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Sim Job Performance Measure
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/2021
From: Gregory Roach
Exelon Generation Co
Roach G
Shared Package
ML21055A851 List:
Download: ML21361A329 (90)


CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 1 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Perform a 50 Gallon Boration of the RCS (Mode 1)

(Boration Fails to stop)

JPM Number: CR-1-04-0A Revision Number:

0 Date:

6/8/21 Developed By:

Barry Mingus


6/8/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Benjamin Reyes


6/25/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 2 of 10 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: BOP CV-6 Revision:

36 Procedure: BOP CV-6T1 Revision:

5 Procedure:




10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 3 of 10 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 0

Modified from N062 for 2021 ILT exam.

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 4 of 10 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Reset the simulator to IC144 (IC21).


It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Ensure the following is contained in a Smart Scenario or set up in an IC:
  • Verify totalizers are reset
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
4. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 5 of 10 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit 1 NSO.
  • The crew is preparing to ramp for AND.

INITIATING CUE The US directs you to borate the RCS with 50 gallons of boric acid at 20 gpm per BOP CV-6T1 RCMS OPERATION IN BORATE CHECKLIST.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps. 3, 5, 6 & 10 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 6 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

A boration will be manually initiated. The intended value will be 50 gallons of boric acid. The JPM will follow an alternate path as a failure will prevent the boration from automatically securing after reaching the designated value of 50 gallons. The candidate must manually stop the boration before 70 gallons of boric acid has been added to the RCS in order to successfully complete the JPM.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: Provide trainee with a copy of 1CV6T1, when requested.

NOTE: Candidate may refer to BOP CV6 at any time. All prerequisites of BOP CV-6 are met.

NOTE: Step 1 may be performed at any time.

1 Refer to BOP CV-6T1 Locate and open BOP CV-6T1 CUE:

If asked, All prerequisites of BOP CV-6 are met.

2 Stop auto makeup.

PLACE the Make-up Control Switch to the STOP position

  • 3.

Select boration mode.

PLACE the Mode Select switch in "BOR."


ADJUST 1FK-110 Boric Acid Flow Controller to desired flowrate.

ADJUST 1FK-110 Boric Acid Flow Controller to 20 +/- 0.2 gpm.

  • 5.

ENTER the desired volume in the BORIC ACID BLENDER PREDET SETPOINT field.

ENTER 50 gallons +/- 0.2 gallons.

  • 6.

Start boration.

  • PLACE the Make-up Control Switch to START

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 7 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Verify auto actions on boration start.

VERIFY the following occurs:

  • 1CV110B, Boric Acid Blender to Chg Pps Vlv, OPENS.
  • 1CV110A, Boric Acid to Blender Vlv, MODULATES OPEN.
  • 1AB03P, Boric Acid Xfer Pp, STARTS, as applicable.

Proper Boric Acid Flow on CD-CX4102, Rx Makeup Flow Recorder


Turn on Back-up Heaters as necessary.

PLACE Back-up Heater Contactor Control Switch(s) in ON, as necessary.

NOTE: The alternate path begins at the next step.


Verify auto actions after 50 gallons of boration.

Recognize boration did not auto terminate.

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 8 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: Taking the Boric Acid Xfer Pump C/S to PTL or the 1CV110A or 1CV110B C/S to CLOSED will stop the boration. The preferred method to properly align the system and the most efficient method is to take the M/U Control Switch to STOP; PTL for the same switch will achieve the same results.

  • 10.

Recognize auto actions did not occur and terminate boration.

  • Terminate the boration by placing the Make-up Control Switch to STOP.
  • VERIFY the following occurs:
  • 1CV110B, Boric Acid Blender to Chg Pps Vlv, CLOSES.
  • Terminate boration before 70 gallons of boric acid has been added to the RCS.

Report failure to the US.

Inform US that the boric acid totalizer failed to stop at 50 gallons.


US acknowledge the report.


This JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

CR-1-04-0A Revision 0 Page 9 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Perform a 50 Gallon Boration of the RCS (Boration fails to stop)

JPM Number: CR-1-04-0A Revision Number: 0 Task Number and


R-CV-004, Perform boration of the Reactor Coolant System Task Standard: A boration will be manually initiated. The intended value will be 50 gallons of boric acid. The JPM will follow an alternate path as a failure will prevent the boration from automatically securing after reaching the designated value of 50 gallons. The candidate must manually stop the boration before 70 gallons of boric acid has been added to the RCS in order to successfully complete the JPM.

K/A Number and Importance:004A4.12 (3.8/3.3)

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: BOP CV-6 Revision:

36 Procedure: BOP CV-6T1 Revision:

5 Procedure:




Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

10 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit 1 NSO.
  • The crew is preparing to ramp for AND.

INITIATING CUE The US directs you to borate the RCS with 50 gallons of boric acid at 20 gpm per BOP CV-6T1 RCMS OPERATION IN BORATE CHECKLIST.

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 1 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Raise Accumulator Level With 1B SI Pump (1A SI Pump does not start)

JPM Number: CR-2-03-10 Revision Number:

10 Date:

5/10/21 Developed By:

Benjamin Reyes


9/9/20 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Barry Mingus


5/18/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 2 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: BAR 1-5-C1 Revision:

03 Procedure: BOP SI-22 Revision:

16 Procedure:




10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 3 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 10 Revised from older revision to latest JPM format.

9 Revised from older revision to latest JPM format.

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 4 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


1. Reset the simulator to IC144 (IC21).


It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Ensure the following is contained in a Smart Scenario or set up in an IC:
  • Insert command to prevent 1A SI Pump from starting
  • Silence and Acknowledge alarm
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
4. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 5 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.
  • The unit is in Mode 1.
  • All controls are in automatic.
  • The 1C SI Accumulator level slowly trends upward and must be intermittently drained.
  • The 1C SI Accumulator was inadvertently drained to a level of 30%.
  • 1BOL 5.1 was entered 20 minutes ago due to the low level.
  • The drain alignment has been secured, and the lineup returned to normal.


  • The US has directed you to raise 1C SI Accumulator level to just slightly greater than the Technical Specification minimum required level and to ensure all 1C SI Accumulator alarms are cleared using the 1A SI pump.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps 4, 7, 11, 14, & 15 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment is candidate sues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 6 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

The candidate will align the 1A SI Pump to fill the 1C SI Accumulator. When attempting to start the 1A SI pump, it will fail to start. This is the start of the alternate path. The candidate will need to determine that the 1B SI pump will be required to raise 1C SI Accumulator level above the Tech Spec level of 31%. The candidate will align the 1B SI Pump for use, fill the 1C Accumulator to greater than 31%, and exit the LCO.



