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Fire Protection Evaluations for Unique or Unbounded Fire Barrier Configuration, M-663-00017A, Rev. W05, B6-3 to B7-79
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Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2017
Wolf Creek
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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WO 17-0045 M-663-00017A, Rev W05
Download: ML17151B061 (109)


Revision WOI Page B6-3 ofB6-24 --Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

86 Heat Affected Zone Review: P13150491 Fire Area (Side 1) A-8 Review Distances (Raferenoa FIQIR 7 .2.3-1) No issues within Heat Affected Zone 12" Pipe L 1 &L2 Temp. R1 Rad i us R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 Fire Area (Side 2) A-1 1.5 1357 3 4.3 No issues within Heat Affecte<S Zone 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.-3 1.7 4.5 689 Contact 1.3 5 618 I 1 Side 1 Photo Side2 Photo 5.5 555 I 0.7 6 1 499 I 0.4 6.5 1 450 0.2 7 406 0 --7.5 368 1 Contact I No photo required.

No photo required.

I .... Sketch No sketch required.

Page B64 of B6-24 I Fire Area (Side 1): A-8 M-OX Dwg: M-OX1331 fire Area (Side 2): A-l 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

2" f f . Gap between pen: MIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

14. Pipe lnsutated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Sketch: Penetration Seal Data Appendi: ~6 Penetration

  1. P13380780 Penetration Type: M-6A LocAElev.:

2000'-0" 1. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Si: f8"0 3. Penetrants:

(1) lZPP 4. Sealant Type: Foam 5. Damming Sidel: Foam Rush wPRoor 6. Damming Side 2 2" recessed 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

Accepi 8. Boot Condition (AcciRej):

WA 9. Sealant Depth: 9* Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness determined by Drawing C-IC1311 M-663-0002 7A, Revision W01 Page B6-5 of 66-24 I Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

BB I Photos: P13380780 Fire Area A-8 (Side 1) Fire Area A4 (Side 1) FireArea A-I (Side 2) Fire Aren A-1 (Side 2)

M-663-00 01 7A, Rev i sio n WOl Page B6-6 of 8 6-2 4 Penetration Seal Data Append i x: B6 Heat Affected Zone Review: P133S0780 Fire A rea (S ide 1 t A-8 Review Distances FigUre 7 2.3-1) No Issues within Heat Affected Zone Pipe l1&L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Oist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0 5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 F i re Ar ea (S ide 2) A-1 1.5 .. 1 3 5 7 3 4.3 No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 120 9 2.3 '3.6 2.5 1 078 1.7 3.1 3 96 2 1.2 2.5 3.5 86 0 0.7 2.1 I 4 I 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 1 689 Contact 1.3 ... 5 618 1 1 S i d e 1 Phot o S i de2Photo 5.5 555 I 0.7 6 499 0.4 -6.5 450 I o.2 7 406 l o 7.5 368 1 Contact No photo requ i red. No photo required. ....__ I Sketch No sketch required.

l ' I M-663-000 17A, Revision W0 1 Page B6-7 of B6-24 Sketch: Fire Area (Side I): A-8 M4X Dwg: M-OX1331 Fire Area (Side 2): A-I 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

2" f l. Gap between pen: N/A f2. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sieeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregmd Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviiwed By: Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~6 Penetration

  1. PI 3380787 Penetration Type: M-6A Loc.IElev.:

2000'-O* f. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Si: 18"D 3. Penetrants: (I) 11"P 4. Sealant Type:

Foam 5. Damming Side1 ; N/A 6. Damming Side 2: 2- 112" recess 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

Accept 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

NIA 9. Sealant Depth: 12-112" Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness determined by Drawing C-t CI 31 1. Changed from M-I to M-6A based on sealant depth.

M-663-000 17A, Revision W0 1 Penetration Seal Data Photos: PI 33S0781 Fire Area A-8 (Side 1) Fire Area A-8 (Side f) Page 86-8 of B6-24 Fire Area A-1 (Side 2) Fire Area A-l (Side 2)

.. M-663-00017A.

Revision WOl Page B6-9 ofB6-24 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

B6 Heat Affected Zone Review: P133S0781 Fire Area (Side 1) A-8 Review Distances (Reference F'lllft 7.13-1) No issues within Heat Affected Zone 12" Pipe L1 &l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist.l_f!}_

("F) (in) (in) OS 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 I 3.7 5.1 Fire Area (Side 2) A--1 1.5 1357 3 4.3 No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1209 '2.3 3.6 2.5 107 8 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 1.7 l 4.5 689 Conta ct 1 . .3 5 618 1 Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.'2 7 406 0 7.5 368 Contact No photo required. No photo required. Sketch No sketch required.

M-663-00017A, Revision W01 Sketch : Fire Area (Side 1 ): A-1 6 MOX DWQ: M-1 Xf 938 Page B6-I0 of B6-24 Fire Area (Side 2): A-26 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1-112" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12, Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel $4. Pipe Insulated:

No Jeff Suter Preparsd By: Wayne Aregood Reviewed By: Penetration Seal Data Appendbr:

BB Penetration

  1. Pi41 W2487 Penetration Type: M-6A loc.lElev.:

2042'-11 I. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Sie: 18"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 12"~ 4. Sealant Type: Foam 5. Damming Sidel: Flush 6. Damming Side 2: Flush 7. Damming Continuity (AeclRej):

Accept 8. Bcd Condition (AcdRej):

WA 9. Sealant Depth: 10" Walkdown Comments:

Changed detail to M-6A based on field inspection.

M-663-000 17A, Revision W01 Page B6-11 of B6-24 Penetration Seat Data Appendi: 86 1 Photos: P141W2487 Fire Area A-16 (Side 1) Fire Area A-26 (Side 2) Fire Area A-1 6 (Side 1) Fire Area A-26 {Side 2)

M-663-000l?A, R evision WOI Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P141W2487 F i re Area (Side 1) A-16 1. 1* Cond., (no 10): Not within Heat Affected Zone Fire Area (Side 2) A-26 2. 3" Cond. 4U3B2X, Not within Heat Affected Zone. Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo No photo required. No photo required. Sketch Sk*h FA: A-11 ! llde1 I

  • t + -..
  • Page B6-12 ofB6-24 Append i x: B6 Review D i stances (Rs!eren<>>


7.2.3-1 ) 12* Pipe l1 &L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 1.5 1357 3 4.3 2 1209 1 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 , 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 t.7 4.5 689 Conta ct 1.3 5 618 1 5.5 555 0.7 *-6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 -7.5 368 Contact r I M-663-000 17A, Revision WO l Page B6-13 of B6-24 Sketch: Fire Area (Side 2): A-8 10. Annular Gap {smaliest):

1-314 11. Gapbetween pen: N/A 12. Bamer Type: F 13. Opening sleeved' or concrete:

St4 14. Pipe Lnsulatwk Na Jeff Suter Prepared By: Wayne Amgood Reviewed By: Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

86 Penetration

  1. P142S1079 Penetration Type: M-6A Fire Area (Side 1): A-3 6 LoeJEh.: 2026-0" MOX Dwg: M-1x1421 1. Barrier Thickness:

20" 2. Opening Size: 18"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 12"P 4. Seatant Type: Foam 5. Damming Side1 : NIA 6. Damming Side 2: Recessed 8" 7. Damming Continuity (AeelRej):

Accept 8. Boot Condition (Acmej): MA 9. Sealant Depth: 15-112" Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness based on C-OC1411.

Damming recessed on bottom side approximately 8" based on observation from the floor. Detail changed to M-SA.

M-663-000 17A, Revision W01 Page B6- 14 of B6-24 Fire Area A-16 (Side 1) (Side 2) Fire ha A (Side 2) Penetration Seal Data Appendk BG Photos: Pt42S1079 Fire Area A-16 (Side 1) Fire Area A-8 M-663-00017A.

Revision WO I Page B6-I5 ofB6-24 Penetration Seal Data Appendix: 86 ' Heat Affected Zone Review: P14251079 F i re Area (Side 1) A-16 Review Distances (Ref4nnce f.4.663.00017A.

FogLR 7.2.3-1 ) No issues within Heal Affected Zone 12" Pipe L1 & l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius D i st. (ft) (o F) (In) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 I 1 1524 3.7 5.1 F i re Area (Side 2) A-8 1.5 1357 3 4.3 2 1209 2.3 3.6 No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 . 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Contact 1.3 5 618 1 S i de 1 Photo Side 2 Photo 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 7.5 368 Conta ct No photo required. No photo required. I I Sketch I I No sketch required.

