MONTHYEARML20199L5891997-12-24024 December 1997 Independent Analysis & Evaluation of AM-241 & Transuranics & Subsequent Dose to Two Male Workers at Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Plant ML20210P8721997-08-31031 August 1997 Post Decommissioning Activities Rept, for Aug 1997 ML20141A0041997-05-31031 May 1997 Independent Assessment of Radiological Controls Program at Cyap Haddam Neck Plant Final Rept May 1997 ML20137H3031997-03-31031 March 1997 Rev 2 to Nuclear Training Loit/Lout Audit Reviews ML20137C6281997-03-14014 March 1997 Redacted Version of Rev 1 to Nuclear Training Loit/Lout Audit Reviews ML20135E3221997-02-13013 February 1997 Independent Review Team Rept 1996 MP -1 Lout NRC Exam Failures ML20134L2751997-02-0303 February 1997 Draft Rev to GPRI-30, Spent Fuel Storage Facility Licensing Basis/Design Basis ML20134L2911997-01-0808 January 1997 Rev 0 to UFSAR Rev Grpi ML20204B6811996-12-31031 December 1996 Nuclear Lemons Assessment of America Worst Commerical Nuclear Power Plants. 5th Edition ML20237E0751996-12-31031 December 1996 Decommissioning Cost Study for Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant ML20134L2591996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 0 to Sys Reclassification ML20134L2721996-12-31031 December 1996 Commitment Mgt Grpi ML20134L2481996-12-30030 December 1996 Rev 0 to Sys Needed for Decommissioning Sys Evaluation Process ML20135E2711996-12-26026 December 1996 Evaluation of Intakes by Two Workers at CT Yankee Atomic Power Co ML20134L2841996-12-23023 December 1996 Rev 0 to Spent Fuel Pool Island Studies ML20134L2871996-12-19019 December 1996 Rev 0 to Grpi for Defueled Condition Fire Protection Technical Requirements ML20134L2381996-12-19019 December 1996 Rev 0 to Accident Analysis ML20058G3481993-10-31031 October 1993 Nonproprietary VIPRE/WRB-1 DNBR Thermal Limit for Westinghouse Fuel Types, for Oct 1993 ML20058G6771993-09-29029 September 1993 Rev 0 to Project Assignment 91-006, Connecticut Yankee Event V Mods ML20058L7411993-07-15015 July 1993 QA Svcs Dept Surveillance Rept SS-169, Assessment of Fitness for Duty Program ML20045F3351993-06-30030 June 1993 IPE for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities RA-93-022, Cy Containment Isolation Failure Probability1993-05-18018 May 1993 Cy Containment Isolation Failure Probability ML20127J5391992-11-30030 November 1992 Connecticut Yankee Structural Reevaluation of Plant Structures to Address SEP Topic III-7.B Load Combinations Code Changes ML20125E5661992-03-31031 March 1992 Nonproprietary PWR SG Tube Repair Limits:Technical Support Document for Expansion Zone PWSCC in Roll Transitions Final Rept A08995, Rev 1 to Auxiliary Initiation Event Analysis1990-09-14014 September 1990 Rev 1 to Auxiliary Initiation Event Analysis ML20062G4951990-07-31031 July 1990 Rev 3 to Northeast Utils USNRC Read & Sign ML20055G4951990-07-31031 July 1990 Decommissioning Financial Assurance Certification Rept ML20044A8481990-07-0202 July 1990 Vol 1 to Connecticut Yankee Simulator Certification Submittal:Connecticut Yankee Simulator Design Info & Certification Program Overview ML20055D8931990-06-30030 June 1990 Fracture Mechanics Evaluation:Haddam Neck Pressurizer ML20043A4831990-04-30030 April 1990 Rev 1 to Technical Rept Supporting Cycle 16 Operation ML20012A2281990-03-0101 March 1990 Vol 6 to Probabilistic Safety Study B13388, Zircaloy Clad Fuel Mechanical Design Rept1989-11-30030 November 1989 Zircaloy Clad Fuel Mechanical Design Rept ML20246N9421989-08-31031 August 1989 Tornado Missile Risk Analysis of Bleed & Feed & Auxiliary Feedwater Safe Shutdown Sys at Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Station ML20044G5131989-07-31031 July 1989 Rev 1 to Final Rept J5439-89-001R1, Fluidelastic Instability Analysis of U-Bend Region of Westinghouse Model 27 Sg ML20206J9991988-10-31031 October 1988 Crdr Summary Rept, Per Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737 ML20153G4081988-06-0303 June 1988 Rev 0 to Conneticut Yankee Replace Nuclear Instrumentation Sys, Neo Project Description ML20153G4031988-03-0808 March 1988 Rev 0 to, Connecticut Yankee Modernize Reactor Protection Sys - Phase 2, Conceptual Project Description ML20235B5911987-09-24024 September 1987 Undated Technical Evaluation:Haddam Neck Plant Reanalysis of Non-LOCA DBAs & Tech Spec Change Requests in Support of Reload Cycle 15 B12619, Bimonthly Progress Rept 5:New Switchgear Bldg Const1987-07-31031 July 1987 Bimonthly Progress Rept 5:New Switchgear Bldg Const ML20214R6371987-06-30030 June 1987 Technical Rept Supporting Cycle 15 Operation ML20205Q7011987-04-30030 April 1987 