Refer to BOP SI-22, Raising SI Accumulator Level in Mode 1, 2 or 3


BOP SI-22 Step 1 may be performed at any time prior to pump start.


Verify nothing discharging to RWST VERIFY the following NOT discharging to applicable RWST:

  • 0FC03PA/B, 0A/B refueling water purification pumps
  • _SI03P, RWST Heating Pump
  • _RE01PA/B, RCDT pump


  • _FC01D, Spent Fuel Pit Demineralizer effluents
  • _CS01PA/B, CS pump


  • RWST makeup from BA blender CUE:

Field Supervisor reports nothing is discharging to the RWST.

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 7 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Candidate may energize SVAG Valve switches to check component position. If SVAG valves are energized, acknowledge as Unit Supervisor if candidate recommends evaluation or entry in to 1BOL 5.2.


Align mini-flow path for _A SI pump VERIFY/CLOSE:

  • 1CV8804A


  • 1SI8813
  • 4.

Align SI pump to accumulator VERIFY/OPEN:

  • 1SI8806
  • 1SI8923A/B OPEN
  • 1SI8888
  • 1SI8871

Verify SI to radwaste isolated


Verify SI pump isolated to hot legs VERIFY CLOSED and DEENERGIZED:

  • 1SI8802A
  • 1SI8802B CUE:

If asked, the Shift Manager directs step F.7.a to be marked N/A.


If asked, the EO reports Pre-start checks are complete. 1A SI Pump is ready for a start and the area is clear.


Alternate path begins here.

Initiating cue is to use the 1A SI pump to raise level. The pump will not start and will require the candidate to use the 1B SI pump to complete the task.

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 8 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 7.

Start the 1A SI pump

  • START the 1A SI pump
  • Determine 1A SI pump failed to start
  • Inform US that 1A SI pump failed to start NOTE:

SOP for the use of an ECCS pump opposite an inoperable train/component is to not use the equipment until the inoperable component is restored. In this case, failure of the second train results in a Tech Spec shutdown clock longer than that of the current condition. This decision to utilize the 1B SI pump should be decided by the candidate to successfully complete the task.


If candidate responds to the associated annunciator for the pump trip (failure to start) respond, Another NSO will perform the annunciator response for the 1A SI pump.


If asked, as Shift Manager or Unit Supervisor, on what action to take next, respond What do you recommend in order to raise 1C SI Accumulator level above the limit to satisfy the Tech Spec? If the candidate provides use of the 1B SI Pump as a means to raise SI Accumulator level, direct the candidate to use the 1B SI Pump to raise level.


Use 1B SI pump to raise accumulator level

  • Proceed to step F.8 o Dispatch EO to 1B SI pump CUE:

If asked, the EO reports Pre-start checks are complete. 1B SI Pump is ready for a start and the area is clear.


Verify RCS Pressure

  • VERIFY RCS pressure > 1700 psig before proceeding.

Align SI Pp

  • VERIFY/OPEN the following valves at PM06J:
  • SI8821A, Pp A to Cold Legs Isol Vlv.
  • SI8821B, Pp B to Cold Legs Isol Vlv.
  • 11.

Start the 1B SI pump

  • START the 1B SI pump
  • CHECK 1B SI pump discharge pressure

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 9 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



1B SI Pp operating properly

  • IF SI Pump discharge pressure exceeds 1700 psig, SHUTDOWN the B SI Pump.

Perform T-sheet

  • DIRECT EO to perform BOP SI-1T1
  • 14.

Fill accumulator

  • INITIATE 1BOL 5.1 as required
  • OPEN 1SI8878C
  • 15.

Stop filling accumulator

  • CLOSE 1SI8878C when desired level of >31% is reached.
  • INFORM US that 1BOL 5.1 may be exited

Stop pump

  • STOP the 1B SI pump NOTE:

Candidate should go to Step F.10.


Isolate accumulator fill

  • CLOSE 1SI8871

Vent SI train to SI accumulators

  • OPEN 1SI8964
  • VERIFY SI pump discharge pressure drops to < 50 psig as indicated on 1PM06J
  • CLOSE 1SI8964

Isolate SI pump from accumulator

  • CLOSE 1SI8888 Note: Per the note in BOP SI-22, notifying chemistry is not required.


This JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

CR-2-03-10 Revision 10 Page 10 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Raise Accumulator Level With 1B SI Pump JPM Number: CR-2-03-10 Revision Number: 10 Task Number and


R-SI-001, Fill the SI System Accumulators Task Standard: The candidate will align the 1A SI Pump to fill the 1C SI Accumulator. When attempting to start the 1A SI pump, it will fail to start. This is the start of the alternate path. The candidate will need to determine that the 1B SI pump will be required to raise 1C SI Accumulator level above the Tech Spec level of 31%. The candidate will align the 1B SI Pump for use, fill the 1C Accumulator to greater than 31%, and exit the LCO.

K/A Number and Importance:006A1.13 (3.5/3.7)

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: BAR 1-5-C1 Revision:

03 Procedure: BOP SI-22 Revision:

16 Procedure:




Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

20 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.
  • The unit is in Mode 1.
  • All controls are in automatic.
  • The 1C SI Accumulator level slowly trends upward and must be intermittently drained.
  • The 1C SI Accumulator was inadvertently drained to a level of 30%.
  • 1BOL 5.1 was entered 20 minutes ago due to the low level.
  • The drain alignment has been secured, and the lineup returned to normal.


  • The US has directed you to raise 1C SI Accumulator level to just slightly greater than the Technical Specification minimum required level and to ensure all 1C SI Accumulator alarms are cleared using the 1A SI pump.

CR-3-04-04a Revision 3 Page 1 of 12 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Align ECCS to Cold Leg Recirculation (1 Component Cooling Pump Available)

JPM Number: CR-3-04-04a Revision Number:

4 Date:

9/10/21 Developed By:

Benjamin Reyes


9/02/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Barry Mingus


9/09/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 2 of 12 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: 1BEP ES-1.3 Revision:

304 Procedure: BAR 1-6-B7 Revision:

7 Procedure: OP-BY-102-106 Revision:

15 Procedure:


10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 3 of 12 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 4

Updated N016atr rev 3 Revised to latest JPM format.

