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Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/2021
From: Gregory Roach
Exelon Generation Co
Roach G
Shared Package
ML21055A851 List:
Download: ML21361A325 (109)


1 Facility: _Byron Nuclear Station__

Scenario No.: ___2___

Op-Test No.: _2021-301_

Examiners: __________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 75% RTP, MOL, steady state conditions.

Turnover: Crew is directed to perform IV/RV surveillance and then initiate ramp to 100%. 1A FW Pump OOS. Expected RTS in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br />. Byron Unit 1 has been notified of potential response due grid instabilities projected over the next 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />.

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

None N - BOP N - SRO Perform IV/RV surveillance 2

None R - ATC R - BOP R - SRO Rapid ramp down of 100 MWe for grid instability 3

SLIM12ManPB SLIM12OutDecPB SLIM12pwrFail_t I - ATC I - SRO Master PZR Level Controller 1LK-0459 demand lowers and power failure (NRC Exam 19-1) 4 CV16 I - ATC I - SRO VCT level channel 1LI-112 fails high (NRC Exam 19-2) 5 CC01B CC01C C - BOP C - SRO TS - SRO 1A CC pump trip with 1B CC pump failure to auto start 6

ZDI1HSDG0200 ZLO1HSDG0201 ZLO1HSDG0202 ZLO1HSDG0203 TS - SRO Loss of 1B DG CP 7

ZDI1CC685 C - BOP C - SRO 1CC685 spurious closure (NRC Exam 19-2) 8 MS07D MS07A M (ALL) 1A and 1D Main Steamline leak inside CNMT [CT]

9 ZDI1CS01PA CLS ZDI1CS01PB CLS ZDI1CS01PA TRIP ZDI1CS01PB TRIP C - BOP C - SRO Both CS pumps fail to actuate in auto [CT]

(NRC Exam 19-1)

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor


1. CT-17: Isolate the faulted 1A and 1D SG before transition out of 1BEP-2 (K/A number - APE 040-AA1.03 importance 4.3/4.3)
a. Safety Significance: Failure to isolate a faulted SG can result in challenges to the CSFs Integrity, Subcriticality, and Containment.
b. Cues: Steam pressure and flow rate indications that make it possible to identify a single SG as faulted AND valve position and flow rate indication that AFW continues to be delivered to the faulted SG.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulate controls to isolate the faulted the SG by MSIVs indicate closed, feedline isolation valves closed, and indication of AFW flow to the faulted SG is stopped.
d. Feedback: Any depressurization of intact SGs stops and AFW flow rate indicates zero to faulted SG.
2. CT-3: Restart Containment Spray Pump before transition out of 1BEP-0. (K/A: 026-A2.04; importance - 3.9/4.2)
a. Safety Significance: Failure to manually actuate one containment spray pump results in a failure to prevent a significant reduction of safety margin.
b. Cues: Rising pressure in containment and no CS Spray pumps running.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulate controls to actuate at least one CS Spray pump.
d. Feedback: Indication and/or annunciation that at least one CS Spray pump is actuated.

3 Scenario will start at 75% RTP, MOL, steady state conditions. Crew is directed to perform IV/RV surveillance and then initiate ramp to 100%. 1A FW Pump OOS. Expected RTS in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br />. Online risk is green.

Event 1 The crew will be directed to perform the surveillance 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 UNIT ONE REHEAT AND INTERCEPT VALVE QUARTERLY SURVEILLANCE. After the first valve stroke is complete and the crew is in the 10 minute waiting period for unit stabilization, at the lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 2.

Event 2 The crew will receive notification from grid operator to lower power 100 MWe due to grid instabilities within 30 minutes.

The crew will perform a rapid down power. Expectations are to initiate the ramp within 10 minutes and complete within the directed time frame. Once sufficient observation of the reactivity maneuver is complete, at the lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 3.

Event 3 Master PZR Level Controller 1LK-0459 demand lowers and power failure. The crew will identify the failure, take manual control of the Master PZR Level Controller in Ovation or take manual control of 1CV121 to restore PZR level. Once PZR level is under control, at lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 4.

Event 4 1LI-112 Volume Control Tank (VCT) Level Channel 1 will fail high. The crew will identify the failure and respond to BAR 1-9-A2. The crew should enter 1BOA INST-2 OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL, perform attachment V, and swap channels in Ovation to 1LT185 VCT Level Channel 2, placing 1CV112A Letdown Diversion to VCT or HUT Tanks Valve to manual and selecting HUT or VCT to control level as required. Once the VCT level is under control, at lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 5.

Event 5 The 1A CC pump will trip and the 1B CC pump will not auto start. The crew will manually start the 1B CC pump per Bar 1-2-A4 CC PUMP TRIP or OP-AA-103-102-1001 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENT MITIGATION. The crew will enter Tech Spec 3.7.7 Condition A. Once alarms are clear and system parameters are stable, at the lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 6.

Event 6 The 1B DG will lose DC Control Power. The crew will identify the failure and respond per BAR 1-22-C8 DG 1B TROUBLE/FAIL TO START. The crew will dispatch an EO to identify local alarms for the 1B DG. The report from the field will identify that the 1B DG has lost DC CP. The crew will enter Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B. Once the Tech Spec has been entered, at lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 7.

Event 7 1CC685 Component Cooling Water from RCPs Thermal Barrier Isolation Valve will spuriously go closed. The crew will identify the failure and reopen the valve. The crew should enter 1BOA PRI-6 COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION UNIT 1. Once restoration of CC cooling flow through the Thermal barrier is restored, at the lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 8.

Event 8 1A and 1D Steamlines will rupture inside containment. The crew should identify the faulted Steam Generators and initiate a manual RX trip and Main Steam Isolation and enter 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT1. The crew will proceed to 1BEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION UNIT1 to isolate the 1A and 1D SG.

Containment pressure will rise to the Phase B / Containment Spray actuation setpoint. Neither CS pump will automatically start. The crew will identify the lack of CS pumps running above 20 PSIG containment pressure. Manual actuation of CS

/ Phase B will not function. The crew will use Attachment B and Attachment C of 1BEP-0 and manually start the 1A & 1B CS pumps.

The scenario can be terminated when the crew has transitioned to 1BEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATION..


Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Attachment 3, Simulator NRC Exam Security Checklist.

Establish the conditions of IC 141, 75% power, MOL, equilibrium xenon (IC 156 with change to plant configuration)

Place Simulator in RUN

  • Implement SBT Data capture for the scenario.

Initiate Smart Scenario:

o Open SMART SCENARIO (Extreme Ace icon) o Open file Scenario N21-2 Scenario.ssf o

Click on the MODE button (near top of screen) and pick EXECUTE o

Click on the PLAY button (bottom left of screen) o Verify Simulator Setup conditions automatically load o

CC01B - 1A CC pump fail to auto start o

CS01A - 1A CS pump fail to auto start o

FW157 - 1D CD/CB NPSH low pressure switch OFF Verify the following are included in the Smart Scenario:

5 Ensure the following equipment is aligned 1D CD/CB Pump in STBY 1A CC pump is running 1A CV pump is running 1A EH pump is running 1A FW pump OOS Place the following control switches in PTL:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP Place clearance order INFO/CAUTION tags on the following COMPONENTS:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP 1FW002A 1FW012A Place Protected Equipment placards on the following:

1B FW pump 1C FW pump Set BAT Flow Controller to 14.4 for 917 ppm boron Ensure REMA is available at the Unit Desk Provide copies of the following documents:


6 Turnover Information

  • Unit 1 is at 75% MOL
  • 917 MWe
  • Control bank D @ 171 steps
  • Online Risk is Green
  • 1A FW Pump is OOS; restoration expected in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br />
  • Byron Unit 1 has been notified of potential response due grid instabilities projected over the next 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />.
  • Protected Equipment:
  • Unit 1 FC Train
  • 1B FW Pump
  • 1C FW Pump

7 INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE EO response time will occur per Byron Station Simulator guidelines.

TB - 2 minutes AB - 3 minutes AEER - 1 minute Event 1: Perform 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 Unit One Reheat and Intercept Valve Quarterly Surveillance Acknowledge as EO 1MS5001A and 1MS5003A as initially OPEN, valves full closed after stroke, valves traveling open, and valves returned to original position. Note: possible that the NSOs will call with different set of valves to stroke. If that happens, acknowledge the valves that the candidates call out.

Acknowledge as SM commencement of procedure.

Event 2: Rapid ramp down of 100 MWe for grid instability As TSO, call the simulator on white phone and request a Rapid ramp down of 100 MWe within 30 minutes for grid instability. If name is required, use name of the booth operator.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge and agree with the US reactivity plan.

If requested as RP, acknowledge the ramp.

If requested, as Chemistry, acknowledge the ramp.

Event 3: Master PZR Level Controller 1LK-0459 demand lowers and power failure At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail the Master PZR Level Controller by right clicking on the box titled, Event 3, Master PZR Level Controller, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

If requested as EO to local check 1CV121, respond that 1CV121 appears to be working properly.

Event 4: 1LI-112 fails high At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail 1LI-112 high by right clicking on the box titled, Event 4, 1LI-112, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

8 Event 5: 1A CC pump trip At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to cause the 1A CC pump to trip by right clicking on the box titled, Event 5, 1A CC Pump Trip, and select, Release.

When dispatched as an EO to check on 1A CC pump or breaker, report that there are no issues at the 1A CC pump and the breaker of the 1A CC pump is tripped open with an overcurrent flag showing.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge entry into TS 3.7.7 Condition B.

As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

Event 6: 1B DG Control Power At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail DC control power to the 1B DG by right clicking on the box titled, Event 6, 1B DG CP, and select, Release When dispatched as an EO to check on 1B DG, report that 1PL08J-1-E8 MCC NOT PROPER FOR AUTO OPERATION is lit, the UNIT AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY light is NOT lit, and all 4 DC Power indicators are NOT lit.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge entry into TS 3.8.1 Condition B.

As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

Event 7 1CC685 At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to close 1CC685 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 7, 1B 1CC685, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

Event 8 & 9 1A & 1D MS Lines break inside CNMT and both CS pumps failure to auto start and 1B CS pump degrades and trips At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to initiate 1D MS Line break inside CNMT by right clicking on the box titled, Event 8, 1D MS Line break, and select, Release.

9 As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP-1 entry.

As EO, acknowledge dispatch for monitoring DG operation and Spent Fuel level and temperature.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP-2 entry.

10 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 1__



Perform partial surveillance of 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 Unit One Reheat And Intercept Valve Quarterly Surveillance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Directed at turnover to perform 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 UNIT ONE REHEAT AND INTERCEPT VALVE QUARTERLY SURVEILLANCE.


It is possible that the candidates may start with a different set of valves due to a note that allows performance in any order. The valve numbers will remain constant, but the letter designators may change.

US o

Directs NSO to perform 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 BOP Verify EO stationed to locally observe 1MS5001A 1A Low Pressure Turbine East Reheat Stop Valve (RV E1) and 1MS5003A 1A Low Pressure Turbine East Intercept Valve (IV E1) initial position Verify:

RSV L1 OPEN indicator lit IV L1 OPEN indicator lit RSV L1 CLOSED indicator NOT lit IV L1 CLOSED indicator NOT lit Select VALVE TEST on graphic 5501 Select pushbutton RS/IV LEFT 1 on graphic 7000 Select EXECUTE on the popup labeled RSV & IV LH. 1.

Verify EO stationed to locally observe 1MS5001A (RV E1) and 1MS5003A (IV E1) travel fully closed Verify:

RSV L1 CLOSED indicator lit IV L1 CLOSED indicator lit RSV L1 OPEN indicator NOT lit IV L1 OPEN indicator NOT lit Verify EO stationed to locally observe 1MS5001A (RV E1) and 1MS5003A (IV E1) travel fully open Verify:

RSV L1 OPEN indicator lit IV L1 OPEN indicator lit RSV L1 CLOSED indicator NOT lit IV L1 CLOSED indicator NOT lit Verify EO stationed to locally observe 1MS5001A (RV E1) and 1MS5003A (IV E1) return to near initial position Select EXIT on the popup labeled RSV & IV LH 1 10 minute wait per note on page 4 of surveillance.


After completion of 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 of selected valve stroke, during the 10 minute wait after the stroke, and with lead examiners concurrence, proceed with the next event.

11 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 2__



Rapid ramp down of 100MWe in 30 minutes for grid instability Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Receive call from TSO directing power reduction of 100 MWe within 30 minutes US Direct Power per 1BGP 100-4T3 LOAD CHANGE INSTURCTION INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR POWER REDUCTION < 15% IN ONE HOUR Reference 1BGP 100-4 POWER DESCENSION Perform pre-job brief per OP-BY-101-0001 ATTACHMENT 9 REACTIVITY CHANGE BRIEF SHEET for load ramp.

Notify Shift Manager to make appropriate notifications per OP-AA-106-101-1004 and OP-AA-102-101 EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew may initiate ramp with control rods in auto. This acceptable as long as the reactivity brief determines the need to borate in order to ensure control rods remain above the insertion limits. Allowing control rods drop below the insertion limit is acceptable while borating is acceptable.


  • Verify rod position and boron concentration.


Set MU MODE SELECT to BOR position.

Set 1FK-110 BA Boric Acid to Blender controller to desired flowrate (Batches desired)

Enter gallons into Boric Acid Totalizer on OWS graphic (6003)

Verify totalizer reset Verify 1CV110A Boric Acid to Blender valve & 1CV110B Boric Acid Blender to Charging Pumps valve in AUTO Ensure BA Transfer pp is NOT in Pull Out position Place MAKE-UP CONTROL Switch to START Ensure proper operation of valves & BA pump 1CV110B Opens, 1CV110A Modulates, BA pump is running o

Verify expected BA flow on recorder 1CD-CX4102 o

Monitor for Boration effects o

Verify at least two B/U Heater groups ON and spray valves 1RY455B/C modulate OPEN.

Monitor for RCS Tave lowering.

Rod Control will remain in Auto for the ramp

12 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 2__



Rapid ramp down of 100MWe in 30 minutes for grid instability Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Initiate turbine load ramp: Using graphic 5501(per 1BGP 100-4T2)

SELECT SETPOINT ENTER desired (>5) MW/MIN rate in the RATE window DEPRESS the respective ENTER pushbutton ENTER desired final MWe output (100 MWe less than current) in the REF DEMAND window SELECT ENTER DEPRESS EXIT DEPRESS the GO/HOLD pushbutton Inform US/RO of pending drop in turbine load SELECT GO (when RO reports expected Tave drop)

Verify load lowering as expected ATC Monitor reactor power and load ascension:

Monitor NIs, Tave, I, Pzr press/level.

During boration, monitor the following at 1PM05J and HMI:

VCT & PZR levels.

RCS Tave lowering/RCS boron concentration rising.

Boric Acid Totalizer responding correctly.

Verify boration auto stops at preset value.


After measurable change in power and with lead examiners concurrence, initiate the Event 3.

13 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 3__



Master PZR Level Controller 1LK-0459 failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE:

Annunciator 1-7-B2 RCP SEAL WTR INJ FLOW LOW 1-8-C5 LTDWN HX OUTLT TMEP HIGH 1-12-C1 PZR PRESS CONT DEV LOW HTRS ON 1-9-A1 REGEN HX LTDWN TEMP HIGH 1LR-0459 Recorder decreasing level 1LK-0459 Loss of Power Decreasing Charging Flow ATC Take action per the BAR Determine that 1LK-0459 has lost power and lowered demand Take manual control of level to restore PZR level to program o

Manual control and adjust 1CV121 o

Manual control PZR Level controller using Ovation Soft Slim US Verify PZR level moving back to Program Level

  • Monitor Charging and Letdown parameters
  • Flow
  • Temperatures EVALUATOR NOTE:

After the crew has established control of PZR level, and with lead examiners concurrence, initiate the Event 4.

