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Staff Response to Tasking Memorandum & Stakeholder Concerns
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Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/1998
Shared Package
ML20155H809 List:
NUDOCS 9811120271
Download: ML20155J691 (73)






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'e 9811120271 981029 PDR ADOCK 05000338 P


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l October 9,1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. TOPIC AREA: Risk Informed and Performance Based Regulation................... 1 1

A. Specific issue: Evaluation of Industry Proposals and Rulemaking............. 1 B. Specific issue: Pilot Applications....................................... 4


C. Specific lasue: Plant Specific Licensing Reviews.......................... 5 D. Specific lssue: Guidance Documents................................... 7

' ll. Topic Area: Reactor inspection and Enforcement................................ 9 A. Specific issue: Risk Informed Baseline Core Inspection Program.............. 9 i

B. Enforcement Program initiatives...................................... 13 C. Escalated Enforcement Program initiatives " Regulatory Significance"/ Risk.... 16 111. Topic' Area: Reactor Licensee Performance Assessment........................ 17 A. Specific issue: Performance Assessment Process improvements (IRAP, Industry's Proposal, and Performance Indicators)............................. 17 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight................................. 21 A. Specific issue: Lice nse Renewal..................................... 21 B. Specific issue: 50.59 Rulemaking.................................... 24 C.' Specific issue:' FSAR Update Guidance............................... 26 D. Specific issue: Define Design Basis................................... 28 E. Specific Issue: Improved Standard TS................................. 30 F. Specific issue: Generic Communications '............................... 32 G. Specific lasue: CALs...............................................33 H.' Specific issue: Applicability of Backfit Rule to Decommissioning Activities..... 34

1. Specific issue: Requests for Additional information........................ 36 J. Specific issue: 2.206 Petitions....................................... 37 l

K. Specific issue: ' Application of the Backfit Rule........................... 38 V. Topic Area: NRC Organizational Structure and Resources....................... 40 A. Specific issue: Roorganization - Restructuring Line Organizations............ 40 B. Specific Issue: Achieving 1:8 supervisor / manager to employee ratios......... 41 l

C. Specific lssue: Increased staff responsibilities........................... 43 l

VI. Topic Area: Other Agency Programs and Areas of Focus....................... 44 A. Specific lasue: License Transfers..................................... 44 B. Specific Issue: AP-600 Design Certification Rulemaking................... 46 C1. Specific issue: TN 68 (Dual Purpose) Cask Review..................... 47 C2. Specific issue: BNFL/SNC TranStor (Dual Purpose) Cask Review.......... 48 L

C3. Specific Issue: Holtec HISTAR 100 (Dual-Purpose) Cask Review........... 49 C4. Specific issue: Westinghouse WESFLEX (Dual Purpose) Cask Review...... 50 l

C5. Specific issue: NAC-STC/MPC (Dual Purpose) Cask Review.............. 51 C6. Specific issue: NAC UMS (Dual Purpose) Cask Review.................. 52 C7. Specific issue: TN-West MP-187 (Dual-Purpose) Cask Review............. 53 i

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October 9,1998 D. Specific issue: Decommissioning Decisions............................ 54 E. Specific issue: PGE-Trojan Reactor Vessel Shipment Application............ 56 F. Specific issue: Event Reporting Rulemaking............................ 58 G. Specific issue: Proposed Kl Rulemaking............................... 60 H. Specific issue: NEl Petitions - Petition for modifying 50.54(a)................ 62

1. Specific Issue: Revised Source Term Rulemaking........................ 64 Vll. TOPIC AREA: Uranium Recovery issues.................................... 66 A. Specific issues: Uranium recovery concerns raised in Senate report......... 66 Vill. TOPIC AREA: Changes to NRC's Hearing Process........................... 68 A: Use of Info 7 mal Adjudicatory Procedures............................... 68 I

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October 9,1998 I.TOPlc AREA: Risk-informed and Performance-Based Reaulation SES Managers: Gary Holahan, Director, DSSA/NRR and Thomas King, Director, DST /RES A. SDeClflC lasue: Evaluation of Industry Proposals and Rulemakina Objective: The objectives are enhancing safety decisiohs, efficiently utilizing NRC resources, reducing unnecessary Conservatism, as well as soliciting industry insights.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Conduct Licensing workshop to discuss streamlining 7/22/98C G. Kelly, DSSA the review process for risk informed (RI) applications
2. Conduct Periodic PRA Steering Committee 8/20/98C RES/DSSA Meetings (Monthly) l
3. Establish agreement with industry on formation of 8/98C RES l

industry PRA steering committee to interface with NRC Steering Committee and an industry licensing panel to interface with the NRC RI Licensing Panel.

4. Meet.w/ South Texas Project on industry perspective 9/15/98C G. Kelly, DSSA to develop lessons leamed
5. Follow-up to licensing workshop meeting TBD M. Caruso, DSSA w/UCS/NEl
6. Conduct discussions with ACRS on risk-informed, 0/96-R. Barrett, DSSA/

performance-based Regulation initiatives f2/90 M. Cunningham, RES 8/26/980 l

9/24/980 j

9/30/98C 11/19/98 12/3/98

7. Meet with ACRS Subcommittee and request ACRS 0/90 R. Barrett, DSSA letter on views and recommendations for staff options 9/24/980 j

paper l

8. dst-13 Role of Industry stakeholder meeting 9/1/98 C J. Craig, RES
9. Reach agreement with NEl on scope, schedule, 9/90 M. Drouin, RES approach and groundrules for NEl Whole Plant Study Sub-(tasks 1-6) sumed in 4

10 (see note)

4 2

October 9,1998


10. Issue paper to Commission identifying options on 4/99 R. Barrett, DSSA/

modifying Part 50 to be risk-informed (including the use 11/98 M. Cunningham, RES of the term def;nlt;en of " safety" and backfitting implications) (9800152) (NRR) 1

11. Issue safety evaluation on WOG ISI topical report 01/99 S. Ali, DE RES
12. Meeting on NEl pilot plant preliminary risk results TBB M. Drouin, RES Sub-sumed in 10 (see note) 1 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead j
13. Workshop on insights from NEl Whole plant study TBB M. Drouin,RES risk results and options for using them to enhance risk-Sub-informed regulation sumed in i

10 (see note) j

14. Develop Rulemaking Commission paper based on TBD R. Barrett, DSSA/

Commission response to options paper (including M. Cunningham, RES censl derat len of NC: Whele i'l ant Otudy (taaka 1-0))

(9800154) (NRR)

15. Issue safety evaluation on EPRI ISI topical report early S. Ali, DE OY99 RES TBD l

1 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 1

i Milestone Date Lead

16. Endorse ASME RI-ISI code cases via Regulatory 3/00 D. Jackson,RES Guide 1.147, contingent upon ASME completing code S. Ali, DE case by 6/31/99.


l 3

October 9,1998 i


2. Committee meets approximately monthly. Last meeting 10/1/98. hee met en 7/29/90 end 6/90/90: Charter includes:

Coordination of inter-office PRA Implementation Plan activities Resolution of keyissues i

Identification of new activities Interaction with public and industry B.."e; tinge w!:: be held with NCl pllste end leed plent pllcte (!O!, teek 0)

04. i'ilA Oteering Committee meeting required.

9,12,13. Pilots being treated as part of NEl option to be addressed in Milestone 10. Verbal agreement on this reached with NEl and pilot licensees at 9/15/98 public meeting.

10. Staff has developed new plan and schedule for identifying and evaluating options. Plan provides for interaction with the public, the nuclear industry, the ACRS, and the CRGR in the development and evaluation of options.

and 14. Schedule depends upon NC pllc; project schedulee which et present ere TOO. A meet lng wlth NC! is tentetively schedvied for 0/20/90 to fine llze the schedgie Commission response to options paper at IC:sstone 10.

4-6;-10 and 14. Some items budgeted in DSSA, such as support for SMMs, use of PRA in generic issue resolution, events assessment (except for high risk events) participation in planned or reactive inspections, and quarterly updating of PRA plan (9500047, RES) (move to annually),

and IPE follow up, may be deferred in order to meet the above schedules in developing an options paper. Work suggested to be dropped to support these milestones is the modification of Part 52 regarding use of PRAs beyond Design Certification. RES work on proposed revision to Safety Goal Policy will be deferred from 3/99 to 7/99. Status report on this effort will be deferred from 12/98 to 3/99. (9700262) (RES) 11 and 15. Risk informed licensing panel (RILP) meetings are required.

15. Work has been delayed due to need for additional information from EPRI (RAI issued in June 1997). Staff continues to interact periodically with EPRI and will resume its efforts after staff receives responses to RAls from EPRI. EPRI submitted topical prior to issuance of ISI Reg Guide and Standard Review Plan and as a result did not addrass certain risk issues or how the changes in program would impact risk.

Additional Activities: The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is conducting a l

study of the NRC regulatory process. Chairman Jackson and Commissioner McGaffigan are members of the Steering Committee. Ashok Thadani is on the working group. This activity will involve several meetings over the next several months and the CSIS schedule calls for a final report by 4/15/99.


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4 October 9,1998 1.TOPlc AREA: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Reaulation SES Manager: Gary Holahan, Director, DSSA/NRR B. Specific Issue: Pilot Applications Objective: The goal of the pilot programs is to complete first of a kind risk-informed licensing reviews such that lessons learned may be utilized for future staff reviews. The pilot applications have provided a forum for developing guidance documents for both the staff and the industry.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Risk-Informed Licensing Panel (RILP) Meetings -

Ongoing G. Holahan, DSSA assists in focusing management attention, as necessary, to identify other pilots and ensure lessons learned are developed from pilots

2. Issue safety evaluation on Comanche Peak IST 8/14/98C D. Fischer, DE pilot DSSA support 6:3. Issue safety evaluation for ANO-2 H monitoring 9/28/98 C M. Snodderly, DSSA 2
4. Issue safety evaluation on Vermont Yankee ISI pilot 11/30/98 S. Ali, DE DSSA support 0-5. Issue safety evaluation on Surry ISI pilot 12/31/98 S. Ali, DE DSSA support 5-6. Issue safety evaluation on ANO-2 ISI pilot 12/31/98 S. Ali, DE DSSA support BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
7. Issue safety evaluation on ANO-1 ISI pilot 07/99 S. Ali, DE Comments All licensing actions dates are contingent upon timely, technically acceptable industry responses to staff inquiries.

0; 4,5 and 6. Risk-informed Licensing Panel (RILP) meetings required.

l 5

October 9,1998 l

1. TOPIC AREA: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Reaulation SES Manager: Gary Holahan, Director, DSSA, NRR

.Q, Specific lasue: Plant Specific Licensina' Reviews Objective: The use of probabilistic risk assessment in risk informed decision making for changes to plant specific licensing basis is intended to enhance safety decisions, efficiently utilize NRC resources and reduce unnecessary conservatism. The goalis to complete first of a

~ kind risk-informed licensing reviews such that lessons learned may be utilized for future staff reviews.

l PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Establish Lead PM for risk-informed licensing actions Complete J. l lare:d, R. Hall, DRPE
2. Risk-Informed Licensing Panel (RILP) Meetings -

Ongoing G. Holahan, DSSA i

l assists in focusing management attention, as necessary, l

on risk-informed licencing actions.

