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Inservice Insp Rept for 851225-870629.Rept Exam Summary for Refueling Outage,Interval 1,Period 3.Areas Inspected Include Class 1,2 & 3 Components,Piping & Component Supports
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Site: North Anna Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/1987
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ML20235J794 List:
NUDOCS 8710020141
Download: ML20235J875 (85)


j i

i INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT of the North Anna Power Station Unit 1 4

P.O. Box 402 i Mineral, Virginia 23117 I l

l for  :

l Virginia Electric and Power Company P.O. Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261 Commercial Service Date: June 6, 1978' Operating Capacity: 907 MWe (net)

Refueling Outage: 3rd Period, 1st Interval l

0 g




' ATTACHMENT I FORM NIS.I OWNER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS PAGE 01 OF 37 As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules SIDE 1 OF -2 P.O. Box 26666 'i

1. Owner '/irginia Electric & Power Company Richmond, Virginia 23261 (Name and Address of Owner) P.O. Box 402 7pg North Anna Power Station Unit 1 Mineral, Virginia 23117 (Name and Address of Plant)
3. Plant Unit 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)
5. Commercial Service Date 6-78 6. National Board Number for Unit NA
7. Components inspected Manufacturer l Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or National j Appurtenance 'or Installer Serial No. Province No. Board No. j i

Reactor I vnee 1 RDM Rotterdam 30661 .VA58328 NB7489

o. j Pressurizer W Tampa 1271 VA58322 l

6888 Steam 1261 VA58327, 6867, Generators W Tampa 1262,1263 58323,58324 Class 1 6868.6869 l Piping i S.W. Fabricating fl N/A N/A N/A i RC Pumps 7 ;y ' '

4 Loops 1,2 & 3 g

.W t.lectro-Mechanical _

c N/A N/A )

Excess Letd.

Heat Exch. Atlas 11nA vann11a 1125 Residual 1832-4 VA58337 370 Heat Exch. Joseph Oat & Sons 1832-3 VA58336 371 Volume Control Tank Joseph Oat & Sons 2034-1A VA59691 500 l Accumulator 41369-71-1, VA58319 2816 Tank f Delta Southern comnanv 2.1 58320. 58321 2817 2818 Boron iniection Tk. S tru ther Well a l VRARTATRT-01' VA8;Q6A6 17166 NonRegen. {

Home Fveh inconk noe i <nna 1831-II VA59689 167 q Seal Water I

Hent Fvch. .Tnnenh Ont & Rnna 1817-2C VA59690 348 Charging i Pumps ?acific 17872 N/A N/A seal water Return Filter Cuno 143 N/A Reactor N/A Coolant Filter Cuno 145 N/A Class 2 N/A Pinine S.W. Fabricating N/A N/A M /i Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (!) size is 8% in. x 11 in.,

(2) Information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and ^

the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


This Form IE00029) may be ootained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E.47th St.,New York. N.Y.10017 i

-i i



8. Examination Dates 12-25-85 co 6-28-87 9. Inspection interval from 6-6-78 co 6-6-88
10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval. :Pages 19 through 33-
11. Abstract of Conditions Noted Pages 10.through 15
12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken Pages 10 through:15 L

i I

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and correctivt mea-


sures taken conform to the rules.of the ASME Code,Section XI. '

Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) MM  ! Expiration Date /'/h  ;

Date# bd.dva X 19 M Signed . ./

Owner /  ?

1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Freuure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of t/IR'eved and employed byHurt*m em wh- r

  • r o a. of
  1. 4mm " have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the pened

/2 a 5- es to 6"M-D , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner -I has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the l requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makri eny warranty, expressed or implied, I

concerning the examinations and corrective measures desenbed in this Owrier's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personalinjug or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

A 2 E l,ev # MM Commissions W 37#

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date #4 5'e#~ 19 87 (12/82) '

i 1




MINERAL, VIRGINIA 23117 COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE: 6-78 Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or National l Appurtance or Installer Serial No. Province No. Board No. '

I component j supports Class 1, 2, 3 1(/A N/A N/A i 1

l l

l l Repairs & 85-008,85-009,85-010, N/A N/A N/A Replacements85-024,86-100,87-028,87-029,87-B001,87-B002, 87-B012,87-B013,87-B014, 87-B015,87-B016,87-B018, '.

87-B019,87-B020,87-B021, 87-B022,87-B024,87-B028, 87-B029,87-B030,67-B031, .

87-B033,87-B035,87-B036, )

87-B037,87-B038 Design .

Change Packages DCP-84-57, DCP-86-16 N/A N/A N/A s

1 t _

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 03 OF 37 Examination Summary Virginia Electric and Power Company North Anna Power Station Unit 1 Refueling Outage 1st Interval, 3rd Period Introduction Inservice examinations of Class 1, Class 2 , and Class 3 components, piping and component supports were conducted at North Anna Power Station Unit 1 from December 25, 1985 to June 29, 1987.

Examination procedures were approved prior 'to the examinations.

Certification documents relative to personnel, equipment, and materials l were reviewed and determined to be satisfactory.

1 Inspections, witnessing, and surveillance of the examinations and related activities were conducted by personnel from the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, One State Street, Hartford, CT 06102 (B. M. Eamigh, C. R. Enos, C. A. Garrison, W. E. Huber, C. A. Ireland, and R. P. Neville), North Anna Station Quality Assurance Department, and the North Anna technical staff.

Limitations Some of the arrangements and details of the piping sys, tem and components were designed and fabricated before the access and examination requirements of Section XI of the 1974 Code could be applied; consequently some examinations are limited or not practical due to geometric configuration or accessibility.

Examinat ions Examinations were conducted to review as much of the examination zones as was practical within geometric, metallurgical and physical limitations. When the required ultrasonic examination volume or area could not be examined 100%, the examination was considered to be a partial (PAR) and so noted on the examination report. Generally PARS are noted at fitting to fitting assemblies and where integrally welded supports, lugs or hangers, etc. , preclude access to some part of the examination area.


i l

i I

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 04 OF 37 Repairs and Replacements Repairs and replacements completed during this NIS-1 period were performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addenda The following paragraphs and the attached NIS-2 forms (Attachment II, pages 01 thru 29) represent those repairs or replacements performed on Class 1 or Class 2 systems:

A)85-008 - Replaced 2" valve 1-SI-122 on drain line SI-72-602-Q3 with a new valve (Class 2). The old valve was leaking. .

B)85-009 - Replaced 2" . valve 1-SI-135 on drain line SI-76-602-Q3 with a new valve (Class 2). The old valve was leaking.

C)85-010 - Replaced 2" valve 1-SI-156 on drain line SI-74-602-Q3 with a i new valve (Class 2). The old valve was leaking. I J

l D)85-024 The position of 2" service air containment isolation valve l 1-SA-2 (Class 2) inside containment was rotated to permit ease of  !


E)86-100 - Replaced the 2" isolation valve (1-RC-45) for "B" Reactor Coolant Loop RTD bypass flow indication (Class 1). The valve was replaced as a permanent repair to eliminate packing leakage.

F)87-028 - Repaired steam cuts on steam generator 1-RC-E-1A secondary manway (Class 2) by machining the flange surface.

G)87-029 - Repaired valve wedge in 3" gate valve 1-WTE511 (Class 2) by weld build up to achieve satisfactory isolation. The weld was ground smooth to obtain a proper seating surface. The valve was repaired to prevent bypass leakage.

H) 87-B001 - Replaced 20 studs and 40 nuts on 12", manual isolation valve l 1-SI-306 (Class 2) on the low head safety injection pump suction. The l

studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue. The bolting was replaced to eliminate valve body to bonnet leakage. ,

I) 87-B002 - Replaced 20 studs and 40 nuts on 12" manual isolation valve 1-SI-305 (Class 2) on the low head safety injection pump suction. The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue and damaged threads. The bolting was replaced to eliminate valve body to bonnet leakage.

J) 87-B012 - Replaced 16 studs and 32 nuts on 12" check valve 1-SI-1 (Class 2) on the low head safety injection pump suction. The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue.

The bolting was replaced to eliminate valve body to bonnet leakage.

l ATTACHMENT I PAGE 05-OF 37 K) 87-B013 - Replaced 16 studs and 32 nuts on 12" check valve 1-SI-16 (Class 2) on the low head safety injection pump suction. The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue.

The bolting was replaced to eliminate valve body to bonnet leakage.

L) 87-8014 - Replaced 8 studs and 16 nuts on 2" relief valve l 1-CH-RV-1382B (Class 2) on the seal water heat exchanger. .The studs-

) and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue I

and to eliminate valve flange leaks.

s M) 87-B015 - Replaced 8 studs and 16 nuts on 2" flow orifice 1-RC-FE-1481 (Class 1) on the loop 2 cold leg RTD. The studs and nuts j were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue. The '

flow element was required to be opened to allow draining of the line for the weld repair of valve 1-RC-45 (Repair and Replacement #86-100).

N) 87-B016 - Replaced 2 studs, 3 nuts and 16 washers on 12" check valve 1-SI-144 (Class 1) on the loop 2 safety injection accumulator  ;

i discharge. The studs, nuts, and washers were replaced due to damaged threads and one nut lost after disassembly.  ;


0) 87-B018 - Replaced 16 studs and 32 nuts on 10" motor operated valve  ;

1-SI-MOV-1890D (Class 2) on the cold leg safety injection. The studs  ;

and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue, i

The balting was replaced to eliminate valve body to bonnet leakage.

P) 67-8019 - Replaced 8 studs and 16 nuts on 4" flow element 1-SI-FE-1943 (Class 2) on the charging pump discharge header. The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid  !

residue. The bolting was replaced to eliminate f ow element flange leakage.

Q) 87-B020 - Replaced 2 nuts on 6" pressurizer safety valve 1-RC-SV-1551A (Class 1). The valve was removed for safety valve testing. The nuts were lost after disassembly.

l R) 87-B021 - Replaced 12 studs and 12 nuts on 6" main steam safety valve ,

l 1-MS-SV-102A (Class 2) . The studs and nuts were replaced due to '

damaged threads. The valve was removed for safety valve testing.

1 S) 87-B022 - Replaced 12 studs and 2 nuts on 6" main steam. safety valve 1-MS-SV-101A (Class 2). The studs and' nuts were replaced due to damaged threads. The valve was removed for safety valve testing.

T) 87-B024 - Replaced 1 bolt on 16" steam generator secondary manway i 1-RC-E-1B (Class 2). The bolt was replaced due to damaged threads. The  !

manway was removed to allow access to the interior of the steam generator.

U) 87-B028 - Replaced 12 studs and 12 nuts on 6" check valve 1-SI-103 on the loop 3 safety injection system (Class 1). The studs and nuts were  !

replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue and to j eliminate valve body to bonnet leakage.

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 06 OF 37 V) 87-B029 - Replaced 32 studs and 32 nuts on 16" steam generator primary manway 1-EC-E-1A (Class 1). Replaced existing torque style studs and nuts with tensioned studs and geared nuts to improve fastening capabilities.

W) 87-B030 - Replaced 32 studs and 32 nuts on 16" steam generator primary manway 1-RC-E-1B (Class 1). Replaced existing torque style studs and nuts with tensioned studs and geared nuts to improve fastening capabilities.

0 X) 87-B031 - Replaced 32 studs and 32 nuts on 16" steam generator l primary manway 1-RC-E-1C (Class 1). Replaced existing torque style l

studs and nuts with tensioned studs and geared nuts to improve fastening capabilities.

Y) 87-B033 - Replaced 12 studs and 12 nuts on 3" motor operated gate valve 1-SI-MOV-1869B on the hot leg safety injection system (Class 2).

The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue. Boric acid on studs and nuts was found during regular preventive maintenance program.

( I Z) 87-B035- Replaced 16 studs and 32 nuts on 10" motor operated gate j valve 1-SI-MOV-1864B on the cold leg safety injection system (Class 2). The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue. Boric acid on studs and nuts was found during regular preventive maintenance program.

l AA) 87-B036- Replaced 20 studs and 40 nuts on 12" motor operated gate valve 1-SI-MOV-1860A on the low head safety injection pump suction (Class 2). The studs and nuts were replaced due to < degradation caused by boric acid residue and rust due to location in the valve pit. Rust on studs and nuts was found during regular preventive maintenance program.

BB) 87-B037- Replaced 20 studs and 40 nuts on 12" motor operated gate valve 1-SI-MOV-1860B on the low head safety injection pump suction l

(Class 2). The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused l by boric acid residue and rust due to location in the valve pit. Rust on studs and nuts was found during regular preventive maintenance program.

j CC) 87-B038- Replaced 12 studs and 12 nuts on 3" motor operated gate valve 1-SI-MOV-1836 on the charging pump discharge header (Class 2).

The studs and nuts were replaced due to degradation caused by boric acid residue. Boric acid on studs and nuts was found during regular preventive maintenance program.

l l 1 l


ATTACHMENT I PAGE 07 OF 37 Design Change Packages Design change packages completed during this NIS-1 period were performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda. The following paragraphs and the attached NIS-2 forms (Attachment II, pages 30 thru 46) represent those design changes performed on Class 1 and Class 2 components and component supports:


A) DCP-84 Installed an additional 2" control valve (TV-1204A) on the letdown line inside of containment (Class 2). The installation of this valve eliminates the requirement to Type 'C' test three control valves on this line, thereby reducing personnel exposure and frequency of maintenance. Th's.NIS-2 for this DCP covers only the work performed during this outage and does not include other work performed for this DCP prior to this outage.

B) DCP-86 Performed work to reduce small bore snubber population as indicated below:

Component cooling system - replaced 7 snubbers Snubber / Support Work performed 1-CC-HSS-407 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-CC-R-407) 1-DER-HSS-233 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SDRV-233) 1-DHR-HSS-234 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SDHV-234) 1-DER-HSS-300 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SDHV-300) 1-DHR-HSS-301 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SDHV-301) 1-DHR-HSS-302 Replaced snubber with a rigid, strut (1-SDEV-302) 1-DHR-HSS-304 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SDHV-304)

High pressure steam - replaced 9 snubbers atmospheric discharge system Snubber / Support Work performed 1-SAE-HSS-237 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-237) 1-SAE-HSS-238 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-238) 1-SAE-HSS-239 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-239) 1-SAE-HSS-243 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-243) 1-SAE-HSS-244 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-244) 1-SAE-HSS-24S Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-245) 1-SAE-HSS-280 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-280) 1-SAE-HSS-281 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-281) 1-SAE-HSS-282 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-282)

Feedwater system - replaced 3 snubbers Snubber / Support Work performed 1-FW-HSS-216 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WFPD-R-216) 1-FW-HSS-217 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WFPD-R-217) 1-FW-HSS-218 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WFPD-R-218)

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 08 OF 37 Quench spray system - modified 2 rigid restraints Snubber / Support Work performed 1-QS-R-68 Modified an existing rigid restraint 1-QS-R-71 Modified an existing rigid restraint Auxiliary feedwater system - replaced 6 snubbers

- eliminated 2 snubbers

. - reset 2 spring hangers j Snubber / Support Work performed 1-AFW-HSS-246 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-246) 1-AFW-HSS-247 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-247) 1-AFW-HSS-250 Replaced snubber with a tigid strut (1-SAE-R-250) 1-AFW-MSS-252 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-252) 1-AFW-HSS-253 Eliminated snubber 1-AFW-HSS-254 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-254) .

1-AFW-HSS-255 Eliminated snubber l 1- AW-HSS-25 6 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SAE-R-256) i 1-AFW-SH-248B Reset spring hanger )

1-AFW-SH-249B Reset spring hanger j l

Chemical feed system - replaced 1 snubber

- eliminated 3 snubbers ,

- eliminated 1 rigid restraint I

Snubber / Support Work performed i

1-WT-MSS-118 Eliminated snubber .'

1-WT-MSS-119 Eliminated snubber 1-WT-MSS-221 Eliminated snubber l 1-WT-MSS-224 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-CFPD-R-224)  !

1-WT-R-219 Eliminated rigid restraint Service water system - replaced 6 snubbers

- replaced 2 spring hangers

- eliminated 3 snubbers

- eliminated 1 spring hanger Snubber / Support Work performed 1-SW-HSS-202 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WS-R-202) 1-SW-HSS-203 Eliminated snubber 1-SW-HSS-204A Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WS-R-204A) 1-SW-HSS-204B Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-VS-R-204B) 1-SW-HSS-205A Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WS-R-205A) 1-SW-HSS-205B Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WS-R-205B) 1-SW-HSS-206 Eliminated snubber 1-SW-HSS-207 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-WS-R-207) 1-SW-HSS-208 Eliminated snubber 1-WS-SH-18 Eliminated spring hanger 1-VS-SH-19 Replaced spring hanger with a rigid strut (1-WS-R-203) 1-WS-SH-20 Replaced spring hanger with a rigid strut ,

(1-WS-R-206) '


1 l

Main Steam System . replaced 9 snubbers

- replaced 3 spring hangers l

- eliminated 4 snubbers .

- eliminated 3 spring hangers j

- relocated 1 snubber '

- modified'2 rigid restraints.

1 Snubber / Support Work performed <

1-SHP-HSS-262 Replaced snubber with a rigid strur (1-SHP-R-262) l 1-SHP-HSS-263 Eliminated snubber 1-SHP-HSS-265 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-265) 1-SHP-HSS-267 Eliminated snubber 1-SHP-HSS-269~ Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-269) 1-SHP-HSS-270 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-270) ,

1-SHP-HSS-272 Eliminated snubber ,

J 1-SHP-HSS-274 Replaced snubber with a' rigid strut (1-SHP-R-274)'

1-SHP-HSS-275 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-275)

Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-305) 1-SHP-HSS-305 1 1-SHP-HSS-306 ' Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-306) 1 1-SHP-HSS-307 Replaced snubber with a rigid strut (1-SHP-R-307) '

1-SHP-HSS-452 Eliminated snubber 1-SHP-HSS-462 Relocated the existing snubber I 1-SHP-R-286 Modified exiuting rigid restraint 1-SHP-R-287 Modified exirting rigid restraint 1 1-SHP-SH-119 Replaced spring hanger with a rigid restraint i (1-SHP-R-119) 1-SHP-SH-120 Replaced spring hanger with a rigid restraint (1-SHP-R-120) 1-SHP-SH-121 Replaced spring hanger with a. rigid restraint (1-SHP-R-121) '.

1-SHP-SH-122 Eliminated spring hanger 1-SHP-SH-123 Eliminated spring hanger 1-SHP-SH-124 Eliminated spring hanger A total of eighteen pipe saddles were added to lines 3"-SHP-531-601-Q2, 3"-SHP-532-601-Q2, and 3"-SHP-533-601-Q2 on the Main Steam System.

Relief Requests Prior to the North Anna Unit 1 1987 Refueling outage, Virginia Electric

& Power Company requested of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission relief from performing exams required by ASME Section XI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda. Various relief requests were granted by the NRC and utilized during the outage (Reference NSC-TAC NO.


ATTACHME!Pr I PAGE 10 OF 37 Results Examinations of components and component supports resulted in a total of 118 components and component supports being reported on the basis of procedure recording criteria.

A summary of the indications and their dispositions follows:

5 A) Visual examination of the accessible reactor vessel Internals revealed one bent guide pin at the R-9 location. This pin is not required for operation and was cut off.

B) Visual examination of Loop 1 Reactor Coolant piping (VRA-1-4700 Item 2 shown on ISO.VRA-1-4110) Flange "A" revealed inadequate thread engagement on 3 nuts. The nut engagement was evaluated and found acceptable by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering.

C) Visual examination of Loop 2 Accumulator discharge valves MOV-1865B (VRA-2-4100 Item 47 shown on ISJ VRA-2-2515) and MOV-1865C (VRA-2-410C Item 48 shown on ISO VRA-2-2515) revealed white boric acid residue on the valves. The condition was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable valve packing leakage.

D) Visual examination of Loop 3 RTD valve 1-RC-84 (VRA-1-6300 Item 64 -

1547C shown on ISO VRA-1-4309) revealed boric acid on studs and nuts.

The condition was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable.

E) Visual examination of Loop 3 RTD valve 1-RC-83 (VRA-1-6300 Item 63 -

1546C shown on ISO VRA-1-4309) revealed white boric acid residue on i

the valve. The condition was evaluated by Virginia. Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable valve packing leakage.

l F) Visual examination of Loop 3 Seal Injection valve 1-CH-382 (VRA-1-6300 Item 75 - 1290C shown on ISO VRA-1-4315) revealed heavy white boric acid residue on the valve. The condition was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable valve packing leakage.

G) Visual examination of Loop 2 Main Steam trip valve TV-MS-101B (VRA-2-4100 Item 7 shown on ISO VRA-2-2200) revealed oil, dirt, and metal fragments on the flange surf ace and dents on the top threads of 3 studs. The flange surface was cleaned and reexamined and found acceptable. The dents on the stud threads were evaluated to be minor and would net affect thread engagement or tightening of the bonnet flange and were found acceptable by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering.


l i


PAGE 11 OF 37 j H) Visual examination of Loop 3 Main Steam trip valve TV-MS-101C (VRA-2-4100 Item 13 shown on ISO VRA-2-2300) revealed gouges on the l shaft of 6 studs and oil, dirt, and metal framents on the flange i surf ace. The gouges were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering to be minor and would not affect thread engagement into the valve body or nut, the loading capacity of the studs or the l Integrity of the valve. The flange surface was cleaned during valve '

seat repair and reexamined and found acceptable.

3 I) A partial visual examination of Charging Pump suction flanges "A" (VRA-2-2600 Item 6 shown on ISO VRA-2-2540) and "B" (VRA-2 QO Item 10 shown on ISO VRA-2-2541) revealed boric acid residue and rust on I the threads and nuts. The condition was evaluated and found to be acceptable by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering for I continued operation. The residue will be removed and a complete examination performed prior to the end of the next refueling outage.

J) Visual examination of RHR flow control valve RH-HCV-1758 (VRA-2-4100 Item 31 shown on ISO VRA-2-2511) revealed heavy white boric acid residue on the valve. The condition was evaluated by Virginia Electric

& Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable valve packing leakage.

l K) Visual examination of component supports revealed eight supports as having damaged grouting. All supports were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to to be acceptable for operation. Prior to the end of the next Unit I refueling outage the following work will be performed:

1. Grout will be added to supports WCMU-R-005,.WCMU-R-006A, WCMU-R-006B SI-SH-033B, SI-SH-033G and SI-A4033F and reexamined.
2. Support WCMU-R-004 will be replaced and reenamined.

l The grouting on support WMCU-R-003 has been repaired, reexamined, and l

found acceptable.

, The supports are listed below.

I ECI-102E: WCMU-R-003, WCMU-R-004. WCMU-R-005, WCMU-R-006A, and WCMU-R-006B ECI-104K: SI-SH-033B, SI-A-033F and SI-SH-033G L) Visual examination of component supports revealed sixteen supports as having insufficient thread engagement. All of the supports except SI-R-182A, RS-R-012, SI-R-180 and SI-SH-085 were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable. The clamp bolts were replaced on component support SI-R-182A and SI-SH-085 and found to be aceptable upon reexamination. Support SI-R-180 was adjusted and reexamined. The anchor bolt nut on RS-R-012 was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable for continued operation and will be tightened and reexamined prior to the end of the next Unit i refueling outage. The supports are listed below.

ECI-103CB: CC-R-091 l ECI-103T : SI-R-180, SI-R-182A and SI-RH-193 L_ --_-_--

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 12 OF 37 ECI-103U : SI-RH-234 ECI-103W : FPH-SI-132-1 ECI-103Y : FPH-SI-133-2 ECI-104D : RS-R-012 ECI-105A : WS-SH-001 and WS-R-011 l

ECI-105J : WS-R-099 ECI-107M : SI-SH-085 ECI-114M : RS-R-069A l ECI-118C : CC-R-003 ECI-121H : RP-SH-082 ECI-121K : RP-R-158 M) Visual examination of component supports revealed one support as having a gouge and arc strike on the support stanchion. The gouge and are strike were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found acceptable. The support is listed below.

ECI-117B: FC-A-018 i

N) Visue.1 examination of component supports revealed twenty-three supports as having missing hardware (load plate on SI-SH-028, locking ruts on WS-R-007A and WS-R-008, load scale on WS-SH-023A, and bolts on the others). The missing hardware was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable. Prior to the end of the next Unit l' refueling outage locking nuts will be l added to WS-R-007A. The supports are listed below.

ECI-102E : WCMU-R-003, WCMU-R-005, WCMU-R-006A, and WCMU-R-006B 3

ECI-102FB: WAPD-R-029B i ECI-103CB: FPH-CC-194-2 ,  !

i ECI-104A : SI-SH-028 , 1 ECI-104H : QS-SH-014 ECI-104K : SI-R-033A ECI-105A : WS-R-007A l ECI-105C : WS-SH-023A ECI-105H : WS-S-113 and WS-S-115 l ECI-107M : SI-R-085A and SI-SH-085 I ECI-111B : SI-R-038 ECI-111C : CH-A-042A ECI-117A : RP-R-013 ECI-118B : CC-R-227 ECI-118K : CC-R-049 ECI-118V : CC-R-160 ECI-121K : RP-R-153, and RP-R-2860A

0) Visual examination of component supports revealed seventeen supports as having incorrect spring settings. Two component supports (SI-SH-027 and CC-SH-151) were readjusted to the correct range and reexamined and found acceptable. Supports WS-SH-021, SI-SH-021, and SI-SH-601 were evaluated by Virginia Electric and Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable for operation. These supports will be adjusted prior to the end of the next refueling outage. The remaining component supports were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be in the acceptable setting range. The supports are listed below.

~n cn,- - - ~ , - - - -- ~- - - -- --

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 13 OF 37 ECI-104B: SI-SH-021 ECI-103A: WS-SH-001  :

ECI-105C: WS-SH-021 and WS-SH-026 ECI-113A: SI-SH-013 ECI-113B: SI-SH-001 ECI-113C: RH-SH-007 ECI-114F: RS-SH-163 ECI-114G: RS-SH-166 ECI-114K: RS-SH-153

> ECI-117A: FC-SH-100 l

ECI-118D: CC-SH-109 ECI-118E: CC-SH-151 P) Visual examination of component supports revealed four supports as having loose hardware. The hardware was tightened on all of the supports except CC-R-173 and found acceptable upon reexamination.

Support WS-SH-020 was subsequently eliminated by DCP-86-16. . Support CC-R-173 was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company I Engineering as acceptable for continued operation and the hardware will be tightened and reexamined prior to the end of the next Unit 1 refueling outage. The supports are listed below.

ECI-103T: SI-R-180 l ECI-105B: WS-SH-020 ECI-107F: QS-SH-067A ECI-118J: CC-R-173 l

Q) Visual examination of component supports revealed one support as l having a missing hanger assembly. The support was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Corrpany Engineering and found to @ ave been removed by a previous design change. The support is listed below.

ECI-118C: CC-SH-003A R) Visual examination of component supports revealed two supports as having an incorrect hanger arrangement. The supports were evaluated and found to be reversed from the arrangement shown on the design drawing. The conditions were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power i Company Engineering and found acceptable. The drawings will be revised l to reflect the correct arrangement. The supports are listed below.

ECI-118ZA: CC-SH-380 ECI-118ZB: CC-SH-381 S) Visual examination of component supports revealed one support as having a misaligned pipe clamp. The suppore was realigned and evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering to be acceptable for l continued operation. The support will be reexamined prior to the end of the next Unit i refueling outage. The support is listed below.

ECI-105M: VS-RH-117A

3 0

% ATTACHMENT I PAGE 14 OF 37 q v . .

T) Visual examination of' component supports' revealed eight' supports as 1 having a gap between the nuts and base ~ plate 'on the anchor / bolts. )

Supports ECI-118J: CC-R-173 and ECI-118S: CC-H-093 had a gapbetween j the base plate and the ceiling. . Tapered' washers were installed to j eliminate the' gap on RS-A-612 and grout was =added on CH-A-042A, The j gap on CC-R-173 was evaluated by Virginia Electric & - Power Company j Engineering.and found acceptable.' l Supports RS-R-012, CC-H-093, and SI-R-086A were evaluated by Virginia' r

n Electric & Power Company Engineering to be acceptable' for continued I operation provided that prior to the end of the next Unit i refueling 'j outage the following work will be performed: ,


1. Grout will be added to supports RS-R-012, CC-H-093,

'and SI-SH-021 and reexamined. i

2. The bolts will be tightened on supports SI-R-086A (both) and CC-H-093 and reexamined. '

The supports are listed below.

ECI-104B: SI-SH-021 l ECI-104D: RS-R-012 ECI-104E: RS-A-612 ECI-107B: SI-R-086A ECI-107M: SI-R-086A ECI-111C: CH-A-042A ECI-118J: CC-R-173 ECI-118S: CC-H-093 U) Visual examination of. component supports revealed three supports as having binding of moving parts. Component support CCvR-010 had paddles misa11gned and in contact with .the clamp and bracket. The strut was realigned so that the paddles are parallel to the clamp and bracket.

Component support CC-SH-109 had a load column binding. The'. load column was recentered to eliminate 'the binding. The spring hanger housing on RP-SH-082 appeared bent in relation to the rod connection. The condition was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company.

Engineering and-found to be acceptable. The supports were reexamined and found to be acceptable. The supports are listed below.

