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SER Accepting Proposed Revs to Util Quality Assurance Program at Facility
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/1997
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20198M806 List:
NUDOCS 9710300008
Download: ML20198M810 (3)



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WASHINGTON, D.C. 2066tW1001




By letter dated April 25,1997, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) transmitted proposed Revision 1 to the Connecticut Yaakee Quality Assurance Program (CYOAP)in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(a). The proposed revision was then amended by letter dated August 21,1997.


Pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.82, CYAPCO submitted a letter, dated December 5,1996, informing the Commission that tb, Haddam Neck Plant (Plant) had permanently ceased power operations and that all nuclear fuel had been removed from the reactor vessel.

By letter dated February 20,1997, CYAPCO notified the Commission that it was reviewing Plant programs with the intent of making revisions to reflect the permanently shutdown status of the plant and that it was adopting,in its entirety, approved Revision 18 of the Northeast Utilities Quality Assursace Program (NUGAP) as the " Quality Assurance Program for the Haddam Neck Plant," Revision O. (Revision 18 was generically applicable to the Plant and the Millstone Units.) The intent of this purely administrative action was to allow CYAPCO to make changes specific to the Plant quality assurance program independent of the Millstone Station. Revision 1 of the CYOt.P, submitted by lettor dated April 25,1997, and subsequently amended by letter dated August 21,1997, reflects the permanently defueled condition.

3.0 EVALUATION The major change to Revision 0 of the CYOAP involvos the Plant organization reflecting the transition from an operating plant to a defueled plant undergoing decontamination and decommissicning. By letter dateo N ay 22,1997, the NRC issued license Amendment No.191 to the Plant operating license, which revises Administrative Controls Section 6.0 of the Technical Specifications (TS) to implement changes in msnagement responsibilities and titles that reflect the permanently shutdown status of the plant. Section 1.0,

" Organization", of the CYOAP, Revision 1, reflects changes in the Plant organization and is cot.sistent with License Amendment No.191.

9710300008 971014 PDR ADOCK 05000213 W




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m In addition, Section 1.0 of the CYQAP has been revised to minimize refstences to Millstone programs. Still referenced NUQAP organizations include Nuclear Oversight and Nuclear

Safety Engineering, in addition, the program for offsite audits; evaluations, and inspections of vendors, conducted by the Nuclear Materials and Documentation organization, remains a

- Millstone function; receipt inspection is also, primarily, a Millstone function. Revision.19 of

- the NUQAP describes the responsibilities of these organizations.

Structures, systems, and components (SSCs) important to safety are identified in Section 3.2.1 of the CY Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR). These SSCs, to which the requkements of Appendix 8 to 10 CFR Part 50 (App. B) are applied, are addressed by Appendix A of the CYOAP. While Revision 0 of the CYOAP pertains to an

operating plant, Revision 1 partains to the current status of the facility, that is, one undergoing docommissioning and decontamination.

The remaining scope of SSCs falling under the requirements of App. B are primarily'the spent fuel storage pool _and supporting systems. This scope is consistent with a proposed May 30,1997 revision to the TS currently unJer review by the staff, and provides an appropriate description of the scope of the Piant Quality Assurance Program. In addition to l

these SSCs, augmented programs for fire protection and radiation protection have been

. retained.within the scope of the CYOAP.

Decommissioning activities are being corducted in accordance with the final rule for decommissioning of _ nuclear p.ower reactors, promulgated in the Federal Register on July 29, 1996. Certification that feel has been permanently removed from the reactor pursuant to

._10 CFR 50.82(a) was submitted to the Commission by letter dated December 5,1997.

Reclassification of SSCs is controlled by the CY design control process in compliance with-

- 10 CFR 50.59. TS applicable to the decommissioning process are being developed on a

' case by-case basis pursuant to the requirements of -10 CFR 50.36(c)(6). Due to the -

- permanently shut down status of the plant, the overall reduction in the number of SSCs

- under the scope.of the CYOAP program is acceptable, as many less SSCs are now required

'to safely _ operate and decommission the plant.

14.0: CONCLUSIONS The proposed revisions to the CYOAP has been reviewed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(a). On the basis of this review, the staff has determined that the CYOAP, Revision 1, meets the requirements _of App. B and meets the additional requirements of 10 CFR 50.34(b)(6)il) and is therefore acceptable.

' 5.0 ' REFERENCE MATERIAL USED BY REVIEWERS (1)' Letter, dated August 10.1995, from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Mr. J. F.

Opeka transmitting NRC review and approval of Revision 18 to the Northeast Utilities

' Quality Assurance Topical Report (2)

Letter, dated February _20,1997, from D. M. Goebel to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, "Haddam Neck Plant Quality Assurance Program"


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Letter, dated April 25,1997, from Mr. T. C. Feigenbaum to the U.S. Nuclear -

- Regulatory Commission transmitting Proposed Revision 1 to the Quality Assurance Program for. Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company's Haddam Neck Plant


Letter,' dated June 3,1997, from B. D. Kenyon to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission transmitting Proposed Revision 19 to the Northeast Utilities Quality Assurance Program Topical Report - Millstone Nuclear Power Station (5)- Letter, dated December 5,1996, from Mr. T. C. Feigenbaum to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Certification of Permanent Cessation of Power Operation and that Fuel Has Been Permanently Removed from the Reactor" l:


" Decommissioning of Nuclear Powsc Reactors," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, -

10 CFR Parts 2, 50, and 51, Federal RegisterNol. 61, No.146, July 29,1996 (7)

Letter, dated May 22,1997, from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Mr. T. C.

Folgenbaum transmitting issuance of Amendment 191 r-(8) -- - Letter, dated May 30,1997, from T. C. Feigenbaum to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, transmitting Proposed Revision to Operating License and Technical Specifications, Defueled Operating License and Technical Specifications

-(9), dated June 24,1997, from J. R. Haley to UFSAR Controlled Copyholders transmitting Change No. 28 to the Haddam Neck Plant Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (10) Letter, dated August 21,1997, from T. C. Feigenbaum to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission transmitting Additional Changes to Proposed Revision 1 to the Quality

-.; Assurance Program for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Haddam Neck Plant -

Principle Reviewer: Kenneth Heck Datedi October 14, 1997 s