Added task standard.

Removed timed calculation sheet.

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 4 of 12 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

1. Reset the simulator to IC146.


It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. The conditions for the JPM are established by the IC with a RWST level of 47% and dropping.
3. U-0 CC Pump Control Switches PTL with INFO tags for OOS.
4. Place 1B CC Pump in PTL.
5. Ensure the following is contained in a Smart Scenario or set up in an IC:
  • Insert MF CC01C
6. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
7. Establish radio communication via headset between booth operator and JPM evaluator.
8. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 5 of 12 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit NSO.
  • A LOCA is in progress.
  • 1BEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant is in progress.
  • 1B Component Cooling pump tripped earlier. U-0 Component Cooling pump is OOS and will not be restored for another 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br />.

INITIATING CUE You have been assigned the critical parameter of monitoring RWST level. When the LO-2 RWST level annunciator 1-6-B7 is LIT, you have been directed to perform 1BEP ES-1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, & 16 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 6 of 12 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

The candidate will enter 1BEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRC and will align the necessary valves in order to establish Cold Leg Recirculation per Steps 1 through 5. The alternate path is required because of limited RH pump operation due to only 1 CC Pump in operation and available. This limited pump configuration will require isolating the CC service loop by energizing and closing 1CC9415, and aligning a single RH train for operation. The ECCS pumps suctions will be aligned to the CNMT Recirc Sump, prior to having to place any ECCS pumps in PTL due to a low RWST level of 9%.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: 1BEP ES-1.3 may be staged on a mobile cart prior to the start of the JPM.


Receive annunciator 1-6-B7 RWST LEVEL LO-2

  • Respond per the BAR or immediately enter 1BEP ES-1.3

Refer to 1BEP ES-1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation


Check Unit 0 CC HX aligned to Unit 1

  • 1CC9473A OPEN
  • 1CC9473B OPEN

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 7 of 12 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Abnormal path begins here.

  • 4.

CHECK CC pumps

  • ONLY 1A CC Pump running
  • 1B and U-0 CC pumps are not available
  • Open ONE CC to RH HX isolation valve o 1CC9412A OR o 1CC9412B
  • Place RH pump with closed 1CC9412 valve in PTL (trains must match)
  • 5.

Check CC to RH HX flow

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 8 of 12 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 6.

Close U-1 Service Loop Isol Valve Dispatch EO to energize 1CC9415 (MCC 131X3 Cub E5)

Close 1CC9415


Check CNMT sump level

  • CNMT floor water level AT least 8 inches o

1LI-PC006 o

1LI-PC007 NOTE: The candidate may opt to only energize one SVAG valve for the train requiring manipulations. This is acceptable to meet the critical task.

  • 8.

Align RH pumps suction to CNMT sumps - energize valves

  • Place control switch(es) for SVAG VALVE 480v bus feeds to CLOSE o

480v FEED TO BUS 131X1A/X2A o

480v FEED TO BUS 132X2A/X4A


Align RH pumps suction to CNMT sumps - verify RH pumps running

  • ONE RH pump running -

check to start any RH pump NOT in PTL

  • No additional pump is started
  • Candidate proceeds to Step 3.c

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 9 of 12 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 10.

Align RH pumps suction to CNMT sumps - align suction valves o Check CNMT sump isolation valves FULL OPEN o 1SI8811A o 1SI8811B

  • CLOSE RH pump suction from the RWST isolation valves
  • 1SI8812A
  • 1SI8812B

Check SI and CENT CHG pumps in ECCS Injection Mode

  • Both SI pumps RUNNING OR
  • CENT CHG pumps to cold legs injection isolation valves OPEN
  • 1SI8801A
  • 1SI8801B

Verify CENT CHG pump miniflow isolation valves

  • 1CV8111
  • 1CV8114
  • 1CV8110
  • 1CV8116
  • 13.

Close SI pump miniflow isolation valves

  • 1SI8813
  • 1SI8814
  • 1SI8920
  • 14.

Close RH HX discharge crosstie valves

  • 1RH8716A
  • 1RH8716B

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 10 of 12 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 15.

Open SI and CENT CHG pumps suction header crosstie valves

  • OPEN
  • 1SI8807A
  • 1SI8807B
  • 1SI8924 NOTE: Only ONE RH pump will be running at this point. The candidate needs to open the valve associated with the correct pump.
  • 16.

Check 1A RH pump running OR Check 1B RH pump running

  • Yes - OPEN 1CV8804A OR
  • Yes - OPEN 1SI8804B NOTE: All critical steps must be completed before RWST level reaches 9%.


This JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

CR-3-04-04a Revision 9 Page 11 of 12 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Align Align ECCS to Cold Leg Recirculation (1Component Cooling Pump Available) Recirculation JPM Number: CR-3-04-04a Revision Number: 04 Task Number and


4D.EP-14, Transfer ECCS to Cold Leg Recirculation Task Standard: The candidate will enter 1BEP ES-1.3 TRANSFER TO COLD LEG RECIRC and will align the necessary valves in order to establish Cold Leg Recirculation per Steps 1 through 5. The alternate path is required because of limited RH pump operation due to only 1 CC Pump in operation and available. This limited pump configuration will require isolating the CC service loop by energizing and closing 1CC9415, and aligning a single RH train for operation. The ECCS pumps suctions will be aligned to the CNMT Recirc Sump, prior to having to place any ECCS pumps in PTL due to a low RWST level of 9%.

K/A Number and Importance:011EA1.11 (4.2/4.2)

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: 1BEP ES-1.3 Revision:

304 Procedure: BAR 1-6-B7 Revision:

7 Procedure: OP-BY-102-106 Revision:

15 Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

10 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit NSO.
  • A LOCA is in progress.
  • 1BEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant is in progress.
  • 1B Component Cooling pump tripped earlier. U-0 Component Cooling pump is OOS and will not be restored for another 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br />.

INITIATING CUE You have been assigned the critical parameter of monitoring RWST level. When the LO-2 RWST level annunciator 1-6-B7 is LIT, you have been directed to perform 1BEP ES-1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation.

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 1 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Restore FW per Attachment C of 1BEP ES-0.1 JPM Number: CR-4S-04-0 Revision Number:

10 Date:

6/7/21 Developed By:

Barry Mingus


6/7/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Benjamin Reyes


6/24/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 2 of 11 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:


1BEP ES-0.1 Revision:

303 Procedure:






10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 3 of 11 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 10 Revised from older revision to latest JPM format.