I M-663-000 17A, Revision W01 Fire Area (Side 1): A-20 M-OX Dwg: M-IX1511 Page E Fire Area (Side 2): A-25 TO. Annular Gap (smtlest):

118" I I. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sieeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Jeff Suter Pmpared By; Wayne Aregood Reviewed By; Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

E, Penetration

  1. PI 51 S1196 Penetmtion Type: MBA LoeJElev.:

2047'-6" 4. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Size: 16"D 3. Penetrants; (1) 72-P 4. Sealant Type: Foam 5. Damming Sidel: NIA 6. Damming Side 2: Ceramic fiber flush with barrier gta 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej]:

Accept 8. Boot Condition (AedRej):

NIA 9. Sealant Depth: 1 2H Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness bawd on M-1x1 511. Change Detail to M-6A based an field inspection Sketch:

M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W0 1 Paae 86- I 7 of B6-24 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~8 Photos: PI 51 S1196 I Fire Area A-20 (Side 1) Fire Area A-20 (Side 1) Fire Area A-26 (Side 2)

Revision WOl Page 86-I 8 of 86-24 -Penetration Seal Data Appendix: B6 ' Heat Affected Zone Review: P15151196 Fire Area (Side 1) A-20 Review Distances (Rftrwu t.4-ti6J.()OQ17A.

FVn 7 2.3-, ) No issu es within Heat Affected Zone 12* Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (in) (in) o . .s 1712 1 4.6 5.9 .. 1 1524 3.7 5.1 Fire Area (Side 2) A-26 1.5 1357 3 4.3 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 '860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Contact 1.3 5 618 1 Side 1 Photo Side2 Photo 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 i 7.5 368 Contact No photo required. No photo required. I I I Sketch I No sketch required.

M-663-00017A, Revision W0 1 Page B6- 1 9 of B6-24 I Sketch: Fire Area (Slde 1 ): A-1 9 M-OX Dwg: hSOX19-46 Fire Area (Side 2): A-20 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

136 Penetration

  1. Pi 53W2557 Penetration Type: M-6A Loc.Elw.:

2063'- 9 1. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Oping Sm: I6D 3. Penetrants:

(1 ) 12'P 4. Sealant Type: Foam 5. Damming Sidel: 112" recessed 6. Damming Side 2: Flush 7. Damming Continuity (AeclRej):

Accept 8. Boot Condition (AdRej): MIA 9. Sealant Depth: 9-112" Walkdown Comments:

Wall thickness determined by Drawing C-IC1521.

Need new labels, incorrectly labeled in Plant. Changed Detail from M-I to M-6A based an actual seal depth. I 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

112" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By:

M-663-80017A, Revision WO1 Page B6-20 of B6-24. I Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

BB I I Photos: P153W2557 Fire Area A-19 (Side 1) Fire Area A-20 (Side 2) Fire Area A-19 (Side 1 ) Fire Area A-20 (Side 2)

M-663-0001 7A, Re v ision WOl Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P153W2557 F i re A rea (S i d e 1) A-19

  • 1 No issues within Heat Affected Zone F i re A rea {S i de 2) A-20 1. Pipe Strut: No Issue Si de 1 Phot o S i de 2 Photo No photo required. No photo required.

Sketch FA: A-11 Side 1 * * . . . * * * * . , . .0 i ** ... " p. . . . ,.. 0 .... .... 6 Page 86-21 ofB6-24 Appendix: 86 Review Distances L1 & L2 Oist. (ft) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 12" Pipe Temp. R1 Radius ("F) (in) 1712 4.6 152 4 3.7 1357 3 1209 2.3 1078 1.7 962 1.2 860 0.7 769 0.3 -689 C ontact 618 555 499 450 406 368 A-20 Slde2 R2 Radius (in) '5.9 5.1 4.3 : 3.6 3.1 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.3 1 0.7 0.4 0.2 0 Contact '

M-663-000 17A, Revision wb f Page BB-22 of BB-24 -- Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~6 Penetration

  1. P621 SO1 61 Penetration Type: M-6A Fire Area {Side I): F4 MOX Dwg: MQX6211 Fire Area (Side 2): F-2 I. Barrier Thickness:

10" 2 Opening Size: 16"D 3. Penetrants:

(1 ) 72"P 4. Sealant Type: Foam 5. Damming Sickl: Foam T above stab 6. Damming Side 2: Flush wl Q-Deck Valley 7. Damming Continuity (AdRej): Accept 8. Boot Condition (Mej): NIA 9. Sealant Depth: 11" Walkdown Comments:

Changed Detail from M-I to M-5A based on actual foam depth. 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1-114" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: F W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Amgood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Sketch: k=coa~ ! 1 FA; F-2 mmw I ' ma M-663-000 17A, Revision W01 Page B6-23 of B6-24 (Side 2) Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

66 Photos: P621 SO1 61 Fire Area F-4 (Side 1) II -. . Fire Area F-2 Fire Area F-4 (Side I) Frre Area F-2 (Side 2)

M-663-0 001 7 A, Revision WOl Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P621S0161 F i re Area (Side 1) F-4 No I ssues with i n Heat Affected Zone Fire Area (Side 2) F-2 1. 4U6030 2" Cond.: Within Heat Affected Zone. Further review dete r mined that this cond l,lit i s not PFSSD. Set-route oo n tro l i s n ecessary. S i de 1 Photo Side2Photo No photo required. Sketch FA: F..f Slde1 -.... .,... ... *a .* ..;;,:; *, . . . . . *l>t ** *. *. .,. . , . . . .._ . A. * *

  • 1;:11-;, . " . . . ' t t
  • Page 86-24 of B6-24 Appendix: B6 Review Distances (f!efe'enca f i!)'Jfe 7 .2.l-1 ) 12" Pipe L1 & l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (f!l_ J"F} (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 L S 1357 3 4.3 2 1209 2.'3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Con tad 1.3 -, 5 618 1 5.5 555 0.7 -6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 7.5 368 Contact *
  • VJ .\I NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION Attachment B7 Fire Protection Evaluation For Penetrant Size Exceeding Typical Detail FB-I Limitation Page 1 I I I I I i I Rev. No. WOI "04 Prepared By & &d% Jeff Suter

&a-~k~- Don Garbe Date 08119105 1211411 A Reviewed By &d& Wayne S Aregood Jeff Suter Date 0811 9105 121151201

'l M-663-000 1 7A Page 2 of 8 Attachment B7 I Revision W04 Table of Contents Revision Log


3 1.0 Purpose


4 2.0 Scope ................................................................................................................................

4 .....................................................................................................................

3.0 References..

.4 4.0 Evaluation


5 I ! 5.0 Conclusions


8 ....................................................

Appendix B7, Penetration Seal Data (89 Total Pages) I I I I I I I I Revision Log M-663-00017A Page 3 of 8 Attachment B7 1 Revision W04 I I I I I i I Revision WO1 W04 Reason for Revision Original Issue Included new penetrations PI3580943 and P145S1019 added by C.P. 012957.

M-663-00017A Page 4 of 8 I Attachment B7 I I Revision W04 I 1.0 Purpose 1 .I The purpose of this document is to evaluate existing penetration seals that are not directly bounded to the typical detail limitations established in M-663-00017.

This evaluation was conducted in effort to satisfy regulatory expectation regarding qualification and documentation of fire barrier penetration seals, as discussed in NRC lnformation Notice 88-04. This evaluation was conducted in accordance with the guidance of NRC Generic Letter 86-1

0. 2.0 Scope 2.1 The Table I penetrations in relation to the design requirements discussed in I I Section 5.1.

2.2 Refer to Section 7.0 of M-663-00017A for a cross-reference list of penetrations within Table I that are evaluated for additional seal parameters that do not satisfy the typical detail limitations of M-663-00017. In these instances, the potential cumulative affects of multiple unbounded attributes were considered for each penetration of concern.

3.0 References 3.1 NRC Generic Letter 86-10, Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements, dated April 24, 1986 3.2 NRC lnformation Notice 88-04, Inadequate Qualification and Documentation of Fire Barrier Penetration Seals I 3.3 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Fire Protection Program For Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior To January 1, 1979 3.4 LER 87-10, Technical Specification Violations - Inoperable Fire Barriers Caused By Personnel Errors 3.5 M-663-00017, Penetration Seal Typical Details 3.6 TR-187 (M-663-00154), Fire and Hose Stream Test of a 8" thick specimen of #TCO-026 Ceramic Blanket used as a penetration seal material in a 12" diameter sleeve penetrated by bare pipe, insulated pipe, and copper, monel, and stainless steel instrument tubing I I 3.7 CTP-1002, (M-663-00083), Fire Qualification Test on Silicone Foam Floor Penetration Seals 3.8 CTP-1020 & 1021 (M-663-00060), Fire Qualification Test on Penetration Seals 3.9 Change Package 012957, Install Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Standby Tanks, Rev. 0 M-663-00017A Page 5 of 8 Attachment B7 I Revision W04 I I 3.10 WIP-M-1x1352-002-A-1, Auxiliary Bldg. - Area 5 Penetration Closure Plan EL. 2013'-6", EL. 2026'-O", EL. 2090'-O", Rev. 0 4.0 Assumptions 4.1 It is assumed that existing penetration seal materials have been installed as I required by applicable typical design details and procedures. This is an acceptable assumption based on a review of the Quality Control documentation maintained during initial penetration seal installation activities and the intrusive inspections conducted to address LER 87-10, regarding seal material depth.