14 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 4__



1LI-112 fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Annunciator:


ATC Take action per BAR 1-9-A2 VCT LEVEL HIGH-HIGH/LOW:

Determine if the VCT level is high, low, or a failed channel Check level indications Place 1CV112A Letdown Diversion to VCT or HUT Tanks Valve to VCT US


ATC must select operable channel in Ovation and alignment of 1CV112A. If US assigns BOP to these actions, Evaluator should intercede.


  • Check VCT level normal
  • Check VCT Level Channel 112 - channel failed high
  • Check VCT Level Channel 185
  • VCT Level 1 - Select CV-LT-0185
  • VCT Level 2 - Select CV-LT-0185
  • Restore VCT level control to Auto

After 1LI-185 is selected as the controlling channel, and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.

15 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 5__



1A Component Cooling Pump trip; 1B Component Cooling Pump fails to Auto start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Annunciator:

  • 1-2-A4 CC PUMP TRIP
  • Drop of Component Cooling system pressure
  • Disagreement light on 1A Component Cooling pump BOP Respond per BAR 1-2-A4 CC PUMP TRIP or OP-AA-103-102-1001 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENT MITIGATION Verify/Start 1B CC Pump Verify CC System pressure returns to normal US (RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.7.7 Component Cooling Water (CC) System (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION B, One required CC pump inoperable.

o B.1 RA - Restore required CC pump to OPERABLE status.

CT - 7 days.


After system pressure is restored to normal, and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the Event 6.

16 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 6__



Loss of 1B Diesel Generator Control Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE:


1-22-C8 DG 1B TROUBLE/FAIL TO START Loss of 1B DG Control Switch indication Crew Takes action per the BAR 1-22-C8 DG 1B TROUBLE/FAIL TO START Dispatch operator to Local Control Panel 1PL08J to investigate the alarm EO will report a total loss of DC power to the 1B DG US (RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION B, One required DG inoperable.

o B.1 RA - Verify both opposite-unit DGs OPERABLE.

CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter.

o B.2 RA - Perform SR for the required qualified circuits.

CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter.

o B.3 RA - Declare required features supported by the inoperable DG when it is required redundant feature is inoperable.

CT - 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> from discovery of Condition B concurrent with inoperability of redundant required feature o

B.4 RA - Determine OPERABLE DG is not inoperable due to common cause failure.

CT - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> o

B.5 RA - Restore DG to OPERABLE status.

CT - 14 days.


When Tech Spec actions have been completed for loss of 1B DG Control Power and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the Event 7.

17 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 7__



1CC685 Component Cooling Water from RCPs Thermal Barrier Isolation Valve spuriously closes Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1CC685 Component Cooling Water from RCPs Thermal Barrier Isolation Valve Closed light Lit BOP Refer to BAR 1-7-A4, B4, C4, D4, or E4 Check RCP Seal Injection flow for the affected pumps - in service Check 1CC9413A Component Cooling to RCPs Isolation Valve, 1CC685, and 1CC9438 Component Cooling from RCP Thermal Barrier Isolation Valve are OPEN Determine 1CC685 is closed US Direct BOP to OPEN 1CC685 o

Refer to 1BOA PRI-6 COMPONENT COOLING MALFUNCTION BOP Open 1CC685 BOP Check Plant Status Verify all annunciators clear EVALUATOR NOTE:

When all Component Cooling alarms are clear with 1CC685 open, and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the Event 8.

18 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1A & 1D Main Steam Lines Break Inside Containment and CS Pumps Malfunction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1-15-E2 MS PRESS LOW
  • 1A & 1D SG Steam Pressures dropping
  • RX Power rising US o

Direct a manual reactor trip and operators perform immediate actions of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION ATC Manually trips the reactor US

  • Notify SM for procedure entry, EP evaluation ATC Verify Reactor Trip Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT Reactor trip & Bypass breakers - OPEN Neutron flux DROPPING BOP Verify Turbine Trip Turbine throttle valves - CLOSED Turbine governor valves - CLOSED BOP Verify power to 4KV busses Bus 141 - ENERGIZED Bus 142 - ENERGIZED

19 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1A & 1D Main Steam Lines Break Inside Containment and CS Pumps Malfunction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Check SI status SI actuated SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)

SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1)

SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

Determine if SI required:

Check PZR pressure < 1829 psig Check Steamline pressure < 640 psig Check CNMT pressure > 3.4 psig If SI is required:

Actuate SI from both SI switches (1PM05J and 1PM06J) and continue in 1BEP-0 US Directs BOP to perform Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION of 1BEP 0.


Crew actions of 1BEP-0 continue following NOTE.

BOP actions of 1BEP-0, Attachment B continue on page 24.

BOP actions of 1BEP-0, Attachment C continue on page 23.

ATC Verify AF system:

AF pumps - BOTH RUNNING AF isolation valves 1AF13A-H - OPEN AF flow control valves 1AF005A-H - THROTTLED AF flow - GREATER THAN 500 GPM Check SG tubes intact:

Secondary radiation level - NORMAL AND STABLE -

Narrow range levels - NOT RISING IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER ATC Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves PORVs - CLOSED Check pressure less than 2315 PORV isol valve - at least one ENERGIZED PORV relief path - at least one AVAILABLE PORV in - AUTO Isolation valve - open Normal spray valves - CLOSED ATC ADJUST AF FLOW:

Lower total Feed Flow to approximately 600 gpm ATC Check steam dumps - AVAILABLE C-9 Permissive light - NOT LIT CW Pump - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING

20 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1A & 1D Main Steam Lines Break Inside Containment and CS Pumps Malfunction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Control RCS Temperature per table:

Adjust Feed Flow Steam Release ATC Check if RCPs should be stopped:


High head flow 1FI-917 > 100 GPM and RCS Pressure < 1425 PSIG.

Trip all RCPs if RCP trip criteria is met ATC Check pressure in all SGs:

NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner - 1A & 1D SG pressures dropping uncontrolled NO SG Completely Depressurized.



The crew actions for 1BEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION continue on the next page.

21 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1A & 1D Main Steam Lines Break Inside Containment and CS Pumps Malfunction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US Implement 1BEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION and direct operator actions.

Notifies SM of BEP entry Requests Emergency Plan evaluation o

Request STA to come to the control room ATC CHECK MAIN STEAMLINE ISOLATION All MSIVs closed.

All MSIV bypass valves closed.

CREW Check if any SG Secondary Pressure Boundary is intact:


Any SG pressure dropping in an Uncontrolled manner - 1A & 1D SG Any SG completely depressurized CT-17 ATC/BOP


Isolate Faulted SG:

Close AF isolation valves for 1A & 1D SGs 1AF013A 1AF013E 1AF013D 1AF013H Check all FW Isolation lights lit for the 1A & 1D SG on 1PM04J Verify 1MS018D and 1MS108A SG PORVs are closed Verify SG blowdown isolated 1SD002A 1SD002B 1SD002C 1SD002D Verify SG blowdown sample isolation valve closed 1SD005A 1SD005B Verify Main Steamline isolation and bypass valves closed 1MS001A 1MS001D 1MS101A 1MS101D

22 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1A & 1D Main Steam Lines Break Inside Containment and CS Pumps Malfunction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CREW Monitor AF Suction Pressure.

Check Secondary Radiation.

Reset Phase A Open SG Blowdown Sample Valves 1SD005A - D Request Chemistry sample all SGs for activity Check Secondary radiation trends / secondary activity samples CREW Check if ECCS flow can be reduced:

RCS subcooling acceptable Total feed flow greater than 500 gpm or Narrow Range level in at least one intact SG greater than 31% (adverse)

RCS pressure stable or rising PZR level greater than 28% (adverse)

CREW Transition to 1BEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATION, Step 1.


The scenario can be terminated when the crew have completed all critical tasks and the crew declares the transition to 1BEP ES-1.1 SI TERMINATION.

23 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1A & 1D Mainsteam Lines Leak Inside Containment and CS Pumps Malfunction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

1BEP-0 Attachment C actions begin on this page.

US Direct implementation of 1BEP-0 Attachment C.

CREW Verify proper system valve alignment 1CS001A 1A CS Pump RWST Suction Valve or 1CS009A 1A CS Pump CNMT Recirc Sump Suction Valve open 1CS001B 1B CS Pump RWST Suction Valve or 1CS009B 1B CS Pump CNMT Recirc Sump Suction Valve open 1CS007A 1A CS Pump Discharge Header Isolation Valve open 1CS007B 1B CS Pump Discharge Header Isolation Valve open 1CS010A 1A CS Eductor Suction Valve open 1CS010B 1B CS Eductor Suction Valve open EVALUATOR NOTE:

The CS pump will start once the associated 1CS019valve is full open.

CREW 1CS019A 1A CS Eductor Spray Add Valve open -no Place 1A CS Pump test switch to TEST Manually open 1CS019A Place 1A CS Pump test switch to NORMAL 1CS019B 1B CS Eductor Spray Add Valve open Place 1B CS Pump test switch to TEST Manually open 1CS019B Place 1B CS Pump test switch to NORMAL CREW Verify proper system valve alignment 1CS010A 1A CS Eductor Suction Valve open 1CS010B 1B CS Eductor Suction Valve open CT-3 CREW


Verify CS pumps - Both running CREW Return to 1BEP-0 Attachment B Step 10c.

24 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1D Mainsteam Line Leak Inside Containment and CS Pump Malfunctions Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

1BEP-0, Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION actions begin on this page.


CENT CHG pumps - BOTH RUNNING RH pumps - BOTH RUNNING SI pumps - BOTH RUNNING BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS VALVE ALIGNMENT Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights required for ECCS valve alignment - LIT EVALUATOR NOTE:

RCS pressure is dependent on when evaluated, it is anticipated to be below 1700 psig at this step.

BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS FLOW HHSI flow >100 gpm RCS pressure <1700 psig SI flow > 200GPM RCS pressure NOT less than 325 psig BOP Attachment B actions Verify RCFCs running in Accident Mode:

Group 2 RCFC Accident Mode status lights - LIT Verify CNMT isolation Phase A Group 3 CNMT isolation monitor lights - LIT Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights - LIT Verify CC Pumps CC pumps - BOTH RUNNING Verify SX Pumps running SX pumps - BOTH RUNNING Check If Main Steamline Isolation Is Required o

Check SG pressure < 640 psig o

Check CNMT pressure > 8.2 psig If either condition is met, then verify MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed EVALUATOR NOTE:

Containment pressure is dependent on when evaluated, it is anticipated to be above 20 psig by this time or soon after. BOP should recognize this and come back if required. Once Manual actuation of CS and Phase B Isolation fails to start the pumps, the BOP will go Attachment C on page 23. The BOP will return to Attachment B Step 10 after completion of actions in Attachment C.

25 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1D Mainsteam Line Leak Inside Containment and CS Pump Malfunctions Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action Check if CS is required CNMT pressure HAS risen to greater than 20 psig Group 6 CS monitor lights - LIT - no Manually actuate CS and Phase B Isolation If no CS train is providing flow, go to Attachment C - go to Attachment C BOP Attachment B action Group 6 Phase B Isol monitor lights - LIT Stop all RCPs Check CS eductor suction flow on running pump greater than 15 gpm Check CS eductor additive flow on running pump - greater than 5 gpm Verify SX Cooling Tower alignment

  • All 8 riser valves open
  • 0SX163A thru 0SX163H
  • All 4 hot water basin bypass valves closed
  • 0SX162A,B,C,D All 8 SX cooling tower fans running in high speed BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FW ISOLATED FW pumps tripped FW isolation monitor lights lit FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C Trip all running HD pumps BOP Attachment B action VERIFY BOTH DGS RUNNING:

DGs - BOTH RUNNING SX valves open 1SX169A and B Dispatch operator locally to check operation BOP Attachment B action VERIFY GENERATOR TRIP Unit 1 Main Transformer output breakers - OPEN:

GCB 3-4 OCB 4-5 Excitation red OFF light is LIT

26 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1D Mainsteam Line Leak Inside Containment and CS Pump Malfunctions Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action VERIFY CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION ALIGNED FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS:

Control Room Outside Air Intake radiation monitors < High Alarm setpoints Operating VC train equipment running Train A Supply fan 0A Return fan 0A M/U fan 0A Chilled water pump 0A MCR chiller 0A Operating VC train dampers M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y VC train M/U filter light LIT Operating VC train Charcoal Absorber aligned for train A 0VC43Y closed 0VC21Y open 0VC22Y open Operating VC train M/U filter alignment 0VC25Y open 0VC312Y closed Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038 BOP Attachment B action VERIFY AUXILIARY BUILDING VENTILATION ALIGNED Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running Damper 0VA023Y not fully closed Damper 0VA436Y closed Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running Damper 0VA072Y not fully closed Damper 0VA438Y closed Check Aux Building Supply and Exhaust fans One Exhaust Fan running for every Supply Fan running BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FHB VENTILATION ALIGNED Train B fan 0VA04CB running 0VA055Y open 0VA062Y not fully closed 0VA435Y closed

27 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-2_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



1D Mainsteam Line Leak Inside Containment and CS Pump Malfunctions Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action Maintain UHS Basin level > 80%

Initiate periodic checking of Spent Fuel Cooling Dispatch operator to locally check SFP level and temperature Notify Unit Supervisor of Manual actions taken Failed equipment status Attachment B completed CREW Attachment B action Shutdown unnecessary plant equipment As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-4T4, REACTOR TRIP POST RESPONSE GUIDELINE As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-5, PLANT SHUTDOWN AND COOLDOWN EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, continue on page 18.

The crew actions for of 1BEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION, begin on page 21.

The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION Attachment C begin on page 23.

1 Facility: _Byron Nuclear Station__

Scenario No.: ___3___

Op-Test No.: _2021-301_

Examiners: __________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 8% RTP, BOL, Main Generator not synced to the grid.

Turnover: Continue raising power to the 20% per 1BGP 100-3, step 72 after Syncing the Main Generator per Step 27. 1A FW Pump OOS, expected RTS in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

None R - ATC R - BOP R - SRO N - BOP N - SRO Raise power above 10%

Raise Turbine speed to 1800 RPM (preparing to sync main generator) 2 CV08 I - ATC I - SRO 1PT131 fails low 3

TH11B C - ATC C - SRO TS - SRO PZR PORV leaking (Isolable) (NRC Exam 19-2) 4 ED10D ED11D C - BOP C - SRO TS - SRO Loss of Instrument Bus 114 5


SB LOCA - E-1 1A SI Fails to start Manually start 1B SI Pump [CT]

6 ZDI1CV112B ZDI1CV112C ZDI1CV112D ZDI1CV112E CREW 1CV112 valves fail to swapover for SI [CT]

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Simulation did not provide detailed enough information for this to be considered a discriminating TS call.

2 Critical Tasks:

1. CT-7: Establish flow from the1B SI pump before transition out of E-0. (K/A number - 006A3.05; importance 4.2/4.3)
a. Safety Significance: Failure to manually start at least one high-head SI pump results in degraded ECCS capacity.
b. Cues: Indication of a SI actuation AND RCS pressure below the shutoff head of the high-head SI pumps AND all Charging/SI pumps indicate zero discharge pressure and zero injection flow.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulation of controls as required to establish flow from at least one Charging/SI pump.
d. Feedback: Indication and/or annunciation that at least one high-head SI pump is injecting.
2. CT-15: Transfer suction from VCT (BAT) to RWST for at least one operating train of high-head SI before suction on the VCT (BAT) is lost due to low level. (K/A Number - 006-A3.08, Importance - 4.2/4.3)
a. Safety Significance: Failure to manually transfer high-head SI suction to the RWST results in loss of high-head SI at a time when high-head injection is required for core cooling.
b. Cues: Indications that a safety injection is actuated AND indication that the high-head SI suction is not transferred to the RWST.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulations of controls to align the high-head SI suction for at least one train of high-head SI from the VCT (BAT) to the RWST
d. Feedback: Flow indication of RWST water through the high-head SI pumps into the RCS.

