RA-20-0071, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RP/0/A/5700/026, Revision 019, Required Actions in the Technical Support Center (Tsc)

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Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RP/0/A/5700/026, Revision 019, Required Actions in the Technical Support Center (Tsc)
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/2020
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RA-20-0071 AD-EP-ALL-0602, Rev 6, RP/0/A/5700/026, Rev 019
Download: ML20064D465 (46)



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<< 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form >>

Screening and Evaluation Number Applicable Sites BNP D EREG#: 02304337 CNS D CR3 D HNP D MNS IBl 5AD#: 02304278 ONS D RNP D GO D Document and Revision I RP/O/A/5700/026 REVISION 019 - REQUIRED ACTIONS IN THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC)

Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):

Change E-Plan or Current {Existing) Proposed {Change) Supporting

  1. Procedure Text Text Rationale Section {Justification) for Reference Change 1 Title Page Revision No. 018 Revision No. 019 Editorial 2 Revision Rev 018, 017, 016, Rev 019 Editorial History 015 and 014 3 Before Step Not Applicable Reference Use Added level of
1. procedure use.

Editorial 4 Various Not Applicable Not Applicable Changes from place signoffs to check keeping boxes or vis versa.

tools Editorial 5 Step 3.1 Operations and Operations and Editorial Engineering personnel Engineering personnel will review current will review current plant status AND begin plant status AND begin evaluation of various evaluation of various plant plant equipment/parameters equipment/parameters as directed in as directed in Enclosure 4.1 Enclosure 4.1 (Operations and (Technical Evaluation System Engineering Checklist). Each group Technical Evaluation is responsible for Checklist).Each group ensuring Enclosure is is responsible for completed. Both ensurinq Enclosure is qroups monitor steps


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completed. Both to ensure they are groups monitor steps performed as required.

to ensure they are performed as required.

6 Step 3.2 The Dose Assessor The Dose Assessor Editorial will place radiation will place radiation monitoring in service in monitoring in service in the TSC as directed in the TSC as directed in Enclosure 4.2 (TSC Enclosure 4.2 (Dose EMF Alignment). Assessor TSC EMF AliQnment).

7 Enclosure NS is started during Not Applicable Deleted Condition.

4.1, the event. Renumbered CONDITION Step 1.3 remaining and STEP Conditions.


b. (old) 8 Enclosure LOCA inside Not Applicable Deleted Condition.

4.1, containment and OAC Renumbered CONDITION lost. remaining and STEP Step 1.6 Conditions.


e. (old) 9 Enclosure LOCA inside Not Applicable Deleted Condition.

4.1, containment or any Renumbered CONDITION event that may result remaining and STEP in radioactive water Conditions.

TO leakage in Aux. Bldg.


f. (old) 10 Enclosure LOOP occurred and Not Applicable Deleted Condition.

4.1, off-site power cannot Renumbered CONDITION be restored for at least remaining and STEP 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. Conditions.


i. (old) 11 Enclosure LOOP expected to last Not Applicable Deleted Condition.

4.1, greater than 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> Renumbered CONDITION with outside air remaining and STEP temperature less than Conditions.

TO 32°F.

EVALUATE Step 1.21

t. (old)


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12 Enclosure Not Applicable VC Safety Signal Added Condition.

4.1, initiated (S/1, B/0 or Renumbered CONDITION Manual) AND it is remaining and STEP desired to secure one Conditions.

TO VC CR AHU to secure EVALUATE one VC CR AHU to

p. improve Control Room cooling OR secure one VC OAP FT to improve ability to access Control Room.

Step 1.17 13 Enclosure Not Applicable NS pump is started Added Condition.

4.1, AND subsequently Renumbered CONDITION stopped. remaining and STEP Step 1.18 Conditions.


14 Enclosure

  • Bulleted Steps in Bulleted steps in Step Editorial.

4.1, NOTE Step 1.2 below do not 1.2 below do NOT before Step apply if the applicable apply if the applicable 1.2 unit's ECA-0.0 (Loss of unit's ECA-0.0 (Loss of All AC Power) or All AC Power) or AP/24 (Loss of Plant AP/24 (Loss of Plant Control Due to Fire or Control Due to Fire or Sabotage) is in effect Sabotage) is in effect.

{NCR-01598992, {NCR 01598992, NCR NCR-01614049} 01614049}

15 Enclosure IF AT ANY TIME Unit IF AT ANY TIME Unit Editorial 4.1, Step 1 CA Storage Tank 1 CA Storage Tank 1.2, 151 (water tower) Control (water tower) Control bullet Room level indication Room level indication is lost, have Control is lost, THEN have Room implement Control Room EP/1/A/5000/G-1 implement (Generic Enclosures}, EP/1/A/5000/G-1 Enclosure 31 (Local (Generic Enclosures},

CA Storage Tank Enclosure 31 (Local-(Water Tower) Level CA Storage Tank Monitoring). (Water Tower) Level Monitorino).

16 Enclosure IF AT ANY TIME Unit IF AT ANY TIME Unit Editorial 4.1, Step 2 CA Storage Tank 2 CA Storage Tank 1.2, 2nd (water tower) level (water tower) level bullet Control Room level Control Room level indication is lost* have indication is lost,


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Control Room THEN have Control implement Room implement E P121A/5000IG-1 EPl2IA/5000IG-1 (Generic Enclosures), (Generic Enclosures),

Enclosure 31 (Local Enclosure 31 (Local CA Storage Tank CA Storage Tank (water Tower) Level (water Tower) Level Monitoring). Monitoring).

17 Enclosure IF NS is started during Not Applicable Delete Step.

4.1, Step this event, perform the Renumbered 1.3 (old) following: {NCR- remaining steps.

01694189, NCR-01685462, NCR-01595785} ....

18 Enclosure IF containment IF containment Editorial 4.1, Step pressure exceeds 3 pressure exceeds 3 1.3 psig AND containment psig AND containment pressure returns below pressure returns below 1 psig, perform the 1 psig, THEN perform following: the following:

19 Enclosure IF Containment IF Containment Editorial 4.1, Step pressure less than 0 pressure less than 0 1.3.2 psig, perform the psig, THEN perform following: the following:

20 Enclosure IF a faulted SIG IF a faulted SIG Editorial 4.1, Step outside Containment outside Containment 1.4 exists, perform the exists, THEN perform following: {DW-93-024} the following: {DW 024}

21 Enclosure IF abnormal radiation IF abnormal radiation Editorial 4.1, Step exists on faulted SIG, exists on faulted SIG, 1.4.2 evaluate potential THEN evaluate rupture on SIG using potential rupture on the following: SIG using the following:

22 Enclosure Not Applicable IF SIG tube leakage on Added step.

4.1, Step faulted SIG is known to Renumbered 1.4.3 exist, including pre- following steps.

event leakage within limits of Tech Spec 3.4.13, THEN perform Step 1.13.


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23 Enclosure IF OAC NOT available Not Applicable Deleted step.

4.1, Step AND event involves Renumbered 1.6 (old) LOCA inside following steps.

containment, monitor ND & NS Sump as follows: {NCR 01722752} ....

24 Enclosure IF event involves a Not Applicable Deleted step.

4.1, Step LOCA inside Renumbered 1.7 (old) containment OR any following steps.

event that m~y result in radioactive water leakage in Aux Bldg, perform the following:

  • {NCR 01722752} ....

25 Enclosure IF normal NCDT IF normal NCDT Editorial 4.1, Step cooling AND release cooling AND release 1.5 have been lost (LOOP, have been lost (LOOP, SI, Loss of VI), monitor SI, Loss of VI), THEN NCDT temperature, monitor NCDT pressure, AND perform temperature, pressure, the following as AND perform the applicable: following as applicable:

26 Enclosure Step and Step Step and Step Editorial 4.1, NOTE may be may be before Step preformed in any order performed in any order 1.5.1 or Concurrent. or concurrentlv.

27 Enclosure IF SI has NOT IF 1(2)NV-94AC AND . Revised guidance.

4.1, Step occurred, evaluate 1(2)NV-95B (NC Pump 1.5.1 reducing NCDT Seal Ret Cont Inside pressure per (Outside) lsol) are OP/1 (2)/A/6500/001 open, THEN evaluate (Liquid Waste the following:


28 Enclosure IF SI has NOT IF SI has NOT Editorial 4.1, Step occurred, evaluate occurred, THEN reducing NCDT evaluate reducing pressure per NCDT pressure per OP/1 (2)/A/6500/001 OP/1 (2)/A/6500/001 (Liquid Waste (Liquid Waste System). System).