5.0 Evaluation 5.1 Assessment of Condition to Desiqn Requirements I The penetration openings identified in Table I contain a pipe penetrant that exceeds the size limitation directly bounded by typical detail FB-I from M-663- 00017. The FB-1 detail, which is comprised of a 12" ceramic fiber depth between silicone impregnated fiberglass boots, directly qualifies a seal with up to a 6" diameter penetrant as 3-hour fire (F) and temperature (T) rated. TABLE l Penetrations with Penetrant Size Exceeding Detail FB-1 Limitations I I I I I I I I Penetration Number PI 12W1378 PI 12W1380 P121S0271 PI 31 SO492 PI 32S0682 P132S0739 P132W1844 PI 35S0232 PI 35S0233 P141S1014 PI41 W2486 P143W1488 P143W1489 PI 52W2585 P152W2617 P3 1 1 W0839 Communicating Penetrant Diameter 30" 30" 12" 24" 24" 8" 24 10" 8" 24" 12" 12" 12" 10" 8" 30" Fire Side 1 A- I A- I A- I A-8 A-8 A-8 A-8 A-15 A-1 5 A-16 A-16 A-5 A-5 A-19 A-19 C- I Comments1 Disposition See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 Areas Side 2 C- I C- I A-4 A- I A- I A- I A-3 A-33 A-33 A-8 A-26 F-4 F-4 A-22 A-22 CC-1 M-663-00017A Page 6 of 8 Attachment B7 Revision W04 I I I I Penetration Number P32 1 SO085 P32 1 SO086 P321S0123 P611 WOO82 P611W0197 P621 SO1 53 P621S0156 P621S0157 P621 SO162 P621 WOO09 P621 WOO17 P62 1 W022 1 P621 W0224 PI 35S0943 P145S1019 I Pipe Penetrant Diameter 8" 8" 8" 8 12" 10" 12" 12" 12 12" 12" 12" 12" 10" 8" I I I I I Comments1 Disposition See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 See 5.2 Communicating I 5.2 Evaluation of Condition I I I The Table I penetrations are considered 3-hour F rated based on the successful I performance of the following fire tested configurations, which demonstrate that a ! minimum 8" depth of ceramic fiber will prevent the passage of flame and hose stream to the unexposed barrier side. TR-187 - 12" diameter opening containing a 2" bare and insulted pipe and three

%" diameter tube penetrants. The penetration was sealed with an 8" depth of ceramic fiber blanket. CTP-1002 Penetration 6 - 12" diameter opening containing a 6" bare pipe penetrant. The penetration was sealed with a 12" depth of ceramic fiber blanket between silicone impregnated fiberglass boots.

CTP-1002 Penetration 10 - 12" diameter opening containing a 6" insulated pipe penetrant. The penetration was sealed with a 12" depth of ceramic fiber blanket between silicone impregnated fiberglass boots. CTP-1020 Penetration 1 - 6" diameter opening containing a 2" bare pipe penetrant. The penetration was sealed with a 12" depth of ceramic fiber blanket between silicone impregnated fiberglass boots.

I I I I Fire Side 1 C-6 C-6 C-6 F-I F-2 F-5 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-5 A-5 A-5 A-15 A-23 Areas Side 2 C- I C- I C- I F-2 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-2 F-2 F-5 F-4 F-4 F-4 A-33 A-15 M-663-000 17A Page 7 of 8 Attachment B7 Revision W04 I I I I CTP-1021 Penetration 1 - 10" diameter opening containing a 2" bare pipe I penetrant. The penetration was sealed with a 12" depth of ceramic fiber I blanket between silicone impregnated fiberglass boots. Ceramic fiber is an inert material comprised of compressed refractory fibers. It is not charred or consumed during fire exposure. The material will not be negatively affected by heat transmission through the penetrating item.

Therefore, penetrant size is not a concern regarding capability of a ceramic fiber seal to prevent flame and hose stream passage to the unexposed side. However, penetrant size is a concern regarding unexposed side temperature development.

Based on a comparison to the fire tested configurations bounding detail FB-1, the Table I penetrations are not considered T rated. M-663-00017 identifies that where piping penetrations exist that do not satisfy T rating requirements, a seal assembly with an F rating corresponding to the hourly rating of the associated barrier is acceptable, provided evaluation demonstrates that exposed insitu combustibles and redundant post fire safe shutdown (PFSSD) equipment/circuits on the unexposed barrier side will not be detrimentally affected by the increased penetrant temperatures.

In effort to evaluate fire area impact, field walkdowns and comprehensive assessment reviews, documented in Appendix B7, were conducted for each penetration of concern. For penetrations PA3590943 and PI 45S1019 the design location for the penetrations, as identified on M-1x1352, were reviewed and assessed in relation to the current field configuration. The review for the Table 1 penetrations was completed in accordance with the criteria and review methodology established in M-663-00017A Section 7.2.3 for non-T rated penetrations.

i The review identified that no exposed insitu combustibles or PFSSD circuits are located within the heat affected zone. Each of the penetrations satisfies the review criteria of M-663-00017 where T rating requirements are not met. Therefore, the penetrations are acceptable, as this evaluation demonstrates reasonable assurance that the penetration seals do not present a negative impact to PFSSD capability.

5.3 Post Fire Safe Shutdown Impact I There is no impact to PFSSD systems or components as a result of this I evaluation. The Table I penetrations are 3-hour F rated. The comprehensive walkdown review for each of these penetrations revealed that no exposed insitu combustibles or PFSSD circuits are negatively affected by the non T rated penetrations.

I I I I I M-663-000 1 7A Attachment B7 Revision W04 Page 8 of 8 6.0 Conclusions Based on the above discussions, it is reasonable to conclude that the Table I penetration seals are acceptable as 3-hour F rated and will perform their intended function, regardless of not achieving a T rating. The penetration seals satisfy regulatory requirements and commitments as well as WCNOC Fire Protection Program requirements, to prevent spread of fire from one fire area to another. It has also been determined through this evaluation that the lack of a T rating will not affect the plant's ability to achieve and maintain PFSSD.

M-66340017A, Revision W04 Page B7-1 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 I Penetration

  1. PI 12W1378 Penetration Type: FEl LoeJElev.:

1979'-6" Fire Area (Side 1): A-I M-OX Dw~: M-1 XI 902 Fire Area (Side 2): G1 1. Barrier Thickness:

38" 2. Opening Sue: 42'0 3. Penetrants:

(1) 30'P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

A~cept 9, Seatant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

3" 11. Gap between pen: WA 12. Barrier Type; A F 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Sted 14. Pipe Insulated; Yes Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Insulation abuts boot, does not transition through seal zone. Insulation removed, no longer Insulated.

Sketch; M-863-00017A, Revision WO4 Page B7-2 of B7-89 1 Penetration Seat Data Appendix:

EV 1 Photos: Pl12W1378 Fiteh A-I (Side 1) Fire Area GI Fire Area A-1 {Side 1) FIre Area GI (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A , Revision W04_ Penetration Seal Data Hea t Affected Zone Review: P112W1378 F i re Area {Side 1) A-1 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone F i re Area (Side 2) C-1 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone S i de 1 Photo Side2Photo No photo required.

Sketch Pa e 87-3 of 87-89 Append i x: 87 Review Distances f'igtne7:1.3-1) 30" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (*F) (in) (in) 0.5 1706 1 4.5 5.9 1 1513 1 3.7 5 1.5 1342 2.9 4.2 2 1192 2.2 '3.6 2.5 1059 1.6 3 3 942 1.1 2.4 3.5 839 0.6 2 1 4 748 0.2 1.6 4.5 668 Contact 1.2 5 597 0.9 5.5 535 0.6 6 480 I 0.4 I 6.5 432 I 0.1 7 389 I Contact No sketch required.

  • I M-663-00017A, Revision WO4 Page 874 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Penetration

  1. P112W1380 Penetration Type: FB-1 Fire Area (Side 1): A-I MOX Dwg: M-tXt 902 Fire Area (Side 2): C-I 1. Barrier Thickness:

3F 2. Opening Sire: 42"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 30"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber

5. Damming Sided: Boot 6. Damming Side 2; Boot 7. Darning Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AoelRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

3" 11. Gap between pen: MIA 12. Barrier Type: A F 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

Yes Wayne Aregod Prepared By: Jeff Suter Revlewd By: Walkdown Comments:


M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 87-5 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

w Photos: Pi 12W1380 Fire Area A-I (Side I) Fire Area Gt (Side 2) Fire Area El (Side 2)

M-663-000 17 A, Rev1s1on W04 ' Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Rev i ew: P112W1380 F i re Are a (S ide 1) 1. No issues within Heat Affected Zone Fire Are a (Side 2) C-1 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone Side 1 Ph o to Si de 2 Ph o to I No photo requ i red. No photo required. Sketch Page 87-6 of 8 7-89 App e ndi x: 87 Review D i sta n ces (!Werenc:e M-663-000HA.

