesel cranking cycles, without being recharged, is verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  Acceptance Criteria
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. The time required for each diesel generator to reach rated speed is within design specifications.
are operational.
: c. The letdown and charging portions of the chemical and

b. The performance characteristics of the diesel generators and associated auxiliaries are within design specifications.
volume control system are available to vary pressurizer

c. Each diesel generator starts automatically on receipt of a safety injection signal or a bus under-voltage signal.  
: d. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure, and hot functional testing is in progress.  

14.2-91    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. Each diesel generator trips automatically on receipt of          each of the following signals:  Test Method
: a. Pressurizer level is varied and the ability of the  

Lube oil pressure low Jacket coolant temperature high                Crankcase pressure high Start failure Engine overspeed Diesel generator ground overcurrent Diesel generator differential current
pressurizer level control system to automatically

e. The diesel generator neutral ground overcurrent trip signal is bypassed when the diesel generator is operating in the emergency mode.
control and stabilize pressurizer level is verified.
f. Each air storage tank is capable of providing five          diesel cranking cycles, without being recharged.
: b. Pressurizer level is varied, and pressurizer level

g. Each starting air compressor has the ability to charge its respective air tank from minimum to normal pressure within the required time.  
control system alarm and control setpoints are verified.  4160-V  (Class IE) System  Preoperational Test (S-03NB01) Acceptance Criteria
: a. The response and stability of the pressurizer level  Objectives
control system are within design specifications.
: b. The pressurizer level control system alarm and control

a. To demonstrate that the 4,160-V Class IE busses can be energized from their normal and alternate sources.
functions are within design specifications.  
b. To verify that a 4,160-V Class IE bus digital          undervoltage signal trips the associated incoming feeder breakers.  

c. To verify that a degraded bus voltage condition will trip the associated incoming feeder breakers.  
14.2-41    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Pressurizer Heater and Spray Capability Test (SU3-BB08)

d. To verify proper operation of system instrumentation and alarms. Objectives  Prerequisites
To determine the electrical capacity of the pressurizer heaters, and the rate

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
of pressure increase from the operation of all pressurizer heaters.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

14.2-92    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Method a. The 4,160-V Class IE busses are energized from their normal source, and bus voltages are recorded.
are complete.
b. The 4,160-V Class IE busses are energized from their alternate source, and bus voltages are recorded.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

c. 4,160-V Class IE bus undervoltage signals are simulated, and proper operation of the 4,160-V Class IE feeder breakers is verified.
are operational.
: c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and  Acceptance Criteria
pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot

a. The voltage of each 4,160-V Class IE bus, when supplied          from its normal source, is within design specifications.
functional testing is in progress.  
b. The voltage of each 4,160-V Class IE bus, when supplied from its alternate source, is within design specifications.  

c. A 4,160-V Class IE bus digital undervoltage signal will trip the appropriate bus incoming feeder breakers.  Test Method
: a. Pressurizer heaters are energized, and heater capacity

d. A degraded voltage condition on either 4,160-V Class IE bus will cause an alarm and, if it continues, trip the appropriate bus incoming feeder breakers.
is calculated.
: b. With the pressurizer spray valves closed, all

e. A degraded voltage condition on either 4,160-V Class IE bus coincident with a safety injection actuation signal          will immediately trip the bus incoming feeder breakers.
pressurizer heaters are energized, and the time to reach  Diesel Generator Electric Preoperational Test (S-03NE01)  Objectives
a 2,300 psig system pressure is measured and recorded.  

a. To demonstrate that each diesel generator is capable of 35 consecutive valid starts with no failure.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The capacity of the pressurizer heaters is within design

b. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to carry the design load for the time required to reach equilibrium temperature plus l hour, without exceeding design limits.
: b. The pressurizer pressure response to the actuation of  

c. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to attain and stabilize frequency and voltage within the design limits and time.  
all pressurizer heaters is within design limits.  

14.2-93    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. To demonstrate the capability of each diesel generator          to withstand a full-load rejection without exceeding speeds or voltages that cause tripping or damage.  Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement Test

e. To demonstrate the operability of each diesel generator          feeder breaker and associated interlocks.

f. To demonstrate the ability of the diesel cooling water system to maintain the diesel temperature within design specifications, while the diesel generators are operating at full load.
At WCGS, Test S-07BB03 (USAR Section is used to satisfy the  

g. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to start and shed the largest single motor while supplying all other sequenced loads, maintaining voltage and          frequency within design limits.
requirements for verification of design specifications.  
14.2.12.l.72.2  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The essential service water system is available to provide cooling water to the diesel generator intercooler heat exchanger.  
14.2-42    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK At WCGS, Test S-07BB04  (USAR Section is used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications.  

d. The emergency fuel oil system is available to provide          fuel oil to the diesel generators.  Reactor Coolant System Hydrostatic Test (S-03BBll)
e. The fire protection system is available to support this test.  

f. The 4.16-kV busses are available for loading to support this test.  Objectives  Test Method
To verify the integrity and leaktightness of the reactor coolant system and the

a. The ability of each diesel generator to undergo 35 consecutive starts with no failure is verified.  
high-pressure portions of associated systems.  

b. The ability of each diesel generator to carry the design load for the time required to reach equilibrium temperature, plus 1 hour, without exceeding design limits, is verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. The reactor coolant pumps are available to support this test.
: c. The reactor vessel's lower internals, upper internals, filter assembly, and the closure head are installed.  

14.2-94    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The ability of each diesel generator to attain and          stabilize frequency and voltage within the design limits and time is verified.
The studs are tensioned to design value for the  

d. The ability of each diesel generator to withstand a          full-load rejection, without exceeding speeds or voltages that cause tripping, is verified.
associated hydrostatic test pressure
: d. Temporary temperature instrumentation is installed for

e. The operability of each diesel generator feeder breaker and associated interlocks is verified.
measuring the temperature of the steam generator tube

f. While operating each diesel generator at full-load conditions, the ability of the diesel cooling water system to maintain diesel temperatures within design specifications is verified.      g. The ability of each diesel generator to start and shed the largest fully loaded single motor while supplying all other sequenced loads and maintain voltage and frequency within design limits is verified.
sheets, the bottom of the pressurizer, and the closure  Acceptance Criteria
flange of the reactor vessel.
: e. A charging pump or test pump is available to pressurize

a. Each diesel generator is capable of carrying the design load for the time required to reach equilibrium temperature, plus 1 hour, without exceeding design limits.  
the system.
: f. Required instrument calibration is complete.  

b. Each diesel generator can attain and stabilize frequency and voltage within design limits and time.       c. Each diesel generator is capable of withstanding a full-load rejection without exceeding speeds or voltages that cause tripping.  Test Method

d. When a diesel generator is operating in the nonemergency (test) mode, the associated diesel generator feeder breaker trips on receipt of any of the following signals:
The minimum temperature for pressurizing the system is established. The

Generator overcurrent Reverse power Loss of field Underfrequency
reactor coolant pumps are operated as required to establish the required

e. The diesel generator stops and the associated diesel generator feeder breaker trips on receipt of any of the following signals:
temperature. The system is then pressurized to test pressure, and system

Generator differential current Neutral ground overcurrent
welds, flanges, piping, and components are monitored for leakage.

14.2-95    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      f. When a diesel generator is operating in the emergency          mode, the following trip signals are bypassed:  Acceptance Criteria

Neutral ground overcurrent Generator overcurrent                Reverse power Loss of field Underfrequency
The reactor coolant system and associated high-pressure systems are verified

g. Each diesel generator cooling water system, with the diesel generators operating at full-load, maintains the diesel temperatures within design specifications.
leaktight in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure

h. Each diesel generator has the capability of starting and shedding the largest fully loaded single motor while          supplying all other sequenced loads, maintaining voltage          and frequency within design limits.
Vessel Code, Section III, "Nuclear Components," through the Winter 1975

i. Diesel generators are capable of 35 consecutive valid starts with no failure.  
Addenda. Integrated Control Logic Test (SU3-NF01) Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Verification Test  Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits on receipt of the appropriate undervoltage, safety injection, containment spray actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and          normal and alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position          signals is in accordance with system design.  
14.2-43    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK At WCGS, Test S-07BB05 (USAR Section was used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications.  

b. To demonstrate that the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer,  safety-related  load  shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits shed and sequence loads in accordance with system design. Pressurizer Relief Valve and PRT Hot Preoperational  Prerequisites
Test (S-03BB13)

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Objectives

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
To demonstrate that the operating times of the pressurizer power- operated  Test Method
relief valves are within design specifications. The ability of the reactor

a. Undervoltage, safety injection, containment spray actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and normal and 
coolant drain tank portion of the liquid radwaste system to cool down the

14.2-96    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position signals are          initiated, and the actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits is verified.
pressurizer relief tank (PRT) at the design rate is also verified.  
b. Signals are initiated to actuate the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits, and proper load shed and load sequencing are verified. Acceptance Criteria Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. Actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits on receipt of under-voltage, safety          injection, containment spray actuation, diesel generator          breaker position, and normal and alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position signals is in accordance with system design.
are operational.
: c. The PRT is at a normal operating level and is aligned

b. The LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits shed and sequence loads in accordance with system design.
for normal operation.
: d. The liquid radwaste system is available to cool down the  LOCA Sequencer Preoperational Test (S-03NF02)
PRT via the reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger.
: e. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pres-  Objectives
sure, and hot functional testing is in progress.  

a. To demonstrate that initiation of a safety injection signal (SIS) will shed the nonsafety-related loads,          start the diesel generator, and sequence the associated          equipment. The ability of each 4,160-V Class IE load group to supply the sequenced loads while maintaining voltage within design specifications is also verified.  Test Method
: a. Pressurizer power-operated relief valves are operated, and opening times recorded.
: b. Following the operation of the pressurizer power-  

b. To demonstrate that a loss of offsite power concurrent with SIS will shed the safety-related loads, start the diesel generator, close the diesel generator feeder breaker, and sequence the associated equipment. The ability of each diesel generator to supply the sequenced loads while maintaining voltage and frequency within design specifications is also verified.
operated relief valves, the PRT is cooled down via the  

c. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to carry the short-time rating load for 2 hours and the continuous rated load for 22 hours, without exceeding design limits.
reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger, and the  

d. To demonstrate that each diesel generator, following operation  for  2 hours at the short-time rated load and 
cooldown rate is calculated and recorded.  

14.2-97    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          22 hours at the continuous rated load, will start          automatically on a loss of ac voltage concurrent with an SIS, attain voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and accept the LOCA sequenced loads, while maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits.  Acceptance Criteria
c. To demonstrate the ability of the diesel cooling water system to maintain the diesel temperature within design specifications, while the diesel generators are operating for 2 hours at the short-time rating load and 22 hours at the continuous rating load.
: a. Power-operated relief valve operating times are within  

f. To determine the fuel oil consumption of each diesel, while operating for 22 hours at the continuous rating load.      g. To demonstrate the ability of the 125 V dc system to perform its design functions while at minimum voltage.  
design specifications.  

h. To demonstrate the independence between the redundant on ac and dc power sources.
14.2-44    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. The reactor coolant drain tank portion of the liquid radwaste system cools down the PRT at a rate within  Prerequisites
design specifications.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Reactor Coolant Loop Vibration Surveillance Test (S-03BB14)

b. Each diesel generator and its associated auxiliaries are available.  Objectives
c. All components actuated by the LOCA sequencer and          safety-related and nonsafety-related load shed circuits are available.  Test Method
To verify that the dynamic effects experienced during reactor coolant loop

a. A train A SIS is initiated, and the following are verified:
steady flow and reactor coolant loop pump transients as measured during hot

1. Group l nonsafety-related loads are shed.
functional testing (HFT) do not exceed acceptance criteria for the primary loop

2. Group 1 diesel generator starts.  
piping and components.  

3. Group 1 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated components are sequenced. The times for sequenced pumps to reach full flow are verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Hot functional testing is in progress.
: b. Reference points for vibrational measurement of the

4. With bus NB01 supplying the sequenced loads from its normal source, bus voltage is recorded.
reactor coolant piping and components are established.
: c. All subject systems are available for the specified

14.2-98    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. With group 2 dc load group isolated from its power          source and group 1 dc load group voltage set to minimum, a loss of offsite power is initiated concurrent with a train A SIS, and the following are verified:
dynamic operation.
1. Safety-related group 1 loads are shed.  
: d. Required instrument calibration is complete.  

2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.  Test Method
: a. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic

3. Group 1 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated components are sequenced. The times for sequenced pumps to reach full flow are verified.
: b. The specified dynamic event is initiated and the reactor

4. With the group 1 diesel generator supplying the                sequenced loads, bus voltage and frequency are               recorded.  
coolant piping and component responses are monitored.  

5. The group 2 ac and dc busses are monitored to verify the absence of voltage on these busses and loads, indicating no interconnection at load groups.  Acceptance Criteria

c. The ability of the group 1 diesel generator to carry the short-time rating load for 2 hours without exceeding design limits is verified.
The measured deflections for each of the test measurement points are within a

d. The ability of the group 1 diesel generator to carry the continuous rated load for 22 hours without exceeding design limits is verified. Group l diesel fuel oil          consumption is also determined.
specified percent of the calculated reference deflections.  
e. Following group 1 diesel generator operation for 2 hours at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at the continuous rated load, the group 1 diesel generator is shutdown, a loss of group 1 ac voltage is initiated concurrent with a train A SIS, and the ability of the group l diesel generator to start, attain voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and accept the loads resulting from the design accident loading sequence while maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits is verified. If this test is not satisfactorily completed,  it is not necessary to repeat the tests of items c and d prior to rerunning this test. Instead, prior to rerunning this test, the diesel generator may be operated at the continuous rated load for l hour or until operating temperature has stabilized.  

14.2-99    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      f. A train B SIS is initiated, and the following are          verified:  Leak Detection System Preoperational Test

1. Group 2 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
2. Group 2 diesel generator starts.

3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated components are sequenced. The times for sequenced pumps to reach full flow are verified.  Objectives
: a. To determine, during hot functional testing, the amount

4. With Bus NB02 supplying the sequenced loads from its normal source, bus voltage is recorded.
of identified and unidentified leakage from the reactor

g. With group 1 dc load group isolated from its power          source and group 2 dc load group voltage set to minimum,          a loss of offsite power is initiated concurrent with a train B SIS, and the following are verified:
coolant system and verify that the leakage is within

1. Safety-related group 2 loads are shed.  
design limits.  

2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.  
14.2-45    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. To demonstrate the ability to detect an increase in reactor coolant system leakage.  

3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated components are sequenced. The times for sequenced pumps to reach full flow are verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required instrument calibration is complete.
: b. Hot functional testing is in progress, and the reactor

4. With the group 2 diesel generator supplying the sequenced loads, bus voltage and frequency are                recorded.
coolant system is at normal operating temperature and  
5. The group l ac and dc busses are monitored to verify the absence of voltage on these busses and loads, indicating no interconnection of load groups.

h. The ability of the group 2 diesel generator to carry the short-time rating load for 2 hours without exceeding design limits is verified.
: c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of  

i. The ability of the group 2 diesel generator to carry the continuous rated load for 22 hours without exceeding design limits is verified. Group 2 diesel fuel oil consumption is also determined.  
water to support this test.
: d. The reactor coolant drain tank and associated pumps are available to support this test.  

14.2-100    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      j. Following group 2 diesel generator operation for 2 hours          at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at the continuous rated load, the group 2 diesel generator is shutdown, a loss of group 2 ac voltage is initiated concurrent with a train B SIS, and the ability of the          group 2 diesel generator to start, attain voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and accept the LOCA sequenced loads, while maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits, is verified. If this test is not satisfactorily completed, it is not necessary to repeat the tests of items h and i prior to rerunning this test. Instead, prior to rerunning this test, the diesel generator may be operated at the continuous rated load for l hour or until operating temperature has stabilized.       k. The ability of the diesel cooling water system to maintain the diesel temperature within design specifications, while the diesel generators are operating for 2 hours at the short-time rating load and 22 hours at the continuous rating load, is verified.  Test Method
: a. The reactor coolant system identified and unidentified  Acceptance Criteria
leakage rates are determined by monitoring the reactor

a. A train A SIS initiates the following, in accordance with system design:
coolant system water inventory.
: b. A known leakage rate is initiated, and the ability to

1. Group 1 nonsafety-related loads are shed.  
detect an increase in leakage is verified.  

2. Group 1 diesel generator starts.           3. Group l LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach full flow within the required times.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Reactor coolant system identified and unidentified

b. Bus NB01, while powered from its normal source, supplies the sequenced loads while maintaining voltage within design specifications.  
leakage is within design limits.
: b. The ability to detect an increase in reactor coolant

c. With the group 2 dc load group isolated from its power source and the group 1 dc load group voltage at minimum, a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train A SIS initiates the following, in accordance with system design:
system leakage is verified.  

1. Safety-related group 1 loads are shed.  Leak Detection System Preoperational Test

2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.

14.2-101    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          3. Group l LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated                components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach full flow within design times.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operation of the leak detection

d. Group l diesel generator supplies the sequenced loads,          while maintaining voltage and frequency within design specifications.
system and to verify the ability of the system to detect

e. With load group 1 supplying loads following a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train A SIS, the group 2 ac and dc busses are verified de-energized, indicating no interconnection of load groups.
leakage within the required time limit as specified by

f. Following group 1 diesel generator operation for 2 hours at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at the          continuous rated load, the group 1 diesel generator          starts, attains voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and accepts the LOCA sequenced loads while maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits, on loss of group 1 ac voltage concurrent with a train A SIS.
: b. The operation of the containment particulate and  

g. A train B SIS initiates the following, in accordance with the system design:
radioactive gas monitoring portions of the Leak

1. Group 2 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
Detection System are verified in SU4-SP01, Process

2. Group 2 diesel generator starts.  
Radiation Monitoring System Preoperational Test.  

3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated              components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach              full flow within design times.  
14.2-46    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

h. Bus NB02, while powered from its normal source, supplies the required loads while maintaining the voltage within design specifications.
are complete.
: b. The containment normal sumps, instrument tunnel sump, floor drain tank, auxiliary building sump and associated

i. With the group 1 dc load group isolated from its power source and the group 2 dc load group voltage at minimum, a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train B SIS initiates the following, in accordance with system design:
pumps are available to support this test.  

1. Safety-related group 2 loads are shed.  Test Method
: a. A known simulated leakage is initiated, and the ability

2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.
of the system to detect the leakage within the design

14.2-102    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated                components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach full flow within design times.  
time is verified.  

j. Group 2 diesel generator supplies the required loads,          while maintaining voltage and frequency within design specifications.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The ability of the leak detection system to detect a

k. With load group 2 supplying loads following a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train B SIS, the group 1 ac and dc busses are verified de-energized, indicating no interconnection of load groups.  
leak within the design time is verified.  

l. Following group 2 diesel generator operation for 2 hours at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at continuous          rated load, group 2 diesel generator starts, attains          voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and accepts the LOCA sequenced loads while maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits, on loss of group 2 ac voltage concurrent with a train B SIS.  RTD/TC Cross Calibration (S-03BB16)

m. Each diesel generator is capable of carrying the short-time rating load for 2 hours and the continuous rated load for 22 hours, without exceeding design limits.  Objectives

n. Fuel oil consumption of each diesel, while operating at the continuous rated load, is within design specifications.
To provide a functional checkout of the reactor coolant system resistance

o. Each diesel generator cooling water system, with the          diesel generators operating for 2 hours at the short-          time rating load and 22 hours at the continuous rating load, maintains the diesel temperatures within design specifications.
temperature detectors (RTDs) and incore thermocouples and to generate

p. The controls required for the loss of offsite power concurrent with a SIS (shedding, sequencing, etc.)
isothermal cross-calibration data for subsequent correction factors to
function with minimum dc voltage available.  Shutdown Sequencer Preoperational Test (S-03NF03)
indicated temperatures. Objectives Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

a. To demonstrate that de-energization of either 4,160-V Class IE load group will start the associated diesel generator,  close the diesel  generator  feeder breaker, actuate the associated group load shed, and actuate the shutdown sequencer. All sequenced components are verified to start within required design times.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

14.2-103    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. To demonstrate that each diesel generator will maintain          voltage and frequency within design specifications while supplying the design shutdown loads.  
are operational.
: c. Initial plant heatup, during hot functional testing, is

c. To demonstrate the ability of the emergency 4.16-kV          loads to start at maximum and minimum design voltages.
in progress, and all reactor coolant pumps are  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Test Method

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
At various temperature plateaus, RTD and incore thermocouple data are recorded.
c. Each diesel generator and its associated auxiliaries are           available.  

d. All components actuated by the shutdown sequencer are available.
Isothermal cross-calibration correction factors for individual thermocouples  Test Method
and the installation corrections for individual RTDs are determined.  

a. Class IE 4,160-V load group 1 is de-energized and the following are verified:
14.2-47    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Individual RTD readings are within the design

1. Group 1 load shedder actuates.  
: b. The installation corrections of the RTDs are within

2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.            3. Group 1 shutdown sequencer is actuated, and associated components are sequenced. Components are verified to actuate within the required design times.  
design specifications.  

b. Class IE 4,160-V load group 2 is de-energized and the following are verified:  Chemical and Volume Control System Major Component

1. Group 2 load shedder actuates.
Test (S-03BG01)

2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.  Objectives

3. Group 2 shutdown sequencer is actuated, and associated components are sequenced. Components are verified to actuate within the required design times.  
To demonstrate the operation of the centrifugal charging pumps and associated minimum flow valves, including their response to safety signals.  

14.2-104    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. Emergency 4.16-kV loads are started while their          respective diesel generators are supplying:  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

1. Minimum rated voltage 2. Maximum rated voltage
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

d. The ability of each diesel generator to maintain voltage and frequency within the design specifications while supplying the design shutdown loads is verified.
are operational.
: c. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate  Acceptance Criteria
supply of demineralized water for the performance of

a. De-energization of Class IE 4,160-V load group 1 initiates the following, in accordance with system          design:
this test.
1. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.  
: d. The component cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the centrifugal charging pump oil coolers.  

2. Group 1 shutdown sequencer actuates, and associated components are sequenced. Components actuate within required design times.  Test Method
: a. Centrifugal charging pumps are operated, and performance

3. Group 1 load shedder actuates.  
characteristics are verified.
: b. Centrifugal charging pump and minimum flow valve control

b. De-energization of Class IE 4,160-V load group 2 initiates the following, in accordance with system design:
logics are verified, including their response to safety
1. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder                breaker closes.

2. Group 2 shutdown sequencer actuates, and associated components are sequenced. Components actuate within required design times.  

3. Group 2 load shedder actuates.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Centrifugal charging pump performance characteristics

c. The emergency 4.16-kV loads start and reach rated speed within design times, with minimum and maximum design voltage.
are within design specifications.
: b. Each centrifugal charging pump receives a start signal

d. Each diesel generator maintains voltage and frequency within design specifications, while supplying the design shutdown loads.  
from the load sequencer.  480-V  (Class  IE)  System  Preoperational    Test (S-03NG01)
14.2-48    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. If a safety injection signal is present, a centrifugal charging pump minimum flow valve will open if the  Objectives
associated pump flow is low and will close if the

To demonstrate that the 480-V Class IE load centers can be energized  from their normal and alternate sources and verify the 
associated pump flow is above the minimum flow

14.2-105    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK operability of system breaker protective interlocks. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.  
requirement of the pump. Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete. Seal Injection Preoperational Test (SU3-BG02)

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Objective  Test Method
To demonstrate the ability of the chemical and volume control system to supply

a. The 480-V Class IE load centers are energized from their normal source, and voltages are recorded.      b. The 480-V Class IE load centers are energized from their alternate source, and voltages are recorded.
adequate seal water injection flow to the reactor coolant pumps and verify the

c. System breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks verified.
operation of the seal water return containment isolation valves, including  Acceptance Criteria
their response to a CIS.  

a. The voltage for each 480-V Class IE load center, when supplied from its normal source, is within design specifications.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

b. The voltage for each 480-V Class IE load center, when supplied from its alternate source, is within design          specifications.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
c. System breaker interlocks operate in accordance with the system design.  
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  480-V Class IE System (ESW) Preoperational Test (SU3-NG02).  
are operational.
: c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of  Objectives
demineralized water for the performance of this test.
: d. Cooling water is available to the charging pumps.  

To demonstrate that the nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC can be energized from their normal source and to verify their bus voltage phase sequence. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.  Test Method
: a. With a charging pump in operation, seal water throttle valves are adjusted to maintain the required flow to  Prerequisites
each reactor coolant pump.
: b. Seal water return containment isolation valves control

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are completed.  
logics are verified, including their response to a CIS.  

14.2-106    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Seal water injection flow to each reactor coolant pump  Test Method The nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC are energized, voltages are recorded, and phase sequence is verified.  
is within design specifications.
: b. Seal water return containment isolation valves close on  Acceptance Criteria
receipt of a CIS. Valve closure times are within design

a. The voltage for each nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC is within design specification.  

b. The bus voltage phase sequence of the nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC is in accordance with design. 125-V (Class IE) DC System Preoperational Test (S-03NK01)  
14.2-49    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Charging System Preoperational Test (SU3-BG03)  Objectives  Objective

To demonstrate the ability of the batteries and chargers to provide power during normal operations and the battery to provide power during abnormal conditions. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective battery is also demonstrated. Proper operation of the system instrumentation and controls is also verified.
To demonstrate positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590) operating characteristics and to verify the operation of the regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valves and the  Prerequisites
letdown isolation valves, including their response to a safety injection signal (SIS).  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration           are complete.  Prerequisites
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

c. Ventilation for the battery rooms is available.  
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method
are operational.
: c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of

a. Each battery is discharged, using a test load at the design duty cycle discharge rate.  
demineralized water for the performance of this test.
: d. Cooling water is available to the positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590).
: e. The reactor coolant system is available to receive

b. Each battery is fully discharged to determine its capacity factor.  
charging system flow.  

c. Each battery charger will charge its respective battery to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to the design emergency loading.  Test Method
: a. The positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590)is operated, and pump operating data are recorded.
: b. Regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valve and

14.2-107    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. Each battery is capable of maintaining output voltage above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.
letdown system isolation valve control circuits are
b. Each battery has a capacity factor greater than or equal to design.

c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the batteries to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to the design emergency loading.  
verified, including valve response to safety injection signals. Instrument AC System (Class IE) Preoperational Test (S-03NN01)  Objectives Acceptance Criteria
: a. Positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590)operating characteristics are within design specifications.
: b. Charging pump to regenerative heat exchanger inlet

To demonstrate that the 120-V Class IE ac distribution panel- boards can be fed from their normal source inverters and from their backup source transformers by manual transfer. The operability of system instrumentation and controls, including breaker protective interlocks, is also verified.  
isolation valves close on receipt of an SIS. Valve  Prerequisites
closure times are within design specifications.
: c. The letdown line containment isolation valves close on

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
receipt of a containment isolation signal. Valve

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Test Method
closure times are within design specifications.  

a. The 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboards are energized from their normal source inverters, and panelboard voltages are recorded.  
14.2-50    Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK 32  Boron Thermal Regeneration System Preoperational Test (SU3-BG04)

b. The 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboards are energized from their backup source transformers by manual transfer, and panelboard voltages are recorded.  Objective

c. The system breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks are verified.
To verify the operation of the boron thermal regeneration system, and  Acceptance Criteria
associated control circuits. Performance characteristics of the chemical and

a. Each 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboard voltage, when supplied from the normal source inverters of the panelboards, is within design specifications.  
volume control system chiller pumps are also verified.  

14.2-108    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Each 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboard voltage,           when supplied from the backup source transformers, is within design specifications.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and

c. System breaker interlocks operate in accordance with          system design.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of  Engineered Safeguards (NSSS) Preoperational Test (SU3-SA01)
demineralized water for the performance of this test.
: d. The chemical and volume control system chiller surge  Objectives
tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water

a. To demonstrate the ability of the NSSS to initiate safety injection, containment isolation, containment spray actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam          line isolation signals on receipt of the associated          input signals.  
for the performance of this test.  

b. To verify NSSS ESFAS loop response times.  Test Method
: a. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps are

c. To demonstrate the ability of each solid-state protection system test panel to adequately test the associated NSSS ESFAS and reactor protection logic trains.  
operated and performance characteristics are verified.
: b. Boron thermal regeneration system component control circuits are verified.  

d. To demonstrate the coincidence and redundancy of the NSSS ESFAS.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps'

e. To verify the operability of ESFAS block and permissive interlocks.  Prerequisites
operating characteristics are within design

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
: b. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps

b. Required electrical power supplies are operational.
start automatically when the boron thermal regeneration  Test Method
system is placed in the borate or dilute mode of

a. The ability of the NSSS ESFAS to actuate safety injection,  containment  isolation,  containment spray actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam line isolation signals on receipt of the required coincidence of the following input signals for each redundant channel is verified:

          . High steam line pressure rate  Boric Acid Blending System Preoperational Test (SU3-
          . Low steam line pressure
          . Low pressurizer pressure

14.2-109    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          . High containment pressure (Hi-1, Hi-2, and Hi-3)           . High-high steam generator level
          . Low Tavg
          . Low-low steam generator water level b. Input signals are initiated, and loop response times are verified.

c. The ability of each solid-state protection system test panel to test the NSSS ESFAS logic trains is verified.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of boron

d. ESFAS block and permissive interlocks are verified.
injection makeup and boric acid transfer pumps and  Acceptance Criteria a. The NSSS ESFAS actuates safety injection, containment          isolation, containment spray actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam line isolation signals when their associated input signals are received from the following signals for each applicable channel:
14.2-51    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK verify the ability of the boric acid blending system to make up at design flow rates to the chemical and volume

          . High steam line pressure rate
control system (CVCS).
          . Low steam line pressure
: b. To verify the operation of system component control circuits in all modes of operation.
          . Low pressurizer pressure
: c. To demonstrate by flow test the ability of the reactor
          . High containment pressure (Hi-1, Hi-2, and Hi-3)  
          . High-high steam generator level
          . Low Tavg
          . Low-low steam generator water level

b. NSSS ESFAS loop response times are within design          specifications.
makeup water system to supply water to the boric acid
c. ESFAS block and permissive interlocks operate in accordance with system design.  Engineered  Safeguards  (BOP)  Preoperational Test (SU3-SA02)
: d. To demonstrate by flow test the ability of the boric  Objectives
acid system to supply an emergency boration flow to the

a. To demonstrate the operability of the BOP ESFAS to initiate containment purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve switchover to essential service water (ESW), and steam generator blowdown and sample isolation signals on receipt of the associated input signals.
charging pump suction.
: e. To verify the operation of volume control tank valves and associated control circuits, including valve  

14.2-110    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. To verify BOP ESFAS loop response times.
response to safety signals.  
c. To demonstrate the ability of the BOP ESFAS test panel to adequately test the associated BOP ESFAS logic trains.
d. To demonstrate the coincidence and redundancy of the BOP ESFAS.  Prerequisites  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

b. Required electrical power supplies are operational.  Test Method
are operational.
: c. The reactor makeup water system is available to supply

a. The ability of the BOP ESFAS to actuate containment purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve switchover to ESW, and steam generator blowdown and sample isolation signals on receipt of the required coincidence of the following input signals for each redundant channel is verified.
water to the boric acid blender and boric acid batching

o    Containment isolation (phase A) o    High atmospheric radiation o    High chlorine concentration          o    Loss of main feedwater flow          o    Low-low steam generator level o    Loss of offsite power o    Low feedwater pump suction pressure o    Safety injection
: d. A charging pump is available to receive and discharge

b. Input signals are initiated, and loop response times are verified.  
flow from the boric acid transfer pumps.
: e. The volume control tank (VCT) contains an adequate

c. The ability of the BOP ESFAS test panel to test the BOP ESFAS logic trains is verified.
supply of demineralized water for the performance of  Acceptance Criteria
this test.  

a. The BOP ESFAS actuates containment purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve switchover to ESW, and  Test Method
: a. The boron injection makeup and boric acid pumps are

14.2-111    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK            steam generator blowdown and sample isolation signals when their associated input signals are received from the following signals for each applicable channel:
operated, performance data recorded, and the ability of  
o    Containment isolation (phase A) o    High atmospheric radiation o    High chlorine concentration o    Loss of main feedwater flow o    Low-low steam generator level o    Loss of offsite power o    Low feedwater pump suction pressure o    Safety injection

b. BOP ESFAS loop response times are within design           specifications.
the system to make up to the CVCS at design flow rates  Engineered Safeguards Verification Test (SU3-SA03)  Objectives
is verified.
: b. System component control circuits are verified in all

To demonstrate the proper response of actuated components resulting from the following safety signals:  Safety injection, containment spray actuation, main feedwater isolation, steam line isolation, containment isolation, containment purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve switch over to ESW, and steam generator blowdown and sample isolation.  
modes of operation. Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration          are complete.
14.2-52    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. With a reactor makeup water pump in operation, flow is verified to the boric acid blender and boric acid

b. Required electrical power sources and control circuits are operational.
batching tank.
: d. With both boric acid transfer pumps in operation and a charging pump taking a suction from the VCT and  

c. Components actuated by the NSSS and BOP ESFAS are available.
discharging to the reactor coolant loops, the emergency  Test Method
boration flow rate from the transfer pumps to the

NSSS and BOP ESFAS signals are initiated manually and the proper response and response times of the actuated components are verified.  
charging pump suction is recorded.
: e. The emergency boration flow rate via gravity feed from

14.2-112    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria Components required to actuate on receipt of safety signals respond properly in accordance with design specifications and within the times specified by design requirements.
the boric acid tanks to the charging pump suction is  Reactor Protection System Logic Test (S-03SB01)  Objectives
: f. Proper operation of the reactor makeup water system is verified when the reactor makeup control system (RMCS) is operated in the manual, dilute, alternate dilute, and

a. To demonstrate the ability of the reactor protection system to initiate a reactor trip on input of the associated input signals.
automatic modes.
: g. The operation of the VCT outlet valves control circuits

b. To verify reactor protection loop response times.      c. To verify the operability of the reactor protection system block and permissive interlocks.
is verified, including their response to a safety

d. To demonstrate the coincidence, redundancy, and fail safe (power loss) design of the reactor protection system.  
injection signal. Prerequisites Acceptance Criteria
: a. The boron injection makeup and boric acid transfer pump

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
operating characteristics are within design

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Test Method
: b. The flow rate to the boric acid blender from the reactor makeup water system is within design specifications.
: c. The emergency boration flow rates to the charging pump

a. The ability of the reactor protection system to initiate a reactor trip on receipt of the proper coincidence of the following trip signals for each redundant channel is verified:
suction are within design specifications.
: d. The boric acid transfer pumps and the reactor makeup

o  Source range high neutron flux o  Intermediate range high neutron flux o  Power range high neutron flux (low setpoint and high setpoint) o  Power range high positive neutron flux rate o  Power range high negative neutron flux rate          o  Overtemperature  T          o  Overpower  T          o  Low primary coolant flow          o  Reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage o  Reactor coolant pump bus underfrequency 
water pumps start automatically on a low level in the

14.2-113    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          o  High pressurizer pressure          o  Low pressurizer pressure o  High pressurizer level o  Safety injection signal o  Turbine trip signal b. Loop response times are measured for the above listed trip signals.
volume control tank when the RMCS is in the automatic

c. Reactor protection system block and permissive interlocks are verified.  
: e. VCT outlet valves close on receipt of a safety injection

d. Power is isolated from the system, and the safe failure of the system is verified.
signal when the associated charging pump supply valve  Acceptance Criteria a. The reactor protection system initiates a reactor trip on receipt of the proper coincidence of the following signals for each applicable channel:

o  Source range high neutron flux o  Intermediate range high neutron flux o  Power range high neutron flux (low setpoint and high setpoint) o  Power range high positive neutron flux rate o  Power range high negative neutron flux rate          o  Overtemperature  T          o  Overpower  T          o  Low primary coolant flow          o  Reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage          o  Reactor coolant pump bus underfrequency o  High pressurizer pressure o  Low pressurizer pressure o  High pressurizer level o  Safety injection signal o  Turbine trip signal
from the refueling water storage tank is open.
: f. Refueling water storage tank to charging pump suction

b. Loop response times for the following trip signals are within design limits.  
valves open on receipt of a safety injection signal.
: g. The boric acid transfer pumps stop on receipt of a load

o  Power range high neutron flux (low setpoint and high setpoint) o  Power range high negative neutron flux rate          o  Overtemperature  T          o  Overpower  T          o  Low primary coolant flow          o  Reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage o  Reactor coolant pump bus underfrequency 
shed signal.

14.2-114   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK           o  High pressurizer pressure          o  Low pressurizer pressure
14.2-53   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: h. The boric acid  filter to charging pump valve supply breaker trips open on receipt of a load shed signal.

c. Reactor protection system block and permissive interlocks operate in accordance with system design.  Chemical and Volume Control System Hot
d. The reactor protection system functions in accordance with system design on a loss of power.  Primary Sampling System Preoperational Test (S-03SJ01)  
Preoperational Test (S-03BG06)  Objectives  Objectives
: a. To determine by flow test that all letdown and cleanup

a. To set sample panels' flow rates and to verify the          operability of the sample system containment isolation          valves. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.
flow rates are within design specifications.
: b. To determine, by comparison of boron concentrations, that boric acid addition to the reactor coolant system  

b. To verify that the post-accident sampling system (PASS) containment isolation valves operate properly.
has occurred, using the normal and emergency flow paths.
: c. To determine by flow test the ability of the chemical and volume control system (CVCS) to make up at design  Prerequisites
flow rates and boron concentrations to the reactor

a. Required component testing instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
coolant system in all modes of operation.
: d. To determine by operational test that the letdown

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.
containment isolation valve closure times are within
c. Plant conditions are established, and systems are          available, as necessary, to facilitate drawing samples from the sample points.

d. The component cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the auxiliary building sample station.
design specifications.
: e. To demonstrate the ability of the pump room coolers to  

e. The chemical and volume control system is available to receive discharge from the nuclear sampling station.  
maintain room temperatures within design limits.  

f. The chemical and detergent waste system is available to receive discharge from the nuclear sampling station.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method
are operational.
: c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and

a. Sample panel flows are adjusted, and flow data are recorded.
pressure, and hot functional testing is in progress.
: d. The CVCS pump rooms are closed, and their associated

14.2-115    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Operability of the sample containment isolation valves          is verified, including their response to an isolation signal. Valve operating times are recorded.  
pump room coolers are operational. Acceptance Criteria a. The sample containment isolation valves close on receipt of an isolation signal. Test Method
: a. The letdown throttle valves are adjusted to establish

b. The sample containment isolation valves' closure times are within design specifications.  
letdown flow within design specifications.
: b. Boric acid addition to the reactor coolant system is  Process Radiation Monitoring System Preoperational Test (S-03SP01)  Objectives To demonstrate the operation of the process radiation monitors and to verify the ability of the process radiation monitoring system to provide alarm and isolation signals, as applicable, upon receipt of high radiation signals.
verified, using the normal and emergency flow paths, by
Operability of the radioactivity monitoring control room microprocessor is also verified.  Prerequisites
comparing the change in boron concentrations.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
14.2-54    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. With a charging pump in operation, the ability of the CVCS, in all modes of operation, to make up at design

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.  Test Method
flow rates and boron concentrations to the reactor

a. The check source for each monitor is remotely positioned, and the actuation of each monitor and the operability of its associated alarms and isolation signals are verified.
coolant system is verified.
: d. With letdown flow established, the letdown containment

b. Operability of the radioactivity monitoring control room microprocessor is verified.
isolation valves are operated, and operating times are  Acceptance Criteria
: e. During CVCS pump operation, pump room temperature data

The process radiation monitoring system provides alarm and isolation signals, in accordance with system design specifications.  
are recorded.  

14.2-116    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Power Conversion and ECCS Thermal Expansion Test              (SU3-0004) Acceptance Criteria
: a. All letdown and cleanup flow rates are within design specifications
: b. The boric acid addition system is capable of adding  Objective To demonstrate snubber operability on all safety-related systems whose operating temperature exceeds 250 F.
boron to the reactor coolant system via both the normal  Prerequisites
and emergency flow paths.
: c. The CVCS makeup flow rates and boron additions to the

a. Preservice examinations as specified in the Tedesco letter to KG&E dated 2/10/81 have been completed on the systems being checked within the last 6 months.
reactor coolant system are within design specifications

b. Other required component testing and instrument          calibration are completed.
in all modes of operation.
c. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
: d. The letdown containment isolation valves' closure times

d. Preoperational testing is in progress.  
are within design specifications.
: e. The CVCS pump room coolers maintain the room temperature  Test Method
within design limits.
: f. The boron thermal regeneration system (BTRS) can vary

a. During initial system heatup and cooldown, at specified temperature intervals, verify the expected snubber movement for any system which attains operating temperature.
the reactor coolant boron concentration as required for  

b. For those systems which do not attain operating          temperature, verify by observation and/or calculation          that the snubber will accommodate the projected thermal movement.  
daily load cycle at 85 percent core life.  

c. Observe snubber swing clearances at specified heat-up and cooldown intervals.  Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Preoperational  Acceptance Criteria
Test (SU3-EC01)

a. The expected snubber movement for any system that attains operating temperature is within design specifications.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the fuel

b. The expected snubber movement determined by observation and/or calculation for any system that does not attain operating temperature is within design specifications.
pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps

c. Snubber swing clearance observed at specified heatup and cooldown intervals is within design specifications.
and to verify that the associated instrumentation and

14.2-117    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Power Conversion and ECCS Systems Dynamic Test              (S-030005)
controls are functioning properly.
: b. To verify that the fuel pool cleanup pump refueling  Objectives To demonstrate during specified transients that the systems' monitored points respond in accordance with design.
water storage tank (RWST) suction isolation valves close  Prerequisites
on receipt of a safety injection signal (SIS).  

a. Reference points for measurement of the systems are established.
14.2-55    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. To verify that each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler starts when the associated fuel pool cooling pump

b. Hot functional testing is in progress.
c. All subject systems are available for the specified          dynamic operations.  

d. Required instrument calibration is complete.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Test Method
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic operation.
are operational.
: c. Cooling water is available to the fuel pool cooling and

b. The specified dynamic event of pump operation, valve operation, etc., is initiated, and the system is monitored for response.
cleanup system heat exchangers.
: d. The liquid radwaste system is available to drain the refueling pool to the RWST.
: e. The essential service water system is available to  Acceptance Criteria      a. The total stress shall not exceed applicable code limits.
provide cooling water to the spent fuel pool pump room  HEPA Filter Test (SU3-0006).  
: f. The spent fuel pool and fuel transfer canals are filled  Objectives
to their normal operating levels.  

To demonstrate the leaktightness and particulate removal efficiency of all HEPA filters and to verify the leaktightness of their associated charcoal adsorbers.  Test Method
: a. The fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool  Prerequisites
skimmer pumps are operated in their various modes, and

a. The ventilation systems containing HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers have been air balanced and are operational and available to support this test.
pump operating data are recorded.
: b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of system pumps and valves on

14.2-118    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  
receipt of safety signals.
: c. The ability of each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler

c. Required instrument calibration is complete.
to start when the associated fuel pool cooling pump  Test Method

a. HEPA filters are inplace tested with cold poly-dispersed DOP, in accordance with the procedures set forth in ANSI N510.  
starts is verified.  

b. Charcoal adsorbers are inplace tested with a suitable refrigerant, in accordance with the procedures set forth in ANSI N510.  Acceptance Criteria  Acceptance Criteria a. The airflow of each filter adsorber unit is equal to the design flow.
: a. The operating characteristics of the fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps are within

b. Air flow distribution downstream of each HEPA filter is within 20 percent of the average velocity through the unit.
design specifications.
: b. The fuel pool cleanup pumps RWST suction isolation

c. HEPA DOP penetration is less than one percent at the design air flow.  
valves close on receipt of an SIS.  

d. Charcoal adsorber bypass leakage is less than .05 percent at the design air flow.
14.2-56    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Cooldown from Hot Standby External to the Control              Room (S-030008)
: c. Each fuel pool cooling pump trips on a low spent fuel pool level signal.
: d. Each fuel pool cooling pump trips on receipt of a load  Objectives
shed signal.
: e. Each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler starts when the

To demonstrate, using a plant procedure, the potential capability to cooldown the plant from the hot standby to the cold shutdown condition, using instrumentation and controls external to the control room verifying that:
associated fuel pool cooling pump starts.

a. The reactor coolant temperature and pressure can be lowered to permit the operation of the residual heat removal (RHR) system.  Spent Fuel Pool Leak Test (S-03EC02)  

b. The RHR system can be operated and controlled.  Objectives
c. The reactor coolant temperature can be  reduced  50 F,           using the RHR system, without exceeding technical          specification limits.  
: a. To demonstrate the integrity of the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, and fuel transfer canal.
: b. To demonstrate the leaktightness of the cask loading pit

14.2-119    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
gate and the fuel transfer canal gate.  
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  

c. The plant is in a hot standby condition.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

d. The authority and responsibility of the control room observers has been established and is specified in this procedure.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method      a. The plant is cooled from hot standby, RHR is initiated, and  a  >50&deg;F cooldown is performed with the RHR system          transferring heat to the ultimate heat sink, using          instrumentation and controls external to the control room.
are operational.
: c. The spent fuel pool is filled to the normal operating

b. All actions performed by the control room observers are          documented within this procedure for use in evaluating their impact on the test results.  
: d. The cask loading pit level is below the level of the fuel pool gate.
: e. The fuel transfer canal level is below the level of the  Acceptance Criteria
fuel pool gate.
: f. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide

The following actions are capable of being performed, external to the control room:  
demineralized water to the spent fuel pool.
: g. A source of compressed air is available to pressurize

a. The reactor coolant temperature and pressure can be lowered to permit the operation of the RHR system.      b. The reactor coolant temperature can be  reduced  50 F,          using the RHR system, without exceeding technical          specification limits.  
the system standpipes. Compressed Gas Accumulator Testing (S-030009) Test Method  Objectives
The cask loading pit gate and fuel transfer canal gate are visually inspected

To demonstrate the ability of the auxiliary feedwater control valve/mainsteam atmospheric relief valve and main feedwater control valve accumulators to provide the design backup supply of compressed gas for continued design valve operation following a loss of the normal motive source.
for leakage. A leak test is performed on the spent fuel pool, cask loading

14.2-120    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
pit, and fuel transfer canal, using the associated leak chase standpipes.  Test Method

The accumulators are isolated from the compressed gas supply header and the associated valves are operated to demonstrate the ability of the accumulators to provide design motive force for the required valve cycles.  
14.2-57    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance  Acceptance Criteria
No leakage is observed from the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, fuel

The auxiliary feedwater control valve/mainsteam atmospheric relief valve, and main feedwater control valve accumulators provide the design backup supply of compressed gas to their associated valves.
transfer canal, cask loading pit gate, and fuel transfer canal gate.  Nonsafety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures  The following sections are the test abstract for each nonsafety- related preoperational test. Table 14.2-2 provides an index of these tests.  Turbine Trip Test (S-04AC02) Objectives Essential Service Water System Preoperational Test

a. To demonstrate the ability of the turbine trip and monitoring system to initiate a turbine trip on input of the associated input signals.

b. To demonstrate the response of the moisture separator reheater drain valves, feedwater heater extraction check          valves, turbine main stop valves, turbine main stop          valve above seat drain valves, turbine control valves, turbine control valve above seat drain valves, intermediate stop valves, main steamline drain valves, startup drain valves, and intercept valves to a turbine trip signal.
Test SU3-EF02 combined with Test SU3-EF01, Essential

c. To demonstrate that a turbine trip signal initiates a reactor trip signal.  
Service Water System Preoperational Test.  

d. To demonstrate that the turbine main stop valves operating times are within design specifications.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the capability of the essential service

14.2-121    Rev. 0
water system to provide cooling water flow during the LOCA mode of operation. The operation and response of system valves to align the system in the LOCA flow mode

WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration is complete.
on safety injection signals, load sequence signals, and  
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The main turbine control oil and lube oil systems are available to provide oil to the turbine auxiliaries.
low suction pressure signals are also verified.
: b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the  

d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to system air-operated valves.
essential service water (ESW) pumps and verify their  Test Method      a. The ability of the turbine trip and monitoring system to initiate a turbine trip signal on receipt of each of the following input signals is verified:
response to safety signals.
: c. To demonstrate the operability of the backpressure

o  Manual trip pushbutton depressed o  Manual trip handle pulled o  Generator trip (EHC vital trip) o  Generator trip (unit trip) o  Reactor trip o  Loss of stator coolant o  Low lube oil pressure o  Loss of EHC 125 V dc power with turbine speed below 75 percent o  High turbine vibration          o  High exhaust hood temperature          o  Low hydraulic fluid pressure o  Moisture separator high level o  Low bearing oil pressure o  Low condenser vacuum o  Excessive thrust bearing wear o  Backup overspeed (Electrical) o  Loss of EHC 24-volt dc power
control valves, including their response to safety

b. A turbine trip signal is initiated, and the response of the following valves is verified:

o  Moisture separator reheater drain valves o  Feedwater heater extraction check valves o  Turbine main stop valves o  Turbine control valves o  Intermediate stop valves o  Turbine intercept valves o  Startup drain valves o  Main steam line drain valves  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

14.2-122    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          o  Turbine main stop valve above seat drain valves          o  Turbine control valve above seat drain valves
are operational.
: c. The compressed air system is available to the system

c. A turbine trip signal is initiated, and a reactor trip input signal is verified.
air-operated valves.  Acceptance Criteria

a. The turbine trip and monitoring system initiates a turbine trip on receipt of each of the following signals:  Test Method
: a. System operating characteristics are verified in the  

o  Manual trip pushbutton depressed o  Manual trip handle pulled o  Generator trip (EHC vital trip)          o  Generator trip (unit trip)          o  Reactor trip o  Loss of stator coolant o  Low lube oil pressure o  Loss of EHC 125 V dc power with turbine speed below 75 percent o  High turbine vibration o  High exhaust hood temperature o  Low hydraulic fluid pressure o  Moisture separator high level o  Low bearing oil pressure o  Low condenser vacuum o  Excessive thrust bearing wear o  Backup overspeed (electrical) o  Loss of EHC 24-volt dc power      b. The following valves open on receipt of a turbine trip signal:
LOCA mode of operation.
: b. Safety signals are simulated, and the responses of the

o  Turbine main stop valve above seat drain valves o  Turbine control valve above seat drain valves o  Main steam line drain valves o  Moisture separator reheater drain valves o  Startup drain valves  
system valves and the ESW pumps are verified.
: c. The ESW pumps are operated and pump operating data are

c. The following valves close on receipt of a turbine trip signal:

o  Low pressure heater extraction check valves o  Main stop valves o  Turbine control valves o  Intercept valves o  Intermediate stop valves
14.2-58    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: d. The operability of the backpressure control valves,          including their response to safety signals is verified.

