NSD-NRC-96-4888, Forwards Response to RAI Re Ssar Section 3.2 Open Items

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Forwards Response to RAI Re Ssar Section 3.2 Open Items
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 12/02/1996
From: Mcintyre B
To: Quay T
NSD-NRC-96-4888, NUDOCS 9612110282
Download: ML20135E456 (27)


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Westinghouse Energy Systems Ba 355  :

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15230 0355  !

Electric Corporation I

NSD-NRC-96-4888  ;

DCP/NRC0663 j Docket No.: STN-52-003 l December 2,1996 i Document Control Desk i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 i I




Dear Mr. Quay:

j i

Your letter dated August 20,1996 included a number of requests for additional information (RAls) related to SSAR Section 3.2. The responses to these RAls including draft SSAR revisions and  ;

markups are attached. The initial number for erch item is from the August 20 letter. The RAI J number and open item tracking system number is also provided. The responses to questions to j seismic categories in Section 3.2 have be provided previously. l This transmittal will permit the NRC staff to prepare input for the final safety evaluation report, f r

If you have any questions, please contact Donald A. Lindgren at (412) 374-4956.


A //

Brian A. McIntyre, M ager Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing i

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cc: D. Jackson, NRC v N. Liparulo, Westinghouse .g 6 ry 96121{0g PDR

% $00 03 PDR -

A 3mw3A 10002G

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l Attachment to NSD-NRC-96-4888 i


4. RAl# 210.216 (OITS #3506)- SSAR Section Revision 7 added a statement to this section that for Class C air and gas storage tanks fabricated 1 without welding, ASME Code, Section Vill, Appendix 22 may be used in lieu of Section III, Class 3. l This is also discussed in SSAR, Section (for the control room habitability system) and in letters from McIntyre to Quay dated October 9,1995 and February 12, 1996. Our final safety evaluation report (FSER) will have to contain an evaluation of this criteria.




l This RAI requires no action by Westinghouse. In a letter dated September 4,1996 the NRC requested that additional information on the tank material and quality assurance and systems capacity be included in the SSAR. In a Westinghouse letter NSD-NRC-96-4836, dated October 10,1996 draft markups for SSAR subsections,,,, and Table 6.1-1 were provided to respond to that request.

This item is Closed.

5. RAl# 210.217 (3507) - SSAR Table 3.2-3, Sheet 1, Compressed and Instrument Air System This table lists several Class 2 containment isolation and test connection valves and penetrations, however, these items do not appear to be specifically identified in Figure 9.3.1-1, which is the P&lD for this system. Some of these valves are listed in Table 6.2.3-1, " Containment Mechanical Penetrations and Isolation Valves." Figure should be revised to include the Class 2 valves I and penetrations listed in Table 3.2-3.


The valves listed are included in the sketch (Figure 9.3.1-1). The figure will be revised to include the valve and penetration numbers for those items listed in Table 3.2-3. A copy of the draft revised figure is attached.

This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision.

6. RAl# 210.218 (3508)- SSAR Table 3.2-3, Sheet 4. Demineralized Water Transfer and Storage i System


This table lists several Class 2 valves and penetrations. There does not appear to be a P&lD for this l

system it used to be Figure 9.2.4-1. The SSAR should contain a P&lD for this system which i identifies all of the Class 2 valves and penetrations listed in Table 3.2-3.  ;


The valves and penetration listed in Table 3.2-3 for the demineralized water transfer and storage system are associated with the containment penetration. A sketch that shows the containment isolation provisions will be added to the SSAR. A draft figure is attached. I 1


Attachment to NSD-NRC-96-4888 This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision.

7. RAl# 210.219 (3509)- SSAR Table 3.2-3, Sheet 6, Passive Containment Cooling System Revision 8 added the Water Distribution Bucket and Water Collection Troughs to this table. Both of these components are classified AP600 Class C and Seismic Category I, but the principal construction code is listed as manufacturer's standard. SSAR, Section does not provide a detailed description of these components, and does not identify the material of which they are constructed.

SSAR, Section states that Class C components are constructed in accordance with ASME, Section Ill, Class 3 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix B. The principal construction code in this table should either be changed to ASME III-3 or a description of the manufacturer's standard should be provided.

Revision 8 changed the principal construction code for the Passive Containment Cooling Water Storage Tank from ASME III, Class 3 to ACI-349. This requirement should be augmented to include design and construction requirements for the stainless steel liner in the tank.


The requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and 10 CFR Part 21 apply to safety-related components and will apply to these items. The rules of the ASME Code,Section III are not applicable to these nonpressure retaining structures. The components are welded steel fabrications and cold-formed steel structures. The structural requirements for safety-related structural steel identified in subsection 3.8.4 apply to the water distribution bucket and water distribution weir system. These requirements include loads and load combinations and the use of AISC-N690 for design and analysis of structural steel and the AISI Specification for the Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural Members for design and analysis of cold formed steel structures. ANSI /ASCE-8-90, Specification for the Design of Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members is used for design and analysis of cold formed stainless steel structures. The materials are selected from those materials included in Table 3.8.4-6, ASTM-A240 austenitic stainless steel, and ASTM-.A276 austenitic stainless steel.

The passive containment cooling water storage tank is a stainless steel liner supported by the surrounding reinforced concrete structure. ACI-349 is used to design the supporting structure. ,

Loads and load combinations are provided in subsection The welded seam of the plates l

forming part of the leak tight boundary are examined by liquid penetrant after fabrication to i confirm that the boundary does not leak.

SSAR Changes l

Revise subsection of the SSAR to add the following as the second paragraph of the description of the passive containment cooling system water storage tank The'surro'unding reinforced' concrete supporting structurais designed to'ACI 349'as' described in ,

subsection; :The welded seams of the plates forming part of the leak tight boundary are I examined by liquid penetrant after fabrication to. confirm that the boundary does not leak.

I l

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Attachment to NSD-NRC-96-4888 Revise the descriptions of the water distribution bucket and water distribution weir system in

, subsection of the SSAR as follows:

Water Distribution Bucket - A water distribution bucket is provided to deliver water to the

outer surface of the containment dome. The redundant passive containment cooling water

] delivery pipes and auxiliary water source piping discharge into the bucket, below its operational i water level, to prevent excessive splashing. A set of circumferentially spaced distribution slots is

) included around the top of the bucket. The bucket is hung from the shield building roof and a

suspended just above the containment dome for optimum water delivery. Diijstructiiial

. ingeirements"fail safety?rstatedTetructuralfsteel identifiedlin.' subsection 3.8.14[ apply.to ths water i distribution bucketkANSI/ASCE-8-90.~(R.,Los 24fis ssed forLdesign'and analysis bf stainless Usel cold formed [pittsd%e.(watsidisiributi6n bucket ilfabricated)frosi one of mhre~bf the I

austerials incl 6ued.iniTablei3.8:44 " '

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kusteniti(stsinieksteelh ~~~/ASTMaA240 austeniticitainless ste

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l 3 Water Distribution Weir System - A weir-type water delivery system is provided to wet the

} containment shell during passive containment cooling system operation. The system includes

, channeling walls and collection troughs, equipped with distribution weirs. The distribution 2

system is capable of functioning during extreme low- or high-ambient temperature conditions.

l Ths'structuial reghirsments;forfsafetp3 elated' structural stsel'and cold formed steel structsre' s identified in subsection 3.8.4l apply 'to.lthe witer di_stribution whis systemJkNSI/ASCE-8-90,=

(Reference;24)'is'used 'for Msign and'asaljsis'of Mainisss steel c' old foirsed partsMThe katei distribution seir. system 15 fabricaied fr6m.one or more of thelrnaterials included ~in Table 3.8.y ,

6[ ASTM .A240 austeniticl stainless steel} orfkSTMak276 austsnitic stainless; steel l ,

Add the following Reference to Section 6.2.6 References 24MANSI/ASCE.8-90[ Specification;fofthe Design of Cold F6fnisd Stsinless Stssl Structui?

all Members 3

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l Attachment to NSD-NRC-96-4888 l

l Revise SSAR Table 3.2-2 as follows:

Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code j Passive Containment Cooling System PCS-MT-01 Passive Containment Cooling C I ACI 349 See subsection l Water Storage Tank for additional' design  !

requirements l PCS-MT-03 Water Distribution Bucket C I Manufacturer See snbsection Std. for kdditional d$ sign requirements PCS-MT-04 Water Collection Troughs C I Manufacturer See shbsection Std. additional design requirements' This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision.

8. RAI# 210.220 (3510) - SSAR Table 3.2-3, Sheet 7, Primary Sampling System This table lists twenty seven safety-related valves and penetrations that are not specifically identified on Figure 9.3.3-1, " Simplified Sketch of the Primary Sampling System." Seven of these valves are listed in Table 6.3.2-1, however, the SSAR should contain a P&lD for this system that identifies all of the valves and penetrations listed in Table 3.2-3.


