ML20134L029 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 07/30/1985 |
From: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
References | |
ACRS-2333, NUDOCS 8509030030 | |
Download: ML20134L029 (9) | |
1 3 J i, CERTIFIED COPY J'i i 1
"j 3 $ d }&
The ACRS Subcommittee on Diablo Canyon met in Washington, D.C. on July 10, 1985 to review the NRC Staff's evaluation of the Pacific Gas and Electric Diablo Canyon Long Range Term Seismic Program.
Notice of the meeting was published in the Federal Register on June 21 and on June 28, 1985 (Attachment A). The schedule of items covered in the meeting is in Attachment B.
A list of handouts kept with the office copy of the minutes is included in Attachment C.
The meeting was entirely open to the public. There were no written er oral statements received or presented from members of the public at the meeting.
E. Igne was the cognizant ACRS staff member for the meeting.
Principal Attendees PG&E ACRS C. P. Siess, Chairman L. Cluff D. Okrent, Member D. Brand J. Ebersole, Member R. Fray C. Mark, Member J. Garrick B. Norton R. Locke NRC R. Rothman R. McMullen D. Slemmons, Consultant S. Israel S. Brocoum H. Schierling L. Reiter R. Brown, Consultant H. Schi.erling and S. Brocoum, NRR, discussed the NRC Staff's evaluation of the*.Diablo Canyon Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP) Plan. The Program Flan was stated to have a reasonable schedule to meet the program scope.
However, it appears that several segments of the Program Plan may have to be modified to allow completion of the program within three vears
@ 0 g g@ 850730 DE :IGNATED ORIGINAL Certiriod 3 _
gg 2333 PDR 7
July 10, 1985 Meeting
~(from the time of the NRC Staff's management acceptance of the LTSP).
In view of this and the possibility of new developments, it is important that the program remain flexible.
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) has used the four elements of the license as the basis for its LTSP Plan. The program was stated to be sufficiently flexible to allow revisions that may be necessary to accommodate new information obtained during the course of the program.
The quarterly progress reports and frequent meetings will provide coordination and input from all parties involved.
PG8E will keep in close contact with the Staff so that there can be constructive interaction throughout the duration of the program. This will allow for Staff revis:w of future program revisions.
The NRC Staff in its evaluation of the LTSP Plan has concluded that the Plan, as amended during discussions with the Licensee during the past five months, is responsive to the license condition for a reevaluation of the seismic design bases.
During the review of the LTSP Plan, the Subcommittee discussed at some length the appropriate scope for the Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) that the Licensee has proposed to use, in part, to assess the significance of the conclusions drawn from the reassessment. The Licensee has proposed a Level 1 PRA that will yield core-melt frequencies and plant damage status, but will not yield containment failure probabilities, source terms of radioactivity in the containment, or releases of radioactivity to the environment and their effects on the surrounding population. The NRC Staff considers the Licensee-proposed Level 1 PRA acceptable.
E D. Okrent stated that a Level 2 or Level 3 PRA, rather than a Level 1 PRA, should be performed, if a PRA is to be performed. Otherwise neither the Licensee nor the NRC Staff will have a satisfactory basis
July 10, 1985 Meeting for estimating the likelihood of various containment failure modes and the associated relationship between radioactive release beyond containment and frequency of occurrence.
Some of the reasons given by D. Okrent for this deficiency with only a Level 1 PRA include the following:
No evaluation will be available of the likelihood of containment failure and mode of failure as a function of pressure and temperature. Potential low pressure capacity points at penetrations will not be covered.
Diablo Canyon is sufficiently different from Zion and Indian Point, or other PWRs for which a relatively complete and recent full-scope PRA exists, that there is no good surrogate for detailed evaluation of the effects of partial or full failure of various engineered safeguards including containment spray, emergency power, service uter, and shutdown heat removal.
There will be no evaluation of the potential for a severe earthquake to degrade containment performance capability, as distinct from causing direct failure.
A severe earthquake can be the source of far more complex transients and accidents than are usually considered in a full-scope PRA.