3. Issue safety evaluation on North Anna 1/2 EDG AOT 8/26/98 C O. Chopra, DE extension DSSA support

&4. Issue safety evaluation on Oyster Creek proposal on 9/8/98 C O. Chopra, DE EDG online testing DSSA support h5. Issue safety evaluation on San Onofre 2/3 EDG AOT 9/9/98 C O. Chopra, DE extension DSSA support

&6. Issue Commission paper related to staff's evaluation 9/21/98 C G. Carpenter, DE of probabilistic assessment of "BWR Reactor Pressure DSSA support Vessel Shell Weld Inspection Recommendations" (9700209) (NRR)

&7. Issue safety evaluation for ANO 2 H monitoring 9/28/98 C M. Snodderly, 2

DSSA 4:8. Create special reporting mechanism in WISP for 9/98 J. l leield, risk-informed licensing actions to facilitate monitoring and 10/2/98 C R. Hall, DRPE tracking

9. Issue safety evaluation on safety injection tank AOT 11/98 E. Weiss, DSSA extension for 6 CEOG facilities
10. Issue safety evaluation on Comanche Peak charging 11/98 E. Weiss, DSSA pump AOT extension

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6 October 9,1998 l

l PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

11. Issue safety evaluation on Pilgrim EDG AOT 12/98 O. Chopra, DE extension DSSA support gissue relaxation on H, monitoring for other plants 12/98 ADPR/DSSA THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
13. Issue safety evaluation on Sequoyah proposal on 06/99 O. Chopra, DE EDG AOT extension DSSA support 1
14. Issue reliefs from augmented examination 06/99 G. Carpenter, DE requirements for various licensees on BWR reactor pressure vessel circumferential welds
15. Issue safety evaluation on Browns Ferry 2/3 proposal 06/99 O. Chopra, DE on EDG AOT extension DSSA support Comments 7 and O. nlLF n,ee;;nge reqwred.
14. 000n.T,ee;;ng needed ln 10/^0. Contingent upon receipt of relief requests from licensees

+814-15. Dates to be evaluated during prioritization of risk-informed licensing actions.

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7 October 9,1998 1 T_O. PIC AREA: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Reaulation SES Manager: Gary Holahan, Director, DSSA, NRR and Thomas King, Director, DST /RES D. Specific issue: Guidance Documents Objective: To provide guidance for the staff and the industry which will enhance consistency and provide a infrastructure for use in risk informed regulation.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. NRC/ Utility Workshop on Risk Informed Regulation 07/98C Completed 7/22/98
2. Communicate about process with Licensing 07/980 Completed 7/20-counterparts from industry (NRC/ Utility Licensing 21/98.


3. Issue ISI trial use RI RG/SRP to Commission 06/98C RES S. Ali, DE 4a Complete review of second draft of Phase 1 PRA 8/98C M. Drouin, RES standard 4b. Paper to Commission on status of PRA standards 10/98 M. Drouin, RES development effort (9800041)(RES) 4c. Phase 1 draft PRA standard submitted for ASME 11/98 M. Drouin, RES review and comment 4d. Phase 1 draft PRA standard issued for public 1/99 M. Drouin, RES comment
5. Revise NRR internal guidance to raise the priority of 0958 D. Dorman, ADPR risk-informed licensing actions 10/1/98 C
6. Communicate revised priority to industry via 0958 D. Dermen, PM/ Licensing interaction 10/98 R. Hall, ADPR
7. Communicate revised priority to industry via 10/98 C. Dermen, Administrative Letter R. Hall, ADPR
8. Issue Nnn Office Letter Technical Guidance on 10/98 G. Kelly, DSSA Implementation of Risk Informed Regulation fortse
9. Issue final GOA inspection procedure for use following 12/98 R. Gramm, DRCH implementation of South Texas GOA program
10. Integrate risk attributes into revised licensee 01/99 DISP performance assessment process (9700238)(NRR)

P. Wilson. DSSA


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8 October 9,1998 l

. PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 t

l Milestone Date Lead

11. Initiate work on Phase 2 PRA draft standard 1/99 M. Drouin, RES THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Load
12. Phase 1 PRA standard comments received and final 4/99 M. Drouin, RES draft developed
13. Phase 1 PRA standard issued as final by ASME 6/99 M. Drouin, RES
14. Develop risk attributes for revising enforcement early CY99 OE policies. Input to ll.C.S. (9800155) (OE)

G. Kelly, DSSA BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

15. First Phase 2 PRA standard developed TBD M. Drouin, RES
16. Completion of Phase 2 PRA standard TBD M. Drouin, RES Commenta
2. Oreft procedure due out 10/90 and trein:n;i of NOC inspect lon staff vi!l be cornp'eted in C/99.
6. Originally due 9/98. PMs received internal guidance on 10/1/98 and are informing licensees accordingly.
9. Draft inspection procedure issued for comment by Regions 9/29/98. CRGR meeting scheduled for 12/9/98. RlLP meeting required.
10. ACRS & Commission review, industri vierkshop (09/90h and PRA Steering Committee meeting required. Public workshop completed 9/30/98.
14. ACRS & Commission review, a public workshop, and PRA Steering Committee meeting required.

Sa-d,11-13,15,16. Phase 1 is a standard for full power operation, internal events only. Phcse 2 is for external events and shutdown. Dates are tentative due to uncertainty associated with the number and nature of comments that may be received, the ASME review and approval process and the success of the working group in writing the Phase 2 standard. This is an ASME initiative and; therefore, the schedules are set by ASME.

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9 October 9,1998 l

' 11. Toolc Area: Reactor Insoection and Enforcement SES Manager: M. Johnson, Acting Chief, PIPB/ DISP /NRR and J. Lieberman, Director, OE

. A. Specific issue: Risk Informed Baseline Core Inspection Proaram Program Manager - Jeffrey Jacobson, NRR and John Flack, RES Objective: To develop and implement a more risk informed, efficient, and effective baseline core inspection program. By risk informed, it is meant that the inspection program's scope will be defined primarily by those areas that are significant from a risk perspective and that the inspection methods used to assess these areas will take advantage of both generic and plant

. specific risk insights.-

i Coordination: Issues ll.A. " Risk Informed Baseline Core inspection Program," ll.B. " Enforcement Program Initiatives," II.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lli.A. " Performance Assessment Process Improvements," and VI.G " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are

. coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved.


Examples include, intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and

. evaluated for impact.


Milestone Date Lead

1. Establish management oversight panel (performance 9/98 C C. Holden, DISP assessment and risk informed inspection program)
2. Issue detailed plan and team charter 9/98 C J. Jacobson, DISP
3. Brief Commission TA's 9/98 C J. Jacobson, DISP i'
4. Select improvement team members 9/98' C C. Holden, DISP J. Jacobson, DISP
5. Support NRR public workshop on soliciting input on 9/28/980 J. Flack, RES

approaches to risk-informed inspection (RES to present options at workshop).


6. Solicit input from stakeholders on scope of inspection at 9/28-J. Jacobson, DISP regulatory assessment public workshop, coordinating with 10/1/98C issue Ill.A.


7. Re-define core inspection program objectives based 10/98 J. Jacobson, DISP j

upon oversight concept I.

10 October 9,1998


8. Oraft beundari cond;tl ens fer cere lnepectlon pregrain 10/98 C J. Jacobson, DISP chemges Meet with ACRS to discuss workshop results
0. Devclep svldence for aseeee ng cerient core lnspect;en 40/96 J.Jacobsen,OlOP prograin l

469. Prepare draft recommendations on core inspection 10/30/98 J. Flack, RES based on review of BWR and PWR PRA.

1+0. Discuss with ACRS subcommittee proposed scope 11MS/98 J. Ilack,OCO and approach J. Jacobson, DISP 121. Cesearch to prov;de lnsights on formvlatlen of a il5k

+E/90 J. Ilac'<, O C lnicirned lnepectlon program Develop draft inspection 11/98 J. Jacobson, DISP program objectives 182. As:;esa current pregram and propose change 5 12/98 J. Jacobson, DISP Develop Commission Paper proposing a risk-informed baselino core inspection program (9800156) (NRR) 143. Brief Commission TA's 12/98 J. Jacobson, DISP 154. Communicate proposed changes to staff to obtain 12/98 C. Holden, DISP internal stakeholder feedback 165, Develop transition strategy 1/99 J. Jacobson, DISP C. Holden, DISP 176. Brief Commission on recommended program changes 1/99 J. Jacobson, DISP (9800156) (NRR)

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead 187. Begin maklng drafting program changes and conduct 2/99 J. Jacobson, DISP training of staff 198. Begin implementation of new core inspection program 3/99 J. Jacobson, DISP l


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11 October 9,1998 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date t.ead r

2019. Complete transition to risk informed core inspection 10/99 J. Jacobson, DISP program Comments:

I Status: All milestones are on track, there are no schedule changes, and no expected delays.

Changes to original milestones 8,9,12, and 13 reflect deliverables of program review.

1. The establishment of a management oversight panel will ensure timely guidance on policy issues both prior to and during the development of the process. The oversight panel will also help to ensure organizational alignment and buy in on the new process. The panel should include representatives from key stakeholder groups within the agency, primarily NRR and the Regions.

3 and 14. Briefings of commission TA's will be conducted at key milestones to help ensure organizational buy-in of the completed process. Formal briefings of the full commission will be conducted as part of a comprehensive briefing on the overall assessment process. These full commission briefings are indicated on the action plan for Performance Assessment Process improvements.

4. Improvement team members should include representatives from key intemal stakeholder

. groups, primarily regional and resident inspectors.

6. The scope of the inspection program is scheduled to be discussed during the assessment process public workshop. During this workshop, feedback will be solicited from industry representatives as well as members of the general public. Also, the workshop results will be published and used to communicate to the staff the issues currently being considered in developing the new inspection program.
7. The inspection program objectives will be re-defined after agreement is reached on a redefined assessment process framework.
13. A team approach will be utilized in assessing the current program and proposing changes, l

included within the team will be a representative from the Office of Research who will help in ensuring the new inspection program is risk informed.


15. An important part of the change management strategy for implementing the new inspection l~

and assessment programs will be communication with the staff both during and after development.