ECI-118C: CC-R-010 ECI-118D: CC-SH-109 ECI-121H: RP-SH-082 V) Visual examination of component supports revealed twenty-two supports as having rust on them. All of the supports except CC-R-003, SI-R-002, SI-R-003, WS-R-008, WS-SH-021, WS-SH-023A, SI-A-033F, QS-SH-125, and CC-R-145A were cleaned, painted, and reexamined and found acceptable. Supports'RS-R-012 and RS-R-022 were evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering and found to be acceptable. The excepted supports were evaluated by Virginia Electric

& Power Company Engineering to be acceptable for continued operation provided that prior to the end of the next Unit i refueling outage the following work will be performed:


i i


J. l

1. Supports FPH-RC-146-2,'WS-R-008, CC-R-003, SI-R-002 and.

SI-R-003, WS-SH-021, VS-SH-023A, SI-A-033F and CC-R-145A will be cleaned, repainted and reexamined.

2. Supports WCMU-R-001 Land VCMU-R-002 will'be redesigned to )

eliminate the condition causing the rust and reexamined. I

3. Support QS-SH-125.will be replaced as parts are received and the support will be reexamined.


1Rie supports are listed below. l 1

ECI-102E : WCHU-R-001 and WCMU-R-002 l ECI-103BA: FPH-RC-146 i .

1 ECI-104B : SI-R-002'and SI-R-003 r ECI-104D : RS-R-012 and RS-R-022 . x.  !

.ECI-104K : SI-A-033F

.ECI-105A : WS-R-008 ECI-1050 : WS-SH-021, WS-A-023, WS-A-025, VS-SH-023A, WS-A-027, I WS-A-029, WS-Rh-022,-WS-SH-024, and WS-SH-026 ECI-107CA: QS-SH-125 .

ECI-118C : CC-R-002 and CC-R-003 ECI-118F : CC-R-145A W) Visual examination.of component supporcs revealed one support as having borated contaminants on the floor plate. The' support was cleaned and reexamined and found acceptable. The support is listed below.

ECI-111Q: SI-R-554 i 1

X) Visual examination of component supports revealed two supports as i having debris in the spring cet (QS-SH 014 and WS-SH-023A) and one j support as having the threaded extension blocking spring movement ]

(QS-SH-014). Ths threaded extension interference was evaluated by  !

Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering as exceptable' . The i debris in both supports is acceptable for continued operation and will be removed prior to the end of the next Unit i refueling outage and reexamined. The supports are listed below.

ECI-104H: QS-SH-014 ->-

ECI-105C: WS-SH-023A .


'l Y) Visual examination of component support's. revealed one support as i having a damaged and warped channel and damaged weld. The damage was evaluated by Virginia Electric &- Power Company Engineering as acceptable. The support is listed below.

ECI-118J: CC-SH-176 Z) Visual examination of component supports revealed one support as having one half inch of the tube steel to roof plate weld missing. The weld was evaluated by Virginia Electric & Power Company Engineering as acceptablu. The support is listed below.

ECI-121K: RP-R-2860B

ATTACHMENT I l PAGE 16 OF 37 Resolution of previous NIS-1 commitments The following is a synopsis of commitments made in the previous NIS-1  !

submittal and their status. Several of these commitments involve I hydraulic snubbers and did not have Authorized Inspection Agency involvement. These commitments can be identified by "HSS" in the component  !

number. I l

1. Letter Serial No.86-121, page 3 of 10 , Results, items D - H: i I

A commitment was made to remove and examine valve bonnet bolting. O Visual examination of the bolting was perform in place and found  !

to be acceptable. The valves examined were as follows: l A. VRA-1-6300 Item 38 (VRA-1-4207 1560B) (item D above)

B. VRA-1-6300 Item 39 (VRA-1-4207 1505B) '(item E above)

C. VRA-1-6300 Item 43 (VRA-1-4210 1576B) (item F above) i D. VRA-1-6300 Item 44 (VRA-1-4210 1575B) (item G above)  !

E. VRA-1-6300 Item 45 (VRA-1-4210 1568B) (item H above)

2. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page 4 of 16, Results, item I: i A commitment was made to redesign and move support VCMU-0005B H007 j (new number ECI-102E: WCMU-R-007). Redesign is complete and work j is in progress for moving the support. A completion date for this.  !

work is scheduled by the end of the next refueling outage. I

3. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page 4 of 16, Results, item K: I A commitment was made to clean and paint eleven supports. Upon  !

reexamination s,everal of the supports were fouhd not to require  ;

cleaning and painting and are noted as reexamined. The supports  !

and the wor's performed are as follows: '

Old Number Neu number Work performed A. CC-0042D H103 ECI-118D: CC-R-103 reexamined OK B. CC-0043B H006 ECI-121B: CC-R-006 reexamined OK  !

C. RHR-0001C H002 ECI-113C: RH-R-002 reexamined OK  !

D. WCMU-0004B H001 ECI-102E: WCMU-R-001 to be redesigned

  • l E. WS-0001B H027 ECI-105C: WS-A-027 cleaned / painted /

reexamined OK F. WS-0003A H028A ECI-105C: WS-RH-028 reexamined OK G. WS-0003A H029A ECI-105C: WS-SH-029A reexamined OK  !

H. WS-0031A H030A ECI-105EA: WS-R-030 reexamined OK  !

I. WS-0031B H031A ECI-10 SEA: WS-R-031 reexamined OK  !

J. WS-0031C H032A ECI-105EB: WS-R-032 reexamined OK l K. WS-0031D H'J33A ECI-10SEB: WS-R-033 reexamined OK


  • - Acceptable for continued operation, redesign to be completed by the end of the next refueling outage.

" ATTACHMENT'IL PAGE 17.OF.:37-4.LetterSerialNo.86-121Aipage4of16,Results;fitemL:

- A. commitment was made. to clean and reexaminef three supports. Upon reexamination the ' supports were found' not to. require cleaning and are noted'as reexamined. The supports and,the work performed are as follows:

Old Number New number' Work performed' i A. RHR-0001A H009 ECI-113A: FPH-RH-SH-9 reexamined OK-B. RHR-0001C H003 ECI-113As RH-A-003 reexamined.0K C. RHR-0001D H011- ECI-113A:.FPH-RH-SH-9' ' reexamined OK '

5. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page 4 of '16, Results, Litem.H:-

A commitment was made to clean- and paint four supports. ~ Upon' reexamination two of 'the supports were 'found ' not . to require cleaning and are noted as reexamined. The supports and the work performed are as follows:

Old Number New number: -Work performed' A. WCMU-0004A H003 ECI-102E: WCMU-R-003 cleaned / painted /

reexamined OK B. QS-0005B H014- ECI-104H: QS-SH-014 reexamined OK C. WS-0001B H029 ECI-105C: WS-A-029 cleaned / painted /

reexamined OK D. WCMU-0005A H006 ECI-102E: WCMU-R-006A reexamined OK

6. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page 5 of 16, Results, item N:

A commitment was made to reextmine two supports. . The supports and the work performed are as follows:

-Old Number New number Work performed A. RC-0010A H215-02 ECI-103BB: FPH-RC-215-2 reexamined.0K B. RHR-0001B H101A ECI-RH-HSS-101A reexamined OK'

7. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page 5 of 16, Results,-item 0:

A. commitment was made to reexamine three supports. The supports and the work performed are as follows:

Old Number New number Work performed A. RC-0010A H216-01 ECI-103BB: RC-HSS-001 reexamined OK B. RC-0010A H216-02 ECI-103BB: RC-HSS-002 reexamined OK C. RC-0010A H216-04 ECI-103BB: RC-HSS-004 reexamined OK l

_ _ _ - _-___a


8. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page'5 of 16, Results,' item P:

A commitment was made to reexamine one support to determine if '

cleaning / painting or hardware changes were required. The support -

and the work performed is as follows:

Old Number New' number Work performed A. WCMU-0004B H0023 ECI-102E: WCMU-R-002 redesigned *-

> 4

  • - Acceptable for continued operation, : installation to I be completed by:the end of the next refueling outage. i L 9. Letter Serial No. 86-121A, page.5 of'16, Results, item R: l l

A commitment.was made to reexamine two supports to determine.the I proper spring setting. The supports and the work performed Lis .


1 as'follows:

Old Number New number Work performed A. RER-0001B H006 ECI-113C: RH-R-006 ' reexamined OK .

B. RER-0001B H007 .ECI-113C: RH-SH-007 reexamined *

  • - Spring setting evaluated as acceptable by Virginia j Electric & Power Company Engineering. l l



ATTACHMENT I PAGE 19 OF 37 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS CLASS 1 CATEGORY ITEMNO ISOMETRIC COMPONENT / AREA EXAMINED EXAM B-N-1 Bl.15 VRA-1-1200 Reactor Vessel Internals VT B-G-1 Bl. 8 VRA-1-1400 Nut 20 and Nut 31 thru Nut 42 UT B-J B4, 5 VRA-1-4101 10 P-V UT B-J B4, 5 VRA-1-4101 11 V-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4101 12 E-P UT B-J B4, 5 VRA-1-4102 12 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4102- 13 E-P UT B-K-1 B4. 9 VRA-1-4102 WSO4 HANW Ur B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4104 02 P-E UT

! B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4104 03 E-E UT l B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4106 09 P-E' UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4106 10 E-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4200 14 P-P UT l B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4201 04 E-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4201 05 P-E UT i

B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4201 06 E-P UT B-K-1 B4. 9 VRA-1-4201 VSO2 RANW UT l B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4202 03 P-E UT l

B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4202 04 E-PB UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4206 03 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4206 04 E-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4206 05 P-V UT B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4210 22 P-E PT B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4210 24 P-E , PT B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4210 25 E-P , PT B-J B4. 7 VRA-1-4210 29BC Branch connection PT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4211 29 P-V UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4211 31 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4211 33 P-T UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4301 09 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4301 10 E-P UT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4301 11 P-SE UT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4301 11 P-SE PT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4302 07 P-REDT UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4302 08 REDT-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4302 15 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4302 16 E-P UT B-K-1 B4. 9 VRA-1-4302 WS02 HANW UT B-K-1 B4. 9 VRA-1-4302 WSO4 HANW UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4303 02 E-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4303 07 E-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4303 08 P-REDT UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4305 05 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4305 06 E-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4305 07 E-E UT l B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4306 01 P-E UT j B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4306 02 E-P UT l

B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4306 03 P-E UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4306 04 E-P UT

l 1


CATEGORY ITEMNO ISOMETRIC COMPONENT / AREA EXAMINED EXAM B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4307 01 V-E UT l- B-J. B4. 'S VRA-1-4307 02 E-E UT l B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4307 03 E-P - UT o

B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4311 18 P-V PT '

B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4311 19 V-PB PT' B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4311 20 PB-E PT B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4311 21 E-P' PT -

B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4313 18 E-P PT B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4313 19 P-V- PT B-J B4. 8 VRA-1-4313 20 V-E. PT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4500 02 SE-E PT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4500 10 SE-E UT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4500 10 SE-E PT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4500 18 SE-E PT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4500 18 SE-E UT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4501 36 E-SE PT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4503 02 SE-R UT B-F B4. 1 VRA-1-4503 02 SE-R PT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4600 10 P-T UT I B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4600 15 E-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4600 17 T-P UT B-J B4. 5 VRA-1-4600 19 E-P UT i B-G-2 B4.12 VRA-1-4700 01 FB-FE1490 SS-16N VT B-G-2 B4.12 I VRA-1-4700 02 FB-FLG-A'. 8S-16N VF i B-G-2 B4.12 VRA-1-4700 07 FB-FE148L 8S-16N VT B-G-2 l B4.12 VRA-1-4700 09 FB-FE1492 8S-16N VT B-G-2 B4.12 VRA-1-4700 14 FB-1551B 12S-24N VT B-G-2 B4.12 VRA-1-4700 15 FB-1551C 12S-24N VT B-K-2 B5. 5 VRA-1-5100B 3-A Pump Support VT B-K-2 B5. 5 VRA-1-5100B 3-B Pump Support VT

, B-K-2 B5. 5 VRA-1-5100B 3-C Pump Support VT L B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 38 VBB-1560B 12S-12N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 39 VBB-1505B 12S-12N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 43 VBB-1576B 2S-2N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 44 VBB-1575B' 25-2N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 45 VBB-1568B 2S-2N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 53 VBB-1875C 16S-16N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 57 VBB-1874F 12S-12N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 59 VBB-1874B 12S-12N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 60 VBB-1876B 12S-12N VT  ;

B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 61 VBB-1505C 12S-12N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 62 VBB-1560C 12S-12N VT l B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 63 VBB-1546C 2S-2N VT I

B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 64 VBB-1547C 2S-2N VT B G-2 B6. 9- VRA-1-6300 65 VBB-1840B 2S-2N VT

I i



i CATEGORY ITEMNO ISOMETRIC COMPONENT / AREA EXAMINED EXAM B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 66 VBB-1576C 2S-2N VT 4 B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 68 VBB-1575C 25-2N VT B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 72 VBB-1579 2S-2N VT

) B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 73 VBB-1554C 2S-2N VT l B-G-2 B6. 9 VRA-1-6300 75 VBB-1293C 2S-2N VT CLASS 2

. C-A C1.1 VRA-2-1100 1-03 SGIA-CSHW Ur C-A C1.1 VRA-2-1100 1-06 SG1A-CSHW UT l C-A C1.1 VRA-2-1100 2-02 SG1B-TSHT UT l C-A C1.1 VRA-2-1100 2-03 SG1B-CSHW UT C-A C1.1 VRA-2-1100 3-08 SG1C-CSHW UT i C-D C1.4VT VRA-2-1100 1-LIG01 thru l-LIG20 VT l C-D C1.4VT VRA-2-1100 2-LIG01 thru 2-LIG20 VT l

C-D C1.4VT VRA-2-1100 3-LIG01 TERU 3-LIG40 VT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2100 WS01 HANW MT l C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2100 WS02 HANW MT C-G C2.2G VRA 2-2100 01LS LS UT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2101 WSO4 HANW MT C-G C2.2G VRA-2-2200 30LS LS UT C-G C2.3G VRA-2-2200 22BC P-P UT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2300 WS02 HANW MT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2301 WS02 RANW .

MT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2302 WS01 HANW . MT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2500 WS01 RANW PT l C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2500 WS02 HANW PT l C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2510 WS01 HANW PT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2510 WSO2 HANW PT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2510 WS03 HANW PT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2511 07 P-R UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2511 09 PU-R UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2511 12 P-V UT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2512 WS01 RANW Fr C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2512 09 E-V UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2512 12 P-V UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2512 14 R-P UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2517 15 V-R UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2517 16 R-P UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2517 37 P-E UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2517 56 P-E UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2520 16 P-WNF UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2521 18 E-P UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2521 20 T-P Ur C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2522 03 T-V UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2522 10 E-T UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2522 12 P-T UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2522 14 P-V UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2522 19 E-P UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2522 33 P-T UT

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 22 OF 37 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS (cont'dl CATEGORY ITEMNO ISOMETRIC COMPONENT / AREA EXAMINED EXAM C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2532 05 E-P UT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2540 WS01 HANV PT C-E-1 C2.5 VRA-2-2541 WS01 HANV PT o C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2541 24 V-P UT i C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2544 02 E-T UT l C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2544 03 T-V UT' C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2544 07 T-V UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2545 32 P-E UT C-F C2.1F VRA-2-2546 28 E-V UT l

C-D C2.4VT VRA-2-2600 06 FB-FLG-A 8S-16N VT C-D C2.4VT VRA-2-2600 10 FB-FLG-B BS-16N VT C-D C2.4MT VRA-2-2600 15 FB-MS101A 12 STUDS NT C-D C2.4VT VRA-2-2600 15 FB-MS101A 12S-2N VT C-D C2.4VT VRA-2-2600 27 FB-MS103C 12S-24N VT C-D C3.2MT VRA-2-3120A 1-SHB01 thru l-SHB12 MT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 01 VBB-TVMS101A 24S-24N VT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 07 VBB-TVMS101B 24S-24N VT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 08 VBB-MS101B 6S-6N VT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 10 VBB-MS103B 6S-6N VT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 13 VBB-TVMS101C 24S-24N, VT l C-D C4.2UT VRA-2-4100 21 VBB-VCW60X 20 STUDS UT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 21 VBB-VCW60X 20 STUDS VT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 24 VBB-FCV1605 165-32N VT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 31 VBB-1758, 16S UT C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 31 VBB-1758 16N VI C-D C4.2UT VRA-2-4100 47 VBB-1865B 165 UT l C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 47 VBB-1865B 16S-16N VI C-D C4.2UT VRA-2-4100 48 VBB-1865C 16S UT s C-D C4.2VT VRA-2-4100 48 VBB-1865C 16S-16N VT, j

! l l

I l I 2


i l

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l_ ________.___._______]


CATEGORY ITEM ISO MARK NUMBER LINE NUMBER EXAM C-E-2 C2.6 101A SHP-R -314 0032'-SHP -0001-601-Q2 VT 0032'-SHP -0003-601-Q2 C-E-2 C2.6 101A SHP-R -315 VT C-E-2 C2.6 101A SHP-R -316 0032'-SHP -0002-601-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 101GC SHP-R -285 0006'-SHP -0039-601-Q2 VT D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-001 0008'-WCMU-0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-002 00088-WCMU-0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-003 0008'-WCMU-0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-004 0006'-WCMU-0018-151-Q3 VT .

D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-005 0006'-WCMU-0018-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-006A 0006'-WCMU-0019-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 102E WCMU-R-006B 0006'-WCMU-0018-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 102FA WAPD-R-019B 0006'-WAPD-0002-601-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 102FB WAPD-R-023B 0006'-WAPD-0002-601-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 102FD WAPD-R-019A 0006'-WAPD-0001-601-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 102FD WAPD-R-028A 0006'-WAPD-0001-601-Q3 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 103AC SI-R -208 0006'-SI -0016-1502-Q1 VT ,

C-E-2 C2.6 103AF FPH-SI-19-1 00068-SI -0019-1502-Q1 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -021D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -022D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT j C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -023D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT .

C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -024D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -025D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q2 VT i C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -0260 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -027D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 103AH SI-S -028D 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q2 VT i C-E-2 C2.6 103AJ RH-169 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT  :

C-E-2 C2.6 103AJ SI-R -171 0006'-SI -0021-1502-Q1 VT i D-B IWD-2600 103AM CC-A-138 0008'-CC -0338-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 103AM CC-R -139 0008!-CC -0338-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-A-012D 0008'kCC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-A-020D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-A-026D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-R -009D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-R -023D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-R -027D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-R -141 00088-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT

D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-007D 00088-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-008D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-010D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-011D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-013D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-014D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-015D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-017D 00088-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-018D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-019D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-021D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-022D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-024D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT




D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-028D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 103AN CC-S-029D 0038'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 1037N CC-S-030D 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-A-00fC 0008'-00 -0304-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-R -146 0008'-CC -0304.151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-R -148 0008'-CC -0304-151-Q3 VT l 3 D-B IWD-2600 102AP CC-R-147 0008'-CC -0304-15~.-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-R-149 0008'-CC -0304-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-S -004C 0008'-CC -0304-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103/P CC-S -005C 0008'-CC -0304-151'Q3 VT .

D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-S -006C 0008'-CC -0304-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-S -007C 0008*-CC -0304-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-S -009C 000P'-CC -0304-1f1-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-S -012C 0003'-CC -0304-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 103AP CC-S -013C 0006'-CC -3304-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 '103AP CC-S -014C 00088-CC -0304-131-Q3 VT ]

D-B IWD-2600, 103B CC-R -001C 0018'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-R -032C 0018'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT t D-B IWD-2 6'J O 103B CC-R -033C 00189-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-R -034C 0010'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-R -075 0018'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT 4 D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-R -076 0016'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-R -076A 0010'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-SH-077 0018'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 103B CC-SH-151 0018'-CC -0329-151-Q3 VT  !

B-K-2 B4.10 103BA FPH-RC-142-1 0002'-RC -0142-1502-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103SA FPH-RC-146-2 0002'-RC -0146-1502-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103BA FPH-RC-146-4 00023 -RC -0146-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103BB FPH-RC-053-42 0002$-RC -0053-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103BB FPH-RC-215-2 0003'-RC -0215-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103BB FPH-RC-218-1 00025-RC -0218-1502-Q1 VT

  • B-K-2 B4.10 103BL FPH-RC-121-2 0002'-RC -0121-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103BQ FPH-RC-147-8 0003'-RC -0147-1502-Q1 VT  !

B-K-2 B4.10 103BQ FPH-RC-147-9 0003'-RC -0147-1502-Q1 VT 4 D-B IWD-2600 103BR CC-A-082 0008'-CC -0336-1SI-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2 6' 00 103BR FPH-CC-146-1 0006'-CC -0146-1$1-Q3 VT  ;

D-B IWD-2600 1033R FPH-CC-146-2 0006t-CC -0146-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 103BR FPH-CC-146-3 00068-CC -0146-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2500 -103BR FPH-CC-146-4 0006'-CC -0146-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103BS CC-A-144 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 100BS FPH-CC-192-1 0006'-CC -0192-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-26GO 103BS FPH-CC-192-2 0006'-CC -0192-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 103BS FPH-CC-192-3 0006'-CC -0192-151-Q3 VT j

. D-B IWD-2600 1033W CC-R -097 0006 '-CC -0160-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IND-2600 1-03BX CC-A-142 0008'-CC -0334-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B 1WD-2600 1033X FPH-CC-145.-1 0006'-CC -0145-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 103BX FPR-CC-143-2 0006'-CC -0145-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103BX Fr3-CC-14S-3 0006'-CC -0145-151-Q3 VT

- Partial examir.ation  !

i i

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i D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-R -001D 00188-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-R -033D 0018'-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-R -070 0018'-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-S -032D 0018'-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT  ;

D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-S -034D 00188-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-SH-069 0018'-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103C CC-SH-071 0018'-CC -0326-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 103CB CC-R -089 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT j

? D-B IWD-2600 103CB CC-R -090 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 103CB CC-R -091 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT ,

i l

D-B IWD-2600 103CB CC-R -092 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 103CB CC-R -093 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103CB CC-R -154 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 YT l D-B IWD-2600 103CB FPH-CC-194-1 00068-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103CB FPH-CC-194-2 00068-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103CB FPH-CC-194-3 0006'-CC -0194-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-A-007B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-A-0169 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-A-023B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT 1 D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-A-144 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT  ;

D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-R -006B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-RH-143 00088-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT 1 D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -005B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT  !'

D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -008B 00088-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -009B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -010B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -011B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -012B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT  ;

D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -013B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT '

D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -014B 0008 '-CC -03 05-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -015B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -017B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -018B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -019B 00088-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -020B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -021B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -022B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -024B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -025B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -026B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 1030 CC-S -027B 0006'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -023B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103D CC-S -029B 0008'-CC -0305-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-R '-001C 0018*-CC -0327-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-R -034C 0018'-CC -0317-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-R -072 0018'-CC -0327-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-R -073 0018'-CC -0327-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-R -145 0018'-CC -0327-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-SH-074 0018'-CC -0327-151-Q3 VT

ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS hffHE q CATEGORY ITEM ISO MARK NUMBER LINE NUMBER EXAM D-B IWD-2600 103E CC-SH-150 0018'-CC -0327-151-03 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-A-010D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-A-014D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-A-080 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-R -079 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-R-081 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 V~

D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -007D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -008D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -009D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -0110 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -012D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -013D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103G CC-S -015D 0008'-CC -0336-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-R -001D 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-R -152 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-R -153 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-S -032D 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-S -034D 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 V7 D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-SH-136 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 V-D-B IWD-2600 103J CC-SH-137 0018'-CC -0331-151-Q3 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103K SI-A-194 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103K SI-A-202 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103K SI-R -195 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-A-029E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q2 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-019E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-020E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-021E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-022E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-023E-1 0006.',-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT j B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-024E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-025E-1 00065-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-026E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-027E-1 00068-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-028E-1 00068-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-030E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103L SI-S-031E-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103N FPH-SI-131-1 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 133N FPH-SI-131-2 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103N FPH-SI-131-3 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103N FPH-SI-131-4 0006'-SI -0131-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-A-166 {

0006'-SI -0132-153A-Q1 VT i B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-A-1E3 00068-SI -0133-153A-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-R -178 0006'-SI -0132-153A-Q1 VT I B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-R -179 0006'-SI -0132-153A-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-R -180 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-R -181A 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT i B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-R -182A 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-RH-184 00068-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT j B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-RH-188 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT  !

i I



B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-RH-189 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K B4.10 103T SI-RH-191 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-RH-193 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT I B-K B4.10 103T SI-S -185 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT D-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-S -187 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-S -190 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT 1 S-K-2 B4.10 103T SI-S -192 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT '

B-K-2 B4.10 103U FPH-SI-132-3 0006'-SI'-0132-1502-Q1 VT I I B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-A-163 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-RH-172 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-RH-173 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT  ;

B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-RH-174 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT  !

3-K-2 B4.10- 103U SI-RH-175 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-RH-177 00068-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-RH-234 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103U SI-RH-235 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103W FPH-SI-132-1 0006'-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT 1 B-K-2 B4.10 103W FPH-SI-132-2 00068-SI -0132-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103Y FPH-SI-133-1 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT  ;

.0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 B-K-2 B4.10 103Y FPH-SI-133-2 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103Y FPH-SI-133-3 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103Y SI-A-205 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103Y SI-R -203 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 103Y SI-RH-204 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT  !

B-K-2 B4.10 103Y SI-RH-206 0006'-SI -0133-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-R -029 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT i C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-R -030 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT i C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-R -033 0010'-SI -0142-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-R -034 00101-SI -0015-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-R -036 00100-SI -0140-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-026 0010'-SI -0025-153A-Q2 VI C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-027 0010'-SI -0064-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-028 0010'-SI -0064-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-033H 0010'-SI -0239-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-037 0010'-SI -0238-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-600 0010'-SI -0025-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104A SI-SH-601 0010'-SI -0064-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104B SI-A-001 0012'-SI -0014-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104B SI-R -002 0012'-SI -0014-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104B SI-R -003 0012'-SI -0014-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104B SI-R -004 0012'-SI -0014-153A-02 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104B SI-RH-005 0012'-SI -0014-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104B SI-SH-021 0012'-SI -0014-153A-Q2 VI C-E-2 C2.6 104D RS-R -012 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104D RS-R -013 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104D RS-R -022 0010'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104D RS-R -630 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104D RS-R -631 0010'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104E RS-A-612 0008'-RS -E016-153A-Q2 VT

1 l

1 i



C-E-2 C2.6 104E RS-A-619 0008'-RS -E024-153A-Q2 VT D-B IWD-2600 104E RS-R -613 00068-RS -J077-153A-Q2 VT l D-B IWD-2600 104E RS-R -620 0006'-RS -J078-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 104H QS-SH-014 0008'-QS -0003-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-A-006 0012'-SI -0014-163A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-A-033F 0010'-SI -0214-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-R -033A 00108-SI -0213-163A-Q3 VT '

C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-R -033C 0010'-SI -0214-153A-Q2 VT ,

i C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-R -033D 0010'-SI -0214-153A-Q2- VT J C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-R -033E 0010'-SI -0214-153A-Q2 VT (

C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-SH-033B 0010'-SI -0214-153A-Q2 VT J C-E-2 C2.6 104K SI-SH-033G 0010'-SI -0213-163A-Q2 VT l D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -002 0024'-WS -0102-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -003 0024'-WS -0102-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -004 0024'-WS -0102-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -005- 0024'-WS -0102-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -006 0018'-WS -0510-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -006A 0018'-WS -0510-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -007 0024'-WS -0101-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -007A 0024'-WS -0101-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -008 00248-WS -0101-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -009 0024'-WS -0101-151-Q3 VT l

D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -010 0024'-WS -0101-151-Q3 VT l' D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-R -011 0024'-WS -0101-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105A WS-SH-001 0024'-WS -0102-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105B WS-R -012 0018'-WS -0500-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 105B WS-R -016 0024'-WS -0096-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105B WS-S -015 l D-B 00188-WS -0097-151-Q3 VT '

IWD-2600 105B WS-SH-019 0024.'-WS -0095-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 105B WS-SH-020 0024':-WS -0096-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-A-023 0020'-WS -0407-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-A-025 D-B 0020'-WS -0405-151-Q3 VT IWD-2600 105C WS-A-027 0020'-WS -0007-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-A-029 0020'-WS -0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-RH-022 0036'-WS -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-RH-028 0020'-WS -0005-151-03 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-SH-021 00368-WS -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-SH-023A 0020'-WS -0408-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-SH-024 0020'-WS -0405-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-SH-026 0020'-WS -0007-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105C WS-SH-29A 0036*-WS -0002-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105D WS-R -328 0024'-WS -0025-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105EA WS-R -030 0024'-WS -OO14-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105EA WS-R -031 00248-WS -0013-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105EB WS-R -032 0024'-WS -0012-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105EB WS-R -033 0024'-WS -0011-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-A-083A 0024'-WS -0036-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-R -081 0016'-WS -0038-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-R -085 0024'-WS -0034-151-Q3 VT

i l


1 CATEGORY ITEM ISO HARK NUMBER LINE NUMBER EXAM D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-R -112 00248-WS -0034-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-R -114 0024'-WS -0036-151-Q3 VT  ;

D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-R -317 0016'-WS -0041-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-S -113 0024'-WS -0035-151-Q3 VT.