Frgue7 2.3-1 ) 30" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius RZ Radius Oist. (ft) ("F) (in) (i n) 0.5 1706 4.5 5.9 1 1513 3.7 5 1.5 1342 2.9 4.2 2 1192 2.2 '3.6 2.5 1059 1.6 3 3 942 1.1 2.4 3.5 839 0.6 2 4 748 0.2 )1.6 4.5 668 Contact 1.2 .. 5 597 , 0.9 5.5 535 0.6 6 480 I 0.4 ' 6.5 432 0.1 7 389 Contac l No sketch required.

I i 1 I M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 - Page B7-7 of B7-89 I Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

L. , Penetration

  1. PI 21 SO271 Penehtion Type: FBI LacJEIev.:

1988'-0" Fire Area (Side I): A-I MQX Dwg: M-OX1211 Fire Area (Side 2): A-4 1. Barrier Thickness:

22* 2. Opening Size: 18"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 12"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6, Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

WA 8. Boot Condffion (AcdRej):

Accept 9, Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness determined from drawlng C-OC12f A. 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

112" 1 1. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: R W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Sutsr Reviewed By: Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-8 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

67 Photos: P121S0271 Fire Area A-1 (Side 1) Fire Area A-I (Side 1) Fire Area A-4 (Side 2) Fire Area A-4 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A, Rev1s1on W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P12150271 Fire Area (Side 1) A-1 No issues within Heat Affected Zone. Fire Area (Side 2) A-4 No issues within Heat Affected Zone. Side 1 Photo Side2Photo No photo required.

No photo required.

Sketch Page of 87-89 Appendix: 87 Review Distances f9Jr97.23-1) 12" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (*f) (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1_ 1524 3.7 5.1 1.5 135 7 3 4 , 3 i 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 . 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Contact 1.3 5 618 1 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 7.5 368 Contact No sketch required.


  • M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 87-1 0 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 I I Penetration

  1. PI 31 SO492 Penetration Type: FB-I LocElev.:

2000'-0" Fire Area (Side I): A-8 M4X Dwg: M-1X1311 Fire Area (Side 2): A-1 1. Barrier Thickness:

10" 2. Opening Si: 30nD 3. Penetrants: (t ) 24-P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcdKej}:

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smalest):

2" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Yype; 13. Opening Sfeeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Review4 By: Walkdown Carnments: Slab thickness based on C-1 C1311. Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-11 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Photos: PI 31 SO492 Fire Area A-8 (Side I) Fire Area A-l fire Area A-8 (Side 1) (Side 2) Fire Area A-I (Side 2)

M 663 00017A R --eVISIOn W04 p age 8712 f8789 Penetration Seal Data Appendix: 8 7 Heat Affected Zone Review: P13150492 F i re Area (Side 1) A-a Review Distances rlglft7.2.3-1) No Issue s within H ea t A ffected Z o ne I 24" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (*F) (in) (in) 0.5 H63 4.8 6.1 1 1615 4.1 o.s F i re Area (Side 2) A-1 1.5 1480 3.5 4.9 2 1357 3 1 4.3 N o Issues witrun H eat A f f e cted Zon e 2.5 3.8 2.5 1244 3 1141 2 3.3 3.5 1048 1.6 2.9 , 4 962 1.2 2.5 4.5 884 0.8 2.2 5 813 0.5 1.9 S i de 1 Photo Side 2Photo 5 , 5 748 0.2 1.6 6 689 I Contact 1.3 I f -I 6.5 635 _1.1 7 1 585 I 0.8 I' 7.5 ]540 0.6 8 499 0.4_-I No photo required.

No photo required.

8.5 462 0.3 I l l 9 427 0.1 '9.5 396 Contac t i Sketch No sketch required.

I I i I i M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 87-13 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

W I Penetration

  1. PI 3280682 Penetration Type; FB-1 LocElev.:

2000'4" I. Barrier Thickness:

10" 2, Opening Size: 3OUD 3. Penetrants:

(1) 24"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side$ : Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AMej): NIA 8. Boot Condition (Acc/Rej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Fire Area (Side 1 ): A-8 M-OX Dwg: M-1x1321 Fire Area (Side 2): A-1 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

2" 1 I. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel I4 Pipe Insulated:

No JefF Suter Pmpared By: Wayne Aregood Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Stab thickness determined by Drawing C-1 C4311 (wsa) Sketch:

Fire Area A-8 (Side 1 ) M-663-00017A, Revision W04 PageB7-14ofB7-89 , Penetration Seal Data Appendix; B7 I )I) Photos: P13280682 Fire Area A-8 j$ide 1) Fire Area A-1 (Side 2) Fire Area A-l (Side 2)

M 663 00017A R --evtston W04 p age 9715 f8789 --Penet r ation Seal Data Append i x: 87 Heat Affected Zone Rev i ew: P13250682 Fire A rea (S ide 1) A-8 Review D i sta n ces No issues within Heat Affected Zone 24" Pipe l1 &U Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (OF) (In) {in) 0.5 1763 4.8 1 6.1 1 4.1 5.'5 F i re Are a (S ide 2) A-1 1 1.5 1480 3.5 4.9 No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1 357 3 4-3 2.5 1244 2.5 3.8 3 1141 2 1 3.3 3.5 1048 1.6 2.9 I 4 962 1.2 2.5 4.5 884 0.8_ 2.2 5 813 0.5 1.9 Side 1 P h ot o Side2 Photo 5.5 748 0.2 i 1.6 6 689 I eontact 1.3 6_5 635 1.1 I 7 585 0.8 7.5 540 0.6 8 499 0.4 No photo requ i red. No photo required. 8_5 462 0.3 9 427 0.1 9.5 396 Contact J Sketch No sketch required.

M-663400t7A, Revision W04 - Page 67-16 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

w I Penetration

  1. Pi 3280739 Penetration Type: I%-l LoeJEtev.:

2000'4" Fire Area (Side I): A-8 M-OX Dwg: M-iXT321 Fire Area (Side 2): A-7 I. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Sue: 16'0 3. Penetrants:

(1) 8'73 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boat 6. Damming Side 2: Baat 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Bmt Condition (AodRej):

bpt 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail f 0. Annular Gap (smallest):

3" f t . Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

Yes Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness based on GI C1311. Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-17 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 Photos: PI 3280739 Fire Area A-8 (Side 1) fire Area A-I (Side 2) Fire Area A4 (Side 1) Fire Area A-1 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A Revision W04 Page 87-1 8 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix: B7 Heat Affected Zone Review: P13250739 F i re Area (Side 1) A-8 Review D i sta n ces (RelereocR Figo.nt 7.2 3-1) No issues within Heat Affected Zone a n P i pe L1 & L2 T e mp. R1 R a d i us R2 Ra d iu s Dist. (ft) (*F) (i n) (in) 0.5 1677 4.4 5.8 1 1463 3.4 4.8 Fire Area (Side 2) A-1 1.5 1277 2.6 3.9 No Issue$ within Affected Zone 2 1116 I 1.9 3.2 2.5 976 1.2 2.6 3 855 0.7 2 3.5 750 0.2 1.6 4 659 Contact 1.2 4.5 581 0.8 5 512 0.5 Side 1 Photo Side2Photo 5.5 453 0.2 6 402 0 6.5 358 Con tac1 No photo required. o photo required. Sketch No sketch requ1re

  • i l M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Paae B7-19 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Penetration

  1. P132W1844 Penetration Type: FB-1 LocJE~v.:

20 1 3'-9" Fire Area (Side 1): A-8 MQX Dwg: M-1x1918 Fire Area {Side 2): A-3 1. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Size: 30"D 3. Penetrants; (1 ) 24"P 4. Sealant Type:

Ceramic fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NtA 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

  • Accept 9, Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

3" I I. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel $4. Pipe Insulated:

Yes Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Wall thickness determined by Drawing 1-C01321.

Insulation encapsulated, assumed OK.

M-663-00017A, Revision WO4 Page B7-20 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendk 87 Photos: Pl32Wf844 Fire Area A-8 (Side I) I Fire Area A-3 (Side 2) Fire Area A-8 (Side 1 ) FIE Area A-3 (Side 2)

M 663 0001 A R --7 evtSIOO W04 p aoe B7 21 fB7 69 Penetration Seal Data Appe n dix: 87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P132W1844 Fi r e Area (Side 1) A-8 Review Distances (Refefen<:e FiU\111 7 .2.$.1)

  • No Issues within Heat Affected Zona 24" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1763 4.8 6.1 ' 1 1615 4.1 5.5 Fire Area (Side 2) A-3 1.5 1480 3.5 4.9 No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1357 3 4.3 2.5 1244 2.5 3.8 --3 1141 2 3.3 3.5 1048 1.6 2.9 4 962 1.2 2.5 4.5 884 0.8 2.2 5 813 0.5 1.9 Side1 Photo Side2Photo 5.5 748 0.'2 1.6 6 689 Contact 1.3 6.5 635 1.1 7 585 O.B 7.5 540 0.6 8 499 0.4 No photo required.