16. " Change management" concerns should be addressed as part of developing the transition



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12 October 9,1998 l

18. Training to include overview of specific program changes as well as restatement of selected l

Inspection fundamentals regarding interfaces with licensees.

l Deferrals and Susoensions:

l Upon Commission approval, the staff wift suspended SALP in a structured manner. Plant performance will continues to be addressed by Plant Performance Reviews (PPRs). The i

resources to accommodate the accelerated efforts of the Tasking Memorandum pertaining to


inspection, enforcement and performance assessment will be derived from a combination of l

those efforts planned previously in these areas, staff redirection over the next year, and the l

resources derived from suspension of the SALP process. The expectation is that by January, l

1999 progress on the enhanced assessment process will be sufficient to determine whether the l

SALP process will be conducted in the future.

l RES work assessing the effectiveness of the station blackout and anticipated transient without scram rules and generic safety issue A-45 (decay heat removal) will be deferred from 12/98 to 4/99. (9700346)(NRR) l l

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13 October 9,1998


11. Reactor Insoection and En.forcement SES Manager: James Lieberman, Director, Office of Enforcement B. Enforcement Pronram Initiatives L

l lasues/ Lead Individual:

1) NRC-licensee documentation and disposition of non-risk significant violations

- Mark Satorius



2) Severity LevelIV violations l

- Mark Satorius

3) Industry Enforcement Process Proposals Mark Satorius -

l Due to the manner that these three issues are linked, all are being considered under one Plan of l


t Objective: Reduce licensee burdens associated with responding to non risk significant violations (Issues Nos.1 and 2) utilizing initial stakeholder inputs and proposals and soliciting stakeholder feedback following implementation of Enforcement Program changes (Issue No.-43), without losing the NRC's ability to detect licensee problems in a timely manner.


~ Coordination: Issues ll.A. " Risk Informed Baseline Core inspection Program," II.B. " Enforcement.

Program Initiatives," ll.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lil.A. " Performance Assessment Process improvements," and VI.G " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and

- the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are

- coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the L

other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved.

Examples include, intra project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated for impact.


Milestone Date Lead i


1. Implement an Enforcement Guidance Memorandum EGM M. Satorius


(EGM) to clarify guidance under the existing issued on L

Enforcement Policy that provides licensees incentives 7/27/98C to self-identify and correct problems in order to avoid the issuance of notices of violations.

2. Monitor the success of EGM 98-006 on lessening Begin M. Satorius l

the burden to licensees by reducing the volume of 9/1/98 and Severity Level IV violations, including violations not continue cited and both those requiring and not requiring a response.


14 October 9,1998


3. Conduct a public meeting with stakeholders to solicit 9/3/980 M. Satorius input on the manner that the Enforcement Policy may be revised.
4. Utilize previously received written inputs from 9/18/98C M. Satorius external stakeholders that provides positions on the manner that the objectives shculd be accomplished.
5. Submit a Commission Paper incorporating the views 10/10/90 M. Satorius of internal and external stakeholders that provides the 10/23/98 Commission several options (and the staff's recommendation) on the manner to achieve the objectives by proposing an Enforcement Policy change.

This peper and the picpcsed changes wlll alsc address the agency's respense to lndustry's cencerns ln the use cf "regul story 3lgnificence." (0000009) (OE) (9800174)


6. Commission approves staff Enforcement Policy 11/16/98 M. Satorius revision and the Revised Policy is published in the Federal Register, with the message to stakeholders that six months after implementation of the Revised Policy, public meeting / workshops will be held for stakeholder feedback.
7. Conduct Regional Enforcement Coordinator 12/1/98 M. Satorius meeting / training on the Revised Enforcement Policy.
8. Conduct video conferencing with Regional Week of M. Satorius managers to outline the changes to the Enforcement 12/7/98 Policy and provide agency expectations.
9. Conduct training in the Regional offices, with a Late M. Satorius focus on agency expectations for the Revised November-Enforcement Policy. EDO/DEDE/DEDR provides Early senior management's expectations at the scheduled December counterpart meetings attended by those individuals.


10. Implement revised Enforcement Policy.

30-days M. Satorius after the Policy is published in the Federal Register (assume 12/16/98)

15 October 9,1998


11. Evatuste inspection data to determine the extent of 12/16/98, M. Satorius success that EGM 98-006 had in reducing burden to and update licensees. Provide this information to the Chairman for until the the Senate Hearing. (9800158)(OE) time of the hearing
12. Collect enforcement data following the Begin M. Satorius implementation of the Revised Enforcement Policy, for 12/16/98, later use in determining the success of the changes in and accomplishing the objectives.

continue THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead n

13. Solicit feedback from regional management, the Spring M. Satorius inspection staff, and headquarters staff on the 1999 successes or failures of the Revised Enforcement Policy.
14. Conduct public meetings / workshops with 6/16/99 M. Satorius stakeholders, one in the Washington area and one in an area around a Region, to solicit feedback on the successes and shortcomings of the Revised Enforcement Policy.

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

15. Assemble the collective vieva' of the staff and 9/1/99 M. Satorius stakeholders to determine whether the Revised Enforcement Policy has accomplished the objectives, or whether further staff action is needed. Submit

_ Commission paper. (9800159) (OE)

5. Reflects SRM guidance.

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16 October 9,1998 lI. Reactor Inspection and Enforcement


SES Manager: James Lieberman, Director, Office of Enforcement C. Escalated Enforcement Procram Initiatives "Reaulatory Slanificance"/ Risk Objective: Incorporate clearer risk-informed enforcement guidance in the treatment of escalated violations.

I PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Conduct a public meeting with stakeholders to solicit input 9/3/98C M. Satorius, on the manner that risk should be incorporated into the OE Enforcement Policy
2. Submit a Commission Paper lncorporet ng the vieves of 40M6/98 M. Satorius, intern &l &nd externa! sideheiders thet prev des the 10/30/98 OE Comm:55len sever &l cptions (end the eleffs recommend & tion) on the menner to schieve the objectives by pioposing sn ChiGiCeinent 70'UCy Ch&nge. Ih55 PLpei Lndthe piDpOLed chenges velll slso sddreas the egency's respcase te indestry's concems1n that addresses the use of " regulatory significance."

(9800069) (CE)

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

3. Develop risk informed examples for inclusion in the 3/15/99 M. Satorius, supplements of the Enforcement Policy.


4. Discuss examples with stakeholders and solicit feedback 3/29/99 M. Satorius, OE
5. Submit a Commission Paper utilizing the input frorn issue 5/1/99 M. Satorius, l.D.14 and the examples developed above to revise the OE Enforcement Policy. (9800155)(OE)


2. Following Commission action on Milestone 2 the staff will proceed with the implementation actions discussed in Specific issue ll.B. Due date change based on OE concentrating its efforts to develop the Commission paper on making changes to the enforcement policy to reduce t

' unnecessary licensee burdens in the area of non-escalated enforcement action, i

3-5 input will be provided by NRR and RES.

17 October 9,1998 Ill.Toolc Area: Reactor Licensee Performance Assessment SES Manager: M. Johnson, Acting Chief, PIPB/DlSP/NRR A_.jpecific lasue: Performance Assessment Process imcrovements (IRAP. Industrv's Proposal, and Performance Indicators)

Program Manager: David Gamberoni Objective: The objective of this task is to develop and implement improvements to the NRC plant performance assessment process to make it more risk-informed, efficient, and effective while combining the best attributes of the IRAP effort, the regulatory oversight approach proposed by NEl, and the staff efforts designed to develop risk-informed performance indicators.

Coordination: Issues ll.A. " Risk Informed Baseline Core Inspection Program," II.B. " Enforcement Program initiatives," II.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lli.A. " Performance Assessment Process improvements," and VI.G " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved.

Examples include, intra project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated for impact.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Transition to an annual senior management meeting C

J. Isom, DISP

2. Review and discuss with NEl their proposed assessment 8/98C D. Gamberoni, process DISP
3. Suspend SALP upon Commission approval TOO.

D. Carnbereni 9/98 C T. Boyce, DISP

4. Hold public workshop to obtain extemal stakeholderinput 9/98 C T.Frye, DISP D.Gamberoni, DISP
5. Research to provide risk insights on oversight framework 9/98 C M. Cunningham, (corner stones)


6. End of public comment period for performance 10/6/98 T. Fryo, DISP assessment process improvement

18 October 9,1998 PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milcstone Date Lead

7. Brief ACRS to obtain their input' 10/98 C M. Johnson, DISP
8. Brief Commission on results of public comments 10/98 M. Johnson, DISP i
9. AEOD awards contract for risk-base'd performance 11/98 T. Wolf, AEOD indicator development.
10. Research to provide recommendations on formulation of 12/98 M. Cunningham, a risk-informed assessment and inspection concept.


11. Hold regional and headquarters meetings to obtain 11/98 M. Johnson, DISP internal stakeholder input
12. Brief ACRS to obtain their input 11/98 M. Johnson, DISP 123. Brief Commission TAs 12/98 M. Johnson, DISP 164. Provide results of review of public comments and 1/99 M. Johnson, DISP recommendation for cha,nges to the assessment process to the Commission. Submit Commission paper. (9700238)

(NRR) 145. Brief Commission on recommendations (9700238) 1/99 M. Johnson, (NRR)

DISP THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead 156. Obtain Commission approval for implementation of 3/99 M. Johnson, DISP recommended changes 167. Obtain Industry approval to make public the data used 6/99 T. Wolf, AEOD in Industry's proposed Indicators for monitoring plant performance. Begin phase out of current Performance Indicator Program.

178. Complete development of implementation plan. Start 6/99 M. Johnson, DISP phase-in of the revised assessment process.

109. Begin trial application of risk-based performance 6/99 T. Wolf, AEOD indicators.

m _ur m e

19 October 9,1998 I

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead 4920. Complete trial application, brief Commission, and publish 11/99 T. Wolf, AEOD candidate risk-based indicators for public comment. (9800160)

(AEOD) 201. Publish last Performance Indicator Report using current 1/00 T. Wolf, AEOD Pls 2+2. Hold pubhc workshop on candidate risk-based 2/00 T. Wolf, AEOD performance indicators.

223. Complete phase-in of the revised assessment process 6/00 M. Johnson, DISP 234. Brief commission on proposed risk based performance 10/00 T. Wolf, AEOD indicators developed cooperatively by NRC and industry (9800161) (AEOD) 245. Implement Commission approved risk-based performance 1/01 T. Wolf, AEOD indicators developed cooperatively by NRC and industry M. Johnson, DISP 256. Complete evaluation of implementation and effectiveness 6/01 M. Johnson, DISP of the revised assessment process Comments:

4. The pub'ic workshop is scheduled for Ospiernber 20 - October 1,1000.

Status: All milestones are on track, there are no schedule changes, and there are no expected delays.

12. Additional milestone was added to meet the objective.

Deferrals and Susoensions:

Upon Commiss on approval, the staff wit! suspended SALP in a structured manner. Plant performance witFcontinues to be addressed by plant performance reviews (PPRs). The resources to accommodate the accelerated efforts of the Tasking Memorandum pertaining to i

inspection, e.1forcement and performance assessment will be derived from a combination of those efforts planned previously in these areas, staff redirection over the next year, and the i

resources derived from suspension of the SALP process. The expectation is that by January, l

1999 progress on the enhanced assessment process will be sufficient to determine whether the l

SALP process will be conducted in the future.