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29 Enclosure IF SI has occurred, IF SI has occurred, Editorial 4.1, Step AND continued AND continued operation of NC pump operation of NC pump is desired, evaluate is desired, THEN performing applicable evaluate performing steps in applicable steps in EP/1 (2)/A/5000/ES-1.1 EP/1 (2)/A/5000/ES-1.1 (Safety Injection (Safety Injection Termination) Termination)

Enclosure 3 (Plant Enclosure 3 (Plant Realignment After S/1 Realignment After S/1 Termination), Termination),

considering the considering the followinQ: followinQ:

30 Enclosure IF 1(2)NV-94AC OR Not Applicable Deleted step.

4.1, Step 1(2)NV-95B (NC Pump Renumbered

  • Seal Ret Cont Inside following steps.

(old) (Outside) lsol) is closed, restoring NCDT is NOT needed.

31 Enclosure Step number

  • Step bulleted Editorial 4.1, Step Step number
  • Step bulleted and 32 Enclosure 1.5.12.D Step number Step number Editorial 4.1, Step and sub-steps and sub-steps 33 Enclosure IF NC pump number 1 Ensure all NC pumps Revised guidance.

4.1, Step seal D/Pislessthan are off for at least 5 300 psid, AND 1(2)NV- minutes prior to 94AC AND 1(2)NV- performing Step C 958 (NC Pump Seal below. (NC pump seal Ret Cont Inside D/P will drop by 100 (Outside) lsol) are both psid when closing the open, THEN ensure all NC pump seal return NC pumps are off for containment isolation at least 5 minutes prior valves.)

to performing Step C below. (NC pump seal D/P will drop by 100 psid when closing the NC pump seal return containment isolation valves.)


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34 Enclosure IF excess letdown is in IF excess letdown is in Editorial 4.1, Step service, align excess service, THEN align letdown to NCDT excess letdown to immediately before NCDT immediately performing Step C before performing Step below. C below.

35 Enclosure IF NCDT pressure Not Applicable Deleted step.

4.1, Step greater than OR equal Renumbered 1.8.2 (old) to VCT pressure AND following steps.

NV-94AC OR NV-95B is closed, place info tag on valves: "Contact TSC prior to openinQ".

36 Enclosure IF NCDT pumps IF NCDT pumps Editorial 4.1, Step running without KC running without KC 1.5.2 cooling water (SI or cooling water (SI or Loss VI) for an Loss VI) for an extended period of extended period of time AND NCDT time AND NCDT temperature is temperature is approaching 200°F, approaching 200°F, evaluate stopping THEN evaluate NCDT pumps prior to stopping NCDT pumps flashing KC water in prior to flashing KC NCDT HX, OR water in NCDT HX, OR exceeding NCDT exceeding NCDT piping design piping design temperatures. (Ref temperatures. (Ref MCFD 1(2)565-01.01 MCFD 1(2)565-01.01 and 1(2)573-03.01 ). and 1(2)573-03.01).

37 Enclosure IF all the following IF all the following Editorial 4.1, Step conditions exist 24 conditions exist 24 1.6 hours after initiation of hours after initiation of the event, perform the event, THEN Steps 1.9.1 AND 1.9.2: perform Steps 1.6.1

{NCR-01715452} AND 1.6.2: {NCR 01715452}

38 Enclosure IF SNSWP IF SNSWP Editorial 4.1, Step temperature reaches temperature reaches 1.6.2 90°F, evaluate 90°F, THEN evaluate performing the performing the following: following:

39 Enclosure IF available, align KF IF available, THEN Editorial 4.1, Step heat load to LLI (via align KF heat load to KF to KC to RN). LLI (via KF to KC to RN).


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40 Enclosure IF KF cooling secured, IF KF cooling secured, Editorial 4.1, Step notify the Control THEN notify the Room of the following: Control Room of the following:

41 Enclosure IF LOCA and transfer IF LOCA and transfer Editorial 4.1, Step to Cold Leg Recirc has

  • to Cold Leg Recirc has 1.7 occurred, monitor occurred, THEN RN/KC HX DP on monitor RN/KC HX DP affected unit(s) as on affected unit(s) as follows: {NCR follows: {NCR 01702096} 01702096}

42 Enclosure IF DP O - 8 psid, IF DP O - 8 psid, THEN Editorial 4.1, Step monitor DP every 12 monitor DP every 12 hours. hours.

43 Enclosure IF DP 8 - 11.4 psid, IF DP 8-11.4 psid, Editorial 4.1, Step monitor DP every 2 THEN monitor DP hours. every 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

44 Enclosure IF the five minute IF the five minute Editorial 4.1, Step average corrected DP average corrected DP 1.7.3 (M 1(2)P1222 or (M 1(2)P1222 or M1(2)P1223) exceeds M1(2)P1223) exceeds 11.5 psid on a 11.5 psid on a continuous basis, continuous basis, evaluate appropriate THEN evaluate actions. appropriate actions.

45 Enclosure IF a LOOP has Not Applicable Deleted step.

4.1, Step occurred during this Renumbered 1.11 (old) event AND off-site following steps.

power CANNOT be restored for at least 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> from when loss of off-site power occurred, perform the following to align power to IPB fans prior to power restoration:

{NCR 01691549, CA12} ....

46 Enclosure IF a S/G PORV IF a S/G PORV Editorial 4.1, Step isolation valve was isolation valve was 1.9 closed to isolate a closed to isolate a failed open or leaking failed open or leaking SIG PORV, perform SIG PORV, THEN the following: {NCR perform the following:

01698025} {NCR 01698025}


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47 Enclosure IF S/G PORV starts IF S/G PORV starts Editorial 4.1, Step leaking again, dispatch leaking again, THEN 1.9.2 operator to ensure dispatch operator to PORV isolation valve ensure PORV isolation closed. valve closed.

48 Enclosure WHEN S/Gs are WHEN S/Gs are Editorial 4.1, Step depressurized, throttle depressurized, THEN 1.10 CA control valves for .throttle CA control idle CA pumps as valves for idle CA required to prevent CA pumps as required to suction sources from prevent CA suction overfilling S/Gs due to sources from overfilling gravity feed. S/Gs due to gravity feed.

49 Enclosure (For design basis For design basis Editorial 4.1, Note* events, using just the 3 events, using just the 3 before Step psig containment psig containment 1.11 pressure criteria is pressure criteria is adequate for adequate for determining when ACC determining when ACC setpoints must be setpoints must be used. For some used. For some beyond basis LOCAs beyond basis LOCAs outside containment, outside containment, high containment high containment radiation may be radiation may be reached hours into the reached hours into the event, without reaching event, without reaching 3 psig in containment. 3 psig in containment.

(High containment (High* containment radiation will then be radiation will then be used to determine used to determine when ACC setpoints when ACC setpoints will be used.) will be used.)

50 Enclosure IF AT ANY TIME IF AT ANY TIME Editorial 4.1, Step containment radiation containment radiation 1.11 read on EMF - 51A or read on EMF - 51A or B reaches 1ES R/hr, B reaches 1ES R/hr, notify control room to THEN notify control ensure abnormal room to ensure containment condition abnormal containment (ACC) setpoints are condition (ACC) used in emergency setpoints are used in procedures. {DW emergency 27} procedures. {DW 27}


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51 Enclosure Not Applicable High energy line Added Note.

4.1, Note breaks inside before Step containment may 1.12 damage VI Headers.

The containment pressure analysis does NOT assume VI in-leakage.

52 Enclosure IF LOCA inside IF LOCA inside Editorial 4.1, Step containment exists containment exists 1.12 AND containment AND containment pressure remains pressure remains above 3 psig, evaluate above 3 psig, THEN status of VI isolation to evaluate status of VI containment as isolation to follows: {NCR containment as 01717093, NCR follows: {NCR 01599659 CA #17, OW 01717093, NCR 98-023} 01599659 CA #17, OW 98-023}

53 Enclosure Check VI valves Check VI valves Editorial 4.1, Step closed on affected unit: closed on affected unit:

1.12.1 D 1(2) Vl-1298 (A Ess D 1(2) Vl-1298 (VI Hdr Cont Outside lsol) Supply to A Cont Ess D 1(2) Vl-1608 (8 Ess VI Hdr Outside lsol)

Hdr Cont Outside lsol) D 1(2) Vl-1608 (VI D 1(2) Vl-1508 (Lwr Supply to 8 Cont Ess Cont Non Ess Cont VI Hdr Outside lsol)

Outside lsol) D 1(2) Vl-1508 (Lwr D 1(2) Vl-1488 (Upp Cont Non Ess Cont Cont Non Ess Cont Outside lsol)

Outside lsol) D 1(2) Vl-1488 (Upp Cont Non Ess Cont Outside lsol) 54 Enclosure 1(2)Vl-1608 will isolate 1(2)Vl-1608 will isolate Corrected left 4.1, Note VI to: 1(2)NC-328 and VI to: 1(2)NC-328 and indentation. Editorial before Step 1(2) 368 (Pzr PORV), 1(2) 368 (Pzr PORV),

1.12.2, 2nd 1(2)NV-138 and 1(2) 1(2)NV-138 and 1(2) bullet 16A (NV Supply to 16A (NV Supply to ..