14.2-123    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. A turbine trip signal initiates a reactor trip signal.  Acceptance Criteria
e. The turbine main stop valves operating times are within design specifications.
: a. Components supplied by the essential service water  Turbine System Cold Test (S-04AC03)  Objectives
system receive flows that are within design

a. To demonstrate the operability of the turning gear and associated control circuits.  
specifications in the LOCA mode of system operation.
: b. System valve operation in response to safety signals is

b. To demonstrate the operability of the electro-hydraulic control system.
within design requirements.  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
: c. System valve operating times are within design

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
: d. The ESW pumps' operating characteristics are within design specifications.
: e. Each ESW pump responds properly to load sequence and

c. The main turbine control oil and lube oil systems are available to supply the turbine auxiliaries.
load shed signals.
: f. The time required for each ESW pump to reach rated flow  Test Method
is within design specifications.
: g. System backpressure valves close upon receipt of a LOCA

a. The operability of the turning gear and associated control circuits is verified.      b. A turbine simulator is utilized to verify the ability of the electro-hydraulic control system to perform its control functions.  
sequencer or safety injection signal.
: h. An auxiliary feedwater pump low suction pressure signal  Acceptance Criteria
will close the ESW pump breakers if a zero sequencer

a. The turning gear motor trips on loss of bearing oil pressure, loss of all bearing lift pumps, or closure of the main transformer switchyard breaker.  
signal is not present.  Component Cooling Water System Preoperational Test

b. The turbine control and intercept valves close on a power load unbalance signal.

c. The turbine load set is run back on a reactor          overtemperature T signal when in the manual mode.       d. The turbine load set is run back on a reactor          overpower T signal when in the manual mode.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the capability of the component cooling

14.2-124    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      e. The turbine load is set back on a loss of circulating          water pump signal.
water system to provide cooling water during the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes of operation.
: b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

f. Turbine loading is inhibited on a C-16 control interlock signal.
component cooling water pumps and to verify that the  Condensate System Preoperational Test (S-04ADOl)  Objectives
associated instrumentation and controls are functioning

To demonstrate the condensate pumps' operating characteristics and verify the operation of system valves and associated control circuits. The operability of the condensate storage and transfer system and associated components is also verified.
properly, including system response to safety signals.  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

c. The feedwater system is available to receive flow from the condensate pump discharge header.  
system flushing/cleaning are complete.  

d. The demineralized water system is available to provide water to the condensate pump seals and a source of makeup to the condensate storage tank.
14.2-59    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
e. The condensate storage tank is available to provide          makeup to the condenser hotwell.  
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  

f. The closed cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the condensate pump motor bearing oil coolers.
14  Test Method
: a. System operating characteristics are verified in the  Test Method
normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes of operation.
: b. Safety signals are simulated, and the response of system

a. Condensate pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are verified.  
pumps and valves is verified.  

b. The response of each condensate pump to a condenser low-low level trip signal is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The performance characteristics of each component

c. The operability of the condensate pump recirculation valves is verified.
cooling water pump are within design specifications.
: b. Components supplied by the component cooling water

14.2-125    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The operating characteristics of the condensate pumps are within design specifications.
system receive flows that are within design  
b. Each condensate pump will receive a trip signal on a 2/3 condenser low-low level signal.

c. Each condensate pump recirculation valve operates in accordance with design specifications.
specifications with the system operating in the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes.
: c. Component cooling water pump and valve responses to load  Secondary  Vent and Drain System  Preoperational Test (S-04AF01)
sequence, containment isolation, and safety injection  Objectives      a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the heater drain pumps.
signals are within design specifications.
: d. Closure times for the component cooling water supply and

b. To demonstrate the operability of system valve and pump control circuits.
return valves to the reactor coolant system are within  Prerequisites
design specifications.
: e. Component cooling water pump response to centrifugal charging pump start signals is in accordance with system design.  

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  Residual Heat Removal System Cold Preoperational

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
Test (SU3-EJ01)
c. The compressed air system is available to the system          air-operated valves.

d. The closed cooling water system is available to supply cooling water to the heater drain pumps.  Objective  Test Method
To demonstrate the operability of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pumps, demonstrate by flow test their ability to supply water at rated pressure and

a. The heater drain pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are verified.  
flow, and verify their response to safety signals. The operation of system

b. The operability of system valve and pump control circuits is verified.
motor-operated valves, including their response to safety signals, are also  Acceptance Criteria
verified. The RWST control and alarm circuits are also verified.  

The operating characteristics of the heater drain pumps are within design specifications.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

14.2-126    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Condensate and Feedwater Chemical Feed System              Preoperational Test (S-04AQ01)
system flushing/cleaning are complete.  Objectives a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the condensate oxygen control chemical addition pumps,            condensate pH control chemical addition pumps, condensate            oxygen control chemical circulating pumps, condensate pH            control chemical circulating pumps, feedwater chemical addition          pumps, and feedwater chemical addition circulating pump and   verify the operation of the associated control circuits.
14.2-60    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
b. To demonstrate the operability of the drum dispensing pumps.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Prerequisites
: c. The reactor vessel head is removed and the water level

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
is above the nozzles.
: d. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
supply of demineralized water for the performance of

c. The demineralized water storage and transfer system is available to provide a source of demineralized water to          the oxygen and pH control chemical supply and mixing          tanks.
this test.
d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to the drum dispensing pumps.
: e. Cooling water is available to the RHR pumps and heat
e. The service gas system is available to provide a source of nitrogen to the oxygen and pH control chemical supply,          measuring, and mixing tanks.  Test Method

a. System pumps are operated, and performance          characteristics are verified.  
: f. The instrument air system is available to supply air to

b. The response of the condensate oxygen control chemical circulating          pumps, condensate pH control chemical circulating pumps,            and the feedwater chemical addition feed pumps to a low            level in their associated tank is verified.
system air-operated valves.  Test Method
: a. Performance characteristics of the RHR pumps are

14.2-127    Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The operating characteristics of the condensate oxygen control chemical addition pumps, condensate pH control            chemical addition pumps, condensate oxygen control chemical          circulating pumps, condensate ph control chemical circulating pumps,            feedwater chemical addition pumps, feedwater            chemical addition circulating pump, and the drum            dispensing pumps are within design specifications.
verified during discharge to the reactor coolant hot and  

b. The condensate oxygen control chemical circulating pumps, condensate          pH control chemical circulating pumps, feedwater chemical addition feed pumps, and the feedwater            chemical addition circulating pump trip on a low level            signal from their associated tanks.
cold loops and test recirculation.
: b. RWST and RHR system component control circuits are  Reactor  Makeup Water System  Preoperational  Test (S-04BL01)  Objectives
verified, including the operation of the RHR pumps and

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the reactor makeup water transfer pumps and verify that the associated control circuits are functioning properly.  
system valves on receipt of safety signals.  

b. To demonstrate the operation of the system automatic valves, including the response of the reactor makeup water system containment supply valve to a CIS. Acceptance Criteria Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: a. RHR pump performance characteristics are within design

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: b. RHR system components align or actuate in accordance

c. The demineralized water storage and transfer system is available to provide a source of water to the reactor makeup water storage tank.
with system design to safety injection, containment  Test Method
isolation, load sequencing, load shed, and tank level

a. The reactor makeup water transfer pumps are operated,          and pump operating data are recorded.
b. Reactor makeup water transfer pumps and system automatic valves control logics are verified, including their response to safety signals.
: c. The time required for each RHR pump to reach rated speed

14.2-128    Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK      c. The reactor makeup water containment supply valve is          operated under flow conditions and operating times recorded.
is within design specifications.
: d. RHR system motor-operated valve closure times are within  Acceptance Criteria a. The operating characteristics of the reactor makeup water transfer pumps are within design specifications.  
design specifications.  

b. Each reactor makeup water transfer pump trips on receipt of a reactor makeup water storage tank low level signal.  Residual Heat Removal System Hot Preoperational Test

c. Each reactor makeup water transfer pump starts, after a time delay, with the other pump running and the receipt of a low header pressure signal.      d. The reactor makeup water containment supply valve closure time is within design specifications.

e. The reactor makeup containment supply valve closes on receipt of a CIS.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the ability of the residual heat removal  Condenser Air Removal System Preoperational Test (S-04CG01)  
(RHR) system to cool down the reactor coolant system  Objectives
(RCS) at its design rate.  

a. To demonstrate the operation of the condenser air removal portion of the turbine building HVAC system motoroperated dampers, including automatic operation on          a safety injection signal.
14.2-61    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
b. To demonstrate the capacities of the condenser air removal filtration fans and verify the operation of their associated control circuits.  
: b. To demonstrate the ability of the RHR pump room coolers to maintain room temperature within design limits.  

c. To demonstrate the operability of the condenser air removal system vacuum pumps, control valves, and their associated control circuits.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Prerequisites
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
are operational.
: c. The component cooling water system is supplying water to

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
each RHR heat exchanger.
: d. The RCS is being cooled down during hot functional testing.
: e. The RHR pump rooms are closed, and their associated pump

14.2-129    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The condenser air removal filtration system portion of          the turbine building HVAC system is available to support this test.  
room coolers are operational.  

d. The condensate storage tank is available to provide a           source of water to the vacuum pump seal water reservoirs.  Test Method
: a. While the RCS is being cooled down with the RHR system, the heat transfer is obtained by performing a heat

e. The service water system is available to provide cooling water to the mechanical vacuum pump seal water coolers.
balance across each RHR heat exchanger.
: b. When RHR pump room temperatures have stabilized, room  Test Method
temperature data is recorded.  

a. The condenser air removal filtration fans are operated, and fan capacities are verified.      b. Operation of the condenser air removal filtration dampers is verified, including their response to a safety injection signal.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The RHR system is capable of cooling down the reactor

c. The ability of the mechanical vacuum pumps to reduce condenser pressure during startup operation is verified.
coolant system at its design rate.
: b. The RHR pump room coolers can maintain room temperature

d. Operability of the mechanical vacuum pumps and their associated control valves' control circuits is verified, including their response to a low condenser vacuum signal.  
within design limits. Acceptance Criteria a. The condenser air removal filtration fans' capacities          are within design specifications. Safety Injection System Cold Preoperational Test

b. The condenser air removal filtration dampers close on receipt of a safety injection signal.

c. The rate at which the mechanical vacuum pumps reduce condenser pressure is within design specifications.  Objectives

d. The mechanical vacuum pumps start automatically on receipt of a low condenser vacuum signal.
To demonstrate the response of the safety injection pumps and associated valves  Circulating Water System Preoperational Test (SU4-DA01)
to safety signals. Objective Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the circulating water pumps,  water box venting pumps,  and 
system flushing/cleaning are complete

14.2-130   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK           the condenser drain pump and verify the operation of          their associated control circuits.  
14.2-62   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  

b. To demonstrate by operational test that the circulating water pump discharge valves operating times are within          design specifications.  Test Method

c. To demonstrate that the gland water system flow to the circulating water pumps is within design specifications.
The response of the safety injection pumps and associated valves to safety  Prerequisites
signals is verified

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are completed.  Acceptance Criteria
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
: a. The safety injection pumps and associated valves align

c. The circulatng water system and condenser are available to receive flow from the circulating water pumps.
or actuate in accordance with system design to  Test Method
containment isolation signals, load shedding signals, and load sequencing signals.  

a. The circulating water pumps, water box venting pumps, and the condenser drain pump are operated and pump operating data is recorded.  Safety Injection Flow Verification Test (SU3-EM02)

b. The response of the circulating water pumps and the condenser drain pump to control signals is verified.  Objectives
c. Circulating water pump discharge valve operating times          are recorded.
: a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the  Acceptance Criteria
safety injection pumps and the centrifugal charging

a. The circulating water pumps operating characteristics are within design specifications.  
: b. To demonstrate the capability of the safety injection

b. The water box venting pumps operating characteristics are within design specifications.
pumps to provide balanced flow to the reactor coolant

c. The condenser drain pump operating characteristics are within design specifications
system and prevent runout flow in the cold leg and hot

d. The condenser drain pump stops on receipt of a standpipe low-level signal.
leg injection modes.
: c. To demonstrate the capability of the charging pumps to

e. Each circulating water pump trips on receipt of a two out of three condenser pit high level signal.
provide balanced flow to the reactor coolant system and prevent runout flow in the boron injection mode.
: d. To demonstrate the capability of the residual heat

14.2-131    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      f. Low gland seal water pressure or low gland seal flow          will prevent start of the circulating water pumps.
removal pumps to provide required net positive suction

g. The gland seal water flow to each circulating water pump is within design specifications.
head to the safety injection pumps and the centrifugal
h. The operating times of the circulating water pump discharge valves are within design specifications.  Service Water System Preoperational Test (S-04EA01).  
charging pumps.
: e. To demonstrate that the safety injection and centrifugal  Objectives
charging pump room coolers maintain room temperature

a. To demonstrate the capability of the service water system and essential service water system to provide          rated cooling water flow during the normal and normal-          shutdown modes of operation to their respective loads.
within design limits.
: f. To demonstrate that associated system valve operating

b. To  demonstrate the operating characteristics of the Service Water (SW) Pumps.  
times are within specified limits.  

c. To verify proper operation of site service water system controls and instrumentation.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Prerequisites
system flushing/cleaning are complete.  

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  
14.2-63    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The CVCS is available to supply rated flow to the

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits           are operational.
reactor coolant system via the boron injection path,           while simultaneously supplying other required loads.
c. The essential service water system has been flow balanced in the LOCA mode.
: d. The residual heat removal system is available to supply

d. Site system controls and instruments are calibrated.
adequate suction head to the safety injection and  

e. The SW system is available to receive flow from the SW pumps.
centrifugal charging pumps during required injection  Test Method
: e. The borated refueling water storage tank contains an

a. Service water and essential service water system flows are verified in the normal and normal-shutdown modes.  
adequate supply of demineralized water for this test.
          (The service water pumps provide the motive force.)
: f. The reactor vessel is available to receive water, and the temporary reactor vessel pumpdown system is

b. The SW pumps are operated and pump operating data is recorded.
operational (if required).
: g. The auxiliary building HVAC system is available to cool

14.2-132    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. Components supplied by the service water system and essential service water system receive flows that are within design specifications with the system operating          in the normal and normal-shutdown modes.
the pump rooms and verify associated pump interlocks.
: h. The accumulator safety injection system piping from the  

b. The SW pumps operating characteristics are within design specifications.
safety injection system to the reactor coolant system is  Closed Cooling Water  System  Preoperational Test (S-04EB01)
available, and an accumulator tank is capable of  Objectives a. To demonstrate the capability of the closed cooling          water system to provide cooling water flow to its associated components.
receiving water.
: i. Cooling water is available to required pumps and heat

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the closed cooling water pumps and to verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly.
: j. The compressed air system is available to supply air to associated system valves.
: k. The residual heat removal system hot leg and cold leg  Prerequisites
flow orifices have been sized for required flow.  

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.  Test Method
: a. The safety injection pumps are operated in the cold leg

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
flow mode to verify pump performance characteristics and  Test Method

Performance characteristics of the closed cooling water pumps and flow data to supplied components are verified.
to identify the weaker pump.
: b. The safety injection cold leg branch lines are balanced  Acceptance Criteria
using the weaker safety injection pump and the balance

a. The performance characteristics of each closed cooling water pump are within design specifications.
checked with the stronger pump. The balance is

b. Flow to all components supplied by the closed cooling water system is verified.
performed so that injection flow is maximized while

14.2-133    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Fire Protection System  Preoperational  Test  (SU4-              FP03)
preventing pump runout.  Objectives a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the Fire Protection (FP) system jockey pump, motor-driven fire pump and the diesel-driven fire pump and verify the operation of their associated control circuits.  
14.2-64    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. The safety injection hot leg branch lines are balanced,           using their respective safety injection pump. The

b. To demonstrate the operability of the diesel oil system, including system instrumentation and controls.
balance is performed so that injection flow is maximized  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and          system flushing/cleaning are completed.
while preventing pump runout.
: d. The centrifugal charging pumps are operated in the boron

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
injection mode to determine pump performance  Test Method
characteristics and to identify the weaker pump.
: e. The boron injection branch lines are balanced, using the

a. The jockey pump, the motor-driven fire pump and the diesel-driven fire pump are operated and operating data are recorded.
weaker centrifugal charging pump and the balance checked

b. The response of the motor-driven fire pump and diesel-driven fire pump to automatic start signals are verified.       c. With the diesel-driven fire pump operating at rated capacity, the capacity of the diesel oil day tank is verified.
with the stronger pump. The balance is performed such  Acceptance Criteria
that injection flow is maximized while preventing pump

a. The FP pumps operating characteristics are within design specifications.
: f. Each residual heat removal pump is operated in series with the centrifugal charging pumps and safety injection

b. The motor-driven fire pump and the diesel-driven fire pump automatically start upon receipt of their associated decreasing fire protection system pressure signal.
pumps to verify that the residual heat removal pumps can

c. With the diesel fire pump operating at rated capacity, the capacity of the diesel oil day tank is within design specifications.
supply adequate suction head.
: g. With each centrifugal charging pump and safety injection

14.2-134    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. With the diesel fire pump operating at rated capacity          and upon receipt of a diesel oil day tank low level alarm, the remaining capacity of the diesel oil day tank is within design specifications.
pump operating, pump room temperatures are allowed to  Radwaste Building HVAC System Preoperational Test (S-04GH01)  Objectives
stabilize, and room temperature data are recorded.  

a. To verify the radwaste building supply and exhaust fans' control circuits, including automatic transfer between exhaust fans.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The safety injection and centrifugal charging pump

b. To demonstrate the fan capacities of the radwaste          building supply and exhaust fans, recycle evaporator          room fan coil unit, waste evaporator room fan coil unit, control room (solidification) fan coil unit, sample laboratory fan  coil unit,  ground floor fan coil unit, basement floor fan coil unit, SLWS evaporator fan coil unit, and control room fan coil unit, and to verify that the associated instrumentation and controls function properly.
response times and valve operating times are within  Prerequisites
design specifications.
: b. The safety injection pump room coolers start with their respective pump.
: c. The NPSH provided by the residual heat removal pumps to

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system air balancing are complete.
the centrifugal charging pumps and safety injection

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
pumps is within system design specifications.  Test Method
: d. Safety injection cold leg, hot leg, and safety injection

a. The radwaste building system fans are operated, and fan capacities are verified.
pump flows are within design specifications.
: e. Boron injection and centrifugal charging pump flows are  

b. Operability of the radwaste building supply and exhaust fans' control circuits is verified.
within design specifications.
: f. The safety injection and centrifugal charging pump room  Acceptance Criteria
coolers can maintain room temperature within design

a. The radwaste building system fan capacities are within design specifications.  

b. The radwaste building supply air unit will not operate unless either radwaste exhaust fan is operating.  
14.2-65    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Safety Injection Check Valve Test (SU3-EM03)

14.2-135    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. A low flow on the operating radwaste building exhaust          fan will cause the operating fan to stop and the standby fan to start.  Objectives  Local Containment Leak Rate Test (SU8-GP01)  Objectives
To demonstrate the integrity of accumulator outlet line and loop safety injection line check valves and backup check valves by performing backleakage

To determine the leakage rate of the containment penetrations and the leakage rate of the containment isolation valves.
tests. The operability of the various safety injection line check valves under  Prerequisites
their design pressure conditions is also verified.  

a. All containment isolation valves are closed by normal actuation methods.       b. Associated piping is drained, and vent paths for leakage are established.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

c. Required instrument calibration is complete.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating  Test Method

The containment penetrations and containment isolation valves are leak tested by performing type B and type C tests, in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix J.  Test Method
: a. Check valve leak testing is performed with the reactor  Acceptance Criteria
coolant system at normal operating pressure.
: b. Check valve operability is performed by verifying flow

The combined leakage from containment penetrations and containment isolation valves is within design limits.
through the check valves at reduced reactor coolant  Liquid Radwaste System Preoperational Test (S-04HB01).  Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the liquid radwaste system pumps and to verify the operation of their associated control circuits.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Check valve leakage rates are within limits established

b. To demonstrate the operation of the liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves, including their response to a CIS.
by Technical Specifications Section
: b. Injection line check valve operability is demonstrated

c. To determine by operational test that the liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves' closure times are within design specifications.
by verification of flow through the check valves in each

14.2-136    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
of the safety injection lines to the reactor coolant
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

c. The component cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger.  
system. Test Method Boron Injection Tank and Recirculation Pump Test  

a. The liquid radwaste system pumps are operated, and          performance characteristics are recorded.
b. The operability of the system pump and valve control circuits is verified.

c. The liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves are operated under flow conditions, and operating times are recorded.
This test has been deleted at Wolf Creek since the boron injection requirements  Acceptance Criteria
have been eliminated due to the decrease in required boron concentration.  

a. The performance characteristics of the liquid radwaste system pumps are within design specifications.  
14.2-66    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Containment Spray System Nozzle Air Test (S-03EN01)

b. Each pump trips on receipt of a low-level signal from          its respective tank.  Objectives
c. The liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves close on receipt of a CIS.  

d. The liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves' closure times are within design specifications.  
To demonstrate that the spray nozzles in the containment spray header are clear of obstructions.  

e. The liquid radwaste effluent discharge valve closes on a high process radiation signal.  Prerequisites  Waste Evaporator Preoperational Test (SU4-HB02)
A source of compressed air is available to pressurize the spray headers. Objectives Test Method

To demonstrate the operability of the waste evaporator and its associated pumps, valves, and control circuits.
Air flow is initiated through the containment spray headers, and unobstructed

14.2-137    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
flow is verified through each nozzle.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational. Acceptance Criteria

c. Cooling water is available to the waste evaporator.
All containment spray nozzles are clear and unobstructed, as evidenced by air

d. The auxiliary steam system is available to supply steam to the waste evaporator.  
passing through each nozzle.  

e. The waste evaporator condensate tank and the primary evaporator bottoms tank are available to receive waste          evaporator effluent.  Containment Spray System Preoperational Test Test Method

a. The waste evaporator is operated, and performance data is recorded.

b. With the waste evaporator in operation, a low feed inlet pressure signal is initiated, and the evaporator is verified to shift to the recycle mode.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operation of system components, including their response to safety signals, and verify

c. The waste evaporator distillate pump is verified to trip on a low evaporator condenser level.
that the associated instrumentation and controls are  Acceptance Criteria      a. The waste evaporator process flow is within design specifications.  
functioning properly. System flow characteristics in the test and simulated accident modes are also verified.
: b. To demonstrate the ability of the pump room coolers to

b. The waste evaporator goes into the recycle mode on low feed inlet pressure.  
maintain room temperatures within design limits.  

c. The waste evaporator distillate pump trips on a low evaporator condenser level.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Solid Waste System Preoperational Test (S-04HC01)
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Objectives
are operational.
: c. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the solid waste system pumps and to verify the operation of their associated control circuits.
supply of demineralized water for the performance of  

14.2-138    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. To demonstrate the ability of the decant station,          drumming  station,  cement  filling station,  and the solid radwaste bridge crane to process, solidify, and handle waste and to verify the operation of their associated control circuits.
this test.
c. To demonstrate the ability of the dry waste compactors to process compressible wastes and to verify the operation of their associated control circuits.
: d. The auxiliary building HVAC system is available to cool  Prerequisites
the pump rooms and verify associated pump interlocks.  

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
14.2-67    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operable.  
: e. The containment spray pump rooms are closed.  

c. Reactor makeup water is available to provide a source of water to the decanting station.  Test Method
: a. Performance characteristics of the containment spray pumps are verified in the test mode, recirculating to  Test Method
the refueling water storage tank, and in the simulated

a. The solid waste system pumps are operated, and the pump operating data are recorded.
accident mode.
: b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of system pumps and valves on

b. The system component control circuits are verified, and the ability of the solid radwaste system to process, solidify, and handle waste is verified.
receipt of load sequence/shedder and CSAS/CIS signals, respectively. Acceptance Criteria a. The operating characteristics of the evaporator bottoms tank pumps (primary and secondary) are within design specifications.  
: c. During system operations, spray additive eductor operating characteristics are verified.
: d. During containment spray pump operation, pump room

b. There are no free liquids present in the packaged waste.  
temperature data are recorded.  

c. The evaporator bottoms tank pumps (primary and secondary) trip on their respective tank low level signal.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Containment spray pump performance characteristics are  Solid Waste Filter Handling System Preoperational Test (S-04HC02)
within design specifications for the tested modes of  Objectives
: b. Containment spray pump and valve response to load

To demonstrate the ability of the solid radwaste filter handling system to remove, transfer, and install a spent resin sluice filter assembly.
sequence/shedder and CSAS/CIS is verified, and the

14.2-139    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
associated response times are within design
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Test Method
: c. Spray additive eductor operating characteristics are

a. Operability of the solid radwaste monorail hoist and handling cask winch and associated control circuits is verified.
within design specifications.
: d. The containment spray pump room coolers maintain the  

b. The ability of the solid radwaste filter handling system          to remove, transfer, and install a spent resin sluice          filter assembly is verified.  
room temperature within design limits. Acceptance Criteria Accumulator Testing (S-03EP01)

The filter handling system functions in accordance with design specifications.  Objectives  Resin Transfer Preoperational Test (SU4-HC03)
To determine the operability of each safety injection accumulator and obtain, by flow test, each accumulator's discharge line resistance to flow. The  Objectives
ability of the accumulator discharge line isolation valves to open under

a. To demonstrate the ability to charge resins and activated charcoal to those systems containing potentially contaminated demineralizers or adsorbers.
maximum differential pressure conditions is verified, as is the response of  
The ability of the spent resin sluice pumps to  transfer          resins and charcoal from demineralizers and adsorbers is          also verified.

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering pumps, and chemical drain tank pumps.  
accumulator system valves to safety signals.  

c. To demonstrate the operability of system valve and pump control circuits.
14.2-68    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  Prerequisites
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
are operational.
: c. The reactor vessel head and reactor internals are not

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
installed, and the vessel is available to receive water.
: d. A source of compressed air and nitrogen is available.
: e. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

14.2-140    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. Those systems containing potentially contaminated          demineralizers and adsorbers are available to support this test.  
supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test.  

d. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide          a source of water for resin charging.  Test Method
: a. Each accumulator is filled and partially pressurized with

e. A means of bulk disposal is available to receive waste at the bulk disposal station.  
the discharge valves closed. The discharge valves are  Test Method
opened, discharging the accumulators to the reactor

a. Resins and charcoal are charged and transferred from selected potentially contaminated demineralizers and adsorbers.       b. The spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering pumps, and chemical drain tank pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are obtained.
vessel, and performance data are recorded.
: b. Each accumulator discharge line isolation valve is

c. The response of the spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering pumps, and the chemical drain tank pumps to a low-level trip signal from their respective tanks is verified.
operated under maximum differential pressure conditions  Acceptance Criteria
of normal accumulator precharge pressure and zero reactor

a. The operating characteristics of the spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering pumps, and the chemical drain tank pump  are within design          specifications.
coolant pressure, and the valve operating times are  
b. The spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering pumps, and the chemical drain tank pump trip on receipt of a low-level trip signal from their respective tanks.  Fire Protection System (Water) Preoperational Test (SU4-KC01A, SU4-KC01B)
: c. Accumulator system valve control circuits are verified,         including their response to safety injection and  Objectives
containment isolation signals.  

a. To demonstrate the operability of the preaction sprinkler system, wet-pipe sprinkler system, and the automatic water spray system, including system instrumentation, alarms, and interlocks.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Each accumulator's discharge line resistance to flow

b. To demonstrate the operability of system valves, including their response to safety signals.
(L/D) is in accordance with design specifications.
: b. Each accumulator's discharge line isolation valve

14.2-141    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. To verify spray to the applicable electrical system          transformers.
opening time under maximum differential pressure  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
conditions is within design specifications.
: c. The accumulator system nitrogen supply containment

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.
isolation valve closes on receipt of a containment

c. The fire water pumps are available to provide a source of water to the fire protection system headers.  
isolation signal. Valve closure time is within design  Test Method      a. Response of the preaction sprinkler system, wet-pipe sprinkler system, and automatic water spray system to fire detection signals is verified, including the operability of associated alarms, instrumentation, and interlocks.  
: d. Each accumulator discharge isolation valve opens on

b. The fire protection system containment isolation valves are operated under flow conditions and operating times recorded.  
receipt of a safety injection signal.  

c. Response of the fire protection system containment isolation valves to a CIS is verified.  
14.2-69    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Preoperational Test (SU3-FC01)

d. Spray to the applicable electrical transformers is          verified. Objectives Acceptance Criteria
: a. To demonstrate the operation of the auxiliary feedwater

a. The preaction sprinkler system, wet-pipe sprinkler system, automatic water spray system and associated alarms, and instrumentation and interlocks operate in accordance with system design specifications.
pump (AFWP) turbine and its support equipment, while

b. The fire protection system containment isolation valves' closure time is within design specifications.
uncoupled from the pump.
: b. To demonstrate control of the AFWP turbine from the

c. The fire protection system containment isolation valves close on receipt of a CIS.  
control room as well as the auxiliary shutdown panel.  

d. The spray to applicable electrical transformers is within design specifications.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Steam is available to the AFWP turbine.  

14.2-142    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Fire Protection System (Halon) Preoperational Test               (S-04KC02) Test Method
: a. AFWP turbine system valves are operated and required  Objectives To demonstrate the operability of the halon system, including the associated instrumentation, control circuits, and alarms.
response to various signals is verified.
: b. The turbine is operated and proper control is verified  Prerequisites
from the control room as well as the auxiliary shutdown

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
panel, and operating data are recorded.
: c. The turbine is brought to high speed at which time the

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable. Test Method
mechanical and electronic overspeed trips are verified. Acceptance Criteria
: a. The AFWP turbine can be controlled from the control room

The operability of the halon system, including the associated instrumentation and alarms, is verified. System response to fire detection signals is also verified.
panel and the auxiliary shutdown panel.
: b. The mechanical and electronic overspeed trips actuate to  Acceptance Criteria
shut down the turbine in accordance with the design.  

The halon fire protection system operates in accordance with system design specifications.  Essential Service Water Pumphouse HVAC  Fire Protection System Detection and Alarm Preoperational Test (S-04KC03)  Objectives To demonstrate the operability of the fire protection system detectors and alarms not verified during the performance of the halon and water system preoperational tests.
Preoperational Test (SU3-GD01) Prerequisites Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the capacity of the essential service

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
water (ESW) pumproom supply fans.
: b. To demonstrate ESW pumproom unit heater response to a

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.  
load shed signal. Test Method
14.2-70    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

Actuation of system alarms upon receipt of fire detection signals is verified.  
are completed.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

14.2-143    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria Fire protection system detectors and alarms operate in accordance with system design specifications.
are operational.  Oily Waste System Preoperational Test (S-04LE01)
: c. The ESW pumphouse HVAC system is air balanced. Objectives Test Methods
: a. The ESW pumphouse supply fans are operated and flow data

To demonstrate the sump pumps and miscellaneous condensate drain tank pumps' operating characteristics and response to sump/tank, level signals. The operation of system valves and associated control circuits and sump/tank level alarms are also verified.  
are recorded.
: b. Response of the ESW pumproom unit heaters to load shed signal is verified. Prerequisites      a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete. Acceptance Criteria
: a. The ESW pumphouse supply fan capacities are within

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
design specification.
: b. A load shed signal will trip the ESW pumproom unit

c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to system valves and pumps.  
heaters' circuit breaker.  

d. A water source (fire system) and a collection receptacle (oil/water separator, main condenser) are available for the testing of each sump/tank.  Miscellaneous Building HVAC System Preoperational  Test Method      a. The sump pumps and miscellaneous condensate drain tank pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are verified.
Tests (SU3-GF01, SU3-GF02, SU3-GF03)

b. The response of each pump and associated alarms to sump/  Objectives To demonstrate the capacity of;  1) the auxiliary feedwater pump room cooler
tank high and low level signals is verified.

c. The operability of system air-operated valves is verified, including the response to a process radiation signal.
fans, 2) the main steam enclosure building supply and exhaust fans and 3) the  Acceptance Criteria
tendon access gallery transfer fans and to verify that the associated

a. The performance characteristics of the system pumps are within design specifications.
instrumentation and controls are functioning properly. The responses of the  

b. The turbine building oily waste header discharge valve closes on a high-radiation signal.
main steam enclosure building dampers and tendon access gallery dampers to

14.2-144    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Floor and Equipment Drain System Preoperational Test              (SU4-LF01)
safety signals are also verified.  Objectives To demonstrate the sump pumps and hot machine shop oil interceptor pump's capacities and response to sump/tank level signals. The operation of system valves, their response to safety signals, and sump/tank level alarms are also verified.
(At Wolf Creek Generating Station, this test was performed in three independent  Prerequisites
parts. In addition, the auxiliary boiler room fan was treated as part of

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
preoperational test SU4-GF01.)
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  

c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to system valves and pumps.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

d. A water source (fire system or ESW) and a collection receptacle (holdup tank, radwaste system, etc.) are available for the testing of each sump/tank.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method
are operational.  

a. The sump pumps and hot machine shop oil interceptor pumps are operated, and their capacities are verified.
14.2-71    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
b. The response of each system pump, system indication, and          alarms, to sump/tank high and low level signals is verified.  
: c. The miscellaneous building HVAC system is air balanced.  

c. The operability of system air- and motor-operated valves is verified, including their response to safety signals.  Test Method
: a. Flow data are recorded while the fans are operating.
: b. The response of system dampers to a safety injection  Acceptance Criteria
signal (SIS) is verified.  

a. The capacities of the floor and equipment drain system pumps are within design specifications.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. System fan capacities are within design specifications.
: b. The main steam enclosure building and tendon access

b. System valves properly respond to safety injection signals and containment isolation signals.
gallery dampers close on receipt of a SIS.  Fuel Building  HVAC  System   Preoperational  Test

c. The valve response times are within design specifications.

14.2-145    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  13.8-kV System Preoperational Test (S-04PA01)  Objectives  Objectives  

a. To demonstrate that the 13.8-kV busses can be energized          from the startup transformer.
To demonstrate that the emergency exhaust fans are capable of maintaining a

b. To demonstrate that automatic fast transfer of the busses from the unit auxiliary source to the startup source is within design specifications.
negative pressure in the fuel building or the auxiliary building during

c. To demonstrate that the unit auxiliary source or startup source feeder breakers will trip on a stuck breaker condition.
accident conditions with the buildings isolated. To demonstrate the capacities
d. To demonstrate proper operation of system          instrumentation and controls.  Prerequisites
of the fuel building supply unit fans, emergency exhaust fans, and the spent

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
fuel pool pump room cooler fans. The operability of system instrumentation and  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
controls, including the components' response to safety signals, is also

c. The 13.8-kV system has been energized.  
verified. Test Method a. The 13.8-kV busses are energized from the startup          transformer, and bus voltages are recorded. Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

b. Automatic fast transfer from the unit auxiliary source to the startup source is verified.
system air balancing are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

c. Stuck breaker conditions are simulated, and proper operation of the 13.8-kV auxiliary source and startup source feeder breakers is verified.
are operational.
: c. The compressed air system is available to supply the  Acceptance Criteria
air-operated dampers in the fuel building.
: d. Required portions of the auxiliary building HVAC system

a. The 13.8-kV bus voltages are within design specifications, when energized from the startup transformer.
have been air balanced and are available to support this

b. Automatic fast transfer of the busses from the unit auxiliary source to the startup source is within design specifications.  

14.2-146    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The 13.8-kV auxiliary source and startup source feeder          breakers trip on receipt of a stuck breaker signal.  Test Method
: a. With the fuel building closed, the system is operated in 4,160-V (Non-Class IE) System Preoperational Test (S-04PB01) Objectives
its normal configuration, and the fuel building supply  

a. To demonstrate that the 4,160-V busses can be energized from their normal and alternate sources, and to verify the operability of supply breaker and bus tie breaker protective interlocks.  
14.2-72    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK unit fan and spent fuel pool pump room cooler fan capacities are verified.
: b. With a fuel building isolation signal (FBIS) present, the emergency exhaust fan capacities and negative fuel building pressures are verified.
: c. With a safety injection signal (SIS) present and the

b. To demonstrate that automatic transfer is achieved through the tie breaker from the normal source to the          alternate source in the event of an electrical fault.
auxiliary building isolated, the emergency exhaust fan
c. To demonstrate proper operation of system instrumentation and controls.  Prerequisites
capacities and negative auxiliary building pressures are

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The auxiliary building and fuel building pressures maintained by the emergency exhaust fans are within design specifications.
: b. The fuel building supply fans, emergency exhaust fans, and spent fuel pool pump room cooler fans' capacities

c. The 4,160-V (non-Class IE) system has been energized.
are within design specifications.  Test Method a. The 4,160-V non-Class IE busses are energized from their normal and alternate source, and bus voltages are recorded.
: c. The fuel building ventilation system fans and dampers

b. System supply breakers and bus tie breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks are verified.
properly respond to FBIS and SIS, in accordance with

c. System electrical fault signals are simulated, and automatic transfer is verified through the tie breaker from the normal source to the alternate source for each 4,160-V bus.  
system design.  Acceptance Criteria  Control Building HVAC System Preoperational Test

a. The voltage of each 4,160-V non-Class IE bus, when supplied from its normal source and alternate source, is within design specifications.

14.2-147    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. System supply breaker and bus tie breaker interlocks          operate in accordance with the system design.  Objectives To demonstrate the capacities of the control building supply air unit, control

c. Automatic transfer is achieved through the tie breaker from the normal source to the alternate source, for each          4,160-V bus, upon receipt of an electrical fault signal.
building exhaust fans, access control exhaust fans, control room pressurization  480-Volt (Non-Class IE) System Preoperational Test (S-04PG01)
fans, control room filtration fans, control room air conditioning units, access  Objectives
control fan coil units, counting room fan coil unit, and Class IE electrical

a. To demonstrate that the 480-V non-Class IE load centers can be energized from their normal sources and alternate sources, as applicable, and verify the operability of          feeder breaker and bus tie breaker protective          interlocks.
equipment ac units. To demonstrate that the control room pressurization fans

b. To demonstrate that the 480-V busses supplied by 4160-V (Class IE) source breakers are shed on receipt of a load shed signal.
are capable of maintaining a positive pressure in the control room following a  

c. To demonstrate proper operation of system instrumentation and controls.
control room ventilation isolation signal (CRVIS). The system instrumentation  Prerequisites
and controls, including the components' responses to safety signals, are also

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
verified. To demonstrate that the ventilation to battery rooms 1 through 4 is
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.  

c. The 480-V (non-Class IE and Class IE) systems have been energized.  
in accordance with system design. Test Method Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

a. The 480-V non-Class IE load centers are energized from their normal source and alternate source, as applicable and voltages are recorded.  
system air balancing are complete.  

b. System feeder breakers and bus tie breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks verified.  
14.2-73    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to

c. A load shed signal is simulated, and the 480-V busses supplied by the 4,160-V (Class IE) source breakers are verified to shed.  
system air-operated dampers.  

14.2-148    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria a. The voltage for each 480-V non-Class IE load center, when supplied from its normal source and alternate source, as applicable, is within design specifications. Test Method
b. System feeder breaker and bus tie breaker interlocks operate in accordance with the system design.
: a. The control building system fans are operated, and fan

c. The 480-V busses supplied by the 4160-V (Class IE) source breakers shed on receipt of a load shed signal.
capacities are verified.
: b. Proper response of system components to control room  250-V DC System Preoperational Test (S-04PJ01)  
ventilation isolation signals (CRVIS) and safety  Objectives  To demonstrate the ability of the battery and battery chargers to provide power to the busses. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective battery is also demonstrated. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.
injection signals (SIS) is verified.
: c. With a CRVIS present, the ability of each control room pressurization fan to maintain the control room at a  Prerequisites
positive pressure is verified.
: d. The air flow to battery rooms 1 through 4 is verified.  

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The control building HVAC system fan capacities are  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
within design specifications.
: b. The control building HVAC system fans and dampers

c. Ventilation for the battery room is available.      d. The 250-V dc system has been energized.
properly respond to CRVIS and SIS in accordance with  Test Method
system design.
: c. The control room pressure maintained by the control room pressurization fans is within design specification.
: d. The air flow to battery rooms 1 through 4 is in

a. The battery is discharged, using a test load at the design duty cycle discharge rate.  
accordance with system design.  

b. The battery is fully discharged to determine its capacity factor.  Auxiliary Building HVAC System Preoperational Test

c. The ability of each battery charger to charge the battery to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to the largest motor current load is verified.

d. A load shed signal is initiated, and the battery charger PJ31 ac supply breaker is verified to trip.  Objectives

14.2-149    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The battery is capable of maintaining output voltage above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.
To demonstrate the capacities of the auxiliary building supply unit fans, auxiliary/fuel building normal exhaust fans, the auxiliary building fan coil
b. The battery capacity factor is in accordance with design requirements.

c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the battery to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to the largest motor current load.
units, pump room coolers, penetration room coolers, decon tank exhaust scrubber

d. Battery charger PJ31 ac supply breaker trips on receipt of a load shed signal.  125-V (Non-Class IE) DC System Preoperational Test (S-04PK01, S-04PK02)
fans, access tunnel transfer fan, and penetration cooling fan. The system  Objectives
instrumentation and controls, including components' response to safety and fire

To demonstrate the ability of the batteries and chargers to provide power to the busses. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective battery is also demonstrated. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.  
signals, are also verified.  Prerequisites  
14.2-74    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.       b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
system air balancing are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  

c. Ventilation for the battery room is available.
are operational.
: c. The compressed air system is available to supply the  Test Method
air-operated dampers in the auxiliary building.
: d. The fuel building HVAC system has been air balanced, and

a. Each battery is discharged, using a test load at the design duty cycle discharge rate.  
is available to support this test.  

b. Each battery is fully discharged to determine its capacity factor.  Test Method
: a. The system is operated in its normal configuration, and

c. The ability of each battery charger to charge its respective battery to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to the design instrumentation loading.
the system fan capacities are verified.
: b. Proper responses of system components to safety

14.2-150    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. A safety injection load shed signal is initiated, and           the battery charger PK21, PK22, PK23, and PK24 supply breaker is verified to trip.  
injection and fire signals are verified.  Acceptance Criteria a. Each battery is capable of maintaining output voltage above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The auxiliary building fan capacities are within design  

b. Each battery capacity factor is in accordance with design requirements.
: b. The auxiliary building fans and dampers properly respond

c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the batteries to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power          at a rate equivalent to the design load.
to safety injection and fire signals, in accordance with
d. Battery charger PK21, PK22, PK23, and PK24 supply breaker trips on receipt of a safety injection load shed signal.  Instrument AC (Non-Class IE) System Preoperational Test (S-04PN01)
system design.  Diesel Generator Building HVAC Preoperational Test  Objectives

To demonstrate that the 120-V non-Class IE ac distribution panels can be fed from their associated supply transformers. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified. Objectives Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
To demonstrate the capacities of the diesel generator room supply fans and to  Test Method
verify that the system instrumentation and controls function properly, including the response of fans and associated dampers to a diesel generator run

The 120-V non-Class IE ac distribution panels are energized from their associated supply transformers, and the panel voltages are recorded.  
signal and room temperature signals. Acceptance Criteria Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

Each 120-V non-Class IE ac distribution panel voltage is within design specifications.  
are completed.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

14.2-151    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Emergency Lighting System Preoperational Test              (S-04QD01)
are operational.  Objectives To demonstrate the capability of the emergency lighting system to provide adequate lighting. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.
14.2-75    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. The diesel generator building HVAC system is air balanced.
: d. The respective diesel generator is not operating while  Prerequisites
the room is under test.  

Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.  Test Method
: a. Flow data are recorded, while the diesel generator room  Test Method The ability of the emergency lighting system to provide adequate lighting is verified. The operability of associated instrumentation and control circuits is also verified.
supply fans are operating.
: b. The responses of the diesel generator room supply fans  Acceptance Criteria
and exhaust dampers to a diesel generator run signal and

The emergency lighting system operates in accordance with system design specifications.  
to room temperature signals are verified. Public Address System Preoperational Test (S-04QF01) Acceptance Criteria
: a. The capacities of the diesel generator room supply fans  Objectives
are within design specifications.
: b. The diesel generator room exhaust dampers open on

To demonstrate the capability of the public address system to provide adequate intraplant communications and to verify the operability of the evacuation alarm system.
receipt of a diesel generator run signal.  Prerequisites
: c. The diesel generator room supply fans start on a high

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
room temperature signal and stop on a low room

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.  
temperature signal.  Test Method  Containment Cooling System Preoperational Test  

a. The public address system is operated from all locations, and adequate communications verified.

b. Operability of the evacuation alarm system is verified.  Objectives

14.2-152    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The evacuation alarm system operates in accordance with system design specifications.
To demonstrate the capacities of the hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and  Heat Tracing Freeze Protection System Preoperational Test (S-04QJ01)  Objectives
pressurizer cooling fans and verify their associated instrumentation and

To demonstrate the ability of the freeze protection system to automatically control the associated heat tracing circuits in accordance with system design.
controls function properly, including fan response to safety signals.  
The operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.  Prerequisites       a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method
are operational.
: c. The essential service water system is available to

Temperature signals are varied and the energization/ deenergization of the associated heat tracing circuits is verified.  
supply water to the containment coolers.
: d. The containment cooling system has been air balanced. Acceptance Criteria
14.2-76    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method
: a. The hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and

The freeze protection system automatically controls the associated heat tracing circuits, in accordance with system design.
pressurizer cooling fans are operated, flow data  Secondary Sampling System Preoperational Test (S-04RM01)  Objectives
recorded, and fan capacities calculated.
: b. The response of the hydrogen mixing and containment

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the steam generator blowdown sample drain tank pump, sample chiller pump, and the condenser sample pumps, and verify the operability of their associated control circuits.  
cooling fans to safety signals is verified.  

b. To demonstrate that the system sample flows are within design specifications.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The capacities of the hydrogen mixing, containment  Prerequisites
cooling, and pressurizer cooling fans are within design

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. The hydrogen mixing and containment cooling fans align or actuate in response to safety injection, shutdown

14.2-153    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operable.
sequencer, and LOCA sequencer signals, in accordance

c. Plant conditions are established, and systems are available, as necessary, to facilitate drawing samples          from the sample points.  
with system design.  

d. The steam generator blowdown system is available to receive effluent from the steam generator blowdown sample drain tank.  CRDM Cooling Preoperational Test (S-03GN02)

e. The closed cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the system sample coolers and chiller package. Objectives Test Method a. The steam generator blowdown sample drain tank pump, sample chiller pump, and the condenser sample pumps are operated, and pump performance data recorded.
Operability of their associated control circuits is also verified.

b. System samples are obtained, and flows are recorded.
To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the cavity cooling, control rod  Acceptance Criteria
drive mechanism (CRDM), and the elevator machine room exhaust fans and verify

a. The steam generator blowdown sample drain tank pump, sample chiller pump, and condenser sample pump performance characteristics are within design          specifications.
their associated instrumentation and controls, including their response to
b. Sample system flows are within design specifications.  Area Radiation Monitoring Preoperational Test (S-04SD01)
safety signals. Objectives Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

To demonstrate the operation of the area radiation monitors and to verify that a high radiation signal at each monitor will initiate an alarm.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Prerequisites
are operational.
: c. The CRDM and cavity cooling portions of the containment

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
cooling system are air balanced.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Test Method
: a. The cavity cooling, elevator machine room exhaust, and  

14.2-154    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Test Method A calibration source is utilized to actuate the area radiation monitors, and their operability and associated alarms are verified.
CRDM fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan  Acceptance Criteria

Each area radiation monitor actuates the associated alarms, on receipt of a high radiation signal.
capacities calculated.
: b. The response of the CRDM fans to a safety injection  Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation System Preoperational Test (S-04SG01)
signal is verified.  Objectives To demonstrate the operability of the seismic triggers and switches and strong motion accelerometers, including their associated alarms and recording and playback systems.
14.2-77    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria
: a. The capacities of the cavity cooling, elevator machine  Prerequisites
room exhaust, and CRDM fans are within design

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
: b. The appropriate CRDM fans supply breakers open on

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
receipt of a safety injection signal.  Test Method  Integrated Containment Leak Rate Test (SU3-GP01)

A test signal is initiated, and the operability of the seismic triggers and switches and strong motion accelerometers, including their associated alarms and recording and playback systems, is verified.  Objective  Acceptance Criteria
To demonstrate that the total leakage from the containment does not exceed the

The seismic triggers and switches and strong motion accelerometers, including their associated alarms and recording and playback systems, operate in accordance with system design specifications.  
maximum allowable leakage rate at the calculated peak containment internal pressure. The operability of the containment cooling fans at design accident pressure is also verified.  Loose Parts Monitoring System Test (SU4-SQ02). Prerequisites
: a. The containment penetration leakage rate tests (type B  Objective
tests) and containment isolation valve leakage tests

To demonstrate the operability of the accelerometers, signal conditioning devices and diagnostic equipment, including associated alarms and recording and playback systems.
(type C tests) are complete and the containment has been

14.2-155    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
pressurized to 115 percent of the design pressure.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: b. All containment isolation valves are closed by normal

c. Reactor coolant system is filled with water.
actuation methods.
: c. Containment penetrations, including equipment hatches

d. Reactor coolant system is at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot functional testing is in progress (for those portions of the testing to be performed during hot functional testing).       e. Reactor coolant system is at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running after fuel loading during startup testing (for those portions of the testing to be performed during startup testing).
and personnel airlocks, are closed.
: d. Portions of fluid systems that are part of the  Test Method
containment boundary, that may be opened directly to the

a. Test signals are initiated and the operability of the accelerometers, signal conditioners, and diagnostic circuitry, including alarms and recording and playback systems, is verified.
containment or outside atmosphere under post-accident

b. Channel audio outputs are also recorded during hot          functional testing and after fuel loading during startup          testing to obtain a record of the reactor coolant system noise "signature."
conditions, are opened or vented to the appropriate  Acceptance Criteria
atmosphere to place the containment in as close to post-

The accelerometers, signal conditioners, and diagnostic circuitry, including alarms and recording and playback systems operate to detect loose parts as specified in USAR Section  
accident conditions as possible.
: e. Required instrument calibration is complete. Plant Performance Test (SU8-0007) Test Method
: a. The integrated containment leak rate test (type A test)  Objectives
is conducted, using the absolute method, described in

a. To monitor the balance-of-plant and electrical systems under loaded conditions during hot functional and power ascension testing. The ability of the ventilation systems to maintain ambient temperatures within design limits is also verified. To monitor the concrete temperatures surrounding hot penetrations and to verify evacuation alarm audibility in high noise areas.
the ANSI/ANS 56.8-1981 Containment System Leakage

14.2-156    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
Testing Requirements. Measurements of containment
b. Required HVAC systems have been balanced.  

c. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
atmosphere dry-bulb temperature, dew point and pressure Test Method
are  taken to  calculate the  leakage rate. A standard  

This procedure does not provide a test method. It provides a monitoring and data collection function only, with the resultant datum evaluated against provided design values, as applicable.  Acceptance Criteria
14.2-78    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK statistical analysis of data is conducted, using a linear least squares fit regression analysis to

a. Evacuation alarm audibility in high noise areas is verified.
calculate the leakage rate.
: b. On completion of the leak rate test, a verification test is conducted to confirm the capability of the data

b. The containment coolers maintain containment temperature within design.
acquisition and reduction system to satisfactorily

Note:  Each monitored point is evaluated throughout the test to verify that the applicable system or component is functioning per design.  
determine the calculated integrated leakage rate. The  Electrical Distribution System Voltage Verification Test (S-090023)  Objectives To record actual loaded electrical distribution parameters during various steady-state and transient conditions.
verification test is accomplished by imposing a known  Prerequisites
leakage rate on the containment, or by pumping back a

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
known quantity of air into the containment through a  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
calibrated flow measurement device.
: c. While at the design accident pressure, data is recorded Test Method
for the containment cooling fans. Acceptance Criteria

The bus voltages and loadings of the electrical distribution system (down to the Class lE 120/208 V ac system) are recorded for 
The containment integrated leakage does not exceed the maximum allowable

14.2-157    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK various steady state configurations. Data is also recorded during the starting of the largest Class 1E and non-Class lE motors. All monitored busses are loaded to at least 30 percent.
leakage rate at a calculated peak containment internal pressure, as defined in  Acceptance Criteria Not applicable.  
10 CFR 50, Appendix J.  

Note:  The data obtained from this test procedure are used to verify electrical system voltage analysis.
The containment cooling fan operation at design accident pressure is in  Startup Test Procedures  The following sections are the test abstracts for each startup test. Table 14.2-3 provides an index of these tests.
accordance with design.  Automatic Steam Generator Level Control (S-07AB01)  Objectives  Reactor Containment Structural Integrity Acceptance

a. To verify the stability of the automatic steam generator level control following simulated transients at low power conditions and the proper operation of the variable speed feature of the feedwater pumps.
Test (SU3-GP02)

b. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the          steam generator feedwater pumps.  Objectives Prerequisites

a. The steam generator level control system has been checked and calibrated.  
To demonstrate the structural integrity of the reactor containment building.  

b. Steam generator level instruments and set points have been set and calibrated.  Prerequisites
: a. Containment penetrations are installed, and penetration

c. Main feedwater is operational.  
leak tests are completed.
: b. Containment penetrations, including equipment hatches  Test Method
and personnel airlocks, are closed.
: c. Required instrument calibration is complete.  

a. Induce simulated steam generator level transients to          verify proper steam generator level control response.  Test Method
b. Verify the variable speed features of the steam generator feedwater pumps by manipulation of controllers and test input signals, and verify the performance characteristics of the steam generator feedwater pumps.  

14.2-158    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. Automatic steam generator level control system response must be in accordance with the vendor's technical manual.
The containment is pressurized at 115 percent of the design pressure, and
b. The steam generator feedwater pump's performance characteristics are within design specifications.  Dynamic Automatic Steam Dump Control (SU7-AB02)
deflection measurements and concrete crack inspections are made to determine  Objectives
that the actual structural response is within the limits predicted by the

To verify automatic operation of the  T average steam dump control system, demonstrate controller setpoint adequacy, and obtain final settings for steam pressure control of the condenser dump valves.
design analyses.  Prerequisites

a. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating pressure and temperature.  
14.2-79    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria

b. The reactor is critical.
The containment structural response is within the limits predicted by design

c. The steam dump system has been checked and calibrated.  

d. Main feedwater and the condenser are operational.  Post-Accident Hydrogen Removal System  Test Method a. Reactor power is increased by rod withdrawal and steam          dump to condenser to demonstrate setpoint adequacy.
Preoperational Test (S-03GS01)

b. Pressure controller setpoint is increased prior to switching to T average control, which will rapidly modulate open condenser dump valves. Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that the hydrogen recombiner performance

c. Simulate turbine operating conditions with reactor at power, then simulate turbine trip, resulting in the rapid opening of the steam dump valves.  
characteristics are within design specifications.
: b. To determine the operation of system dampers and valves, including the response of hydrogen purge and hydrogen monitoring containment isolation valves to a CIS.
: c. To demonstrate the operability of the hydrogen analyzers  Acceptance Criteria
and their ability to sample the containment atmosphere.  

The steam dump system controllers must maintain stable reactor coolant system T average at the controllers set point with no divergent oscillations.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  RTD Bypass Flow Measurement (S-07BB01)
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Objectives
are operational.  

To determine the flow rate necessary to achieve the design reactor coolant transport  time  in  each resistance temperature detector  Test Method
: a. Performance characteristics are recorded, while the hydrogen recombiners are operating.
: b. System valve and damper control circuits are verified, including the response of hydrogen purge and hydrogen

14.2-159    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK (RTD) bypass loop and to measure the flow rate in each RTD bypass loop to ensure that the transport times are acceptable.
monitoring containment isolation valves to a CIS.
: c. The hydrogen analyzers are operated, and performance  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
data recorded.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Hydrogen recombiner performance characteristics are  

c. The reactor core is installed, and the plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running.
within design specifications.  Test Method The flow rate necessary to achieve the design reactor coolant transport time for each hot and cold leg bypass loop is calculated, utilizing the hot and cold leg RTD bypass loop piping lengths. Hot and cold RTD bypass loop flow data are recorded.
: b. Hydrogen purge and hydrogen monitoring containment  Acceptance Criteria
isolation valves close on receipt of a CIS. Valve

The flow rate in each hot and cold leg RTD bypass loop, required to achieve the design reactor coolant transport time, is within design specifications.  
closure times are within design specifications.  Pressurizer  Heater  and  Spray   Capability  Test (S-07BB02)  Objectives To determine the rate of pressure reduction caused by fully opening the pressurizer spray valves and the rate of pressure increase from the operation of all pressurizer heaters.
14.2-80    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK   Containment Purge System HVAC Preoperational Test (S-03GT01) Prerequisites Objectives

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
To demonstrate the capacities of the containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric control fans.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
The operation of system instrumentation and controls, including the response of

c. The reactor core is installed with the plant in the hot shutdown condition at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running.  
system fans and dampers to safety signals, is also verified.  

14.2-160    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      d. The final setting of the continuous spray flow valves is          complete.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

e. The reactor coolant system is borated to the value required for fuel loading.
are complete.
f. This test is performed prior to initial criticality.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
: c. The containment purge HVAC system has been air balanced.
: d. The compressed air system is available to supply air to  Test Method
system valves and dampers.  

a. With the pressurizer spray valves closed, all pressurizer heaters are energized, and the time to reach a 2,300 psig system pressure is measured and recorded.  Test Method
: a. The containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown

b. With the pressurizer heaters deenergized, both spray          valves are fully opened, and the time to reach a 2,000          psig system pressure is measured and recorded.
purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric  Acceptance Criteria
control fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan

The pressurizer pressure response to the opening of the pressurizer spray valves and to the actuation of all pressurizer heaters is within design limits.  
capacities calculated.
: b. The response of system fans and dampers to safety signals is verified. Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement (S-07BB03) Acceptance Criteria
: a. The capacities of the containment minipurge supply and  Objectives
exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and

a. To confirm, after core installation but before initial critical operation, that reactor coolant system (RCS) flow rate as measured by loop elbow differential          pressure readings is greater than or equal to 90 percent          of the thermal design flow rate.
containment atmospheric control fans are within design  

b. To confirm during initial power operation that RCS flow rate as computed from calorimetric data is greater than or equal to the thermal design flow rate.
: b. System fans and dampers align or actuate in response to  Prerequisites
containment purge isolation and safety injection

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
signals, in accordance with system design. Damper

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
closure times are within design specifications.  

c. The reactor core is installed, and the plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure.  
14.2-81    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Gaseous Radwaste System Preoperational Test (S-03HA01)

14.2-161    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method a. Before critical operation, loop elbow differential pressure readings are taken with all reactor coolant pumps running, and RCS flow rate is calculated. Objectives
b. During initial power operation, calorimetric data are taken from Procedure S-07SC03, "Thermal Power Measurement and Statepoint Data Collection," and RCS flow rate is calculated.
: a. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the  Acceptance Criteria
gas decay tank drain pump, waste gas compressors, and

RCS flow rate by loop elbow differential pressure measurement is greater than or equal to 90 percent of the thermal design value and by calculation from calorimetric data is greater than or equal to the thermal design value.
catalytic hydrogen recombiners, including their response  Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test (SU7-BB04)  Objectives
to safety signals.
: b. To verify the operability of system valves, including

a. To measure the rate at which reactor coolant flow changes, subsequent to simultaneously tripping all reactor coolant pumps.
the response of the waste gas discharge valve to a high-

b. To determine that the reactor coolant system low-flow delay time is less than or equal to the total low-flow delay time assumed in the safety analysis for loss of flow.
radiation signal.  Prerequisites a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
: c. To verify that system instrumentation and controls function properly.  

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

c. The reactor core is installed, and the plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method
are operational.
: c. The component cooling water system is available to

Flow coastdown stabilization and loss of coolant delay-time data are recorded while tripping reactor coolant pumps.
supply cooling water to the waste gas compressors and  

14.2-162    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria a. The rate of change of reactor coolant flow is within design specifications.
catalytic hydrogen recombiners.
b. The reactor coolant system low-flow delay time is less than or equal to the total low-flow delay time assumed in the safety analysis for loss of flow.
: d. The service gas system is available to provide nitrogen,          hydrogen, and oxygen to the catalytic hydrogen recombiners.
: e. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide  Pressurizer  Continuous  Spray  Flow  Verification (S-07BB05)
water to the waste gas compressors, catalytic hydrogen  Objectives
recombiners, and the waste gas decay tank drain header.  

To establish a setting for the pressurizer continuous spray flow valves to obtain an optimum continuous spray flow. Test Method Prerequisites
: a. Performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
pump, and waste gas compressors are verified.
: b. Hydrogen is introduced to the system and the catalytic

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  
hydrogen recombiners performance are verified.
: c. System component control circuits are verified, including component response to safety signals.  

c. The reactor core is installed with the plant in the hot shutdown condition at normal operating temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain

d. The reactor coolant system is borated to the value          required for fuel loading.
pump, waste gas compressors, and catalytic hydrogen
e. This test shall be performed prior to initial criticality.

f. The preliminary setting of the continuous spray flow valves has been completed during hot functional testing.  
recombiners are within design specifications.  Test Method
14.2-82    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. The waste gas discharge valve automatically closes on a high-radiation signal.
: c. The waste gas compressors trip on a high-high or low-low

Continuous spray flow valves are adjusted to establish the optimum continuous spray flow, and the valve throttle positions are recorded.
moisture separator level, high or low moisture separator pressure, low compressor suction pressure, or low  Acceptance Criteria
component cooling water flow.
: d. The hydrogen recombiner oxygen feed valve closes on

The continuous spray flow valves are throttled to establish the optimum continuous spray flow to keep the spray line warm and minimize normal steady-state pressurizer heater loads.
high-high hydrogen concentration in the recombiner feed, high-high oxygen concentration in the recombiner

14.2-163    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  RTD/TC Cross Calibration (S-07BB06)  Objectives
discharge, high cooler-condenser discharge temperature, high-high recombiner discharge temperature, low-low

a. To provide a functional checkout of the reactor coolant          system resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and incore thermocouples and to generate isothermal cross-calibration data for subsequent correction factors to indicated temperatures.
recombiner flow, and high-high recombiner reactor inlet

NOTE            This portion of the test need be performed only if the data collected in S-03BB16, RTD/TC Cross Calibration, during hot functional testing, so warrants.
b. To provide a functional checkout of the core subcooling monitor system including the detecting thermocouples.  
: e. The hydrogen recombiner oxygen feed valve signal is  Prerequisites
blocked on high oxygen concentration in the recombiner

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
feed and high catalyst bed temperature.
: f. The volume control tank vent valve closes on a hydrogen

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits          are operational.
recombiner trip, low volume control tank pressure, and  
c. Plant heatup, following core loading, is in progress, and all reactor coolant pumps are operating.  Test Method
low waste gas compressor suction pressure.  

a. At various temperature plateaus RTD and incore thermocouple data are recorded. Isothermal cross-calibration correction factors for individual thermocouples and the installation corrections for individual RTDs are determined.  Emergency  Fuel  Oil  System  Preoperational  Test

b. At normal operating temperature, the thermocouple core subcooling monitors' operational and programmable          functions are verified, including associated alarms,          displays, and printouts.
(S-03JE01) Acceptance Criteria Objectives

a. Individual RTD readings are within the design specifications.  
To demonstrate the capability of the system to provide an adequate fuel supply to the emergency diesel generator fuel oil day tanks and verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly.  

b. The installation corrections of the RTDs are within design specifications.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

14.2-164    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      c. The thermocouple core subcooling monitor alarms,          displays, and printouts function in accordance with design specifications.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Core Loading Instrumentation and Neutron Source              Requirements (S-07SC01)
are operational. Objectives Test Method
: a. Fuel oil is transferred from the fuel oil storage tank

To verify proper alignment, calibration, and neutron response of the temporary core loading instrumentation prior to start of fuel- loading; to check the neutron response of the nuclear instrumentation system (NIS) source range channels prior to start of fuel-loading; and to check the neutron response of the temporary and NIS source range instrumentation prior to resumption of fuel-loading following any delay of 8 hours or more. To verify the signal to noise ratio is greater than 2.
to the fuel oil day tanks by means of the transfer  Prerequisites

a. Hot functional testing is completed.  
pumps. Flow and pressure characteristics are recorded.
: b. Fuel oil day tank levels are varied to verify the

b. The nuclear instrumentation system is installed and calibrated.  
transfer pump automatic operations.  Test Method
14.2-83    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. Response to fire and emergency diesel generator start signals are verified.  

a. A portable neutron source (1-5 curie), plus preshipment equipment checkout data, is used to verify proper alignment, calibration, and neutron response of the temporary core-loading instrumentation.       b. A portable neutron source (1-5 curie) is used to check the neutron response of the NIS source range detectors.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The transfer pump flow capacity is verified for later

c. A portable neutron source (1-5 curie) or movement of a source-bearing fuel element to produce the desired change in neutron level to verify the neutron response of the temporary and NIS source range instrumentation prior to resumption of fuel-loading following any delay of 8 hours or more.  
comparison to the fuel consumption rate (S-03NF02).
: b. Control circuit automatic operation from fuel oil day

d. Perform a statistical evaluation of 10 observations for each channel, to verify operability of the equipment.
tank levels, fire signals, and diesel generator start  Acceptance Criteria
signals is within design specifications.  

Neutron instrumentation is operational, calibrated, and indicates a positive/negative change in count rate as the neutron level is increased and/or decreased. The signal to noise ratio is greater than 2.  Spent Fuel Pool Crane Preoperational Test

14.2-165    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Thermal Power Measurement and Statepoint Data              Collection (S-07SC03)  
(SU3-KE01) Objectives To measure core thermal power and obtain data for instrumentation calibration. Objectives
: a. To demonstrate proper operation of the spent fuel pool  Prerequisites
bridge crane control circuits and associated interlocks.
: b. To document the data obtained during testing of the

a. Calorimetric instrumentation is installed.
spent fuel pool bridge crane at 125 percent of rated

b. This test is performed at 30-percent, 50-percent, 75-percent, 90-percent, and 100-percent power.  
: c. To verify the ability of the spent fuel pool bridge  Test Method  Collect data and calculate thermal power. Obtain statepoint data, compute the average for each parameter measured, convert to the appropriate units, and summarize the data for each RCS loop.
crane and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a  Acceptance Criteria
dummy fuel assembly.  

This test is for the collection of data.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are completed.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Nuclear Instrumentation System Test (SU7-SE01)
are operational.
: c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Objectives Test Method
: a. Operability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane control

The purpose of this test is to verify that the nuclear instrumentation system performs the required indications and control functions through the source, intermediate, and power ranges of operation prior to core loading.
circuits and associated interlocks is verified.  Prerequisites
: b. Ability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane and

a. The nuclear instrumentation system is installed, calibrated, aligned, and operational for a period of at least 4 hours.
associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel

b. The plant is at ambient temperature and pressure.  
assembly is verified. Test Method
14.2-84    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria
: a. The spent fuel pool bridge crane electric and manual

a. The source and intermediate range channels are subjected to various test signals to verify that the appropriate indicators alarm, illuminate, or actuate, and the source range local and remote speakers function.
hoists support 125 percent of their rated load.
: b. The spent fuel pool bridge crane monorail center span

14.2-166    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. The power range channels are subjected to various test          signals to observe proper meter reading and function of the comparator and rate circuitry.
deflection at rated load is within design

c. The high voltage circuitry of the source and           intermediate range channels is tested.
: c. The spent fuel pool crane bridge, trolley and hoist  Acceptance Criteria
speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.
: d. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

The control and indication functions and the reactor trip set points of the nuclear instrumentation system source, intermediate, and power range channels have been verified.
spent fuel pool bridge crane operate in accordance with  Operational  Alignment of Nuclear  Instrumentation (S-07SE02)  Objectives
system design.
: e. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the spent fuel

To establish and determine voltage settings, trip settings, operational settings, alarm settings, and overlap of channels on source range, intermediate range, and power range instrumentation from prior to initial criticality to at or near full reactor power.
pool bridge crane and associated fuel handling tools  Prerequisites
operate in accordance with system design.  

a. The nuclear instrumentation system has been aligned.  New Fuel Elevator Preoperational Test (SU3-KE02)

b. This test is conducted prior to criticality, during power escalation, and at or near full power. Objectives Test Method a. All functions are calibrated, tested, and verified, utilizing permanently installed controls and adjustment mechanisms.
: a. To demonstrate proper operation of the new fuel elevator

b. Operational modes of the source range, intermediate range, and power range channels are set for their proper functions, as per the test instructions.
control circuits and associated interlocks.
: b. To verify the ability of the new fuel elevator to raise  Acceptance Criteria
and lower a dummy fuel assembly.  

The overlap between the source, intermediate, and power range channels must be at least 1-1/2 decades, and the power range channels are capable of being adjusted to agree with the results of plant calorimetric calculations. Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

14.2-167    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Axial Flux Difference Instrumentation Calibration              (S-07SE03)
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Objectives To derive calibration factors for overpower, overtemperature,  and T setpoints, based on incore flux data, calorimetric data, and excore nuclear instrumentation detector currents.  
are operational.
: c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Prerequisites Test Method

a. The axial flux difference instrumentation system has been aligned.
Operability of the new fuel elevator including control circuits and associated

b. Data has been obtained from flux maps taken at 30-          percent and 50-percent power.
interlocks is verified.  Test Method

Collect data, as required by test instruction, at 50-percent and 75-percent power, perform FI calculations to calibration factors, and extrapolate results for use at the 100-percent power plateau.  Acceptance Criteria  Acceptance Criteria  
: a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

Calibration factors agree with Technical Specifications.
new fuel elevator operate in accordance with system  Control Rod Drive Mechanism Operational Test (S-07SF01)
design.  Objectives
14.2-85    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. While raising and lowering a dummy fuel assembly, the new fuel elevator operates in accordance with system

To demonstrate the proper operation of the rod drive mechanisms under both cold and hot plant conditions and to provide verification of proper slave cycler timing.  
design. Prerequisites  Fuel  Handling and  Storage  Preoperational Test (SU3-KE03)

a. The control rod drive mechanisms are installed.  Objectives
: a. To verify the ability of the spent fuel cask handling

b. The rod drive motor-generator sets are installed and power is available.
crane, and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a

c. For the control rod drive mechanism timing test, the core is installed, rod position indication is installed, and the control rod driving mechanism cooling fans are operational.
dummy fuel assembly.
: b. To demonstrate proper operation of the spent fuel cask

d. Nuclear instrumentation channels operable and operating.  
handling crane control circuits and associated interlocks.
: c. To document the data obtained during testing of the

14.2-168    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      e. A fast speed oscillograph (Visicorder or equivalent) to          monitor test parameters is available.
spent fuel cask handling crane at 125 percent of rated  Test Method a. With the reactor core installed and reactor in the cold shutdown condition, confirm that the slave cycler devices supply operating signals to the proper CRDM stepping magnet coils.  

b. Verify proper operation of all CRDMs under both cold and hot shutdown conditions. CRDM magnet coil currents and audio noise signals are recorded.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  Acceptance Criteria  The control rod drive mechanisms conform to the requirements for proper mechanism operation and timing as described in the magnetic control rod drive mechanism instruction manual.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Rod Control System (S-07SF02)
are operational.
: c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method
: a. During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the  Objectives
operability of the spent fuel cask handling crane and

To demonstrate and document that the rod control system performs the required control and indication functions just prior to initial criticality. To demonstrate operation of the rod inhibit functions.
associated fuel handling tools is verified.
: b. Operability of the spent fuel cask handling crane  Prerequisites a. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating          pressure and temperature.  
control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.  

b. The rod control system is installed and aligned.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the spent fuel

c. The source range nuclear instruments are operable.
cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools

d. The rods are capable of withdrawal.  
operate in accordance with system design.
: b. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

e. The rod position indication system is operable.
spent fuel cask handling crane operate in accordance  Test Method
with system design.  

a. With the reactor at no load operating temperature and pressure, and just prior to initial criticality, the control is checked for each applicable position of the bank selector switch for proper operation.  
14.2-86    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. The spent fuel cask handling crane hoist supports 125 percent of rated load.
: d. The spent fuel cask handling crane bridge center span

14.2-169    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Status lights, alarms, and indicators are verified.
deflection at rated load is within design specifications.  Acceptance Criteria
: e. The spent fuel cask handling crane bridge, trolley and  

The control and indication functions in accordance with the rod position indication system and rod control system manuals. Rod motion is inhibited upon application of an inhibit function.
hoist speeds at rated loads are within design  Rod Drop Time Measurement (SU7-SF03)
specifications.  Objectives  Fuel  Transfer  System  Preoperational  Test

To determine the rod drop time of each rod cluster control assembly under no-flow and full-flow conditions, with the reactor in the cold shutdown condition and at normal operating temperature and pressure.  Prerequisites

a. Initial core loading is completed.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate proper operation of the fuel transfer

b. Rod control system is installed and tested.
system control circuits and associated interlocks.
: b. To verify the ability of the fuel transfer system and  

c. Individual rod position indication is installed and checked.
associated handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel  Test Method

Withdraw each rod cluster control assembly, interrupt the electrical power to the associated rod drive mechanism, and measure and record the rod drop time. Prerequisites
This test is performed with the reactor at cold and hot conditions and at no-flow and full- flow.
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration Acceptance Criteria

The rod drop times are acceptable in accordance with plant technical specifications.  
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Rod Position Indication System (SU7-SF04)
are operational.
: c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Objectives Test Method
: a. Operability of the fuel transfer system control circuits

To verify that the rod position indication system satisfactorily performs required indication functions for each individual rod and that each rod operates satisfactorily over its entire range of travel.
and associated interlocks is verified.
: b. During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the

14.2-170    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Plant system conditions are established as follows:
operability of the fuel transfer system and associated

1. Test performed at Tavg <200&deg;F, nominal RCS pressure              for Tavg noted          2. Test results verified at Tavg nominally 557&deg;F, RCS              pressure nominally 2235 psig and at least one reactor              coolant pump in service.
handling tools is verified.  Test Method

a. All shutdown rod banks are fully withdrawn by bank stopping at 18,210 and 228 steps to record the rod position, the Digital Rod Position Indication display (DRPI), and the group step position indication.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the  

b. All control rod banks are fully withdrawn by bank in 24 step increments while recording rod position as indicated by the plant control room DRPI readout, and the group step position indication.
fuel transfer system operate in accordance with system

c. In addition, the pulse-to-analog converter chassis bank position digital readout is recorded for all control rod banks.  
design.  Acceptance Criteria
14.2-87    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the fuel transfer system and associated handling tools operate in

The rod position indication system performs the required indication functions, and each rod operates over its entire range of travel within the limits of the rod position indication instruction manual and the plant precautions, limitations,setpoints manual, and WCGS Technical Specifications.  
accordance with system design.  Automatic Reactor Control System (S-07SF05)  Refueling Machine and RCC Change Fixture Preoperational Test (SU3-KE05)  Objectives  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate proper operation of the refueling

To demonstrate the capability of the reactor control system to respond properly to input signals and to transmit proper control signals to other plant control systems and components.
machine, rod cluster control change fixture and  Prerequisites
containment building polar crane control circuits and

a. The reactor is at approximately 30-percent power.  
associated interlocks.
: b. To document the data obtained during testing of the containment building polar crane at 125 percent of rated load.
: c. To verify the ability of the refueling machine to

14.2-171    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Pressurizer level and pressure, steam dump, steam          generator level, and main feed pump speed control systems are in automatic.  
transfer a dummy fuel assembly. Test Method T average will be successively varied  from the  Tref set point to verify the transient recovery capabilities of the auto reactor control system. Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  Acceptance Criteria
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. No manual intervention should be required to bring the plant conditions to equilibrium values following initiation of a 6 F temperature transient.  
are operational.
: c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.
: d. A dummy control rod assembly is available.  

b. Tavg should return to within +1.5 F of Tref following          initiation of a 6 F temperature transient.      c. Rod motion is inhibited by application of the appropriate inhibit inputs. Test Method  Incore Flux Mapping (S-07SR01, S-07SR02)
: a. Operability of the refueling machine and rod cluster  Objectives
control change fixture control circuits and associated

To obtain core power and temperature profiles for evaluating core performance.
bridge, trolley, hoist and gripper interlocks is  Prerequisites
: b. Operability of the containment building polar crane

a. The incore monitoring system has been functionally tested.  
control circuits and associated interlocks is verified.  

b. This test is performed at low power, 30-, 50-, 75-, 90-,  Acceptance Criteria
and 100-percent power.
: a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

c. The reactor is stabilized prior to taking a map.
refueling machine and rod cluster control change fixture  Test Method
operate in accordance with system design.  

The movable detectors are inserted into the core, data is obtained, and thermocouples are monitored while at a stable power. The obtained data is retained for evaluation.
14.2-88    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. The control circuits and interlocks associated with the containment building polar crane operate in accordance  Acceptance Criteria Flux and temperature data is obtained at the various power levels.
with system design.
: c. The containment polar crane main and auxiliary hoists support 125 percent of their rated load.
: d. The containment polar crane bridge center span

14.2-172    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Incore Instrumentation Test (S-07SR03, S-07SR04)  Objectives
deflection at rated load is within design

To set up and demonstrate operation of the incore instrumentation system.
specifications.  Prerequisites
: e. The containment polar crane bridge, trolley, and hoist

a. The incore instrumentation system is installed.  
speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.
: f. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the refueling machine operates in accordance with system design.  

b. Proper rotation and limit switch operation has been verified.  Refueling Machine Indexing Test (S-03KE06)

c. Testing is performed at cold shutdown and hot standby. Objectives Test Method At cold shutdown a dummy cable is inserted into each thimble, and proper rotation and limit switch operation is verified. At hot standby the detectors are inserted into the thimbles to demonstrate performance in all operational modes.
: a. To verify the indexing of the refueling machine and  Acceptance Criteria
establish bridge rail reference points for future

The incore instrumentation system is capable of taking a flux map.  
: b. To demonstrate the ability to transfer the dummy fuel  Operational Alignment of Process Temperature Instrumentation (S-07SF06)
assembly to the reactor vessel. Objectives  To align T and Tavg process instrumentation under isothermal conditions, prior to criticality and at power. Prerequisites  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. This alignment is performed prior to initial criticality and again at 75-percent power. Alignment is checked at 100-percent power.  
are operational.
: c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  

b. All reactor coolant pumps shall be operating.  Test Method
: a. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly with the  Test Method a. Align T and Tavg per test instructions under isothermal          conditions prior to criticality and at approximately 75 
refueling machine, the bridge rail is marked at key

14.2-173    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK          percent power. Extrapolate the 75-percent power data to          determine T and Tavg values for the 100-percent power          plateau.      b. At or near full power, check the alignment of the T          and Tavg channels for agreement with the results of          thermal power measurement. Realign any channels, as          necessary, to meet test specifications.  
transfer points.  Acceptance Criteria The 100 percent power indications for T and Tavg channels must be within the maximum design values as specified in vendor design documents.  Startup  Adjustments of  Reactor  Control  System              (S-07SF07)  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The refueling machine can load a dummy fuel assembly in  Objectives
each of the reactor vessel fuel loading locations.  

To obtain the optimum plant efficiency.  Fuel Handling System Integrated Preoperational Test  Prerequisites

a. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating pressure and temperature.  
14.2-89    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Objective

b. Plant instrumentation shall have been aligned according to Operational Alignment of Process Temperature Instrumentation.
To verify the ability of the refueling machine, new fuel elevator, fuel

c. The turbine control system shall have been aligned.
transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and  Test Method
associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly.  

a. Obtain system temperature and steam pressure data at steady-state conditions for zero power and at hold points during power escalations.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

b. Evaluation of these data will provide the basis for adjustments to the reactor control system.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Acceptance Criteria
are operational.
: c. The reactor vessel, refueling pool, refueling canal and spent fuel pool are filled with demineralized water.
: d. A dummy fuel assembly is available.  

The Tavg controller must be capable of maintaining full load steam pressure within turbine pressure limitations specified in the vendor's technical manual.  Test Method

14.2-174    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Zero Power (S-              07SF08)
During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the operability of the refueling  Objectives To determine the differential and integral reactivity worth of a rod cluster control bank (RCC) or an individual rod cluster control assembly (RCCA).  
machine, new fuel elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools is verified. Prerequisites Acceptance Criteria

a. The reactor is critical with the neutron flux level within the range established for zero power physics testing.
While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the refueling machine, new fuel

b. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating          pressure and temperature.
elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask  Test Method

RCC and RCCA worth are validated by constant addition and/or dilution of boron in the reactor coolant system, causing rod movement to compensate for the boron addition and/or dilution. This rod movement will cause step changes in reactivity which are used to compute the worths.  
handling crane and associated fuel handling tools operate in accordance with system design. Acceptance Criteria  Diesel  Generator  Mechanical Preoperational Test

The integral reactivity worth of the RCC or RCCA over its entire range of travel agrees with acceptance criteria given in the Nuclear Design Report within tolerance values specified in vendor design documents.
(S-03KJ01)  RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Power (SU7-SF09)  Objectives

a. To measure RCCA worth for a rod ejected from the HFP rod insertion limit position.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the  

b. To determine in-core response resulting from a dropped rod with all other control rods near fully withdrawn.
diesel generators and associated auxiliaries, and verify

14.2-175    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites Testing will be performed at 30-percent power with the reactor stable.
that each diesel reaches rated speed within the required
*  Test Method a. Ejected rod - Compute the change in reactivity associated with the change in RCCA position.

b. Dropped rod - Determine the quadrant power tilt ratio and hot channel factors by use of the in-core flux mapping system.
: b. To verify the operability of all control circuits  Acceptance Criteria a. Ejected rod - The rod worth of the ejected rod is within          tolerance values specified in vendor design documents.
associated with the diesel generator and diesel

b. Dropped rod - The peaking factors are within the limits specified in vendor design documents.
auxiliaries, including the control circuits response to  Reactor Systems Sampling for Core Load (S-07SJ01)
safety signals.  Objectives
14.2-90    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. To demonstrate the capability of each air storage tank to provide five diesel cranking cycles without being

To verify uniform boron concentration, prior to core load, in the reactor coolant system and directly connected auxiliary systems.  
recharged.  Prerequisites a. Boric acid tanks, pumps, and transfer lines are all          filled with 4 percent boric acid solution.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and  

b. Reactor coolant system is filled with reactor grade water which has been borated to a concentration as specified in the technical specifications.
system flushing/cleaning are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits  Test Method
are operational.
: c. The essential service water system is available to

a. Filling and circulating the reactor coolant system with borated water should be accomplished, utilizing normal flow paths as much as possible.
provide cooling water to the diesel engine intercooler

heat exchanger.
* This test was performed at 50 percent power at Callaway.
: d. The emergency fuel oil system is available to provide
Callaway has the same core and Nuclear Instrumentation System as Wolf Creek. Wolf Creek Core parameters measured prior to the pseudo rod drop test were compared with the corresponding results for Callaway to verify that the plant response was the same. This exemption was approved in a July 3, 1985 letter from the NRC.

14.2-176    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Collect and analyze four samples taken at equidistant          depths in the reactor vessel simultaneously with one sample from the operating residual heat removal loop to check uniform boron concentration.
fuel oil to the diesel generators.  Acceptance Criteria
: e. The fire protection system is available to support this

Boron concentration of the samples obtained from the designated sample points must be within a 30-ppm range of values.  
test.  Initial Core Loading (SU7-0001) Test Method
: a. The diesel generators are started, and the time required  Objectives
to reach rated speed is recorded.
: b. With the diesel generators and associated auxiliaries

a. To load fuel in a controlled manner.      b. To measure boron concentration.  
operating, performance characteristics are verified.
: c. The operability of all control circuits associated with the diesel generator and diesel auxiliaries, including  Prerequisites
the control circuits' response to safety signals, is

a. Sufficient preoperational testing has been completed to ensure the necessary equipment and attendant instrumentation is functional.
: d. The ability of each air storage tank to provide five

b. Required technical specification surveillance is completed and the necessary systems are operable.
diesel cranking cycles, without being recharged, is  Test Method

Instruction includes a core-loading sequence which specifies the loading in a step-by-step fashion with the appropriate data collection records.  Acceptance Criteria  Acceptance Criteria  
: a. The time required for each diesel generator to reach

A permanent record of the final as-loaded core configuration has been made, and the configuration is consistent with the fuel assembly core loading plan.
rated speed is within design specifications.
Boron concentration is as specified in the Technical Specifications.
: b. The performance characteristics of the diesel generators  Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring For Core Loading (S-070002)
and associated auxiliaries are within design  Objectives
: c. Each diesel generator starts automatically on receipt of

a. To obtain nuclear monitoring data during initial core loading.  
a safety injection signal or a bus under-voltage signal.  

b. To prevent criticality during core loading.  
14.2-91    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: d. Each diesel generator trips automatically on receipt of each of the following signals:

14.2-177    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Prerequisites a. Temporary and plant source range nuclear instrumentation has been operational for a minimum of 4 hours to achieve stable operation.
Lube oil pressure low
b. Plant is prepared for initial core loading.  Test Method
Jacket coolant temperature high Crankcase pressure high

Data from the nuclear monitoring channels is used to assess the safety with which core loading operations may be conducted. Inverse count rate ratio is plotted and evaluated to prevent any unexpected deviation from subcriticality.
Start failure
The core is monitored and maintained in a subcritical configuration throughout the core loading.  Acceptance Criteria

The core is loaded without achieving criticality.
Engine overspeed  Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring for Approach to Initial Criticality (S-070003)
Diesel generator ground overcurrent  Objectives
Diesel generator differential current
: e. The diesel generator neutral ground overcurrent trip

a. To obtain nuclear monitoring data during initial criticality.
signal is bypassed when the diesel generator is

b. To anticipate and determine criticality.
operating in the emergency mode.  Prerequisites a. Both source range and intermediate range nuclear channels alarm, trip functions, and indicating devices have been checked out and calibrated.  
: f. Each air storage tank is capable of providing five diesel cranking cycles, without being recharged.
: g. Each starting air compressor has the ability to charge

b. Both source range and intermediate range nuclear channels have been energized a minimum of 4 hours to insure stable operation.
its respective air tank from minimum to normal pressure  Test Method
within the required time.  

a. Obtain base line count rates prior to rod withdrawal and boron dilution. After each increment of rod withdrawal, and periodically during boron dilution, count rates are obtained, and inverse count rate ratio is evaluated.  4160-V  (Class IE)  System  Preoperational Test

b. Core reactivity is monitored during the approach to criticality.

14.2-178    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria To determine criticality. Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that the 4,160-V Class IE busses can be  Initial Criticality (S-070004)  Objectives
energized from their normal and alternate sources.
: b. To verify that a 4,160-V Class IE bus digital undervoltage signal trips the associated incoming feeder

To achieve initial criticality in a controlled manner.
: c. To verify that a degraded bus voltage condition will  Prerequisites
trip the associated incoming feeder breakers.
: d. To verify proper operation of system instrumentation and

a. Initial core loading is completed.  

b. Required technical specification surveillance is          completed and the necessary systems operable.  Prerequisites
c. Sufficient post-core loading precritical testing has been completed to ensure the necessary equipment and attendant instrumentation is functional.
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration  Test Method
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

a. At preselected points during rod withdrawal and/or boron dilution, data is taken and inverse count rate plots made to enable extrapolation to be carried out to the expected critical point.  
are operational.  

b. Initial criticality is achieved by boron dilution or, if desired, by withdrawing control rods. Acceptance Criteria
14.2-92    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method
: a. The 4,160-V Class IE busses are energized from their

The reactor is critical with the flux level established at approximately 1 x 10-8 amps on the intermediate range nuclear channels.  Determination of Core Power Range for Physics Testing (S-070005)
normal source, and bus voltages are recorded.
: b. The 4,160-V Class IE busses are energized from their  Objectives
alternate source, and bus voltages are recorded.
: c. 4,160-V Class IE bus undervoltage signals are simulated, and proper operation of the 4,160-V Class IE feeder

To determine the reactor power level at which effects from fuel heating is detectable and to establish the range of neutron flux in which zero power reactivity measurements are to be performed.  
breakers is verified. Prerequisites Acceptance Criteria
: a. The voltage of each 4,160-V Class IE bus, when supplied from its normal source, is within design specifications.
: b. The voltage of each 4,160-V Class IE bus, when supplied

a. The reactor is critical and stable in the intermediate range.
from its alternate source, is within design

14.2-179    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK      b. Control rods are sufficiently deep in the core to allow          positive reactivity insertion by rod withdrawal.
: c. A 4,160-V Class IE bus digital undervoltage signal will

c. Reactor coolant temperature is established at a value that minimizes the moderator temperature coefficient          reactivity feedback.  
trip the appropriate bus incoming feeder breakers.
: d. A degraded voltage condition on either 4,160-V Class IE  Test Method
bus will cause an alarm and, if it continues, trip the

a. Withdraw control rod bank and allow the neutron flux level to increase until nuclear heating effects are indicated by the reactivity computer.  
appropriate bus incoming feeder breakers.
: e. A degraded voltage condition on either 4,160-V Class IE

b. Record the reactivity computer picoammeter flux level and, if possible, the corresponding IR channel currents          at which nuclear heating occurs, to obtain zero power          testing range.  
bus coincident with a safety injection actuation signal will immediately trip the bus incoming feeder breakers.  Acceptance Criteria  Diesel Generator Electric Preoperational Test

The power level at which zero power testing is conducted is determined.
(S-03NE01) Boron Endpoint Determination (S-070006) Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that each diesel generator is capable of  Objectives
35 consecutive valid starts with no failure.
: b. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

To determine the critical reactor coolant system boron concentration appropriate to an endpoint configuration (RCC configuration).
carry the design load for the time required to reach  Prerequisites      a. The reactor is critical within the range for zero power testing and stable.
equilibrium temperature plus l hour, without exceeding

b. The reactor coolant is at normal operating pressure and temperature.  
design limits.
: c. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

c. Rods are at the approximate end point configuration.
attain and stabilize frequency and voltage within the  Test Method
design limits and time.  

Boron endpoints are measured by determining the boron concentration of the reactor coolant system with the rods close to or at the desired configuration.
14.2-93    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
If not, the rods are then quickly moved to the desired configuration with no boron adjustment. The change in reactivity is measured, and this reactivity is converted to an equal amount of boron to yield the endpoint at that particular rod configuration.
: d. To demonstrate the capability of each diesel generator to withstand a full-load rejection without exceeding

14.2-180    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria The results of the boron endpoint calculations meet the requirements of the Nuclear Design Report within tolerance values specified in vendor design documents.
speeds or voltages that cause tripping or damage.  Isothermal  Temperature  Coefficient  Measurement (S-070007)
: e. To demonstrate the operability of each diesel generator feeder breaker and associated interlocks.
: f. To demonstrate the ability of the diesel cooling water  Objectives
system to maintain the diesel temperature within design

To determine isothermal temperature coefficient, then derive the moderator temperature coefficient from the isothermal data.
specifications, while the diesel generators are  Prerequisites      a. The reactor is critical within the range for zero power testing and stable.
operating at full load.
: g. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

b. The reactor coolant is at normal operating pressure and temperature.
start and shed the largest single motor while supplying

c. Control rods are at the approximate end point configuration.  
all other sequenced loads, maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits. Test Method
14.2.12.l.72.2 Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

The isothermal temperature coefficient is determined by heating/cooling the reactor coolant system at a constant rate and plotting temperature versus reactivity. The moderator temperature coefficient may be derived from isothermal data, if desired.
are complete.  Acceptance Criteria
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

The average of the measured values of the isothermal and, if desired, the derived moderator temperature coefficient agrees with acceptance criteria given in the Nuclear Design Report within tolerance values specified in vendor design documents.
are operational.
: c. The essential service water system is available to  Power Coefficient Determination (S-070008)
provide cooling water to the diesel generator  Objectives
intercooler heat exchanger.
: d. The emergency fuel oil system is available to provide fuel oil to the diesel generators.
: e. The fire protection system is available to support this

To verify the power coefficient of reactivity.  
: f. The 4.16-kV busses are available for loading to support  Prerequisites
this test.  

a. Reactor power level, reactor coolant temperature and pressures, and RCCA and RCC bank configuration are as follows:  Test Method
: a. The ability of each diesel generator to undergo 35

14.2-181    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK          1. RCS pressure - nominal 2235 psig 2. RCCA, RCC bank configuration - nominally all rods out, D at bite position 3. Reactor power level - nominally 30, 50, 75, and 90 percent RTP
consecutive starts with no failure is verified.
: b. The ability of each diesel generator to carry the design

4. Tavg - consistent with the nominal value corresponding              to the Tavg program at the identified nominal              power levels.
load for the time required to reach equilibrium

b. All subsystems which affect overall plant transient response should be in automatic mode of operation with the exception of the rod control system and automatic          makeup. The CVCS demineralizer shall be bypassed.
temperature, plus 1 hour, without exceeding design  Test Method

a. As generator electrical load is changed, the primary side is permitted to freely respond without any control rod motion.  
limits, is verified.  

b. The power coefficient verification factor is calculated by measuring the change in RCS temperature and the corresponding change in core power.
14.2-94    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. The ability of each diesel generator to attain and stabilize frequency and voltage within the design limits  Acceptance Criteria
and time is verified.
: d. The ability of each diesel generator to withstand a full-load rejection, without exceeding speeds or

The average value of the measured verification factor agrees with that obtained from design predictions of the isothermal temperature coefficient and doppler power coefficient. This agreement is within limits given in the test instructions.  
voltages that cause tripping, is verified.
: e. The operability of each diesel generator feeder breaker  Load Swing Tests (S-070009)
and associated interlocks is verified.
: f. While operating each diesel generator at full-load  Objectives
conditions, the ability of the diesel cooling water

To verify proper nuclear plant transient response, including automatic control system performance, when load changes are introduced at the turbine generator.
system to maintain diesel temperatures within design  Prerequisites
specifications is verified.
: g. The ability of each diesel generator to start and shed

Step load changes are initiated from steady state conditions at approximately 30-, 75-, and 100-percent power.
the largest fully loaded single motor while supplying

14.2-182    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK  Test Method a. Manually reduce the turbine generator output as rapidly as possible to achieve an approximate 10-percent load decrease/increase.
all other sequenced loads and maintain voltage and
b. Plant variables are recorded, along with values observed on the normal plant instrumentation, during the load transient for those parameters required.  Acceptance Criteria
frequency within design limits is verified.  