The valves in Table 3.2-3 for the primary sampling system are represented in Figure 9.3.3-1 by using one symbol for more than one valve. The figure will be revised to show the valves and include the valve and penetration numbers for those listed in Table 3.2-3. A copy of the draft revised figure is attached.

This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision.

9. RAl# 210.221 (3511) - SSAR Table 3.2-3, Sheet 28, Reactor System The information relative to this system was revised extensively by Revision 8. The following requests for additional information apply to these changes:
a. According to SSAR, Section, the control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) latc5 housing and rod travel housing are part of the reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure; boundary ad are designed to ASME Class 1. Revision 0 of this table in the SSAR contained a commitment to this criteria for these components. However, in Revision 8, these components wete deleted. They

) should be added to this section of the table unless they appear in some other section.

l 4



b. The response to Q210.72 agreed to change the classification from Class D to Class C, and the l principal construction code for the CRDM Cooling Shroud and the CRDM Seismic Support Plate from AISC 690 to ASME, Section NF. In Revision 8, these two components were deleted from this table and apparently replaced by RXS-MV-10 " Reactor Integrated Head Package," which has AISC-690 as the principal construction code. Table 3.2-3 should be revised by committing to the response to Q210.72.


c. Tag Number Items MI-21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 53, 56, 57, are all classified as non-seismic. These reactor internal items should all be Seismic Category II, or a note should be added for each item to state that the failure of these items will not degrade the functioning of safety-related systems i or components to an unacceptable level.


d. In Revision 8, the Incore Instrument Conduit was removed from this table. It should be either j replaced, or the basis for its removal should be provided. It was classified as ASME Class 1 in i Revision 1 of this table. 1
e. Provide the basis for the Core Barrel Nozzle to be Class D and non-seismic when the Core Barrel is Class B and Seismic Category I.


a. The pressure boundary parts of the CRDM will be added to the reactor system in Table 3.2-3 as Class A items.
b. The CRDM cooling shroud and the CRDM seismic support plate will be added to the reactor system in Table 3.2-3 as Class C items with ASME, Subsection NF as the principle construction code,
c. The non-core support items in the reactor internal will be changed to Seismic Category 11 in Table 3.2-3.
d. The incore instrument conduit will be added to Table 3.2-3 as incore guide tubes in the incore instrumentation system. The classification is Class A.
e. The core barrel nozzle is seismic Category II. The function of the nozzle is to direct flow.

It does not provide core support and does not have to be safety related. The Table 3.2-2 will be revised to include the seismic Category 11 classification A marked-up copy of the affected pages from Table 3.2-3 is attached.

This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision.



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10. RAl# 210.222 (3513) - SSAR Table 3.2-3, Sheet 39, Steam Generator System i

1 The penetrations for the main steam, main feedwater (FW), steam generator (SG) blowdown, and startup FW liner were added to this table. All of these penetrations are classified as AP600 Class C. l However, SSAR Section states that AP600 Class B equipment is designed to provide the I containment boundary, including penetrations. The staff agrees with the dermition in SSAR Section Therefore, the AP600 classification of all of these penetrations in Table 3.2-3 should either be changed to Class B or justification for the Class C should be provided.


The classification for the steam generator system containment penetrations in Table 3.2-3 will be i changed to Class B. A marked-up copy of the affected page of Table 3.2-3 is attached.

I This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision,

11. RAl# 210.223 (3514) - SSAR Table 3.2-3, sheet 48, Central Chilled Water System This table lists several Class 2 containment isolation and test connection valves and penetrations, however, these items do not appear to be specifically identified in Figure 9.2.7-1, which is the P&lD for this system. Some of these valves are listed in Table 6.2.3-1, " Containment Mechanical Penetra-l tions and Isolation Valves." Fig. should be revised to include the Class 2 valves and penetrations listed in Table 3.2-3.


A sheet that shows the containment penetration and isolation valves will be added to Figure 9.2.7-1. A copy of the draft revision for the affected page is attached.

This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision. I

12. RAl# 210.224 (3515) - SSAR Table 3.2-3, sheets 49 & 50, Liquid Radiation Waste System This table lists several Class 2 and 3 valves and penetrations, however, these items do not appear to be specifically identified in Figure 11.2-2, which is the P&lD for this system. Some of these valves are listed in Table 6.2.3-1, " Containment Mechanical Penetrations and Isolation Valves." Figure 11.2-2 should be revised to include the valves and penetrations listed in Table 3.2-3. 1


The valves listed are included in the sketch (Figure 11.2-2). The figure will be revised to include the valve and penetration numbers for those listed in Table 3.2-2. A copy of the draft revised figure is attached.

