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Forwards Copies of Written Statements from Local & State Governments Accepting Proposed Alternate Eof,Per 970515 RAI Re Util Request for Exemption from NUREG-0737,Suppl 1, Guidance for Backup Emergency Operations Facility
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/1997
From: Jeffery Wood
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 2467, NUDOCS 9707290099
Download: ML20149J793 (7)



C'~NTETQ ENERGY 5501 N. State Route 2 419-249-2300 John K. Wood

' Oak Harbor, OH 43449 FAX: 419-3218337 Vce Presdent Nuclear Davis-Besse i

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 4

i Serial Number 2467 i

July 21, 1997 i

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk

Washington, D.C. 20555-001 l


Response to Request for Additional Information regarding Toledo Edison's Request j for an Exception from NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, Guidance for a Backup  ;

j Emergency Operations Facility  !

i i Ladies and Gentlemen:

. By letter dated May 1,1997, (Serial Number 2461), Toledo Edison requested an exception from NUREG-0737, Supplement 1," Guidance for a Back-up Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)," and approval of an Alternate EOF location for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 (DBNPS). On May 15,1997, Mr. Allen Hansen, DBNPS NRC/NRR Project Manager, requested copies of written statements from local and state governments accepting the proposed Alternate EOF.

Ottawa and Lucas Counties and the State of Ohio have accepted the Alternate EOF location.

Enclosed are copics of the letters of acceptance (Enclosures 1,2 and 3).

In response to a verbal request made by Mr. William Maier, NRC/NRR, EP Specialist, on June 6,1997, a copy is attached of the unapproved proposed change to the DBNPS Emergency Plan relating to the Alternate EOF (Enclosure 4). The Emergency Plan proposed change is being submitted as information only, not for review. The DBNPS Emergency Plan changes will be finalized, approved and available onsite for NRC review subsequent to NRC approval of the requested exception.

970729 / I

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. Docket Number 50-346 l License Number NPF-3 I Serial Number 2467 Page 2 l On June 20,1997, Mr. Maier verbally requested additional information regarding the Alternate EOF communication capability. If approved, it is planned that the Alternate EOF will have two phone lines available and will have access to current plant status through the dedicated ,

Commurdcator in the Joint Public Information Center (JPIC). This Communicator is in constant contact with his counterpart in the Emergency Control Center at DBNPS.

On June 30,1997, Mr. Maier also indicated that Serial Number 2461 was lacking Attachment 1, map of the area identifying the plant site, county Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), JPIC and the proposed Alternate EOF. Attachment I to Serial Number 2461 is attached. Please attach this map to previously submitted Serial Number 2461.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. James L. -

Freels, Manager - Regulatory Affairs, at (419) 321-8466.

Ve truly yours, CAK/dle Enclosures  :

ec: A. E. Beach, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III A. G. Hansen, NRC Project Manager S. Stasek, DB-1 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Utility Radiological Safety Board l


I'#A 't' Number 50-346 L. ' ?e Nupiber NPF-3 sedai Number 2467 Enclosure 1 -

OTTAWA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Court ilouse BOARD MEMBERS 315 Madison street Room #103 cimore: (419) 862-3232 Steven M. Arndt PORT CLINTON, 01110 43452-1993 Genoa: (419) 855-8134 CNi RedIern O k liarbor: (419) 898-7731 CLERK OF THE BOARD P rt Clinton: (419) 734-6710 Barbara J. lie rmes May 22,1997 Pacsimile: (419) 734-6898 James L. Freels, P. E.

M- 97-00993 Manager-Regulatory Affairs Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, OH 43652

Dear Mr. Freels:

Ottawa County has no objections to Toledo Edison Company establishing an Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (AEOF) at the Edison Club in Maumee, Ohio. We understand that the intended purpose of this facility is to provide a predesignated meeting place outside of the Plume Exposure Pathway (10 miles) Emergency Planning Zone for governmental officials to meet with senior utility personnel to discuss the event at the station. It is also understood that this additional facility would only be activated when travel to the station has become limited or restricted during an emergency.

During past evaluated exercises and drills communice.tions between our Emergency Operations Center and the utility Emergency Control Center has been considered a strength. Additionally, the EOC utility Technical Liaison and the ECC County Liaison has assured a timely and accurate exchange of information between the ECC and the EOC.

Therefore, Ottawa County is supportive of this concept.