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test completion. Failure to meet these criteria does not constitute a need for stopping the test program, but correction of any deficiences should be accomplished, as required, consistent with the current plant schedule.  Acceptance Criteria
a. Reactor and turbine must not trip.
: a. Each diesel generator is capable of carrying the design

b. Safety injection is not initiated.
load for the time required to reach equilibrium

c. Neither steam generator atmospheric relief valves nor safety  valves shall lift.      d. Neither pressurizer relief valves nor safety valves shall lift.
temperature, plus 1 hour, without exceeding design

e. No manual intervention shall be required to bring plant          conditions to steady state.  
: b. Each diesel generator can attain and stabilize frequency

f. Nuclear power overshoot (undershoot) must be less than 3 percent for load increase (decrease).  
and voltage within design limits and time.
: c. Each diesel generator is capable of withstanding a full-  Large Load Reduction Test (S-070010)
load rejection without exceeding speeds or voltages that  Objectives
cause tripping.
: d. When a diesel generator is operating in the nonemergency
(test) mode, the associated diesel generator feeder
breaker trips on receipt of any of the following
Generator overcurrent
Reverse power
Loss of field
: e. The diesel generator stops and the associated diesel
generator feeder breaker trips on receipt of any of the
following signals:
Generator differential current
Neutral ground overcurrent
14.2-95    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: f. When a diesel generator is operating in the emergency mode, the following trip signals are bypassed:
Neutral ground overcurrent
Generator overcurrent Reverse power
Loss of field
: g. Each diesel generator cooling water system, with the
diesel generators operating at full-load, maintains the
diesel temperatures within design specifications.
: h. Each diesel generator has the capability of starting and
shedding the largest fully loaded single motor while supplying all other sequenced loads, maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits.
: i. Diesel generators are capable of 35 consecutive valid
starts with no failure. Integrated Control Logic Test (SU3-NF01)

To demonstrate satisfactory plant transient response to various specified load changes, to monitor the reactor control systems during these transients, and, if necessary, optimize the reactor control system setpoints.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that the actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and  Prerequisites
nonsafety-related load shed circuits on receipt of the

Step load reduction changes of 50 percent are initiated from steady state conditions at approximately 75- and 100-percent power.
appropriate undervoltage, safety injection, containment

14.2-183 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK  Test Method a. Manually reduce the turbine generator output to achieve an approximate 50-percent load reduction.
spray actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and normal and alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position signals is in accordance with system design.
b. Monitor plant response during the transient and record plant variables, as required.
: b. To demonstrate that the LOCA sequencer, shutdown

c. If necessary, adjust the reactor control system setpoints until optimal response is obtained.
sequencer, safety-related  load  shed,  and nonsafety-  Acceptance Criteria
related load shed circuits shed and sequence loads in

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test completion. Failure to meet these criteria does not constitute a need for stopping the test program, but correction of any deficiencies should be accomplished, as required, consistent with the current plant schedule.  
accordance with system design.  

a. Reactor and turbine must not trip.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

b. Safety injection is not initiated.
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

c. Steam generator safety valves shall not lift.  
are operational.  

d. Pressurizer safety valves shall not lift.  Test Method
: a. Undervoltage, safety injection, containment spray

e. No manual intervention shall be required to bring plant conditions to steady state.
actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and Plant Trip From 100 Percent Power (S-070011)  Objectives
normal and  

To verify the ability of the plant automatic control systems to sustain a trip from 100 percent and to bring the plant to stable conditions following the transient, to determine the overall response time of the hot leg resistance temperature detectors, and to evaluate the data resulting from the trip to determine if changes in the control system setpoints are warranted to improve transient response based on actual plant operations.
14.2-96    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position signals are initiated, and the actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and  Prerequisites
nonsafety-related load shed circuits is verified.
: b. Signals are initiated to actuate the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and

a. The rod control system, steam generator level, pressurizer pressure and level, and the steam dump system are in the automatic control mode.
nonsafety-related load shed circuits, and proper load

b. The plant is operating at normal steady state full power.  
shed and load sequencing are verified.  

c. Diesel generators in standby idling condition.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load

14.2-184 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK  Test Method a. Initiate a plant trip by opening the main generator output breaker, monitor plant response, and record plant variables, as required.
shed circuits on receipt of under-voltage, safety injection, containment spray actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and normal and alternate 4,160-V
b. If necessary, adjust the control system setpoints to obtain optimal response.  Acceptance Criteria
feeder breaker position signals is in accordance with

The system parameters must stay within the limitations specified in the vendor's design transient analysis document.  
system design.
: b. The LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related  Rods Drop and Plant Trip (S-070012)  Objectives
load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits shed

To demonstrate that the negative rate trip circuit will trip the reactor and to monitor plant response.  
and sequence loads in accordance with system design. Prerequisites LOCA Sequencer Preoperational Test (S-03NF02)

a. The rod control system, steam generator level, pressurizer pressure and level, and the feedwater pump speed control are in the automatic control mode. Steam dump control system is in the Tavg mode.  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that initiation of a safety injection

b. The plant is operating at a steady state power of 30 to 50 percent.      c. The rod group and the selected rods to be dropped have been identified.
signal (SIS) will shed the nonsafety-related loads,          start the diesel generator, and sequence the associated equipment. The ability of each 4,160-V Class IE load  Test Method
group to supply the sequenced loads while maintaining

a. Drop two RCCAs from a common group which, because of their worth and location, are the most difficult to detect by the nuclear instrumentation system (NIS).
voltage within design specifications is also verified.
: b. To demonstrate that a loss of offsite power concurrent

b. Monitor systems behavior and plant response to trip from an intermediate power level prior to the plant trip test from full power.
with SIS will shed the safety-related loads, start the  Acceptance Criteria
diesel generator, close the diesel generator feeder

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test completion:
breaker, and sequence the associated equipment. The  

14.2-185    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK      a. The reactor shall have tripped as a result of the         negative rate trip.
ability of each diesel generator to supply the sequenced

b. All RCCAs shall release and bottom on receipt of a trip signal.
loads while maintaining voltage and frequency within
c. The pressurizer safety valves shall not lift.

d. Steam generator safety valves shall not lift.
design specifications is also verified.
: c. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

e. Safety injection is not initiated.
carry the short-time rating load for 2 hours and the  Shutdown and Maintenance of Hot Standby External to the Control Room (S-070014)  Objectives To demonstrate, using a plant procedure, that the plant can be taken from >10 percent power to hot standby conditions, and verify that the plant can be maintained in hot standby for at least 30 minutes with a minimum shift crew, using controls and instrumentation external to the control room.
continuous rated load for 22 hours, without exceeding  Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.  
design limits.
: d. To demonstrate that each diesel generator, following

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
operation  for  2 hours at the short-time rated load and

c. The  plant  is  at normal  operating  conditions  at >10          percent power.
14.2-97    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK 22 hours at the continuous rated load, will start automatically on a loss of ac voltage concurrent with an
d. The authority and responsibility of the control room observers has been established and is specified in this          procedure.  Test Method
SIS, attain voltage and frequency within design limits

a. The plant is taken from >10 percent power to hot standby          conditions, using a plant procedure, minimum shift crew,          and controls and instrumentation external to the control room.
and time, and accept the LOCA sequenced loads, while
b. Hot standby conditions are maintained for at least 30 minutes.

14.2-186    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK      c. All actions performed by the control room observers is          documented within this procedure for use in evaluating their impact on the test results.
maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits.
: c. To demonstrate the ability of the diesel cooling water  Acceptance Criteria The plant can be taken from  > 10 percent power to hot standby conditions which are maintained for >30 minutes, using a plant procedure, minimum shift crew, and controls and instrumentation external to the control room.
system to maintain the diesel temperature within design  Power Ascension Thermal Expansion and Dynamic Test              (S-070015)
specifications, while the diesel generators are  Objectives
operating for 2 hours at the short-time rating load and

a. To demonstrate during specified power ascension transients that the systems' monitored points respond in accordance with design.
22 hours at the continuous rating load.
: f. To determine the fuel oil consumption of each diesel, while operating for 22 hours at the continuous rating

b. To demonstrate during the heatup to full power temperature that the systems' piping can expand without          obstruction and that the expansion is in accordance with          design. Also, during the subsequent cooldown to ambient temperature, the piping returns to its cold position in accordance with system design.
: g. To demonstrate the ability of the 125 V dc system to  Prerequisites
perform its design functions while at minimum voltage.
: h. To demonstrate the independence between the redundant on

a. Reference points for measurement of the systems are established.  
ac and dc power sources.  

b. Power ascension testing is in progress.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

c. All subject systems are available for the specified dynamic operations.
are complete.
d. Required instrument calibration is complete.
: b. Each diesel generator and its associated auxiliaries are
e. A preservice inspection of the associated piping snubbers has been completed within 6 months.  Test Method
: c. All components actuated by the LOCA sequencer and safety-related and nonsafety-related load shed circuits

a. Record cold baseline data.  
are available.  

b. Obtain measurement data at various specified temperature plateaus.  Test Method
: a. A train A SIS is initiated, and the following are

14.2-187    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK      c. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic          operation.  
: 1. Group l nonsafety-related loads are shed.
: 2. Group 1 diesel generator starts.
: 3. Group 1 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

d. The specified dynamic event of pump operation, valve operation, etc., is initiated, and the system is          monitored for response.
components are sequenced. The times for sequenced

e. On completion of cooldown to ambient temperature, obtain measurement data.  
pumps to reach full flow are verified.
: 4. With bus NB01 supplying the sequenced loads from its  Acceptance Criteria
normal source, bus voltage is recorded.  

a. There shall be no evidence of blocking of the thermal expansion of any piping or components, other than by design.       b. The total stresses shall not exceed applicable code limits.
14.2-98    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. With group 2 dc load group isolated from its power source and group 1 dc load group voltage set to minimum, a loss of offsite power is initiated concurrent with a

c. Spring hanger movement must remain within the hot and cold set points, snubber swing clearance remains satisfactory., and snubbers must not become fully retracted or expanded.
train A SIS, and the following are verified:
: 1. Safety-related group 1 loads are shed.
: 2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

d. Piping and components must return to their baseline position on cooldown in accordance with system design.
breaker closes.
: 3. Group 1 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

e. The measured thermal movement shall be within 25 percent of the analytical value or +0.25 inch, whichever is          greater.
components are sequenced. The times for sequenced  Biological Shield Testing (S-070016)  Objectives

a. To measure and record the neutron and gamma ray radiation levels in accessible areas of the plant where radiation levels above background are anticipated.  
pumps to reach full flow are verified.
: 4. With the group 1 diesel generator supplying the sequenced loads, bus voltage and frequency are recorded.
: 5. The group 2 ac and dc busses are monitored to

b. To determine locations if any, where shielding is deficient.
verify the absence of voltage on these busses and

c. To ensure that plant personnel are not subjected to          overexposure from radiation as a result of inadequate          shielding.
loads, indicating no interconnection at load  Prerequisites
: c. The ability of the group 1 diesel generator to carry the

a. Required instrument calibration is complete.
short-time rating load for 2 hours without exceeding

14.2-188    Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK      b. Appropriate reactor power levels are attained.
design limits is verified.  Test Method
: d. The ability of the group 1 diesel generator to carry the

Neutron and gamma ray surveys are conducted in each of the following reactor power level ranges.
continuous rated load for 22 hours without exceeding

Test                                % Reactor Power Range  Preoperational Shield Tests                    <0 Low Power Tests                              0-5 Intermediate Power Tests                      5-50 High Power Tests                            50-100  Acceptance Criteria
design limits is verified. Group l diesel fuel oil consumption is also determined.
: e. Following group 1 diesel generator operation for 2 hours

Neutron and gamma ray radiation surveys in all accessible areas of the plant where radiation levels above background are anticipated reveal no shielding deficiencies; or identify and implement appropriate administrative controls in accordance with 10 CFR 20 for the areas determined to be radiation areas.
at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at the  Loss of Heater Drain Pump Test (S-070017)*
continuous rated load, the group 1 diesel generator is  Objectives  To verify proper nuclear plant response to a loss of heater drain pump accident.
shutdown, a loss of group 1 ac voltage is initiated  Prerequisites
concurrent with a train A SIS, and the ability of the

The plant is operating at steady state conditions at 90-percent power.
group l diesel generator to start, attain voltage and  Test Method
frequency within design limits and time, and accept the

The heater drain pumps are tripped and plant variables are recorded, along with values observed on the normal plant instrumentation, during the transient for those parameters required.
loads resulting from the design accident loading

sequence while maintaining voltage and frequency within
* This test was performed at Callaway only, with the consent of the NRC, as Callaway and Wolf Creek have identical Heater Drain Systems.

14.2-189 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test completion. Failure to meet these criteria does not constitute a need for stopping the test program, but correction of any deficiencies should be accomplished as required, consistent with the current plant schedule.
design limits is verified. If this test is not  

a. Reactor and turbine must not trip.
satisfactorily completed,  it is not necessary to repeat

b. Safety injection is not initiated.
the tests of items c and d prior to rerunning this

c. Neither steam generator atmospheric relief valves nor safety  valves shall lift.      d. Neither pressurizer relief valves nor safety valves shall lift.  
test. Instead, prior to rerunning this test, the diesel

e. No manual intervention shall be required to bring plant          conditions to steady state.
generator may be operated at the continuous rated load  Calibration of Steam and Feedwater Flow Instrumentation at Power Test (S-070018)
for l hour or until operating temperature has  Objectives

a. To calibrate the steam flow transmitters against feed-water flow.
14.2-99    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
b. To perform a cross-check verification of all signals          indicating feedwater and steam flow.
: f. A train B SIS is initiated, and the following are verified:
: 1. Group 2 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
: 2. Group 2 diesel generator starts.
: 3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated  Prerequisites
components are sequenced. The times for sequenced

a. Test equipment, including transmitters, has been calibrated for expected ranges of plant conditions.  
pumps to reach full flow are verified.
: 4. With Bus NB02 supplying the sequenced loads from

b. The plant shall be at steady state conditions for each power level at which testing is performed.
its normal source, bus voltage is recorded.
: g. With group 1 dc load group isolated from its power source and group 2 dc load group voltage set to minimum,          a loss of offsite power is initiated concurrent with a  Test Method
train B SIS, and the following are verified:
: 1. Safety-related group 2 loads are shed.
: 2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

At 30 and 50 percent power, perform Step a if the steam flow/ feedwater flow mismatch alarm actuates. At 75 and 100 percent power, perform Steps a and b.      a. Verify calibration of the steam flow by comparing steam flow signal to referenced feedwater flow.
breaker closes.
: 3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

14.2-190 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK      b. Compare, using plots, the steam and feedwater flow values          to determine if recalibration is necessary prior to the next power escalation.  
components are sequenced. The times for sequenced Acceptance Criteria a. Steam flow/feedwater flow mismatch alarm does not actuate at 30, 50, 75, and 100 percent power.  
pumps to reach full flow are verified.
: 4. With the group 2 diesel generator supplying the

b. Steam flow indication should be within +4 percent of          feedwater flow panel indicator at 75 and 100 percent          power.
sequenced loads, bus voltage and frequency are recorded.
: 5. The group l ac and dc busses are monitored to

c. The test feedwater flow instrument versus plant feed-          water flow instrument and plant steam flow instrument curves should be within +2.5 percent and +3.0 percent of         their respective ideal curves at 75 and 100 percent          power.
verify the absence of voltage on these busses and  Natural Circulation Test (S-090024)*
loads, indicating no interconnection of load  Objectives

To demonstrate the length of time required to stabilize natural circulation; to demonstrate core flow distribution during natural circulation using incore thermocouples.
: h. The ability of the group 2 diesel generator to carry the  Prerequisites
short-time rating load for 2 hours without exceeding

a. Required low power physics testing has been completed.      b. Required instrumentation is installed and calibration complete.  
design limits is verified.
: i. The ability of the group 2 diesel generator to carry the

c. The  plant  is operating at steady state conditions at 3 percent power.
continuous rated load for 22 hours without exceeding  Test Method
design limits is verified. Group 2 diesel fuel oil

All reactor coolant pumps are simultaneously tripped while at 3 percent rated power. The transients are monitored and establishment of natural circulation verified.
consumption is also determined.  
* Due to similar plant design for Callaway and Wolf Creek, the NRC allowed WCGS to use Callaway Natural Circulation test data and pertinent results.  

14.2-191   Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria  Natural circulation has been demonstrated. The measured core T as a function of core power under natural circulation conditions is no greater than the limiting reactor coolant system T based on design requirements. 
14.2-100   Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: j. Following group 2 diesel generator operation for 2 hours at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at the  

continuous rated load, the group 2 diesel generator is
shutdown, a loss of group 2 ac voltage is initiated
concurrent with a train B SIS, and the ability of the group 2 diesel generator to start, attain voltage and
frequency within design limits and time, and accept the
LOCA sequenced loads, while maintaining voltage and
frequency within design limits, is verified. If this
test is not satisfactorily completed, it is not necessary
to repeat the tests of items h and i prior to rerunning
this test. Instead, prior to rerunning this test, the
diesel generator may be operated at the continuous rated
load for l hour or until operating temperature has
: k. The ability of the diesel cooling water system to
maintain the diesel temperature within design
specifications, while the diesel generators are operating
for 2 hours at the short-time rating load and 22 hours at
the continuous rating load, is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. A train A SIS initiates the following, in accordance
with system design:
: 1. Group 1 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
: 2. Group 1 diesel generator starts.
: 3. Group l LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated
components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach
full flow within the required times.
: b. Bus NB01, while powered from its normal source, supplies
the sequenced loads while maintaining voltage within
design specifications.
: c. With the group 2 dc load group isolated from its power
source and the group 1 dc load group voltage at minimum, a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train A SIS
initiates the following, in accordance with system
: 1. Safety-related group 1 loads are shed.
: 2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder
breaker closes.
14.2-101    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: 3. Group l LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach
full flow within design times.
: d. Group l diesel generator supplies the sequenced loads,          while maintaining voltage and frequency within design
: e. With load group 1 supplying loads following a loss of
offsite power concurrent with a train A SIS, the group 2
ac and dc busses are verified de-energized, indicating
no interconnection of load groups.
: f. Following group 1 diesel generator operation for 2 hours
at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at the continuous rated load, the group 1 diesel generator starts, attains voltage and frequency within design
limits and time, and accepts the LOCA sequenced loads
while maintaining voltage and frequency within design
limits, on loss of group 1 ac voltage concurrent with a
train A SIS.
: g. A train B SIS initiates the following, in accordance
with the system design:
: 1. Group 2 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
: 2. Group 2 diesel generator starts.
: 3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach full flow within design times.
: h. Bus NB02, while powered from its normal source, supplies
the required loads while maintaining the voltage within
design specifications.
: i. With the group 1 dc load group isolated from its power
source and the group 2 dc load group voltage at minimum, a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train B SIS
initiates the following, in accordance with system
: 1. Safety-related group 2 loads are shed.
: 2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder
breaker closes.
14.2-102    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: 3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach
full flow within design times.
: j. Group 2 diesel generator supplies the required loads,          while maintaining voltage and frequency within design
: k. With load group 2 supplying loads following a loss of
offsite power concurrent with a train B SIS, the group 1
ac and dc busses are verified de-energized, indicating
no interconnection of load groups.
: l. Following group 2 diesel generator operation for 2 hours
at the short-time rated load and 22 hours at continuous rated load, group 2 diesel generator starts, attains voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and
accepts the LOCA sequenced loads while maintaining
voltage and frequency within design limits, on loss of
group 2 ac voltage concurrent with a train B SIS.
: m. Each diesel generator is capable of carrying the short-
time rating load for 2 hours and the continuous rated
load for 22 hours, without exceeding design limits.
: n. Fuel oil consumption of each diesel, while operating at
the continuous rated load, is within design
: o. Each diesel generator cooling water system, with the diesel generators operating for 2 hours at the short-time rating load and 22 hours at the continuous rating
load, maintains the diesel temperatures within design
: p. The controls required for the loss of offsite power
concurrent with a SIS (shedding, sequencing, etc.)
function with minimum dc voltage available.  Shutdown Sequencer Preoperational Test (S-03NF03)  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate that de-energization of either 4,160-V
Class IE load group will start the associated diesel
generator,  close the diesel  generator  feeder breaker, actuate the associated group load shed, and actuate the
shutdown sequencer. All sequenced components are
verified to start within required design times.
14.2-103    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. To demonstrate that each diesel generator will maintain voltage and frequency within design specifications while
supplying the design shutdown loads.
: c. To demonstrate the ability of the emergency 4.16-kV loads to start at maximum and minimum design voltages.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits
are operational.
: c. Each diesel generator and its associated auxiliaries are available.
: d. All components actuated by the shutdown sequencer are
available.  Test Method
: a. Class IE 4,160-V load group 1 is de-energized and the
following are verified:
: 1. Group 1 load shedder actuates.
: 2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder
breaker closes.
: 3. Group 1 shutdown sequencer is actuated, and
associated components are sequenced. Components
are verified to actuate within the required design
: b. Class IE 4,160-V load group 2 is de-energized and the
following are verified:
: 1. Group 2 load shedder actuates.
: 2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder
breaker closes.
: 3. Group 2 shutdown sequencer is actuated, and
associated components are sequenced. Components
are verified to actuate within the required design
14.2-104    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: c. Emergency 4.16-kV loads are started while their respective diesel generators are supplying:
: 1. Minimum rated voltage
: 2. Maximum rated voltage
: d. The ability of each diesel generator to maintain voltage
and frequency within the design specifications while
supplying the design shutdown loads is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. De-energization of Class IE 4,160-V load group 1
initiates the following, in accordance with system design:
: 1. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder
breaker closes.
: 2. Group 1 shutdown sequencer actuates, and associated
components are sequenced. Components actuate
within required design times.
: 3. Group 1 load shedder actuates.
: b. De-energization of Class IE 4,160-V load group 2
initiates the following, in accordance with system
: 1. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.
: 2. Group 2 shutdown sequencer actuates, and associated
components are sequenced. Components actuate
within required design times.
: 3. Group 2 load shedder actuates.
: c. The emergency 4.16-kV loads start and reach rated speed
within design times, with minimum and maximum design
: d. Each diesel generator maintains voltage and frequency
within design specifications, while supplying the design
shutdown loads.  480-V  (Class  IE)  System  Preoperational    Test
(S-03NG01)  Objectives
To demonstrate that the 480-V Class IE load centers can be energized  from
their normal and alternate sources and verify the 
14.2-105    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK operability of system breaker protective interlocks. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits
are operational.  Test Method
: a. The 480-V Class IE load centers are energized from their
normal source, and voltages are recorded.
: b. The 480-V Class IE load centers are energized from their
alternate source, and voltages are recorded.
: c. System breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks
verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The voltage for each 480-V Class IE load center, when
supplied from its normal source, is within design
: b. The voltage for each 480-V Class IE load center, when
supplied from its alternate source, is within design specifications.
: c. System breaker interlocks operate in accordance with the
system design.  480-V Class IE System (ESW) Preoperational Test
(SU3-NG02).  Objectives
To demonstrate that the nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC can be energized from
their normal source and to verify their bus voltage phase sequence. Proper
operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration
are completed.
14.2-106    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.  Test Method
The nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC are energized, voltages are recorded, and
phase sequence is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The voltage for each nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC
is within design specification.
: b. The bus voltage phase sequence of the nonpower block
480-V Class IE MCC is in accordance with design.  125-V (Class IE) DC System Preoperational Test
(S-03NK01)  Objectives
To demonstrate the ability of the batteries and chargers to provide power
during normal operations and the battery to provide power during abnormal
conditions. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective battery
is also demonstrated. Proper operation of the system instrumentation and
controls is also verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits
are operational.
: c. Ventilation for the battery rooms is available.  Test Method
: a. Each battery is discharged, using a test load at the
design duty cycle discharge rate.
: b. Each battery is fully discharged to determine its
capacity factor.
: c. Each battery charger will charge its respective battery
to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a
design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power
at a rate equivalent to the design emergency loading.
14.2-107    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Each battery is capable of maintaining output voltage
above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.
: b. Each battery has a capacity factor greater than or equal
to design.
: c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the batteries
to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a
design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power
at a rate equivalent to the design emergency loading.  Instrument AC System (Class IE) Preoperational Test
(S-03NN01)  Objectives
To demonstrate that the 120-V Class IE ac distribution panel- boards can be fed
from their normal source inverters and from their backup source transformers by
manual transfer. The operability of system instrumentation and controls, including breaker protective interlocks, is also verified.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits
are operational.  Test Method
: a. The 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboards are
energized from their normal source inverters, and
panelboard voltages are recorded.
: b. The 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboards are
energized from their backup source transformers by
manual transfer, and panelboard voltages are recorded.
: c. The system breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks
are verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. Each 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboard voltage, when supplied from the normal source inverters of the
panelboards, is within design specifications.
14.2-108    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. Each 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboard voltage,          when supplied from the backup source transformers, is
within design specifications.
: c. System breaker interlocks operate in accordance with system design.  Engineered Safeguards (NSSS) Preoperational Test
(SU3-SA01)  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the ability of the NSSS to initiate
safety injection, containment isolation, containment
spray actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam line isolation signals on receipt of the associated input signals.
: b. To verify NSSS ESFAS loop response times.
: c. To demonstrate the ability of each solid-state
protection system test panel to adequately test the
associated NSSS ESFAS and reactor protection logic
: d. To demonstrate the coincidence and redundancy of the
: e. To verify the operability of ESFAS block and permissive
interlocks.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies are operational.  Test Method
: a. The ability of the NSSS ESFAS to actuate safety
injection,  containment  isolation,  containment spray
actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam line
isolation signals on receipt of the required coincidence
of the following input signals for each redundant
channel is verified:
          . High steam line pressure rate
          . Low steam line pressure
          . Low pressurizer pressure
14.2-109    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
          . High containment pressure (Hi-1, Hi-2, and Hi-3)
          . High-high steam generator level
          . Low Tavg
          . Low-low steam generator water level
: b. Input signals are initiated, and loop response times are
: c. The ability of each solid-state protection system test
panel to test the NSSS ESFAS logic trains is verified.
: d. ESFAS block and permissive interlocks are verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The NSSS ESFAS actuates safety injection, containment isolation, containment spray actuation, main feedwater
isolation, and steam line isolation signals when their
associated input signals are received from the following
signals for each applicable channel:
          . High steam line pressure rate
          . Low steam line pressure
          . Low pressurizer pressure
          . High containment pressure (Hi-1, Hi-2, and Hi-3)
          . High-high steam generator level
          . Low Tavg
          . Low-low steam generator water level
: b. NSSS ESFAS loop response times are within design specifications.
: c. ESFAS block and permissive interlocks operate in
accordance with system design.  Engineered  Safeguards  (BOP)  Preoperational Test
(SU3-SA02)  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the operability of the BOP ESFAS to
initiate containment purge isolation, control room
ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation
isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary
feedwater suction valve switchover to essential service
water (ESW), and steam generator blowdown and sample
isolation signals on receipt of the associated input
14.2-110    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK
: b. To verify BOP ESFAS loop response times.
: c. To demonstrate the ability of the BOP ESFAS test panel
to adequately test the associated BOP ESFAS logic
: d. To demonstrate the coincidence and redundancy of the BOP
ESFAS.  Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration
are complete.
: b. Required electrical power supplies are operational.  Test Method
: a. The ability of the BOP ESFAS to actuate containment
purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater
pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve
switchover to ESW, and steam generator blowdown and
sample isolation signals on receipt of the required
coincidence of the following input signals for each
redundant channel is verified.
o    Containment isolation (phase A)
o    High atmospheric radiation
o    High chlorine concentration o    Loss of main feedwater flow o    Low-low steam generator level
o    Loss of offsite power
o    Low feedwater pump suction pressure
o    Safety injection
: b. Input signals are initiated, and loop response times are
: c. The ability of the BOP ESFAS test panel to test the BOP
ESFAS logic trains is verified.  Acceptance Criteria
: a. The BOP ESFAS actuates containment purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building
ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump
actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve switchover
to ESW, and 
14.2-111    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK steam generator blowdown and sample isolation signals
when their associated input signals are received from
the following signals for each applicable channel:
o    Containment isolation (phase A)
o    High atmospheric radiation
o    High chlorine concentration
o    Loss of main feedwater flow
o    Low-low steam generator level
o    Loss of offsite power
o    Low feedwater pump suction pressure
o    Safety injection
: b. BOP ESFAS loop response times are within design specifications.  Engineered Safeguards Verification Test (SU3-SA03)  Objectives
To demonstrate the proper response of actuated components resulting from the
following safety signals:  Safety injection, containment spray actuation, main
feedwater isolation, steam line isolation, containment isolation, containment
purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation
isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction
valve switch over to ESW, and steam generator blowdown and sample isolation. Prerequisites
: a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
: b. Required electrical power sources and control circuits
are operational.
: c. Components actuated by the NSSS and BOP ESFAS are
available.  Test Method
NSSS and BOP ESFAS signals are initiated manually and the proper response and
response times of the actuated components are verified.
14.2-112    Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK  Acceptance Criteria
Components required to actuate on receipt of safety signals respond properly in
accordance with design specifications and within the times specified by design
requirements.  Reactor Protection System Logic Test (S-03SB01)  Objectives
: a. To demonstrate the ability of the reactor protection
system to initiate a reactor trip on

Latest revision as of 14:07, 6 May 2019

Revision 30 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14.0, Initial Test Program
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2017
Wolf Creek
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML17151A982 List: ... further results
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Section Title Page





OF TEST PROGRAM AND OBJECTIVES 14.2-1 Preoperational Test Program 14.2-1 Initial Startup Test Program 14.2-2

14.2.2 ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING 14.2-3 General Description 14.2-3 Startup Organization 14.2-4 Operating Staff 14.2-6 Major Participating Organizations 14.2-6 Quality Assurance 14.2-8 Qualifications of Key Personnel 14.2-8

14.2.3 TEST PROCEDURES 14.2-8 Startup Test Procedures 14.2-8 Procedure Review and Approval 14.2-10

14.2.4 CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM 14.2-12 Administrative Procedures 14.2-12 Turnover From Construction to KG&E 14.2-13 Startup Component and Prerequisite Testing 14.2-14 Preoperational Testing 14.2-14 Initial Startup Testing 14.2-14 Test Prerequisites 14.2-15 Test Evaluation 14.2-15 Design Modifications 14.2-15










ASCENSION Fuel Loading 14.2-19 Initial Criticality 14.2-22 Low Power Testing 14.2-23 Power Level Ascension 14.2-23

14.2.11 TEST PROGRAM SCHEDULE 14.2-24 14.2.12 INDIVIDUAL TEST DESCRIPTIONS 14.2-25 Safety-Related Preoperational Test 14.2-25

Procedures Nonsafety-related Preoperational Test 14.2-121 Procedures Startup Test Procedures 14.2-158


LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title

14.2-1 Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures 14.2-2 Non-Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures

14.2-3 Initial Startup Test

14.0-iii Rev. 0






The Initial Test Program encompassed the scope of events following completion of construction and construction-related inspections and tests and terminating

with Power Ascension Testing. The Initial Test Program was conducted in two

separate and sequential subprograms: the Preoperational Test Program and the

Initial Startup Test Program. At the conclusion of these subprograms, the

plant was ready for normal power operation. Testing during the Initial Test

Program was accomplished in four sequential phases:

Preoperational Test Program

Phase I - Preoperational Testing Initial Startup Test Program

Phase II - Initial Fuel Loading and Zero Power Testing

Phase III - Low Power Physics Testing

Phase IV - Power Ascension Testing

Prior to preoperational testing of a particular system, certain prerequisite

and construction tests were conducted in order to verify the integrity, proper

installation, cleanliness, and functional operability of the system components. Preoperational Test Program The Preoperational Test Program is defined as that part of the Initial Test

Program that commences with the completion of construction and construction-

related inspections and tests and terminates with commencement of nuclear fuel loading.

The Preoperational Test Program included both safety-related and nonsafety-

related preoperational tests. The Preoperational Test Program used a graded

approach to determine the extent of testing to be performed. The safety-

related preoperational tests (Table 14.2-1) demonstrated the capability of

safety-related structures, systems, and components to meet performance

requirements and to satisfy design criteria. The nonsafety-related

preoperational tests (Table 14.2-2) were conducted on nonsafety-related systems

and components to satisfy reliability and availability. Preoperational tests were conducted on those systems that:

14.2-1 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

a. Are relied upon for safe shutdown and cooldown of the reactor under normal plant conditions and for

maintaining the reactor in a safe condition for an

extended shutdown period;

b. Are relied upon for safe shutdown and cooldown of the

reactor under transient and postulated accident

conditions and for maintaining the reactor in a safe

condition for an extended shutdown period following such


c. Are relied upon for establishing conformance with safety

limits or limiting conditions for operations that are

included in the technical specifications;

d. Are classified as engineered safety features actuation systems or are relied upon to support or ensure

operation of engineered safety features actuation

systems within design limits;

e. Are assumed to function during an accident or for which

credit is taken in the accident analysis;

f. Are used to process, store, control, or limit the

release of radioactive materials.

The objectives of the Preoperational Test Program were to:

a. Verify that plant components and systems, including

alarms and indications, are constructed and fulfill their design intent;

b. Demonstrate, to the extent practicable, proper

system/component response to postulated accidents;

c. Familiarize plant staff operating, technical, and

maintenance personnel with plant operation.

The completion of preoperational testing constituted the completion of Phase I

of the Initial Test Program. Initial Startup Test Program The Initial Startup Test Program is defined as that part of the Initial Test

Program that commences with the start of nuclear fuel loading and terminates

with the completion of power ascension testing. The initial startup tests (Table 14.2-3) ensured that fuel loading was accomplished in a safe manner, confirmed the

14.2-2 Rev.0 WOLF CREEK design basis, demonstrated, where practical, that the plant operates and responds properly to anticipated transients and postulated accidents, and

ensured that the plant can be safely brought to rated capacity and sustained

power operation.

The objectives of the Initial Startup Test Program were to:

a. Accomplish a controlled, orderly, and safe initial core


b. Accomplish a controlled, orderly, and safe initial


c. Conduct low power testing sufficient to ensure that

design parameters are satisfied and safety analysis assumptions are conservative;

d. Perform a controlled, orderly, and safe power ascension

with testing terminating at plant rated conditions;

e. Provide sufficient testing of transient and accident

conditions to verify safe operation during transient or

accident conditions.

The completion of initial startup testing constituted the completion of Phases

II, III, and IV of the Initial Test Program.

14.2.2 ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING General Description The Operating Agent, as defined in Section 1.4, was responsible for the overall

administration and technical direction of the WCGS startup program. In

recognition of this responsibility, the Director of Nuclear Operations, under the direction of the Vice President - Nuclear, established a startup

organization to coordinate and direct the comprehensive planning, development, implementation and performance of the test program. The Startup Organization

was headed by the Startup Manager who reported to the Plant Manager both

administratively and technically.

During the preoperational startup program, the Startup Manager acted to

coordinate activities between the Startup Organization, the construction staff, and the operating staff.

Prior to commencing preoperational testing activities, a Joint Test Group (JTG) as described in Section was formed to review and recommend for

approval startup administrative procedures, preoperational test procedures, and

preoperational test

14.2-3 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK results. A Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC) as described in Section was organized with the Plant Manager acting as chairman and it

reviewed and recommended for approval initial startup test procedures and

results. Startup Organization

The Startup Organization was directly responsible for the conduct of the WCGS

preoperational test program. The duties and responsibilities of the startup

organization also included:

a. Familiarization of support personnel with specific


b. Direction to support personnel and others during performance of tests including appropriate interface with station operators.
c. Authority to disallow or terminate testing due to

conditions which could endanger personnel or equipment.

d. Identification of deficiencies that could adversely

affect test performance.

e. Assembly of test data and preparation of test reports

for evaluation of test results by others.

The Startup Organization was composed of system startup engineers, technicians, planners, craft labor, and other support personnel. The Operating Agent

provided these personnel and used contractors to supply manpower for those positions that it could not staff. The staffing level for the Startup Organization increased as the test program progressed and construction

activities decreased. Typical schedules for the test program are given in

Section 14.2.11. Staffing and training of personnel involved in testing at

WCGS were planned to provide sufficient manpower to support the testing


The Startup Organization reported administratively and technically to the

Startup Manager; the duties performed by key individuals within the Startup

Organization are summarized below. Startup Manager

The Startup Manager had the authority and responsibility, as delegated by the

Plant Manager, for the overall direction and administration of the functions

and activities required to conduct the Startup Program. The responsibilities

and duties of the Startup Manager also included:

14.2-4 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

a. Development of plans and schedules regarding the status of the startup program.
b. Review and approval of administrative and technical test

procedures and results.

c. Continuing analysis of construction and equipment

installation schedules for compatibility with testing

schedules and recommendations for corrective actions to

minimize conflict.

d. Review and submittal of design related problems

requiring engineering resolution, encountered by the

Startup Organization in accordance with the appropriate

Startup Administrative Procedures.

e. Maintaining liaison with all organizations supporting

Startup and coordinating their activities. Startup Section

The Startup Section was comprised primarily of the System Test Group, the

Electrical Test Group and the Instrumentation and Control Group which had

primary responsibility within the Startup Organization to perform testing.

This section also reviewed and recommended the acceptance of system or

subsystem turnover documentation from Construction and coordinated system

turnover and any subsequent system rework. It was responsible for preparing the

test procedures, conducting the tests, and reporting the test results. For

preoperational testing, this section documented the test results and presented

them before the Joint Test Group for its review and recommendation for approval. Operations Technical Support Section

The Operations Technical Support Section was responsible for providing

technical support to the Startup Section during testing. The areas in which

this support was given were instrumentation and control, chemistry, computer, health physics and reactor engineering.

This section was a permanent part of the WCGS operating staff until these functions were incorporated into other sections. They were involved in training, procedure preparation, and general preparation for support of plant operations. Startup Scheduling Section

The Startup Scheduling Section prepared and updated the Startup Schedule, utilizing input from cognizant system startup engineers and the construction


14.2-5 Rev.7 WOLF CREEK Quality Control Section

The Quality Control Section formulated and implemented the Startup Quality

Control Program. This program monitored the conduct of the Startup

Organization's testing activities by reviewing administrative and technical test procedures, by witnessing major evolutions and selected flushes, hydros, and preoperational tests and by reviewing turnover packages. The Quality

Control Section was under the direction of the Director - Quality. They

provided support to the Startup Manager. Startup Technical Support Section

The Startup Technical Support Section was responsible for providing technical

support to the Startup Organization during the conduct of the Startup Program.

Their responsibilities included test procedure and test results review and approval, technical planning of major milestone activities, startup organization training and startup program compliance to FSAR commitments. Operating Staff The WCGS operating staff was involved in the startup program in several

capacities throughout preoperational and initial startup testing. This

involvement included review of test procedures and results and the direct participation in test activities. Operating staff personnel were utilized by

the startup organization as required for performance of testing under the

direction of system startup engineers. Station operators assisted system

startup engineers in performing tests and in the routine operations of systems.

The operating staff directed the fuel loading and was responsible for plant

operation during initial startup testing.

The operating staff was divided into sections headed by the Superintendent

Operations, Superintendent of Maintenance, Superintendent of Plant Support, Superintendent of Technical Support, Nuclear Training Manager and Superintendent Regulatory Quality and Administrative Services. These section

superintendents reported administratively and technically to the Plant Manager.

The duties and responsibilities of the operating staff during plant operations

are described in Chapter 13.0. Major Participating Organizations Bechtel

Bechtel provided engineering input into the startup program. Bechtel was contacted to provide personnel experienced in nuclear plant startup to augment

the startup organization for WCGS. Bechtel employees were assigned consistent

with the startup program schedules.

14.2-6 Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK Daniel International Corporation (DIC)

DIC, as contractor for WCGS, was responsible for the construction completion, and orderly release of components and turnover of systems to KG&E consistent

with the startup program schedules. This responsibility included:

a. Certification that documentation for components, systems

and structures, as required by purchase and installation

specifications, is complete and available; and the

maintenance of these certification files which provide

the documentary evidence, and

b. Provision of dedicated craft manpower support as

required for performance of the startup program. Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Westinghouse, as the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) supplier, was

responsible for providing technical assistance to KG&E during preoperational

and initial startup testing performed on the NSSS equipment and systems.

Technical assistance is defined as technical guidance, advice and counsel based

on current engineering, installation, and testing practices. Westinghouse

employees were assigned consistent with the Startup Program schedules. This

responsibility included:

a. Assignment of personnel to provide advice and assistance

to KG&E for test and operation of all equipment and

systems in the Westinghouse area of responsibility.

b. Supportive engineering services, including special assistance during the initial fuel loading.
c. Providing test procedure outlines and technical

assistance for tests of Westinghouse furnished

components and systems. General Electric (GE)

GE is the supplier and installer of the turbine generator. GE supplied

technical support for the startup and testing of the turbine generator. Some

of the prerequisite testing (i.e., turbine oil flush) was performed by the GE

personnel. GE has supplied recommended procedures for starting, operating, and

shutting down equipment in their technical manuals for the turbine generator.

14.2-7 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Quality Assurance The KG&E Quality Branch was responsible for assuring the quality of

construction, plant testing, and operations activities in accordance with the

WCGS Quality Program which is described in the Quality Program Manual. Qualifications of Key Personnel

The qualifications for key plant operating personnel are described in Chapter


The qualification requirements for startup personnel involved in the WCGS

startup program conformed to capability levels per ANSI N45.2.6 and Regulatory

Guide 1.8 recommendations.

All test personnel were indoctrinated in the startup administrative procedures, methods and controls.


The Initial Test Program was conducted in accordance with detailed preoperational and initial startup test procedures. KG&E maintained the overall responsibility for test procedure preparation, review, and approval

during the preparational stages. KG&E was responsible for final procedure

revision, review, and approval. These activities were completed in a timely

fashion to ensure that the approved procedures for satisfying FSAR testing

equipment commitments were available for review approximately 60 days prior to

scheduled implementation or fuel load for preoperational and initial startup

tests, respectively. Preoperational and initial start-up testing commitments

not available for review approximately 60 days prior to scheduled

implementation or fuel load, respectively, were handled on a case- by-case


The following sections describe the general methods employed to control

procedure development and review, and they also describe the responsibilities

of the various organizations which participated in this process. The detailed controls and methods were described in the startup administrative procedures. Procedure Preparation Test procedures for the powerblock systems and components were developed by

Westinghouse and Bechtel. Bechtel also prepared test procedures for the site

safety-related systems and components. Test procedures for the site nonsafety-related systems and components were developed by various entities as

coordinated by KG&E.

14.2-8 Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK The format and content of the test procedures developed for the standard plant and safety-related site systems and components reflected the guidance provided

in Regulatory Guide 1.68. The procedures contained as a minimum the following


1.0 Objectives

The objectives section identified the general results to

be accomplished by the test.

2.0 Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria section clearly defined

quantitative and/or qualitative criteria against which

the success or failure of the test procedure is judged.

3.0 References

The references section identified those FSAR sections, vendor manuals, drawings, etc. that were pertinent to

the performance and/or development of the test


4.0 Test Equipment

The test equipment section identified temporary

equipment required to conduct the test procedure and/or

collect data.

5.0 Notes and Precautions The notes and precautions sections listed limitations

and precautions necessary to ensure personnel and

equipment safety. Additional instructions needed to

clarify the test procedure were also listed in this


6.0 Prerequisites

The prerequisites section identified those prerequisite

tests and initial conditions that had to be completed

and/or satisfied prior to the performance of the test


7.0 Test Procedure

The test procedure section provided a detailed step-by-

step test method and instructions for data collection.

All nonstandard arrangements required by the test

procedure section were restored either in the test

procedure section or the system restoration section.

14.2-9 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK 8.0 Test Data Sheets

The test data sheet section provided specific forms for

data collection. Additional instructions, if necessary, were also identified for each data sheet.

9.0 System Restoration

The system restoration section returned the system to a

safe operating or standby condition. Instructions for

the removal and/or return of system temporary

modifications required by the prerequisite and/or test

procedure sections were clearly defined.

The procedural sections included, as applicable, appropriate requirements for initials and/or signatures to control the performance and sequencing of the test.

The test procedures were prepared using the latest design information available

and functional requirements provided by the design engineers. This information

was utilized in developing the detailed test methods which verified the ability

of systems and components to function within their design specifications. The

procedure preparation efforts were started more than 2 years before the first

procedure to be performed. This early start allows for an orderly development

of the test procedure program and of the test procedures.

The test procedures were reviewed by the cognizant design organization to

ensure that the test procedure objectives and acceptance criteria are

consistent with current design document requirements. Subsequent changes to

test procedure objectives or acceptance criteria during the preparational stage were based on approved changes to design documents with the design organization's concurrence. Procedure Review and Approval Following initial procedure preparation, and prior to submittal to the JTG for

review and approval recommendation, the test procedures were reviewed by the

SNUPPS utilities (KG&E and Union Electric). Review comments were resolved between the SNUPPS utilities and the writing organization.

A final revision was made by the writing organization, incorporating all

applicable design changes, and was submitted to the utilities for their review

and approval.

14.2-10 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Each utility had various organizations, groups, and committees, such as a startup organization, initial test group, and a plant safety review committee, comprised of individuals having appropriate technical backgrounds and

experience. Individuals within these organizations, groups, and committees

were responsible for:

a. Reviewing procedures for accuracy and technical content;
b. Verifying that the procedure has been revised to

incorporate known design changes;

c. Verifying procedure compatibility with field

installation of equipment;

d. Verifying procedure conformance with FSAR requirements and plant operating technical specifications;
e. Reviewing procedures against reactor operating and

testing experiences of similar power plants. Joint Test Group (JTG)

A subcommittee of the PSRC, the JTG was organized by the Operating Agent to

review preoperational test procedures and preoperational test results.

The primary JTG functions were to:

a. Review preoperational test procedures and recommend

their approval by the Startup Manager.

b. Evaluate and authorize changes to preoperational test procedures as detailed in the Startup Administrative


c. Evaluate preoperational test procedure results and

recommend their approval to the Startup Manager and

Plant Manager.

d. Review safety-related aspects of the startup

administrative procedures.

Membership in the JTG included the following personnel or their designated


a. Superintendent Operations - Chairman
b. Superintendent of Plant Support

14.2-11 Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK

c. Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality and Administrative Services
d. Startup Technical Support Supervisor
e. Assistant Startup Manager
f. Operations Quality Assurance (non-voting member)
g. Bechtel Power Corporation-Engineering (non-voting


h. Westinghouse-Engineering (non-voting member)

Others were requested to provide technical support to the JTG. This support was based on the procedure being reviewed, required technical expertise or other applicable factors. Participation in the JTG meeting was with the concurrence

of the JTG and was limited to technical input only. Plant Safety Review Committee (PSRC)

The PSRC was organized by the Operating Agent to ensure effective coordination

of the engineering, construction, and operations activities affecting the

startup program.

The appropriate PSRC members ensured sufficient review of initial startup test

procedures and results.

The primary PSRC startup functions were:

a. Review all initial startup test procedures and make recommendations to the Plant Manager.
b. Evaluation and authorization of changes to initial

startup test procedures.

c. Evaluation of initial startup test procedure results.

Membership in the PSRC is given in the Quality Program Manual.

14.2.4 CONDUCT OF TEST PROGRAM Administrative Procedures

The conduct of the preoperational startup program was controlled by

administrative procedures. The preparation, maintenance, and implementation

of these procedures was the responsibility of the Startup Manager. The startup administrative procedures prescribed controls for startup activities such as:

14.2-12 Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK

a. Organization and interfaces;
b. Indoctrination and training;
c. Preparation, review, approval, and modification of test procedures;
d. Format and content of test procedures;
e. Tagging procedures;
f. Test scheduling and test conduct;
g. Test deficiencies and resolution;
h. Startup quality control; and
i. Startup document control. Turnover from Construction to KG&E Startup Construction completion was scheduled in accordance with engineered system or

subsystem boundaries. As systems or sub- systems were completed to support

Startup testing, a turnover of the system or subsystem to KG&E Startup was processed. Turnover was conducted in accordance with established

administrative procedures.

As part of the turnover process, each safety-related system or subsystem

received physical walkdowns to provide assurance of readiness for Startup

testing and verification that installation requirements had been met.

Walkdowns were performed jointly by KG&E Startup and KG&E Construction

personnel under the direction of the KG&E Construction Manager. Discrepancies

identified during the walkdowns were tracked and resolved in accordance with

established administrative and quality procedures.