The Agency intends to use the proposed Industry performance indicators in the assessment of plant performance to the maximum extent possible. Their impact on the regulatory process will depend on their ability to provide information needed to assure that key safety " cornerstones" are being met. A phased approach is envisioned wherein consensus on the " cornerstones" and the attributes of indicators will be reached. The proposed industry li.dicators will be used l

l l

l 20 October 9,1998 I

accordingly and the current NRC Performance Indicators will be phased out. In parallel, the agency will work with industry and other stakeholders to develop a more comprehensive set of risk-based performance indicators to more directly assess plant performance relative to the j

" cornerstones". These risk-based indicators will be phased in as part of an evolutionary


approach to increasing the risk-informed, performance based nature of regulation.

l i

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l L

r I-I' l


21 October 9,1998 IV.Toolc Area: Reactor Licensino and Overslaht SES Manager: Chris Grimes, Director, PDLR/DRPM/NRR A. Specific issue: License Henewal (includes Calvert Cliffs, Oconee and Ceneric Process improvements)

Objective: Demonstrate that license renewal applications submitted under 10 CFR Parts 54 & 51 can be reviewed effectively, efficiently and promptly.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Maintain Calvert Cliffs and Oconee schedules Ongoing C. Grimes, DRPM
2. Conduct bi-monthly meetings with license renewal bimonthly C. Grimes, DRPM applicants
3. Issued Policy Statement " Conduct of Adjudicatory 7/28/98C OGC Proceedings" Issued 63 FR 41,872 (8/5/98)
4. Issued case specific order-Calvert Cliffs 8/19/98C OGC
5. Steering Committee meeting with NEl Working Group 6/18/98C C. Grimes, DRPM 8/20/98C
6. ACRS subcommittee meeting on renewal process 7/16/98C C Grimes, DRPM
7. Agree on generic issue inventory / priority with NEl 9/98C C. Grimes, DRPM
8. Increased emphasis on renewal with EC and LRSC Ongoing C. Grimes, DRPM
9. Staff complete technical RAls - Calvert Cliffs 9/7/980 C. Grimes, DRPM
10. Staff complete environmental RAls - Calvert Cliffs 40/7/98 C. Grimes, DRPM 9/28/98C
11. ACRS subcommittee briefing on renewal activities 11/18/98 C. Grimes, DRPM M12. Staff complete technical RAls - Oconee 12/4/98 C. Grimes, DRPM

_213. Staff complete environmental RAls - Oconee 1/3/99 C. Grimes, D. RPM


22 October 9,1998 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead 4014. Issue Draft Environmental Statement for comment 3/6/99 C. Grimes, DRPM

- Calvert Cliffs 4415. Complete Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and 3/21/99 C. Grimes, DRPM identify open items - Calvert Cliffs

16. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Calvert Cliffs SER 4/99 C. Grimes, DRPM and open items
17. ACRS full committee meeting on Calvert Cliffs SER 5/99 C. Grimes, DRPM and open items 4518. Issue Draft Environmental Statement - Oconee 6/2/99 C. Grimes, DRPM

_4619. Complete SER and identify open items - Oconee 6/17/99 C. Grimes, DRPM BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

20. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Oconee SER and 7/99 C. Grimes, DRPM open items
21. ACRS full committee meeting on Oconee SER and 9/99 C. Grimes, DRPM open items 4722. Issue Supplemental SER and Final Environmental 11/16/99 C. Grimes, DRPM Statement - Calvert Cliffs
23. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Calvert Cliffs 1/00 C. Grimes, DRPM Supplemental SER
24. ACRS full committee meeting on Calvert Cliffs 2/00 C. Grimes, DRPM Supplemental SER 4625. Issue Supplemental SER and Final Environmental 2/12/00 C. Grimes, DRPM Statement - Oconee
26. ACRS subcommittee meeting on Oconee 3/00 C. Grimes, DRPM Supplemental SER
27. ACRS full committee meeting on Oconee 5/00 C. Grimes, DRPM Supplemental SER 4928. Complete staff review of initial applications within Ongoing C. Grimes, DRPM 30-36 months

~ _ _ _ _ _

I l

23 October 9,1998 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 2029. Hearing (if request granted)

Per Comm.



1. Commission approves detailed license renewal schedules in terms of significant review milestones that will be included in the Operating Plan and monitored for Congressional reports.

6 & 7. Steering Committee meetings with industry and ACRS subcommittee meetings with staff will continue periodically to ensure effective resolution of technical and process issues. The Steering Committee will periodically report progress to the Executive Council in accordance with the memo to Chairman Jackson dated 3/6/98.

19. Next (third) application expected by late 1999.

j l

24 October 9,1998 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licdnsina and Overslaht SES Manager: Jack Roe, Acting Director, DRPM/NRR B. Specific Issue: 50.59 Rulemaking Objective: To provide clarity and flexibility in existing requirements PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue SECY 98-171 providing proposed revisions to 7/10/98C E. McKenna, DRPM 10CFR50.59 for Commission review and approval
2. Issue COMSECY 98-013 forwarding staff response 5/27/98 C E. McKenna, DRPM to issues raised in SRM on SECY 97-205 (3/24/98)
3. Conduct meeting with industry /public to solicit views 8/98C M. Drouin, RES on options for making 50.59 risk-informed
4. Issue proposed rule changes on 10CFR50.59 for 0/90 E. McKenna, DRPM public comment 10/98
5. Trial application of actual 50.59 test cases to assess 10/98 M. Drouin, RES options
6. ACRS Subcommittee Meeting 10/98 M. Drouin, RES
7. End of public comment period 44/90 E. McKenna, DRPM 12/98
8. Draft Options paper to ACRS 11/15/98 M. Drouin, RES
9. ACRS Full Committee 12/98 M. Drouin, RES
10. Report to NRR on options and recommendations 12/15/98 M. Drouin, RES
11. Resolve issues identified durina comment period 1/99 E. McKenna DRPM m

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead l

12. ACRS and CRGR review of final rulemaki:'g package sedy 0/99 E.McKenna, 2/99 DRPM
13. Issue paper containing final 10CFR50.59 rule to the 9/992/99 E.McKenna, Commission (9700191) (NRR) and provide DRPM recommendation on scope of 10 CFR 50.59 (9800044)(NRR) l

25 October 9,1998 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999

14. Publish final rule change 10CFR50.59 6/99-4/99 E.McKenna, DRPM Comments:

3,5,6,8 10. RES assessing options and recommending approach to make 50.59 risk informed.

4. T' aper en prepcsed icle at the Comm selcn avia : n; appicvel SRM issued 9/26/98.

NMSS/SFPO is working in conjunction with NRR to modify 10 CFR 72.48 which is comparable to 10 CFR 50.59 (Contact: W. Kane) 4 and 7,11-14. These milestones changes reflect de:eys ln prev lcusly estaM st.ed act.edcles is feHect the deliberations occurring at the Commission on policy issues. Any further delays in ge: ting the rvle pub!!ahed for comment velll reovlt ln sdd;;;cnal delays ln pub l!ahing the fins l ivle.


The start of RES work on low power and shutdown risk will be deferred from 10/98 to 1/99.

(9800039) (RES)


26 October 9,1998 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensino and Overslaht SES Manager: Dave Matthews, Deputy Director, DRPM, NRR C. Specific issue: FSAR Update Guidance Objective: To provide consistent guidance on Information to be contained in FSAR PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Submit SECY 98-087 to Commission which contains 4/20/98C T. Bergman, proposed guidance on information to be contained in DRPM FSAR
2. SRM/SECY 98-087 directs staff to work with industry to 6/30/98C T. Bergman, resolve issues and endorse industry guidance' DRPM
3. Issue staff comments on NEl 98-03 dated 7/8/98 6/20/98 T. Bergman, 9/1/980 DRPM
4. Receive revised NEl 98-03 ear ly Oct.

T. Bergman,

+998 DRPM 9/30/98C S. Resolve final staff comments early Nov.

T. Bergman, 1998 DRPM

6. ACRS and CRGR review of SECY and draft regulatory early Nov.

T. Bergman, guide which endorses industry guidance 1998 DRPM

7. Submit paper with draft regulatory guide to 12/24/90 T. Bergman, Commission (9700198)(NRR) 12/31/98 DRPM
8. Publish draft regulatory guide endorsing NEl 98-03 for 1/28/99 T. Bergman, comment (60 days)


Milestone Date Lead

9. Resolve issues identified during public comment period 5/30/99 T. Bergman, DRPM
10. ACRS and CRGR review of SECY and final early June T. Bergman, regulatory guide 1999 DRPM

i e

l 27 October 9,1998 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

11. Submit paper and final regulatory guide to 8/1/99 T. Bergman, DRPM Commission (9700198)(NRR)


1. If closure can be reached with NEl, a regulatory guide will be the product; if not, a generic letter will be used.
2. Regarding M;lestene No. 4, a moo lng is planned foilste August or esily Coptember.
7. Reflects SRM guidance.

l t


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28 October 9,1998 l

IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Overslaht SES Manager: Dave Matthews, Deputy Director, DRPM/NRR E Specific issue: Define Deslan Basis l

Objective: To provide a clear definition of what constitutes design bases information.

l PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. NEl submits 97-04 for information 10/8/97C t
2. SRM/SECY 97-205 directs staff to continue to 3/24/98C S. Magruder, DRPM develop guidance regarding design bases issues
3. Issue preliminary staff comments on NEl 97-04 8/18/98C S. Magruder, DRPM
4. Meet with NEl to discuss staff comments on eady S. Magruder, DRPM NEl 97-04 Sept-4998 9/18/980
5. NEl submits revised NEl 97-04 for review and early endorsement Dec.


6. Resolve final staff comments late Jan.

S. Magruder, DRPM 1999 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

7. ACRS and CRGR review of SECY and draft early S. Magruder, DRPM regulatory guide that endorses NEl 97-04 Feb.


8. Submit paper with draft regulatory guide to 2/26/99 S. Magruder, DRPM Commission (9800044) (NRR)
9. Publish draft regulatory guide for public comment 3/19/99 S. Magruder, DRPM (60 days) l l

l 29 October 9,1998 l*

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

10. Resolve issues identified during public comment 7/19/99 S. Magruder, DRPM period
11. ACRS and CRGR review of paper and final early S. Magruder, DRPM regulatory guide Aug.


12. Submit paper and final re0ulatory guide that 10/1/99 S. Magruder, DRPM l

endorses NEl 97-04 to Commission (9803044)(NRR)



5. a.

Schedule depends on NEl react lor.d review of staff comments and willingness to submit NEl 97-04 for staff endorsement.


NEl's initial reaction at 9/18/98 meeting was that NEl 97-04 should not be submitted for staff review and endorsement. However, NEl agreed to discuss this with their design basis working group and get back to the staff. Should NEl decide not to submit NEl 97-04 for review and endorsement, this topic area issue will need to be revised significantly.