9 Revised from older revision to latest JPM format.

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 4 of 11 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS (Add instructions as required for specific JPM setting; e.g.,

simulator, mock-up, etc.)

1. Reset the simulator to IC 147 (Post trip IC 21)


It is acceptable to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the specific IC used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Ensure the following is contained in a Smart Scenario or set up in an IC:
  • Unit is tripped
  • Prevent AF pumps from starting - 1A AF Pump Breaker Open (ED049E) and 1B AF Pump Suction Pressure set to 0 (FW24B)
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
4. Establish radio communications via headset between booth operator and JPM evaluator.
5. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 5 of 11 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.
  • The Unit has tripped, and 1BEP-0 has been exited.
  • Both AF pumps have failed to start and cannot be started at this time.

INITIATING CUE The US has directed you to restore FW to all Steam Generators per Attachment C of 1BEP ES-0.1.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps. 9, 10, 12, 13, & 14 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 6 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

Candidate will use BEP ES-0.1 Attachment C to restore feedwater to the U1 Steam Generators prior to reaching 10% NR on all SGs. This is accomplished by resetting the FW Isolation to allow feedwater valves to open for realignment. The Startup Feedwater Pump will be started from the MCR. Flow will be established by opening FW tempering flow valves and establishing flow until SG NR levels rise.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: Step 1 may be performed at any time 1

Refer to 1BEP ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response

  • LOCATE and OPEN 1BEP ES-0.1 CUE Provide the trainee with a copy of 1BEP ES-0.1, Attachment C 2

Check Bus 159 energized.

At 1PM01J:

  • Check Bus 159 energized 3

Check at least two CD/CB pumps running.

At 1PM03J:

  • Check at LEAST two CD/CB pumps running 4

Verify running CD/CB pump recirc valves are in AUTO.

At 1PM03J:

  • Verify the running CD/CB pump associated 1CB113 valves are in AUTO 5

Check FW pump recirc valves closed At 1PM04J, manually close:

  • 1FW012A
  • 1FW012B
  • 1FW012C

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 7 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Place the FW Reg Valves in MANUAL to ZERO demand.

At 1PM04J, place in manual and lower demand to ZERO:

  • 1FW510
  • 1FW520
  • 1FW530
  • 1FW540 7

Place the FW Bypass Reg Valves in MANUAL to ZERO demand.

At 1PM04J, place in manual and lower demand to ZERO:

  • 1FW510A
  • 1FW520A
  • 1FW530A
  • 1FW540A 8

Place the FW tempering flow control valves in MANUAL to ZERO demand.

At 1PM04J, place in manual and lower demand to ZERO:

  • 1FW034A
  • 1FW034B
  • 1FW034C
  • 1FW034D
  • 9 Depress both FW Isolation reset pushbuttons.

At 1PM06J depress:

  • Train A FW Isolation reset pushbutton
  • Train B FW Isolation reset pushbutton
  • 10 Depress both FW Isolation Aux relay reset pushbuttons.

At 1PM06J depress:

  • Train A FW Isolation Aux Relay reset pushbutton
  • Train B FW Isolation Aux Relay reset pushbutton

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 8 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 11 Check FW isolation Aux relay lights not lit.

At 1PM06J, check:

  • Train A FW Isolation Aux Relay light not lit
  • Train B FW Isolation Aux Relay light not lit Note:

Feed flow must be established prior to all steam generators reaching 10% narrow range level.


If asked, all prestart pump checks for the S/U FW Pump are complete. S/U FW Pump Aux Lube Oil pump is running.

At 1PM04J place startup FW pump in operation:

  • Verify aux oil pump for Stat Up Feedwater Pump running
  • Open 1FW059 Discharge valve
  • Place 1FW076 recirc valve in MODULATE
  • Start startup FW pump
  • 13 Establish FW tempering flow.

At 1PM04J:

Open 1FW035A Open 1FW035B Open 1FW035C Open 1FW035D

  • 14 Adjust FW tempering flow control valves to maintain SGs levels
  • Throttle open 1FW034A
  • Throttle open 1FW034B
  • Throttle open 1FW034C
  • Throttle open 1FW034D 15 Check SG levels stable or increasing.

At 1PM04J, check (or via HMI):

SG levels stable or increasing Cue:

All four SG levels are increasing slowly. This JPM is complete.

CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 9 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


CR-4S-04-0 Revision 10 Page 10 of 11 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Restore FW per Attachment C of 1BEP ES-0.1 JPM Number: CR-4S-04-0 Revision Number: 10 Task Number and


8D.EP-003.B Demonstrate the proper usage of EP ES-0.1 Task Standard: Candidate will use BEP ES-0.1 Attachment C to restore feedwater to the U1 Steam Generators prior to reaching 10% NR on all SGs. This is accomplished by resetting the FW Isolation to allow feedwater valves to open for realignment. The Startup Feedwater Pump will be started from the MCR. Flow will be established by opening FW tempering flow valves and establishing flow until SG NR levels rise.

K/A Number and Importance: Main Feedwater 059A4.11 3.1/3.3 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: 1BEP ES-0.1 Revision:

303 Procedure:






Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

15 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.
  • The Unit has tripped, and 1BEP-0 has been exited.
  • Both AF pumps have failed to start and cannot be started at this time.

INITIATING CUE The US has directed you to restore FW to all Steam Generators per Attachment C of 1BEP ES-0.1.

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 1 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure SX Flooding Requiring RCFC Isolation (Running Train Leak)

JPM Number: CR-5-03-1A Revision Number:

1 Date:

Developed By:

Benjamin Reyes


5/11/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Barry Mingus


5/18/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 2 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: 1BOA PRI-7 Revision:

110 Procedure: BOP SX-9 Revision:

7 Procedure:




10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 3 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 1

Revised to latest JPM format.

Revised JPM to be an Alternate path due to requirement to isolate second train after first train does not isolate the leak.

Added task standard.

0 JPM created.

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 4 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


1. Reset the simulator to IC-144 (IC-21).


It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Verify 1A SX pump is running.

Verify 1B and 1D RCFC fans running.

3. Ensure the following is contained in a Smart Scenario or set up in an IC:
  • Insert MF SW02A at 50 GPM.
  • Insert PN1311 CNMT DRAIN LEAK DETECT FLOW HIGH alarm (1-1-A2).
  • Insert PN1423 OFF and PN1427 OFF to prevent nuisance alarms from the effects of this realignment on the 1A CNMT chiller.
  • Use MRF SW03 ON for 1A SX pump and MRF SW04 ON for 1B SX pump to start AOPs for the SX pumps upon request.
4. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
5. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 5 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.