A(D) NC Loop lsol) A(D) NC Loop lsol)

(NV-138 & 16A will (NV-138 & 16A will both fall open), VI both fall open) and VL cooling water tube cooling water tube cleaning controls cleaning controls (which may bypass VL (which may bypass VL unit if VL not already unit if VL not already isolated). isolated).


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55 Enclosure IF valve(s) above are IF valve(s) above are Editorial 4.1, Step open, evaluate the open, THEN perform 1.12.2 followinQ: the followinQ:

56 Enclosure To evaluate potential Evaluate potential VI Editorial 4.1, Step VI header break OR VI header break OR VI leakage into leakage into Containment, use the Containment, use the following information following information as applicable: as applicable:

{NCR 01599659 {NCR 01599659 CA#17} CA#17}

57 Enclosure On Unit 1, VI flow to On Unit 1, VI flow to Editorial 4.1, Step Unit 1 Aux/Reactor Unit 1 Aux/Reactor, 151 Bldg can be checked Bldg can be checked check box on OAC VI graphic on OAC VI graphic (M1A1448). Look at (M1A1448). Look at OAC point history prior OAC point history prior to event AND compare to event AND compare to current value. Flow to current value. Flow normally cycles normally cycles between 200 to 400 between 200 to 400 SCFM. If OAC is lost, SCFM. If OAC is lost, local indication is also local indication is also available on available on 1VI FT6570 (Aux/Rx 1VIFT6570 (Aux/Rx Bldg VI Flow) in Bldg VI Flow) in service bldg, 739, U- Service Bldg, 739, U-

29. 29.

58 Enclosure Evaluate placing Evaluate placing Reworded step.

4.1, Step "INFO" tags next to "INFO" tags "Contact 1.12.3 control board switches TSC prior to opening" for valves in Step next to control board 1.18.1, "Contact TSC switches for valves in prior to opening". Step 1.12.1.

59 Enclosure IF LOCA or any other IF LOCA or any other Editorial 4.1, Step event has occurred event has occurred 1.13 resulting in potential resulting in potential for continued for continued radiological release, radiological release, complete the following THEN complete the within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of event following within 4 initiation to limit control hours of event initiation room dose: {NCR to limit control room 01606973, NCR dose: {NCR 01606973, 01606907} NCR 01606907}


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60 Enclosure Not Applicable If release is through a Added step.

4.1, Note faulted SIG with known Renumbered before Step SIG tube leakage AND following steps.

1.13.3, 4th RP is unable to bullet determine which unit intake has the highest radiation hazard, the affected unit intake should be assumed to be higher than the other unit.

61 Enclosure IF one unit's intake IF one unit's intake Editorial 4.1, Step radiation hazard is radiation hazard is 1.13.3 clearly higher than the clearly higher than the other unit, perform the other unit, THEN following: perform the following:

62 Enclosure WHEN intake dampers WHEN intake dampers Editorial 4.1, Step associated with associated with cleanest unit's intake cleanest unit's intake are open, close intake are open, THEN close dampers associated intake dampers with highest radiation associated with hazard unit listed in highest radiation Step OR hazard unit listed in Step OR

63 Enclosure IF both unit's intake IF both unit's intake Editorial 4.1, Step radiation hazard are radiation hazard are 1.13.4 approximately the approximately the same OR difference same OR difference can NOT be can NOT be determined, ensure determined, THEN open all intake ensure open all intake dampers listed in both dampers listed in both Steps AND Steps AND

64 Enclosure IF ND Pump is running IF ND Pump is running Editorial 4.1, Step 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> with ND flow to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> with ND flow to 1.14 NC loops less than NC loops less than 1000 gpm per running 1000 gpm per running ND Pump (1000 gpm ND Pump (1000 gpm with one pump on, with one pump on, 2000 gpm with 2 2000 gpm with 2 pumps on), perform pumps on), THEN the following: {NCR perform the following:

01591460} . {NCR 01591460}


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65 Enclosure IF both ND Pumps IF both ND Pumps Editorial 4.1, Step running AND ND running AND ND 1.14.1, 3rd train's cross-tie is open train's cross-tie is open bullet (1 (2)ND-30A and (1 (2)ND-30A and 1(2)ND-15B), the 1(2)ND-15B), THEN stronger ND pump the stronger ND pump may be pumping may be pumping through the other through the other train's recirc valve train's recirc valve (assuming recirc valve (assuming recirc valve is open) and most of is open) and most of

  • the flow to NC Cold the flow to NC Cold Legs. This may limit Legs. This may limit the flow of weaker the flow of weaker pump to just its "ND pump to just its "ND Pump mini-flow" Pump mini-flow" indication. indication.

66 Enclosure IF ND Aux IF ND Aux Editorial 4.1, Step Containment Spray Containment Spray 1.14.1, 5th aligned, the associated aligned, THEN the bullet ND Pump flow is associated ND Pump greater than 1000 flow is greater than aom. 1000 gpm ..

67 Enclosure IF accessible, local ND IF accessible, THEN Editorial 4.1, Step Pump flow indication in local ND Pump flow 1.14.1, 7th Aux Bldg, 695' may be indication in Aux Bldg, bullet used. This indicates 695' may be used.

total ND Pump flow for This indicates total ND associated pump, Pump flow for minus the flow through associated pump, the associated "ND minus the flow through Pump mini-flow" line the associated "ND that taps off upstream Pump mini-flow" line of associated ND that taps off upstream Pump check valve. of associated ND (The local gauges Pump check valve.

below measure pump (The local gauges flow downstream of below measure pump associated ND flow downstream of discharge check valve, associated ND and are NOT on either discharge check valve, mini-flow line). and are NOT on either mini-flow line).


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68 Enclosure IF ND aligned to IF ND aligned to Editorial 4.1, Step supply suction of NV supply suction of NV 1.14.1, 81h and NI pumps in Cold and NI pumps in Cold bullet Leg Recirc, consider Leg Recirc, THEN ND flow to NV and NI consider ND flow to pump suctions. This NV and NI pump could be supplied by suctions. This could be one OR both ND supplied by one OR pumps, depending on both ND pumps, flow rates AND which depending on flow ND pump was rates AND which ND stronqer. pump was stronqer.

69 Enclosure IF ND Pump is running IF ND Pump is running Editorial 4.1, Step with flow less than with flow less than 1.14.2 1000 gpm, evaluate 1000 gpm, THEN the following flow limits evaluate the following AND actions: flow limits AND actions:

70 Enclosure IF individual ND Pump IF individual ND Pump Editorial 4.1, Step flow is less than 600 flow is less than 600, 151 gpm for over 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, gpm for over 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, bullet pump degradation may THEN pump occur. degradation may occur.

71 Enclosure IF individual ND Pump IF individual ND Pump Editorial 4.1, Step flow is between 600 to flow is between 600 to, 2nd 1000 gpm for over 12 1000 gpm for over 12 bullet hours, pump hours, THEN pump degradation may degradation may occur. occur.

72 Enclosure IF flow is at low side of IF flow is at low side of Editorial 4.1, Step range above, more range above, THEN, 3rd attention should be more attention should bullet given to limiting run be given to limiting run time. time.

73 Enclosure IF ND Pump is IF ND Pump is Editorial 4.1, Step approaching a limit approaching a limit above, evaluate above, THEN evaluate performing the performing the following: following:


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74 Enclosure IF ND Pump supplying IF ND Pump supplying Editorial 4.1, Step NV and NI pump NV and NI pump, suctions in Cold Leg suctions in Cold Leg 2nd bullet Recirc, at least one ND Recirc, THEN at least pump must remain on one ND pump must with associated supply remain on with valve to NV and NI associated supply Pumps open (1 (2)ND- valve to NV and NI SBA or 1(2)ND-136B}, Pumps open (1(2)ND-to maintain suction SBA or 1(2)ND-136B),

supply to NV AND NI to maintain suction pumps. supply to NV AND NI pumps.

75 Enclosure IF one ND pump IF one ND pump Editorial 4.1, Step operating in Cold Leg operating in Cold Leg, Recirc with suction Recirc with suction 4th bullet aligned to NV AND NI aligned to NV AND NI pumps is secured, pumps is secured, evaluate securing one TH EN evaluate of two trains of NV securing one of two AND NI also to protect trains of NV AND NI them in case the also to protect them in remaining ND pump case the remaining ND trips. pump trios.

76 Enclosure IF ND Pump is IF ND Pump is Editorial 4.1, Step secured AND other ND secured AND other ND pump is left on, pump is left on, THEN recheck remaining ND recheck remaining ND pump flow. pump flow.