Not only multiple failures, but a major loss of information, together with spurious information in the control room, coupled with a highly unusual and stressful situation, male invalid prior estimates of operator actions which could lead to a c,hange in containment failure likelihood and mode; this would have to be reassessed.
July 10, 1985 Meeting The additional expenditure for a Level 2 over a Level 1 PRA should be a modest fraction of the cost of the PRA, let alone the cost of the entire seismic reevaluation.
C. Siess stated that the PRA is not required at this time and that one of the license conditions stipulates that "...PG&E shall assess the significance of conclusions drawn from the seismic reevaluation studies... utilizing a probabilistic risk analysis and deterministic studies, as necessary, to assure adequacy of seismic margins." If the results of the seismic reevaluation confirm the current seismic design criteria no further analysis to determine the seismic margin is necessary; if the results do not envelop the seismic design criteria, then.PRA to the level necessary and deterministic analysis must be performed.
PG&E, in order to save time if a full-s ope PRA should become necessary, prudently proposed to do a Level 1 PRA as delineated in the LTSP. The Subcommittee in a show of hands agreed with the actions in the LTSP Plan to do a Level 1 PRA.
Future Actions The Subcommittee recommended that the full ACRS hear this matter at the 303rd Meeting (July 1985).
NOTE: A complete transcript of the meeting is on file at the NRC Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. or can be obtained at cost from Ann Riley & Associates, Court Reporters, 1625 I Street, N.W., Suite 921, Washington, D.C.
- 20006, Telephone (202) 293-3950 t.
t 9
Federal Register / Vol. 50, No.120 f Fridsy, Juni2'1.1985 /
Notices l
25800 l
Stephen).Mccisery, l gnouncement of Adjustmentsin the Humanities Panef Meetinga Advisory committee Managem'nt Officer.
umt:nded Awards Under the Law
[FR Doc. 85-14964 Filed 6-20-85: 8.45 am)
AOENCY: National Endowment for the mm o coes 7ssem AoENCY:lAgal Servicea Corporation.
Humanities. NFAH.
ACTION: Notice of meetings.
ACTIOec Notices.
Pursuant to the pro $risions of
- The Legal Services
Ccrporation through its Office of Field the Federal Advisory Committee Act Advisory Committee for Engineering; Services announces adjustments in the (Pub. L 92-463, as amended), notice is Open Meeting cas. time grants awarded to law school hereby given that the following meetings in accordance with the Federal clinics to improve the quality oflegal of the Humanities Panel will be held at Advisory Committee Act, Pub. L 92-463, services to the elderly.nese reflect the Old Post Office,110r) Pennsylvania the National Science Foundation adjusted grants initially announced on Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
announces the following meeting-Ma 24.1984 (Federal Register, p. 21520)
Date: July 9-10,1985 an May 31,1985 (Federal Register, p.
Time: 9 00 a.m,. to 5:00 p.m.
I 23204).%e following law school clinics have been ad}usted to the following Room:430 Date and time: July 8-0.1985,9.00 a m.400 Program: This meeting wiu review p.m.. luly 8. 9 00 a m.-3:oo p.m.. July 9.
Place: National Science Foundation.1800 C cmounts:
Challenge Granta applications from gionE Associations and Organizations, for g[, mn 4. Was hra oo'w=*
a, pas projects beginning after December 1.
Type of meeting Open.
Contact person; Mrs. Mary Posts..
- 19g5, Executive Secretary. Advisory Committee for m w.m wyne orwwwy s74m 00 fmes "'"
WY Engineering. Room 537, National Science I
U ase.sM 7 mas-e/ws?
sei e a=, -
Time:9 00 a.m. to 500 p.m.
Foundation, washington. O C. 20550.
Telephone: 12021 357-9571.