The system or subsystem Turnover Package prepared by the constructor was

reviewed by KG&E Construction and KG&E Startup personnel for accuracy, completeness and acceptability for Startup testing. In conjunction with the

Turnover Package review, Startup personnel verified that the system or

subsystem procurement and installation documentation review had been performed

by Construction, and that discrepancies had been addressed. Acceptance of the

Turnover Package by Startup followed satisfactory completion of the Turnover

Package review. The Startup Manager was responsible for the approval and

acceptance of the system or subsystem and the associated Turnover Package.

14.2-13 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Individual components could be released to Startup for calibration, testing or temporary operation prior to turnover.

All components released in this manner were incorporated into the scope of a

subsequent system or subsystem turnover. Component and Prerequisite Testing Upon Startup acceptance of a turned-over system, subsystem, or released

component, prerequisite-type testing was performed to demonstrate proper

operability and functional ability in support of, and prior to, the performance of preoperational testing. Local containment leak rate testing, as described in

Section, was performed at WCGS as part of the prerequisite test


Administrative procedures were established to ensure that all prerequisites

were met before testing was initiated. Upon completion of all prerequisite

tests applicable to a system or subsystem, a documented review was conducted by

Startup personnel to verify that appropriate documentation was able and that

required prerequisite tests had been satisfactorily completed. All deficiencies

which would prevent performance of preoperational tests or generate negative test results were identified and dispositioned prior to implementation of the preoperational tests. Preoperational Testing Technical direction and administration, including test execution and data

recording, of the preoperational testing were the responsibility of the startup

organization. The system startup engineers were responsible for the performance of tests and providing appropriate interface with station

operators. The Startup Manager was responsible for the administration and

surveillance of all testing activities during the preoperational test program. Initial Startup Testing During the initial startup testing phase, the Plant Manager had overall

authority and responsibility for the startup program. The Startup Organization

provided support to the plant operating staff which had responsibility for performing equipment operations and maintenance in accordance with the

provisions of the plant operating license. The WCGS operating staff was also

responsible for ensuring that the conduct of testing did not place the plant in

an unsafe condition at any time.

The shift supervisors had the authority to terminate or disallow testing at any


14.2-14 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Prerequisites Each test procedure contained a set of prerequisites and initial conditions as

prescribed by the startup administrative procedures. The system startup

engineer ensured that all specified prerequisites were met prior to performing the test. The format for test procedures is described in Section Test Evaluation Upon completion of system preoperational testing, the test results were

submitted to the JTG for its review and subsequent recommendation for approval

to the Startup Manager and Plant Manager.

Between each major phase of the initial startup test program, the test results

for all tests that were performed were reviewed by the PSRC. This review

ensured that all required systems were tested satisfactorily and that test

results were approved before proceeding to the next stage of testing.

These reviews are described in Section 14.2.5. Design Modifications Modifications to the design of the equipment during the test program could be

initiated in order to correct deficiencies discovered as a result of testing.

Any such modifications were either developed by the original design organization or other designated organizations. Modifications made to

components or systems after completion of preoperational or initial startup

testing were reviewed for retesting requirements on affected portions of the



The responsibility for review, evaluation, and recommendation for approval of

test results from all preoperational tests rested with the JTG. In the case of

all initial start-up tests, it rested with the PSRC.

Following completion of a preoperational test, the responsible system startup

engineer assembled the test data package for submittal to the members of the

JTG for evaluation. Each test data package was reviewed to ensure that the

test has been performed in accordance with the approved procedure and that all

required data, checks, and signatures were properly recorded and that system

performance met the approved acceptance criteria.

14.2-15 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Members of the JTG reviewed the evaluation findings and recommended corrective action to be taken to resolve any outstanding deficiencies. If the

deficiencies were not resolved to the satisfaction of the JTG, then appropriate

retesting was required. If the evaluation indicated that deficiencies in the

test method were responsible for unsatisfactory test results, the test procedure was revised accordingly before retesting was initiated. The review

and approval process for procedure revisions was carried out in the manner

described in Section 14.2.3. Whenever an evaluation of test results indicated

deficiencies in system performance, the JTG referred the problem to the

responsible engineering organization for evaluation.

If the test documentation and system performance were acceptable, the JTG

recommended approval of the test by the Startup Manager and the Plant Manager.

Following each major phase of the initial startup test program, the PSRC verified that all required tests were performed and that the test results were approved. This verification ensured that all required systems were operating

properly and that testing for the next major phase was conducted in a safe and

efficient manner. This type of review was performed to the extent required

before major initial startup test phases such as fuel load, initial

criticality, and power ascension. During the power ascension phase, review and

approval of initial startup test procedure results was completed as described

in KMLNRC-84-235.


Test procedures and test data relating to preoperational and initial startup

testing are retained in accordance with the measures described in the Quality Program Manual.


The regulatory guides applicable to the test program are listed, with

positions, in Appendix 3A, Conformance to NRC Regulatory Guides.



Available information on reactor operating experiences was utilized in the

development of the Initial Test Program, as follows:

14.2-16 Rev. 21 WOLF CREEK

a. Bechtel reviewed and distributed pertinent Licensee Event Reports for use in the development of

preoperational test procedures as follows:

1. The Licensee Event Summary Reports and other pertinent information were reviewed on a periodic

basis, and those reports deemed to be useful for

updating test procedures and items of a generic

nature were cataloged. A summary of these reports

was distributed within Bechtel.

2. Copies of the specific reports were then made and

distributed for use in the preparation of

procedures. In addition, these reports were coded

and filed in a computer retrieval system.

b. The operating experience assessment for Wolf Creek

Generating Station Unit No. 1 (WCGS) was conducted by

the nuclear divisions and plant staff who possess the

appropriate experience in the area of concern. The

sources of operating experience information included the

use of the NETWORK and the INPO/NSAC SEEIN system. An

administrative system which controlled the flow of

information from NETWORK, INPO/NSAC SEEIN, etc., to the

cognizant organizations including the Independent Safety

Engineering Group (ISEG) was developed and functioning

prior to fuel load.

The Licensing Section was responsible for coordinating

the review of the NRC Information and Enforcement (IE)

Bulletins, Circulars, and Information Notices.

The Startup Group reviewed information provided by the

other KG&E Nuclear Divisions and information provided by

Bechtel and Westinghouse to determine its effect on the

Wolf Creek Initial Test Program, making revisions to

test and administrative procedures as required.

An instrumented auxiliary feedwater water-hammer test was performed only at

Wolf Creek. (This test was not required to be performed. It was being

performed for the purpose of gathering engineering data only.) Procedure S-

O3AL04, Auxiliary Feedwater System Water Hammer Test, required a visual and

audible water hammer test and was completed prior to the issuance of an

operating license. See new Section

Procedure S-070017, Loss of Heater Drain Pump Test, was performed on Callaway

only. This test was conducted to verify analytical assumptions. No

additional loss of heater drain pump tests are

14.2-17 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK required, since the data obtained from the first unit test is equally valid for subsequent units. See Section

Procedure S-07SF09 RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Power, was performed at 50

percent power only at Callaway. Wolf Creek and Callaway have the same core and Nuclear instrumentation system design and the test at Callaway is considered a

prototypical test for Wolf Creek. This position was accepted by the NRC in a

July 3, 1985 letter to KG&E.

A natural circulation test was performed at Callaway only to demonstrate the

length of time to stabilize natural circulation, core flow distribution, and

the ability to establish and maintain natural circulation. Operators

participating in the tests were able to recognize when natural circulation had

stabilized and were able to control saturation margin, RCS pressure, and heat

removal rate without exceeding specified operating limits. These tests were conducted insofar as possible to include all available licensed operators.

Licensed operators were trained in these same areas on the simulator. The

simulator has full capability of simulating natural circulation, using

Westinghouse data initially. When the above tests were accomplished on the

Callaway plant, actual data was incorporated into the Wolf Creek simulator

program. See Chapter 18, item I.G.1, and Section


The plant operating procedures were utilized, where applicable during the test

program, to support testing, maintain plant conditions, and facilitate

training. The trial use of operating procedures served to familiarize

operating personnel with systems and plant operation during the testing phase

and also served to ensure the adequacy of the procedures under actual or

simulated operating conditions before plant operation begins. The emergency procedures were verified during startup as plant conditions, testing, and training warrant. Surveillance tests were performed as conditions warrant

during the testing program, to demonstrate their adequacy.

Plant operating procedures were developed in approximately the same time frame

as the preparation of preoperational and initial startup tests. The operating

procedures were revised as necessary to reflect experience gained during the

testing program.



Prior to the commencement of fuel loading, required preoperational test

procedures were evaluated, and appropriate remedial action

14.2-18 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK was taken if the acceptance criteria was not satisfied. At the completion of fuel loading, the reactor upper internals and pressure vessel head were

installed, and additional mechanical and electrical tests were performed to

prepare the plant for nuclear operation. After final precritical tests, nuclear operation of the reactor began. This phase of testing included initial criticality, low power testing, and power level ascension. The purpose of

these tests was to establish the operational characteristics of the unit and

core, to acquire data for the proper calibration of setpoints, and to ensure

that operation is within license requirements. Section summarizes

the tests which are performed from fuel load to rated power. The fuel loading

and post loading tests are described below. Fuel Loading The Plant Manager or his designated representative with technical assistance

provided by Westinghouse, was responsible for the coordination of initial core

loading. The overall process of initial core loading was, in general, directed from the operating floor of the containment structure by a licensed senior

reactor operator. The licensed senior reactor operator had no additional

responsibilities other than core load operations.

The core configuration was specified as part of the core design studies

conducted well in advance of fuel loading. In the event mechanical damage was

sustained during core loading operations to a fuel assembly of a type for which

no spare was available onsite, an alternate core loading scheme could have been

determined. Any such changes would have been approved by the appropriate

Westinghouse personnel.

Core loading procedures specified the condition of fluid systems to prevent

inadvertent changes in boron concentration of the reactor coolant; the movement

of fuel to preclude the possibility of mechanical damage; the conditions under

which loading could proceed; and the responsibility and authority for

continuous and complete fuel and core component accountability.

The following conditions were met prior to core loading:

a. The reactor containment structure was complete and

containment integrity had been demonstrated.

b. Fuel handling tools and equipment were checked out and

operators familiarized in the use and operation of

equipment. Inspections of fuel assemblies, rod cluster control assemblies, and reactor vessel were satisfactorily completed.

14.2-19 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The reactor vessel and associated components were in a state of readiness to receive fuel. The water level was

maintained above the bottom of the nozzles and

recirculation maintained to ensure the required boron

concentration could be increased via the recirculation path or directly to the open vessel.

Criteria for safe loading required that loading operations stop immediately if

any of the following conditions occur.

a. An unanticipated increase in the neutron count rates by a

factor of two occurs on all responding nuclear channels

during any single loading step after the initial nucleus

of eight fuel assemblies is loaded.

b. An unanticipated increase in the count rate by a factor of five on any individual responding nuclear channel

during any single loading step after the initial nucleus

of eight fuel assemblies is loaded.

c. An unanticipated decrease in boron concentration greater

than 20 ppm is determined from two successive samples of

the reactor coolant.

Loading operations could not be restarted until the situation was evaluated.

An alarm in the containment and main control room was coupled to the source

range channels with a setpoint equal to or less than five times the current

count rate. This alarm automatically alerts the loading operation personnel of

high count rate, and an immediate stop of all operations would be required

until the situation was evaluated. In the event the evacuation alarm was actuated during core loading and after it has been determined that no hazards to personnel exist, preselected personnel would be permitted to reenter the

containment to evaluate the cause and determine future action.

The core was assembled in the reactor vessel and submerged in the reactor grade

water containing sufficient dissolved boric acid to maintain a calculated core

effective multiplication factor of 0.95 or lower. The refueling pool could be

wet or dry during initial core loading. Core moderator, chemistry conditions (particularly boron concentration) were prescribed in the core loading

procedure document and verified by chemical analysis of moderator samples taken

prior to and during core loading operations.

At least two artificial neutron sources were introduced into the core at

specified points in the core during the loading program to ensure a detector

response of at least 2 counts per second attributable to neutrons.

14.2-20 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Core loading instrumentation consisted of two permanently installed source range (pulse type) nuclear channels and two temporary incore source range

channels. A third temporary channel could also be used as a spare. The

permanent channels, when responding, were monitored in the main control room, and the temporary channels were installed and monitored in the containment. At least one permanent channel was equipped with an audible count rate indicator.

Both plant channels have the capability of displaying the neutron flux level on

a strip chart recorder. The temporary channels indicated on scalers, and a

minimum of one channel was recorded on a strip chart recorder. Normally minimum

count rates of two counts per second attributable to core neutrons were

required on at least two of the four (i.e. two temporary and two permanent

source range detectors) available nuclear source channels at all times

following installation of the initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies. A

response check of nuclear instruments to a neutron source was performed within

8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> prior to loading of the core, or upon resumption of loading if delay was for more than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Fuel assemblies, together with inserted components (control rod assemblies, burnable, poison assemblies, source spider, or thimble plugging devices) were

placed in the reactor vessel one at a time, according to a previously

established and approved sequence developed to provide reliable core monitoring

with minimum possibility of core mechanical damage. The core loading procedure

documents prescribed the successive movements of each fuel assembly and its

specified inserts from its initial position in the storage racks to its final

position in the core. Fuel assembly status boards were maintained throughout

the core loading operation.

An initial nucleus of eight fuel assemblies, one containing a neutron source, is the minimum source-fuel nucleus which permitted subsequent meaningful

inverse count rate monitoring. This initial nucleus was determined by calculation to be markedly subcritical (K eff 0.95) under the required conditions of loading.

Each subsequent fuel addition was accompanied by detailed neutron count rate

monitoring to determine that the just-loaded fuel assembly did not excessively

increase the count rate and that the extrapolated inverse count rate ratio was

behaving as expected. These results for each loading step were evaluated before

the next fuel assembly was loaded. The final, as loaded, core configuration

was subcritical (K eff < 0.95) under the required loading conditions.

14.2-21 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Initial Criticality Prior to initial criticality, the following tests were performed and the

results evaluated.

a. At the completion of core loading, the reactor upper

internals and pressure vessel head were installed. A

pressure test was conducted after filling, and venting

was completed to check the leaktightness of the vessel

head installation.

b. Mechanical and electrical tests were performed on the

control rod drive mechanisms. These tests included a

complete operational checkout of the mechanisms and

calibration of the individual rod position indicators.

c. Tests were performed on the reactor trip circuits to

test manual trip operation, and actual control rod

assembly drop times were measured for each control rod

assembly. At all times that the control rod drive

mechanisms were being tested, the boron concentration in

the coolant was maintained so that the shutdown margin

requirements specified in the Technical Specifications

were met. During individual RCCA or RCC bank motion, source range instrumentation was monitored for

unexpected changes in core reactivity.

d. The reactor control and reactor protection systems were

checked with simulated inputs to produce trip signals

for various trip conditions.

e. A functional electrical and mechanical check was made of

the incore nuclear flux mapping system near normal

operating temperature and pressure.

Initial criticality was achieved by a combination of shutdown and control bank

withdrawal and reactor coolant system boron concentration dilution. The plant

conditions, precautions, and specific instructions for the approach to

criticality were specified by approved procedures.

Initially, the shutdown and control banks of control rods were withdrawn

incrementally in the normal withdrawal sequence, leaving the last withdrawn

control bank partially inserted in the core to provide effective control when

criticality was achieved. The boron concentration in the reactor coolant

system was reduced and criticality achieved by boron dilution or by subsequent

rod withdrawal following boron dilution. Throughout this period, samples of

the primary coolant were obtained and analyzed for boron concentration.

14.2-22 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Inverse count rate ratio monitoring using data from the normal plant source range instrumentation was used as an indication of the proximity and rate of

approach to criticality. Inverse count rate ratio data was plotted as a

function of rod bank position during rod motion and as a function of reactor

makeup water addition during reactor coolant system boron concentration reduction. Low Power Testing Following initial criticality, a program of reactor physics measurements was

undertaken to verify that the basic static and kinetic characteristics of the

core were as expected and that the values of the kinetic coefficients assumed in the safeguards analysis were conservative.

Procedures specified the sequence of tests and measurements to be conducted and

the conditions under which each was performed in order to ensure both safety of

operation and the validity and consistency of the results obtained. If test

results deviated significantly from design predictions, if unacceptable

behavior had been revealed, or if unexplained anomalies had developed, the

plant would have been brought to a safe stable condition and the situation

reviewed to determine the course of subsequent plant operation.

These measurements were made at low power and primarily at or near normal operating temperature and pressure. Measurements were made in order to verify

the calculated values of control rod bank reactivity worths, the isothermal

temperature coefficient under various core conditions, differential boron

concentration reactivity worth, and critical boron concentrations as functions

of control rod configuration. In addition, measurements of the relative power

distributions were made, and concurrent tests were conducted on the

instrumentation, including source and intermediate range nuclear channels.

Gamma and neutron radiation surveys were performed at selected points

throughout the station. Periodic sampling was performed to verify chemical and

radio-chemical analysis of the reactor coolant. Power Level Ascension After the operating characteristics of the reactor were verified by low power

testing, a program of power level ascension brought the unit to its full rated

power level in successive stages. At each successive stage, hold points were provided to evaluate and approve test results prior to proceeding to the next

stage. The minimum test requirements for each successive stage of power

ascension were specified in the initial startup test procedures.

14.2-23 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Measurements were made to determine the relative power distribution in the core as functions of power level and control assembly bank position.

Secondary system heat balance measurements ensured that the indications of

power level were consistent and provide bases for calibration of the power range nuclear channels. The ability of the reactor coolant system to respond

effectively to signals from primary and secondary instrumentation under a

variety of conditions encountered in normal operations was verified.

At prescribed power levels, the dynamic response characteristics of the primary

and secondary systems were evaluated. System response characteristics were

measured for design step load changes, rapid load reduction, and plant trips.

Adequacy of radiation shielding was verified by gamma and neutron radiation

surveys at selected points throughout the station at various power levels.

Periodic sampling was performed to verify the chemical and radio-chemical analysis of the reactor coolant.


Detailed schedules for testing were prepared, reviewed, and revised on a

continuing basis as plant construction progressed.

Preoperational tests which were not performed according to schedule were

reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Administrative procedures were established

to ensure that all prerequisites were met before testing was initiated. Upon

completion of all prerequisite tests applicable to a system or subsystem, a

documented review was conducted by Start-up personnel to verify that

appropriate documentation was available and that required prerequisite tests

were satisfactorily completed. All deficiencies which would have prevented performance of preoperational tests or generated negative test results were identified and dispositioned prior to implementation of the preoperational


Preoperational testing was scheduled to commence approximately 18 months prior

to fuel loading. The preoperational tests were performed and sequenced during

this period as a function of system turnover, system interrelationships, and

acceptance for testing.

Initial startup testing was scheduled to be conducted over a period of

approximately 3 to 5 months, commencing with fuel loading. The sequential

schedule for initial startup tests ensured, insofar as practicable, that test

requirements were completed

14.2-24 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK prior to exceeding 25-percent power for all plant structures, systems, and components that are relied upon to prevent, limit, or mitigate the consequences

of postulated accidents.

The development of the test procedures was an ongoing process consisting of preparation, review, and revision. Preoperational test procedures were

available for NRC review approximately 60 days prior to the performance of an

individual test. If an individual test procedure was not available 60 days

prior to the test, the NRC was notified of the test date and the date the test

procedure was available. Initial startup test procedures were available for

NRC review at least 60 days prior to fuel loading.


Test abstracts were provided for both safety-related and selected nonsafety-related preoperational tests. The abstracts included test prerequisites and summaries of test methods, objectives, and acceptance criteria. Safety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures The following sections contain test abstracts used for safety- related

preoperational tests. Table 14.2-1 provides an index of these tests.

The preoperational test procedures were designated SO3 (Safety- Related/Common

to WCGS and Callaway), SU3 (Safety-Related/WCGS Specific), SO4 thru SO9 (Nonsafety-Related/Common to WCGS and Callaway) and SU4 thru SU9 (Nonsafety-

Related/WCGS Specific) as appropriate. Steam Dump System Preoperational Test (S-03AB01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operability of the steam dump control system control circuits in both the average temperature and steam pressure modes of operation.
b. To demonstrate the operation of the main steam dump

valves and main steam cooldown valves, including valve

response to safety signals.

c. To verify the operation of the main steam line drain

valves' control circuits, including valve response to a

turbine trip signal.

14.2-25 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. To verify the operation of the main steam to turbine-driven feedwater pump supply valves' control logics, including valve response to an auxiliary feedwater

actuation signal (AFAS).

e. To verify the operation of the main steam atmospheric relief valves' control circuits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are completed.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. Operability of the steam dump control system control

circuits is verified in both the average temperature and

steam pressure modes.

b. Operability of the main steam dump valves' and main steam cooldown valves' control circuits is verified, including valve response to turbine impulse low

pressure, low-low average temperature, and condenser

shell high pressure signals.

c. Operability of the main steam line drain valves' control

circuits is verified, including valve response to a

turbine trip signal.

d. Operability of the main steam to turbine-driven

auxiliary feedwater pump supply valves' control logics

is verified, including valve response to an AFAS.

e. Operability of the main steam atmospheric relief valves' control circuits is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The response of the main steam dump valves and the main steam cooldown valves to the associated turbine impulse

low pressure, low-low average temperature, and condenser

shell high pressure signals is in accordance with system


b. The main steam line drain valves open on receipt of a

turbine trip signal.

14.2-26 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK

c. The main steam to turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump supply valves open on receipt of an AFAS.
d. The response of the main steam atmospheric relief valves to pressure signals is in accordance with system

design. Main Steam Safety Valve Test (SU3-AB02) Objectives

To verify the pressure relief setpoints of the main steam

safety valves.

NOTE: This objective may be accomplished either by bench

testing or with a pneumatic test device. Prerequisites

The following prerequisites apply when a pneumatic test device is used.

a. Required instrument calibration is complete.
b. Hot Functional Testing is in progress.
c. A Source of compressed air is available to provide air

to the air set pressure device installed on the valve

under test.

The following prerequisites apply when bench testing is


a. Bench testing facility is available.
b. An approved WCGS procedure is available to accomplish

bench testing.

c. A source of compressed gas is available to provide

pressure to the valve under test. Test Method

The following test method applied when a pneumatic test

device is used.

Main steam pressure is adjusted within the required range, and air is admitted to the air set pressure device on the

safety valve under test. Actual lift pressure is calculated, using the steam pressure and converted air pressure at the

time of lift.

14.2-27 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK The following test applies when bench testing is performed.

With the main steam safety valve mounted on the bench test

facility, the spring assembly is preheated and the safety

valve is pressurized with compressed gas. Actual set pressure is determined at the time of lift. Acceptance Criteria

Each main steam safety valve lifts within its respective

setpoint tolerance. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Test (S-03AB03) Objectives

a. To verify the response of the main steam bypass, drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves to steam

line isolation signals.

b. To demonstrate the operability of the main steam

isolation valve control circuits, including control

circuit response to a steam line isolation signal

(SLIS). Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The main steam line isolation valve accumulators are

charged, and the associated hydraulic systems are

operational. Test Method

An SLIS is initiated, and the response of the main steam bypass, main steam

drain, and auxiliary feedwater turbine warmup valves is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The main steam bypass, drain, and auxiliary feedwater

turbine warmup valves close on receipt of an SLIS. Main Steam System Preoperational Test (S-03AB04)

14.2-28 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Objectives

a. To determine, during hot functional testing, the

operating times of the main steam isolation valves, main steam bypass valves, main steam dump valves, main steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves.

b. To verify the response of the main steam isolation

valves to steam line isolation signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Hot functional testing is in progress.
d. The condenser is available to receive steam from the main steam system. Test Method

a. The main steam isolation valves, main steam bypass

valves, main steam dump valves, main steam cooldown

valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves are operated, and operating times are recorded.

b. An SLIS is initiated, and the response of the main steam

isolation valves is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating times of the main steam isolation valves, main steam dump valves, main steam bypass valves, main

steam cooldown valves, and the main steam atmospheric relief valves are within design specifications.

b. The main steam isolation valves close on receipt of a

steam line isolation signal. Main Feedwater System Preoperational Test (S-03AEO1) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operation of the feedwater system

valves and to verify the response of the feedwater

system valves to a feedwater isolation signal (FIS).

14.2-29 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK

b. To perform the initial operation of the steam generator feedwater pumps (SGFP). Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The closed cooling water system is available to provide

cooling water to the SGFP lube oil coolers.

d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to system air-operated valves.
e. The steam seal system is available to provide seal steam

and packing exhaust for the SGFPs.

f. The main turbine is available for turning gear


g. The condensate system is available to supply suction for

the SGFPs.

h. The main condenser is available to receive SGFP turbine


i. The auxiliary steam system is available to provide steam flow to the SGFP turbines. Test Method

a. Feedwater system valves are operated, and the proper

response of required system valves to an FIS is


b. The turbine-driven SGFPs are operated as limited by

steam, and operating data are recorded.

c. The motor-driven SGFP is operated, and operating data

are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The feedwater control valves, steam generator feedwater

isolation valves, feedwater chemical injection isolation

valves, and feedwater bypass control valves close on

receipt of an FIS.

14.2-30 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. The closing time of the feedwater isolation valves is within design specifications.
c. The performance of the motor-driven SGFP is within

design specifications. Steam Generator Level Control Test (S-03AE02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operability of the feedwater control

valves (FWCVs).

b. To demonstrate the operability of the FWCV bypass


c. To demonstrate the response of the FWCVs and bypass

valves to signals generated by the steam generator level

control system. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. The FWCVs are operated from their respective controllers, and the FWCVs' response to feedwater flow, steamline flow, and steam generator level is verified.
b. The FWCV bypass valves are operated from their

respective controllers, and their response to steam

generator level and neutron flux signal is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The response of the FWCVs to feedwater flow, steamline

flow, and steam generator level is in accordance with

system design.

b. The response of the FWCV bypass valves to steam

generator level and neutron flux signal is in accordance

with system design.

14.2-31 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump and Valve Preoperational Test (S-03ALOl) Objectives

To demonstrate the operability of the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, determine by flow test their ability to supply water to the steam generators, and verify their response to safety signals. The operation of system motor-

operated valves, including their response to safety signals, is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The condensate storage tank contains an adequate supply

of demineralized water for the performance of this test.

d. The steam generators are available to receive water from

the auxiliary feedwater system. Test Method

a. Performance characteristics of the motor-driven

auxiliary feedwater pumps are verified while discharging

to the steam generators.

b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of the motor-driven auxiliary

feedwater pumps and system valves on receipt of safety

signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. Motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump performance

characteristics must be within design specifications.

b. Motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps automatically

start on receipt of an engineered safety features

actuation signal (ESFAS) in the absence of an SIS signal

and a Class IE 4.16 kV bus undervoltage signal.

c. Auxiliary feedwater suction valves from essential

service water system open, and suction valves from

condensate storage tank close, on condensate storage

tank low-suction-pressure signals, coincident with an

auxiliary feedwater pump ESFAS.

14.2-32 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump and Valve Preoperational Test (SU3-AL02) Objectives

a. To verify the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine

mechanical trip and throttle valve automatic operation

on an auxiliary feedwater actuation signal (AFAS).

b. To perform the initial coupled operation of the turbine-

driven auxiliary feedwater pump. Full flow

characteristics of the turbine-driven pump will be

demonstrated during hot functional testing.

c. To perform five consecutive, successful, cold starts of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The steam generators are available to receive water from

the auxiliary feedwater pumps.

d. The steam generator blowdown system is available to

maintain the normal operating levels in the steam generators during auxiliary feedwater pump operation.

e. The auxiliary steam system is available to supply steam

to the auxiliary feedwater pump turbine.

f. For the performance characteristic test of this pump, hot functional testing (HFT) is in progress. Test Method

a. An AFAS is simulated, and opening of the mechanical trip

and throttle valve is verified.

b. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump is operated

during HFT, and performance characteristics are


c. The ability of the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater

pumps to start successfully five consecutive times from

cold conditions is verified.

14.2-33 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The auxiliary feedwater pump mechanical trip and

throttle valve opens automatically on an AFAS.

b. Operating characteristics of the turbine-driven

auxiliary feedwater pump are in accordance with design.

c. The turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump starts

successfully five consecutive times from a cold start. Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump Endurance Test

(SU3-AL03) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater

pumps can operate for 48 continuous hours without

exceeding any of their limiting design specifications.

b. To demonstrate that the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater

pumps can operate for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after a cooldown from the

48-hour test.

c. To demonstrate that the room environmental conditions

are not exceeded during the 48-hour test. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The appropriate auxiliary feedwater pump room coolers

are operational.

d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water

source and to receive recirculation flow. Test Method

Each motor-driven pump is started and operated for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after reaching

rated speed and rated discharge pressure and flow, or a greater pressure and

less flow. During the endurance run, pump- operating data and the pump room

environmental conditions are recorded. At the completion of each endurance

test, the pump is cooled for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and until pump data returns to within 20 F

of the original pretest data. The pump is then started and operated for 1


14.2-34 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating parameters (vibration, bearing

temperatures, etc.) of each motor-driven auxiliary

feedwater pump do not exceed the design specifications.

b. The environmental conditions of each motor-driven

auxiliary feedwater pump room do not exceed the design

specifications. Auxiliary Feedwater System Water Hammer Test (S-

03AL04) Objectives

To demonstrate that the injection of auxiliary feedwater at rated flow into a steam generator at or near normal operating temperatures will not cause

damaging water hammer to the steam generators and/or feedwater system. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The steam generators are at or near normal operating


d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water source. Test Method

Auxiliary feedwater is injected into each steam generator. The feedwater system

piping and the steam generators are monitored visually and audibly to verify

that no damaging water hammer occurs. Acceptance Criteria

No damaging water hammer occurs. Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump Endurance

Test (SU3-AL05) Objectives

14.2-35 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

a. To demonstrate that the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump can operate for 48 continuous hours

without exceeding any of its limiting design


b. To demonstrate that the turbine-driven auxiliary

feedwater pump can operate for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after a cool down

from the 48-hour test.

c. To demonstrate that the room environmental conditions

are not exceeded during the 48-hour test. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The appropriate auxiliary feedwater pump room coolers

are operational.

d. The condensate storage tank is available as a water

source and to receive recirculation flow.

e. A steam source is available. Test Method

The pump is started and operated for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after reaching rated speed and rated discharge pressure and flow, or a greater pressure and less flow. The

turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump operating steam is as close to normal

operating temperature as possible and is at least 400 F. During the endurance

run, pump-operating data and the pump room environmental conditions are

recorded. At the completion of the endurance test, the pump is cooled for 8

hours and until pump data returns to within 20 F of the original pretest data.

The pump is then started and operated for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating parameters (vibration, bearing

temperatures, etc.) do not exceed the design


b. The environmental conditions of the turbine-driven

auxiliary feedwater pump room do not exceed the design


14.2-36 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Reactor Coolant Pump Initial Operation (S-03BB01) Objectives

To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the reactor coolant pumps and verify the operation of their associated oil lift pumps. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The chemical and volume control system is available to provide seal water to the reactor coolant pump seals.
d. The component cooling water system is available to

supply cooling water to the reactor coolant pumps. Test Method

The reactor coolant pumps and associated oil lift pumps are operated, and pump

operating data are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

Reactor coolant pump and oil lift pump operating characteristics are within

design specifications. Pressurizer Relief Tank Cold Preoperational Test

(SU3-BB02) Objectives

To demonstrate that the reactor makeup water system can supply design

pressurizer relief tank (PRT) spray flow against design backpressure. The

operation of the PRT nitrogen isolation valves, including their response to a

containment isolation signal, is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-37 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The reactor makeup water system is available to supply water to the PRT.
d. The service gas system is available to pressurize the

PRT. Test Method

a. With a design backpressure in the PRT, a reactor makeup

water pump is operated to obtain the spray flow to the


b. The response of the PRT nitrogen isolation valves to a

containment isolation signal is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The reactor makeup water system supplies the design

spray flow to the PRT with design backpressure in the


b. PRT nitrogen isolation valves close on receipt of a

containment isolation signal. Valve closure times are

within design specifications. RTD Bypass Flow Measurement (SU3-BB03)

At WCGS, test S-07BB01 (USAR Section was used to satisfy the

requirement for verification of design specifications. Pressurizer Pressure Control Test (S-03BB04) Objectives

To demonstrate the stability and response of the pressurizer pressure control

system, including the verification of pressurizer pressure alarm and control

functions. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and

pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot

functional testing is in progress.

14.2-38 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. Pressurizer pressure is varied, and the ability of the

pressurizer pressure control system to automatically

control and stabilize pressurizer pressure is verified.

b. Pressurizer pressure is varied, and pressurizer pressure

control system alarm and control setpoints are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The pressurizer pressure control system responds, in

accordance with system design, to an increase and

decrease in system pressure.

b. Pressurizer pressure control system alarm and control setpoints are within design specifications. Reactor Coolant System Hot Preoperational Test

(S-03BB05) Objectives

a. To operate the reactor coolant system at full flow

conditions for a minimum of 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br /> to provide the

necessary vibration cycles on the vessel's internal

components prior to their inspection at core loading.

b. To provide coordination and initial conditions necessary

for the conduct of those preoperational tests to be performed during heatup, normal operating temperature and pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant

system. Prerequisites

a. The reactor coolant system cold hydrostatic test is


b. The reactor vessel internals and head are installed, and

the vessel is available to support this test.

c. All systems and components required to support heatup, operations at normal temperature and pressure, and

cooldown of the reactor coolant system are available.

d. Required instrument calibration is complete.

14.2-39 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

e. The examination of the reactor internals in accordance with Section 3.9(N).2.4, is complete Test Method

a. The reactor coolant system is operated at full flow

conditions for a minimum of 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br />.

b. Those preoperational tests required to be performed

during heatup, normal operating temperature and

pressure, and cooldown of the reactor coolant system are

completed, as coordinated by this test. Acceptance Criteria

The reactor coolant system has operated at full flow conditions for a minimum of 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br />.

Notes: 1. The acceptance criteria for individual systems are a

part of the individual test procedures sequenced by

this procedure.

2. A post-hot functional examination of the reactor

internals is performed as described in Section

3.9(N).2.4. Thermal Expansion (S-03BB06) Objectives

To verify that during heatup and cooldown of the reactor coolant system the associated components, piping, support, and restraint deflections are

unobstructed and within design specifications. Prerequisites

a. This test is conducted in conjunction with hot

functional testing.

b. Supports, restraints, and hangers are installed and

reference points and predicted movements established.

c. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

During the reactor coolant system heatup and cooldown, deflection data are


14.2-40 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. Unrestricted expansion and movements are verified to be

within design specifications.

b. Components, piping, supports, and restraints return to

their baseline cold position in accordance with system

design. Pressurizer Level Control Test (S-03BB07) Objectives

To demonstrate the stability and response of the pressurizer level control

system, including the verification of pressurizer level alarm and control functions. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The letdown and charging portions of the chemical and

volume control system are available to vary pressurizer


d. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure, and hot functional testing is in progress. Test Method

a. Pressurizer level is varied and the ability of the

pressurizer level control system to automatically

control and stabilize pressurizer level is verified.

b. Pressurizer level is varied, and pressurizer level

control system alarm and control setpoints are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The response and stability of the pressurizer level

control system are within design specifications.

b. The pressurizer level control system alarm and control

functions are within design specifications.

14.2-41 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Pressurizer Heater and Spray Capability Test (SU3-BB08) Objectives

To determine the electrical capacity of the pressurizer heaters, and the rate

of pressure increase from the operation of all pressurizer heaters. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and

pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running, and hot

functional testing is in progress. Test Method

a. Pressurizer heaters are energized, and heater capacity

is calculated.

b. With the pressurizer spray valves closed, all

pressurizer heaters are energized, and the time to reach

a 2,300 psig system pressure is measured and recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The capacity of the pressurizer heaters is within design


b. The pressurizer pressure response to the actuation of

all pressurizer heaters is within design limits. Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement Test


At WCGS, Test S-07BB03 (USAR Section is used to satisfy the

requirements for verification of design specifications. Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test


14.2-42 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK At WCGS, Test S-07BB04 (USAR Section is used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications. Reactor Coolant System Hydrostatic Test (S-03BBll) Objectives

To verify the integrity and leaktightness of the reactor coolant system and the

high-pressure portions of associated systems. Prerequisites

a. Required system flushing/cleaning are complete.
b. The reactor coolant pumps are available to support this test.
c. The reactor vessel's lower internals, upper internals, filter assembly, and the closure head are installed.

The studs are tensioned to design value for the

associated hydrostatic test pressure

d. Temporary temperature instrumentation is installed for

measuring the temperature of the steam generator tube

sheets, the bottom of the pressurizer, and the closure

flange of the reactor vessel.

e. A charging pump or test pump is available to pressurize

the system.

f. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

The minimum temperature for pressurizing the system is established. The

reactor coolant pumps are operated as required to establish the required

temperature. The system is then pressurized to test pressure, and system

welds, flanges, piping, and components are monitored for leakage. Acceptance Criteria

The reactor coolant system and associated high-pressure systems are verified

leaktight in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code,Section III, "Nuclear Components," through the Winter 1975

Addenda. Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Verification Test


14.2-43 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK At WCGS, Test S-07BB05 (USAR Section was used to satisfy the requirements for verification of design specifications. Pressurizer Relief Valve and PRT Hot Preoperational

Test (S-03BB13) Objectives

To demonstrate that the operating times of the pressurizer power- operated

relief valves are within design specifications. The ability of the reactor

coolant drain tank portion of the liquid radwaste system to cool down the

pressurizer relief tank (PRT) at the design rate is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The PRT is at a normal operating level and is aligned

for normal operation.

d. The liquid radwaste system is available to cool down the

PRT via the reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger.

e. The plant is at normal operating temperature and pres-

sure, and hot functional testing is in progress. Test Method

a. Pressurizer power-operated relief valves are operated, and opening times recorded.
b. Following the operation of the pressurizer power-

operated relief valves, the PRT is cooled down via the

reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger, and the

cooldown rate is calculated and recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. Power-operated relief valve operating times are within

design specifications.

14.2-44 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. The reactor coolant drain tank portion of the liquid radwaste system cools down the PRT at a rate within

design specifications. Reactor Coolant Loop Vibration Surveillance Test (S-03BB14) Objectives

To verify that the dynamic effects experienced during reactor coolant loop

steady flow and reactor coolant loop pump transients as measured during hot

functional testing (HFT) do not exceed acceptance criteria for the primary loop

piping and components. Prerequisites

a. Hot functional testing is in progress.
b. Reference points for vibrational measurement of the

reactor coolant piping and components are established.

c. All subject systems are available for the specified

dynamic operation.

d. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

a. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic


b. The specified dynamic event is initiated and the reactor

coolant piping and component responses are monitored. Acceptance Criteria

The measured deflections for each of the test measurement points are within a

specified percent of the calculated reference deflections. Leak Detection System Preoperational Test

(SU3-BB15A) Objectives

a. To determine, during hot functional testing, the amount

of identified and unidentified leakage from the reactor

coolant system and verify that the leakage is within

design limits.

14.2-45 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. To demonstrate the ability to detect an increase in reactor coolant system leakage. Prerequisites

a. Required instrument calibration is complete.
b. Hot functional testing is in progress, and the reactor

coolant system is at normal operating temperature and


c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of

water to support this test.

d. The reactor coolant drain tank and associated pumps are available to support this test. Test Method

a. The reactor coolant system identified and unidentified

leakage rates are determined by monitoring the reactor

coolant system water inventory.

b. A known leakage rate is initiated, and the ability to

detect an increase in leakage is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. Reactor coolant system identified and unidentified

leakage is within design limits.

b. The ability to detect an increase in reactor coolant

system leakage is verified. Leak Detection System Preoperational Test

(SU3-BB15B) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operation of the leak detection

system and to verify the ability of the system to detect

leakage within the required time limit as specified by


b. The operation of the containment particulate and

radioactive gas monitoring portions of the Leak

Detection System are verified in SU4-SP01, Process

Radiation Monitoring System Preoperational Test.

14.2-46 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. The containment normal sumps, instrument tunnel sump, floor drain tank, auxiliary building sump and associated

pumps are available to support this test. Test Method

a. A known simulated leakage is initiated, and the ability

of the system to detect the leakage within the design

time is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The ability of the leak detection system to detect a

leak within the design time is verified. RTD/TC Cross Calibration (S-03BB16) Objectives

To provide a functional checkout of the reactor coolant system resistance

temperature detectors (RTDs) and incore thermocouples and to generate

isothermal cross-calibration data for subsequent correction factors to

indicated temperatures. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Initial plant heatup, during hot functional testing, is

in progress, and all reactor coolant pumps are

operating. Test Method

At various temperature plateaus, RTD and incore thermocouple data are recorded.

Isothermal cross-calibration correction factors for individual thermocouples

and the installation corrections for individual RTDs are determined.

14.2-47 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. Individual RTD readings are within the design


b. The installation corrections of the RTDs are within

design specifications. Chemical and Volume Control System Major Component

Test (S-03BG01) Objectives

To demonstrate the operation of the centrifugal charging pumps and associated minimum flow valves, including their response to safety signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

supply of demineralized water for the performance of

this test.

d. The component cooling water system is available to provide cooling water to the centrifugal charging pump oil coolers. Test Method

a. Centrifugal charging pumps are operated, and performance

characteristics are verified.

b. Centrifugal charging pump and minimum flow valve control

logics are verified, including their response to safety

signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. Centrifugal charging pump performance characteristics

are within design specifications.

b. Each centrifugal charging pump receives a start signal

from the load sequencer.

14.2-48 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. If a safety injection signal is present, a centrifugal charging pump minimum flow valve will open if the

associated pump flow is low and will close if the

associated pump flow is above the minimum flow

requirement of the pump. Seal Injection Preoperational Test (SU3-BG02) Objective

To demonstrate the ability of the chemical and volume control system to supply

adequate seal water injection flow to the reactor coolant pumps and verify the

operation of the seal water return containment isolation valves, including

their response to a CIS. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of

demineralized water for the performance of this test.

d. Cooling water is available to the charging pumps. Test Method

a. With a charging pump in operation, seal water throttle valves are adjusted to maintain the required flow to

each reactor coolant pump.

b. Seal water return containment isolation valves control

logics are verified, including their response to a CIS. Acceptance Criteria

a. Seal water injection flow to each reactor coolant pump

is within design specifications.

b. Seal water return containment isolation valves close on

receipt of a CIS. Valve closure times are within design


14.2-49 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Charging System Preoperational Test (SU3-BG03) Objective

To demonstrate positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590) operating characteristics and to verify the operation of the regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valves and the

letdown isolation valves, including their response to a safety injection signal (SIS). Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of

demineralized water for the performance of this test.

d. Cooling water is available to the positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590).
e. The reactor coolant system is available to receive

charging system flow. Test Method

a. The positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590)is operated, and pump operating data are recorded.
b. Regenerative heat exchanger inlet isolation valve and

letdown system isolation valve control circuits are

verified, including valve response to safety injection signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. Positive displacement charging pump (replaced by the normal charging pump per DCP 04590)operating characteristics are within design specifications.
b. Charging pump to regenerative heat exchanger inlet

isolation valves close on receipt of an SIS. Valve

closure times are within design specifications.

c. The letdown line containment isolation valves close on

receipt of a containment isolation signal. Valve

closure times are within design specifications.

14.2-50 Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK 32 Boron Thermal Regeneration System Preoperational Test (SU3-BG04) Objective

To verify the operation of the boron thermal regeneration system, and

associated control circuits. Performance characteristics of the chemical and

volume control system chiller pumps are also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The volume control tank contains an adequate supply of

demineralized water for the performance of this test.

d. The chemical and volume control system chiller surge

tank contains an adequate supply of demineralized water

for the performance of this test. Test Method

a. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps are

operated and performance characteristics are verified.

b. Boron thermal regeneration system component control circuits are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps'

operating characteristics are within design


b. The chemical and volume control system chiller pumps

start automatically when the boron thermal regeneration

system is placed in the borate or dilute mode of

operation. Boric Acid Blending System Preoperational Test (SU3-

BG05) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of boron

injection makeup and boric acid transfer pumps and

14.2-51 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK verify the ability of the boric acid blending system to make up at design flow rates to the chemical and volume

control system (CVCS).

b. To verify the operation of system component control circuits in all modes of operation.
c. To demonstrate by flow test the ability of the reactor

makeup water system to supply water to the boric acid


d. To demonstrate by flow test the ability of the boric

acid system to supply an emergency boration flow to the

charging pump suction.

e. To verify the operation of volume control tank valves and associated control circuits, including valve

response to safety signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor makeup water system is available to supply

water to the boric acid blender and boric acid batching


d. A charging pump is available to receive and discharge

flow from the boric acid transfer pumps.

e. The volume control tank (VCT) contains an adequate

supply of demineralized water for the performance of

this test. Test Method

a. The boron injection makeup and boric acid pumps are

operated, performance data recorded, and the ability of

the system to make up to the CVCS at design flow rates

is verified.

b. System component control circuits are verified in all

modes of operation.

14.2-52 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. With a reactor makeup water pump in operation, flow is verified to the boric acid blender and boric acid

batching tank.

d. With both boric acid transfer pumps in operation and a charging pump taking a suction from the VCT and

discharging to the reactor coolant loops, the emergency

boration flow rate from the transfer pumps to the

charging pump suction is recorded.

e. The emergency boration flow rate via gravity feed from

the boric acid tanks to the charging pump suction is


f. Proper operation of the reactor makeup water system is verified when the reactor makeup control system (RMCS) is operated in the manual, dilute, alternate dilute, and

automatic modes.

g. The operation of the VCT outlet valves control circuits

is verified, including their response to a safety

injection signal. Acceptance Criteria

a. The boron injection makeup and boric acid transfer pump

operating characteristics are within design


b. The flow rate to the boric acid blender from the reactor makeup water system is within design specifications.
c. The emergency boration flow rates to the charging pump

suction are within design specifications.

d. The boric acid transfer pumps and the reactor makeup

water pumps start automatically on a low level in the

volume control tank when the RMCS is in the automatic


e. VCT outlet valves close on receipt of a safety injection

signal when the associated charging pump supply valve

from the refueling water storage tank is open.

f. Refueling water storage tank to charging pump suction

valves open on receipt of a safety injection signal.

g. The boric acid transfer pumps stop on receipt of a load

shed signal.

14.2-53 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

h. The boric acid filter to charging pump valve supply breaker trips open on receipt of a load shed signal. Chemical and Volume Control System Hot

Preoperational Test (S-03BG06) Objectives

a. To determine by flow test that all letdown and cleanup

flow rates are within design specifications.

b. To determine, by comparison of boron concentrations, that boric acid addition to the reactor coolant system

has occurred, using the normal and emergency flow paths.

c. To determine by flow test the ability of the chemical and volume control system (CVCS) to make up at design

flow rates and boron concentrations to the reactor

coolant system in all modes of operation.

d. To determine by operational test that the letdown

containment isolation valve closure times are within

design specifications.

e. To demonstrate the ability of the pump room coolers to

maintain room temperatures within design limits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The plant is at normal operating temperature and

pressure, and hot functional testing is in progress.

d. The CVCS pump rooms are closed, and their associated

pump room coolers are operational. Test Method

a. The letdown throttle valves are adjusted to establish

letdown flow within design specifications.

b. Boric acid addition to the reactor coolant system is

verified, using the normal and emergency flow paths, by

comparing the change in boron concentrations.

14.2-54 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. With a charging pump in operation, the ability of the CVCS, in all modes of operation, to make up at design

flow rates and boron concentrations to the reactor

coolant system is verified.

d. With letdown flow established, the letdown containment

isolation valves are operated, and operating times are


e. During CVCS pump operation, pump room temperature data

are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. All letdown and cleanup flow rates are within design specifications
b. The boric acid addition system is capable of adding

boron to the reactor coolant system via both the normal

and emergency flow paths.

c. The CVCS makeup flow rates and boron additions to the

reactor coolant system are within design specifications

in all modes of operation.

d. The letdown containment isolation valves' closure times

are within design specifications.

e. The CVCS pump room coolers maintain the room temperature

within design limits.

f. The boron thermal regeneration system (BTRS) can vary

the reactor coolant boron concentration as required for

daily load cycle at 85 percent core life. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Preoperational

Test (SU3-EC01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the fuel

pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps

and to verify that the associated instrumentation and

controls are functioning properly.

b. To verify that the fuel pool cleanup pump refueling

water storage tank (RWST) suction isolation valves close

on receipt of a safety injection signal (SIS).