Bimonthly Progress Rept 3:New Switchgear Bldg Const B12480, Const Design Info Submittal:New Switchgear Bldg Const. W/38 Oversize Encl1987-04-30030 April 1987 Const Design Info Submittal:New Switchgear Bldg Const. W/38 Oversize Encl ML20238C3751986-12-31031 December 1986 Connecticut Yankee 1986 Core XIII - Xiv Refueling Outage ALARA Rept ML20238C3821986-12-31031 December 1986 Connecticut Yankee 1986 Steam Generator Repair Outage ALARA Rept ML20209C7161986-12-31031 December 1986 Vols 1 & 2 to Isap,Haddam Neck Plant,Final Rept ML20206J8871986-06-30030 June 1986 Isap Public Safety Impact Model Project Analyses Summaries ML20202D5071986-06-30030 June 1986 Non-LOCA Transient Analysis ML20205T1201986-05-19019 May 1986 Steam Generator Tube Insp Rept for 1986 Refueling Outage ML20205T1231986-05-0808 May 1986 Steam Generator Tube W/55% Through Wall Defect Safety Evaluation for Structural Integrity CY-86-031, Rev 1 to 4.10.1(D) Inservice Insp of Steam Generator Tubes (Acceptance Criteria)1986-05-0808 May 1986 Rev 1 to 4.10.1(D) Inservice Insp of Steam Generator Tubes (Acceptance Criteria) 1997-08-31
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217K3301999-10-19019 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 195 to License DPR-61 ML20206C8761999-04-28028 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 194 to License DPR-61 CY-99-047, Ro:On 981217,identified Unsuccessful Dewatering of Cnsi HIC, Model PL8-120R,containing Resins.Caused by Apparent Failure of Dewatering Tree.Other HICs Have Been Procured,Recertified & Returned to Plant for Use1999-03-23023 March 1999 Ro:On 981217,identified Unsuccessful Dewatering of Cnsi HIC, Model PL8-120R,containing Resins.Caused by Apparent Failure of Dewatering Tree.Other HICs Have Been Procured,Recertified & Returned to Plant for Use 05000213/LER-1999-001, :on 990105,main Stack RM R-14A Pressure Compensating Signal Was Not Calibrated.Caused by Personnel Error.Revised Calibration Procedure.With1999-02-0101 February 1999
- on 990105,main Stack RM R-14A Pressure Compensating Signal Was Not Calibrated.Caused by Personnel Error.Revised Calibration Procedure.With
05000213/LER-1997-016, :on 970825,discovered That Negative Pressure Was Not Maintained in Sf Bldg,Per Design Basis.Caused by Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Being Based on Lower Pab Ventilation Flow Rates.Corrected Ventilation Sys Design.With1999-01-25025 January 1999
- on 970825,discovered That Negative Pressure Was Not Maintained in Sf Bldg,Per Design Basis.Caused by Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Being Based on Lower Pab Ventilation Flow Rates.Corrected Ventilation Sys Design.With
ML20206F1971998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Rept for 1998 for Cyap. with CY-99-027, Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59, for Jan-Dec 1998.With1998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59, for Jan-Dec 1998.With ML20198G9101998-12-22022 December 1998 Proposed Rev 2 of Cyap QAP for Haddam Neck Plant. Marked Up Rev 1 Included 05000213/LER-1997-018, :on 971003,discovered That Sf Bldg Exhaust Fan Did Not Meet Design Basis.Caused by Higher than Expected Pressure in Pab.Design of Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Was Corrected.With1998-12-0808 December 1998
- on 971003,discovered That Sf Bldg Exhaust Fan Did Not Meet Design Basis.Caused by Higher than Expected Pressure in Pab.Design of Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Was Corrected.With
05000213/LER-1998-009, :on 980915,noted Excessive CV,SW-CV-963,seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers.Caused by Subject Cv Disc Being Stuck in Open Position.Valve Was Exercised & Freed from Stuck Open Position.With1998-10-14014 October 1998
- on 980915,noted Excessive CV,SW-CV-963,seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers.Caused by Subject Cv Disc Being Stuck in Open Position.Valve Was Exercised & Freed from Stuck Open Position.With
05000213/LER-1998-008, :on 980721,determined That Main Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Samples Were Not Analyzed to Required Detection Level.Caused by Inadequate Design.Immediately Controlled Temp of Radiation Monitor Room.With1998-09-29029 September 1998
- on 980721,determined That Main Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Samples Were Not Analyzed to Required Detection Level.Caused by Inadequate Design.Immediately Controlled Temp of Radiation Monitor Room.With
05000213/LER-1997-021, :on 971124,found Contaminated Matls Offsite. Caused by Breakdown of Health Physics Program in Effect at Time Contaminated Matl Was Released from Site.Revised Procedures.With1998-09-0101 September 1998
