RS-24-043, Application to Remove Power Distribution Monitoring System (Pdms) Details from Technical Specifications
RS-24-044, License Amendment to Transition to Framatome Gaia Fuel and Exemptions to 10 CFR 50.46 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K. Attachments 1 to 11 Enclosed
RS-24-061, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2024-01, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
RS-24-066, Inservice Testing Interval Extension for Essential Service Water Valves Due to Required Use of Containment Chiller
RS-24-064, Nuclear Radiological Emergency Plan Document Revisions
IR 05000454/2024002
IR 05000454/2024011
IR 05000454/2024005
05000454/LER-2024-001, Both Trains of Control Room Ventilation Temperature Control System Inoperable
RS-24-088, Relief Requests Associated with the Fifth Inservice Inspection Interval
RS-24-095, Relief Request I4R-19 and I4R-26, Associated with the Fourth and Fifth Inservice Inspection Intervals
RS-24-093, Response to Request for Additional Information - Alternative Request to Utilize Code Case OMN-32, Alternative Requirements for Range and Accuracy of Pressure, Flow, and Differential Pressure Instruments Used in Pump Tests
RS-24-098, Units 1 and 2 - Supplement to License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications 3.7.15, Spent Fuel Pool Boron Concentration, 3.7.16, Spent Fuel Assembly Storage, 4.3.1, Fuel Storage, Criticality
BYRON 2024-0060, CFR 50.59 Summary Report, Changes, Tests and Experiments
RS-24-077, Application to Revise Technical Specifications for Clarification of a Frequency Example Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process
RS-24-129, Supplemental to Modify the Implementation Date for License Amendment Request to Remove Power Distribution Monitoring System (Pdms) Details Technical Specifications
IR 05000454/2024402
RS-25-009, Supplement to Modify the Implementation Date for License Amendment to Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, and Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, Technical Specifications 3.7.15, Spent Fuel Pool Boron Concentration, 3.7.16, Spent Fuel Assembly Sto
David Rhoades Senior Vice President Constellation Energy Generation, LLC President and Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO)
Constellation Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555
Dear David Rhoades:
The purpose of this letter is to provide U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval of the proposed written examination and operating test under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 55.40(b)(4) and to confirm the final arrangements for the upcoming operator licensing examination at Byron Station, Units 1 and 2.
The NRC has approved the subject examinations, and you may administer the written examination during the week of October 23, 2023, in accordance with Revision 12 to NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors. The NRC staff will administer the operating test during the week of October 16, 2023. The NRC has provided the list of the applicants approved to take the examinations to Brian Lewin, Senior Manager - Site Training. The examinations have undergone extensive review by my staff and representatives responsible for licensed operator training at your facility. Based on this review, I have concluded that the examinations meet the guidelines of NUREG-1021 for content, operational, and discrimination validity. By administering the written examination, you also agree that the examinations meet NUREG-1021 guidelines and are appropriate for measuring the qualifications of licensed operator applicants at your facility. If you determine that these examinations are not appropriate for licensing operators at your facility, do not administer the written examination and contact me at 630-829-9587.
October 5, 2023
D. Rhoades 2
Please contact your NRC chief examiner, Travis Iskierka-Boggs, at 630-829-9818, if you have questions or identify any errors or changes in the license level (reactor operator or senior reactor operator) or type of examination (partial or complete written examination or operating test, or both) specified for each applicant approved to take the examinations.
Sincerely, April M. Nguyen, Chief Operations Branch Division of Operating Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-454; 50-455 cc: Distribution via LISTSERV Brian Lewin, Senior Manager - Site Training Signed by Nguyen, April on 10/05/23
D. Rhoades 3
Letter to David Rhoades from April M. Nguyen dated October 5, 2023.