B12619, Bimonthly Progress Rept 5:New Switchgear Bldg Const

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Bimonthly Progress Rept 5:New Switchgear Bldg Const
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1987
Shared Package
ML20236H091 List:
B12619, NUDOCS 8708050066
Download: ML20236H124 (6)


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Docket No. 50-213 l

B12619 i

i Attachment I Haddam Neck Plant l

Bimonthly Progress Report No. 5 j

New Switchgear Building Construction

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8700050066 870731 PDR ADOCK 05000213 R


July,1987 i

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. Attachment i 1

B12619 Haddam Neck Plant Bimonthly Progress Report No. 5 i

New Switchgear Building Construction i


l In a letter dated June 30, 1986,(1) the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power l

Company (CYAPCO) provided the NRC ' Staff with the conceptual design information for the new switchgear building at the Haddam Neck Plant, including l

a description of the new facility.

The major milestone schedule for the-construction and implementation phases of this project was provided to the NRC Staff in a letter dated September 30, 1986(2) and committed to provide the NRC Staff with bimonthly progress reports. The following is a brea! down of the major activities accomplished and ongoing for the fif th reporting period.

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j J

Problems with the excavation of the switchgear building foundation adjacent to the primary auxiliary building (PAB) wall had a significant impact on the engineering schedule and resulted in no construction progress during the month of June 1987. A brief surnmary of steps taken to resolve these problems' is provided below:

J l

o Construction work was stopped due to running ground conditions during excavation below the water table.

Alternative dewatering schemes were evaluated from a feasibility, o

cost and schedule standpoint through June 19, 1987.

Dewatering consultants were hired to assist in the development of an' external well system to lower the water table in the vicinity of the excavation.

Final evaluations of the proposed dewatering scheme proved to be o

cost prohibitive and would also result in unacceptable schedular delays.

A number of other alternatives were evaluated and the decision was made to relocate the new switchgear building q

approximately 11.5 feet further north,16.5 feet north of the PAB.

This location places the building on sound compacted fill throughout and eliminates the need for excessive excavation or dewatering.

Concurrent with the problems associated with the excavation of the switchgear building foundation, a stop work order was issued on May 22,1987 because of the j


3. F. Opeka letter to C. I. Grimes, dated June 30,1986, "Haddam Neck Plant, Conceptual Design of the New Switchgear Room."


3. F. Opeka letter to C. I. Grimes, dated September. 30,1986, "Haddam Neck Plant, Major Implementation Milestones, New Switchgear Building Construction."



l B12619/Page 2 concerns regarding the implementation of the Bechtel Quality Program in


controlling subcontractor activities. A corrective action plan was prepared by Bechtel to address these concerns, which included the following steps:

o Replacement of key project personnel.

o Revision to existing procedures to extend the Bechtel Quality 1

Program to nonsafety-related and subcontractor activities.


o Training of Bechtel nonmanual and subcontractor personnel.

As a result of these steps and after review and approval of the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC), the stop work order was rescinded on June 18,1987.


i Engineering activities proceeded during the month in support of critical outage-related work on the addition of the 5 kV breaker cubicle and the change out of four load center transformers. Details on these and other major activities this i

month are discussed further in later sections of this report.

l CRITICAL ITEMS The following critical item was identified during this reporting period which f

could potentially affect project cost and schedule commitments:

1 Excavation of Switchgear Building Foundation o

As discussed above, construction work was halted during the month of June 1987 due to technical problems associated with dewatering the excavation. This delay has already jeopardized the project's objec-l tive of closing in the building by November 1,1987, and may l

necessitate placing concrete in cold weather conditions to ensure meeting the milestone commitment of building completion by May 2, 1988. A series of alternative schedule recovery plans are currently being prepared and evaluated.





New Switchgear Building As discussed previously, a major effort was undertaken this reporting f

period to resolve the problems associated with the excavation of the j

building foundation. A revision to PDCR No. 865 was issued on June.19, j

1987 to incorporate the proposed dewatering scheme, and was approved on June 25,1987. This plan was abandoned, however,'due to cost and schedule -

l concerns. Work continued on an overtime basis through the end of the month on the evaluation of alternative excavating techniques and resulted in the decision to relocate the new switchgear building.

Work also continued on the finalization of the seismic analysis, which will be completed upon resolution of the above issues.

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4 B12619/Page 3 2.