- on 971124,found Contaminated Matls Offsite. Caused by Breakdown of Health Physics Program in Effect at Time Contaminated Matl Was Released from Site.Revised Procedures.With
ML20238F2131998-08-28028 August 1998 SER Accepting Defueled Emergency Plan for Emergency Planning for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co 05000213/LER-1998-007, :on 980714,excessive Check Valve Seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers,Occurred.Caused by SW-CV-963 Disc Sticking in Open Position.Increased Test Frequency from Quarterly to Monthly1998-08-13013 August 1998
- on 980714,excessive Check Valve Seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers,Occurred.Caused by SW-CV-963 Disc Sticking in Open Position.Increased Test Frequency from Quarterly to Monthly
CY-98-136, Ro:On 980727,flow Blockage Occurred & Caused Pressure in Sys to Increase,Resulting in Relief Valve Lifting & Pipe Vibration,Which Caused Leaks to Develop.Caused by Nearly Closed post-filter Inlet Valve.Repaired 2 Leaks in Line1998-08-12012 August 1998 Ro:On 980727,flow Blockage Occurred & Caused Pressure in Sys to Increase,Resulting in Relief Valve Lifting & Pipe Vibration,Which Caused Leaks to Develop.Caused by Nearly Closed post-filter Inlet Valve.Repaired 2 Leaks in Line ML20237B7461998-07-22022 July 1998 1998 Defueled Emergency Plan Exercise Scenario Manual, Conducted on 980722 ML20202D1621998-06-30030 June 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 193 to License DPR-61 05000213/LER-1998-005, :on 980511,determined That Design Deficiency Was Found in Main Stack Flow Rate Monitor.Caused by 1974 Mod Change on Original Installation.Declared F-1101 Channel Out of Svc & Develop Means of Estimating Flow1998-06-0909 June 1998
- on 980511,determined That Design Deficiency Was Found in Main Stack Flow Rate Monitor.Caused by 1974 Mod Change on Original Installation.Declared F-1101 Channel Out of Svc & Develop Means of Estimating Flow
05000213/LER-1998-006, :on 980507,design Deficiency Was Found in Stack RM RMS-14B Sampling Lines.Caused by Design Not Meeting ANSI N13.1-1969 Stds.Corrective Action Plan for RMS-14B Is Being Developed1998-06-0808 June 1998
- on 980507,design Deficiency Was Found in Stack RM RMS-14B Sampling Lines.Caused by Design Not Meeting ANSI N13.1-1969 Stds.Corrective Action Plan for RMS-14B Is Being Developed
05000213/LER-1998-004, :on 980507,discovered Design Deficiency in Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Isokinetic Sampling.Caused by Failure to Account for Spent Fuel Bldg Ventilation Flow. Will Develop CAP for RMS-14B1998-06-0404 June 1998
- on 980507,discovered Design Deficiency in Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Isokinetic Sampling.Caused by Failure to Account for Spent Fuel Bldg Ventilation Flow. Will Develop CAP for RMS-14B
05000213/LER-1998-003, :on 980505,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded Time Limit W/Sw Effluent RM Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Individual Was Counseled & Technicians Were Reminded of Sampling within Required Frequency1998-06-0202 June 1998
- on 980505,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded Time Limit W/Sw Effluent RM Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Individual Was Counseled & Technicians Were Reminded of Sampling within Required Frequency
05000213/LER-1998-002, :on 980421,determined That Visual Insp of Switchgear Cable Shaft Sprinkler Sys Was Not Being Performed Once Per 18 Months.Caused by Inadequate Implementation of License Amend.Fire Watch Patrol Established1998-05-19019 May 1998
- on 980421,determined That Visual Insp of Switchgear Cable Shaft Sprinkler Sys Was Not Being Performed Once Per 18 Months.Caused by Inadequate Implementation of License Amend.Fire Watch Patrol Established
05000213/LER-1998-001, :on 980409,seismic Monitor Sp Was Not in Compliance W/Ts.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review. Submitted Proposed License Amend to Correct Issue1998-05-0707 May 1998
- on 980409,seismic Monitor Sp Was Not in Compliance W/Ts.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review. Submitted Proposed License Amend to Correct Issue