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Y Carl Koebel T even M. Arndt

) -v ijh cc James Greer File d5 WI , .

i The ottawa County Commissioners do not discritt..nate in provision of servKes or employment t>ccause of l

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Doc}cet Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 l Serial Number 2467 I Enclosure 2 l

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-- -- $ Emergency Management cOuu%S%n$

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Agency SAN YIS,EN8,, ERG ,

BILL COPELAND MARK L. PIETHYKOWSKI EDWARD J. CIECKA Administrator l James L. Freels, Regulatory Affairs Manager NANCY POSKAR I D.:vis-Besse, Regulatory Affairs C*

5501 N. State Route 2 WILLIAM S. HALSEY m e oirector Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 (419> 24s.osez l (419) 241 7919 1 (Fax)

RE: Alternate Emergency Operations Faci!ity - Davis Besse

Dear Mr. Freels:

It is my understanding that Toledo Edison Company officials want to develop an Alternate Emergency Operations Facility outside the of the EPZ. We have no objections to this program. In fact, the location of this facility in the City of Maumee at the Edison Club is ideal for Lucas County Officials. j We understand that the intended purpose of this facility is to provide a  !

predesignated meeting place outside of the EPZ as a meeting facility for governmental officials to meet with senior utility personal to discuss a (possible)  ;

ovent at Davis Besse.

it is also understood that this additional facility would only be activated when travel to the station has been limited or restricted during an emergency.

Communication and emergency planning between Lucas County officials and those from Davis Besse have always been excellent. This program will help to continue this cooperation.

If you have any questions, please call me.



' ^

LL l William S. Halsey cc: J. Mitch Teal Darryl Walden 2144 MONROE STREET e TOLEDO, ohio 43624 a ,, r,,,..e na,n.m..<ur, r non.-

Dockd Number 50-346

. License Number NPF-3 ~ ~

~~~ "

Serial Number 2467 Enclosure 3 George V. Volnovich, Governor Nancy P. Hollister, Lt. Governor Charles D. Shlpicy, Director Dolo Shipley Deputy Director OHIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Emergercy MarurgamontAgerzy e Administration 28E5 Woct Dublin-Grorwie noad e Ohio State Highway Patrol Colurnbus. OH 43235-2206 e Oureau of Motor Vehicles j s A /n. , (014) 689-7150 e DMsion of Ernergency Medical Ee vices e Emergency Managerrent Agency May 15,1997 I

Jame: L. Frects, Regulatory Affahs Manager

' Davis-Desse, Regulatory Affairs 5501 North State Route 2 Oak Haibor, Ohio 43449 RE: Alternate Emergency Operations Facility - Davis Besse

Dear Mr. Freels:

The exchange ofinformation between the Ohio Emergency Operations Center (EOC Davis-Besse Emergency Control Center (ECC) has been excellent during past drills and exercises. The availability and use of the utility Technical Liaison has also assured t accurato coordination.

,The establishment of an alternate Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) c.t the Edison will ensure that communications between governmental oscials and the utility is main l Since the facility is currently being used as a Joint Public Information Center, the e and space needed is already present.

We unde'rstand that the facility will provide a predesignated meeting place outside o mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) for governmental oscials to meet with senio persanel in the event of an emergency at Davis-Besse. We also understand that this alternate facility will only be used when the primary EOF is unavailable.

i Sincerely, -

  • gs l3 ,

DALE W. SHIP F DeputyDirector fJl&&lon Statement

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Docket Number 50-346

. License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 2467 Enclosh.c 4 I

l l

,MTI l Proposed change to l- Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Current Revision 19 Section 7.2

1. Joint Public Infonnation Center (JPIC) l <no change >

1 ,

2. Alternate Emergency Operating Facility (Alternate EOF)

The Alternate EOF is a predesignated conference area outside the 10 mile j Emergency Planning Zone which is available to hold meetings between l

, , emergency management personnel from Davis-Besse and offsite agencies.  ;

The Alternate EOF is located at the same site as the JPIC, but in a j physically separate area. The Alternate EOF has access to current plant l l status through the dedicated JPIC communicator. Two commercial l

l telephone lines are available for communications to the plant and to the l offsite support agencies.  ;

The Alternate EOF is activated only at a General Emergency, and under l extreme conditions when travel to the Davis-Besse Site has become

! hazardous.


3. Company facilities ... <no change >

l i


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