, This item is Resolved pending a formal SSAR revision.


i g g; '

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, rnd Systems E 4 I

1 Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 6 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments l Class Category struction Code Incore Instrum'entation System IIS4T-G01 IIS Guide Tube Position B-03 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G02 IIS Guide Tube Position B-05 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G03 IIS Guide Tube Position B47 A 1 ASME 111-1 I IIS-JT-G04 IIS Guide Tube Position B-09 A I ASME 111-1 l

IIS4T-G05 11S Guide Tube Position B-11 A I ASME III l l IIS4T-006 IIS Guide Tube Position D41 A I ASME 1111

!!S-JT-G07 IIS Guide Tube Position D-03 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G08  !!S Guide Tube Position D-05 A I ASME 1I1-1 IIS4T-G09  !!S Guide Tube Position D417 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G10 IIS Guide Tube Position D-09 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G11 11S Guide Tube Position D-11 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G12 IIS Guide Tube Position D-13 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G13 IIS Guide Tube Position F-01 A 1 ASME 111-1 IIS4T-014 IIS Guide Tube Position F-03 A I ASME 111 l IIS4T-G15 IIS Guide Tube Position ~F.-05 A I ASME 1111 l

IIS4T-G16 IIS Guide Tube ~ Position F-07 A I ASME !!!-l l llS4T-G17 IIS Guide Tube Porition F49 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T:GIS IIS Guide Tube Position F-11 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G19 IIS Guide Tube Position F-13 A I ASME 111-1 IIS-JT-G20 IIS Guide Tube Position H-01 A I ASME 111-1 l l

IIS4T-G21 11S Guide Tube Position H-03 A I ASME 1111 t ilS4T-022 11S Guide Tube Position H-05 A I ASME 1111 ilS4T-G23 IIS Guide Tube Position H-07 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-024 IIS GuideTube Position'H-09 A I ASME III-l IIS4T-G25 IIS Guide Tube Position H-11 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G26 IIS Guide Tube Position H-13 A I ASME 111-1 .

IIS4T-G27 IIS Guide Tube Position K-01 A I ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G28 IIS Guide Tube Position K-03 A 1 ASME 111-1 IIS4T-G29 IIS Guide Tube Position K-05 A I ASME 111-1 l l

I owm meo2naio-t iis96 Revision: 10

[ W8Silligh00S8 3.2-25 Draft,1996

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I 3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, cnd Systems I

Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 6 of $1)



IM M r Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code incore Instrumentation System (Continued) 4 IISJT-G30 IIS Guide Tube Position K47 A I ASME 1111 l

IIS-JT-G31 IIS Guide Tube Position K-09 A I ASME 111-1 l IIS-JT-G32 IIS Guide Tube Position K-11 A I ASME 111-1 IIS-JT-033 IIS Guide Tube Position K-13 A I ASME 1111 IIS4T-034 IIS Guide Tube Position A I ASME 111-1 M-03

!!S4T-G35 Ils Guide Tube Position A I ASME 111-1 l M-05 IIS-JT-G36 IIS Guide Tube Position A I ASME 111-1 M-07 1154T-037 IIS Guide Tube Position A I ASME 111-1 M-09 IIS4T-G38 IIS Guide Tube Position A I ASME 111-1 M-11 Main and Startup Feedwater System n/a Startup Feedwater Pumps D NS Hydraulic Institute Standards n/a Valves Providing SFW D NS ANSI 16.34 AP600 Equipment Class D Function Mechanical llandling System MHS-MH-01 Containment Polar Crane C I ASME NOG-1 MHS-Mil-05 Equipment Hatch Hoist C I Manufacturer Std.

Revision: 10 asunioso3o:nuo-ni396 Draft,1996 3.2-26 3 W85tiligh0USB

g a g

3. Desiga cf Structures, Components, Equipment, end Systems 7 Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 28 of 51) l AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT l Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code 1 Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MI-01 Reactor Upper Internals B i ASME Ill, CS RXS-MI-02 Reactor I.mwer Internals B I ASME III, CS RXS-MI-10 Non-Threaded Fasteners D NS ASME III, CS i RXS-MI-il Threaded Structural Fasteners B I ASME III, CS  !