77 Enclosure WHEN desired to turn WHEN desired to turn Editorial 4.1, Step off H2 lgniters, perform off H2 lgniters, THEN 1.15 the following: {NCR perform the following:

01708556} {NCR 01708556}

78 Enclosure IF adequate core IF adequate core Editorial 4.1, Step cooling has existed for cooling has existed for 1.15.2 this entire event AND this entire event AND containment pressure containment pressure is less than 0.25 psig, is less than 0.25 psig, turn H2 lgniters off. THEN turn H2 lgniters off.


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79 Enclosure IF loss of adequate IF loss of adequate Editorial 4.1, Step core cooling has core cooling has 1.15.3 occurred during this occurred during this event, turn H2 lgniters event, THEN turn H2 off 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after lgniters off 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> adequate core cooling after adequate core has been established. cooling has been established.

80 Enclosure IF feed line OR steam IF feed line OR steam Editorial 4.1, Step line break has line break has 1.16 occurred inside occurred inside doghouse AND doghouse AND doghouse top steam doghouse top steam vent curtains have vent curtains have been lowered, operate been lowered, THEN curtains in applicable operate curtains in doghouse as applicable doghouse necessary to reduce as necessary to doghouse temperature reduce doghouse for personnel temperature for accessibility AND long personnel accessibility term EQ conditions. AND long term EQ

{NCR 01645548} conditions. {NCR 01645548}

81 Enclosure IF LOOP expected to IF VC Safety Signal Revised guidance.

4.1, Step last greater than 6 initiated (S/1, 8/0 or 1.17 hours with outside air Manual) AND it is temperature less than desired to secure one 32°F, perform the VC CRAHU to following: {NCR improve Control Room 01686792} .... cooling or secure one VC OAPFT to improve ability to access Control Room, THEN evaluate performing AP/O/A/5500/039 (Control Room Hi Temperature),

considering the following: [NCR 01902982]

  • Both VC CR AHUs start on a Safety Signal actuation. This degrades the VC System ability to cool the Control Room


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<< 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form >>

since this reduces the air flow through the VC train with chiller in operation.

  • Both VC OAPFT start on a Safety Signal actuation. This make Control Room access difficult due to high DP across doors. It also creates higher pressure changes in Control Room when doors are opened and closed.
  • AP/O/A/5500/039 (Control Room Hi Temperature) provides guidance to secure the non-selected train VC CR AHU and provides guidance to evaluate securing one of the VC OAPFTs.

82 Enclosure Not Applicable IF NS is started during Added Step.

4.1, Step this event AND Renumbered 1.18 subsequently stopped, following steps.

THEN perform the following: {NCR 01694189, NCR 01685462} ....

83 Enclosure EMF-54A, EMF 54B, EMF 54A, EMF 54B, Revised Note.

4.2, Note and EMF 22 are and EMF 22 are before Step powered from Motor powered from Motor 1.1, 1st Control Center SMXE. Control Center SMXE, bullet which can be powered from Load Center 2SLXF (Normal), Load Center 1SLXF (Alternate) or the TSC DG (Backup).

84 Enclosure Safety Injection or A Loss of Offsite Revised wording of 4.2, Note Blackout signal may Power (LOOP) may step.

before Step cause SMXE to cause SMXE to 1.1, 2nd momentarily lose temporarily lose power bullet power causing these causing these EMFs to EMF's to fail to TRIP 2 fail to TRIP 2.

r I


AD-EP-ALL-0602 Rev.6 I

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 18 of 25

<< 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form >>

85 Enclosure Not Applicable Satellite copy of Added Note.

4.2, Note procedure used in before Step Step 1.1 is located 1.1, 3rd inside metal bldg bullet behind aux boiler room, near to TSC DIG.

86 Enclosure Not Applicable IF EMF-22 "POWER Added step.

4.2, Step ON" light is dark AND Renumbered 1.1 both Units 1 and 2 following steps.

have lost offsite power to TSC equipment, THEN perform the following:

1. 1.1 Ensure Operations has restored power to SMXE using TSC DG per OPIOIA/63501010 E (Operation of Shared Motor Control Center SMXE and TSC DIG),

Enclosure 4. 7 (TSC Diesel Generator Emergency Start).

1.1.2 Do not continue in this enclosure until SMXE is energized.

1.1.3 WHEN manpower allows, THEN ensure TSC DIG is monitored approximately every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> per OPIOIAl63501010 E (Operation of Shared Motor Control Center SMXE and TSC DIG),

Enclosure 4.11 (Monitoring the Operation of TSC DIG).


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<< 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form >>

87 Enclosure IF Safety Injection OR IF a LOOP has Revised wording of 4.2, Step Blackout occurs, occurred, THEN step.

1.2 THEN manually reset manually reset EMF EMF 54A, EMF 548, 54A, EMF 548, AND AND EMF 22 to clear EMF 22 to clear the the signal. sional.

88 Enclosure Turn on the EMF 54A Turn on the EMF 54A Editorial 4.2, Step AND EMF 548 in the AND EMF 548 in th.e 1.3 TSC from the OAC TSC from the OAC computer room by computer room by pressing the start pressing the Start button on each EMF button on each EMF control. control.

89 Enclosure If a safety injection has Alignment of TSC Revised Note.

4.2, Note occurred, then the filter ventilation to filter before Step bypass will close and mode is described 1.5, 151 the air supplied to the below:

bullet TSC will be filtered.

  • If TSC power was manually aligned to be powered by TSC DIG, OP/O/A/6350/01 O E (Operation of Shared Motor Control Center SMXE and TSC D/G),

Enclosure 4. 7 (TSC Diesel Generator Emergency Start) already performed action to ensure TSC ventilation is in filtered mode.

  • TSC ventilation will be in filtered mode if TSC equipment (from SMXE) was energized when Unit 1 or Unit 2 Safety Injection occurred (automatic alignment).
  • If Safety Injection did NOT occur OR Unit 2 offsite power lost after Safety Injection reset, it will NOT be in filter mode unless Step 1.5 is completed.


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90 Enclosure Not Applicable Ensure TSC ventilation Added step.

4.2, Step is aligned to filter mode Renumbered 1.5 as follows: following steps.

1.5.1 IF TSC power was manually aligned to be powered by TSC D/G, THEN GO TO Step 1.6.

1.5.2 WHEN manpower allows, THEN have operator place "VH-SW-3 OTSC-F-1 SELECTOR SWITCH" to "TEST" on Control Panel "OTSC-CP-1" (located Unit 2 TB, 786, behind TSC AHU filters, between 2N-28 and 2N-27).

91 Enclosure 1.6 Ensure EMF 54A is 1.8 WHEN TSC no Revised guidance.

4.2, Old SECURED after drill longer required to be Steps 1.6 OR event is activated for drill or and 1.7 to terminated. event, THEN perform new Step 1. 7 Ensure EMF 548 is the following:

1.8 SECURED after drill 1.8.1 Ensure EMF 54A OR event is secured.

terminated. 1.8.2 Ensure EMF 548 secured.

1.8.3 IF TSC activated for event, THEN have operator place "VH-SW-3 OTSC-F-1 SELECTOR SWITCH" to "NORMAL" on Control Panel "OTSC-CP-1" (located Unit 2 TB, 786, behind TSC AHU filters, between 2N-28 and 2N-27).


Rev.6 ATTACHMENT 4 Page 21 of 25

<< 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form >>

Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? Yes 10 No I [RI Is this activity Fully bounded by an NRG approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 10 CFR 50.54(q) Continue to Alert and Notification System Design Report? Effectiveness Attachment 4, Evaluation is not 10 CFR If yes, identify bounding source document number or approval reference and required. Enter 50.54(q) ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed justification Screening change is documented below: below and Evaluation complete Form, Part Ill Justification: Attachment 4, Part V.

Bounding document attached (optional) ID Part Ill. Editorial Change Is this activity an editorial or typographical change only, such as formatting, Yes lo No or Partially I lfil paragraph numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? 10 CFR 50.54(q) Continue to Effectiveness Attachment 4, Evaluation is not Part IV and Justification:

required. Enter address non The following changes are editorial per Section 3.0.6 of AD-EP-ALL-0602: justification and editorial 1-6, 14-16, 18-21, 25-26, 28-29, 31-32, 34, 36-44, 46-50, 52-57, 59, 61-80 and complete changes 88 Attachment 4, These changes require no further evaluation. Part V.

Part IV. Emergency Planning Element and Function Screen (Reference Attachment 1, Considerations for Addressing Screening Criteria)

Does this activity involve any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1 Section II? If answer is yes, then check box.

1 .10 CFR. 50.47(b)(1) Assignment of Responsibility (Organiza,tion Control).

1a Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. D 1b The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis D (24-7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan .

2 . 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) Onsite Emergency Organization 2a Process ensures that onshift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned D 2b The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. D 3 10 CFR 50.47(b)(3) Emergency Response Support and Resources 3a Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. D 3b State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. D (NA for CR3) 4 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4) Emergency Classification System


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4a A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. D (Requires final approval of Screen and Evaluation by EP CFAM.)

5 10 CFR 50.47(b)(5) Notification Methods and Procedures 5a Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of the D declared emergency within 15 minutes (60 minutes for CR3) after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notification.

5b Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt instructions D to the public within the plume exposure pathway. (NA for CR3) 5c The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and D Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. (NA for CR3)


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<< 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form>>

Part IV. Emergency Planning Element and Function Screen (cont.)

6 .10 CFR 50.4l(b)(6) Emergency Communications 6a Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response D organizations.

6b Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. D l 10 CFR 50.4l(b)(l) Public Education and Information la Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the D plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). (NA for CR3) lb Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. D 8 *1*0 CFR 50.47(b)(8) Emergency Facilities and Equipment Ba Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. D 8b Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. D 9 10 CFR 50:4l(b)(9) Accident Assessment 9a Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. D 10 10 CFR 50.4l(b)(10) Protective Response 10a A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. (NA for CR3) D 10b Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are available D to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. (NA for CR3) 10c A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including D those for hostile action events.

10d Kl is available for implementation as a protective action recommendation in those jurisdictions that D chose to provide Kl to the public.

11 10.CFH50.4l(b)(11) Radiological Exposure Control 11a The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. D 12 10 CFR 50.47(b)(12) Medical and Public Health Support 12a Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. D 13 10 CFR 50.4l(b)(13) Recovery Planning and Post-accident Ope.rations

  • 13a Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. D 14 10 CFR 50.4l(b)(14) Drills and Exercises 14a A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program areas) D is established.

14b Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, D and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses.

14c Identified weaknesses are corrected. D 15 10 CFR .50.4l(b)(15) Emergency Response Training 15a Training is provided to emergency responders. D


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Part IV. Emergency Planning Element and Function Screen (cont.)

16 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16) Emergency Pian Maintenance 16a Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. D 16b Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. D PART IV. Conclusion If no Part IV criteria are checked, then provide Justification and complete Part V below. ~


The proposed changes below are considered changes that are more than editorial but do NOT impact an Emergency Planning Standard and need NOT be evaluated further:

Changes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 - Revised the conditions for the TSC to monitor and/or evaluate based on plant operational changes.

Changes 17, 23, 24, 30, 35, 45 - Removed guidance for deleted conditions from changes 7-11.

Changes 18, 27, 33, 51, 58, 60, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90 and 91- Revised guidance for conditions for the TSC to monitor and/or evaluate based on plant operational changes.

Changes 22 and 82 - Added new guidance for conditions, from changes 12 and 13, for the TSC to monitor and/or evaluate based on plant operational changes.

If any Attachment 4, 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form, Part IV criteria are checked, then complete , 10 CFR 50.54(q) Screening Evaluation Form, Part V and perform a 10 CFR 50.54(q) D Effectiveness Evaluation. Program Element 4a requires final approval of Screen and Evaluation by EP CFAM.

Part V. Signatures:

EP CFAM Final Approval is required for changes affecting Program Element 4a. If CFAM approval is NOT required, then mark the EP CFAM signature block as not applicable (N/A) to indicate that signature is not required.

Preparer Name (Print): Barry Kimray Preparer Signature: See CAS Date: See CAS Reviewer Name (Print): See CAS Reviewer Signature: See CAS Date: See CAS Approver (Manager, Nuclear Support Services) Approver Signature: See CAS Date: See CAS Name (Print): See CAS Approver (EP CFAM, as required) Name (Print) Approver Signature: N/A Date: N/A N/A


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If the proposed activity is a change to the E-Plan, then initiate PRRs. D If the proposed activity is a change to the E-Plan, then create two EREG General assignments If required by Section 5.6, Submitting Reports of Changes to the NRC, then create two EREG General Assignments.

to Licensing.

  • One for Licensing to submit the 10 CFR 50.54(q) information to the NRC within 30 days after the change is put in effect.


Duke Energy Procedure No.

McGuire Nuclear Station RP/0/A/5700/026 Revision No.


  • 019 CENTER (TSC)

Electronic Reference No.

Reference Use MP0070NJ

RP/0/A/5700/026 Page 2 of 3 Revision History (significant issues, limited to one page)

Rev 019 (10/24/2019) 7 ARs were incorporated in this revision:

1. AR 02137903, Deleted Step 1.3.1 (Monitor for leakage ... ), step 1.6 (IF OAC NOT available AND event involves LOCA inside containment ... ), and Step 1. 7 (IF event involves a LOCA inside containment OR any event that may result in radioactive water leakage in Aux Bldg ... ). Deleted pointers to these steps from Step 1.1 table and updated all remaining step numbers. Moved Steps 1.3 .2 and 1.3 .3 to last step ( 1.18)

Basis: EP/1(2)/A/5000/ES-l.3 rev 28 (29) and AP/1(2)/N5500/034 rev 24 added new enclosure that performs these actions during required events. This just moves the guidance and as such is an administrative change as operator actions remain technically the same. PRR02137903

2. AR 0213 7903, Added new Step 1.4.3: "IF S/G tube leakage on faulted SIG is known to exist, including pre-event leakage within limits ofTech Spec 3.4.13, THEN perform Step 1.13."

Basis: This provides a reminder that if this condition is met, step 1.13 also applies. This is a human factors/administrative change, because step 1.13 was already required to be performed by step 1.1. PRR01237903

3. AR 02028269, Step 1.5 (old Step 1.8): Rewrote sub steps to make it clear when steps apply and made step more concise.

Basis: Step 1.5 .1 only applies if 1(2)NV-94AC and 958 are open. This removes guidance that does not apply to step and simplifies guidance. Comment from 5/10/16 ERO drill. Operator actions remain the same. PRR02028269.

4. AR 02257274, Deleted Step 1.11 (IF a LOOP has occurred during this event AND off-site power CANNOT be restored for at least 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> ... ). Deleted pointer from Step 1.1 table and updated all remaining step numbers.

Basis: EP/1(2)/A/5000/ECA-O.O and AP/1(2)/N5500/007 provide this guidance, so it does not have to be repeated in RP/26. This just moves the guidance and as such is an administrative change as operator actions remain technically the same. PRR02257274

5. AR 02028269, Added note above Step 1.12 to explain reason VI might need to be isolated to containment.

Basis: Additional information is provided for TSC to make decision in evaluation step. Non-technical change.


6. AR 02212111, Added fourth note above Step 1.13 .3 to help TSC determine which unit may have highest radiation hazard for faulted SG scenario with known tube leakage.

Basis: Assist TSC to determine which intake is highest radiation hazard if it is not readily apparent by radiation monitoring. Non-technical change. PRR0221211 l

7. AR 0220358, Added new Step 1.17 to point to existing guidance in APIOIN5500/039 if control room cooling is degraded or if it is desired to secure one VC OAPFT.

Basis: APIOIN5500/039 provides guidance to optimize Control Room ventilation. This step provides pointer to that guidance to ensure TSC evaluates ifit should be performed. This is a pointer to other approved guidance.


8. AR 02297361, Deleted Step 1.21 that addressed potential for FWST level instruments to freeze during an extended loss of offsite power and the pointer in Step 1.1.

Basis: This step is moved to applicable AP (AP/1(2)/N5500/007 rev 41 (40)). Actions do not change.


9. AR 02276121, Lead AR, Enclosure 4.2 changed to ensure backup power supply to TSC ventilation has been provided and reflects that the EMFs only need to be reset if a loss of offsite power has occurred, not an S/I signal.

Basis: EC412874 changes the power supplies to the TSC ventilation to a shared unit motor control center and provides a backup power supply from a dedicated DG. PRR0227612I

10. Description of item #10 may be found in AR 02276121, Assignment# 04 PRRD, Detailed Revision Summary


Reference Use

1. Symptoms This procedure will normally be performed by Assistant OPS Manager and Engineering Manager positions in the Technical Support Center (TSC) to provide for technical evaluation of appropriate plant equipment and plant parameters. Exact plant equipment and plant parameters to be monitored will be determined by the Assistant OPS Manager and Engineering Manager positions based on existing and potential plant status.AD-EP-MNS-0105, MNS Site Specific TSC Support, activation checklist will direct Operations and Engineering personnel to obtain this procedure as TSC is being staffed.
  • The second section of this procedure will be performed by the Dose Assessor in the Technical Support Center (TSC) to place radiation monitoring in service in the TSC. AD-EP-MNS-0105, MNS Site Specific TSC Support activation checklist will direct the Dose Assessor to obtain this procedure as TSC is being staffed.
2. Immediate Actions None
3. Subsequent Actions NOTE: This procedure is not intended to be followed in a step-by-step sequence. Sections of procedure are to be implemented as the applicable action becomes necessary.

