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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24170A76519 June 2024Confirmation of Initial License Examination
ML23325A05013 November 2023Form 2.1-1, Examination Preparation Checklist (Byron 2023)Job Performance Measure
ML23339A01813 November 2023Form 1.3-1, Examination Security Agreement (Byron Ile 2023)
ML23339A02313 November 2023Form 5.1-1 Post Examination Check Sheet (Byron 2023)
ML23325A0499 November 2023Letter 2023-0062 - Post Exam Submittal
ML23278A0275 October 2023Operator Licensing Examination Approval - Byron Station, October 2023
ML23325A0264 October 2023Form 2.3-2 Operating Test Quality Checklist (Byron 2023 Ile)
ML23325A0304 October 2023Form 2.3-4 Written Examination Quality Checklist (Byron 2023 Ile)
ML23325A0259 August 20230041 NRCJob Performance Measure
ML23325A0232 August 2023Submittal of Integrated Initial License Training Examination MaterialsJob Performance Measure
RS-23-077, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2023-01, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations16 June 2023Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2023-01, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
ML23325A01031 May 2023Form 2.3-1 Examination Outline Quality Checklist (Byron 2023 Ile)Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Job Performance Measure
ML23325A01131 May 2023Form 3.4-1 Events and Evolutions Checklist (Byron 2023 Ile)
ML23150A17130 May 2023Form 5.1-1 Post Exam Check Sheet
BYRON 2023-0026, Ile Oct 2023 Exam Outline Ltr18 May 2023Ile Oct 2023 Exam Outline Ltr
ML23065A29510 March 2023Confirmation of Initial License Examination
IR 05000454/20223017 March 2023NRC Initial License Examination Report 05000454/2022301 and 05000455/2022301Job Performance Measure
ML23145A23527 February 2023Form 1.3-1 Exam Security Agreement - Signed Off
ML23146A04827 February 2023Form 2.3-4 Written Examination Quality Checklist
ML23150A17027 February 2023Form 2.1-1 Exam Prep Checklist Byron 2022Job Performance Measure
ML23146A04627 February 2023Form 2.3-2 Operating Test Quality Checklist
ML23145A2286 January 2023Letter 2023-0001 Post Exam Package
ML22343A21712 December 2022Operator Licensing Examination Approval - Byron Station, December 2022
ML23150A1578 December 2022Form 3.4-1 Combined
ML23150A1438 December 2022Form 2.3-1 Exam Outline Quality Checklist
BYRON 2022-0064, Letter 2022-0064 Submittal of Byron Integrated Initial License Training Examination Materials(Signed)28 September 2022Letter 2022-0064 Submittal of Byron Integrated Initial License Training Examination Materials(Signed)
ML22102A12319 April 2022Confirmation of Initial License Examination
RS-22-045, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2022-01, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations25 March 2022Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2022-01, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
IR 05000454/202130117 December 2021NRC Initial License Examination Report 05000454/2021301; 05000455/2021301Job Performance Measure
ML21361A17328 October 2021Proposed Sim JPMBoric Acid
Grab sample
Job Performance Measure
ML21356B72428 October 2021Ile Outline Review Comments Response
ML21361A02928 October 2021Pre Exam ES-201-3
ML21361A10728 October 20212021-301 Byron NRC Exam Submittal LetterJob Performance Measure
ML21361A15728 October 2021Proposed in Plant JPMSafe Shutdown
Job Performance Measure
ML21361A12628 October 2021ES-301-6
ML21361A12428 October 2021ES-301-4
ML21361A16928 October 2021Proposed ScenariosBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Fuel cladding
ML21356B73328 October 2021ES-403-1
ML21361A11628 October 2021ES-301-3
ML21356B73228 October 2021ES-201-1Job Performance Measure
ML21361A13528 October 2021ES-401-6
ML21361A17728 October 2021Proposed SRO Admin JPMFitness for Duty
Missed surveillance
Job Performance Measure
ML21361A27328 October 2021ES-201-2
BYRON 2021-0033, Submittal on Initial Operator Licensing Examination Outline28 October 2021Submittal on Initial Operator Licensing Examination Outline
BYRON 2021-0072, Post Exam Submittal Letter28 October 2021Post Exam Submittal Letter
ML21361A27128 October 2021ES-201-2 Written OutlineProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML21361A02128 October 2021Post Exam ES-201-3
ML21361A32528 October 2021ScenariosBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Fuel cladding
Power change
ML21361A33228 October 2021Written ExamSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Fuel cladding
Overspeed trip
Manual Operator Action
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML21361A27528 October 2021ES-301-5