CY-98-068, Follow-up to Verbal Notification on 980413 of Film on Discharge Canal.Investigation Continuing.Samples Collected for Petroleum Analyses & Biological Characterization at Intake Structure & Discharge Canal.Replaced Sorbent Booms1998-04-15015 April 1998 Follow-up to Verbal Notification on 980413 of Film on Discharge Canal.Investigation Continuing.Samples Collected for Petroleum Analyses & Biological Characterization at Intake Structure & Discharge Canal.Replaced Sorbent Booms CY-98-045, Ro:On 980212,0219,0225 & 0312,separate Sheens of Approx One Cup of oil-like Substance Was Observed at Discharge Canal. Cause Has Not Been Clearly Identified.Called in Vendor Spill to Install Sorbent Booms to Absorb Sheen.W/One Drawing1998-04-13013 April 1998 Ro:On 980212,0219,0225 & 0312,separate Sheens of Approx One Cup of oil-like Substance Was Observed at Discharge Canal. Cause Has Not Been Clearly Identified.Called in Vendor Spill to Install Sorbent Booms to Absorb Sheen.W/One Drawing ML20217A0001998-03-31031 March 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1998 for Haddam Neck Plant ML20217F0611998-03-31031 March 1998 Historical Review Team Rept ML20217K2101998-03-27027 March 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 192 to License DPR-61 CY-98-046, Follow-up to 980311 Verbal Notification of Film on Discharge Canal.Cause Not Yet Determined.Film Is Contained & Will Be Absorbed by Containment & Sorbent Booms That Were in Place in Discharge Canal1998-03-12012 March 1998 Follow-up to 980311 Verbal Notification of Film on Discharge Canal.Cause Not Yet Determined.Film Is Contained & Will Be Absorbed by Containment & Sorbent Booms That Were in Place in Discharge Canal ML20216D6531998-02-28028 February 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1998 for Haddam Neck Plant ML20217D7381998-02-28028 February 1998 Revised MOR for Feb 1998 Haddam Neck Plant CY-98-012, Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Plant1998-01-31031 January 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Plant CY-98-010, Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59,Jan-Dec,19971997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59,Jan-Dec,1997 ML20198N6681997-12-31031 December 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant ML20217P4861997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Financial Rept, for Cyap ML20199L5891997-12-24024 December 1997 Independent Analysis & Evaluation of AM-241 & Transuranics & Subsequent Dose to Two Male Workers at Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Plant 05000213/LER-1997-020, :on 971117,determined That Radioactive Effluent Dose Calculations Were Not Performed within Required Frequency.Caused by Procedure Inadequacy.Will Revise Procedures & Will Enhance Tracking Process1997-12-16016 December 1997
- on 971117,determined That Radioactive Effluent Dose Calculations Were Not Performed within Required Frequency.Caused by Procedure Inadequacy.Will Revise Procedures & Will Enhance Tracking Process
ML20203K4271997-11-30030 November 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant 05000213/LER-1997-017, :on 970924,identified Three Locations of Detectable Plant Related Radioactivity in on-site Landfill Area.Caused by Failure to Conduct Adequate Survey.Access to Area Controlled1997-11-18018 November 1997
- on 970924,identified Three Locations of Detectable Plant Related Radioactivity in on-site Landfill Area.Caused by Failure to Conduct Adequate Survey.Access to Area Controlled
05000213/LER-1997-019, :on 970808,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded W/Rms Determined Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Incorrect Interpretation of Ts.Compensatory Sampling to Be Conducted in Time Frame Required1997-11-17017 November 1997
- on 970808,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded W/Rms Determined Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Incorrect Interpretation of Ts.Compensatory Sampling to Be Conducted in Time Frame Required
ML20199B1141997-10-31031 October 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant 05000213/LER-1997-018, :on 971003,Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Flow Was Found Below Design During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Evaluated Replacement of Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Capable of Overcoming Higher Pressures1997-10-30030 October 1997
- on 971003,Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Flow Was Found Below Design During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Evaluated Replacement of Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Capable of Overcoming Higher Pressures
ML20198M8101997-10-14014 October 1997 SER Accepting Proposed Revs to Util Quality Assurance Program at Facility ML20198J8811997-09-30030 September 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant 05000213/LER-1997-015, :on 970813,functional Testing of Radiation Monitoring Sys Was Not Performed as Defined in Ts.Caused by Lack of Understanding of Definition of Acot.Revised Appropriate RMS Surveillance Procedure1997-09-12012 September 1997