RXS-MI-20 Lower Core Support Plate B I ASME Ill, CS RXS-MI-21 Secondary Core Support D 1[NS ASME 111, CS RXS-MI-22 Vortex Suppression Plate D IINE ASME III, CS RXS-MI-23 Radial Reflector Assembly D IINS ASME 111, CS RXS-MI-24 Radial Supports [4] B I ASME 111, CS RXS-MI-25 Core Barrel B 1 ASME Ill, CS RXS-MI-26 Core Barrel Nozzle D IINS ASME III, CS RXS-MI-27 Head and Vessel Pins D IINS ASME Ill, CS RXS-MI-28 Lower Support Plate Fuel B 1 ASME 111, CS Alignment Pins RXS-MI-29 Core Barrel Hold Down B I ASME III, CS Spring RXS-MI-50 Upper Support B I ASME Ill, CS RXS-MI-51 Upper Core Plate B I ASME 111, CS RXS-MI-52 Support Columns [38] B I ASME III, CS RXS-MI-53 Guide Tube Assemblies [61] D IINS ANSI B31.1 RXS-MI-54 Upper Support Plate Fuel B I ASME III, CS Alignment Pins RXS-MI-55 Upper Core Plate Inserts B 1 ASME Ill, CS RXS-MI-56 Safety Injection Deflector D IINS ANSI B31.1 RXS-MI-57 Irradiation Specimen Guide D IINE ANSI B31.1 Tubes RXS-MI-58 Head Cooling Nozzles D IINS ANSI B31.1 RXS-MV-10 Reactor Integrated Head C I AISC-690 Package RXS-MV-10A Integrated Head Package C I ASME-NF Shroud RXS-MV-10B Integrated Head Pakage C I ASME-NF Seismic Support Plate owrrvioma2n co iii396 Revision: 10 W85tilighouse 3.2-49 Draft,1996

@ "ijl 1

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 29 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-11 A07 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position A7 Std.

RXS-MV-11 A07L CRDM Latch liousing A 1 ASME 111-1 RXS MV-11A07R CRDM Rod Travel flousing A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11 B04 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position B4 Std.

RXS-MV 11B04L CRDM _ Latch Ilousing B4 A I ASME Ill.-l RXS-MV 11B04R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 B4 RXS-MV-1 IB06 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position B6 Std.

RXS-MV-11B06L CRDM Latch flousit% B6 A I ASME !!I-l RXS-MV 11B06R CRDM Rod Travel liousing A I ASME 111-1 B6 RXS-MV-I IB08 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position B8 Std.

RXS-MV-11B08L CRDM Latch Housing B8 A I ASME lII-1 RXS-MV-11B08R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 B8 RXS-MV IIB 10 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position B10 Std.

RXS-MV-11B10L CRDM . Latch Housing B10 A I ASME III 1 RXS-MV-11B10R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A i ASME III-l B10 RXS-MV-11C03 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position C3 Std.

RXS-MV-11C03L CRDM Latch flousing C3 A I ASME 111-1 RXS MV-11C03R CRDM Rod Travel llousing A I ASME 111-1 C3 RXS-MV-llc 05 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position C5 Std.

RXS-MV-11C05L CRDM Latch Housing C5 A I ASME III 1 RXS-MV-11C0$R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME III 1 C5 Revision: 10 owmiomo:naio.ium Draft,1996 3.2-50 W Westinghouse


q" w l 3., Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems I 1

l Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-IIC07 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position C7 Std.

RXS-MV-llc 07L CRDM Latch Housing C7 A  ! ASME 1111 RXS-MV-IIC07.R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 C7 RXS-MV-llc 09 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position C9 Std.

RXS-MV.IIC09L CRDM Latch l Housing C9 A I ASME lli-1 RXS-MV-IIC09R CRDM Rod Travel llousing A I ASME 111-1 C9 RXS-MV-11Cll Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position Cil Std.

RXS-MV.llCill CRDM Latch Housing Cil A I ASME 111-1 l

RXS-MV-IIC11R CRDM Rod Travel flousing A I ASME 111-1 Cl1 RXS-MV-11D02 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position D2 Std.

RXS-MV-11D02L CRDM Latch Housing D2 A I ASME 111-1 i RXS-MV.!!D02R CRDM Rod Travel llousing A I ASME 1111 D2 RXS-MV-llD04 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position D4 Std.

RXS-MV-11D04L CRDM Latch Housing D4 A I ASME III,-l RXS-MV-1ID04R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 D4 RXS-MV-l l D06 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position D6 Std.