3 .1 Operations and Engineering personnel will review current plant status AND begin evaluation of various plant equipment/parameters as directed in Enclosure 4.1 (Technical Evaluation Checklist). Each group is responsible for ensuring Enclosure is completed.

Both groups monitor steps to ensure they are performed as required.

3.2 The Dose Assessor will place radiation monitoring in service in the TSC as directed in Enclosure 4.2 (Dose Assessor TSC EMF Alignment).

4. Enclosures 4.1 Technical Evaluation Checklist 4.2 Dose Assessor TSC EMF Alignment End of Body

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 1 of 15 NOTE:

  • If needed during drills or real events, up-to-date VTO flow diagrams are maintained in Work Control Center (WCC). {NCR 01718404}
  • "Evaluations by Station Management in the TSC - Volume 1, Emergency Procedure Evaluations" book is available in TSC to provide considerations for any EP step that states to contact station management or TSC for guidelines. Volume 2 of this document is also available for alternate alignments and strategies.
1. Procedure 1.1 Monitor the following conditions and evaluate performing applicable steps:


  • Some steps extend across multiple pages.
  • Remaining steps in this enclosure only have to be read if condition listed in Table below is met.


a. CA storage tank (water tower) level control room indication is lost. Step 1.2
b. Containment pressure goes above 3 psig and then goes below 1 psig. Step 1.3 C. Faulted S/G outside containment. , Step 1.4
d. NCDT cooling and release isolated (LOOP, S/1, Loss of VI). Step 1.5
e. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> elapsed after LOCA occurs. Step 1.6
f. LOCA and transfer to Cold Leg Recirc occurs. Step 1.7
g. Spent fuel pool cooling is not restored for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or KC remains isolated to aux bldg non- Step 1.8 essential header for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.
h. S/G PORV isolation valve was closed to isolate a failed open S/G PORV. Step 1.9
i. Intact S/G pressures are reduced to less than 100 psig during cooldown. Step 1.10
j. EMF-51A or Breaches 1E5 R/hr. Step 1.11
k. LOCA inside containment and containment pressure remains above 3 psig. Step 1.12 I. LOCA or any other event that results in potential for continued radiological release. Step 1.13
m. ND pump running over 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> with ND flow to NC loops less than 1000 gpm per running Step 1.14 ND pump (1000 gpm with one pump on, 2000 gpm with 2 pumps on)
n. H2 igniters used and it is desired to secure igniters. Step 1.15
0. Feedline or steamline break inside Doghouse Step 1.16
p. VC Safety Signal initiated (S/I, BIO or Manual) AND it is desired to secure one VC CR AHU to Step 1.17 secure one VC CR AHU to improve Control Room cooling OR secure one VC OAPFT to improve ability to access Control Room.
q. NS pump is started AND subsequently stopped. Step 1.18

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 2 of 15 NOTE: Bulleted steps in Step 1.2 below do NOT apply if the applicable unit's ECA-0.0 (Loss of All AC Power) or AP/24 (Loss of Plant Control Due to Fire or Sabotage) is in effect.

{NCR 01598992, NCR 01614049}

1.2 Monitor Unit 1 and 2 CA Storage Tank (water tower) level as follows:

  • IF AT ANY TIME Unit 1 CA Storage Tank (water tower) Control Room level indication is lost,
  • THEN have Control Room implement EP/l/A/5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures),

Enclosure 31 (Local CA Storage Tank (Water Tower) Level Monitoring).

  • IJF AT ANY TIME Unit 2 CA Storage Tank (water tower) level Control Room level indication is lost, THEN have Control Room implement EP/2/A/5000/G-1 (Generic Enclosures),

Enclosure 31 (Local CA Storage Tank (water Tower) Level Monitoring).

1.3 IF containment pressure exceeds 3 psig AND containment pressure returns below 1 psig, THEN perform the following:

D 1.3.1 Monitor VX Containment Air Return Fans (should tum off at 0.35 psig and restart at 0.8 psig).

1.3.2 IF Containment pressure less than Opsig, THEN perform the following:

  • Ensure VX Containment Air Return Fans off.
  • Evaluate ensuring cooling water to VL fans isolated (RV Containment Isolation Valves).

Enclosure 4.1 RPl01A/57001026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 3 of 15 1.4 IF a faulted SIG outside Containment exists, THEN perform the following: {DW-93-024}

1.4.1 Notify RP to monitor area of steam release to atmosphere for radiation and to report any abnormal radiation condition to the TSC.

- - -I- - -

Person Notified Date Time 1.4.2 IF abnormal radiation exists on faulted SIG, THEN evaluate potential rupture on SIG using the following:

D NC inventory control D Faulted SIG level D Faulted SIG pressure 1.4.3 IF SIG tube leakage on faulted SIG is known to exist, including pre-event leakage within limits of Tech Spec 3.4.13, THEN perform Step 1.13.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 4 of 15 NOTE:

  • If NC Pump seal return containment isolation valves closed, seal return will go to PRT.
  • If NCDT pressure approaches VCT pressure, closing seal return containment isolation valves prevents back flow through NC pump #2 and #3 seals. {NCR-01691362}
  • NCDT relief pressure is 100 psig.

1.5 IF normal NCDT cooling AND release have been lost (LOOP, SI, Loss of VI),

THEN monitor NCDT temperature, pressure, AND perform the following as applicable:

NOTE: Step 1.5 .1.1 and Step 1.5 .1.2 may be performed in any order or concurrently.

1.5.1 IF 1(2)NV-94AC AND 1(2)NV-95B (NC Pump Seal Ret Cont Inside (Outside) Isol) are open, THEN evaluate the following: IF SI has NOT occurred, THEN evaluate reducing NCDT pressure per OP/I (2)/A/6500/001 (Liquid Waste System). IF SI has occurred, AND continued operation of NC pump is desired, THEN evaluate performing applicable steps in EP/1(2)/A/5000/ES-l.1 (Safety Injection Termination)

Enclosure 3 (Plant Realignment After S/I Termination),

considering the following:

  • ES-1.1, Enclosure 3 (Plant Realignment After S/I Termination) contains steps to align KC AND ensure proper NCDT operation.
  • These steps may only be performed after evaluating impact to KC System Operation AND release of NCDT water to Aux Building tanks. (Consider dose AND potential loss of Containment Sump water outside containment).

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 5 of 15 Evaluate isolating NC pump seal return containment isolation valves as follows:

A. Ensure all NC pumps are off for at least 5 minutes prior to performing Step C below. (NC pump seal DIP will drop by 100 psid when closing the NC pump seal return containment isolation valves.)

B. IF excess letdown is in service, THEN align excess letdown to NCDT immediately before performing Step C below.

C. Close AND maintain closed NC pump seal return containment isolation valves 1(2)NV-94AC and 95B.

1.5 .2 IF NCDT pumps running without KC cooling water (SI or Loss VI) for an extended period of time AND NCDT temperature is approaching 200°F, THEN evaluate stopping NCDT pumps prior to flashing KC water in NCDT HX, OR exceeding NCDT piping design temperatures.

(Ref MCFD 1(2)565-01.01 and 1(2)573-03.01).

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 6 of 15 1.6 IF all the following conditions exist 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after initiation of the event, THEN perform Steps 1.6.1 AND 1.6.2: {NCR 01715452}

D LOCA has occurred resulting in NS actuation D Loss of Offsite power has occurred on either unit D Any KF train running with heat load aligned to SNS WP (via KF to KC to RN)

D 1.6.1 Monitor SNSWP temperature once per 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

1.6.2 IF SNSWP temperature reaches 90°F, THEN evaluate performing the following:

D Secure any KF train with its heat load aligned to SNS WP (via KF to KC to RN). IF available, THEN align KF heat load to LLI (via KF to KC to RN). IF KF cooling secured, THEN notify the Control Room of the following:

A. Do NOT start a KF train with its heat load aligned to SNSWP without Station Management's approval.

DB. Refer to AP/1(2)/A/5500/041 (Loss Of Spent Fuel Cooling Or Level), Case I (Loss Of Spent Fuel Cooling).

1.7 IF LOCA and transfer to Cold Leg Recirc has occurred, THEN monitor RN/KC HX DP on affected unit(s) as follows: {NCR 01702096}

D 1.7.1 Obtain initial RN/KC HX DP reading (M1(2)P1222 or M1(2)Pl223).