New Switchgear Building HVAC l

Work was completed this reporting period on the technical bid evaluation for the filters and the motorized hoists.

Work is also in progress on incorporating comments on the piping installation specification and on preparation of the HVAC duct installation specification.


New Switchgear Building Fire Protection Work was started on the bid evaluations for the halon and sprinkler system specifications. The matrix for NUREG-800 compliance was also completed and issued this month.


Appendix R Equipment Specifications for the remote instrument panel and transfer switch panel was reissued for comments. Specifications for the load center, vital AC power sur> ply and the MCCs were issued for purchase. In addition, the electricalinstallation specification was issued for construction.


Installation of Ductbanks Electrical drawings for the duct-bank details were issued for construction.

This design is based on the original intention of replacing the existing loose soil material, and may need to be modified as this material will be lef t in place.


DC System Relocation All single line drawings for this task have been issued, and work is currently in progress on the initial draf t of PDCR No. 903.


Diesel Generator B Bus Feeder to Load Center Work was completed on the design of the bracing for the 5 kV breaker cabinet, and the associated safety evaluation was incorporated into PDCR No.866.


Raceway in Containment Walkdowns are currently scheduled during the outage to determine detailed routing of the raceway. Reviews of available raceway drawings were made this reporting period in support of this walkdown.


Raceway in New Switchgear Building Work is continuing on cable tray drawings for the switchgear building, and are expected to be issued for construction early next month.

A 512619/Page 4 10.

Raceway in all Other Buildings An initial walkdown of the raceway in the PAB, cable vault and the diesel generator buildings was performed to determine the proposed routing, 11.

Cable Installation l

The specification for control cable was issued for bids.

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Metering Pump Speed Controller The loop diagram for metering pumps speed control was issued for comment.

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Load Center Transformer Replacement Work was completed on the rigging scheme for replacement of the load center transformer in support of upcoming outage commitments.

Procurement The project milestone commitment for award of the major equipment was achieved on June 1,1987 with the placement of awards for the HVAC equipment.

Other significant activities during this month are discussed below.


Awards Made The following awards were placed this reporting period:

l o

Non-Q HVAC l

o Q-HVAC l

o Vital AC Power Supply o

Pressure Doors l

o Load Center Substations 2.

Furchase Orders and Subcontractors Issued l

The following purchase orders and subcontracts were issued:

o Material Testing o

Battery Charges 3.

The following bid evaluations were completed:

o Miscellaneous Fans o

Holst o

Electronic Instruments o

DC Distribution Panels l

Attacoment 1 B12619/Page 5 Construction Construction activities were significantly impacted during this reporting period due to the technical problems associated with the excavation.

Construction activities concentrated on the resolution of items required to rescind the stop work order, including the revision of procedures and training of nonmanual and craf t personnel.

A Fitness for Duty Program was also initiated for all site personnel in accordance with the requirements for unescorted access to the plant.

In addition, detailed planning was completed for the outage-related work associated with the change out of the load center transformer and the addition of the 5 kV breaker cubicle. Detailed construction sequences were established and subsequently integrated into the outage schedule.

Nonmanual and craft labor requirements were also reviewed and additional personnel were added to support the upcoming outage.

Work was also initiated on alternative recovery schedules to minimize the impact of the current delays on follow-on construction activities. Alternative recovery plans include extended overtime and double-shif t work schcdules.

A construction punch-list was also established this reporting period to track open items af fecting construction activities. This list will be reviewed and updated regularly.

Project Staffing The project staffing increased significantly this reporting period in an attempt to expedite critical engineering activities and to supplement the construction staff in preparation for the upcoming outage.

Schedule Summary Completion of the switchgear building structure, previously forecast for November 1,1987, has tentatively slipped to early January,1988 due to the delays in the excavation and the need to place concrete in cold weather conditions. As noted previously, alternative recovery plans are currently being developed to minimize the impact of this delay on the building completion. The milestone date for building completion of May 2,1988 does not appear to be in jeopardy.

l Engineering was also completed on the PDCRs associated with the outage-related work for replacement of the load center transformers and the addition of the new 5 kV switchgear cubicle and circuit breaker.

Quality issues A Corrective Action Plan was implemented by Bechtel in response to concerns l

with the use of unapproved materials by the excavation subcontractor which led to the issue of a stop work order on May 22, 1987. This Corrective Action Plan resulted in the rescinding of the stop work order on June 18,1987.