3 The scenario will start at ~8% RTP, BOL, with the crew being directed to continue raising power to the 20% per 1BGP 100-3 POWER ASCENSION, step 72 after Syncing the Main Generator per Step 27.

Event 1 The crew will raise power above 10% RX power, per 1BGP 100-3 POWER ASCENSION, step 9 and 10, to establish conditions to support synching the Main Generator to the grid. The crew will prepare to Sync the Main Generator by raising turbine speed to 1800 RPM per step 19. Once the turbine is at 1800 RPM, at the lead examiners discretion, proceed to Event 2.

Event 2 1PT-131 Letdown Line Pressure Transmitter will fail low causing 1CV131 Letdown HX Outlet Header Pressure Control Valve to close. The crew will identify the failed instrument and take manual control of 1CV131 per BHC 1-LD LETDOWN MALFUNCTION. Once letdown is restored to normal in manual, at the lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 3.

Event 3 1RY456 U1 Pressurizer PORV will start to leakby at 5 GPM. The crew will identify the leakage, by Dual Indication on the valve and rising tailpipe temperature. The crew will respond per BAR 1-12-C6 PZR PORV DSCH TEMP HIGH. The crew will close PZR PORV Block valve 1RY8000B to isolate the leakage. The crew will enter Tech Spec 3.4.11 Condition A.

Once the Tech Spec has been entered, at lead examiner discretion, continue to Event 4.

Event 4 Instrument Bus 114 will fail. The crew will identify the failure of the instrument bus and respond with 1BOA ELEC-2 LOSS OF INSTRUMENT BUS UNIT 1. The crew will reference Table D, enter 1BOA INST-1 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION MALFUNCTION for loss of N44 to bypass/defeat N44 functions, and dispatch an EO to fail the air to the 1AF005E-H 1B AF Pump Discharge Valves to the Steam Generators. The crew will enter Tech Specs 3.8.9 Condition B and TRM 3.7.G Conditions B and C for Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Control Valves. Once the initial actions are complete for both BOAs, at the lead examiners discretion, continue with Event 5.

Event 5 A LOCA will occur inside containment. The crew will identify the event and manually trip the RX and actuate a Safety Injection. The crew will respond per 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 1. Due to the loss of Instrument Bus 114, B Train ECCS equipment will need to be manually aligned. Both SI pumps will fail to start automatically. The 1B SI pump, will need to be manually started. The 1A SI pump will fail to start manually. The crew will transition to 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARYCOOLANT UNIT 1.

Event 6 The 1CV112D and E, RWST to U1 Charging Pump Suction Isolation Valves, will fail to open on the Safety Injection initiation. 1CV112B and C, VCT Outlet Upstream and Downstream Isolation Valves, receive the close signal from the SI, but are interlocked to close only after 1CV11D and E are open, respectively. The crew will identify and align the valves per 1BEP-0, Attachment B or OP-AA-103-102-1001 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENT MITIGATION. The crew will need to manually open the 1CV112D and E valves (at least one) to ensure proper suction to ECCS pumps.

The scenario can be terminated after completion of 1BEP-1 Step 6 and completion of critical tasks of ECCS equipment alignment and alignment of the 1CV112 valves.


Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Attachment 3, Simulator NRC Exam Security Checklist Checklist.

Establish the conditions of IC 142, ~8% power, BOL, equilibrium xenon Implement SBT Data capture for the scenario.

Place Simulator in RUN Initiate Smart Scenario:

o Open SMART SCENARIO (Extreme Ace icon) o Open file Scenario N21-3 Scenario.ssf o

Click on the MODE button (near top of screen) and pick EXECUTE o

Click on the PLAY button (bottom left of screen) o Verify Simulator Setup conditions automatically load o

1A FW Pump OOS Verify the following are included in the Smart Scenario:

5 Ensure the following equipment is aligned 0A VC Train in Service 1A FW pump OOS Place the following control switches in PTL:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP Place clearance order INFO/CAUTION tags on the following COMPONENTS:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP 1FW002A 1FW012A Verify FW Hardcard with Single Pump response facing out.

Verify NI cabinets back doors locked and key unavailable to candidates Place Protected Equipment placards on the following:

1B FW pump Set BAT Flow Controller to 20.1 for 1324 ppm boron Verify clear boration / dilution valves and reset after placed in run Ensure REMA is available at the Unit Desk Provide copies of the following documents:

1BGP 100-3 1BGP 100-3T1 BOL 3.h PDMS inoperable

6 Turnover Information Unit 1 is at ~8% BOL Turbine rolling at 1775 RPM RCS boron concentration is 1324 ppm Control bank D @ 135 steps Online Risk is Green Bringing the unit online after a RX trip due to a FW transient. The unit has been shutdown for 3 days.

Just after entering Mode 1 the power ascension was placed on hold at about 8% power due to an emergent equipment issue. The issue has been resolved, and permission has been given to proceed with raising RX power and synching the main generator to the grid.

1BGP 100-3T1 is in progress. The Shift Manager authorized some steps to be performed early.

BOP HD-1 has all prerequisites, precautions, and limitations and actions complete. EO is on standby in the field to start the 1A HD Pump. BOP HD-1 Steps 1 & 2 complete. Local steps of Step 5 are complete.

QNE has recommended for ALT DILUTE for dilutions 1PM03J Annunciator Alarms for Heater Levels are suspended, unless HI-2 Alarm.

PDMS is inoperable. BOL 3.h 1A FW Pump is OOS; restoration expected in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Protected Equipment:

Unit 2 FC Train 1B FW Pump

7 INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE EO response time will occur per Byron Station Simulator guidelines.

TB - 2 minutes AB - 3 minutes AEER - 1 minute Event 1: Raise power above 10% and Raise Turbine speed to 1800 RPM As Shift Manager, acknowledge reports of progress through the procedure, as required.

Scenario will proceed to Event 2 when the turbine is at 1800 RPM.

Event 2: 1PT131 fails low At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario initiate a failure of 1PT-131 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 2, 1PT131, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 3: PZR PORV leaking (Isolable)

At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario initiate a leaking PORV 1RY456 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 3, 1RY456, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 4: Loss of Instrument Bus 114 At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to initiate a loss of Instrument Bus 114 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 4, Instrument 114, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BOA ELEC-2.

When dispatched as an EO to check on the instrument bus, report that there is an acrid smell in the air around the Instrument bus. Identify that no breakers are closed on the inverter or the CVT.

As Shift Manager, bistables are to be placed in Bypass.

As EO, acknowledge request to fail air to 1AF005 valves. After 3 minutes, fail air to valves by right clicking on the box titled, Event 4a, AF Valves, and select, Release.

As WEC, acknowledge personnel required to be briefed and dispatched to trip bistables.

As Shift Manager, if contacted about TaveTref not being within 1 degree, direct crew to N/A the step and continue on due to startup conditions As EO, acknowledge request to shutdown inverter per BOP IP-2.

As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

Event 5: SB LOCA - E1 At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to initiate a SB LOCA by right clicking on the box titled, Event 5, SB LOCA,

8 and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP-0 entry.

As EO, acknowledge dispatch for monitoring DG operation and Spent Fuel level and temperature.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP-1 entry.

Event 6: 1CV112 valves fail to swapover for SI As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

9 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 1__



Raise power above 10% and Raise Turbine speed to 1800 RPM Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Directed at turnover to perform raise power above 10% and sync Main Generator to the grid US o

Directs NSO to perform 1BGP 100-3 steps Step 9 and subsequent steps to perform Step 27.

ATC Verify rod position and boron concentration.

Conducts reactivity brief Incrementally withdraws control rods OR Initiate dilution IAW ReMA and BOP CV-5 OPERATION OF THE REACTOR MAKEUP SYSTEMIN THE DILUTE AND ALTERNATE DILUTE MODE or BOP CV-5T1 RMCS OPERATION IN DILUTE / ALT DILUTE CHECKLIST Place MU MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position Set MU MODE SELECT to DIL or ALT DIL Set 1FK-110 BA Boric Acid to Blender controller to desired flowrate (Batches desired)

Enter gallons into Boric Acid Totalizer on OWS graphic (6003)

Verify totalizer reset Place RMCS Makeup Control Switch to START Verify 1CV110B OPEN if in ALT DIL Verify 1CV111A and B OPEN Verify proper PW flow on flow recorder 1CD-CX4102 Monitor VCT level and adjust 1LK112 VCT level controller as desired.

Monitors effects of dilution Turn on PZR backup heaters.

Return Reactor makeup System to AUTO after dilution is complete.

ATC When reactor power is greater than 10%, PERFORM the following:


BLOCK Intermediate Range Channel Reactor Trips by taking BOTH trains of IR Man Block Switches to the BLOCK position.

ENSURE the following Bypass Permissive Lights are NOT ILLUMINATED.



BLOCK the Power Range Low Setpoint Reactor Trips by taking BOTH trains of Pwr Rng Man Block Switches to the BLOCK position.

ENSURE the following Bypass Permissive Lights are NOT ILLUMINATED.



SELECT desired channels on NR-45 Recorder to be displayed for startup.

10 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 1__



Raise power above 10% and Raise Turbine speed to 1800 RPM BOP Turbine Speed Increase to 1800 RPM:

o DETERMINE the maximum Main Turbine acceleration rate using BCB-1, Figure 21 or 21a.

o PREPARE to RAMP the turbine by performing the following from graphic 5501:


ENTER 1800 into the REF DEMAND window.


VERIFY 1800 appears in the REFERENCE DEMAND window on graphic 5501.

ENTER 50 into the RATE window (or acceleration rate determined in step F19. a.).


VERIFY the correct value appears in the RATE window on graphic 5501.


RAMP Main Turbine by performing the following from graphic 5501:


VERIFY GO/HOLD illuminates orange.

VERIFY HOLD indicator illuminates red.


VERIFY GO indicator illuminates red while turbine ramps.

PERFORM the following when main turbine speed reaches 1800 RPM:

VERIFY that Turbine acceleration STOPS.

VERIFY the GO indicator, on graphic 5501 goes OFF when turbine speed has stabilized at ~1800 RPM.


After the turbine is at 1800 RPM, and sufficient Reactivity moves have been observed, and with lead examiners concurrence, proceed with Event 2.

11 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 2__



1PT131 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

If the crew isolates letdown, they should restore letdown or excess letdown before moving to the next event. If they restore normal letdown, they will have to control letdown in manual due to the loss of indication.

CUES Annunciator:

1-9-B1 LP LTDWN RLF TEMP HIGH Letdown flow drops to zero Letdown pressure drops to zero 1CV131 indicates closed US Directs actions per the BAR or BHC 1-LD ATC Take actions per the BAR or BHC Verify 1CV131, Ltdwn Line Press Cont Vlv is operating properly - no Take manual control of 1CV131 and restore letdown flow into the green band ATC Monitor letdown line temperatures restored into green band EVALUATOR NOTE:

After control is established and temperature is back in green band, with lead examiners concurrence, initiate the Event 3.

12 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 3__



PZR PORV leaking (Isolable)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE:

Annunciator BAR 1-12-C6 PZR PORV DSCH TEMP HIGH BAR 1-12-B2 PZR PORV OR SAF VLV OPEN Dual indication on 1RY456 Slight drop in PZR pressure ATC Take action per the BHC 1-RY-P IF Pzr PORV failed open THEN:

CLOSE affected PORV using its handswitch IF PORV still open then close affected PORVs block valve (1RY8000B)

OR BAR 1-12-C6 PZR PORV DSCH TEMP HIGH MONITOR RCS pressure and temperature.

CHECK that PZR PORV and Safety Valves indicate CLOSED.

MONITOR Pressurizer Relief Tank level, temperature and pressure.

IF PZR PORV is leaking, THEN CLOSE its associated Block Valve.(1RY8000B)

MONITOR PZR PORV and Safety Valve Discharge Line temperatures.

US Identify 1RY456 as leaking PORV US (RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.4.11 Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs)

(RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One or more PORVs inoperable and capable of being manually cycled.

o A.1 RA - Close and maintain power to associated block valve.

CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> EVALUATOR NOTE:

After the US determines the Tech Spec requirements, and with the lead examiners concurrence, initiate the Event 4.

13 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 4__



Loss of Instrument Bus 114 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Annunciator:

Multiple annunciators for bus power indication Loss of N44 US

  • Direct entry into 1BOA ELEC-2 LOSS OF INSTRUMENT BUS UNIT 1
  • Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, generate IR requests, and make appropriate notifications ATC CHECK CONTROL CHANNELS:
  • Control channels - OPERABLE: Take manual control of affected parameter.

PZR pressure PZR level Tave T

P Impulse pressure SG level Steam flow Feed flow CREW LOCALLY ENERGIZE AFFECTED INSTRUMENT BUS:

  • Check bus - NOT DAMAGED - damaged
  • Check affected Instrument Bus - energized - no Crew IF INSTRUMENT BUS 114 is dead THEN perform the following:

Refer to TABLE D (Page 19) for expected equipment failures Perform 1BOA INST-1 Nuclear Instrumentation Malfunction Dispatch an operator to fail open Train B aux feed flow control valves by failing the air to the valve operators: 1AF005E thru H Verify/Align Train A VC as the operating train Dispatch EO to shutdown inverter 114 per BOP IP-2 US

  • Direct entry into 1BOA INST-1
  • Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests EVALUATOR NOTE:

Based on the Start Up in progress, Tave - Tref stable within 1°F may be N/A.

14 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 4__



Loss of Instrument Bus 114 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC CHECK ROD CONTROL STATUS ROD BANK SELECT switch in - MANUAL CHECK FOR ROD STOP PWR RNG FLUX HIGH ROD STOP alarm (1-10-B5) - NOT LIT CHECK TAVE - TREF DEVIATION Tave-Tref - STABLE AND WITHIN 1°F (may be N/Ad)


Select NI POWER in SIGNAL SELECTORS box Select the NI POWER graphic (7100) header to enable the window Select the PLACE OUT OF SERVICE soft control button for the failed PR channel Verify the PLACE OUT OF SERVICE soft control button for the affected PR channel NR-N4_ illuminates (red) and USE 2nd HIGHEST soft control button is NOT illuminated (grey)


With Instrument Bus 114 is deenergized the following functions are inoperable on the Detector Current Comparator section: Upper Section Defeat and Lower Section Defeat.


Bypass/Defeat affected channel functions on 1PM07J:

Detector Current Comparator:

UPPER SECTION - not available LOWER SECTION - not available Miscellaneous Control and Indication section:



15 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 4__



Loss of Instrument Bus 114 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew PLACE COMPUTER POINTS IN TEST/DELETE FROM SCAN FOR AFFECTED PR CHANNEL:

On the PPC PDMS Test Mode page place the following computer points - IN TEST:

N0047, N0048, U1143, U1147 Delete the following computer points in - FROM SCAN:

N0052A Place the NIS input to DEH - IN TEST (Graphic 5515):

1NY-NR8044B Select - TEST Verify red test light - ILLUMINATES Verify point quality indicates - BAD EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew will not be required to Locally Bypass Bistables for this scenario. The cabinet will be locked and the key currently unavailable for the crew. This task may be handed to the WEC for execution, while the crew continues with the scenario. The bistables will not be bypassed during this scenario.