- on 970813,functional Testing of Radiation Monitoring Sys Was Not Performed as Defined in Ts.Caused by Lack of Understanding of Definition of Acot.Revised Appropriate RMS Surveillance Procedure
05000213/LER-1996-027, :on 961010,boron Injection Flow Path Below Minimum Required Temperature Was Determined.Caused by Inadequate Design of Heat Trace Controls in Rtd.Boric Acid Flow Paths from Bamt Were Declared Inoperable1997-09-12012 September 1997
- on 961010,boron Injection Flow Path Below Minimum Required Temperature Was Determined.Caused by Inadequate Design of Heat Trace Controls in Rtd.Boric Acid Flow Paths from Bamt Were Declared Inoperable
05000213/LER-1996-016, :on 960801,potential for Inadequate RHR Pump NPSH During Sump Recirculation Was Determined.Caused by Failure to Fully Analyze Containment Pressure & Sump Temperature Response.Redesign of Piping Proposed1997-09-12012 September 1997
- on 960801,potential for Inadequate RHR Pump NPSH During Sump Recirculation Was Determined.Caused by Failure to Fully Analyze Containment Pressure & Sump Temperature Response.Redesign of Piping Proposed
05000213/LER-1997-014, :on 970808,ESFA Occurred Due to Deenergization of High Containment Pressure Actuation Circuits.Reemphasized Expectations of Mgt for Performing non-routine Operational Tasks1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 970808,ESFA Occurred Due to Deenergization of High Containment Pressure Actuation Circuits.Reemphasized Expectations of Mgt for Performing non-routine Operational Tasks
05000213/LER-1996-021, :on 960828,valve Leakage Resulted in Nitrogen Intrusion Into RCS During Cold Shutdown.Caused by Leaking Valve BA-V-355.Training Has Been Been Provided to Operators on Event & Features & Limitations of Sys1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 960828,valve Leakage Resulted in Nitrogen Intrusion Into RCS During Cold Shutdown.Caused by Leaking Valve BA-V-355.Training Has Been Been Provided to Operators on Event & Features & Limitations of Sys
05000213/LER-1996-005, :on 960301,spent Fuel Cooling Was Shut Down Due to Discovery of Loose Parts.Caused by Inadequate Design. Piping from Both Sent Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps to Plate Exchanger Were Inspected for Loose Parts w/bore-a-scope1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 960301,spent Fuel Cooling Was Shut Down Due to Discovery of Loose Parts.Caused by Inadequate Design. Piping from Both Sent Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps to Plate Exchanger Were Inspected for Loose Parts w/bore-a-scope
[Table view] |
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I Docket No. 50-213 B12020 Haddam Neck Probabilistic Safety Study NUSCO Evaluation of PSS Results March,1986 8604100287 860331 PDR ADOCK0500g3-P
. i.
During the development of the Haddam Neck Probabilistic Safety Study (PSS),
Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCO) obtained many new engineering insights into the expected performance of the Haddam Neck Plant during transient situations. Discussions of the major insights developed from the study are presented in this section which serves as the cornerstcne for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company's (CYAPCO) efforts to reduce the overall calculated core melt frequency at the Haddam Neck Plant.
Plant Changes Implemented as a Result of the PSS 1)
Removal of the Interdependence of the Emergency Diesel Generator on Common Motor Control Center-5 (MCC-5)
During efforts to integrate the PSS system reliability models, an interdependency between the emergency diesel generators (ED/G) and safety-related MCC-5 was highlighted.
This interdependence was LER 85-029.(a) letter dated November 8,1985(l) and was reported as discussed in 2
Specifically, the air-operated valves (AOV) which allow cooling water to the ED/Cs are operated by solenoid-operated valves (SOV).
Although the AOVs fail open on loss of air, the SOVs require AC power from MCC-5 to operate and open the AOVs.' A loss of offsite power coincident with a sustained interruption of power to MCC-5 could cause both diesels to overheat and subsequently fail if operator recognition and action does not take place. However, loss of offsite power and MCC-5 does not affect the ability of the diesel generators to start up. If one or both diesel generators start up, accept their emergency loads and properly reenergize MCC-5 as designed, the original AOV/SOV configuration would result in long-term diesel generator cooling availability.
