IR 05000361/1995019

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Errata to Insp Repts 50-361/95-19 & 50-362/95-19, Incorporating Util Inadvertently Omitted as Attachment 4 to Repts
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1995
Shared Package
ML20149L491 List:
50-361-95-19, 50-362-95-19, NUDOCS 9602260385
Download: ML20149L499 (14)


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[ Southem Califomia Edison Company P. O BOX 128 SAN CLEMENTE. CAUFORNIA92674 0128 WALTER C. MARSH September 27, 1995 , , _ ,

McosAGER OF NUCLEAR ,4EOut ATORY AFF asRS g ,9 4 3 3es.7sto 3 Mr. J. L. Pellet, Chief, Operations Section Region IV U. .S. Nuclear Regulatory' Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-8064

Dear Mr. Pellet:



Subject: Docket Numbers 50-361 and 50-362 Proposed Examination Outlines l San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3'

References: A) Letter from T. P. Gwynn,. (NRC), to H. B. Ray, (Edison),

dated August 23, 1995, " Meeting on Pilot Examination r Development Program." I

B) Letter from T. P. Gwynn, (NRC), to H. B. Ray, (Edison),

dated August 11, 1995, " Pilot Initial Examination (50-s 361/95-19; 50-362/95-19)."

In accordance with NRC Pilct Examination Development Program requirements (Reference A), this letter provides Edison's proposed examination outline i (Enclosure). The required Examination Security Agreement has been signed'

and is included in the sealed enclosure. Based on Reference B, and'a '

telephone call with Mr. Michael Murphy,-Licensing Examiner, Region IV, on i August 29, 1995, Edison understands NRC staff review of the completed and  !

validated examinations will occur at San Onofre the week of November 13, *


l In accordance with the physical security requirements discussed in Reference A, Edison requests the enclosed material be withheld from ,

public disclosure until after the examination process is complete. -

If you require any additional information, please let me know.



b $- N -c 9602260385 950927 " ~

PDR ADOCK 05000361 V PDR cc: (w/o enclosure)

L. J. Callan,. Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV J. E. Dyer, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region IV K. E. Perkins, Jr., Director, Walnut Creek Field Office, NRC Region IV J. A. Sloan, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, San Onofre Units 2 & 3 M. B. Fields, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3 i





ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Examination Level: SRO Facility: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Week of Examination: 27 November 1995 Examiner's Name (print):

Administrative Describe Method af evaluation:

Topic / Subject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions A.1 Estimated Critical J106S Position 001-010-A4-03 3.9 Key Control & 104-001-K1 05 3.4 Safety 193-001-Kl-12 2.9 A.2 Remove J035S Equipment from O l 2-000-A4-05 3.6 Service A.3 Radiation Control J126S 194-001-A1-16 4.4


A.4 Emergency J005 Classification 000-067-A2-13 4.4 Examiner: Chief Examiner:

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ES-301 o Individual Wrik-thr ugh Test Outlise Ferm ES-301-2


Examination Level: SRO Facility: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Week of Examination: 27 November 1995 Examiner's Name (print):

System / JPM Safety Planned Follow-up Questions:

Function K/A/G // Importance // Description J036S - Align four finger I 001-010-K4-03 // 3.4-J ,



001-000-G0-13 3.6 1033FS - Rad Monitor IX t# Surveillance if 073-000-A4-01 3.9 J048S - Start RCP post IV Accident 003-000-G0-09 3.4 Ji13S - RAS Actuation II Verification N, 006-020- A3-04 4.3 11 ISS - Transfer Charging Ill 004-000-Kl.06 // 3.1

,j. Pump Suction post-LOCA


000-011-A 1-05 3.9 J017 - Secure CEDMCS MG I 001 000-G0-07 // 3.3 Set 001-010-K6-03 // 3.3 f 001-000-G0-09 i } 3.6 1019 - Perform actions as VIII 062-000-G0-07 // 3.2 CRS outside Control Room 062-000-A2 01// 3.9 7 000-068-A l-10 3.9 J117 - Restore Non-qualified VII Loads from Outside Control f Room 062-000-A2-01 3.9 J120S - Fuel Handling XI Isolation System Reset p 000-060-A1-02 3.1 J013S - Transfer Shutdown IV Cooling from Parallel Pump

