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ML20046D0649 August 1993Special Rept SR 1-93-001:on 930706,fire Protection LCOs A1-93-F0553,A1-93-F0554 & A1-93-F0555 Initiated on Fire Seals R1-2-037,R1-2-038 & R1-2-039,respectively.Caused by Discovery of Improper Sealant.Firewatches Established
ML20046B54330 July 1993Special Rept SR 1-93-010:on 930623,LCO A2-93-F0517 Initiated on Fire Seal DG-2-083.Caused by Welding Lead Routed Through Seal Resulting in Inoperability.Fire Sealed Restored & LCO Cancelled on 930723
ML20045G6288 July 1993Special Rept:On 930525,fire Protection LCO A1-93-F0456 Initiated When Reactor Bldg Zone 4 Fire Detection Sys Discovered Inoperable.Hourly Fire Watch Established & Compensatory Measures Remain in EffectHourly Fire Watch
ML20045F24730 June 1993Suppl Special Rept 1-93-004,summarizing Results of Investigation & Providing Updated Status W/Regard to Repair of Deluge Valve 20 Due to Failure of Latch Arm Gasket. Temporary Repair Package Issued
ML20045B95715 June 1993Suppl Special Rept 1-93-004 Re 930212 Failure of Latch Arm Gasket on Deluge Valve 20,resulting in Leak in Valve Pit.Due to Repeated Failures of Replacement Gaskets,Valve Will Not Be Repaired & Operable by 930415,as Stated in 930329 LtrTemporary Modification
ML19346B56610 June 1993Special Rept SR 1-93-008:on 930504,LCO A1-93-F0430 Initiated Due to Fire Seal R1-2-081 Being Inoperable Due to Damaged Boot Seal.Applicable Fire Detectors Verified Operable & Hourly Fire Watch EstablishedHourly Fire Watch
ML20044C10811 March 1993Special Rept SR 2-93-0002:on 930209,reactor Bldg Fire Door 206 Declared Inoperable to Allow Equipment Cables & Lighting to Be Run Through Door.Compensatory Measures Remained in Effect Until Door Restored on 930223Hourly Fire Watch
ML20028H72124 January 1991Special Rept 2-SR-91-001 on 910106,monitor High Range Pump Would Not Initiate & Stabilize Flow.Monitor Declared Inoperable & Alternate Sampling Initiated.Job Order Issued on 910108 to Troubleshoot to Locate Failed Components
ML20012D57319 March 1990Special Rept 2-SR-90-002:on 900214,fire Barrier Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) Initiated for Fire Door 206 to Permit Mac Test Equipment Cords to Be Run Into Area, Exceeding Lco.Functional Status Restored on 900308Fire Barrier
ML20012D56819 March 1990Special Rept 2-SR-90-001:on 900210,limiting Condition for Operation Exceeded When Fire Door 206,located at Penetration Seal R2-2-070,opened to Permit Running Electrical Cords. Fire Watches in Effect Until Door Restored on 900308Fire Barrier
ML20005H24912 January 1990Special Rept 1-SR-89-004:on 891130,limiting Condition for Operation Established for Sprinkler Sys of North & South RHR & HPCI Room.Caused by Need to Resolve Engineering Design Concerns.Resolution Determined
ML20005G1464 January 1990Special Rept 1-SR-90-001:on 900103,technician Opened Cabinet Door to 4,160 Volt Contactor Cabinet for motor-driven Fire Pump,Resulting in Operating Fire Pump Trip.Technician Immediately Closed Cabinet Door.Power Supplies Reenergized
ML20005D95414 December 1989Special Rept 2-SR-89-006:on 891114,reactor Bldg Fire Detection Sys Zone 14 Instrumentation Declared Inoperable Due to Erroneous Fire Alarms.Tech Spec 6.9.2 14-day Time Frame Exceeded.Repairs Expected to Be Completed by 900330Hourly Fire Watch
ML19351A58412 December 1989Special Rept 1-SR-89-003:on 891115,7-day Time Frame of Limiting Condition for Operation for Designated Fire Barrier Exceeded.Door Repaired & Returned to SvcFire Barrier
ML19332E6031 December 1989Special Rept 2-SR-89-005:on 891106 & 08,specified 7-day Time Frame for Fire Barrier Limiting Condition for Operation Exceeded for Fire Doors 112 & 004,respectively.Caused by Doors Not Being Repaired in Required TimeFire Barrier
Fire Watch
ML19324B42125 October 1989Followup Ro:On 890422,limiting Condition for Operation Initiated Re Two Inoperable Fire Barrier Seals in Common Augmented Offgas Bldg.Caused by Corrosion in Base Metal Hatch.Replacement Parts Obtained to re-establish OperationFire Barrier