D-B IWD-2600 105H WS-S-115 -0024'-WS -0037-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-A-098 0024'-WS -0026-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-R -099 0024'-WS -0028-151-Q3 VT ,

3 D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-R -100 0024'-WS -0028-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-R -108 0024'-WS -0028-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-R -110 0024'-WS -0026-151-Q3 .VT D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-R-109 0024'-WS -0029-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105J WS-R-111 0024'-WS -0027-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105M WS-RH-117A 0008'-WS -0113-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 105M WS-SH-118 0008'-WS -0113-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 105R WS-R -327 0024'-WS -0048-151-Q3 VT j" D-B IWD-2600 105R WS-R -330 0008'-WS -0093-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 105R WS-R -331 0008'-WS -0094-151-Q3- VT 1 D-B IWD-2600 105R WS-R -332 0024'-WS -0048-151-Q3 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 107B SI-R -086A 0008'-SI -0049-153A-Q2 VT  ;

C-E-2 C2.6 107B SI-R -092A 0008'-SI -0049-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 107B SI-R -168A 0008'-SI -0049-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107B SI-R -168B 00088-SI -0049-153A-Q2 VT  ;

C-E-2 C2.6 107B SI-R -169A 0008'-SI -0049-153A-Q2' VT l C-E-2 C2.6 107B SI-R -198 0008'-SI.-0049-153A-Q2 VT 1

-E-2 C2.6 107C QS-R -071B 0008'-QS -0004-153A-Q3 VT I 2-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-116 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-117 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B JJD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-118 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-119 0006',-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-120 0006'*-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-121 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT 1 D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-122 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-123 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-R-124 00068-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107CA FPH-QS-20-SH-125 0006'-QS -0020-152-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107D QS-R -069 0008'-QS -0003-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107D QS-R -069A 0008'-QS -0003-153A-03 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107D QS-R -070A 0008'-QS -G003-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107F QS-SH-067A 0010'-QS -0002-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107GD QS-A-006 0006'-QS -0032-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107GD QS-R -003 0006'-QS -0032-153A-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107J RS-R -006 0006'-RS -E023-153A-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107J RS-R -007 0006'-RS -E023-153A-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107J RS-R -008 0006'-RS -E023-153A-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 107J RS-R -009 0008'-RS -E020-153A-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 107J RS-SH-010 0006'-RS -E023-153A-Q3 VT ,

C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-A-166 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -085A 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -086A 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT

l ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS ATTACHMElT I CATEGORY ITEM ISO MARK NUMBER LINE UUMBER EXAM i C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -086B 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -093 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -165 00088-SI -0040-153A-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -165A 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -166A 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -167 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -167A 0008'-SI -0040-153At02 VT <

C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-R -199 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-RH-086 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT I C-E-2 C2.6 107M SI-SH-085 00088-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT B-K-2 B4.10 109A RC-SH-003 0008'-RC -0011-2501R-Q1 VT  ;

B-K-2 B4,10 109B RC-SH-004 0008'-RC -0012-2501R-Q1 VT  !

B-K-2 B4.10 109C RC-SH-005 0008'-RC -0013-2501R-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 110B FPH-RC-15-15 0004'-RC -0015-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 110B FPH-RC-15-25 0004'-RC -0015-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 111B SI-R -036 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT I' C-E-2 C2.6 111B SI-R -038 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 111B SI-R -040 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 111B SI-R -041 00088-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT  ;

C-E-2 C2.6 111B SI-S -039 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 111B SI-S -503 0008'-SI -0040-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 111C CH-A-042A 0008'-CH -0204-163A-Q2 VT I B-K-2 B4.10 111Q SI-R -554 0003'-SI -0017-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 113A FPH-RH-RH-11 0010'-RH -0008-602-Q2 VT j C-E-2 C2.6 113A FPH-RH-SH-9 0012'-RH -0006-602-Q2 VT j C-E-2 C2.6 113A RH-A-003 0012'-RH -0015-602-Q2 VT B-K-2 B4.10 113A SI-R -014 0012'-SI -0067-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 113A SI-R -015 0012'-SI -0067-1502-Q1 VT D-K-2 B4.10 113A SI-R -016 0012!,-SI -0067-602-Q1 VT  !

B-K-2 B4.10 113A SI-R -017 0012'-SI -0067-602-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 113A SI-SH-013 0012'-SI -0067-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 113B RH-R -232 0010'-RH -0012-1502-Q2 VT B-K-2 B4.10 113B SI-R -004 0012'-SI -0068-1502-Q1 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 113B SI-RH-002 0012'-SI -0068-1502-Q1 VT B-K-2 B4.10 113B SI-SH-001 0012'-SI -0068-1502-Q1 VT C-E-2 C2.6 113B SI-SH-006 0012'-SI -0115-1502-Q3 VT l B-K-2 B4.10 113C RH-R -001 0010'-RH -0014-1501-Q1 VT '

C-E-2 C2.6 313C RH-R -001 0012'-RH -0011-602-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 113C RH-R -002 0012'-RH -0011-602-Q2 VT I C-E-2 C2.6 113C RH-R -006 0012'-RH -0011-602-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 113C RH-R -025 0012'-RH -0011-602-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 113C RH-SH-007 0012'-RH -0011-602-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 113C RH-SH-008 0010'-RH -0010-602-Q2 VT i B-K-2 B4.10 113C SI-RH-008 0012'-SI -0069-1502-Q1 VT I B-K-2 B4.10 113C SI-RH-009 0012'-SI -0069-1502-Q1 VT i B-K-2 B4.10 113C SI-SH-007 0012'-SI -0069-1502-Q1 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114B QS-A-139 0008'-QS -OO39-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114B QS-R -062 0008'-QS -0039-153A-Q2 VT j C-E-2 C2.6 114B QS-R -067C 0008'-QS -0039-153A-Q2 VT -


l l



l C-E-2 C2.6 114B QS-R -068C 0008'-QS -0039-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114B QS-RH-140 0008'-QS -0039-153A-Q2 VT ,

C-E-2 C2.6 114B QS-SH-138 0008'-QS -0039-153A-Q2 VT j C-E-2 C2.6 114D RS-A-125 0010'-RS -0012-153A-Q2 VT ,

C-E-2 C2.6 114D RS-R -060 0010'-RS -0012-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114D RS-R -067A 0010'-RS -0012-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114D RS-R -068A 0010'-RS -0012-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114D RS-R -124 0010'-RS -0012-153A-Q2 VT 3

C-E-2 C2.6 114D RS-SH-123A C010'-RS -0012-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114E QS-A-093 0008'-QS -0037-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114E QS-A-098 0008'-QS -0037-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114E QS-R -035C 0008'-QS -0037-153A-Q2 VT l

C-E-2 C2.6 114E QS-R -069C 0008'-QS -0037-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114E QS-R -070C 0008'-QS -0037-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114E QS-RH-099 '0008'-QS -0037-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-A-120 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT s C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -117 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT I C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -119 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT Y C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -128 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT n C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -129 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -130 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -131 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-R -132 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-SH-162 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114F RS-SH-163 0010'-RS -0009-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114G RS-A-151 0010'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C? 6 114G RS-R -121 0010'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114G RS-R -122 0010'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT I C-E-2 C2.6 114G RS-R -126 0010,'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114G RS-R -127 0010'.-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114G RS-SH-166 0010'-RS -0010-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114H RS-R -136 0010'-RS -0001-153A-Q2 VT 1 C-E-2 C2.6 114H RS-R -137 0010'-RS -0001-153A-Q2 VT I C-E-2 C2.6 114H RS-R -137A 0010'-RS -0001-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114J RS-R -133 0010'-RS -0002-153A-Q2 VT 1 C-E-2 C2.6 114J RS-R -134 00108-RS -0002-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114J RS-R -135 0010'-RS -0002-153A-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-A-059B 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-A-141 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-R -061 0010'-RS -0004-153h-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-R -065B 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-R -066B 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT 4 C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-R -067B 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT )

C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-R -068B 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114K RS-SH-153 0010'-RS -0004-153A-Q2 VT  !

C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-A-084 0010'-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT  ;

C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-A-089 0010'-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-R -069B 0010'-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-R -090 0010'-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT  !

l I

_ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -- a


PAGE 32 OF 37 CATEGORY ITEM ISO MARK NUMBER LINE NUMBER EXAM J C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-R -090A 0010'-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-R -091 0010'-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114L RS-R -091A 00108-RS -0003-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114M RS-R -035A 0010'-RS -0011-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114M RS-R -069A 0010'-RS -0011-153A-Q2 VT C-E-2 C2.6 114M RS-R -081 0010'-RS -0011-153A-Q2 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 114M RS-RH-079 0010'-RS -0011-153A-Q2 VT i D-B IWD-2600 117A FC-R-099 0012'-FC -0008-152-Q3 VT }

> D-B IWD-2600 117A FC-SH-100 0012'-FC -0008-152-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 117A RP-A-014 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117A RP-R-010 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117A RP-R-011 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117A RP-R-012 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117A RP-R-013 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 117B FC-A-018 0010'-FC -0002-152-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 117B FC-A-023 0010'-FC -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117B FC-R-021 0010'-FC -0002-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117B FC-R-022 0010'-FC -0002-152-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 117B FC-R-026 0010'-FC -0001-152-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 117B FC-R-028 0010'-FC -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117C FC-A-098 0010'-FC -0003-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 117C FC-R-031 0010'-FC -0003-152-Q3 VT q D-B IWD-2600 118A CC-S -036A 0008'-CC -6010-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118A CC-S -036B 0008'-CC -0010-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118A CC-SH-037A 0008'-CC -0010-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118B CC-R -041 0012'-CC -0317-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118B CC-R -042 0008'-CC -0012-151-Q3 VT .

D-B IWD-2600 118B CC-R -043 0008'-CC -0011-151-Q3 VT  !

D-3 IWD-2600 118B CC-R -227 0012'-CC -0317-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 118B CC-RH-040A 0012'"CC -0317-151-Q3 VT '

D-B IWD-2600 118B CC-RH-041A 0012'-CC -0317-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-A-007 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-A-011 0018'-CC -0021-151-Q3 VT  ;

D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-A-012 0018'-CC -0Cf2-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -002 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -003 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -004 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -006 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -006A 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -008 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT ];

D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-R -010 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 118C CC-SH-003A 0024'-CC -0005-151-Q3 VT '

D-B IWD-2600 118D CC-R -113 001G'-CC -0032-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 118D CC-RH-103 0024'-CC -0017-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118D CC-SH-109 0018'-CC -0019-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 118E CC-R -150 0012'-CC -0319-151-Q3 VT l C-E-2 C2.6 118E CC-R -232 0008'-CC -0339-151-Q2 VT )

D-B IWD-2600 118E CC-SH-151 0012'-CC -0319-151-Q3 VT i D-B IWD-2600 118F CC-R -144 0010'-CC -0318-151-Q3 VT l 1

H i

ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS ATTACHMENT I PAGE 33 OF 37 CATEGORY ITEM ISO MARK NUMBER LINE 1mMBER EXAM D-B IWD-2600 118F CC-R -145 0008'-CC -0014-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118F CC-R -145A 0008'-CC -0014-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118J CC-R -173 0018'-CC -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118J CC-R -173A 0018'-CC -0214-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118J CC-R -199 0018'-CC -0215-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118J CC-SH-169 0018'-CC -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118J CC-SH-170 0018'-CC -0002-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118J CC-SH-176 0018'-CC -0214-151-Q3 VT 4 D-B IflD-2600 118J CC-SH-176A 0018'-CC -0215-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 118K CC-R -049 00128-CC -0131-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 118N CC-R -110 0018'-CC -0020-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118N CC-R -115 0018'-CC -0032-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118P CC-A-027 0008'-CC -0036-15f-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118P CC-R -024 0008'-CC -0036-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118P CC-R -025 0008'-CC -0036-151-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 118P CC-R -026 0008'-CC -0036-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118P CC-R -028 0006'-CC -0038-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118Q CC-A-132 0008'-CC -0037-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118Q CC-A-134 0006'-CC -0039-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 118Q CC-R -131 0008'-CC -0037-151-Q3 VT j D-B IWD-2600 118Q CC-R -133 0008'-CC -0037-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118Q CC-R -135 0006'-CC -0039-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118Q CC-R -520 0006'-CC -0039-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 118R CC-A-193 0008'-CC -0121-151-Q3 VT I D-B IWD-2600 118R CC-R-192 0008'-CC -0121-151-Q3 VT 0-B IWD-2600 118S CC-A-094 0008'-CC -0120-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118S CC-H -093 0008'-CC -0120-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118V CC-R -154 0008'-CC -0103-151-Q3 VT l D-3 IWD-2600 118V CC-R -160 0008!-CC -0081-151-Q3 VT l D-B IWD-2600 118ZA CC-R -380A 00106-CC -B051-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 118ZA CC-SH-380 0010'-CC -B051-151-Q3 VT  !

D-B IWD-2600 118ZB CC-SH-381 0010'-CC -YO59-151-Q3 VT l i D-B IWD-2600 121B CC-R -006 0012'-CC -0133-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121H RP-A-083 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121H RP-R-3154A 0006'-RP -0001-151-Q3 VT C-E-2 C2.6 121H RP-R-394 0006'-RP -0007-152-QS VT D-B IWD-2600 121H RP-SH-082 0006'-RP -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-015 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-016 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-n-153 0006'-RP -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP R-154 00068-RP -0001-152-03 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-155 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-156 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT ,

D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-158 0006'-RP -0001-151-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-2726A 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT-D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-2726B 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-2848A 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-2860A 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT D-B IWD-2600 121K RP-R-2860B 0006'-RP -0001-152-Q3 VT

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 34 OF 37 Hydrostatic Pressure Tests ASME Section XI required 10-year hydrostatic pressure tests were performed on the following systems. The tests performed were partial system tests and are identified below. The remainder of the hydro test will be performed and documented on the next NIS-1 report.

One hundred and six (106) tests were conducted during this reporting period. Of this number, three (3) were unsatisfactory. These unsatisfactory tests are documented with the deficiency noted, description of corrective action, and the satisfactory retest of the applicable test block. See the notes at the end of the following listing for a brief explanation. '





  • l 3-CC-18 'A' RCP COOLERS '









i i

'l i


PAGE 36 OF 37- l l


3-FC-3 1-FC-E-1A 1 3-FC-4 1-FC-E-1B  !

3-FC-5 1-FC-P-2, 1-1/2-RP-62,.1-1/2-RP-63 i 1-FC-P-1B SUCTION, 10"-FC-1-152-Q3  !

3-FC-8 3-FC-9 1-FC-P-1A. SUCTION,'10"-FC-9-152-Q3 {

h. j SYSTEM : FEEDWATER j 3-W-2 AUX FEEDWATER PUMPS , ' 1-W-P-2, ~ 1-W-P-3A,  !










1 I

i 1


PAGE 37 OF 37 l J



1-RC-1 (Note 3) RCS HYDRO MODE 3 (Including repair and replacement hydro for valves 1-RC-45 and


1-RC-MOV-1586) 1-RC-1 (Retest) RCS HYDRO MODE 3.(Including repair and replacement hydro for valves 11-RC-45 and I. 1-RC-MOV-1586) l i

Note 1: Test block 3-CH-3 was terminated due to a valve' bonnet leak on valve 1-CH-441. The leak was repaired and a . retest performed.

Note 2: Test block 3-CH-35 was retested due to a test gage failing'the calibration check. ,

Note 3: Test block 1-RC-1 was not performed due to a leaking sample valve which made conditions too wet for a VT-2 examination. The valve was repaired and the test block ratested.  !

Statement of Interval Status This is the second examination outage of the Third Period of the First Interval. The First Interval Examination Requirements will be ccmpleted j during the next outage. The outage will occur during year grace  ;

period allowed in accordance with Section XI of the' ASME Boiler and Pressure Veaasel Code, 1974 Edition thru Summer. 1975 Addenda, subparagraph IWA-2400(b). '.

-i I



FORM Nis E OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAlR OR REPLACEMENT i As Regulved by Wie Preyisitas of ASME Code sostion XI I

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company  % 7 Jp.g 7 PA oy n 96666. DichmoY Viroinf a 23261 ano , / ,, /  !

g p,,,, fiorth Anna Powe98'3Mtion g North Anna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 Min D , Viroinia 23117 j

s. work rerformed By v4en W n =etrie A ' pma r Co. AA 8500M P . 0 7 Bo x 8Ul"fli n e ra l , Va . 2311*/""*'"'""* **"* "'- i
4. ademtnemlen of Synen S A O R'JEe m /V
s. (e) Asetiesbie Co.vtrweden Com u 5AS B 31 7 18 69 gesiise W70 asesoge, Coe, Caos, 78 . 8 3( P ) . I_15 It) Aselleetle Sdislen of Seetion XI Udlieed for Repelry or Maplacemente - 19.3Q 12.1 Addende. Code Casas ---------

S. IdentWiestion of Componenw Repelsed or Realesed. and Replesoment Componenes Name of Mme of Mf ts. Ser. Net 1. CAN Other Year Regelred. ASME Cads Cenoonent Mir. No. sal No. Idente- Subt Rapiesed, Stenood No. flesden er (Yee er Nel Repleemment 2" GLOBE VMM 6wvAL UNipin0 f/A AQA / wI22 l9M REPiACEhtEW JVO l l

I i

7. Description of Work O S. Teets Condwetes: Hroteetety Pma,re 'l 0 Pneumatic 0 Nominei operating Preneuro O oieme O onl ev Test Tom,_ '70
  • p S. Remuks ASfkLr CLA% 2 / ,

1 weea sem oisawest. ore ome nsson = es ensense I

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE yee cettHy that the statemens mese la this report are servert and thh N5NIAd'[/NE#I ASME Cedr. senterms to Section ;U of tN hfik kudfuju SL2tdot l g ;,,,4- ,

- . - so_e hbtiDR va Lc c (RMirv2

. e, LN ,g W CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commhslen lameed by the National Seerd of Beller one Pressuse or Province ofd'#6 m ' **

MM[t/ /'P howsinepeet h Merw.#

, emeteyed by */ddC h A%}*d+D #0 e'

/ enees== t en desertbed in dtle Rfeiert en M $ ## M . iLC and tiete that to the best of any know6 edge end belist, this repair er replacement has been constrveted the ASME Code. By signing this certWiente. neither the inspector nor his employer mehes , r molied, any seerrensy e eencer*

ing the repair er reelecement eencritted in this Report. Furthermore,neither the inesetter noe his om y menner ter any eersenet injury or presorty demeps et less of any kind erienn$ from er sonnected ou6ch this inse Desef A%4's l /fD /s r'0- f oneession e ; - wt t/se 3"'SW N ess: ,

Riew e avowes. .no, es e (2) 6mformetleet in Home t thresgn 4 en 9th dets vece91 .

to includee en es h theet e s eetis awrShorte one De numeer et eheogs is reserees et one est of Wnis terve%


- ~ . , , . .

.l 1


FORM NIH OWNER'S REPOR7 0F REFAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Proelsions of ASME Code Session Mi

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company g,,, '7- 22 f 7 I P.O. Rnv 26666. Richmn Y Virainia 23261 enesi / .e /  !

g ,,,,,, tiorth Anna Powe9'TT'Ation g North Anna Unit # / ~  ;

P.O. Box 402 MinU"fi, Virginia 23117 .I iseene

3. Werk Pwformed by V4aia42 fl.etric 1 Dnw.r co, AR M-007 1
P . 0! Bo x O'f"!li ne ra l , Va . 2 311"/'*''""*"*'* ** "* *
a. go,,oneenen ef synom SATW ZMEd T/CA/ -
s. to: Appa ews cowinneen com u SAS B31. 7 gg 69 gaises W70 Addende, code Ceems 78.8 3( R ) . I 15 tal Appieswe setien of swine x umised ser maneirs w nepassenems- to.2Q W8.1 Ameende, code cess. ---------
e. innenseuen se come .a nosi ed w nonesed, and Rapiessmem componene Name of Nome of Mles. ser. ' Not*I. CnN Other Year - nepelsed, Campenent AsME com hNr. No. Sd. No. Ident6 sullt neplaced, stamped No. finnuen er (vm = Nel nepleesment j 2"$108E WitE UWAL $$iMatt JV/A f//A l984 REPLALEMEC NO .

'i 1

1. cenerlovee es w erm REPLAt ED 2" VELAtV VMVE
s. Tent coneunes.

wyerensief enewmeine O Negninet opermine Preuve. O omw 0 i Pro pelo' Test Temp 'O 'F

9. Remuks ASME st%#el2 O / .

e = w .amamene. .umne i CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE we seritty met the notemens mese in th report are estreet end sh REPMdE/#E/1 / T Asus ceae. _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,x,,,,n, as'" * '**=""**

siened - < A/11M

$d4h he "hnpe F 9412-o.,- . o--. oe.- ret semi 4N 2 is b CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION l l, the undersigned. holding a valid osmmlesien leased by me National Beerd of Boiler and Presswee Vessel Inspectors a 4

,, provnne, ,f0% o *

, employed W MMMC Sb* 11 *SE A"* ' <* o W64td M m- have nnepecieg ene 9entemt,#

geeshetei - __ _4 esserihed in els fleport en 2 "7 "TS ' . itf I ene state that to the best of my knevoleepe end belief,thh repair or repleastnent has toen senswveted in esserdenes seith S the Asus code. av eienine ein certwiesa nelee the inspector not his empiever menes say warremy. empeessed er impaled ,

ing ths repeir er reelecement esseribes in this nopees. Furthermore, neither the lemosetor ner his employer shell b for any pereenal laivry or presorty ewnese er e loss of eay kind arising from er eennected esitti this leisestion.

Dageet? "'"' I / c 3

d #7 ' _/L'M '. // *" _ Cefnffplellent MS \~

eneeseen .nsuenesesse 9see. Swee.:=tel ehese en team et flum. sostehen, or eroestnes mer ese wees etevesse til sies es eN In. E 19 in (3) Informetten la teame 1 theemp 4 en Wits sets resort le lasheese en aesh sheet ene (3) wese sheet is numeeres one wie neswisse of these to reeersos et the one of 961a form.


,, o,,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company a,,, 7-f?-g7 eens P . fi Rnr 26666. Richmond. Viroinia 23261 shee, / ,, /

3,  % North Anna Powe98'Tt'& tion , North Anna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 MinUa'1, Viroinia 23117 ene==se 3, work Performed by V 4 '-' 4 n i $ Flortric 1 Pnw*" CO. ON'N8'O/O 3

P . 0! Bo x 80"l"fli ne ra l , Va . 2 3117'""*"*"*"' *"* d"'"* '-

4 Identinseuen o( System 54/ //VMd7/0/V '

E. (el Applieeble Cemettwesten CodeUSAS B 31. 3 7 p 69 getion W70 __ Addene Cede Ceees 78.8 3( R ) . I 15 (b) Applicable Estlen of Beetion XI Udllred for Mopeirs er Repleesmems - 10.fM Udl Addende, Code Cases ---------

S. IdentNiestlen of Campeneau Receired or Aeoleoed, and Replesoment Commenena Name of Name of Mirt. Ser. Not'I. CAN Other Year Receired, ASME Code Component Mir. No. Set. No. Idend- Svilt Mapleoesi. Stemped No. ficaden er (Yes or No)

Replesoment 2"CloBE tinnCONVAL Wierm N/A MA V SI-/% 1986 REPLAerpror No l

1. Description ot we,s REPLACED 2" VElAW VA1 VC
f. Toets Conducted; Hydrestete Pnewmette O Nominal Osersting Pres. wry O other O
e. nome,u, A st w <%= :shes 2 7 pelY Test Torre. W 'F '

ree se _-. o e u se enes,.=

CERTIFICATE OF COMPT. LANCE we nny met me ruiemeno mese in ab ,epen no e , set and thb ASME Code.

  1. ErlAdEmENT ,en,0,,ns to section xi e tr.e
        • " * '*ous""*'4 sw MU kdwAM'L Newksw MwL hxhe W

- . o r.oe. ,


l. tiu uneenv.ed. heidine e ..r.d cemmi.ien is,ood try me National Sowd of Senor and Promum Veemt inspecten and me Este er Province o' O t 't'L' ^' ;e.veleyed bylk'Id c u ';Ih*' II b "dd * #5 "*" #' o of tfd47L o o r" have inspected theSA e aw+

le6es.neter ; . .-4

. described le els Report en ?? " 'O ,19U.-

end state that te the tiest of my kneuv6 edge and belief, s te is repelr er restatement has bean eenettveted in oceerdense owlth Sectlen the ASME Code. By signing els centfscete, neither me triepector nor his employer moles any vuorrsnty, emecessed er implied ,

Aftg the repett er feDissement sentribte in this Report. Furthermore, Deleker the inguetter ner his employer shell b4 llellie for any personal inivfy or property demepe erj lees of any knnel wising from er connected'es6eh this inspection, o,,ep 9A 4W /AE ene.saan / /M v i Commi. ion, we STY Rese. eitwese. nein w ease eseen Swoolomonial oneem in term et itse, etetshes, er ete venen me. De wese erewteed it) else b Sit h. M 11 in tal enteemoven na teams 1 wrowgh 4 en ein seu reeers to ineswees en wm sheet, ens ist eeen sheet h nwensores one tne awmmer of 6here la roterees rt the top of th ferves, J

l l

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 04 OF 46 FORM N182 OWNER'8 REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regelred try the Previelens of ASME Code Sedtion XI

,, os., Viroinia Electric & Power Company  % 7-2 M 7 P . ') Rnr '>6666. RichmoY Vircinia 23261 enen / ,, /

3, pi,,, tiorth Anna Powet*'5't'ation g North Anna Unit # /

i P.O. Box 402 fiinD , Viroinia 23117 l s. wan ponermed kv u wN che t v 4 e A pma r Co. NA bmmM WO21/

l P . 0! Bo x 8&l"t11ne ra l , Va . 2311*/""' < *** "*"*

d. seinmseden of Synom SE#E NA
s. (e) Amerie we cerwerwesen comusAS 031.t 7 o 69 edition w70 Adende, com caset 78.8 3i R ) . I 15 tal A.Wisewe asioen W seetlen xs polised ter moelre er nepiecemwe - is SQ UEL. Addende, code cases --------- j
s. lancewetion of compeaans nepeired er meer sed end mesenement cenwonens Name of Nome of befra. Ber. Not't. CRN Other component Year Mapelret A8ME Code 68tr. No. Set. No. Identa. Swpt Repleest Stoweed No. fiseoen er (YeserN.)

Rotamment 2' GATE VNVK VELM/ H 7/5-13 MA Rl/A lSA-2 1972 REM /ME/) NO 1

2. ocearse,\en < were _M M VMVE . RMM, ME/MMk '
8. Terts conMted.

Hydrostatic 0 Pnewmetic 7 Ne4 we opereiing p re are O other O Papee ID _ pel Test Temp. 'F

9. Memerks NE U nM 2 ,

naesiemem ==wors ones L is as ennense CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mese le this report we serrect and this

--- eenferme to Settlen XI of the asua sp -


$- Yh 4WHr.4v X s t Mlo fch 4 W C /tr//JC W Lt' W

-.m. .


1. the undersegaed. holding a vel'd commbaien Ismead try the National Beerd of Seiner and Proeswe or Province e' U'# W "I '

, employed I,y//42TM Nm E/&

MuTyc2o or

+ d. N N -

et have inesected the 1tddt' _ elenaritied in thne Report on N W8 4 Imedanine er ; __a "

, i RN.  !

end rtete that to the test ei my kner leeps and belief,this repair et repletament has been constrweted in acl the ASME Code. By sienene this certifisota, neither the inspector nor ble emp6,yw mehos

, s ressed anyeencen-er irrelied voortentw e p j ter any personal laivry or presorty damage er e less ofse any kind ernsin e in eng menner '

Dowl7 L'k 191f 7 44 //u+, / /vl"l** .

emessen Commlionens F# '868 ~

.A. soe,ie nmi,*e peone er n. semi-w same m vorm et sw. ensee., er ..e . m se .see e,e ioed m es 6 ex in x u "' l m one.,-eu.n in home 1 me e e e ew is essen w inei-eee en es.* *en. ene m seen meet m .meerse  !

one me n men ei cheets b re orses et the ese of m1. ferven.  ;

I i

l 1


FORM NIS E OWNER'S REPORT OP REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Proeislens of ASME Code sostion XI

,, o,,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company a,,,7 0'/- 0/- 87 p_o ay n 76666. Ri hmo Y virainia 23261 Snen / /

g % North Anna Powe9'*ll'htion g North Anna Unit #

/ ,,

P.O. Box 402 Mind , Viroinia 23117

3. work Performed by V 4 '"a I l a '* * " 4 F A Po CO. ~ #~/00 P . 0! Bo x O2"Mi ne ra l , Va . 2311"/""**"* *-'** '" "-
d. Identifisetien ef 3yvism #N udM SV57EM
s. (e) Asplicable Cerettweden Com u 5A S B 31 7 19 69 _ getnon W70 Addende. Com Comet 78.a 3( P ) . I_15 lb) Aeolisehne Edtlen of Bertion XI Utilised for Repeles or Asplacemente - 19 dd Mdl Adderule. Code Cases ---------
8. Ident)fleetion of Received or Repleasd. and Replesoment Campenens Name of Name of hefes. Ser. Net'I. CRN Other Year Mapeleed. ASME Code C.n wr. no. Bd. me. seno Soni Aseiesed.  := e4 me. twooen . (Y. .r Nel -

Meolesoment 2" GlopE VA L VE Yo$fNfY BC-628 Ill/A fl!/A l-Re t/5 198) REPLAdEMEW)' JVO

1. oseese,\en es we,n Aeplace 2" Globe- llahw
s. t ut. Cee<$,eise; w er 6 e E Pnewmei O N g y,'opersiin,p.esev,e o otne, o v
e. nome,ke ASMr DN5 / "7 '*" **"*

ree ma ==,<e on. nasene . .

t CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we sertHy inet the statemens mese la this report era secreet and og REFCA(6W6ATT AsuE _ sonforms to Section XI of the Me='sa**s=""4 g;pned _

< wf fM SOHe/C o.m..o<. ._

MMNT(NAA)(f r Chl,/Ahf(A S'6PX*/, gg W sei.