Following discussions with the diesel manufacturer, immediate corrective actions were implemented to maintain one of the ED/G AOVs in the open position (air supply removed), monitor the effect on lube oil temperature of continuous service water flow to the jacket water heat exchangers and perform a service test after tube oil temperature equalized (testing was in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification Section 4-5.a). Subsequently, the remaining AOV was also modified to permit continuous cooling water to the diesel engine. Permanent modifications were planned for the 1986 refueling outage to remove this interdependency and allow the AOVs to remain closed during normal plant operation.
The equipment / parts that will allow CYAPCO to install permanent modifications to this system are on order and are expected to be (1)
- 3. F. Opeka letter to C. I. Grimes, "Probabilistic Safety Study Finding,"
dated November 8,1985.
L censee Event Report 85-029 for the Haddam Neck
- Plant,
" Interdependence of Emergency Diesel Generators and Common Motor Control Center," dated December 2,1985.
., i -.
A 1
i !
delivered during the latter part of April 1986. Presently, the Haddam f;
Neck Plant is scheduled to start-up from the _1986 refueling outage during April 1986.
As such, the permanent modifications to the 1
-emergency diesel generators may not be fully implemented before the i
end of the current outage. However, as the planned modifications can 1'
be implemented with the plant in operation, CYAPCO will install the j
permanent modifications upon receipt of the necessary l
equipment / parts.
This information supersedes the schedule for.
resolution presented in the previously_ mentioned LER.~ In the interim, i
the short-term corrective actions (continuous service. water flow to j.
-the jacket water heat exchangers) will remain in place, ensuring the i
above-mentioned interdependency will not adversely affect the j
emergency diesel generator operation.
j At the time of the discovery of this interdependency, all of the PSS i
system's models were being integrated to provide an overall.
j assessment of core melt frequency. A preliminary assessment of this j
particular sequence identified it as the dominant contributor to station l
blackout frequency and a major contributor to core melt frequency.
As a result, the above-mentioned short-term modifications were l
implemented to remove the interdependency.
Thus the core melt frequer:cy value of 5.5 x 10-4/ reactor-year 'does not include the contribution from this scenario.
Mitigation of the Effects of the Loss of MCC-5 as a Transient Initiator i
As part of the overall PSS effort, the frequency and consequences of -
the loss of MCC-5(3) as an initiating event were also considered.
System reliability calculaticns were performed using fault tree analysis to estimate the frequency of occurrence of loss of MCC-5.
Failure modes and effects analyses were performed to determine the j-consequences of the loss of MCC-5. Walkdowns of the plant with the operating staff at Haddam Neck identified the means of identifying the transient as well as possible means of recovering the system and/or mitigating the effects of its loss..
i i
The scenario is initiated by a de-energization of MCC-5 resulting from i
any of a number of causes. A large fraction of the de-energization of MCC-5 events (95 to 99 percent) are potentially recoverable.
However, as a result of the loss of MCC-5 there is a loss of semi-vital AC power along with a trip of both main feedwater pumps on sensed i
Iow-suction pressure. Subsequently, the reactor trips on feed flow -
steam flow mismatch. The loss of MCC-5 also causes the loss of the i
control air compressors, loss of closed cooling water pumps for i
compressor cooling and loss of most of the important motor-operated valves including safety injection, core deluge, containment spray, pressurizer relief, loop isolation, and chemical and volume control systems valves.
I i'
(3) This component is not required to meet the single failure criterion as described in the " United States Atomic Energy Commission Safety Evaluation by the Division of Reactor Licensing", dated July 1,1971.
.,--.e m-c
O 4 6 The loss of semi-vital AC power, in addition to causing the loss of important instrumentation such as steam generator pressure and auxiliary feedwater flow, automatically starts the stand-by charging pump and isolates letdown makeup to the volume control tank (VCT).
The charging pump main tube oil pumps stop on loss of MCC-5, although the auxiliary lube oil pumps would be available.' Automatic switch-over of charging pump suction from the VCT to the refueling water storage tank (RWST) fails as the VCT level goes down. Within several minutes of initiation, the VCT is drained. Without operator intervention, both charging pumps would cavitate and be damaged soon thereafter. With the loss of MCC-5, many alarms would be received in the control room. Because of the eventual loss of control air, all AOVs would fail in their safe position, but automatic control would be lost. Auxiliary feedwater would be available because the AOVs would fail open, but their position could not be controlled from the control Likewise, the positive displacement (metering) charging pump room.
would not be controllable.
Component cooling water flow to the reactor coolant pump (RCP) thermal barrier would be lost because the AOV fails closed on loss of air or loss of semi-vital AC power. Hence, all RCP seal cooling is potentially lost. On the secondary side, the loss of air results in the eventual closing of the main steam trip valves. The turbine bypass valves (steam dump to condenser) as well as the atmospheric steam dump valve would not be available.