4 i

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l 30 October 9,1998 l

IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Overslaht SES Manager: Bruce Boger, Acting Associate Director for Projects, NRR l

E. Specific issue: Imoroved Standard TS Lead: TSB Lead PM for each facility conversion Objective: Conversion of facility technical specifications to the appropriate improved standard 1

technical specifications will promote more consistent interpretation and application of technical specification requirements, thereby reducing the need for interpretations and frequent changes to the technical specifications. The goal for each milestone listed below is to complete the conversions currently under review such that the above objectives are met for the affected facilities.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue ISTS Amendments for McGuire 1&2 and Catawba 1&2 09/98 ADPR C
2. Issue ISTS Amendments for Oconee 1/2/3*

40/98 ADPR 12/98

3. Issue iSTS Amendments for Byron 1&2* and Braidwood 1&2*

44/96 ADPR 12/98

4. Issue ISTS Amendments for Comanche Peak 1&2*, Wolf 12/98 ADPR Creek *, Callaway*, and Diablo Canyon 1&2*


Milestone Date Lead

5. Issue ISTS Amendments for Farley 1&2*

03/99 ADPR 5/99

6. Issue ISTS Amendment for Fermi 2*

OW99 ADPR 5/99 j

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999*

l Milestone Date Lead

7. Issue ISTS Amendment for Palisades
  • 07/99 ADPR



31 October 9,1998 1

Comments l

2,3i5 and 6. The new due dates are a result of recent interactions with the affected licensee and are based upon licensee schedules to respond to issues and licensee desires for additional l

review time of the drait SER. The accelerated due dates previously provided did not permit sufficient time. The new dates do not adversely impact licensee implementation schedules.


  • Completion of the milestones as listed depends upon the quality of the licensee's submittals and timeliness of response to staff RAls.



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32 October 9,1998 W. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Overslaht SES Manager: John Stolz, Acting Director, DRPM/NRR F. Specific issue: Generic CoInmunications Objective: Ensure the appropriate use of generic communications, increasing the efficiency of issuance, and utilizing the rulemaking process when appropriate.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue memorandum on immediate changes to generic 8/7/98C J. Stolz, DRPM letter process (ET review of strategy; graded approach)
2. Meet with NEl for input on industry views on generic 8/27/98C J. Stolz, DRPM communications
3. Complete self assessment and needed improvement to 12/98 R. Dennig, DRPM generic communications process. Issue report.

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

" Process improvements based upon self assessment results completed in 12/98 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:

1. Generic communications discussed with INPO ln telephone conference 7/31/98 i

l i


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33 October 9,1998 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensino and Overslaht SES Manager: Bruce Boger, Acting Associate Director for Projects, NRR G. SDeClflC lasue: CALs Objective: Confirmatory Action Letters (CALs) are issued to emphasize and confirm a licensee's l

or vendor's agreement to take certain actions in response to specific issues. The NRC expects licensees / vendors to adhere to any obligations and commitments addressed in a CAL and will 1ssue appropriate orders to ensure that the obligations and commitments are met. The goal of l

the milestones listed below is to ensure that staff guidance on the use of CALs is appropriate and that the staff exercises appropriate discipline in the development and issuance of CAls.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead l

1. Review existing CALs (all future CALs must be reviewed by 9/30/98 C ADPR Director, NRR)
2. Reinforce expectations regarding use of current CALs to 9/24/98 C D. Pickett, ADPR/ Region management ADPR
3. Review / issue revised guidance documents for threshold for 11/98 D. Pickett, issuance of CALs (i.e., IMC 0350, procedures, etc.) to ensure ADPR the existence of clear criteria for consistent decision making.


4. Reinforce expectations regarding revised guidance on use of 11/98 D. Pickett, CALs to ADPR/ Region management ADPR i

Comments Status: All milestones are on track, there are no schedule changes, and there are no expected delays.

l l


34 October 9,1998 l

IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Overslaht SES Manager: Jack Roe, Acting Director, DRPM/NRR H. Specific issue: Apolicability of Backfit Rule to Decommissionina Activities l

Objective: Resolve issue regarding proper interpretation and application of the Backfit Rule to decommissioning activities PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue initial determination on Maine Yankee backfit 4/21/980 J. Roe, DRPM claim
2. Maine Yankee appeals backfit determination and 6/9/98C S. Weiss, DRPM presents backfit position to staff
3. Determination of Maine Yankee backfit appeal 0/20/90 J. Zwolinski, 10/30/98 DRPE
4. Brief EDO on the status of Commission paper on 9/10/90 S. Weiss, DRPM backfit rule 9/29/980
5. Forward draft Commission paper on backfit rule to EDO 10/23/98 S. Weiss, DRPM (9800162) (NRR)
6. Meeting with Maine Yankee regarding backfit issues 10/26/98 S. Weiss, DRPM
7. Issue Commission paper on backfit rule 11/30/98 S. Weiss, DRPM 1
8. Brief NEl on Commission decision 12/31/98 S. Weiss, DRPM THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead None BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead None

9 35 October 9,1998 Comments

3. Reflects additional time necessary to complete staff review of the backfit appeal, h

8 4


l 1

i 36 October 9,1998 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensino and Overslaht l

i l

SES Manager: Brian Sheron, Acting Associate Director for Technical Review, NRR I. Specific lasue: Reauests for AdditionalInformation Objective: To refine / define RAI process and ensure that staff RAl's are adding value to the l

regulatory process.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Discuss issue of ensuring appropriateness of RAl's with Complete B. Sheron, ADT management and staff (including content, quality and continued oversight)
2. Communicate with licensees via telecon prior to issuing Ongoing ADPR RAl.
3. Meet with intemal stakeholders to discuss possible 9/14/98C
8. Sheron, ADT closure of amendments with outstanding RAls and improved tracking of amendments with outstanding RAls.
4. Form panel of staff reviewers to brainstorm on 9/15/980 B. Sheron, ADT suggested improvements to the RAI process.
5. Stakeholder meeting with NEl on license amendment 10/5/980 B. Sheron, ADT/

and RAI process to solicit feedback from licensees.


6. Discussissues with each technical branch in NRR.

Ongoing B. Sheron, ADT

7. Discuss issues with regional division directors at 12/1/98 B. Sheron, ADT DRS/DRP counterpart meetings.


8. Issue guidance to staff on content, quality and threshold 12/98 S. Peterson, ADT of RAl's and commencement of initial acceptance review.


&9. Monitor outgoing RAls and responses Ongoing B. Sheron, ADT RES, NMSS

10. Solicit feedback from licensee's on RAls Periodic ADPR/

B. Sheron, ADT Comments i

Status : All milestones on are track, there are no schedule changes and there are no expected delays.

2 7. Additional milestones were added to meet the objective.


37 October 9,1998 IV. Toolc Area: Reactor Licensina and Oversloht SES Manager: Bruce Boger, Acting Associate Director for Projects, NRR l

J. Specific lasue: 2.206 Petitions Objective: The objectives of the 2.206 Petition review process include ensuring the public health and safety through the prompt and thorough evaluation of any potential safety problem addressed by a petition filed under 10 CFR 2.206 and to ensure effective, timely communication with the petitioner (Management Directive 8.11). The objective of the actions listed below is to identify and irnplement measures to improve the timeliness of staff response to petitions.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Establish a Petif.on Review Board to ensure 10/97C R. Subbaratnam, management involvement early in the process ADPR
2. Establish public availability of monthly 2.206 Petition 04/98C R. Subbaratnam, Status Reports at the NRC Web site ADPR (http://www.nrc. gov /NRC/PUBLIC/2206/index.html)
3. Assess timeliness of resolution of 2.206 petitions and 10/30/98 R. Subbaratnam, brief EDO on the results and any proposed process ADPR improvements
4. Implement proposed 2.206 process improvements (if 12/98 R. Subbaratnam, any)

ADPR THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

5. Show measured improvement in timeliness of 03/99 R. Subbaratnam, resolution of 2.206 petitions ADPR Comments Status: All milestones are on track, there are no schedule changes, and there are no expected delays.

i i


38 October 9,1998 l

IVToolc Area: Reactor Licainsina and Overslaht SES Manager: John F. Stolz, Chief, PECB/DRPM/NRR K. Soecific issue: Apolication of the Backfit Rule i

Ensure that the staff closely adheres to the backfit rule,10 CFR 50.109 in evaluating Objective:

l all additional requirements, expansion in scope or unique interpretations against actual impact on public health and safety. Focus will be directed on risk informed, performance based regulation; also coordinating with backfit related concerns on Generic communications (IV.F) and Decommissioning (IV.H) and Evaluation of Industry Proposals and Rulemaking (l.A).

i PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead l

10/98 R. Dennig, DRPM l

1. Response to NEl letter 8/11/98. NEl recommendation for Near-Term Reg. Improvement - Recommendation 4,

" Application of the Backfit Rule"(a. Decommissioning; l

b. Averted On-site Costs)
2. Meeting with NEl on backfit concerns 11/98 R. Dennig, DRPM; i


3. Prepare staff positions on 12/98 R. Dennig, DRPM backfit related issues
a. Averted on site Costs R. Dennig, DRPM
  • b. Handling of compliance backfit considering risk of 12/98 non-compliance (1) consider Exemptions per 10 CFR 50.12 (2) Early industry involvement in Generic l

Communications process (Topic IV. Issue F Milestone 3).

4. Meeting with EDO on items 3 a, b 12/98 R. Dennig, DRPM
5. Meeting with NEl on items 12/98 R. Dennig, DRPM l
a. Items 3a & b
  • b. Commission decision on backfit to Decommissioning 12/98 S. Weiss, DRPM Activities (Topics IV. Issue H Milestone 8)
6. Commission Papers 11/98 R. Barrett, DSSA
  • a. Options on Backfitting implications from modifying M. Cunningham, RES Part 50 to be risk-informed (Topic l. Issue A.

Milestone 10) (9800152) (NRR)


b. on items 3a. b (9800175) (NRR) 1/99 R. Dennig, DRPM t

l l

1 39 October 9,1998 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

7. CRGR Yearly Meeting with NUBARG on Backfit issues.

Spring 99 CRGR BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

8. CRGR Annual Report - includes Industry Feed back on Summer 99 CRGR Effectiveness of Backfitting Process
9. Backfit Training at Headquarters and Regions FY99 AEOD/NRR/HR Comments:
  • Reference milestone on other Topic / Specific issues noted.

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40 October 9,1998 V. Toolc Area: NRC Oraanizational Structure and Resources SES MANAGER:

Paul E. Bird, Director, HR A. Specific issue: Reoraanization - Restructurin a Line Oraanizations Lead Manager:

James F. McDermott, Deputy Director, HR Objective: To improve organizational effectiveness and determine resources required to carry out NRC activities through internal functional realignments and human resource reallocations.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Offices initiate plans for proposed restructuring 8/19/980 J. McDermott l
2. All Employees Meeting 9/3/980 J. McDermott
3. Restructuring proposals submitted to Commission 9/30/980 J. McDermott (9800163) (HR) 10/1/98C l
4. Completion of Commission review of restructuring 10/28/98 J. McDermott proposal l

S. Partnering process completed for reorganization 11/28/98 J. McDermott l

packages j

6. Reorganization plans finalized 12/31/98 J. McDermott
7. Implementation begins 1/19/99 J. McDermott l

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 i.