  • Direct WEC to dispatch personnel to trip bistables
  • Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests US (RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.8.9 Distribution Systems - Operating (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION B, One AC instrument bus electrical power distribution subsystem inoperable.

B.1 RA - Restore AC instrument bus electrical power distribution subsystem to OPERABLE status.

CT - 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs TRM 3.7.G Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Control Valves CONDITION B, One or more AF Flow Control Valve(s) not capable of closing on demand from the main control room.

CONDITION C, One or more AF Flow Control Valve(s) not capable of throttling flow as assumed in the safety analysis for the Steam Generator Tube Rupture Margin to Overfill event.


After personnel dispatched to trip bistables, and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with Event 5.

16 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Dropping PZR pressure
  • Dropping PZR level
  • Rising Charging Flow EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew may attempt to enter 1BOA PRI-1. This will delay the RX trip, but is not an error or required. Charging flow and PZR pressure should identify the size of the leak and be sufficient to direct a RX Trip.

Crew Determine that leak size is too larger to maintain continued operation and will cause RX trip and Safety Injection.

US Direct a manual reactor trip and Safety Injection. Direct operators perform immediate actions of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION ATC Manually trips the reactor, verify RX trip, and actuates Safety Injection EVALUATOR NOTE:

When the crew initiates the Safety Injection, the 1CV 112 valves fail to realign on the SI signal.

US Implement 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, and directs operator actions.

Notify SM for procedure entry, EP evaluation ATC Verify Reactor Trip Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT Reactor trip & Bypass breakers - OPEN Neutron flux - DROPPING BOP Verify Turbine Trip Turbine throttle valves - CLOSED Turbine governor valves - CLOSED BOP Verify power to 4KV busses Bus 141 - ENERGIZED Bus 142 - ENERGIZED

17 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Check SI status SI actuated SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)

SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1)

SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

Determine if SI required:

Check PZR pressure < 1829 psig Check Steamline pressure < 640 psig Check CNMT pressure > 3.4 psig A manual SI was directed by the US If SI is required:

Actuate SI from both SI switches (1PM05J and 1PM06J) and continue in 1BEP-0 US Directs BOP to perform Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION of 1BEP 0.


Crew actions of 1BEP-0 continue following NOTE.

BOP actions of 1BEP-0, Attachment B continue on page 23.

ATC Verify AF system:

AF pumps - Start 1B AF pump, then - BOTH RUNNING AF isolation valves 1AF13A-H - OPEN AF flow control valves 1AF005A-H - THROTTLED AF flow - GREATER THAN 500 GPM Check SG tubes intact:

Secondary radiation level - NORMAL AND STABLE Narrow range levels - NOT RISING IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER -

ATC Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves PORVs - 1 CLOSED, 1 ISOLATED Check pressure less than 2315 PORV isol valve - at least one ENERGIZED PORV relief path - at least one AVAILABLE PORV in - 1 in AUTO Isolation valve - 1 open Normal spray valves - CLOSED

18 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC ADJUST AF FLOW:

Lower total Feed Flow to approximately 600 gpm ATC Check steam dumps - AVAILABLE C-9 Permissive light - NOT LIT CW Pump - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING ATC Control RCS Temperature per table:

Adjust Feed Flow Steam Release EVALUATOR NOTE:

RCP Trip criteria dependent on RCS pressure when evaluated, it is anticipated to be above 1425 psig at this step.

ATC Check if RCPs should be stopped:


High head flow 1FI-917 > 100 GPM and RCS Pressure > 1425 PSIG.

ATC Check pressure in all SGs:

NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner.

NO SG Completely Depressurized.





CNMT area radiation monitors are less than ALERT Alarm setpoints:

Alert on 1RT-AR020/1RT-AR021 CNMT Pressure - less than 3.4 psig. - NO CNMT floor drain sump level less than 46 inches - NO EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions of 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT begin following this note.

19 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US Implement 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT and direct operator actions.

Notifies SM of BEP entry Requests Emergency Plan evaluation o

Request STA to come to the control room EVALUATOR NOTE:

RCP Trip criteria dependent on RCS pressure when evaluated, it is anticipated to be above 1425 psig at this step.


ECCS flow:

High head SI flow (1FI-917) - GREATER THAN 100 GPM o

RCS pressure - LESS THAN1425 PSIG o

Manually trip RCPs CREW Check pressure in all SGs:

NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner.

NO SG Completely Depressurized.

ATC/BOP Check intact SG level Narrow range levels - greater than 10% (31% adverse CNMT)

Control feed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 10% (31%

adverse) and 50%

Crew Check Secondary radiation normal Reset CNMT Isol Phase A if necessary Open all SG Blowdown Sample Isol valves Direct Chemistry to sample all SGs for activity Crew Check secondary radiation trends (PPC or Rad Monitoring System) - NORMAL FOR PLANT CONDITIONS Secondary activity samples - NORMAL (WHEN AVAILABLE)


PORV isol valves - ENERGIZED:

PORVs - 1 CLOSED, 1 ISOLATED PORV isol valves - AT LEAST ONE OPEN (1RY8000B will remain closed)

20 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CREW CHECK IF ECCS FLOW SHOULD BE REDUCED:

RCS subcooling - ACCEPTABLE Secondary heat sink:


SI Termination Criteria NOT satisfied CREW CHECK IF CS Pumps SHOULD BE STOPPED CS Pumps - ANY RUNNING - No CREW CHECK IF RH Pumps SHOULD BE STOPPED Reset SI, as necessary Check RCS Pressure RCS Pressure > 325 psig Pressure Stable or rising Any running RH Pump with suction aligned to the RWST Stop RH pumps and place in Standby EVALUATOR NOTE:

The scenario can be terminated after RH pumps are placed in Standby per 1BEP-1 Step F.8, provided all critical steps are complete.

21 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

1BEP-0, Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION actions begin on this page. B train of SI will not AUTO actuate due to loss of INST Bus 114. Operator will manually align Train B per Attachment B steps.


The following two critical tasks may have been completed prior to these steps in the procedure by Operator Action per OP-AA-103-102-1001 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL TRANSIENT MITIGATION. They will be verified at this step in the procedure.




CENT CHG pumps - NO Start 1B CV Pump RH pumps - NO Start 1B RH Pump SI pumps - BOTH RUNNING - NO Start 1A SI Pump (fails to start)

Start 1B SI Pump CT-15 BOP


Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS VALVE ALIGNMENT Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights required for ECCS valve alignment -

LIT - NO Open 1CV112D and / or 1CV112E When associated interlock valve is full open - close 1CV112B and / or 1CV112C EVALUATOR NOTE:

RCS pressure is dependent on when evaluated, it is anticipated to be above 1700 psig at this step.

BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS FLOW HHSI flow >100 gpm RCS pressure NOT <1700 psig

22 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B actions Verify RCFCs running in Accident Mode:

Group 2 RCFC Accident Mode status lights - NOT ALL LIT Manually align RCFCs as necessary Verify CNMT isolation Phase A Group 3 CNMT isolation monitor lights - NOT ALL LIT Manually Actuate Phase A Close any Phase A valve that failed to close as indicated by Group 3 lights Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights - NOT ALL LIT Stop any running VQ fans and manually close valves as necessary Verify CC Pumps CC pumps - Start 1B CC pump Verify SX Pumps running SX pumps - Start 1B SX Pump Check If Main Steamline Isolation Is Required o

Check SG pressure < 640 psig o

Check CNMT pressure > 8.2 psig If either condition is met, then verify MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed Check if CS is required (NOT required)

BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FW ISOLATED FW pumps tripped FW isolation monitor lights lit FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C Trip all running HD pumps BOP Attachment B action VERIFY BOTH DGS RUNNING:

DGs - Start 1B DG SX valves open 1SX169A and B Dispatch operator locally to check operation BOP Attachment B action VERIFY GENERATOR TRIP Unit 1 Main Transformer output breakers - OPEN:

GCB 3-4 OCB 4-5

23 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Excitation red Off light Is LIT BOP Attachment B action VERIFY CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION ALIGNED FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS:

Control Room Outside Air Intake radiation monitors < High Alarm setpoints Operating VC train equipment running Train A Supply fan 0A Return fan 0A M/U fan 0A Chilled water pump 0A MCR chiller 0A Operating VC train dampers M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y VC train M/U filter light LIT Operating VC train Charcoal Absorber aligned for train A 0VC43Y closed 0VC21Y open 0VC22Y open Operating VC train M/U filter alignment 0VC25Y open 0VC312Y closed Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038 BOP Attachment B action VERIFY AUXILIARY BUILDING VENTILATION ALIGNED Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running Damper 0VA023Y not fully closed Damper 0VA436Y closed Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running Damper 0VA072Y not fully closed Damper 0VA438Y closed Check Aux Building Supply and Exhaust fans One Exhaust Fan running for every Supply Fan running

24 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-3_

Event No.: _ 5 & 6__



SB LOCA and 1CV112 valves fail to swapover Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FHB VENTILATION ALIGNED Train B fan 0VA04CB running 0VA055Y open 0VA062Y not fully closed 0VA435Y closed BOP Attachment B action Maintain UHS Basin level > 80%

Initiate periodic checking of Spent Fuel Cooling Dispatch operator to locally check SFP level and temperature Notify Unit Supervisor of Manual actions taken Failed equipment status Attachment B completed CREW Attachment B action Shutdown unnecessary plant equipment As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-4T4, REACTOR TRIP POST RESPONSE GUIDELINE As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-5, PLANT SHUTDOWN AND COOLDOWN EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, continue on page 19.

The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION begin on page


The crew actions for of 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT, begin on page 22.

1 Facility: _Byron Nuclear Station__

Scenario No.: ___4___

Op-Test No.: _2021-301_

Examiners: __________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 75% RTP, MOL, steady state.

Turnover: A partial performance of 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 UNIT ONE TRAIN B AUXILIARY FEEDWATER VALVES STROKE TEST is required to ensure surveillance compliance.

1A FW pump is OOS. Expected RTS in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br />.

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

None N - BOP N - SRO TS-SRO Partial 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 Unit One Train B Auxiliary Feedwater Valves Stroke Test 2

CV10SLIM13S pDecPB C - ATC C - SRO 1CV121 fails closed 3

FW157 Pre FW22B C - BOP C - SRO 1B CD/CB trip / Stby pump fails to auto start 4

RX22B I - BOP TS - SRO PZR Press Channel 458 fails low 5

CH03D C - BOP C - SRO 1D CRDM Exhaust Fan trips (NRC Exam 19-1) 6 FW35A FW35C R-ATC R-BOP R -SRO 1A HD Pump trip and 1C HD pump fails to start; HD Pump Runback (NRC Exam 19-2) 7 RD02M04 C - ATC C - SRO TS - SRO Dropped rod 8

RP24A M - ALL Spurious Safety Injection Train A [CT]

9 CC04A RH01B C - ALL 1B RH Pump Trip and LOCA Outside CNMT - CA 1.2 [CT]

(NRC Exam 19-2)

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

2 Critical Tasks:

1. CT-32: Isolate the LOCA outside containment prior to transitioning out of 1BCA 1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE OF CONTAINMENT (K/A Number - EPE 04 EA1.3, Importance - 3.8/4.0)
a. Safety Significance: Failure to isolate a LOCA outside containment (that can be isolated) degrades containment integrity beyond the level of degradation irreparably introduced by the postulated conditions.

Failure to perform the critical task eventually leads to degraded ECCS capacity because the LOCA outside containment depletes the RWST inventory without causing a corresponding increase in the containment sump inventory. Thus, failure to isolate the LOCA can result in a situation in which all ECCS pumps taking suction on the RWST must be stopped because the RWST is empty and emergency coolant recirculation is unavailable.

b. Cues: Indications of a Safety Injection is required due to RCS pressure AND indication of abnormally high radiation in the auxiliary building.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulations of control switches to the isolate the LOCA by closing valves near the leak.
d. Feedback: RCS pressure starts increasing after closing valves.
1. CT-16: Trip RCPs within 10 minutes of meeting RCP trip criteria (RCS pressure <1425 psig and high head SI flow

>100 gpm or SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm). (K/A Number - EPE009 EK3.23, Importance - 4.2/4.3)

a. Safety Significance: Failure to trip the RCPs under the postulated plant conditions leads to core uncovery and to fuel cladding temperatures in excess of 2200°F, which is the limit specified in the ECCS acceptance criteria. Thus, failure to perform the task represents misoperation or incorrect crew performance in which the crew has failed to prevent degradation of... {the fuel cladding}...barrier to fission product release and which leads to violation of the facility license condition.
b. Cues: Indications of a SBLOCA, Safety Injection, only one SI pump running, and RCP trip criteria of RCS pressure <1425 psig and high head SI flow >100 gpm or SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm).
c. Performance Indicator: Manual trip all RCPs.
d. Feedback: Indication that all RCPs are stopped (RCP breaker position, RCP flow decreasing).

PWROG-14043-NP_3 ERG Rev 3 identifies analysis that the critical time to trip RCPs for Small Break LOCA, in all cases, is about 10 minutes. This conclusion in Appendix A.3 for Safety Significance of Manual RCP Trip During SBLOCA states The task documented in worksheet CT-16 should be retained on a generic basis. Under the plant conditions specified in the worksheet, failure to manually trip the RCPs within the time frames specified in the worksheet will result in RCP operation during a window for adverse consequence. If the RCPs trip during a window for adverse consequence, PCT will exceed 2200°F.

3 21-1 NRC SCENARIO 4 OVERVIEW The scenario will start at approximately 75% RTP, MOL, steady state. A partial performance of 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 UNIT ONE TRAIN B AUXILIARY FEEDWATER VALVES STROKE TEST is required to ensure surveillance compliance.

1A FW pump is OOS for an oil change.

Event 1 The crew will perform a partial surveillance of 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 Unit One Train B Auxiliary Feedwater Valves Stroke Test for 1AF013H only. When the crew has completed the surveillance, continue to Event 2.

Event 2 1CV121 fails low to 52 GPM. The crew will identify the failure and respond to BAR 1-9-A1 REGEN HX LTDWN TEMP HIGH. The crew will take manual control of 1CV121 and restore normal charging and letdown. Once the actions to restore charging flow are complete, at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 3.

Event 3 1B CD/CB pump will trip on overcurrent and the Stby pump, 1D CD/CB pump, will not auto start. The crew will identify the tripped pump and manually start the 1D CD/CB pump per BHC 1-17-A9 CD/CB PUMP TRIP. This will restore adequate NPSH for the Feedwater pumps and stabilize the secondary system. The crew will enter 1BOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP UNIT 1. Once 1BOA SEC-1 is complete, at the lead examiner discretion, continue with Event 4.

Event 4 PZR Pressure channel 458 will fail low. The crew will identify the failure and respond per 1BOA INST-2 OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNIT 1 Attachment B. The crew will verify no changes to the RCS and bypass/remove the channel in Ovation. The crew will enter Tech Specs 3.3.1 Conditions A, E, and K and 3.3.2 Conditions A and D. After the Tech Spec assessment is complete, at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 5.

Event 5 The 1D Control Rod Drive Mechanism fan will trip. The crew will identify the failure and respond per BAR 0-33-A5 CRDM EXH FAN TRIP. The crew will start an additional CRDM fan per BOP VP-9. After the fan is started, at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 6.

Event 6 1A HD Pump will trip. 1C HD Pump will fail to start when crew attempts to manually start the pump. Crew will perform a HD Pump Runback of the unit at 20MW/min down to 780 MWe. After the crew stabilizes the unit at the new power level, the lead examiner will direct continuation to Event 7.