Preliminary evaluation of the above scenario identified this transient as one of the dominant contributors to the core melt frequency. As a result, a project assignment using " emergency" work-order procedures was initiated to eftect plant design changes necessary to trip the charging pumps on loss of MCC-5 (specifically loss of semi-vital AC power). Manual realignment of charging suction to the RWST would ensure reactor coolant system make-up capability during this scenario.
The PSS identified possible means of mitigating the accident including the potential for recovering MCC-5, and the cross-tie of service air to control air along with compressor cooling using the well water system.
With air restored, auto-control of the charging metering pump as well as control room operation of auxiliary feedwater flow would be available. The draft symptom-based Emergency Response Guidelines are also undergoing evaluation to incorporate means of identification and mitigation of this transient.
As of this writing, the above described plant modifications and associated procedure changes arc in the process of being implemented, j
Our objective is to complete this effort prior to plant start-up.
However, depending upon the actual date of plant start-up, completion of the wo-k may occur carly during the upcoming cycle. Since their work will be completed either prior to start-up or shortly thereafter, we have elected to credit these modifications in the PSS calculations.
The calculated core melt frequency of 5.5 x 10-4 per reactor-year does include some residual contribution from this accident scenario, but the plant design / procedural changes described above have removed most of the contribution of this scenario.
e o s
' l II.
Engineering Insights Obtained from the PSS 1)
Adverse Break Size and Location in the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) j During performance of the "Best Estimate LOCA Analysis" (NUSCO-150),' a small range of break sizes in loop 2 cold leg of the RCS was identified for which safety injection flow - in the high-pressure recirculation mode may be insufficient to prevent core uncovery in the i
absence of modifications to facility operating procedures and/or system (e.g., valve) realignment.
The specific break sizes and locations involved are breaks of 0.045 ft.2 to 0.02 ft.2 in the cold leg 4
pump discharge line for RCS Loop 2 and breaks less than 0.045 f t.2 in the Loop 2 charging line and connected piping.
For Loop 2 breaks greater than or equal to 0.045 ft.2 (equivalent diameter = 2.9 inches), the RCS, with all accident mitigation pumps activated in the injection mode, will depressurize to 165 psia (150 psig)
I and below prior to initiation of core uncovery and also prior to the depletion of 100,000 gallons of RWST inventory.
Low-pressure recirculation using the residual heat removal (RHR) pumps would j
i For Loop 2 cold leg breaks less than or equal to 0.02 ft.2 (equivalent diameter =
1.9 inches), one charging pump and only one of two charging flow control valves is sufficient in the high pressure recirculation mode to prevent core uncovery.
(The high pressure recirculation mode commences by aligning the charging pump suction to the discharge of the RHR pumps when RCS pressure is above 165 psia. The sole delivery point is to the Loop 2 cold leg.)
Breaks located directly in the charging line or connected piping i
downstream of the check valves for sizes 0.045 ft.2 and smaller may also produce results analogous to the Loop 2 cold leg breaks discussed above since for these breaks the RCS pressure also remains above i
165 psia while the charging flow provides insufficient flow to prevent core uncovery.
l The frequency of these breaks was estimated in the PSS by multiplying the (generic) frequency of various size LOCAs times the conditional probability that a break of a given size occurred in the adverse location. This conditional probability was derived by totalling up the number of pipe segments in the affected location and dividing by the total number of pertinent pipe sections of the given size range throughout the RCS. A pipe segment is defined as a section of pipe between major discontinuties (e.g., valves, reducers, etc). In the PSS, approximately 9% of the medium break LOCAs and 1% of the small break LOCAs are estimated to occur in adverse locations.
The-definition of a pipe segment and the methodology used for quantification is consistent with WASH-1400.
As a result of this discovery, evaluation of the feasibility of utilizing additional sources of borated water to extend the injection phase and/or using other available injection paths, such as the loop-fill
header or auxiliary pressurizer spray, are being evaluated. This issue is being addressed in separate correspondence.
Best Estimate LOCA Analysis J
In support of the PSS, plant-specific thermal-hydraulic analyses were i
performed for a wide spectrum of potential core uncovery events. The results are summarized in the " Connecticut Yankee (Haddam Neck Plant) Best Estimate LOCA Analysis," NUSCO-150.
The major i
findings of the analysis are summarized as follows:
For large breaks (area > 0.2 ft.2), success of emergency core o
cooling in the injection phase requires only one low-pressure safety injection pump providing flow through one core deluge valve.