1. the underssened. holding a valid commission lenwed by me Netlenel Seerd of Beller end Pressure V e State er Province of d ' A '""#

/d/d/ C .] o r- have inspected ttie

. employed by //#

    • 'N'N ' '


bb N[

_ deserlbed in thle Report en 9 - 7

" # >%2"M ' /M of teo6samer -



and rtete that to the best of my knesweeelpe end belief, this receir er replesoment has been constrweted the AsME Code By sienW this sortifieste, neither the inepeeter nor his empiover moinee , er impiled,any vuorventy e eencern-irig the repair er teetatement Genefited in this Report, Fgrthermers, wither the ingeeter mer his ter any percenal Injury er property demap gr e lee 6 el enf M eris4 rig fre#F'* er ooM esi$ $34 InSostle4 ce. 9 G- D hd4- ( /nd-.-


  • =sese6n Co.rimienone F#558 see.e one oue.seeiensias.e 8Weest Sweesomental eheet in term of itres, seesshes, or Greseenes pney be woes provtead (1) st (2) 4pteemMien in hs*ste 1 threwp 4 en 94s dote tapert h Inchsese en aesh ee is SM ehest one isk(3)X t og t in n h eat the p.eminor d chaet is rotereurs et per tep of this forth. ,

e s eet le neesmeeree I


_ - , _ - _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^

'1 i



As Reguleed by the Provisions of ASME Code testion XI -

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Compa'ny' g,,,_ 72-87 PO Rnr 76666. Richmo Y Vircinia 23261 shen / ee /

,, % North Anna Powe9"5Thtion g North Anna Unit #/

P.O. Box 402 Min'eU'1,virainia 23117 g, we,n pe,ve,med by V4-< E nartrir 1 Daa r Co, # 87-026' P . 0! Bo x Sff"Mi ne ra l , Va , 2 31 f/*"*"""""'*""* ***

d. seatsnennen of synom AMW adt/WT ISErwbMY SWE)
s. 1 1 Appie hie Cosotrueden CeeUSAS 831. 7 gg 69 aggion - W70 Adende, cae esse, 78.8 3( R ) . I 15  !

tal Aswicewe amtsen of section x uushed ter Reelte er Rapienemonu - ts SQ U8.1 Amende Case can. ---------

6. Identifleetion of Componene Repelred er Restened, and Resteosment Componene Name of Name of Mf ts. Ser. Net't. 'cRN Year Repelred, Other . . ASME Code Component ' hMr. No. Sd. No. Ident8 .


' Sullt Repassed, . Stemped No. f1 sedan er


(Yee or Nel Repleesment

, STGA)H GEWEpp%mmm }2n 6847 N/A - I RH0!A l9'72 A0AIMD YES

.a . .

' +


1. Descriotten et erk #AdHINE SftwDAAY NAMWAY FUNGE
8. Tests Condwet**

Myersetete O eneumaine O Nominei coerotias Preseu,e O other Yeo wr4Ro /Martiate Pqsa . psi ' Test Temp.- 'F

s. Romerks A 9'E d Es.s 2 ,

en sem ineaven.or. one nseene = = ensense CERTIFICATE OF COMPllANCE we arttty met the rutemenn mese in thh report are somet ehd tr.h. NE8A/A senterme to secen x1 et me AsMs cosp j- >


g4 nee // Y.bfkebbJ mike mwwwm:xvMez

< bw V ,1g> &

o- - o nor oe.., o> Two me , _

i CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned holding a valid commheierd lenwed by the Nor: 'tel Beerd of Seiler and Pressum Vessel Inspecto er Province of(A r/ < As W f, employed try d'IETbd b 9 d7dle" '

hiTM er

  1. 8d M Td"* fe CO ef have inseected the Ddk deserlhed in thle Report enM E inska.nsieg _ _a ,1912 and state that to the best of my knesviesse end belief, this repair er replecernent has been constructed in seeerdense ev the ASME Code. By signing eis sorttisente, nehher the lamester not his employer mohes any worrency, emproceed .

ing the repolt er replacement esecribed in this Report. Furthermore, neither the ineserter not his employer y menner shall b for any pereenet trywry or^pre.orty domspe er a less of any kind arising from er connected outch thle ineseetlen Dep$ 7 %h I'l l0 //1JN dc/d L+~

  • comm;,,seng . v4 S69 eneession Masse er poemene, sesi wee tape h ees: IIweesemental ehese in form of 14ein, steeshes, or drewones met he woes preteness (tl etse is OM ist. X 116n.,

(2) Mfermetion k home t threveh 4 e9 thb sets report le Isaelvdee en aesh shoot one tal esen sheet is numeeres ,

one me eventer et theet la resorpos ei the ese of mit form. -



,, % Virginia Electric & Power Company o,,, 7-??f 7 p O_ Rnr 76666. Richmo E Virainia 23261 Sheet / ee / I

2. Plant North Anna Powe9**R'htion - Unit North Anna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 MinUa"I, Vircinia 23117 l

3. work Performed by V4 ' a Mar +"4r A Dawar Co. 8877' dM '

3 P ,0! Box 8tff"ilinera l , Va . 23117""""*** *"*'

4. Identifisetlen of System GA iME8A MN '
s. (e) Ameriesbie Constn.etion CoeUSAS B 31.i 7 s 69 gdiden W70 Adende, Com Caers 78.8 3( R ) . I 15 l (b) Applicable Editlen of Sectlen XI Udlined for Reelts or Maplacemente - 19 84 148.1 Addende, Code Cases ---------
6. Identification of Campenens Repolted er Maoissed, and Molecement Componene Name of Name of betts. Ser. Net'l. CRN Other Year Mapelred, ASME Code Certwenent Wfr. No. Bd. No. Ident). Swift Mapleoed, Stemped No, fisoden er (Yes or No)


$ GRTEI/ M FMIFIL 2ns- 4 IV/A f//A l-ter sil 19'7.5 REPAIAN) 11}()

H i



,, oo.ersodonot worn I?f9AIN b'M I/F WEDGE S. Tests Con &eted:

Hydresute O nel Pneumatie O Nominet Operating Prenow,e O other W/l<b hY4B0 #Efu/ gyp Pressure Test Temp- 'F *

8. Romerks. AMI A/_ ASS 2 & a m ot-

--. wore one n = es ensense CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we certify that the statements mee in thh report are serrect and this ASME EMM son,e, e ,o See, ion xi e, the M88' ' ""'"'"#

M **A "#""AN6 '#UU'UL Siened lOI4 I

- .o.-so-,_, . e, 9 g ht CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commlnsion leeued try the Nationel Seerd of Beller and Preseuve Vessel Inspectors orprovlnee of UeC G m eA

,empggyggpy}ln TG,=k SYiden I?c 'lr # MM h + IM vMw &

NnthJ FT of heve inspected the @M M described in thls Report en M %'l' 1E2 Inseeensto' % -M '

end state that to the best of my knowledge sad belief, this repeir er replacement has been eenettveted in eteerdense evith S the ASME Code. By s6gning this certHicate, neither the inspector ner his emplever makes any esorrenty, empressed .

ing the repelr er toolecement seecribed in this Meport. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer sha ter any pereersel Inivry et property domeys or a leen of an kind erloing from er eennected seith this inessetlen.

Opge M d u li. /910 b f' /

v r enseene,,

gerninieelefW // S5W game e, pie . nm.,ie, es,e eseget Sweeleerental sheets In form of liets, eteeshes, or drovvenes mov tse woes prewteed (t) etso In e4 Isk X 1108%.

(2) Intermetlen in home t threnart 4 en th date repeet to lasleados en seek sheet, one (3) eesh sheet ts awmeeres one the nwmtier of sheets la reeeroes et the too of tais Jerwk U-.___-_--_____----.-------------------- ~

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 08 OF 46 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT OP REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reguleed by the Provisions of ASME Code Seetles XI g, o,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company g,,, ,f - (/'-@

P 0. Rnr 76666. RichmoY Viroinia 23261 -

/ .,


2.. M tiorth Anna Powet**fMtion , North Inn ~a Unit # /

P.O. Box 402MinUa*1,Viroinia 23117 esase=

s. werb rufwmed by v 4 *" < n h n =etrie A onwa r Co. MM 9.9 nwM, h%MM/-J O Sco)

P . 0! Box 80'2"fli ne ra l , Va . 2311"/'"**'""""""* d'*"*

d. seenunmuen of systen SUN /NNM S. b) Apeneekte Ceestnection CeseUSAS B31.i 7 s 69 Ediden W70 Adeende, Code Cese, 78.8 3( R ) .115 (b) Amelicehle Editlen of Section XI Utiltred for Repolti er Rapiscemense - 19M d Addende, Code Caos ---------

S. Identifiestion of Componens Regelred er Repleasd. and Replesoment Componente Name of Nome of Miss. Ser. Nat1. CAN Oper Year Resenred, ASME Code Congenent Mir. No. Bd. No. leone . Cutt Repleoed, Siemped No. flooden er (Yes er Nel Reptemment n's OC VAU G Al0WO - ~ =

t-rz-366 -

%%Ml& A/O

\ + h v 74 7, p ,,,g,g , ,, w,g [#(MC 67) SOdV 7D 8dhN67 S76d5 AA/O A)U73

8. Tests Conetted: ,

Hyerestatie O Pnewmoiic O NominalOperating Prenevre O Oeer O /scoc ecru e'co Preswee pamyu 20 - %d-/0 )r 3 " < tom nel . Test Temp 'F g.

pas 40 - FN * - /O 4073 < i4SA/5 Cl' ASE ~2-e= m .w w.oneneeww = eseneense CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE we artety that trw msemens mem in mis repet ere secreet and *is M6W#

ASME Caen. eenterms to Sectnen XI of the

""**"*""9 Signed M <

'# N " " ' " "~ # Y ,it o.a- . o or. % == a-iv CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION

1. the undernism4. he6 sing a verd eenwntuka lowed by We Neuenal Beerd of Sonor and Preenvee Veswl Ineswetws and the $m w Prerities o' t 'Y A*i# , employed by /U##A Ib /b 7~'^#^ b ^ ##~"# C'# ##' of

/ /44 Te# o e T* he,e inspected Wie le u ,,o ~ r*

deserReed in th Repwt en 7 4#'; UiT' 1912.

Inesentale 1 _ 27 "

ond etete that to the tmt et my h W and belief, this repent er replesoment has been eenstreeted in seeerdense with Section XI of the ASME Code. By sienho mis sortifieste, neither the inapoeter nor his employer mehas any teorrenty, empressed er implied, ing the repeer er replacement esecribed h this Repws. Furthwmore, neither the insporter nor his emp6eyw shell be lashes for any pertenal laiury or presorty alsnage er e loes of any khd erloing freen er eennected evith this inessetlen.

Date 7 vA

  • v3 I /W7 UN  ? /O'4"' Coevenissions
  • 880 passenen same pas ne noesse D#eest Svoenemental sheets in term of itsu, ometatoes, or drewenes ener se essed erewtese (11 esse la 5% nn. E 11 k (2) tntermetlen tn iteme t prenach 4 en mis seen report is ansteseos en eesti sheet. one (3) eesh ehest le e.wmeeres one she avmeer of eksets is reverses et the one of $1s ferm.

l 1


PAGE-09 OF 46 FORM NIS.E OWNER 1 REFORT OF REFAIR OR REPS acenesary As Required by 10 e Proyleisse of Aleet Code testion XI q

,, o,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company nues 8 ' t/~8 P O_ Rnv 26666. Richmn T Virainia 23261 -

/ .a /

2. Pmsit North Anna Powef"5T& tion , North Inna Unit # / l P.O. Box 402 Min D . Vircinia 23117 I 3, w ,g pe,fa med br W O'"II" Mar +rie 1 D-* Co. AAN # f 8047d6 ##Ml4NY 87-8 doz  !

P . 0! Bo x $"3l'iti ne ra l .- Va . 2310""*'"*""""* ** "****- 1 3

d. leentinastien of System M M M' S. (el AppliseWe Conomsetion Cesso u SAS B31. 7 gg 69 geh5 W70 Addensk, code Ceems 78.83( R ) .115 1 (b) AppliseWe tahtien of Bestion XI Utilised for Repeirs or Rep (esomenes - 19.AQ M8.1 Addende, Code Casse ---------
8. Identeftestion of Componens Repeind er Replesod.and Realesoment Cooneenenes )

Name of Nameof Wire.Ser. Net't. CRN Other Yest ReceiroqL ASME Code Ceneenent Mft. No. Bd. . No. leonal. Svet Replesed. Stenood me, needen er (v Rei l Realesoment l it"coc ma ALMeo - - -

l-CI-305 W%%W NO 37va5 f Att/74 l

l i

l 1

1 i

1. Desertation M weg EffW(-D bbbV *To BOL)AJ67 stubs Abb All)75 i S. Tensc m end:

l Hveestetie P O Pnewmeine O N ninei oewmine Prueum 0 oinerO Awe r6Tu/Per sol Test Teno- *P

g. n,mym, to '/voseure-/o x 7" G7ubS L/Q n W/t/ H - lC /VQ73 /[N(~ ({)& f,,,

insenesen aan,wewswereTime noenne se en sweense CERTIFICATE OF COMPI, LANCE we artify met the ewtemens made in mie report are eermet and at NN#N ASME Come. sentame se aution xt et tew

  1. ""*"e*""""*

signed AMd bM WM 'M& N- b 4 ,13 N o nw.o-we ame,== vem een CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION

1. me undersigned headine a valid commheien leswed by me Nattenal Beerd of Senor and Pressum Veeent inspectors and ttw

, p,,,inse e tre . rz wo, *

, e,n,seyes my S e rk is hW /, hm & 4 reso<- e eo of

//m7Le/ & he,e ine,setag ms %//m e me&7 gne,,qw ; _ -= gu,,ghed in sie Report en 9 dum T , itD v

and state met to De host of my in - 4 and belief, this repeir er repleasaient hee been eennewsted in assordones with Section XI of the ASME Code. By siening this sortN6sete, neither me lneesseer nor his employer mehen any suerveney, espeessed or imp ine the repele er reelesement enestilsed in thle Report. Perthermore, neither me inesseter nor his employer shell he 14e for any pereenal laivry or peeserty dunese er a lose of any kind arising foem er sonnened setsh thle incession.

Dow h 40n1 'iO ll 0lbO' / /N$*~-

ennemmen Coreannledene DA MS museesuunnes amuswesse eseent Swoonemonesi enesia en feessi et less, etetetaan, or erewtage may no were provtsed (1) sees b SM In. K 1% len

13) intermeden and the awmeer et theet inisemme powereest wwowsh et Wie see of4mas enforven.

mas een reeert to onesweed se sessi esiset ene tal oesn eneet to noen k__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


poRM Nos.a OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Resuleed ter tow Provies no et Asul code session xs

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company nees 8' -b P 0- Rnr 26666 ~Richmn Y Viroinia' 23261' -

/ a



2. PNeit North Anna Powe98'5& ion .m North nna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 Min D . Viroinia 23117

3. werk Fwtemmen by U4 n C'1 a r t e 4 e L Onwa e co, AM 9A MwG MWM N 87-BW2.

P . O! Bo x O2"fli ne ra 1, Va . 2311"l'*"*'"*"""""* **'" "  ;

4 m of system S4* ' A>Je#17'O /t!

8. (e) Appueshie Cenewusden Cede u SAS B 31 7 19 69 Sdhien W70 Addende, code cases 78.8 3( R ) . I15 W Apolleshie Setlen et section XI Willked for Repelre er Aspissemense- 19M M8.1 Addende, code cases --------- i S. Identitleosion of Campenens Repeleod sa Realesed, and Replesoment Componenes Nome of Nomeet befes. Ser. Nat1. . CRN Other- Year Reesired, ASME Code Component Mir. No. Bd. No, idents. Swat Repleesd, Stenced lee, fleeden er (Yes or Nel N

I ff.," C/lGCK MW ~- ~~~

l~ ST- l 4N3f$

h/O W .Ys$f?Nts73 b

I i 1.


M & etwek S'EA#fb bObY Ib ODA'A0ET ' STUB 5 A O MUU Teste Censheeted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pnewmeiis O No minst o oreiine Preneuee O oiher O woxic geovereco g, n,myg, / b - 3/ .- /O x 3 W4 57uoJ 3 ~2 - %- JO A)uKf /MMG' ClAJJ' 2

- e.e e,s e .e. ,

CERTIFICATE OF COMPWANCE we sectify met the tietemens made in mis report are corruet and mie OW#N AsME Code. eenferms to section XI of me gg b(fpktn S. SOA4s+J senior sminett ( % < s d 4 ,,, 6 i o .o ae o ,,.m n. em. u t'


1, the undersigned heesEne e solid sommnuien len ad by de National Bowd of Senor and Pressuve Vessel inspectors and t y pn,Wina,se ,M +ed'd , employed ley N6/71d C a'4 M's l'- h2 8" + /H Uo of YstA $ b 8? kggpq }qqqqgggg gpgg r*/tts 1,rra f pneeneu w - ' M lgg gg g og Q H/fVJT ,1 k end state that to the imet of my h 4 and belief, this receir or replesoment has been eenserwened la esserdense estth Section XI of the ASME Code. sy sienine mis eenmente, neither me laspector nor his enoiever mekse any nerveney,essenesse or imoined eene ,

ine the repele er espiecement esaarthed in sie Report. Fwethermore, neither the inspeeter not his emplever shell be Ins for any personal iniury or presorty dunese er e lees et eej Sind arising from er eennested telsh this inspection, g,,, ? th*s os1- ig n')


/t t(1[a, f // A n g,,,g,g,,, w < r* V enessense 3.e.s e passeus.nenisiw asse 9 fees:

Seespeamental efiest les foem of 14ps, eessetten, er dreuube setey se essee growlege ill the b SM In. E tt 94

13) latermeden in home % stwowgh e on mes este resors as inesweed en east esiset, one ist seen sheet h avsneered end the neemeer of esteet is tesorene et We ese of $1s fervuk

l ATTACHMENT II PAGE 11 OF 46 FORM 90183 OWNE A'S REPORT OP REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by Wee Provielene of ASME Ceade Seetion XI

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company a,,, 8 d~

r N

'P O. Rnr 96666. Richmn Y Viroinia 23261 -- /' a



g % North Anna Powef"5T& tion y North Inna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 Min D . Viroinia 23117

s. wah rertwened w v 4 ?"N* r1 = e t r4 Le 0^=" Co. AM 9 V A0mMG P206L4M J ?7-B08 P . 0! Box JUl"Flineral , Va . 231#""*""* **"* "-
d. Immmensenof sysum SA UV /#MGEN S. (e) ApolleeWe Construetten CoeUSAS B 31.i 7 s 69 ggiiien W70 Addende Coe Com 78.83( R ) .115 lb) AeolleeWe Edition of Esat!an XI Utilleed for Repaire er Rapissemenes - 19.AQ 181 Asiende, Code Cases ---------
6. Identifteetion of Commenens Resolved er Rootesed, and Replesoment Componene Nome of Name of Mits. Ser. Not*I. CRN Other Year Received, ASME Code Camponem left. No. Bd. No. Ihne6 tutt Replesad, Sa mood No. fkmien er (Ye w Nel Reseen.nt
  • 1 **

/2 cittcx -~~

/-ST-/& '- FlhlW yo VAUM $?SG Nort I


I .


7. Deecrictlen ef Work b bW YO & -


s. Tem Conseied; Hvor== tic 0 eneumetw 0 Nwnimal Osweting Preneum O oeur D ,tec eaveee7)

P ps! Te 3 % "st Temp- 'F jf

9. Remwks ll0 ~ %mesure*-MX M b5 32 ~ %I - A) /t/ 0 71 MMG CLASS 2--

tw --

,ar. osu = = si.e.


we certify owt the sistemens mee in .h report are eermt and *is AsMt Cede.

N4W4W eenterms a section XI et the  !

l Signog dr/


sowierw oesure " . -.

u d N M N sA/ M b4v Tee esise M, gg M I



1. the unomioned, heiding a venid sommheten nasued by ww Netiensi seerd of sener end Pressuve vuest insoortwo and the sete

, pr,,w , ,e v a 4 m/ 4

, employed by /AdII"' 4 h /bh E ~ j

" Tb N of awmJ cr so,, i,,,,,,,,, ga m ,n- .,,,,,,, i,, ,i, n,,,,, ,, 7 e xr , inn _.

18essenate; . .-

and etete that to the bett et my h t end belief, this receir er replesoment has been eeneerweted in escordenes with fleetten XI of ,

the A&ME Code.orBy signing his softlftsste, metther the insoorser not his emplever mehes asey sterroney, espressed er Irve l i e t,.e ,eoei, e.siere-.ed . .soe e.,,,or f l re. t e, t.,e i_ or us e p e.e, .sii .e n..e m o.,y . ~,or for any personel lesury or preserry damese er a less of any k erleing from er eenneeted este this Isteestien, i i

Q,y, 7 e9t * ( ed 10 lt d[ t a. - // -

gg,,,g,,iggg 1/d TW onesenten Sense e aussues,oneseense es.4 3

hieen: Sveelemental e86esu in teem of lese, seessenes, or eresseny estoy se essess tirovesse (tl stee ts en tn. X 1% in.,

i (2) intermetten in tesme i toweveh 4 en als este report ts tsusewees en eseh efiest, one (3) eesh sheet is steemeuree o e . . r of ne. r.o.,e.e et e ,.o of ., % j l


As Required by ifie Proyleises et ASME Code testice XI

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company f h p 0. Rnr 76666. Richmn Y Viroinia 23261 r- / .e /


g % North Anna Powef**JThtion - , North Anna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 Min D Vircinia 23117

s. wark Forferynen by U6 " cT*etr4e L 0nunr Co. /MH- 9. 9' BOOM 6 PM;M/# D-80/4 P. 0! Box 8fff"fli neral , Va 8. 2311/""***"* *" '"-

4 lentifisetion of F ^' 0 3MW

g. (e) Appaeshie Consteweilen CodpUSAS 031 7 19 69 Edha W70 Addwede. ce* Coset 78.83fR).115 Int Aseneann adhien of s tion x1 uushed ver Roeire or me,sesemwes - 1s.14._ Mal Adenum Code Case. ---------

S. lentifhustlen of Componens Repelred er Restseed. e64 Reelecoment Comoonenes Name of Nome of Mirs. Ser. Net't. CRN Osher ' fear Reselsed, ASME Code Componers Mir. No. Bd. No. Identi. Replesed, Ovet Stenseed W. fkeden er (Yes or Nel Replesoment

'2!2EL/EF l'2058V s'k's"ET +-

$$$ /VO l/ALUE~ Sho5 f """


--- I I


,. _e,, e, ,,,, mwco ns/se sruss & nurs

s. Tesi. Coack ewd:

",2__ tie 0 pnewmetie 0 Neman i osseming ereo. wee O omw O moos ygpveceu Presases nel Test Temp 'F

g. nemass 8 c_

C/2"- // x 4" .57va5 , /ts s/r"- // A/O TT _ ,RfMG GLASS 2 '

menwassi. ore come L -is se enannte <

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We sortify met the etetemenes made in $is report are eerrect and thh #6 MMI m senterme to Section XI of the ASME Code. 88'""""'""'

gsynog ATiWINt $ h & 446 O SkWlOf- EX)bM-)GYC-e . o <. m n,e .se, y f ,, h CEt1TIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, heading a valid esembelen lenaed by the Netsenal Board of Senor and pressure Vessel inspecto y p,ergnee et iIt# & in tra e m pseyeg gpy d i/H N S Y*n . A 'A>.

M4th,/ &<O a /M t* o et eP hows inspected me / M'//

  • I' ~


- deserthed in th Report en 7 XITCl I~~ 18 bd.

and state that to the host of my b; C and belief,this repair er replacement has been eenserweted la essorderwe eutth Section X l

the ASME Code. By signing this sortif6este, siesther the leepeater ner his employer snekse any overveney, empressed .

lag the repe6e er replacement esecrt'hed in this Report. Furmermore, heleher t'to laspector mer his employer a be any pereenal Inivry or property esmeso er p less of any kind arising fresa er sonnected odeh this tsusession. '

, Deen *7 A 'fo1 Y /W

/./ 'r /$.. .so.ame

.fll$~ gemmg,egene v'A [T"Y

. s . e.o.a . . .s M! _' ~ 2 - E - h , NO ,Uh M h (3) Informeteen in tesme i towowgh 4 en Sh seen report le laelinearl en aesh ehest, one tel eam seieet ts nessniperes one me soummer of sheets b reserensk et Wie ese of th foren.


~.- -__ - _ _ _ . - _ - - . - _ . _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _


. As mesensee W em Passimamos et Asus coes essaien m .

,, o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company -

8d- M Richmn5" Viroinia 23261 p_0. Rnv 26666 -

/ .e /

g % North Anna Powef"5Tbtion usin North nna Unit # / - '

P.O. Box 402 MinYr? . Vircinia 23117 I

a. merk twemmed er v4. M rt.rf,4r z' p-- Co. M & '#"*'"*"*"*- And MemNJ G 80/5' J


P.0! Box &l"flineral . Va, 2311"f*" -- l

4. Beenensedanof eyeism 'A N # ' Ndh T <

3, gol Appeasete Casupuesten Caes u SAS B31 719 69 ---

W70 Addende, Case Cases 78.83f R ) .115 l th) Appeleshie Edition of testion XI Utillmed ter Repeiro er Replesomens- 10.faQ 21,.,Meende, Code Ceems --------- -l S. lesatitisselen et componone Aspeised er Restaued. and Replesoment Campenene Name of Nems of behs. Ser. Net't. CftN Other . Year Rapehed. ASt48 Code Component esfr.- No. 8d, . peo, leonel, Suge . Replesed, Stemped a No. flesden er - (Yes or Nel l Repleaoment i 2" now) wmW- - - Gy,f - 9ggfg. yo 1 02/,FK G StHHJ S7udi + NU 74 I

I .


,. as,,,s,,ie, et we,e 2FRAW) R,4 AXE STUM AUD NOTS }

s. v,end. wy t= 0 ensommie O Nom.nsi o ermine Pos se O ; oser B' ecm7euc.7eo4/ <<or Feesmom esl
  • R f iMCSEX'V/CE AlbE
9. -9 iv s run Teen i*)2'.M. F ~er.9 0 73 Arag ca ss i  ;

R e n e se %e

-esonennens.esenn se <

l CERTIFICATE OF COMFt. LANCE we seriwy me the eieiemens mean in eh noe,e me senest and ois A MAC A/'FX)T-Asus Code.

% % x, e, ,,, l seemeasessene siened -AGE -

l*~ S $ b O n 'M(M e e o.-o ess.,en m, wc W /bu %ed$ k .,e

,,,u, g W ,


1. the ondersioned, heleEng a welid esemhelen lowed by the Odesenal Beed of Boter and Presswo Vessel Inesetore and the Smu y prorgnee .e U w m ,,,,,ptopog a dm 7$ elSTIk SA- MrM8s 4 /^wnwe

/b4Ne, ) eJ ' et 07' home inseerted '1 7[*'*

' pessomme ,_ T i W in th en 'l A"! o rf- ,jg g ,

and etete that to me host el my 2_

O end belief, this repair er regissement has been eeneurisseed in sesordense seeth Sestlen XI of the ASul Caen. By eipnins ele eartNteone, suoisher the insgester ner his emeloper snetes any suoneney,messessed er imp nsg the repeer se replesoment esserited in mis Reeses. Perthennere, esteher me laspseger mer his emplever shen be listle ter any pereenal iniusy er peeserty damage er a less of any khed arising fessa er sonnesses gelm ein inesogen.

nee, '7 4m91 # IC /,v/2I,- /'/ M #  !

emessun Comssemame V# 868 eineeenumes. semannes esse 88eget Seeeplessientet sheetssla e ecut of lese shousesse, or seeemengs seney no esses soevesse ill seus es en an. E tt In 431 Intermeneen en tesmo t essee a en een eene resort to taetwees en essen sheet, see Of essen shoot la swsneeres one one neement et sheet b pesareas et suo top e4 mis torust, i


l l

J l


PAGE 14 OF 4 6 '

1 FORh8 Nts.3 OWNER'S REPORY OF REPAIR OR REPLACERAEftf l As Required ler to Proeleisse et Ash 4E Code testion MI  !

l l

,, o,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company a,,, 8 h P_0_~Rnr 96666. Richmo Y Viroinia 23261 e,.se / .e / I g % tiorth Anna Powe9"'L"Stion , North Anna Unit # I P.O. Box 402 Min D Vircinia 23117 '

v4-, T n ortr4r a p==*

g, w.,6p , ,m g my Co. # W E

  • h*6 ###fa# # 87-OO/b i P.07 Box Of"flineral , Va . 2311"l'"'7-- - *******"*-

k 4. senenseden et svoism N /N#/

s. W Aseasette caetn nten ces,USAS B 31.i 7 g 69 gedon W70 Andene, com casee 78.8.M R ) .115 W Asenestie setien et seetion x1 uuihed ser neomtre w maoissamme. - te.BCL WLL Aamende, code cases -- -------
4. tentwisesien of nooined er needeses. and noissement commenene Name of Nome of 680rs. Ser. Net't. cRN Other Year Aeostred. ASME Com compones Mir. No. 84. No. 6 dens. Sugt Realeset, ' Summed No. fiesden er (Yes er Nel maplenoment

/26/Ctt Y?M, f - /-ST-/44 ~ Wh9,A B jf gpg WW  ??vYf Ihk_f I  :

f 1

1. tienc%e et 9%rk PlRAcG)3 BohV 7b boa 1AiE*7 STuoS 4- A.)oTS 4 u/MNfKW
s. Ten. ceamaw: * 0 enso.n== 0 Pa N-ni ion-ame
  • F e nse e o om= 06vs7ac rw < occ 2 - / ,V'/gsuse- S' x 2z , mM sol Test Tomo

/ Vt/ - P Alvf1 f/bN -(S/1/U" F K'l//( ( Nb6


9. Romer6s 3- tyA W H6 ,

" """ ~ " ""'"*" *'""""*

' M M 6- G4AJJ / '

CERTIFICATE OF CotAPLIANCE we serewy met the notemens made nn this report are seneet and $4s O MMCI AsMa code. sentenew to senten xi et the s'e="

  • a*"o***

skened NAM E h!W M*EMWM WY Y,19 5 m.o .u n. sm g -


1. the undersigned. heeding a valid commholen leaved by the Nocenal Beerd et Sonor and Pressum Vessel Insoonert and the Se y p,,,i,,, ,e b / # 4. s via

,th , I b l

' . employed by '/*  !*b S I d' I # of e t7 how Irissened me #/l!^ r " -

  • 7 dessted in th W en //

Inesesm6e ; . _ Z 4 ' ~/


,id and etete met to the boet of my L w and belief, this reseir er repleemment has been sanoeweted la enesteense seith Section x1 of the A&ME Cede. Sy siening this sortWiente mehher the lassener nor his emeleyer snotes any serveney, essessmed or implie ing the resent er relecoment enesrlhed la this Report. Fwreermore, swisher tow inesseter ser his amatover shell be Hohle for any sereonel lesury or presorty dynear er y p of any bbed erining from er connened outch this laisseden.