Event 7 When directed, CBD rod D12 will drop. The crew will identify the failure and respond to the failure with 1BOA ROD-3 DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD UNIT 1. The crew will take rods to MANUAL. The crew will enter Tech Spec 3.1.4 Condition B. Once the crew has dispatched personnel to check fuses and the SRO has evaluated Tech Specs, at the lead examiners discretion, continue to Events 8 and 9.

Event 8 and 9 A spurious Safety Injection will occur on Train A. The RX will auto trip. The crew will implement 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SI. 1B RH pump will trip, discharge check valve will fail to fully close, and 1B RH HX will develop a leak on actuation of the SI causing a LOCA outside of containment. The crew will transition from 1BEP-0 to 1BCA-1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT UNIT 1.

The 1500 GPM leak develops in the 1B RH HX bypass line just upstream of 1RH619.

The scenario can terminate after isolation of the leak. The crew will note an RCS pressure rise when 1SI8809B is closed and will isolate the LOCA outside CNMT.


  • Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Appendix A, NRC Exam Security Checklist.
  • Establish the conditions of IC 143, 75% power, MOL, equilibrium xenon (IC 156 with change to plant configuration)
  • Place Simulator in RUN
  • Implement SBT Data capture for the scenario.
  • Initiate Smart Scenario:

o Open SMART SCENARIO (Extreme Ace icon) o Open file Scenario N21-4 Scenario.ssf o

Click on the MODE button (near top of screen) and pick EXECUTE o

Click on the PLAY button (bottom left of screen) o Verify Simulator Setup conditions automatically load o


  • ENSURE the following are included in the smart scenario:

5 Ensure the following equipment is aligned 1D CD/CB Pump in STBY 1A CV pump is running 1A FW pump is OOS 1VP03CB and 1VP03CD fans are running Place the following control switches in PTL:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP Place clearance order INFO/CAUTION tags on the following COMPONENTS:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP 1FW002A 1A FW Pump Discharge valve 1FW012A 1A FW Pump Recirculation valve Place Protected Equipment placards on the following control switches:

1B FW pump 1C FW pump Set BAT Flow Controller to 14.4 for 917 ppm boron.

Ensure MOL REMA is available at the Unit Desk Provide copies of the following documents:


6 Turnover Information Unit 1 is at 75% MOL 917 MWe RCS boron concentration is 917 ppm Control bank D @ 171 steps 1A FW pump is OOS for an oil change. Expected RTS in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br />.

Online Risk is GREEN.

Protected Equipment:

Unit 1 FC Train 1B FW Pump 1C FW Pump Planned activities:

o Partial 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 UNIT ONE TRAIN B AUXILIARY FEEDWATER VALVES STROKE TEST for 1AF013H Auxiliary Feedwater Isolation Valve.

7 INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE EO response time will occur per Byron Station Simulator guidelines.

TB - 2 minutes AB - 3 minutes AEER - 1 minute Event 1, Partial 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 Unit One Train B Auxiliary Feedwater Valves Stroke Test As Shift Manager, acknowledge commencement and completion of procedure.

Event 2, 1CV121 failure At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail 1CV121 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 2, 1CV121 failure, and select, Release.

As EO, there is nothing apparently wrong with CV flow control valve 1CV-121 locally.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge the failure and requests for on line risk assessment, maintenance support, and IR initiation.

Event 3, 1B CD/CB Pump At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to trip the 1B CD/CB Pump by right clicking on the box titled, Event 3, 1B CD/CB pump, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BOA SEC-1.

When dispatched as an EO to check on 1B CD/CB pump or breaker, o

report that there is a significant amount of water spraying from gland water o report the breaker of the 1B CD/CB pump is open with an overcurrent flag showing If requested, yes the EO can isolate the gland water to the pump and stop the spraying water.

As Shift Manager acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR request.

Event 4, PZR Press Channel 458 failure At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail PZR Pressure Channel 458 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 4, PZR Press Channel 458 failure, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedural entry and evaluate for Emergency Plan conditions.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge requirement to bypass/trip bistable. If asked, direct to bypass bistable.

As the WEC, respond to request for tripping bistables and inform US that extra NSOs will be assembled and briefed.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge entry into TS 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 5, 1D CRDM Exhaust Fan trips.

At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to trip 1D Control Rod Drive Mechanism Fan by right clicking on the box titled, Event 5, CRDM Fan Trip and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge the failure and requests for on line risk assessment, maintenance support, and IR initiation.

As EO, report thermals have tripped on CRDM Exhaust Fan 1D breaker (MCC133X6 cubicle C4).

8 As QNE, acknowledge CRDM Exhaust Fans are being swapped.

Event 6, HD Pump Runback At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to trip the 1A HD pump by right clicking on the box titled, Event 6, HD Pump, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge entry into 1BOA SEC-1 and the initiation of the runback.

As EO, if dispatched to HD pumps, acknowledge 1A HD is stopped and there no issues at the pump. 1C HD is stopped and there are no issues at the pump.

AS EO, if dispatched to the HD pump breakers, 1A HD has an overcurrent flag showing at the breaker. 1C HD breaker is showing open.

If called, as Generation Dispatch, acknowledge the initiation of the runback.

Event 7, Dropped rod At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to drop CBD Rod D12 by right clicking on the box titled Event 7, CBD Rod D12 Drop and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations.

As RE, acknowledge dropped rod and reactor data.

As EO, acknowledge order to check for blown fuses and report stationary grippers fuses are blown for Rod D12.

Events 8 & 9, Spurious SI and LOCA Outside CNMT At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail PZR Pressure Channel 458 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 8, Spurious SI and LOCA Outside CNMT, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP-0.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BCA 1.2.

As EO, if sent to investigate or 5 minutes after the RH leak is active, report the 1B RH discharge header has ruptured between 1RH0607 and 1RH8716B. Hot water and steam are spraying out.

As EO, if sent to investigate after the 1SI8809B is closed, report the leak has stopped.

9 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 1__



Partial surveillance of 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 Unit One Train B Auxiliary Feedwater Valves Stroke Test Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES From turnover, a partial performance of 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 UNIT ONE TRAIN B AUXILIARY FEEDWATER VALVES STROKE TEST is required to ensure surveillance compliance.

US Direct BOP to perform 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 Unit One Train B Auxiliary Feedwater Valves Stroke Test for 1AF013H only BOP

  • Refer to 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2. Determine step F.2.4 applies.
  • Record OPEN for 1AF013H, 1B AF Pp Dsch Hdr to 1D S/G Isol Vlv, at 1PM06J.
  • EXERCISE 1AF013H, 1B AF Pp Dsch Hdr to 1D S/G Isol Vlv, at 1PM06J, by performing a full cycle of the valve and circling the result.
  • RETURN 1AF013H, 1B AF Pp Dsch Hdr to 1D S/G Isol Vlv, to its "As Found" condition or as directed by the Shift Manager or designated SRO licensed assistant, at 1PM06J.


  • Monitor the unit.

US Enter LCO during AF Valve testing and exit when complete.

(RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.7.5 Auxiliary Feedwater (AF) System (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One AF train inoperable.

o A.1 RA - Restore AF train to OPERABLE status.

CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.


After completion of 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2, and with lead examiners concurrence, proceed with the next event.

10 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 2__



1CV121 fails closed Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciators

  • 1-10-E4 Ovation Trouble.
  • Charging flow ~ 52 gpm.
  • Pressurizer level master controller shifts to manual.

ATC/US Take action per the BAR

  • Determine the first 8 actions do not apply.
  • Check output of Master PZR Level Controller 1LK-459. Determine controller is in MANUAL.
  • Restore charging flow to normal.

US Establish and Assign control band for pressurizer level o

Evaluate Tech Spec implications (none)

Notify Shift manager of failure and actions BOP Respond per BAR 1-10-E4 Ovation Trouble.

Refer to Ovation alarm page.

Determine RY-PZRLVMM-MAN is applicable.

Refer to BOP CX-21 and determine no action is listed for the alarm.

If letdown is isolated, restore letdown per 1BOA ESP-2.


Once the actions to restore charging flow are complete, and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with Event 3.

11 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 3__



1B CD/CB trip / Stby pump fails to auto start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Annunciators

  • 1-17-A9 CD/CB PUMP TRIP
  • 1B CD/CB pump disagreement light BOP Refer to BHC 1-17-A9 CD/CB PUMP TRIP Start aux oil pump for the Standby 1D CD/CB pump Start the standby 1D CD/CB pump Close the 1B CD/CB Pump recirc valve 1CB113B US
  • Direct entry into 1BOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP UNIT 1 Attachment C BOP Check Turbine load - greater than 700 MWe Check CD/CB flow restored Standby Cd/CB pump running - yes At least three CD/CB pumps running - yes Check FW flow - greater than or equal to steam flow Check FW pumps not cavitating Close recirc valve on tripped pump - 1CB113B FW pump discharge flows oscillating - no Check CD/CB flow restored Check alarms not lit 1-17-B11 CB PUMP DSCH FLOW HIGH 1-16-E1 FEEDWATER NPSH LOW ATC Check Plant Status Delta I within limits PDMS - OPERABLE Check 1-10-E8 -PDMS INOPERABLE - not lit Check 1-10-D7 PDMS LIMIT EXCEEDED Control Delta I within limit ROD BANK LOW INSERTION LIMIT - not lit Turbine Runback not lit Restore plant conditions EVALUATOR NOTE:

When Secondary systems have been stabilized after the loss of 1B CD/CB Pump, and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with Event 4.

12 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 4__



PZR Press Channel 458 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator 1-12-A1 PZR PRESS LOW RX TRIP STPT ALERT 1-12-B1 PZR PRESS LOW

  • Pzr press indicator 1PI-458 downscale.


  • Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests BOP
  • Perform 1BOA INST-2 Attachment B.

Check Pzr pressure normal.

Check PORVs closed.

Check Pzr spray valves normal.

Remove the failed Pzr press channel from service.

Select PRESSURIZER PRESSURE in the SIGNAL SELECTORS box Select the PRESSURIZER PRESSURE MASTER graphic (7105) header to enable the window Select PLACE OUT OF SERVICE for 1PT-458 Exit window Select OWS graphic REACTOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL (6020)

Select OT DELTA-T in the SIGNAL SELECTORS box Select the Ovation graphic OT DELTA T SETPOINT (7100) header to enable the window Select PLACE OUT OF SERVICE for 1PT-458.

Exit window Check Pzr pressure control in AUTO.

PZR PORVs 1RY455A and 1RY456 PZR Spray Valves 1RY455B and 1RY455C Master PZR pressure controller Check P11 interlock.

Select an operable Pzr pressure channel to the T recorder.


  • Report failed Pzr pressure instrument.
  • Refer to BARs 1-12-A1 and B1.


  • Identify Bistables required to be bypassed
  • PB458A
  • PB458C
  • PB458D
  • TB441C
  • TB441D
  • Contact WEC Supervisor to dispatch/brief personnel to bypass bistable

13 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 4__



PZR Press Channel 458 fails low US (RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.3.1 Reactor Trip Instrumentation (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One or more Functions with one or more required channels or trains inoperable.

o A.1 RA - Enter the Condition referenced in Table 3.3.1-1 for the channel(s) or trains inoperable (Functions 6 & 8).

CT - Immediately CONDITION E, One channel inoperable.

o E.1 RA - Place channel in trip.

CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> CONDITION K, One channel inoperable.

o K.1 RA - Place channel in trip.

CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.3.2 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS)

Instrumentation (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One or more Functions with one or more required channels or trains inoperable.

o A.1 RA - Enter the Condition referenced in Table 3.3.2-1 for the channel(s) or trains inoperable (Function 1.d).

CT - Immediately CONDITION D, One channel inoperable.

o D1 RA - Place channel in trip.

CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> EVALUATOR NOTE:

After the US determines the Tech Spec requirements, and with the lead examiners concurrence, initiate Event 5.

14 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 5__



1D Control Rod Drive Mechanism fan trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator

  • Amber light lit on CRDM Exhaust Fan 1D.


BOP VP-9 states that the fans are preferred to be run in specific pairs, but not required. The candidates will start a second fan, as two fans are required to be running for plant conditions, and may swap the other fans to achieve the preferred line up.

The preferred line up is as follows:

1VP03CA and 1VP03CC or 1VP03CB and 1VP03CD.

This is not required to successfully complete the task.


  • Take action per the BAR
  • Start another CRDM Exhaust Fan per BOP VP-9.

Notify Unit QNE CRDM Exhaust fans will be swapped (Prerequisite C.1)

Place Control Switch for 1VP03CD in PTL PLACE one of the following Control Switches to the AFTER START position:

1VP03CA, Cont Rod Drive Mech Exh Fan 1A.

1VP03CC, Cont Rod Drive Mech Exh Fan 1C.


  • Notify Shift Manager of status.


After the fan is started, and with lead examiners concurrence, initiate Event 6.

15 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 6__



1A HD Pump trip and 1C HD pump fails to start; HD Pump Runback Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator 1-17-D2 HD PUMP TRIP Annunciator 1-17-D3 PUMP DISCH FLOW HIGH HD Tank Level rising Disagreement light on 1A HD pump control switch BOP Recognizes 1A HD pump tripped Refer to BAR 1-17-D2 Recognizes one Heater Drain Pump running Perform actions per the BAR Attempt to start 1C HD pump - pump fails to start CREW Identify entry conditions for 1BOA SEC-1, SECONDARY PUMP TRIP US Acknowledge 1A HD pump trip and failure of 1C HD pump to start.

Implement 1BOA SEC-1, SECONDARY PUMP TRIP Attachment D HD PUMP TRIP and direct operator actions of 1BOA SEC-1.

BOP Recognizes standby HD pump failed to start.

Check HD pump status at 1PM03J.

ONLY 1B HD pump running.

Initiate HD runback on OWS graphic 5512 at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210 by depressing the Stat HD Runback softkey.

Verify turbine load lowering.

Check HD Tank level at 1PM03J:

Level > 72% and rising.

Maintain HD tank level.

o Verify 1HD046A &B in AUTO.

o Open 1CB113A-D as needed.

o Manually open 1HD117, HD tank overflow valve.

o Lower turbine load as necessary to maintain HD tank level < 72%.

EVALUATOR NOTE: If HD tank level can NOT be maintained less than 85%, THEN the crew should manually trip the reactor and GO TO 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, Step 1.

BOP Check 1HD117, HD tank overflow valve in auto and closed at 1PM03J.

o Lower turbine load as necessary to close 1HD117.

Check 1B HD pump parameters at 1PM03J.

1B HD pump amps < 168 amps.

1B HD pump flow < 2965 KLB/HR.

o Lower turbine load as necessary to restore 1B HD pump parameters.

When complete, deactivate turbine runback:

Depress STOP HD RUNBACK softkey at OWS graphic 5512 at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210

16 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 6__



1A HD Pump trip and 1C HD pump fails to start; HD Pump Runback Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: ATC may lower VCT control setpoint to minimize VCT level rise.

ATC Initiate RCS boration at 1PM05J:

Determine required boric acid volume.

o Determine from ReMA.

Determine desired boric acid flow rate.

Set 1FK-110 BA Flow Control to desired boration rate.

Set 1FY-0110 BA Blender Predet Counter to desired volume.




Verify proper operation of valves and BA transfer pump (1CV110B open, Boric Acid Transfer Pump running, 1CV110A throttles open, proper BA flow indicated on recorder).

Turn on PZR backup heaters.


  • Control I near target.

If I exceeds limits, operate control rods in manual or borate as necessary to restore I to desired value at 1PM05J.

Restore I to within limits US / ATC Check PDMS operable.

Annunciator PDMS INOPERABLE not lit (1-10-E8).

1BOL 3.h not implemented.

Annunciator PDMS LIMIT EXCEEDED not lit (1-10-D7).