ML19325C4683 October 1989Special Rept 2-SR-89-004:on 890922,7-day Time Frame for Limiting Condition of Operation Exceeded.Fire Watches Will Be Maintained Until Door Returned to Svc & Limiting Condition for Operation Canceled
ML20023B51428 April 1983Ro:On 830325,fire Barrier Limiting Condition for Operation Generated to Permit Accessing Fire Door in Augmented Offgas Bldg.Caused by Temporary Routing of Flush Lines for Plant Mod.Mod Work Completed on 830411Fire Barrier
ML20023B58026 April 1983Ro:Review of Fire Protection Sys Documentation Revealed 17 Sys Limiting Conditions for Operation Exceeding Respective Time Frames Not Reported to Nrc.Plant Operations Instructions Revised & Special Training ProvidedFire Barrier
ML20028G64010 February 1983RO 2-83-16:on 830209,emergency Bus E-2 de-energized to Allow Maint on 4,160-volt Switchgear,Thereby Removing One of Two Power Supplies to Motor Driven Fire Pump.Pump Redundant Battery Source Had Less than Required Voltage
ML20027E6584 November 1982RO 1-82-127:on 821103,required Diesel Generator Quick Starts for Diesel Generators 2,3 & 4 Not Performed within 12-h Requirement.Caused by Personnel Error.Investigation in Progress.Quick Starts Immediately Performed
ML20027D27422 October 1982RO 1-82-112:on 821021,continuous Fire Watch Not Maintained as Required by Tech Spec by Misunderstanding on Part of Fire Watch.Fire Watch Established Until Sys Restored to Svc.Event Remains Under InvestigationContinuous fire watch
Fire Watch
ML20041A5315 February 1982Ro:On 820205,chlorine Isolation Sys Would Not Isolate Control Bldg Emergency Ventilation Sys W/Control Switch in on Position.Switch Placed in Preferred Position & Tagged, Pending Review of Sys Logic
ML20040E58825 January 1982RO 1-82-03:on 820118,reactor Recirculation Pump Tripped During Testing of Associated Logic Circuits.Pump Restarted Using Incorrect Procedure.Procedures Will Be Revised to Reflect STS
ML20040E67225 January 1982Ro:During Reactor Startup,Automatic Start & Injection of 1A & 1B Core Spray Sys Occurred While Performing Ground Hunting on Dc Electrical Sys.Caused by Loss of Div 2 ECCS Analog Instrumentation Power Supply.Procedure Being Revised
ML20040C69818 January 1982RO 2-82-05:on 820116,while Trying to Start Suppression Pool Cooling,Both Loops of RHR Svc Water Found Inoperable.Caused by Instrument Line Plugging on Suction Pressure Switch in One Loop & Open Circuit Breaker in Other
ML20040B41714 January 1982RO 2-82-9:on 820111,sys in Addition to Those Indicated on Site Drawings Found to Have Been Isolated When Portions of Fire Support Sys Were Isolated to Repair Frozen Pipe Rupture.Wrong Plant Drawings Used to Set Up Fire WatchFire Watch
ML20040C62213 January 1982Ro:On 811217,gamma Analysis of Nov 1981 Milk Samples Revealed Cs-137 Activity at Reportable Level.Elevation in Activity Due to Mineral Recycling Phenomena Indigenous to Area Observed Since 1972
ML20039F63631 December 1981RO 1-81-93:on 811231,discovered Required Action Per Tech Spec 3.3.1a Not Taken on 811228 When Reactor Water Level Instrument B21-LT-N017D-1 Found Inoperable.Required Action Taken & Investigation Begun.Instrument Being Repaired
ML20010F04628 August 1981RO 2-81-65:on 810827,2-hr Time Requirement for Repairing Failed HPCI Temp Switch Violated.Caused by Personnel Delay in Issuing Work Order to Repair Instrument.Repairs Made. Investigation Underway
ML20010C69711 August 1981Ro:On 810717,while Performing Maint on Reactor Water Cleanup Sys,Individual Received Excessive Radiation Exposure.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Counseled & Disciplinary Action TakenOverexposure
ML20010A2195 August 1981Ro:On 810804,following Reactor Scram,Safety Relief Valve F013B Was Opened to Relieve Reactor Pressure.Valve Failed to Close Until Pressure Reached,Approx 325 Lb.Investigation Underway
ML20009G10829 July 1981RO 2-84-55:anchor Bolt Testing Required by IE Bulletin 79-02 Not Performed on Control Rod Drive Piping.Caused by Unusual Arrangements for Installation of Piping.Anchor Bolt Repairs & as-built Verifications Table DoneSafe Shutdown