O,ge }/ ti e n , ) t's O O 'e Rt w f / b N v

.se m )/A <~* W em. . e e e, e.

hfeest Suggdessiangel genegg in tessen of ihm, gegestam, og eressenp seney as uses postems (1) h b en A x 1% ast,,,

138 batermetlawi en teme 1 theowah 4 en then este resort to insteene on meest e8 ment, one 13) eesh ehest is passeteores one one nummer of sheets la resereas et De see et Wils teNun.

=_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ .

T; 7 7'-- , ,,

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T PAGE 15iOF 46

( c; . . ,



ras Reguleed by tie Preelsta af ASME Ceds Semien XI 1

,, o,,,,, Nrdinfaijectric&PowerCo$parg - [W-h '

P (L h '>h Richmn'E'5" Virainis 23261 , rf / .e . / ,


2. Pions Vorth Anna Powe98TT% tion . unk . North Anna Unit # / .s P.O. Box Aq2 MinYr71. jf rairic z 23117  ;


s. w=kP='dedis N ~ @ tr k.A P5Wa.r Co. M " * !'4/G @ C # M b 80/f '


,l7 2310""**"*""""*" rVs tan.nonesinebt s S'.d


r' P . O . Bo x~

f,.W.h""fli nfr& 1. Va .

/ I' d.

se A,pne Nr const, stm c,e,11Q'i'TM . Its 69 INJFz~24

s. sein W70 Addende, Coen Caen 78.8 3( R ) .115  :

W Apensowq eotion re tartta ai wissed tw Aspeles er asphesmenes - to.SQ __ual Addende, Case Casse ---------  ;

s. Identifisetten of Comesses Repened er Replesad.r.uf Realesoment Concename '

Name of Component Name of ' Mits. Ser. Not't. CE.N - 'b Year Angelred, ASME Code

/ Mit. No. ' ad. ' r No. M* Sues Raplesad, i Stenced 1

<P < . No. + 3 fleethe er - (Yes er Nel M

' d

+ Replesomesit j

&" Q f _"\

!" "y f y Y ND , _ _

l/A LVG~  ; -

l' l si'M t Attru_ . ,

_) _.;

f .

4 f

.s ,

/ i L

/ , ( .+ ' q , i

/ ,f L-

,, o,,,,,,,d e, se,, EFFd(cGC W W 70 BCA/AlG7 ' 4TU.p,S & AlU75

s. Te u Coaduene wr esentieC enewe .O li,eminsa orzeks r;=:== a ormer Ypessortems ^>ix-pel Tee Teno. _ _ .*F

^ .

Pvesswee g, Rome,ksh ~~ ! N.9"* 8 / -

ii  !

4/ " 3 % N b$MG Cla ss 2.

enssiesen merwesiserees.sasesnesesesnennedl. ~ l7ll,,"r? llUlb < _..e . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we entesy mei the newmene mese la this report em servest and *w Asus Case.4

                                                                                                                            /WMN6N T                                                     emee,me to section xi of one M8""* * *****ene ggyn,g }{C & W h 144$%/ SE7\)/OC GX/G/AJt~DC.                                                                                                k                           f9g ($

o.m. . o.a. es ,

                                                                         ,                                no                               ese y                                                                                             ,

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION y 1, the wors'.aed beidW 6 venid somminnen lowed by me Nedonal Seerd of SeNet and Pressum Vessel Inspeows and the Este er Prwines ed2dd/4'/d , employed anyM d / N N OC., 8 of

       /6* t//$r /                   N g ;.he,ein,, ,,og Q a / - ur4 t-                                   -

and nett met te me test of my '.1 pin . . - 2 doenrebedIra mis Reput - en 1/ A?*  ! b-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    , .18.D C and tellet, this repelr er espissene@es been eenewusted la essweenes de leathen XI of me Asi Al Cosie. Sy eipning als sortWieste, neither the insport.oriser aglidmelovue weekst say esermney, esasossed er imsded, se ing the resent er replesoment deserthed in shis Report. FurtherneeMeitner the Iriseests; not ble empiever shall be IWee in any men 8er any pereorel iniury er I;reseny damage                               l era oes of ey kbid erk%g fraw a semsusted edeh this inspection.

Dyge f,,/@ //4 0 6 f /h ~ gge,emgggge,e L//4 W~.Y"

                                                                                                                             ,                                                s .peo               - e esost Svessemenest ob 4.s in eenet of 84pe. steenties, g4troovenes seter se ossal prestood (t) etre es SE In. K 1% in 134 Inbeevestica in lemme 1 owewell e on an dets re64d14w Dnetuese est aosh sheet one 839 sash sheet as me,meered [,                                                                                         *      -

and me eWeN gr of shose is ser'. ems .no De tae of mtp

  • Men,. *
                                                        '(                                 (                      g                    ,

a i

                                                                                                                                                                                               '       y hl             1, r




                                                                                                                                                                                                , l,;

1 r

                                                          .__, / ,U ,             h}-                         'h                                     7 1

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 16 OF 46 FORM Nis.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMEstf - As Resulted bF Wie Provbiene of ASME Code Sostion XI

       ,,   o,,,,,,    Virginia Electric & Power Company                                            ,,,,         ,f- p- h
               'P.0- Rnv 76666. Richmn Y Virainia -23261                                               -
                                                                                                                       /'    ,,         /
2. M North Anna Powe98"fMtion , North nna Unit # / ~

P.O. Box 402 Min'E'El.Viroinia 23117

3. werk 9mdermed by 'I4 *n V1eeff4e L D^wn Co. AbH 9.9 ROL7'/NG Pfor,24M .pt 8'1-8O/9 i P . 0! Box JUl"ttineral . Va . 2311"/*"'*"***'* '"-
d. lenensedan et synen SA NY AUJR'770A /
s. to: Aspaaew ca.we,veden coeUSAS B 31.i 7 g 69 gdha W70 Adeende. com caen 78. 83( R ) .115 tbl Aepsisehte sesien et seetion xs posised sw er -is SQ 1gLL, com ca ---------
s. innwienien et caneenens moeived er nesseesd. and noises ni con onene Name of Nome of Mles. Ser. Net't. CnN Other Year nepeleed. ASME code component Mir. No. SsL No. leend. Svet nestened, siemped No. fleetion ,

er (Yes or Nel nee 8enoment VIObW' E 4!! FLOW ~ ~



                                                                                                         &90$^*                ?

Sigpfg7v y flHH1 r

      ,. ones,i,, u e, ,e,,     PrPL4c d                  rtm6E                    svuos + A10TS
8. Tests Condweted: Nyeresista: O enewmeiie O Nomines operoiine Presev, O oiher Freesex'v/ce AreE
e. nemyss 9- l'ly " Tx 8 h' 5NuoS /b /Uf "-8 NUTS ASMF CLA3J Z
                     - -o - nes                      8s e        ,

CERTIFICA TE OF COMPl. LANCE we artwy met the rietsmens made in th rupert are sorroet eu .ie O M 6W M I sente,me 3. section xi et the Asus code. essee s ees=== e gionen /W nk &2424 /, JEAl/02 GX)6/NCDC hQW W m . ~. , to s - y . CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION

1. the undeniened. e estid sommheien teneed W *e Netional seerd of sener and Presswee veems inspeciwi and the sete erp,,,ine,,e v//t w ,,,,i,ygg g Mre//5,/ b S/i %1%d hI rD et
        /M//[M /T              _ he, gne,oggeg 3,    AUIve 7                       deserthed in ab neport en / A u n 7"~~                   ,i d lasteenter . __C                                                      u                             )i and stete met to the best of my E :
              . ca.. ., sie       mi, se,.C and    belist,  this repair er puplenoment hee been eenerweted in sneerdones sutth section XI
                                                 . i.or        - ner b                     e, met.e e              . eep.sesed       lied. es._

{ ing the resent er relecoment alsacrlhed in thee neport. Furthermore, neither the inspeeter mer his employer ehe81 les listle kr O,,,eafS'-/?pertenet b 180 wry ///or property w* [ A/ ba esmage er ,ises of anylIbind arising from er sonne go,,,,ng,g,,, ///SS8 ee==we sia..s e m m seen 8vess: sweenemental ehese en teem et stre, ekonsees er ereeweiss enev as uses eroviese til sepe is en in. X 11 in

12) Intermeinen in team 1 meenen a en mes eene resort to inetwees en esen sheet one tal eeen sheet is sweeeree '

ene me awmeer et shese la resorene et the too of .4s forsoh. I


                                                                                                                   .PAGE 17 OF.46 FORM NIS4 OWNER 1 REPOR7 OP REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regenfed Isy tie Pneylstens of AAME Code Bestion XI
    ,, ,,,,,,       Virginia Electric & Power Company                                                      ef M - N .

P O_ Rnr 266661 Richmn'O" Virainia 23261- / .e


g g_ North Annc Powe?"5T& tion unk North nna Unit # / P.O. Box 402 Min E . Viroinia 23117 a.- wwh rwerened h, v u,,'*"l"" rhe + r4, r pa= " Co. AM 9 7 #7'M NN/ # U-MO P :0! Box 8M"Hineral , Va . 2310" ""' **"* ""'

d. Bessensedan M Synom #6"A (<"x'dA A/ T
s. gel Aspaaehte Conneweden uCoe SAS B 31. ) ig 69 Eg,i W70 44done, com cose, 78.83( R ) . I 15 tw AposteeMe Estlen of Sestion XI Udtteed for Reseles or Rapissemense- 19.fnd Mal AaMonde, Code Ceems ---------

S. le nWfientien of Componene Rassied or Aeolamed, and Realesoment Cemeenene Nome of None of Mfes. Ser. Net't. CRN Other . Year Repoked, AsME code Component 4Nr. No. Bd. No. hhnti. Svet Replaced. . Stwnsed no. needen . er tva = nel Replesoment (p" SAfG74 DK'ESSM ~ - ~

                                                                     $?               ~
                                                                                              ?cWNy7f                          h/O I/ALvE f
7. Description et Work NO
8. Tests Censbetee: M,n uis O Pneumstie 0 Neaunes opersiinee , esso,e O oiher 5cou57. eve-vav coor +

Pre sol Test Temp *P pc6scievnr ~ Nb6I

9. Romerke 2 ' ssum/ '/a "- R AJ U 75 A $nt & C la sg . l )

in = u ==si.weomam . ms CERTIFICATE OF COMPWANCE we weefy swi me neum. a men in ok eepen we servoet and on ENNNI Asus Cem. ~ eenfwww w swesen xi of v.


yy Aads~f Akasn.) o-,-a o ve nne.n swae aweme me "k""usu&C een y

                                                                                                      'f, , ,   W CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION s, the enersioned, e esiid sommheien ineeed my ow Neelenal Sewd W Soter enc Penswee Vmmi insmetwa and me er Peorinse of I" Urm'*'                      ' . employed by.4[4dCtIE14L.jhD" IeI* I^W                          #0            ef A#dTbd              #1' he,e m,pec,ed meGent-u e nsn3
  • dessemed so ou naput en /^ A" or T 16 possentwo; _ -- 2 and nose that to me best of my M ' C and belief, thh repent er replesoment has been eensowned in assordense setth Section XI of the A&ME Code. Sy ciening sie sortWiente, no6ther the insgesser nor his emmisyw estas any seernesty, enerossed er impliet nne the repelt er realesoment deserthed k mis Report. Pwrihermore, noteher the inspetw nor his employer shell be listle in a for any personal lasury er peeserty esmage er e lose of any a kkW stin ng from er sonneeted edth thle inessetlen.

Dow W ~IO'D lUllb L Commissions LG* 5'"i~b e mmen e .see som aseet swoosementes sheem en seem of less, essensies, or crewings seney to wees proveses (tl sere b em as. X 11 in tal en4emeten in emme 1 sowowsh a en eh sets reeert is laeawees en seen sheet. ene tel asen eniet h awatere see me awmeer e4 there is resersee et sie too et thh feesen.


                                                                                       ,,        o,,,,,     Virginia Electric ~ & Power Company                                                                      8 ' 4- O P n. Anv 26666. Richmo T Viroinia 23261                                            -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        /     .e

g North Anna Powei"5Thtion g North Inna Unit # f P.O. Box 402' Min'eU1,Vircinia 23117

s. wen rutumad or v4rn C1= err 4e AD^="Co,MN W M7'"WA*/NU~M l P. 0! Box 8172"flineral , Va . 2311"/""*""* **"" "

4 ideminesden of Synom - M O #~ M S. (e) Appamatie Casteweten CeeUSAS 8 31. 7 13 69 gehle, W70 Addende. Cree cases 78.8 3( R ) .115 W Aeosiaanse Setion of Section xl udsised ter nepeiro er mapler. nones - 1s SR U8.1 Addende, cede Caen ---------

8. Idenwienten et comprens noei,od er Rosased. end mes esmem s Corne nems Name of Nome of Mire. Ser. Not't. CAN Omer Veer Repoked. ASMS Code

) Component Mir. No. Bd. No. 4donal. SwWe Replesad. Stwnsed No. fissileo er (YeserNo) Replesoment (p ".sAf67V df030Y VA LVG

                                                                                                                            ~            ~
                                                                                                                                                                 '}o"$ ~4"~    ~

Wh$f NO y, osseri, gen og wyn l'M ACS3 FLAM6E STUOS + Al UTS

8. Tests Condweted: Hydreetstic O enewmeine O Nominei opersiine Presswee O other & PR6 5ERVM E ND6~

S. Romerks // 8 ~ /0 S a / z. - / W- 8 NU TS . Af5HE Ct.A5S 2 l.E ~-. osis n .e = = 2 CERTIFICATE OF CONIFLIANCE we sortify met the notemenu enade in this rupert are sorroet and *is O MW oenferms to Section XI of the

                                                                                   .8. Co..                                                                                 ---

ggy,ng //fipl.en S ( ty/btL4n.) 'SYXJ/Cl 67t>G/AJEDC w--. me o, y Gt h h,gg. $ 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION t, the underroned. hendine a valid comminion lensed by me Neeenal Seerd of Beller and Pyeesuse Vee.l Inspectort and the 5 erprprineee r D //t w og gpy bli$>.<l Sm A - % FA >b 4 hr fd et MrI[ / M have inspected me "hh# doesrhed in ab Aspert en /

  • mee. _

a ,18$ and state that to the host of my in W and beinet, this resear er replesoment has been eenewweied la sesordense sehh Section XI e the ASME Cede. Sy siening We serWiens, neither the lasperser not his emelever snehes any suorroney, empsessed er implied , ing the repeir er toLacement deserthed in this Report. Furthermore,neteher the traporter not his employer shell be listle i for any pejeenel Inivry or presorty si.nage ory less of enp kind erleing from er eennected udah *is ineacetten. Deer N/# YO IN M~ Ib' ~' U/4 O~Y-Cornmiedene ee e e.eis.eie. 8detet Sveelemental eheen in form of itse, shoestees, er sepastngs smoy to used erovtsed (tl stee in DM tm X 11 tm, (2) hdermetten in Desmo 1 mrough 4 en min sete reeert in ineswe.W en seek esteet, one Oloesh sheetla nomanered one ine nwmeer of sheets is reeersos et sie see of th form. t

 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ - _ _ _ . _ - - - _ _ - _ - . _ _                                          _ . _ - .          -                                                       -        n.


      ,,   o,,,,,        Virginia Electric & Power Company                                          g,,,        f- Y -N P 0. Rnr 26666. Richmn'E' Viroinia 23261                                             m               /     .,       /

g % North Anna Powe98"!Tition  % North Anna Unit # / P.O. Box 402 Min'EIa'1,Viroinia 23117 ,

3. work Perfem'ad by M vm nam &e L Drwae Co, AM Y. 'i M/M MMAM 4 H - 80 2.~2.

P . 07 Box &l"fli ne ra l , Va . 2 311"/""*'"""'"'""* "* *"-

d. seemenneten of Symm *M NM s.. to) AspaeanN convensstien CeeeUSAS B31. 7,g 69 ade,ies, W70 Addende, code cases 78.8 3( R ) .115 lb) AsofiseMe Edtlen of Beetion XI(JtHired for Regelte er Repleesmente - 19 6d 1@1 Addende, Code Casse' ---------

S. leentifinotion of Componene Repeied er Resiesed. and Repleemment Counconenes l Nome of Nome of Mits. Ser. Net't. CRN Other Year Regelred. ASME Code conoment Mir, No. Bd. No. leend. Beat Regissed, Swneed No. fisation er (Ya er Nel Replesoment ) (o" SArc ry C205BY - -

                                                                              'ff/Z"          -         ^$$f"jk"$"                 A/o            b VAL L/E                                                                                          Aiu7;s i


     ,,, oseusp,se,,f we,,           REPLMEn FtAAXE s'706S AAM3 AlUTJ
s. Tem Conmewd wyereewtic O enewman O NomiewiOswalne Prumem O oew Greasserv/c6 was Pre pal Test Teno *F
e. Remuks /Z ~ /W"sswee* 8 ~ W M oJ 2 -/ MP"- E NV73 A Sine L le s s ~2.-

4Assesano tourwestwws case answw w en nf a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we eertNy met the mwmens made in als espert ere serrest and als #N #U I sentwms to Section XI of the

     **"1&An.A 2duu~<

swoeawax  ?$4 apt 4 ,,, M-

                                                                       ~                 Re., e CER*lFICATE OF INSPECTION
t. the undmioaed. heidne e velid sommheten lenwed by sw Nettenal Boyd of SeGer and Prenews Vuest inspectore end the Stew or pre,n,we ev U< f G '" ,unployed by A /^7Dd S7b* /G - T + I* oo og
      //ruTE/Lo              e T- have inspeewd the        MI"< r e lastuwener .           4 WW in als Report en 1o A 0 h o S'I                    ,18/0 and etete tant to the host et my W 4 and belief, this repeir er replesoment has been eenerweted la esserdense with Soetten XI of the A&ME Ceds. 9, siening *ns sortNlesw. #ie6ther the inspector met his employer metes any werveney, empressed er bnplied sp      .

ing the repair er rester.ement asectihed la this Report. Fur $ermore, neither the insporter nor his esiplever shall be liebt for any personal leiwry or presorty damage er a less of eyy kind arising from er connected satch this inoestlen. Deer IO AWN' 19 0 //b/5^ f/d b f

                                                                                                  #'A     ";T8 pessmen                    Cassisnissions seem e emessee.sessenes onwe avete Sweenemental sheets in term et itsu, eneestems, or drewtnes mer ese wees provtsee (tl stre Is SM IA E t t 44, (2) Informeeen in pasme 1 mroep e en mis eene report to inetwees en aesh ehest, one 01 eeen sheet t; nesmeeroe one me avmeer et sheet ns resorene et the too of mis foram

i ATTACHMENT II PAGE 20 OF 46 l PORM NIS.3 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reguleed by the Pnwielens of ASME Code Gestion XI n o,,,,, Virginia Electric & Power Company a,, 8-5~-f!/- P.O. Rnr 96666. Richmn Y Virainia 23261 -

                                                                                                                      '/     .e
2. M North Anna PowePTt'& tion , North Inna Unit # /

P.O. Box 402 Min'IEa*1,Viroinia 23117 3, w,g y f.,,,ed by V4 a M art r4 e 1 Dawar Co. AM 9'M NNG N/AM M f7-062Y ' P . 0! Box 8Ul"Mine ral , Va . 231 ff""***"" "*"* "*- '

d. Identification of Sp S T(~h MM /2A 76 d CFcOAJOA8 V S / D 6~ f S. le) Appaaehte Cesswwetten Coe,USAS B31. i 7 s 69 gegen W70 Addende. Code Cases 78.8 3( R ) .115 ' )
16) AppfleeWe Estion of Bestion XI Utleined for Rosence or Replacements- 19.,8Q W81 Addende, Code Cases --------- 1
s. Identwiescon of Campeaens nepeived w Aesissed, and Reissemo.n Co wen , j Name of Nome of teles. Ser. Net't. CRN Osher Year - Repelred. AsME Code Co one.= bar. Ms. ed. me. Idenis. ess Rapissed, st-nped me. fismien = tym w me) 4 Aeolesoment fy snary mnwwf w c m >s) Sgbg M c-s -to /p/ RK.4cGD yg5 MAAsWAY H+vw&Y Bocz l

l . l l

     .,,   a,,,,g,L ,, ,,,,            KEPC ACC:b                 S Cc u . b A R *f M AA)t W 4'                      BOLT
s. Twa Conmend: Nyew=t= 0 P mmmic O nominei op-mine Pauw o O omw O' rec 5e m cf NJE P psl Test Temp. 'F
    .. nom,h,          / - / w'esesse
                     - -. e e n.e
                                         -ns ~ - w                                            Asuc          .wnL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we eertWy met the viewmeme made in mis supert are servest and als NMMM sontwms to seetten XI of me ASME Cede.                                                                              ***'" ""*""""'

Signed N dN "# NM # / o.. ,it y es,e, CERTIFICATE OF INS *ECTION 1, the undersigned, heading e welid commhaien loowed by me Netlenel Beerd of Goest and Preeswee Veemt lampecters and the Sete orp,,,ineestbet W im ,,,npieved byfbTb'* De T38'l'" h " + I~3 - ^" of SVfbl t' f here inesected me% oh'*

  • e ^t rweemus . deserthed in $le Repwt en l S Aof" (I~~ ,it M and etete met to the host of my 5 n
                                              '-O and belief, this receir er replesoment has been eeneernmed in esserdense edth Seetten N1 of the ASME Cede. By sienire mis eartWisow, neither the inspeeter nor his enetoyer snehen any suerveney, espessed or inelled. eensern.

ing the topeir er replacement esecribed in this Report. Furthermore, nelcher the inspector met his employer shall be liehle in ear me for any pereenel iniury or presorty damagyn a less of p kbed arisinS f rom er sonnected selsh this h6 Opw IR AM - I W'?

  • lDtM I~ NA" Connminnene VA S5b passee ausseum.samese esse 8dem: " c;; eheses to term of lise, eteestnen, er eressenes seier to weed prootead (13 site is em tn. X 11 in.,

(3) Intermenien in temme 1 toweieeh e en ein este report to leessinese en eseh eheet. ene (3) esalt ehest ts seasspeares eas me mesmeer of sharen is reeereed et the eso of mis foren. I

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 21 OF 46 PORM N188 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regulfool by the Proytilens of ASME Code session XI

      ,,  o,,,,,       Virginia Electric & Power Company                                             -                  f h p_0_ Rnr 76666. Richmn'I'5" Viroinia 23261                                                - - -
                                                                                                                             /      .e     /
   ' s. Pissit_

North Anna ' Powef"4'!% tion unk North nna Unit # f ~ P.O. Box 402MinE"a'l.Viroinia 23117

s. wwm Pweersend by v4 ?"0'I" n =etr4e L D~" Co. ADN 9 9 80L7//\/G Prdn6EAM A 87-8072 P.0! Box 802"flineral . Va. ' 2311"/"'" -
d. Im W syenesn su- /,u/62'7/oM ,

g, gd ApenseWe Cesswweden Cees u SAS B31. 7 gg 69 geden W70 age,og,, cas, es,,, 78.8 3 i R ) .115 ft) AssinseWe Estion of Seetten XI Utilleed ter Repolte er Rapissemens - 19M.21 Aedende, Code Cease ---------

8. Identifiestion of Componone Resolved er Restened, and Replassment Componenes .

Name of ' Nome of betra. Ser. Not't. CRN .- - Other Year - Repoised, ASME Code Component - Mir. Ms. Bd. No. Identi. Butt Repissed, Stemped he. fleedon er (YeserNel Realesoment (p "encx VELA W - - - ' t-sr-M.5 -

                                                                                                              % Wino                         Alo l/All/W                                                                                                 S7v6 f A/074              h       ,

I d

     ,, o ,,, m e,, e ,,e,e             EntNM                BMv' va             SwDe7                 STuos . + UUTS
8. Tests Coneheste6:
                                   ",;oic 0 ene meik O Nomine coereiins Passu.e O oiher WresJert/xc NbE N

Posesse sel,% , Test Temp 'F 8. Romerks see.* /%'" x & s -tu/>s / 2 - / 'As ' - 8 Nu7s ' MMG CL. ASS /

                                                       .e.        es.        <                                        ,

CERTIFK: ATE OF COMPLIANCE we sertwy met the notemens mase in this meert e,o es,, set and thh / E A A % W 6'A/ 7 ' , ,wmsis section x et me A.ME Co.a. ,een.. o.eoe

    ,,,,.d    Ardu .2.-. eOs&w ma. mwm M'y 5 ,, p io                                                                     ,


1. ow waeersioned, heidne e velid sommision issued by me Nationes beard et sener end Pressum veneet inoportwo and the y pre, nee, y FMt. m on , emogeyeg y>/sWC+ G s- Q ?/n. 7~ wl. * + rn ww eo ef bot, J ee he,,he,e,,,g b /+ r,.yd -- deepibed in th Report en /d 44*I
                                                         ,.,e,,,,, e, -                                                         -                 11$2 and state that to me host et my h W end belief, this espoir er replesoment has boon sanansemed in esserdense edth Sestlen xi of the ASME Cens. By sleisne ele sortNimen, neither the lascoeter mer his employer pieles any s.orveney, espressed or implied las the repent er replacement doetetted k mis Repent. Furthennere, nelsher the inspeeter nor his employer shen be ilette and for anyAMRl gee,10          personse  19k')186tv et peeporty domess orp toes of ony $erleing from er seneseted ods
                                                 / db f /'

e, com,ngegue A w 20f**' */ A ' NY R s. - ee

e. so n se.  !
o. ~ et no.. seeen.. . Gre - o. ore see m se is . x 11 %

(3) intermetten in tesmo 1 sheewgh 4 en ens este resort to laetwees se seen seneet, and eBl ee.h shoot to e,esmoored , one Wie snummer et .heet in resereas et 9,e eso et ghts fen.h. i l u

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 22 OF 46 FORM Nis.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAlR OR REPLACEMtetf. J As Ruev6ted W the Provisione of ASME Code Section XI I

                    ,,   o,,,n,,      Virginia Electric & Power Company                                            g,,         ,f - E h                           ,

P.O. Rnv 96666. Richmn Y Viroinia 23261 -

                                                                                                                                     / .e         /               l g     pi,,,          North Anna Powe9**JMtion                                g        North Enn~a Unit # / '                                   I P.O. Box 402 Min *5U1,Vircinia 23117
3. Werk Forformed by V4'" Y ' * t ' N L Dr Co. MM 9. cf Bu r/Mo /MwM st e 7 - 2029' P . 0! Bo x Rff"fli n e ra l , Va . 2 311"/'"'***"*'""* ** '** **- )

x gm g gy,um #fA(7 fooldAJ7 i /' // M f V S/ o f H 4 M L M >/.S '

s. (e) Aseneable Cerstewesen Cese u SAS B 31. 7 qg 69 sette, W70 Adeende. Coe Cemet 78.83(R).115 tbl Aeollsable Estlen of Beetion XI l#ulleed for Repelet er Mapiscemente- 19 Sd M8.1 Addende, Code Ceems --------- i l S. lentifleetion of Cemeenens Repelred or Replesod, and Replesoment Camponone j Nome of Nome of Mirt. Ser. Not't. CRM Other Year Received, AsME Code l Co wsment Mer. No. ed. No. 8ebend. Svet Repleeed, Stemoed' No. finaden er (Yes er Nel Replassment
              /(/friMAN              nw*MM            %'KNet)A)      hffh          ,,,,,,--   l-A'C-E-IA     /'fn $ W 8 % ,7y                     %$

hfAAlwsWS S%M + NUTS 1 l I t

                   ,,    asse,s,,u ,( w,,n &^A' Mvh . BDL7 5                          wm) T Gi u.5to Al& D                   57005 4 A) 07.5
8. Tests condwetee: Hyerestetic O Pneumstic O Nominol operatine Pressure O ' Other E PRES (fl//C C- NhF I Prosaure sol Test Temp- 'F
e. Romerus M ~ / '/a " - 8 ^ /d - (A 3 " n roa 5 3 7 - /1/8,,- 8 NUTS /15ME CL A S3 / )

was = =s om. u e.ano se < CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We sortify that the etetemenu mees in thb report are servoet and this b U eenferme to Section XI of the A&ME Cees. *""'"9 g;,,,,g A$(Qkw[ kuk&1MJ AW M4M~K kudh5 ,gg N ca . r. u no, g CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holdine e vend commhalen leeued by the Netlenal Beerd of Sener and Precovee Vweet inspectors and the $ste er pn,,ince se e t u mn , employed by // / d"' *' 0'b' E4< *L' o^ ef

                       //M O /            47     he,e inspected the        !"e ** <8                gleserthed in ikh Aspert en & O ' 0 W Plesoment e ; --                                                                 ,18 12.