Room:430 Summary minutes:Mrs. Mary Posts at the j
These awards are for the program: This meeting will review n of Law School Civil Challenge Grants applications from Pu po e visory Con.mi+ tee Meeting-e]en Mid. Sized CoIIeges, for projects To provide advice, recommendanons. and counsel on maior goals and policies
%ese funds will be awarded on a eg aning December 1,1985.
pertaining to Engineering programs and
.on-recurring basts under the authority The proposed meetings are for the ectivities.
cf Pub. L 96-411 and section Summarized agenda: Discussion on issues,
.1006(a)(1)[B) and section 2006(a)(3) of purpose of Panel review, discussion.
opportunities and future directions for the the Legal Services Corporation Act of evaluation and recommendation on 1974 as amended.
applications for financral assistance Engineering Directorate: discussion of the There will be no refunding rights for under the National Foundation on the Engineering Directorate strategic plans; reports from Directorate Advisory Comm,ttee i
Arts and Humanities Act of1965, as Chairman; discussion with NSF Deputy these one-time grants.
amended, including discussion of.
ector as weH as du Hems.
information given in confidence to the M3ebecca makler.
Beverly Bunn legal Services agency by grant applicants.Because the committee Monogement Officer.
9 C:rporation. Office of Field Services, posed meetings will consider L
733 Fifteenth Street. NW., Washington, ppormation that is likely to disclose: (1) funeta.1985.
l D.C. 20005, (202) 272-4351.
Trade secrets and commercial or (FR Doc. 85-14933 Filed 6-20-85; 8.45 am)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORM ADON: Grants financialInformation obtained from a sa m ocoacrsa.4-u tre awarded pursuant to the Legal person and privileged or confidential; (2)
- e Services Corporation's annduncement of information of a personal nature the
,, /
cvailability of funds. Announcement of disclosure of which would constitute a NUCLEAR REGULATORY funding availability was made for law clearly unwarranted invasion of.
COMMISSION school civil clinical programs to improve personal privacy; and (3) Information '
Advisory Committee on Reactor i
the quality oflegal Services to elderly the disclosure of which would Safeguards, Subcommittee on Olabio persons, (Federal Register, p.11469-a gnificantly frustrate implementation of March 21,1985).
proposed agency action; pursuant in Canyon; Meeting 1
%e Legal Services Corporation authority granted me by the Chairman's The ACRS Subcommittee on Diablo f
intends to award these grants to Delegation of Authority to Close Canyon will hold a meeting on July to, lacrease and improve the quality of legal Advisory Committee Meetings, dated 1985. Room m 1717 H Strat, NW, I
J services to elderly poor persons January 15,1978,I have determined that Washington, DC.
presently unserved or underserved-these mei. tings will be closed to the D' '"
"N" P'" I Additionally, funded programs should public punuant to subsections (c)(4).
public attendance.
resent bar and (9 (B) of section 552b ofTitle 5, l
sensitize and educate the fegal needs of Unite States Code.
. ne agenda for the subject meeting
,o and future lawyers to the i
l the elderly.
Further information about this Wednesday }uly 10,1985-9 00 a.m.
. Potse F. Broccoletti.
'- meeting can be obtained from Mr.
until 1:00 p.m.
Acting Director. Office of fie/dServices.
Stephen J.McCleary, Advisory The Subcommittee will review NRC l
1FR Doc. 8614952 Filed 6-:D-85;i45 am)
Committee Management Officer, Staffs evaluation of Pacific Cas and g-National Endowment for the en m a coca uso.w m ATTACHENT A I
1 i
Feder:1 R:gister / Vcl. 50, N:,120 / Friday. june 21,1985 [ N;tices 8~ill
Thursday. July Jf.1985-6:30 p.m. until The antire meeting will be tpen 12 Electric's 1:nko-tirm seismic progr:m public cttend:nce.
pt:n for Diab Canyon.
sem p.m.
. ne agenda for the subject meeting Oral statements may be presented by ne Subcommittee will continue shall be as follows:
members of the public with the discussions on developing comments on concurrence of the Subcommittee a long range plan for the NRC. Topics Tuesday, July P. 2&a5-2:00p.m. until the Chairman: written statements will be under discussion are primarily technical
. conclusion of busmess cccepted and made available to the issues related to the regulation of ne Subcommittee will discuss recent, 1
Committee. Recordings will be permitted nuclear power plant safety and safety operating occurences. 'be presented by -
1 g enly during those portions of the regulation over the next 5 to to years.