1.7.2 Obtain subsequent RN/KC HX DP readings (Ml(2)P1222 or M1(2)Pl223) as follows: IF DP O - 8 psid, THEN monitor DP every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. IF DP 8 - 11.4 psid, THEN monitor DP every 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

1.7.3 IF the five minute average corrected DP (M1(2)P1222 or M1(2)P1223) exceeds 11.5 psid on a continuous basis, THEN evaluate appropriate actions.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 7 of 15 1.8 Within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of SI initiation AND prior to onset of SFP boiling, evaluate restoring SFP cooling per AP/1(2)/A/5500/041 (Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling or Level).

{NCR 01705301 }.

1.9 IF a S/G PORV isolation valve was closed to isolate a failed open or leaking S/G PORV, THEN perform the following: {NCR 01698025}

NOTE: As affected S/G pressure drops, S/G PORV isolation valve may start leaking. This may be a concern if S/G is ruptured.

D 1.9.1 Locally monitor affected S/G PORV line for leakage while depressurizing associated S/G.

1.9.2 IF S/G PORV starts leaking again, THEN dispatch operator to ensure PORV isolation valve closed.

1.10 WHEN S/Gs are depressurized, THEN throttle CA control valves for idle CA pumps as required to prevent CA suction sources from overfilling S/Gs due to gravity feed.

NOTE: For design basis events, using just the 3 psig containment pressure criteria is adequate for determining when ACC setpoints must be used. For some beyond basis LOCAs outside containment, high containment radiation may be reached hours into the event, without reaching 3 psig in containment. (High containment radiation will then be used to determine when ACC setpoints will be used.)

1.11 IF AT ANY TIME containment radiation read on EMF - 51A or Breaches 1E5 R/hr, THEN notify control room to ensure abnormal containment condition (ACC) setpoints are used in emergency procedures. {DW-93-27}

NOTE: High energy line breaks inside containment may damage VI Headers. The containment pressure analysis does NOT assume VI in-leakage.

1.12 IF LOCA inside containment exists AND containment pressure remains above 3 psig, THEN evaluate status of VI isolation to containment as follows: {NCR 01717093, NCR 01599659 CA #17, OW 98-023}

1.12.1 Check VI valves closed on affected unit:

D 1(2) VI-129B (VI Supply to A Cont Ess VI Hdr Outside !sol)

D 1(2) VI-160B (VI Supply to B Cont Ess VI Hdr Outside Isol)

D 1(2) VI-150B (Lwr Cont Non Ess Cont Outside Isol)

D 1(2) VI-148B (Upp Cont Non Ess Cont Outside Isol)

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 8 of 15 NOTE: Isolation of VI to containment affects the following important loads:

  • 1(2)VI-129B will isolate VI to: 1(2)NC-34A (Pzr PORV), 1(2)NV-21A (NV Spray to Pzr Isol), and normal letdown isolation valves.
  • 1(2)VI-160B will isolate VI to: 1(2)NC-32B and 1(2) 36B (Pzr PORV), 1(2)NV-13B and 1(2) 16A (NV Supply to A(D) NC Loop Isol) (NV-13B & 16A will both fall open) and VL cooling water tube cleaning controls (which may bypass VL unit if VL not already isolated).
  • 1(2)VI-150B will isolate VI to: 1(2)NC-27 and 1(2) 29 (A(B) NC Loop PZR Spray Control), valves associated with NCDT control and cooling, and valves needed to vent N2 from CLAs.

1.12.2 IF valve(s) above are open, THEN perform the following:

D Evaluate potential VI header break OR VI leakage into Containment, use the following information as applicable:

{NCR 01599659 CA#l 7}

D On Unit 1, VI flow to Unit I Aux/Reactor Bldg can be checked on OAC VI graphic (M1A1448). Look at OAC point history prior to event AND compare to current value. Flow normally cycles between 200 to 400 SCFM. If OAC is lost, local indication is also available on 1VIFT6570 (Aux/Rx Bldg VI Flow) in Service Bldg, 739, U-29.

D On Unit 2, there is no VI flow to Unit 2 Aux Bldg and Reactor Bldg. Look at VI dryer discharge 30 min average OAC points on VI graphic (M1P1579, 1580, 1581). Compare the sum of the current values of these OAC points (ensure 30 minutes time frame is while VI header is open to containment) and sum of values prior to event. Flow indications cycle significantly as VI dryers go to purge mode.

D Evaluate closing, locally closing, OR alternate means to isolate VI headers feeding containment as needed to prevent exceeding containment design pressure ( 15 psig). If desired, one header at a time could be isolated to evaluate header with leak.

D 1.12.3 Evaluate placing "INFO" tags "Contact TSC prior to opening" next to control board switches for valves in Step 1.12.1.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 9 of 15 1.13 IF LOCA or any other event has occurred resulting in potential for continued radiological release, THEN complete the following within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of event initiation to limit control room dose: {NCR 01606973, NCR 01606907}

1.13 .1 Record position of VC intakes isolation dampers: Unit 1 intake (location A):

D 1VC-lA (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 1) _ _ __

D 1VC-2A (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 1) _ _ __

D 1VC-3B (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 1) _ _ _ __

D 1VC-4B (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit l) _ _ _ __ Unit 2 intake (location B):

D 1VC-9A (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 2) - - - -

D 1VC-1 OA (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 2) _ _ __

D lVC-1 lB (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 2) _ _ __

D 1VC-12B (VC Otsd Air Intake Isol from Unit 2) _ _ __

NOTE: EMF reading is only valid if associated intake is open.

1.13.2 Have RP determine which unit intake has highest radiation hazard using any of the following as required:

D EMF-43A (Control Rm Air Intake Loe A) (associated with Unit 1 intake)

D EMF-43B (Control Rm Air Intake Loe B) (associated with Unit 2 intake)

D Local monitoring of intakes (each intake can be accessed from associated unit's DIG Bldg roof. The VC intake is two candy cane shaped 18 inch pipes on Aux Bldg roof next to Reactor Bldg).

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 10 of 15 NOTE:

  • At least one unit's intake must remain open.
  • If dampers require local operation, Unit 1 intake dampers are located in Unit 1 MG set room and Unit 2 intake dampers are located in Unit 2 MG set room.
  • Control Room dose calculations assume that both unit's VC intake isolation dampers are open within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of event. If the radiation hazard is clearly higher on one unit's intake, it is conservative to isolate the affected intake, after ensuring the cleaner unit's intake is open.
  • If release is through a faulted S/G with known S/G tube leakage AND RP is unable to determine which unit intake has the highest radiation hazard, the affected unit intake should be assumed to be higher than the other unit.

1.13.3 IF one unit's intake radiation hazard is clearly higher than the other unit, THEN perform the following: Ensure open all intake dampers associated with cleanest unit's intake listed in Step OR WHEN intake dampers associated with cleanest unit's intake are open, THEN close intake dampers associated with highest radiation hazard unit listed in Step OR

1.13.4 IF both unit's intake radiation hazard are approximately the same OR difference can NOT be determined, THEN ensure open all intake dampers listed in both Steps 1.13 .1.1 AND

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 11 of 15 1.14 IF ND Pump is running 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> with ND flow to NC loops less than 1000 gpm per running ND Pump (1000 gpm with one pump on, 2000 gpm with 2 pumps on),

THEN perform the following: {NCR 01591460}

1.14.1 Determine if total flow rate of each ND Pump (including recirc flow) is less than 1000 gpm using the following as needed:

  • "ND Pump mini-flow" for associated pump (OAC OR Control Room Chart Recorder)
  • "ND Pump and HX mini-flow" (OAC or Control Room Chart Recorder)

(requires associated recirc valve 1(2)ND-68A OR 1(2)ND-67B open).

  • IF both ND Pumps running AND ND train's cross-tie is open (1(2)ND-30A and 1(2)ND-15B),

THEN the stronger ND pump may be pumping through the other train's recirc valve (assuming recirc valve is open) and most of the flow to NC Cold Legs. This may limit the flow of weaker pump to just its "ND Pump mini-flow" indication.

  • ND flow to A and B NC Cold Legs indication (at low flow, instrument uncertainty may be 433 gpm.)
  • ND flow to C and D NC Cold Legs indication (at low flow, instrument uncertainty may be 433 gpm.)
  • IF ND Aux Containment Spray aligned, THEN the associated ND Pump flow is greater than 1000 gpm.
  • IF accessible, THEN local ND Pump flow indication in Aux Bldg, 695' may be used.

This indicates total ND Pump flow for associated pump, minus the flow through the associated "ND Pump mini-flow" line that taps off upstream of associated ND Pump check valve. (The local gauges below measure pump flow downstream of associated ND discharge check valve, and are NOT on either mini-flow line).