Z end etete that to the best of my kneswisees send belief, this repolt or replesoment has been eeneerweteella esserdamse odth Seetles XI of the A5ME Code. By siening eis certienesw, celther the Inseester not his emeteyer meine any esorroney, espressed or implied eencern-Ene the repent er replacement essertbed in this Aspert. Furthermore, neither the inesseter mer his employer shall be liehle in any menner ter any personal lnivry or presorty demase pr a loes of any kind erielne from er eennected settle this inaeestion. Dew /o'k'A !9Y'v

                                                          !!'?NA . I" llt h -                     Commiedene v A AS 8 eressman                                           paso e piossue.nmens es.e even: Swee6ementel eheen in tonn of lise, sostehse. or deswenes tsiev se weee weerlese itl sete is SM In. X 11 in (2) Informetlen in Desmo 9 throwah 4 en tNs seen reeert is lasiveed on eeth esteet, one 83) eesh shoot is numauered and Sne awmeer of sheet is Petersee et Wie tee of Wnts foren.
                                                                                                                                                                                  .I I

l ATTACHMENT II PAGE 23 OF 46 . FORM N883 OWNER'S REPORT OP REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reevived by the Proetsions of ASME Code Seatlen NI

                      ,, %                   Virginia Electric & Power Company                                              g             f D P 0. Rnk 26666. RichmnY Viroinia 23261                                                    r-               /  .e   /
2.  % North Anna Powe98'5Tbtion uvis North Anna Unit # /-

P.O. Box 402 Mind . Vircinia 23117

3. w=k performed liv v N E ner+r4e 1 D ==" Co. M N 'M " 7'A'6 P h d N # E7-- 60 3 0 P.O! Box D lineral, Va. 2311"/"" * ' " **"*'"-
d. lameneeden of eyees= #N Nt M C A '4 # N M4Mi/4 >'J
s. tel Aeoneeks. Constn. eden CeeUSA5 B31.9 7 e 69 geden_ W70 Addende.Com comes 78.8 3( R ) .115 l
16) AspineaWe Emden of section xs udsmed for nepeim er massee menes - se SQ ugl._ Add,ne, cede Come, .--...... j S. Identifiestion of Cemseewns Reseised or Restened. and Rapissemem Componesen Name of Nome of Miss. Ser. Not1. CRN Other - Year Repenrod, ASME Com C nem wr. No. ed. No. - io d. e ne,w.s. sumped ,

No. rueden - iv. . w.i . i Aeolesoment I

        /(g"ff/M42y'                       wen M MoK cu'u wA)                ((Qf          r    I-M-E-/8 ftyg)                RfRy,                      Y( S                       j HAAIW M S                                                                                                            mos + Nu25 l                                                                                                                                                      l l
                     ,,   o,,,,,,,w e, ,e,,                Pt PUCEn                 BOLTS            OJITN 'TCAM/oAILD 57vDS + 1UUT.S
3. Tests Ceneseted: Myeresistic O Pnowmotic O Nominst Operating Presswee D Other B FE6SCEl//f E A/06' Pressure Del Test Temp 'F ,.
8. Remake 37
  • l 8 " - K ^ 14 64 5" S~run s 3 2 - l'/8 ~ 8 A> 0 71 As HE (LAlf l 6Amesesseis Mas -. _ _ _ s Dans nosensisas aneeneG ' '

I i

                                                                          , CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE W mesdy mei the notemean men in mm noen are servoet and mm - ORN6MX/~f Aa.. C                                                                                                                 sentwme w section xi et me ses .-

Signed A MM GMC FL6/062-K". duqud 3 n.. . .,,

                                                                                                                %                       . is Q CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION
1. the undertioned, holdivg a welid commission leased by the Netional Beerd of Soter and Preeswee Vessel leispeeters and th er p,,vinse et / '/A- ~ '"
                                                                               - employed tyylOA7b / #7"*'*" El+ h*Ik +' I 4                             N           ef ibfrb 1                eF       heet inseested Wie        A*      M
                                                                            . imen.m' *. . - _ _u desarlhed in Wils W lo d'ofo                                 ,1824L and state that to the boet of my knoculeepe end belief, this repair er replesoment hee been eenewweted in essordenes cutth Sectio the ASME Code. By signing thle certpfleste. vietther the inoporter not his cooleyer mohns any cierveney, empressed er imp krq the repent er reelecement esecrlhed la this Report. Furthervoers, neither the inesseter not his employer shell be for any personal lesvry or presorty donage 9r4 ises ej eny kind arising from er connected odsh this inspection.

Den l0'A M S 8 0 l0lY* VAIl" Ceneuminshene Uf 6~$ W

                                                                              >=sease hf ete: "c; aime.ns==es.nsinew eene
                                     .atel eheets in term of 14pe, steuehen, or eteemenes seier he isees proelsest itl ette Is eN In. X 11 in (3l tentermetlen in tismo 1 meevyn 4 en mee sete reeert to Instieeos en essen sheet. one W) eeen sheet is nasoneeres enel me siwmeer of shoem is reserese et een one of $4s feest


                                                      ,,    o,,,,,       Virginia Electric & Power Company                                             g,,,         ef 8 7 '

P 0. Rnr P6666. Richmn'E' Viroinia 23261 y / p /- g % tlorth Anna Powe98'!Mtion , North Anna Unit # / P.O. Box 402 Min'U T1, Virainia 23117 ansene

s. weh refamen w v4. p n ar 1 e4 r- n on- Co. ,4aN9,9 Bot 7w6 Mc62sM J 27- 803/

P . O . Bo x 8Efl"ili ne ra l , Va . 2311"/""*'""""""*"' ** "* ='- L a. seentmoetien et synee,,, r a c?l'}* ccc u N T PF/HO' Y Slog MMMM/S 5.- Iol AsseneWe Connnseen Cede u SAS B31t 7 g 69 getie, W70 Ameende. Code Cens 78.8 3( R ) .115 l (b) AselleeWe Edhien of Section XI Utalleed for Meneles or Raphsomonas - 1s SQ M8.1 Addende, Code Casee' --------- i s. i.ntm.oen of comeonen. no i.ed newesad. e d newesome. Com.enen. Nome of Nome of Mira. Ser. Not't. CRN omer Year Receared, . ASME Cees Co ene. Mer. m ed. me. i ne. seet newesad. stemmed me. n =nen = n . - N.i Replenoment

                            /ypoiuev'                                   usn w wsc      wuwa            t;yt            -         i-acue         Mn          %%f9,iw                 V2 pnwAnf                                                                                                             nuos + Aivu                  .

I I ,

                                                            /                                                                                                           ,


                                                                    ,                                                                                                                               i 4
                                                     ,. ase;,,,,J e, wo,,            t'GPL M m                    BDL75            WITH TGAGCMD 27 DOS + AlUTS
s. v = Con =ewd: wyeroema o ensom.= a,.i one,.in,e,emem o od & m.scevue w i evese m pel Test Temp- 'F  !
9. Romerks M ~ / WF" - 3 ^ /4. G43 cnos wi - I'/e,,- S kor.s ASMG CLESS / l tees e e.e-.e or.on. sen..seene.o.

CERTlF6CATE OF COMFLlANCE we emWy that the notements made in mis report era serrest sad mis O -TE A U 3 / F)O ~l~ Asus cem. aa sontwme to section xi et the

                                                                                                        .                                           ===s-*

s,,,,ed zfrM, w.J' -. tLMJ wva wm w ewe me se d% wd 5,;,h9-f CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION i I, the undersigned, hondas a venid commission named Irv me Notlanal Beerd of Beller and *ressum Vesset inspectors and the Sete y p,,,inee g fAs 0, a ' , ynpteyeg 3,yM//76, / Gs /h/c h +< /a w14 & of I'th2 (8 f have inspected the ' 8" Jnes*seu= 1 4 eleserted in sie Report /# d' ## ,1 d

                                                                                                                                                .                     /

end siete that te me host of my E C and belief, thie repair or repleeersent has been senservened in assordones esith Section x1 of , the ASME Cede. By signing mie softW6 ente, pohher te inaposter nor his employer mehee any guerroney, enervened or inelle Ing the recent er rolesoment sleecribed in min Aspert. Furthermore, nehher the inspector nor hie employer she# he Iloble in 8er any 9ereenet insury or property damage er a lees of  ; kind arising from er eennected solch this Ingestion. Qs A,<J in -

                                                                                             /A ff . r AA                            g,,,,,g,a,,,       up si f('

i eino , is..n no es.e ! seen: Swoolemental these la form of itpe. oneestam, or gre engs enes se isees provtses (t) stee is tu en. K tt in.,

13) Infeemetten in home 1 meeweh 4 en ene este report to ineswees en anon asiest, one 43) eesh shoot is nummered '

ene the nwmeer of sheet is reeereas et toe top of this feevn.

i l ATTACHMENT II PAGE 25 OF 46 FORM NIS E OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As nee.need by me emisions se AsuE code seeinen xs

               ,,    o,,,,,     Virginia Electric & Power Company                                      i:      g         8 D P 0- Rnr 76666. Richmn T Viroinfa 23261                                               -
                                                                                                                              /     .e      /
2. m North Anna Powe95'Mtion uniu North Inn'a Unit # /- ~

P.O. Box 402 Min'eEll.Viroinia '23117 peson

s. was perfeemes sy v4en4n41 v1=etete L onme co, Ai3M pal 7)Ax, pu+oM J g7-go33 ~

P . O. Box 8Ul"fli nera l . Va . 23117""W ^*"* **'* a*- a, maw SMW/ /DJR7/oA/

s. tw Asername cearm eden codeUSAS B31. 7 gg 69 getten W70 Addende, ces cesse 78.83( R ) .115 i tal A no M. Emden et section xi uvamed := noein w nepassenena - seJig WLL. Addende, code caem --------- l
s. Idenefiseinen et cemeenens noeived er nosesse, and n.aemmem componene Name of Nomeet ufes. ser. Net't. CnN Other Year nepoked, AsME code ca nem uer, me. ad. . me. semi. . essi newesed, som ed me. nune. er tva . Nw
                                                                                                                    **'"""a'                                                          i 3" c, A 7E            l/Gl.A A)        -             -               ~       'jyW                  -

Ql%fff A/o 1/ALUG My + M5 i l

              ,. on.swien er ween PPPLACG6                               bow 70 BONNET S7ul)5 + A)UTS
s. Ten. c.nmend. wr eenste O ene mew 0 Nominolow- '

mias e ==v.e O omw Gr<v*e eawan

e. nemers, /z- % N"x er?'eru'"i'* n - bt "- to NorS . ASMG GLASS 2
                              - - . o e nga n. . seene                                                            -

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we .nny v.i me e== men. made in am noen = e==t .d *= BWCGNX/7 eenf s=ti.nxiw v. Asua code. - " g,,,,e, /Jtu>b~ e .o r. f Gndauw swoe musi^4De""h" uGueW ,g _ W

n. e y.

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION t, the undersigned, heidne e velid sommluien inewed by to Netional Sewd of Seast and Pressue Vessel inspectors and me Sete y preelnee e* U U W M 4

                                                                 - empleved by    AM7Nb %A AAb' *?hbh /- /pt                           e* o                                    ,, q   i
               /d4Mnl                Ff'he,einspeggeg h            d[4e/mn #                    gloserRmed in th neport en /# M*'II~

rees =e. - 2 - 1d2., and state met to the heet of my i : . O and belief, this repent er repassement has been senserweted in seeersbense edth section XI of the AsMS Code. By sienire mis sortNiente, neither the insposter nor his employer snehus any eservsney, empressed er imelleet senser nneany for thesereensi eveelt er repleesment deserthed in sie neport. Furthermore, neither tow inspeeter nor his employer shell he lleWe in any m ry or pesserty doness wc e toes et any,kbis erleans from er eennected edeh tus incession, own llb%v /'/O l})IAlNw I" ltNb ~' v e M llA 5~5~Y n es.e B8est! $4sestementi thest in sepn of lbt, seethe, er Wreestng futey se used esewleed (tl M h SM eb X %t lIL, (3) Intermoden tn teeme 1 seweveh 4 en th seen resest is inetween en aesh smoot, and IS) esen sheet is mesmoorse one the see,smeer of sheet is reeereas et ene ese of wh fensk a F .______2__

                                                                                ,                                                                                                        I ATTACHMENT II-PAGE 26 OF 46             i PORM Nis.E OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reenleed by the Provkiene et Asut code section xs
            ,,   o,,,,,       Virginia Electric & Power Company                                                                  8 %

_ P0 Rnv 96666. RichmnT Virainia 23261 - /

2.  % florth Anna Powe98Tbtion usin North nna Unit # /  ;

P.O. Box 402 Min D . Vircinia _2,3117 ,

3. wwk Pwfwees by V 4 <' M ae+e4e i D.nide.r Co. AM Y '7 h u s g u 4#9-80 Y P.07 Box JUF"flineral . Va 2310""b - . * **"* *'-
d. in,,,wnewen of sveiem 91,D /i/J R 7/CA/ )
8. lel AssessWe Ceestruetion Comt!SAS D31.i 7 g 69 mien W70 Addende. Code Casse 78.8 3 i R ) .115
             . th) ApolleeWe Estion of Section XI Utillmed for Regeles er Rapiscements- 19.,$d1 Asidende, Code Casse ---------
6. Identifiention of Comprene Regelved or Restased, and Repassement Componenes Name of Nome of Mfes. Ser. Not1. CRN Other Year Regelped, Agus Code I Component Mir. No. ' Sd. No, leend. Svet Replesed, SW ale. flection er (yes er Ne3  !

Repleesment l

     /0"GMC                   MN)G                -             -
                                                                                     '//inf*          -
                                                                                                               !s"jjRf-f                                                    ivo
          //Al VC                                                                                             snsi ,' Nun                                                                 \

l l

           ,, a ,e,,,,, u e, we,n            MRNGD                  PM 70 &wM7 SToDJ M/OTS
8. Teets Condweted: Hydreetatic O Pnewmstis O Nominea Operating Prenewee O Other O ,&oNc 4' Cot #ffiO j Piy nel TestT~ 'F
e. nemerks /b " M enne9 ^ 7' C7vas . AfNE CLAS3 X l'
                           - e e u we itee eas one                  s. M ^ W "' 9 NUTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE tw eertwy that the notenwas made la thh report are servest and this MAD &^A/7' asus Cee.                                                                                                                sentwee se section XI et ww sem ne=esese ggyneg /
                            <o Wf              th1051%
                                     . a a .ees ,see
                                                                          .5DL'M l-NddN6dA-~                (disk                .p                W n,e                es ,      e CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION
1. the vMiened, heidne e volid commtmien issued by the National Beerd of Soter end Pressue Veneel inspectwo a y pr, vine,ev D <dL w at - eenployed by N"fbM <7~~ Add Il ' + 4 J^d# " d f;d1n/b (F /'

have inspeeted ICW#~I of cesee.. . x doested in $4s % en // MW'lY~~' v .


4 end egets that to the host of my M 4 enal hellef, this receir er replesoment has been eeneerweted in seeerdenes e.ith Section XI of ' the ASME Code. By signing thle sortWieste. nehher the insposter ner his employer mehes any seersoney, empressed er inelled, sense ing the reesir er replenoment doestihed in this . Report. Furthermore, neither me insposter nor his emplever shen be listie in any m for any persensi laivry or presorty elemagsp a less kind arising from er eennected esteh thk " _ " go,, // A!NtJY M) ll)[EtW( x .~ go,,,,,g,,ge,, M#S1k v eime e . sis.o.s. =no es Grees: $wootemeneel ehese in forest of item, ekseseten, or dreautnp sency se tsese esevteed (1) che b $N In. X 11 lek, , it) Intermeteen in bassie 1 throwah 4 en th eeen report te laeewees en aesh chest, one tel aseh ehest h numeered ens the awmeer of sheet to reeeeeed et Wie too of $4s forsen.

                                                                                                                    .                                   i e
 -._..W                                                                                                                . . - . .       .. - -..__. -- - _ _ _ _

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 27 OF 46 FORM Nis.2 OWNER'S REFORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reevived W the Previenene et Asut code sesiden x 1

                ,,     o,,e,       Virginia Electric & Power Company                                                                                        -
                                                                                                                                                                    %              g - f - ff .

P.O. Rnr 76666. RichmoY Viroinia 23261- -

                                                                                                                                                                                    /      .,
2. Pissit North Anna Powe?""f5 tion , North Inna Unit # /  ;

P.O. Box 402 Min'UEl,Viroinia 23117 t

s. wwk Performed ur u4en W c1ce+r4e L onwar Co. M c7.<1 & n u s w a n p 59 - m %

P . O! Box 807"fli ne ra l , Va . 2311"/""*'"""""""* **"* " l 4 sdommenden of se 5"dF/- 'd>JGE'7' ^ l s. se Asenesue cauteneen ceeUSAS B 31.1 7 , 69 Edhien W70 Addendo. case cess 78.8 3( R ) .115 l W ApWisenh seden of section x udined for mopein w mapienemens - te_SQ MEL Andende, code cesse ---------

s. senenseden of conpowns nepoise er messes d. and naciesoment componems tieme of Name of ufs.Ser. Not't. CRN Othe Year Receired, ASME code consenens ufr. No. ed. No. Idenei. Butt Aeolesed, Stemmed No. fisetten er (Yes er Nel Reples mont
         /J2 "6A7;G~~ AlOWo                                                           -~~~~         ~~~~

Ys%bT -~ Es%%$sinie, NO g z/ f , nues + Alu7S l l



               ,,     n,,,m ,, w,,,                                              R& R M C7.)           BobV                           70 BbA/A2T $7va5                                + AJ O 73
s. Tem cene,eied. i w_ tie O enewmente O N=niasi opermine Prenewee O oe=r O X/cus easu ntO  !

Pretours pel Test Temp 'P

e. 70 r y sroos ua - W- /O No 7J; MME ccASS 2.
nomeus s e-.% "- /csene . .e on -

i CERTIFICATE OF COMFl. LANCE we sortify wet the notemens mee in ek report ere servest ene et #NUW6M aus cae. sonforme se section xi of we as- - - ggyneg $i>/

                               , o             n              . sa.

f b +tkUW S&X//M &~MMtW-Y.


f4(Ak - 3g em., o CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the unenioned. heidne a welid comminion lanwed by the National Beerd of Beller and Pressee Yessel inseersers sad the Se y pr,esnee et v i e t. Y *n , empseyen g,y 1447'LJ % Afdb hei%be n M. a ar,z fd et a . __,,ees inspee,s. Lhea 190saeuer ;

                                                                                                                                                 . ,,,,,, din      ,n,pe,te,, !< A g                       ,iaEL end etete that to the best of my h L 4
  • C and belief, this repelr er repleemment has been eenetrusted in seeerdense with Section x1 of the A&ME Code. By signing mis sortMiseta, neither the laspector nor his dweisyar mehes any werveney, empressed or implied s ing the repete er restatement desarlbed la mis Report. Pvrthermore, neither the inspeeter nor his employer shell be liette in ler any personal 180 wry or presorty damage l erf ees kind ofarising from er eennested outch this inspostion.

Opge / / !$ M o*f A n ' // ',l{m . f, ~- v

                                                                                                     ,,,s go,,,mgggy,          UA $~S"8 e,                                                          g.,, , ,,s    , ,,,,,,,, as,,
            >#eest Swootomental ehese let form of Inns. seeeeenes. or drowings sney se asessi seesteed (tl site la tu en. X 11 tes, (3) Informeteen in tesme 1 throwgh 4 en pas sete report to inesweed on messi sheet. ene 83) eesh sheet b nessneeres one me steemeer of sheet h reeerene et me one of Als fen %

___--___x _ _ - - _ - _ . _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _




                                                                                                                                                        ,1 FORM Nis.2 OWNER'S REPORT.0P REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT                                                                   -i As Regeleed by the Provis6 ens of AsME Code Sostion XI I
1. Deerie Virginia Electric & -Power Company a,,- 8 N -

P 0. Rnr 76666. Richmn Y 'Virainia 23261 r /' .e / North Anna Powe98"JMtion


g % , North Anna Unit # / - P.O. Box 402f4fnTE1.Virainia 23117

s. wen rufamed sv v 4 A"I'* n = e t ri e L 0== r Co. AdH 9.9 Sol 7/bG PtM#)M # R1 ~8687 l P . O! Bo x 8Uf"i ti ne ra l , Va . 2 311"l'*"*"'"'""*" ,

d, se,m,,i , ,, g,, SAM /A.)J oc7AW -

5. (a) Appusable Constrwetion CaeUSAS B 31. 7 gg 69 edition _ W70 Addende, com cases 78.8 3( R ) .115 j ft) ApolleeMe Idition et section xi utisked for Mopeirs or Maplesomense - 19.faQ M&l Aaldende, code Ceems --------- i
    ' S. Identification of Componens Repelved or Resteesd. end Replesoment Componens                                                                     1 J

Name of ' Nome of Mfas.Ser. Not'I. CRN Other . Year : Repeleet ASME Code i Component Mir. No. Bd. No, identi.- Sutt - Repleest , Stemped No. fisellen er- JYes or Not Reptemment

 /2"6A7E NCY'O                                          -             ~
                                                                                 'i$$~           /         Q%'h$"                         NO gyg                                                                                                  n a +AN7s i                                                                                                    !
             /                                                                                                                                              1
            /                                                                                                                                            1
v. ossertion e worm EFRAGN EQOV TO BOA'AMT STUM + ^lUT3
s. Tens cena,a d: Hver nete O Pnewmmic 0 Naninet Oppming Presa,re O oewe O A<ox.s # w v et O N ~ NV" Pressure pel Test Temp 'r
9. Remerks G" S*N 40 ' UV ' ~ 'O ^l U TS AS N flASS Y sw e.en . 'Oreoieu
                                              '       =w.w          e                                    <

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE we artWy met the notemens made in als report are serrect and et #/RNOU6M/7 ,,n,,,ms to section x et the ASME caes. Mo was.mee g;p,wg ktfbbe~

                     '      p l bM$Ad4W GXbod &?LGAGL72-                                     kl.rsy& T             *,,      &

e0=swa0.ogn ) Teen esi., p CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION

1. the undersigned, holding a valid sonwnission leewed by the National toerd of Boner and Pressuve Vessel Inspectors and the State i

y pegn,in,e y V t/&tr w ogy,}$M W I' Wpm 10. Er 3 b ,L ud CJ og

       /d4bd N                       have lenspected the I/        / #f                described in this Report en #          b                ,18 d.2.
      .nd note .et i. t e men           ,n, an.
d. endCL',I sk,epei, .,ise = hes .sen sted .e in wee 7. neesecti.n me AsMs coe. er sienin == c.riivissie, n.nho the inspector ner his empi.ver menes on, e,orreniv, es,ressed .r impli.d. eensern.

e xi e ing the repair of replacernent described in this Report. Perthermore, neither the inspector not his empieyer shall be lieble in any menner for any per neiinivry w weens, elemese w som of any =isine fewn = eennected seem em ine einen. Dets 8NMJI a

                                   /M           /N d/" ( /
  • Comenissiese - Wf e . ei en ,em,e en.m s .ei nwi in t.,m .9 in.. .. n.e. = or m., w w.d ni me m en in. x u in -

tai ent.,m.o.n in es me i en e e n en eem r en m in.i.e.e en en ene esi m t u n e

   .ae the nome.r et .n t is resore.e .t sie one et mis form.


1 l i ATTACHMENT II l PAGE 29 OF 46  ! FORM N184 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPl.ACEMENT As Requirvd W the Provisions of ASME Code section XI g, oeener Virginia Electric & Power Company a,,, 86N P ft Rny 96666. Richmo Y Virainia 23261 shore /' ee /

2. Plent North Anna Powe?*Tt'ation g North Anna Unit # / l P.O. Box 402MinYEa"1,Viroinia 23117 l
s. work Performed by v4 + ~N r1octv4 e t onwoe co, AMf 9'l BoL7/N6 Pf6&&1A9 d H-@S8 P . 0! Bo x 80"l*Mi ne ra l , Va . 2311"l'"*"""* **"*-
d. Identf6cetion of System M * /NSNM
5. tel Applicable Conrtructlen Codeu5AS B31.7 3 g 69 Edlen_ W70 Addende, code Caen 78. 8 3( R ) . I 15 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utillaed for Roelts or Aeplacemente - 19.,3Q U8I Addende, Code Casse ---------
8. leentification of Componens Repelred or Replooed. and Replacement Componente Name of Name of Mfrs. Ser. Net't. CRN Other Year Repolied, ASME Code Component Mfr. No. Bd. No. Identi. Suut Replaced. Stemped N.. n.osa - use ., No, J

Replesoment Y 6A7C VSAN ' ~ fif - Wh?vf ,\/D l/A Ll/G 5%DS + NOTJ

          .y     .      ,

I I , 3. ee.u,,lon o, ,o,, mucso eow va sme7 sroos 4 m o 73 Torts Conducted: Hydrostatic Opal Pneumstic O Nominel crt/cc -^>aE Pressure Test Temp. I O 'F Operatine Pressun O othe)

9. Romerks l E * '/'s " - fo x d '/r " s rvo 3 /? - Wy" -JD Aju TS . Ah h' t' ASS 2.

ese sasse ".r:=were peu noosne to se eneense ' is ' A,,, ced.. ~ t .c . ...,~i .

o. . _ ,
                                                                                                                      .. w gi,n,q    /b/3 #w [

swb42/+v' JI6ANC# 6X4/A4W p not er ownere Desywei

                                                                                                   #47 M         [
  • Tee soies /

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION l 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission leeued by the National Board of.Soller and Preneure Vessel inspectors and the State or Province of ///v6"" , employed by / * ' d* 8 1 ' >< < ^U ## N of

     #de br/ o 7" here inspected the McNd                                                described in thle Report en / 9 M"'lI                       ,Ild Jeeseniep er 7_ ___     ne                                          -

and state that to the best of rny know8 edge end belief, tiiin repolt or replacement has been constructed in scaerdense evith Fection XI of the ASME Code. By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his employer mekes any overrenty, empressed or impiled. concern. 6ng the repair of realecement described in this Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be lieble in any enenner for any personalit u er property demoge er iloes of kind erising from et connected swith this inesectlen. oyte_ / $ Mk /M //4 +b [ onessa., Commisslens /4#8 a== or eie ise mei. ens es.e Neget Supetemental sheen in form of fles. steeshes, or freertnge may se used prov6eed (t) else is eM In. X t t in., (2) Inf ormation in tismo t through 4 on thli seu toeort le inetwood en each sheet. and (3)eeen sheet le avmeered and gne awmener of sheet le recorees et the see of this form.- jy 3 4 _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -

                                                                                                                                                                             ;' .e l

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 30 OF 46 j e j FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provisions of ASME Code Section XI g, owner Vncisin Eteerxie scuo= pswer esanewy m- 4 - ; - p *7  ; peone E/) Act 24444. A'tchMexD. V?Rfhv/A 232C/ 3 -- /- ,e 2 themese g, plant b'o/l1H i4NNA kwM ,r/Mrsest yon / po-a, Ad Aes 462 AftNMAL , VIRG/WiA / 31/ 7 toepens o- 3. Work Performed lpy JAN'E NT#a~b ' M'*/M NM A'EW Nd D4tW/tt AchtBING 'ffYrsuf .$.e'. 2946/-2/73 j m 4 lesentitlestion of Syeism - 4T*rd*d'<d'r 'w * ' 6"dW l S. (e) Applicable conomsetion Code M/' 7 19 49 Sditten W 74 Addende, Code Cases 78 #5/#1 /' C i tel Appliesbie Editlen of Section XI Utilhed for Receirs or Replacement - 19&,..atff/ Asidende, code Casse -- S. Identifiestion of Componene Repeered er Replesed, and Replesoment Cemeenent Name of Name of - Mirs. Ser. Net't. - CRN Other Year Received, ASME Code . j Component Mir. No. Bd. No. Identi. Suet' Repleesd, Sammeed ~l No. . fication er (Yes er Nel j Replassment 2hunbri. l#L*W CdPEG-Yutse' 298 97tM-LI - - $1V.-Itbu I987 dixeasmext Ns afg,,m ?l:g, n.csus .- - 1-cH-st.s


Q , NO - j.g j PIPE h witrth e - - - ZWCH.4,

                                                                                                 $hcH-Al9                                                                                 j
                                                                                                 '#cws               ,                  ,                    ,                           l 1
7. Deecriptien ot Work IN5MlEO EEMl VAW L M VAMJ
3. Tests Conected: Hydrostatic @" Pneumstic C Nominal Operating Pressure C ,Other C Pressur= N pel Test Temp.d&.f* P I S. Romerks 17//5 W/3'! A RM C'oVStr "tWK fMdT WAC ' H E M D DuA!N' / W 7 U N'T / A V"'d'# 4 "IA' 'A d kl Y- i em 7sxtteesenesis szwsn. teerwissturer's s 7 w s w. w Date rwmasensisenenesn.ns ncs x*. Asm2 W ,, z_ l l

CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE , i We certify that the esotements made in this report ero correct and this ///t4 th/Nr conformsto Section XI of the < ASME Code. Men's essesmene L2 t-F 6-P .gg #7

           , Signed,,                   -- p--e o.a.o            e,                          t..              R, CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION                                                                                   i 1, the undersigned, heiding a valid commission leeued iry the National Soord of Soiler and Preneure Vessel Inspectors and the Sante i                  er Province si v'#6, as ' d                               . employed ipy #*IXAJ SE/h 2 Eld ~~                  "     id769 * *J#*         ('O      ef
                    /h 87eto                 o7 have inspected the                M em I                 sleseribed in this Report en %        ~50 ^' '              ,I$ d inneenis)er ameusemeniens and state that to the keet of my knowledge and belief, this repair er replacement has been constructed in sesordenes islth Section XI of                             .i the ASME Code. By signing this certifieste, neither the Insposter ner his employer makes any userrenty, espreemd er implied, eencern.

ing the repair or replesoment described in this Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be lisbie in any menner for any personal laiury or property damage er a le6a of any kind arising from er eennected with this ineseetlen. no,ef//h? // L A r m C /bbv comms,sgos, t W 3 Yf., messeneri samme er eie-se.sesiones seere 8dese: Gwoolomental ehese in form of lists, shoeshes, of drowines may be wood proviese (t) stas to en in. X tt in , (2) Informoden 6n home t flerougre e en this este report is inalweeel en aesh ehest. ene (3) eesh ehest is mesmeerse I ene wie numeer of these le resortes et the too of Wile form.


