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First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App a Records Totally Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 7)
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 09/22/1997
From: Racquel Powell
To: Brack H
Shared Package
ML20211B408 List:
FOIA-97-348 NUDOCS 9709250213
Download: ML20211B405 (3)


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/ + *et'c' PAP.T l.--AGENCY RECORDS RELE ASE D OR NOT LOCATED (See cherAedIsomes/

Nu t* .y rnords subject to the reuucst have been located.

No ashonal agency records sub!vct to the request have been located.

Requested records are available through another pubhc distribution program See Comments section.

Agtecy records subject to the request that are identified in Appendinfes) are already available for pubhc insoection and copying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendia tesi_ _ are being made available for pubbc inspat.on and copying I at the NRC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC,in a foider under thu FO!A number.

The nonproprietary version of the proposal (s) that you agreed to accept m o telephone conversation a rth a member of my staff ;s now being made avadable for public inspection and copying at the N RC Pubhc Document Room,21?O L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this F OI A number.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appendiales) may be insoccted and copied at the NRC Local Pubhe Document Room identified in the Comments section, f nclosed as mformation on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC Agency records subint to the request are enclosed.

Records subject to the request have been referted to another Federal pncylm) for rev.ew and direct resoc>nse to you.

Fees You will be boled tsy the NRC for fees totahng $

You will reteive a refund from the NRC in the amount of $

in view of NRC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appe al letter dated ,Nn PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Cartsin informatiren in the requested records is being withheld from pubhc disclosure pursuant to the enemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part II, B, C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for which of 4 part of the record is being withheld are being made available for public inspection and copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a folder under this F OI A number, COMMENTS




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FOIA -//.MT WY7N l PART 118- APPLICABLE ExtMPilONS Records subject to the request that are described in the enclosed Appendiales) are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the Esemption Nods) and for the reason (s) pyen belovv pursuant to 5 U.S.C. $52(b) and 10 CF R 9.17(e) of N RC regulations.

1. The withheld information es property classtfied pursuant to Laocutive Order. (tasmption 1) 2, The ; helcl inicirmation relates solely to the mtemel personnel rules and procedures of NRC (t nemption 21 J Ti.e wethheld information is specifically esempted from pubhc d sclosure by statute aridicated. (t nemption 31 bections 141146 of the Atomic f nergy Act which prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Date or Formerly Restricted Data 142 U.S C. 2161-2166).

Section 147 of the Atomic (nergy Act, which proh bits the dele sure of Saf eguards laformation (42 U.S C. 2167L Uhh 'wMheld mformation is a trade secr$t 07conNe7 cia' m Imancial saformation that is bemg withheld for the seasonisi indicated. Iltemption el The information is considered to be confidentie' business (proprietaryl enformation the enformation se considered to be propnetary mfo'matum purevant to 10 Cf M 2 790idHis The enformation was ,ubmitted and received m conhdence pursuant to 10 CFR 2 7901d42#

bhe w6thheid info' .iaten Lonbets of interegenc y be miraspen(v records that see not avanatde 'brceugh d.scovery during litigation (E semption 61. Apputable Privilegri Deliberative Process Desclosure of predecisional moormation would tend to inhibit the c pen and tient enchange of ideas essenties to the desibt etive process Where records are withheld m their enterets . the f acts are inestric abov ir4tertweed with the psedecisional mformat ori The*e s'so see no reestmobiy sepegable f actuat portions because the reiesse of the f acts would perrmt en indirecs ermuirs mto the predec.sionai proc ess of the agency Attorney work product pnydeye iDoc uments prepar ed bv an attorne, e c orderr:pianon o' liiNaben

  • Attorney chent priv6tege. (Confidential communications between an ettorney arid his'her client.)

6 The witnheid information is enempted from pubi.c d.soosu'e becaus,e its a scusuee wou6d result m e cientiv unwe" antede m ssion of to'sorai pnvecs it sernption 6)

7. The withhe6d mfom.ation consists of recruds compoed f or iam enf orcement pu r poses and in being withheid for the reasontsi indnoted (Ememption 71

' I Disc 60sure could reEsonably be earmeted to mterfore with en enforcement eroreedmg because it could revest the scope dweetion. and focus of '

enforcement etiorts. and thus could possibly alio* recicients to take actson to shielo potent,si wronylomg or a violation of NRC requirements i

. from mvestiostors (E nemption 7 ( AD l l o.soo. ore wouid consi,ivie en uneare.nted mvesic.n oi person.i privoc,. it.empi,on 7iCn l

The mformahort consists of names of s%vidua.s ar d pee mtn'mabor. tne enciosoee c! why b could 'eawr'aD% be t apec ted to tevene identebes of l conbdenhai sources. (E nemption 7 (Dil l i PART ll. C-DENYING OFFICIALS Pursuant to 10 C8 P 9 25M and or 9 25td of the U S Nucies' Revueo's Comen soon reguianons it has ocen dete'm'ne t the the in'ormet on wahhein is e nempt from pro duction or d sciosue and tha' ts cronucnon o' d sciosee is cnwa', *o the put*c 'n'e'es: The persons rewns bie 'y the den <a a'e those omt is.s ident Aed teeion si nenemc officia s and the Daecio . D v$s on of F'ecoom of intymat on end Puu.. cat oris hev t'ei O'f ce of Admen spot.en for any den a iinai may be spinamt to the i mecupve Directr i for Ope at<ons itD01 DENYING OFFICIAL fifLE OHICE RECORD $ D(NitO , APPf LL Af f OFFICI AL

-e- i 1D0 SE C.Hp uv 10 LM4YM 1 fy.y .

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l r i PART 11. D- APPEAL RIGHTS Tne ctonist ey each denymg onc,s. ident f ed in Part il C mov de appea se to tne Appe'este Ofhe'ai nientifieri there Ang such appesi must be male m writing w' thin 30 davs o' recret c' tt a response. A '8 wait must be add'essed as appropr4 ate, to the i necutive Director for Operations to the Secretary of the Commission. or to '.he inspector Genera:, U S Nuctea-Rautatory Commit 'on. Washmgton, DC 20555, and nr.ould cies'av state on the envescoe and m the letter that tt is se ' Apoeat from an in:tia! F OI A Decision


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