INITIATING CUE The Unit Supervisor has directed you to perform the actions necessary to isolate one RCFC train per 1BOA PRI-7, Essential Service Water Malfunction, Step 6.d RNO.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps 5, 6, 8, & 9 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 6 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

Due to a SX system leak inside CNMT, isolation of the leak is required. The candidate will first isolate the 1B Essential Service Water supplying CNMT cooling, the standby train. This will not isolate the leak requiring an alternate path to isolate the leak. This will require restoration of the B SX Train of containment cooling, placing the train in service and isolation of the A SX Train containment cooling. The final status of the unit and system will have the 1B SX pump in service, the 1A SX pump secured, the 1A and 1C RCFCs secured, and 1SX016A and 1SX027A closed.


A copy of 1BOA PRI-7 can either staged on a cart or provided to the candidate after demonstration of ability to locate the procedure.


Refer to 1BOA PRI-7, step 6.d, Essential Service Water Malfunction

  • LOCATE and OPEN 1BOA PRI-7, to step 6.d RNO

Shutdown the NON-running SX pumps train RCFCs Train 1B:


Close the associated RCFC train isolation valves.

Train 1B:

  • Close 1SX016B
  • Close 1SX027B NOTE:

Alternate path begins here.


Check if the leak has stopped.

  • Determine leak has not stopped - CNMT sump recorders are still trending up.
  • 5.

Open the associated RCFC train isolation valves.

Train 1B:

  • Open 1SX016B
  • Open 1SX027B

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 7 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


The candidate may perform BOP SX-9 which contains local steps to start and stop the Aux Lube Oil Pump(s) for either or both SX pumps, check SX cubicle cooler flows, post start checks, etc. The booth operator can perform these actions upon request.

  • 6.

Start the NON-running SX Pump and stop the running SX Pump.

  • Start 1B SX Pump
  • Stop 1A SX Pump NOTE:

The following step is not required. Candidate may elect to start previously running RCFCs as part of swapping SX pumps


Start previously secured RCFCs Train 1B:

Start 1B RCFC Start 1D RCFC NOTE:

The next realignment will cause the 1A CNMT chiller to trip on high condenser pressure after a few minutes. The alarms are overridden OFF to prevent a distraction. If the candidate addresses the need to realign the CNMT chiller or goes to check on the chiller status, provide the cue.


If candidate attempts to address CNMT Chiller, respond: An Extra NSO will be assigned to realign the CNMT Chiller. Continue with your assigned task.

  • 8.

Shutdown the NON-running SX pumps train RCFCs.

Train 1A:

  • 9.

Close the associated RCFC train isolation valves.

Train 1A:

  • Close 1SX016A
  • Close 1SX027A

Check if the leak has stopped.

  • Leak has stopped - CNMT sump recorders stop trending up.

Inform the US that leak is isolated.

  • Inform US that SX leak has stopped and one train of RCFC has been isolated.


This JPM is complete.

CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 8 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


CR-5-03-1A Revision 1 Page 9 of 10 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





SX Flooding Requiring RCFC Isolation (Running Train Leak)

JPM Number: CR-5-03-1A Revision Number: 1 Task Number and


4D.OA-69 Respond to Essential Service Water Malfunction Task Standard: Due to a SX system leak inside CNMT, isolation of the leak is required. The candidate will first isolate the 1B Essential Service Water supplying CNMT cooling, the standby train. This will not isolate the leak requiring an alternate path to isolate the leak. This will require restoration of the B SX Train of containment cooling, placing the train in service and isolation of the A SX Train containment cooling. The final status of the unit and system will have the 1B SX pump in service, the 1A SX pump secured, the 1A and 1C RCFCs secured, and 1SX016A and 1SX027A closed.

K/A Number and Importance:022A2.05 (3.1/3.5)

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: 1BOA PRI-7 Revision:

110 Procedure: BOP SX-9 Revision:

24 Procedure:




Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

15 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.

INITIATING CUE The Unit Supervisor has directed you to perform the actions necessary to isolate one RCFC train per 1BOA PRI-7, Essential Service Water Malfunction, Step 6.d. RNO

CR-6-05-17 Revision 17 Page 1 of 9 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Synchronize a D/G to a Bus and Load to 1000 KW JPM Number: CR-6-05-17 Revision Number:

17 Date:

9/02/21 Developed By:

Benjamin Reyes


9/02/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Barry Mingus


9/09/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 2 of 9 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:


BOP DG-11 Revision:

28 Procedure:






10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 3 of 9 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 16

  • Applied new template TQ-AA-150-J020 17
  • Revised to current template
  • 08/03/20 validated by Rich Williams and Eric Hipp

CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 4 of 9 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Reset the simulator to IC145.


It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Verify 1A DG running unloaded.
3. Place sync switch in ACB 1414.
4. Place BOP DG-11 on roll around cart with step F.5.
5. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
6. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 5 of 9 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the extra NSO.
  • The unit's ESF busses are being supplied by the SATs.
  • The 1A Diesel Generator has been running unloaded for approximately fifteen minutes after a manual start.
  • Jacket water and lube oil temperatures are acceptable for loading the diesel generator.
  • BOP DG-11 has been completed up to step 5.

INITIATING CUE The Unit Supervisor directs you to parallel and load the 1A Diesel Generator to 5400 KW per step F.5 of BOP DG-11.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps. 6, 8, 9, & 11 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 6 of 9 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

Diesel generator is running unloaded after a test mode start. Candidate will load the diesel generator per BOP DG-11. The candidate will synchronize the 1A Diesel Generator to the grid and load it to greater than 1000kW but less than 1500 kW.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE Ensure a copy of BOP DG-11 is place kept to step F.5 is on roll-around cart.

1 Refer to BOP DG-11, Diesel Generator Startup.

LOCATE and OPEN BOP DG-11, step F.5.

CUE (If asked) The 1A DG was started per step F.1.

CUE (If asked) The 1A DG was started fifteen minutes ago.

2 Notify TSO of pending diesel generator parallel operation, estimated run time, and loading.

SRO informed to notify TSO.

CUE TSO has been informed.

3 Position Auto Re-close Circuit Arm Selector Switch.

At 1PM01J, PLACE Auto Re-close Circuit Arm Selector Switch to SURV TEST 4

Verify DG operating properly.