14.2-55 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. To verify that each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler starts when the associated fuel pool cooling pump

starts. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Cooling water is available to the fuel pool cooling and

cleanup system heat exchangers.

d. The liquid radwaste system is available to drain the refueling pool to the RWST.
e. The essential service water system is available to

provide cooling water to the spent fuel pool pump room


f. The spent fuel pool and fuel transfer canals are filled

to their normal operating levels. Test Method

a. The fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool

skimmer pumps are operated in their various modes, and

pump operating data are recorded.

b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of system pumps and valves on

receipt of safety signals.

c. The ability of each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler

to start when the associated fuel pool cooling pump

starts is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating characteristics of the fuel pool cooling, fuel pool cleanup, and pool skimmer pumps are within

design specifications.

b. The fuel pool cleanup pumps RWST suction isolation

valves close on receipt of an SIS.

14.2-56 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. Each fuel pool cooling pump trips on a low spent fuel pool level signal.
d. Each fuel pool cooling pump trips on receipt of a load

shed signal.

e. Each fuel pool cooling pump room cooler starts when the

associated fuel pool cooling pump starts. Spent Fuel Pool Leak Test (S-03EC02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the integrity of the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, and fuel transfer canal.
b. To demonstrate the leaktightness of the cask loading pit

gate and the fuel transfer canal gate. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The spent fuel pool is filled to the normal operating


d. The cask loading pit level is below the level of the fuel pool gate.
e. The fuel transfer canal level is below the level of the

fuel pool gate.

f. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide

demineralized water to the spent fuel pool.

g. A source of compressed air is available to pressurize

the system standpipes. Test Method

The cask loading pit gate and fuel transfer canal gate are visually inspected

for leakage. A leak test is performed on the spent fuel pool, cask loading

pit, and fuel transfer canal, using the associated leak chase standpipes.

14.2-57 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance

No leakage is observed from the spent fuel pool, cask loading pit, fuel

transfer canal, cask loading pit gate, and fuel transfer canal gate. Essential Service Water System Preoperational Test


Test SU3-EF02 combined with Test SU3-EF01, Essential

Service Water System Preoperational Test. Objectives

a. To demonstrate the capability of the essential service

water system to provide cooling water flow during the LOCA mode of operation. The operation and response of system valves to align the system in the LOCA flow mode

on safety injection signals, load sequence signals, and

low suction pressure signals are also verified.

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

essential service water (ESW) pumps and verify their

response to safety signals.

c. To demonstrate the operability of the backpressure

control valves, including their response to safety

signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The compressed air system is available to the system

air-operated valves. Test Method

a. System operating characteristics are verified in the

LOCA mode of operation.

b. Safety signals are simulated, and the responses of the

system valves and the ESW pumps are verified.

c. The ESW pumps are operated and pump operating data are


14.2-58 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. The operability of the backpressure control valves, including their response to safety signals is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. Components supplied by the essential service water

system receive flows that are within design

specifications in the LOCA mode of system operation.

b. System valve operation in response to safety signals is

within design requirements.

c. System valve operating times are within design


d. The ESW pumps' operating characteristics are within design specifications.
e. Each ESW pump responds properly to load sequence and

load shed signals.

f. The time required for each ESW pump to reach rated flow

is within design specifications.

g. System backpressure valves close upon receipt of a LOCA

sequencer or safety injection signal.

h. An auxiliary feedwater pump low suction pressure signal

will close the ESW pump breakers if a zero sequencer

signal is not present. Component Cooling Water System Preoperational Test

(S-03EG01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the capability of the component cooling

water system to provide cooling water during the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes of operation.

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

component cooling water pumps and to verify that the

associated instrumentation and controls are functioning

properly, including system response to safety signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

14.2-59 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.

14 Test Method

a. System operating characteristics are verified in the

normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes of operation.

b. Safety signals are simulated, and the response of system

pumps and valves is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The performance characteristics of each component

cooling water pump are within design specifications.

b. Components supplied by the component cooling water

system receive flows that are within design

specifications with the system operating in the normal, shutdown, and post-LOCA modes.

c. Component cooling water pump and valve responses to load

sequence, containment isolation, and safety injection

signals are within design specifications.

d. Closure times for the component cooling water supply and

return valves to the reactor coolant system are within

design specifications.

e. Component cooling water pump response to centrifugal charging pump start signals is in accordance with system design. Residual Heat Removal System Cold Preoperational

Test (SU3-EJ01) Objective

To demonstrate the operability of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pumps, demonstrate by flow test their ability to supply water at rated pressure and

flow, and verify their response to safety signals. The operation of system

motor-operated valves, including their response to safety signals, are also

verified. The RWST control and alarm circuits are also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

14.2-60 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The reactor vessel head is removed and the water level

is above the nozzles.

d. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

supply of demineralized water for the performance of

this test.

e. Cooling water is available to the RHR pumps and heat


f. The instrument air system is available to supply air to

system air-operated valves. Test Method

a. Performance characteristics of the RHR pumps are

verified during discharge to the reactor coolant hot and

cold loops and test recirculation.

b. RWST and RHR system component control circuits are

verified, including the operation of the RHR pumps and

system valves on receipt of safety signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. RHR pump performance characteristics are within design


b. RHR system components align or actuate in accordance

with system design to safety injection, containment

isolation, load sequencing, load shed, and tank level


c. The time required for each RHR pump to reach rated speed

is within design specifications.

d. RHR system motor-operated valve closure times are within

design specifications. Residual Heat Removal System Hot Preoperational Test

(S-U3-EJ02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the ability of the residual heat removal

(RHR) system to cool down the reactor coolant system

(RCS) at its design rate.

14.2-61 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. To demonstrate the ability of the RHR pump room coolers to maintain room temperature within design limits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The component cooling water system is supplying water to

each RHR heat exchanger.

d. The RCS is being cooled down during hot functional testing.
e. The RHR pump rooms are closed, and their associated pump

room coolers are operational. Test Method

a. While the RCS is being cooled down with the RHR system, the heat transfer is obtained by performing a heat

balance across each RHR heat exchanger.

b. When RHR pump room temperatures have stabilized, room

temperature data is recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The RHR system is capable of cooling down the reactor

coolant system at its design rate.

b. The RHR pump room coolers can maintain room temperature

within design limits. Safety Injection System Cold Preoperational Test

(SU3-EM01) Objectives

To demonstrate the response of the safety injection pumps and associated valves

to safety signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete

14.2-62 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational. Test Method

The response of the safety injection pumps and associated valves to safety

signals is verified Acceptance Criteria

a. The safety injection pumps and associated valves align

or actuate in accordance with system design to

containment isolation signals, load shedding signals, and load sequencing signals. Safety Injection Flow Verification Test (SU3-EM02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

safety injection pumps and the centrifugal charging


b. To demonstrate the capability of the safety injection

pumps to provide balanced flow to the reactor coolant

system and prevent runout flow in the cold leg and hot

leg injection modes.

c. To demonstrate the capability of the charging pumps to

provide balanced flow to the reactor coolant system and prevent runout flow in the boron injection mode.

d. To demonstrate the capability of the residual heat

removal pumps to provide required net positive suction

head to the safety injection pumps and the centrifugal

charging pumps.

e. To demonstrate that the safety injection and centrifugal

charging pump room coolers maintain room temperature

within design limits.

f. To demonstrate that associated system valve operating

times are within specified limits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

14.2-63 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The CVCS is available to supply rated flow to the

reactor coolant system via the boron injection path, while simultaneously supplying other required loads.

d. The residual heat removal system is available to supply

adequate suction head to the safety injection and

centrifugal charging pumps during required injection


e. The borated refueling water storage tank contains an

adequate supply of demineralized water for this test.

f. The reactor vessel is available to receive water, and the temporary reactor vessel pumpdown system is

operational (if required).

g. The auxiliary building HVAC system is available to cool

the pump rooms and verify associated pump interlocks.

h. The accumulator safety injection system piping from the

safety injection system to the reactor coolant system is

available, and an accumulator tank is capable of

receiving water.

i. Cooling water is available to required pumps and heat


j. The compressed air system is available to supply air to associated system valves.
k. The residual heat removal system hot leg and cold leg

flow orifices have been sized for required flow. Test Method

a. The safety injection pumps are operated in the cold leg

flow mode to verify pump performance characteristics and

to identify the weaker pump.

b. The safety injection cold leg branch lines are balanced

using the weaker safety injection pump and the balance

checked with the stronger pump. The balance is

performed so that injection flow is maximized while

preventing pump runout.

14.2-64 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The safety injection hot leg branch lines are balanced, using their respective safety injection pump. The

balance is performed so that injection flow is maximized

while preventing pump runout.

d. The centrifugal charging pumps are operated in the boron

injection mode to determine pump performance

characteristics and to identify the weaker pump.

e. The boron injection branch lines are balanced, using the

weaker centrifugal charging pump and the balance checked

with the stronger pump. The balance is performed such

that injection flow is maximized while preventing pump


f. Each residual heat removal pump is operated in series with the centrifugal charging pumps and safety injection

pumps to verify that the residual heat removal pumps can

supply adequate suction head.

g. With each centrifugal charging pump and safety injection

pump operating, pump room temperatures are allowed to

stabilize, and room temperature data are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The safety injection and centrifugal charging pump

response times and valve operating times are within

design specifications.

b. The safety injection pump room coolers start with their respective pump.
c. The NPSH provided by the residual heat removal pumps to

the centrifugal charging pumps and safety injection

pumps is within system design specifications.

d. Safety injection cold leg, hot leg, and safety injection

pump flows are within design specifications.

e. Boron injection and centrifugal charging pump flows are

within design specifications.

f. The safety injection and centrifugal charging pump room

coolers can maintain room temperature within design


14.2-65 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Safety Injection Check Valve Test (SU3-EM03) Objectives

To demonstrate the integrity of accumulator outlet line and loop safety injection line check valves and backup check valves by performing backleakage

tests. The operability of the various safety injection line check valves under

their design pressure conditions is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating

pressure. Test Method

a. Check valve leak testing is performed with the reactor

coolant system at normal operating pressure.

b. Check valve operability is performed by verifying flow

through the check valves at reduced reactor coolant

pressure. Acceptance Criteria

a. Check valve leakage rates are within limits established

by Technical Specifications Section

b. Injection line check valve operability is demonstrated

by verification of flow through the check valves in each

of the safety injection lines to the reactor coolant

system. Boron Injection Tank and Recirculation Pump Test


This test has been deleted at Wolf Creek since the boron injection requirements

have been eliminated due to the decrease in required boron concentration.

14.2-66 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Containment Spray System Nozzle Air Test (S-03EN01) Objectives

To demonstrate that the spray nozzles in the containment spray header are clear of obstructions. Prerequisites

A source of compressed air is available to pressurize the spray headers. Test Method

Air flow is initiated through the containment spray headers, and unobstructed

flow is verified through each nozzle. Acceptance Criteria

All containment spray nozzles are clear and unobstructed, as evidenced by air

passing through each nozzle. Containment Spray System Preoperational Test

(SU3-EN02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operation of system components, including their response to safety signals, and verify

that the associated instrumentation and controls are

functioning properly. System flow characteristics in the test and simulated accident modes are also verified.

b. To demonstrate the ability of the pump room coolers to

maintain room temperatures within design limits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

supply of demineralized water for the performance of

this test.

d. The auxiliary building HVAC system is available to cool

the pump rooms and verify associated pump interlocks.

14.2-67 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

e. The containment spray pump rooms are closed. Test Method

a. Performance characteristics of the containment spray pumps are verified in the test mode, recirculating to

the refueling water storage tank, and in the simulated

accident mode.

b. System component control circuits are verified, including the operation of system pumps and valves on

receipt of load sequence/shedder and CSAS/CIS signals, respectively.

c. During system operations, spray additive eductor operating characteristics are verified.
d. During containment spray pump operation, pump room

temperature data are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. Containment spray pump performance characteristics are

within design specifications for the tested modes of


b. Containment spray pump and valve response to load

sequence/shedder and CSAS/CIS is verified, and the

associated response times are within design


c. Spray additive eductor operating characteristics are

within design specifications.

d. The containment spray pump room coolers maintain the

room temperature within design limits. Accumulator Testing (S-03EP01) Objectives

To determine the operability of each safety injection accumulator and obtain, by flow test, each accumulator's discharge line resistance to flow. The

ability of the accumulator discharge line isolation valves to open under

maximum differential pressure conditions is verified, as is the response of

accumulator system valves to safety signals.

14.2-68 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor vessel head and reactor internals are not

installed, and the vessel is available to receive water.

d. A source of compressed air and nitrogen is available.
e. The refueling water storage tank contains an adequate

supply of demineralized water for the performance of this test. Test Method

a. Each accumulator is filled and partially pressurized with

the discharge valves closed. The discharge valves are

opened, discharging the accumulators to the reactor

vessel, and performance data are recorded.

b. Each accumulator discharge line isolation valve is

operated under maximum differential pressure conditions

of normal accumulator precharge pressure and zero reactor

coolant pressure, and the valve operating times are


c. Accumulator system valve control circuits are verified, including their response to safety injection and

containment isolation signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. Each accumulator's discharge line resistance to flow

(L/D) is in accordance with design specifications.

b. Each accumulator's discharge line isolation valve

opening time under maximum differential pressure

conditions is within design specifications.

c. The accumulator system nitrogen supply containment

isolation valve closes on receipt of a containment

isolation signal. Valve closure time is within design


d. Each accumulator discharge isolation valve opens on

receipt of a safety injection signal.

14.2-69 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Preoperational Test (SU3-FC01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operation of the auxiliary feedwater

pump (AFWP) turbine and its support equipment, while

uncoupled from the pump.

b. To demonstrate control of the AFWP turbine from the

control room as well as the auxiliary shutdown panel. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning are complete.
b. Steam is available to the AFWP turbine. Test Method

a. AFWP turbine system valves are operated and required

response to various signals is verified.

b. The turbine is operated and proper control is verified

from the control room as well as the auxiliary shutdown

panel, and operating data are recorded.

c. The turbine is brought to high speed at which time the

mechanical and electronic overspeed trips are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The AFWP turbine can be controlled from the control room

panel and the auxiliary shutdown panel.

b. The mechanical and electronic overspeed trips actuate to

shut down the turbine in accordance with the design. Essential Service Water Pumphouse HVAC

Preoperational Test (SU3-GD01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the capacity of the essential service

water (ESW) pumproom supply fans.

b. To demonstrate ESW pumproom unit heater response to a

load shed signal.

14.2-70 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are completed.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The ESW pumphouse HVAC system is air balanced. Test Methods

a. The ESW pumphouse supply fans are operated and flow data

are recorded.

b. Response of the ESW pumproom unit heaters to load shed signal is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The ESW pumphouse supply fan capacities are within

design specification.

b. A load shed signal will trip the ESW pumproom unit

heaters' circuit breaker. Miscellaneous Building HVAC System Preoperational

Tests (SU3-GF01, SU3-GF02, SU3-GF03) Objectives To demonstrate the capacity of; 1) the auxiliary feedwater pump room cooler

fans, 2) the main steam enclosure building supply and exhaust fans and 3) the

tendon access gallery transfer fans and to verify that the associated

instrumentation and controls are functioning properly. The responses of the

main steam enclosure building dampers and tendon access gallery dampers to

safety signals are also verified.

(At Wolf Creek Generating Station, this test was performed in three independent

parts. In addition, the auxiliary boiler room fan was treated as part of

preoperational test SU4-GF01.) Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-71 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The miscellaneous building HVAC system is air balanced. Test Method

a. Flow data are recorded while the fans are operating.
b. The response of system dampers to a safety injection

signal (SIS) is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. System fan capacities are within design specifications.
b. The main steam enclosure building and tendon access

gallery dampers close on receipt of a SIS. Fuel Building HVAC System Preoperational Test

(S-03GG01) Objectives

To demonstrate that the emergency exhaust fans are capable of maintaining a

negative pressure in the fuel building or the auxiliary building during

accident conditions with the buildings isolated. To demonstrate the capacities

of the fuel building supply unit fans, emergency exhaust fans, and the spent

fuel pool pump room cooler fans. The operability of system instrumentation and

controls, including the components' response to safety signals, is also

verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system air balancing are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The compressed air system is available to supply the

air-operated dampers in the fuel building.

d. Required portions of the auxiliary building HVAC system

have been air balanced and are available to support this

test. Test Method

a. With the fuel building closed, the system is operated in

its normal configuration, and the fuel building supply

14.2-72 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK unit fan and spent fuel pool pump room cooler fan capacities are verified.

b. With a fuel building isolation signal (FBIS) present, the emergency exhaust fan capacities and negative fuel building pressures are verified.
c. With a safety injection signal (SIS) present and the

auxiliary building isolated, the emergency exhaust fan

capacities and negative auxiliary building pressures are

verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The auxiliary building and fuel building pressures maintained by the emergency exhaust fans are within design specifications.
b. The fuel building supply fans, emergency exhaust fans, and spent fuel pool pump room cooler fans' capacities

are within design specifications.

c. The fuel building ventilation system fans and dampers

properly respond to FBIS and SIS, in accordance with

system design. Control Building HVAC System Preoperational Test

(SU3-GK01) Objectives To demonstrate the capacities of the control building supply air unit, control

building exhaust fans, access control exhaust fans, control room pressurization

fans, control room filtration fans, control room air conditioning units, access

control fan coil units, counting room fan coil unit, and Class IE electrical

equipment ac units. To demonstrate that the control room pressurization fans

are capable of maintaining a positive pressure in the control room following a

control room ventilation isolation signal (CRVIS). The system instrumentation

and controls, including the components' responses to safety signals, are also

verified. To demonstrate that the ventilation to battery rooms 1 through 4 is

in accordance with system design. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system air balancing are complete.

14.2-73 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to

system air-operated dampers. Test Method

a. The control building system fans are operated, and fan

capacities are verified.

b. Proper response of system components to control room

ventilation isolation signals (CRVIS) and safety

injection signals (SIS) is verified.

c. With a CRVIS present, the ability of each control room pressurization fan to maintain the control room at a

positive pressure is verified.

d. The air flow to battery rooms 1 through 4 is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The control building HVAC system fan capacities are

within design specifications.

b. The control building HVAC system fans and dampers

properly respond to CRVIS and SIS in accordance with

system design.

c. The control room pressure maintained by the control room pressurization fans is within design specification.
d. The air flow to battery rooms 1 through 4 is in

accordance with system design. Auxiliary Building HVAC System Preoperational Test

(SU3-GL01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capacities of the auxiliary building supply unit fans, auxiliary/fuel building normal exhaust fans, the auxiliary building fan coil

units, pump room coolers, penetration room coolers, decon tank exhaust scrubber

fans, access tunnel transfer fan, and penetration cooling fan. The system

instrumentation and controls, including components' response to safety and fire

signals, are also verified.

14.2-74 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system air balancing are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The compressed air system is available to supply the

air-operated dampers in the auxiliary building.

d. The fuel building HVAC system has been air balanced, and

is available to support this test. Test Method

a. The system is operated in its normal configuration, and

the system fan capacities are verified.

b. Proper responses of system components to safety

injection and fire signals are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The auxiliary building fan capacities are within design


b. The auxiliary building fans and dampers properly respond

to safety injection and fire signals, in accordance with

system design. Diesel Generator Building HVAC Preoperational Test

(S-03GM01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capacities of the diesel generator room supply fans and to

verify that the system instrumentation and controls function properly, including the response of fans and associated dampers to a diesel generator run

signal and room temperature signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are completed.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-75 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The diesel generator building HVAC system is air balanced.
d. The respective diesel generator is not operating while

the room is under test. Test Method

a. Flow data are recorded, while the diesel generator room

supply fans are operating.

b. The responses of the diesel generator room supply fans

and exhaust dampers to a diesel generator run signal and

to room temperature signals are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The capacities of the diesel generator room supply fans

are within design specifications.

b. The diesel generator room exhaust dampers open on

receipt of a diesel generator run signal.

c. The diesel generator room supply fans start on a high

room temperature signal and stop on a low room

temperature signal. Containment Cooling System Preoperational Test

(SU3-GN01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capacities of the hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and

pressurizer cooling fans and verify their associated instrumentation and

controls function properly, including fan response to safety signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The essential service water system is available to

supply water to the containment coolers.

d. The containment cooling system has been air balanced.

14.2-76 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. The hydrogen mixing, containment cooling, and

pressurizer cooling fans are operated, flow data

recorded, and fan capacities calculated.

b. The response of the hydrogen mixing and containment

cooling fans to safety signals is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The capacities of the hydrogen mixing, containment

cooling, and pressurizer cooling fans are within design


b. The hydrogen mixing and containment cooling fans align or actuate in response to safety injection, shutdown

sequencer, and LOCA sequencer signals, in accordance

with system design. CRDM Cooling Preoperational Test (S-03GN02) Objectives

To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the cavity cooling, control rod

drive mechanism (CRDM), and the elevator machine room exhaust fans and verify

their associated instrumentation and controls, including their response to

safety signals. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The CRDM and cavity cooling portions of the containment

cooling system are air balanced. Test Method

a. The cavity cooling, elevator machine room exhaust, and

CRDM fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan

capacities calculated.

b. The response of the CRDM fans to a safety injection

signal is verified.

14.2-77 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The capacities of the cavity cooling, elevator machine

room exhaust, and CRDM fans are within design


b. The appropriate CRDM fans supply breakers open on

receipt of a safety injection signal. Integrated Containment Leak Rate Test (SU3-GP01) Objective

To demonstrate that the total leakage from the containment does not exceed the

maximum allowable leakage rate at the calculated peak containment internal pressure. The operability of the containment cooling fans at design accident pressure is also verified. Prerequisites

a. The containment penetration leakage rate tests (type B

tests) and containment isolation valve leakage tests

(type C tests) are complete and the containment has been

pressurized to 115 percent of the design pressure.

b. All containment isolation valves are closed by normal

actuation methods.

c. Containment penetrations, including equipment hatches

and personnel airlocks, are closed.

d. Portions of fluid systems that are part of the

containment boundary, that may be opened directly to the

containment or outside atmosphere under post-accident

conditions, are opened or vented to the appropriate

atmosphere to place the containment in as close to post-

accident conditions as possible.

e. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

a. The integrated containment leak rate test (type A test)

is conducted, using the absolute method, described in

the ANSI/ANS 56.8-1981 Containment System Leakage

Testing Requirements. Measurements of containment

atmosphere dry-bulb temperature, dew point and pressure

are taken to calculate the leakage rate. A standard

14.2-78 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK statistical analysis of data is conducted, using a linear least squares fit regression analysis to

calculate the leakage rate.

b. On completion of the leak rate test, a verification test is conducted to confirm the capability of the data

acquisition and reduction system to satisfactorily

determine the calculated integrated leakage rate. The

verification test is accomplished by imposing a known

leakage rate on the containment, or by pumping back a

known quantity of air into the containment through a

calibrated flow measurement device.

c. While at the design accident pressure, data is recorded

for the containment cooling fans. Acceptance Criteria

The containment integrated leakage does not exceed the maximum allowable

leakage rate at a calculated peak containment internal pressure, as defined in

10 CFR 50, Appendix J.

The containment cooling fan operation at design accident pressure is in

accordance with design. Reactor Containment Structural Integrity Acceptance

Test (SU3-GP02) Objectives

To demonstrate the structural integrity of the reactor containment building. Prerequisites

a. Containment penetrations are installed, and penetration

leak tests are completed.

b. Containment penetrations, including equipment hatches

and personnel airlocks, are closed.

c. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

The containment is pressurized at 115 percent of the design pressure, and

deflection measurements and concrete crack inspections are made to determine

that the actual structural response is within the limits predicted by the

design analyses.

14.2-79 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

The containment structural response is within the limits predicted by design

analyses. Post-Accident Hydrogen Removal System

Preoperational Test (S-03GS01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the hydrogen recombiner performance

characteristics are within design specifications.

b. To determine the operation of system dampers and valves, including the response of hydrogen purge and hydrogen monitoring containment isolation valves to a CIS.
c. To demonstrate the operability of the hydrogen analyzers

and their ability to sample the containment atmosphere. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. Performance characteristics are recorded, while the hydrogen recombiners are operating.
b. System valve and damper control circuits are verified, including the response of hydrogen purge and hydrogen

monitoring containment isolation valves to a CIS.

c. The hydrogen analyzers are operated, and performance

data recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. Hydrogen recombiner performance characteristics are

within design specifications.

b. Hydrogen purge and hydrogen monitoring containment

isolation valves close on receipt of a CIS. Valve

closure times are within design specifications.

14.2-80 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Containment Purge System HVAC Preoperational Test (S-03GT01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capacities of the containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric control fans.

The operation of system instrumentation and controls, including the response of

system fans and dampers to safety signals, is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The containment purge HVAC system has been air balanced.
d. The compressed air system is available to supply air to

system valves and dampers. Test Method

a. The containment minipurge supply and exhaust, shutdown

purge supply and exhaust, and containment atmospheric

control fans are operated, flow data recorded, and fan

capacities calculated.

b. The response of system fans and dampers to safety signals is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The capacities of the containment minipurge supply and

exhaust, shutdown purge supply and exhaust, and

containment atmospheric control fans are within design


b. System fans and dampers align or actuate in response to

containment purge isolation and safety injection

signals, in accordance with system design. Damper

closure times are within design specifications.

14.2-81 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Gaseous Radwaste System Preoperational Test (S-03HA01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the

gas decay tank drain pump, waste gas compressors, and

catalytic hydrogen recombiners, including their response

to safety signals.

b. To verify the operability of system valves, including

the response of the waste gas discharge valve to a high-

radiation signal.

c. To verify that system instrumentation and controls function properly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The component cooling water system is available to

supply cooling water to the waste gas compressors and

catalytic hydrogen recombiners.

d. The service gas system is available to provide nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen to the catalytic hydrogen recombiners.
e. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide

water to the waste gas compressors, catalytic hydrogen

recombiners, and the waste gas decay tank drain header. Test Method

a. Performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain

pump, and waste gas compressors are verified.

b. Hydrogen is introduced to the system and the catalytic

hydrogen recombiners performance are verified.

c. System component control circuits are verified, including component response to safety signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. Performance characteristics of the gas decay tank drain

pump, waste gas compressors, and catalytic hydrogen

recombiners are within design specifications.

14.2-82 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. The waste gas discharge valve automatically closes on a high-radiation signal.
c. The waste gas compressors trip on a high-high or low-low

moisture separator level, high or low moisture separator pressure, low compressor suction pressure, or low

component cooling water flow.

d. The hydrogen recombiner oxygen feed valve closes on

high-high hydrogen concentration in the recombiner feed, high-high oxygen concentration in the recombiner

discharge, high cooler-condenser discharge temperature, high-high recombiner discharge temperature, low-low

recombiner flow, and high-high recombiner reactor inlet


e. The hydrogen recombiner oxygen feed valve signal is

blocked on high oxygen concentration in the recombiner

feed and high catalyst bed temperature.

f. The volume control tank vent valve closes on a hydrogen

recombiner trip, low volume control tank pressure, and

low waste gas compressor suction pressure. Emergency Fuel Oil System Preoperational Test

(S-03JE01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capability of the system to provide an adequate fuel supply to the emergency diesel generator fuel oil day tanks and verify that the associated instrumentation and controls are functioning properly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. Fuel oil is transferred from the fuel oil storage tank

to the fuel oil day tanks by means of the transfer

pumps. Flow and pressure characteristics are recorded.

b. Fuel oil day tank levels are varied to verify the

transfer pump automatic operations.

14.2-83 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. Response to fire and emergency diesel generator start signals are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The transfer pump flow capacity is verified for later

comparison to the fuel consumption rate (S-03NF02).

b. Control circuit automatic operation from fuel oil day

tank levels, fire signals, and diesel generator start

signals is within design specifications. Spent Fuel Pool Crane Preoperational Test

(SU3-KE01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate proper operation of the spent fuel pool

bridge crane control circuits and associated interlocks.

b. To document the data obtained during testing of the

spent fuel pool bridge crane at 125 percent of rated


c. To verify the ability of the spent fuel pool bridge

crane and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a

dummy fuel assembly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are completed.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method

a. Operability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane control

circuits and associated interlocks is verified.

b. Ability of the spent fuel pool bridge crane and

associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel

assembly is verified.

14.2-84 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The spent fuel pool bridge crane electric and manual

hoists support 125 percent of their rated load.

b. The spent fuel pool bridge crane monorail center span

deflection at rated load is within design


c. The spent fuel pool crane bridge, trolley and hoist

speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.

d. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

spent fuel pool bridge crane operate in accordance with

system design.

e. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the spent fuel

pool bridge crane and associated fuel handling tools

operate in accordance with system design. New Fuel Elevator Preoperational Test (SU3-KE02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate proper operation of the new fuel elevator

control circuits and associated interlocks.

b. To verify the ability of the new fuel elevator to raise

and lower a dummy fuel assembly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method

Operability of the new fuel elevator including control circuits and associated

interlocks is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

new fuel elevator operate in accordance with system


14.2-85 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. While raising and lowering a dummy fuel assembly, the new fuel elevator operates in accordance with system

design. Fuel Handling and Storage Preoperational Test (SU3-KE03) Objectives

a. To verify the ability of the spent fuel cask handling

crane, and associated fuel handling tools to transfer a

dummy fuel assembly.

b. To demonstrate proper operation of the spent fuel cask

handling crane control circuits and associated interlocks.

c. To document the data obtained during testing of the

spent fuel cask handling crane at 125 percent of rated

load. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method

a. During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the

operability of the spent fuel cask handling crane and

associated fuel handling tools is verified.

b. Operability of the spent fuel cask handling crane

control circuits and associated interlocks is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the spent fuel

cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools

operate in accordance with system design.

b. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

spent fuel cask handling crane operate in accordance

with system design.

14.2-86 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The spent fuel cask handling crane hoist supports 125 percent of rated load.
d. The spent fuel cask handling crane bridge center span

deflection at rated load is within design specifications.

e. The spent fuel cask handling crane bridge, trolley and

hoist speeds at rated loads are within design

specifications. Fuel Transfer System Preoperational Test

(SU3-KE04) Objectives

a. To demonstrate proper operation of the fuel transfer

system control circuits and associated interlocks.

b. To verify the ability of the fuel transfer system and

associated handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel

assembly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method

a. Operability of the fuel transfer system control circuits

and associated interlocks is verified.

b. During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the

operability of the fuel transfer system and associated

handling tools is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

fuel transfer system operate in accordance with system


14.2-87 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the fuel transfer system and associated handling tools operate in

accordance with system design. Refueling Machine and RCC Change Fixture Preoperational Test (SU3-KE05) Objectives

a. To demonstrate proper operation of the refueling

machine, rod cluster control change fixture and

containment building polar crane control circuits and

associated interlocks.

b. To document the data obtained during testing of the containment building polar crane at 125 percent of rated load.
c. To verify the ability of the refueling machine to

transfer a dummy fuel assembly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available.
d. A dummy control rod assembly is available. Test Method

a. Operability of the refueling machine and rod cluster

control change fixture control circuits and associated

bridge, trolley, hoist and gripper interlocks is


b. Operability of the containment building polar crane

control circuits and associated interlocks is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. All control circuits and interlocks associated with the

refueling machine and rod cluster control change fixture

operate in accordance with system design.

14.2-88 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. The control circuits and interlocks associated with the containment building polar crane operate in accordance

with system design.

c. The containment polar crane main and auxiliary hoists support 125 percent of their rated load.
d. The containment polar crane bridge center span

deflection at rated load is within design


e. The containment polar crane bridge, trolley, and hoist

speeds at rated loads are within design specifications.

f. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the refueling machine operates in accordance with system design. Refueling Machine Indexing Test (S-03KE06) Objectives

a. To verify the indexing of the refueling machine and

establish bridge rail reference points for future


b. To demonstrate the ability to transfer the dummy fuel

assembly to the reactor vessel. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method

a. While transferring a dummy fuel assembly with the

refueling machine, the bridge rail is marked at key

transfer points. Acceptance Criteria

a. The refueling machine can load a dummy fuel assembly in

each of the reactor vessel fuel loading locations. Fuel Handling System Integrated Preoperational Test


14.2-89 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Objective

To verify the ability of the refueling machine, new fuel elevator, fuel

transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and

associated fuel handling tools to transfer a dummy fuel assembly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor vessel, refueling pool, refueling canal and spent fuel pool are filled with demineralized water.
d. A dummy fuel assembly is available. Test Method

During the transfer of a dummy fuel assembly, the operability of the refueling

machine, new fuel elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask handling crane and associated fuel handling tools is verified. Acceptance Criteria

While transferring a dummy fuel assembly, the refueling machine, new fuel

elevator, fuel transfer system, spent fuel bridge crane, spent fuel cask

handling crane and associated fuel handling tools operate in accordance with system design. Diesel Generator Mechanical Preoperational Test

(S-03KJ01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the

diesel generators and associated auxiliaries, and verify

that each diesel reaches rated speed within the required


b. To verify the operability of all control circuits

associated with the diesel generator and diesel

auxiliaries, including the control circuits response to

safety signals.

14.2-90 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. To demonstrate the capability of each air storage tank to provide five diesel cranking cycles without being

recharged. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The essential service water system is available to

provide cooling water to the diesel engine intercooler

heat exchanger.

d. The emergency fuel oil system is available to provide

fuel oil to the diesel generators.

e. The fire protection system is available to support this

test. Test Method

a. The diesel generators are started, and the time required

to reach rated speed is recorded.

b. With the diesel generators and associated auxiliaries

operating, performance characteristics are verified.

c. The operability of all control circuits associated with the diesel generator and diesel auxiliaries, including

the control circuits' response to safety signals, is


d. The ability of each air storage tank to provide five

diesel cranking cycles, without being recharged, is

verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The time required for each diesel generator to reach

rated speed is within design specifications.

b. The performance characteristics of the diesel generators

and associated auxiliaries are within design


c. Each diesel generator starts automatically on receipt of

a safety injection signal or a bus under-voltage signal.

14.2-91 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. Each diesel generator trips automatically on receipt of each of the following signals:

Lube oil pressure low

Jacket coolant temperature high Crankcase pressure high

Start failure

Engine overspeed

Diesel generator ground overcurrent

Diesel generator differential current

e. The diesel generator neutral ground overcurrent trip

signal is bypassed when the diesel generator is

operating in the emergency mode.

f. Each air storage tank is capable of providing five diesel cranking cycles, without being recharged.
g. Each starting air compressor has the ability to charge

its respective air tank from minimum to normal pressure

within the required time. 4160-V (Class IE) System Preoperational Test

(S-03NB01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the 4,160-V Class IE busses can be

energized from their normal and alternate sources.

b. To verify that a 4,160-V Class IE bus digital undervoltage signal trips the associated incoming feeder


c. To verify that a degraded bus voltage condition will

trip the associated incoming feeder breakers.

d. To verify proper operation of system instrumentation and

alarms. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-92 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. The 4,160-V Class IE busses are energized from their

normal source, and bus voltages are recorded.

b. The 4,160-V Class IE busses are energized from their

alternate source, and bus voltages are recorded.

c. 4,160-V Class IE bus undervoltage signals are simulated, and proper operation of the 4,160-V Class IE feeder

breakers is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The voltage of each 4,160-V Class IE bus, when supplied from its normal source, is within design specifications.
b. The voltage of each 4,160-V Class IE bus, when supplied

from its alternate source, is within design


c. A 4,160-V Class IE bus digital undervoltage signal will

trip the appropriate bus incoming feeder breakers.

d. A degraded voltage condition on either 4,160-V Class IE

bus will cause an alarm and, if it continues, trip the

appropriate bus incoming feeder breakers.

e. A degraded voltage condition on either 4,160-V Class IE

bus coincident with a safety injection actuation signal will immediately trip the bus incoming feeder breakers. Diesel Generator Electric Preoperational Test

(S-03NE01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that each diesel generator is capable of

35 consecutive valid starts with no failure.

b. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

carry the design load for the time required to reach

equilibrium temperature plus l hour, without exceeding

design limits.

c. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

attain and stabilize frequency and voltage within the

design limits and time.

14.2-93 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. To demonstrate the capability of each diesel generator to withstand a full-load rejection without exceeding

speeds or voltages that cause tripping or damage.

e. To demonstrate the operability of each diesel generator feeder breaker and associated interlocks.
f. To demonstrate the ability of the diesel cooling water

system to maintain the diesel temperature within design

specifications, while the diesel generators are

operating at full load.

g. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

start and shed the largest single motor while supplying

all other sequenced loads, maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits.

14.2.12.l.72.2 Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The essential service water system is available to

provide cooling water to the diesel generator

intercooler heat exchanger.

d. The emergency fuel oil system is available to provide fuel oil to the diesel generators.
e. The fire protection system is available to support this


f. The 4.16-kV busses are available for loading to support

this test. Test Method

a. The ability of each diesel generator to undergo 35

consecutive starts with no failure is verified.

b. The ability of each diesel generator to carry the design

load for the time required to reach equilibrium

temperature, plus 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, without exceeding design

limits, is verified.

14.2-94 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The ability of each diesel generator to attain and stabilize frequency and voltage within the design limits

and time is verified.

d. The ability of each diesel generator to withstand a full-load rejection, without exceeding speeds or

voltages that cause tripping, is verified.

e. The operability of each diesel generator feeder breaker

and associated interlocks is verified.

f. While operating each diesel generator at full-load

conditions, the ability of the diesel cooling water

system to maintain diesel temperatures within design

specifications is verified.

g. The ability of each diesel generator to start and shed

the largest fully loaded single motor while supplying

all other sequenced loads and maintain voltage and

frequency within design limits is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. Each diesel generator is capable of carrying the design

load for the time required to reach equilibrium

temperature, plus 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, without exceeding design


b. Each diesel generator can attain and stabilize frequency

and voltage within design limits and time.

c. Each diesel generator is capable of withstanding a full-

load rejection without exceeding speeds or voltages that

cause tripping.

d. When a diesel generator is operating in the nonemergency

(test) mode, the associated diesel generator feeder

breaker trips on receipt of any of the following


Generator overcurrent

Reverse power

Loss of field


e. The diesel generator stops and the associated diesel

generator feeder breaker trips on receipt of any of the

following signals:

Generator differential current

Neutral ground overcurrent

14.2-95 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

f. When a diesel generator is operating in the emergency mode, the following trip signals are bypassed:

Neutral ground overcurrent

Generator overcurrent Reverse power

Loss of field


g. Each diesel generator cooling water system, with the

diesel generators operating at full-load, maintains the

diesel temperatures within design specifications.

h. Each diesel generator has the capability of starting and

shedding the largest fully loaded single motor while supplying all other sequenced loads, maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits.

i. Diesel generators are capable of 35 consecutive valid

starts with no failure. Integrated Control Logic Test (SU3-NF01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and

nonsafety-related load shed circuits on receipt of the

appropriate undervoltage, safety injection, containment

spray actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and normal and alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position signals is in accordance with system design.

b. To demonstrate that the LOCA sequencer, shutdown

sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-

related load shed circuits shed and sequence loads in

accordance with system design. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. Undervoltage, safety injection, containment spray

actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and

normal and

14.2-96 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK alternate 4,160-V feeder breaker position signals are initiated, and the actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and

nonsafety-related load shed circuits is verified.

b. Signals are initiated to actuate the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and

nonsafety-related load shed circuits, and proper load

shed and load sequencing are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. Actuation of the LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related load shed, and nonsafety-related load

shed circuits on receipt of under-voltage, safety injection, containment spray actuation, diesel generator breaker position, and normal and alternate 4,160-V

feeder breaker position signals is in accordance with

system design.

b. The LOCA sequencer, shutdown sequencer, safety-related

load shed, and nonsafety-related load shed circuits shed

and sequence loads in accordance with system design. LOCA Sequencer Preoperational Test (S-03NF02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that initiation of a safety injection

signal (SIS) will shed the nonsafety-related loads, start the diesel generator, and sequence the associated equipment. The ability of each 4,160-V Class IE load

group to supply the sequenced loads while maintaining

voltage within design specifications is also verified.

b. To demonstrate that a loss of offsite power concurrent

with SIS will shed the safety-related loads, start the

diesel generator, close the diesel generator feeder

breaker, and sequence the associated equipment. The

ability of each diesel generator to supply the sequenced

loads while maintaining voltage and frequency within

design specifications is also verified.

c. To demonstrate the ability of each diesel generator to

carry the short-time rating load for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and the

continuous rated load for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br />, without exceeding

design limits.

d. To demonstrate that each diesel generator, following

operation for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at the short-time rated load and

14.2-97 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the continuous rated load, will start automatically on a loss of ac voltage concurrent with an

SIS, attain voltage and frequency within design limits

and time, and accept the LOCA sequenced loads, while

maintaining voltage and frequency within design limits.

c. To demonstrate the ability of the diesel cooling water

system to maintain the diesel temperature within design

specifications, while the diesel generators are

operating for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at the short-time rating load and

22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the continuous rating load.

f. To determine the fuel oil consumption of each diesel, while operating for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the continuous rating


g. To demonstrate the ability of the 125 V dc system to

perform its design functions while at minimum voltage.

h. To demonstrate the independence between the redundant on

ac and dc power sources. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Each diesel generator and its associated auxiliaries are


c. All components actuated by the LOCA sequencer and safety-related and nonsafety-related load shed circuits

are available. Test Method

a. A train A SIS is initiated, and the following are


1. Group l nonsafety-related loads are shed.
2. Group 1 diesel generator starts.
3. Group 1 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

components are sequenced. The times for sequenced

pumps to reach full flow are verified.

4. With bus NB01 supplying the sequenced loads from its

normal source, bus voltage is recorded.

14.2-98 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. With group 2 dc load group isolated from its power source and group 1 dc load group voltage set to minimum, a loss of offsite power is initiated concurrent with a

train A SIS, and the following are verified:

1. Safety-related group 1 loads are shed.
2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

3. Group 1 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

components are sequenced. The times for sequenced

pumps to reach full flow are verified.

4. With the group 1 diesel generator supplying the sequenced loads, bus voltage and frequency are recorded.
5. The group 2 ac and dc busses are monitored to

verify the absence of voltage on these busses and

loads, indicating no interconnection at load


c. The ability of the group 1 diesel generator to carry the

short-time rating load for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> without exceeding

design limits is verified.

d. The ability of the group 1 diesel generator to carry the

continuous rated load for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> without exceeding

design limits is verified. Group l diesel fuel oil consumption is also determined.

e. Following group 1 diesel generator operation for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />

at the short-time rated load and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the

continuous rated load, the group 1 diesel generator is

shutdown, a loss of group 1 ac voltage is initiated

concurrent with a train A SIS, and the ability of the

group l diesel generator to start, attain voltage and

frequency within design limits and time, and accept the

loads resulting from the design accident loading

sequence while maintaining voltage and frequency within

design limits is verified. If this test is not

satisfactorily completed, it is not necessary to repeat

the tests of items c and d prior to rerunning this

test. Instead, prior to rerunning this test, the diesel

generator may be operated at the continuous rated load

for l hour or until operating temperature has


14.2-99 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

f. A train B SIS is initiated, and the following are verified:
1. Group 2 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
2. Group 2 diesel generator starts.
3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

components are sequenced. The times for sequenced

pumps to reach full flow are verified.

4. With Bus NB02 supplying the sequenced loads from

its normal source, bus voltage is recorded.

g. With group 1 dc load group isolated from its power source and group 2 dc load group voltage set to minimum, a loss of offsite power is initiated concurrent with a

train B SIS, and the following are verified:

1. Safety-related group 2 loads are shed.
2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer is actuated, and associated

components are sequenced. The times for sequenced

pumps to reach full flow are verified.

4. With the group 2 diesel generator supplying the

sequenced loads, bus voltage and frequency are recorded.

5. The group l ac and dc busses are monitored to

verify the absence of voltage on these busses and

loads, indicating no interconnection of load


h. The ability of the group 2 diesel generator to carry the

short-time rating load for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> without exceeding

design limits is verified.

i. The ability of the group 2 diesel generator to carry the

continuous rated load for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> without exceeding

design limits is verified. Group 2 diesel fuel oil

consumption is also determined.

14.2-100 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

j. Following group 2 diesel generator operation for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at the short-time rated load and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the

continuous rated load, the group 2 diesel generator is

shutdown, a loss of group 2 ac voltage is initiated

concurrent with a train B SIS, and the ability of the group 2 diesel generator to start, attain voltage and

frequency within design limits and time, and accept the

LOCA sequenced loads, while maintaining voltage and

frequency within design limits, is verified. If this

test is not satisfactorily completed, it is not necessary

to repeat the tests of items h and i prior to rerunning

this test. Instead, prior to rerunning this test, the

diesel generator may be operated at the continuous rated

load for l hour or until operating temperature has


k. The ability of the diesel cooling water system to

maintain the diesel temperature within design

specifications, while the diesel generators are operating

for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at the short-time rating load and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at

the continuous rating load, is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. A train A SIS initiates the following, in accordance

with system design:

1. Group 1 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
2. Group 1 diesel generator starts.
3. Group l LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated

components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach

full flow within the required times.

b. Bus NB01, while powered from its normal source, supplies

the sequenced loads while maintaining voltage within

design specifications.

c. With the group 2 dc load group isolated from its power

source and the group 1 dc load group voltage at minimum, a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train A SIS

initiates the following, in accordance with system


1. Safety-related group 1 loads are shed.
2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

14.2-101 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

3. Group l LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach

full flow within design times.

d. Group l diesel generator supplies the sequenced loads, while maintaining voltage and frequency within design


e. With load group 1 supplying loads following a loss of

offsite power concurrent with a train A SIS, the group 2

ac and dc busses are verified de-energized, indicating

no interconnection of load groups.

f. Following group 1 diesel generator operation for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />

at the short-time rated load and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the continuous rated load, the group 1 diesel generator starts, attains voltage and frequency within design

limits and time, and accepts the LOCA sequenced loads

while maintaining voltage and frequency within design

limits, on loss of group 1 ac voltage concurrent with a

train A SIS.

g. A train B SIS initiates the following, in accordance

with the system design:

1. Group 2 nonsafety-related loads are shed.
2. Group 2 diesel generator starts.
3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach full flow within design times.
h. Bus NB02, while powered from its normal source, supplies

the required loads while maintaining the voltage within

design specifications.

i. With the group 1 dc load group isolated from its power

source and the group 2 dc load group voltage at minimum, a loss of offsite power concurrent with a train B SIS

initiates the following, in accordance with system


1. Safety-related group 2 loads are shed.
2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

14.2-102 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

3. Group 2 LOCA sequencer actuates, and the associated components are sequenced. Sequenced pumps reach

full flow within design times.

j. Group 2 diesel generator supplies the required loads, while maintaining voltage and frequency within design


k. With load group 2 supplying loads following a loss of

offsite power concurrent with a train B SIS, the group 1

ac and dc busses are verified de-energized, indicating

no interconnection of load groups.

l. Following group 2 diesel generator operation for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />

at the short-time rated load and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at continuous rated load, group 2 diesel generator starts, attains voltage and frequency within design limits and time, and

accepts the LOCA sequenced loads while maintaining

voltage and frequency within design limits, on loss of

group 2 ac voltage concurrent with a train B SIS.

m. Each diesel generator is capable of carrying the short-

time rating load for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and the continuous rated

load for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br />, without exceeding design limits.

n. Fuel oil consumption of each diesel, while operating at

the continuous rated load, is within design


o. Each diesel generator cooling water system, with the diesel generators operating for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at the short-time rating load and 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at the continuous rating

load, maintains the diesel temperatures within design


p. The controls required for the loss of offsite power

concurrent with a SIS (shedding, sequencing, etc.)

function with minimum dc voltage available. Shutdown Sequencer Preoperational Test (S-03NF03) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that de-energization of either 4,160-V

Class IE load group will start the associated diesel

generator, close the diesel generator feeder breaker, actuate the associated group load shed, and actuate the

shutdown sequencer. All sequenced components are

verified to start within required design times.

