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Summary of 740705 Meeting W/Util & Earth Sciences Assoc in San Francisco Re Review of Progress of Offshore Geological Investigations Initiated by Util.Attendees List & Summary of Facility Offshore Seismic Interpretation Progress Encl
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/1974
Shared Package
ML20236J368 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-214 NUDOCS 8708130174
Download: ML20237F830 (5)



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'i DOCKET N05: 50-275 and 50-323  !

APPLICANT: PacificGasandElectricCompany(PG&E)

FACILITY: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2

{ i


OF MEETING HELD ON JULY 5,1074 REGARDING OFFSHORE FAULTS f i A m'ceting betwen representatives of PG&E, their consultant (Earth Sciences Associates), and the AEC was held at the applicant's offices

' in San Francisco on July 5,1974. A complete list of attendees is given in Enclosure No. 1. The primary purpose of the meeting was to I review the progress of the offshore geological irsestigations which j have been initiated recently by the applicant, Earth Sciences Associates presented a sumary of the Of ablo Canyon l Offshore Seismic Interpretation Program, and the Prospectus on Future Data Acquisition and Interpretation Programs. This sumary is attached )

as Enclosure No. 2, and is divided into four parts:

1. Existing data,
2. State of interpretation,
3. Future data acquisitions,
4. Prospectus on future interpretations and final report.


g@ In addition to the offshore work, representatives of Earth Sciences also discussed additional field work to be performed on land. This included g explorations in the San Luis Range in the vicinity of the Miguelito

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5 - Fault, work near San Simeon Point where tertiary faulting has been

<[ reported, and some examination of the transverse range structures near Point Sal. Finally, PG&E is currently conducting a review of aerial

,h(u.$ g photographs that are available.

The subject of availability of oil company geological data was discussed

$g#5 at some length. PG&E indicated that they had contacted several companies Bo and that arrangements could possibly be made to examine some of the data.

However, the oil companies cannot make the data available pubifely. In general, the data obtained by those companies gives only deep structure information, and provides lighter coverage than that obtained from some mt ie rm.em, u.m wv u .

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![. Form Anc.318 (Rev. p.33) AECM 0240 ft u. s. oovannuswr enmvews orricci se,4 one.ios


i Pacific Gas and Electric Company Earth Sciences Associates (PG&E Consultant)

R. Bettinger V. J. Ghio D. H. Hamilton ,

J. B. Hoch R. Wellingham i F. F. Mautz*

J. C. Morrissey AEC - Licensing I

i T. J. Hirons i R. B. McMullen J. C. Stepp i

  • Denotes part time attendance


- ENCLOSURE NO. 2 Summary of State of Diablo Offshore Seismic Interpretation and Prospectus on Future Data Acquisition and Interpretation Programs ,


1. Existing data.
n. USGS Kelez cruise sparker data covering area from Pt. Sal to Cape San 31artin to an a"erage distance of 10 miles offshore. Quality: good - poor; maximum penetration about 10,000 feet.
b. USGS Bartlett data covering area from Point Sal to Cape San 3Iartin. Tracks approach to within 3 miles of shore and extend approximately 15 miles off coast. Spacing between tracks is about 5 miles. Quality good to excellent; maximum penetration about 10,000 feet.


c. BBN sparker data with high density coverage off Diablo Canyon site and north-west to Point Estero. Quality good; maximum penetration 3000 feet.
2. State of Interpretation. )i A preliminary interpretation has been completed of the USGS Kelez cruise and all f EN so n . Yiiis inieqnmbiunn 6.- conwatcated uaca structures existing in the :.I'vmm 1 and Pliocene strata in the offshore Santa LIaria Basin. The interpretation has also em- l 1 I phasized determination of the nature of the coteget between the Pliocene strata' ~and the 3Iesozoic rocks which form the bedrock and basement complex bounding the east side of the Santa Maria Basin. A detailed examination also has seen made of the fanction of the WNW-trending structures of the San Luis range with the eastern border of the San Luis rangc.
3. Future Data Acquisitions ,
n. BBN sparker; maximum penetration 3000 feet.
1) BBN has been contracted to shoot 240 miles of sparker line between Cape San LIartin and Point Lobos. The purpose of this data is to trace the northern extension of the offshore structures located by previous sparker surveys.
b. /tquatronics sparker; maximum penetration about 4000 feet.
1) Aquatronics has been retained to provide a more detailed assessment of the structural merger of the San Luis range structures and the structures m__________________.__ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _

bounding the eastern edge of the Santa Maria Basin. They will also provide j reconnaissance data to be utilized in tracing the southern continuation of the offshore structures from Point Sal to Point Arguello.

c. Oil Company Data.
1) Plans are now in operatioil to obtain any available oil company data in the area of concern. These data will be useful in delineating the form of the )

i baseinent sediment interface, but because of its mode of collection will not I likely aid in interpreting the near surface (e.g., recent) geologic history of the region.

4. Prospectus on Future Interpretations and Final Report. -


a. Work to date has delineated a major NW-trending zone of faulting immediately i off the central California coastline. The available data have provided a picture of the trends and extent of major folds and fatdts in this zone. It has also de-lineated the major structural styles along the coast. Areas of particular inter-est where more interpretative work is necessary include: 1. The juncture of I the trends of the San Luis range with the metern edge of the Santa Marin Basin; 1 1
2. The nature of the sediment basement interface along the entire coastal arca


l in question; and 3. The determination of the relationship of observed structures with the NW-trending faulting within and south of Monterey Bay and the EW-trending structures associated with the northwestern Transverse {tru:ges.  !

l 1

b. The final report is to have the following form.
1) A written report discussing the stratigraphy, structural style, and regional tectonic significance of the offshore fault systems of significance in evalu-i ating earthquake hazards at the Diablo Canyon reactor site.

l 2) The written report will be accompanied by maps showing:

a) The position of surface geologic contacts and position of surface and subsurface faulting and folding.

b) The thickness of Pliocene sediments.

c) The configuration of the basement surface.

3) Illustrations will also be included to show examples of the data used in reaching the conclusions presented in the report.

l 9 Cnayk Cr1nnene A e r e. e. i s + m e


Docket Fil## ,

J. M. Hendrie AEC PDR H. Denton Local PDR R. Maccary L Reading V. Stello R. C. DeYourg R. Tedesco R. Denise V. Benaroya K. Goller C. Long D. Muller J. Kastner  !

D. Skovholt G. Lainas V. Moore D. Ross W. Butler T. Ippolito D. Vassallo S. Pawlicki .

O. Perr J. Knight  !

K. Kniel L. Shao  !

A. Schwencer B. Grimes J. Stolz W. Gammill R. A. Clark R. Ballard R. Ireland P. Fine i R. Purple T. Novak D. 7iemann M. Spangler P. Collins EP Proiect Manager - R. Cushman R. "cllmer ' "z <.

i W. Houston R0 (3)

G. Knighton V. Wilson G. Dicker R. F. Fraley, ACRS (16)

8. J. Younc:lood LWR l-3 Reading  ;

W. H. Regan, Jr. LWR l-3 File  !

S. Varga T. J. Hirons R. W. Klecker R. B. McMullen J. C. Stepp 1

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