BOP Verify running CB pump recirc valves in auto.

1CB113A-D on running pumps.

o Dispatch operators to perform BOP HD-2 for 1B HD pump.

Shutdown CD/CB pump (if started during procedure performance).

US Notify chemistry to monitor secondary plant chemistry.

Notify SM to perform risk assessment.

Check reactor power change > 15% in one hour.

o Notify chemistry to perform TS 3.4.16 sampling.

o Notify rad protection to perform TS sampling.

Contact Generation Dispatch to inform of load reduction and estimated duration of power derate.


After the crew has stabilized the unit, with lead examiners concurrence, initiate Event 7.

17 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 7__



CBD rod D12 drop Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator 1-10-C4 PWR RNG CHANNEL DEV 1-10-E6 ROD AT BOTTON Tave dropping Rods stepping out ATC Take action per hard card BHC1-RD Check Turbine Power Stable - yes Check Rod Control in manual Place Rod Control in Manual - rod motion will stop US Enter and direct 1BOA ROD-3, DROPPED OR MISALIGNED ROD UNIT 1.

ATC Place rod control in - MANUAL.

Stop unnecessary boration or dilution.

BOP Stop turbine load changes. Place DEH in HOLD.

ATC Check DRPI not failed.

Check Rx power > 5%.

Check DRPI rod bottom light lit AND Tave dropping.

Check only one DRPI rod bottom light lit - only one rod dropped Check Tave > 550°F.

Maintain Tave and Tref within 3°F by adjusting turbine load and/or by raising boron concentration.

Check all quadrants less than 100% - NIS and Delta T Check alarm 1-10-C3 PWR RNG FLUX RATE RX TRIP ALERT alarm clear.


  • Complete Attachment A by recording data and report to a qualified Nuclear Engineer.

o Nature of the failure o

Time failure identified o

Time rods last moved o

Current reactor power level o

Rod failed o

Position of the failed rod o Position of bank containing the failed rod ATC Check I - WITHIN LIMITS.


Check PDMS LIMIT EXCEEDED alarm (1-10-D7) - NOT LIT.

18 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 7__



CBD rod D12 drop Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Check if DRPI indicates affected rod - MISALIGNED GREATER THAN 12 STEPS

- yes.

Perform 1BOSR 1.1.1-1 SHUTDOWN MARGIN SURVEILLANCE within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

Check Reactor Power less than 70%.

Check duration of rod misalignment GREATER than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> - no.

Check reactor power less than 50% reactor power - no Crew Check affected rod(s) for blown fuse(s) - yes, stationary grippers fuses are blown US (RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.1.4 Rod Group Alignment Limits (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION B, One rod not within alignment limit.

o B.1.1 RA - Verify SDM is within the limits specified within the COLR.

CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

OR o

B.1.2 RA - Initiate boration to restore SDM within limit.

CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

o B.2 RA - Reduce THERMAL POWER to < 75%RTP.

CT - 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from discovery of Condition B concurrent with inoperability of Power Distribution Monitoring System (PDMS) o B.3 RA - Very SDM is within limits specified in the COLR.

CT - Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> o

B.4 RA - Determine Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z)) and Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FNH).

CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

o B.5 RA - Reevaluate safety analyses and confirm results remain valid for duration of operation under these conditions.

CT - 5 days.


Once the crew has dispatched personnel to check fuses and the SRO has evaluated Tech Specs, at the lead examiners discretion, continue to Events 8 and 9.

19 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



Spurious Safety Injection Train A with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator:

  • SI Actuated Bypass/Permissive light.
  • A train SI equipment running.


  • Notify SM for procedure entry, EP evaluation
  • Request STA to come to the control room ATC Verify Reactor Trip Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT Reactor trip & Bypass breakers - OPEN Neutron flux DROPPING BOP Verify Turbine Trip Turbine throttle valves - CLOSED Turbine governor valves - CLOSED BOP Verify power to 4KV busses Bus 141 - ENERGIZED
  • Bus 142 - ENERGIZED ATC Check SI status SI actuated SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)

SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1) - Yes SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open) - Yes Actuate SI from both SI switches (1PM05J and 1PM06J) and continue in 1BEP Yes US Directs BOP to perform Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION of 1BEP 0.


BOP actions of 1BEP-0, Attachment B continue on page 25.

ATC Verify AF system:

AF pumps - BOTH RUNNING AF isolation valves 1AF13A-H Steam Generator Auxiliary Feedwater Isolation Valve-OPEN AF flow control valves 1AF005A-H Auxiliary Feedwater Regulating Valves -

THROTTLED AF flow - GREATER THAN 500 GPM Check SG tubes intact:

Secondary radiation level - NORMAL AND STABLE Narrow range levels - NOT RISING IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER

20 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



Spurious Safety Injection Train A with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment ATC Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves PORVs - CLOSED PORV isol valve - at least one ENERGIZED PORV relief path - at least one AVAILABLE PORV in - AUTO Isolation valve - open

  • Normal spray valves - CLOSED ATC ADJUST AF FLOW:
  • Lower total Feed Flow to approximately 600 gpm ATC Check steam dumps - AVAILABLE
  • C-9 Permissive light - NOT LIT
  • CW Pump - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING ATC Control RCS Temperature per table:
  • Adjust Feed Flow
  • Steam Release EVALUATOR NOTE:

It is possible the procedural path and timing may meet the conditions to trip RCPs, however it is not expected to meet the conditions to trip RCPs at this time.

The crew has 10 minutes to trip RCPs once trip criteria is reached.



Check if RCPs should be stopped:

  • Time trip criteria is reached: __________
  • Time RCPs are tripped: __________

ATC Check pressure in all SGs:

  • NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner.
  • NO SG Completely Depressurized.




  • CNMT pressure less than 3.4 psig
  • CNMT Floor drain sump level less than 46 inches

21 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



Spurious Safety Injection Train A with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment ATC CHECK IF ECCS FLOW SHOULD BE REDUCED:

  • RCS Subcooling - acceptable
  • Secondary heat sink
  • Total feed flow greater than 500 gpm or Narrow range level in at least one SG is greater than 10%
  • RCS pressure stable or rising - no
  • PZR level greater than12%


  • Initiate monitoring of Critical Safety Function Status Trees ATC CHECK SG LEVELS
  • Narrow range levels greater than 10%
  • Control feed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 10% and 50%


  • Depress both SI reset pushbuttons
  • Verify SI ACTUATED permissive light goes out
  • Verify AUTO SI BLOCKED permissive light is LIT ATC
  • Phase A
  • Phase B - not required ATC
  • ESTABLISH INSTRUMENT AIR TO CONTAINMENT Check SACs - any running Open instrument air supply valves to CNMT: 1IA065 and 1IA66 ATC
  • CHECK IF RH PUMPS SHOULD BE STOPPED RCS pressure greater than 325 psig RCS pressure stable or rising Stop both RH pumps and place in Stby ATC CHECK SECONDARY RADIATION NORMAL Sample all SGs for activity Check secondary radiation trends normal for plant conditions SJAE/Gland Steam Exhaust Gas radiation - HAS REMAINED LESS THAN ALERT ALARM SETPOINT.




  • CHECK AUXILIARY BUILDING RADIATION Unit 1 Aux Bldg Vent Stack effluent normal for plant conditions - no Unit 2 Aux Bldg Vent Stack effluent normal for plant conditions

22 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__



Spurious Safety Injection Train A with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Crew

  • Transition to 1BCA 1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTIANMENT, Step 1.


The crew actions for 1BCA 1.2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTIANMENT continue on the next page.

23 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: __8 & 9__



Spurious Safety Injection with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US

  • Enter and direct 1BCA-1. 2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT.


  • Verify Proper Valve Alignment Place SVAG Valve 480 bus feeds C/S to closed.

Check 1RH8701A/B 1A RH Pump Suction from Hot Leg Isolation Valves and 1RH8702A/B 1B RH Pump Suction from Hot Leg Isolation Valves closed.

Check 1SI8840 U1 RH HX to Hot Leg Isolation Valve closed.

Check 1SI8802A/B SI Pump Discharge Outside Containment Isolation Valves closed.

Check containment isolation phase A valves closed.


  • Try to identify and isolate break.

Reset SI recirc sump isol valves if necessary 1SI8811A/B Containment Recirc Sump Outlet Isol Valves 1CV8110/1CV8111 1A/B CV Pump Miniflow Isol Valves Reset SI Cent CHG pump miniflow isol valves 1CV8114 1A CV Pump ESF Miniflow Isol Valve 1CV8116 1B CV Pump ESF Miniflow Isol Valve Verify CENT CHG pump miniflow isol valves - Open 1CV8110 1B CV Pump Miniflow Isol Valve 1CV8111 1A CV Pump Miniflow Isol Valve 1CV8114 1A CV Pump ESF Miniflow Isol Valve 1CV8116 1B CV Pump ESF Miniflow Isol Valve CT-32 CREW


  • Sequentially close and open listed valves one at a time while monitoring for an RCS pressure rise.

1SI8809A 1A RH HX SI Downstream Isol Valve 1SI8809B 1B RH HX SI Downstream Isol Valve

  • Report RCS pressure rises when 1SI8809B is closed.
  • Identify the leak isolated and maintain 1SI8809B closed.


The scenario can be terminated after declaring the leak isolated and maintaining 1SI8809B closed.

24 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__

Event Description Spurious Safety Injection with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

1BEP-0, Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION actions begin on this page.


CENT CHG pumps - 1B RUNNING RH pumps - 1B RH pump tripped and will not start if manually started SI pumps - BOTH RUNNING BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS VALVE ALIGNMENT Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights required for ECCS valve alignment -


RCS pressure is dependent on when evaluated, it is anticipated to be below 1700 psig at this step.

BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS FLOW HHSI flow >100 gpm or SI Pump Discharge flow > 200 gpm - no RCS pressure <1700 psig RCS pressure <325 psig - no BOP Attachment B actions Verify RCFCs running in Accident Mode:

Group 2 RCFC Accident Mode status lights - LIT Verify CNMT isolation Phase A Group 3 CNMT isolation monitor lights - LIT Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights - LIT Verify CC Pumps CC pumps - BOTH RUNNING Verify SX Pumps running SX pumps - BOTH RUNNING Check If Main Steamline Isolation Is Required

  • Check SG pressure < 640 psig - no
  • Check CNMT pressure > 8.2 psig - no
  • If either condition is met, then verify MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed Check if CS is required CNMT pressure has risen to greater than 20 psig - no BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FW ISOLATED FW pumps tripped FW isolation monitor lights lit FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C Trip all running HD pumps

25 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__

Event Description Spurious Safety Injection with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action VERIFY BOTH DGS RUNNING:

DGs - BOTH RUNNING SX valves open 1SX169A and B Dispatch operator locally to check operation BOP Attachment B action VERIFY GENERATOR TRIP Unit 1 Main Transformer output breakers - OPEN:


Control Room Outside Air Intake radiation monitors < High Alarm setpoints Operating VC train equipment running Train A Supply fan 0A Return fan 0A M/U fan 0A Chilled water pump 0A MCR chiller 0A Operating VC train dampers M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y VC train M/U filter light LIT Operating VC train Charcoal Absorber aligned for train A 0VC43Y closed 0VC21Y open 0VC22Y open Operating VC train M/U filter alignment 0VC25Y open 0VC312Y closed Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038

26 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__

Event Description Spurious Safety Injection with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action VERIFY AUXILIARY BUILDING VENTILATION ALIGNED Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running Damper 0VA023Y not fully closed Damper 0VA436Y closed Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running Damper 0VA072Y not fully closed Damper 0VA438Y closed Check Aux Building Supply and Exhaust fans One Exhaust Fan running for every Supply Fan running BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FHB VENTILATION ALIGNED Train B fan 0VA04CB running 0VA055Y open 0VA062Y not fully closed 0VA435Y closed BOP Attachment B action Maintain UHS Basin level > 80%

Initiate periodic checking of Spent Fuel Cooling Dispatch operator to locally check SFP level and temperature Notify Unit Supervisor of Manual actions taken Failed equipment status Attachment B completed BOP Attachment B action Initiate periodic checking of Spent Fuel Cooling Dispatch an operator to verify local actions SFP level is greater than 420 elevation (20 feet from the top of the fuel)

SFP temperature STABLE BOP Attachment B action Notify Unit Supervisor of the following:

Manual actions taken - Phase A and MS Isolation actions Ownership of Continuous Action Step Attachment B completed CREW Attachment B action Shutdown unnecessary plant equipment As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-4T4, REACTOR TRIP POST RESPONSE GUIDELINE As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-5, PLANT SHUTDOWN AND COOLDOWN

27 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-4_

Event No.: _ 8 & 9__

Event Description Spurious Safety Injection with auto RX trip, LOCA Outside Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, continue on page 19.

The crew actions for of 1BCA-1. 2 LOCA OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT, begin on page 23.

1 Facility: _Byron Nuclear Station__

Scenario No.: ___5___

Op-Test No.: _2021-301_

Examiners: __________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 75% power, CBD 171 steps, MOL, 917 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon.

Turnover: Swap CV pumps. 1A FW Pump OOS. Expected RTS in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

None N - ATC N - SRO Swap CV pumps 2

ED24A - Pre ED23A C - ATC C - BOP C - SRO TS - SRO Loss of Bus 141 (SAT Feed BRKR trip) 1A DG fails to close on bus; Bus not faulted 3

CH08D TS - SRO Containment Pressure channel 937 fails high 4

CV09 d7mod4127c3v I - ATC I - SRO 1TI-130 fails low (NRC_Exam 19-1) 5 FW02B R - ATC R - BOP R - SRO 1C FW pump trip 6


7 RP30A RP30B C - ALL Phase A Containment isolation fails to auto actuate [CT]

8 TC03 C - BOP C - SRO Main Turbine fails to trip in auto (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

2 Critical Tasks:

1. CT-11: Close containment isolation valves such that at least one valve is closed on each critical Phase A penetration prior to reporting completion of 1BEP-0, Attachment B. (K/A number - Containment System 103-A3.01; importance 3.9/4.2)
a. Safety Significance: Closing at least one containment isolation valve on each critical Phase A penetration, under the postulated plant conditions constitutes a task that is essential to safety, because its improper performance or omission by an operator will result in direct adverse consequences or significant degradation in the mitigative capability of the plant. In particular, the crew has failed to prevent degradation of any barrier to fission product release. In this case, the containment barrier is needlessly left in a degraded condition.
b. Cues: Indication that a SI is required and absence of annunciation that Phase A isolation is actuated.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulation of controls as required to close at least one containment isolation valve on each critical Phase A penetration
d. Feedback: ESF system status lamps show that at least one containment isolation valve is closed on each critical Phase A penetration.
2. CT-36: Transfer to cold leg recirculation prior to reaching 9% in the RWST. (K/A Number - ECCS 006-A4.07, Importance - 4.4/4.4)
a. Safety Significance: Improper performance or omission by an operator will result in direct adverse consequence(s) or a significant degradation in the mitigative capability of the plant. Correct performance prevents unnecessary challenges to the CSFs of Core cooling and Containment
b. Cues: Indication and/or annunciation that safety injection is actuated AND Indication and/or annunciation that RWST level is at or below 46.7% AND Indication that containment sump level is at or above the minimum level required for transfer to cold leg recirculation.
c. Performance Indicator: Manipulation of controls as required to transfer to cold leg recirculation and establish ECCS recirculation flow: Valve position indication that the cold leg recirculation flow path is established and Control switch indication that the circuit breakers or contactors for the low-head injection pumps (and other ECCS injection pumps as necessary) are closed
d. Feedback: Flow indication of the recirculation of containment sump water through the RHR heat exchangers and into the RCS.