  • DG frequency ~ 60Hz
  • DG voltage ~ 4160 volts 5

Verify the same voltage across each phase.

At 1PM01J, CHECK DG phase voltages

  • 6 Turn on the Sync Selector switch At 1PM01J TURN Sync Selector switch for DG 1A Feed to 4KV Bus 141 to ON

CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 7 of 9 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Adjust the incoming voltage.

At 1PM01J ADJUST incoming voltage SLIGHTLY HIGHER than running voltage using DG 1A Volt Adj control

  • 8 Adjust 1A DG speed.

At 1PM01J adjust speed so synchroscope rotates SLOWLY in FAST DIRECTION using DG 1A Gov Adj control

  • 9 Synchronize the DG At 1PM01J PLACE control switch for ACB 1413 to CLOSE when synchroscope is slightly before 12 oclock.

10 Verify the synchroscope is locked in.

At 1PM01J VERIFY synchroscope "locks in" at 12 o'clock.

NOTE 1A DG must be loaded to greater than 1000 kW. Acceptable range is 1000 - 1500 kW. A note in the procedure directs loading to 1400 Kw as part of preparations for fully loading the DG. Candidates may raise load to this value to meet the note without stopping at 1000 Kw. This is acceptable to successfully complete the JPM.

  • 11 Immediately load the 1A DG to 1000 KW.

At 1PM01J IMMEDIATELY load DG to 1000 KW by going to RAISE on DG 1A Gov Adj Control 12 Adjust reactive load Maintain reactive load between 0 and 1000 KVARS Out using the DG 1A Volt Adj Control CUE Another NSO will complete the loading sequence.

CUE This JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

CR-6-05-17 Revision 03 Page 8 of 9 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Synchronize a D/G and Load to 1000 KW JPM Number: CR-6-05-17 Revision Number: 17 Task Number and


R-DG-015 Operate Emergency Diesel Generators Task Standard: Diesel generator is running unloaded after a test mode start. Candidate will load the diesel generator per BOP DG-11. The candidate will synchronize the 1A Diesel Generator to the grid and load it to greater than 1000kW but less than 1500 kW.

K/A Number and Importance: 064 A4.06 3.9/3.9 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: BOP DG-11 Revision:

28 Procedure:






Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

12 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

  • You are the extra NSO.
  • The unit's ESF busses are being supplied by the SATs.
  • The 1A Diesel Generator has been running unloaded for approximately fifteen minutes after a manual start.
  • Jacket water and lube oil temperatures are acceptable for loading the diesel generator.
  • BOP DG-11 has been completed up to step 5.

INITIATING CUE The Unit Supervisor directs you to parallel and load the 1A Diesel Generator to 5400 KW per step F.5 of BOP DG-11.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 1 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Respond to RCP Thermal Barrier Leak with CC Valve Failure JPM Number: CR-4P-3-3 Revision Number:

03 Date:

5/21/21 Developed By:

Barry Mingus


5/17/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Benjamin Reyes


5/18/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 2 of 13 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: 1BOA PRI-6 Revision:

114 Procedure: BAR 1-7-E4 Revision:

4 Procedure:




10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 3 of 13 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 00 Initial revision of JPM 01 Updated to latest procedure rev.

Changed KA to better reflect tested task 02 Applied new template TQ-AA-150-J020 to JPM previously administered as CR-h on 2013 Cert Exam.

Revised referenced procedure revisions.

Revised K/A and importance 03 Applied new template TQ-AA-150-J020 to JPM previously administered on 2017 NRC Exam.

Revised referenced procedure revisions.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 4 of 13 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

1. Reset the simulator to IC144 (21).


It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Verify the Smart Scenario is running with the following:
3. Verify current revisions of the following procedures for place keeping and documentation is available for JPM performance:


4. Ensure any placekeeping marks removed from the following:
5. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
6. Establish Radio communications via headset between booth operator and JPM evaluator.
7. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 5 of 13 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Assist NSO.

Unit 1 is at 100% power.

Annunciator 1-7-E4 RCP THERM BARR CC WTR FLOW HIGH LOW has just alarmed INITIATING CUE The Unit 1 Supervisor directs you to perform actions in response to annunciator 1-7-E4.

Another NSO will monitor the remainder of the Main Control Board panels and address alarms as necessary.

Inform the Unit Supervisor when you have completed actions in response to annunciator 1-7-E4.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps. 7, 9, 10 & 11 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 6 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

Candidate will follow the steps in 1BOA PRI-6 to respond to RCP Thermal Barrier Leak by attempting to close 1CC685. When 1CC685 fails to close, candidate will close 1CC9438.

Candidate will direct an EO to isolate the leaking thermal barrier by closing 1CC9496B, and then re-open 1CC9438.


The candidate may take the control switch for 1CC685 to close in response to the BAR below. This is acceptable.

1 Refer to BAR 1-7-E4 Refer to BAR 1-7-E4 o Refer to SER.

  • Determine RCP thermal barrier CC water flow high in alarm.




When candidate determines 1BOA PRI-6 is required, state; The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform 1BOA PRI-6 Component Cooling Malfunction, and provide a paper copy for place keeping and documentation.

2 Refer to 1BOA PRI-6, Component Cooling Malfunction Locate and open 1BOA PRI-6 Notify Shift Manager to evaluate for Emergency Plan conditions.


Acknowledge request for emergency plan evaluation.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 7 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Monitor RCP Seal Cooling Perform the following at 1PM05J:

  • Seal injection flow to all RCPs - AVAILABLE
  • RCP seal outlet temperatures - LESS THAN 235°F
  • RCP lower bearing temperatures - LESS THAN 225°F 4

Check CC Surge Tank level Perform the following at 1PM06J:

  • Check CC Surge tank level:
  • Determine CC surge tank level > 13%.
  • Determine CC Surge tank level is rising.
  • Go to 1BOA PRI-6, Attachment B, step 1.


In the following step, surge tank level may or may not be greater than 65%, surge tank makeup isolation verification only required if level greater than 65%.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 8 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Check CC Surge Tank level (Attachment B) and Isolate makeup

  • Determine CC Surge tank level is NOT DROPPING o Verify Surge Tank makeup is isolated o 1CC183 WM isol o 1CC182 PW isol o Directs Equipment Operator to Verify the following Closed:

o 1CC201A o 1CC202A o 1CC201B o 1CC202B

  • Go to 1BOA PRI-6, Attachment B, Step 5.