& Heat Exchanger Operation


to Single Pump & Heat

[ Exchanger 005-000-A l-01 3.6 Examiner: Chief Examiner:



Simulation Facility: SONGS 2/3 Scenano No.: 1 Exanuners : Applicants :

Initial conditions : Recovered a Drooned CEA 1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> aco Circulatine Water DP is between 8 and 9 PSID with Screen wash oumo in service Aux.tliary Feedwater numn P-504 Out Of Service fbr Boundary of the week expected return m four hoitrs Turnover:

Event Malf. Event Event K/A's No. No. Type * Desenption PEh! P-504 Rack out Screen Wash Pump Auto Start i RO-R Increase Power to 100%

BOP-N 2 RC09A RO-1 Reactor Coolant Pump Speed Sensor Failure 035010A203

3 RD03 RO C Dropped CEA 000003A105

4 RC03 RO-R Reactor Coolant System Leak 000009A204 BOP-R 40 5 RC03 RO M Loss Of Coolant Accideia 00(X111G011 130P-M 45 6 RP01G BOP-C Con.conent Coolant Water Pump Auto Start Failure 008030A304 3.9 7 EC08D RO-C IIPSI puap Over current ground 006000A202

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity. (I)nstrumen: (C)omponent, t NOajor (PEM) Preexisting Malfunctions Exammer:

Chief Examiner:

l l


Simulation Facility: SONGS 2/3 Scenario No.: 2 Examiners : Applicants :

Iruttal conditions : Circulattne Water DP is between 8 and 9 PSID with Screen wash numn in service Auxilian-Feedwater numn P-504 Out Of Semcc for Boundary of the week expected return in four hours Turnover:

Event Malf. Event Event K/A's No. No. Type * Description PEM P-504 Rack out Screen Wash Pump Auto Start i SG03E RO-l Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter Failure 035010A203 3.6 2 RX05A RO-I Pressurtzer Level Setpoint Failure 000028A108

3 FW12 BOP-C Condensate Pump Sheared Shad 056000A204 2.8 4 SG02A RO R Steam Generator Tube Leak 000037GtX)8 BOP N Down power required 3.9 5 CV17A RO-C Bonc Acid Makeup pump failure OC GRD 004000A401 3.9 6 SG02A RO-M Steam Generator Tube Rupture 00(X)38A132 BOP M 4.7

  • (N)ormal. (R)eactivity, (1)nstrument, (C)omponent. (M)ajor (PEM) Preexisting Malfunctions Examiner:

Chief Examiner:

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Simulation Facility: SONGS 2/3 Scenario No.: 3 Examiners : Applicants :

Initial conditions : Circulating Water DP is between 8 and 9 PSID with Screen wash oumo in service Auxiliary Feedwater oumo P-504 is Out Service for Boundary of the week expected return in four hours Turnover:

Event Malf. Event Event K/A's No. No. Type * Description PEM P-504 Rack out Screen Wash Pump Auto Start I CWO5C BOP-C Loss of Circulating Water Pump P-117 overcurrent ground 075000A202 BOP-N Downpower required 2.7 RO-R 2 RC10A RO-l RCS T cold Temperture Transmitter Failure 002000A103 3.8 ;

3 ED03B RO-C Loss of 4160 Emergency Bus 062000A201 3.8 4 ED01 RO-M Loss of OtTsite Power 0000562448 BOP-M 4.5 5 FW25 BOP-C Overspeed trip of P-140 061000A204 3.8

  • (N)onnal, (R)eactivity. (Dnstrument, (C)omponent, (Mlajor (PEM) Preexistmg Malfunctions Exammer:

Chief Examiner: i l


,_ a

Simulation Facility: SONGS 2/3 Scenano No.: 4 BACKUP Exammers : Applicants :

initial conditions : Ctreulatmc Water DP is between 8 and 9 PSID with Screen wash numo in sersice Auxiliary Feedwater numo P 504 Out Of Semce for Boundary of the week exnected return m four hours Turnover:

Event Malf Event Event K/A's No No Type * Desenption PENi P-504 Rack out Screen Wash Pump Auto Start I WD02 BOP-C Ruptured Waste Gas Decay Tank 071000A203 3.3 2 FWO9A BOP-N Feedwater Pump Turbme High Wbration followed by 059000A204 RO R feedwater pump tnp 33 3 RC10A RO-l RCS T Cold Transmitter Failure 016000G011 ~