No photo required.

8.5 462 0.3 9 427 0.1 9.5 396 Contact J Sketch No sketch required.

l !

M-663-0001 IA, Revision W04 Page 87-22 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

BI Penetration

  1. PI 3580232 Penetration Type: FB-I 1. Barrier Thickness:

16* 2. Opening Size: 16"D 3. Penetrants:

(13 1P"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AeelRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AedRej);

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Fire Area (Side 1): A-1 5 M9X hg: M-1x1151 Fire Area (Side 2): A-33 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1 112" 11. Gap between pen: MIA $2. Barrier Type: A F W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

%el 14. Pipe Insulated:

Wo Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Underside of slab has Q-Decking, effective barrier thickness is measured from corrugated valley. Sketch:

Fire Area A-15 (Side I) M-663-0004 7A, Revision W04 Page 87-23 of 87-89 Penetration Seat Data Appendix:

BP Photos: PI 35S0232 Fire Area A-1 5 (Side 1) Fire Area A-33 (Side 2) . , Fire Area A33 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A, Revision W04 Pag_e 87-24 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Append ix: 87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P13550232 Fire Area (Side 1) A*15 Review Distances (Re!erenceM.Qi3.000\7A.

FlguN 7,2.3-1) No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 10R Pipe L1 &L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (.F) (in) (in) 0.5 1697 4.5 5.8 1 1497 ; 3.6 4.9 I Fire Area (Side 2) A-33 1.5 1321 1 2.8 4.1 I No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1167 I 2.1 3.5 2.5 1032 1_5 2.8 I 3 914 1 2.3 3.5 810 0.5 1.8 4 719 0.1 1.4 4.5 639 Contact 1.1 Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo 5 569 0.8 5.5 508 0.5 6 1 454 0.2 J 6.5 406 0 7 365 Contact . No photo required. No photo required.

Sketch No sketch required.

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Paqe B7-25 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 I I Penetration

  1. P135S0233 Penetration Type: FB-1 1. Barrier Thickness:

16" 2. Opening Si: 14"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 8"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

WA 8. Boot Condition (AcelRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Fire Area (Side 1): A-15 M4X hg: M-1X1151 Fire Area (Side 2): A-33 10. Annuiar Gap (smallest):

1 1 I. Gap between pen: NIA 12. BarrierType:

A F 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel Id Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Wal kdown Comments:

Underside of slab has Q-Decking, effective barrierthickness is measured from corrugated valley. , . Sketch:

M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page B7-26 of B7-89 1 Penetration Seal Data Appendi: 87 Photos: PI 3550233 Fire ha A-I5 (Side 1) Fire Area A-33 Fire Area A-1 5 (Side 1 ) Fire Area A43 (Side 2)

M 663 00017A R . . W04 --eVISIOn p age 87 27 f 87 89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix: 87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P13550233 F i re Area (Side 1) A-15 Review D i stances (Relen!nce1Mi63-00017A.

Flglft 7.2.3-1) No issues within Heat Affected Zone 8" Pipe L1 & l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Oist. (ft) (oF) (in) 0.5 1677 4A 5.8 1 1463 3.4 4.8 I F i re Area (Side 2) A-33 1.5 12n 2.6 3.9 No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1116 1.9 3.2 I 2.5 976 1.2 2.6 3 855 0.7 2 3.5 750 0.2 1.6 4 659 Conlad 1.2 4.5 581 o , a 5 512 0.5 S i de 1 Photo Side2Photo 5.5 453 0.2

  • 6 402 0 6.5 358 Contact No photo required. No photo required. I : Sketch No sketch required.

I I I I I I M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 87-28 of B7-89 I Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1 I Penetration

  1. P135S0943 I penetration

~ype: FB-I 1. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Sire: 14"D 3. Penetrants: (I) 10" P 4. Seatant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : NIA 6. Damming Side 2: NIA 7. Dammlng Continuity (AedRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcclRej):

Not Reviewed 9. Sealant Depth: Not Reviewed Fire Area (Side 1): A-15 M4X Pwg: M-1 XI 352 Fire Area (Side 2): A-33 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

Not Reviewed 11. Gap btween pen: Not Reviewed 12. Barrier Type: A F P W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Plpe Insulated; No Jeff Suter Prepared By: Don Earbe Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

The walkdown review was based on design locatlon of the penetration, as identified on Sketch: A-1%

M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page 67-29 of 87-89 1 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1 Penetration

  1. PI41 S1014 Penetration Type: FB-I LocElw.: 2026'-0" 1. Barrier Thickness:

20" 2. Opening Size: 30RD 3. Penetrants:

(1) 24"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcclRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed per detail Fire Area (Side 1): A-1 6 M-OX ow: M-1x1417 Fire Area (Side 2): A-8 Waikdown Comments:

Slab thickness based on C-OC 14 I 1. 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

2-1 14' 11. Gap between pen: NlA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel Id Pipe Insulated:

No Jeff Suter Prepared By: Wayne Aregood Reviewed By: Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision WO4 Page B7-30 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Photos: PI41 S1014 I I FiyArea &I@ (Slde 1) Fire Area A4 (Side 2)

M 663 00017A R . . W04 87 31 fB7 89 p --I eVISIOn age Penetration Seal Data 87 --Heat Affected Zone Review: P1415 1 014 Fire Area {Side 1) A-16 Review Distances I 11111a1 7 .2.3-1) No issues within Heat Affected Zone 24R Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1763 4.8 6.1 1 1 6 1 5 4.1 5.5 Fire Area {Side 2) A-8 1.5 1480 3.5 4.9

  • No issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1357 3 4.3 2.5 1244 2.5 3.8 3 1 1141 2 3.3 3.5 1048 1.6 2.9 4 962 1.2 2.5 4.5 884-0.8 1 2.2 5 813 0.5 1.9 Side 1 Photo Side2Photo 5.5 748 0.2 1.6 6 689 Contact 1.3 6.5 635 1.1 7 585 0.8 -7.5 540 0.6 8 499 0.4 No photo required.

No photo required. 8.5 462 0.3 I 9 427 0.1 9.5 396 Contact I S k etch No sketch required.

M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page B7-32 of 87-89 1 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1; Penetration

  1. PA 41 W2486 Penetration Type: F&l LocElev.:

2042'-11 i. Barrier T hiekness:

12" 2. Opening Sue: 18"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 12"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side?: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NIA 8, Boot Condifion (AeelRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed per detail Walkdown Comments:

Fire Area (Side I): A-I6 M-OX Dwg: M-I X1938 Fire Area (Side 2): A-26 Sketch: 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

2" I?. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 'I 3. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel f4. Pipe Insulated:

No Jeff Suter Prepa~d By: Wayne Aregood Rwiewed By:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 -. Page 87-33 of B7-89 1 Penetration seal Data Appndir: ~7 1 Photos: PI41 W2486 Fire Area A-16 (Side 1) Fire Area A-26 (Side 2) Fire Area A-16 (Side 1) Fire Area A-26 (Side 2)

M-663-000 17 A , Revision W04 PaQe 87-34 of 67-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:


  • Heat Affected Zone Review: P141W2486 Fi r eArea(Side1)

A-1 6 Review D i stances No Issues within Heat Affected Zone (Reference f9n 7.2.3-1} I 12" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (of) (in) (i n) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 -* 1 1 524 3.7 5.1 Fi r e Area (Side 2) A-26 1.5 1357 3 4.3 2 1209 2.3 3.6 -. No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 -3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Contacl 1.3 5 618 1 Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo 5.5 555 0}_ 6 499 0.4 6.5 . 450 0.2 7 \406 I 0 7.5 ! 368 I Conlact No photo required.

No photo required. Sketch No sketch required.

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-35 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 Penetration

  1. PI 43W4488 Penetration Type: FB-1 I. Barrier Thickness:


  • 2. Opening Sixe: 18-0 3. Penetrants:

(3) 12"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side?: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Bmt Condition (AcdRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: 48" ' Fire Area (Side 1): A-5 MOX Dwg: M-OX1907 Fire Area (Side 2): F4 10. Annufar Gap (smallest):

2-1 12" 1 1. Gap between pen: NIA 12. BarrierType:

A F 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

Nb Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Revim By: Walkdown Comments:

'This wall is located on the East side of the Aux. Bldg and interfaces with the Fuel Bldg, indirectly.

Each building is independent with a seismic gap between them, resulting in a 48" wall thickness.