(If requested) Auxiliary Building Operator reports CC Surge Tank Isolation valves 1CC201A, 1CC202A, 1CC201B and 1CC202B are Closed.

6 Check for in-leakage from RCP Thermal Barrier.

Perform the following at 1PM05J/1PM06J:

  • Check for in-leakage from RCP Thermal Barrier:
  • 7 Check seal injection flow between 8 and 13 gpm per pump.

Perform the following at 1PM05J:

  • Determine 1B RCP seal injection flow > 13 gpm.

o Adjust 1CV121 AND 1CV182 to obtain between 8 and 13 gpm seal injection flow per RCP (as possible).

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 9 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Alternate Path begins here:

8 Check 1CC685 closed.

Perform the following at 1PM06J:

Check 1CC685 closed.

  • Determine 1CC685 is open.
  • Place 1CC685 control switch to close.
  • 9 Isolate RCP thermal barrier leakage.

Perform the following at 1PM06J:

  • Determine 1CC685 did not close.
  • Place 1CC9438 control switch to close.

CUE (If requested as Auxiliary Building Operator to Close 1CC685) 1CC685 is not accessible.

CUE As US, acknowledge failure of 1CC685 to close.

CUE SM desires CC to unaffected RCPs to be restored.

NOTE: The candidate will have to have noted unusual high flow on 1FI-144A RCP 1B SEAL WTR FLOW prior to isolating the leak with the closure of 1CC9438 in order to properly identify the leak on the 1B RCP Thermal Barrier.

NOTE: Direct simulator booth operator to close 1CC9496B when requested in the next step.

(IRF CC45 0).

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 10 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 10 Restore CC to unaffected RCPs by locally closing RCP Thermal Barrier CC outlet valve to isolate affected RCP.

Perform the following:

  • Determine 1B RCP is affected RCP.
  • Determine 1CC9496B closure required.
  • Dispatch operator to enter Unit 1 Containment to locally close 1CC9496B.

NOTE: After simulator booth operator closes 1CC9496B, inform candidate time compression will be used and provide the following cue:

CUE As EO, report 1CC9496B closed.

  • 11 CHECK RCP thermal barrier return valves - OPEN Perform the following at 1PM06J:

o Determine 1CC685 OPEN

  • OPEN 1CC9438.

o Return to 1BOA PRI-6, Main Body, Step 7 12 Check CC system status Perform the following:

  • Check CC Surge tank level between 50 and 65%
  • Dispatch EO to restore CC surge tank level between 50 and 65%.

CUE As EO, acknowledge request for restoring CC surge tank level 13 Refer to Tech Specs

  • Inform US to refer to Tech Specs CUE This JPM is complete.

CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 11 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


CR-4P-3-3 Revision 03 Page 12 of 13 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Respond to RCP Thermal Barrier Leak with CC Valve Failure JPM Number: CR-4P-3-3 Revision Number: 03 Task Number and


4D.OA-51, RESPOND to a Loss of CCW to RCP Oil/Thermal Barrier Cooler Task Standard: Candidate will follow the steps in 1BOA PRI-6 to respond to RCP Thermal Barrier Leak by attempting to close 1CC685. When 1CC685 fails to close, candidate will close 1CC 9438. Candidate will direct an EO to isolate the leaking thermal barrier by closing 1CC9496B, and then re-open 1CC9438.

K/A Number and Importance: 003A4.08, Importance 3.2/2.9 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: 1BOA PRI-6 Revision:

114 Procedure: BAR 1-7-E4 Revision:

4 Procedure:




Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

20 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Assist NSO.

Unit 1 is at 100% power.

Annunciator 1-7-E4 RCP THERM BARR CC WTR FLOW HIGH LOW has just alarmed.

INITIATING CUE The Unit 1 Supervisor directs you to perform actions in response to annunciator 1-7-E4.

Another NSO will monitor the remainder of the Main Control Board panels and address alarms as necessary.

Inform the Unit Supervisor when you have completed actions in response to annunciator 1-7-E4.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 1 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Perform RMS Functional Test in Preparation for Waste Gas Release JPM Number: CR-9-01-4 Revision Number:

04 Date:

6/27/21 Developed By:

Barry Mingus


6/25/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Benjamin Reyes


6/25/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Peter Leonhardt


Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Brian Lewin


Training Department: Print / Sign Date

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 2 of 14 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.


2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.


3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)


4. Initial setup conditions are identified.


5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.


6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.


7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).


8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.


9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: BCP 400-EWASTE GAS Revision:

01 Procedure:






10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.


11. Verify performance time is accurate.


12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.


13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 3 of 14 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 01 Only revision was procedure rev.

02 Applied new template TQ-AA-150-J020 Modified from JPM previously administered as CR-g on 2013 NRC Exam to include change from RM-11 system to RMS.

Editorial/format changes Updated referenced procedure revision 03 Updated referenced BCP 400-EWASTE GAS procedure revision, no JPM element/standard changes required.

Removed referenced procedure 0BOSR 11.b.6-1.2 as Initial Conditions has actions completed.

04 Applied new template TQ-AA-150-J020 Deleted reference to BOP GW-9

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 4 of 14 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

1. Reset the simulator to IC144 (IC21).


It is acceptable to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

2. Ensure the RMS is in NORMAL Mode.
3. Verify that the RMS values for the appropriate channels agree with the surveillance paperwork.
4. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently then validate, if not previously validated, the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
5. Create a partially completed (through step 5.1.1) of BCP 400-EWASTE GAS.
6. This completes the setup for this JPM.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 5 of 14 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.

  • 0E Waste Gas Decay Tank release is pending
  • No personnel are in the VA Exhaust Plenums
  • The Radwaste Operator has a field copy of BCP 400-EWASTE GAS.

INITIATING CUE The Unit Supervisor instructs you to perform Step 5.1.2 Functional test of 0PA202 and 0PB102 of BCP 400-EWASTE GAS in preparation for this release.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps: 3,4,5,7 & 9 Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the candidate had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 6 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:


Task Standard:

The candidate will perform a functional test of 0PA202 per BCP 400-EWASTE GAS. The candidates will place RMS into Supervisor mode and reduce setpoints to actuate isolation valves to prove operation. Field verifications will be done via simulated communications with the evaluator or simulator booth operator. The JPM is successfully completed with setpoints restored to the original values after testing is complete.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: To initiate this JPM, hand the partially completed BCP 400-EWASTE GAS to the candidate along with Gaseous Pre-Release Permit Report.