J j
o For medium breaks (0.2 f t.2 2 area 20.02 ft.2), success requires only one high-pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump providing flow to 3 of 3 unfaulted loops (or 2 HPSI pumps to 2 of 3 unfaulted loops).
For medium-small breaks (0.02 ft.23 area 3 0.003 ft.2), success o
j requires only one charging pump or one HPSI pump for mitigation.
For small breaks (area < 0.003 ft.2), success requires steam o
generator heat removal capability in addition to either one HPSI pump or one charging pump for mitigation.
o " Feed-and-bleed" cooling requires one charging pump and I
one pressurizer PORV, or one HPSI pump and two PORVs.
Initiation of feed-and-bleed is required approximately 40 minutes.
I following the loss of all steam generator feedwater.
I o For station blackout, core damage would not occur for over j
i i
eight hours, even assuming catastrophic failure of all. reactor r
coolant pump seals.
Additional Findings The following additional insights are also of interest:-
There are eight potential paths for high. pressure / low pressure o
interfacing systems LOCA; however, the overall contribution to core melt frequency is low.
o Pipe ruptures in the letdown line outside containment but upstream of the flow control orifices, although relatively low in frequency, have only one potential means of isolation (LD-MOV-200).
Failure of the MOV to close either automatically or manually could potentially result in an unisolated LOCA outside containment; the sequence could possibly be risk dominant. As
j part of the Integrated Safety Assessment Program (ISAP),
i l
o e.. evaluations are underway to determine whether a proposed design change to add an additional containment isolation valve outside containment for other reasons might be more appropriate if relocated inside containment.
o A reliability analysis of the auxiliary feedwater system has found the unavailability of automatic initiation of the system to be dominated by failures of air-operated (and particularly solenoid-operated) valves. Changes to periodic testing frequencies of.the valves are under. consideration.
In addition, a - potentially significant common cause failure of the system due to the nonrestoration of manual valves following preventive maintenance has been identified and is under evaluation, o Failure of SW-MOV-5 and 6 to open on demand are found to be dominant contributors to RHR system unavailability in the LOCA recirculation mode of core cooling, Based on current procedures, the testing of the main steam trip.
o valve transmitters was found not to be systematic in that testing of all four channels is not assured.
The fans for cooling the charging pump lube oil coolers offer a o
potential means of providing cooling independent of component cooling water; however, no information on the design adequacy has been found nor are there any testing or maintenance procedures for the fans.
The diesel-driven fire pump provides an AC independent means o
of containment spray during station blackout should containment heat removal be necessary; however, a single motor-operated valve (MOV-31) outside containment would have to be opened manually. This feature of an AC-independent containment spray pump is important in minimizing the offsite public consequences resulting from core melt due to station blackout.
On a best estimate basia, the RCS loop isolation valves have o
been found to provide a reasonable means of mitigating the effects of steam generator tube ruptures.
o Due to the diversity and redundancy of containment heat removal features (four fan coolers, six pumps for spray), the overall availability of containment heat removal systems for mitigating the impact of core damage accidents was found to be exceptional.
The overall reliability of main feedwater/ auxiliary feedwater o
post-trip (non-loss of feedwater events) was likewise found to be exceptional.
Discussion of RCS Piping Ductility The PSS results are based on LOCA frequencies derived. from the experience of pressurized water reactors, as quantified in WASH-1400.
r 3
- o. The actual LOCA frequencies at Haddam Neck are expected to be lower than the values used in the PSS since the piping material is austenitic stainless steel while the PWR population includes plants which use ferritic carbon steel. Stainless steel provides superior ductility and toughness and is not susceptible to brittle fracture at low temperatures. Thus, the PSS results include an unquantified conservatism in terms of the actual LOCA frequencies.
Discussion of Haddam Neck Plant-Specific Simulator Experience The plant-specific control room simulator for the Haddam Neck Plant became available during the last month of the study. Additional benefits will be realized in the future as the results of the PSS are incorporated into the training of operators on the simulator.
Future NUSCO Actions As stated previously, NUSCO is currently reviewing the results of the PSS to determine the best alternatives available to reduce the core melt frequency at the Haddam Neck Plant. Completion of these analyses will result in either a clarification of the system success criteria, identification of weaknesses or recommendations for posible hardware and/or emergency operating procedure changes. When these are completed we will requantify the Haddam Neck PSS models reflecting the net effects of these changes.
As new issues are identified during our review of the PSS, we plan to either:
Implement a project assignment corresponding to the identified issue, if the issue is deemed to have a high level of importance to plant safety, or b)
Evaluate the issue and any resultant projects within the framework of the ISAP, and implement modifications to the plant / procedures on a schedule commensurate with the results of the ISAP evaluation.
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