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NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 961010,Wastewater Collection Basin,Outfall 005,experienced Failure of Chronic Toxicity. Caused by Fertilizer Placed in Close Proximity of Waste Water Collection Basin.Will Retest Discharge 005
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/1996
From: Herrick D
To: Gleason R
Shared Package
ML20210L109 List:
NUDOCS 9708210010
Download: ML20210L165 (1)


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- Duke Ibw Company McGuire Nuclear Generation Depsrtment T C M,umn 12700 Hagen ferry Road (MGOIA).

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DUKEPOWER October 14,1996

^ Mr. Rcx G%<.on Regional bnager, Water Quality Section,

. North Carolina Department of Environmental,

- Health, and Natural Resources

. 919 North Main Street

- Moorcsville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Failure of Chronic Toxicity Test M;Guirc Nuclear Station NPDES Permit Number NC0024392 Mecklenburg County

Dear Mr. Glcason:

This is notification is pursuant to Part 11. Section E (6)(b)(2,3) of the aforementioned permit. This is the 5 day written follow up notification to your department, for a recent non-compliance associated with the Duke Powct's McGuirc Nucicar Station Wastewatcr Collection Basin, discharge 005. Tcicphonc notification was made to Mr. Mike Parker of the Moorcsville Regional Office on October 10,1996, at approximately 3:45 P.M by Eddie Faulkner of Dukr: Power Company.

-The Wastcwater Collection Basin, Outfall 005, experienced a failure of the " Chronic Toxicity" Sampic by j

.02 %, beyond the 20% allowabic limit. This event showed up in our October 10,1996, sampic analysis data. Upon further invcstigation, there appears to have been sufficient quantitics of fertilizer placed in closc proximity of the Waste Water Collection Basin (WWCB). This, with the associated heavy rains subsequent to the quarterly test month, may have caused toxicity levels of" nitrates and or nitrites," to flow -

into the WWCB and caused the unusual high mortality rate of the Ccriodaphnia.

. Plans arc being made to re-test discharge 005, on October 16,1996, to confirm the system is back in compliance. Once the test data shows the system is back in compliance, quarterly testing will resume.

If you require additional information, pleasc contact Eddie Faulkner at 704-875 5158 or me at 704 875-

-5 % 9.

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Dayna Herrick P.E.

Environmental Manager McGuire Nucicar Station xc: Mr. Dave Goodrich, NCDEHNR, Raicigh, N.C.

9708E 5 5370813 PDR ADOCK 05000369!


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