14.2-103 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. To demonstrate that each diesel generator will maintain voltage and frequency within design specifications while

supplying the design shutdown loads.

c. To demonstrate the ability of the emergency 4.16-kV loads to start at maximum and minimum design voltages. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Each diesel generator and its associated auxiliaries are available.
d. All components actuated by the shutdown sequencer are

available. Test Method

a. Class IE 4,160-V load group 1 is de-energized and the

following are verified:

1. Group 1 load shedder actuates.
2. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

3. Group 1 shutdown sequencer is actuated, and

associated components are sequenced. Components

are verified to actuate within the required design


b. Class IE 4,160-V load group 2 is de-energized and the

following are verified:

1. Group 2 load shedder actuates.
2. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

3. Group 2 shutdown sequencer is actuated, and

associated components are sequenced. Components

are verified to actuate within the required design


14.2-104 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. Emergency 4.16-kV loads are started while their respective diesel generators are supplying:
1. Minimum rated voltage
2. Maximum rated voltage
d. The ability of each diesel generator to maintain voltage

and frequency within the design specifications while

supplying the design shutdown loads is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. De-energization of Class IE 4,160-V load group 1

initiates the following, in accordance with system design:

1. Group 1 diesel generator starts, and its feeder

breaker closes.

2. Group 1 shutdown sequencer actuates, and associated

components are sequenced. Components actuate

within required design times.

3. Group 1 load shedder actuates.
b. De-energization of Class IE 4,160-V load group 2

initiates the following, in accordance with system


1. Group 2 diesel generator starts, and its feeder breaker closes.
2. Group 2 shutdown sequencer actuates, and associated

components are sequenced. Components actuate

within required design times.

3. Group 2 load shedder actuates.
c. The emergency 4.16-kV loads start and reach rated speed

within design times, with minimum and maximum design


d. Each diesel generator maintains voltage and frequency

within design specifications, while supplying the design

shutdown loads. 480-V (Class IE) System Preoperational Test

(S-03NG01) Objectives

To demonstrate that the 480-V Class IE load centers can be energized from

their normal and alternate sources and verify the

14.2-105 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK operability of system breaker protective interlocks. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. The 480-V Class IE load centers are energized from their

normal source, and voltages are recorded.

b. The 480-V Class IE load centers are energized from their

alternate source, and voltages are recorded.

c. System breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks

verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The voltage for each 480-V Class IE load center, when

supplied from its normal source, is within design


b. The voltage for each 480-V Class IE load center, when

supplied from its alternate source, is within design specifications.

c. System breaker interlocks operate in accordance with the

system design. 480-V Class IE System (ESW) Preoperational Test

(SU3-NG02). Objectives

To demonstrate that the nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC can be energized from

their normal source and to verify their bus voltage phase sequence. Proper

operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are completed.

14.2-106 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational. Test Method

The nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC are energized, voltages are recorded, and

phase sequence is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The voltage for each nonpower block 480-V Class IE MCC

is within design specification.

b. The bus voltage phase sequence of the nonpower block

480-V Class IE MCC is in accordance with design. 125-V (Class IE) DC System Preoperational Test

(S-03NK01) Objectives

To demonstrate the ability of the batteries and chargers to provide power

during normal operations and the battery to provide power during abnormal

conditions. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective battery

is also demonstrated. Proper operation of the system instrumentation and

controls is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Ventilation for the battery rooms is available. Test Method

a. Each battery is discharged, using a test load at the

design duty cycle discharge rate.

b. Each battery is fully discharged to determine its

capacity factor.

c. Each battery charger will charge its respective battery

to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a

design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power

at a rate equivalent to the design emergency loading.

14.2-107 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. Each battery is capable of maintaining output voltage

above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.

b. Each battery has a capacity factor greater than or equal

to design.

c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the batteries

to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a

design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power

at a rate equivalent to the design emergency loading. Instrument AC System (Class IE) Preoperational Test

(S-03NN01) Objectives

To demonstrate that the 120-V Class IE ac distribution panel- boards can be fed

from their normal source inverters and from their backup source transformers by

manual transfer. The operability of system instrumentation and controls, including breaker protective interlocks, is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. The 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboards are

energized from their normal source inverters, and

panelboard voltages are recorded.

b. The 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboards are

energized from their backup source transformers by

manual transfer, and panelboard voltages are recorded.

c. The system breakers are operated, and breaker interlocks

are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. Each 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboard voltage, when supplied from the normal source inverters of the

panelboards, is within design specifications.

14.2-108 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Each 120-V Class IE ac distribution panelboard voltage, when supplied from the backup source transformers, is

within design specifications.

c. System breaker interlocks operate in accordance with system design. Engineered Safeguards (NSSS) Preoperational Test

(SU3-SA01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the ability of the NSSS to initiate

safety injection, containment isolation, containment

spray actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam line isolation signals on receipt of the associated input signals.

b. To verify NSSS ESFAS loop response times.
c. To demonstrate the ability of each solid-state

protection system test panel to adequately test the

associated NSSS ESFAS and reactor protection logic


d. To demonstrate the coincidence and redundancy of the


e. To verify the operability of ESFAS block and permissive

interlocks. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies are operational. Test Method

a. The ability of the NSSS ESFAS to actuate safety

injection, containment isolation, containment spray

actuation, main feedwater isolation, and steam line

isolation signals on receipt of the required coincidence

of the following input signals for each redundant

channel is verified:

. High steam line pressure rate

. Low steam line pressure

. Low pressurizer pressure

14.2-109 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

. High containment pressure (Hi-1, Hi-2, and Hi-3)

. High-high steam generator level

. Low Tavg

. Low-low steam generator water level

b. Input signals are initiated, and loop response times are


c. The ability of each solid-state protection system test

panel to test the NSSS ESFAS logic trains is verified.

d. ESFAS block and permissive interlocks are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The NSSS ESFAS actuates safety injection, containment isolation, containment spray actuation, main feedwater

isolation, and steam line isolation signals when their

associated input signals are received from the following

signals for each applicable channel:

. High steam line pressure rate

. Low steam line pressure

. Low pressurizer pressure

. High containment pressure (Hi-1, Hi-2, and Hi-3)

. High-high steam generator level

. Low Tavg

. Low-low steam generator water level

b. NSSS ESFAS loop response times are within design specifications.
c. ESFAS block and permissive interlocks operate in

accordance with system design. Engineered Safeguards (BOP) Preoperational Test

(SU3-SA02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operability of the BOP ESFAS to

initiate containment purge isolation, control room

ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation

isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary

feedwater suction valve switchover to essential service

water (ESW), and steam generator blowdown and sample

isolation signals on receipt of the associated input


14.2-110 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. To verify BOP ESFAS loop response times.
c. To demonstrate the ability of the BOP ESFAS test panel

to adequately test the associated BOP ESFAS logic


d. To demonstrate the coincidence and redundancy of the BOP

ESFAS. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies are operational. Test Method

a. The ability of the BOP ESFAS to actuate containment

purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater

pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve

switchover to ESW, and steam generator blowdown and

sample isolation signals on receipt of the required

coincidence of the following input signals for each

redundant channel is verified.

o Containment isolation (phase A)

o High atmospheric radiation

o High chlorine concentration o Loss of main feedwater flow o Low-low steam generator level

o Loss of offsite power

o Low feedwater pump suction pressure

o Safety injection

b. Input signals are initiated, and loop response times are


c. The ability of the BOP ESFAS test panel to test the BOP

ESFAS logic trains is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The BOP ESFAS actuates containment purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building

ventilation isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump

actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction valve switchover

to ESW, and

14.2-111 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK steam generator blowdown and sample isolation signals

when their associated input signals are received from

the following signals for each applicable channel:

o Containment isolation (phase A)

o High atmospheric radiation

o High chlorine concentration

o Loss of main feedwater flow

o Low-low steam generator level

o Loss of offsite power

o Low feedwater pump suction pressure

o Safety injection

b. BOP ESFAS loop response times are within design specifications. Engineered Safeguards Verification Test (SU3-SA03) Objectives

To demonstrate the proper response of actuated components resulting from the

following safety signals: Safety injection, containment spray actuation, main

feedwater isolation, steam line isolation, containment isolation, containment

purge isolation, control room ventilation isolation, fuel building ventilation

isolation, auxiliary feedwater pump actuation, auxiliary feedwater suction

valve switch over to ESW, and steam generator blowdown and sample isolation. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are complete.
b. Required electrical power sources and control circuits

are operational.

c. Components actuated by the NSSS and BOP ESFAS are

available. Test Method

NSSS and BOP ESFAS signals are initiated manually and the proper response and

response times of the actuated components are verified.

14.2-112 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

Components required to actuate on receipt of safety signals respond properly in

accordance with design specifications and within the times specified by design

requirements. Reactor Protection System Logic Test (S-03SB01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the ability of the reactor protection

system to initiate a reactor trip on input of the

associated input signals.

b. To verify reactor protection loop response times.
c. To verify the operability of the reactor protection

system block and permissive interlocks.

d. To demonstrate the coincidence, redundancy, and fail

safe (power loss) design of the reactor protection

system. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. The ability of the reactor protection system to initiate

a reactor trip on receipt of the proper coincidence of

the following trip signals for each redundant channel is


o Source range high neutron flux

o Intermediate range high neutron flux

o Power range high neutron flux (low setpoint and

high setpoint)

o Power range high positive neutron flux rate

o Power range high negative neutron flux rate o Overtemperature T o Overpower T o Low primary coolant flow o Reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage

o Reactor coolant pump bus underfrequency

14.2-113 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK o High pressurizer pressure o Low pressurizer pressure

o High pressurizer level

o Safety injection signal

o Turbine trip signal

b. Loop response times are measured for the above listed

trip signals.

c. Reactor protection system block and permissive

interlocks are verified.

d. Power is isolated from the system, and the safe failure

of the system is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The reactor protection system initiates a reactor trip

on receipt of the proper coincidence of the following

signals for each applicable channel:

o Source range high neutron flux

o Intermediate range high neutron flux

o Power range high neutron flux (low setpoint and

high setpoint)

o Power range high positive neutron flux rate

o Power range high negative neutron flux rate o Overtemperature T o Overpower T o Low primary coolant flow o Reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage o Reactor coolant pump bus underfrequency

o High pressurizer pressure

o Low pressurizer pressure

o High pressurizer level

o Safety injection signal

o Turbine trip signal

b. Loop response times for the following trip signals are

within design limits.

o Power range high neutron flux (low setpoint and

high setpoint)

o Power range high negative neutron flux rate o Overtemperature T o Overpower T o Low primary coolant flow o Reactor coolant pump bus undervoltage

o Reactor coolant pump bus underfrequency

14.2-114 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK o High pressurizer pressure o Low pressurizer pressure

c. Reactor protection system block and permissive

interlocks operate in accordance with system design.

d. The reactor protection system functions in accordance

with system design on a loss of power. Primary Sampling System Preoperational Test

(S-03SJ01) Objectives

a. To set sample panels' flow rates and to verify the operability of the sample system containment isolation valves. Proper operation of system instrumentation and

controls is also verified.

b. To verify that the post-accident sampling system (PASS)

containment isolation valves operate properly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operable.

c. Plant conditions are established, and systems are available, as necessary, to facilitate drawing samples

from the sample points.

d. The component cooling water system is available to

provide cooling water to the auxiliary building sample


e. The chemical and volume control system is available to

receive discharge from the nuclear sampling station.

f. The chemical and detergent waste system is available to

receive discharge from the nuclear sampling station. Test Method

a. Sample panel flows are adjusted, and flow data are


14.2-115 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Operability of the sample containment isolation valves is verified, including their response to an isolation

signal. Valve operating times are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The sample containment isolation valves close on receipt

of an isolation signal.

b. The sample containment isolation valves' closure times

are within design specifications. Process Radiation Monitoring System Preoperational

Test (S-03SP01) Objectives

To demonstrate the operation of the process radiation monitors and to verify

the ability of the process radiation monitoring system to provide alarm and

isolation signals, as applicable, upon receipt of high radiation signals.

Operability of the radioactivity monitoring control room microprocessor is also

verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operable. Test Method

a. The check source for each monitor is remotely

positioned, and the actuation of each monitor and the

operability of its associated alarms and isolation

signals are verified.

b. Operability of the radioactivity monitoring control room

microprocessor is verified. Acceptance Criteria

The process radiation monitoring system provides alarm and isolation signals, in accordance with system design specifications.

14.2-116 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Power Conversion and ECCS Thermal Expansion Test (SU3-0004) Objective

To demonstrate snubber operability on all safety-related systems whose

operating temperature exceeds 250 F. Prerequisites

a. Preservice examinations as specified in the Tedesco

letter to KG&E dated 2/10/81 have been completed on the

systems being checked within the last 6 months.

b. Other required component testing and instrument calibration are completed.
c. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

d. Preoperational testing is in progress. Test Method

a. During initial system heatup and cooldown, at specified

temperature intervals, verify the expected snubber

movement for any system which attains operating


b. For those systems which do not attain operating temperature, verify by observation and/or calculation that the snubber will accommodate the projected thermal


c. Observe snubber swing clearances at specified heat-up

and cooldown intervals. Acceptance Criteria

a. The expected snubber movement for any system that

attains operating temperature is within design


b. The expected snubber movement determined by observation

and/or calculation for any system that does not attain

operating temperature is within design specifications.

c. Snubber swing clearance observed at specified heatup and

cooldown intervals is within design specifications.

14.2-117 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Power Conversion and ECCS Systems Dynamic Test (S-030005) Objectives

To demonstrate during specified transients that the systems' monitored points

respond in accordance with design. Prerequisites

a. Reference points for measurement of the systems are


b. Hot functional testing is in progress.
c. All subject systems are available for the specified dynamic operations.
d. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

a. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic


b. The specified dynamic event of pump operation, valve

operation, etc., is initiated, and the system is

monitored for response. Acceptance Criteria

a. The total stress shall not exceed applicable code

limits. HEPA Filter Test (SU3-0006). Objectives

To demonstrate the leaktightness and particulate removal efficiency of all HEPA

filters and to verify the leaktightness of their associated charcoal adsorbers. Prerequisites

a. The ventilation systems containing HEPA filters and

charcoal adsorbers have been air balanced and are

operational and available to support this test.

14.2-118 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

a. HEPA filters are inplace tested with cold poly-dispersed

DOP, in accordance with the procedures set forth in ANSI


b. Charcoal adsorbers are inplace tested with a suitable

refrigerant, in accordance with the procedures set forth

in ANSI N510. Acceptance Criteria

a. The airflow of each filter adsorber unit is equal to the

design flow.

b. Air flow distribution downstream of each HEPA filter is

within 20 percent of the average velocity through the


c. HEPA DOP penetration is less than one percent at the

design air flow.

d. Charcoal adsorber bypass leakage is less than .05

percent at the design air flow. Cooldown from Hot Standby External to the Control Room (S-030008) Objectives

To demonstrate, using a plant procedure, the potential capability to cooldown

the plant from the hot standby to the cold shutdown condition, using

instrumentation and controls external to the control room verifying that:

a. The reactor coolant temperature and pressure can be

lowered to permit the operation of the residual heat

removal (RHR) system.

b. The RHR system can be operated and controlled.
c. The reactor coolant temperature can be reduced 50 F, using the RHR system, without exceeding technical specification limits.

14.2-119 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The plant is in a hot standby condition.
d. The authority and responsibility of the control room

observers has been established and is specified in this

procedure. Test Method

a. The plant is cooled from hot standby, RHR is initiated, and a >

50°F cooldown is performed with the RHR system transferring heat to the ultimate heat sink, using instrumentation and controls external to the control room.

b. All actions performed by the control room observers are documented within this procedure for use in evaluating

their impact on the test results. Acceptance Criteria

The following actions are capable of being performed, external to the control


a. The reactor coolant temperature and pressure can be

lowered to permit the operation of the RHR system.

b. The reactor coolant temperature can be reduced 50 F, using the RHR system, without exceeding technical specification limits. Compressed Gas Accumulator Testing (S-030009) Objectives

To demonstrate the ability of the auxiliary feedwater control valve/mainsteam

atmospheric relief valve and main feedwater control valve accumulators to

provide the design backup supply of compressed gas for continued design valve

operation following a loss of the normal motive source.

14.2-120 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

Required component testing, instrument calibration and system flushing/cleaning

are complete. Test Method

The accumulators are isolated from the compressed gas supply header and the

associated valves are operated to demonstrate the ability of the accumulators

to provide design motive force for the required valve cycles. Acceptance Criteria

The auxiliary feedwater control valve/mainsteam atmospheric relief valve, and

main feedwater control valve accumulators provide the design backup supply of compressed gas to their associated valves. Nonsafety-Related Preoperational Test Procedures The following sections are the test abstract for each nonsafety- related

preoperational test. Table 14.2-2 provides an index of these tests. Turbine Trip Test (S-04AC02) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the ability of the turbine trip and

monitoring system to initiate a turbine trip on input of

the associated input signals.

b. To demonstrate the response of the moisture separator

reheater drain valves, feedwater heater extraction check valves, turbine main stop valves, turbine main stop valve above seat drain valves, turbine control valves, turbine control valve above seat drain valves, intermediate stop valves, main steamline drain valves, startup drain valves, and intercept valves to a turbine

trip signal.

c. To demonstrate that a turbine trip signal initiates a

reactor trip signal.

d. To demonstrate that the turbine main stop valves

operating times are within design specifications.

14.2-121 Rev. 0

WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration is


b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The main turbine control oil and lube oil systems are

available to provide oil to the turbine auxiliaries.

d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to

system air-operated valves. Test Method

a. The ability of the turbine trip and monitoring system to

initiate a turbine trip signal on receipt of each of the

following input signals is verified:

o Manual trip pushbutton depressed

o Manual trip handle pulled

o Generator trip (EHC vital trip)

o Generator trip (unit trip)

o Reactor trip

o Loss of stator coolant

o Low lube oil pressure

o Loss of EHC 125 V dc power with turbine speed

below 75 percent

o High turbine vibration o High exhaust hood temperature o Low hydraulic fluid pressure

o Moisture separator high level

o Low bearing oil pressure

o Low condenser vacuum

o Excessive thrust bearing wear

o Backup overspeed (Electrical)

o Loss of EHC 24-volt dc power

b. A turbine trip signal is initiated, and the response of

the following valves is verified:

o Moisture separator reheater drain valves

o Feedwater heater extraction check valves

o Turbine main stop valves

o Turbine control valves

o Intermediate stop valves

o Turbine intercept valves

o Startup drain valves

o Main steam line drain valves

14.2-122 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK o Turbine main stop valve above seat drain valves o Turbine control valve above seat drain valves

c. A turbine trip signal is initiated, and a reactor trip

input signal is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The turbine trip and monitoring system initiates a

turbine trip on receipt of each of the following


o Manual trip pushbutton depressed

o Manual trip handle pulled

o Generator trip (EHC vital trip) o Generator trip (unit trip) o Reactor trip

o Loss of stator coolant

o Low lube oil pressure

o Loss of EHC 125 V dc power with turbine speed

below 75 percent

o High turbine vibration

o High exhaust hood temperature

o Low hydraulic fluid pressure

o Moisture separator high level

o Low bearing oil pressure

o Low condenser vacuum

o Excessive thrust bearing wear

o Backup overspeed (electrical)

o Loss of EHC 24-volt dc power

b. The following valves open on receipt of a turbine trip


o Turbine main stop valve above seat drain valves

o Turbine control valve above seat drain valves

o Main steam line drain valves

o Moisture separator reheater drain valves

o Startup drain valves

c. The following valves close on receipt of a turbine trip


o Low pressure heater extraction check valves

o Main stop valves

o Turbine control valves

o Intercept valves

o Intermediate stop valves

14.2-123 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. A turbine trip signal initiates a reactor trip signal.
e. The turbine main stop valves operating times are within

design specifications. Turbine System Cold Test (S-04AC03) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operability of the turning gear and

associated control circuits.

b. To demonstrate the operability of the electro-hydraulic

control system. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The main turbine control oil and lube oil systems are

available to supply the turbine auxiliaries. Test Method

a. The operability of the turning gear and associated

control circuits is verified.

b. A turbine simulator is utilized to verify the ability of

the electro-hydraulic control system to perform its

control functions. Acceptance Criteria

a. The turning gear motor trips on loss of bearing oil

pressure, loss of all bearing lift pumps, or closure of

the main transformer switchyard breaker.

b. The turbine control and intercept valves close on a

power load unbalance signal.

c. The turbine load set is run back on a reactor overtemperature T signal when in the manual mode.
d. The turbine load set is run back on a reactor overpower T signal when in the manual mode.

14.2-124 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

e. The turbine load is set back on a loss of circulating water pump signal.
f. Turbine loading is inhibited on a C-16 control interlock

signal. Condensate System Preoperational Test (S-04ADOl) Objectives

To demonstrate the condensate pumps' operating characteristics and verify the

operation of system valves and associated control circuits. The operability of

the condensate storage and transfer system and associated components is also

verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The feedwater system is available to receive flow from

the condensate pump discharge header.

d. The demineralized water system is available to provide

water to the condensate pump seals and a source of

makeup to the condensate storage tank.

e. The condensate storage tank is available to provide makeup to the condenser hotwell.
f. The closed cooling water system is available to provide

cooling water to the condensate pump motor bearing oil

coolers. Test Method

a. Condensate pumps are operated, and performance

characteristics are verified.

b. The response of each condensate pump to a condenser low-

low level trip signal is verified.

c. The operability of the condensate pump recirculation

valves is verified.

14.2-125 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating characteristics of the condensate pumps

are within design specifications.

b. Each condensate pump will receive a trip signal on a 2/3

condenser low-low level signal.

c. Each condensate pump recirculation valve operates in

accordance with design specifications. Secondary Vent and Drain System Preoperational

Test (S-04AF01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

heater drain pumps.

b. To demonstrate the operability of system valve and pump

control circuits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The compressed air system is available to the system air-operated valves.
d. The closed cooling water system is available to supply

cooling water to the heater drain pumps. Test Method

a. The heater drain pumps are operated, and performance

characteristics are verified.

b. The operability of system valve and pump control

circuits is verified. Acceptance Criteria

The operating characteristics of the heater drain pumps are within design


14.2-126 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Condensate and Feedwater Chemical Feed System Preoperational Test (S-04AQ01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

condensate oxygen control chemical addition pumps, condensate pH control chemical addition pumps, condensate oxygen control chemical circulating pumps, condensate pH control chemical circulating pumps, feedwater chemical addition pumps, and feedwater chemical addition circulating pump and verify the operation of the associated control circuits.

b. To demonstrate the operability of the drum dispensing

pumps. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The demineralized water storage and transfer system is

available to provide a source of demineralized water to the oxygen and pH control chemical supply and mixing tanks.

d. The compressed air system is available to provide air to

the drum dispensing pumps.

e. The service gas system is available to provide a source

of nitrogen to the oxygen and pH control chemical supply, measuring, and mixing tanks. Test Method

a. System pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are verified.
b. The response of the condensate oxygen control chemical circulating pumps, condensate pH control chemical circulating pumps, and the feedwater chemical addition feed pumps to a low level in their associated tank is verified.

14.2-127 Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating characteristics of the condensate

oxygen control chemical addition pumps, condensate pH control chemical addition pumps, condensate oxygen control chemical circulating pumps, condensate ph control chemical circulating pumps, feedwater chemical addition pumps, feedwater chemical addition circulating pump, and the drum dispensing pumps are within design specifications.

b. The condensate oxygen control chemical circulating pumps, condensate pH control chemical circulating pumps, feedwater

chemical addition feed pumps, and the feedwater chemical addition circulating pump trip on a low level signal from their associated tanks. Reactor Makeup Water System Preoperational Test

(S-04BL01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

reactor makeup water transfer pumps and verify that the

associated control circuits are functioning properly.

b. To demonstrate the operation of the system automatic

valves, including the response of the reactor makeup

water system containment supply valve to a CIS. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The demineralized water storage and transfer system is

available to provide a source of water to the reactor

makeup water storage tank. Test Method

a. The reactor makeup water transfer pumps are operated, and pump operating data are recorded.
b. Reactor makeup water transfer pumps and system automatic

valves control logics are verified, including their

response to safety signals.

14.2-128 Rev. 12 WOLF CREEK

c. The reactor makeup water containment supply valve is operated under flow conditions and operating times

recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating characteristics of the reactor makeup

water transfer pumps are within design specifications.

b. Each reactor makeup water transfer pump trips on receipt

of a reactor makeup water storage tank low level signal.

c. Each reactor makeup water transfer pump starts, after a

time delay, with the other pump running and the receipt

of a low header pressure signal.

d. The reactor makeup water containment supply valve

closure time is within design specifications.

e. The reactor makeup containment supply valve closes on

receipt of a CIS. Condenser Air Removal System Preoperational Test

(S-04CG01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operation of the condenser air

removal portion of the turbine building HVAC system

motoroperated dampers, including automatic operation on a safety injection signal.

b. To demonstrate the capacities of the condenser air

removal filtration fans and verify the operation of

their associated control circuits.

c. To demonstrate the operability of the condenser air

removal system vacuum pumps, control valves, and their

associated control circuits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-129 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The condenser air removal filtration system portion of the turbine building HVAC system is available to support

this test.

d. The condensate storage tank is available to provide a source of water to the vacuum pump seal water


e. The service water system is available to provide cooling

water to the mechanical vacuum pump seal water coolers. Test Method

a. The condenser air removal filtration fans are operated, and fan capacities are verified.
b. Operation of the condenser air removal filtration

dampers is verified, including their response to a

safety injection signal.

c. The ability of the mechanical vacuum pumps to reduce

condenser pressure during startup operation is verified.

d. Operability of the mechanical vacuum pumps and their

associated control valves' control circuits is verified, including their response to a low condenser vacuum

signal. Acceptance Criteria

a. The condenser air removal filtration fans' capacities are within design specifications.
b. The condenser air removal filtration dampers close on

receipt of a safety injection signal.

c. The rate at which the mechanical vacuum pumps reduce

condenser pressure is within design specifications.

d. The mechanical vacuum pumps start automatically on

receipt of a low condenser vacuum signal. Circulating Water System Preoperational Test (SU4-

DA01) Objective

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

circulating water pumps, water box venting pumps, and

14.2-130 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK the condenser drain pump and verify the operation of their associated control circuits.

b. To demonstrate by operational test that the circulating

water pump discharge valves operating times are within design specifications.

c. To demonstrate that the gland water system flow to the

circulating water pumps is within design specifications. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are completed.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The circulatng water system and condenser are available

to receive flow from the circulating water pumps. Test Method

a. The circulating water pumps, water box venting pumps, and the condenser drain pump are operated and pump

operating data is recorded.

b. The response of the circulating water pumps and the

condenser drain pump to control signals is verified.

c. Circulating water pump discharge valve operating times are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The circulating water pumps operating characteristics

are within design specifications.

b. The water box venting pumps operating characteristics

are within design specifications.

c. The condenser drain pump operating characteristics are

within design specifications

d. The condenser drain pump stops on receipt of a standpipe

low-level signal.

e. Each circulating water pump trips on receipt of a two

out of three condenser pit high level signal.

14.2-131 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

f. Low gland seal water pressure or low gland seal flow will prevent start of the circulating water pumps.
g. The gland seal water flow to each circulating water pump

is within design specifications.

h. The operating times of the circulating water pump

discharge valves are within design specifications. Service Water System Preoperational Test (S-04EA01). Objectives

a. To demonstrate the capability of the service water

system and essential service water system to provide rated cooling water flow during the normal and normal-shutdown modes of operation to their respective loads.

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

Service Water (SW) Pumps.

c. To verify proper operation of site service water system

controls and instrumentation. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The essential service water system has been flow

balanced in the LOCA mode.

d. Site system controls and instruments are calibrated.
e. The SW system is available to receive flow from the SW

pumps. Test Method

a. Service water and essential service water system flows

are verified in the normal and normal-shutdown modes.

(The service water pumps provide the motive force.)

b. The SW pumps are operated and pump operating data is


14.2-132 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. Components supplied by the service water system and

essential service water system receive flows that are

within design specifications with the system operating in the normal and normal-shutdown modes.

b. The SW pumps operating characteristics are within design

specifications. Closed Cooling Water System Preoperational Test

(S-04EB01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the capability of the closed cooling water system to provide cooling water flow to its

associated components.

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

closed cooling water pumps and to verify that the

associated instrumentation and controls are functioning

properly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational. Test Method

Performance characteristics of the closed cooling water pumps and flow data to

supplied components are verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The performance characteristics of each closed cooling

water pump are within design specifications.

b. Flow to all components supplied by the closed cooling

water system is verified.

14.2-133 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Fire Protection System Preoperational Test (SU4-FP03) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the Fire

Protection (FP) system jockey pump, motor-driven fire

pump and the diesel-driven fire pump and verify the

operation of their associated control circuits.

b. To demonstrate the operability of the diesel oil system, including system instrumentation and controls. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and system flushing/cleaning are completed.
b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. The jockey pump, the motor-driven fire pump and the

diesel-driven fire pump are operated and operating data

are recorded.

b. The response of the motor-driven fire pump and diesel-

driven fire pump to automatic start signals are


c. With the diesel-driven fire pump operating at rated

capacity, the capacity of the diesel oil day tank is

verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The FP pumps operating characteristics are within design


b. The motor-driven fire pump and the diesel-driven fire

pump automatically start upon receipt of their

associated decreasing fire protection system pressure


c. With the diesel fire pump operating at rated capacity, the capacity of the diesel oil day tank is within design


14.2-134 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. With the diesel fire pump operating at rated capacity and upon receipt of a diesel oil day tank low level

alarm, the remaining capacity of the diesel oil day tank

is within design specifications. Radwaste Building HVAC System Preoperational Test

(S-04GH01) Objectives

a. To verify the radwaste building supply and exhaust fans'

control circuits, including automatic transfer between

exhaust fans.

b. To demonstrate the fan capacities of the radwaste building supply and exhaust fans, recycle evaporator room fan coil unit, waste evaporator room fan coil unit, control room (solidification) fan coil unit, sample

laboratory fan coil unit, ground floor fan coil unit, basement floor fan coil unit, SLWS evaporator fan coil

unit, and control room fan coil unit, and to verify that

the associated instrumentation and controls function

properly. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system air balancing are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational. Test Method

a. The radwaste building system fans are operated, and fan

capacities are verified.

b. Operability of the radwaste building supply and exhaust

fans' control circuits is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The radwaste building system fan capacities are within

design specifications.

b. The radwaste building supply air unit will not operate

unless either radwaste exhaust fan is operating.

14.2-135 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. A low flow on the operating radwaste building exhaust fan will cause the operating fan to stop and the standby

fan to start. Local Containment Leak Rate Test (SU8-GP01) Objectives

To determine the leakage rate of the containment penetrations and the leakage

rate of the containment isolation valves. Prerequisites

a. All containment isolation valves are closed by normal

actuation methods.

b. Associated piping is drained, and vent paths for leakage

are established.

c. Required instrument calibration is complete. Test Method

The containment penetrations and containment isolation valves are leak tested

by performing type B and type C tests, in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix

J. Acceptance Criteria

The combined leakage from containment penetrations and containment isolation valves is within design limits. Liquid Radwaste System Preoperational Test (S-

04HB01). Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

liquid radwaste system pumps and to verify the operation

of their associated control circuits.

b. To demonstrate the operation of the liquid radwaste

system containment isolation valves, including their

response to a CIS.

c. To determine by operational test that the liquid

radwaste system containment isolation valves' closure

times are within design specifications.

14.2-136 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The component cooling water system is available to

provide cooling water to the reactor coolant drain tank

heat exchanger. Test Method

a. The liquid radwaste system pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are recorded.
b. The operability of the system pump and valve control

circuits is verified.

c. The liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves

are operated under flow conditions, and operating times

are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The performance characteristics of the liquid radwaste

system pumps are within design specifications.

b. Each pump trips on receipt of a low-level signal from its respective tank.
c. The liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves

close on receipt of a CIS.

d. The liquid radwaste system containment isolation valves'

closure times are within design specifications.

e. The liquid radwaste effluent discharge valve closes on a

high process radiation signal. Waste Evaporator Preoperational Test (SU4-HB02) Objectives

To demonstrate the operability of the waste evaporator and its associated

pumps, valves, and control circuits.

14.2-137 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Cooling water is available to the waste evaporator.
d. The auxiliary steam system is available to supply steam

to the waste evaporator.

e. The waste evaporator condensate tank and the primary

evaporator bottoms tank are available to receive waste evaporator effluent. Test Method

a. The waste evaporator is operated, and performance data

is recorded.

b. With the waste evaporator in operation, a low feed inlet

pressure signal is initiated, and the evaporator is

verified to shift to the recycle mode.

c. The waste evaporator distillate pump is verified to trip

on a low evaporator condenser level. Acceptance Criteria

a. The waste evaporator process flow is within design


b. The waste evaporator goes into the recycle mode on low

feed inlet pressure.

c. The waste evaporator distillate pump trips on a low

evaporator condenser level. Solid Waste System Preoperational Test (S-04HC01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

solid waste system pumps and to verify the operation of

their associated control circuits.

14.2-138 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. To demonstrate the ability of the decant station, drumming station, cement filling station, and the

solid radwaste bridge crane to process, solidify, and

handle waste and to verify the operation of their

associated control circuits.

c. To demonstrate the ability of the dry waste compactors

to process compressible wastes and to verify the

operation of their associated control circuits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.
c. Reactor makeup water is available to provide a source of

water to the decanting station. Test Method

a. The solid waste system pumps are operated, and the pump

operating data are recorded.

b. The system component control circuits are verified, and

the ability of the solid radwaste system to process, solidify, and handle waste is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating characteristics of the evaporator bottoms

tank pumps (primary and secondary) are within design


b. There are no free liquids present in the packaged waste.
c. The evaporator bottoms tank pumps (primary and

secondary) trip on their respective tank low level

signal. Solid Waste Filter Handling System Preoperational

Test (S-04HC02) Objectives

To demonstrate the ability of the solid radwaste filter handling system to

remove, transfer, and install a spent resin sluice filter assembly.

14.2-139 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

a. Operability of the solid radwaste monorail hoist and

handling cask winch and associated control circuits is


b. The ability of the solid radwaste filter handling system to remove, transfer, and install a spent resin sluice filter assembly is verified. Acceptance Criteria

The filter handling system functions in accordance with design specifications. Resin Transfer Preoperational Test (SU4-HC03) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the ability to charge resins and

activated charcoal to those systems containing

potentially contaminated demineralizers or adsorbers.

The ability of the spent resin sluice pumps to transfer resins and charcoal from demineralizers and adsorbers is also verified.

b. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering

pumps, and chemical drain tank pumps.

c. To demonstrate the operability of system valve and pump

control circuits. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-140 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. Those systems containing potentially contaminated demineralizers and adsorbers are available to support

this test.

d. The reactor makeup water system is available to provide a source of water for resin charging.
e. A means of bulk disposal is available to receive waste

at the bulk disposal station. Test Method

a. Resins and charcoal are charged and transferred from

selected potentially contaminated demineralizers and


b. The spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering

pumps, and chemical drain tank pumps are operated, and

performance characteristics are obtained.

c. The response of the spent resin sluice pumps, chemical

addition metering pumps, and the chemical drain tank

pumps to a low-level trip signal from their respective

tanks is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The operating characteristics of the spent resin sluice

pumps, chemical addition metering pumps, and the

chemical drain tank pump are within design specifications.

b. The spent resin sluice pumps, chemical addition metering

pumps, and the chemical drain tank pump trip on receipt

of a low-level trip signal from their respective tanks. Fire Protection System (Water) Preoperational Test

(SU4-KC01A, SU4-KC01B) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operability of the preaction

sprinkler system, wet-pipe sprinkler system, and the

automatic water spray system, including system

instrumentation, alarms, and interlocks.

b. To demonstrate the operability of system valves, including their response to safety signals.

14.2-141 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. To verify spray to the applicable electrical system transformers. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operable.

c. The fire water pumps are available to provide a source

of water to the fire protection system headers. Test Method

a. Response of the preaction sprinkler system, wet-pipe

sprinkler system, and automatic water spray system to

fire detection signals is verified, including the

operability of associated alarms, instrumentation, and


b. The fire protection system containment isolation valves

are operated under flow conditions and operating times


c. Response of the fire protection system containment

isolation valves to a CIS is verified.

d. Spray to the applicable electrical transformers is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The preaction sprinkler system, wet-pipe sprinkler

system, automatic water spray system and associated

alarms, and instrumentation and interlocks operate in

accordance with system design specifications.

b. The fire protection system containment isolation valves'

closure time is within design specifications.

c. The fire protection system containment isolation valves

close on receipt of a CIS.

d. The spray to applicable electrical transformers is

within design specifications.

14.2-142 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Fire Protection System (Halon) Preoperational Test (S-04KC02) Objectives

To demonstrate the operability of the halon system, including the associated

instrumentation, control circuits, and alarms. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operable. Test Method

The operability of the halon system, including the associated instrumentation

and alarms, is verified. System response to fire detection signals is also

verified. Acceptance Criteria

The halon fire protection system operates in accordance with system design

specifications. Fire Protection System Detection and Alarm

Preoperational Test (S-04KC03) Objectives

To demonstrate the operability of the fire protection system detectors and

alarms not verified during the performance of the halon and water system

preoperational tests. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operable. Test Method

Actuation of system alarms upon receipt of fire detection signals is verified.

14.2-143 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

Fire protection system detectors and alarms operate in accordance with system

design specifications. Oily Waste System Preoperational Test (S-04LE01) Objectives

To demonstrate the sump pumps and miscellaneous condensate drain tank pumps'

operating characteristics and response to sump/tank, level signals. The

operation of system valves and associated control circuits and sump/tank level

alarms are also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to

system valves and pumps.

d. A water source (fire system) and a collection receptacle

(oil/water separator, main condenser) are available for

the testing of each sump/tank. Test Method

a. The sump pumps and miscellaneous condensate drain tank

pumps are operated, and performance characteristics are


b. The response of each pump and associated alarms to sump/

tank high and low level signals is verified.

c. The operability of system air-operated valves is

verified, including the response to a process radiation

signal. Acceptance Criteria

a. The performance characteristics of the system pumps are

within design specifications.

b. The turbine building oily waste header discharge valve

closes on a high-radiation signal.

14.2-144 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Floor and Equipment Drain System Preoperational Test (SU4-LF01) Objectives

To demonstrate the sump pumps and hot machine shop oil interceptor pump's

capacities and response to sump/tank level signals. The operation of system

valves, their response to safety signals, and sump/tank level alarms are also

verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The compressed air system is available to supply air to

system valves and pumps.

d. A water source (fire system or ESW) and a collection

receptacle (holdup tank, radwaste system, etc.) are

available for the testing of each sump/tank. Test Method

a. The sump pumps and hot machine shop oil interceptor pumps

are operated, and their capacities are verified.

b. The response of each system pump, system indication, and alarms, to sump/tank high and low level signals is


c. The operability of system air- and motor-operated valves

is verified, including their response to safety signals. Acceptance Criteria

a. The capacities of the floor and equipment drain system

pumps are within design specifications.

b. System valves properly respond to safety injection

signals and containment isolation signals.

c. The valve response times are within design


14.2-145 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK 13.8-kV System Preoperational Test (S-04PA01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the 13.8-kV busses can be energized from the startup transformer.
b. To demonstrate that automatic fast transfer of the

busses from the unit auxiliary source to the startup

source is within design specifications.

c. To demonstrate that the unit auxiliary source or startup

source feeder breakers will trip on a stuck breaker


d. To demonstrate proper operation of system instrumentation and controls. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The 13.8-kV system has been energized. Test Method

a. The 13.8-kV busses are energized from the startup transformer, and bus voltages are recorded.
b. Automatic fast transfer from the unit auxiliary source

to the startup source is verified.

c. Stuck breaker conditions are simulated, and proper

operation of the 13.8-kV auxiliary source and startup

source feeder breakers is verified. Acceptance Criteria

a. The 13.8-kV bus voltages are within design

specifications, when energized from the startup


b. Automatic fast transfer of the busses from the unit

auxiliary source to the startup source is within design


14.2-146 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The 13.8-kV auxiliary source and startup source feeder breakers trip on receipt of a stuck breaker signal. 4,160-V (Non-Class IE) System Preoperational Test

(S-04PB01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the 4,160-V busses can be energized

from their normal and alternate sources, and to verify

the operability of supply breaker and bus tie breaker

protective interlocks.

b. To demonstrate that automatic transfer is achieved

through the tie breaker from the normal source to the alternate source in the event of an electrical fault.

c. To demonstrate proper operation of system

instrumentation and controls. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The 4,160-V (non-Class IE) system has been energized. Test Method

a. The 4,160-V non-Class IE busses are energized from their

normal and alternate source, and bus voltages are


b. System supply breakers and bus tie breakers are

operated, and breaker interlocks are verified.

c. System electrical fault signals are simulated, and

automatic transfer is verified through the tie breaker

from the normal source to the alternate source for each

4,160-V bus. Acceptance Criteria

a. The voltage of each 4,160-V non-Class IE bus, when

supplied from its normal source and alternate source, is

within design specifications.

14.2-147 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. System supply breaker and bus tie breaker interlocks operate in accordance with the system design.
c. Automatic transfer is achieved through the tie breaker

from the normal source to the alternate source, for each 4,160-V bus, upon receipt of an electrical fault signal. 480-Volt (Non-Class IE) System Preoperational Test

(S-04PG01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate that the 480-V non-Class IE load centers

can be energized from their normal sources and alternate

sources, as applicable, and verify the operability of feeder breaker and bus tie breaker protective interlocks.

b. To demonstrate that the 480-V busses supplied by 4160-V

(Class IE) source breakers are shed on receipt of a load

shed signal.

c. To demonstrate proper operation of system

instrumentation and controls. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. The 480-V (non-Class IE and Class IE) systems have been

energized. Test Method

a. The 480-V non-Class IE load centers are energized from

their normal source and alternate source, as applicable

and voltages are recorded.

b. System feeder breakers and bus tie breakers are

operated, and breaker interlocks verified.

c. A load shed signal is simulated, and the 480-V busses

supplied by the 4,160-V (Class IE) source breakers are

verified to shed.

14.2-148 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The voltage for each 480-V non-Class IE load center, when supplied from its normal source and alternate

source, as applicable, is within design specifications.

b. System feeder breaker and bus tie breaker interlocks

operate in accordance with the system design.

c. The 480-V busses supplied by the 4160-V (Class IE)

source breakers shed on receipt of a load shed signal. 250-V DC System Preoperational Test (S-04PJ01) Objectives To demonstrate the ability of the battery and battery chargers to provide power

to the busses. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective

battery is also demonstrated. Proper operation of system instrumentation and

controls is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Ventilation for the battery room is available.
d. The 250-V dc system has been energized. Test Method

a. The battery is discharged, using a test load at the

design duty cycle discharge rate.

b. The battery is fully discharged to determine its

capacity factor.

c. The ability of each battery charger to charge the

battery to normal conditions, after the battery has

undergone a design duty cycle, while simultaneously

supplying power at a rate equivalent to the largest

motor current load is verified.

d. A load shed signal is initiated, and the battery charger

PJ31 ac supply breaker is verified to trip.

14.2-149 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The battery is capable of maintaining output voltage

above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.

b. The battery capacity factor is in accordance with design


c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the battery to

normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a

design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power

at a rate equivalent to the largest motor current load.

d. Battery charger PJ31 ac supply breaker trips on receipt

of a load shed signal. 125-V (Non-Class IE) DC System Preoperational Test

(S-04PK01, S-04PK02) Objectives

To demonstrate the ability of the batteries and chargers to provide power to

the busses. The battery chargers' ability to recharge their respective battery

is also demonstrated. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls

is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Ventilation for the battery room is available. Test Method

a. Each battery is discharged, using a test load at the

design duty cycle discharge rate.

b. Each battery is fully discharged to determine its

capacity factor.

c. The ability of each battery charger to charge its

respective battery to normal conditions, after the

battery has undergone a design duty cycle, while

simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to

the design instrumentation loading.

14.2-150 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. A safety injection load shed signal is initiated, and the battery charger PK21, PK22, PK23, and PK24 supply

breaker is verified to trip. Acceptance Criteria

a. Each battery is capable of maintaining output voltage

above the design minimum, during a design duty cycle.

b. Each battery capacity factor is in accordance with

design requirements.

c. The battery chargers are able to recharge the batteries

to normal conditions, after the battery has undergone a

design duty cycle, while simultaneously supplying power at a rate equivalent to the design load.

d. Battery charger PK21, PK22, PK23, and PK24 supply

breaker trips on receipt of a safety injection load shed

signal. Instrument AC (Non-Class IE) System Preoperational

Test (S-04PN01) Objectives

To demonstrate that the 120-V non-Class IE ac distribution panels can be fed

from their associated supply transformers. Proper operation of system

instrumentation and controls is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

The 120-V non-Class IE ac distribution panels are energized from their

associated supply transformers, and the panel voltages are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

Each 120-V non-Class IE ac distribution panel voltage is within design


14.2-151 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Emergency Lighting System Preoperational Test (S-04QD01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capability of the emergency lighting system to provide

adequate lighting. Proper operation of system instrumentation and controls is

also verified. Prerequisites

Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable. Test Method

The ability of the emergency lighting system to provide adequate lighting is verified. The operability of associated instrumentation and control circuits

is also verified. Acceptance Criteria

The emergency lighting system operates in accordance with system design

specifications. Public Address System Preoperational Test (S-04QF01) Objectives

To demonstrate the capability of the public address system to provide adequate

intraplant communications and to verify the operability of the evacuation alarm system. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operable. Test Method

a. The public address system is operated from all

locations, and adequate communications verified.

b. Operability of the evacuation alarm system is verified.

14.2-152 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The evacuation alarm system operates in accordance with

system design specifications. Heat Tracing Freeze Protection System Preoperational

Test (S-04QJ01) Objectives

To demonstrate the ability of the freeze protection system to automatically

control the associated heat tracing circuits in accordance with system design.

The operation of system instrumentation and controls is also verified. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

Temperature signals are varied and the energization/ deenergization of the

associated heat tracing circuits is verified. Acceptance Criteria

The freeze protection system automatically controls the associated heat tracing circuits, in accordance with system design. Secondary Sampling System Preoperational Test

(S-04RM01) Objectives

a. To demonstrate the operating characteristics of the

steam generator blowdown sample drain tank pump, sample

chiller pump, and the condenser sample pumps, and verify

the operability of their associated control circuits.

b. To demonstrate that the system sample flows are within

design specifications. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

14.2-153 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operable.
c. Plant conditions are established, and systems are

available, as necessary, to facilitate drawing samples from the sample points.

d. The steam generator blowdown system is available to

receive effluent from the steam generator blowdown

sample drain tank.

e. The closed cooling water system is available to provide

cooling water to the system sample coolers and chiller

package. Test Method

a. The steam generator blowdown sample drain tank pump, sample chiller pump, and the condenser sample pumps are

operated, and pump performance data recorded.

Operability of their associated control circuits is also


b. System samples are obtained, and flows are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

a. The steam generator blowdown sample drain tank pump, sample chiller pump, and condenser sample pump

performance characteristics are within design specifications.

b. Sample system flows are within design specifications. Area Radiation Monitoring Preoperational Test

(S-04SD01) Objectives

To demonstrate the operation of the area radiation monitors and to verify that

a high radiation signal at each monitor will initiate an alarm. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

14.2-154 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method

A calibration source is utilized to actuate the area radiation monitors, and

their operability and associated alarms are verified. Acceptance Criteria

Each area radiation monitor actuates the associated alarms, on receipt of a

high radiation signal. Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation System

Preoperational Test (S-04SG01) Objectives

To demonstrate the operability of the seismic triggers and switches and strong motion accelerometers, including their associated alarms and recording and

playback systems. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

A test signal is initiated, and the operability of the seismic triggers and switches and strong motion accelerometers, including their associated alarms and recording and playback systems, is verified. Acceptance Criteria

The seismic triggers and switches and strong motion accelerometers, including

their associated alarms and recording and playback systems, operate in

accordance with system design specifications. Loose Parts Monitoring System Test (SU4-SQ02). Objective

To demonstrate the operability of the accelerometers, signal conditioning

devices and diagnostic equipment, including associated alarms and recording and

playback systems.

14.2-155 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. Reactor coolant system is filled with water.
d. Reactor coolant system is at normal operating

temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps

running, and hot functional testing is in progress (for

those portions of the testing to be performed during hot

functional testing).

e. Reactor coolant system is at normal operating

temperature and pressure with all reactor coolant pumps

running after fuel loading during startup testing (for

those portions of the testing to be performed during

startup testing). Test Method

a. Test signals are initiated and the operability of the

accelerometers, signal conditioners, and diagnostic

circuitry, including alarms and recording and playback

systems, is verified.

b. Channel audio outputs are also recorded during hot functional testing and after fuel loading during startup testing to obtain a record of the reactor coolant system

noise "signature." Acceptance Criteria

The accelerometers, signal conditioners, and diagnostic circuitry, including

alarms and recording and playback systems operate to detect loose parts as

specified in USAR Section Plant Performance Test (SU8-0007) Objectives

a. To monitor the balance-of-plant and electrical systems

under loaded conditions during hot functional and power

ascension testing. The ability of the ventilation

systems to maintain ambient temperatures within design

limits is also verified. To monitor the concrete

temperatures surrounding hot penetrations and to verify

evacuation alarm audibility in high noise areas.