4 RPolM RO-C Containment Spray Pump Auto Sta:t Failure 026000A301

5 MS03A RO-M Main Steam Line Break Inside Contamment 000040A201 BOP-M 47

  • (N)ormal, (R )eactivity, (I)nstrument. (Clomponent, (M)ajor (PEM) Preexistmg Malfunctions Exammer:

Chief Exammer:

l l


l l



Knowledge and Ability Record Form


. Facihty; SONGS 2/3

?WR - Senior Reactor Operator Target; 17% Actual: 17*4 -

K/A TOPIC RATING SRO 19:001A101 Ability to obtain and venfy control procedure copy. 3.4 194 OIA101 Ability to obtain and venfv control procedure copy. 3.4 194011A102 Ability to execute procedural steps. 3.9 ,

19400.A102 Ability to execute procedural steps. 3,9 194001 A103 Ability to locate and use procedures and station directives related to shin 3.4 statrmg and activities. '

194001 A ' 06, Ability to make accurate, clear and concise logs, records, status boards, and 3l4 reports.

194001 AI l') Ability to coordinate personnel activities outside the control room 3.9 ;

194001Ai12 Abihty to direct personnel activities outside the control room. 4i 194001Ai16 Ability to take actions called for in the Facility emergency Plan, meluding (rr 4.4 required) supporting or actmg as the Emergency Coordmator.

194001K101 Knowledge of how to conduct and venfy valve lineups. 3.7


194001K101. Knowledge of how to conduct and verify valve hneups. 3.7-194001K101 /.nowledge of how to conduct and venfv valve imeups. 37 19400lK102 K.towledge ef tagging and clearance procedures. 4.1

194001K103 Kr mledge of 10CFR20 and related facility radiation control requirements 3.4

"194001K110 Knerledge of safety procedures related to caustic solutions. 3.3 i 194001K114 Knov. ledge of safety procedures related to confmed spaces. 3.6 194001K116 Knov,. edge of facility protection requirements, includmg fire brigade and 4.2 prtab. fire-fighting equipment usage.


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Knowledge and Ability Record Form

. PLANT SYSTEMS Facility: SONGS 2/3 Group I Plant Systems Target: 19% Actual.19%

K/A TOPIC RATING SRO 001000K105 NIS and RPS 4.4 003000K104 CVCS 2.9 004000K202 Knowledge of bus power supplies to makeup pumps. 3.1 004000K501 Importance of oxygen control in RCS. 3.3 013000A302 Operation of actuated equipment. 4.2 Ol3000K103 CCS 4.1 015000A105 Imbalance (Axial Shape) 3.9 015000A402 NIS Indicators 3.9 017020A402 Temperature values used to determme RCS/RCP operation dunng 4.1 Inadequate Core Cooling 022000G004 Knowledge of system purpose and/or function 3.3 026000G006 Knowledge of bases m technical specifications tbr lumtmg conditions for 3.6 operation and safety Imuts 056000K503 Water hammer and methods of prevention 2.6 059000A203 Overfeedmg event 3.1 059000K104 S/G water level control system 34 061000K302 S/G 4.4 061000K414 AFW automatic isolation 3.7 063000K103 Battery charger and batten- 3.5 071000K404 isolation of waste gas release tanks 34 072000A101 Radition Levels 3.6

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Knowledge and Ability Record Form

, PLANT SYSTDA Facility:- SONGS 2/3 Group !! Plant Systems Target: 17% Actual: 17%

K/A TOPIC RATING SRO 0020000006 Knowledge of bases in technical specifications limiting conditions for 3.8 operations and safety limits ,


006000K405 Autostart of HPI/LPI/ SIP 4.4 010000A107 RCS pressure 3.7 011000K101 CVCS 3.9 012000A206 Failure of RPS Signal to tnp the reactor 4.7 012000K607 Knowledge of the applicable performance and design attnbutes of the 3.2 following RPS components CPC k

01:000K607 Knowledge of the applicable performance and design attnbutes of the 3.2 following RPS components CPC 016000K307 ECCS 3.7 -

027000G004 Knowledge of system purpose anNor function 3.4 029000K101 Gaseous radiation release monitors 3.7 033000K401 Maintenance of spent fuel level ,