Milestone Date Lead

8. Implementation completed 3/31/99 J. McDermott
3. Memo to Chairman Jackson 9/20/98 and SECY 98-228 dated 10/1/98.

J r


41 October 9,1998 V. Toolc Area: NRC Oraanizational Structure and Resources SES MANAGER:

Paul E. Bird, Director, HR B. Specific lasue: Achievina 1:8 supervisor /manaaer to-employee ratios Lead Manager:

James F. McDermott, Deputy Director, HR Objective: To reduce supervisory and SES positions to achieve an agency wide supervisor / manager-to-employee ratio target of one supervisor / manager for every eight NRC employees.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Continue existing supervisor / manager-to-employee Ongoing J. McDermott ratio reduction efforts
2. All Employses Meeting 9/3/98C J. McDermott
3. Quarterly assessment of supervisor / manager-to-10/98 J. McDermott employee ratio
4. Develop targeted strategies to achieve supervisory 10/98 J. McDermott ratio goals
5. Year end assessment of supervisor / manager-to-1/99 J. McDermott employee ratio incorporating the results of attrition, including the effect of early outs or buy outs (should buyouts be authorized by Congress) l THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 l

Milestone Date Lead l

6. Complete implementation of reorganizations 3/31/99 J. McDermott developed to achieve streamlining goals
7. Implement strategies to achieve supervisory ratio 3/31/99 J. McDermott targets
8. Quarterly assessment of supervisor / manager to-4/99 J. McDermott employee ratio
9. Implement strategies to achieve supervisory ratio 5/31/99 J. McDermott 4

targets t

i l

i i

l l

42 October 9,1998 l

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 l

Milestones Date Lead i

10. Quarterly assessment of supervisor / manager to-7/99 J. McDermott employee ratio l
11. Implement strategies to achieve supervisory ratio 7/15/99 J. McDermott targets l


The milestones in the table above focus only on those aspects of the streamlining effort that address the supervisor / manager to-employee ratio. Activity extends beyond the March 31,1999, deadline 1

established for the structural changes contained in issue 1 since the human resources side of the effort are the most complex and difficult aspects of the overall reorganization to implement.

I i

l L


43 October 9,1998 V. ToDic Area: NRC Oraanitational Structure and Resources SES MANAGER:

Paul E. Bird, Director, HR C. SDeCIflC issue: Increase amis reSDonSibilitleS Lead Manager:

Individual Office and Regional managers 1

Objective: To enhance organizational effectiveness under the specific conditions imposed by the agency-wide streamlining effort, including functional realignments, reductions in supervisory / managerial personnel, and increased spans of management control by delegating greater responsibility and accountability to individual employees r-d fostering greater interactive communications between employees and management. Iso ;c ', builds on existing efforts to increase staff responsibilities using these same techniques.


1. Continue previous general efforts to foster Ongoing J. McDermott delegations of responsibility and accountability to i

employees and more interactive communications between employees and managers. Monitor office progress

2. All employees meeting 9/3/980 J. McDermott
3. Provide guidance to managers on the need to 9/00/00 J. McDermott consider greater use of delegations of responsibilny 10/9/98 and accountability to employees.
4. Begin implementing delegations of responsibility and 1/19/99 J. McDermott accountability as techniques to enhance agency effectiveness on an office-by office basis 1

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

5. Continue implementation af delegations of 3/31/99 J. McDermott iesponsibility and accountr.oility as individual office I

reorganizations are completed and implemented l


The milestones for this issue establish a logical time period for beginning the local office process of employee delegations / empowerment planning and a logical point at which the local office environment should be transformed to a new culture.

3. In OEDO as of 10/6/98.

l i



l 44 October 9,1998

' VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SLS: Robert Wood, DRPM/NRR 4

SES Manager: Joe Gray, OGC A. Specific issue: License Transfers j

4 Objective: To ensure that license transfers are conducted in a timely and technically correct manner and that review and submittal guidance is appropriately disseminated.

5 PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead i

1. Issued proposed 10CFR Part 2 Subpart M hearing 8/14/98C J. Gray, OGC l

process - paper to Commission (SECY 98-197) 1

2. Publish proposed rule on license transfer (see SECY-0/20/90 J. Fitzgerald, OGC 98-197) 9/11/98C i
3. Submit final rules to Commission 11/3/98 J. Fitzgerald, OGC
4. Commission approves / affirms final rules 11/17/98 J. Fitzgerald, OGC 4
5. Publish final rules in Federal Reaister.

12/24/98 J. Fitzgerald, OGC i


6. Final rules are effective.

12/24/98 J. Fitzgerald, OGC

7. Complete technical review of TMI 1 transfer See R. Wood, DRPM comment THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 a

Milestone Date Lead

8. Provide Commission with proposed final criteria for 0/10/99 R. Wood, DRPM triggering a review under 10CFR50.80 regarding the 6/25/99 transfer of operating authority to non-owner operators (i.e.,

use of contract service operating companies). (9800015)


9. Issue lessons learned from Ameraen TMI-1 transfer 6/99 R. Wood, DRPM BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
10. Issue process improvement re: foreign ownership 12/99 S. Hom,0GC R. Wood, DRPM


45 October 9,1998 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999

11. Develop SRP on technical qualifications 12/99 DRCH
12. Develop SRP on license transfer process TBD S. Hom, OGC R. Wood,DRPM Comments: S. Reflects SRM guidance.

Status: M milestones are on track, there are no schedule changes, and there are no expected delays.

4. Submittal + 3 months l

l I

46 October 9,1998 VI. Topic Area: Other Aaen'cv Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: Chris Grimes, Director, PDLR/DRPM/NRR B. Specific issue: AP-600 Deslan Certification Rulemakina Objective: Issue FDA and design certification rule PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue FDA 9/3/98C T. Quay, DRPM THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead issue proposed rule [PRM]


.J.N. Wilson, DRPM_

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

.lssue Final Rule [FRN}

10/99 J.N. Wilson, DRPM_



Public availability of design documentation Approach:


Review Design Control Document (DCD) 2.

Work with Westinghouse and the Office of the Federal Register to provide suitable public access to the DCD 3.

Issue proposed design certification rule for public comment 4.

Conduct public hearing,if requested 5.

Evaluate and respond to public comments 6.

Issue Final design certification rule

1 47 October 9,1998 VI. Topic Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office


C1. Specific issue: TN-68 (Dual Purpose) Cask Review Ongoing technical review Mary Jane Ross-Lee Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the TN-68 dual purpose cask system (Comment



PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff receives response to storage RAl 09/98 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO 09/14/98C
2. Staff issues second storage RAl, if necessary 12/98 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO
3. Staff receives response to second storage RAI 01/99 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
4. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 03/99 E. Easton, SFPO
5. Staff issues draft SER and CoC for rulemaking 05/99 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
6. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 04/00 E. Easton, SFPO/

under Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS_


1. The storage review is being completed prior to the transportation review; the transportation review schedule will be determined at a subsequent time. The review schedule is based upon the assumption that the applicant will supplement its application and response to staff requests for additionalinformation on the schedule noted. At this time, no significant issues have been identified.

The licensee for Peach Bottom 1 & 2 intends to utilize this cask system.


48 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office C2. Specific issue: BNFUSNC TranStor (Dual Purpose) Cask Review Ongoing technical review T. Kobetz


Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the BNFL/SNC dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead None THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 44/98 E. Easton, SFPO 03/99
2. Staff receives updated SAR from applicant 02/99 T. Kobetz, SFPO 06/99
3. Staff issues draft SER and CoC for rulemaking 09/99 T. Kobetz, SFPO 07/29/99 l

l BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 l

Milestone Date Lead

4. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 02/00 E. Easton, SFPO/

under Part 72 06/00 P. Holahan, IMNS Comment:

1. The storage review is being completed prior to the transportation review; the transportation review schedule will be determined at a subsequent time. At this time, no significant issues have been identified, but the applicant must update the safety analysis report by rebruery June 1999. This l

review is associated with the Part 72 Trojan ISFSI (site-specific) license application, PFS, LLC intends to utilize this cask system as well.

By letter dated 09/18/98, the applicant notified the NRC that its response to the staff's 12/29/97 request for additional information will be delayed a month due to the need to support closure of issues associated with the VSC-24 cask system, to support the Trojan ISFSI application, to support existing cask users, and to ensure a complete and quality RAI response. The applicant indicated that its l

l l


49 October 9,1998 response will be issued by 10/30/98. The staff is currently evaluating the impact of the applicant's delay on the previously issued schedule.

1,2,3, & 4. Based on SFPO's current work schedule and in accordance with its staff interactions with applicant's approach, the TranStor storage cask technical review has been rescheduled for completion on July 29,1999. A letter advising the applicant of the revised schedule was issued on October 2,1998.

VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office C3. Specific Issue: Holtec HISTAR 100 (Dual Purpose) Cask Review Technical review ongoing M. Delligatti Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (tre...sportation) certificate of compliance for the Holtec HISTAR 100 dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 07/24/98C E. Easton, SFPO
2. Staff issues draft storage SER and CoC for 09/30/980 M. Delligatti, SFPO rulemaking (Part 72)

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

3. Staff issues transportation (Part 71) CoC 03/99 M. Delligatti, SFPO I

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

4. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 08/99 E. Easton, SFPO/

under Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS Comment:

1. While tha final review phase is ongoing and nearing completion, it is still unclear regarding the scope of the staff's approval on the storage component of the design. This review is being performed to support spent fuel storage requirements at Dresden 1 and Hatch 1 & 2, and PFS, LLC intends to utilize this cask system.


~. The~ draft storage sER and CoC were issued on 09/30/98. The package was sent to NMSS/INMS 2

l to commence the rulemaking process on 09/30/98.

l i

50 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaenov Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office C4. Specific issue: Westinahouse WESFLEX (Dual Purpose) Cask Review Ongoing technical review M. Bailey Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the Westinghouse WESFLEX dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff issues RAI for base storage system and W21 10/98 M. Bailey, SFPO canister
2. Staff issues RAI for W44 canister 11/98 M. Bailey, SFPO
3. Staff issues RAI for W74 canister 12/98 M. Bailey, SFPO THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead j
4. Staff receives responses to RAls 03/99 M. Bailey, SFPO BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
5. Staff issues final RAI, if necessary 07/99 M. Bailey, SFPO
6. Staff receives response to RAI,if necessary 10/99 M. Bailey, SFPO
7. Staff issues user need memorandum /,alemaking 12/99 E. Easton, SFPO
8. Staff issues draft SER and CoC for rulemaking 01/00 M. Bailey, SFPO
9. Staff complete ruiemaking; issues CoC for use under 12/00 E. Easton, SFPO/

Part 72 P. Holahan, IMNS Comment:

1. The storage review is being completed prior to the transportation review. The transportation application was resubmitted in May 1998, and the transportation review schedule will be determined at a subsequent time. The storage review has just commenced, and at this time, no significant issues have been identified. Big Rock Point and Palisades intend to utilize this cask system.