Oral statements may meeting when a transcript is being kept,
' Oral statements may be presented by members of the public with the cnd questions may be asked only by members of the public with the concurrence of the Subcommittee members of the Subcommittee.its concurrence of the Subcommittee Chairman; written statements will be
. consultants, and Staff. Persons desiring Chairman; written statements will be accepted and made available to the 4
ta make oral statements should notify accepted and made available to the Committee. Recordings will be permitted the ACRS staff member named below as Committee. Recordings will be permitted only during those portions of the '
f:r in advance as is practicable so that only during those portions of the.
meeting when a transcript is being kept, cppropriate arrangements can be made.
meeting when a transcript is being kept.
and questions may be asked only by During the initial portion of the and questions may be asked only by members of the Subecmmittee.its '
meeting, the Subcommittee, along with members of Subcommittee,its consultants, and Staff. Persons desiring cny of its consultants who may be consultants. and Staff. Persons desiring to make oral statements should notify present. may exchange preliminary to make oral statements should notify the ACRS staff member named below as views regarding matters to be the ACRS staff member named below as far in advance as is practicable so that considered during the balance of the far in advance as is practicable so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
appropriate arangements can be made.
During the initial portion of the The will then hear During the initial portion of the meeting, the Subcommittee, along with presentations by and hold discussions meeting, the Subcommittee, along with any of its consultants who may be with representatives of the Pacific Gas any ofits consultants who may be present. may exchange preliminary.
and Electric Company, the NRC Staff,its present. may exchange pre!!minary views regarding matters to be consultants, and other interested views regarding matters to be considered during the balance of the persons regarding this review.
considered during the balance of the meeting.
The Subcommittee will then hear Further information regarding topics meeting.-
to be discussed, whether the meeting The Subcommittee will then hear presentations by and hold discussions has been cancelled or resheduled the presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC Staff, I
Chairman's ruling on requests for th.e with representatives of the NRC Staff, its consultants. and other interested opportunity to present oral statements its consultants and otherinterested persons regarding this review.
and the time allotted therefore can be persons regarding this review.
Further information regarding t'opics
obtained by a prepaid telephone call to Further information regarding topics to be discussed, whether the meeting the cognizant ACRS staff member. Mr.
to be discussed. whether the meeting has been cancelled or rescheduled, the Elpidio C. !gne (telephone 202/634-1414) has been cancelled or rescheduled the Chairman's ruling on requests for the between 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. persons Chairman's ruling on requests for the opportunity to present oral statements planning to attend this meeting are opporturity to present oral statements and the time allotted therefor can be urged to contact the above named and the time allotted therefor can be obtained by a prepaid telephonetall to individual one or two days before the obtained by a prepaid telephone call to the cognizant ACRS staff member.Mr.
scheduled meeting to be advised of any the cognizant ACRS staff member. Mr.
Herman Alderman (telephone 202/634-d changes in schedule, etc.. which may John C. McKinley (telephone 202/634-1414) between 8:15 a.m. arid 5:00 p.m.
have occurred.
1414) between 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Persons planning to attend this meeting,
Persons planning to attend this meeting are urged to contact the above named are urged to contact the above named individual one or two days before the Dated. [une 18,1965.
individual one or two days b,efore the scheduled meeting to the advised of a+/.,
Morton W. Ubarkin.
i Assistant Executive Directorfor Proicci acheduled meeting to be advised of any changes in schedule, etc., which may g, yg,,,
changes in schedule, etc., which may have occurred.
(FR Doc. 85-15052 Filed 6-20-85. 8.45 am) have occurred.
Dated. Tune 18.1985.
swwo coot neo-et-u Dated. June 18,1985-Morton W. Ubarkin.
Mortan W. Ubarkta.
Assistont becutive Directorfor Project Advlsory Committee on ?1eactor Assistant Executive Directorfor Project Review.