3.2 055000K301 Main condenser 2.7 062000K410 Uninterruptible AC power sources 3.5 064000A206 Operstmg unload, lightly loaded. and highly loaded time limit 3.3 064000A406 Manual start, loading , and stoppmg of the EDO 3.9 086000K301 Shutdown capability with redundant equipment 3.2 103000A205 Emergency containment entiv 3.9

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Knowledge and Ability Record Form

, PLANT SYSTEMS Facility: SONGS 2/3 1 l

Group III Plants Systems Target: 4% Actual: 4%


K/A TOPlc RATING SRO 005000K106 ECCS 3.6 041020A302 RCS pressure, RCS temperature, and reactor power 3.4 076000K101 CCW System 3.3 078000K103 Containment air 3.4



Group I Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Target: 24% Actual: 24% !

000003K104 Effects of power level and control position on delta flux 3.7 000005K304 Tech-Spec limits for inoperable rods 4.1 000011A103 Securing of reactor coolant pumps 40 00001IA104 ESF actuation system in manual .4.4 l

.000011K313 Hot-coldleg injection / recirculation 4.2 000015Al22 RCP seal failure / malfunction 4.2 000015K102 Consequences of an RCPS failure 41 000024K30i When emergency boration is requtred 4.4 000026A204 Normal values and upper linuts for temperature of the components cooled by 2.9 the CCWS 000026K303 Guidance actions contained in EOP for Loss of CCW/ nuclear service water 4.2 000029K301 Venfring a reactor tnp. methods 4.5 000029A209 Occurrence of a mam turbine / reactor tnp 4.5

. 000040K101 Consequences of PTS 44 000040K105 Reactivity etfects of a cooldown 44 000051A202 Conditions requinng reactor and/or turbine trip 4.1 000055A203 Ability to determine or interpret actions necessary to restore power 4.7 000055A206 Faults and lockout that must be cleared pnor to re-energizing buses 4.1 000057A203 RPS alarm annunciators ano tnp indicators 3.9 000059K201 Radioactive-liquid morutors 2.8 000067K102 Fire Fighting 3.9 0000680010 Ability to perform without reference to procedures actions that require 4.2 immediate operation of system components or control-s 000069K203 Personnel access hatch and emergency access hatch 2.9 000074K103 Processes for removing decay heat from the core 4.9 j 000076G004 Knowledge of bases in techrucal specification for linuting conditions for 3.7 operations and safety limits


Knowledge and Ability Record Form


EMERGENCY PLANT EVOLUTIONS Facility: SONGS 2/3 Group II Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Target: 16% Actual: 16%

K/A TOPIC RATING SRO 000007G011 Ability to recognize abnonna! indications for system operating parameters 4.3 which are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operatmg procedures 000007K106 Relationship of emergency feedwater flow to S/G and decay heat removal 4.1 following reactor trip.

0000080007 Ability to explain and apply all systems limits and precautions 3.4 000009A238 Existence of head bubble 4.3 000009K32i Actions contained in EOP for small break LOCA/ Leak 45 000025A101 RCS/RHRS cooldown rate 3.7 000025K10I Loss of RHRS during all modes of operation 43 000027A205 Pzr heater setpoints 33 000032K30l Startup termmation on source-range loss 3.6 000033K302 Guidance contained in EOP for loss ofintermediate range instrumentation 39 000037K307 Actions contained in EOP for S/G tube leak 44 000038K306 Actions contained in EOP for RCS water inventory balance, steam tube 4.5 rupture, and plant shutdown procedures 000054K303 Manual control of AFW flow control valves 4.1 000058K302 Actions contamed m EOP for loss of de power 4.2 000061K201 Detectors at each ARM system location 2.6 000065A206 When to trip reactor ifinstrument air pressure is decreasmg 4.2



Knowledge and Ability Record Form

. EMERGENCY PLANT EVOLUTIONS Facility: SONGS 2/3 Group !!! Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Target: 5% Actual: 3%

K/A TOPIC RATING SRO 000028K302 Relationships between PZR pressure increase and reactor makeup / letdown 3.2 imbalance 000036A104 Fuel handling equipment during an incident 3.7 000056K101 Prmciple of cooling by natural convection 12 ]



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