4 51 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Acency Procrams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office C5. Specific lasue: NAC-STC/MPC (Dual PurDose) Cask Review Ongoing technical review T. McGinty


Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transpor1ation) certificate of compliance for the NAC-STC/MPC dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead 1

1. Staff receives response on transport RAI 08/07/98C T. McGinty, SFPO
2. Staff receives response on storage RAI 10/98 T. McGinty, SFPO
3. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 12/98 E. Easton, SFPO THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 L

Milestone Date Lead

4. Staff issues Part 71 (transportation) CoC OW99 T. McGinty, SFPO 03/99 l

S. Staff issues draft storage SER and CoC for OW99 T. McGinty, SFPO rulemaking 03/99 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

6. Staff complete rulemaking; issue CoC for use under 03/00 E. Easton, SFPO/

Part 72 02/00 P. Holahan, IMNS Comment:

i l

1. The storage and transportation review are being conducted concurrently. At this time, no I

significant issues have been identified, but the applicant must respond by the time-frame noted in order for the staff to maintain this schedule. The licensee for Yankee /Rowe intends to utilize this cask system.

4,5, & 6. The dates were modified to be consistent with the schedule provided to the applicant.

l l


52 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office C6. Specific lasue: NAC-UMS (Dual Purpose) Cask Review Ongoing technical review T. McGinty Objective: To issue a Part 72 (storage) SER and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the NAC-UMS dual purpose cask system (Comment 1)

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date

1. Staff issues storage RAI 11/98 T. McGinty, SFPO
2. Staff receives RAI response 01/99 T. McGinty, SFPO THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date
3. Staff issues second storage RAI, if necessary 06/99 T. McGinty, SFPO BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date
4. Staff receives second storage RAI response 08/99 T. McGinty, SFPO
5. Staff issues user need memorandum /rulemaking 08/99 E. Easton, SFPO
6. Staff issues draft storage SER and CoC for 11/99 T. McGinty, SFPO rulemaking
7. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 10/00 E. Easton, SFPO/

under Part 72 P. Holohan, IMNS Comment:

1. The storage review is being completed prior to the transportation review; the transportation review schedule will be determined at a subsequent time. At this time, no significant issues have been identified, but applicant must respond by the time-frame noted in order for the staff to maintain this schedule. The licensees for Fitzpatrick and Palo Verde 1,2 & 3 intend to utilize this cask system.

d n,

4 53 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Procrams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: William F. Kane, Director, Spent Fuel Project Office C7. Specific lasue: TN-West MP-187 (Dual-Purpose) Cask Review issue Part 71 certificate of compliance M. Raddatz Objective: To issue Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for MP 187 transportation cask system PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff starts final review and SER compilation phase 08/03/98C M. Radditz, SFPO
2. Staff issues Part 71 certificate of compliance 09/10/98C M. Radditz, SFPO (Comment 1)

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead None BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead None Comment:

1. This transportation system is the transport component of the TN West NUHOMS storage design.

As initially certified, its authorized contents will be limited to B&W fuel, although it may be amended at a later date to address other fuel types. This action supports the decommissioning of the Rancho Seco spent fuel pool.


54 October 9,1998 4

VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Area of Focus SES Manager: Seymour Weiss, Director, PDND/DRPM/NRR D. Specific lasue: Decommissionina Decisions Objective: Provide timely decisions on current issues and provide framework for decommissioning activities.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Provide response to SRM for SECY-98-075 (DSI 24) 10/09/98 M. Masnik, DRPM (9700089) (NRR) 1a. Form task team to develop and provide input for 7/24/98C T. Markley, DRPM Commission paper 3

1b. Evaluate applicability of using templates for 8/21/98C P. Harris, DRPM l

decommissioning licensing actions 1c. Develop integrated set of milestones for addressing 8/21/98C R. Dudley, DRPM decommissioning initiatives under development or contemplated 1d. Complete draft Commission paper for concurrence 9/2/98C T. Markley, DPPM 1e. Submit paper to Commission (9700089) (NRR) 10/09/90 T. Markley, DRPM 10/23/98

2. Meeting with NEl and industry to present Commission 1/15/99 S. Weiss, DRPM integrated milestones for decommissioning initiatives necessary for above rules and existing rules
3. Complete the following pending licensing actions.

3a. Maine Yankee M. Webb, DRPM Exemptions from Financial Protection Requirements of 12/15/98 10 CFR 50.54(w) and 10 CFR 140.11 Technical Specification change to spent fuel pool water 11/15/98 level 3b. Haddam Neck T. Fredericks, Exemptions from Financial Protection Requirements of 11/30/98 DRPM 10 CFR 50.54(w) and 10 CFR 140.11 Technical. Specification change to seismic monitoring 12/31/98 3c Big Rock Point P. Harris, DRPM Defueled Technical Specifications revision 11/30/98 Defueled Emergency Plan exemption 10/15/98 Def,ueled Emergency Plan approval 10/15/98 Defueled QA Plan __


55 October 9,1998 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Complete the following pending licensing actions.

4 1a. Maine Yankee M. Webb, DRPM Exemption from 10 CFR 70.24 Criticality Accident 4/15/99 Monitoring Requirements 1b. Zion T. Markley, DRPM Exemption from 10 CFR 70.24 Criticality Accident 4/16/99 Monitoring requirements BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Complete the following pending licensing actions.

Ia. Maine Yankee M. Webb, DRPM Modification of License Conditions 7/30/99 Technical Specifications change to liquid and gaseous 8/15/99 release limits Ib. Haddam Neck T. Fredericks, Technical Specification change to refueling and admin 9/30/99 DRPM requirements Comments:

1. Schedules are based on meeting established Commission due dates for DSI-24 SRM response.

1e. Extension d ie to workload demands.

O 56 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Procrams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: Susan F. Shankman, Dep. Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO E. Specific lasue: PGE-Trolan Reactor Vessel Shloment Application Part 71 exemption (SER and EA)

J. Cook l

Waste classification,if necessary J. Hickey Objective: To issue Part 71 (transportation) approval to ship the Trojan reactor vessel, with internals, for disposalin the State of Washington PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Staff prepares SER for Part 71 approval 09/90 J. Cook,SFPO 09/30/98C
2. Staff prepares EA 09/90 J. Cook,SFPO 09/30/98C
3. Staff waste classification, if necessary (separate 08/17/980 J. Hickey, DWM SECY memorandum) (NMSS)
4. Staff prepares negative consent SECY paper on 40/90 J. Cook,SFPO transportation and FONSI (9800022) (NMSS) 10/2/98C
5. Commission issues SRM, if appropriate, on Part 71 10/98 OCM exemption (Comment 1)
6. Staff issues Part 71 decision 11/98 S. Shankman, SFPO THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead None BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
7. Inspection follow up prior to and during shipment 08/99 B. Spitzberg, (Comment 2)

RIV Comments:

1. In parallel to staff action: (1) the State of Washington must prepare a technical evaluation for disposal, tentatively scheduled for September 1998; (2) the Department of Transportation must grant an exemption, tentatively scheduled for November 1998; and (3) the State of Oregon must approve this as a change to the utility's Decommissioning Plan, tentatively scheduled for November 1998.

~ - _..


j 4

I 57 October 9,1998 l

2. PGE's decision to grout the reactor vessel is scheduled to occur in November 1998. The actual grouting would commence in December 1998, and vessel shipment would occur in August 1999.

Staff actions at these points would be to inspect as appropriate.

The State of Washington has prepared its technical evaluation report on the waste classification. The State of Washington will not issue a final technical evaluation report until after the closure of its public comment period.

4. Paper to Comm.10/2/98.

l t

l l

l l


. ~ - -

l 58 October 9,1998 l

VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Procrams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: John Stolz, Chief, PECB/DRPM/NRR F. Specific issue: Event Reportina Rulemakina l

Objective: Revise event reporting requirements to reduce the reporting burden associated with events of little or no risk significance, obtain information better related to risk, and extend reporting time limits consistent with the need for prompt NRC action.

l Coordination: Issues ll.A. " Risk Informed Baseline Core Inspection Program," II.B. " Enforcement Program Initiatives," ll.C. " Escalated Enforcement Program," lil.A. " Performance Assessment Process l

Improvements," and VI.G " Event Reporting Rulemaking," require close coordination and the integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible project managers are coordinating these activities by assessing the impact of proposed program changes with the other ongoing activities and ensuring that the overall objectives for each project are achieved. Examples include, intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings. In addition, industry-developed initiatives such as the NEl New Regulatory Oversight Process are being reviewed by all project groups and evaluated for impact.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Issue ANPR 7 5/98C D. Allison, AEOD
2. Conduct public meeting to discuss ANPR 8/21/98C D. Allison, AEOD
3. Public workshop / stakeholder meetina (Chicaao) 9/1/98C T. Essia, DRPM THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead
4. Conduct a public meeting (" tabletop exercise")

11/13/98 D. Allison, AEOD

5. CRGR Briefing 2/26/99 D. Allison, AEOD
6. ACRS Briefing 3/5/99 D. Allison, AEOD
7. Proposed rule to the Commission (9800096) (AEOD) 3/26/99 D. Allison, AEOD
48. Publish proposed rule (10CFR50.72 and 50.73) 4/W99 DRPM 5/14/98
9. Conduct a public workshop 5/28/99 D. Allison, AEOD l

I BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 t

Milestone Date Lead

59 October 9,1998 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 l

10. Brief CRGR 11/26/99 D. Allison, AEOD
11. Brief ACRS 12/10/99 D. Allison, AEOD
12. Final Rule to Commission (9800096) (AEOD) 12/24/99 D. Allison, AEOD 513. Publish Final rule Wee DRPM 2/00 Comments
4. In response to public comments on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR), an additional public meeting (' tabletop exercise") has been scheduled. The purpose is to test key aspects of the contemplated amendments to 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 for clarity and consistency, early in the process of drafting them, by discussing how reportability decisions could be made for example events. This will provide insights to be used in completing the draft requirements and guidance. It will extend the overall rulemaking schedule by 5 weeks.
9. In response to public comments on the ANPR, a public meeting (" workshop') has been added, early in the comment period for the proposed rule. It does not change the overall schedule.