RXS-MV-11D06L CRDM Latch flousing D6 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-1ID06R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 D6 o%.rrvio;o30:n tio iii396 Revision: 10

[ W8Stingh00Se 3.2-51 Draft,1996

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, end Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)


Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS MV-llD08 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position D8 Std.

RXS-MV-IlD08L CRDM Latch Housing D8 A I ASME 1111 RXS-MV-11D08R CRDM. Rod. Travel Housing A I ASME !!I-l D8 RXS-MV-IID10 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer .

Mechanism Position DIO Std.

RXS-MV-IID10L CRDM Latch Housing DIO A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11D10R CRDM Rod. Travel Housing A I ASME III-l DIO RXS-MV-II D12 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position D12 Std.

RXS-MV-IlD12L CRDM Latch llousing D12_ A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-IID12R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 D12 l RXS-MV-ll E03 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position E3 Std.

RXS-MV llE03L CRDM Latch Housing E3 A I ASME 1111 RXS-MV llE03R CRDM Rod Travd Housing A I ASME lli-1 E3 RXS-MV-ll E05 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position E5 Std. i l

RXS-MV-1IE05L CRDM Latch Housing E5 A I ASME Ill-1 RXS-MV-11E0$R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 1111 ,

ES l

RXS MV-llE07 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer i Mechanism Position E7 Std.

l RXS-MV-IlE07L CRDM Latch flousing E7 A I ASME 111-1 i RXS-MV-IIE07R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 E7 Revision: .; o-usurvioma2n oo-t n596 Draft,1996 3.2-52 T Westinghouse

3. Desig2 of Structures, Components, Equipment, end Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF AfECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEhfS, COhfPONENTS, AND EQUIPAfENT Tag Number Description Al%00 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-1 l E09 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position E9 Std.

RXS-MV-11E09L CRDM Latch Housing E9 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV 11E09R CRDM. Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 E9 RXS-MV-II Ell Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position Ell Std.

RXS-MV-11E11L CRDMLLatch busing E11 A I ASME III-1 l RXS-MV 11EllR CRDM. Rod Travel Housing A I ASME lli-1 l Ell '

RXS-M V-I l F02 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position F2 Std.

RXS-MV 11F02L CRDM Latch Housing F2 A I ASME III .1 RXS-MV-11F02R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 F2 RXS-MV-II F04 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position F4 Std.

RXS-MV-1IF04L CRDM Latch Housing'F4 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11F04R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME !!I .1 F4 RXS-MV-Il F06 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer i Mechanism Position F6 Std.

RXS-MV-11F06L CRDM Latch Housing F6 A  ! ASME 111-1 RXS-MV IIF06R CRDM Rod Travel Hou'ing s A I ASME 111-1 F6 RXS-MV-IlF08 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position F8 Std.

RXS-M.V-11F08L CRDM Latch flousing F8 A I ASME III 1 l RXS-MV-11F08R CRDM Rod Travel Ho'using A i ' SME III-l A

.F8 owrrvioe2n.u o-n i396 Revision: 10 Y W8Silligh0088 3.2-53 Draft,1996


. 3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, sind Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of $1)


Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments '

Class Category struction Code 4

Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-IIF10 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position F10 Std.

RXS-MV-11F10L CRDM Latch l Housing F10 A I ASME 111-1 RXS:MV-11F10R CRD.M Rod Travel Housing A 1 ASME 1111 F10 RXS-MV-11F12 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer -

Mechanism Position F12 Std.


RXS-MV-11F12L CRDM Latch H.ousing F12 A I ASME lli-1 RXS-MV-11F12R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A i 'ASME 111.1 F12 RXS-MV-1IG01 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position G1 Std.

RXS-MV-11G01L CRDM Latch Housing'.G1 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11001R CRDM Rod Tra'vel A I ASME lli-1 HousingGl.

RXS MV-11G03 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position G3 Std.

RXS-MV 11G03L CRDM Latch Housing G3 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV 11G03R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 G3 l RXS-MV-IlG05 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position G5 Std.

l l

RXS-MV-11G05L CRDM Latch Housing G5 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV 11G05R CRDM Rod Travel Hossing A I ASME 111-1 G5 RXS-MV-1 IG07 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer ,

Mechanism Position G7 Std.  !

RXS-MV-11007L CRDM Latch Housing G7 A 1 ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11G07R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 G7 Revision: 10 owrrvimo)euiStitm Draft,1996 3.2-54 W Westirigh00S8

t *

.m - li!!!

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, end Systems  :

Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECllANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-M V-IlG09 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position G9 Std.