The corresponding Fuel Bldg Pen, No. is P621 W0224. Queried (LB) QC that was involved with this seal during construction.

QC indicated this seal is full depth ceramic fiber and is a separate seal from P621W0224.


M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 87-36 of B7-89 I Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1 Photos: PI 43W1488 I Fire Area A-5 (Side 1 ) Fire Area F-4 (Side 2) fire Area A-5 (Side 1) Fire Area F-4 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A Revision W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P143W1488 Fire Area (Side 1) A-5 1. 5U5A96, Cable T r a y, No1 within Heat Affected Zone F i re Area (Side 2) F-4 2. 5U5P01 , 24" Cable Tray , Not within Heat Affected Zone. Seismic Gap , No issues. S i de 1 Photo Side 2 Photo No photo requ ired. No photo required.

I Sketch FA: A-4 *stGet t l + I f t

  • Nlf Ct.IN*'IY Pa e 67-37 of 67-89 Appendix: 87 Review Distances 1r Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (°F) (in) (in) -_o.s 1712 [4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 1.5 1357 3 4.3 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 12 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.'3 1.7 4.5 689 -Contac\ 1.'3 5 618 1 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 I 0 -7.5 368 I Contact .. t M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page 87-38 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

137 Penetration

  1. P143W1489 Penetration Type: FB-I 1. Barrier Thickness:

48" ' 2. Opening Size: 18"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 12*P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition


9. Sealant Depth: 48" " Accept Walkdown Comments:

fire Area (Side 1): A-5 MOX Dwg: M-OX1907 Fire Area (Side 2): F-4 f 0. Annular Gap (smallest):

2" 11. Gap befween pen: NIA 12. BarrierType:

A F 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregoad Prepared By: Sketch: Jeff Suter Revierwed By: *This wall is located on the East side of the Aux. Bldg and interfaces with the Fuel Bldg, indirectly.

Each building is independent with a seismic gap between them, resulting in a 48" wall thickness.

The corresponding Fuel Bldg Pen. No, is P621 W0221, Queried (LB) QC !hat was involved with this seal during construction.

QC indicated this sea! is full depth ceramic fiber and is a separate seal from P621 W0221.

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-39 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 I Photos: P143W1489 (Side 1 ) fire Area A-5 (Side 1) Fire Area F-4 (Side 2) Fire Area F-4 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A , Revis i on W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P143W1489 Fire Area (Si de 1) 1. 5U4B5Q, 1" Cond.: Not within Heat Affect e d Zone 2. 5J1W2B. 3" Cond.: N ot within Heat Affect e d Zone 3. 5U5A 1 L, 1-112" Cond.: Not within Heat Affected Zone 4. 5J1W3L. 1-1/2" Cond.: Not within Heat A ffected Zone 5. 5U5A96, 24" Cable Tray: Not within Heat Affected Zone Fire Area (Side 2) F-4 See P621W0221 for Deta il, No i ssues within Heat Affected Zone. Side 1 Pho t o Side2Photo No photo required. Sketch Pa e 87-40 o f 87-89 Appe n d ix: 87 Review Dista n ces {Refei*IOII M-663-0001TA.

F9na 7 ) 12" P i pe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius D i st. (ft) (*f) (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 152 4 3.7 5.1 1.5 1357 3 4.3 2 120 9 2.3 3.6 2.5 107 8 1.7 3.1 3 96 2 1.2 2.5 3.5 86 0 0.7 2.1 4 '76 9 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Conta ct 1.3 5 618 _ _j 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 45 0 0.2 7 40 6 0 7.5 368 C ont a ct I M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 8741 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendk ~7 Penetration

  1. Pi 45S1019 Penetration Type: FB-t Loc,lElev.:

2026'-0" Fire Area (Side 'I): A-23 M-OX Dwg: M-1x1352 1. Barrier Thickness:

24" 2. Opening Size: 12"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 8' P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sldel : MA 6. Damming Slde 2: NIA 7. Damming Continuity (AcelUej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcdRsj):

Not Reviewed 9. Sealant Depth: Not Reviewed Fire Area (Side 2): A-1 5 4 0. Annular Gap (smallest):

Not Reviewed 19. Gap between pen: Not Reviewed $2. Barrier Type: FPRW f 3. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel f 4. Pipe Insulated:

No Jefl Suter Prepared By: Don Garbe Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

The walkdown review was based on design location of the penetration, as identified on M-663-000f7A, Revision W04 Page B7-42 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Penetration

  1. P152W2585 Penetration Type: FB-I LocElev.:

2OW-1 1 Fire Area (Side 1): A-I9 M4X Dwg: M-OX1947 Fire Area (Side2): A-22 f . Barrier Thickness; 12" 2. Opening Sue; 14"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 10"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2; Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NA 8. Boot Cond'i~l (AcclRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1 " f 1. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: A F 33. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel f 4. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Wall thickness determined by Drawing C-1 C1521. Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-43 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

W 1 Photos: PI 52W2585 Fire Area A-19 (Side 1 ) Fire Area A-22 (Side 2) Fire Area A-22 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A , Rev1s1on W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P152W2585 Fire Area (Side 1) A-19 No issues within Heat Affected Zone F ir e Area (Side 2) A-22 No I ssues w i thin Heat Affected Zone S i de 1 Photo Side 2 Photo I I I I No photo required. No photo required. I Sketch PageS 7-44 0 fB 7-89 Appendix: 87 Review Distances 7.2.3-1) 10" Pipe L1 &l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in} (in) --0.5 1697 4.5 5.8 1 1497 3.6 4.9 1.5 1321 2.8 4.1 2 1167 2.1 3.5 2.5 1032 1.5 2.8 3 914 1 2.3 3.5 810 0.5 1.8 4 719 0.1 1.4 4.5 639 Con tact 1.1 5 569 0.8 5.5 508 0.5 6 454 02 6.5 406 0 7 365 Contact No sketch required.

I I M-663-000 I 7A, Revision W04 Page B7-45 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

67 Penetration

  1. PI 52W2617 Penetration Type: F3-1 I I LdEtev.: 2064-1 1 Fire Area (Side I): A-19 M-OX Dwg: MIXI 948 Fire Area (Side 2): A-22 1. Barrier Thickness:

10-1 12" 2. Opening Sse: 12"D 3. Penetrants: (I) 8"~ 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidej: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (Acc/Rej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

0" If. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: A F f 3. Opening SM or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aragoad Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviawed By: Walkdown Comments:

Barrier thickness based on drawing C-1 C1521. A-22 (side 2) concrete chipped away to allow boot attachment.


M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page B7-46 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Photos: P152W2617 Fire Area A-1 9 (Side 1 ) Fire Area A-22 (Side 2) Fire Area A-22 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A, Revision W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P152W2617 Fire Area (Side 1) A-19 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone Fire Area (Side 2) A-22 1. 1-1/2" Cond. SJ1262 (seismic Monitor) within Heat Affected Zone. Further review de t ermined that this conduit Is not PFSSD. Set-route control Is necessary. 2. 1-1/2" Cond. 1J3A1B, not within Heat Affected Zone Side 1 Photo No photo required.

Sketch FA: A-tl 8191 Side2Photo Pa e 87-47 of 97-89 Appendix: 87 Review Distances (IWenlnc.e M063-00017A, 7 .tl-1 ) 8" Pipe L1 &L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1677 4.4 5.8 1 1463 3.4 4.8 1.5 12n 2.6 3: 9 2 1116 1.9 32 2.5 976 1.2 2.6 3 855 0.7 2 3;5 750 0.2 1.6 4 659 Contact L2 4.5 581 0.8 5 512 0.5 5_5 453 0:2 6 402 0 6.5 358 Conta cl __._ -. . I i M-663-000 t 7A, Revision W04 Paae B7-48 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

67 I] Penetration

  1. P311 WO839 Penetration Type: FB-1 LocJElev.:

1 976'-0" Fire Area (Side 1): C-1 M-OX Dw~: M-1x3901 Fire Area (Side 2): CC1 1. Barrier Thickness:

36" 2. Opening Size: 36"D 3. Penetrants: (I) 30"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot I. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detai I 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

2" 1 1. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: A F W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Ar~good Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Barrier thickness determined by Drawing C-1 C3111. Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 67-49 of 67-89 1 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 Photos: P311 W0839 Fire Area C1 (Side 1) Fire Area GI (Side 1) Fire Area CGI (Side 2) Fire Area CG4 (Side 2)

M-663-000 17 A , Revision W04 Penetrati'on Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P31 1 W0839 Fire Are a (Side 1) C-1 1. 1*1 12* Cond. 5J1A1W: Not within Heat Affected Zone. Fire Area (Side 2) CC-1 1. No i ssues w i th i n Heat Affected Zone. Side 1 Photo Si de 2 P h o to No photo requ i red. No photo required. Sketch FA:C-1 ltd e 1 Pa e 87-50 of B7 -89 A p pe n di x: 87 R ev i ew Dis t a nc e s L1 & L2 Dist. (ft) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 30* Pipe Temp. R1 Radius ("F) (in) 17 06 4.5 151 3 3.7 1342 2.9 1 1 92 2.2 105 9 1.6 942 1.1 83 9 I o.s 1.7 4 8 0.2 668 I Co n ta ct 59 7 535 48 0 432 389 l . l

  • 1 . . . . ' ' FA: CC.1 Sid e 2 R2 Radius (in) 5.9 5 4.2 3.6 3 2 A 2 1.6 12 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.1 Con 1 a ct M-663-00017A, Revision W04 - Page B7-51 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendi: ~7 I I Penetration
  1. P321 SO085 Penetration Type: FB-i LocJEJEv.:

1 984'4" Fire Area (Side I): C-6 MOX Dwg: M-f X321 I Fire Area (Side 2): C-1 I. Barrier Thickness:

8" 2. Opening Size:

12"D 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1 " 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 3. Penetrants:

13. Opening Sleeved or Concrek Steel 14. Pipe Insulate&

No 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot Wayne Aregood Prepamd By: 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Jeff Suter Mewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness based on drawing C-1 C325 1. " 12" min Ceramic Fiber required by Detail. Pipes are not insulated locally at boot and pipe interface.