14.2-156 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Required component testing, instrument calibration, and

system flushing/cleaning are complete.

b. Required HVAC systems have been balanced.
c. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

This procedure does not provide a test method. It provides a monitoring and

data collection function only, with the resultant datum evaluated against

provided design values, as applicable. Acceptance Criteria

a. Evacuation alarm audibility in high noise areas is


b. The containment coolers maintain containment temperature

within design.

Note: Each monitored point is evaluated throughout the test to verify that the

applicable system or component is functioning per design. Electrical Distribution System Voltage Verification

Test (S-090023) Objectives

To record actual loaded electrical distribution parameters during various

steady-state and transient conditions. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational. Test Method

The bus voltages and loadings of the electrical distribution system (down to

the Class lE 120/208 V ac system) are recorded for

14.2-157 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK various steady state configurations. Data is also recorded during the starting of the largest Class 1E and non-Class lE motors. All monitored busses are

loaded to at least 30 percent. Acceptance Criteria

Not applicable.

Note: The data obtained from this test procedure are used to verify electrical

system voltage analysis. Startup Test Procedures The following sections are the test abstracts for each startup test. Table

14.2-3 provides an index of these tests. Automatic Steam Generator Level Control (S-07AB01) Objectives

a. To verify the stability of the automatic steam generator

level control following simulated transients at low

power conditions and the proper operation of the

variable speed feature of the feedwater pumps.

b. To demonstrate the performance characteristics of the steam generator feedwater pumps. Prerequisites

a. The steam generator level control system has been

checked and calibrated.

b. Steam generator level instruments and set points have

been set and calibrated.

c. Main feedwater is operational. Test Method

a. Induce simulated steam generator level transients to verify proper steam generator level control response.
b. Verify the variable speed features of the steam

generator feedwater pumps by manipulation of controllers

and test input signals, and verify the performance

characteristics of the steam generator feedwater pumps.

14.2-158 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. Automatic steam generator level control system response

must be in accordance with the vendor's technical


b. The steam generator feedwater pump's performance

characteristics are within design specifications. Dynamic Automatic Steam Dump Control (SU7-AB02) Objectives

To verify automatic operation of the T average steam dump control system, demonstrate controller setpoint adequacy, and obtain final settings for steam pressure control of the condenser dump valves. Prerequisites

a. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating

pressure and temperature.

b. The reactor is critical.
c. The steam dump system has been checked and calibrated.
d. Main feedwater and the condenser are operational. Test Method

a. Reactor power is increased by rod withdrawal and steam dump to condenser to demonstrate setpoint adequacy.
b. Pressure controller setpoint is increased prior to

switching to T average control, which will rapidly

modulate open condenser dump valves.

c. Simulate turbine operating conditions with reactor at

power, then simulate turbine trip, resulting in the

rapid opening of the steam dump valves. Acceptance Criteria

The steam dump system controllers must maintain stable reactor coolant system

T average at the controllers set point with no divergent oscillations. RTD Bypass Flow Measurement (S-07BB01) Objectives

To determine the flow rate necessary to achieve the design reactor coolant

transport time in each resistance temperature detector

14.2-159 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK (RTD) bypass loop and to measure the flow rate in each RTD bypass loop to ensure that the transport times are acceptable. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor core is installed, and the plant is at

normal operating temperature and pressure with all

reactor coolant pumps running. Test Method

The flow rate necessary to achieve the design reactor coolant transport time

for each hot and cold leg bypass loop is calculated, utilizing the hot and cold

leg RTD bypass loop piping lengths. Hot and cold RTD bypass loop flow data are

recorded. Acceptance Criteria

The flow rate in each hot and cold leg RTD bypass loop, required to achieve the

design reactor coolant transport time, is within design specifications. Pressurizer Heater and Spray Capability Test

(S-07BB02) Objectives

To determine the rate of pressure reduction caused by fully opening the

pressurizer spray valves and the rate of pressure increase from the operation

of all pressurizer heaters. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor core is installed with the plant in the hot

shutdown condition at normal operating temperature and

pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running.

14.2-160 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

d. The final setting of the continuous spray flow valves is complete.
e. The reactor coolant system is borated to the value

required for fuel loading.

f. This test is performed prior to initial criticality. Test Method

a. With the pressurizer spray valves closed, all

pressurizer heaters are energized, and the time to reach

a 2,300 psig system pressure is measured and recorded.

b. With the pressurizer heaters deenergized, both spray valves are fully opened, and the time to reach a 2,000 psig system pressure is measured and recorded. Acceptance Criteria

The pressurizer pressure response to the opening of the pressurizer spray

valves and to the actuation of all pressurizer heaters is within design limits. Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement (S-07BB03) Objectives

a. To confirm, after core installation but before initial

critical operation, that reactor coolant system (RCS)

flow rate as measured by loop elbow differential pressure readings is greater than or equal to 90 percent of the thermal design flow rate.

b. To confirm during initial power operation that RCS flow

rate as computed from calorimetric data is greater than

or equal to the thermal design flow rate. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor core is installed, and the plant is at

normal operating temperature and pressure.

14.2-161 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. Before critical operation, loop elbow differential

pressure readings are taken with all reactor coolant

pumps running, and RCS flow rate is calculated.

b. During initial power operation, calorimetric data are

taken from Procedure S-07SC03, "Thermal Power

Measurement and Statepoint Data Collection," and RCS

flow rate is calculated. Acceptance Criteria

RCS flow rate by loop elbow differential pressure measurement is greater than

or equal to 90 percent of the thermal design value and by calculation from calorimetric data is greater than or equal to the thermal design value. Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test (SU7-BB04) Objectives

a. To measure the rate at which reactor coolant flow

changes, subsequent to simultaneously tripping all

reactor coolant pumps.

b. To determine that the reactor coolant system low-flow

delay time is less than or equal to the total low-flow

delay time assumed in the safety analysis for loss of

flow. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor core is installed, and the plant is at

normal operating temperature and pressure with all

reactor coolant pumps running. Test Method

Flow coastdown stabilization and loss of coolant delay-time data are recorded

while tripping reactor coolant pumps.

14.2-162 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

a. The rate of change of reactor coolant flow is within

design specifications.

b. The reactor coolant system low-flow delay time is less

than or equal to the total low-flow delay time assumed

in the safety analysis for loss of flow. Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Verification

(S-07BB05) Objectives

To establish a setting for the pressurizer continuous spray flow valves to obtain an optimum continuous spray flow. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The reactor core is installed with the plant in the hot

shutdown condition at normal operating temperature and

pressure with all reactor coolant pumps running.

d. The reactor coolant system is borated to the value required for fuel loading.
e. This test shall be performed prior to initial


f. The preliminary setting of the continuous spray flow

valves has been completed during hot functional testing. Test Method

Continuous spray flow valves are adjusted to establish the optimum continuous

spray flow, and the valve throttle positions are recorded. Acceptance Criteria

The continuous spray flow valves are throttled to establish the optimum

continuous spray flow to keep the spray line warm and minimize normal steady-

state pressurizer heater loads.

14.2-163 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK RTD/TC Cross Calibration (S-07BB06) Objectives

a. To provide a functional checkout of the reactor coolant system resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and

incore thermocouples and to generate isothermal cross-

calibration data for subsequent correction factors to

indicated temperatures.

NOTE This portion of the test need be performed only if the

data collected in S-03BB16, RTD/TC Cross Calibration, during hot functional testing, so warrants.

b. To provide a functional checkout of the core subcooling

monitor system including the detecting thermocouples. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration

are complete.

b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits are operational.
c. Plant heatup, following core loading, is in progress, and all reactor coolant pumps are operating. Test Method

a. At various temperature plateaus RTD and incore

thermocouple data are recorded. Isothermal

cross-calibration correction factors for individual

thermocouples and the installation corrections for

individual RTDs are determined.

b. At normal operating temperature, the thermocouple core

subcooling monitors' operational and programmable functions are verified, including associated alarms, displays, and printouts. Acceptance Criteria

a. Individual RTD readings are within the design


b. The installation corrections of the RTDs are within

design specifications.

14.2-164 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

c. The thermocouple core subcooling monitor alarms, displays, and printouts function in accordance with

design specifications. Core Loading Instrumentation and Neutron Source Requirements (S-07SC01) Objectives

To verify proper alignment, calibration, and neutron response of the temporary

core loading instrumentation prior to start of fuel- loading; to check the

neutron response of the nuclear instrumentation system (NIS) source range

channels prior to start of fuel-loading; and to check the neutron response of

the temporary and NIS source range instrumentation prior to resumption of fuel-

loading following any delay of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or more. To verify the signal to noise ratio is greater than 2. Prerequisites

a. Hot functional testing is completed.
b. The nuclear instrumentation system is installed and

calibrated. Test Method

a. A portable neutron source (1-5 curie), plus preshipment

equipment checkout data, is used to verify proper

alignment, calibration, and neutron response of the

temporary core-loading instrumentation.

b. A portable neutron source (1-5 curie) is used to check

the neutron response of the NIS source range detectors.

c. A portable neutron source (1-5 curie) or movement of a

source-bearing fuel element to produce the desired

change in neutron level to verify the neutron response

of the temporary and NIS source range instrumentation

prior to resumption of fuel-loading following any delay

of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or more.

d. Perform a statistical evaluation of 10 observations for

each channel, to verify operability of the equipment. Acceptance Criteria

Neutron instrumentation is operational, calibrated, and indicates a

positive/negative change in count rate as the neutron level is increased and/or

decreased. The signal to noise ratio is greater than 2.

14.2-165 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Thermal Power Measurement and Statepoint Data Collection (S-07SC03) Objectives

To measure core thermal power and obtain data for instrumentation calibration. Prerequisites

a. Calorimetric instrumentation is installed.
b. This test is performed at 30-percent, 50-percent, 75-

percent, 90-percent, and 100-percent power. Test Method Collect data and calculate thermal power. Obtain statepoint data, compute the

average for each parameter measured, convert to the appropriate units, and

summarize the data for each RCS loop. Acceptance Criteria

This test is for the collection of data. Nuclear Instrumentation System Test (SU7-SE01) Objectives

The purpose of this test is to verify that the nuclear instrumentation system

performs the required indications and control functions through the source, intermediate, and power ranges of operation prior to core loading. Prerequisites

a. The nuclear instrumentation system is installed, calibrated, aligned, and operational for a period of at

least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

b. The plant is at ambient temperature and pressure. Test Method

a. The source and intermediate range channels are subjected

to various test signals to verify that the appropriate

indicators alarm, illuminate, or actuate, and the source

range local and remote speakers function.

14.2-166 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. The power range channels are subjected to various test signals to observe proper meter reading and function of

the comparator and rate circuitry.

c. The high voltage circuitry of the source and intermediate range channels is tested. Acceptance Criteria

The control and indication functions and the reactor trip set points of the

nuclear instrumentation system source, intermediate, and power range channels

have been verified. Operational Alignment of Nuclear Instrumentation

(S-07SE02) Objectives

To establish and determine voltage settings, trip settings, operational

settings, alarm settings, and overlap of channels on source range, intermediate

range, and power range instrumentation from prior to initial criticality to at

or near full reactor power. Prerequisites

a. The nuclear instrumentation system has been aligned.
b. This test is conducted prior to criticality, during

power escalation, and at or near full power. Test Method

a. All functions are calibrated, tested, and verified, utilizing permanently installed controls and adjustment


b. Operational modes of the source range, intermediate

range, and power range channels are set for their proper

functions, as per the test instructions. Acceptance Criteria

The overlap between the source, intermediate, and power range channels must be

at least 1-1/2 decades, and the power range channels are capable of being

adjusted to agree with the results of plant calorimetric calculations.

14.2-167 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Axial Flux Difference Instrumentation Calibration (S-07SE03) Objectives

To derive calibration factors for overpower, overtemperature, and

T setpoints, based on incore flux data, calorimetric data, and excore nuclear

instrumentation detector currents. Prerequisites

a. The axial flux difference instrumentation system has

been aligned.

b. Data has been obtained from flux maps taken at 30-percent and 50-percent power. Test Method

Collect data, as required by test instruction, at 50-percent and 75-percent power, perform FI calculations to calibration factors, and extrapolate results for use at the 100-percent power plateau. Acceptance Criteria

Calibration factors agree with Technical Specifications. Control Rod Drive Mechanism Operational Test (S-

07SF01) Objectives

To demonstrate the proper operation of the rod drive mechanisms under both cold

and hot plant conditions and to provide verification of proper slave cycler

timing. Prerequisites

a. The control rod drive mechanisms are installed.
b. The rod drive motor-generator sets are installed and

power is available.

c. For the control rod drive mechanism timing test, the

core is installed, rod position indication is installed, and the control rod driving mechanism cooling fans are


d. Nuclear instrumentation channels operable and operating.

14.2-168 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

e. A fast speed oscillograph (Visicorder or equivalent) to monitor test parameters is available. Test Method

a. With the reactor core installed and reactor in the cold

shutdown condition, confirm that the slave cycler

devices supply operating signals to the proper CRDM

stepping magnet coils.

b. Verify proper operation of all CRDMs under both cold and

hot shutdown conditions. CRDM magnet coil currents and

audio noise signals are recorded. Acceptance Criteria The control rod drive mechanisms conform to the requirements for proper

mechanism operation and timing as described in the magnetic control rod drive

mechanism instruction manual. Rod Control System (S-07SF02) Objectives

To demonstrate and document that the rod control system performs the required

control and indication functions just prior to initial criticality. To

demonstrate operation of the rod inhibit functions. Prerequisites

a. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating pressure and temperature.
b. The rod control system is installed and aligned.
c. The source range nuclear instruments are operable.
d. The rods are capable of withdrawal.
e. The rod position indication system is operable. Test Method

a. With the reactor at no load operating temperature and

pressure, and just prior to initial criticality, the

control is checked for each applicable position of the

bank selector switch for proper operation.

14.2-169 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Status lights, alarms, and indicators are verified. Acceptance Criteria

The control and indication functions in accordance with the rod position indication system and rod control system manuals. Rod motion is inhibited upon

application of an inhibit function. Rod Drop Time Measurement (SU7-SF03) Objectives

To determine the rod drop time of each rod cluster control assembly under no-

flow and full-flow conditions, with the reactor in the cold shutdown condition

and at normal operating temperature and pressure. Prerequisites

a. Initial core loading is completed.
b. Rod control system is installed and tested.
c. Individual rod position indication is installed and

checked. Test Method

Withdraw each rod cluster control assembly, interrupt the electrical power to

the associated rod drive mechanism, and measure and record the rod drop time.

This test is performed with the reactor at cold and hot conditions and at no-flow and full- flow. Acceptance Criteria

The rod drop times are acceptable in accordance with plant technical

specifications. Rod Position Indication System (SU7-SF04) Objectives

To verify that the rod position indication system satisfactorily performs

required indication functions for each individual rod and that each rod

operates satisfactorily over its entire range of travel.

14.2-170 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Plant system conditions are established as follows:
1. Test performed at T avg <200°F, nominal RCS pressure for T avg noted 2. Test results verified at T avg nominally 557°F, RCS pressure nominally 2235 psig and at least one reactor coolant pump in service. Test Method

a. All shutdown rod banks are fully withdrawn by bank

stopping at 18,210 and 228 steps to record the rod

position, the Digital Rod Position Indication display

(DRPI), and the group step position indication.

b. All control rod banks are fully withdrawn by bank in 24

step increments while recording rod position as

indicated by the plant control room DRPI readout, and

the group step position indication.

c. In addition, the pulse-to-analog converter chassis bank

position digital readout is recorded for all control rod

banks. Acceptance Criteria

The rod position indication system performs the required indication functions, and each rod operates over its entire range of travel within the limits of the

rod position indication instruction manual and the plant precautions, limitations,setpoints manual, and WCGS Technical Specifications. Automatic Reactor Control System (S-07SF05) Objectives

To demonstrate the capability of the reactor control system to respond properly

to input signals and to transmit proper control signals to other plant control

systems and components. Prerequisites

a. The reactor is at approximately 30-percent power.

14.2-171 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Pressurizer level and pressure, steam dump, steam generator level, and main feed pump speed control

systems are in automatic. Test Method

T average will be successively varied from the T ref set point to verify the transient recovery capabilities of the auto reactor control system. Acceptance Criteria

a. No manual intervention should be required to bring the

plant conditions to equilibrium values following

initiation of a 6 F temperature transient.

b. T avg should return to within +

1.5 F of T ref following initiation of a 6 F temperature transient.

c. Rod motion is inhibited by application of the

appropriate inhibit inputs. Incore Flux Mapping (S-07SR01, S-07SR02) Objectives

To obtain core power and temperature profiles for evaluating core performance. Prerequisites

a. The incore monitoring system has been functionally


b. This test is performed at low power, 30-, 50-, 75-, 90-,

and 100-percent power.

c. The reactor is stabilized prior to taking a map. Test Method

The movable detectors are inserted into the core, data is obtained, and

thermocouples are monitored while at a stable power. The obtained data is

retained for evaluation. Acceptance Criteria

Flux and temperature data is obtained at the various power levels.

14.2-172 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Incore Instrumentation Test (S-07SR03, S-07SR04) Objectives

To set up and demonstrate operation of the incore instrumentation system. Prerequisites

a. The incore instrumentation system is installed.
b. Proper rotation and limit switch operation has been


c. Testing is performed at cold shutdown and hot standby. Test Method

At cold shutdown a dummy cable is inserted into each thimble, and proper

rotation and limit switch operation is verified. At hot standby the detectors

are inserted into the thimbles to demonstrate performance in all operational

modes. Acceptance Criteria

The incore instrumentation system is capable of taking a flux map. Operational Alignment of Process Temperature

Instrumentation (S-07SF06) Objectives To align T and T avg process instrumentation under isothermal conditions, prior to criticality and at power. Prerequisites

a. This alignment is performed prior to initial criticality

and again at 75-percent power. Alignment is checked at

100-percent power.

b. All reactor coolant pumps shall be operating. Test Method

a. Align T and Tavg per test instructions under isothermal conditions prior to criticality and at approximately 75

14.2-173 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK percent power. Extrapolate the 75-percent power data to determine T and T avg values for the 100-percent power plateau.

b. At or near full power, check the alignment of the T and T avg channels for agreement with the results of thermal power measurement. Realign any channels, as necessary, to meet test specifications. Acceptance Criteria

The 100 percent power indications for T and T avg channels must be within the maximum design values as specified in vendor design documents. Startup Adjustments of Reactor Control System (S-07SF07) Objectives

To obtain the optimum plant efficiency. Prerequisites

a. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating

pressure and temperature.

b. Plant instrumentation shall have been aligned according

to Operational Alignment of Process Temperature


c. The turbine control system shall have been aligned. Test Method

a. Obtain system temperature and steam pressure data at

steady-state conditions for zero power and at hold

points during power escalations.

b. Evaluation of these data will provide the basis for

adjustments to the reactor control system. Acceptance Criteria

The Tavg controller must be capable of maintaining full load steam pressure

within turbine pressure limitations specified in the vendor's technical manual.

14.2-174 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Zero Power (S-07SF08) Objectives

To determine the differential and integral reactivity worth of a rod cluster

control bank (RCC) or an individual rod cluster control assembly (RCCA). Prerequisites

a. The reactor is critical with the neutron flux level

within the range established for zero power physics


b. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating pressure and temperature. Test Method

RCC and RCCA worth are validated by constant addition and/or dilution of boron

in the reactor coolant system, causing rod movement to compensate for the boron

addition and/or dilution. This rod movement will cause step changes in

reactivity which are used to compute the worths. Acceptance Criteria

The integral reactivity worth of the RCC or RCCA over its entire range of

travel agrees with acceptance criteria given in the Nuclear Design Report

within tolerance values specified in vendor design documents. RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Power (SU7-SF09) Objectives

a. To measure RCCA worth for a rod ejected from the HFP rod

insertion limit position.

b. To determine in-core response resulting from a dropped

rod with all other control rods near fully withdrawn.

14.2-175 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

Testing will be performed at 30-percent power with the reactor stable.

  • Test Method
a. Ejected rod - Compute the change in reactivity

associated with the change in RCCA position.

b. Dropped rod - Determine the quadrant power tilt ratio

and hot channel factors by use of the in-core flux

mapping system. Acceptance Criteria

a. Ejected rod - The rod worth of the ejected rod is within tolerance values specified in vendor design documents.
b. Dropped rod - The peaking factors are within the limits

specified in vendor design documents. Reactor Systems Sampling for Core Load (S-07SJ01) Objectives

To verify uniform boron concentration, prior to core load, in the reactor

coolant system and directly connected auxiliary systems. Prerequisites

a. Boric acid tanks, pumps, and transfer lines are all filled with 4 percent boric acid solution.
b. Reactor coolant system is filled with reactor grade

water which has been borated to a concentration as

specified in the technical specifications. Test Method

a. Filling and circulating the reactor coolant system with

borated water should be accomplished, utilizing normal

flow paths as much as possible.


  • This test was performed at 50 percent power at Callaway.

Callaway has the same core and Nuclear Instrumentation System

as Wolf Creek. Wolf Creek Core parameters measured prior to

the pseudo rod drop test were compared with the corresponding

results for Callaway to verify that the plant response was the

same. This exemption was approved in a July 3, 1985 letter

from the NRC.

14.2-176 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Collect and analyze four samples taken at equidistant depths in the reactor vessel simultaneously with one

sample from the operating residual heat removal loop to

check uniform boron concentration. Acceptance Criteria

Boron concentration of the samples obtained from the designated sample points

must be within a 30-ppm range of values. Initial Core Loading (SU7-0001) Objectives

a. To load fuel in a controlled manner.
b. To measure boron concentration. Prerequisites

a. Sufficient preoperational testing has been completed to

ensure the necessary equipment and attendant

instrumentation is functional.

b. Required technical specification surveillance is

completed and the necessary systems are operable. Test Method

Instruction includes a core-loading sequence which specifies the loading in a step-by-step fashion with the appropriate data collection records. Acceptance Criteria

A permanent record of the final as-loaded core configuration has been made, and

the configuration is consistent with the fuel assembly core loading plan.

Boron concentration is as specified in the Technical Specifications. Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring For Core Loading

(S-070002) Objectives

a. To obtain nuclear monitoring data during initial core


b. To prevent criticality during core loading.

14.2-177 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Prerequisites

a. Temporary and plant source range nuclear instrumentation

has been operational for a minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to achieve

stable operation.

b. Plant is prepared for initial core loading. Test Method

Data from the nuclear monitoring channels is used to assess the safety with

which core loading operations may be conducted. Inverse count rate ratio is

plotted and evaluated to prevent any unexpected deviation from subcriticality.

The core is monitored and maintained in a subcritical configuration throughout

the core loading. Acceptance Criteria

The core is loaded without achieving criticality. Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring for Approach to

Initial Criticality (S-070003) Objectives

a. To obtain nuclear monitoring data during initial


b. To anticipate and determine criticality. Prerequisites

a. Both source range and intermediate range nuclear

channels alarm, trip functions, and indicating devices

have been checked out and calibrated.

b. Both source range and intermediate range nuclear

channels have been energized a minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to

insure stable operation. Test Method

a. Obtain base line count rates prior to rod withdrawal and

boron dilution. After each increment of rod withdrawal, and periodically during boron dilution, count rates are

obtained, and inverse count rate ratio is evaluated.

b. Core reactivity is monitored during the approach to


14.2-178 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

To determine criticality. Initial Criticality (S-070004) Objectives

To achieve initial criticality in a controlled manner. Prerequisites

a. Initial core loading is completed.
b. Required technical specification surveillance is completed and the necessary systems operable.
c. Sufficient post-core loading precritical testing has

been completed to ensure the necessary equipment and

attendant instrumentation is functional. Test Method

a. At preselected points during rod withdrawal and/or boron

dilution, data is taken and inverse count rate plots

made to enable extrapolation to be carried out to the

expected critical point.

b. Initial criticality is achieved by boron dilution or, if

desired, by withdrawing control rods. Acceptance Criteria

The reactor is critical with the flux level established at approximately 1 x 10-8 amps on the intermediate range nuclear channels. Determination of Core Power Range for Physics

Testing (S-070005) Objectives

To determine the reactor power level at which effects from fuel heating is

detectable and to establish the range of neutron flux in which zero power

reactivity measurements are to be performed. Prerequisites

a. The reactor is critical and stable in the intermediate


14.2-179 Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK

b. Control rods are sufficiently deep in the core to allow positive reactivity insertion by rod withdrawal.
c. Reactor coolant temperature is established at a value

that minimizes the moderator temperature coefficient reactivity feedback. Test Method

a. Withdraw control rod bank and allow the neutron flux

level to increase until nuclear heating effects are

indicated by the reactivity computer.

b. Record the reactivity computer picoammeter flux level

and, if possible, the corresponding IR channel currents at which nuclear heating occurs, to obtain zero power testing range. Acceptance Criteria

The power level at which zero power testing is conducted is determined. Boron Endpoint Determination (S-070006) Objectives

To determine the critical reactor coolant system boron concentration

appropriate to an endpoint configuration (RCC configuration). Prerequisites

a. The reactor is critical within the range for zero power

testing and stable.

b. The reactor coolant is at normal operating pressure and


c. Rods are at the approximate end point configuration. Test Method

Boron endpoints are measured by determining the boron concentration of the

reactor coolant system with the rods close to or at the desired configuration.

If not, the rods are then quickly moved to the desired configuration with no

boron adjustment. The change in reactivity is measured, and this reactivity is

converted to an equal amount of boron to yield the endpoint at that particular

rod configuration.

14.2-180 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

The results of the boron endpoint calculations meet the requirements of the

Nuclear Design Report within tolerance values specified in vendor design

documents. Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Measurement

(S-070007) Objectives

To determine isothermal temperature coefficient, then derive the moderator

temperature coefficient from the isothermal data. Prerequisites

a. The reactor is critical within the range for zero power

testing and stable.

b. The reactor coolant is at normal operating pressure and


c. Control rods are at the approximate end point

configuration. Test Method

The isothermal temperature coefficient is determined by heating/cooling the

reactor coolant system at a constant rate and plotting temperature versus

reactivity. The moderator temperature coefficient may be derived from isothermal data, if desired. Acceptance Criteria

The average of the measured values of the isothermal and, if desired, the

derived moderator temperature coefficient agrees with acceptance criteria given

in the Nuclear Design Report within tolerance values specified in vendor design

documents. Power Coefficient Determination (S-070008) Objectives

To verify the power coefficient of reactivity. Prerequisites

a. Reactor power level, reactor coolant temperature and

pressures, and RCCA and RCC bank configuration are as


14.2-181 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK

1. RCS pressure - nominal 2235 psig
2. RCCA, RCC bank configuration - nominally all rods

out, D at bite position

3. Reactor power level - nominally 30, 50, 75, and 90

percent RTP

4. T avg - consistent with the nominal value corresponding to the T avg program at the identified nominal power levels.
b. All subsystems which affect overall plant transient

response should be in automatic mode of operation with

the exception of the rod control system and automatic makeup. The CVCS demineralizer shall be bypassed. Test Method

a. As generator electrical load is changed, the primary side

is permitted to freely respond without any control rod


b. The power coefficient verification factor is calculated

by measuring the change in RCS temperature and the

corresponding change in core power. Acceptance Criteria

The average value of the measured verification factor agrees with that obtained

from design predictions of the isothermal temperature coefficient and doppler

power coefficient. This agreement is within limits given in the test

instructions. Load Swing Tests (S-070009) Objectives

To verify proper nuclear plant transient response, including automatic control

system performance, when load changes are introduced at the turbine generator. Prerequisites

Step load changes are initiated from steady state conditions at approximately

30-, 75-, and 100-percent power.

14.2-182 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. Manually reduce the turbine generator output as rapidly

as possible to achieve an approximate 10-percent load


b. Plant variables are recorded, along with values observed

on the normal plant instrumentation, during the load

transient for those parameters required. Acceptance Criteria

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test

completion. Failure to meet these criteria does not constitute a need for

stopping the test program, but correction of any deficiences should be accomplished, as required, consistent with the current plant schedule.

a. Reactor and turbine must not trip.
b. Safety injection is not initiated.
c. Neither steam generator atmospheric relief valves nor safety valves shall lift.
d. Neither pressurizer relief valves nor safety valves shall


e. No manual intervention shall be required to bring plant conditions to steady state.
f. Nuclear power overshoot (undershoot) must be less than 3

percent for load increase (decrease). Large Load Reduction Test (S-070010) Objectives

To demonstrate satisfactory plant transient response to various specified load changes, to monitor the reactor control systems during these transients, and, if necessary, optimize the reactor control system setpoints. Prerequisites

Step load reduction changes of 50 percent are initiated from steady state

conditions at approximately 75- and 100-percent power.

14.2-183 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. Manually reduce the turbine generator output to achieve

an approximate 50-percent load reduction.

b. Monitor plant response during the transient and record

plant variables, as required.

c. If necessary, adjust the reactor control system setpoints

until optimal response is obtained. Acceptance Criteria

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test

completion. Failure to meet these criteria does not constitute a need for stopping the test program, but correction of any deficiencies should be accomplished, as required, consistent with the current plant schedule.

a. Reactor and turbine must not trip.
b. Safety injection is not initiated.
c. Steam generator safety valves shall not lift.
d. Pressurizer safety valves shall not lift.
e. No manual intervention shall be required to bring plant

conditions to steady state. Plant Trip From 100 Percent Power (S-070011) Objectives

To verify the ability of the plant automatic control systems to sustain a trip

from 100 percent and to bring the plant to stable conditions following the

transient, to determine the overall response time of the hot leg resistance

temperature detectors, and to evaluate the data resulting from the trip to

determine if changes in the control system setpoints are warranted to improve

transient response based on actual plant operations. Prerequisites

a. The rod control system, steam generator level, pressurizer pressure and level, and the steam dump system

are in the automatic control mode.

b. The plant is operating at normal steady state full power.
c. Diesel generators in standby idling condition.

14.2-184 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK Test Method

a. Initiate a plant trip by opening the main generator

output breaker, monitor plant response, and record plant

variables, as required.

b. If necessary, adjust the control system setpoints to

obtain optimal response. Acceptance Criteria

The system parameters must stay within the limitations specified in the

vendor's design transient analysis document. Rods Drop and Plant Trip (S-070012) Objectives

To demonstrate that the negative rate trip circuit will trip the reactor and to

monitor plant response. Prerequisites

a. The rod control system, steam generator level, pressurizer pressure and level, and the feedwater pump

speed control are in the automatic control mode. Steam

dump control system is in the Tavg mode.

b. The plant is operating at a steady state power of 30 to

50 percent.

c. The rod group and the selected rods to be dropped have

been identified. Test Method

a. Drop two RCCAs from a common group which, because of

their worth and location, are the most difficult to

detect by the nuclear instrumentation system (NIS).

b. Monitor systems behavior and plant response to trip from

an intermediate power level prior to the plant trip test

from full power. Acceptance Criteria

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test


14.2-185 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK

a. The reactor shall have tripped as a result of the negative rate trip.
b. All RCCAs shall release and bottom on receipt of a trip


c. The pressurizer safety valves shall not lift.
d. Steam generator safety valves shall not lift.
e. Safety injection is not initiated. Shutdown and Maintenance of Hot Standby External to

the Control Room (S-070014) Objectives

To demonstrate, using a plant procedure, that the plant can be taken from >

10 percent power to hot standby conditions, and verify that the plant can be maintained in hot standby for at least 30 minutes with a minimum shift crew, using controls and instrumentation external to the control room. Prerequisites

a. Required component testing and instrument calibration are


b. Required electrical power supplies and control circuits

are operational.

c. The plant is at normal operating conditions at >

10 percent power.

d. The authority and responsibility of the control room

observers has been established and is specified in this procedure. Test Method

a. The plant is taken from >

10 percent power to hot standby conditions, using a plant procedure, minimum shift crew, and controls and instrumentation external to the control


b. Hot standby conditions are maintained for at least 30


14.2-186 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK

c. All actions performed by the control room observers is documented within this procedure for use in evaluating

their impact on the test results. Acceptance Criteria

The plant can be taken from >

10 percent power to hot standby conditions which are maintained for >

30 minutes, using a plant procedure, minimum shift crew, and controls and instrumentation external to the control room. Power Ascension Thermal Expansion and Dynamic Test (S-070015) Objectives

a. To demonstrate during specified power ascension

transients that the systems' monitored points respond in

accordance with design.

b. To demonstrate during the heatup to full power

temperature that the systems' piping can expand without obstruction and that the expansion is in accordance with design. Also, during the subsequent cooldown to ambient

temperature, the piping returns to its cold position in

accordance with system design. Prerequisites

a. Reference points for measurement of the systems are


b. Power ascension testing is in progress.
c. All subject systems are available for the specified

dynamic operations.

d. Required instrument calibration is complete.
e. A preservice inspection of the associated piping snubbers

has been completed within 6 months. Test Method

a. Record cold baseline data.
b. Obtain measurement data at various specified temperature


14.2-187 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK

c. The systems are aligned for the specified dynamic operation.
d. The specified dynamic event of pump operation, valve

operation, etc., is initiated, and the system is monitored for response.

e. On completion of cooldown to ambient temperature, obtain

measurement data. Acceptance Criteria

a. There shall be no evidence of blocking of the thermal

expansion of any piping or components, other than by


b. The total stresses shall not exceed applicable code


c. Spring hanger movement must remain within the hot and

cold set points, snubber swing clearance remains

satisfactory., and snubbers must not become fully

retracted or expanded.

d. Piping and components must return to their baseline

position on cooldown in accordance with system design.

e. The measured thermal movement shall be within 25 percent

of the analytical value or +

0.25 inch, whichever is greater. Biological Shield Testing (S-070016) Objectives

a. To measure and record the neutron and gamma ray radiation

levels in accessible areas of the plant where radiation

levels above background are anticipated.

b. To determine locations if any, where shielding is


c. To ensure that plant personnel are not subjected to overexposure from radiation as a result of inadequate shielding. Prerequisites

a. Required instrument calibration is complete.

14.2-188 Rev. 1


b. Appropriate reactor power levels are attained. Test Method

Neutron and gamma ray surveys are conducted in each of the following reactor power level ranges.

Test  % Reactor Power Range Preoperational Shield Tests <

0 Low Power Tests 0-5

Intermediate Power Tests 5-50

High Power Tests 50-100 Acceptance Criteria

Neutron and gamma ray radiation surveys in all accessible areas of the plant

where radiation levels above background are anticipated reveal no shielding

deficiencies; or identify and implement appropriate administrative controls in

accordance with 10 CFR 20 for the areas determined to be radiation areas. Loss of Heater Drain Pump Test (S-070017)* Objectives To verify proper nuclear plant response to a loss of heater drain pump

accident. Prerequisites

The plant is operating at steady state conditions at 90-percent power. Test Method

The heater drain pumps are tripped and plant variables are recorded, along with

values observed on the normal plant instrumentation, during the transient for

those parameters required.


  • This test was performed at Callaway only, with the consent of

the NRC, as Callaway and Wolf Creek have identical Heater Drain


14.2-189 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria

The following acceptance criteria are to be used to determine successful test

completion. Failure to meet these criteria does not constitute a need for

stopping the test program, but correction of any deficiencies should be accomplished as required, consistent with the current plant schedule.

a. Reactor and turbine must not trip.
b. Safety injection is not initiated.
c. Neither steam generator atmospheric relief valves nor safety valves shall lift.
d. Neither pressurizer relief valves nor safety valves shall


e. No manual intervention shall be required to bring plant conditions to steady state. Calibration of Steam and Feedwater Flow

Instrumentation at Power Test (S-070018) Objectives

a. To calibrate the steam flow transmitters against feed-

water flow.

b. To perform a cross-check verification of all signals indicating feedwater and steam flow. Prerequisites

a. Test equipment, including transmitters, has been

calibrated for expected ranges of plant conditions.

b. The plant shall be at steady state conditions for each

power level at which testing is performed. Test Method

At 30 and 50 percent power, perform Step a if the steam flow/ feedwater flow

mismatch alarm actuates. At 75 and 100 percent power, perform Steps a and b.

a. Verify calibration of the steam flow by comparing steam

flow signal to referenced feedwater flow.

14.2-190 Rev. 13 WOLF CREEK

b. Compare, using plots, the steam and feedwater flow values to determine if recalibration is necessary prior to the

next power escalation. Acceptance Criteria

a. Steam flow/feedwater flow mismatch alarm does not actuate

at 30, 50, 75, and 100 percent power.

b. Steam flow indication should be within +

4 percent of feedwater flow panel indicator at 75 and 100 percent power.

c. The test feedwater flow instrument versus plant feed-water flow instrument and plant steam flow instrument

curves should be within +

2.5 percent and +

3.0 percent of their respective ideal curves at 75 and 100 percent power. Natural Circulation Test (S-090024)* Objectives

To demonstrate the length of time required to stabilize natural circulation; to

demonstrate core flow distribution during natural circulation using incore

thermocouples. Prerequisites

a. Required low power physics testing has been completed.
b. Required instrumentation is installed and calibration


c. The plant is operating at steady state conditions at 3

percent power. Test Method

All reactor coolant pumps are simultaneously tripped while at 3 percent rated

power. The transients are monitored and establishment of natural circulation


  • Due to similar plant design for Callaway and Wolf Creek, the

NRC allowed WCGS to use Callaway Natural Circulation test data

and pertinent results.

14.2-191 Rev. 1 WOLF CREEK Acceptance Criteria Natural circulation has been demonstrated. The measured core T as a function of core power under natural circulation conditions is no greater than the

limiting reactor coolant system T based on design requirements.

14.2-192 Rev. 1

WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-1 SAFETY-RELATED PREOPERATIONAL TEST PROCEDURES Test Abstract Test Number Title USAR Section S-03AB01 Steam Dump System Preoperational Test

SU3-AB02 Main Steam Safety Valve Test

S-03AB03 Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Test S-03AB04 Main Steam System Preoperational Test S-03AE01 Main Feedwater System Preoperational

Test S-03AE02 Steam Generator Level Control Test S-03AL01 Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump

and Valve Preoperational Test SU3-AL02 Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump and Valve Preoperational Test

SU3-AL03 Auxiliary Feedwater Motor-Driven Pump Endurance Test S-03AL04 Auxiliary Feedwater System Water

Hammer Test SU3-AL05 Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine-Driven Pump Endurance Test

S-03BB01 Reactor Coolant Pump Initial Operation SU3-BB02 PRT Cold Preoperational Test SU3-BB03 RTD Bypass Flow Measurement

S-03BB04 Pressurizer Pressure Control Test S-03BB05 Reactor Coolant System Hot Preoperational Test

S-03BB06 Thermal Expansion d-03BB07 Pressurizer Level Control Test SU3-BB08 Pressurizer Heater and Spray Capability

Test SU3-BB09 Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement Test

SU3-BB10 Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test S-03BB11 Reactor Coolant System Hydrostatic Test

SU3-BB12 Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Verification Test S-03BB13 Pressurizer Relief Valve and PRT Hot

Preoperational Test S-03BB14 Reactor Coolant Loop Vibration Surveillance Test

SU3-BB15A Leak Detection System Preoperational Test SU3-BB15B Leak Detection System Preoperational

Test S-03BB16 RTD/TC Cross Calibration Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-1 (Sheet 2)

Test Number Title USAR Section S-03BG01 Chemical and Volume Control System Major Component Test SU3-BG02 Seal Injection Preoperational Test SU3-BG03 Charging System Preoperational Test SU3-BG04 Boron Thermal Regeneration System Preoperational Test

SU3-BG05 Boric Acid Blending System Preopera-tional Test S-03BG06 Chemical and Volume Control System

Hot Preoperational Test SU3-EC01 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Preoperational Test

S-03EC02 Spent Fuel Pool Leak Test SU3-EF01 Essential Service Water System Pre-operational Test

SU3-EF02 Essential Service Water Pump Preopera-tional Test S-03EG01 Component Cooling Water System Pre-

operational Test SU3-EJ01 Residual Heat Removal System Cold Pre-operational Test

SU3-EJ02 Residual Heat Removal System Hot Preoperational Test SU3-EM01 Safety Injection System Cold Pre-

operational Test SU3-EM02 Safety Injection Flow Verification Test SU3-EM03 Safety Injection Check Valve Test SU3-EM04 Boron Injection Tank and Recirculation Pump Test S-03EN01 Containment Spray System Nozzle Air Test SU3-EN02 Containment Spray System Preoperational Test

S-03EP01 Accumulator Testing SU3-FC01 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Preoperational Test

SU3-GD01 Essential Service Water Pumphouse HVAC Preoperational Test SU3-GF01 Miscellaneous Building HVAC System

SU3-GF02 Preoperational Tests SU3-GF03 S-03GG01 Fuel Building HVAC System Preoperational

Test SU3-GK01 Control Building HVAC System Preopera-tional Test

SU3-GL01 Auxiliary Building HVAC System Pre-operational Test S-03GM01 Diesel Generator Building HVAC Pre-

operational Test Rev. 3 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-1 (Sheet 3)

Test Number Title USAR Section SU3-GN01 Containment Cooling System Preoperational Test S-03GN02 CRDM Cooling Preoperational Test SU3-GP01 Integrated Containment Leak Rate Test SU3-GP02 Reactor Containment Structural Integ-

rity Acceptance Test S-03GS01 Post-Accident Hydrogen Removal System Preoperational Test

S-03GT01 Containment Purge System HVAC Pre-operational Test S-03HA01 Gaseous Radwaste System Preoperational

Test S-03JE01 Emergency Fuel Oil System Preoperational Test

SU3-KE01 Spent Fuel Pool Crane Preoperational Test SU3-KE02 New Fuel Elevator Preoperational Test

SU3-KE03 Fuel Handling and Storage Preoperational Test SU3-KE04 Fuel Transfer System Preoperational

Test SU3-KE05 Refueling Machine and RCC Change Fixture Preoperational Test

S-03KE06 Refueling Machine Indexing Test SU3-KE07 Fuel Handling System Integrated Preoperational Test

S-03KJ01 Diesel Generator Mechanical Preopera-tional Test S-03NB01 4160-V (Class IE) System Preoperational

Test S-03NE01 Diesel Generator Electrical Preopera-tional Test

SU3-NF01 Integrated Control Logic Test S-03NF02 LOCA Sequencer Preoperational Test S-03NF03 Shutdown Sequencer Preoperational Test

S-03NG01 480-V (Class IE) System Preoperational Test SU3-NG02 480-V Class IE System (ESW) Preopera-

tional Test S-03NK01 125-V (Class IE) DC System Preopera-tional Test

S-03NN01 Instrument AC System (Class IE) Pre-operational Test SU3-SA01 Engineered Safeguards (NSSS) Preopera-

tional Test Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-1 (Sheet 4)

Test Number Title USAR Section SU3-SA02 Engineered Safeguards (BOP) Pre-operational Test SU3-SA03 Engineered Safeguards Verification Test S-03SB01 Reactor Protection System Logic Test S-03SJ01 Primary Sampling System Preoperational Test

S-03SP01 Process Radiation Monitoring System Preoperational Test SU3-0004 Power conversion and ECCS Systems

Thermal Expansion Test S-030005 Power Conversion and ECCS Systems Dynamic Test

SU3-0006 HEPA Filter Test S-030008 Cooldown from Hot Standby External to the Control Room

S-030009 Compressed Gas Accumulator Testing Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-2 NONSAFETY-RELATED PREOPERATIONAL TESTS Test Number Title USAR Section S-04AC02 Turbine Trip Test S-04AC03 Turbine System Cold Test S-04AD01 Condensate System Preoperational Test S-04AF01 Secondary Vent and Drain System Pre-operational Test S-04AQ01 Condensate and Feedwater Chemical Feed System Preoperational Test S-04BL01 Reactor Makeup Water System Preopera-tional Test S-04CG01 Condenser Air Removal System Pre-operational Test

SU4-DA01 Circulating Water System Preoperational Test S-04EA01 Service Water System Preoperational Test S-04EB01 Closed Cooling Water System Preopera-tional Test SU4-FP03 Fire Protection System Preoperational Test S-04GH01 Radwaste Building HVAC System Pre-operational Test SU8-GP01 Local Containment Leak Rate Test S-04HB01 Liquid Radwaste System Preoperational Test

SU4-HB02 Waste Evaporator Preoperational Test S-04HC01 Solid Waste System Preoperational Test S-04HC02 Solid Waste Filter Handling System Preoperational Test SU4-HC03 Resin Transfer Preoperational Test SU4-KC01A Fire Protection System (Water) Pre-

SU4-KC01B operational Test S-04KC02 Fire Protection System (Halon) Pre-operational Test S-04KC03 Fire Protection System Detection and Alarm Preoperational Test S-04LE01 Oily Waste System Preoperational Test

SU4-LF01 Floor and Equipment Drain System Pre-operational Test S-04PA01 13.8-kV System Preoperational Test

S-04PB01 4,160-V (Non-Class IE) System Pre-operational Test S-04PG01 480-Volt (Non-Class IE) System Pre-

operational Test Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-2 (Sheet 2)

Test Number Title USAR Section S-04PJ01 250-V DC System Preoperational Test S-04PK01 125-V (Non-Class IE) DC System Pre-

S-04PK02 operational Test S-04PN01 Instrument AC (Non-Class IE) System Pre-operational Test S-04QD01 Emergency Lighting System Preopera-tional Test S-04QF01 Public Address System Preoperational Test S-04QJ01 Heat Tracing Freeze Protection System Preoperational Test S-04RM01 Secondary Sampling System Preoperational Test S-04SD01 Area Radiation Monitoring Preoperational Test S-04SG01 Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation System Preoperational Test SU4-SQ02 Loose Parts Monitoring System Test SU8-0007 Plant Performance Test S-090023 Electrical Distribution System Voltage

Verification Test Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-3 INITIAL STARTUP TEST Test Number Title USAR Section S-07AB01 Automatic Steam Generator Level Control SU7-AB02 Dynamic Automatic Steam Dump Control S-07BB01 RTD Bypass Flow Measurement S-07BB02 Pressurizer Heater and Spray Capability Test S-07BB03 Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement SU7-BB04 Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test S-07BB05 Pressurizer Contiuous Spray Flow Verification S-07BB06 RTD/TC Cross Calibration

S-07SC01 Core Loading Instrumentation and Neutron Source Requirements S-07SC03 Thermal Power Measurement and Statepoint Data Collection SU7-SE01 Nuclear Instrumentation System Test S-07SE02 Operational Alignment of Nuclear Instru-mentation S-07SE03 Axial Flux Difference Instrumentation Calibration S-07SF01 Control Rod Drive Mechanism Operational Test S-07SF02 Rod Control System

SU7-SF03 Rod Drop Time Measurement SU7-SF04 Rod Position Indication System S-07SF05 Automatic Reactor Control System S-07SR01/ Incore Flux Mapping S-07SR02 S-07SR03/ Incore Instrumentation Test

S-07SR04 S-07SF06 Operational Alignment of Process Temperature Instrumentation S-07SF07 Startup Adjustments of Reactor Control System S-07SF08 RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at

Zero Power SU7-SF09 RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Power

S-07SJ01 Reactor Systems Sampling for Core Load SU7-0001 Initial Core Loading

S-070002 Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring for Core Loading Rev. 0 WOLF CREEK TABLE 14.2-3 (Sheet 2)

Test Number Title USAR Section S-070003 Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring for Approach to Initial Criticality

S-070004 Initial Criticality S-070005 Determination of Core Power Range for Physics Testing S-070006 Boron Endpoint Determination S-070007 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Measurement S-070008 Power Coefficient Determination S-070009 Load Swing Tests S-070010 Large Load Reduction Test S-070011 Plant Trip from 100 Percent Power S-070012 Rods Drop and Plant Trip S-070014 Shutdown and Maintenance of Hot Standby External to the Control Room S-070015 Power Ascension Thermal Expansion and Dynamic Test S-070016 Biological Shield Testing S-070017 Loss of Heater Drain Pump Test S-070018 Calibration of Steam and Feedwater

Flow Instrumentation at Power Test S-090024 Natural Circulation Test Rev. 0