ML20009F49220 July 1981RO 1-81-57:on 810717,during Review of Wiring Diagram for Reactor Core Isolation Cooling,Two non-electronic Switching Sys Div 2 Cables Found Intermixed W/One Switching Sys Cable in Controlled Logic Panel in Control Room.Review Underway
ML20009F92029 June 1981Ro:On 810627,during Normal Reactor startup,A-loop RHR in LPCI Mode Valve Lineup Determined Incorrect.Caused by Possible Personnel Error.Investigation Ongoing to Ascertain Exact Cause Which Will Be Reported in 14-day Followup
ML20009G06225 June 1981Confirms 810625 Conversation Between CS Bohanan & R Butcher Re United Engineers & Constructors,Inc Notification That 38 Control Rod Driveline Gang Pipe Supports Would Fail in as-built Condition During Design Seismic Event
ML19350F15719 June 1981Ro:On 810617,one Set of Lines Found Not Meeting Criteria of IEEE Std 279-1971,Paragraph 4.7.3 for Random Failures.Cause Not Stated.Procedures Will Be Written.Training Will Be Provided to All Operators for Closure of Any Valves
ML19347F79018 May 1981Thirty-day Nonroutine Radiological Environ Event Rept Re Cs-137 Activity at Milk Sampling Stations.Source of Activity Under Evaluation.Followup Rept Expected Soon
ML20009G0636 May 1981Ro:On 810506,investigation on RHR Heat Exchangers Determined That B Heat Exchanger Baffle Was Deformed at Bottom Allowing Bypass Flow.Cause Being Evaluated.Repairs on 2B RHR Heat Exchanger in Progress
ML20003H53130 April 1981Ro:On 810425,during Repair of RHR Heat Exchanger 1B,loss of Shutdown Cooling Was Experienced After Starting of Second RHR Svc Water Pump on RHR Heat Exchanger 1A.Caused by Loadings in Excess of Design Capability
ML20003H35923 April 1981Ro:On 810406 & 13,gamma Analyses of Weekly Milk Samples in Environ Radiological Monitoring Program Detected Excessive Cs-137 Activity.Cause Unknown.Extra Samples Being Taken. Summary of Releases,Environ Samples & Dose Projections Encl
ML20003F67615 April 1981RO 1-80-46:on 810314,snubber on Steam Condensing Line to Loop a RHR Heat Exchanger Was Discovered Broken.Caused by Water Hammer Causing Pipe Motion & Snubber Failure.Broken Snubber Replaced & Addl Snubbers Are Being Checked
ML19350C67130 March 1981RO 1-81-34:on 810328,two Snubbers & Two Pipe Guides Found Damaged on HPCI Injection Line.Damaged Snubbers & Pipe Guides Being Repaired & Other Supports Examined.Support Repair Completion Expected by 810331
ML19350C74627 March 1981RO 1-81-42:on 810327,TIP Ball Isolation Valve Determined to Be Inoperable When TIP Machine de-energized.TIP Machine Returned to Normal Svc.Problem Corrected
ML20008F4346 March 1981RO 2-81-41:on 810306,while Performing Function Test of Accessible Snubbers,Failure Rate of Approx 20% Identified. Cause Not Stated.Investigation Continues
ML19341C65724 February 1981Ro:On 810223,analysis Indicated That Ten Supports on Control Rod Driveline Vent Line Would Fail in as-built Condition During Designed Seismic Event.On 810220 RCIC Tripped W/O Receiving PermissionScram Discharge Volume
ML20003B68019 February 1981Special Rept for ETS 5.4.26:on 801222,stack Sample Pump Found Not Running During Routine Filter Change.Caused by Blown Main Power Fuse.Fuse Replaced & Sys Returned to Svc. Pump Low Flow Alarm Switches Adjusted & Tested
ML19341A97115 January 1981Special Rept:While Performing Periodic Test of Fire Barrier Penetration seals,300 Seals Were Found in Nonfunctional Condition.Caused by Inadequate Sealing During Installation. Seals Identified & Mapped for RepairsFire Barrier
ML20002C1705 January 1981Ro:On 810103 During Normal Reactor Startup & Heatup W/ Reactor Pressure at 717 Psig,Safety Relief Valve B21-F013G Lifted,Causing Feed Pump to Trip.Low Level Reactor Scram Resulted.Pilot to F013G Replaced
ML19340D67029 December 1980Fourteen-day Rept:On 801215,failure to Install Particulate Filter Holder Rendered Reactor Bldg Exhaust Monitor Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Holder Replaced & Operating Procedures Revised to Ensure Monitor Checks