I;' M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page B7-52 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 Photos: P321 SO085 Fire Area C-6 (Side I) Fire Area C-8 (Side 1) Fire Area GI (Side 2) Fire Area GI (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A, Revtston W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Rev i ew: F i re Ar ea (S ide 1} C-6 No issue s within Heat Affected Zone F i re A re a (S ide 2) C-1 No Issues with i n Heat Affected Zone Side 1 P hot o I t No photo requ i red. Sketch P321S0085 S i de 2 P h o to No photo required. Page 87-53 of 87-89 Append i x: 87 Rev i ew D i stances (Refonce f9JN 7 8" P ipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius D i st. (ttl (:E)_ li'!)_ (in) 0.5 1677 4.4 5.8 1 1463 3.4 4.8 1.5 1 2n '2.6 3.9 2 111 6 1.9 3.2 2.5 976 '1.2 2.6 3 855 : 0.7 2 3.5 750 0.2 1.6 4 659 Conta ct 1.2 4.5 58 1 0.8 5 512 0.5 5.5 45 3 0.2 6 402 0 6.5 3 5 8 Contact No sketch required.

1 ..

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-54 of E Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

L- I Penetration

  1. P321 SO086 Penetration Type: FRI LoeElev.:

1984-0" 1. Barrier Thickness:

8' 2. Opmning Sie: 1TD 3. Penetrants:

(1) 8"P 4. Sealant Type: 5. Damming Side1 : 6. Damming Side 2: Ceramic Fiber Boot Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcdRej):

NA 8. Boat Condition (AcCIRQtj):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Fire Area (Side 1): C-6 M-OX Dwg: M-1x3211 Fire Area (Side 2): C-1 Walkdown Comments:

10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1-412" I I. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

%el 14. Plpe Insulated:

b Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Slab thickness based on drawing C-1 C3211. lP min Ceramic Fiber required by Detail. Pipes are not Insulated locally at boot and pipe interface.


M-663-00017A, Revision W04 --. - - - Page 87-55 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1 Photos: P321 SO086 Fire Area C-6 (Side 1) Fire Area G6 (Side 1) Flre Area Gl (Side 2) Fire Area GI (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A, 'ReVISIOn W04 Page 87-56 ofB?-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P321S0086 Fire Area (Side 1) C-6 Review Distances (Rel<<ac:a M-6fl3.00017A,

.2.3-1 ) No issues within Heal Affected Zone I 8" P ipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (oF) (in) (in) 0.5 1677 4.4 5.8 .. 1 1463 3.4 4.8 Fire Area (Side 2) C.1 1.5 1277 2.6 3.9 No I ssues within Heat Affected Zone 2 H1 6 1.9 3.2 2.5 976 1.2 2.6 3 855 0.7 2 I 3.5 750 0.2 L 6 j 4 659 Contact 1.2 4.5 58 1 0.8 5 512 I 0.5 Side 1 Photo Side2 Photo 5.5 453 I 0.2 6 402 0 1 r 6.5 358 .. Contacl No photo required.

No photo required.

Sketch No sketch required.

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-57 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

w I Penetration

  1. P32f SO1 23 Penetration Type: FB-1 I. Barrier Thickness:

8" 2. Opening Size: 12"D 3. Penetrants: (I) 8"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (A-ej): NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcclRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Walkdown Comments:

Slab thickness based on drawing C-1C321i.

Fire Area (Side 1): C-6 M-OX Dw~: M-1x321 I Fire Area (Side 2): C-l 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1-112" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviawed By:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-58 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1 Photos: P321 SO1 23 Fire Area C-6 (Side 1) Fire Area GI (Side 2) Fire Area GI (Side 2) Fire Area G6 (Side 1)

M-663-00017 A Rev1s1on W04 87-59 of 67-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix: 87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P32150123 Fi r e Area (Side 1) C-6 Review Distances (RefefenceM-4i63-000\7 f'91nt 7,U.1) No issues within Heat Affected Zone sn Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (" F) jin} (in) 0.5 1677 4.4 5.8 1 1463 3.4 4.8 Fi r e Area (Side 2) C-1 1.5 12n 2.6 3_9 No I ssues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1116 1.9 3.2 2.5 976 1.2 2.6 3 855 0.7 2 3.5 750 0.2 1.6 4 659 Contact 1.2 4.5 581 0.8 5 512 0.5 Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo 5.5 453 0.2 6 402 0 6.5 358 Con tact .. No photo required. No photo required. Sketch No sketch required.

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-60 of B7-89 . Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 1 Penetration

  1. P611 WOO82 Penetration Type: FB-I LME~v.: 20 12'-10 Fire Area (Side 1): F-1 MOX Dwg: M-1 X6906 Fire Area (Side 2): F-2 1. Barrier Thickness:

24" 2. Opening Size: 12"D 3. Penetrants:

(1 ) 8"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AeelRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smalfest):

1-1 /2" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 42. Barrier Type: 93. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel f A Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregw Prepared By: Jeif Subr Rwlewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Wall thickness determined by Drawing C-1C6111 Sketch; M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-61 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendi 87 Photos: P611 WOO82 FireArea F-1 (Side 1) Fire Area F-1 (Side 1 ) Fire Area F-2 (Side 2) Fire Area F-2 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A, Revision W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P611W0082 Fi r e Area (Side 1) F-1 1. 1* Pipe, lnspectorTestfor FP: No issues within Heat Affected Zone. Fi r e Area (Side 2) F-2 2.. 5U6015, 3/4* Cond. for thermosta

No issue Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo No photo required. Sketch FA: F-1 Sld*1 ..... + * + Pa e 87-62 of 87-89 Appendix: B7 Review Distances tRefa,'811Ce M.063-000 TA, Flgulw 7.2.3-1 I 8" Pipe l1 & l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 R adius Oist. (ft) (" F) (in) (i n) 0.5 1677 4.4 I 5.8 1 1463 1 3.4 4.8 1.5 1277 1 2.6 3.9 2 111 6 ]1.9 3.2 2>5 976 1 1.2 2.6 3 85 5 0.7 2 3.5 7 5 0 0.2 1.6 4 659 Conta ct 1 2 4.5 581 0.8 5 5 1 2 0.5 . 5.5 45 3 0.2 6 4 02 0 6.5 358 C o nta cl g M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-63 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 Penetration

  1. P611 W0197 Penetration Type: FB-1 LocElev.:

201 9'-0" Fire Area (Side 1): F-2 M-OX Dwg: M-1x6906 Fire Area (Side 2): F-3 1. Barrier Thickness:

12" Z Opening Sire: 16"D 3. Penetrants:

(4) 12"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity


NIA 8. Boot Condition (AWRej): Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

l- t Idu 1 I. Gap between pen: NlA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Revbwed By: Walkdown Comments:

Wall thickness determined by Drawing C-I C6I 1 I. Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-64 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

67 I Photos: P611 W0197 Fire Area F-2 (Side 1) Fire Area F-3 nre Area F-2 (Side 1) Fire Area F-3 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A Revision W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Review: P611W0197 Fire Area (Side 1) F-2 1. 5USW1 G , 1-112" Cond.: Additional Review is required. Further review determined that this conduit is not PFSSD. Set-route control is necessary. Fire Area (Side 2) F-3 No issues within Heat Affected Zone Side 1 Photo Side 2 Photo No photo required. Sketch fA: f..Z Sidet Pa e 87-65 of 87-89 Appendix: 87 Review Distances (Re/wwrlal f9n 7.2.3-1 I 12" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dlst (ft) ("FI (in I (in) ' 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 1.5 1357 3 4.3 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 35 860 0.7 2 , 1 4 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Contact 1.3 5 618 1 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 7.5 368 Contact M-663-00017A, Revision W04 - Page B7-66 of B7-89 1 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 I Penetration