3 21-1 NRC SCENARIO 5 OVERVIEW The scenario will start at 75% RTP, MOL, steady state conditions. The crew is directed to swap the 1B CV pump to the 1A CV pump. 1A FW Pump OOS. Expected RTS in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Event 1 The crew is directed to swap Charging pumps per BOP CV-19 SWITCHING CHARGING PUMPS. Once the swap is completed satisfactory, continue to Event 2.

Event 2 Bus 141 will de-energize due to a trip of the SAT feed Breaker 1412 with a failure of breaker 1413 to automatically close on the bus. The crew will identify the de-energized bus and enter 1BOA ELEC-3 LOSS OF 4KV ESF BUS UNIT1. The crew will be required to start 1B CV pump due to the failure. The crew will crosstie the bus to Unit 2 Bus 241. The crew will enter Tech Specs 3.8.9 Condition A and 3.8.1 Conditions A, B, and E. Once Bus 141 is energized and the US has made Tech Spec identification, and at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 3.

Event 3 Containment Pressure channel 937 fails high. The crew will identify the failure and perform 1BOA INST-2 OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL Attachment K CONTAINMENT PRESSURE CHANNEL. The crew will enter Tech Spec 3.3.2 Conditions A and E. Once Techs Specs have been determined, at the lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 4.

Event 4 1TI-130 fails low (spurious). This will cause 1CC130A to drive closed several percent and then transfer into Manual. The crew will identify the failure and take action per BAR 1-10-E5 OVATION ALTERNATE ACTION. This will require the crew to take manual control of 1CC130A and maintain normal cooling flow to the HX. Once the actions are complete, at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 5.

Event 5 1C FW pump will trip. The crew will respond per BHC-1-16-BC1 FW PUMP TRIP, and with 1A FW pump not available, the crew will initiate a turbine runback. The ATC operator will initiate a boration in response to the turbine runback. The crew will enter 1BOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP UNIT 1. Once the crew stabilizes power approximately 60% power and RCS temperature and pressure, at the lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 6, 7, & 8.

Event 6, 7, & 8 A LOCA will initiate. The crew will identify the LOCA and initiate a manual RX trip. The Main Turbine will not auto trip and will require manual actuation. Automatic Phase A isolation will not occur and requires manual actuation (CT 11). After the RX trip, the LOCA will significantly increase in size. The crew will respond per 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION UNIT 1. The crew will transition to 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARYCOOLANT UNIT 1.

While the crew is working through 1BEP-1, the RWST level will lower until it reaches 46.7%, at which point the crew will transition to 1BEP ES-1.3, TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION UNIT 1 and swap suction sources for the ECCS pumps from the RWST to the CNMT sumps.

Completion of 1BEP ES-1.3 Step 5, Align SI and CV Pumps for Cold Leg Recirculation, prior to the RWST reaching 9%

level will satisfy Critical Task 36, and the scenario can be terminated.


  • Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Appendix A, Simulator NRC Exam Security Checklist.
  • Establish the conditions of IC 148, 75% power, CBD 171 steps, MOL, 917 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon.
  • Place Simulator in RUN.
  • Implement SBT Data capture for the scenario.
  • Initiate Smart Scenario:

o Open SMART SCENARIO (Extreme Ace icon) o Open file Scenario N21-5.ssf o

Load Initial values for instrument failures; Event 2 o

Click on the MODE button (near top of screen) and pick EXECUTE o

Click on the PLAY button (bottom left of screen) o Verify Simulator Setup conditions automatically load Verify the following are included in the Smart Scenario:

5 Ensure the following equipment is aligned 1B CV pump is running 1B SX pump is running 0B VC Train in service RCFC 1B is running RCFC 1D is running Place the following control switches in PTL:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP Place clearance order INFO/CAUTION tags on the following COMPONENTS:

1A FW Pump 1A FW Pump AOP 1FW002A 1A FW Pump Discharge valve 1FW012A 1A FW Pump Recirculation valve Place Protected Equipment placards on the following control switches:

1B FW pump 1C FW pump Set BAT Flow Controller to 14.4 for 917 ppm boron Ensure REMA is available at the Unit Desk Provide copies of the following documents:

o BOP CV-19 SWITCHING CHARGING PUMPS with steps F.1.a and F.1.b (first open bullet) marked as complete and second open bullet marked as N/A).

6 Turnover Information Unit 1 is at 75% MOL 917 MWe RCS boron concentration is 917 ppm Control bank D @ 171 steps 1A FW pump is OOS for an oil change. Expected RTS in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br />. Place 1A Charging Pump in service and secure 1B Charging Pump per BOP CV-19 SWITCHING CHARGING PUMPS. Steps F.1.a (check CV pump boron concentration) and F.1.b (vent the pump to be started) are complete.

Online Risk is GREEN.

Protected Equipment:

Unit 1 FC Train

  • 1B FW Pump
  • 1C FW Pump

7 INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE EO response time will occur per Byron Station Simulator guidelines.

TB - 2 minutes AB - 3 minutes AEER - 1 minute Event 1 Swap CV pumps As Extra NSO, use Smart Scenario to start 1A CV Aux oil pump by right clicking on the box titled, Event 1, CV Pump AOP Start and select, Release.

As EO, report 1 PI-CV8005 Cent Chg Pmp 1A Gear Drive Oil Press Ind is > 3 psig ~ 10 seconds after pump start.

As EO, report locally TI-CV045/6, Cent Chg Pmp A/B Brng Oil Temp Ind, is < 125°F.

As Extra NSO, use Smart Scenario to start 1A CV Aux oil pump by right clicking on the box titled, Event 1a, CV Pump AOP Shutdown and select, Release.

As SM, acknowledge commencement and completion of procedure.

Event 2, Loss of Bus 141 (SAT Feed BRKR trip) 1A DG fails to close on bus; Bus not faulted At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to trip SAT Feed Breaker 1412 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 2, Loss Bus 141, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, if contacted, acknowledge procedural entry and evaluate for Emergency Plan conditions.

As Unit 2, report ACB 2411 Unit 2 Bus Tie 241/243 breaker is OPEN.

As Unit 2, use Smart Scenario to close Unit 2 Bus Cross-tie breaker 2414 by right clicking on the box titled, Event 2a, Xtie Bus 141-241, and select, Release.

As Unit 2, report ACB 2414 Unit 2 Bus Cross-tie breaker is CLOSED.

As EO, use Smart Scenario to depress 1A DG Emergency Stop Pushbutton by right clicking on the box titled, Event 2b, 1A DG Emerg Stop PB, and select, Release.

As EO, report 1A DG Emergency Stop Pushbutton has been depressed.

As the WEC or U2 US, acknowledge requirement to perform 1/2BOSR 8.1.1-1 Normal and Reserve Offsite AC Power Availability Weekly surveillance and inform the US you will brief NSOs to perform surveillance.

As EO, if dispatched to check breakers, 1412 is open no flags dropped and 1413 is open no flags dropped.

.Event 3, Containment Pressure Channel 937 fails low At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail Containment Pressure Channel 937 high by right clicking on the box titled, Event 3, Channel 937, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedural entry and evaluate for Emergency Plan conditions.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge requirement to bypass/trip bistable. If asked, direct to bypass bistable.

As the WEC, respond to request for tripping bistables and inform US that extra NSOs will be assembled and briefed.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge entry into TS 3.3.2.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 4, 1TI-130 Fails High At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to fail 1TI-130 high by right clicking on the box titled, Event 4, 1TI-130, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

8 Event 5, 1C FW Pump Trip At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to trip the 1C FW Pump by right clicking on the box titled, Event 5, 1C FW Pump, and select, Release.

As EO, if asked, there are no obvious problems with 1C FW pump.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 6, 7, & 8 Large Break LOCA, Phase A Fails to Actuate, and Main Turbine fails to trip in Auto At Lead Evaluators cue, use Smart Scenario to initiate a Large Break LOCA by right clicking on the box titled, Event 6, LOCA, and select, Release.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP-0.

As Shift Manager, acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations for 1BEP ES-1.3

9 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 1__



Swap CV pumps Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Directed at turnover to swap Charging Pumps US

  • Direct NSO to swap CV pumps per BOP CV-19 SWITCHING CHARGING PUMPS.


  • Monitor the unit.

ATC VERIFY all applicable PREREQUISITES, PRECAUTIONS, and LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS are satisfactorily addressed Start 1A CV pump and secure 1B CV pump per BOP CV-19 SWITCHING CHARGING PUMPS.

Determine steps F.1.a and F.1.b have already been completed (provided in turnover).

VERIFY/OPEN 1CV8111, Cent Chg Pp 1A Miniflow Isol Vlv.

VERIFY/OPEN 1CV8114, Cent Chg Pp 1A Miniflow Isol Vlv.

Direct the START 1A Charging Pump Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump from the Remote Shutdown Panel.

PLACE 1CV121, Cent Chg Pps Flow Cont Vlv, in MANUAL.

START1 CV01PA, Cent Chg Pp 1A.

VERIFY locally PI-CV8005/7, Cent Chg Pmp A/B Gear Drive Oil Press Ind, is greater than 3 psig approximately 10 seconds after CV Pump start.

STOP 1CV01PB, Cent Chg Pp 1B.

VERIFY locally TI-CV045/6, Cent Chg Pmp A/B Brng Oil Temp Ind, is <


PLACE 1CV121, Cent Chg Pps Flow Cont Vlv, in the AUTO position.

ADJUST LK-459, Master PZR Level Controller, in MANUAL to maintain PZR actual level with demand level as required.

VERIFY/PLACE LK-459, Master PZR Level Controller, in the AUTO position and ENSURE that normal PZR level is maintained.

ENSURE 8 - 10 gpm Seal Injection Flow to each RCP.

NOTIFY the Unit Supervisor to INITIATE BOSR 5.5.1-1 after realignment of Charging Pumps is complete.

STOP the 1A Charging Pump Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump from the Remote Shutdown Panel.


After securing the 1A CV Pump AOP, and with lead examiners concurrence, proceed with the Event 2.

10 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 2__



Breaker 1412 Trip, DG Fails to Close on Bus Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciators

  • 1-21-A7 BUS 141 FD BRKR 1412 TRIP
  • Bus 141 BUS ALIVE light extinguished Evaluat or note:

ATC must perform CV pump start and Restore letdown steps. If US assigns BOP to these actions, Evaluator should intercede.


  • Direct entry into 1BOA ELEC-3 LOSS OF 4KV ESF BUS
  • Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests
  • Direct ATC to restore charging and restore letdown ATC
  • Perform Hard Card actions for CV pump trip
  • Start 1B Charging Pump per BAR
  • Restore letdown per 1BOA ESP2 BOP
  • Check Bus 141 Energized - no
  • Go to 1BOA ELEC-3 Attachment A BOP Verify required ESF loads energized on Bus 142 Bus 132X - yes Bus 132Z - yes CENT CHG pump 1B - yes RH pump 1B - not required SI pump 1B - not required RCFC 1B - yes RCFC 1D - yes CS pump 1B - not required CC Pump 1B or 0 - yes (auto start)

SX pump 1B - yes VC Train 0B -yes VA Supply and Exhaust fans - yes

11 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 2__



Breaker 1412 Trip, DG Fails to Close on Bus Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Check Bus 141 not faulted Place MCB Control Switches in PTL ACB 1413 DG 1A Feed breaker ACB 1411 Non-ESF Bus Tie breaker ACB 1412 SAT Feed breaker ACB 1414 Reserve Feed breaker Check Bus 141 Lockout alarms not lit 1-21-A7 BUS 141 FD FEED 1412 TRIP 1-21-B8 BRKR 1414 CROSS-TIE OVERCURRENT 1-21-B9 DG 1A OVERLOAD BOP Place Bus 141 loads control switches in PULL OUT to limit bus load CENT CHG pump 1A RH pump 1A SI pump 1A AF pump 1A CS pump 1A CC Pump 0 feed from Bus 141 CC Pump 1A SX pump 1A VC Train 0A VA Supply fan 0A VA Exhaust fan 0A EVALUATOR NOTE:

1A DG must be E-stopped to crosstie buses 141-241. If the crew fails to perform the RNO step to depress the emergency stop pushbutton on the 1A DG, bus 141 will be unavailable for rest of the scenario.

BOP Energize Bus 141 from Bus 241 Check UNIT 2 Bus Tie 241/243 breaker open - ACB 2411 Direct sync and closure of ACB 2414 Reserve Feed breaker Sync and close of ACB 1414 Reserve Feed breaker Check bus 141 energized - NO Dispatch EO to depress 1A DG Emergency Stop Pushbutton Close and Sync ACB 1414 Check Bus 141 energized -YES EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew should discuss crosstie limits. Crosstie should be monitored in the next step.

12 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 2__



Breaker 1412 Trip, DG Fails to Close on Bus Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Load Bus 1412 Maintain Bus 141 loads within limits:

3400 Amps on SAT 242-1 (monitored by U-2) 1200 Amps ACB 2412 (monitored by U-2)

Crosstie 925 Amps EVALUATOR NOTE:

ECCS equipment needs to be restored (i.e., all ECCS equipment that was taken to PULL OUT earlier in the event needs to be returned to its normal position) to move to next event.

13 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 2__



Breaker 1412 Trip, DG Fails to Close on Bus Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Start required loads one at a time CV pump 1A CC pump 1A SX pump 1A

14 US RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.8 1 AC Sources - Operating (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One or more buses with one required qualified circuit inoperable A.1 RA - Perform SR for the required OPERABLE circuits CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter A.2 RA - Restore required qualified circuits to OPERABLE status CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> CONDITION B, One required DG inoperable B.1 RA - Verify both opposite unit DGs OPERABLE CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter B.2 RA - Perform SR for the required qualified circuits CT - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter B.3 RA - Declare required feature(s) supported by the inoperable DG inoperable when its required redundant feature(s) is inoperable CT - 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> from discovery of Condition B concurrent with inoperability of redundant required feature(s)

B.4 RA - Determine OPERABLE DG is not inoperable due to common cause failure CT - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> B.5 RA - Restore DG to OPERABLE CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> CONDITION E, One DG inoperable and one or more buses with one required qualified circuit inoperable E.1 RA - Restore required qualified circuit(s) to OPERABLE status CT - 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> OR E.2 RA - Restore DG to OPERABLE status CT - 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.8 9 Distribution Systems - Operating (RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One AC electrical power distribution subsystem inoperable

15 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 2__



Breaker 1412 Trip, DG Fails to Close on Bus Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior o

A.1 RA - Restore AC electrical power distribution subsystem to OPERABLE status CT - 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> EVALUATOR NOTE:

Once Bus 141 is energized and the US has made Tech Spec identification, and at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 3.

16 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 3__



Containment Pressure channel 937 fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES

  • Containment Pressure 1PI-CS937 reads 60 psig.


  • Direct operators to respond per BARs
  • Determine Attachment K applies
  • Contact WEC to place channel 1PT-937 bistables in bypass
  • Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests US RF 6a) Recognize malfunction of TS Related Component (RF 6b) Locate/Determine Applicable LCOs LCO 3.3.2 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS)

Instrumentation (Functions 2.c and function 3.b.(3))

(RF 6c) CONDITION, REQUIRED ACTION, and COMPLETION TIME CONDITION A, One or more functions with one or more required channels or trains inoperable A.1 RA - Enter the Condition referenced in Table 3.3.2-1 for the channel(s) or trains(s)

CT - Immediately CONDITION E, One Containment Pressure Channel inoperable E.1 RA - Place channel in bypass CT - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> EVALUATOR NOTE:

Once the US has made Tech Spec identification, and at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 4.