RXS-MV-IlG09L CRDM Latch Housing G9 .

A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV 11G09R CRDM Rod Trasiel Housins A '

I ASME 1111 G9' RXS-M V-IlGi l Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanirm Position Gil Std.

RXS-MV-11 Gill CRDM Latch Housing Gil A 1 ASME 1111 RXS-MV-IlG11R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 011 RXS-MV-IIG13 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position G13 Std.

RXS-MV 1IG13L CRDM Latch Housing..G13 A I ASME 11I21 RXS-MV.IIG13R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 G13 RXS-MV-Ill102 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position H2 Std.

RXS-MV 1.1H02L CRDM I.atch Housing H2 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV3 11H02R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 H2 RXS-MV-l lH04 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position H4 Std.

RXS-MV-1IH04L CRDM Latch Housirig H4 A I ASME III-l RXS-MV.i1H04R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I .ASME.111-1 H4 RXS-MV-111106 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position H6 Std.

RXS MV-11H06L CRDM Latch Housing H6 A 1 ASME III-1 RXS-MV-1lH06R CRDM Rod Travel Housin'g A I ASME III-1 H6 awarroosomn oo.iii396 Revision: 10 W85tlngh00S8 3.2-55 Draft,1996

i , . -

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, end Systems l

Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51) l AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF AIECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTE51S, C051PONENTS, AND EQUIPA1ENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-IIH08 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position 118 Std.

RXS-MV-11H08L CRDM Latch Housing H8 A i ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11H05tR CRDM Rod Travel. Housing A i 'ASME III 1 H8 RXS-MV-I I H 10 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position H10 Std.

RXS-MV 11H10L CRDM Latch. Housing H10 A I ASME 111;1 RXS-MV-11H10R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A i ASME 111-1 H10" RXS-MV-IIH12 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position H12 Std.

RXS-MV.-11H12L CRDM Latch Housing lil2 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11H12R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 H12 RXS-MV-11J03 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position 13 Std.

RXS-M.V 11J03L CRDM . Latch Housing J3 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11303R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 J3 RXS-MV-11105 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position J5 Std.

RXS-MV-1IJ05L CRDM I_atch Housing J5 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV 11305R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 1111 J5 _

RXS-MV-Ilj07 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position 17 Std.

RXS-MV-11J07L CRDM Latch Housing J7 A i ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11J07R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME III-l J7 Revision: 10 owmimomn uo-nis96 Draft,1996 3.2-56 3 W8stinghouse

3. Desiga of Structures, Components, Equipment, end Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)


FLUID SYSTE51S, COA 1PONENTS, AND EQUIPh1ENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued) l RXS-MV-Ilj09 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position J9 Std.


RXS-MV-11309L CRDM Latch Housing 39 A I ASME III;l l

RXS-MV;11J09R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 l 19 '

RXS-MV-11Jl1 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position Jl1 Std.

RXS-MV:11311L CRDM_ Latch Housing Jll A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11JilR CRDM Rod. Travel' Housing A I ASME lll-1 J11 RXS-MV-1IK02 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position K2 Std.

RXS-MVil1K02L CRDM Latch Housing K2 A I ASME 1111 RXS-MV-11K02R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 K2 RXS-MV-I IK04 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position K4 Std.

RXS-MV 1IK04L CRDM Latch Housing K4 A I ASME !!I-l RXS-MV 11K04R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 K4_

RXS-MV-ilk 06 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position K6 Std.

RXS-MV-1IK06L CRDM Latch Housing K6 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-1IK06R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME III-l K6 RXS-MV-I IK08 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position K8 Std.

RXS-MV-11K08L CRDM Latch Housing K8 A I ASME !!I-1 RXS-MV-11K08R CRDM Rod Travel H_ousing A I ASME III-I K8 RXS-MV-I IK 10 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position K10 Std.

RXS-MV-11K10L CRDM Latch Hous_ing K10 A 1 ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11K10R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 l K10 4 o smrroomo2nuo-ni396 Revision: 10

[ W85tingh00S8 3.2-57 Draft,1996 j

1 ill  !!!-

E Id. 3. Design of Structures, Compon:nts, Equipment, and Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)


Class Categon struction Code 1 Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-1 IK12 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer i Mechanism Position K12 Std. l RXS-MV-11K12L CRDM Latch HousingK12 A I ASME III l RXS-MV-11K12R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME III.1.

K12 RXS-MV-IlLO3 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer I Mechanism Position L3 Std.