Safeguards Subcommittee on Long Revlek (FR Doc. 85-15054 Filed 6-20-85; 8.45 am)
Range Plan for NRC; Meeting (FR Doc. 85-15053 Filed 6-2o-85. 8 45 am) awuo coot neo-et-u
'llie ACRS Subcommittee on Long a m ecos neo.e w j
Range Plan for NRC will hold a meeting iDocket No. 50-4001 on July 10 and 11,1985. Room 1167,1717 Advisory Committee on Reactor Carotina Power and Light Co. and H Street NW., Washington. DC.
Safeguards Subcommittee on Reactor North Carolina Eastern Municipal The entire meeting will be open to
' public attendance.
Operations; Meeting -
Power Agency; issuance of
The a enda for subject meeting sha11 The ACRS Subcommittee on Reactor Am,endment to Construction Permit e as lows _.
Operations will hold a meeting on juiy 9.
Wednesday July 10.1985-9:00 o.m.
1985. Room 1046.1717 H Street, NW.,'
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has
.untilthe conclusion of business Washington, DC.
A-2 P
Fsd:ral R:gistsr / Vol. 50. No.125 / Frid:y. Jun2 28.1985 / Notices W
%e Commission's Diviaico elFuel -
Dsted et Bethesda, Mauland. this 24th day changes in schedule, etc. which may Cycle and Material Safety has prepared or lune tsa5 have occurred.
an Environmental Assessment related to Hugh L Thompson lr.
Dated June 25.1985 the amendment of Special Nucisar D;recor. Dmsion of L,cens;ng Material Ucense Nm%m On the lFR Dec as-1%49 Filed 6-27-85 8 45 am]
Ass,s tant Ex ecutive Durctorfor Project y,,5, og gyg,,,,,,,,,,g, gy, sw o coos neo-ow R, view Commission has concluded that the (FR Doc. 85-1565o Fded 6-27-85. 8 45 em]
environmentalimpact created by the Advisory Committee on Reactor siaf ecoot *
- proposed licensing action would not be significant and does not warrant the Safeguards. Subcommittee on Preparation of an Environmentallapact Anticipated Transients Without Scram; dvisory Committee on Reactor
. Statement Acew&npy. it be W Meeting Safeguards, Subcommittee on Diablo
. determined that a Finding of No Canyon; Changed Meeting Sigmficant Impact is appropriate. The The ACRS Sobcommittet on Environmental Assessmentis available Anticipated Wit 1out Scram The Federal Register published on for public inspection and copying at the (ATW Sl will ho!d a meeting on July 17 Friday. june 21.1985 (50 FR 25800)
Commission's Public Document Room.
1985. Roem 10m 171711 S'rcet. NW.,
contained notice of a meeting of the 1717 H Street. NW., Washington D.C.
Washingten. DC ACRS Subcommittee on DiaHo Canyon The meeting will be open to to be held on Wednesday. July 10.1985.
Copies of the Environmental Assessment may be obtained by calling public attendance.
Room 1167.1717 H Street. NW.
The aganda for the suby ct meet.r.S Washington. DC.The starting time for (301) 427-4510 or by writing to the Uranium Fuel ucensing Branch. Division shell be as follow s the meetmg has been changed to 800 of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety. U.S.
j Wednesday. f /,1. JE-4 30 a m a.m until 12:00 Noon All other items Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
untd ibc conclusion of bas. ness regarding this meeting remain the same The Subcommittee will discuss as previously announced.
Washington, D.C. E555.
reactor protection sy stem and scrarn Further inforination regarding topics Dated at Selver Spring. Maryland, this rtst breaker rehabiht).
to be discussed. whether the meeting day of lune. tess.
Oral statements may be presented by has been cancelled or rescheduled, the For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
members of the pubhc wah the Chairman's ruling on requests for the w.T. crow, concurrence of the Sabrorrutre opportunity to present oral statements Acting Chief. Umnium rue / Licensing Sicach.