0 IA ND Pump: 1NDPG5040 (IA ND Pump Mini Flow) 0 lB ND Pump: 1NDPG5050 (lB ND Pump Mini Flow) 0 2A ND Pump: 2NDPG5040 (2A ND Pump Mini Flow) 0 2B ND Pump: 2NDPG5050 (2B ND Pump Mini Flow)

  • IF ND aligned to supply suction of NV and NI pumps in Cold Leg Recirc, THEN consider ND flow to NV and NI pump suctions. This could be supplied by one OR both ND pumps, depending on flow rates AND which ND pump was stronger.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 12 of 15 NOTE: At low flow, ND Pump internal hydraulic recirc, increased seal wear and possibly increased wear ring can occur over an extended period. Monitoring operating parameters such as bearing temperatures or stator temperature are not adequate to determine pump health under these conditions.

1.14.2 IF ND Pump is running with flow less than 1000 gpm, THEN evaluate the following flow limits AND actions: Review the following operating considerations:

  • IF individual ND Pump flow is less than 600 gpm for over 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, THEN pump degradation may occur.
  • IF individual ND Pump flow is between 600 to I 000 gpm for over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, THEN pump degradation may occur.
  • IF flow is at low side of range above, THEN more attention should be given to limiting run time.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 13 of 15 IF ND Pump is approaching a limit above, THEN evaluate performing the following:

D A. Raising ND Pump flow.

D B. Evaluate securing ND Pump considering the following:

  • IF ND Pump supplying NV and NI pump suctions in Cold Leg Recirc, THEN at least one ND pump must remain on with associated supply valve to NV and NI Pumps open (1(2)ND-58A or 1(2)ND-136B), to maintain suction supply to NV AND NI pumps.
  • Securing one ND pump operating in Cold Leg Recirc with suction aligned to NV AND NI Pumps may make plant more vulnerable to loss of emergency coolant recirc. As a failure on the remaining ND pump will cause loss of NPSH to running NV AND NI pumps.
  • IF one ND pump operating in Cold Leg Recirc with suction aligned to NY AND NI pumps is secured, THEN evaluate securing one of two trains of NV AND NI also to protect them in case the remaining ND pump trips.
  • Ensure core cooling will be maintained with remaining operating ECCS pumps.

C. IF ND Pump is secured AND other ND pump is left on, THEN recheck remaining ND pump flow.

1.15 WHEN desired to turn off H2 Igniters, THEN perform the following: {NCR 01708556}

D 1.15.1 Determine if adequate core cooling has existed for this entire event.

1.15.2 IF adequate core cooling has existed for this entire event AND containment pressure is less than 0.25 psig, THEN turn H2 Igniters off.

1.15.3 IF loss of adequate core cooling has occurred during this event, THEN turn H2 Igniters off 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after adequate core cooling has been established.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 14 of 15 NOTE: DPC-1552.08-00-0260 assumes a 24-hour action time to open curtains following a pipe break in the doghouse.

1.16 IF feed line OR steam line break has occurred inside doghouse AND doghouse top steam vent curtains have been lowered, THEN operate curtains in applicable doghouse as necessary to reduce doghouse temperature for personnel accessibility AND long term EQ conditions.

{NCR 01645548}

1.17 IF VC Safety Signal initiated (S/I, BIO or Manual) AND it is desired to secure one VC CR AHU to improve Control Room cooling or secure one VC OAPFT to improve ability to access Control Room, THEN evaluate performing AP/O/A/5500/039 (Control Room Hi Temperature),

considering the following: [NCR 01902982]

  • Both VC CR AHUs start on a Safety Signal actuation. This degrades the VC System ability to cool the Control Room, since this reduces the air flow through the VC train with chiller in operation.
  • Both VC OAPFT start on a Safety Signal actuation. This make Control Room access difficult due to high DP across doors. It also creates higher pressure changes in Control Room when doors are opened and closed.
  • AP/O/A/5500/039 (Control Room Hi Temperature) provides guidance to secure the non-selected train VC CR AHU and provides guidance to evaluate securing one of the VC OAPFTs.

Enclosure 4.1 RP/0/A/5700/026 Technical Evaluation Checklist Page 15 of 15 1.18 IF NS is started during this event AND subsequently stopped, THEN perform the following: {NCR 01694189, NCR 01685462}

CAUTION: If an NS pump has been off for more than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, restarting that pump may result in NS piping failure in Reactor Building Annulus (water hammer concern).

1.18.1 IF continued NS capability of secured NS pump is required, THEN ensure secured NS pump is run at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> as follows:

D Refer to OP/1(2)/A/6200/007 (Containment Spray System).

D Run affected NS pump long enough to establish NS flow AND refill NS header.

1.18.2 WHEN no longer running affected NS Pump(s) every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, THEN perform the following within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> of last NS Pump run:

D Tagout NS Pump(s) that have been run AND will remain off over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

NOTE: Do NOT clear NS Pump tags until NS headers drained. WHEN conditions allow, THEN drain NS header(s) on secured NS train(s) per OP/I (2)/A/6200/007 (Containment Spray System).

End of Enclosure

Enclosure 4.2 RPIOIA/57001026 Dose Assessor TSC EMF Alignment Page 1 of 3

1. Position Requirements NOTE:
  • EMF 54A, EMF 54B, and EMF 22 are powered from Motor Control Center SMXE, which can be powered from Load Center 2SLXF (Normal), Load Center ISLXF (Alternate) or the TSC DG (Backup).
  • A Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) may cause SMXE to temporarily lose power causing these EMFs to fail to TRIP 2.
  • Satellite copy of procedure used in Step 1.1 is located inside metal bldg behind aux boiler room, near to TSC DIG.

1.1 IF EMF-22 "POWER ON" light is dark AND both Units 1 and 2 have lost offsite power to TSC equipment, THEN perform the following:

1.1.1 Ensure Operations has restored power to SMXE using TSC DG per OPIOIAl6350IOI0 E (Operation of Shared Motor Control Center SMXE and

  • TSC DIG), Enclosure 4.7 (TSC Diesel Generator Emergency Start).

1.1.2 Do not continue in this enclosure until SMXE is energized.

1.1.3 WHEN manpower allows, THEN ensure TSC DIG is monitored approximately every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> per OPIOIA/63501010 E (Operation of Shared Motor Control Center SMXE and TSC DIG), Enclosure 4.11 (Monitoring the Operation of TSC DIG).

1.2 IF a LOOP has occurred, THEN manually reset EMF 54A, EMF 54B, AND EMF 22 to clear-the signal.

1.3 Turn on the EMF 54A AND EMF 54B in the TSC from the OAC computer room by pressing the Start button on each EMF control.

1.4 Ensure EMF 22 (TSC Area Monitor) is functional.

Enclosure 4.2 RPIOIA/57001026 Dose Assessor TSC EMF Alignment Page 2 of 3 NOTE:

  • Alignment of TSC ventilation to filter mode is described below:
  • IfTSC power was manually aligned to be powered by TSC DIG, OPIOIAl6350l0IO E (Operation of Shared Motor Control Center SMXE and TSC DIG), Enclosure 4.7 (TSC Diesel Generator Emergency Start) already performed action to ensure TSC ventilation is in filtered mode.
  • TSC ventilation will be in filtered mode if TSC equipment (from SMXE) was energized when Unit 1 or Unit 2 Safety Injection occurred (automatic alignment).
  • If Safety Injection did NOT occur OR Unit 2 offsite power lost after Safety Injection reset, it will NOT be in filter mode unless Step 1.5 is completed.
  • Air intakes sampled by EMF 54A and EMF 54B will shut on a TRIP 2 on the respective EMF
  • Resetting the TRIP 2 set-point automatically opens the air intakes 1.5 Ensure TSC ventilation is aligned to filter mode as follows:

1.5.1 IF TSC power was manually aligned to be powered by TSC DIG, THEN GO TO Step 1.6.

1.5.2 WHEN manpower allows, THEN have operator place "VH-SW-3 OTSC-F-1 SELECTOR SWITCH" to "TEST" on Control Panel "OTSC-CP-1" (located Unit 2 TB, 786, behind TSC AHU filters, between 2N-28 and 2N-27).

1.6 IF EMF 54A AND EMF 54B exceed the TRIP 2 set-point, THEN raise the TRIP 2 set-point on the lowest reading EMF to reopen the air intake.

1.7 IF EMF 54A OR EMF 54B has a valid TRIP 2, THEN recommend to the RPM that an air sample be taken in the TSC.

Enclosure 4.2 RP/0/A/5700/026 Dose Assessor TSC EMF Alignment Page 3 of 3 1.8 WHEN TSC no longer required to be activated for drill or event, THEN perform the following:

1.8.1 Ensure EMF 54A secured.

1.8.2 Ensure EMF 54B secured.

1.8.3 IF TSC activated for event, THEN have operator place "VH-SW-3 OTSC-F-1 SELECTOR SWITCH" to "NORMAL" on Control Panel "OTSC-CP-1" (located Unit 2 TB, 786, behind TSC AHU filters, between 2N-28 and 2N-27).

End of Enclosure