5,6,10, and 11. These are not associated with any developments. They'are added merely to provide additional detail.

i i



60 October 9,1998 VI. Topic Area: Other Agency Programs and Areas of Focus SES Manger: Jack Roe, Acting Director, DRPM/NRR G. Specific lasue: Proposed Kl Rulemaking Objective: To implement Commission decision regarding the use of Kl as a protective measure for the general public after a severe reactor accident. In addition, to work with other Federal agencies to revise the Federal policy on the use of Kl in the event of a severe nuclear power plant emergency and to develop a!ds to assist the states in applying the revised Federal policy.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Commission direction received 6/26/98 C A. Mohseni
2. Draft and send to Commission Federal Register 7/98 C A. Mohseni notice on Federal Kl policy
3. Revise Kl technical paper (NUREG 1633) to 40/98 A. Mohseni address public comments and provide to Commission 9/99 (9700193) (AEOD)
4. Revise Kl Federal Policy FRN and provide to 11/98 A. Mohseni FRPCC for review
5. Proposed rulemaking package to EDO (9800173) 10/22/98 M.Jamgochlan, NRR (NRR)

Sa. Publish Proposed Rule (9800173)(NRR) 11/30/98 M. Jamgochlan, NRR

6. Publish final technical paper (NUREG-1633) 4998 A. Mohseni 10/99
7. Develop description of available Federal Kl 1/99 A. Mohseni stockpiles and availability to states
8. Develop final KI Federal policy FRN reflecting 1/99 A. Mohseni FRPCC review and send to Commission (9700193)


9. Draft a public brochure on use of Kl and provide for 1/99 A. Mohseni Federal agency and pu'alic comment THROUGH JUNE 30,1999
10. Final review of KI Federal policy FRN by FRPCC 4/99 A. Mohseni
11. Establish procedures to access Federal stockpiles 5/99 A. Mohseni with FEMA

o o

61 October 9,1998

12. Publish Kl Federal Policy'FRN 6/99 A. Mohseni
13. Final brochure on use of KI provided to 6/99 A. Mohseni Commission for review (9700193) (AEOD)
14. Publish Final Rule change (9800173) (NRR)

TBD M. Jamgo ;hian, NRR BEYOND JUNE 30,1999

15. Finalize the public brochure on use of Kl and 8/99 A. Mohs sni provide to FEMA for publication Comments:
1. Complete (June 26,98 SRM)
2. SRM dated 9/30/98 provided Commission approved draft FRN. Draft FRN sent to FEMA for distribution to FRPCC members (10/1/98)
3. Based on 9/30/98 SRM new direction. Comments received. Comment period ended 9/15/98.

Some comments continue to arrive. 9/30/98 SRM directed the staff to withdraw draft NUREG and substantially revise and reissue. ' Staff requested removal of draft NUREG from NRC WEB site. Staff prepared FRN of withdrawal.


4. FRN was revised by Commission 9/30/98, and sent to FEMA on 10/1/98 for FRPCC review.

l Requested an FRPCC meeting on this matter.

5. Obtaining office concurrence.
6. Based on 9/30/98 SRM new direction.

l l

l l

'The staff intends to form a review group comprising representatives from such j

organizations as FDA, FEMA, EPA, CRCPD, other states and NEl to review comments and j

develop the next version of NUREG-1633 l

62 October 9,1998 VI. Topic Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: Brian Sheron, Acting Associate Director for Technical Review, NRR H. Specific issue: NEl Petitions - Petition for modifyina 50.54(a)

Objective: Complete the NEl Petition, accepting in part to modify 10 CFR Part 50.54(a), as it pertains to Quality Assurance Program Change Control and is intended to reduce burdens on industry.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead 1.

Submit to the Commission a memorandum stating 10/98 R. Gramm, DRCH the staff's proposal to accept the NEl Petition in part to modify 50.54(a) and propose a Direct Final Rule.

(9800166) (NRR) 2.

Meet with stakeholders to discuss contents of 10/98 R. Gramm, DRCH proposed Direct Final Rule.


Submit to the Commission a SECY Paper accepting 40/90 R. Gramm. DRCH the NEl Petition in part, proposing a Direct Final 11/98 Rule, and a longer term additional rule change.

(9800166) (NRR) 24.

Decision by the Commission on the Direct Final Rule

+2/90 R. Gramm, DRCH and the Petition's disposition.

1/99 THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead a5 Publication of a Federal Register Notice to accept in 02/99 R. Gramm, DRCH part the NEl petition for rulemaking and proposing a Direct Final Rule (9800166) (NRR) 6.

Direct Final Rule effective if no adverse comments 04/99 R. Gramm, DRCH received.'

Comments: 4&2. These mi estones are expected ic impsci the steffs effccis for time ly completion of vender / contractor inspections ln FY 90 snd 99. Oudgeted "YO9 resources will require redirection depending on the fin &l Commission decision. Commission decisica to accept the st&ff propossl !s expected by ',2/90.


The staff delayed the SECY Paper 1 month in order to include a Direct Final Rule with the Federal Register Notice which accepts the petition in part. The original schedule did not

. ~



l L^



63 October 9,1998


1 i

include submitting a'Dir,ect Final Rule with the SECY. This will expedite the effective date of the Direct Final Rule by about 4 months.

l 1

l l


4 l

64 October 9,1998 VI. Toolc Area: Other Aaency Proarams and Areas of Focus SES Manager: Jack Roe, Acting Director, DRPM/NRR I. Specific Issue: Revised Source Term Rulemakinu Objective: To revise Part 50 to allow holders of operating power reactor licences to voluntarily amend the facility design basis to use revised source terms in design basis accident radiological analyses.

This action would allow these facilities to pursue risk-informed licensing actions made possible through the use of the revised source term.

PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead 1.

Commission approval of rulemaking plan (submitted 9/4/98(C)

C. Miller, DRPM 6/30/98) i 2.

Complete proposed rule package 10/98 C. Mi!!ar, DRPM 3.

Office concurrence 11/98 C. h' ir, DRPM i


ACRS review 11/98 C '/ *ar, DRPM 5.

CRGR concurrence 12/98 C. Miller, DRPM 6.

Proposed rule package to EDO (9700025) (NRR) 12/98 C. Miller, DRPM f


Submit proposed rule package to Commission 12/15/98 C. Miller, DRPM 8.

Publish in Federal Register 1/99 C. Miller, DRPM l

THROUGH JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead 9.

Complete draft gulde; draft SRP section 5/99 C. Miller, DRPM j

10. End of Public Comment Period 4/99 C. Miller, DRPM
11. Office concurrence on final rule; draft gulde; draf t SRP 6/99 C. Miller, DRPM l




65 October 9,1998 BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

12. ACRS review 7/99 C. Miller, DRPM
13. CRGR review 7/99 C. Miller, DRPM
14. Final rule; draft guide; draft SRP to EDO (9700025) 7/99 C. Miller, DRPM (NRR)
15. Final rule; draft guide; draft SRP to Commission 7/30/99 C. Miller, DRPM
16. End of public comment period 11/99 C. Miller, DRPM
17. Office concurrence on final guide; final SRP 12/99 C. Miller, DRPM
18. ACRS review on final guide; final SRP 12/99 C. Miller, DRPM
19. CRGR concurrence on final guide; final SRP 1/00 C. Miller, DRPM
20. Final guide; final SRP to EDO (9700025) (NRR) 1/00 C. Miller, DRPM
21. Final guide; final SRP to Commission 1/24/00 C. Miller, DRPM l

Meetings with ACRS and CRGR would be expected to occur in conjunction with the scheduled reviews.

The staff is vierking vilth NEl te schedu's a statue ineet:ag in early October 1000. Staff conducted a public meeting with NEl and Industry on 10/1/98. The staff expects to conduct additional meetings as i

the need arises. There is currently no planning for a workshop. Such a workshop may be appropriate once the staff has issued the final rule, the draft guide, and the draft SRP.




66 October 9,1998 Vll. TOPIC AREA: Uranium Recoveryissues SES Manager: John W. Hickey, Chief, Uranium Recovery Branch A. Specific lasues: Uranium recovery concerns raised in Senate report Dual regulation of ground water at in situ leach (ISL) facilities Expanded use of mill tallings impoundments to dispose of other material Eliminate consideration of economics in the processing of alternate feedstock Objective:

To look for ways to:

1) eliminate dual re'gulation of ISLs facilities; 2) reduce the regulatory burden on uranium mill wanting to expand the use of impoundments for disposal of other materials besides mill tailings; and
3) encourage uranium mills who want to engage in recycling of materials for their uranium content PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead
1. Commission paper on ways to eliminate dual 11/98 J. Park /D. Gillen, regulation at ISLs (9800176) (NMSS)


2. Commission paper on revising guidance for 11/98 J. Park /D. Gillen, expanding disposal capability ci uranium mill tailings URB impoundments, and ask for Commission policy on hearing orders concerning need to consider economics in alternate feedstock evaluations (9800176) (NMSS)
3. Complete hearing on alternate feedstock 12/98 P. Block, ASLBP amendment to see how State of Utah concerns about staff not appropriate applying economics criteria is determined.


'Ailestone Date Lead

4. Implement any changes in review of alternate 01/99 D. Gillen, URB feedstock that result from hearing and Commission review of previous hearing orders
5. Complete Part 41 rulemaking plan, including 04/99 M. Haisfield, NMSS recommendations on regulatory changes to address M. Fliegel, NMSS the three issues (9800177) (NMSS)
6. Revise ISL Standard Review Plan to implement staff 06/99 W. Ford, URB recommendations if approved by Commission
7. Issue revised draft guidance on disposal capability 06/99 D. Gillen, URB with Commission-approved revisions

l 67 October 9,1998 4

BEYOND JUNE 30,1999 Milestone Date Lead

8. Publish proposed Part 41 for public comment, 04/00 M. Haisfield, NMSS including regulatory changes to address three issues M. Fliegel, NMSS (9800177) (NMSS)
9. Publish final Part 41 codifying agency policy on 12/00 M. Haisfield, NMSS resolution of three issues. (9800177)(NMSS)

M. Fliegel, NMSS Comments:

General comment re: objective stated above: Three issues raised in the Senate report are presented in the National Mining Association white paper that was presented to the Commission in April 1998.

1.& 2. Staff will provide recommendations to Commission on ways to address issues on eliminating dual regulation and on disposal of materialin tailings impoundments. If approved by Commission, staff will begin to implement those recommendations in its review practices, and recommend that they be codified in Part 41.

3.& 4. The most recent alternate feedstock amendment issued by the staff is being contested by the State of Utah and Envirocare. One of the contentions is that the staff failed to conduct the appropriate economics test in accepting the amendment application. A decision from this hearing could help provide guidance to the staff on how economics should be considered in future reviews.

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d b


i 68 October 9,1998 Vill. TOPIC AREA: Chances to NRC's Hearina Process SES Manager: Joe Gray, OGC A: Use of informal Adiudicatory Procedures PRIOR TO JANUARY 28,1999 Milestone Date Lead

1. Paper to Commission on legislative and rulemaking 12/31/98 J. Fitzgerald, OGC options to enhance Commission's ability to utilize informal Adjudicatory Procedures.
2. Commission Guidance 1/21/99 J. Fitzgerald, OGC THROUGH JUNE 30,1999
3. Prepare legislation for Commissioner review.

TBD J. Fitzgerald, OGC

4. Prepare notice of proposed rulemaking for TBD J. Fitzgerald, OGC Commission review.


5. Prepare final rule TBD J. Fitzgerald, OGC






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