Chairman, written statements w di be and the time allotted therefor can be Divis on offue/ Cycle andMoterio/Sofery, accepted and made as ailAe to the obtained by a prepaid telephone call to NMSS Committee. Recordmgs w dl be permitted the congnizant ACRS staff member.Mr-(FR Doc. 85-15646 F!ied 6-27-45, tes aml caly during those port.ons of the Elpidio G. Igne (telephone 202/634-1414) siaa.o coes neeeie meeting when a transcr pt is beinc kept-between 815 a m. and 5 00 p.m Persons I
and questions may be asked enh by planning to attend this meeting are members of the Subccmmetee. its urged to contact the above named
[ Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370. Ucense consultants, and Staff. Persons desiring individual one or two days before the 360s. NPF-9 and NPF-17; EA 84-130) to make oral statements should notify scheduled meeting to be advised of any Duka Power Co. (McGuire UrWts 1 and the ACRS staff member named below as changes in schedule, ets.. w.hich may 2); Order imposing Civil Monetary far in adsante as is practicab!e so that have occurred.
Penatty cppropriate arrangements can be made.
Dated lune 24.1985 During the mitial portion of the g
w, g
meeting the Subcommittee. along with 7,
Duke Power Company (the " licensee,,)
any ofits consultants whc may be is the holder of Operatin,g Ucense Nos.
t l
present. may exchange prehminary g
NPF-9 and NPF-17 (the 'licimsee )
views regarding matters to be
- "'C*0'""'*'*
issued by the Nuclear Regulatory l
considered during the balance of the Commission (the " Commission"). De meeting licenses authe'rize the licensee to The Subcommittee will then bear gucenoaN N M operate McGuirs Units 1 and 2 in presentations by and hold discussions accordance with the conditions with representatises of the NRC Staff.
Finding of No Segnificant impact; specified therein.%e licenses were its consultants. and other interested Westinghouse Electric Corp., Watta issued on lanuary 23.1961 and March 3.
persons regarding this review.
Mill Site, Pittaburgh, PA 1963. respectively.
Further information regardmg topics to be discussed. whether the meeting ne U.S. Nuclear Regulatory B
has been cancelled or rescheduled. the Comm' n (the Commission)is ering so amendment of Special A specia) inspection of the licensee's Chairman's ruling on requests for the co cpportunity to present oral statements uclear Material Ucense No. SNM-770 activities was conducted on November and the time allotted therefor can be to permit Westinghouse Electric 2-3.1984lDe results of this inspection ladicated that the limnaee had not
obtained by a prepaid telephone call to Corporation to operate a the cognizant ACRS staff member. Mr.
decontamination disposal, and recycle conducted its activities in full Paul Boehnert (telephone 202/634-3267) rvice at its Waltz Mill Site.%e compliance with NRC requirements. A between 815 a.m. and 5-00 p.m. PeMons' p se of this operation is to receive, written Notice of Violanon and ocess, and repackage contaminated Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty planning to attend this meeting are urged to contact the above named solete equipment from other heensed was served upon the licensee by letter individual one or two days before the (acihties and ship it to another licensed dated February 28,1985.De Notice states the nature of the violatoms, the scheduled meeting to be advised of any facihty.
t A-3 lLm
l REVISED JULY 3,1985 r
[1717HSt,N.W., Room 1046]
8:10 8:30 - &:45
- 1. Opening Statements and Connents C. Siess/D. Okrent II. NRC Staff Presentation 3%o A. Introduction and Overview of NRC's 45-Q Evaluation of Diablo Canyon Long Range Seismic Program Plan g.Schierling/S.Brocoum B.TNhnicalEvaluationofDiabloCanyon h5-Ik15 Long Range Seismic Program Plan, including but not limited to, PRA
' O'-
S. Brocoum/L. Reiter
~ 20 so.m 4GMS-10:30 BREAK 10:30 - 44+M III. PG&E Presentation m 2-0 A. Comments on_PRA, etc. and Update of Program Plan
% Al / L. Cluff/R. Fray - kvrtck o.2o gnz3
-1+'AO -- 4h00-IV. Subcommittee Discussions... including development of presentation schedule of 303rd ACRS meeting, if applicable i t'. 2.3>
M V. Adjournment ATTACHMENT B
Meeting Attendance Lists 1.
NRR Presentation Evaluation of Long Term Seismic Program Plan, H. Schierling and S. Brocoum.