  1. P621 SO1 53 Penetration Type: FB-1 LdEkv.: 2026'4" I. Barrier Thickness:

IO" 2. Owning Sire: 14"D 3. Penetrants:

(1) tOwP 4. !%slant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

N/A 8. Boat Condition (AcdRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail Walkdown Comments:

Fire Area (Side 1): F-5 M-OX Dwg: M-OX6211 Fire Area (Side 2): Fa 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

7" 1 1. Gap between pen: NfA 12. Barrier Type: 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

SW 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Sketch:

M-6634?0017A, Revision W04 Page 87-67 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix ~7 Photos: P62t SO153 Fireh F-5 (SNe1) Fire An% Fy3 Fire Area F-5 (Side 1 ) (Side 2) Fire Area F-3 (Side 2)

M-663-00017A , Revis i on W04 Page 87-68 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appe n d i x: 87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P62150153 Fire Area (Side 1) F-5 Review D i stances ., No issues within Heat Affected Zone 10" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) {"F) {In) (in) 0.5 1697 4.5 5.8 1 '1 497 3.6 4.9 I Fire Area {S ide 2) F-3 1.5 1321 2.8 1 4.1 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1 167 2.1 1 3.5 2.5 1 0 3 2 1.5 : 2.8 3 9 1 4 1 1 2.3 3.5 81 0 0.5 1.8 ;4 7 1 9 0.1 1.4 4.5 639 Contact 1.1 5 569 0.8 Side 1 Photo Side2 P h ot o 5.5 5 08 0..5 6 454 0.2 -** 6.5 406 0 7 365 Con t a ct No photo required. No photo required. Sketch

  • No sketch required.

J M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 Page B7-69 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

67 I ' Penetration

  1. P621 SO1 56 Penetration Type: LocEkv.: 2026'-0" Fire Area (Side I): F-4 M-OX Dw~: M-OX623 1 Fire Area (Side 2): F-3 I. Barn-er Thickness:

10" 2. Opening Size: 16"D 3. Penetrants: (I) 12"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NIA 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1" 11. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: F W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

MP Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:


M-663-00017A, Revision W04 - - . Page B7-70 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 Photos: P621 SO1 56 Fire Area F-4 (Side 1) Ips- '1 >- Fire Area F-3 (Side 2) Fire Area F-4 (Side 1) Fire Am F-3 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A Revtston W04 Page 87-71 of87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appe n dix: 87 Heat Affected Zone Review: P621S0156 Fire Are a (Side 1) F-4 R e v i ew D i stances ( _,.,. M-663-00017A.


No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 12" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. {ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1524 3.7 5.1 Fire Area (Side 2) F-3 1.5 1357 3 4.3 No Issues within Heat Affected Zone 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 1078 1.7 , 3.1 3 962 1.2 2.5 3.5 860 0.7 2.1 4 769 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Contact 1.3 Side 1 Photo Si de 2 Ph o to 5 618 1 5.5 555 0.7 6 499 0.4 6.5 450 02 7 406 0 7.5 368 Contact No photo required. No photo required. Sketch No sketch required.

M-663-000 1 7A, Revision W04 - - Page B7-72 of 87-89 1 I Penetration Seal Data Appendix; 87 I I Penetration

  1. P621 SO1 57 I Penetration Type: FB-I I. Barrier Thickness:

10" 2. Opening Sii: 1 VD 3. Penetrants:

(1) 12*~ 1 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : 6. Damming Side 2: Boot Boot 1 7. Damming Continuity (AcelRej):

WA 1 8. Boot Condition (AcdRej):

Accept Fire Area (Side 1): F4 M-OX Dwg: MOX6211 Fire Area (Side 2): F-2 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

114 f I. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: W 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Beel I4 Pipe Insulated:

No 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Deiaif Walkdown Comments:

SIab thickness (12") determined by GI C6211. Wayne Aregocd Prepared By: Jeff Suter Revim By: Sketch:


?A, Revision WW Page B7-73 of B7-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendi 67 Photos: P621 SOf 57 Fire Area F4 (Side 1) Fire Area F-4 (Side 1) Fire Area F-2 (Side 2) nre Area F-2 (Side 2)

M-663-0001 7 A Revision W04 Penetration Seal Data He a t Affec t ed Zone Rev ie w: P6215015 7 Fi r e Area (Side 1) F-4 No issues within Heat Affected Zone F i r e Area (Side 2) F-2 1. 1/2" unscheduled Cond.: Not within Heat Affected Zone. Side 1 Photo No photo requ i red. Sketch FA: F_. 1 Side2Photo . . .. Pa e B7-7 4 of 87-89 Appendix:

87 Review Distances fi4.663.00017A.

F'!llft 7 2.3-1 ) 12" Pipe L1 & L2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) ("F) (in) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 5.9 1 1 524 3.7 5.1 1.5 1 3 57 3 4.3 2 1209 2.3 3.6 2.5 10 78 1.7 3.1 3 96 2 1.2 2.5 3.5 8 6 0 0.7 2.1 4 1 76 9 0.3 1.7 4.5 689 Cont a ct 1.3 5 6 1 8 1 5.5 555 0.7 6 4 99 I 0.4 6.5 450 0.2 7 406 0 7.5 368 *C on tac t M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page B7-75 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 I Penetration

  1. P621 SO1 62 1 Penetration Type; FB-I LocElev.:

2026'-0" Fire Area {Side I): F-4 M-OX Dwg: M-OX6211 Fire Area (Side 2): F-2 1. Barrier Thickness:

10" Z Opening Sire: 16"D 3. Penetrants; (1) 12*p 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Sidel: Boot 6. Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

NlA 8. Boot Condition (AoelRej):

Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smallest):

1-114" 'i 1. Gap between pen: NIA f 2. Barrier Type: w 13. Opening Sleeved or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregood Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:


M-66340017A, Revision W04 Page B7-76 of 87-89 , 1 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

87 I Photos: P621 SO1 62 Fire Area F-4 (Side 1) Fire Area F-4 {Side 1) Fire Area F-2 (Side 2) Fire Area F-2 (Side 2)

M-663-00017 A Revision W04 Penetration Seal Data Heat Affected Zone Rev i ew: P621S0162

  • Fire Area (S ide 1) F-4 No i ssues within Heat Affected Zone Fire Area (S ide 2) F-2 1. 4U6030 , 2" Cond.: Not within Heat Affected Zone S i de 1 Photo Si de 2 P h o t o No photo required. No photo required.

Sketch ..

  • o._* _;., . . .. . ., .. ,l O * ** * *h*,*' *_I': *"**. f l 1 * * . . Pa e 87-77 of 8 7-89 Appe nd i x: 87 R ev i ew !D istan c es f"lglft 72.J..1) 12" Pipe l1 & l2 Temp. R1 Radius R2 Radius Dist. (ft) (oF) (in) 0.5 1712 4.6 1 I 1 524 3.7 1.5 '1 357 3 2 1 209 2.3 2.5 i 1 078 1.7 3 i 962 1.2 3.5 ]86 0 0.7 4 7 69 1 0.3 4.5 ]689 Contact 5 ]6 1 8 5.5 ! 555 I 6 499 6.5 450 7 406 7.5 368 t * + * * * + -. . FA: SlcMZ (in) 5.9 5.1 4.3 3.6 3.1 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.3 1 0.7 0.4 0.2 0 Conta ct ...

M-663-00017A, Revision WO4 Page 87-78 of 87-89 Penetration Seal Data Appendix:

~7 I Penetration

  1. P621 WOO09 I Penetration Type: FB-1 Fire Area (Side I ): F-4 M-OX Dwg: Max6908 Fire Area (Side 2): F-5 1. Barrier Thickness:

12" 2. Opening Size: 16D 3. Penetrants:

(1) 72"P 4. Sealant Type: Ceramic Fiber 5. Damming Side1 : Boot 6, Damming Side 2: Boot 7. Damming Continuity (AcclRej):

MIA 8. Boot Condition (Acaej): Accept 9. Sealant Depth: Assumed Per Detail 10. Annular Gap (smalles?):

314" 1 1. Gap between pen: NIA 12. Barrier Type: 13, Opening Slewed or Concrete:

Steel 14. Pipe Insulated:

No Wayne Aregwd Prepared By: Jeff Suter Reviewed By: Walkdown Comments:

Wall thickness (f 2") determined by C-I C621 I. Sketch:

M-663-00017A, Revision W04 Page 67-79 of B7-89 I Penetration Seal Data Apwndii: ~7 1 Photos: P621 WOO09 Fire Area F-4 (Side 1 ) Fire Area F-5 (Side 2) Fire Area F-4 (Side 1 ) Fire Area F-5 (Si 2)