Refer to the partially completed BCP 400-EWASTE GAS.

  • REVIEW BCP 400- EWASTE GAS for completeness up to Section 5.1.2.

NOTE: The candidate may elect to inform Unit 1/Unit 2 of the possibility of the occurrence of radiation alarms due to this release. If that occurs, acknowledge the release performance.


Functional test of 0PA202 and 0PB102:

VERIFY local alignments

  • Contact Auxiliary Building Operator to VERIFY the following:
  • VERIFY/CLOSE all of the 0GW9298A,B,C,D,E, and F Gas Decay Tk Isol to Vent Stack Isol Vlv
  • Contact Radwaste Operator to VERIFY the following:
  • VERIFY/OPEN Control Switch for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J.
  • VERIFY/OPEN 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J using Air Controller.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 7 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


(provide applicable cues) 0GW9298A, B, C, D, E, and F Gas Decay Tk Isol to Vent Stack Isol Vlv are CLOSED.

Control Switch for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J is OPEN.

0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J is OPEN.

NOTE: SUPERVISOR mode must be selected on the RMS console (left or right) that is used in the subsequent steps to enter and test HIGH Alarm and ALERT Alarm values.

  • 3.

PLACE the RMS console in SUPERVISOR mode.

  • PLACE the RMS console in SUPERVISOR mode.
  • VERIFY SUPERVISOR is backlit
  • 4.

SELECT the Low Gas Channel

  • SELECT the Low Gas Channel (0PA202) on 0PR02J from the appropriate grid.

NOTE: The candidate may elect to inform Unit 1/Unit 2 and/or the Radwaste Operator of the possibility of the occurrence of radiation alarms due to this release. If that occurs, acknowledge the release performance.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 8 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number NOTE: The current indicated radiation value for the radiation monitor will be found in the upper right hand corner of the screen and should be green to start the evolution.

  • 5.

ENTER a new 0PA202 High Alarm setpoint

  • ENTER a new 0PA202 High Alarm setpoint below the current level by performing the following:
  • SELECT CHANNEL ITEMS to go to the Channel Items display.
  • SELECT Channel Item 9 (HIGH Alarm Setpoint).
  • ENTER a new 0PA202 High Alarm setpoint (any value below the current indicated radiation level) in the pop-up and SELECT SAVE.
  • SELECT YES to confirm the change and submit to the RM-

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 9 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



VERIFY local alignments

  • Contact Radwaste Operator to VERIFY/PERFORM the following:
  • VERIFY 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, closed automatically.
  • VERIFY Gas Decay Tank Vent Stack Eff Rad Hi Alarm comes in (0GW02J-A-9).
  • PLACE control switch for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, in the CLOSED position at 0GW02J.
  • REDUCE controller for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv,to zero demand at 0GW02J.

CUE (provide applicable cues) 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, closed automatically.

0GW02J-A-9 Gas Decay Tank Vent Stack Eff Rad Hi, Alarmed.

Control Switch for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J is CLOSED.

0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv,is at zero demand on 0GW02J.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 10 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 7.

VERIFY/ENTER 0PA202 High Alarm setpoint from step 3.7

  • VERIFY/ENTER 0PA202 High Alarm setpoint from step 3.7. by performing the following:
  • SELECT the Low Gas Channel (0PA202) on 0PR02J from the appropriate grid.
  • SELECT CHANNEL ITEMS to go to the Channel Items display.
  • SELECT Channel Item 9 (HIGH Alarm Limit).
  • ENTER the 0PA202 High Alarm setpoint from step 3.7 (8.33E-3) in the pop-up.
  • SELECT YES to confirm the change and submit to the RM-

o VERIFY the new value is displayed correctly.

o Initial NSO blank o Request Verification CUE Unit 2 Assist Operator has performed verification and has initialed procedure.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 11 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



VERIFY local alignments

  • Contact Radwaste Operator to VERIFY the following:
  • VERIFY Gas Decay Tank Vent Stack Eff Rad Hi Alarm clear (0GW02JA-9).
  • VERIFY/OPEN Control Switch for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J.
  • VERIFY/OPEN 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J using Air Controller.

CUE (provide applicable cues) 0GW02J-A-9 Gas Decay Tank Vent Stack Eff Rad Hi is Clear Control Switch for 0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J is OPEN.

0GW014, AOV Gas Decay Tks to Vent Stack Isol Vlv, at 0GW02J is OPEN.

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 12 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 9.

VERIFY/ENTER 0PA202 Alert Alarm setpoint from step 3.7

  • VERIFY/ENTER 0PA202 Alert Alarm setpoint from step 3.7. by performing the following:
  • SELECT the Low Gas Channel (0PA202) on 0PR02J from the appropriate grid.

o SELECT CHANNEL ITEMS to go to the Channel Items display.

o SELECT Channel Item 10 (Alert Alarm Limit).

o ENTER the 0PA202 Alert Alarm setpoint from step 3.7 (8.33E-04) in the pop-up.


o SELECT YES to confirm the change and submit to the RM-80.

o VERIFY the new value is displayed correctly.

o Initial NSO blank o Request Verification CUE:

Another NSO will perform the peer check and the testing of 0PB102. This JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

CR-9-01-4 Revision 04 Page 13 of 14 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Perform RMS Functional Test in Preparation for Waste Gas Release JPM Number: CR-9-01-4 Revision Number: 04 Task Number and


R-GW-001 Perform a Gaseous Release.

Task Standard: The candidate will perform a functional test of 0PA202 per BCP 400-EWASTE GAS. The candidates will place RMS into Supervisor mode and reduce setpoints to actuate isolation valves to prove operation. Field verifications will be done via simulated communications with the evaluator or simulator booth operator. The JPM is successfully completed with setpoints restored to the original values after testing is complete.

K/A Number and Importance: 071A4.25 (3.2/3.2)

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: BCP 400-EWASTE GAS Revision:

01 Procedure:






Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

15 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Unit 1 Assist NSO.

  • 0E Waste Gas Decay Tank release is pending
  • No personnel are in the VA Exhaust Plenums
  • The Radwaste Operator has a field copy of BCP 400-EWASTE GAS.

INITIATING CUE The Unit Supervisor instructs you to perform Step 5.1.2 Functional test of 0PA202 and 0PB102 of BCP 400-EWASTE GAS in preparation for this release.