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2021-301 Byron NRC Exam Submittal Letter
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/2021
From: Gregory Roach
Exelon Generation Co
Roach G
Shared Package
ML21055A845 List:
1.10.0101 (10 .101), 50-454/21-301, 50-455/21-301, BYRON 2021-0041 50-454/OL-21, 50-455/OL-21
Download: ML21361A107 (2)




Exelon Generation £ July 12, 2021 LTR:

BYRON 2021-0041 File:

1.10.0101 (10.101)

John Giessner Regional Administrator - Region Ill U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210 Lisle, IL 60532-4352 Byron Station, Units 1 and 2 Byron Generating Station 4450 North German Church Rd Byron. IL 61010-9794

,.*r.*1\\*1.exe oncoro.con1 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-37 and NPF-66 NRC Docket Nos, STN 50-454 and SJN 50-455


Submittal of Integrated Initial License Training Examination Materials Enclosed are the examination materials, which Byron Station is submitting in support of the initial license exam scheduled for the weeks of September 27th - October 12th, at the Byron Station.

This submittal includes the Senior Reactor Operator and Reactor Operator Written Examinations, Job Performance Measures, and Integrated Plant Operation Scenario Guides.

These examination materials have been developed in accordance with NUREG-1021,

"Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors," Revision 11.

Please note that reference materials are attached to each individual examination question or item.

Some minor modifications have been made to the Integrated Examination Outline with regards to the operational scenarios in order to improve balance and content. These changes improve examination quality and are in compliance with NUREG-1021, Revision 11, "Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors."

Some modifications or adjustments to the examination material may be required due to procedural changes.

In accordance with NUREG-1021, Revision 11, Section ES-201, please ensure that these materials are withheld from public disclosure until after the examinations are complete.

Byron Letter 2021-0041 Page 2 July 12, 2021 Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Lisa Zurawski, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 406-2800. For questions concerning examination materials, please contact Benjamin Reyes at (815) 406-3139.



Harris Welt Plant Manager Byron Station HW/BR/LZ/mf


(Electronic submittal to secure Drop Box to Gregory Roach, chief examiner, NRC Region Ill)

RO/SRO Composite Examination with references attached Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Job Performance Measures with references attached Administrative Topic Job Performance Measures with references attached Integrated Plant Operation Scenario Guides Completed Checklists:

Operating Test Quality Checklist (Form ES-301-3)

Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist (Form ES-301-4)

Transient and Event Checklist (Form ES-301-5)

Competencies Checklist (Form ES-301-6)

Written Exam Quality Checklist (Form ES-401-6)

Examination Security Agreements (Form ES-201-3)

Record of Rejected K/As (Form ES-401-4) cc:

(without attachments)

Chief, NRC Operator Licensing Branch NRG Senior Resident Inspector - Byron Station