1. Owner vixswa atteme se Awa smr _Date ,c - p - 8 7 ,

(Name)  !

           ?   Rd. &x 24444, Aessas,,7 mms 2524/                                         Sheet __           2   of      2             \

(Address) 1

2. Plant #sant saxx Powse Arrau Unit
  • 1 )
                                                                  -                                                                   1 (Name) 1 A8. AoX  S/12. ,4 s //Nfl44, Y/AJ/A/id 23/i7                                                                      l (Address) 1
3. Hork Perionned by.zwxia n,xszexnsa 21ssics <wm nkr>ur AAs7 l (Name) Repair Organization P.O.No.. Job l

__nnst, diawww, 5.c. 29ha'-2/7s 1 (address) )

4. Identification 'of System e:fwaystxr tuurial Valva 1 1

NAME OF NAME OF MFR. SER. OTHER YEAR AS REPLMT 37) j COMPONENT MFR. NO. IDENTIFICATION BUILT pips so - r n,,i esarisa, - i-nw .ca- s -ios iea r,m go l

                                                      -                         l-ppy.cp-g y
                                                       -                        / -FfW- CH H A
                                                                                /-FPH-CH-6 -//.B                   ,        . ,     ,

_ NM G ew m eamn D e M MD - W6shD w ep 4w=< D me WM

ATTACHMENT II-PAGE 32-OF 46 o THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK l l l l l 1 u___________________________. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - _ _ _ __ _ ._ _ - - - . . _ ._ - _]

ATTACHMENT II' PAGE 33 OF 46 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regulved by the Provisions of ASME Code Bestion XI i; os r V me,wi A Ewc tmt A AJ h Powr e re e P4 0 V _ co. - O 2o - R'7 pawne Po. nc.x ac,sec, R W a ncon w RC-tmA 282GI sher, T en 12' 1 same.m psens Aw:>ra ANM4 Pe* ts_ter? STA 't r e d gnq A)C. ~ f

2. perue P.c Ack UfW UsurRAt i/I!?tst nirA '2 % I l '1 enarens h ?Clo^t C H A Alfre t'>Ac k' Art r- gr.-In j 3, work performeg gy hA N Wt en M G Tre tJ Nit U # >

b9NIEL.13UILDI Ai&, &PmANa ee 290o/- 2/7c inasrome d, i entifecution of Sretem. M M AlFAIT' & nLI8/6 SVCT6AA Addende. Code Casu 7e fWI //< S. to) Applicable Coretruction Coer R 91. 7 19 A CT Editlen 4/ 7# (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilised for Repolfe er Replacements - 19.29., u/f/ Adeende, Code Cases - S. Ident)fiestion of Componens Repaired est Replaced, and Replacement Not'I. CRN Other Year Repeired. ' ASME Code Name of of Mf re. Ser. No. Identi. Switt Reptoced. Starro.a Component Mt r. No. Bd. No. fication er (Yes or No! pnwe a Reptea ment Roc.w> srpur C-Rwun t

                                             -               '             -       I-sw v- R- 2p 19C1                REPLAtwcAlr                       )b
           /               '                 -               -           -

f.som-R- sco

                                                                        *:-*' }.{ggy.g.3ff                    "
                                             .                ."                               ^

Ritrtb STRUT' C,Rouu n L

                                              *               -          ~

I-SbHV-R k2 19 s 7 REPucFMgrir Ajo .

                            '                                                                              !                  '                        /                         I
i. w v.c. m

l-5bHV-R'231 , f / e /

1. Deuriotion of Work RTPl Arnic. S40Rtw& ANU RPerer. H A vr os tartrii p/61b <rrurs: ftl Arr eArryc,. Cet1 Mr2< ISM Hedrostet= 0 enewmetic O Nominei operetene Presswee O oi*er O
                                                                                                                                                     $rewc Hawees S       Tem Cometed.                                                                                              '
  • 2 Presswre pel Teet Temp._ 'P g pe ne,u Am arMt r or- rP rre ta lph A/ . I n C/ ass res,.ae wavecv.ce one n.s.n .e. .n.e e l
               . s +wgy. % , .
w. ce rue, met = notemenn made in thw repen ero'"sont.;, creet and S.ctionem xi .f isRFAl 1

ASME % 0 8ened g g 4 7so

                 +  %W=r e e 'e4*ven       W&

A'WM A A Tog Yl'2 - up!r

                                                                                                                                  ,10 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION i, the ondein ened, hoid;ne e esiid e. mms.i.a by me Nati.nei s.wd of sener and Pres                                     ve.=i ine.cwi sad a soie or Province et l ' /M'A A                               , empseyed by ibt2702 GT^*w. W N                           L- y av + %'":          O       . - - ,

et d4e~cd rr have trupected the Ab Meseribed in $1s Report en S %d>' I,1P U. Inede.eiss.a--C .,",' M and rtete that to the test of my ILno. ledge end metief,this repe's or replesoment has been constrweted in aceerdense avlth Section xi of the ASME Code. By signing this eersMieste, neither the inspector nor his enoleyer moles any suott, saty,espressed or implied. eencern-ing the repair .e replacement described in this Report. Furthermore, nehher the laspector nor his empseyer ehefi be listde in any menner ter en, per net inivry = presen, domes = a i.p er any und, whine from anected wie eh insertion. O,r,, cy La. An M u , r E k -t e.m,,,m.i.,, 1M *Wl.

                                                                      ,                                                    si ., e           .
w. ; S,,,..t.p..nw .n w in v.- .* i=.. 9.=x., w, me, n. .e pr.m.c :si sue'm ea m. x i sa o ps m.o.n in' i n. i s , e .n
  • e. f n = inei.e.e .n en, one in en t m' nomw.e i.a.
   .n.e.nomw.f.                  .m .ee.ei              o        . .                                           .

ATTACHMENT II PAGE 34 OF 46 FORM Nit-2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Renquired by the Pyevisions of ASME Code Section Xt Dew S*2c - W

1. Owner VIRatm 4 E L trn& Mn Ibwu cem 04A>V VIP &f 4// 4 23 261 g II" ee I D. 0 R&t 2 6 (a G A PIONA1c pearmeel
2. Plant MW M/W NN p =*se9 747/o A/

M _'A/O- / Po. R e x 40P All AlkRA L l/fl? GIAllh 29 ll1 Work Performed by DANie mWin U bM MUM NMf M4 3 3. 044/16L BylLDIA/G > MEE) F Rc 2960/~2/10 paarsam Identtf setion et System re N M WNr t'ctL I Af r- 5"VS ~re AA

4. Addende, Code Cases 7E NRh //4 E. (e) Apobcable Construction Code A~3h 7 __19 60 ggition. W 'fo ~

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI t>tilLred for Repeirs or Flestecomense - 1930., /21f/ Adderde, Code Cases

6. Identification of Components Repeired or Replaced, and Reptocement Camponents Net't. CRN Other Year Repaired. ASME Code Nome of Name of Mf ts. Ser.

No. Sd. No. Identi. Swm Reptoced. Stored Comperent Mf r. No. fication or (Yes or No) pasic,ee Aj(, Rootecnment

                                                           ~             ~


1. Description of Work RfR At FW.47 OF %UMFFS ANb URitte H4Att'fn Lwr >J R/(~b Sifurr /4IMit/Ar/A+ TMneng Ayg Tem Conch.eted. Hycroststc O eneumatic O Nominst Operating Prussure O Other O 5/x'>w NA4 Gex5 B '

Pre ssure pel Test Temo. 'F 9 Reme,u Alo "Tfsr/A/& RP'Q U I A' t-h A$m2 C lan 3 esp <.ac wenctas oeu nesans v. om enmenee

 #                                                         CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certif y that the statements made in this report are correct and this            RFPL AC F#FA/F                  conforms to Section XI of the
                                                                                             *''""*"U ASME CodeM                                                                                                            '
     $esned         hEA'Y                    WM                  '$ N'Y                W       '  '

O? ,19 1se sesei / g / < p='=

  • om Daw =m /


1. the undersigned, holding a vend commkalon lenwed by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the state or Province of U//!MM  ; employed by t kt17 % s 57;%, A ?A >- TyE s $4 M. of have inspected the __ /b/um J 5%-- ,1s_h2.

4dib/ n Inesens)er Seeensemoruesa described in ens Report on and state that to the best of my knowledge end belief, thh repair er replacement has been constructed in aceerdance odth Section XI of the ASME Code. By signing this certHicote, neither the inspector ner his employer makes any esortenty,empressed or implied. soncern. ing the repair or restatement described in this Report. Furthermore, steither the inspector not his employer ehell be lieble in any menner for any personalinjury or property damage er a loss of a y kind erleing free er connected evith this inspectlen. Date 5 $wF /fO v

                                                  /1Ul N fl  eneencie,3 commlessene       IM J?Y$

smeer % weirwoowe New swooie.nonut eheets in form et ihns, es eunes, er drew 6nes mer me wees previces (t) esse h su en. x 11 in., (2) lateemecon > tisme 1 theewsh e en eh este reeert is laetweed on seen sheet. ene ul eest sheet h eventeree one gne number of thest le recersee et the top of $1s form.

_ ]

                                                                                                                                                                     -L ATTACHMENT II PAGE 35 OF 46 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required W the Provisions of ASME Code 8estion XI                                                                       l l

gego f- 2 0 - ff ~7 1 g, o,ener l/f RAI All A rLFC-rdhe NOh PcWPe ccAP4Nt/ PO R m h r/. f?le d do Ch \/lH'-lM4 peemes

                                                                    ~> M 6 f                                 sheet         I          et      I NcRTu AMM4 fbFP STAmOM asserment yngg      /lo. /                                                               l!
2. Plant pierrue j

EC B&r 907_ MIA.EPAf L'iRGI ANA Mil 1 temerusse s; warg p,rgerweg yy b4Anyt ( m M , /) U c T IO N hF<ln-AJ#~"" CHANFr5 PACKAc-f W -/6 DANIEL I3MILblNo , nRetNi r sc 29601-217o y

d. Idenstfecation ef system Hir-H PNc;wrw C-re"Ad A YUns/WEGil% h l<e 1/A D GE s vwE.M
                                                                      -19      69         - Edit taa la 70               Addende, Code Cases X NA' A N f                j
6. (a) Apolicable Cometructlen Coer f El ~7 (b) Aapricatde Edition of Section XI t>i.Iltred for Repelas or Replacemense - 191Q., I.u st/ Addende, code Casee S. Identification of Componsnu Repaired or Roulemed, and Reptocement Components stet *l. CRN Other '

Yeer Repeired. ASME Code tJeme of Nome of Mf rs. Ser. Bd. No. Identi- Swift Reptoced. Stamped Component - Mir. No. No, fication er (Yes or No!

                                                                                      #41Aw/P Ud.                     Rootacement                                       j
                                                               ~                                                                                                        !
                                                                                      /*9 F-R-2% l987                                         'Al0


                                              ~                ~             -

I-S A r -R-21tl 1977 2CRAce pstyr Ajd RIMO STRur WINU U L RIGIb STRur 6-RINNELL

                                                              ~              ~

15AE- R-2t2 /1g? Rep!Acc urj/r A/O k 9 s 1 l i 1, Deur?ption of Work AEfLMINC- TNdAW M SMNC llMIGEPS Wini PM CfDUT3 5 CUM's/AWCf %URAW M WM. B. Tetts Condweted. Hydrostatic O Pneumatic O Nominei operatias Praesure D, other O 4/ tweeir Pressu re pel Test Teme 'F i 1 9 R e.n se ks Do TFSh v. RFroulRED Ale a T3T 6/ns l pop.<.ae estacieers Dea hoperu is em enacewe CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certif y that the statements made in this report ers sorrect and els ME78 DACE'WENI~ wnforms to Section XI of the

                                                                                                     '"*"S**0 ASME %                                Md'                    NNIO                                          Y5
       $4ned                'G d -'-                                                                            /
                       -/ $>wur er Ourw es Desgrus/                             Too                  $stes
     %G Shs/87 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION t, the undmigned, holding a valid commhalon leased by the National Board of Soller end Prposwww Yesset inspectors and the 5:ste or Province et /MMd ' N *' ' *                           , employed by                   #' M WN A'M" I '#~ I ('# -                                  - of Meet //b/            t'      have inspected the               le'* #                  denselhed in thle Report en M U^'-                       ,18.32.

theessses eo ; _. i and state that to the best of my knowledge end belief, this repair or replesoment has been eenetrusted in eteerdense evith Section XI e8 the ASME Code. By signing SNis certMicate, neither the inepector not his demoieyer enehes any worrenty, esproveed or Impf'ed, eencern-ing the repent er replacement alescribed in this Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector ner his employer shall be liable in any menner for any personel leduty or property damage or a loes of any kled erloing from er eennected este this ineoction. Oe,, 5 ~T o w Y ~> WfAkAc er ews gennenesteen & 3 Y4 swww me exsee'esere edese Supplemented sheets la form of lieu, shouhee, or desertnen eney be weed previsse (1) else b Sts en. X t1 In., (3) taformessen nn terme i throwgh a en ghts eeen report to inolveed en seen sheet,one (3) esen ehestin siumnered one the numeer of sheets is rotereas et the see of this fores %

t ATTACHMENT II PAGE 36 OF 46 FORM Nit-2 OWNE'R'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required W the Provisions of ASME Code Sostion XI O,mer VIRef AnA Mc-rn sC' Anb Potwe ocupe nV Dow C- 2 0- R"1 1. Sennst T pn Acx 2 r c, e r, R!? HMrtin  !/r R r-t r//4 '2 8 2 G I - sheet et lf goastumes 2, pwns AJO R TH A A/ A/A P a tilr A? %7A-ti c A t ympg_ A)n . I pie == Pa . 14 n x L/C # dit/rR A t- t/I t? t% r Att4 2 '9 /t'1 tAmeuse) des ter At chancer" P4ey A to-e-  %- /(,

3. Woek Performed kny bA Atwt ce a s r eu e rro Al

) # DAhllEL GUolbivo; CrRcewNC se' ' 29t.nt- 2/70 enawassa .

4. Idenstsation of system Hiw Pussuer <-ww MMo sw m h ist}/AMa ar WS1*Eu (el Apolicable cerstruction Code 8 3 / . "7 19 49 Edittee_ /L' 'f o Addende, Code cases 1P FWe l//S S. -

(b) Applicable Edition of Sectlen XI Utiltred for Repeles er Replacemerne - 19 N. MR/ Addende, Code Casee S. Identification of Componens Receired or Replaced, and Meolacement Components --. uf ts. Ser. Net'I. CRN Other Year Repelred. ASME Code Name of Name of Corr,onent ut r. No. Bd. No. Identi- Suut Reptoced, . Sweoed No. fication er (Yes or No)

                                                                                                   //A>/u/t AD.                   Reefem m*nt Ritt in smir            GRirwELL
                                                                                 ~         ~

I SAE-R-217 Igen liGRAicAteur llo l l ~


p.5)lg.g. 23g l l l


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l-SAE-R- 2n / / ./

                                                              ~                            ~

RI&Ih smur (-Rit !Alf LL


l-54-R- 2'I8 19T1 REPLMEMEAlf A/O A I ~ ~ -

f. sag.g.2m; / / /
                                /            /
                                                                                 ~         ~

I-5A E-R-245 e / /

1. Description of Work RPPLACIAIC %UuRNMAA,nWA/UC UdAkW$f id/W Pf4tt TTQUfYlFildWMit/t %UAWN M wher.

8 Terts Conos.eted. Hydrostatic O pneumatic O Nominei operstine Prieswee O other O ' w4 Aeons-Pressure pel Test Temp. 'F 9 pemerks Aln ~fEs r t A t t", Rr'rt os t r? rn Non T3Z Cla s s me.uo iov.cver. Dem neewu w e. wuct.e 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the rtstements enede la thh report are sorrect and this NFMLA 0 EAMA/I conforms to Section XI of me Weer a see.eenieno ASME Code. j Wd'IW82 ON'Idd

                                                                                                                            & 2Z                  I 3,sned\            /T'"                                                                                                  ,it g gg'7 / fo- =r w o='ers Dagame(

tee amm / CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. holding a valid commission leeued try the National Beerd of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Siete or Ftovince of />ld6 /"' - employed by&%l Y^r' S TA O of Id w k / t' Pheve inspected the b d fdr# IneseAw e' 9eeweenwaens described in thns Report en M N ,192 0. l and rtate that to the best of my linowledge end belief, this repair or repleesment has been eenetructedin aceerdense es8t h Section XI of the ASME Code. By signirg this eerOficate, neither the inspector nor his employer mohes any voorrenty, empeersed or implied. eencern-las the repent er replacement described in this Report. F wrthermore, neither the trupector mer hh emplever eheft be listde in any menner for any personal injury er property damage er e lots of erey Itind pising from er sonnected usith this inspeetion. Oo,e S/3av 99 R4 ku f$~ Comminions NA soieap.e TVb we. ei.r. news onese n hevo' Sweptamentet eberts la form of Stre, shouhes, or drew 6ngs may be weed prev 6eed itl else in 9M In. X 11 in (3) bnformoden in tieme 1 through 4 en mis date report le Instweed en eseh sheet, and O) seen sheet la numbered and es numhet of sheet is roterese et the too of els form.


                                           ' '" P -
  • PAGE 37 OF 46 I
                                . . .              _ _ ~ _ _ . .~ ..

FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A= Regelred Ipy the Prortslems of ASME Code testies XI

             ,,     o,m, \ino A F A nie Avn kw 0> rAisv                                                                                 -

noen 6blM , 1 k,m = w,es. f i 90 h 2.66/4 t/A 2 'Q6 / >==. es  !

2. Pnent I hPN MA9ew.m ME GA " C e> Unit I
                      'PD % 402                             Ad ou r e A u           1lA        .3'1 I I '7 j             s,      weanporterm.db,7 % ,e**"*'                             ( % rroen a>                                       'I?ma) &.vu PkwAu                                  &-/&                           \


                                                                            #ews e                                         pes P.0 so do. Dwas 83, ann Arths,an SC 29W -h10                                                                                                                                           i 4Aard.el 4.

Identlication ef System- I*No JTI C' b f## l (a) Apoficable Corwt,vetion Code F 71 7 19 /r 'f Edita== _ W Adde 640s, Code Coors 77 MW) Ilf"


S.  !

                   ' (b) Applicable Edition of Section El Utilleed for Roself et Relecemenes- 1942, fa 81 Adderale, Code Cesse
5. Id.nOfication of Cemeensnu Rmeired er Releced, oned Refacement Consenens 1 Net *t. CAN Other Year ' Repelred, ASME Code of N sme of Mtrs. Ser.

84 No. Identi- SwRt Replored. Stameed Correonent Mf r. No. No. ficeuen er (Yee er No) ik ro No. R*ef*****nt i 24.ib Sriw r G ei m u.

                                                                       ~                   ~              ~
                                                                                                                   /wrPo.r.2ld,           /997 Rectmu r                                 M w .g                     , . >   <,w>>                 , r-   .y y 4 s         -       P           =+

e < _ _

                                                                                                                   , ,,,,,y. m               e
1. Deuription of Work O YG N M k h!Pir A D m ) ~ kPl-ACED'$VuR&fR funn Odn tb (TDJY 8 Ter.s "ome.rted. Hydrosutic O rnewmetic O' Nominei opereinae Pro wre Q ott eriO P,e ssure pel Test Temp' 'F A4 h 1J,eeb Ne. z Jr c /u s e aem. e
w. o.a nee-u i. e. a.e 9, 4 ,h, ' N% &O:;', . M :

s %f- _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE @ Ffg!ff ' J/%.J!Qvy

w. esni,y e.i sne enumens made in mm ree t we ser=t and on Fe'A Awe l sent., e senien xi et tse
                                                                                                                                  "**''""*"8 ASME %

5cened nW Wc 41 .YrWt &'y b(


A A' W & 8**

                                                                                                                                                                  ,1g S 7 a g4/ d Weao=M CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION i.18. underii n.d. neidine e vet;d mmk ien ieues av me Nati.nsi send of sauc ead Preuvre ve .i insiectwo sad me saw
                                                                                                                             #.'5. B. I, + r co,                                                         . e, o, r,e,in,e e,               -rt N A                                    , om,ieved w
                  /MF#d/f8 <,a CC                         have irnoected                 the _ DA/                                          in ens Report en                     EU 5,it M
seen...w., n _.AMIN = deter and state that so the best of my kneadedes and belief, this repolt av replesoment has been"sensteweted in esserdense with Section x1 of toe AsME Cod . er i.nine aw eersmisw. neithe me sneener ner hh empiove meine any ==renty, =pm=4 = impined. eaa.-n.

ine the repair er replacement do.cribeelin thh Report. Furthermore,pelther the inspeeter me, his empieyer shett be lieble in any mermer for on, pe< onei injury w p, wen, demese = e seu of ony und whine fran = wan=tes .de en inoession. os,e (3 4 - fr'7 6.. R. d w ce,reviiniere -r%' wa 6 . p w e.-e en ,.,i . e

                                                                                                . . ... ta, m.,                    e,e.w.e m .us = a = wi. x n sa u.. s.,eei. ...i .*                        in t.- .t        i=.. . .u m w.e.,meo.n w es                       $ e,     e            .w .. ..e.n w wisi.,e                     en e.en me saa m a                     t a nomw
               ... ee n.,m., et .s                  ewr         e. ei             .e et em v.,


        - rt-PAGE 38 OF 46 e                                                                                                                                                                        .

FORM Nit 2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reguleed W the Provisione et ABME Code Sostion XI o.norl/,m oa E_ m e,c wt h dupeuv com GNd 7 3. 3 1'14,6 I I

                ?O %               '2c 6(,6    Pic % u D A.                                                      gewet                    se ese,Mrm 4.i                  ung                          /
2. Pient new. Acoa . perue R w.e a-
                 'PO h             '4 O S      AJ r o e= R A s     vA A3 I I 7 bn(7 2m n o a>                             h /6A> bw bhyAM                         N'                          .I 0
3. we,k Perf ormed Ipy b O' neeen c>,sassi.a P.o me, ano es . as i

i eier ma

                         'pnc. %.cmud l$R Cco ve r c: T C ') % t~28 W
d. Identltestion of system ho s* s> c PfEA V GC TfM IT X l 7 19 /e 9 Sditlee W 70 ' Addende. Code Cemet 78." 8TIP) //.f S. (a) AcetreetWe Coretruetten Code Ib) AeolicatWe Edition of Section XI LAlliaed for Regeles or Replacement- 19&2.. aJ.dl Addende, Code Cases
6. Identif cation of Components Repaired er Reeleood. and Replansment Campenente Other Year Repetred. ASME Code No ne of Name of Wf es. Ser. Net'I. CR98 Identb Swut Replaced. Storm ed component utr. No. sd. No.

No. fication er (Yes or Nel Replacement hoe %,.r we Gar ~ ~ ~ I-m t -6 s m 97 x

  • Afo
                                                                                           ' Os R *7'        '987       +                             ^' o
      'P e: %r                 nu (-r                 '


7. Des:ript ica of Work bM Me M' CAh W 8 T e: i "cmo.e.ed . Hydrostate O Pneumstic O Nominet Operatine Presswes O Other O l Presawre pel Test Terre' 'F g p e .n e. u A/o M riDL, Pso o n ce ts om.ue.e hnevect.rere Dnie noseru te es enesame
                  $ ?w1vh A u d \O k f A bi\Eh TO Ex A 'r i L %f . C Ot O h*

O CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE we certif y tnet tw ristements made in thh report are eerrect and ob

                                                                                                  #                                   eenferme to section xi et the ASME Coey
                            <b '        L    MW                      M U +"F [                                   # b                .it SI                                1 5,gned                                                                     see                sme y

O o o do e<s o sew , CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION , 1, the unde'issed, hol(no e valid commission lowed by me National Seerd of Beller end Presswee Vesset inspectors and the State  ; er Prevince of WUd . employed by

                                                                                                       // 6' O Is Y Z' C#'                                       - af (T,      have inspected the 'Y       SU M/"#Mk's desselhed in $1s Report en                                -7I U/8 5 ,it.f 2
              //AsfTXs#6                                                        -
                                <.                                - # Ares.nsier , . nn                                                                                    l and atste that to the best of my knowledes and belief, this repair or replesoment has been eenrieveted in sees denwe eetth Section XI of the ASME Code. By signity. this sortificate, neither the inspector not his employer melies any voorfonty, empressed er implied. coace'n-nas the or eset=smer.i de.cribed in this Report. Furihermers. neither the inspeciar ner his emeiever eheri be tiebie in any meeaer for any personet lajwry or property domese ter a less of any kind erlenne from er eennected estth Sie inspection.

ee,e 6 e d,R. # w Cen.,,,iesien, < ^I w a 6

                                                                    %                                                         o e.        e,.

essee s. scie eatei .n.e. in to, et iw.. . .u e., or ers.,me me, se .,ese e,..w.e m .i e h su m. x n in

                                                        .a eim .. e e.oort w insi. es en enn sneet, one tsi seen one.1 m no,nes se
me.em.ti.n m f- t irowen one EP's stwmeer of theets is reverses et Sne o.e of Wile form.


                                   P ~ .                                                                                                                                                ATTACHMENT II                  l PAGE 39 OF 46                  l
                     ....              ; .n..

1 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As pequired Wr the Previalens of ABME Code testion XI l ADh Dnm t- Oa-P4 ov Deu 4 /4/A '7

1. Owner Il' Ezrid A T' ce vo a '
                                                                                                                                                                                  /                    i Po h 'u,6u,                    huouNa . 2'TE f                                                                                                   Onnt                       ee essouses I
2. runt Ib A W b*# S TA'n o d Unh_
r. % V4 ~13' # # ~7 PC. A 46:t
                                                                                                                                  %MA;OMsNww                                                      M -16 I        3,     we,g ps,qermag 3,, b wNw                     p.emsa me,w                                                    meses 0spanwen P.O sse. ,ase see. eis hog L h + .A.Se G!ds'o h s J (.C. M'- 3110 taereaal
4. Idr> notification of System _ dYlLfA Rv Fero m.s a v.i! rt h r-m B n.7 to 44 Editw NM Addende. Code Casu 'M~ EW) us'
6. W Apot.cebie cerverwesien Com Addende, Code Cases tb) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utiltred for Repolfe or Maplacemenes - 19fd2, R Bl
6. Identification of Componens Reesired or Replemed. end Replacement Cemeenents CAN Other Year Receired. ASME Code Name of Nome of . Wits. Ser. Net'l.

Ident6 Svitt Reptoced. Stemped Component Mf r. No. Bd. No. No. fisetsen er Nee er Nel l pmpw Resteosment hrir, TT rr o r

                                                      ~~               ~             ~

M2/-r-2 4 (. /987 fr A M br / a r" MO Cn . o u s u_

                                                              '                                                                                                           9              ' '
  • s
                                                                       -             -           /.gg.p.947

s a +'[ j

                                                        ~               '

l-$Al FA%

                                                        ~                -            -
                                                                                                  /-Oir.e 2s2
                                                                         ~            ~

I-5AE.2.h"4 I f -

                                                                *       *             ~

{.ggg. p.n& i ( Dm'iption of Work D A N <= E'; PMM WW 9Wb SMM 7. 3 T er*. s *r.,4. c ed . Hydrostatic O rnewmetic 0 Nominei operatiae Preiswee O other O Prunwre oil teriTerreT *F i 9 pe nsons Aln T*f < v i DG  ?. cam > n D C b  ! ebo.same tasvest.rere Dmia seeen. 6. se enacase

,,<, s,. w , , . ., i, .c , ,

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE " "j ? we certif y thei the vistemenn made in thh report are secreet and mis b A w e' M u r- eenre, ie section xi e, tne Asue MW# M' #N ,19 M 5,gne [ N Ufo ur er Ow ors Detgue) Teu Slotet


W 6A./s 7 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. hold;ng e esud commission lasued by the National Board of Beller and Pressuve Vesset inspectors and the Sete er prov;nce of ~T~f A/ A.I - :em p\ eyed by N $< 0. 5 Y I' 00' of

             /MA Tf0 A 6 ; f.7~              - hove Irmootted the /884 NE#/Edl TT Meurlhod in $1s Repen en' 3~" ^#8 S ,1Bk2 L                                     laessese s). _             _C and rtete thet to the bort of my knowledge end belief, this repeir er replesoment hee been eenetNeted in eteerdenes with Section XI of the ASME Code. By signing pis certifisets, neither the lampester nor his employer mehes any suerrenty,sapresed or bioties eencern-ing the repele er replacement described in mis Report. F ureermore, neither the laspector not his employer shell be liehle in any mean for any porsonet injury or property damage er e lees of any kind erlsieg from er eennected erhh this inspectlen.