RXS-MV-11LO3L CRDM Latch Housing L3 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV llLO3R CRDM. Rod Travel. Housing A I ASME 111-1 L3 RXS-MV-11145 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position L5 Std.

RXS-MV-1111)5L CRDM. Latch Ilousing L5 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-11LD5R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A i ASME 111-1 L5 RXS-MV-Illa 7 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position L7 Std.

RXS-MV;11LO7L CRDM Latch Ilousing L7 A I ASME III-I RXS-MV-11LO7R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A . I ASME 111-1 L7 RXS-MV-1 I LO9 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position L9 Std.

RXS-MV-1ILD9L CRDM Latch Ho'using L9 A I ASME III-l RXS-MV 1ILO9R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 L9 RXS-MV-11L11 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position Lil Std.

RXS-MV-11L11L CRDM Latch ilousing L11 A i ASME lII-1 RXS-MV-1IL11R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME 111-1 L11 Revision: 10 oammiomo2n.oo-nis%

Draft,1996 3.2-58 3 W8Stingh0US9

3. Desigm of Structures, Components, Equipm:nt, end Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 30 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Reactor System (Continued)

RXS-MV-IIM04 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer

, Mechanism Position M4 Std.

RXS-MV 11M04L CRDM Latch Housi.ng M4 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV-IIM04L CRDM RodTravelIfousing A I ASME 111_1 M4 RXS-MV-llM06 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position M6 Std.

RXS-MV 11M06L CRDM Latch' Housing M6 A I ASME lli-1 RXS-MV-IlM06R CRDM Rod Travel Housins A I ASME lli-1 M6 RXS-MV-11M08 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position M8 Std.

RXS-MV 1IM08L CRD_M Latch Housing M8 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV llM08R CRDM Rod Travel Ilousing A I ASME 111-1 M8 RXS-MV-11M10 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position M10 Std.

RXS-MV-1IM10L CRDM Latch Housing M10 A 1 ASME IH 1 RXS-MV llM10R CRD_M Rod Travel Housing A I ASME Ill.1 M10 RXS-MV-1 IN07 Control Rod Drive D NS Manufacturer Mechanism Position N7 Std.

RXS-MV-IIN07L CRDM Latch Housing N7 A I ASME 111-1 RXS-MV IIN07R CRDM Rod Travel Housing A I ASME Ill-!

N7 RXS-MY-Y01 Irradiation Tube Plug Seat D NS Manufacturer Jack Std.

Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System n/a Heat Exchangers, SFS and D NS ASME Vill CCS Side n/a Pumps D NS Ilydraulic Institute Std.

n/a Demineralizers D NS ASME Vill asuniosoma una us96 Revision: 10

[ W85tingh0USB 3.2-59 Draft,1996

3. Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems Table 3.2-3 (Sheet 39 of 51)

AP600 CLASSIFICATION OF MECIIANICAL AND FLUID SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND EQUIPMENT Tag Number Description AP600 Seismic Principal Con- Comments Class Category struction Code Steam Generator System (Continued)

SGS-PL-V256B Startup Feedwater Check C 1 ASME 111-3 Valve SGS-PY-C01 A Main Steam Line A BG 1 ASME :ll, MC j Penetration l

SGS-PY-C01B Main Steam Line B BG 1 ASME 1 i, MC Penetration SGS-PY-C02A Main Feedwater Line A BG I ASME 11 MC .

Penetration i SGS-PY-C02B Main Feedwater Line B BG I ASME III, t'C Penetration l

SGS-PY-CO3A Steam Generator A Blow- 83 I ASME 111, MC down Line Penetration SGS-PY-C03B Steam Generator B Blow- BG I ASME 111, MC down Line Penetration ASME III, MC SGS-PY-COSA Startup Feedwater Line A BG 1 Penetration j SGS-PY-C05B Startup Feedwater Line B BG I ASME III, MC Penetration J

Service Water System n/a Service Water Cooling Tower D NS Manufacturer Fans Std.

n/a Service Water Cooling Tower D NS Manufacturer i Std.

n/a Service Water Pumps D NS Hydraulic j institute Std. I n/a Valves Providing SWS D NS ANSI 16.34 AP600 Equipment Class D ,

Function Radiologically Controlled Area Ventilation System n/a CVS and RNS Pump Room Note 2 NS Manufacturer Coolers Std.

n/a Valves Providing VAS D NS ANSI 16.34 AP600 Equipment Class D Function Revision: 10 onmmimo302nminis*

Draft,1996 3.2-66 [ Westirigt10US8

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