17 Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 4__

Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _



1TI-0130 Fails Low Spuriously Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator

  • Rising Letdown Outlet Temperature (1TI-0130)


Initially, ATC should restore letdown temperature by raising output in 1TK-0130 ATC

  • Take action per BAR 1-10-E4 OVATION SYSTEM TROUBLE ATC

Refer to Ovation ALARM page to determine source of alarm Refer to 1BOA INST-2 OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNIT 1 as necessary - not required Manually control letdown temperature using 1CC130A/B controller 1TK-0130.

Adjust 1TK-0130 in MANUAL to control letdown temperature.

o Crew might return controller to AUTO if they recognize the failure as spurious Contact System Engineering, OAD, and/or IMD BOP


Refer to Ovation Alarm Page to determine source of the alternate action.

Obtain Ovation alarm code for the alternate action (CV-NONRGHXTEMP-AA).

Refer to BOP CX-21 OVATION SYSTEM ALARM RESPONSE to determine expected response and operator actions.


Once the failure has been identified and control of 1TK-0130 is established, and at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 5.

18 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 5__



1C FW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator

  • 1-16-C1 FW PUMP 1C TRIP
  • Stop Valves closed (red indications) on 1C Feedwater Pump BOP
  • Take action FW Trip Hard Card BHC 1-16-BC1:

VERIFY/CLOSE the 1FW012C 1C Feedwater pump recirc valve CHECK TURBINE LOAD > 700 MW - yes Check at least one FW pump running -yes Verify Auto Start of 1A Feedwater pump Determine 1A FW pump is unavailable.

Check at least two Feedwater pumps running - no Initiate a CD/FW Runback.

o Runback pushbutton o

OWS panel G-5512 Verify turbine load is dropping.

Start the standby CD/CB pump.


The amount of boron added in the next step is expected to be approximately 180 gallons.


  • Initiate Emergency Boration for FW pump trip per BOP CV-6T1, RCMS OPERATE IN BORATE CHECKLIST Place MU MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.

Set MU MODE SELECT to BOR position.

Set 1FK-110 BA Boric Acid to Blender controller to desired flowrate Enter gallons into Boric Acid Totalizer on OWS graphic (6003) per runback placard Verify totalizer reset Verify 1CV110A Boric Acid to Blender valve & 1CV110B Boric Acid Blender to Charging Pumps valve in AUTO Ensure BA Transfer pp is NOT in Pull Out position Place MAKE-UP CONTROL Switch to START Ensure proper operation of valves & BA pump 1CV110B Opens, 1CV110A Modulates, BA pump is running o

Verify expected BA flow on recorder 1CD-CX4102 o

Monitor for Boration effects o

Verify at least two B/U Heater groups ON and spray valves 1RY455B/C modulate OPEN.

19 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 5__



1C FW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Monitor for RCS Tave lowering.

  • Maintain Control Rods in Auto US Acknowledge and confirm completion of 1-16-BC1 Enter and direct actions per 1BOA SEC-1 SECONDARY PUMP TRIP.

Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests Determine Attachment A applies.

VERIFY/CLOSE the recirc on the TRIPPED FW pump.


Check at least one FW pump running.

Determine 1A FW pump is unavailable Direct a CD/FW Runback.

Check turbine load is dropping.

Verify rod control is in AUTO.

Direct boration for a FW pump trip.

Direct start of the standby CD/CB pump.

Raise FW Pump Suction Pressure Check FW PUMP NPSH LOW (1-16-E1) alarm lit - yes Check CP Bypass valves 1CD210A & B closed Check all CB pump valves recirc valves 1CB113A - D in Auto Check 1CD152 CD pumps recirc valve closed Check Gland Steam condenser bypass valves 1CD157A & B open Check Feed flow restored Feed flow greater than or equal to steam flow Steam Generators stable or trending to normal Deactivate turbine runback by resetting method it was initiated Check FW pump flow normal EVALUATOR NOTE:

Once the runback is complete and the power is approximately 60%, and RCS temperature and pressure are near NOP/NOT, and at lead examiners discretion, continue to Event 6.

If the Rx trips, continue directly with Event 6.

20 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__



Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES Annunciator

  • 1-1-A2 CNMT DRAIN LEAK DETECT FLOW HIGH Rising containment pressure.
  • Lowering Pzr level
  • Rising charging flow US o


o Notify SM to perform on line risk assessment, request maintenance support, and generate IR requests US

  • Direct a manual reactor trip and direct operators to perform immediate actions of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION and a Safety Injection after RX verified tripped ATC Manually trips the reactor Verify Reactor Trip Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT Reactor trip & Bypass breakers - OPEN Neutron flux DROPPING Initiate Safety Injection US
  • Notify SM for procedure entry, EP evaluation ATC Verify Reactor Trip Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT Reactor trip & Bypass breakers - OPEN Neutron flux DROPPING BOP Verify Turbine Trip Turbine throttle valves - open Turbine governor valves - open Manually trip the turbine o

Depress trip pushbutton o

OWS panel G-5512 o

Manually runback the turbine at max rate at OWS panel G-5501 o

Manually actuate Main Steam Isolation BOP Verify power to 4KV busses Bus 141 - ENERGIZED - YES Bus 142 - ENERGIZED - YES

21 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__



Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Check SI status SI actuated SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)

SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1)

SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

SI is required:

Manually actuate SI from both SI switches (1PM05J and 1PM06J) and continue in 1BEP-0 US Directs BOP to perform Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION of 1BEP 0.


Crew actions of 1BEP-0 continue on following page.

BOP actions of 1BEP-0, Attachment B continue on page 24.

22 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__



Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

BEP-0 Actions begin here ATC Verify AF system:

AF pumps - BOTH RUNNING - YES AF isolation valves 1AF13A-H Steam Generator Auxiliary Feedwater Isolation Valve-OPEN AF flow control valves 1AF005A-H Auxiliary Feedwater Regulating Valves -

THROTTLED AF flow - GREATER THAN 500 GPM Check SG tubes intact:

Secondary radiation level - NORMAL AND STABLE Narrow range levels - NOT RISING IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER ATC Check PZR PORVs and Spray Valves PORVs - CLOSED Check pressure less than 2315 psig PORV isol valve - at least one ENERGIZED PORV relief path - at least one AVAILABLE PORV in - AUTO Isolation valve - open Normal spray valves - CLOSED ATC ADJUST AF FLOW:

Lower total Feed Flow to approximately 600 gpm ATC Check steam dumps - AVAILABLE (May not be avail due to Main Steam Isolation)

C-9 Permissive light - NOT LIT CW Pump - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING ATC Control RCS Temperature per table:

Adjust Feed Flow Steam Release EVALUATOR NOTE:

The following step checks for RCP trip criteria. Crew may also secure RCPs based on Phase B whenever CS actuates.

ATC Check if RCPs should be stopped:


High head flow 1FI-917 > 100 GPM and RCS Pressure > 1425 PSIG.

Stop all RCPs

23 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__



Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Check pressure in all SGs:

NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner.

NO SG Completely Depressurized.






CNMT area radiation monitors - LESS THAN ALERT ALARM SETPOINT - NO CNMT pressure LESS THN 3.4 psig. - NO CNMT floor drain sump level LESS THAN 46 INCHES.




The crew actions for 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT continue on the next page.

24 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__



Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US Implement 1BEP-1 LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT and direct operator actions.

Notifies SM of BEP entry Requests Emergency Plan evaluation o

Request STA to come to the control room EVALUATOR NOTE:

RCP Trip criteria dependent on RCS pressure when evaluated. The RCPs are anticipated to have been tripped by this step, due to Phase B & CS actuation.


ECCS flow:

High head SI flow (1FI-917) - GREATER THAN 100 GPM o

RCS pressure - LESS THAN1425 PSIG o

Manually trip RCPs CREW Check pressure in all SGs:

NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner.

NO SG Completely Depressurized.

ATC/BOP Check intact SG level Narrow range levels - greater than 10% (31% adverse CNMT)

Control feed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 10% (31% adverse) and 50%

Crew Check Secondary radiation normal Reset CNMT Isol Phase A if necessary Open all SG Blowdown Sample Isol valves Direct Chemistry to sample all SGs for activity Crew Check secondary radiation trends (PPC or Rad Monitoring System) - NORMAL FOR PLANT CONDITIONS Secondary activity samples - NORMAL (WHEN AVAILABLE)


PORV isol valves - ENERGIZED:


25 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__



Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CREW CHECK IF ECCS FLOW SHOULD BE REDUCED:

RCS subcooling Secondary heat sink RCS pressure - STABLE OR RISING PZR level - GREATER THAN 12% (28% ADVERSE CNMT)

SI Termination Criteria NOT satisfied CREW CHECK IF CS Pumps SHOULD BE STOPPED (continuous action step)

CS Pumps - ANY RUNNING - YES Determine number of CS pumps required WHEN CNMT pressure drops to < 15psig, check both CS pumps running Check if last CS pump can be terminated - NO 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> spray required due to LOCA CREW CHECK IF RH Pumps SHOULD BE STOPPED Reset SI, as necessary Check RCS Pressure RCS Pressure > 325 psig -NO CREW Check if DGs should be stopped All busses energized by offsite power (or crosstied to Unit 2)

Stop any unloaded DG and place in standby CREW Initiate Evaluation of plant status

  • RH pump 1A available
  • 1SI8811A position lights lit
  • RH pump 1B available
  • 1SI8811B position lights lit
  • Check CC pumps-two running - YES
  • Check Aux Building Rad trends Normal
  • Obtain Samples
  • Evaluate plant equipment for long term recovery
  • Shut down chiller on non-operating VC train
  • Start additional equipment to assist in recovery Crew Check if RCS cooldown and depressurization is required RCS pressure greater then 325psig-NO Crew Check if transfer to cold leg recirculation is required Go to 1BEP ES-1.3 EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions for of 1BEP ES-1.3, TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION UNIT 1, begin on page 28.

26 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__

Event Description Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

1BEP-0, Attachment B, SI VERIFICATION actions begin on this page.


CENT CHG pumps - RUNNING RH pumps - RUNNING SI pumps - RUNNING BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS VALVE ALIGNMENT Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights required for ECCS valve alignment - LIT EVALUATOR NOTE:

RCS pressure is dependent on when evaluated, it is anticipated to be below 1700 psig at this step.

BOP Attachment B action VERIFY ECCS FLOW HHSI flow >100 gpm or SI Pump Discharge flow > 200 gpm - no RCS pressure <1700 psig RCS pressure <325 psig - no

27 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__

Event Description Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CT-11 BOP


Attachment B actions Verify RCFCs running in Accident Mode:

Group 2 RCFC Accident Mode status lights - LIT Verify CNMT isolation Phase A Group 3 CNMT isolation monitor lights - NOT LIT o

Manually actuate CNMT Isolation Phase A Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights - LIT Verify CC Pumps CC pumps RUNNING Verify SX Pumps running SX pumps - RUNNING Check If Main Steamline Isolation Is Required Check SG pressure < 640 psig Check CNMT pressure > 8.2 psig If either condition is met:

Verify MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed Manually actuate MS Isolation Check if CS is required CNMT pressure has risen to greater than 20 psig - YES Group 6 CS monitor lights - LIT Group 6 Phase B monitor light - LIT Stop all RCPs Check CS Eductor suction flow greater than 15 gpm o

1FI-CS013 o

1FI-CS014 Check CS Eductor additive flow greater than 5 gpm o

1FI-CS015 o

1FI-CS016 Verify SX Cooling tower alignment o

All eight riser valves open (0SX163A thru H) o All four hot water basin bypass valves closed (0SX162A-D) o All eight SX cooling tower fans running in hi speed

28 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__

Event Description Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FW ISOLATED FW pumps tripped FW isolation monitor lights lit FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C Trip all running HD pumps BOP Attachment B action VERIFY BOTH DGs RUNNING:

DG - 1B RUNNING SX valve open 1SX169B Dispatch operator locally to check operation BOP Attachment B action VERIFY GENERATOR TRIP Unit 1 Main Transformer output breakers - OPEN:


Control Room Outside Air Intake radiation monitors < High Alarm setpoints Operating VC train equipment running Train B Supply fan 0B Return fan 0B M/U fan 0B Chilled water pump 0B MCR chiller 0B Operating VC train dampers M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC08Y VC train M/U filter light LIT Operating VC train Charcoal Absorber aligned for train B 0VC44Y closed 0VC05Y open 0VC06Y open Operating VC train M/U filter alignment 0VC09Y open 0VC313Y closed Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038

29 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__

Event Description Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Attachment B action VERIFY AUXILIARY BUILDING VENTILATION ALIGNED Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running Damper 0VA023Y not fully closed Damper 0VA436Y closed Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running Damper 0VA072Y not fully closed Damper 0VA438Y closed Check Aux Building Supply and Exhaust fans One Exhaust Fan running for every Supply Fan running BOP Attachment B action VERIFY FHB VENTILATION ALIGNED Train B fan 0VA04CB running 0VA055Y open 0VA062Y not fully closed 0VA435Y closed BOP Attachment B action Maintain UHS Basin level > 80%

BOP Attachment B action Initiate periodic checking of Spent Fuel Cooling Dispatch an operator to verify local actions SFP level is greater than 420 elevation (20 feet from the top of the fuel)

SFP temperature STABLE BOP Attachment B action Notify Unit Supervisor of the following:

Manual actions taken - Phase A Isolation actions Failed equipment status Ownership of Continuous Action Step Attachment B completed CREW Attachment B action Shutdown unnecessary plant equipment As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-4T4, REACTOR TRIP POST RESPONSE GUIDELINE As time allows refer to 1BGP 100-5, PLANT SHUTDOWN AND COOLDOWN EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, continue on page 19.

30 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__

Event Description Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE:

The crew actions for of 1BEP-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT, begin on page 24 EVALUATOR NOTE:

1BEP ES-1.3 Actions begin here CREW Establish CC flow to RH Heat Exchangers Check open 1CC9473A and 1CC9473B Check CC pumps - 2 running Open 1CC9412A and 1CC9412B Check CC flow to RH HX > 5000 gpm - YES CREW Check CNMT sump level:

Check CNMT floor water level at least 8 inches - YES 1LI-PC006 1LI-PC007 CREW Align RH pumps suction to CNMT Sump SVAG switches to close Check RH Pumps - both running Check CNMT sump isolation valves full open

  • SI8811A
  • SI8811B Close RH pump suction from RWST
  • 1I8812A
  • 1SI8812B CREW Check SI and CV pumps in ECCS injection mode SI pumps - any running - YES or SI8801A or 1SI8801B open - YES CT-36 CREW


Align SI and CV pumps for cold leg recirculation Verify CV miniflow valves are closed

  • 1CV8111
  • 1CV8114
  • 1CV8110
  • 1CV8116 Close SI pump miniflow isol valves:
  • 1SI8813
  • 1SI8814
  • 1SI8920 Close RH HX discharge crosstie valves:

1RH8716A 1RH8716B Open SI and CENT CHG pumps suction header crosstie valves:

31 Op-Test No.: 2021-301 _

Scenario No.: _N21-5_

Event No.: _ 6, 7, & 8__

Event Description Large Break LOCA, Main Turbine fails to auto trip, and Phase A fails to auto actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 1SI8807A 1SI8807B 1SI8924 Check RH pump 1A - RUNNING Open RH HX CENT CHG pumps

  • 1CV8804A Check RH pump 1B - RUNNING Open RH HX SI pumps isol 1SI8804B EVALUATOR NOTE:

Scenario may be terminated after 1SI8804A/B are open and RH flow is initiated.


The crew actions for of 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, continue on page 19.

The crew actions for of 1BEP-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT, begin on page 24.

The crew actions for of 1BEP ES-1.3, TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRCULATION UNIT 1, begin on page 28.