6 Ff 7 21 A f w,e 'f'A/ '21 36 e .,. so-e oote e.escia,1 se s e

                                                                                                                                       .we p e. wee lu eu, m en in. x u ta n,e w .-eewi eso. sa ve- es iir.. . .un.. er .. . me, lai we,meo.n in t ersoe 4 en em .. reeen w insieese en seen eses. sae ist seen een m no w ee one e o nomi.or e .*.e a rose,ese et es see e em form.


      -+      -

ATTACHMENT II s PAGE 40 OF 46 i l FORM Nis.2 OWNER *8 REPORT OP REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT i As Required W the Provisions of ASME Code Eastion XI i

s. O.,or V f Ren u t 4 GLec:fMLlt AMb power CodDANt/ Dn, R-20-R1 P_t.J on' 26666 Ricdu"oME6tola 2326' She i I- e, I l  !
1. Psen, AloRTH AMUA Pow 2 2 erAYrod gapg 00 - l Me se Per Roy LlM MiUG'RAL V l RG W I A 21 Il '1 '
3. Work Performed Ipy MM 0 d5'T'E'd C7'" U O'" 6 # O A' C H 4 # 0#~ M O #f M E Y0 ~~ # 0 p no no o,enwae*=n P.o me.J.e he m
                   .D Ahl'EL,8a r e bW Mcrwru c Sc 29G)os-217o                                                                                                                      ,

4 Identif cation of Syftem . C H nA I c A L F E'e b 5;Y 5 t'E AA.-

5. (e) Apoli:.etWe Co vtruction Cedr R Ele ~7 19- fo ' Edittee. W 70 Ad sende. Code % N ) > IM (b) Applicatda Ection of Section XI Utilized for Receirs or Asetacomente- 19.2E. ki W _ Addende, Code Cases -
6. leentification of Components Repaired or Replaced, and Replacement Commonont I Name of Nome of Mf rs. Ser. Net *l. CRN Other- Year Repaired. ASME Code Component pf r. No. Bd. No. Identi. Sullt Reptoced. Stemped i No. fication er (Yes or No) i me,rc ua M *of ece ment I

RIGeo s1Rtar nawet ecmr f)O


t-erro.e m M17 - REPL40 GMfWf l l

7. On: ption of Work M Mnalc *swnRstm Aun wmida +1nAlt rM tinra parn *iThrir ElJ2WATF4f6 NNUMets Agn <pprQc.

8 Teci '"o u .e ed. Hyc*ostatic O en wmetic O wominei operatine Pro .,rv D other O nfA$eRir P,t s w re pel Test Temp. 'F

  • 9 IRemaa.s MO T M TitlG Moulo#h woo.<.m hw o.,ea on.a ergs s so en rtacree CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the ets ements made in this report are correct and this R " f 4e8' N T' sonforms to Section ici of the ASME ' " ' " " "

5.e ne

             ;    ,1 A                W "A             $"O   S C A             5$                  se,'.i 2L                     _.19            b?                            '

p.,. 6 c> ,. . o.s., , 5. DJP .WV87 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, hold;ng a valid commisalon lesued try me National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel inapectors and the Siete or Province of ~7~84'Mr , employed by M I* O' 'Y

  • of 8A@dRd df j Mescribed in ens Report en EME S,id have inspected the [~EhWE.NEH7". . , . . e.e and etate that to the tuest of my knowledge end belief, this repair or replacernent has been sonstrweted In scaerdance e.ith Section XI of the AsME Code. By signire this sortificate, neither the laepector nor hk emplever mehes any e.orrenty, empressed or implied, eencern-ing the repair or replacement described in this Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shaft be lieble in any menner for any personet injury or property damese or e i.u of any kind erisine from er eennected e,te ek ins,setion.

oote 6-6-F7 dA gdd ,, , commission. -

                                                                                                                    -r2/ 2/2.e,e3 6
                                                                                                                                                             .-e a,e.e s.,eei. ...i .m               m s.- . iw.. . . u . ., e,e n mee                                 pr.ww m .uo a e m in. x mn m ><.,m.ti.n m i                  i e, ,e .a e,s .. ee..,t = mei.,o                      .a e.e., en.n. ene m, en t m n.,mwe.

e . .n.,,- . .re .a4.,m.

1 4

     . . rt.             ,. . . . . .


                                                                                                                                     'PAGE 43. OF 46 i

1 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT 0F REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As novited by the Previelens of ASME Code Gestion XI

1. Owner YIChid, 4 SE C1ts e ADW &E2 0cuPA u v Den B 7
                   >AW      ONu
5. (e) Apotic.eble Corwtruction Code 8 3i Y 19 6Y W 70 ggiti e Addende. Code Caers 76 bJf/ ## l (b) Appicable Edition of Section XI Utlitted for Repelrs or Replacement- 19&,,.W6 l Addende, Code Cemee -

S. leentifcation of Componens Repeired or Replaced. and Replacement Comoonents l Nome of Name of Mf ri. Ser. Net *t. CRN Other Yeer Repelred. j ASME Coos Component Mft, No. Bd. No. Identi. Sultt Replaced. I Sterrwed  ! No. ficetion er (You er Nel

                                                                                   //am,ta s                          Rsotesement                                  4 l
   %,n Srpar Ga,-ca                                ~                ~         ~

u m .n-202 1987 Pepuentor sVo

              '                   l               -                 -          ~
                                                                                                       )                   )                    I p.,m.em t                   <             ~                ~          -

pa.g.7ag ( i Mm , STRUT GRlyuu-

                                                   ~                ~         -

pg.g m99 p epmgy7 g i

                                                   ~               ~          ~

l-ps.p.M A l )

                                                  ~                ~          ~

e i IusE.]ola e / t

7. Des:.iption of Work 2d4 ACUS bMJfffdM Atib b>A OAMM bm ht> STwf 5 h,uATsue bgrps 4#l>

B Tscs Cc o.e ed Hydrostetc O . Pneumatic O . Nominai operatine r resesre D other O ., 595* t+W i Pressart pel Tert Temp. ' 'F ' " s n e n e,k; A/. 7"r(7n 3A J2&11 at O 6Amao= uavacurs Dai,a neswis u es e iacnee

             ,,          ; vi d : .,                                                                       -

f . %, 'i .' .g CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCJ', prp'g g ppp,@? fit ' , We certif y that the rtetements made in this report are correct and thh PM MMA 7" poser e samman=au sonforms to Section XI of the ASME Cod &. Signe d- - <-) Md EON # " ,19 7 sta a.%wa t=senen) foie Sewt / CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION

1. the encWsigned, hold;ng a votid commhalon leaved Opy $e National Seerd of Boller and Pressure Vesset inspectors sad the Siete or Province of Nh'^"d  ; employed turb4 D"' 7#7 (#o of Nn'47e'"M M have inspected the 9 MC e diesettbed in thh Report en 6% , i t.O.

Mister b _ - - Z i and state that to the best of my knowledge end befief, this repair et replecoment has been sonstrweted in scaerdense epith Section XI of the ASME Code. Sy signing $1s cert)ficate, neither the Inspector ner his employer mehes any euertenty,empressed or implied, concern-ing the repolt er replacement described in this Report. Furthermore, nehher the laspector nor his employer shell be lieble in any mennet for any personst Injury or property damage er a less of any ILind er'anng from er sonnected edth this inspectiesL O ,,, W 5 -a M LL) F Y L gemmiesseng l/M R V4

                                                                 %                                                     ewie e o   e.e n.- noe,.

8vese 5 polementet eherie in form of Item, shouhee, er drew 6ngs mer to weed erevleed til eine to en en. E 11 in., (2) taformetloa in Otome 1 throwgh 4 en ghts sets reeeft le Inalvese en each ehest, one IS) esen sheet b numberse one pie numher 99 theet is rotersee et the too of Wntt forfub 1

                                                             . n-                   '-
                                                                                                .<:*-                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT II e

PAGE 42 OF 46 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S MPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regwired by the Provisions of ASME Code Sostion XI owner V1 Reap : Lecteit AND GbwcR co@AW Dete 5'38*67 g, eme'io E P.O n,a '2(o ccG R M 64 MOVb t/ TIM IN M 1 9 2 C,1 gwyr 1T* ,e eseposel

                                                                                                                               *>T elc0                     ung:            No . 1 1 Punt NrAT4 ANMA PetveR                          en "us
                                                                                  % TAax 402 Mt0PR AL W R &lo t A ' 22 h '7 Work Performed by bAm                  oW T# u ctic U                                D F S /G A/ C44NGF PAC K AGE.                               PG- M

> 3. messe pesenesissa P.o me, Joe see, sic eierw

                                                                                         *bAtJIEL. ,8t t!L D WCr , MECUWLLE SC 2%CI'2170
4. loanstf.cstion of frrtem SEkvi c e WATER. SVS-FEM N 3 / . '7 _19 M Editlen U 70 Addende, Code Caers 7'E P3 / RI 1/'s i (el Apotecable Conrtructlen Cear (b) Appliceble Edition of Section XI usitLres for Repoles or Replacement- 19 LC, W F/ Addende, Caele Cases -
6. loentFest on of Componens Receired er Replaced.and Replacement Comoonents l Repelred.

Nome of Name of Mf ts. 5er. N et'I. CRN Other Year ASME Code Component Mir. No. Bd. No. $ dent &. Switt Replaced. Starrood No, fication er (Yes or Nel myap m Meefemment

                                                                                                                    ~                               ~

I-Ws.R-zo1 1981 REPLAteptA/1~ A/0 Ricm sicur GRmurtL Rics vRUT G Rl WE LL

                                                                                                                   ~                  ~
  • l* WS-P-!c3 l98 7 REPLkFMtur A/O i
1. Des:r;ption ot work WPL ACIV& SVUPDF P 5 4 % 3 9 % UG c4A bf-E P S IDM MC-ob STP(4T5 : FLIVrWATIA6 S NU 2 B r25" 8 Ter s cenomed. Myerostatc 0 Pnewmet.c O Nomine10perating Presswee Q Other O Avb SPAWG FANGres Presswee pel Tert Terre. 'F g,u Mo Tr(Ttun Rrnomen pop.uo.e wvecve e Dawr hepana se se e iacnee CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certth that the rtetements made in this report are serrect and this DCNW senterms to Section XI of the M**'*"""*'"""'

ASME SSned O t) ^ W# $ N# W2 ,it I'I

                                                                              , g               o~ . -s oe.              e.                            t.                  es.i     -

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION i, the wnomioned, holding a valid commhalen leewed try me National Board of ks11er and Preewe Vessel inspectort and the 5 tete er Province of W M' , employed by_4dW4b N'" A ' IM N of

                                                                     /dwtIbl                    // 7~       have irspected the _                '+M#

18 Wee nst er 8)eemsemeaung deserthed in $1s Report en Y E'# ,1Nd. and state that to the best of my knowledge end belief,this repair er replesoment has been eenstrveted in eteerdome enth Section XI of the ASME Code. Oy signing this certNeopte, neither the inopotter nor his employer mehet any suertenty,empressed er implied. eeneern-ing the repolt er replacerrent described in this Report. Furthermore, neither the inapseter nor his employer shall be Ikeble in any menner for any persenet leivry or property damage er a leep et any kind arising from er sonnected odth &ls inoestlen. Dype S $ 4 /'lO . k *f f p.eeneet l< - gemmlgg} gag JN 55-siewse e es neim e swa (/ 8vese Swpplemongol sheets in form of Ibrt, es etshes, er erewlap eney be weed preetoed itl elet b SM tt X 11 in., tal taf ormeoen en tsame 1 threveh a en thh sees reeert to inetwees en seen sheet, one Ol esen sheet is numeeeos one the avmeer of shasts k recereed at the too et thb forv% t._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _

w 3 g 1 l 3< *

                                                                                       , ,                                       c y          '
                                                                                                                                                                                               <r                  s A7,rACHMENT II


                                                 '                                       # '0!                              '

s T4CE 43 OF 46

                                                                                                          .s                                                                                                         /

i y 1 v t  :

                                              )'        s FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OPyf PLACEMENT                                                                                                                     j As Required ha the.P*ovielens of ASME Cod 6 $setion XI                                                                                                          4
                                                                      -                                                                       ,,wg                          -.                                                            l i
                                                                                                        /                       ,,pl /                                  /e.


  • W-?O-8*7 )

t owner VlRenMM;*,-Jic AAlb hEf)&cdPA nis / T ,,,,,,,,e U 90 tw 2G(pp Rid 4LirUNGe min@r'l4. N 2'4 M I ._ ghost N W pleng Ala D T 6 i Mr U /4 k vy e eT A T1fggl,,, I ung: A/O- / j 3,  ! tw.'e4 - ,. j i Pn Ark 4 0 Af l AIG fr' A L 1/lR & luth M i f '1 5 eMeses; f DF*5'/fM/ /14 4/GE' P4cg4AF 96-/6 j 5 3. Work Perf ormed try t/W m e n A/s nue-r,v o nomes t>p+ neeme.o me. Joe see etc. p= amen OAhllCL13LllLD16. CRrrvular 9e t W>C/*ZITO peernesa '

d. Identif erItion of Srrtem J34/ 57d A4 6V5'f'dA4 _
                                                                                                                                                                              . Addende, Code Cases N '"!/e ) . "4 S.      (el Apoticable Core'trwetion Cod' R 4' 7                                 19_         l' 9               Edittee. "' 70                                                              ~'*

(b) .Septicoter. Edition of l'ection El Ut1 tired for Repeirs et Replacements- i9.S...Ef Addende, Code Cases

6. Ide*t,ification of Componens Repeitod or Replaced, and Replacement Comr'enoms . , _

l CRN Other bYser  ! Repelred. ASME Code  ! Name of Name of Mf ts. 59r. Not*l. Component No. Bd. No. Identi. Itullt Reptoced. Stemped  ! Mf r. No. Yk.etion , or Ofes or Nel llANu tt AV) ROf emment

                                                                              ~                 ~

f{lGlb ST}UT GPwHU L


I-sus &. n2 1989 REf!MeAfEAir AIO i l - - - g.5yp. g. gg5 l N

                                                                                                                                                                               '           '                         /
                                                                             ~                    ~              ~

t_ /

                                                                                                                                     !QR- 305                      /                         f RIelb STrur GRulsiflL                             **',_
                                                                                                   "              ~$-Io 9 /9r7 ReptAr Estgyr f0f /

                                     '                    I                  ~                      ~

j.Syp.p:27tl i I

                                        /                    /


                                                                                                     ~              ~

l *5HP-R- 275 / / /

1. Oneriptlos ef Work REPL AtUY. *WJAQR An Cf%Vr ((A #[Re itfHl Shh STfUff:FUM/WAvW, TyuMfpc 4gh $@Q 8 Terts ConcNeted Hydrcstetic O Fnewmetic O Nominai operatine rrouw,e Q other O "or<cs Pressure 9el Test Temp- "F g pe norks A!O Yvwlr. Rrn uiq n woo..r.aon ida wrecwor s Osa ses.ww to se etwhose CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCE We certif y that the statements made in this .eq> ort oss sorrect end $1s NFFddtf F44FA/7" sonforms to Section XI of Wie AsMEM 5 gned ' Mul#
  • FONno .. n ",-#2E 19['

a y - .e - .ae. n CUtTlF1CATE OF thM ECTION i, the under6io6f _etpiding a valid commhslon lee >ed try the Netleem Joerd of Boller and Pressure Vesset inspectors and the State or Province st U ' 4*I,.fr' + , employerf ky 4t @M dar N*' " D M #- . of

                                    #h / 6,- [ I Mhen liepected the                                         "M d O'd                           doncribed in this Report en                     '7 p'       V 19b Inep6% m.aearasensaem and rtete that te tre test of my knowledge end belief,t%3s repair er replacement has been constructed in accordener evith Section XI of the ASME Code. By staa'we this sortificate, neither 9ma t.ee9ector ner his emoleyer mehes any seertenty, expressed er nmplied, conce'n-ing the npent er replacewwnnt descritied la thh Report. FvtWormere,melther the inspector not his employer shell be sieblo in any menner for any personst ledwry :rt property dem9 W e less of any kled er%ngt from er sonnected ev6th $4s kapoction, o,te 7 du4 /V)                                      (M/MU                                                     Commissions               d'A' > W s pr        e.' sone v     /                                              en.eec.,

ave en : s.,ee nemenwi eheen in form of stro, en eunes, ee dee.4nss mer me weed preeteos til else h su en. x 11 tn., (31 baformecon en twme 1 throwsps a on thh seis eeeert to tastweed on eesh sheet.ene (Slesen sheetis numberos and the avmber of to. sets to roterone et 1 Pts eso of this form.

i ATTACHMENT II ) PAGE 44 OF 46 1 I i 1

                                    ' FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Possisioon el ASME Code testles XI
   ,, owner            lhec~r om elec rest ANb rivre ce Mond                                                      Dew 6-2c ss1 Stone                                                               E                    U" Po M r "2 G6@ n # r u 4M c Li b t/, P r-i Ah a 23 0 Gi                                         -

Diest of


8hA8e881 puns _ Mn 1:> ru A Ats!A r>e airre n ~rA rrn N gan- Ale . / \ g, 1 peames j

9. o . Rr;k (I n *? Alt sf r RA L L/lR AIN141'R il4 O h!T *rru ctioU ' DPs/GU CH4A/GE PActMc f M~M L 3. work Forformee d6all!

bANiGL OUIL.blNCm Okt[ W kF SC 'E9&Ol*2/70 themens

d. leentlination ef System - AJAIAI STEA M cv "TkLL 19 M ._Editaa t M 'fC Addende, Code Cears W' M/e L /I4 E. (a) Apolicat>e Constn.ection Coer A 3/ 7 -

(t>) Applicable Edition of Sectlen XI Utiltred for 15tepeles er Replacements- 19.22, ///f/ Addende, Coele Casse S. leentification of Componens Repoimd er Replasse. and Reptesoment Campenene Not't. CAN Other Year Repelred. ASMEcede Name ef Name ef Mf rs. Ser. No. Ident6- Svitt Raptoced, stemped Componen Mtt. No. Bd. No. fissuon er Was or No) 4AER No Reptestment l RIGro srRa r Mowru

                                              ~                 ~          ~

I-rn R-307 1987 REPLArpMEJ/r ~~NO" 1 l ) ~ ~ ~ p.s o e-jgg l / /

                                                                  ~         ~
                                              ~                                       1.SHP- R-269               /                t                    f


                                              ~                   ~         ~

l-SHP- R -2.'l0 19 n REthMcMEMT NO

                                                                                                               )                                   /
              '               )                -                  -          ~        1-Syg g. gos                           . ,/
                                                ~                   ~         ~

l-SHp. R-M9 / U fa / l 4sta est 0Afst

1. Description of Work [Vit ArrLD <AluRRPM Antn UPru;.pA terMr ts.!!n1 RI6th $'TRLtrv /~/J tets/MILA Gl'tMrN tu!n fj'j%f f,.

5 Tens ConcLeted-. Hydrostetc O enewmetic O - Nominei opereiias Pressore 0 oiher O - Mwcrecs . A Yfi ! Fr IYn ' 5NOYY II$


e e

                         -  _,,o             r. e      e.sen. .e _'
              . , 3 . , mw,q,       ; gg               .thl l CERTIFICATE 0F COMPLIANC,E} yg% eg,.p,gtg.ep we certify met the rutemeno made in this rupert are seresst and $k ' RFA 4 M#FMI~                                             'e's>nforms to section XI ei the ASME Cost'7 signed - **                         WA                   '     '# M            f                       A     ?2            ,it   I
i. -
      , g - . ~. o t


                                                                                                                         ,                  ,4>

l the undersigned, holding a valid sommission 18 meed lpy me National Seerd el Seller and Pressus Vesel inspector and the Sete or Province of M'd' ~' , employed byhb M"e*' N hl O of l'/>4M Cr [ M have inspected the b ### described in thh Report en 7 , i tD._ gm.ousier ;__ _ __ . , - , y y and state that to the best of my knowledge end belief, this repelr se replesoment has been sonstrweted in aceerdenes with Section XI of the ASME Code. By signing this serOfissie, neither the lasposter nor his deelever mehes any esorrenty,empresed or implied eensern-ing the repent er repletement described in thh Report, Fur $ermose,nehher the laspector not his employer shall be liebte in any menner for any peraenet injury or presorty damage er a lees of any kind arising from er eennected seHh $1s inesotion. Dets )-$th, J919 // N'/O" gemmlessens 14d E Y$ o.a.o . ~ eveso: Swoolomentet sheen h term of Iles, etetshes. or eve = Men eney see woes pre.tese til else es Om h. E tt 6n.,

   - (3) hiermellen h tems 1 Stensgh 4 en mis este reeert to halvens en seen sheet, ens $31 each ehest is memberes and me nwmeer of sheet to resereas et tp.e ese of $1s foren.

l l l


_PAGE 45:01 46 .f<

          . . fp         . . .. , , . . . . ,
                           ,,                   . - a , ..


                                                - FORM 1818 2 OWNER'S REPORT OP REPAIR OR REPLACSME887 As Reevleed by Wie Provisissa of AthAE Colfs Sostion NI                                                         'li fouPb oy                      ~pote '           f) l97
g. Ommer Vs % on A(~t.* r v ki e Axb kne k i gheet I g PD 1%'GLG&{. % w A N 2 32 (o / '


2. ' Punt AdMV AUo^pumae bM "r* unk PD L %Ds Mw en A L Va 73n7 3.

Work Performed by%ne u .t w &i e bOh bew [MEL 84 mesen oneenemapir.o no.ase sesne psus,ifvdorm Geaunaa TK. '1%on2s70 d . seenut.r.etion et Syne. MI <mm (vrrea- Addende, Code Case. E u?fe) . i t c l se JV sehi-- to 7o  :

s. tel . Anet.cewe comtrwetten Code Mn7 - i lb) Aeolicable Edition of Ses%en XI Wilted for Roseles er Replesomente- 19A2... Jet #L Addenale, Code Casse Idenufiestion et Componens Receired er Rootened, and Replesoment Cemeenente l S.

Other Year Repolred, ASME Cedo Nome of  : Neam el IAlte. Ser. Net'I. CR80 No. Ident6- Sullt . Repleeed, stemoser - Cemet.nont Wr. No. Bd. No. fisation er (Yee er Ne) moeteemment

                                                                                                             /987         N
  • ll0 PPr Dther- Gu,t/*nost I-PT t-A
                       '                 d                                                  > 74rt.9.tA7       A          H                               d
                                                                                                                 /       *PM                                I f                 I                                                Ma p.>ais-all.2 i

l Deuript on i of Werk ones Po, f e erc 7. 8 T er* .c W.eed . Myorestetic O Pnewmetic O Nomines operatine P,s .re O oiner O

                                    ,j             Pressure            ml Tert Temp'            'F g Wrn m                       P e a uok.r-b jUea '%. case hasvest.rere s ro rumtOmis      r- mes no is asn e.snes* Gmre a os.e s w                  nm a. r-W u L aesa Aan CERTIFICATE OF COtmPLIANCE eenferme to Section xi et the we certif v thet the no.amene made in this noen are servest end                           N 'ok '"*"8 W Pemedi ASME Cost)

dM MdS N W "M eM N TW 85 , gg M

            -         ., e - - . y' -

Sgned L - CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION t 1, the wnee' signed, holding a valid sommbalen leewed by Wie National Seerd of Seiler end Preneure vessel Inspectors and the Se Y d Al M = , employed try b 8' b < E Y 1 M of $ er Province of W DM deserted in $le Report en DM 4,1812.

                   ### /~fddb .* d 7'                have 1meeected the sness nnser ; --   n end etate that to the boot of my knoustedse end belief, thh repair or repleesment has been constrweted la essordenes seith Section XI the ASME Casse. By signing Die sortNissee, neither Wie loingester nor tile empiover menos any userventy,enpressed or implied, sensern-ing the reesir er reelecement descrlhed in this Report. Furthennese,sehher tete lampester not hh employer shsII be listle in any re for any pertenet iniwet er preseny demoge er a lees of any kind erloing from er eennected esloh this leispection.
                                                                      /*e,.ese R., &w             ce,,,,,,nese,e       - G J +2.? 3 4                                        ,

os,e 6 4 - r1 so.e n. .,< as-. , avese Sweetementet sharm sa foren et itse, esswhas, oe eeourings soie, es vees seevices (1) else h Su an. X 11 in., (2) Inf ormeVen in isome t theowgh a en this sete repeat le lseelvese en seen sheet. one (St orgh shoes b avmestee - mas she avmeer of oheme h racereas et she ese et this foren.

1 i l

         - r>


                                                                                                                                              .PAGE 46 OF 46 e

e,.- vg_, FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provielens et ASME Code Sostion XI g, os,,,,,l/, h o,A Ec ew a modon CMW Den 0 /B7  ! i p, I l

                 %h 26ca. f.e m.Ni 2 '524 /                                                                           me,i l

g, pun, Akew h w A peow %A9 n ca unn_

                 'P.O . L %on Le e r VA. D76 e ~r                                                           '

3, we,, ,,n e,,ne, i,y - T2?""J" /lossver,w Druas dw9sst: 8%aos 8/o-/6 no e c>esameisa r.o ne.aen =e.ew,

                              'Peugi. R m nm + 6e.pamm          u m. a S.4. J9f.or h70                                                                                                ;
                                                            ">          ^^*           UN ~ N N                              DM            h4              A'M
d. leentif cation of System Addende, Code Comes M 61/M lsS 3 'i1. 7 'bY Edit 5 W 70 E. (el Applic.eble Conrtructlen Code 19_ "'"

(D) Applicable Edition of Sectlen Xl LAltleed for Resente er Replacement- 19&P . h.dlf Anderule, Code Ceses

6. leantification of Commenens Received or Replesed, and Replesoment Components Other Year Repelred. ASME Code Nome of Nome of lef rs. Ser. Net'l. CAN '

Ident6- Replaced, stav, sed Component hM r. No. Bd. No. 8 911 No. fication er (Yes er Nel 1 Repfessment m O s- , PouS& Typ4 hAstr EL

                                                         ~~             ~              ~

Go s . q 2 l'f 87 hkMKiutaT A.YO

r. ,, r-m E
                                                           ~~            '                                        i               J
                  )                   4                                                        u,.at

( _ .,,, f sed -s n - p , , p a , Lo s - a 2

                                                                                                                                                                                    'l i

I Des: iption of Work IEE EAAAKS E45 S SVC'D"M 7.

       #5           Ter.s "ome.ced.             Myerostetc O rnewmetic O Nominei operatias Presso,e O other O Prmure               psi Test Temp'              *r                                                                                   !

n o m,. n., /A Po ps TAnwn na u= u n t s to  %% LI M t's Sf% ton ATrw1= e we,= w oo .emesone . me anse . F16 ue t ~3 "

  • A.b Ts-sv,oa hours O bblES ADE CSPi me u-CERTIFICATE OF COMFLIANCE .

We ce etif y thet the ristemens made la this report are sorrect and shk b 4< Eb T" eenferms to Section xl of the AsuE

             $agsef ciGf                                 W b A Wr't$0Lin.e6"                             b^/f /0                      ,1g N es,o,
         ,                ff        e .weg CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 4, the wnee sagned, holding a votid commiblen lenwed by the National Beerd of Beller and Freeswee Vessel inspectors and the 5 ste
                                                                         , employed by N# D5 "'                              I###A                                             of er Provingg of UIN N'A d-h/TE23                   l'7"'  have irmoocted stie          d' < ""J               dearribed in thle Report en /d O ' ^' '                        1d a                                      lhebe.nuer neeensemenient one rtete that to the twet of my Itne =lespe and belief,this repair et replesoment has been sonstrweted in essordense ofith Section xi of the ASME Code. By signire Wins eersifieste, neither Wie Snesetter nor his evneleyer mehes any inerventy,espressed or implied. eenown-iag the repair er replacement diescribed la this Repert. Furthwmere, mehher the l#epetter ser his employer shell be lieble in any menner for any pereenet iniwry et presefty damage er a lees of any kind pleing frost er eennected selsh this inopostion.

l Dety M **/O'87 // dM

                                                                 /     ,'r, #         b             Ceyyamlesiefes            W . . .,0         e - en-.

erese' Sweelemental phoes in term et thre, etetshes, se Geeestnen met he woes prevlees (1) else bs BM IA X 1% la (3) Informeg)De $n $9,no 1 threWW4 e en Sb seen report b letsberees en eseh (31 Gesh Wheet b #wrnbered l one tr*s nummer of shoes b roeeresa et the ese of $ls forfs
